#maybe we can see him again in the next pokemon movies
spkyart · 1 year
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Listen up! My endless love for Pokémons started from the anime, so I can be emotional about It
It's been a long ride Ash, goodbye, you are the very best. 🥹
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innytoes · 7 months
33 for callexie (caleb/alex/willie)? ;D
Willie had the perfect plan, okay? It didn't matter that maybe he'd taken one too many Benadryl. He was sure Tomorrow Willie would absolutely agree with his flawless decision making skills.
Like that time he painted his entire kitchen red. Like sure, the next day he'd been kind of confused, but then a week later he tripped while holding a bowl of tomato soup and you couldn't even see the stains! Benadryl Willie was brilliant.
So of course he wouldn't regret crawling across the fire escape, jimmying open the window of his very cute neighbours' place, and all but throwing himself and his laptop (very important!) through.
"Oh hey, you're having dinner, perfect!" Willie beamed at the surprised faces. The lights were all off, except for some candles on the table, which was perfect. That would mean they could see his presentation all the better.
Alex looked positively angelic in the candlelight, his eyes wide and his hair like liquid gold. The shadows made Caleb's jaw look even more perfect, and his eyes seemed to be sparkling with amusement. Probably amusement, right? Willie was a funny guy. Which was point seven!
"Anyway, you can keep eating while you listen," he said, dragging over one of the bar stools from the kitchen to their table. He propped the laptop on top, flipping it open so they could see the first slide.
"Anyway here is my Powerpoint on why you should date me," he started, jabbing the button. The first slide wooshed away with a fun sound effect. "Number one, I am very pretty. Case in point." He clicked again, and some shirtless selfies appeared.
"What the hell is happening," Alex whispered.
"Point one b, I also have very pretty and pettable hair. And abs. Unless I just ate pizza or something." The next slide showed off both. "And a cute butt." He hadn't been able to take a proper picture of that, but he turned a little so they could see his butt anyway. "See?"
"Let him finish, darling, he obviously put work into this," Caleb whispered back.
"Thank you," Willie said, before clearing his throat. "Point Two. You both keep inviting me over to dinner and smiling at me and when we bump into each other in the hall we can talk like forever and we just seem to click and vibe.'
The last slide with his abs disappeared, replaced by one that said VIBES in comic sans. Because that was supposed to be the most easy to read font out there. Or something.
"Number three, I am an excellent boyfriend. I will remember your birthday and get you flowers except I won't because I know Alex is allergic but I'm learning how to make origami flowers except don't tell Alex that it's a surprise for his birthday which by the way is July 19th," he rambled. He clicked the button again, because he was pretty sure there were more reasons he was a good boyfriend.
"Oh, right! I make a mean breakfast in bed and also I totally believe in fair division of labour meaning I will do the dishes because I know Caleb secretly hates them because they make his hands wrinkly but also you can't just put wine glasses in the dishwasher."
"You're absolutely right," Caleb agreed.
"Don't encourage him!" Alex hissed.
"Point... um..." He clicked the power point again. "Five. Right. I am amazing in bed. Ten out of ten ex boyfriends agree. Or they would if I had ten. I have four. They're all great, except for Joey Keaton, but I never slept with him anyway because we were both twelve and he dumped me because I wouldn't give him my shiny Charizard Pokemon card."
A picture of his shiny Pokemon Card, which he still owned (suck it Joey!) popped up on the screen.
"You skipped point four," Alex pointed out, and Willie blinked. He went back a slide. Then forward again. Then back.
"Okay point four is your eyes are very pretty and I want to kiss you," he said resolutely. "Anyway point six! If you date me you will always have a tie breaker. If you can't pick a restaurant? TIE BREAKER! Not sure what movie to watch? Tie breaker! Also you need like three people to play Twister which is also very important. Point seven is I'm very funny and eight is... oh that's a picture of the raccoon who comes by the dumpster sometimes to see if there's pizza. We're friends. He can vouch for me. Point nine is I'm great in bed and also very cute."
Was it just him or was the room getting all spinny? He swayed a little, and Caleb caught his arm.
"You're strong," he said, smiling. "That's not a point, though. I mean it's a point on why I wanna date you, but I didn't get to that PowerPoint yet."
"Why don't you sit down," Caleb said, gently settling him down in his chair. Alex looked even prettier from across the table.
"You're even prettier from this angle," he told Alex.
"I- thank you?" Alex said. "Are you okay?"
"Peachy!" Willie said. Oh man, this food smelled so good. He took a bite. "I'm not done though. I still have to get to point twenty four, which is super important. I give really good hugs. You like hugs don't you?"
"Willie, did you take something?" Caleb asked gently. His hand was on Willie's back and it was warm and he leaned into it. That was nice. He was kind of cold. And shivering a little. Haha.
"No, I don't do that anymore, I have a real job now," he said. "And an apartment. And I can buy my own food and clothes and treats for Throckmorton - that's the raccoon by the way, I'll introduce you if you want."
"Did you ingest any substances?" Caleb tried again.
"I took some Benadryl," Willie said. "And some of this pasta. It's really good, have you tried it? Anyway, point... point ten. I'm a good cook. I know how to make eggs like five different ways, and that's not even including French Toast!"
"How about you come lie down on the couch for a moment?" Caleb asked.
"I feel like you’re not taking this PowerPoint presentation about why you should date me very seriously," Willie pouted. He'd worked very, very hard on it.
"How about we go sit on the couch to look at the rest, huh?" Alex said. Alex was so smart. "I'll carry your laptop, okay?"
They sat down on the couch, and Alex put the laptop on the coffee table. Willie nodded, ready to go back to his presentation, but then Caleb wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and kept his arm there, and Alex gently brushed the hair off his forehead - and rested it there for a moment, which was nice. He leaned into the touch.
"You're burning up," Alex said.
"Yeah, I'm hot, that was like point one, do I have to start over?" Willie asked. He tried to reach his laptop with his foot. He hadn't bothered to put on shoes, so his fun socks were showing. "Oh, I didn't even include that on the PowerPoint. I have lots of cool socks. See, these are of cats in space."
"They're very nice," Alex agreed, gently tipping him over into Caleb. "Why don't you tell us all about your socks? How many pairs do you have?"
"Well, I have the cats in space, and dogs in space, and raccoon socks, and skateboards, and little hotdogs, and..." Slowly, his brain started to shut down, but that was okay, because Caleb was warm and comfy, and Alex was holding his hand, and he was pretty sure the sock argument was winning them over more than point twelve (I give great head!) and thirteen (I'm great at keeping plants alive! Look at my spider plant!).
And okay, when he woke up twelve hours later feeling like death, on a couch that was more comfortable than his own bed, with two very handsome and very doting neighbours willing to feed him soup and nurse him back to health, he had to admit that maybe Benadryl Willie had been right about something.
Because he did leave that apartment with two boyfriends.
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 3
Picking up where we left off, I decide to do some last minute exploring around Aspertia City and managed to get an ultra ball! I think its only available from an npc in one of the houses after you beat the gym. Still happy I chose to explore. An ultra ball is a pretty good item this early in the game.
Heading towards Virbank from Aspertia I KO a few wild pokemon on the way. Once on my way out of Floccesy town Bianca catches up. Turns out she wants to update our pokedex to add a habitat feature which helps figure out which pokemon are in an area.
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She also tells us about rustling grass which is one of hte only ways to get certain pokemon in this game. I will likely be including such pokemon in the polls in the future.
Once we get onto route 20 a hiker is blocking our path and wont let us through without a gym badge. When we show him we have one he immediately starts a battle.
He starts with a riolu and I send out aries. Riolu hits with a quick attack while I have Aries use cotton spore to slow it down. I then use thunderwave to paralyze the little tyke. Riolu used foresight making Aries easier to hit and followed up with endure. Aries used thundershcok to deal some damage but while it does decent damage its not enough to get into the red. Riolu hits with another quick attack and I have Aries use thundershock again. This gets riolu in the red. I try to finish him off with tackle but he uses endure before I can, letting him hang on by 1 hp. Paralysis keeps riolu from counterattacking though so Aries next tackle takes him out.
After that I head down the stairs and run into Hugh and Cheren again. Cheren tells us about the dark grass where you can sometimes face 2 pokemon instead of just 1 and they can be stronger than regular pokemon. He then gives us some Pecha berries and takes off.
I decide to have Aries beat up a small childs psyduck for exp. I mean, there IS going to be another gym coming up. With that concious clearing thought I beat up a little girls lillipup.
This is pokemon. You gotta harden your heart a little XD
After beating up several little childrens pets Bentley winds up at level 15 and Aries at level 13. On our way through the gate to Virbank the desk lady stops me, judges me by the number of pokemon I have and gives me some great balls.
I mean I'm not saying no to free stuff but still
Not two steps into Virbank and our mom calls. UUUUUGH I'm only one town over MOM. I even have a murder bean and an electricfied wool blanket to keep me safe! LET ME LIVE MY LIFE.
Good thing we hung up on ma when we did or else we wouldn't get to see this juicy drama unfold.
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This guy wants to be both a ship captain AND movie star!
Yeah home boy dream BIG
But his... daughter? tells him how hes already a captain with, like, responsibilities and stuff and how if he doesnt move his ship stuff will go bad. But daddy-boy has a good comeback. evidently his daughter is the gym leader but also a member of a band. If she can do it why can't he? He then swaggers off like a BOSS
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ROXIE! That is no way to speak to your father!
Maybe I should go to the gym and teach her a leson about respecting her elders.... later. I gotta heal up the team at the pokecenter. Plus, honestly? This is the first town I've been to on my own. Imma EXPLORING.
And with that I do things like talk to strangers, find "antidotes" in trash cans, be given burn medicine, pokeballs by complete strangers, etc.
I'm also going to go play in a construction zone and (checks polls) try and catch a growlithe! This is also the first area where shaking grass becomes available which means Audino is now available for grin training which is going to come in handy down the line. At the moment though I really don't want to over level my team so I think I may try prioitizing catching a growlithe over trainer battles for as long as I can. Although I am going to opt to hunt for a growlithe in the dark grass to both increases my chances for an encounter, as well as increase my chances for a higher level growlithe.
Not only do I eventually successfully encounter a growlithe, but the very start of the fight lets me see that it has the Intimidate ability which is arguably one of the great core abilities of the game.
I have Bentley at the front of the party so he is sent out first but I pretty quickly swap into Aries to paralyze Growlithe. Plus this Growlithe is level 14 so using Aries, who is one level under it, might be the better call. It helps that fire types take neutral damage to electric as well. Although the fact htat its raining in gme may change that a bit. After two thundershocks and taking a couple of embers Aries successfully gets Growlithe into the yellow. Not wanting to repeat Bentleys murder spree from earlier, and wanting a new team member of the poison type gym, I opt to go ahead and try throwing a great ball. (I'd like to save the ultra ball I got in Aspertia for later potential catches).
And with that our little lady Growlithe is caught!
In a bit of selfish irl insertment I've opted to name this little spitfire after my families elderly dog. (I'm not the first person to name one of their pokemon after an irl pet and I wont be the last)
Course after giving it such a personal name I was relieved to see she had a Hardy nature and could fit into the team dynamic!
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Welcome to the team Molly!
With Molly successfully caught, I can now safely construct and release the next set of catching polls! Once I have those posted up, I'm going to go ahead and play through the Virbank Complex more or less on my own so i can train up my team in preparation for Roxies gym battle!
For now though I'm going to end this post here and we'll be able to tackle Roxies gym battle, POkestar studios, and potentially the beginnings of Castelia City in the next part!
Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for those polls!
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weebsinstash · 1 year
All I can say is that if Batman reader ever tried to commit “sewerslide” after being trapped, they better hope they’re successful because the after effects from the family would be insane
I mean, hypothetically, even IF Reader did die, Bruce could always idk infiltrate or cut a deal of some sort with Ra's al Ghul to dip your corpse into his magic McDonald's sprite and bring you back
But I imagine you'd basically lose every last bit of privacy. Someone would be with you at all times, even in the bathroom and when bathing, like being on suicide watch. Certain materials and media you're allowed to consume become heavily restricted based on the contents (for example if you cut yourself, suddenly Bruce doesn't think it's appropriate for you to play video games where they use blades and swords, or maybe even things like pokemon "hey, what did that move just say?" "Uhhh leaf cutter?" "Absolutely not") because "oh no what if that makes them think bad thoughts and they wanna hurt themselves again" and tv can be equally as unpredictable so they probably only let you watch certain things on streaming services that have clear ratings, or maybe they even look up spoilers and "research" before letting you watch anything. ("Oh sorry we WERE gonna let you watch that critically acclaimed movie about the deaf girl and the bully, but apparently there's attempted suicide so, let's watch Ponyo instead")
Your diet would probably drastically change in the sense that they suddenly won't let you use knives and forks. If you want meat it will usually be in a stew so you can use a spoon or a soft meatloaf (you know Alfred got that bomb cooking), Dick will spoil you with your favorite ice cream and soft pastries constantly like he's trying to buy your love with it, for some reason they don't like it when you use chopsticks either. What, do they think you're going to stab your eye out or something ���� or maybe you casually make that joke once when they let you use the chopsticks and they all look deadly serious and suddenly you never use chopsticks ever again 💀
They'd be extremely clingy and all manifesting their trauma in different ways. Maybe Bruce is constantly not around because he's basically being Batman 24/7 so he can "clean up the streets and make this city a safer place for you" (especially if your mental break was connected to a villain in any way, like the concussion idea I discussed) but he makes sure to be at dinner with you or check on you at least once a day. If you were going to school with Dick and Barbara like in the age regression idea, maybe one or even both of them start doing classes from home so you aren't as lonely and excluded because, obviously you are not really allowed to leave the manor, let alone the property anymore. Maybe Bruce straight up pulls you out of school and says to focus in your health and you can just collect all those credits and such and finish it later and it's like sorta helping but also making you feel like a failure
Also tons of cuddles and hugs and platonic kisses and you probably aren't allowed to sleep alone. Maybe in the rare instances Bruce actually sleeps he comes into your room to male sure you're sleeping soundly and he'll fall asleep in a chair in the corner (because he doesn't want to wake you 🥺)
For that idea and also the next one, I've also thought of the potential use of J'onn or M'gann as Martians, or even Zatanna, if Bruce is ever like, intent on getting into your head, accessing your memories, accessing your thoughts. Maybe when you have your mental break Martian Manhunter is there as a good friend to Bruce to let him know how you genuinely didn't want to hurt anyone 🥺 if you go mute or even catatonic, there's Miss Martian to maybe see that traumatic memory permanantly plastered in the forefront of you mind replaying over an over, something that absolutely broke you, maybe even something Bruce doesn't even know about
(Actually this isn't the "next idea" I was mentioning before but I've also thought of "Reader is actually good friends with Bruce/the League/basically an extended Batfam member but you bounce to another universe one day and come back a wounded traumatized mess and it turns out you were with Owlman or something and Bruce kind of terrifies you now because they look and sound the exact same, and also, universal constants so 'your' Batman is also crazy for you and now he wants to "rescue" you")
And for real though, I have actually also sat down and thought about Reader/OCs who were sidekicks or Batfam member who had to be sent to Arkham 👀 I dunno it's something about the drama and possession but idk also helplessness of them "caring" but helping you in such an extreme way (even if maybe it's what you need)
Like, say you're a Batfamily member or fellow Justice Leaguer and Bruce can tell you're starting down a mental decline. More stressed, more depressed, isolating yourself more, but you keep pushing yourself to do hero work. You start doing things he doesn't agree with, getting too rough, almost going way too far and being caught and stopped by him more than once. He's actually worried about you, but you won't confide in him, especially if you're just another superhero and not exactly "under his care". you're more independent and don't want THE Batman being disappointed in you. You don't want to have to be rescued
But eventually there's some sort of horrible breaking point, whether something awful is done to you and you completely snap or you've suffered a terrible lose or failure (like say you failed to save someone and they died, or you failed to save a LOT of someones) or you're exposed to Joker venom or Scarecrow's fear gas (I actually have some ideas for that gas ngl 👀) and you're just straight up hallucinating. You were already starting to act out and become aggressive and with your skill and depending on preference, superpowers, you could start causing real damage. You're hallucinating being attacked, and send out a force of energy to blast whoever that attacker is away, and you just tear up a city block with people still on it. Bruce or Clark or someone tries to come up and talk to you, but all your brain interprets is someone is chasing you, you have to get away, they're going to hurt you, you have to run, you have to fight back, you have to PANIC--
Arkham IS an asylum, and it's used for housing the dangerous and powerful. What else can they do? A hospital wouldn't have the security or facilities to contain you, unless they had members of the Justice League with you on standby to literally restrain you if needed, and, they've got important duties of their own. Bruce tries to visit you constantly as Batman, as the one who brought you in, but you usually refuse to speak with him or cower at the sight of him. You're kept isolated from the other patients who would absolutely tear you apart if you were allowed to walk amongst them, but you're treated well besides perhaps being forcibly medicated which is only as violent as you make it. But it's a hospital, not a prison. The asylum staff feel horrible you're even there, sympathetic. I mean, after what happened to their coworker Doctor Quinzel they would know about good people succumbing to their mental illness
You're finally showing signs of improvement and they go to release you and you've requested to be put in a halfway house or some sort of program to be independent on your own rather than be released into anyone's custody and who is there waiting outside the asylum for you? Batman. And you're either one of two ways: you're humiliated to see him and kind of want to be left alone but reluctantly go with him bc you dont have a choice, OR youre filled with absolute terror and ready to go back into the hospital because you don't want him to "get you" (which unbeknownst to everyone is true, he's totally there to take you "back home", not escort you to your next destination like they all are fooled to believe)
It's genuinely a lose-win no matter what. I mean, you can't escape, but, at least he's more than just a little dedicated to taking care of you 😅
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doggirldick · 9 months
i was writing tags on that last post and had a childhood nostalgia moment so here's a little storytime about my childhood and early games i played. ehem
imagine you are a little child. you have a ps2 that your dad left behind when he fucked off. your exposure to video games is shitty ps2 movie tie-in games.
your primary school is in a tiny village out in the english countryside.
they had an afterschool 'club' that was really just 2 mothers of kids at the school babysitting kids whose parents couldn't pick them up immediately. image you are there every single school day bc school finishes at 3pm and you are growing up with a working class single mum whose always working long hours to keep a roof over your head because your shitty father doesn't pay child support.
the club's in the school assembly hall so there's a lot of room to run round. they have a table with paper and pencils and felt tips so kids can sit and draw. they have a table with a box full of a mix of lego and mega blocks. there is one empty table just for whatever. in one corner, there is a little crt with a built-in vcr on the floor with some shitty old kids movies on vhs next to it, there are a few beanbags borrowed from the school library (a tiny room that can hardly be called a library but whatever) in front of the tv.
you're an undiagnosed autistic 5 year old that just moved to this school so you just sit in silence playing with lego by yourself and pissing yourself cause you're too autistic to ask to go to the bathroom.
one day. they get an old ps1 for the tv. 3 whole games and no memory card yippeeeee.
the games?
