#thank you for everything kiddo
spkyart · 1 year
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Listen up! My endless love for Pokémons started from the anime, so I can be emotional about It
It's been a long ride Ash, goodbye, you are the very best. 🥹
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fortegrace · 1 year
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I drew the future-past gang for the Future Witness: Lucina Zine over at @holoframeworks. Leftover sales will be opening at a later date so go and give them a follow for updates!
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savage-rhi · 2 months
Chapter 6: The Escape I
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Summary: Sawyer Kiddo has walked a razor's edge as a hacktivist for several years, driven by the loss of her family in the Raccoon City incident. Haunted by past choices and fueled with desire for vigilante justice, Sawyer's work takes an unexpected turn when she ventures to Spain and crosses paths with Luis Serra—a man with blood on his hands long thought to be dead. Together they unravel a web of corruption and face an impending bioterror threat, fighting not only monsters but also the darker elements of their humanity. As they delve deeper into each other's pasts and the conspiracy at large, Sawyer begins to sense something unsettling about Luis—something that might be even more dangerous than their mutual enemies.
Read on AO3 Here
Sawyer walked in silence; her head held high while trying to note anything significant that stood out in case she managed to escape from her captors. The cold air from the vents above bit her skin, and the concrete floor echoed with each step. Whatever was left of the animal noises she had heard were long gone as the halls grew smaller and never-ending. That gave her some comfort, despite not knowing where she was being hauled off to--the farther away from BOWs, the better. 
The trio passed several offices and a large door leading into a storage unit, where Sawyer spotted crates full of lab equipment marked with the Umbrella Corp logo. She flashed back to memories of Carmen and herself seeing the supply trucks rolling into Raccoon City with the same emblem when they were teens. 
These must be decades old… she thought, furrowing her brow. How did Soldado get his hands on all this? 
"Keep your eyes forward!" barked the stout henchman to her left, tightening his grip on her arms. “Nada de cosas divertidas…” (1)
Sawyer's thoughts snapped back to the present. Of course, she should've known better than to be given any courtesy from the two morons at her side. 
"Care to translate? My Spanish is rusty as hell," she quipped, earning a sharp slap from the taller man. 
“Cállate y sigue moviéndote!” (2)
She had no doubt he said something unpleasant.
As they continued, Sawyer focused on the men's murmured conversation, catching snippets of Spanish intermingled with broken English. Her mind was heavily focused on what they were up to as she struggled to capture every detail that slipped past their mouths. The taller one, whom she dubbed "Thick Neck" for his prominent Adam's apple, seemed uneasy. 
"No me gusta esto. Why move her now?" he muttered, his eyes darting nervously around the corridor. (3)
"Beats the hell out of me," replied the shorter henchman, "Shorty” with a casual huff. "Algo sobre querer acabar con los hacktivistas con un arma bioorgánica. Sin testigos ni cadáveres. Tu sabes como va.” (4)
Thick Neck made a noise. “Si, pero ¿por qué tanta prisa? We could've locked her up until Soldado was ready with the others. Luego está el tipo Serra al que todo el mundo le está dando mucha importancia.” (5) (6)
"Who knows? They don't pay us to ask questions," Shorty sighed with a shrug. 
Sawyer's blood went cold as she absorbed their words. She tried to piece together the fragments of information as her mind raced. Although she couldn't understand their Spanish well, the moment she heard hacktivists, she knew Samuel, Kari, and Mobley had to be here in this godforsaken place. That or they were already dead, and she was tip-toeing close to joining them. She kept her face blank and breathing steady, trying to remain collected to not draw attention to herself. Acting meek and dumb was crucial right now. Every word uttered by the two idiots was a potential clue to understanding why she was here and, more importantly, how she could get out. 
"Oye, Americana!" (7) 
"Yeah?" Sawyer retorted, suppressing a grimace at the situation. "I thought you wanted me to shut up."
"Trust us, we do." Thick Neck bitterly muttered, casting her a sidelong glare. 
Sawyer quietly rolled her eyes. She pushed her anger down, reminding herself now wasn't the time to get too snarky. 
"It seemed you and Serra hit it off in the basement," The stout man chuckled, a leer creeping into his voice. "Did you two discuss anything we should know?"
To say Sawyer resented the insinuation was an understatement. Nevertheless, she shrugged and answered. "Not really. He rambled about getting snatched off the street. Said his last name was Navarro, not Serra. Guy's got a screw loose if you ask me."
The two men exchanged a glance, skepticism clear in their eyes. Shorty leaned in closer, his breath hot and foul. "Are you sure? Because if you're holding out on us, carino , things could get a lot worse for you." (8)
Sawyer met his gaze and sighed, feigning innocence. "I'm telling you, he was talking nonsense. Something about getting mixed up with another guy or some shit. I barely understood half of it on account that he was speaking Spanish. I told you, mine's rusty." 
She could see them weighing her words, deciding if they believed her. Beads of sweat trickled down her neck as Sawyer kept her expression neutral, hoping they'd buy the act. 
“Ella no sabe nada sobre él. Dale un descanso.” Thick Neck muttered. (9)
Shorty curtly shot back. “Pero eso no significa que ella no sepa que él está tramando algo. Soldado y Álvarez dijeron que no lo subestimen. ¿Y por qué le diría a la mujer que se apellida Navarro?” (10) 
While they seemed distracted, Sawyer quietly processed everything they'd discussed. They knew something about Luis--at least, something that had them on edge, enough to try to get something out of her about him, a man she barely knew. Then again, hearing the names being mixed up, perhaps Luis did get mistaken for another guy. In which case, it sounded like Shorty and Thick Neck were in deep shit with Soldado and whoever else was in charge here. 
"Just one more question, American, did he--"
Suddenly, both men's walkies crackled to life, interrupting their conversation as all three halted. The abrupt noise made Sawyer jump as she heard the static, followed by panicked voices coming from the end of the lines. She couldn't make out the exact words, but the fear was unmistakable. 
"Are you guys gonna answer that? Seems urgent." Sawyer sarcastically pointed out, swallowing afterward. She ignored the glares both men gave and watched as Shorty and Thick Neck exchanged a concerned look as their expressions hardened. She was surprised when Shortly let go of her, focusing on pulling out a Glock from the holster on his pants. With trembling hands, he began to load bullets into the firearm. Thick Neck took his walkie off his utility belt. 
“¡¿Qué demonios está pasando?!" Thick Neck barked into the device, but there was no coherent response, just more frantic shouting and a few indistinct words about "something loose" and "containment breach."
Sawyer's pulse dropped. She realized this could be her chance—whatever was going on was big enough to distract her captors. All she had to do was wait for an opportunity to turn the situation to her advantage. She could do it. Just like she did at the Plaza. 
The Plaza…
Goosebumps traversed her skin when she remembered what had become of the cop, how he mutated into that…thing. The corpse of the old police officer covered in flies staring at her in shock, and the screams of the civilians who had no idea what was going on. It all played in tangent with Carmen's pleas for mercy as the doctors sedated her, along with Sawyer's vivid imagination of what had become of Raccoon City based on survivor accounts she had personally heard. 
She had second thoughts about escaping from Thick Neck and Shorty as fear cushioned itself at the forefront of her mind--almost too frozen to do anything. 
"What the hell is going on?!" Shorty snapped at Thick Neck, the latter shaking his head as something fell with a loud clang. All three snapped their attention toward a pipe that fell from the ceiling about ten feet ahead, and with bated breath, Shorty continued. "We should return to the basement and wait for Soldado to say something. Surely he's-"
"Shh. Mantenerla baja." Thick Neck interrupted. By now, he had drawn out his own weapon, keeping it poised and at the ready as he took a few steps ahead of Shorty and Sawyer to investigate. His steps were meticulous and slow, his posture like that of a soldier who had seen his share of combat. (12) 
Sawyer felt like a sitting duck standing next to Shorty. She wished there had been a safe way to steal one of the guns from the men.
Thick Neck cautiously approached the fallen pipe, his eyes scanning for any sign of tampering. As he reached down to inspect it, Sawyer strained to catch any clue, any indication that might hint at what was going on. But there was nothing—no sign that the pipe had been deliberately loosened or moved. It was just an ordinary piece of metal lying there, as if it had fallen on its own. 
Thick Neck straightened, his face plastered with confusion as he walked back toward Sawyer and Shorty. Before he said anything, a low guttural growl echoed through the hallway, sending a chill down Sawyer's spine. The noise came from behind the trio, somewhere in the low light. She watched as Thick Neck's eyes widened, his grip tightening on the trigger of his gun. 
"Let's get out of here…" He muttered to both Sawyer and Shorty, turning to lead the way. 
Thick Neck was suddenly yanked off his feet. 
He hit the ground with a heavy thud, a cry of surprise and pain escaping his lips.
Thick Neck was dragged backward across the floor, his fingers scrabbling desperately for a grip on the smooth surface, trying to find anything to help him escape. His screams echoed in the halls. From the shadows emerged a dark, hulking figure—the same creature from the Plaza. Its wide eyes gleamed with a twisted excitement as it screeched in victory, long saber fangs framing its hollowed face. Sawyer's jaw dropped as she took in the creature's form: skinny, thick arms, broad shoulders, a protruding rib cage, a skeletal waist, and thin but muscular digitigrade legs ending in sickle claws. This creature was built to run, to ambush—just like a cheetah.
The creature flipped Thick Neck onto his back with terrifying ease, its claws glinting in the dim light as it struck. In an instant, it began to gut him—the sounds of tearing flesh and Thick Neck's choked gasps filling the air. The Saber wasted no time, diving its head into the open cavity of Thick Neck's abdomen, pulling out his intestines. Its long tongue slurped against its lipless mouth as it swallowed the heavy lump that was Thick Neck's liver. 
Shorty screamed every profanity in the Spanish tongue, and his face contorted in terror. He raised his gun and fired wildly at the creature, the bullets sparking off metal walls and the floor. The noise was piercingly loud, mixing with the chaos of the attack. The creature cried out and flinched, but showed no signs of backing down from its meal. 
A second Saber—just as monstrous as the first—burst from a nearby vent. It moved with velocity as it clamped its powerful jaws around Shorty's head. His screaming was cut short in a sickening crunch, the force of the bite silencing him instantly. 
Sawyer didn't wait to see more of the carnage. She turned and fled down the corridor, her heart pounding. As she ran, Sawyer snatched up the fallen pipe, gripping it tightly in her right hand. Behind her, she could hear the roars and the wet, slopping noises as the creatures finished off their prey--and then the unmistakable sound of claws clattering against the floor, giving chase. 
Panic surged through Sawyer. Everything except the instinct to run, hide, and fight shut off in her head. She could sense the monster closing in, its breath hot and ragged on her heels. She could almost feel its slender arm reaching out to grab her. Her eyes darted around, searching for an escape route.
Spotting a door slightly ajar, Sawyer made a sharp turn and burst into a large lab. The room was a maze of tables, equipment, and scattered tools—offering a chaotic landscape she could use to her advantage. Without hesitation, she shoved a heavy table over, creating an obstacle behind her, and kept running. As she sprinted, she knocked over chairs and smaller items, desperately trying to slow the creature down.
Glancing back, she saw the Saber barreling through the doorway and clambering over the overturned table. Its eyes locked onto her, a predatory gleam in them. Sawyer pushed on, and cried out; a desperate idea formed in her mind as she spotted another table near a doorway. She darted through, quickly ducking behind the doorframe, gripping the pipe like a baseball bat. Holding her breath, she positioned herself as the Saber charged mindlessly in her direction.
The timing had to be perfect. 
As the creature rushed past the door, Sawyer swung the pipe. It connected with a mighty thud against the Saber's head. The beast uttered a loud cry, stumbling and collapsing onto its back. The moment of triumph was short-lived; with surprising speed, the Saber grabbed her left leg. She fell forward, hitting the ground hard. Pain shot through her body as the creature's jaws snapped at her. The foul stench of its breath made her gag, and Sawyer screamed as a set of mandibles suddenly protruded from the Saber's cheeks.
A fire was lit underneath Sawyer. She kicked wildly at the BOW's face, each impact making the creature recoil. She managed to pull her leg free and scrambled to her feet. She swung the pipe again without thinking, driving it into the creature's right shoulder. The beast flung its head back, letting out a horrific scream as it momentarily staggered. Sawyer stepped back and took off running again, navigating through a maze of interconnected rooms, desperately searching for a way out. She stumbled into another area—a locker room with lab tables and scattered hiding places. She quickly realized she had hit a dead end. 
Sawyer slammed the door behind her with no other options, plunging the room into near darkness as she quickly shut off most of the lights.
She sprinted toward the nearest cover, dropping into a low crouch, and used her momentum to slide across the slick floor. Sawyer skidded effortlessly and came to a halt underneath a table, laying herself flat and keeping her eyes fixed on the door. Her whole body quaked from exertion, and she tried to steady her breaths, forcing herself to remain as quiet as possible.
For several minutes, there was a deafening silence. A part of her dared hope she could move on. Then she heard it: faint, deliberate footsteps from the other side. 
Every muscle in Sawyer's body tensed. 
It opened the door.
It opened the fucking door.
The creature moved cautiously inside, inhaling deep as if savoring the scent of its prey. Its talons clicked softly against the floor, each step gentle and calculating.
It was close, too close.
Sawyer bit her lip, stifling a gasp as the Saber's shadow passed over her hiding spot. The dim light barely outlined the room, but she could see the BOW's form moving methodically, its head ducking into nooks and crannies. To add insult to injury, Sawyer heard the creature rip out the pipe from its shoulder and threw it across the room--snarls conveying disappointment that the noise didn't draw her out. She prayed it wouldn't find her, knowing she couldn't outrun it again. The only thing Sawyer had going for her was that damn pipe, and even that seemed a flimsy defense against a monstrous predator in the grand scheme of things. Her knuckles turned white as the creature continued its little game of hide and seek.
Her eyes darted to a glass beaker near her hand. With a slight shake in her fingers, Sawyer grasped it. Adjusting her position under the table, Sawyer flung the beaker toward the door. It shattered against the far wall, and the Saber's head snapped toward the sound, using its powerful limbs to propel it forward. As it followed its predatory instincts, Sawyer slipped from under the table and darted towards a row of lockers lining the opposite wall. She squeezed into an empty one, quietly closing the door behind her. The metal interior felt cold, like a coffin.
Peering through the narrow slits of the door, she could see the Saber prowling the room after it fiddled around with the glass. Its posture was tense as it sniffed the air, clearly pissed off that it hadn't found her. The creature's large skinless eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of movement. 
"Plaga Type E is uniquely attracted to carbon dioxide. The very breath you exhale draws it in."
Soldado's voice returned to haunt Sawyer---she realized too late that she hadn't controlled her breathing. Panicking, she covered her nose and mouth, holding her breath.
The Saber's head snapped toward the lockers, nostrils flaring. It took two steps forward, then ducked out of sight. 
Sawyer's eyes widened, her pulse skyrocketing. She could only see a narrow slice of the room through the locker, making it impossible to track the Saber's movements once it crouched.
Suddenly, the Saber's head rose into view---right in front of her locker. 
It knew she was there. 
Everything seemed to freeze as Sawyer and the Saber locked eyes in a silent, horrifying stare down. The creature's orbs gleamed with sick anticipation, its breath fogging the metal. She felt her breath quickening, a mix of terror and disbelief washing over her. The locker felt unbearably small, the walls closing in on her.
The door swung open, and Sawyer let out a blood-curdling scream.
The monster fell to the ground, and Sawyer watched as the life drained from its eyes. The creature's final moments were a grotesque dance, its muscles contracting and releasing in erratic spasms as blood pooled from its wounds. A final puff of air escaped its body before it stilled.
She was too much in shock to register what had happened, except that--by some miracle--she was alive.
Sawyer's body shook uncontrollably, her legs weak beneath her. She felt light-headed and disoriented. The lights suddenly flicked on, and she blinked several times, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness as her left arm came up to shield her face. Her gaze shifted ahead as a familiar voice called out.
In a million years, Sawyer never thought she'd be so happy to see Kari.
Surprise washed over her as she limped over the carcass, eyes welling with tears. Kari rushed to meet her, latching her gun onto her belt before she rested her hands on Sawyer's shoulders to steady her.
"Are you okay?" Kari's voice was firm but caring. Her eyes scanned Sawyer for any signs of injury. "You're not infected, right?" 
Sawyer shook her head, her voice shaky. "No, no, I'm fine. Just…scared. I think…my soul was about to leave my ass. I almost…god, it almost got me." 
Kari scoffed, nodding as she squeezed Sawyer's shoulders before letting go. "I see your humor's still intact. You don't know how relieved I am to have found you."
Sawyer took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "Where… where did you come from? What the fuck is going on?"
"Slow down, one thing at a time." Kari glanced around the room before gesturing for Sawyer to follow. She led them into a smaller lab, then down another set of hallways to a cramped storage unit. Kari quickly drew another handgun from her belt, loaded it with bullets, and shoved it into Sawyer's quivering hands.
"To answer your questions," Kari began, rummaging through a pouch tied around her waist. "We're in an old Umbrella lab. They call it Unit D. I found out while I was being kept hostage on the top floor. This place is three stories—the top level is above ground, the other two are below. We're on the second level right now."
"Are we outside Madrid?" Sawyer coughed, feeling the exhaustion from running catching up with her.
"Yeah, somewhere up north in the woods. Not sure how far," Kari replied, taking a deep breath as she fished out more bullets. Without hesitation, she shoved them into Sawyer's pants pocket, noting her dazed expression. "Looks like Soldado took over after Umbrella fell. He's been using it for black market operations, maybe even continuing their research. It's perfect—isolated, off-grid, and loaded with equipment nobody's watching."
Sawyer sighed, shaking her head. "How did you even find me? This place is a damn maze."
"Got lucky," Kari said matter-of-factly. "Heard screams, found the remains of your friends , killed a BOW chewing on one, then tracked the other ugly. Didn't realize it was you getting chased until I took it down in the locker room."
"No shit…" Sawyer's expression hardened as she listened, grabbing the rest of the bullets from Kari. She still had a million questions. "What happened at the Plaza? How did you guys get caught?"
"I was hoping you could tell me that." Kari's brows knitted in a fierce glare. "What happened between you and Soldado?"
"The young guy—" Sawyer exhaled sharply, still catching her breath. "He sold us out, tipped off Soldado, and killed the other cop. I heard you guys getting picked off over the network before Soldado tried to shove a damn bug up my nose. I barely escaped, ended up in an alley, then got tranquilized."
