#thank you kiyoko for translating parts
mymelosan · 3 months
(You can post this if you want! I just wanted to bring awareness towards this)
Hey so there are a few accounts that do this but one that was really rude towards a member of the Sanrio community was this account @hellosweetdayspng they’ve been gatekeeping their edits and getting mad at fans who ask for the tutorials and are just curious on how they get their pictures…there’s a few posts about going around and that’s why I brought this here! (I have messages from the account I’m going to dm to you)
The Sanrio community is an open space that supports inclusivity and we should be encouraging and supporting each other and their ways of contributing to the community!
To be rude to the people who support and LIKE YOUR CONTENT is truly a dumb thing to do.
Note to people who follow!
* you should not be gatekeeping edits as it is Sanrio’s content
@hellosweetdayspng I hope you start to realize that gatekeeping is a terrible thing to do! And your followers and the Sanrio community were just asking questions…….
You have time to make edits so why don’t you just post the apps you use and where you get your screenshots from in a post when you post your next edit..?
Ok thank you for information!
I feel sad when the community is not being nice.
Everyone should be respectful
I will post the picture for education reason
Thank you again and please tell me if this happen again
Please be more kind to communities you are a apart of
The community is trying to be nice and apart of the edits and space! why exclude them from enjoying Sanrio @hellosweetdayspng ??????
as someone who is born in Japan this is disappointing and really upsets me and goes against Sanrio and their warm fanbase. I'm sorry you guys are going through this. Just keep bringing awareness toward problem.
Let me know if you guys ever want a tutorial I'll learn something for you guys and post!
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espressokiri · 3 years
Hi there. Another Muslimah here.
Hope you don't mind me sending you an ask. I read your fic about the BNHA boys with a muslim s/o. It was really good. I loved it so much. (There aren't many fics like this, which is a shame cause we like fanfics too. So this was very refreshing. Thank you.💚😉)
Could you do one for the Haikyuu boys, specifically Tsukishima, Kuroo, Sugawara, and Bokuto. But only if you want to, of course.
Hope you have a great and productive day.
Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, Sugawara Koushi, and Bokuto Koutarou x Hijabi!reader
In which reader is a hijabi Muslim.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: You're welcome to send asks anytime <3 I may be slow at getting through them but I will make sure to get them out! Thank you for being so sweet anon <3 I hope you enjoy this one! ^^ I’m sorry if it seems bland as I was slowly losing ideas.
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Tsukishima Kei
His eyes would constantly drift to you during class hours, lips twitching into a smile as he would watch you struggle with the assignment sheet given during history class.
Would take that as a leeway to make conversation and help you out.
"Tsk, can't even do a simple history assignment?"
Just sits down next to you and points out what you did wrong while helping you out.
Flinches his hand away and mutters a sorry if your hands accidentally graze each others.
He knows how strict the dating rules were and he admired it, thinking it was a safe way to keep them away from harm and heartbreak.
Becomes your unofficial tutor just to spend more time with you.
Has the urge to flick your forehead most times when you purposely tease him.
Is worried when he sees you zoning out in the middle of class during Ramadan, you have to convince him you're fine and that you're getting your studying done despite the odd sleep schedule you've created.
He'll give you a small box of his favourite treat, strawberry short cake, randomly throughout Ramadan because he knows you crave more sweets during the days you fast than regular days.
He calls you a masochist when he finds you watching cooking/baking videos while fasting.
Will stop by your house to drop off pastries during Eid for you and your family because he wants to peak at you all dressed up as he's only seen you in your school uniform or in casual but modest fashion.
He feels a sense of security, enjoying the aspect of getting to know someone with no sense of rush.
Kuroo Tetsurou
He's such an awkward nerd please.
Wants to approach you but fears he might accidentally offend you due to his provocative nature, hence resorts to staring at you from across the room.
Would research more about your religion and would use that as a way to start small talk;
“Hey, uh, I was wondering how do you manage to pray Zuhr when you’re in school? Isn’t it bad that you have to miss it?”
“Oh uh, I usually run home as soon as I can or pray in my club room if there are meetings, my club members are very understanding.”
“Oh... I see.”
“That’s pretty cool of you to be concerned, Kuroo-san.”
Cue him asking you random but wholesome questions with genuine curiosity.
“Did you know men who oppress women are considered to not follow Islam? I find that really nice that women are equal to men in your religion!”
You smile at him and his interest in your religion.
Study sessions in the library because you both wanted to spend time with each other but he knows it is wrong for a male to be alone in the same room as the opposite gender so you both opted for the library where there are lots of people.
Gasps and immediately looks away when you unravel the scarf around your head to fix;
“Y/n! You can’t do that!!”
“I’m wearing an underscarf calm down.”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatic male but smiled at his respectful nature.
Ramadan? Catch him ruining his sleep schedule just to have movie nights with you through the phone and Netflix Party.
Kenma teases him about it because Kuroo used to yell at him about his own staying up late gaming obsession.
Likes it when you wear a cap on top of your hijab, he thinks it looks cool on you.
He’ll convince you to skip school during Eid if it falls on a school day, telling you that it’s important that you spend at least the first day of it with your family. 
Overall, he’s the type to keep up with the Islamic calendar and learn new facts daily as he asks you to explain each and everything about your religion and lifestyle.
Sugawara Koushi
See’s you for the first time with Kiyoko when he went to excuse her from class for managerial duties.
Smitten from first sight.
Begs Kiyoko to let you be her assistant manager.
He keeps a distance from you during your first introduction and conversation because he didn’t know what you were comfortable with.
He was in awe to find out there were sports hijab when he saw you sporting one to play a short game with an over-enthusiastic Hinata.