Action Man: Destruction X (anyone remember action man? i had this one doll that came with a snowmobile he could ride that fired giant snowballs out the sides and he had a hole in the back of his head so you could see through the visor on his helmet, it was the COOLEST toy when i got it).
Tweenies: Game Time (if you were a british kid in the early 2000s too poor for cable or whatever, chances are you grew up watching cbeebies and cbbc, maybe citv. my memory is vague but back before the digital switchover and the reign of freeview, when all we had was like 5 analogue channels, when i was young enough to watch cbeebies, i'm pretty sure they had like a cbeebies block and a cbbc block on bbc two in the morning before school)
RAYMAN. finally. a game that wasn't a tie-in, and not only that but it offered passwords in addition to saving so even though we didn't have a memory card, we could write a password down.
rayman was magical. beautifully drawn and animated. to my little child eyes it was just like a cartoon. it was also hard as balls so even with our passwords, we never got very far at all but i was obsessed. whiling away the hours after school fumbling around the first few levels every day. one time an older kid who was actually good at video games was at the club and made some actual progress while i watched mesmerised, had my mind blown when he got the helicopter hair powerup thing.
i later got a ds lite and the first game i got was rayman ds which was a ds port of rayman 2. fucking awesome. got stuck for a while until someone told me that if you let the walking shell chase you in a circle, it gets tired and you can ride it. COOLEST SHIT EVER. got stuck again cause i always got lost in the fire temple place and then on time i got jumpscared by one of those fucking scary bastards popping out from behind a rock and i didn't want finish it until years later when i got an action replay lol.
i stopped playing rayman bc someone let me play new super mario bros on their ds and then i got obsessed with mario until pokemon entered my life and platinum released here may 22nd 2009, the day before my 10th birthday and guess what my dad got me in one of his many attempts to make me not grow up hating him.
there. i'm done. i did make friends with other regulars at the club eventually, that's how i got into pokemon. we'd pretend to be pokemon and i had a sonic oc in like 2007 i would pretend to be sometimes. my exposure to sonic was sonic gems collection for ps2 but in 2007 my dad got me a psp and sonic rivals. sonic gems collection had a museum with unlockable art and sonic rivals had unlockable cards with art so i learned about other sonic games through these images until i got internet and watched the cutscenes on youtube lmao.
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (03/09/23)
there's a jump serialization round coming up soonish with 3 new series so there's gonna be a few ending in the next couple weeks, starting today with fabricant, and then tenmaku and do retry in back to back weeks. wish it was ichinose instead of tenmaku but oh well
blue - finale/completed
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Pokemon Horizons Ep20
didn't like this episode at all. I was excited for horizons since ash FINALLY got retired and we were getting a female protagonist. when I saw roy I was worried riko would start getting pushed to the sidelines in favour of him, since he's just ash 2, and this episode was a lot of that. they had a contest between riko and roy and riko was winning easily, until plot armor had to come in and hand roy the victory, she could've won but hesitated seeing roy being so into it. and then they battle kabu and a gym trainer, only for riko to throw the match she coulda easily won, against the trainer since she needed to win it. and then we had all these lines from kabu telling her "hey maybe you could do something else you don't need to do battles just cause you're a trainer" it's just like I said months ago. it's just extremely lame and cowardly but I guess I expected too much from the pokemon anime
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Atelier Ryza Ep10
last week I said they may have been deviating from the game but they're back on track in this one. tho the game still didn't have lila and empel going into the woods, unless I completely missed that when I was looking at the playthrough last week. anyway, lots of cute ryza faces in this ep so that was good. considering where we are, and where the anime is gonna end, I wouldn't be too surprised if they announced another season for like summer or fall next year, to cover the rest of the game, but we'll see
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Zom 100 Ep6
nice ep, idk if it'll happen but I hope akira kills the boss guy next episode would be a nice point to stop before the recap on the following week
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Fabricant 100 Ch36 (Finale)
it's finally over. tbh I kinda forgot it was gonna end this week but it did. honestly shoulda given it a 4 like alien's area but it got to run a bit longer and approach the topics it wanted to cover more so I gave it a lil bump. just like the score says it was just alright. it clumsily tried to ask the question of "what is an ideal human" or "what is it to be a human" in general and came to it's own answer
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the art wasn't bad but also nothing to write home about, the characters weren't that likeable or interesting for the most part and when the threat of cancellation started looming the story felt very rushed, not like it was much better before that when it was just "monster of the week". anyway it wasn't bad overall, unlike ichinose I didn't mind reading this every week and wouldn't mind seeing the author come back again in the future
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Blooming Love Ch12
cute chap, it's funny seeing the mcs' friends conspiring together to look out for them and ending up going on the same date as them (even if they haven't realized it yet), expecting them to become a slow burn b romance plot but also wouldn't be that surprised if they just stayed as comedic relief like this til the end
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Dandadan Ch119
the big battle is finally over so we get the good ol big feast celebration to break up the tension. it was also cute seeing the romantic tension between okarun and momo from that note she left him back in the training arc. also my guess is that the cliffhanger is just gonna be to wrap up the storyline for that youkai and she's gonna leave momo alone so we can continue the story without any loose threads
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch20
as expected, the movie's good but it has a lot of issues since it's an amateur production, but it's still nice to see hajime's (and the author's) love of movies recognized. it's a shame that it didn't last longer on the jump battlefield but oh well. looking forward to the finale next week
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Akane-banashi Ch76
good chap, highlighting how much akane's grown over the series and her peer's opinions of her, it sucks for my man here to come to this realization but it had been a long time coming
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fanfic-wonderland · 2 years
hi! i hope you’re doing great ^^ i was wondering if you could write a bts pokemon trainer au ? a yoongi x reader fluff (with a bit of angst) like a small slow burn >:) maybe both as pokemon rivals, i don’t really have a specific idea for the plot, perhaps a little slice of life during their adventure (encounter with the villains team, discovering a new city, or just following the plot of some Pokemon movies, whichever inspires you the best!) if you can, make it in the region of Kalos please <3 i hope this will help you a bit but you can totally write something different if you got another idea, take your time to write it! (you can make it as short or long as you want btw) thank you!xx
I'm so sorry for taking so long with this one 😭 anyway, I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved writing this and I want to thank you for the request! It took me a while to come up with something but I just hope that you like it 💕 (also, the reader is originally from Hoenn, I hope you don't mind that)
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Pairing: Pokémon Trainer!Yoongi X Pokémon Trainer!Reader
Summary: Before (Y/N) and Yoongi can go and challenge the Lumiose City Gym, they're forced to work together when Team Rocket stirs up trouble again.
Lumiose City. The City of Light.
(Y/N) had never seen such a bright and big city before, so much different than anything they had ever seen in Hoenn. It was almost dreamlike and they wanted to take it in as much as they could since it was still not clear how long they would be there. “Are you seeing this, Mudkip?” They asked the blue Pokémon who was also looking around while laying on their shoulder. It let out a quiet sound of awe. “It’s so beautiful!”
Everywhere they looked they saw boutiques and restaurants and any other kind of store that one could think of on every corner. People walking around them wore clothes that made them look like celebrities, and it made (Y/N) feel a bit self-conscious for a moment. Maybe they should’ve dressed better for the occasion.
The two other trainers accompanying them also looked very impressed. “Where do you think we should go first?” Joy who, unlike (Y/N), looked gorgeous dressed in all green, had the biggest grin on her face when she caught sight of a clothing boutique nearby. “I’d love to try out some new clothes, or maybe even a new hairstyle!”
“Well, I wanna go to Café Cyclone first,” Yeonjun, the tallest of the group, said while looking at his map. “It says here that people bring out all kinds of entertainment there. There’s even a guy who impersonates all Champions from every region.”
“You guys can go ahead. Mudkip and I will go straight to getting our next Gym Badge.” (Y/N) said in a determined tone. “Right, Mudkip?”
“Mud!” Mudkip exclaimed cheerfully.
“We can meet at the Prism Tower once we’re all done.”
All three of them walked in different directions, losing sight of each other in no time. It was easy when there was so much going on around them. Luckily, though, it wasn’t hard to find the tower, considering it was higher than any other building around.
“Well… here we are.” (Y/N) stared up at the tower. It seemed much bigger when they were standing right in front of it. Scarier, too, but that did not stop them. “You ready to win our third Badge, Mudkip?”
“Mudkip!” The Pokémon replied.
“That’s the spirit!”
They only took one step forward before they heard a voice coming from behind. “So, I see you’ve made it here as well.”
Although they recognized the voice, (Y/N) turned to see who it was. As expected, their biggest rival since they arrived at Kalos was standing there, hands buried in his jacket pockets while he stared at them blankly. A cute yet intimidating Meowstic was standing right next to him, folding its little arms across its chest. “Yoongi?” (Y/N) quirked a brow. “What are you doing here?”
“Same as you. I’m here to beat the Gym Leader,” Yoongi replied as if it was the most obvious thing. “Why else would I be here?”
(Y/N)’s lips formed into a teasing smile while placing one hand on their hip, the other one they used to rub their chin pretending to be deep in thought. “Well, I don’t know, maybe because you missed me too much?”
Yoongi scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself. If I knew that you were going to be here I probably would’ve arrived earlier so that I didn’t have to see your ugly face.”
“HEY, WHO ARE YOU CALLING UGLY?” They shouted angrily.
Yoongi’s smirk only made it worse; their face turned red in a matter of seconds. It had been like that ever since they met, when (Y/N) was training their newly caught Scatterbug near the Santalune City Pokémon Center. Yoongi happened to be around as well and could not help but comment on (Y/N)’s training skills, calling them “pathetic” and “useless”. Ever since then, they had been at each other's throats basically every time they'd meet. “I see you’re still as hot-headed as usual. That’s not going to help you if you want to become a Champion. I’m surprised you’ve even managed to win any Badges.”
“Yeah, well, for your information, I already have two,” (Y/N) said proudly once their anger subsided. They were not about to give him the satisfaction. In one swift movement, they took out their Badge case, which displayed the Bug Badge and the Cliff Badge that they had acquired not too long ago. Both were glistening due to being cleaned up the previous night. “and now, I’m about to get my third, so ha!”
Yoongi eyed both Badges with a tilt of his head, a low chuckle escaping his lips. “That’s cute,” he said, reaching into his own bag. “Why don’t you take a look at mine?”
He opened up his Badge case for them to see. Inside, there were the same Badges as theirs, alongside two additional ones. (Y/N) felt like their body was deflating at the sight. “Wh— four Badges already? How?!”
It was a question they mostly asked themselves but Yoongi felt obligated to answer. “I guess I’m just better than you.”
They glared at him, but he did not seem bothered. Even Meowstic was copying his facial expressions. “Oh, yeah? Well, let’s see who wins this Badge first!”
(Y/N) began practically running towards the tower, as if they had just started a race. Yoongi shook his head. “Don’t even bother with—”
But before they could go in, (Y/N) felt Mudkip slipping away from their shoulder in a swift second. When they turned back, they saw Mudkip being pulled back by an extremely long arm with a metallic hand. It let the Pokémon drop into a small steel cage that was being held by a familiar cat Pokémon. They were now aware of the giant Meowth hot air balloon floating above them. “Thanks for the gift, twerp.” The woman with long magenta hair said mockingly.
“We’ll make sure to make the best of it.” The man with a lavender bob added in a similar tone.
“Team Rocket!” (Y/N) exclaimed while glaring up at them.
“Those idiots again?” Yoongi said with wide eyes.
“Prepare for trouble!” Jessie began.
“And make it double!” James continued.
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all people within our nation—”
“MUDKIP,” (Y/N) called to the trapped Pokémon. “ARE YOU OKAY?”
The mudfish Pokémon cried out in panic, tears in the corners of its eyes.
“WE’VE BEEN WORKING HARD ON IT FOR YEARS!” James followed, sounding so upset that (Y/N) thought he was about to cry.
“YEAH. AND I DIDN’T EVEN GET TO DO MY PART!” Meowth said even louder than his teammates.
“WOOOBBUFFET!” Although (Y/N) could not understand what Wobbuffet was saying, it clearly sounded upset as well.
Yoongi stood next to them. “Hey, give Mudkip back, freaks!” he turned to Meowstic. “Meowstic, use Psybeam!”
Meowstic jumped forward and suddenly a colorful beam shot out of its paw, hitting the air balloon directly. Although it looked powerful enough to destroy it completely, the balloon remained intact. The trio suddenly laughed cruelly. “We’ve certainly seen that one before,” James said.
“That’s why this time we came prepared,” Meowth added.
“So long, twerps!” Jessie waved before the balloon started floating backward. It began to shrink in the distance as they got further and further.
“No!” (Y/N) began to run in their direction. Yoongi followed them. “They’re getting away!”
A few people nearby had begun to notice the commotion, some of them staring around in confusion while others gasped once they realized what was happening.
“(Y/N), wait!” Yoongi called. They halted their steps to turn to him, a look of desperation that made Yoongi feel… bad for them. “You’re never going to catch up to them like this.”
Their eyes suddenly welled up with tears and when they spoke up again their voice was shaky. “But they took my Mudkip…”
“I know,” Yoongi nodded. “Let me help, okay?” He took out a Poké Ball from his bag. “Noivern, come on out!”
After a bright light came out of the Ball, a large bat-like Pokémon appeared in front of them, letting out a loud cry after its release. (Y/N) gasped at the sight; they were still fairly new to the region so there were still many Pokémon they had yet to discover. “Amazing...”
‘Noivern, the Sound Wave Pokémon. A Flying and Dragon type. Noivern can fly in the dark, attacking with ultrasonic waves strong enough to crush stone. It uses its sharp fangs to defeat foes.’
Yoongi wasted no time hopping on the creature’s back, his Meowstic following along and taking a seat in front of him. “Come on.” He told (Y/N), offering his hand out to them.
Without processing what was happening, (Y/N) took his hand and hoisted themselves up and behind him. Noivern began to flap its enormous wings and soon enough they were high up in the air. It was then when (Y/N) came back to their senses, their arms wrapping around Yoongi’s torso to cling onto anything. Yoongi said nothing about that but he could feel his face getting warm all of a sudden, however, he brushed it off and went back to focus on the most important thing at the moment: rescuing his rival’s Mudkip. “Noivern, follow that balloon!”