"I'll be damned," Kari said, her face darkening as she exhaled slowly--piecing together the plot. "So, the rookie gave away our locations, and Soldado's men moved in fast. They rounded us up before we even knew what hit us."
"Yeah, that's what it sounds like. So, what happened to you up there?" Sawyer gestured towards the ceiling, indicating her reference to level one, which Kari had mentioned. 
"I was knocked out cold at the Plaza," Kari said, her voice shaky. "When I came to, I was in an office. They tried to interrogate me, but then alarms blared, and BOWs poured in left and right. They tore through everyone—scientists, Soldado's goons—didn't stand a chance."
Sawyer grimaced.  "So, all of Soldado's people are dead?"
"That's what I gather," Kari said, shivering as she recalled the gruesome details. "It's been a madhouse. I grabbed a gun in the chaos and started looking for you, Spector, and Atom."
"Have you seen the others?" Sawyer's voice was tight with worry.
Kari hesitated before nodding. "I saw Mobley briefly on my way down. He looked terrified and then just ran like he was leaving us for dead. A bloody coward." 
Sawyer clenched her fists. As much as she wanted to lash out, Mobley wasn't her primary concern. Her eyes pleaded with Kari's. "And Samuel, have you seen him?"
Kari shook her head. "No sign of him. We need to get out of here, Onyx. There's an exit on the first floor—I saw it myself. We can't stay here much longer. Before I found you, there was an announcement—this place is going to self-destruct."
"What? Self-destruct? When?!"
"I don't know," Kari said earnestly. "But we can't take any chances. Have you seen Soldado or any survivors?"
Sawyer hesitated, thinking of Luis, when a pack of canine-like beasts, Dires--emerged from behind several crates. She could barely make out all their details, but the creatures reminded Sawyer of movie werewolves, but on meth. Their eyes held a feral intelligence as they spread out, coordinating in a lethal formation around the two women. 
Kari and Sawyer exchanged a brief, tense look before moving in opposite directions to avoid the Dires that charged for them in the middle. Kari aimed her gun toward a large crate precariously perched on a nearby stack. Her shots were precise, shattering the crate and sending it crashing down to crush several Dires beneath it. The debris created a temporary barrier, separating Sawyer from Kari and the rest of the pack.
"Go, I'll catch up! Get to the first level! Head for Toledo, no matter what!" Kari shouted over the commotion. "I'll hold them off!"
"I can't just leave you!"
"Onyx, go now!"
Sawyer hesitated, torn between helping Kari and following her directive. When Kari shot a Dire charging toward her, Sawyer finally turned and ran. Her legs felt on fire as she retraced her steps through the labyrinthine paths the Saber had led her through.
Several minutes later, Sawyer soon found herself running past the grisly remains of Shorty and Thick Neck, their bodies ravaged by the earlier attack. She stopped to catch her breath, turning her head to look at what was left. As much as she could care less about them, she didn't have the heart to wish such a brutal death on anyone. The thought of being disemboweled alive made her stomach twist, and it took all her willpower not to throw up.
Rebus, that better not be happening to you back there...
Whatever pittance of energy she had left disappeared as the sound of running footsteps and heavy breathing reached her ears.
Sawyer's pulse throbbed as she drew the gun Kari had given her, almost forgetting to take the safety off. The gun shook in her hands as she tried to steady her fingers, her chest heaving as she glared toward the noise.
"Whoa, easy with the pistola, I come in peace!" (13)
"In the flesh!" Two Legs grinned, raising his hands in surrender before slowly lowering them, mirroring Sawyer's actions with the gun. 
A wave of relief washed over her, and she let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding back, eyes at her feet. "Oh, thank god…" 
"Eh, I'm not that great, but I'll take it," Two Legs quipped with a half-hearted smile. He stepped toward her, his right hand hesitating mid-air, as if wanting to touch her but unsure why. His expression flickered between confusion and something softer--almost vulnerable--before he briefly dropped his hand and looked away. Then, meeting her eyes, he added, "You have no idea how happy I am to see you in one piece!"
"I almost wasn't just a bit ago," Sawyer glanced around, ensuring they were safe. She noticed the concern in his eyes but focused on the blood dripping from his hands. "What happened there? Did you get hurt?"
"What?" Two Legs looked surprised, then glanced at his palms and chuckled. "No, it's not mine. You should see what happened to the guy though, your fella--the bioterrorist. I found his body."
"Holy shit, he's dead," Sawyer gasped, primarily to herself. "Did you see what got him?"
"Well," Two Legs glanced at the corpse of the Saber, not far from the remains of the two humans. Something unreadable crossed his eyes before they stiffened with contempt. "It wasn't one of these...creeps skulking around. Some bald guy, pretty sure he shot him."
"Friend of yours?"
"Only by association," Sawyer muttered bitterly. The picture wasn't clear, but it was becoming evident to Sawyer that something nefarious was happening with Mobley. She wouldn't be surprised if he was in on this charade the entire time and bit off more than he could chew.
"I hate to interrupt your thoughts," Two Legs cleared his throat, concern evident in his voice. "Did you find your other friends?" 
Sawyer nodded, gesturing towards the hallway she had come from. "One of them is back there. She said there's an exit on the first floor."
"Shouldn't we help her?" Two Legs asked, a hint of worry in his tone.
"No, she's got it covered." Sawyer's response felt wrong, but she pushed the thought aside. "She said there's an exit on the first level."
"I wouldn't go that way," Two Legs cautioned, shaking his head. He noticed Sawyer's questioning look and exhaled, steadying himself. "There's security footage where I found Soldado's body. That's how I knew you were here—I saw you on the cameras and the creatures sneaking up on you. On the way over, I found the staircase and elevators leading to the first level. There were too many monsters; I could hear them through the vents. I doubt you have enough bullets to handle a swarm, let alone however many are up top."
Sawyer blinked, the weight of his words sinking in. He had been watching her, tracking her movements--and, from the sound of it--had even planned to help her. She didn't know what to feel about Luis overall, but gratitude came to mind. 
"Shit and this place is going to self-destruct on top of it…" Sawyer muttered, trying to process everything. 
"I know," Two Legs replied. "I saw that too in the office. I think your pal Mobley activated a protocol to flood the lab with BOWs before destroying the place. There was a timer."
"How much longer do we have since you last saw it?"
Two Legs bit the inside of his cheek, glancing around anxiously. "Probably thirty minutes left, give or take. It took me a while to get here."
"Fuck!" Sawyer exclaimed. She shook her head in defeat. "This place is gonna blow to kingdom come, and we have no fucking way out?!"
"Actually, we do!" Two Legs forced a smile, though his heart wasn't in it. "There's a waste hatch. Right here, on level two! I'm pretty sure it leads out to a water source!"
"How do you know?" Sawyer stared at him, her eyes a mix of skepticism and hope. 
"I could smell it when I found the tunnel," he replied, wrinkling his nose at the memory. "It's gross, but it's our best shot."
Sawyer bit her lip. Doubt crept in, just as it had when the Sabers attacked and when she left Kari to fend for herself, making her second-guess every decision that led her here. She glanced behind her, almost hoping Samuel would pop up behind her and Luis. 
"You okay?" 
Sawyer let out a breath as she faced him. "I can't just leave him."
"Leave who?"
"Samuel—I can't leave him here in this place."
"But we need to--"
"Luis, I need to find him. You gotta help me find Sam. I need you to help me find him."
Two Legs' expression was torn. The instinct to flee and ensure his preys survival clashed with the realization that this Samuel meant a lot to her—more than her other companions. He couldn't help but wonder why. The urge to grab her by the hand and force compliance crossed his mind, more than once. 
"Look at me," Two Legs sighed and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, meeting her eyes. "Let's get to the hatch first and make sure you're safe, hmm? If we have time, we'll go back for your friend. I promise. But we have to go, now."
"Okay," Sawyer muttered, her reluctance clear. Nevertheless, she knew she had no choice but to work with Luis once again. 
“Confía en mí, remember?” Two Legs nodded, giving her a soft smile before gesturing with his head. "C'mon, we can't keep standing here!" (14)
Together, they started to run, ignoring the blaring alarm systems around them. As Sawyer followed Two Legs--with him leading the way toward the hatch--she couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.
1. Nada de cosas divertidas…= No funny business / no fun stuff 2. Cállate y sigue moviéndote! = Shut up and keep moving! 3. No me gusta esto = I don't like this 4. Algo sobre querer acabar con los hacktivistas con un arma bioorgánica. Sin testigos ni cadáveres. Tu sabes como va. = Something about wanting to take down hacktivists with a bio-organic weapon. No witnesses or bodies. You know how it goes. 5. Si, pero ¿por qué tanta prisa? = Yes, but why such a rush? 6. Luego está el tipo Serra al que todo el mundo le está dando mucha importancia. = Then there's the Serra guy that everyone is giving a lot of importance to. 7. Oye, Americana! = Hey, American (female) 8. Cariño = Sweetheart 9. Ella no sabe nada sobre él. Dale un descanso. = She doesn't know anything about him. Give it a rest. 10. Pero eso no significa que ella no sepa que él está tramando algo. Soldado y Álvarez dijeron que no lo subestimen. ¿Y por qué le diría a la mujer que se apellida Navarro? = But that doesn't mean she doesn't know he's up to something. Soldado and Álvarez said not to underestimate him. And why would he tell the woman that his last name is Navarro? 11. ¡¿Qué demonios está pasando?! = What the hell is going on? 12. Mantenerla Baja = Keep it down / keep it low 13. Pistola = gun 14. Confía en mí = Trust me
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hoobins · 2 years
Ok so I finally have some time to actually make the post I’ve been trying to make I had to make the impulse choice of coming back in the middle of the exams because I have no self control what so ever 
Strap in, it’s going to be a long-sh ride post
So yeah I am back here :D not even because of the twitter mess (but can’t lie that I am there as well), hi hi and hello kiddos So, where have I been?
As some of you may know I had a major burnout, meltdown and depressive episode, I literally shutted down for years because I couldn’t do anything, my drawings were terrible, my mind was worse, I was falling into downwards spirals, thankfully I didn’t do anything bad, but I was scared and worst of all I tought that the best way to deal with it was to isolate myself. 
And it helped, sorta, but not really, I wasn’t even talking to irl friends, barrely spoke to familiar faces, friendly people becuase I had this (and still am sorting this idea out) that I had to deal with all my problems alone, that I couldn’t rely on even talking to people about the stuff I was dealing with, because, well, bad habit I had most of my life. I was always pretty dumb when it came to that... Am trying to do better
In that time I didn’t drew, didn’t create anything at all, was scared to even take a pen and try and make a silly little doodle, too afraid I was going to go back and ... be happy? The brain is wierd when it comes to this.
This changed around a year ago, when I maneged to get out of the house, am now living in a new place away from my family, that, while aren’t bad people, they are pretty toxic to me, we are just too different in principle, I still talk to them and go visit on vacations, but even they know that my mental health is better when I am away, and that’s coming from parents that would NEVER admit that out loud (mother in special) I am still mostly closed off to them, but the space helped me, and I slowly was trying to take a step at the time, still afraid to hold a pencil and do what really makes me the happiest, still, I was at least trying to see stuff, trying to watch things I like, trying to dare a little more, but I was too closed off to those around me, never knowing what to do, say, interact, awkward but hey, I was never around people like me in real life, literally didn’t knew anyone.
Slowly but surely I was going to thing, having my fun again, working on AUs of fandoms, making ocs for said fandom, still too scared to drawing, but that was the first drop, still too scared to come back, too scared of making it official.
It was a small ride on that, maybe half a year, when things really happened was because of one small morbid thing that made me realise that I wanted to draw, and I took the step to that, scared but at that point, I had nothing to loose anymore, I was taking more risks with it, at the time I was talkig to a friend that also gave me the advice to be a little more reckless.
And so I did, and was a rush for me, to come back to everything, to remember the joy, I was overhelmed and then I kept going and well
I am here now, making stuff, and will post stuff right after too, because I missed this, I missed here and I missed being a part of me, even if it hurts again, is what I know I love to do, and to know that people still remember me and open their arms to welcome me back I just ... It’s unbelievable to me on a certain way, I can’t even begin to describe the joy that is to see you all and to be here again.
I hope things go well, I hope things go better, and I hope that I don’t leave this time, even if I am sad, angry, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, and every other emotion that comes with it.
Thank you all for everything and I can only hope I will do the same to you guys
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13 notes · View notes
strang3lov3 · 26 days
Bad Habit
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“Don’t you ever start smokin’. If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it,” he said, exhaling smoke. “I will make you fuckin’ regret it.”
After Joel catches you smoking, he gives you something else to put between your lips. (7.2k)
Tags - dbf!joel, neighbor!joel, pervy/sleazy yet comforting Joel, cock from a man who could be your second father, smut, smoking, dubcon elements, blowjobs, masturbation, joel jorks it, oral sex, unprotected piv, creampie, joel makes you smoke until you’re sick to your stomach, vomiting, gratuitous use of the nickname ‘kiddo’ because I am who I am, dubcon, the other stuff Fic help - thank you my dearest @noxturnalpascal for editing <3 and @pinkypromisepascal for giving me your eyeballs and leaving lovely comments, my other main squeezes for brainstorming with me!! @endlessthxxghts @beefrobeefcal A/N - heddo!I sorry for the delay on getting this out. fic posting will continue to be sporadic and weird for a while so thank you for being patient <3 i hope you all have a safe week and I love you very much 🫂💕 definitely didn’t skip class to finish this and watch gilmore girls btw so if you hear that rumor about me it is bullshit it is not true at all
The cool, late-summer air blows gently on your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake as you sit next to your open window, headphones on, Fiona Apple’s When The Pawn… playing in your ears. You take a long drag of your cigarette and let it fill and burn your lungs, then blow the smoke outside. The sun is setting, the dim light making everything in your room look like a black and white movie, even your own hand in front of you. You love nights like these. 
Eyes gently shut, you’re lost in thought when a tapping on the glass startles you. You gasp when you see Joel, his big hand clutching a large garbage bag. He must have seen you on his way taking the trash out. 
Joel’s your neighbor, he’s been your neighbor all your life. He’s your dad’s closest friend as well, and had a heavy hand in raising you. You used to eat at his house for dinner on Sunday nights, a tradition that’s lasted to present day. As a teenager, you’d spend days and nights at his house when you and your dad weren’t getting along, needing some space from each other. Joel was always a safe person for you to go to. His guest room practically became your second bedroom by the time you graduated. Joel taught you card games, and would make you root beer floats while you played round after round of Rummy. 
Joel was actually the first person to introduce you to smoking. Unintentionally, of course. You can remember him always smelling warmly of tobacco, smelling it on his hair, skin, and clothes when you’d hug him. When you were younger, he told you once, cigarette in his mouth, “Don’t you ever start smokin’. If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it,” he said, exhaling smoke, “I will make you fuckin’ regret it.”
“Hey, trouble,” Joel drawls. “You ain’t ‘sposed to be smokin’ that.” 
Joel reaches for your cigarettes and pulls it from your mouth, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. He examines it, chuckling quietly at the feeling of the stickiness of your lipgloss on the rolling paper. He brings it to his mouth, then takes a couple puffs before stubbing the cigarette out on the sole of his shoe, then disposes it in his garbage bag. Your dad doesn’t need to see your old cigarette stubs when he’s mowing the lawn. “Don’t let me catch ya again,” he warns, then presses a warm kiss to your forehead, mustache tickling your skin. “Get some sleep. G’night, kiddo.”
This isn’t the first time Joel’s caught you smoking. The first time he did, you were probably around eighteen years old. You remember that it was around Thanksgiving, the leaves were still falling off the trees and the air was chilly. It was an evening when Joel and your dad were hanging out in the kitchen, watching a Bears and Cowboys game on TV. Rooting for the opposite teams, your dad and Joel were barking at each other, getting loud and rowdy. There was no escape from the noise, so you snuck out of your bedroom window and just started walking. Joel left his garage door open, so you decided to hang out there. You admired the posters on the wall, Nirvana and The Rolling Stones. Different liquor brand artwork, picked up from when he used to work as a bartender. The garage never changed, always had that faint smell of cigarettes permeating the air. 
Cigarettes. They were on the workbench in the back of the garage, a pack of Marlboro reds just sitting there, waiting to be smoked. To the left of the pack, a little white Bic lighter. You weren’t sure what came over you at that moment but you palmed both items, then peeked over your shoulder to make sure you really were as alone as you thought you were. You held your breath and focused hard, and found that you were able to hear the faint sounds of Joel and your dad yelling. You were in the clear. 
You opened the worn pack of Marlboros and pulled out one of the cigarettes, the first time you ever held one in your hand. You rolled it between your fingers, inspecting it, before you brought it to your nose to smell the tobacco. With trembling hands you placed the cigarette between your lips, and as you fumbled with the little white lighter, Joel’s warning played over and over again in your mind. If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it.
But Joel wasn’t there. And what Joel didn’t know wouldn’t kill him. So you lit the cigarette and inhaled, then coughed a bit at the sensation. It was harsh, made your throat feel itchy and scratchy. You didn’t like the way the smoke burned your lungs and you couldn’t wrap your head around how Joel - anyone, for that matter - could become addicted to something as unpleasant as this. You took another puff for the sake of experimenting and you were met with the same experience. Unpleasant. But by the third or fourth drag, you felt the beginning of that headrush everyone talks about. A lightheaded, hazy sort of feeling. Now that…that wasn’t quite so unpleasant. You could see exactly how cigarettes could relieve stress. Taking another puff, you thought maybe you’d steal one or two more from the pack, save them for the end of the week. Smoke them when you’re home from school, before your dad or Joel could see you. And then you’ll shower real quick, wash your hair and brush your teeth and toss your clothes in the washer and -
“The hell do you think you’re doin’?” 
You pulled the cigarette out of your mouth and stubbed it out in a nearby ashtray on Joel’s workbench. “N-nothing.” 
“Bullshit, you’re smokin’,” Joel bit, approaching you through the open garage door. “So help me god, kid...” He snatched his pack of cigarettes from you, along with his lighter. “Stealin’, too. These are my smokes. What the fuck’s the matter with you?” 
“Joel, I’m sorry. I-” 
“You ain’t sorry, yet. Get in the truck.” 
“Get. In. The fucking. Truck.” he seethed. He wore such a threatening scowl, and his face and neck were red, veins bulging in his skin as his anger grew. 
You scurried into his truck that sat on the driveway and Joel followed suit, slamming the door shut before turning the key into the ignition. Even the truck sounded angry as it roared to life. Joel shifted into reverse and drove you down the street, to the nearest gas station. “Stay there,” he ordered. 
You awaited his return anxiously, picking at your nails. Joel returned with a new pack of Marlboro reds and drove back to his home. “Garage,” he said. 
“But my dad-”
 If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it.
Joel made good on his promise. He sat you down in front of the workbench, right where you were before. He lowered the garage door until it rested just about a foot off the ground so that the smoke had somewhere to go. Then he sat in front of you, hit the pack of cigarettes on his palm five times before unwrapping the cellophane and opening the pack. Joel took one cigarette out and flipped it upside down in the pack. 
“What are you doing?”
“Christ almighty,” he sighs. “You’re so fuckin’ young. You pack the cigarettes first, so they burn smoother an’ longer.”
“Yeah, oh. And then you flip your lucky - just the one cigarette.” Joel pulled the upside down cigarette from the pack to demonstrate. “Old World War II tradition, if I’m not mistaken. ‘Sposed to be a good luck charm.” 
Joel pulled one cigarette from the pack for you, placed it between your lips and lit it. He could see the confused expression on your face as you inhale and exhale. 
“Just you wait,” he said. “I promise you, this is a punishment.” 
“You’re gonna sit here with me and smoke every last cigarette in that pack. I don’t care f’your lungs start to burn and you feel sick to your stomach, you’re smokin’ ‘em all,” he said. “Now get to it.” 
Joel watched you as you smoked cigarette after cigarette. He was right, your lungs did start to ache and hurt and your stomach had begun to feel queasy from all the nicotine. After about the sixth or seventh, you had figured out that you could make things a little easier on yourself by not breathing in the smoke all the way, just let it hang out in your mouth instead. 
“I started smokin’ when I was around your age,” Joel said as he lit another cigarette for you. “Couldn’t ‘a been older than seventeen.”
You nodded. 
“Why’d you pick this habit up, huh? You know these things aren’t any good for ya.” 
“I don’t know,” you sighed, ashing onto the garage floor. “I just…I don’t know. Stressed out.”
“‘Bout what?”
You shrugged. “Just everything, I guess.” 
Joel nodded. “I get it,” he said. “But there’s other ways of relievin’ stress that ain’t smokin’.” 
“Like what?”
“Well,” Joel began, looking down at his lap. “The cigarettes are causin’ that brain of yours to release those feel-good chemicals. You gotta find something else that feels good, hon. M’sure you’ll figure out what that means.” 
 You felt your cheeks heat up at the implication of how to get your endorphins flowing, but you knew he wasn’t wrong. You nodded shyly. 
“Now keep smokin’.” 
“Joel,” you whined, coughing dryly. 
“Keep it up,” he threatened, “I’ll make it two packs.” 
What felt like hours passed until you finally made it to the last two cigarettes in the pack, and you felt ill. “C’mon,” Joel said. “Last two. I’m smokin’ the last one with ya, and then we’re done, both of us,” he promised. He lit his cigarette first, then yours, and then took a drag. You did too, though it was agony. 
“I don’t feel so good, Joel,” you told him, clutching your stomach and squirming in your seat as the nauseating feeling in your stomach worsened. 
“Good,” Joel retorted. “Means the punishment’s workin’. You ain’t ‘sposed to feel good.” You looked at Joel with glassy eyes, your skin a little damp with sweat. “You okay, sweetheart?”
You shook your head. Your stomach churned harder, you felt your mouth salivate as your heart began to beat faster. There was no more staving off the feeling - you dropped your cigarette and sprinted inside, making a beeline for Joel’s bathroom. Joel followed close behind and rubbed your back as you emptied your guts into his toilet until you were dry-heaving. “Oh, I know, I know,” he whispered, patting you gently. “You’re gonna be okay.” 
“Fuck,” you groaned, lifting your head up and leaning back to rest against Joel. He flushed the toilet for you, then helped you up so you could rinse your mouth out in the sink. 
“It don’t feel too good, huh?” he murmured, stroking the side of your face. “You’re gonna be a good girl for me? Gonna quit smokin’?”
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I’m done.”
“Attagirl,” Joel smiled. 
Joel offered you some Pepto-Bismol and guided you to his couch, where he held you and talked. After about forty-five minutes, he sent you home. Your dad was none the wiser, probably passed out on his own couch after the game. Joel kept your secret under the condition that you’d quit smoking for good, and he quit too. In all honesty, he was shaken that it was his cigarettes you’d stolen, and disturbed by the fact he was the one to introduce you to tobacco - your dad didn’t smoke, never has. He had unknowingly introduced you to it, of course, but Joel still held himself responsible. Joel meant it, smoking that last cigarette with you. He decided that night he was quitting cold turkey. He was done.
You should have been done too. You shouldn’t still be doing this. And that pack of Marlboros in your purse shouldn’t be there, you should have thrown it out the other night when Joel caught you smoking out of your window. But you’re in Joel’s backyard, cigarette between your fingers as you listen to the sounds of the family barbecue taking place in your own backyard. 
It was just too much. Your family increases in size every year, be it a new partner, new family friends, new children. And your family is loud. Every conversation happens using raised voices, even if no one is speaking in anger. Boisterous laughter, dogs barking, shrill squeals of excited kids running through sprinklers. There’s no escape from it at all, unless you’re to escape it entirely - so that’s exactly what you did, and why you’re at Joel’s house instead of your own. You needed a momentary reprieve. Separated by nothing more than a thin fence and yet it makes all the difference. Joel’s backyard is quiet, serene. He keeps his fence lined with flowers that he had you pick out at the nursery, he has a nice deck with a comfortable patio furniture set. You rock back and forth in one of the chairs as you smoke, promising yourself after this cigarette - or maybe just one more - you’ll go back to the party. 
The glass patio door slides open, causing you to jump and scramble to put your cigarette out, but you’re too late. Joel’s always a step ahead, somehow. “What are you doin’, kiddo?” he asks in a low, accusatory tone. 
“Nothing,” you lie. 
“You’re smokin’.”
You hang your head. Joel sits in the chair next to you and holds out his hand, palm facing up. You sigh and place your pack in his hand. “I’m sorry.” 
“Uh-huh,” Joel says. “Why’re you still doin’ this? You’re poisoning yourself, sweetheart. It’s breakin’ my heart.” 
You shrug. “I don’t know,” you admit. You open your mouth to speak again, then exhale when you give up. 
“I want you to try,” he urges. “Jus’ talk to me, hon, you’re not in trouble right now. Tell me what’s goin’ on.” 
“Okay,” you nod. You take a deep breath, then begin to explain. “I want to quit, Joel. I do. I tried gum and patches…”
“Go on. I’m listenin’.” 
“They worked for a while, I guess. I was even able to stop entirely, get past the nicotine withdrawals. They weren’t even so bad.” 
“Right,” Joel nods, “But what?”
“It’s stupid.” 
“S’not stupid. Keep tellin’ me.” 
“I missed the ritual of it all, if that makes sense,” you confess. “ Lighting it, holding it. Watching the smoke. Feeling it in my mouth.” You find the courage to look at Joel, and he’s not making fun of you for your admission. He’s nodding along, listening intently. “It’s sort of soothing.” 
“I get it,” he says. “I do.”
“You do?”
“Mhm. S’called an oral fixation, sweetheart. Means it calms ya down to have somethin’ in that mouth of yours. You heard of it?” You shake your head no, and Joel explains further. “Same reason some people bite their nails or chew on straws. Jus’ somethin’ people do.” 
“Mhm. You should try keepin’ your mouth busy with somethin’ else.” 
Your mouth goes dry, and you feel yourself becoming flustered. “Joel…” you whisper. 
“Quite the imagination you got there, huh?” he smirks, nudging your knee with his own. “M’not talkin’ about that, dirty bird. Do you have a sweet tooth at all?”
“Um,” you hum, “I guess.” 
“I got a sweet tooth myself,” Joel replies. “C’mon inside.” 
Joel leads you inside, and he doesn’t bother to sneakily throw your cigarettes in the trash. He makes sure you can see it, hear the thud of the pack hitting the bottom of the can. You stand in his kitchen as he opens his freezer and rifles through some items. “Pick a flavor,” he says, “I got green apple, grape, cherry, and lemon.” 
“Cherry,” you answer. 
Joel pulls out a cherry-flavored popsicle and unwraps it for you. “Open,” he says, then places the cold, sweet and tart ice on your tongue. Your hand brushes his when you grab the wooden stick, watching him. You can see the way his pupils dilate when you suck on it, how his chest rises when he sucks in a deep breath. Joel feels his cock begin to thicken in his jeans and abruptly clears his throat. “So, uh, anyway,” he stutters, “It helps to suck on somethin’ sweet. I’ll keep my freezer stocked with these for ya, you just let me know if you have any flavor requests. You help yourself anytime you’re havin’ one of your cravings.”
You pull the popsicle from your mouth, your lips stained red. “Thanks, Joel,” you smile. 
“You’d best get back to that party, hon. I’ll catch up with ya in a minute, nature’s callin’,” he teases, quickly excusing himself into his nearby bathroom. He hears you giggle and whine, “Gross,” as you leave his house. Joel watches you through the frosted bathroom window as you sneak back into the party. He’s palming his growing bulge, pressing his hand firmly against it until he can’t see you anymore, then quickly unzips his jeans and pulls out his cock, leaking and hard. He spits into his hand and strokes himself, his rough palm sliding up and down his thick, veiny cock, squeezing hard. He pumps himself and groans when he comes, spilling into his palm and on his fingers. Joel washes his hands, tucks himself back into his jeans and makes his way back to the barbecue. 
You’re in Joel’s truck. It was a long day of work, the phone was ringing nonstop and you could hardly catch a break, though Joel gave you extra time on your lunch to make up for the crappy day. He has you helping him out with his contracting job, having you answer phones and schedule estimates and whatnot. He likes having you around, giving you a little money to burn as you expand your resume. 
At six, Joel tossed you his truck keys and told you he’d be right out there, but that he’s gotta finish up with a client real quick first. “Go ‘head and start up the truck for me, hon, I’ll be out there soon. Shouldn’t be more than ten minutes,” he promised. But that was an hour ago, and it’s beginning to get dark. You’re itching to leave. On days you work with Joel, he’s your ride. Oftentimes it’s a blessing as he’s the one paying for gas and driving through traffic, but other times, it’s a curse. You’re on Joel’s time, itching to leave and he’s…doing whatever he’s doing.
You’re getting that feeling again. You’re not sure why, but it’s been happening more and more lately. You’ve been absolutely craving a cigarette recently. Just one, maybe two. You shouldn’t have done it, but you bought a pack at the gas station. Promised yourself you’d save it for special occasions but after this pack, you’d be done. For good. 
You’re just dying for one right now. Turning the pack over in your hand, you watch, anticipating seeing Joel leaving the building. But it never happens. Fuck it. You take a cigarette out of your pack and place it between your lips, and just before you light it, you stop. You look around in his truck, see if he’s got a straw from a fast food restaurant in his glove box that you could chew on, maybe a toothpick. At least you tried. It certainly doesn’t help that it smells like cigarette smoke in here anyway, what with Tommy always smoking when he drives with Joel. You resign yourself to lighting the cigarette, inhaling that smoke you missed so much. That familiar burn doesn’t quite hurt the same way it used to and in fact, it’s a welcome pain now. You love that tingly, heady feeling of the nicotine entering your bloodstream. You exhale the smoke out of the window of the truck and close your eyes. 
You think about lots of things, what you’re gonna eat for dinner when you get home, what movie you’re gonna watch. What flavor popsicle you’ll steal from Joel’s freezer. You think about which vibrator you’re gonna use between your thighs, which ones are charged and which aren’t. 
You’re not being subtle. Shamelessly blowing smoke out of the window, Joel can see you. And in fact, he’s been watching you. He’s fuming as he walks toward his truck and opens his door, startling you and causing you to drop the lit cigarette on your lap. “You are un-fuckin’-believable,” he seethes as he leans over you to pick it up off of your thighs and tosses it out of the window. “In my truck? Are you fuckin’ serious?”
“Joel, I’m sorry–”
“Shut up,” he interrupts. “You pissed me off. I don’t wanna hear it.” 
You shrink into your seat and stare at your lap, anxiously circling your thumbs around each other as Joel breathes deeply. He leans back in the driver’s seat and pinches the bridge of his nose, groaning angrily. 
In Joel’s head, he counts backwards from ten, attempting to let go of some of his rage. He looks at you, your eyes are big and pleading, those plump lips of yours are pouting, just begging, aching for something to fit snugly between them. “What am I gonna do with you, kiddo,” he whispers, reaching for your face and cupping your cheek. Fuck, that goddamn soft spot he has for you. “All sorts ‘a trouble you could go an’ get yourself into and you pick the one that’s makin’ you sick.” 
You nod, feeling guilty for putting Joel through this stress. You know he’s right. You’re gonna drive him to pick up the addiction again himself.
He rubs his calloused thumb back and forth over your cheekbone, looking at you with those big, brown eyes of his. They’re sparkling under the diminishing daylight, looking darker than they usually do. He’s so handsome. He’s always been so handsome. 
“Maybe you need to get into a different kinda trouble,” Joel murmurs. 
You pause. “Like what?”
“You know what kinda trouble,” he answers softly, assertively. You look down at his lap and notice that with his free hand, he’s begun palming his crotch, cock hardening in his jeans. “Somethin’ else to satisfy that fuckin’ fixation of yours.”
Joel unzips his jeans and pulls his cock out, half hard and growing. “Gimme your hand,” he instructs. He doesn’t wait for you to comply, and takes the pack of Marlboros you had forgotten you were holding out of your hand. He takes your hand and first spits in it, then wraps it around his cock, his fingers wrapped around your wrist as he helps you stroke him. His cock grows to full length in your hand, so thick and hard and meaty. “On your knees, now,” he says. “C’mon. You know what you’re doin’.” 
You sink to your knees and Joel slides to the center of the seat so you’re as close to him as can be. He spreads his legs apart and you slot yourself snugly between them, a hand on each one of his thick thighs. It feels surreal, being in this position. Joel senses your nervousness, and you look so vulnerable on your knees for him. Poor thing. 
He leans forward a little to tangle his fingers in your hair and then pulls you down, ushering you toward his hard cock. “Open up f’me,” he says. You part your lips and he presses the warm, blunt head against them. You open your jaw wider and he pushes you down on his cock, filling your mouth entirely. “Nice an’ wide. That’s it.” 
Joel keeps pushing you down, past the point of comfortability and you choke and sputter on his cock when he hits the back of your throat. “Just relax a minute,” Joel says. “An’ breathe through your nose, kiddo. You’ll get used to it.” 
With his hand tangled in your hair, it’s less of you moving of your own volition and more of Joel guiding you, making you take him down your throat the way he wants you to. You like that. As your head dips lower and bobs back up again, you swirl and drag your tongue along his shaft, tasting that heady, musky flavor of his cock, the salty precum when your tongue slides over his small slit.“Yeah, you know what to do,” Joel groans. “Ohh, that’s it. Good girl.” 
You feel his cock pulsing under your tongue, a welcome experience. There’s something so intimate and satisfying about learning all of the exact, fine details of what Joel’s pleasure looks and tastes like. He rolls his hips to meet you where you’re at, taking control of his pleasure, doing all the work himself. Sweat is beginning to gather on his body, dripping down his temples and gathering on his soft tummy. He can’t help but feel a little like he’s taking advantage of you right now, but he doesn’t feel bad enough to stop. In fact, it turns him on more. Joel thinks that maybe it even turns you on, too, what with the way you let out quiet, sweet little moans. “You like it, don’t you, baby?” 
“Mm-hmm,” you hum. 
“I know you do,” Joel coos. “Feels good, don’t it?”
You nod your head, moaning as you slide your tongue along his length, swirling it around his head before dipping lower again, your nose buried in those thick curls spattered around the base of his cock, dampened by your saliva. “What a mess you’re makin’,” Joel murmurs, enjoying those wet, sloppy noises you’re making. “Such a good girl f’me, you’re takin’ it so good.” 
You reach for his balls, cupping them and rolling them gently in your palm, eliciting a sharp gasp from Joel. “Oh, fuck,” he groans, “That’s it, kiddo, keep doin’ it jus’ like that. Goddamn.” 
Joel basks in the feeling of being inside your hot, wet mouth, feeling you suck and slobber on him, the dizzying feeling of your tongue teasing his shaft and his head. It’s all so soft, so slick and warm. He can feel it in his stomach, his balls begin to tighten as he approaches release. Joel takes your head in both of his big, masculine hands and fucks your mouth hard. “Oh, Christ,” he hisses. “Fuck, ohhh, fuck.” 
With just a few more deep, frenetic thrusts, Joel comes in your mouth without a warning, just a guttural, deep groan. He paints your tongue with his hot, salty spend, ropes and ropes of it spurting from his thick, twitching cock. He fucks your mouth through his orgasm, his thrusts turning slower, more shallow in time as you take every last bit of his come, swallowing it all. 
“Up,” he tells you, his voice raspy. “C’mere.” 
You sit next to Joel as he comes down from his high, his deep breathing beginning to regulate. Joel looks at you, wipes a bit of his come from your bottom lip with his thumb and pushes it inside your mouth, where you suck the digit and lick the spend. “S’all you needed, huh? My cock in your mouth?” Your face is hot and a little damp with sweat, your lips all swollen as you nod, a little sheepish. “No need to be bashful, sweetheart. S’okay. F’it works, it works.” 
Joel adjusts his jeans and turns up the air conditioner, then scoots back over into the driver’s seat. He pulls you close to his body, tucking you into his side as he shifts the truck into reverse, then drives out of the parking lot. “When that fixation of yours starts actin’ up again or you’re gettin’ nicotine cravings, you to come to me. Will you do that for me, sweetheart?”
You nod. “I will.” 
“Good girl,” he says. “I’ll get ya taken care of.” 
Your craving for a cigarette hits as early as the following night. To test you, Joel had surreptitiously dropped your last pack of cigarettes in your purse last night in his truck. You only noticed a little bit ago, when you were digging through your belongings to find your lip gloss. You could smoke them if you wanted to. You do want to. You could be sneakier about it, go for a walk and smoke somewhere Joel won’t see you. 
You slip on a pair of sneakers and throw a light sweatshirt over your shoulders, then walk out of your room and past your father in the living room. “Where you off to, sweetie?” he asks. 
“Just for a walk,” you answer quickly. To be honest, you weren’t expecting him to be awake. It’s late and the TV’s on, which usually means he’s sleeping. He can’t stay awake through any movie or TV show. 
“Mm,” he hums. “Be safe, honey. Come back soon, I don’t like you out too late all by yourself.” 