The large Pokémon began flying in their direction, increasing speed as soon as it spotted its target. (Y/N)’s grip on Yoongi tightened as they felt the pressure of the wind on their face, but their eyes were strictly focused on the balloon, which was starting to increase size again the closer they got. Anger rose through (Y/N)’s veins and they forgot all about being countless feet above the ground. How dare they steal their Mudkip like that? The very first Pokémon they’d ever received, the one who became their most reliable partner during their long and ongoing journey.
They were now face-to-face with Team Rocket; (Y/N) saw their devilish looks quickly switch to panic once they realized that a giant Noivern was right in front of them. “All right, no more games,” Yoongi spoke up. “Give us back Mudkip!”
“After all the work we went through to make this work? We’ll pass.” Jessie stuck her tongue out mockingly at them.
Yoongi shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Fine, then we’ll have to take it away from you the hard way. Meowstic, use Telekinesis!”
The cage in Meowth’s arms suddenly began floating away from him; when all four of them tried to catch it again the cage began to move in zigzags to avoid them. It floated all the way to where the others were until it landed safely on (Y/N)’s lap. “Mudkip!” they pressed the red button on the lock and the top opened automatically. Mudkip hopped out and (Y/N) took it in their arms, nuzzling their cheeks together. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“How about we show these idiots how It’s done?” Yoongi turned his head a bit, directing his words to (Y/N). When they agreed, he looked down at his own Pokémon. “Okay, Meowstic, use Psybeam; Noivern, use Air Cutter!”
Both Pokémon obeyed without hesitation and a combination of a brightly colored beam and razor-like wind shot at the balloon. At first, it didn’t seem like anything was happening, the balloon was still intact. But, after a moment, (Y/N) noticed a bent starting to form. “Let’s help them out, Mudkip,” The mudfish Pokémon nodded. They pointed at the bad guys. “Use Hydro Pump!”
Mudkip opened its mouth and a large amount of water blasted in Team Rocket’s direction. Almost as soon as it landed a hit, a cloud of smoke covered the balloon and an explosion was heard. The impact pushed Noivern backward but it managed to keep its balance alongside everyone on board. When the smoke vanished, the balloon was no longer there, and neither were the bad guys. Instead, (Y/N) and Yoongi watched as they were blasted away from them, their final words being their typical: “Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”
Like always, Team Rocket’s plan had started out fairly strong but it was nothing the others couldn’t handle as long as they worked together.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. “Finally, they’re gone.”
They landed in front of the Prism Tower again after a few moments, the feeling of touching land again brought joy to (Y/N) and Mudkip especially. “You were great, Noivern. Thank you.” Yoongi said before the Pokémon went back to its Ball.
He stared at it for a second before looking back at (Y/N), who was still hugging Mudkip tight, as if afraid that they’ll lose it again if they let go. The scene made the faintest of smiles appear on his face. If there was anything that he was certain of about (Y/N), it was that Mudkip and their other Pokémon meant the world to them. Additionally, Yoongi understood what it was like to have a Pokémon being taken away like that —Team Rocket had attempted to take his Pokémon at some point as well— so he was glad that everything worked out in the end.
After Mudkip climbed its way up to the top of (Y/N)’s head they turned to Yoongi. They scratched the back of their head and stared down at the ground. He failed to notice the blush of embarrassment appearing on their cheeks. “Yoongi—”
Before they could speak, both of them heard the sound of applause around them. The people who had seen the entire thing go down were cheering for them like they had just given them the performance of a lifetime. It reminded (Y/N) of an audience watching a Pokémon Contest; it took them back to whenever they and Yeonjun would watch Joy and other Coordinators competing on stage. “That was brilliant!” a man, looking to be a few years older than them yelled out.
“And romantic,” a woman who was probably in her thirties added with a dreamy look on her face. “A boy who’s willing to risk his life to save his partner’s Pokémon is definitely a keeper!”
(Y/N) and Yoongi looked at each other in horror. “No, we’re not—”
“I would never—”
But the crowd was not listening, still shouting with excitement. Yoongi glared at them before catching Meowstic’s eye. His Pokémon sniggered teasingly, and he had never felt so betrayed in his entire life. “All right, that’s enough of you.” He said while taking out Meowstic’s Poké Ball. It burst out laughing, and that was the last thing that Yoongi saw before it went back in.
Amid the loud cheering, two familiar faces appeared from the crowd, panting like they had just run an entire marathon through the city. Yeonjun was holding a small bag in one hand while Joy was holding several in both arms. (Y/N) had never been happier to see her friends again. “Took you guys long enough.”
“We came because we saw everyone gathering here,” Yeonjun said after his breathing finally evened.
(Y/N) turned to Joy, then gasped as soon as they noticed something. Her long hair, which was a dark brown the last time they had seen her, was now a vibrant red color. “Joy, you dyed your hair again?”
She beamed while running her fingers through it. “You like?”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Sure. It fits you pretty well.”
“Why, thank you!” She said brightly. “Anyway, what did we miss?”
The sun was beginning to set while the four of them sat down at a table inside the Pokémon Center. The whole situation drained them so much that they all decided to just stay the night so that (Y/N) and Yoongi could challenge the Gym Leader the next day.
Joy’s eyes were wide and Yeonjun was shaking his head disapprovingly as soon as (Y/N) finished telling them about their encounter with Team Rocket. “They never seem to stop, do they?”
“And they probably would’ve gotten away this time if…” (Y/N) looked at Yoongi through the corner of their eye, then sighed. “Well, if Yoongi hadn’t been there to help.”
They hated nothing more than complimenting him, partially because Yoongi would never let them live it down, but this time they felt like they had to. It wasn’t the first time that Team Rocket tried to take Mudkip away but it was the first time in a while that they had seen them around Kalos. Usually, (Y/N) was a bit more prepared, but this time they gave into the shock of everything happening too fast, it seemed.
When they finally gained the courage to fully face him, they did not see the usual smirk they were expecting. Instead, his eyes were glued to the table while his arms were folded, his lips in a thin line as if he was in deep thought. No snarky remark, no mocking comment, nothing. (Y/N) did not know whether to feel relieved or feel worried. “That’s so cool!” Joy spoke up instead, sounding very impressed. “Oh, I wish we would’ve been there to see it.”
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t a performance, Joy, it was a group of thieves who have been on our backs since we started traveling together.”
She shrugged. “Still, it would’ve been nice to see them get beat up.”
“Well, hopefully you guys won’t have to see them again any time soon,” Yoongi stood up. “Anyway, I better get going. I’m going to take this opportunity and train my Pokémon a bit more for tomorrow.”
The three of them stared at his back while he began to walk away, (Y/N) feeling something tug at their chest, almost like an urge that wouldn’t stop bothering them. They stood up quickly, trying to catch up with him before he could step out. “Yoongi!”
He stopped in his tracks, turning around with a confused look on his face. (Y/N) stood in front of him, looking like they were struggling to say what they were thinking. The words were simple enough, but somehow it was so difficult to look at Yoongi and just say them. They shut their eyes for a second, trying to gather as much strength as they could to finally get it over with. “Thank you. For helping me today. I will make it up to you.”
He stared at them blankly for a moment. Yoongi was never too expressive, at least from what they’d seen. This time, however, (Y/N) saw a genuine toothless smile on his face. It was quite the sight. “You can make it up to me by winning tomorrow’s battle.”
(Y/N) had not been expecting that answer but, at the same time, they expected nothing less from Yoongi. “You bet I will,” they said. “And I’ll catch up to you in no time!”
Yoongi chuckled. His usual annoying self was back. “Doubt it.”
(Y/N) was not offended. Instead, as Yoongi exited the Pokémon Center, they simply decided to take it as a motivation to prove him wrong.
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thelasttime · 9 months
well, look who it is… it’s Valentine Heart 💝 anon! hello again!! have i got a tale for you today!!!
okay. so.
first we had lunch and we were there for like 3 hours just eating and conversing
and then after that, we went to his place (again) and we watched Barbie and another Studio Ghibli movie, and then after that we scrolled through his TikTok (mainly animal videos and memes and pokemon), and then after that… we went to his bedroom where he taught me how to drum a little… and then we chilled on his bed and just talked for a while… and then I laid down on his bed (he put his blanket over me) while watching him play the keyboard… and then we watched a show on Netflix… while sitting next to each other… while sharing the blanket… and then we ended up snuggling (his words too) while sharing the blanket while watching the show on Netflix… and then he drove me home.
but we’ve established that we’re still friends so. idk. either we genuinely think we see each other as friends or we’re both lying to each other (and ourselves). actually idk if that makes sense but you probably know what I mean lol
soooo yeah!!! that’s how my day went today!! we were together for like 12 hours which is basically the whole day
P.S. hope you’re doing well! don’t forget to take care of yourself whenever you can <3
omg!!!!!!!! ..... okay it really does sound like y'all are friends but not Just Friends ... have you given any thought to maybe furthering the relationship?
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musicalmagica · 2 years
I keep breaking stuff so I'm gonna try to keep the introduction of me and my Pokemon short lol
I'm Mel and I like dudes and my pronouns are he/him. I have autism and ADHD and so I see the world differently. Sometimes I'll get distracted and forgot to respond or I'll respond strangely or misunderstand sarcasm and the like. It's not because I'm upset with you or I dislike you!
I was found by the King of Team Plasma when I was very little and my home has been with them ever since. I know they used to be really mean and separate Pokemon and trainers, but Mr. N made it better again! Now we shelter abandoned Pokemon and help supply food and care for Pokemon and trainers that can't fully provide for themselves. We work to rehabilitate abused Pokemon and teach trainers how to treat their Pokemon with the love and respect they deserve.
I want to live in a world where people and Pokemon can utilize each others strengths to make up for their own weaknesses and create beautiful music together. There are so many different ways to create music but nothing is as magical as the music created when people and Pokemon join forces.
I have 3 lovely Pokemon partners and I'm open to more if the opportunity presents itself
Fee, my Stoutland! My goodest boy saved me as an infant and took care of me for nearly the first year of my life until N found me. We were both abandoned, but we rescued each other.
Birdy, my Tranquill! When I was about 5, I went to the amusement park and I fed a Pidove some cotton candy and he followed me home. He liked to nest in my hair. Probably because it reminds him of cotton candy.
Pop, my Zoroark! When I was a little older, maybe 7 or 8, N took me to a free outdoor theater event and there was this kid about my age sat next to me. I offered them some of my popcorn because they didn't have any, and when they ate it, they transformed into one of the movie characters! I fed it another piece, and it turned into N. Another piece of popcorn, now it was Birdy. It went on like this for another 5 minutes before my giggling got too loud and we were asked to leave. Eating popcorn made them transform, so I named it Pop! I kept visiting Pop for a few days and each time they were a new Pokemon. One day, Pop hopped into my bag of popcorn! I looked down at them and saw Pop the Zorua, cheeks full and mouth smiling.
Wow okay guess I lied about a short introduction lol
Got caught up in nostalgia I guess
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved AU
[edit: check out the link at the bottom of the post for more buzzfeed unsolved au content :)]
hinata and kageyama:
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90% of the show is them yelling and nobody watches it with earphones on
both of them believe in ghosts but that doesn't mean they want to see one
hinata will literally go to the bathroom five times before going to the spooky house and kageyama gets mad at him for it but there is Fear in his eyes
producer: 'were you scared?'
kageyama: 'pfft, no'
cameraman: *points camera down to show that kageyama's legs are shaking*
they also bring a shit ton of food with them when they stay the night at a place and they'll deadass be eating while talking about the history of the place
‘this house *crunch crunch* was built in *crunch crunch* 1972'
the producers tell them to stop bringing snacks but fans of the show love it
sometimes they'll shoot a mini mukbang video
SPICY, BARBECUE POTATO FRIES | Mukbang at the Waverly Hills Asylum'
hinata: *looking up how to do a seance on wikihow* it says we gotta offer some food for the spirit
kageyama: *spills the doritos he was eating on the table
*after 20 minutes*
kageyama: fuck this
hinata: *starts eating the doritos*
producer: ...
the ghosts: ..................the, audacity
tsukishima and yamaguchi
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pretty much a ryan and shane duo right here
yamaguchi: we'll be visiting this place as part of our ongoing investigation on the question, are ghosts real?
tsukishima: *shakes head*
yamaguchi just wants to see the look of fear in tsukishima’s eyes at least once
yamaguchi: *hears a random thump sound* fUCk tSuKkI a gHoSt!!!
tsukishima: *sees a chair being tossed across the room* huh, the wind is pretty strong today
he likes to stick his head into attics to scare yamaguchi
yamaguchi always carries a water gun full of holy water
yamaguchi: i have holy water with me and i'm not afraid to use it! but i'm also sorry you had to die such a horrible death i hope you find peace soon
tsukishima: *walks into a basement that is supposedly a portal to hell* fuckin’ take me already
so many 'yamaguchi being an angel and tsukishima being a demon for 10 mins' video compilations 
daichi and sugawara
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a very chaotic buzzfeed unsolved duo
suga, who is satan’s child himself, and daichi, who needs a raise
daichi: hello everyone! this is daichi,
sugawara: and suga
daichi: and you’re watching...
sugawara: jackass!!
daichi:...buzz...buzzfeed unsolved??
daichi started out being afraid of almost every place he had to walk into but after having to deal with the chaotic mess that is suga for an entire season, he no longer Feels Fear
this is because suga will deadass film a tiktok dance video no matter where he is
daichi: suga, someone was literally axe-murdered there
suga: *dancing along to ‘I’m a Savage’ or whatever that tiktok song is called*
daichi: *at cameraman* do you see what i have to deal with every day?’
suga is only genuinely scared by ghosts when his followers point out that a ghost was caught on camera in one of his tiktok videos
suga: *watching the video*
that was the end of suga’s tiktok career
tanaka and nishinoya:
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another bunch of loud bois but they are much louder than kageyama and hinata
they’re very much into proving the existence of cryptids and are most known for that episode they spent hunting bigfoot by dressing up to look like bigfoot
tanaka: ‘you know that thing they do in cartoons where they stack on top of each other under a coat so they look like just one big guy?’
nishinoya: ‘ryuu i love you so fucking much’
other guy there who is also trying to catch bigfoot: oMg ItS bIgFooT *takes picture with the blurriest camera he could find*
both of them are very committed in their investigation of the supernatural and they’re very unconventional approaches
nishinoya: *lying on the ground in a creepy basement* EAT MY HEART DEMONS! WE’LL PUT THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!
tanaka: *takes out a spirit board* *spells out O-M-A-E  W-A  M-O  S-H-I-N-D-E-I-R-U*
ghost: *spells out N-A-N-I*
tanaka and nishinoya: *screaming*
kuroo and kenma: 
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kuroo deadass flirts with any ghost or demon they encounter and kenma would sleep over in a haunted asylum for ten bucks
kuroo: *sidles up to the infamous annabelle doll* hey there little lady, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a locked, glass case with a ‘don’t touch’ sign like this?
kenma: kuroo, there’s a demon inside her
kuroo: well, i’m a bit of a demon myself
kenma: she attempted to choke a guy in his sleep
kuroo: oooh, choking. i can get behind that...
kenma: *looks at camera*
the demon in annabelle: d-daddy??