You promise your dad you’ll be back soon, then leave out of your front door and make a left. As you walk past your yard, then Joel’s, you realize he’s in his garage, tinkering with something at his workbench. He doesn’t see you, and you could walk on by without him noticing, smoke your secret cigarette and he’d be none the wiser. 
But you’d feel guilty. You feel guilty for even thinking about it. You shift your weight from one foot to the other, contemplating. Maybe Joel’s right, that you need to get yourself into a different kind of trouble. You used to feel thrilled when you’d drink underage or smoke when you shouldn’t have been. But Joel’s cock down your throat, on your knees for your dad’s best friend, a man who’s like a second father to you…Well, nothing compared to that thrill. 
You walk up Joel’s driveway and quietly into his garage, he’s got an old CD player on and he’s listening to Nirvana. “Joel?”
Joel turns to look over his shoulder and smiles at you. “Hey, you.” 
“I…” you struggle to get the words out. Joel nods in understanding, he knows exactly why you’re here. You’re such a good girl for him. Always been a good girl.
Joel pauses his CD player and takes your hand, then leads you inside his house. When you’ve finished sucking his cock, he tells you he’s glad you came to him and that he’s very proud of you. On your way home, you throw that pack of Marlboros away. And for once, you really are done. 
You suck his cock the next week at work, when you’re watching Tommy take a smoke break through the window next to your desk. You’re on the phone with one of Joel’s clients who’s been giving both you and him trouble all week, and you’re reaching the end of your rope with this guy. He’s old, impatient, and speaks so rudely to you. After you’ve argued with him in circles for about twenty minutes, he interrupts you and demands that you put him on the phone with a man. You’re livid. “Absolutely, sir. Let me place you on a brief hold and I’ll transfer you to my boss,” you tell him as sweetly. You press a few buttons on the phone and slam it on your desk, then march into Joel’s office, slamming the door and then locking it. 
Joel’s eyes light up. He rolls back in his chair and reaches behind himself to twist the blinds shut, then unzips his pants as you drop to your knees .
The routine happens day to day, week to week. Joel notices that there are days when you suck his cock aggressively, like you’re angry or you’re restless and antsy. But after a few weeks, they don’t quite feel that way anymore. You focus on his pleasure, and not your need to curb an addiction. It felt satisfying to have Joel’s cock down your throat before, and that certainly helped to satisfy your particular fixation. You’re more satisfied now at the notion of bringing Joel to absolute ecstasy, memorizing the way his breathing changes when you trace your tongue along his shaft and around his head. You’ve begun kissing up and down his length, gently sucking his balls and kissing his thighs, his tummy. You used to grip his thighs tight, digging your fingers into his flesh, but you hold his hand, now. It’s passion, adoration, maybe even love. You deserve the same pleasure, Joel thinks. 
Your dad’s out of town for a few days, he’s staying overnight in some city a few hours away for some work conference. He had stocked the fridge with different snacks and had tasked Joel with making sure you have something hot and filling each night for dinner, so you’ve spent the past few evenings at Joel’s house. 
 You’re on Joel’s couch, watching old reruns of Will and Grace on TV as Joel does the dishes. When he’s done, he joins you on the couch. When the show pauses for a commercial break, Joel mutes the TV. “Wanna talk to you ‘bout somethin’,” he says. You turn your attention to him. Joel’s hand drops to your thigh, and he scratches your skin lazily. His touch sends a jolt of excitement to your core. “You’ve been real good f’me, you know that, don’t you?” 
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. Been a long time since your last cigarette, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you reply, “Couple months, I think.” 
“S’what I thought,” he whispers. “An’ it’s why I wanna do somethin’ for ya.” 
“Do what?”
“Well,” Joel begins, inhaling deeply. His hand goes higher with every pass, fingers closer and closer to the apex of your thighs. You’re starting to feel hot. “I think it’s awful unfair ‘a me to be leavin’ you high and dry the way I’ve been. Not very gentlemanly, huh?” 
Joel’s fingers are wiggling beneath the fabric of your shorts, gently skating along your thin cotton panties. “Joel,” you whine. 
“I’m gonna make it even,” he murmurs softly into your ear, his hot breath tickling your neck. Joel drags the tip of his sharp, aquiline nose over the curve of your ear, then gently bites your earlobe, causing you to squirm. He smirks at that. “Gonna taste you.” 
Joel hovers over you, laying your body across his soft couch. He kneels as he hooks his fingers around your shorts and panties and pulls them down and off your legs, tossing them on the floor. 
His warm, big hands slide up your legs until he reaches your knees, “Spread your legs for me, sweetheart,” he says, and you part your thighs for him. He spreads them wider, pushing your knees toward your chest. Your nerves are on fire as he slides your shirt up your chest, exposing your bare body to him. “C’mere,” he mumbles, dipping his head low to kiss all over your torso, up your belly until he reaches the soft flesh of your breasts, nipping at the skin there before he sucks a nipple into his mouth. 
“Joel,” you gasp, your hands reaching for his head, fingers tangling in his thick, graying curls. He smirks against you as he kisses his way across to your other breast, repeating the same actions and kissing, licking down your stomach until he’s hovering over your pussy. Under the soft, warm light in the room, he admires your body. Your chest is rising and falling with shaky, nervous breaths. Your legs spread wide gives Joel the perfect view of your pussy, curls framing the shape of your cunt. Skin darkened and glistening wet, pearly ribbons of arousal delicately decorating your slick folds. He can’t wait any longer, he needs to taste you now. 
Joel quickly pulls his shirt off and unbuckles his belt, then kicks his jeans off where they join the rest of the discarded clothes on the floor. He settles on his stomach and pulls your body close to his face, his hot breath fanning over your damp, aching pussy. To tease you, he kisses his way toward your center, inching closer and closer to where you need him most yet not giving all the way in. “Please, Joel,” you whine. 
“Ohh, I know,” he rasps. He kisses the other thigh, then uses his thumbs to spread your soft folds apart for easier access and licks one long, fat stripe up your pussy. “Oh my god, yes,” you gasp. Joel chuckles at your excitement. He traces up and down with his tongue, his nose buried in the hair that covers your mound. You rock your hips into his face and he holds you tight, limiting your movement so that he holds all control. He’s feeling generous, and you’re going to take all that he gives you. 
“Fuck, right there,” you whimper when he licks your clit in circles. His tongue dips lower, circling your tight, wet hole before dipping inside to taste your sweet arousal. Joel hums in pleasure, he loves everything about this - the way you writhe and moan, how your dripping pussy feels against his face. He dips his tongue and swirls it inside of you before replacing it with two of his calloused, weathered fingers, rhythmically curling them inside you so that he’s hitting your g-spot. 
You’re moaning, babbling his name along with some other dirty words as Joel licks you and pumps his fingers, soaking him so intensely he thinks he could drown. He’d be happy to. There’s nothing he loves more than eating you out right now, passionately lapping your cunt like you’re the first meal he’s had in days. Your moans are becoming quicker, more frantic as you reach for his free hand and suck and bite his fingertips - always needing something in your mouth. He knows you’re close. Joel focuses on bringing you to the edge and sending you over, unwaveringly fucking you with his fingers and his tongue as your thighs are trembling and twitching, then squeezing the sides of his head as you come hard for him. “Joel,” you cry loudly. 
“Yeah, s’it. Give it to me, kiddo. That’s it,” he praises, “Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl.” 
Joel works you through your orgasm until the feeling subsides, and then pulls away from you. As you steady your breathing, you close your legs gingerly, hips sore from the position Joel held you in. Joel holds your knee, preventing you from moving any further. “Where do you think you’re goin’?”
“You made it even,” you breathe, reaching for his hand and placing yours on top.
“Nuh-uh, sweetheart. We ain’t square yet,” Joel spreads your legs again, then reaches for his cock. It’s rock-hard, the tip is blushed and swollen as he pumps it with his fist. “You gotta come on my tongue a couple more times than that before we’re even. And-” he grunts, adjusting his position before lowering himself over your body. He wraps your legs around his waist and notches his tip inside of you, “M’only a man. I’m gettin’ mine tonight too.” 
With that, he begins to push himself inside you. That slow, deep slide inside your cunt has him groaning in pleasure, Christ, you’re fucking tight. And so warm, soft, and wet. You squeal a bit as you adjust to the feeling of his cock inside of you, his cock splitting you open. “Shhh…” Joel quiets your moans. “Give it a minute, kiddo, you’ll get used to it.” 
You watch Joel as he slowly pulls out of you about halfway, then inches his way back inside you incrementally, little by little until your face relaxes and you let out that first sigh of pleasure. “Oh, there it is,” Joel coos. “Right there, huh?”
You nod, then wrap your arms around Joel's broad shoulders as he sets a steady pace. It’s slow, but not quite gentle at first, before it builds to something faster and harder. He rolls his hips at the perfect angle to have you squirming and writhing in pleasure, the head of his cock kissing that sweet spot inside of you over and over. You bury your face into him, biting softly where his neck and shoulders meet. His skin is so soft, slightly salty under your tongue. 
“Fuck, good girl,” he praises, kissing the side of your head where your hair is slightly damp with sweat. With each of his thrusts, you feel every inch of him. The scruff on his face brushing against you, his weight on your body, his skin on your skin, his pubic bone grinding against you. He fucks you passionately, sometimes quickening his thrusting, sometimes slowing it down, fucking you with longer, slower strokes. You bask in the sensation, entirely consumed in it all, in Joel. “You’re doin’ so good.” 
You rock your hips to match each one of his thrusts, needing more friction against your clit. “M-more, Joel,” you beg. “I wanna come. Please, Joel, make me come again.” 
Still fucking you, Joel spits onto his fingertips and wriggles his hand between your body. He searches for your swollen, sensitive bud and then paints steady circles into it, using the motion of his thrusting to help bring you to the edge once more. “Right there,” you tell him. “Don’t stop, please.” 
“I know, I gotcha,” he says. “Go ‘head and come for me, baby. Come all over my cock.”
You’re right there, right fucking there as he rounds your clit again and again with his fingers. Your reaction is more intense than before; your moans are louder now, pleading, more urgent. Your brows are knit together, mouth wide open when you go quiet - you’re gonna come, and it’s gonna be long and fiery and intense. 
Pure, unadulterated pleasure is all you feel when you finally reach your climax, moans and whimpers falling from your lips like honey until you’re crying Joel’s name, begging him as he fucks you through it. Begging for what, you don’t know. “Joel, Joel, Joel.” 
Your orgasm propels Joel’s own, and he’s growling into your ear as he spills into you, milking himself entirely. His come feels so warm inside you, so satisfying. “Oh, fuck me. Jesus, hon,” he groans. “Ohhh, god.” 
His thrusts slow, slow, then stop. He whimpers a little when he pulls out of you, then sits back on the couch. His head resting against the back of it, he turns to you. His eyes travel down your body, where some of his spend drips from your pussy. He pushes it back inside you, finger buried all the way to the knuckle, then pulls you into his side. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” he says, his voice low and gravelly. 
You look up at him, “Why?” 
Joel smirks. “ Could use a cigarette,” he answers. “Hits the spot right after sex.”
“Fuck off,” you giggle. “You said we’re done.” 
“We are done,” he affirms. “But our deal’s still in place. Which means…” Joel gently pushes you onto your stomach, then pulls you up by your hips. “We’re goin’ for another round.” 
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If you enjoyed, please reblog/send an ask with some nice comments! Your words keep me motivated to write.
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hoshigray · 2 months
iillly happy bday bbgggg pls BULLY SATORUUUUU pleasepleaseoHFGOSH
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: THANK YOU AND BET !!
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Gojo x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - modern au! college setting; you + satoru are juniors - sex in a public space; library study room - breast fondling + nipple play - sex on a table - overstimulation - pet names (crybaby, cutie, pretty girl) - clitoral play (pinching and swiping) - unprotected sex (psa: wrap that shit up, kiddos ) - mention of cervix and tears.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k
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“Ahhaaa! Thhh, shtopp! T’oo fast…!!”
“Yeah, goin’ too fast? Hnnmm, shit…tell that to your hips.”
This is not how this day was supposed to go, but that’s what having a bully in your life is like, right?
Today was one of those days where you’d spend most of your leisure time studying and catching up on upcoming coursework before the weekend, savoring your free days to rest and do some light reading for Monday. So here you were, spending the Thursday evening at the library in a study room you reserved until closing time. Fingers are typing away on your keyboard, putting words to your Word document while taking pieces of your french fries to munch—your study snack from the dining hall. 
And everything was going swimmingly, feeling the groove of things operate accordingly while bumping to your music.
Until your eyes snap to the door opening, and they widen at the sight of the culprit. Snow white hair and round glasses, and your stomach drops. “G-Gojo?”
“Yo!” He chips with a smirk, stepping inside and closing the door with his heel. You could’ve sworn you locked that door, but you’re sure it is now after he does it for you. “I knew I saw you walking out from the dining hall; the nerd is all cooped up in the library. Whatcha up to?”
“I, umm,” your gaze moves to your Word document, not wanting to see Gojo walk to where you’re sitting at the rectangle table. “J-Just, getting ready for a group seminar tomorrow…Need my notes ready.”
The tall boy slides his backpack off and drops it to the chair on the side of the table. His closing the door blinds and striding back to you grows the unsettling feeling in your tummy. “Ehhh, notes? Must be bored.”
“Not really…” It’s challenging to channel your focus on something productive when you watch from your peripheral with every step he takes until he’s behind you. “Just need to answer four more questions, and then I’ll,” your body rigid when he places his hands on your shoulders—there’s no escape now. “…I’ll be done.”
“Mmmm,” he hums and puts his chin to your head. “Working so hard, huh?” He kneads your shoulders and travels down to your arms. “I think it’s about time you give yourself a break.”
“Gojo, please,” pleads teeter out your mouth, yet your futile attempt to stand is refuted.
“Whaaat? You gotta give yourself breaks, right?” He moves his face to your shoulder to whine. “Can’t help a friend relax for a bit from studying?”
You open your mouth to respond, but words don’t leave your lips—a moan is snuck out from his hands, finding your chest. Sneaking inside your shirt to cup and soft mounds behind your bra. “Nnnn, n-no, we can’t…not here—“
“Psshh, you’re no fun, baby,” he coos to your ear, tweaking a nipple for you to squeak. “It won’t be for long, promise. Besides,” you turn to him, his blue orbs seen better from the dark shades now that you’re closer. “No one knows better to care for you than me, right? C’mon, just five minutes, and I’ll go, ‘kay?”
Your stomach has not stopped contorting knots ever since you saw that door open, and now you’re in a dilemma you prayed wouldn’t happen today. Regardless, you only have to give him what he wants, and you can return to work. So, you swallow your pride and kiss him on his soft lips. 
“—Ohhhh, y-you said for fi—Iiiive minutes…!!”
“Hahhh, did I say that? Heh, must be bad with time.”
Deliberately making a supposed five-minute break turn into nearly thirty minutes isn’t terrible with time—just plain ignorant. 
Your laptop, course material, and Gojo’s shades are pushed further into the table, substituting them with your figure to be laid on the edge of the table surface. Your bottoms and panties were stripped to the ground with Gojo’s jeans, your sexes exposed and now joined in the union as he propels his hips to pound into your chasm. Your cunt was a mess, slick, and come mixed and collecting in a soapy ring with the back-and-forth motions of your junior bully. 
The walls of the library rooms aren’t the best, nearly paper-thin to hear convos from one room to the other. You bite your lips to try to conceal your cries, but the curve of Gojo’s dick poking your walls have you screaming silently. “Fuck, pretty girl,” he intentionally grinds his pelvis to your folds, the broken wails egging him on to tease you more. “Scared someone will come and find us, huh? Scardey-cat,” the hands to your wrists pull you in with every rut. 
“Gaaahh, Gojooohhh,” your brows sewn together after the stimulation of your G-spot is hit yet again. “I’m sens’tiveee, go sloooww!”
“Shiiiit, that’s kinda hard when you’re clenching me so hard,” he hisses with a sigh. “Pretty much asking for me to mess you up.”
You shake your head at the brush of his tip hitting your cervix. “Ahaaaa, ohhJesus,” tears well up in your eyes with another jab to your womb.
“Oh, is the lil’ nerd about to cry?” Gojo bends down to you while his hips keep working, his flushed face inches closer to yours, and he wipes a tear with a thumb. “Awww, don’t do that; don’t want people next door to see what’s up with you.” His thumb enters your mouth, your tongue tasting your salty tear.
You sob on his digit, licking his thumb, and more twitches of your vagina come from more grazes on your inner texture. “Nhhooh, ahhhmyGod, good, feels tew goood…!”
Gojo can feel it; you’re clasping onto his length way too much not to notice. He snickers, “Gonna cum, baby?” You nod hurriedly, and he brings his forehead onto yours. “Want me to help you with that?” Too enraptured that you don’t notice him sneaking his hand to your lower half and a pinch to your clitoris has you cry. “Shhh, shhh,” he coaxes to your ear, his thumb swiping on the bud as you sob in parts. “Go ahead, wring me out, you slutty crybaby.”
Another pinch, and you’re contracting around him hard. Your orgasm hits you right there, the hot feeling of your body is washed with a sharp cold that rattles your legs. Hands come and grip the back of Gojo’s long sleeve, your cunt flitting on him as your body jolts from pleasure.
Gojo hurries to pull out and stroke his cock, his seed spilling out to paint your messy slit with the come oozing out from your hole. He throws his head back in bliss. “Shit, that felt good.”
“I,” you are stuck in a daze, yet you try to communicate. “I have to…get back to studyinng.”
“You still have some of those pills from last time?” You nod slowly as he brings his briefs and jeans back on. “Good! Be right back; gonna get some wipes from the restroom.” He then leaves and closes the door on his way out, leaving you cold and helpless on the table surface.
And now you know. Note to self: lock the door whenever you study at the library.
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© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ✩ dividers by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
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planetpiastri · 10 months
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pairing: lando norris x fem!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: yn and lando are couple goals around the mclaren garage, but they don't want oscar to feel left out. the problem? oscar would very much like to be left out. notes: school has finally released me from its chokehold so i'm doing my part in filling the winter break void. part 2 of my logan smau is in the works, but in the meantime, here's this<3 enjoy!