“kuroo flirting with demons and kenma looking at the camera for 5 minutes”
kuroo’s actually a huge fucking scaredy cat and kenma secretly tries to push him over the edge
kenma: *plays computer-generated screams of the damned on his phone*
kenma: ...I didn’t hear anything *looks at the camera as if he was on the office and plays the sound again*
kuroo: i was too scared to close my eyes last night
kenma: i was actually able to catch a bunch of pokemon last night. who knew the winchester mansion is such a hotspot
producer: did you catch any evidence of ghosts?
kenma: ...i caught a gastly
bokuto and akaashi:
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bokuto is a die-hard mothman fan and akaashi is emotionally involved in proving that ghosts exist he will stop at nothing
akaashi: all of the evidence on the shadow figures and orbs spotted in this place can only suggest one thing...
bokuto: mothman did it
akaashi: no
bokuto: yes
akaashi: mothman is literally five states away
bokuto: he has wings
during their individual investigations, akaashi has already foreseen how bokuto is going to react
producer: it’s been quiet for a while. do you think bokuto’s no longer scared?
akaashi: oh no. he should be screaming right about now...
bokuto, inside the haunted house: *screams and waves his flashlight around*
akaashi:  and then he’s gonna call for help
*few hours later*
bokuto: i saw my life flash before my eyes in there
akaashi: *muttering incoherently near his ‘evidence wall’ full of blurry pictures and red string*
bokuto: i must’ve stared into the abyss at one point
akaashi: this place is fucking haunted. can i go back? it’s for sale right?
ushijima and tendou:
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ushijima’s knowledge of ghosts is based on hollywood movies and tendou has exorcised places just by vibing
ushijima: *brings out a pottery wheel* if there are any ghosts in here, you know what to do
he’s actually never watched Ghost he just knows That One Scene
tendou: *naruto-running through the goatman bridge with a go-pro strapped to his head* IT’S MY BRIDGE GOATMAN, IT’S MY BRIDGE!!!
the Goatman Himself: i’ve never felt so fucking scared in my entire fucking life
ushijima believes that chanting in latin will Summon the Ghosts and tendou takes full advantage of that
tendou: *handing ushijima a slip of paper* here, apparently this will summon a full-bodied apparition
ushijima: thanks *begins chanting*
producer, interviewing tendou to the side: okay, what did you make him read this time?
tendou: i typed out ‘let me eat your ass’ in latin on google translate and went from there
cameraman: *zooms in on ushijima chanting*
the ghost haunting the castle: *is confused in French*
in the end neither of them get evidence on ghosts
ushijima: well, we'll have better luck next time
tendou: maybe even revisit this place ?
the ghosts: i know i'm dead but this is the first time i've been scared for my life
[EDIT: for more buzzfeed unsolved au content written by me, check out The Search for the Mysterious Mothman, a headcanon set feat. bokuaka]
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
Space with Markiplier Stream on MiltonTPike1’s twitch channel summary
I really thought the stream was gonna be Stan coming back when I heard the announcement yesterday 🥲🥲
Minor spoilers for part 2 will start with a ⚠️ and when I say minor, they really are minor. So much so it’s negligible info but it does give you a tiny bit more heads up
(most of them I wrote while watching, I just made it comprehensible enough)
Mark arrives somewhere in the 3 hour mark of the stream.
First topic. How to deal with burnout. Solid advice and discussion
Unus Annus and the meaning of it
Bitch I’m crying I miss that channel. RIP
Memento Mori
[Talking about the endings of ISWM PT.1] Yeah sure, Mark… there’s a lot of endings
No spoilers 🥺 awww come on Mark. Just a little pleaaaseee
Messing with your audience and how fun it is
[chat reaction] D:
I mean considering our relationship with Mark, we do love this back and forth.
Milton talking about Jerma’s Dollhouse </3
A few stories about the BTS
50-60 crew members a day. Holy shit.
In their busiest day there were 20 actors on set. Sheeesh.
Milton has a commercial story. I feel bad because man, even finishing a meal is hard. Having to eat the same thing for retakes sounds like hell.
Mark went over budget a lot during the filming. Interesting.
Last sound session happened last week.
⚠️“-last scene in the show” 🧐 minor spoiler? Kinda hard to tell if this means there’s only one ending or it’s like AHWM where there’s a true end.
Japanese Breakfast Club “Paprika”. I’ll give it a listen after. I’m not even sure if I spelt that right.
No F*p November 🤨 Mark??? Someone take his mouth away lol
Milton made a UFO 5 hour stream. Man
Mark and Amy loving video essays.
Habo Hotel…? huh???
Mark loves space but found that it really is expensive to make a space related production even when others already said so beforehand 😅
Industry calls write/director/actor people pompous douchebags. Good on you Mark lol
Isn’t that also Actor tho…
No one in the crew knew what the fuck was happening until the very end but trusted Mark enough. It also helped that a lot of them already understood Mark’s crazy process because they were in Heist before.
Space is the next thing for humanity
back to back movie night last night with Mark and Amy. Moonfall and After Earth.
Disonsphere??? hah?
UFO stuff
[chat reaction] Among us and Sus
ball lightning? red balls. Alien going wtf at nukes
Earth speed running any%
I seriously love the jokes in this part of the stream
Humans are just like the Orcs from Warhammer. You heard it here folks
I love the unga bunga human stories
Mark mentions Corridor Crew yet again
AI and the future
All I could think of was vocaloid
Mass Effect 3 mention
Milton has 5 space questions
[chat reaction] Wee Woo borpa spins
I knew about that gravity can create waves but wait black holes don’t succ??
Mark is very knowledgeable about space
He still loves kurzgesagt
Interstellar vs Inception
Mark likes Inception better (he still loves Interstellar tho)
I have not watched either movies (: I actually don’t watch a lot of movies you guys. Last I watched was Spider-Man: NWH
Mark would watch Ratatouille over a million times but How the Grinch stole Christmas (Jim Carrey) is his favorite movie
Any future plans?
Mark just wants to focus on youtube again 🥰 We miss you too
Once again the Pokemon smash or pass vid gets a mention but the backstory is much shorter here compared to the stream with Jack.
MEOW mocks him
jingle the keys in front of the audience m’dudes. Well… it worked on us
⚠️ Minor Spoilers. There’s a lot more stupidity in Part 2
YAAAY WE’RE WATCHING IT IN CHAT. With some commentary maybe?
OST being put out? 👀👀 Guess the answer is up to Schmoyoho. I’d love to actually listen to it. The bgm is so cool y’know.
Mark’s face watching ISWM 🥰🥰🥰 He’s so proud of it.
The design of the Invincible ship is based off of the Event Horizon movie
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I see the similarities
Burning Tractor gets another mention! He’s so proud of the VFX team. Corridor Crew mention again
Fun Fact: apparently the things on the ceilings are from Home Depot. Budget stuff
Mark basically saying how everyone’s reaction to the first video is “omg is that MatPat from Game Theory”
Champagne Glass scene. Mark had to drink 12 glasses of sparkling apple juice. RIP Mark’s throat after that shoot.
I mean, I like the taste of sparkling drinks but holy shit 12 of those bad boys…
smh everytime Mark finishes a project he says he doesn’t want to do 1st person ever again
Mark tells he used to do Biomedical engineering. He did civil engineering before that. He dropped 2 sems before graduating .
⚠️“Most is 3 at the moment” AYO MORE MINOR SPOILERS. You telling me my dumbass post about a 4 option path happening is possible
Mark: Recovery is for the weak
Proceeds to say that he’s been focusing on Elden Ring and gettin’ some oreo lol
4:33:55 is the time when he left
Thanks for the existential crisis in the middle of the talk you guys. This is why I just shut my brain off for space stuff. There’s some info that’s repeated but it was really cool to just see these two nerd out about space.
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 29.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love
Warnings For This Chapter: Pre-Wedding Jitters, Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Fingering, Praise, Lactation Kink, Milk Drinking, Pregnancy Kink, Wife Kink, Glazed Donut!OC
A/N: Today’s chapter is late because I’ve been busy playing New Pokemon Snap... sry. Shout out to @xjoonchildx, @ladyartemesia and @ppersonna because I’d be lost without them.
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There are undoubtedly many events in life that make a person nervous -- your first day of high school and college, your first kiss, your first sexual experience, and for some even your first phone call you give to your doctor when you're no longer under your parents protection. But no one -- not a single person, told you how nervous your wedding day is.
Maybe it's the amount of people that are attending. Two hundred is no small number.
Or maybe it's the fact that with your belly sticking out so far you can barely see your feet makes you feel like you'll be judged.
Whatever it is, the feeling fucking sucks.
You've seen so many movies where the woman who is getting married is all laughs and smiles, giving cheers to anyone and everyone because it's her wedding day. But now, you can officially say it's bullshit.
The best part is, it isn't even today, it's tomorrow and you still are frightened to the bone at the thought.
"-And I mean, yeah. Fine. We chose the taupe napkins but who the fuck is Aubrey to say anything, y'know? Like she knows her colors… Evil witch. I swear I don't know how she passed kindergarten!"
Leena's rant drifts through your ears like a soft breeze. You haven't been paying attention for a while, if you're being honest.
"Y/N? Are you listening to me?!" Leena gawks, grabbing her glass of champagne from Taehyung's hand.
Again, you're caught up in your own mind. You play every scenario of how tomorrow will be and they all seem to be terrible ideas.
What if you trip walking down the aisle?
What if your heel snaps on the way up?
What if your water breaks in front of two hundred people?
What if-
A small square of balsamic bruschetta appears in front of your face and your eyes narrow at the piece of bread.
You feel your soon-to-be husband's fingers pushing back some stray hairs behind your ear. "Food for thought?" he quips happily.
He has not had a frown on his face in what seems like forever. You adore it, you really do. But how can he not be nervous? Your heart is practically thrumming out of your chest.
"Open," he whispers.
Reluctantly, you open your mouth for the appetizer. When he leans in, you look back down at your lap.
"I can see your heart racing through the artery in your neck," he murmurs against your ear.
His hand squeezes your knee under the table reassuringly as he pulls away.
Yoongi wants to pry, he wants to ask you what's got you so in your own head but there are a few too many people here for that.
"Noona, you're an amazing cook." Jeongguk whines, grabbing another piece of steak off the platter.
"You're actually disgusting." Jimin breathes, wrinkling his nose at the youngest's third steak.
"I need my meat, that's how I win in the ring. Gets me all big and strong." Guk beams, cutting into the large t-bone.
"That's what she said!" Hoseok and Taehyung chirp at the same time.
You watch as they high five each other with child-like smiles plastered onto their faces.
"Are you tired? Do you want to call it a night?" your fiance inquires softly, turning his whole body towards you so the rest of the room can't hear him.
You would never want to take away from the festivities. It's just that your stupid anxiety is overwhelming. Looking over at your handsome partner, your fingers intertwine with his. He's quick to kiss the back of your hand, searching your eyes for some sort of hint as to why you're so down.
"No. I'm fine. I'm sorry." you reply, giving him a small smile.
His eyes narrow at your smile and he takes a sharp breath through his teeth in confusion.
"Al...right, if you say so." he says unsurely, running your intertwined hands over your belly.
"Y/N!" Leena whines from across the table and this time you give her your full attention.
You need to try and push this anxiousness elsewhere even for a little while. You will not be a horrible host.
"Yes Beena," you inquire, leaning your chin on your hand.
"Did you hear me? Did you hear what Kim Aubrey said about my wedding planning skills?!" she screeches.
You can only snort as all eyes around the table land on you. "I don't know why you indulge her. Isn't she the one that shit her pants in chemistry when she was fifteen?"
Yoongi laughs loudly, throwing his head back and placing his hand on his chest.
"Actually yeah, she sat two rows behind me!" Namjoon chimes in with wide eyes. His nose wrinkles at the sudden memory and you don't blame him as he pushes his plate away in a sudden state of queasiness.
"So I don't suck at wedding planning?" your best friend pouts across the long table to you.
"Absolutely not." you insist, winking at her.
"This wedding is going to be the biggest event of the entire year. Maybe even the biggest event of the next ten years." Anna, Jimin's wife cheers.
Love that.
"Well, I think we just want people to have a good time. We aren't worried about what impact it will have." Yoongi says quickly, caressing his thumb over the back of your hand to calm you down.
He's not dumb. He's figured it out by now, but he'll still want to hear it from your lips later on.
"Yeah right. 'Min Yoongi and his artistically talented fiance WOW people with their show stopping matrimony' is gonna be on the cover of Dispatch in two days." Hoseok murmurs.
"Oh yeah? And you're gonna be the one giving them the hot scoop, then?" Namjoon jeers, pointing his index finger over the lip of his glass of brandy at the handsome man.
Hobi sneers in his direction and Yoongi can only respond with a chuckle.
"My fiance is pretty show stopping." the CEO surmises, leaning back in his chair.
"Please. I'm eating. Christ." Leena groans through a mouthful of pasta.
It is nice to have so many close friends around tonight though. You hope it can distract you long enough for the nervousness brewing and bubbling inside of you to subside.
When conversations begin to break up and become between smaller groups of people, you can feel his eyes on you like a heat source.
"Little dove?" Yoongi coos softly, rubbing your distended side.
You hum to him, turning to give him your full attention.
"Tomorrow is going to be beautiful and perfect." he promises, tilting your chin up with his index finger.
"No, I know. I'm just-"
"Worried." he finishes for you and he's not surprised to see your reluctant nod of agreement.
"I know. I'm nervous too." he admits, kissing your cheek.
"You've already gotten married before," you scoff, allowing his arm to curl around your shoulders.
"Actually I was black out drunk and can't remember a single thing because I was venomously angry with the dumb bitch that ruined my life before you." he replies with a wide smile.
"Oh. Good." you reply, rolling your eyes at his playfulness.
"So this is my first real wedding too. And even though I'm nervous, I'm excited. Because then when the wedding is over and we get to our honeymoon-"
"Uh uh." you gasp, smushing your finger to his lips.
He pouts against your finger, kissing it softly. "What?" he garbles against your digit.
"We have company." you whisper fiercely.
"Didn't stop you a few days ago when you sucked my cock beneath the desk upstairs while I was on a video meeting." he deadpans, pulling your hand away from his face.
"Yoongi!" you gasp, glancing over the table who hasn't heard a single thing.
You'd like to keep it that way.
"I can't wait to fuck your little pregnant cunt as you're Mrs. Min Yoongi." he beams, kissing your temple.
You can feel your cheeks flushing with embarrassment and you can only blame the man beside you for that one.
When you smack his chest out of shame, the noise echoes throughout the room, earning attention from all of the guests.
"Abuse is not nice, Y/N. Do you want to file a lawsuit, Yoongi?" Yoona quips, sticking her tongue out at you.
The CEO chuckles, squeezing your shoulder with glee. "No, she couldn't handle my lawyers." he bubbles.
"Oh yeah, you know you aren't supposed to sleep with each other tonight, right?" Leena inquires, moving her fork between the both of you.
The cackle Yoongi gives is loud and absurd, much like your best friend's comment. "I can't do anything to her she doesn't have proof of." he banters, pointing at your large belly.
Leena scoffs, pointing down at her plate. "Again. Eating. Gross." she enunciates, pouring herself another glass of expensive champagne.
Jimin's laugh rings throughout the dining room and Yoongi knows that he's the only person who could truly understand him in that moment.
"Why do people do that dumb tradition anyway?" Jeongguk asks, finally finishing his food.
"It actually comes from arranged marriages. When people didn't know who they were marrying." Yoona informs him.
"Fuck that luck shit. That's the saying, isn't it? 'It's bad luck to see the bride' or something like that." Hoseok breathes.
"I think I'm lucky," Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin reply all at once.
Your best friend takes the opportunity to sneer at her boyfriend and you can't help but giggle at his hopeless expression. "You know I love you, baby." Taehyung coos, sliding his arm over her shoulders.
"Mhm." she drolls, rolling her eyes when both of you look at one another.
"What's for dessert?" Jeongguk asks pleasantly, tying his long black hair up into a ponytail.
"Are you serious? You're not full?" Namjoon gawks at the boxer.
"I was saving room for dessert!" he beams, looking over at you expectantly.
Jeongguk is sweet, sweeter than most younger men you've ever met. He feels something akin to a little brother to you at this point and it's wonderful to see that even if you're rich you can still have manners.
"I made just a simple cobbler, since the wedding cake tomorrow is going to be super heavy and rich." you announce.
Yoongi shoves his chair back, holding out his hand to help you up like the gentleman he is.
He watches you carefully sprinkle powdered sugar atop the dessert with warm eyes.
You don't know how difficult it's going to be walking up that aisle tomorrow, but you do know that your ankles are going to be on fire. They already are.
He picks up the ceramic dish for you, nodding to the chair for you to sit back down and your heart warms for what feels like the billionth time today.
He's such a special person.
"Yoongi is really cool these days, huh?" Jimin jeers, elbowing your fiance when he steps between him and Jeongguk to place the dessert onto the table.
"I've always been cool," he counters, nudging the younger man back
"Well…" Jeongguk and Taehyung droll at the same time.
"Whatever," the CEO breathes, rolling his eyes.
Your giggle seems to light up the room as well as Yoongi's heart. Slamming down in his chair beside you, he can't help the glee that courses through him.
He can't wait for tomorrow.
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Climbing into bed, you let the mattress mold to your body and it feels like heaven to be finally laying down, your body certainly thanks you for it.
Yoongi leans against the wall, watching as you sigh happily. "I can just come to bed y'know? I don't need to stay up and hang out." he offers, padding towards you.
"No, that wouldn't be fair. It's your bachelor party. You should be able to play poker and drink." you reply, cupping your stomach.
His eyes drift over you and you can see how soft his expression is in the dim lighting. "You got out of your bachelorette party," he adds, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I have a reason. I'm pregnant." you deadpan, lifting your head to look at him.
"With my baby," he coos, stretching up the bed to lay down beside you.
"Don't get comfy." you warn him, running your fingers over his clothed chest.
"I'm not, I'll just stay until you fall asleep." he promises, kissing your forehead.
His hand drifts over your stomach and the tiny kick he feels makes his heart beat faster. "Hey, kid. How you doin' in there?" he whispers, running his thumb over the spot his son just hit.
You hum gently, letting your eyes flutter closed.
"I'm so tired but I'm so nervous." you announce in the quiet room.
Your fiance looks away from your belly to look over at you. "It's okay to be nervous, but don't let it supersede your happiness for tomorrow either."
You nod gently, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I just have so many scenarios going through my head."
"And none of them are nice, I'm sure." he replies, booping your nose with his index finger.
Scoffing in agreement, you bury your face into his sweet smelling neck.
"I can make you cum, it might make you sleepy," he offers.
"I can't return the favor though, I'm too tired. It'll be unfair," you whine.
When he clicks his teeth, you only hold him tighter to your body.
"I don't need you to 'return the favor' when you love someone as much as I love you, you'd do anything to see them comfortable." he replies, kissing the top of your head.
"They're waiting for you downstairs." you remind him.
"Let them wait. You come first," he breathes, running the tips of his fingers over your soft inner thighs.
You whine in disagreement but your body betrays you naturally. Your legs spread wider and your breath hitches, your lips softly suckle on the thin skin of his neck waiting patiently for what he will do next.
"Your skin is so soft," he whispers, tugging the seat of your panties to the side.
He pulls away from you just far enough to be able to see how well he pleases you and he's already aroused at the sight.
Your eyes are low with lust, bottom lip clamped between your teeth. Your nipples are stiff peaks, straining against the grey silk nightgown you adorn. He can see the grey fabric becoming darker with each passing second as you bead milk.
"God," he groans, parting your lower lips.
"Tomorrow when we fly to Japan, I'm gonna fuck you in every way you could possibly think of." he promises, running his middle finger through your arousal.
"H-How?" you inquire curiously, gasping when he taps the pad of his finger to your clit.
His lips part and his teeth clamp down on one of the cups of your nightgown before pulling down harshly.
You whimper at the chilly air that glides over your now exposed skin.
He lays soft, hot opened mouthed kisses to your nipple, watching your eyebrows furrow in pleasure.
"How am I going to fuck you?" he prods.
You nod fervently, capturing your index finger between your teeth.
"Well," he begins, drawing smooth, slow circles to your swelling clit, "I'll start on the red eye. I'll take you back to the bedroom and take off that pretty wedding dress you'll be wearing just for me."
"Daddy," you whimper, spreading your legs wider for more.
He hums in agreement, pulling off your underwear to free you completely before him.
"I'm gonna make sure the whole crew of my plane knows you're getting fucked by your husband. Gonna have you screaming my name while I fuck your tight little pussy with my thick cock." he avows, kissing over your shoulder.
His words send shivers up your spine and your toes curl with excitement.
"Fuck," you whimper, grinding your hips down onto his hand.
"Gonna hold your big belly in my hands while I fuck you from behind. Let your milk drip all over the sheets of the bed on the plane. You're gonna beg me to go harder, to fill your dirty pregnant cunt full of my cum. I'm gonna make you feel so good, you aren't even going to care that everyone can hear you calling me daddy."
Shoving two fingers inside of you, he skillfully taps the soft patch of nerves within you and your brain is already firing on all cylinders to cum for him. His thumb begins to press harder circles into your clit and when you cup your belly, his eyes roll back at the sight.
"Gonna get you to the secluded hotel and fuck you out on the balcony, in the bath tub, on the bed, anywhere I can get my hands on you. Because I need you wrapped around me. Always." he murmurs into your ear.
"Shit!" you cry out, letting your head loll back to the pillow.
"Good girl, little dove." he praises, unbuttoning his pants for relief.
The head of his cock peeks out from the lip of his briefs and you whimper at the pearl of precum that beads at the tip.
"You're so beautiful," he breathes, kissing from your collarbone to your pert nipple.
When he suckles softly, your hips lift at the erotocism. He moans at the taste of your milk and his hand ghosts over his hard cock.
"Daddy," you cry out, starting to shake from the overwhelming pleasure.
Sitting up on his knees, he shoves his pants down further. He parts your legs wider and he doesn't seem to care that all of his friends are waiting patiently for him downstairs.
His cock ruts between your folds and you're ever so close to cumming with every swipe the head of his cock brushes against your clit.
"So warm," he murmurs, purchasing his bottom lip between his teeth.
Your moans begin to get louder and he knows you're so close to releasing your pleasure.
"That's it baby, you're so close." Yoongi notices, running his hands over your stomach.
"O-Oh my God!" you cry out, grabbing his hands over your belly.
"I know, little dove. Feels good, huh?" he coos.
You're so obscenely wet, that even without him being inside you he's finding himself close to his own end.
It's just you in general, you overstimulate him in ways he can barely understand.
"Daddy, I'm gonna cum." you bleat, gripping his hands harder.
"Cum for me, little dove. I want to see your pretty face when you cum for me." he begs, rutting his hips harder against your core.
You do as told, cumming for him with white spotted eyes and loud sobs of pleasure.
"Good girl," he praises, pulling away from your weeping pussy.
He fists his cock in hand, dragging the swollen, leaking tip over your belly. "Such a pretty woman I have beneath me. Fuck," he curses, jerking his hand faster.
Even as tiredness begins to shroud you, you want him to orgasm too. "Daddy, cum all over my belly. Want to feel your warm cum."
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth, his eyes snapping to yours.
When you palm your breasts, his eyes immediately falter to them. You pinch your nipples purposefully, earning droplets of milk that stream slowly over your digits.
"Oh fuck!" he gasps loudly, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
"Want your cum so badly," you whimper, looking up at him with doe-like eyes.
"Yeah? You want me to cum all over your belly?" he prods, feeling his balls tightening.
You nod fervently, leaving your breasts to rub circles to your distended skin.
"Fuck!" he curses, squeezing his eyes shut as his orgasm courses through him. His cock throbs and stutters in his hand and you hum with satisfaction when you feel his warm cum land on your belly.
"God, you're too sexy for your own good." the father of your child jeers, sitting back on the heels of his feet.
You find yourself giving a tired giggle and your eyelids slowly begin to shield your eyes from view.
"Good girl." he whispers softly, hopping off the bed to clean your stomach.
When he comes back with a wet towel, he can see that you're already fast asleep. He's happy knowing that you'll be able to sleep even if it's only for a few hours.
He can understand your worries and your fears but he wants you to be able to enjoy your wedding too.
Kissing your forehead as he cleans your belly, he sighs softly. "My wife," he breathes, closing his eyes.
"I'll be back later, my love." he promises, tossing the rag back into the bathroom.
Yoongi covers your naked body with the comforter and his heart is thudding in the recesses of his chest with joy.
Just a few more hours and you'll be legally his.
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"Remind me why we're playing poker the night before your wedding instead of going out?" Taehyung asks, throwing chips into the center of the green felted table.
"Because there's no pregnant strippers around these parts," Jimin jeers, picking up his beer.
Yoongi sneers at the younger man beside him, elbowing him almost out of embarrassment.
"What? If I could go see a pregnant strip show, believe me, I would."
"We know." everyone replies, rolling their eyes.
"Last time you had a bachelor party, man, that shit was fun." the hotel CEO recalls.
"You had fun." Yoongi reminds him, ashing his cigar.
"Also, aren't you completely smitten with Leena anyway? You want her to have your baby." Namjoon prods, placing his cards down on the table.
Taehyung smirks at his comment, leaning back into his chair and slinging his arm over the lip. "Oh, I'm very happy. She's everything I could possibly want." he affirms, smiling to himself.
"Then why do you want to go to a strip club?" Hoseok adds, throwing chips onto the table.
"Because I like tits. Jesus Christ, just crucify me why don't you!" Tae replies appalled.
Yoongi snorts loudly, clamping his teeth down on his cigar.
He wonders if you're okay, if you've woken up in the past few hours due to his son being so active.
His fingers flex uncomfortably and he's still surprised how much his life has changed in such a small amount of time. He's gone from being a violent, sadistic, narcissistic asshole to being a needy, loving and adoring man. And that's all thanks to you.
You've completely changed the pattern of his DNA and he could never appreciate you as much as you deserve.
"You excited for tomorrow, hyung?" Guk's voice pulls him from his thoughts and he smirks at the younger man.
"Very excited but very nervous." he admits to his group of friends.
"I remember the night of his other wedding. He was so fucking drunk he could barely stand up on his own." Jimin recalls with a laugh.
"I had to hold him up with my shoulder from behind so he didn’t fall backwards." Namjoon adds with a sharp laugh.
Yoongi smirks to himself, looking down at his pocket which holds his wallet. "Well, I'm just glad we don't have to have a repeat of that horrible day again."
"You got lucky dude, not many people find their soulmate when they were an asshole like you were." Hoseok says, pointing at the Kisung CEO.
His sneer is terrifying but probably only to himself as the other men laugh at Hobi's words.
"Y/N completely made him do a 180." Joon concurs.
"I like Y/N noona a lot. She fits in well and she's always optimistic and sweet. We needed someone like her in our lives." Guk beams and your soon-to-be husband seems to glow in their praise.
He loves hearing his friends talk so highly of you. He loves knowing that you're loved for being yourself, especially because you don't know it very often.
He can remember when he first met you, in the back of Seokjin's club. You were sweet and kind but a smart ass and cheeky at the same time. You intrigued him on so many levels and he can remember how badly he wanted to destroy you. But he never would have expected to fall in love with you as earnestly as he has.
And he wouldn't change it for anything in the universe.
"Leena has been putting in so much work for this wedding, you would think it's hers." Taehyung laughs, pulling Yoongi out of his reverie.
"And when are you getting married to her then?" the Kisung CEO inquires, ashing his cigar.
The question seems to stupify the handsome hotel owner, he stutters and shifts awkwardly in his seat trying to reply to the sudden question.
"Jesus, you broke him!" Jimin laughs, clapping his best friend on the back.
Taehyung's cheeks burn bright red and his hand immediately cups the back of his neck out of embarrassment. "I mean I bought a ring. I just haven't thought of anything romantic to y'know… ask her."
Beer goes flying out of Jimin's mouth and the sneer Yoongi gives makes him want to die on the spot.
"Jimin. You're paying for the new felt, you fucking animal." Yoongi gripes, watching Namjoon and Hoseok heartily laugh at the younger man.
"That'll be great! Leena noona is really nice!" Jeongguk cheers, hugging Taehyung happily.
"Thanks…" Tae breathes embarrassed.
Yoongi winks at him and he isn't surprised in the slightest, he knows just how smitten the man is with your best friend.
The voice is gentle and tired.  In an instant he's burning out his cigar and waving the smoke away.
"Yeah, baby?" he calls to you, disregarding the others in the library.
"Just checking to see if you were all still here," you murmur, stepping into the library doorway.
You're beautiful in the dim glow of the library's lights and the smile that spreads over his face is heart shatteringly perfect.
"Still here." he beams, padding over to you.
"Okay." you bleat, rubbing your sleep hooded eyes.
"What're you doing up, my dove? You must be so tired." he inquires, pushing hair back behind your ear.
"I'm thirsty. Wanted water." you chirp, pressing your forehead into his chest.
"Okay. Get your water and I'll be up in a few minutes. Alright?" he promises, tipping your chin up with his index finger.
You hum in agreement, starting to yawn.
He chuckles at your sleepy state, kissing your forehead. He pats your backside for good measure before turning to his friends that are seated around the poker table.
"I think it's time to get some rest before the big day tomorrow."
The guys hum in agreement, tossing down their cards and standing up.
"Tomorrow's gonna be great, man. I'm really happy for you." Joon whispers, patting his shoulder as he heads out first.
Yoongi can only agree with a wide smile.
Tomorrow is the start to the rest of his life. And it's perfect, just like you.
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Next Chapter ----->
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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(gif from Jason Passaro’s youtube edit here)
Title: One Shitty Friday Night (Part 1)
Pairings: Peter Maximoff x Fem!Reader, Colossus x Shadowcat
Summary: Set after the events of Deadpool 2, you and your boyfriend Peter are on a double date downtown with your fellow X-Men Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) and Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat) when Deadpool and Russell arrive unexpectedly. Chaos and violence naturally ensues, including taking down mafia henchmen, dealing with news media and paparazzi who circle in with the action, and a jealous Peter. This will be concluded in Part 2 with the mixed reactions of Logan, Charles, and Erik when you all bring Wade and Russell back home, etc. 😄
Notes: For simplicity’s sake as Piotr R. is normally called “Peter” as well, he’ll just be referred to as Colossus here.
Warnings: Some alcohol use. And it’s Deadpool, so a lot of cursing and irreverent jokes of course. This started out as just crack!fic that became actual fic that had to be split into two parts because it hit post limit. Holy cow.
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
Kitty all but snorted, trying to put her drink back down on the table before it could end up fully sideways instead as her laughter left her trembling.
Colossus sighed quietly, but you could still see the warmth in his eyes as he looked down at her before helping dab up some of her errant wine off the table with a thick cloth napkin.
It was late Friday night, and save for your semi disapproving, large and very Russian designated driver, the other three of you were now several drinks deep and a bit too loudly enjoying Peter’s retelling of the Led Zeppelin cover band debacle. You’d been there with him that night, but it never got old the way Peter told it.
“I shit you not, and this guy still keeps hitting on Jean.” Peter continued, his third nearly empty glass of craft beer still in hand. “Scott’s about to fry the dude. They’re playing Immigrant Song, and these lasers start up. All dudebros in the club go wild, and Scott tries to sneak off a warning shot. Freaking air balls it! I have to move like forty people and it still blows a damn hole in the wall. But nobody even noticed! Fake Robert Plant is screaming his heart out and everybody is just eating it up. I swear my Dad could have flown in there, cape billowing and they still would have thought it was part of the show!”
You were at risk of being elbowed in this small restaurant booth, with how animated Peter was as he spoke beside you. But you didn’t mind. The lighting was dim, possibly verging on romantic, the smell of good food from the kitchen reminded you of what was to come, and you were just enjoying time with some of your favorite people.
When Peter did finally drop his hand again though, the not so subtle movements of it then up your thigh also promised something much more personal later tonight. Maybe it was the warmth from the mixed drinks you were also nursing, but you shifted your leg a little, pushing even more into his touch under the table. Your movement just signaled your silent agreement to him that tonight would be a perfect night to be throwing clothes on the floor as soon as you got back to your shared room at the mansion.
It’d been a long, tiring week after all. Helping teach classes during the day and training your ass off in the danger room every night, you didn’t think it was unreasonable to cut loose a bit now.
Even Colossus was chuckling a little at last, but the big guy was always softest around Kitty. You in particular had been one of her biggest supporters when she’d first confessed her attraction towards him. You’d noticed his bashfulness with her as well, and all the little glances he’d given her long before she’d ever worked up the courage to ask him out.
But that seemed so long ago now, it was hard to really remember a time when they weren’t together. Almost as long as you and Peter really.
You glanced up as the waiter came back by to check on you all, saying your food would be out in a few more minutes and asking if anyone needed more drinks.
“Oh gosh, we’re really running up the tab right?” Kitty smiled.
You could see the little bit of relief in Colossus’ expression as she waved the waiter off though, her current wine glass still nearly full. “I’m fine for now, thank you.”
Peter glanced at you and you nodded as well. A buzz was fine, but you didn’t want to be climbing the mansion stairs full on drunk tonight. “I’m good.”
As the waiter left, your conversation got a little more subdued. You leaned into Peter somewhat, hip to hip in the booth as he put his arm around your waist.
Kitty was now talking about a movie she thought you should all go see next weekend if you could. You were just in the process of agreeing as you’d wanted to see it too, when Colossus suddenly went stock still, a look of real surprise on his face.
Kitty evidently noticed as soon as you did, you both staring up at him in unison.
“Do not turn around,” He instructed to you and Peter, eyes locked on something behind you.
Of course when told to do one thing, it would take everything in Peter’s willpower to not do the opposite. But to his credit he actually did hesitate. “Do we need to be dodging something? I mean, I can move us if I need to, man. You just gotta let me know.” Peter stated.
“I don’t think he’s seen us yet. Please do not draw attention.” Colossus responded, still frustratingly vague to the rest of you.
But he hadn’t metaled up yet, his skin still entirely human looking. So on the plus side, it couldn’t be someone he thought an immediate physical threat.
You glanced to Kitty for some hope of explanation as she was seated beside Colossus and facing the same direction. But she was too short in comparison to him, and couldn’t see all the way across the booth dividers as easily as he could. “Well who is it?” Kitty demanded quietly.
But you heard an impatient voice carry over clearly from the nearby restaurant entrance.
“Look, you know he’s here. I know he’s here. Don’t make me leave you guys a bad Yelp review. I will totally Karen that shit up. I’m just here for him.” A pause. “...And some of the cannolis. God, I love those things. You went a little scarce on the filling last time though. Don’t make me add that to the Yelp review.”