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and others
ynusername recent stuff (following my two favorite boys around like a stray puppy)
view all 1,659 comments
mclaren Always a pleasure to have you in the garage! 🧡
landonorris nyoom
ynusername vroom, even
username1 always a good day when yn refers to lando and oscar as her favorite boys
oscarpiastri Thanks for buying me dinner 👍🏻
ynusername you're welcome kiddo 🫶 oscarpiastri Please don't call me that
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liked by landonorris, ynusername, and 211,329 others
mclaren pookie #1 and pookie #2 dump (📸 - ynusername)
view all 3,789 comments
oscarpiastri Why would you say that
username3 im cackling this had to be yn's idea
landonorris pookie and proud 💪
username4 everyone say thank you yn for taking cute pics of our boys
ynusername you're welcome 😁
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, and others
ynusername let! him! cook!!!!!
view all 1,802 comments
username5 oh my god that is so much fire
oscarpiastri Do NOT let him cook I repeat do NOT let him cook
landonorris it was fine you big baby nobody got hurt 🙄 oscarpiastri I'd sure hope so??
username6 yn and lando are kind of unhinged together omg
username7 and that's why we love them 😌
mclaren Please bring our driver back to the paddock in one piece! 😬
landonorris all that fire and you were still the hottest thing in the kitchen 🥵🥵
ynusername 🤭🤭
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liked by oscarpiastri, ynusername, and 738,899 others
landonorris actually can't think of a better way to spend this life 🤍
view all 6,038 comments
username8 CAPTION IM IN TEARS 😭😭
username9 where's my credit for sending you the video lando
landonorris how many times do i have to teach you this lesson old man?? 👊💪
maxverstappen1 Too sweet
ynusername you're my everything 💌
landonorris you ARE everything oscarpiastri And Lando's just Ken landonorris this guy gets it
maxfewtrell Happy for you or whatever
username10 glad to know i'm not the only one crying over that video of lando and yn
georgerussell63 Don't worry I am too alex_albon me too carlossainz55 Me three username11 yo??
username12 help there are so many drivers in the comments 💀
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liked by logansargeant, ynusername, and 179,025 others
oscarpiastri Hanging out with Mum and Dad 👍🏻
view all 2,078 comments
landonorris she started crying when she saw this btw
oscarpiastri Sorry? landonorris don't be, it's the pregnancy hormones ynusername I AM NOT PREGNANT DELETE THIS BEFORE THE WAG PAGES START POSTING
username13 ok but does oscar need a step-sister i wanna be part of this family
ynusername love u kiddo 🥹🧡
username14 oscar liking this comment oh we've come so far from when he used to tell her to stop calling him that oscarpiastri I've stopped fighting it
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tagging: @sonder-paradise hey girl<3
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request: hiii, could you do a smau similar to ‘heart eyes’ but with lando and oscar is the suffering third wheel? -from anon
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
8, 28, 33?
ANON THANK YOU ILY I'll try to make it for Surepio 😭😭the sunchildren brainrot hasnt left me quite yet and after this im hoping to try and draw so :) wish me luck lmao
OC Asks
8: Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Okay like in canon, Surepio rarely got a chance to leave the castle, so tbh I feel that Surepio's "indulgence" is just on his good days where he has the energy to leave his room. And I kinda think his indulgence also is just being able to soak up other people's presence as well, feeling slightly isolated the way he was
Re: feelings of indulgence. I can't really see Surepio feeling guilty towards indulging. It's rare that he does BUT when he does, he just feels happy and elated to do it. Even if he probably shouldn't be indulging (while I was rambling on my own, I figured by Surepio's time, they were very strict about what comes in and out of the Sunchildren's room so indulgences never really come to Surepio as much. But the female official who would look over him would try to sneak in surprises
28: Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Compared to the other Sunchildren, I feel that Surepio's life is way way more secluded and doesn't have a lot of interactions. So really it's between the female official and then the entire Jibashiri. And between them, I'd put the female official as his best friend (if not mother figure) because she actually tended to him.
The Jibashiri however could care less towards Surepio. I'd say out of all the Sunchildren, the Jibashiri were probably the coldest towards Surepio, mostly because they were probably too busy with having even more power than before with Surepio out of the way. Not to say that none of the Jibashiri interacted with him, but the Jibashiri seldom checked in on him.
33: Concept of home and family?
aaaaaaa okay. So re: Jibashiri being the coldest towards Surepio, Surepio winds up suffering a fair amount of negligence growing up save for the female official (maybe I should name each one- I'm thinking of 3 total for all the Sunchildren). Whatever concept of home and family is rather distant in Surepio's head or what he thinks is home and family is something rather distant.
But there is longing. With whatever kindness the female official does show, he wants to be able to show that to other people. Family is someone who will tend to each other, dote and worry about each other. He didn't really get a lot of that, but he hopes to show that to other people.
0 notes
deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Woo! I’ve finally got time to write! Had to go to a wedding, suffered through eight whole hours of pure disorganized mess, and got mad about it. Emphasis on the disorganized part. So, I bring you: party planner!Danny Phantom.
If anyone was to see him now, they’d definitely think that it was odd that Danny was the one in the party planning field. They wouldn’t be surprised if it was Jazz, but Danny ‘wing it’ Fenton planning things? Never.
But here he was, clipboard in hand and checking off hors d’œuvres from the list.
“Anton, could you do a check of the sound system? Make sure everything’s working?”
“Got it.”
Danny lifted the buffet table, laden with heavy food, and used a bit of his ghostly strength to move it over.
He double checked the seating chart, and readjusted the miniature ice sculpture centerpieces he made for the party.
Wayne Manor was all lit up and perfectly dusted. Danny ran through his mental checklist. Tabled? Check. Dance floor clean and scuff free? Check. DJ booth and open bar running without issues? Check. Live band setting up with back up instruments and strings? Check. Decorations on point? Oh, he’ll have to get the team to readjust those.
Time to check-
“Danny! How’s it going?” Bruce Wayne beamed and slung an arm around his shoulder.
Danny smiled politely. “Mr. Wayne. Everything is going smoothly. Would you like to check the food the chefs have made?”
“Sure, sure! I definitely need to eat before I drink, haha!”
“That’s a good idea! Good thing you’re about to try a bunch of food.” Danny matched the billionaire’s energy. He’s going to get paid so good.
“So, Danny, are you going to college?”
Danny passed him a small sampler. “Ah, I can’t. Some stuff happened in high school and I don’t really have the grades or the money to.”
Plus, his credentials were in another plane of existence and he hadn’t figured out how to transfer those records yet.
“You could still attend college, I’m sure! Your parents might be able to help pay?” Bruce nommed on the food. He gave a thumbs up.
Danny sighed. “It’s not always an option. Plus, my parents are dead.”
In this universe. His own? Alive and kicking GIW ass.
“Oh, I see-”
“Woah!” Danny blinked, looking down at the baby Wayne the popped up next to his father’s elbow.
“Damian! What’s wrong, kiddo?”
Damian shot his father a flat glare and dragged the laughing billionaire away.
Danny snorted and returned to his tasks. He has to check the speeches and the lighting. Hm… he doesn’t have time to adjust everything how he wants it.
Good thing he knew a guy that could stop time.
“Hey, Clockwork?”
“Father, I understand your inclination towards adopting poor black haired and blue eyed orphans, but I would like to remind you that I have far too many siblings to be adding yet another bumbling buffoon.”
“I was not considering that, Damian.”
Damian let go of his wrist with a grimace. “Denial is not becoming of a Wayne, Father.”
“Yeah, B. I could see you grab the adoption papers from all the way over here.” Tim adjusted his tie. “Anyways, Dick is on his way. He’s running a little late because of some stuff in Blüdhaven.”
“Thank you, Tim.”
“Look at the footage of Wayne manor.” Oracle pulled up the video surveillance scattered through out the manor. Specifically, the ones of the west ballroom. Daniel Fenton stood in his spot, looking down at his clipboard but a second later, he's moved three inches to the left and the decorations had subtly been moved more aesthetic spots. "I think Danny might be a meta. We'll have to look into him."
Batman stood up, allowing the fondness he had for Danny as Bruce Wayne drain away. This is a potential threat, and Batman will treat him like one. (Danny will remember this.)
"Contact Flash. I need him to scan for any temporal disturbance."
"Brucie!" A socialite squealed as she came to bestow hugs upon a long suffering Bruce. "My god, this place is gorgeous! You must give me your planner's number. I could absolutely use some fresh eyes for the Annual Spring Party."
"Awe, Janine! I gotta keep some of the good things to myself!" Bruce whined, inwardly smirking as he saw his kids mock-gagging behind the lady's back. "What if your party's cooler than mine? What should I do then? You're already so gorgeous! Why, is that a Birkin?"
Janine lit up and all but forgot about getting Danny's contact information. Bruce patted his own back for a job well done, even if he had to listen to Janine's itemized list of random luxury goods she had to buy before being offered a bag.
He's a Wayne. The Gotham Hermes wished they could partner with the Waynes. Plus, he's pretty sure he's got at least three of those bags somewhere in the manor to bait out Selina.
Catching Danny sliding in between the servers and going towards the kitchen, Bruce quickly excused himself with a disarming himbo grin.
Time to subtly grill the kid.
"Hey, Timmy?"
"Hello, Dick," Tim smiled elegantly at the couple who's companies he was about to bring six feet underground and excused himself. "What's up?"
"Have you noticed that the ice sculptures haven't melted at all?"
Tim blinked, eyes sliding over to a harried Danny being followed by Bruce on a mission. Oof.
"Freeze?" He asked mildly, face innocent of any nefarious thoughts.
"That's what I'm thinking." Dick smiled sunnily, throwing an arm around Tim's shoulders.
"Heard the guy's living out near Crime Alley. We should get Jay to check it out." Tim pretended to laugh, grinning as his brains made plans for a stakeout.
"Heard, my ass. You totally stalked him, didn't you?"
"Got proof?"
Dick snorted, removing his arm. "Nope. I'll let Jay know. You should probably help Danny out, though, he looks like he's about to lose his temper."
"Bruce is at it again." Tim sighed. "Yeah, okay."
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mythvoiced · 2 years
# Miyoung and Yeo? :3c
@jeoseungsaja | cell phone headcanons
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone At first she'd probably be supers polite and just keep it as 'Wang Yeo' but after their friendship deepens and she starts considering him the platonic soul in her life that has helped her learn how to love life again, she might actually still keep 'Wang Yeo' BUT WAIT hear me out, this time with a cute lil emoji, like this 'Wang Yeo 🦊' because Miyoung is kind of awkward when it comes to her contacts and naming and such so she just goes... name + cute emoji~ Also, I imagine, for the longest time, Yeo is the only contact in her phone that isn't work related and she fully likes it that way~
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone I COULDN'T DECIDE I FOUND SO MANY I LIKED, ahem I do think Miyoung might be more direct about asking for a picture for the express purpose of using it for his contact. So I chose this one and I like to think maybe they're casually spending time together and Miyoung randomly remembers she wanted to ask him for a photo and asks him now
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone Now this may be fueled by my current brainrot, but listening to this soundtrack, I do think Miyoung would enjoy it greatly and I believe she'd choose pieces from it that she associates (vibes only) to people in her life, and while this track was coming to an end I just 'hey you know what-' SO I HOPE IT'S OKAY
- my muse’s last text to your muse
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:12AM ] I found a set of small ceramic foxes!
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:15AM ] Oh, sorry, good morning by the way!
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:15AM ] I'm out with Jaemin right now, but would you be interested in one of them? I can bring them over later!
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:16AM ] Because I bought them, of course 😎
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mclqren · 6 months
PAIRING ✦ f1 grid x platonic fem!wolff!reader, max verstappen x fem!wolff!reader
SUMMARY ✦ it's your birthday, and some of the drivers of the f1 grid take to instagram to post you on the day. [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ none, i think!
NOTES ✦ i didn't include all of the f1 drivers but i included as many as i felt were suitable! reader isn't susie's biological daughter, but they're still very close!! the fc i've used is blanca soler, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by maxverstappen1, susie_wolff, and 1,581,099 others
yourusername finally 22, might get a tattoo idk💜
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susie_wolff happy birthday y/n!! love you ❤️
yourusername love you mama 💜
user4 i literally can't wait to see all of the f1 drivers post her.
user5 NO FR so excited
yourusername LOVE YOU SAB THANK YOU SM💜💜
user6 this friendshippp omg
lewishamilton HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU Y/N love you lots kiddo ❤️
yourusername love you lewis!! 😘
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mercedesamgf1 It's a very very special day today...happy birthday Y/n! From all of the team at Mercedes ❤️
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user7 happy birthday y/n!!
user8 she is glowingggg
yourusername 💜💜
liked by mercedesamgf1
user9 i just know toto went to admin and said 'WISH MY DAUGHTER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY'
user10 their father daughter dynamic is everything to me
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, and 1,257,789 others
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georgerussell63 throwback to 2022 where me and y/n went on a day trip around paris and she changed outfits THREE TIMES in accordance with where we were. anyways happy birthday y/n have the best day!! 🥳
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georgerussell63 WHAT WERE THE REASONS.
yourusername 1) we had gone into that dusty vent thingy and i had to change my top 2) someone (naming no names) spilt WATER DOWN MY NEW TOP so i had to change 3) we were going out at night i was not about to wear that green shirt.
yourusername *y/n and i, not me and y/n
alex_albon oh dear the grammar police is back
yourusername year older but still not shedding the role 🤷‍♀️
yourusername thank you curious george very much appreciated 😘
landonorris how many nicknames do you have for him??
yourusername g-man, curious george, georgie porgie
georgrussell63 you can tell she truly values our friendship!
user11 i actually haven't stopped laughing why are they so siblings
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landonorris happy birthday to the girl who introduced herself to me by spilling her pepsi max over my fire suit. never change y/n 🔥
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georgerussell63 and mine wasn't??
yourusername lando's my fav 🤷‍♀️
charles_lerclerc @/landonorris thoughts on this??
landonorris y/n is a woman with taste what can i say?
yourusername wait when did you take the first pic...
landonorris at that bar in london
yourusername LOVE YOU NORRIS 😍
landonorris LOVE YOU WOLFF 😁
georgerussell63 the bias is actually crazy i'm in tears right now
yourusername awww georgie i love you too!! 💜
maxverstappen1 no one can separate y/n from her popcorn
yourusername he speaks the truth 🤷‍♀️
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 984,777 others
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alex_albon happiest of birthdays to the best third wheel money can buy ( please let me out of your basement 🙏 )
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alex_albon ALL JOKES ASIDE love you y/n have the best day!! 😁❤️
yourusername AW ALBONOOOO
yourusername you and lily are my parents😘
lilymhe i prefer you to alex ❤️
alex_albon HUH??
yourusername i will always take my mother's side 💜
yourusername best third wheel money can buy is CRAZYYY YOU KNOW FULL WELL.
alex_albon well you did third wheel at one point, not now you're with him 🤷‍♀️
logansargeant the american flag in the last pic RAH 🦅
yourusername relax logan babe it's a brandy melville sweater 💜
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carmenmmundt MY Y/NNNN!! meeting you in the mercedes paddock back in 2022 was truly the best thing that could've ever happened because now you're stuck with me!! my little sister forever, hope you have the best birthday ever ❤️❤️
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carmenmmundt I LOVE YOU MORE ❤️
user14 the way they get on so well acc warms my hearttt
yourusername you're the only reason i can tolerate george 😊
georgerussell63 i beg your pardon??
yourusername oh dear the british dialect came out
charles_leclerc understandable 🤷‍♂️
georgerussell63 NOT YOU TOO??
user15 y/n honorary wag confirmed
alex_albon or real wag 🤷‍♂️
this comment has been deleted
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 441 others
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alexandrasaintmleux the only girl i trust to go to galleries with me ❤️ happy birthday y/n love you sm!
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yourusername ALEXXXX I LOVE YOU SM
yourusername MY ANGELLL
alexandrasaintmleux ❤️❤️
yourusername forget charles run away w me 🙏
alexandrasaintmleux @/charles_leclerc sorry baby i'm leaving you for y/n!!
charles_leclerc how have i been replaced...
yourusername with ease 😘
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charles_leclerc she might prefer my girlfriend to me, but she will forever be my baby sister 😘 happy birthday y/n!!
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yourusername MI HERMANOOOO!!
charles_leclerc that's not french??
yourusername i know carlos was teaching me spanish so have that instead
carlossainz55 viva la españaaa! 🇪🇸
yourusername i definitely do prefer alex but this post is very much appreciated!!
charles_leclerc why must you replace me.
yourusername LOVE YOU ECLAIR
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lance_stroll "if you post any ugly pictures of me lance i'll kill you" - y/n today when i wished her a happy birthday. have a good day loser 👌
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georgerussell63 y/n when something doesn't go her way:
yourusername GO AWAY PISS FACE ☹️
yourusername my favorite canadian 😊
yourusername also the only canadian i know but wtv
lance_stroll i appreciate the sentiment y/n??
lance_stroll maybe it's time to retire the nickname now??
yourusername noooo i don't want to! and it's my birthday sooo :)
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oscarpiastri happy birthday y/n!! have the best day ❤️ ( last slide is from when you took my phone and sent lando pictures of yourself saying you were under his bed. good times as always )
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charles_leclerc mine was nice as well???
yourusername yes but oscar's just nicer in general so it sort of evens itself out
user18 HELPP
yourusername i KNOW lando appreciated the pics of my flared nostrils😘😘
landonorris yes thanks y/n ❤️
alex_albon bet your boyfriend didn't appreciate that one 🤷‍♂️
yourusername DO YOU EVER SHUT UP ALBON. and for ur information i forwarded them to him as well so.
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carlossainz55 y/n in her natural habitat: on a farm 👩‍🌾 happy birthday mi hermana!! ❤️
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carlossainz55 SIII SIEMPRE
yourusername THANK YOU CARLOSSS 💜💜
carlossainz55 ❤️
georgerussell63 she's one with nature ❤️
landonorris HAHA
maxverstappen1 picture credits for half of these??
carlossainz55 i took the first one though?
maxverstappen1 but i took the others??
yourusername guys stop fighting this isn't you ☹️☹️☹️
maxverstappen1 yeah yeah whatever
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maxverstappen1 forever thankful for the day you accidentally ran into the red bull paddock and i fell head over heels in love 🙏 happy birthday to the girl who makes it all worth it, love you always ❤️
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user22 THE HARD LAUNCH????
yourusername MAXIE AW
yourusername LOVE YOU FOREVER 💜💜
alex_albon ew get a room
yourusername as third wheel of you and lily for basically the past two years, LET ME HAVE THIS ONE.
landonorris so like is it just me who's single now??...
yourusername keep enjoying the bachelor lifestyle norris 💜
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tagged maxverstappen1
yourusername thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!! decided to get me a tattoo, and woke up to my boyfriend hard launching us on social media! love you max, but please stop winning races so my dad doesn't get angry 💜
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maxverstappen1 unfortunately, i have to keep winning the races to win your respect. thanks for the request, though! 🙏
yourusername papa wolff will NOT be happy.
maxverstappen1 ❤️❤️
user29 she mentioned on live once that it's her favorite movie!!
mercedesamgf1 If he hurts you Y/n, we'll be at his door 🦅
yourusername you'll be the first ones i contact x
georgerussell63 *get a tattoo, not get me a tattoo
landonorris shhh let her have this one it's her birthday weekend
yourusername damn right it is mr russell remember ur place here. which of the two of us is the boss' daughter??
georgerussell63 🤐🤐
yourusername exactly what i thought!
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Portgas D. Ace Headcanons 01
Excuse me Oda-sensei, but that 40 year old Ace is simply criminal. Thank you so much for blessing us with him
Anyway! Have some Husband!Ace headcanons For more Ace content please head to my Tumblr MasterList
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Ace is, respectfully, a huge simp for his wife
To the extent that the Whitebeard crew straight up jokingly awarded him with a “Biggest Wife Simp” Award
They made it look official and had Whitebeard sign it and everything. There's even a stamp.
Ace has it framed and hung proudly on the wall next to your bachelor’s degree / college diploma / degree in general. 
I feel like despite his own personal insecurities, Ace still manages to be an amazing father
I imagine Ace originally setting out for like one or two kiddos at most (because y'know...what if he's not good enough) and ending up with 3 or 4 kids
Thing is, that’s both your faults.
Ace is tender and goofy with his kids, and he’s so friggin caring: to the extent that…well wouldn’t it be neat to see him with maybe another 2 or 3 kiddos of his own? 
(Your husband is hot okay?)
In his case, he swears you have a unique glow about you when you’re pregnant. But more than that when he sees you with your first born, he suddenly wants a big family with you.
I imagine his kids are an eldest son, then his princess, then the youngest boy who takes after his uncle Luffy.
His kids aren’t parentified. He keeps his issues far, far, away from them. Besides, he’s got you by his side.
He was dedicated to making sure they got as much playtime as possible.
He heard about learning through play, and he is DEDICATED to doing that as much as possible
Ace’s kids are spoiled with affection, but not spoiled brats.
While it’s true he’d give them the world, he’d rather let them go get it themselves. 
For example: when they asked for a tree house, he gave them the greenlight immediately.
But they had to build it themselves.
It was a super fun project lasting a little over two months with the whole family involved.
Oh and the Whitebeard crew helped too.
It took a while to get the design down initially, then the shopping logistics and whatnot (they used a lot of math here - see education via play)
Building the thing took maybe a weekend or two because the Whitebeard Crew and even the Strawhats came over to help
(It was mostly Franky and Usopp doing work, Sanji was cooking with Thatch)
Uncle Luffy was not allowed near the construction zone after an accident.
They almost destroyed the tree house with their partying once
Ace’s kids were not happy and no one was allowed in the backyard for the rest of the night
He makes sure they have proper manners and self-defense skills
You had to help out here, no lie.
He admitted he needed your help, especially after a dinner with Garp where Makino tagged along to see Ace again
He puts all of his kids into martial arts classes
especially his princess - he’s so proud of her when she beats up bullies
He’s not great at discipline though to be honest. He probably goes about it similarly to Garp. 
Ace will not tolerate any of his kids being nasty to their mother. No matter the phase.
You will have to hold him back if you want to let them get their frustration off their chest.
He’ll let them talk, but you’ll have to keep a hand on him somewhere, his arm, his hand, his knee, his shoulder, his back and rub soothing circles
Let’s just say, “talk shit, get hit,” is Ace’s attitude towards anyone being demeaning towards you (more so with adults, not his kids, but that's why they get a scolding)
"Ace my love" (he melts every time you call him that) "the kids’ll start thinking you love me more than them if you do that"
"My kids won’t disrespect their mother though!"
"They’re just venting darling, and when they say or do something that violates my boundaries, I'll be sure to reinforce it. Lead by example right?"
If they ever feel like pissing Ace off for fun they can just say something kinda not nice about you and he'll get mad and they'll flee from him giggling like the little gremlins they are
Ace is veeeeeeeeerry physically affectionate and he isn’t shy about it at all.
At gatherings with the Whitebeard family, he will gladly seat you in his lap, he will happily hug you as you are seated.
His arm is on your waist most of the time.
They tease him to make him tone it down, he does not.
He, in fact, dials it up. Turns up the heat lol.
You have kids? Not in front of them? What do you mean, not in front of the kids? It’s important they know just how much he loves their mama!
So he will continue to be playful with his hugs and kisses and other displays of affection.
It’s nothing too over the top. Just hugs and quick pecks wherever.
Your entire head is fair game for his smooches, your arms (he loves kissing your pulse and then making eye contact, sneaky guy that he is), your shoulders.
Maybe lifting you and spinning you around. Cuddles. Little bites.
He will play-wrestle his kids to “fight” them over getting to cuddle you, and then he’ll just put all his weight on all of you in a group cuddle
Just to let you know, your kids also receive all the warmth and love of his affections.
When his sons are still tiny and adorable, he smooches them all over. The kisses grow less frequent as they grow older, but the hugs do not stop.
Oh no, hugs galore.
Ace still pecks his little princess on her forehead though
When they’re all under ten he’ll wrap them in a hug (after he chased them down and caught them so they’re laughing and screaming) and start smooching their cheeks while they laugh and try to get out of his grasp
Also yes she’s his princess, but that girl has no problem throwing a fully grown man twice her size around, he made sure of it.
I reiterate: Ace is not remotely shy about displays of affection
Like his eldest could have a friend over, and Ace would still launch a full scale hug attack using the rest of his troops (daughter/youngest)
It's complete with screeching, screaming, and a lot of laughter
His kids used to get teased for it, but it didn’t take more than a few conversations for them to instead jeer at the kids that teased them.
"You’re all jealous your parents don’t love you like ours do"
"How sad, your parents don't hug and kiss you"
Their dad, grandpa, uncle - uncles really, are all gremlins - it's in their DNA
The kids are really physically affectionate with each other as a result
Deadass they’ll be kicking the shit out of each other one second and the next they’ll be all cuddled and huddled up playing Mario Kart or something
Ace is his kids’ hero.
His sons aspire to have his level of fitness.
His daughter, when she’s older, uses him as a standard for dating
You're relieved
Ace is touched and a touch nervous, because he is aware of his shortcomings, though he works hard to keep improving
Of course when you look at him, a twinkle in your eyes, and tell him, “I’m so proud of her, I’m so proud of you!” He feels better
When you continue: “if she can find a guy like you, who cherishes her as much as you cherish me, I’d be so happy.”
Ace loves you so much he swears
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pipwritesoccasionally · 2 months
perfect little family
dad!nanami x mom!reader
in which your daughter visits you at work and your perfect husband comes with her!
warnings: fem!reader
higuruma mention because i love him too
the day started off ordinarily. you’d gone to work as you always did, even stopping by the bakery next to your daughter’s daycare to pick up a croissant. it was hot and buttery, just how you liked it, and it lessened the feeling of dread that came from working in a law firm every day. 
“good morning!” you exclaimed to the assistant at the front desk, who smiled right back. you’d been good friends since you’d started working in the firm three years prior. 
“good morning (y/n)! how was your weekend?”  
“not long enough. the kiddo decided that she didn’t want to get any sleep, so kento and i were going a little mad. luckily, she’s at daycare for the day, so i can get some peace and quiet while at work,” you recalled, feeling some of the exhaustion seep back in. 
“i know right! my twins wouldn’t sleep through the night for months at a time and i thought i would pass out right here at my desk.” 
“i can’t imagine what we would do if there were two of her. she’s so cute, but she can be a menace. if kento weren’t around to help her i think i’d just have to quit working.” you loved bringing up your wonderful husband, as he truly was the person who made everything alright in the world. 
“i’m so jealous!” one of your coworkers groaned as they walked by. “when do we get to meet this perfect husband of yours (y/n)?” 
“sorry, we’ve just been so busy lately! no one told me the terrible twos last until they turn four! i promise i’ll get him to come out sometime!” you apologize, knowing that your coworkers have been begging to meet kento ever since you began working here. you two were a more private couple, so you didn’t really have pictures of him on your desk. just some notes from him or your daughter, as well as a calendar with all of the important dates on it. 
“oh (y/n), higuruma said he left some papers on your desk to fill out before your meeting in an hour.” your friend at the front desk said, and you thanked her before heading there to fill them out. 
the stack was menacing, but you got it all done, and ran to meet with your boss and the other attorneys of your firm. you slid the door open and shuffled to sit in your seat. higuruma gave you a slight smile in acknowledgement, and you smiled back. you’d become something like friends in the few years you’d worked at the firm, so at least he was a friendly face. 
“alright, i’m here to make sure we’re all on the same page about the client we’re defending before our meeting with them on thursday.” your boss began, before making his way through the information in the documents you had been given earlier. 
he was in the middle of talking when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. you grabbed for it, meaning to shut it off, before realizing it was from your daughter’s daycare. 
“excuse me, i need to take this. it’s about my daughter. sorry!” you exclaim, rushing out the door of the meeting room and answering the call. 
“hello! is this (y/n)?” a cheerful voice on the other side spoke. 
“yes it is! is something wrong?” 
“your daughter seems to be not feeling well, and she keeps asking for you. is there any way you can come pick her up?” you frowned, remembering that she had been fine this morning. not to mention the fact that your schedule was jam packed all day, and that missing these meetings would severly affect your performance in front of the client. 
“i’m so sorry, my schedule is entirely full. however, my husband kento should be home today, is there any way you can call him?” 
“of course! we’ll call him right now,” the daycare worker says, and hangs up. you sigh, and head back into the meeting. 
hours later, you were in another meeting, this time with some new attorneys, as your boss had asked you to discuss your firm’s processes when it comes to civil or criminal trials. you were currently presenting in front of a group of ten, when a knock echoed across the room. the group went silent, and the closest attorney stood to open the door. 
as soon as the door was open a crack, someone pushed it open and ran over to you. 
“mama! mama!” a little figure ran across the room and threw herself at you, barely making it so you could catch her. she had kento’s brown eyes and (h/c) hair, making her instantly recognizable as your daughter. 
“sweetheart, what are you doing here?” you whisper at her, placing her on your hip. 
“i wanted to see you, so daddy said we could come see if you were busy! but then the lady at the front desk said you were here in a meeting, so i came to see you!” she smiled, her grin showing the spot where she’d lost her first tooth a month ago. 
“well we can’t play right now, but you’re welcome to watch me present if you can sit quietly in that chair over there.” you point at the empty chair, but she shakes her head. 
“no mama! i want you to hold me,” she pouts, and you know that you have to give in. you sigh, before standing straight and grabbing the control for your powerpoint. 
“slight change of plans. this is my assistant, (d/n), and she will be helping me present.” you tell the other attorneys, who are holding back laughter, before continuing your presentation. 
once it’s over and the other attorneys begin to pack up, you take your daughter’s hand and lead her back to the lobby, where your husband is surrounded by a group of your coworkers, including the one from earlier. 
“so, what brings you to the firm?” one woman giggles, clearly infatuated with him. 
“my wife works here,” he says, pushing his glasses up with his hand to show off his wedding band. 
“wife??? who’s your wife??” one of the other women exclaims, but at that moment your daughter chooses to run at him in a full spring. 
“were you now?” he says, placing her on his hip. “where is your mama anyways?” 
“i’m right here,” you say, and the group of women turn to face you. 
“(y/n)?? he’s YOUR husband??” the coworker from earlier says, and you nod. 
“how can you not have pictures of him on your desk?? he’s gorgeous!” she yells, and you laugh. 
“he mostly takes pictures of me and (d/n), but it’s more of just a safety thing so people don’t find out where he and (d/n) live.” you reply, smiling. you walk past them to your husband, who pulls you into his other side immediately. 
“hi darling, sorry about her,” he mutters, pressing a kiss to your temple. you hear a chorus of squeals behind you, and your friend from the front desk asking them to disperse, but you pay them no mind. 
“it’s no big deal. i think the new attorneys were less stressed out because she was there.” you poke your daughter on the nose, and she giggles. 
“anyways, we should probably get going. when will you be home?” kento asks, and you rest your head on his shoulder. 
“early today, i just have one meeting left and then i’m done. so in around two hours?” you feel the vibration of his chest as he hums. you pull away and step back towards your office, still facing your little family. 
“alright (d/n), say bye to your mom,” kento says, and your daughter waves with an enthused “BYE MAMA!”
you wave back, watching them leave. nothing could compare to the feeling of your perfect little family.
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slut4thebroken · 10 months
Practice Makes Perfect
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | stepdad!Jackson Rippner x reader
Summary | You go to your stepdad for help… with very pure intentions… obviously. (Heheh)
Warnings | Smut, 18+, sexual content, innocence kink, corruption, large age gap, but not under age, hand jobs, oral both m and f receiving, spanking, daddy kink technically, also incest I guess?, groping, thigh riding, praise, a sprinkle of degradation and humiliation.
Words | 7.5 k
Notes | I hope it was worth the wait folks. Also ionno how I feel about this gif but whatever lol
Ao3 link | <3
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You liked making men crave what they could never have, that’s why you dress the way you do. But it seemed like the one man you actually wanted to crave you, never did. Much to your disappointment. 
But you liked doing it in a subtle way, where at first glance, it wouldn’t seem like your goal was to get his attention. You’d wear loose, frilly skirts, always on the shorter side, but not short enough to be too obvious, and tight crop tops that were somewhat see-through. You also liked wearing pretty dresses and knee high socks and dainty jewelry and soft makeup. All of which at first glance would just seem like a cute, unintentionally sexy— yet still in an innocent way somehow— outfit. 
Nothing you ever did caught his eye though. Sometimes you’d forego the bra all together so that your nipples were just barely poking through the thin fabric of your top, but you still didn't get a reaction. So you decided to step it up. 
“Mr. Rippner?” You asked quietly, making him look up from the computer screen as you hesitantly walked in. 
“How many times have I told you to call me Jackson.” He said teasingly.  
“Sorry…” You couldn’t help the blush that painted your cheeks when he gave you a soft smile. 
“What's up?” 
“I can come back later if you’re busy…”
“Never too busy for you. Come sit.” He clicked a few buttons on the computer then gave you his full attention. You dragged one of the arm chairs a little closer to his desk, then sat down. 
“I just… had a question— questions. But I’m scared to ask my mom.” You said quietly, nervously playing with the fabric of your skirt. 
“I don’t want her to see me any differently… and I’m scared that asking this might do that.” 
“You can talk to me.” His tone was so genuine that it made you want to tell him anything and everything about yourself, even your deepest secrets. His warm smile wasn’t helping much either. 
“Thank you… So, um— there’s this guy that I like..” He just barely stiffened when you said that. “He’s older,”
“How much older?” 
“A little more than twenty years…” 
“He’s in his forties?” 
“Early fourties, yes.” You said quietly, not able to maintain eye contact any longer. You couldn’t figure out what emotion was on his face right now. “But I really really like him, Mr. Rippner, and he treats me right.” 
“Any man going after you who’s that old will not treat you right.” 
“Oh…” You kept your eyes on your lap as your chest ached. Even though this wasn’t a direct rejection it still hurt. “Sorry.” 
“Hey— no, I'm sorry.” His tone was noticeably softer. “I just worry about you, kiddo.” Your whole face heated up at the name, as it always does. “I'm sorry. If you still want to talk, I'm here for you.” 
“Thanks…” When he didn’t say anything, you took that as your cue to continue. “I- I’ve been having.. bad thoughts about him, Mr. Rippner. And I know that it’s wrong, but I just can’t help it. I don’t even really know what he’s making me feel, just that it makes me feel dirty…” His cheek tensed as he clenched his jaw.  
“Inappropriate thoughts, you mean?” He clarified and you nodded in response. “I see. And before I respond, what exactly is it that you’re asking me?” 
“I- I want to impress him… but I’ve never done.. anything. I’m scared I’ll make a fool of myself, so I was hoping… you could help me?”
“Help you?” He choked out. You nodded and bit your lip. “Let me just make sure I’m hearing this right. You want to fuck a man twice your age,” you blushed at his crude words, “but you’re nervous about it… so you’re asking your step father, who’s also twice your age, to help you practice so you feel more confident?” 
“I’m sorry, this was stupid.” You muttered as you got to your feet. 
“Sit down.” His voice was technically still soft, but you could hear the underlying sternness in his tone, so you lowered yourself back down in the chair. “Why me?” 
“I just… I trust you a lot, Mr. Rippner— more than most. I know you’d never do anything to take advantage of me.” You said, even though you hoped he would. 
“And what about your mom?” That made you frown. 
“I didn’t mean it in a cheating way. Just for you to show me what to do— to teach me. That’s not cheating.” 
“Sweetheart…” He started, making your frown deepen. “You understand why this would be wrong other than that, right?” 
“…No.” You did. 
“Not even talking about the fact that I'm twice your age— I’m your step father. This is not something that step fathers teach their step daughters.” He explained gently. 
“Oh.. I guess you don’t have to, then. I can just… ask him to teach me or something.” 
“Absolutely not.” He said sternly, startling you. “Telling him that will practically give him the green light to manipulate and coerce you.” 
“He wouldn’t do that.” You frowned. 
“Yes he would. Every man would.” 
“Clearly not every man.” You muttered. 
“Look,” he sighed, “I do want to help you, kiddo, but it’s more complicated than that.” 
“It doesn’t have to be..” 
“But it is.” 
“Are you not attracted to me?” You asked suddenly. “Is that why?” He sighed again and looked away from you, making your stomach churn. “Oh.” You felt like you were about to cry any minute now— this is not going how it was supposed to at all. You felt stupid and embarrassed and you wished you never came in here. 
“I…” he sighed, “It's not that. I shouldn’t be attracted to you, honey. It’s wrong.”
“…But you are?” He said ‘shouldn’t’ so maybe that’s a good sign. 
“It’s doesn’t matter if I am,” 
“I’m attracted to you, Mr. Rippner.” You said quietly, waiting nervously for his reaction. “It doesn’t feel wrong.” He let out a heavy breath and closed his eyes as his head tilted back a little. You watched him carefully, trying to figure out what he was thinking. When he suddenly leaned back up and opened his eyes, they were significantly darker, the pretty, pale blue almost gone now. “Mr. Rippner?” You asked when he didn’t say anything. 
“I’m not going to show you, but I’ll tell you. How does that sound?” You frowned and looked away. 
“Okay… If you think that’s best, I trust you.” You said, silently praying for him to do more than talk to you. 
“Let’s just start off with you telling me what you do know.” 