You heard the hostess stutter, fear evidently building. “Sir, firearms are not allowed in this restaurant. The owner, he, I...I can’t.”
There was a loud sigh from the man, the distinct sound of a gun cocking, and then all hell broke loose.
“WADE!” Colossus screamed, your entire table flipping as he stood up, metal now encasing him in this even larger form.
Abruptly you were now standing back by the entrance yourself. Peter had one arm around you, and the other around Kitty as he let you both go just as instantly, having just brought you there before he disappeared again.
That little flare up of vertigo from the speed and sudden stop didn’t mix well with the alcohol, and she and you both stood there another moment, queasy as Peter appeared again with an armful of guns.
It would have been comical as he clearly had no idea where to put them now, but everyone else that had still been in the restaurant was already screaming and running for the doors in a panic.
The owner of the multiple guns couldn’t care less about the crowd however, only turning his full focus to the lot of you then in exasperation.
“Oh my God, you anti second amendment, mother fuckers. I’m in the middle of a job here!”
“You can’t just point guns at innocent people, Wade! We have talked about this many times!” Colossus retorted, all seven foot of him now standing over Deadpool with paternal like annoyance.
“For fuck’s sake, it’s called a threat. I wasn’t going to kill her you overprotective, asshat! Now Giovanni is probably holed up in some pussy ass panic room, or he’s already ghosted me out the back door! And yes, I know that is such a stereotypical mob boss name and totally sounds like the Pokemon villain. Fuck him and his always trying to take Pikachu! He had a talking cat the whole time who just wanted his love, but no, got to have the electric rat. Fuck!”
“Language, Wade!” Colossus scolded. “There is still a child present!”
And honestly in all this insanity, that was the first time you actually noticed Russell also still standing there. Everyone else in the room had now fled out into the street.
“I’m fucking fourteen,” The boy replied defiantly. “And yeah, we were working!”
“Daddy and angrier metal daddy are just talking, hon.” Deadpool commented, waving a hand.
There was a small gust of air beside you and you looked to Peter knowingly. Wade’s guns were now all on a table, though intentionally still distant from your current position. “So I just made a couple laps.” Peter spoke up. “The cops are already coming, and there’s still a bunch of guys in the basement. They were opening some crates, probably getting weapons? I didn’t know if we were taking them out yet though. I didn’t touch anything. But is Giovanni like a big dude with gold rings and all?”
“I’m telling you besides the drug and human trafficking, it’s practically more criminal how much he sets back Italian-American stereotypes. They are an honest, manicotti making people goddamn it.” Deadpool answered.
You really were starting to regret the amount of drinks you’d had. If you’d known tonight was going to be anything like this, you would have gladly stuck to water. Your head was already trying to throb a little as you finally spoke. “So, does this guy actually have warrants out on him? If the cops come, they’re all going to end up shooting each other most likely. Can we just defuse this by giving him up to them?”
“I would say we assist to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, if that is the case, yes. I’m sure the Professor would prefer that.” Colossus agreed.
“Freaking goody two shoes, all of you.” Wade sighed. “But he has to get arrested or dead okay? I don’t get paid otherwise.” He paused though, then looking back up to Colossus before suddenly elbowing him. As if he’d even really feel that. “And hello rudeness, are you not going to introduce me to your little girls night out club here before we go bust some heads in a gratuitous X-Force/X-Men hotties crossover?”
“X-Force?” Kitty asked, sounding as already over this as could be.
“Well, we are a little empty on the roster at the moment. Some...unfortunate parachuting incidents. Wind advisory that day. You know how it goes.” Deadpool shrugged.
By her expression, no. She did not know how it went.
But the sooner you started, the sooner this could be over. Colossus motioned to each of you in turn, “Peter, (Y/N), and Kitty. These are my teammates and friends.” He nodded back to Deadpool, “And this is Wade.” And then to the boy. “And Russell.”
Of course you already knew who they both were. It’d been a bit of a scandal really, with the whole Essex House fiasco and the deaths that had occurred there. Fair or not, a lot of the blame had ended up on Juggernaut the second time around though you thought. Which is why Charles hadn’t had to deal with too much bad press in the aftermath.
You could not let this become another Essex House situation for the X-Men though. You were about to speak up about heading to the basement together and Deadpool staying out of your way so you all could neutralize everyone without any fatal hits, when he gasped dramatically, making you freeze again.
“Kitty!? Like an actual girl named Kitty? Oh my God, this whole time I thought you were his cat!” He hit his own leg, laughing. “I’m thinking, holy shit this guy loves his goddamn cat, but who am I to judge you know? I had a dog named Mr. Shuggums. Cutest little fucker.” He took a breath. “I miss him.”
“Wade.” Colossus groaned. “We do not have all night.”
Okay, so there was still something sweet about Colossus gushing about his girlfriend even to this manic mercenary. But no kidding, this show really needed to get on the road here.
“Guys, why don’t we just let Peter disarm them all, Colossus, you grab Giovanni, and Kitty and I deal with anyone who still resists? No one has to get hurt, and then it’s all done, easy.”
“And then we go find somewhere else to eat. Killing me here. I wanted that damn calzone and tiramisu.” Peter sighed, pulling his goggles back down over his eyes again. “More guns coming up.”
He disappeared at once, but when he didn’t return immediately as you were so accustomed to, you and Kitty exchanged a nervous look.
And after only another few seconds, your instincts told you something had definitely gone wrong.
“Is the basement directly beneath us?” You asked Deadpool sharply, already reaching out a hand to Kitty. Your adrenaline was starting, all good feelings gone as it was now time to act.
But you’d worked together long enough now, you didn’t have to explain your plan to her or Colossus.
Yet when the previously mouthy merc had no instant response, just staring at you in thought, it was clear he hadn’t done any recon beforehand at all. He’d literally just walked in here and expected everything to work out.
“Perfect.” Kitty said sarcastically, glancing quickly to Colossus as she took your hand. “You’re our backup, dear, in case our vertical entrance doesn’t work out. Come find us.”
“Always.” He said, already turning, his weight shaking the floor as he ran to look for any stairway downward while you and Kitty dropped straight through the floor.
It was surely a risk of its own to use her phasing ability so blindly as this. You could end up in a too small crawlspace, in underground piping, a sewer system, anything really. She’d make sure not to go solid until it was safe, as to not impale or bury you alive of course. But if Peter were in trouble, there was no time to waste by ending up at a dead end and having to go back up and try again.
You’d held your breath, as there was no way for you to process oxygen either as your lungs and every other part of you shifted through the other matter. It was darkness and insulation, pipes, and conduit that flashed by at first. But in the fractions of seconds that it took to fall, you had already powered up. The white light of your energy field overtaking your body, shielding you both as you did fall into a larger open area.
It was even darker than the restaurant above, all concrete and dampness. The glow from your body was the brightest thing there as much more men than you’d expected all turned in surprise. You saw the glint of multiple gun barrels now, but the thing you wanted to see most was Peter’s silver hair as you’d scanned the area for him instantly.
There was a stairwell in the distance. He was laying near the bottom of it. But you had no time to be shocked or afraid, only anger swelled as you released Kitty’s hand, making you solid again. “I’ll get him.” Was all you said. Letting her know to protect herself as you flew to him. Bullets couldn’t hurt her if she was ready for them. But Peter would be defenseless without one of you now, and by means of your power of flight you were the faster of you and her.
The man closest to Peter had a different kind of gun though you realized. Something you didn’t recognize at all as he aimed at you. You splayed your palms to create an energy shield in front of you as he pulled the trigger.
It didn’t make a sound though. But everything around you instantly distorted as pain exploded through you. You saw five or six of him now, as your feet hit the ground, unable to concentrate enough to fly then. But even as you stumbled, realizing your shielding wasn’t fully stopping whatever that weapon was doing, you were still able to expand your shield rapidly, hitting the man with the force of a car in your pain and sending him flying into a nearby wall, the weapon clattering to the ground lightly against his now limp body.
But you still felt like you were going to puke.
“Kill them you idiots!” Someone screamed.
You dropped yourself, laying over Peter just as quickly, grateful to feel him breathing as you focused through the pain to extend a shield around you both as the gunfire started.
“Bitch!” Another man yelled as Kitty just walked unharmed through all the flying bullets towards you.
“Shadowcat actually,” She said, skilled enough in her powers to choose what was solid and what wasn’t. Just the outside of her fist being all she needed to crush his nose in one punch with a squirt of blood, and only the end of her foot used as she swept her leg after to knock his own right out from under him.
Even among your own team, sometimes people could forget that that petite Jewish girl was about as skilled a martial artist as anyone could be.
“Babe?” You heard against your ear though, glancing back down to Peter. There was real relief even in the chaos as you saw him smile up at you.
He talked back against your ear in the noise as Kitty continued to utterly wreck the guys around you. “I fucked up a little, right? That gun...they already had it going, aimed at the door when I came back, a trap...I think I hit every stair on the way down...I still see like three of you right now.”
“Ditto.” You breathed.
And then there was another even louder noise as the remnants of a door also came flying down the stairs. Colossus barreled in behind it like a stampeding elephant, Deadpool right behind him as they leapt over the both of you and joined the fray.
“We found the basement!” Deadpool announced gleefully, swords swinging. “Don’t think they’d even locked the door back actually, but fuck if big Russki doesn’t love a dramatic entrance!”
For a moment you thought all your words about at least trying not to kill had been for nothing, thinking Deadpool was going to chop these men into literal pieces. But even as blood sprayed left and right, you realized he was just cutting tendons. The men then unable to hold their guns, unable to stand at all as he crippled each he reached in succession.
It was still completely horrific, but hell, how much could you really ask for from someone like him? Especially when you yourself had slammed that one man into a concrete wall as if he were a ragdoll. You glanced over anxiously for a moment, glad to see him shifting a little, but still crumpled exactly where you’d thrown him. He was alive, a small relief at least.
Obviously the other gunmen hadn’t had a prayer either though once you’d all been down there together.
Colossus already had a still cursing Giovanni slung over one shoulder as you were now helping Peter back up and trying not to step in all the blood as you all walked over to Kitty.
“What a mess...very interesting weapon though,” She spoke of that odd gun that’d been used on you and Peter, it now in her hands as she turned it one way and then another examining it. “I’m bringing this back with us. The police don’t need anything like this. Hank and I can figure out how it works. And how to defend against it hopefully before we run into another one of these out in the field.”
“It seems this Giovanni was more a threat than expected,” Colossus said, giving the still squirming man an unhappy look, before looking back to you all. “Are you alright, Peter?”
“I’m still hungry.” Peter grumbled, an arm over your shoulder to still help stabilize him as his other hand went to his head as if it were pounding. He also had some bruising starting on his face, no doubt from his tumble down the stairs. “I wouldn’t have drank so damn much if I’d known we weren’t going to eat...”
With the speed of his metabolism, that alcohol likely was hitting him pretty hard now on his already empty stomach.
“We should turn this guy over and get out of here.” You agreed. Though you didn’t feel so hot yourself. Still a little nauseous from whatever that weapon did to your senses. But at least you weren’t seeing triple of everything anymore.
“Hold it, girl scouts!” Deadpool piped up, chipper as ever as he grabbed something at Giovanni’s neck before any of you could think to stop him.
The man choked just a moment though, before a piece of metal snapped off into Wade’s hands. It was a necklace, with a symbol of some sort. You saw just a glimpse of it before Deadpool pocketed it. “No proof of finishing the job, no payday for DP. No payday, then no liquor, no coke, no hookers. Am I right?”
It was too difficult to tell when if ever he was serious, and you all chose to ignore his comment, starting back up the stairs. The odd sounds of bullet fragments falling back down the stairwell caught Peter’s attention though as he gave a grossed out look to Wade for a moment.
The now impact deformed bullets were starting to work themselves back out of all the bloody holes in Deadpool’s costume. You knew where you’d seen that before of course, but Peter was the only one that actually said it aloud.
“Damn, you and Logan would be a pair.”
There was a pause, and you could swear even with the mask, you thought you saw Wade’s cheekbones move in a way that signaled he was outright grinning from ear to ear. “At least someone gets it. He still won’t return my calls though. Such a diva lately.”
Once you did get to the top of the stairs, you only found a very agitated Russell standing there, Wade’s guns in his arms. “You took long enough, the cops are outside you know. I’m not going back to jail for you!”
“Cool your tater tots, kid.” Deadpool responded lazily, in no hurry, but grabbing the weapons back to holster them all regardless.
“I could have finished this faster! I would have fried their asses!” Russell argued.
“You would have been shot. Fire does not stop bullets.” Colossus only answered matter of factly.
Russell made a face, but Wade cut him off before he could say any more.
“Now now, listen to metal daddy. No sass. And actually, I think there’s something we should talk about, champ. X-Force is way more badass and all, but we don’t exactly have a training and junior member tier yet. Maybe later. You might want to think about riding home with these guys and checking their setup out. I don’t have any powers myself to relate to you like that, except me being very shootable, devastatingly charming, sexy, smart, and a competitive level Skee-Ball player...”
Deadpool sighed, continuing. “But these guys have a Danger Room. Which is totally not a sex dungeon, yeah I was bummed about that too. But they could let you unleash that school shooter level teenage angst and burn all the shit you wanted until you really figure out your powers.”
Russel bristled. “I’m not a school shooter you prick! And you always said the X-Men were neutered dweebs and-”
Wade coughed loudly, ushering Russell forward suddenly as you all continued to walk. “Hah, kids. Such darlings. Mishear everything don’t they?”
Colossus only answered without offense though. “The offer is still open, Russell. Though you have said no before. The Professor would never turn down a young mutant in need.”
It was Peter who surprised you a little, a smirk on his face as he contributed. “Freaking sweet house too, man. Xavier’s loaded. Big screen TV, a pool, basketball court, your own room, supersonic jet. Bunch of cute girls as well, or cute boys, you know whatever you’re into.”
“I’m not gay.” Russell huffed, but actually looked to be listening now as he didn’t immediately spit back with a sarcastic retort.
Though you gave Peter a weird look and he just grinned. “What? I stayed for you didn’t I, babe? Just saying. I wasn’t exactly on board with the whole team thing before that either. I know where he’s coming from is all.”
“It’s up to you, Russell.” Kitty said more diplomatically, before returning to the matter at hand. “We’re parked at that parking garage two blocks south. Everyone meet back there, Colossus and I will hand this guy over to the cops out front. The rest of you, I’m sure there’s got to be some emergency exit you can sneak out of. Probably better to split up actually. Less attention.”
Just as Kitty had suggested, Deadpool and Russell went out one way, and you and Peter another. You came out onto another street behind the restaurant. And you’d just finally started to relax again, Peter taking your hand in his own and walking away like an honest to God normal couple for once, just out on the town together before you noticed an oddly placed white van with distinct lettering on it.
Peter saw it too just as the light from a camera hit you both.
“Hell,” You breathed.
“Want to run?” He asked seriously.
“Too late, they’d just film us ditching, and say we had something to hide.”
Your headache was returning in full force you thought as you steeled yourself, seeing the reporter now in a full sprint towards you.
“It’s Quicksilver! And (your codename)! The X-Men are here!” A woman shouted.
As you walked closer to the news van, the camera flashes only increased. It looked like a small group of paparazzi had also camped out here, hoping for this exact result. How did word travel so damn fast?
“Marcia Fletcher, WAFN nightly news!” She introduced herself at once, her camera man there just as quickly, huffing a little from the run as he got you both in focus.
You could see the lights on on his camera as she shoved her microphone in front of you and Peter. “You’re on live coverage of the Ruffiano’s restaurant shootings with WAFN. Is it true that Giovani Marcello was apprehended here tonight by the X-Men? And how did you know he was here when he’s been on Interpol’s most wanted list for four years?”
You knew without looking at him that Peter was happily deferring the speaking role to you now as you tried not to look rattled. You attempted to think of what Charles would and wouldn’t want you to say, even with the pain in your head and lingering nausea. “We didn’t know who was here. We were in the area and saw people running and went to help, that’s all.” You lied.
“But the reports of gunshots, witnesses also said Deadpool had drawn a gun on a restaurant employee and Colossus was seen inside. Is Deadpool now affiliated with the X-Men again? Did he shoot anyone?”
“Deadpool is not affiliated with the X-Men. Colossus was here tonight, but he only would have been defending anyone he thought in danger. Deadpool did not shoot anyone.” You tried to keep to short truths that time.
“But then why was Deadpool there? Should people really believe it would be a coincidence that the X-Men and Deadpool would be at the same incidence at one time if not working together?”
“Well you’re here aren’t you? Are you affiliated with us?” You replied before you could stop yourself, though still restraining the annoyance you really wanted to put into that statement. “Trouble attracts a crowd.”