“Um… Well, I’ve seen people kiss.. and I’ve tried to practice, but it feels awkward and I don’t want it to be weird when it happens.” 
“You never kissed anyone?” His eyebrows were raised as he stared at you in poorly concealed surprise. 
“…No.” You said, voice small. 
“Okay,” he cleared his throat and shifted in his chair, “okay. What else?” 
“I mean… I think I mostly know how the rest of it goes? The part where.. I don’t really do much. It’s the other parts that I don’t know.” 
“You mean foreplay?” You nodded with a blush. “And you know how to practice safe sex, right?” 
“A condom?” 
“That’s the most common way, yes.” He leaned back in his chair and let out a heavy breath. “Okay. I think I can help you out with some of it, but the rest you might just need to practice on your own. 
“But I have!” Your blush deepened when you realized what you just implied. 
“You have?”
“I- I mean.. I just— It…” Nothing you could say would save you. 
“Dirty girl… Do you have a toy hidden somewhere?” He said teasingly and you didn’t know how to respond, not when the real answer is so much more embarrassing and perverted. 
“Something like that..” He examined you carefully, making you feel like he was uncovering every secret you've ever had. 
“Oh I see.” He chuckled. “Creative little minx, aren’t you? What’d you use?” You looked down and bit your lip, feeling far too embarrassed right now. “Hairbrush handle? Cucumber?” 
“Stop teasing me, Mr. Rippner.” You pouted and he gave you a small smile.
“I’ll stop teasing once you stop calling me that.” When your gaze stayed on your lap, he continued. “Where'd you use it? Your mouth or your cunt?” Your head snapped up with a gasp at his vulgar language. 
“Mr. Rippner!” You scolded him, but your cheeks were far too red to uphold the sternness of your reprimand.
“It’s just a simple question, kiddo. You’re going to have to get used to those words if you want my help. I can’t really explain it without saying it.” 
“I- I know. It just caught me off guard is all and um… mouth.” You muttered, not able to maintain eye contact. “But I couldn't do it, it was too hard.” 
“What’d you try to do, sweetheart?”
“I dunno… just— anything that I thought might be right. I didn’t really know what to do.” You looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. “Need someone to teach me…” 
“You know that I can’t.” He said softly. 
“But how else am I supposed to learn? Why can’t you just help me?” You pouted, making him sigh. 
“I am helping you.” 
“But….” You were going to beg again, but so far that’s gotten you nowhere, so you decided to try something else. “Fine— I’ll just find someone else!” You said, standing up and turning around to walk out. 
“Sit down. I won’t tell you again.” He said sternly, making you freeze, but not turn around yet. 
“Mr. Rippner…” You finally turned back to face him, but you couldn’t look at him, “I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one day,”
“You really don’t want me to tell you again.” He warned and for the first time, you felt a little afraid of him. It was flustered fear, but fear nonetheless. You slowly walked back over and sat down again. 
“Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to help you, but you’re not going to tell anyone. Especially your mother. Do you understand?” You couldn’t help the smile that creeped up on your face as you nodded. 
“Come here.” You got back up and walked around the desk, waiting awkwardly for the next instruction. “On your knees.” Your stomach fluttered and you could feel the ache between your legs that you usually get when you’re near him. Slowly lowering yourself to the ground, you placed your hands on your lap and looked up at him as he rolled his chair back and faced you. 
“Do whatever you think is right. I’ll stop you or tell you what to do if you need help.” Even though that made you nervous because there was a higher chance you’d embarrass yourself, you agreed. 
Shuffling forward, you settled between his legs and reached for his belt. The bulge in his pants was already making your mouth water and you pressed your thighs together without thinking. His breath hitched when you accidentally brushed his crotch, but he let you continue until his pants were open enough for you to pull them down a little and reach inside to take out his length. 
You gasped at the size of him and stared at it with wide eyes and slightly parted lips— how is this ever going to fit.. anywhere inside you when it barely fits in your hand? He brushed your hair out of your face and you swallowed thickly as you forced your eyes away from his length to look up at him. 
“Y-you’re… Are they all this big?” You asked nervously, making him chuckle quietly. 
“Not all, but I’m only a little above average.” 
“Oh.” So the average is only a little smaller? That didn’t ease your nerves at all. 
“Just take it slow, kiddo. Don’t rush into it, go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.” You were struggling to get yourself to follow the soft demand because of how badly you wanted to impress him. “Start with your hand.” You nodded and swallowed down the lump in your throat as you reached for his length. Tentatively grasping it in your hand, you stroked him slowly, looking up at him for confirmation. “A little harder, love.” You squeezed harder, but immediately pulled back when he winced. 
“I’m sorry,” 
“That’s okay. Here,” he took your hand in his and wrapped it around his cock, moving it slowly. “Like this, okay?” When you nodded, he let go for you to continue on your own. You noticed that his limited reactions seemed to mostly happen when you were at the tip, so you focused on that, rubbing your thumb over the bead of clear liquid on top, making him curse under his breath. 
“You know what that is?” He asked, almost breathlessly. 
“…Precum?” You were terrified of embarrassing yourself by saying the wrong thing, but you vaguely remembered learning that somewhere. 
“That’s right.. good girl. Have a taste.” With a blush from the praise, you tentatively brought your hand up and sucked your thumb into your mouth. “Do you like it?”
“I think so. It’s… watery but a little sweet almost?” He laughed quietly and you gave him a small smile. 
“Keep going.” You started stroking him again, keeping the pace a little slow as you got used to it. “Do you want to try using your mouth now?” You looked up at him nervously, but nodded anyway. “Okay, just suck on the tip while you keep stroking it.” You shuffled forward even closer and placed your free hand on his thigh to steady yourself as you leaned up a little. When you wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, he let out a shaky breath and put his hand on top of yours on his thigh. 
“Suck it and flick your tongue over it,” you obeyed and he let out a low moan, “there you go… Keep using your hand.” You hadn’t even realized you stopped stroking him until he mentioned it. 
“Atta girl. You’re a natural, kiddo.” You couldn’t help the whimper that slipped out at the praise, even if he was just teasing you. You continued stroking his length while mouthing at the tip, not sure what to do next. Thankfully he seemed ready to help you with that. 
“You want to draw it out a little so how about you practice kissing, hm?” You perked up at the thought of finally being able to kiss him, but almost pouted when you realized he didn’t mean on his lips. You gave the tip and quick kiss, then looked up at him, asking a silent question of what to do. “Kiss all over it, sweetheart.” You obeyed, working your way down the underside of his cock. “Good girl. Keep going down.” You were quickly reaching the base and you looked up at him in confusion. 
“You didn’t think you were just going to suck my cock, did you?” He chuckled, making you frown. You did think that… What else would you suck? “Start with kissing and licking my balls.” That made you pull back as your eyes widened. 
“Your— But… Is that,” 
“You’re not going to impress any man with a mediocre blow job. I’m trying to help you, baby.” You didn’t know that was a thing you had to do… and for some reason it felt dirtier than everything you’ve done so far. He picked up on your apprehension and his teasing smirk dropped into a more serious expression. 
“Hey, we don’t have to.” He said softly, genuinely. “The second you change your mind, we’re done, no questions asked. I can make you some hot chocolate and put on that movie you like and we don’t have to mention this ever again.” 
“I…” You swallowed the lump in your throat as your gaze shifted between his eyes and his cock. “Can we still do all of that after we do this?” You asked timidly, making the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile as he reached out to pet your hair. 
“Of course we can, kiddo. I’m pretty much done with work for the day so I’m all yours until it’s your bedtime.” You flushed at the mention of the silly rule he was so adamant about implementing. You told him that you’re an adult and adults don’t have bedtimes and he said that he just wants what’s best for you and that getting a good night's sleep is one of the best things you could do to take care of yourself. You didn’t protest again after that— mostly just because you liked the idea of him having that power over you. 
“Since it’s Friday… could we maybe.. extend my bedtime?” You asked coyly, staring up at him with wide pleading eyes. He raised his brows as he looked down at you for a moment before letting out a breathy laugh and looking away. 
“You’re getting too spoiled. I might as well start calling you princess.” He said with a sly smile, making you blush. 
“If I’m your princess, does that make you my daddy?” You asked innocently, making his breath catch in his throat, but he recovered quickly and decided to tease you a little. 
“Now where did you learn something like that?” Your blush intensified and you couldn’t maintain eye contact any longer. 
“Heard some classmates talking about it…” 
“Aren’t you a nosy little thing? But no kiddo, that doesn’t make me your daddy. I’m still just plain old stepdad Jackson.” He said with a small shrug. 
“But… if I want you to be?” You asked nervously. He let out a heavy breath that turned into a quiet chuckle. 
“If you want me to be… Then, we'll do a trial run tonight, how does that sound?”  
“Good. Thank you, daddy.” You decided to try it out immediately and it was strange how natural the word fell from your lips. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his cock twitch. 
“Okay, princess. You do a good job and I’ll reward you by pushing your bedtime back an hour.” That made your face light up, but you were feeling bold right now. 
“Thirty minutes?” He asked, in the same tone as you, making you pout and accept his original offer of one hour. “Pick up where you left off.” He spread his legs to give you more room to shuffle forward and lean your face close to his length, but instead of aiming for his cock, you went lower. You did as he instructed, kissing and licking them gently. It felt dirty and wrong doing this, but somehow, at the same time, like the most fulfilling thing you've ever done. 
“Now suck one into your mouth.” The second your lips wrapped around one, he cursed under his breath and let out a sigh of pleasure, but it quickly turned into a wince, making you pull back instantly. “Gotta be gentler, honey.” 
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” You rushed out, face flushing with shame, and he shushed you. 
“It’s okay. Just do it a little softer.” You hesitantly leaned forward to try once again, now much more apprehensive this time. “There you go…” He cooed, “Few more seconds, then do the same to the other one. Don’t forget to use your hand on my cock while you do this.” You blushed at the crude words but wrapped a hand around his length again to start pumping slowly before releasing him with a loud pop and moving to the other one. His sounds gave you confidence and you flicked your tongue as you sucked, then pulled back to keep licking and kissing while you stroked him. It was hard to multitask though with how overwhelmed you were getting from his scent and his hand holding yours on his thigh and just his closeness. 
You tried not to get too embarrassed when your spit kept building up until it was covering your lips and chin, making you feel even dirtier. But you realized that you like how it feels. You like feeling filthy as you make him feel good. 
You kept mouthing at his balls, occasionally sucking on them, and he placed his free hand on your head, stroking your hair. 
“Fuck… Look at you— Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” He asked teasingly, not giving you a chance to reply before speaking again. “There’s no way this mouth belongs to my innocent little girl.” You blushed, feeling shy at the compliment. 
“Daddy…” You whined against him, never stopping the movement of your hand or mouth. 
“It’s okay, kiddo. You just keep sucking on my balls and stroking my cock. Don’t need to do anything else.” You whimpered and squirmed at his feet, quickly growing uncomfortable with the weird feeling between your legs. 
“Daddy, it hurts.” You didn’t want to disobey him by stopping right after he told you to keep going, so you barely pulled back enough to get the words out. 
“What hurts?” You whined quietly and pressed your thighs together. His gaze traveled down your body curiously. “Your cunt?” You mewled and blushed at the vulgar word, but nodded in agreement. 
“You’re a proper whore, aren’t you?” He chuckled, making you frown and pull back. 
“There’s no need to be embarrassed, baby. If sucking balls is what gets you off, that’s nothing to be ashamed of.” 
“Stop making fun of me.” You pouted, making him smile. “And ‘m not a whore.” 
“Of course you’re not a whore, princess. You’re my whore.” Your entire face heated up and the ache between your legs got infinitely worse. “Isn’t that right?” You whined quietly and he chuckled. 
“Y-yes…” You whispered. “Yours.” 
“My what?” Your expression turned into a pout and you averted your gaze. “Hm?”
“Your— your whore.” You choked out as tears welled in your eyes from the humiliation of it all.  
“Good girl. Keep going.” 
“But,” He gave you a warning look so you ignored the fire in your belly and leaned back in. Your hand picked up again as you tried new things with your mouth on his balls, making sure to repeat the ones that drew any sounds from him. There was even more saliva now and you could feel some of it dripping down your neck to your chest.
“Go a little lower now.” 
“W-what?” You choked out, trying to pull back, but he used the hand on your head to hold you there. “Relax, kiddo. Just a little bit.” He explained, but you were still apprehensive. He pushed you down until your chin hit the chair then pulled you closer, burying your nose into his balls and holding you there. 
“Lick.” He demanded, but you weren’t sure what you were supposed to be licking. Since you weren’t able to question him, you just stuck your tongue out and moved it as best you could with how close he was holding you to his body. “There you fucking go.” He groaned, bucking his hips against your face. 
“So fuckin’ filthy.” He said through a breath. Despite the degrading words he used, his tone was full of admiration and pride. “Covered in your own spit as you lick my taint.” He chuckled, voice a little darker now. “Work your way back up slowly.” He lessened the pressure on your head and you gave one last lick before moving up to his balls, mouthing at them for a few seconds, then kissing up his length until you reached the tip. You pulled back and looked up at him, waiting for the next instruction eagerly. 
“…I’m on the fence about teaching you this.” You furrowed your brows in confusion. 
“What is it?”
“It’s not necessary for a good blow job, you can leave a guy plenty satisfied with what I’ve taught you so far, but this just makes it even better.” You wanted to make him feel even better so there wasn’t any doubt in your mind. 
“Please teach me?” You asked, even though you still weren’t really sure what he was talking about. 
“Are you sure?”
“Please, daddy.” You whined. 
“Okay, princess. Hands off.” You let go of his cock and placed your hand on his thigh. “Open.” Your mouth fell open and he adjusted so he was gripping your hair, then slowly lowered you onto him. 
“First I want you to show me how far down you can take it.” He kept his grip on your hair, but let you move freely. Slowly forcing yourself down, you looked up at him for a moment before taking a deep breath through your nose and closing your eyes to concentrate. This is what you’re not good at. You kept going down until he brushed the back of your mouth. When you tried to move down even more, you gagged and had to pull off. 
“Good girl. Almost halfway.” You all but beamed at the praise. “I’m going to try holding you there. Pinch my thigh if it’s too much, okay?” You nodded and he gave you a small smile. “Take a deep breath.” You inhaled and let your mouth fall open, waiting for him to guide you down onto his cock. He pushed your head slowly until he reached the back of your mouth, then held you still. You were fine for a few seconds as you breathed heavily through your nose and focused on suppressing your gag reflex, but once it started, you couldn’t stop it and you had to pinch his thigh. 
“That was good, kiddo. You’re already getting better. Just try to keep your mouth open wider so your teeth aren’t touching it, okay?” 
“Okay. Sorry…” You looked away, feeling embarrassed. You didn’t know how you were supposed to open your mouth any wider when your jaw was already starting to ache because of his size. 
“Don’t apologize. You’re learning, you’re bound to make a mistake or two.” He said, easing your nerves. 
“Can I try again?” 
“Whenever you’re ready.” You sank down on his cock voluntarily this time and took deep breaths through your nose as he held you there. You didn’t want to gag, but you could feel it coming anyway. When it happened, you squeezed his thighs to keep yourself from pinching him, wanting to hold out a little longer. He shushed you and used a hand to pet your head while the other held you down as your body instinctively tried to pull up. 
“Good girl. See if you can control it.” You squeezed your eyes shut with a strangled whimper and tried to breathe slowly. “That’s it… I'm going to pull you up a little so you can take a breath.” He lifted you only an inch or so up and you heaved in a shaky breath before he pushed you back down. You weren’t expecting him to actually only let you take a single breath, so you gagged again the second he hit the back of your mouth. This time though, you gagged hard enough to make you feel like you could throw up if it happened just one more time so you pinched him and he pulled you off. 
A string of saliva connected your lips to his cock and you panted heavily, trying to catch your breath and push down the nausea. 
“I’m so proud of you, kiddo. You’re doing amazing.” It didn’t feel like you were doing amazing, but you blushed at the compliment anyway. 
“Thank you.” You rasped, giving him a small smile. He cupped your cheek, rubbing the saliva on your lips around a little as he returned the expression. 
“Keep this up and I might consider pushing your bedtime back two hours instead.” Your face lit up at that and he laughed under his breath. 
“You deserve it.” You smiled and his thumb swiped over your lips again, so you took it into your mouth and sucked lightly. “Christ— You’re going to kill me, baby.” He groaned, making you blush. “Do you think you can try something a little harder now?” 
“I think so.” You said quietly, after reluctantly pulling away from his thumb to speak. 
“I’m going to push you down farther, okay? You’ll probably gag, but I know you can take it.” He pushed your hair out of your face and gave you a reassuring smile. You nodded and moved closer to his length, taking a deep breath and waiting for him to push you down. He did it slowly and stopped once he reached the back of your mouth. Placing both hands on the back of your head, he applied more pressure, but did it quickly. You gagged instantly, but it cut off into a garbled whimper when he breached your throat barrier and pushed you all the way down until your nose was buried in his pelvis and your chin was resting on his balls. 
“Fuck— good fucking girl.” He said through a moan. You tried to stay there despite the intense need to gag, but it was quickly becoming too much. “You feel incredible, baby.” You squeezed your eyes shut, hearing him curse under his breath as you choked. When you couldn’t take it anymore, you pinched his thigh and he hesitated for a second before letting you pull off. He stroked your hair as you coughed and tried to catch your breath. You looked up at him through teary eyes and his other hand moved to cup your cheek and brush his thumb over your lips that were slick with even more saliva now. 
“How you holding up?” He asked softly and you cleared your throat before responding. 
“Good I think..” 
“Do you want to stop?” Kind of… but at the same time you wanted more. More of this— more of him. 
“No- no… I want to keep going.”
“Don’t just say that because you think it’s what I want to hear,”
“‘m not. Wanna keep going.” You whined. 
“Do you want to keep doing this or go back to what you were doing before?” He seemed to like this the most and you wanted to practice so you could get better for him. So even though your throat was already sore, you said yes. 
“Okay, baby. Whenever you’re ready.” You cleared your throat again and tried to even out your breathing before wrapping your lips around the tip again, waiting for him to push you back down. He moved you slowly until he reached the back of your mouth and you braced yourself for what was about to happen. 
Even though you were anticipating it, you still gagged when he applied more pressure, and then choked when he finally entered your throat. You were coughing and sputtering around him, each time forcing more spit out of your mouth, making your face heat up when you felt more of it roll down your neck to your chest. 
“That’s it… Good girl.” The moan that escaped you because of his praise sounded more like a garbled, incoherent sound rather than anything else. “Fuck— I’m gonna come, baby.” He groaned, making your stomach flutter. 