Peter made a sound, a restrained laugh you knew. But before the reporter could blurt out another question, one of the now growing number of paparazzi called out, “(Your codename), hey look here! Is it true you and Quicksilver are still dating!?”
You knew better than to be baited, humoring any of them just made it worse. They were like piranhas. But Peter couldn’t help it, turning to look as so many cameras flashed. His arm slid around you protectively. “Why wouldn’t we be, dude?” He called back.
“Are you saying the photos of (your codename) and Gambit were before you two reconciling?”
It took every ounce of your self control to not respond, but oh God did you want to. It was the mission in Tanzania. You knew it. You, Storm, and Gambit. Peter had stayed in the U.S. for that one as it’d been the holidays and his Mom had wanted both he and Wanda over for some time together.
After the mission was over, the three of you had ended up on one of the beautiful Tanzanian beaches for a single day. Just a single day to yourselves.
You’d had the audacity to wear a revealing bathing suit though and you and Remy had been photographed together, him shirtless of course because it was a goddamn beach. And laughing and smiling because, surprise, you were friends! And they’d cropped Ororo out in all the closeups for complete loss of context.
It’d been a thing in some of the tabloids for a while, but you really thought that had finally blown over. Of course if anyone asked Remy, he liked to play coy on the whole subject to keep up his God’s gift to all men and women sex symbol status.
“Peter, let’s just go,” You whispered in his ear, sure anything else said would only make things worse.
But you could read him all too well, and when he turned his face to look back at you, you already knew what he was going to do. You didn’t try to stop him, because never would you humiliate him on live television with any type of rejection, but oh, you would never live this one down. Never.
He kissed you hard. And there was nothing fake about it, honestly the kind of kiss usually reserved for your bedroom as you felt heat rising up in you. The camera flashes clicking over and over as you could still taste the alcohol he’d drank before.
When he finally released you again, you gasped a little. He gave the photographers a ‘fuck you’ look, before speaking just to you. “Now we can go.”
“Fly or run?” You breathed.
“Fly please. I’m still about half out of it.” He admitted.
You powered up to some surprised and excited sounds from the crowd. Your whole body glowing white again in the energy you emitted.
“Wait, aren’t you going to stay and talk to the police!?” The reporter shouted.
“They know where to find us if they need us.” You answered, extending your energy field around Peter, before you took off vertically, making sure to get sideways over the rooftops as soon as you could though to breakup their camera angles and finally give you privacy again at last.
You landed gently atop the parking garage only a few moments later, letting him go again as you powered back down.
“Are you mad at me?” He asked, just taking your hand again though.
“No.” You said truthfully. “But, I have no idea what we’ve really just done. We still have to go home...home where the Professor always watches the 10:00 news with his late night tea.”
Peter sighed, only half joking. “We could always go stay with my Mom for a while?”
You just moved in closer, pulling him against you as you laid your head on his shoulder. “We’ll survive, babe. Somehow we always do.”
“I think that says more about you than me though. Pretty sure I’d be face down in a ditch somewhere already if it weren’t for you.”
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck then before raising your head back up to kiss him once more. Much softer this time, and even longer than his jealous little display a few minutes ago.
He made one of his little noises of contentment, hands sliding down to squeeze your butt through the thin pants you were wearing. As he pulled your hips tighter against him, he broke the kiss enough to speak regretfully. “I really was hoping to get lucky tonight...”
“Same.” You smiled. It had been a while. Mostly from you both being so tired by the time you finally got in bed. Passing out on each other had more been the norm the past couple weeks. “We get some food in you, and see where things go?”
“Gross! Get a room!”
You startled at the sudden shouting, having wholly thought yourselves alone up here in the moonlight.
Peter rolled his eyes, yelling back at Russell, “Kid, we have one! And we’d already be back there by now if it wasn’t for your little mafia hunting shenanigans!”
You looked over to see Deadpool and Russell both standing in the doorway to the parking garage stairs.
Wade whistled, leaning back against the doorframe. “Way to take down that Marcia Fletcher a notch! I always found her too uppity to be honest. I think she’s still butt hurt that they didn’t give her the lead anchor spot when Carl Sanderson moved to the early bird morning show. Tanya Meyer on the 5:00 news though, that’s my girl.”
You blinked. “How...how do you know-” It was literally minutes ago, it would have taken them just this long to walk here.
Deadpool lifted up his cell phone. “Facebook live, bitches. Don’t you follow WAFN? The recipes they post from Saturday morning cooking with Pat are always delish.” He looked back down at the phone though, happily reading. “Hah! Peggy Fredrickson from Brewster, New York thinks Marcia’s contouring and drawn on eyebrows are getting worse. Fire your makeup person, Marcia.” He tapped something on the screen. “Like comment! Oh, and Michael Morris from Ridgefield says who wouldn’t do Remy LeBeau. Damn, Michael, all out and proud on main.”
Peter let go of you, taking an annoyed breath. But then looking back to you. “Please let me at least prank Remy, something, anything.”
“But he didn’t do anything.” You replied, though only more stressed now that this was already blowing up on social media.
“Exactly! He should have at least denied it! But no, Mr. cool Cajun can’t admit that you’d actually choose me over him.”
“Hey now, I think you’re looking at this the wrong way, Quickie.” Deadpool interjected. “There’s always the ménage à trois option. I mean he’s French right? And Michael from Ridgefield is just spitting truth. Who wouldn’t want to do Remy LeBeau? He could shuffle my cards anytime.”
“You guys are so fucking weird.” Russell groaned. “Can we go find your damn car now?”
But you didn’t move yet, still looking fully at Peter. “Wade’s just trying to get under your skin. We all know how Remy is. He’d flirt with a piece of cardboard if it suited him. It doesn’t mean anything to him.” You recognized that Gambit was physically attractive of course, you had eyes too after all. But that was the only extent of it. You loved Peter. Not to mention you wouldn’t at all want to get on Rogue’s bad side. She and Gambit were tumultuous enough without someone else being added to the mix.
“This is adorable, really. But I did bring ‘good job team for sending a little girl selling, gentrification funding, pencil dick mob boss to butt fucking federal prison’ cannolis. Want some?” Deadpool offered, lifting up a large takeout box you somehow hadn’t noticed before.
Peter’s shoulders dropped a little, still heavily annoyed though eyeing the box. “So does this mean you’re coming back with us too?”
Wade shrugged, “The kid doesn’t know you guys. What kind of daddy would I be if I didn’t at least go and make sure he actually wanted to stay in your little mutant commune before I ditch him there?”
“You aren’t my damned dad.” Russell said, though almost sounding too tired to argue further at this point. He reached up, taking a cannoli from the box and biting into it as he started to walk back down the stairwell. “What floor is the car on?”
“Just one down from here, you already passed it. Black SUV,” you answered. Colossus and Kitty must not have been here yet if Wade and Russell had made it all the way to the top deck without finding them.
Peter grabbed your hand again, walking with you to the doorway as he grabbed three cannolis out the box begrudgingly with his other hand. He passed one off to you, before biting into the other two in quick succession.
And you only had a moment to see all the thick scarring under Wade’s mask as he lifted it just enough to start eating one himself, before turning to follow you both out and down the stairwell.
(Concluded in Part 2 here)
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inkdemon-whore · 2 years
re: the girl from the other side ova/movie talkin post
For sure I would agree. I don't feel like I could recommend this to anyone who hasn't read the anime (*manga) yet. It would leave too many questions for the viewer who's missing context.
watching the ova back, yeah. i mean i'm really glad that it was made, it feels more like a "thank you" to the manga readers, but i have to be honest. as someone who's not typically a manga reader, and would more than likely watch anime, feeling the need to say "you should read the manga first" is puttin me on a side i'm not typically on as a casual consumer of either medium
when i first saw it, i was thinking maybe it should be watched first before reading the manga, ya know? like enjoy it as its own thing, take in the animation and the wonderful quiet moments. like the ending of this ova is my favorite part of it, but the very, very last cut to the house is what makes it feel so disappointing coming from the manga. like seeing the old house should be like coming home from a long, emotional journey. not to say there's not any emotional moments, hell, for all i know i'm not all that emotionally connected to anything related to these characters, at least i'm not over here balling my eyes out, but like, when i see the house, i feel like i should be taking in a big breath like "thank god the pain is over", but instead i'm just left feeling like i SHOULD have been hurt, and i just, wasn't...
around the end of the film, i couldn't help but think about pokemon. and by that, i specifically mean mewtwo's orgin, which in the japanese version of the first movie, played before the rest of the movie, in the US it was cut out and made as like a bonus if i recall (adding a 9anime link along with a youtube link, though the yt version is in japanese)
and like, it's short, it's 10 minutes, but GOD DAMN if you do not FEEL for the little clonemon. like you can pack this in, you can have character motivation, and agency hella quick if you know what your doing. if you know what the character wants and/or needs from the start, i wouldn't be surprised if you could show it in 5 minutes
(spoilers by this point)
but then again, maybe i'm just amarican (derogatory but also /joke). cuz there are subtleties in the ova, for example, the house is an absolute mess until shiva comes over, you can see time passing just by the plants growing right in front of ya, but there where also some things where on a first viewing my lil brain didn't really find it all that clear, like the flower teacher had in his coat being a literal representation of shiva. i think that's just because it cut so fast from him holding the flower to him holding her, it just didn't register. and like the entire ova makes it a point to connect these flowers to shiva, so i have no idea how i missed that the first time around
and it's not like teacher doesn't care, like he does, but again it doesn't feel as attached. like in the manga, he's trying so, SO desperately to protect her, so desperate to break the curse she has, that he tries to kill someone to get their soul.
in the manga, this feels earned, like this is the right thing to do in that moment, like it might be the only option, it IS the only option (that we and teacher know of). but in the ova, it's just like... "yeah man, i can kill someone. i'll do it, sure." there's no agency, there's little contemplation, and if he did go through with it, i feel like he'd have next to no remorse
like in the manga, he has some connection to the man he's about to kill (you and teacher don't learn this until later on), but in the ova, it's just, some old guy. some old guy that ppfffuckin, tackles teacher and sets a tree on fire n then dies. like, i guess that establishes more a way to "break the curse" is to just.... die.... but like, fuckin, we already got that with the soldier, who basically took the place of auntie and the two soldiers from the manga, in that "we need to kill those who are potentially cursed, and this is exactly why". which honestly is a nice, condensed change, but the old man adds next to nothing. like maybe make him shivas uncle (we don't know if she has an uncle in the manga, but this ova is basically an au, so anything could happen man), or just remove him entirely, because he serves nothing but a slight, meaningless conflict to teacher
thinkin back, i feel like the 2019 ova did better
it doesn't say ANYTHING, but it shows you EVERYTHING, the animation when teacher is running out the door, you can feel his fear and panic, the white sugar cubes turning black from the tea, the feather, just -chefs kiss- (this might also be a hot take, but the animation in this one seems.... cleaner, it's not necessarily nicer, the 2022 ova has some really good moments, but something about the coloring and line work for most of it doesn't land for me personally)
but in the 2022 ova i love shivas dream sequence, it's just, so, so much better than anything we got in the manga (other than maybe the auntie dream)
like like like fuckin like--- lookin back, i'm realizing that, because it's a manga, there's a lot of telling, and the same thing is kinda going on in the 2022 ova, but between shiva and teacher, kinda like the glasses of water thing i was talking about in the prev post, here's what the two are opposites of
shiva is showing, and teacher is telling. shivas dreams are supposed to be a look into her thought process, and in the 2022 ova you get so much more from here, from things like looking out a window, to her dream, to her telling teacher she's cursed, which i think works so much better in animation than a manga (this might just be because i'm not use to reading manga)
but like, in the manga, when teacher is showing his inner struggle, there are times in the manga where he is literally fighting with himself, practically talking to his shadow, his inner struggle of "am i doing what's right for her, or am i being selfish? have i already messed up so hard that i should stop trying for here? should i just give up hope?", and in the 2022 ova we get non of it, but in the 2019 ova, you get just a snipit of the
him going to reach for her, wanting to hold her, and then you pull back and it's his reflection in the water holding her but him in the actual boat is just sitting back. that's a reference to one of the manga covers by the way, and i just, it says so much
i have just
been sitting here, typing, waving my fist and making stupid noises and talking out loud, i just
i want them to hold eachother and be ok
but i want them to do it in the same media
i don't want their feelings split between the manga and the ovas
hell i don't want there feelings split between 11 books with shiva's being in the last 3rd
like i love this series, i really fuckin do, that's why i'm over here talkin to much about it rn, but with how much it has it also has so little
i know i said in the prev post i want an 11 ep anime with 20 to 30 min episodes, but honestly if it was just 4 or 5 10 min episodes like the 2019 ova i'd be so happy
i'm fuckin losing my mind over these two someone help me--
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lostonehero · 3 years
Becoming less human
It was a week after the near end of the world by two men who had good intentions but no common sense. The teams Aqua and Magma merged and started on trying to help without the use of extreme measures. Both teams thankfully were pardoned and nobody died, but the orbs the orbs were absorbed into both leaders flesh, and as far as anyone knows nothing came of it except the two leaders getting together.
Maxie gave a frustrated sigh as he tried to put his shoe on again, for some reason it felt too small. He was 35 he was well past growing stuck at 5ft 5in for the rest of his life. He never complained though his height never defined him, and he could beat Archie in a fist fight no problem, growing up in a orphanage where everyone hated would make someone tough. Granted Archie would never admit to loosing, well it wasn't like anyone would belive Maxie either to the world he was a weak skinny nerd. He wore the long sleeves and stocking to cover up scars from past abuse he didn't want to show the world.
"Leader Maxie? I mean Maxie." Tabitha stutters out.
Maxie sighs "Archie isn't in here Tabitha." He heard a sigh of relief as his former admin walked in. "And I told you you didn't have to stay, you can get a better job and not be stuck with the crazy man who almost ended the world." He cursed under his breath again and tossed his shoes to the side.
"Le- Maxie I want to help with your new vision, and even if it involves Aqua what you have drawn out is pretty amazing sir...." he trails off as he watches Maxie. "Sir are you alright."
Maxie sighs. "I think I must of hurt my feet and they are swollen my shoes seem too tight." His feet look perfectly fine except for his nails that look like they are turning black.
"Oh I see do you want me to call for a doctor?"
"No Tabitha I'm fine I'll just steal Archie's shoes he left here." Maxie sighs seeing Tabitha scowl at the former Aqua leader. "I don't need you judging my love life Tabitha."
Tabitha huffs. "You can do better sir."
"Tabitha I appreciate the sentiment but I'm pretty hated right now."
"W-well you are still liked."
"I know you have feelings for Matt, and besides I'm 10 years older then you and Courtney so my answer would still be no."
Tabitha tries to hide his red face, Maxie knew him too well at this point. "R-Right sir uh today is your day off I came to remind you no work."
Maxie curses under his breath Tabitha knew him well as well. "Right very well then I think I'll visit Archie."
Tabitha sighs but didn't argue he knew Maxie wouldn't overwork himself around that pirate.
"If you keep staring at your hands I will smack the back of your head Archie." Shelly huffed
Archie was in casual clothes and nit his wet suit today. He felt naked without it on, but fir some reason his gloves couldn't go all the way down, and it seemed as if the webbing on his fingers had gotten deeper and his nails longer. He kept thinking back to the blue orb absorbing into his skin filing his blood with ice and the legendary beast staring at him seemingly to say "you survived you'll be rewarded" he really didn't know why that was in his head. He even asked Maxie about it and he said the same thing when in regards to his encounter.
"Archibald you're boyfriend is here." Shelly sneered rolling her eyes.
Archie sighs and gives a look to Shelly and she just raises her hands and left. Archie knew Shelly hated Maxie, and he knew Shelly didn't approve but he made him happy.
"Archie? Are you alright." Maxie asks as he plops down into a chair wearing longs sleeves and pants.
Archie frowns he knew the real reason why Maxie covered up and hell it had been only a short time but he wish he could see more of him more often then the bedroom. He shook his head. "I don't know I couldn't put on my gloves today."
Maxie leans back. "Funny I couldn't put on my shoes today I had to wear yours, well the pair you forgot to get when Courtney chased you put of my bedroom."
Archie grimaced at the memory but looked confused. "Maxie I'm like three sizes bigger then you how have you not tripped?"
"They fit perfectly." Macie says calmly but his shaking hands gave him away. "Is this the reward." He whispered fear lacing his tone.
Archie has never seen Maxie truly scared, sure he had startled him but the man was ready to punch him in the face rather then run away. His nerves were starting to eat away at his confidence. "I-i don't know Max. Are we taking there place?"
Maxie shivers. "I never wanted that, I don't think I could stand to loose you now." He frowns. "Could I stay with you tonight...." he trails off.
Archie nods frowning, Maxie never asked he always just stayed and was so dominate in his ways. He decided he didn't like seeing Maxie scared. "Have you gone back to..." he didn't finish his sentence when Maxie looked him in the eye.
"Yes once, it was for closure to make sure they were gone...." he stopped seemingly recalling something. "I heard something though."
"Uh I think you've been blessed by the gods your body will change to accept it.... I thought I was just hearing things." He looked down biting his lip.
Archie sighs and looks at Maxie. "I don't want to talk about this anymore..."
"Neither do I." Maxie gets up and offers Archie his hand. "Shall we get some ice cream and try to forget with bad movies."
Archie smiled softly nodding getting up. "Aye that sounds great."
.....3 months later.....
Maxie tried to wrestle Archie's shoes onto his feet but he had little to no luck, it's been months and he was comfortable wearing them this was like being a teenager in a growthspurt all over. "Fuck this!" he threw the shoes across the room and finally noticed his pants were short that doused his frustration with fear.
Archie rushed in right out of the shower his towel haphazardly around his waist. "Maxie are you alright."
Maxie in a quiet voice. "My pants are too short and slightly tight."
Archie furrows his brow and actually looks down and to his astonishment Maxie was right. "I know you've gained weight Maxie, but uh you gained height."
Maxie sighs. "I thought it was I eating more I gained weight, and I didn't mind that but.... but " he stops and takes a deep breath. "Archie we never did stop did we?"
"My legs aren't fusing if that's what your asking." Archie tried to joke but he was starting to get scared too.
Maxie sat down on the bed. "I need to get new clothes." He sighs laying down. "We probably should tell Steven."
Archie frowns and moves to lay down next to him. "Maybe we should start with our former admins, or current ones they really never stopped doing their jobs."
"I don't know which one would be worse." Maxie chuckles covering his face. "Tabithia and Courtney will be the worse mother hens."
"You think that's bad Matt once carried me to bed when I had the sniffles." Archie gives a small laugh.
"When did our lives get so messed up? Wait don't answer that I know why." Maxie huffs looking at Archie.
Archie couldn't hold it in and started to laugh.
Maxie threw a pillow at him.
..... 6 months later......
Archie frowns looking at the large blanket Matt bought for him and Maxie. "Is this really necessary? Maxie only grew 6inches."
"Bro you need to think long term, you're changing too." Matt puffs out his chest. "Even if you become another kyoger I want to make sure you're warm."
Archie sighs scratching his beard. "I don't think that's what I'm becoming Matt, but uh thanks." Matt was like his brother, he was just a tad over protective.
Matt shakes his head. "No matter what happens Archie I will be by your side no matter what."
Archie smiles softly. "Thanks Matt, but uh I think we are good on blankets, Maxie is like a furnace..."
"Does he have a fever, I know I was rude and mean when you started dating but he really loves you can I help?" Matt rattles off
Archie chuckles. "No Bro like how my body temperature lowered Maxie's went up."
"Ohhh ok so you guys cancel each other out just like them. Maybe they are dating too."
Archie covers his face with his hands trying to get that image put of his head as Matt rattles on about the many plans he has to help.
.....4 months later.....
"This is insulting at this point." Archie huffs laying on his stomach.
Maxie matching Archie's position. "I didn't want a tail either but here we are. It's not even fully formed yet and it's so sensitive." He sighs. "I honestly thought you would be upset because I'm taller then you now."
"Not gonna lie Max that kinds of turns me on." Archie chuckles hearing Maxie scoff.
"We aren't even entirely human anymore and you are thinking about bedroom activities." He tries and fails to look offended. "I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind Archie but I want to wait till we are done changing."
"Agreed, so how are your feet doing I know they were killing you." Archie hums trying to keep conversation to distract from the pain.
Maxie looks away. "Scales and bone spur on my heel...they feel a lot better but I'm worried I might hurt you while we sleep."
Archie has wide eyes. "Matching your claws."
Maxie looks back raising his brow. "Seriously Archie? What about your neck?"
"Gills got matching ones on my waist as well, I don't need my wetsuit anymore." He smiles.
Maxie smiles "swimming with Bruce is in your future right." He grimaced as a soft crack is heard. "F-fun with your p-pokemon."
Archie held onto Maxie's hand. "Its ok you don't need to be tough around me I love you."
Maxie held on tightly to Archie's hand. "I love you too." It was the first time they exchanged those words.
....1 month later....
Archie was chasing down Maxie with a bucket of soapy water. "Maxie I swear to arceus that you need to stop you're shedding let me help."
"Fuck off Archie, and leave that fucking hell brush in the trash." Maxie growls a red glowed from his eyes.
"Maxie it's just a brush stop being a baby." Archie tries to tackle him but misses. "I swear I will call Courtney and Tabitha."
"You wouldn't dare." Maxie hisses.
"I would you human lizard just get in the medicated bath." Archie crosses his arms.
Maxie grumbles and walks back to the large bath with bubbles and a medical oder he hated. He got in crossing his arms. "Only because I don't want them to see me naked again."
Archie sighs and begins to scrub softly at Maxie's scales helping them shed. "Look I don't like this either but I refuse to be covered in your shed again. I don't care if we are still changing you will take a bath when you shed."
Maxie scowls. "You don't have to baby me Archie. You know why I don't like baths."
Archie pauses. "I know Max, but you'll feel better we both know that. I'm sorry but I don't want the shower spray to hurt you like last time when you first shed."
Maxie looks away and nods. "I know I know, could you.... maybe uh come in with me?"
Archie chuckles and plops into the bath with Maxie splashing him.
Maxie spits out the soapy water at Archie. "You know what I changed my mind get out."
Archie laughs harder. "Love you too Maxie."
......1 year later....
Maxie was sitting at his desk Archie was late to their meeting, Tabitha and Courtney were both waiting along with Shelly and Matt. It was an uncomfortable silence. Maxie tapped his claw against the wood not realizing he was creating a small hole. "He's the one who called the damn meeting why is he running late."
Tabitha sighs knowing Maxie's temper was high by the smell of burning coming from his tail that slapped the floor in annoyance. "Maxie he probably forgot something."
"We share a home Tabitha he seemed perfectly put together." Maxie glares at Matt who looked guilty.
Matt Maxie knew was awful at keeping secrets and a glare from Maxie was enough to set him off. "ARCHIE IS GOING TO PROPOSE." Matt yells breaking all tension. "I promised I wouldn't tell but I just can't. He is late because the ring is taking longer to make then he realized." He covers his face in shame.
Shelly curses. "Fucking hell Matt he told us in confidence."
"I know I know but Maxie looks so upset." Matt whimpers
Shelly groans and leans back.
Courtney was laughing softly a rare sound.
Tabitha gave a look to Matt saying you're on the couch tonight.
Maxie slams his hands on the table startling everyone. "That fucking bastard" he gets up quickly. "I already bought a fucking ring."
The four stared at Maxie connecting the dots and everyone realized that maybe that their collective bosses were both actually so deeply in love they had the same idea.
At that moment Archie walked in hearing Maxie yell. "You bought a ring?"
"Of course I did you dumb pirate I love you." Maxie huffs. "I was waiting for the full moon because you like the moon's reflection on the water."
Archie looks like he was about to cry. "Maxie I love you so much woukd you marry me?"
Maxie threw his own black box at Archie. "Make an educated guess you college graduate."
Archie burst out laughing and runs to tackle Maxie into a hug. "Damn right Maxie I will marry you."
"And I will marry you Archie." Maxie smiles
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windsweptlassie · 4 years
On Love
So as you know I made this uquiz with an open-ended question at the end, tell me something about love, and I’ve gotten the most wonderful responses! They range from descriptions of wonderful partners: 
Lauren: oh, how long I went without being myself until I met him and he showed me who I truly was and that my worth was higher than I ever thought was possible
Levi: I love who we are with each other. I love who I am with you. In your company I am me. In your company I am the best of me. The best with the best, I've told you. I wouldn't give you up for anything
Daniel: i fell in love for the first time when i was 17... at the time, i didn’t realize it was the first time, i thought i’d been in love before, a couple times actually, but falling in love at 17 was such a fulfilling experience, it felt so forceful yet so right. it’s when i first truly understood what love was. never before had i felt so understood and so cared for as i did when i was in love with her, and she was in love with me. it’s been nearly 4 years since then, and nearly 3 years since we broke up and stopped talking, and still, i think about her almost every day. i’ve never known anyone like her; to me, she was love itself.
El: oh i’m in love with everyone that i know op!!! especially my girlfriend, of course ,but also my friends and my family and random people on the street and uh
Grace: i’ve met my soulmate and we plan on getting an apartment and marrying after college
A: I’m going to ask the woman I love to marry me and I just wanted to tell someone because I am so excited
Jeremy: you ever have that feeling where basically after years of denying that someone couldnt understand you in a way or love you and then the next thing you know you happen to find that person and its just great from then on out? idk how to explain it anyways I love my boyfriend so much he means the world to me
Lucy: i am so happy i have found the one i love
to descriptions of best friends and favorite people:
Nightbyrd: Love is a hug from an alzheimer's patient who hasn't the foggiest idea who you are, but they know you're worth hugging.
H: I have been doing so much yoga with my roommate recently!! It's a great way to center my mind for an hour
Riv: [platonic] i’ve literally never met anyone who understands me in the way that my best friends do. they’re literally the best people in the whole world and i genuinely don’t know what i’d do without them. i love them with my whole heart
Cillian: when i talk about how much i love my best friend i get so teary eyed because i cant believe that such a genuinely wonderful person wants to speak to me every day - i care for her more than anyone else on this planet
O: my two besties are my sources of happiness and they’re so pretty i would die for them :D
to beautiful quotes:
Kai: "you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on." DARCYYYY PLS MY HEART CANT HANDLW THIS PAIN
Dorian: When the plane went down in San Francisco, I thought of my friend M. He’s obsessed with plane crashes. He memorizes the wrecked metal details, ____the clear cool skies cut by black scars of smoke. Once, while driving, he told me about all the crashes: The one in blue Kentucky, in yellow Iowa. How people go on, and how people don’t. It was almost a year before I learned that his brother was a pilot. I can’t help it, I love the way men love. (accident report in the tall, tall weeds- ada limon, bright dead things)
Adam: every day I think about lemony snicket I will love you if I never see you again I will love you if I see you every Tuesday or however it goes. and it KILLS ME. love only fits in small things
Hero: “Your heart beats in my ribs and mine in yours, and both in God’s… The divine magnet is in you, and my magnet responds.” - Herman Melville to Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mary: "Love is watching someone die."
Alex: "meet me at blue diner, i'll take coffee and talk about nothing baby"
Sparrow: "How dare you love me like you've never known fear?" and "For you, the world," and "Darling, I was born to press my head between your shoulder blades," and "Will you start where I end?"
V: " You want to die for love. You always have. " and "someone will remember us, I say, even in another time" are living rent free in my mind 24/7 and I'm shaking. When will I finally be not the only one falling ?
Sahar K: To love another person is to see the face of god!!!
Miriam: all the love in the world is useless when there is total lack of understanding- kafka
Juls: Don’t you think they are maybe the same? Love and attention
to practices of love:
Leo; i love feeling happy bc somebody that i love is happy and comfortable....like its not about me i just love seeing you smile. we are safe together...idk i just feel it bro
A: I like to think love is leaning on each other during the light or dark days. Its a personal mission of mine to find out who I am and what I want. Yet I never seem to find my place in this world and as I look and look , I realise the only place I can be myself even with or without the efforts to find myself was done on that day or not, I am always tired so shall I lean on you? And you can lean on me as well. I shall be your fig tree and you shall be my favourite willow tree.
L: It's too late at night to be soul searching, but it's a journey we all seem to find ourselves on these days.
Anthi: feeling safe and at home, I guess (also I love frogs)
Julia: ive found that loving someone is like becoming your own thesaurus. you have to find or come up with infinite ways to say, you’re beautiful, or, i love you. it’s a gift
Galexies: ive been writing letters to the person i'd love one day since i was 14. i write them in a little journal usually, but i've been digitizing them into emails and sending them to one account that i'll give to them someday. i'd like to put pictures, but i haven't been outside much recently so theres that. i wonder if they'd like the sunsets i have on file, or if they'd find my cat cute in a bowtie.
Caeles: Love is sharing fruit slices and making someone tea at random
Dundy: Love is sending your friends cursed shit and watching them react in horror
to crushes and potential loves: 
Jess: I have a crush on my roommate. It sucks, but it's also wonderful. I get to be around him all the time when we're at school. we share a life together; it's rather domestic. I think a lot about marrying him and being domestic with him forever. It won't happen, and I'll move on eventually, but I'll be happy with him for as long as I can. I hope you feel loved tonight, because you are. Sleep well.
Aki: I so desperately want to believe that love is fake because I’ve seen what happens when loved ones leave but whenever I start to convince myself that I’ll never love anyone my best friend messages me telling me she loves me. She’s the only person I’ve ever pictured having a future with but love scares me and I don’t really know what to do but I think as long as she’s with me in some way, I’ll be fine
Hi: her her i keep thinking abt her.... gonna see her in 8 days or so i really miss her. its ok if shes never gonna love me like i want her to really being her friend spending time with her makes me the happiest girl on earth.... outsold antidepressants
Kit: this guy i have a crush on has hypnotically dark brown eyes and he's wonderful and shows me kindness like no one else
Juno: my crush has all the stars in his eyes
Mads: When I have the courage to meet my eyes with hers, the world stands still
Be Nice To Me: Look bro I never do these but I am yearning to hold them SO badly right now and someone needs to know it besides me
to the trials of love: 
Pppppp: I just wanna love like from the movies and what I read about.. but everyone tells me that that’s fictional and rare to find in the real world and it sucks bc it seems like all the guys I’ve met are terrible and the norms of society are all about not respecting women and uthdjdjdk
Manny: I have been in love before and I will be again but I’m not now and I miss it
Ok: I don't think I've ever been in love, though I love many people. I am waiting for the day I look at someone and can say, YES. IT'S YOU.
Chloe: idk rn i'm like okay with my love and i'm happy so we'll see i'm just a little cautious rn bc my last partner told me i didn't know how to love
L: love is so fucking complicated I don't even know where to start
Corrin: He’s not real and it worried me that I will never allow myself to live or be loved because I will always be waiting for him
Sean: Good luck it dont exist
Serena: i want 2 b in love :(( </3
13: I don’t know anymore
M: I just really don’t like dealing with it lol
to beloved characters: 
Janaya: I’m madly in love with my comfort and kin character and I hope maybe in the afterlife I can relive a life with him in some sort of dimension
Jhgjdf: when i was a kid i had a crush on ash ketchum from pokemon and id always daydream about being a female pkmn trainer and meeting him and we fall in love
to advice and prose: 
Mikolai: Love is earth, gentle and soft at first flight but upon being broken, drowns you in the dry choking wastes of its consequences...
Thex: Your hands will not go cold without someone to hold them. I am here. I will be here.
Kat: it is the nearest proof to god that i find myself surrounded by people who love in a way that complements so wonderfully the way i love
H: believe in love out of spite believe in love to prove everyone wrong believe in love because you were told not to and we will not do what we’re told anymore believe in love because it’s the strongest act of teenage rebellion we have left believe in love because it’s easier not to and when is easy worth doing? believe in love because everything says otherwise but you are untouchable, you are your own, you are not made by their design believe in love because, perhaps, you are love
Ali: I used to want a kind of love that feels like coming home and now I want nothing more than to be away from home on many different adventures
Em: you dont need to love yourself to accept it from others
to the small, the simple, and the sweet:
Ireal: Poems
O: Flowers
Fay: ah im sorry that i’m feeling unmotivated but you are very kind.
Ad: we love LOVE
A: <3
Isak: small things
H: intense
Hey: Listening to a clock ticking away
S: her
E: <3
Hania: Amorous, I adore that word ^^
Catboy: wholesome
J: i love love so much it hurts
Emmy: hi i love the song darkest of discos!! try and give it a listen!! <3
Nora: Love is painful, but most of the time love is great
Ariel: i like the comfort it can bring
M: i love love
to food!
Cool Whip: Matzoh ball soup!!
Woop: I love sausages.... I hope that's ok with you?
and animals too <3
Nee: hmm i have pet geckos and i love them very much!
96: raccoons ????
DJ Big Penis: cats
:3: I Love frogs,,, love is stored in the frog,,,
I hope that this serves as a sweet compilation of what love means! Love to all of you, it warms my heart so much to hear about your people and your geckos and your characters and soup and all the songs and quotes you love. <3 Strength to all of you who are figuring out to do about your feelings for your crush, and congratulations to you who are proposing or moving in with your person! Your words are a source of light to me, truly.
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