You wanted nothing more than to pull off so you could breathe and cough, but you wanted to let him finish. So you squeezed his thighs hard enough to make him wince and his hips flinched up, burying his cock even deeper. 
“When I pull out, keep your mouth open.” He rushed out and you could only make a strangled sound in return. His hips were rutting up into your mouth now as he kept a tight grip on your head, not letting you move when your body reflexively tried to pull away. He cursed under his breath, then let out a loud groan, and you felt heat in your throat until he pulled out. You coughed, but tried to keep your mouth open as he stroked his cock in front of you, making more come land on your tongue and around your lips. When his sounds quieted and his hand slowed to a stop, he stared down at you as he panted. 
“Swallow.” He demanded softly. You reluctantly closed your mouth and swallowed, then he swiped up the come that landed on your face and put it on your tongue for you to swallow as well. 
You tried not to let it show in your expression, but you weren’t expecting it to taste like that at all and it caught you off guard. Especially because you were expecting more of the sweet taste that the precum had. 
“Everyone tastes like that?” You asked quietly, making him chuckle. 
“I wouldn’t really know, sweetheart, but I would assume so.” He wiped your tears and the spit from your chin and your stomach fluttered again at the soft, simple action. “You did such a good job. I’m so proud, kiddo.” Your whole face flushed at the compliment, but you didn’t understand why he said it since it didn’t seem like you improved much. 
“Thank you..” You said anyway, making the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile. 
“Get up here, princess.” You immediately got giddy at the thought of being so close to him and you eagerly climbed onto the chair and straddled his legs, putting your hands on his shoulders. He rubbed up and down your thighs slowly, teasing you. 
“Do you think you’ve learned enough?” You tried not to frown at the thought of this ending so soon. 
“No…” You muttered, looking down. 
“No? What else can I teach you, baby?” He chuckled. You knew his question was rhetorical, but you answered anyway. 
“I- I don’t know how to… touch myself.” You said with a blush and his eyes widened a little. 
“You don’t touch yourself?” He asked through a breath, almost completely frozen. 
“I’ve tried… I just end up feeling awkward and dumb so I stop. But I need you, daddy, it hurts. Make it go away.” You whined, giving him puppy dog eyes and a frown. He cursed under his breath and closed his eyes for a moment, his grip tightening on your thighs. 
“Fuck— fuck, okay. I’ll teach you, but after that, no more.” 
“Okay.” You agreed, even though you knew you were going to be begging him to keep going when he decided to stop. He took a deep breath and you waited anxiously for him to do something. 
“You have to start slow, build up to it. Women are different from men, they need more than we do to get started.” His hands dragged up your thighs— over your skirt— to your hips, then up your waist, and sadly back down again. 
“Don’t wanna start slow.” You whined, squirming in his lap. 
“You told me to teach you and that’s what I’m doing, princess.” You huffed and looked away from him with a pout. When he suddenly grabbed your cheeks in one hand, then turned you back to face him and pulled you closer, your breath caught in your throat. 
“I don’t want any attitude from you when I’m the one doing you a favor.” He said lowly, but you were distracted by his breath fanning your lips and his grip on your face. “I control how fast or slow we go. Do you understand?” There was that fear again, only this time you subconsciously tried to grind against him. 
“Y-yes.” You whispered, staring at him with wide eyes, getting needier and needier. “Please,” You whined, squirming again, but stopping when his hand moved down to your throat. 
“What did I just say?” He gritted. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry— But I can’t take this anymore, it’s torture!” You cried. He stared at you with a dark look that made you nervous and you waited anxiously for what was next. 
“Fine. Up.”
“Daddy…” You whined, but it cut off then he roughly grabbed your hips and lifted you to your feet. He didn’t even give you a demand before pulling you forward by your hips so that your legs were on either side of one of his. You gasped when he pulled you down and reached for his shoulders to steady yourself. “Grind on my thigh.” 
“W-what?” You choked out, eyes widening even more. 
“If you want to act like a bitch in heat, that’s how you’ll be treated. Hump my fucking thigh or we’re done for tonight.” He menaced, making your whole face heat up. You’ve never heard such degrading words before, especially not aimed at you, and even though you were probably supposed to be upset that he basically just called you a dog… you started moving your hips anyway. 
“You need to learn,” he landed a hard smack on your ass, making you cry out and tighten your grip on his shoulders, “when to fucking listen.” Another spank, this time on your other cheek. “I didn’t have to let you suck my cock, but I did…” When he hit you again, you felt tears brimming in your eyes. “I didn’t have to teach you how to deep throat,” you let out a choked sob when he hit you again, the hardest so far, “but I did.” He growled, spanking you twice in quick succession. 
“I’m sorry!” You cried, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“Look at the fucking mess you’re making.” He roughly fisted your hair and forced your head down so you could see the damp spot on his pants where you were grinding. You whined, getting so overwhelmed with the feeling between your legs and his words and his hands and just him. 
“Get the fuck up.” He suddenly said, making your heart drop. Was he going to leave you like this? All needy and achy?
“Daddy, ‘m sorry.” You whimpered, staring at him with puppy dogs eyes and a pout. In response, he just lifted you off of him by your hips and stood up. You protested with a whine, but it cut off when he pushed you in front of the desk and roughly forced your chest down on it. You tried lifting yourself up, but he just placed a firm hand between your shoulder blades and forced you back down. 
“Stay.” He growled, making you stiffen. He flipped your skirt up and you squirmed with a low whine. “No shorts?” He spanked you again and you quickly scrambled for purchase on the desk. When he roughly groped your ass, you let out a quiet moan and squeezed your thighs together, but he kicked your legs apart, not letting you have any relief. 
“Daddy…” You whined, but it cut off into a yelp when he spanked you again. He roughly cupped your sex and you mewled in response as you pushed your hips back. 
“Such a needy fucking pussy for a virgin.” He gruffed, making you blush, but it only intensified when he pulled your panties to the side. 
“Fuck…” He muttered, then dragged a finger through your slit, spreading your arousal. “Fuck!” You jumped at the sudden increase in volume. Was he mad? He sounded like he was quickly losing his composure and you weren’t exactly sure why or how you could help him. 
“Shut up.” He hissed, roughly gripping your underwear and pulling until he ripped it off of you. “Just shut the fuck up.” 
“Mmph!” He shoved your panties in your mouth before you could even register what was happening. He ignored you and roughly groped your ass again, pulling you apart to spread your holes and cursing under his breath. When wetness and heat replaced the chilly air on your clit, your hips flinched back toward the pleasure as a surprise moan escaped you. 
He licked over you slowly, still having a firm grip on your ass to keep you spread open. Moving up to your hole, he licked and sucked, making a loud, vulgar slurping sound that had you whining from embarrassment. 
You whimpered, hiding your burning face in your arms. He lapped up your arousal for a while before going back down to your clit and sucking it into his mouth. You choked on a whimper at the sudden, intense pleasure, making him chuckle against you. 
Your knees shook and you moved your hands to grip the desk, trying to ground yourself, but it was just so fucking intense. Eventually, your legs got too weak to hold you up and all of your weight was resting on the desk with the hard wood digging into your hip bones painfully. 
You whimpered, feeling your stomach tighten with arousal even more, but let out an anguished sob when he suddenly pulled back. Your head was spinning with how fast he lifted you off of the desk and sat you down on his chair, removing the makeshift gag.
He pulled your hips to the edge and dove back in eagerly. Your hands landed in his hair as you rocked your hips against his face, moaning and whining at the new feeling— you could already tell you were getting addicted. Moving down to your hole, he lapped up your arousal and rubbed his thumb over your clit, making your stomach feel even tighter.  
“If you let that… that fucking pervert anywhere near you I swear to god you won’t be able to sit for a fucking week.” He growled and you moaned at his words as well as the sudden possessiveness in his tone. “This pussy is mine. Do you understand?” You mewled and tugged his hair, trying to pull his mouth back on you, but he was stronger. 
“Y-yes. Yours, daddy.” You whined, tugging harder. “Please!” You cried, when he still wouldn’t give in. “It’s yours, daddy! I’m all yours.” You sobbed out, grinding your hips in hopes of getting the stimulation back. 
“Pull your shirt up.” He gruffed, only leaning back down after you obeyed. His mouth took over his thumb again and he reached up to grope your breast as he sucked on your clit in an almost feral manner. “Who’s tits are these?” He mumbled against you, starting to toy with your nipple now. 
“Who’s allowed to see them?” He switched hands, giving your other nipple the same treatment. 
“Only you.” You said through a breath, feeling the coil in your stomach get impossibly tighter. 
“Who’s allowed to touch them?” 
“Only you, daddy. Please!” He didn’t respond, he just worked harder and faster on your clit until you fell over the edge. You sobbed out a moan and pulled on his hair hard enough to make him hiss in pain. But that was overshadowed by the feeling flooding your entire body, making you tremble and writhe as you rutted against his face. You weren’t lying when you said you don’t touch yourself, but now that you know what an orgasm feels like? You might start trying honestly. 
Once your body sagged into the chair and your sounds died down, he pulled back, his lips and chin glistening. You were panting, still trying to calm down even though you were practically dizzy with pleasure. You felt warm hands running up and down your thighs, soothing you, and you gave him a dopey smile as your eyes fluttered open to look down at him. 
“You’ve got quite the grip on you, kiddo.” He chuckled, making you blush and loosen your hands in his hair. 
“Sorry.” You said sheepishly, trying to rub his scalp a little to soothe the ache he must be feeling from you pulling so hard. 
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded wordlessly. “I… I didn’t mean to get so harsh. I just worry.” 
“I know, it’s okay. I won’t go near him.” It felt like you were hit with a wave of exhaustion all of a sudden. Is that what orgasms do? Make you sleepy?
“Good girl. You tired?” When you nodded, he chuckled quietly. “Let’s get you cleaned up really quick. Wait here.” As if you could stand on your wobbly legs. You thought with an internal scoff. He left the room and returned with a damp washcloth a minute later. He started with your face, gently wiping the mascara from under your eyes and the dried spit around your mouth, trailing down your chest. Once that was cleaned up, he went even lower. You jolted when the cloth brushed over your folds. 
“I’ll be quick.” He said, trying to soothe you. He wiped the area gently and you couldn’t help the quiet moan that slipped out when he brushed your clit. “None of that.” He reprimanded you softly and with a smile. When he finished, he pulled your top back down and fixed your skirt. 
“Do you still want that hot chocolate and movie?” You nodded with a lazy smile and he chuckled before picking you up and carrying you to the living room. He set you down on the couch gently and laid a blanket over you, then kissed the top of your head. As he was walking to the kitchen, your brain was already starting to come up with new ways to get this to happen again. You still have so much to learn, after all. 
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arjwrites · 3 months
Close- Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader breaks her arm on a hunt and needs some somewhat intimate assistance. Who does she ask for help but Sam Winchester, with whom she shares a silent, mutual pining???? Warnings: Injury, nudity. No smut just fluffy awkwardness!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There was a soft knock at Sam’s door, teeming with hesitance. 
“Hey, Sam?” 
You popped your head into Sam’s room, hoping he wouldn’t be busy or asleep or otherwise predisposed to deny your somewhat… delicate request.
“Hey kiddo, how’s the arm feeling?” Sam was sat hunched at the desk, buried in a pile of books, bathed in the warm light from the desk lamp. You could feel the concern in his eyes as he peered at up at you, causing you to shift under his intense gaze.
“Pretty sore but could be much worse, thanks for asking.” You mumbled, leaning on your good shoulder just inside the doorframe. You had broken your arm on last week’s hunt after being thrown down a flight of stairs by a spirit. Ouch. You were lucky to get away with injuries as minor as you had, but this whole sling situation was frustrating to say the least.
Sam watched your eyes traverse his room, searching for anything to say. A beat of silence passed, just long enough to make things slightly uncomfortable. Finally, when you managed to open your mouth to speak, it hung open for a moment before any words found their way to the surface. 
“Uh, so, I was hoping to ask you for a favor. If you’re not busy, of course. It’s totally fine if you can’t and I can ask Dean or-” 
“Of course, how can I help?” Sam was always eager to do anything for you, you knew that. 
“Well, uh, I just needed some help… Since I can’t take off this sling and don’t want to get the bandages wet, um, I have a hard time showering, and since it’s my right arm… It’s hard to…do the things I need to do… Could you help me, uh, take a bath?” 
Sam’s eyes widened a bit, unintentionally. 
“I know it’s kind of an awkward ask. Really, I can figure it out on my own or ask-”
“No, of- of course. I’m happy to. Well, not happy- I mean, you know what I mean. I can help you.” Sam was innocent and sweet and nervous and everything you should have known he would be. You took a deep breath, not sure if it was a sigh of relief or an anxious gasp. 
“Thank you so much. I’m… going to go start the water.” You raced out of the room, shutting it behind you, face already beet red. 
After starting the water and sitting in your own embarrassment for a few moments, you heard a soft knock at the door. After you vocalized your permission, in came Sam. He had shed his heavy flannel and was now wearing a dark t shirt and a sheepish expression.
“Hey, Sam. Thanks for doing this, really.” The response that escaped your lips was barely above a whisper. 
“Of course, anything you need. You know that.” Everything Sam said was punctuated with a kind smile, but his nerves radiated off of him in waves. You two sat in that feeling for a moment, taking a beat of silence, before your voice sliced through the tension.
“Okay, um, I’m going to take off my robe, if that’s okay.” 
“Oh God. Uh, yeah. Okay.” His eyes darted to the ceiling as you slipped the robe off your shoulder, using your good arm to gather and drape it over the counter. Alright, here goes nothing. 
You truly couldn’t have asked for Sam to be any sweeter about the whole situation. From the second he gave you his arm and lowered you down into the bathtub, he was the pinnacle of respectful. To be fair, it started out pretty awkward. Sam had asked your permission before every slight movement (“Is it okay if I do your arm now?”), and his eyes were glued firmly behind you, due to both a regard for your privacy and his usual butterflies around you. You two had always had a very close friendship, but Sam had always felt something more for you. He found himself so compelled to you in so many ways, and so deeply attracted to you. However, he had never thought that this would be the way he first saw you naked. It felt wrong for him to take any liberties with it, so he did all he could to prevent his eyes from wandering. He tried his best to carry out his task without casting his gaze towards you, but when his blind attempts at washing your left arm had sent soap bubbles flying into your mouth and eyes, you had to intervene.
“Sam, it’s okay. You can look.”
“Oh! Yeah, right, of course.” 
It took a few minutes for Sam to adjust. His hand often hovered for a moment before settling onto your skin, as if he was afraid to touch you- and in many ways, he was. This was the closest you two had ever been. If he made contact too quickly, he felt like you may disappear. And, he knew how exposed you felt, in more ways than one. You were never one to let your guard down, to let people in, to bare it all to them (literally, in this case). He knew how difficult it was for you, how you hated being injured and thus dependent on someone else to help you when you were vulnerable. So he took things easy at first.
The uneasiness of the situation dissipated into the water alongside the soap that rolled off your skin. You sat there while Sam washed your back, running the warm soapy washcloth back and forth in a gentle rhythm. He massaged the fragrant shampoo into your scalp and you felt your eyes roll back into your head. This was so different for you. You had always had a nagging feeling in your chest about Sam. You loved to watch how he cared for each and every person around him, so selfless, so sweet. You just never thought you’d be on the receiving end of it in such a personal way- especially because you two were just friends. You had always thought that was all you’d be, that he’d never see you the same way you did him. So of course, you were nervous to be this vulnerable in front of him. Once you both had relaxed a bit, though you had really let yourself start to enjoy it, and unbeknownst to you, so did Sam. For you, it felt so nice to have someone taking care of you in the way Sam did. And for Sam, it felt nice to be so close to you and to help you out when you were in need. 
The bathroom was silent besides the occasional splash of the water and the low, baritone tune Sam hummed- it was something you didn’t recognize, but it made the moment feel almost intimate. This moment was incredibly vulnerable and unlike any situation the two of you had found yourselves in before. So when his voice broke through with an, “Uh, alright, all done,” you didn’t really want it to end. 
After draining the tub and carefully bringing you back to your feet, Sam helped you dry off and tie the robe back to your body. The humidity was thick in the air, and with it hung a palpable tension between the two of you. Though it was just a favor between friends, it felt as though the very foundation of your relationship had shifted. Looking up to Sam with wide and honest eyes, you spoke.
“Sam, really, thank you for helping me. I honestly was scared if I asked Dean he'd have been a weirdo about it,” you laughed a little, slightly masking your sincerity. 
“Thank you for trusting me to do that. You know I’d do anything for you.”  Without thinking, you dove headfirst into Sam’s chest for a hug- though you only had one arm to do it with. Sam recognized your gesture and wrapped two large arms around your frame, savoring another precious chance to have you close. Up until now, these moments had been few and far between. But something had shifted. You both had a feeling you’d be finding yourself close much more often. A/N: MY FIRST PUBLISHED FIC! I've been in a very creative writing-y mood as of late, and wanted to dabble into the world of SPN fic. There is definitely more to come. Feel free to leave feedback!! Hope you enjoyed <3
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stargirlstabber · 3 months
hi, i’m sorry if this a tad weird i’ve never really written a request before (i hope you can forgive me😭) but i’ve been thinking WEEKS now about simon with a single!mon reader but her kid is not a baby or little child. instead it’s a teenager, around 13-16 years maybe…
it’s all i can think about lately because, how would simon treat the child, how would he try to ‘gain their trust’ but also, how would the child react to their mother having a boyfriend? are they protective, or happy or sad, angry?
i hope this is not too much and it’s absolutely okay if you don’t write about thinks like that but i just needed to share it with someone😭
have a good day, i like you🫶🏼
awww anon this is so cuuute, thank you. it's not weird by any means. you may have a good day as well ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
simon with a single!mom girlfriend
featuring. simon riley
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simon riley... he thinks he's so bad with kids, not sure if he treats them right. that's why he didn't want any kids himself.
but well... then you appeared in his life. with a 15 year old child from your marriage. failed marriage.
he'd try everything to get on their good side and build up a friendship with your teenager.
if it's a girl he'd watch tutorials on how to style hair or how put on nail polish.
on the other side if its a boy, he'd play football with him or basketball, buy him a new skateboard, ...
whatever a kids heart desires, he will do it
at first he was actually scared your kiddo wouldn't like him or would be dismissive
but it turned out the two of them became best friends
they spend lots of time together and sometimes you ask yourself whose boyfriend simon was; yours or from your kid with how much they are together
your kid's happy for you two and simon is happy
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