“Here, stay hydrated.”
Hands you a bottle of water along with a towel, a newfound respect for playing in hot weather conditions fully covered. 
Due to the chaotic nature of the first and second years, Sugawara would run to cover your eyes with his jacket or hover his hands in front of your face whenever Tanaka would rip off his shirt to swing around whenever he spiked.
Sugawara had to stop himself multiple times from clapping his hand onto your shoulder, resulting in him just smacking either Asahi or Daichi when they mention him almost touching you.
Outings between you two is always monitored by the third years, Asahi smiling proudly at his friend Suga while Daichi and Kiyoko would sneakily take candid pictures of you both.
“What’s one verse you hold dear to your heart?”
You look at him from the warm mug of drink you are holding, tilting your head as you look at him in confusion. Sugawara felt the tips of his ears go red at the cute expression you held, and explains his question.
“Ah,” you thought long and hard before giving him an answer, “ ‘Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear...’ I find that part of the verse very reassuring in times when I feel like I’m overwhelmed.”
Sugawara held onto every word, finding the beauty behind those words, he felt at peace. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He smiles.
It felt like he was more excited than you for Ramadan.
He would read out loud the Japanese translation of the Quran after you read out the Arabic words in a beautiful and soothing voice. He wanted to understand and learn.
He was hooked onto the peaceful energy the month brought despite life going on normally.
This man would wear a formal Kimono when your family invites his over for Eid, he wanted to make the best impression despite already meeting them in passing.
Suga had a sense of security and comfort around him and you felt lucky to have met someone such as him.
Bokuto Koutarou 
Oh God.
Akaashi had a field day trying to stop him from initiating any and every kind of physical affection when he first introduced you to him.
Bokuto is a man who expresses himself with affection, so he was lucky for Akaashi to explain to him why he shouldn’t initiate any physical affection without asking for what you considered crossing a boundary.
He knows he can’t drag you to the gym to watch him play volleyball by hand, so he asks you to hold onto the end of a pen, which you took, confused as to what the male exactly wants before realizing he was holding the other end and using that to drag you to where the gym was.
It was oddly endearing.
“Did you see my spike, Y/n?! Didya see?!”
“Yes, Bokuto. It was really cool!”
Cue a chest puffed up Bokuto who grinned with pride.
Invites you to eat lunch with him and Akaashi on the roof.
Having to refuse his food because you weren’t sure if there was pork in it or not.
This made Bokuto stop bringing in food that contained pork, not knowing even aside from that, he had to have the halal form of chicken or beef.
Akaashi had to explain everything to him when he asked him once.
Tried to go vegetarian one day, failed the minute he took a bite out of his food.
Feels bad when he eats on days you are fasting, so he tries finishing the meal before you come up to their usual meeting spot, resulting in him giving himself a stomach ache.
Brings you tuna filled onigiri to take home so you can eat it as a snack during the night after breaking your fast.
Sends you spam messages minutes before having to break your fast;
‘Are you excited to eat?!?!?!’
‘What are you having today?!?’
‘If you want to get any snacks later let me know! :D’
He’s so wholesome please.
Wants to skip school with you for Eid, but pouts when you tell him you’ll be spending it with family.
Asks you to send an OOTD pic so he could be your hype-man.
Bokuto is always willing to understand more about you and your religion, making sure to note things in his head for future references.
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tooruluv · 3 years
Hajime Iwaizumi x F!Reader
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❝ enemies, as well as lovers, come to resemble each other over a period of time ❞
description: your feud with hajime iwaizumi only escalated throughout your years at hogwarts; whether it was on the quidditch field or who would be the first to sit down in class, there always seemed to be some sort of raging competition between you two.  
genre: hogwarts!au, angst, enemies to lovers, slow burn, rivals, gryffindor quidditch keeper iwaizumi, slytherin quidditch captain f!reader
word count: 5.5k
warnings/notes: swearing, lots of angst, small depictions of violence, mentions of alcohol and drinking, not proof read im so sorry although i am an avid believer than both iwa and oikawa would be slytherins, i wanted to play with the idea of them being gryffindors, which actually makes sense when you think hard about it hfklhfd anyway! please enjoy!
part of a hogwarts collab !  collab masterlist posted here ! tysm to the wonderful @rintsuru​ for hosting <3
my general masterlist
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You could feel his presence from across the dining hall, immediately dowsing you in a raging hatred that you only reserved for him. His arrogance mocked you as he basically danced into the Great Hall bathed in compliments.
The Gryffindor quidditch team won against Ravenclaw the night before. You didn’t know why he had all of the glory... he wasn’t even the captain. Being keeper had its perks, you guessed.
You rolled your eyes and focused your attention to your food. You tried not to stab the plate as you heard the varying praises to the boy in red and gold. “Congrats, Iwa!” and “That last block was brilliant!” nearly made you want to choke.
Hajime Iwaizumi was simply not someone who deserved such compliments. He was vile, annoying, and did everything in his limited power to poke and prod at every single one of your nerves. You used to ignore your burning hatred that you harbored for him; but late in your second year, you had let it all out.
And, as it turned out, he wasn’t quite fond of you either.
It had been years since then, yet the feelings remained the same. It was just the start of your sixth year and you already wanted to gouge his eyes out with the pointy end of your fork.
Tooru Oikawa caught your gaze and sent you a cheeky smile. You wished that you could hate the captain as much as his keeper, but you only let your hatred for him simmer for so long. He was quite fun when he wasn’t next to the little shit.
“Just wait for next week when you verse Slytherin! You’re sure to win!” a small Gryffindor told them. 
“I wouldn’t be too sure.” You said, perhaps a bit too loudly. You lacked volume control, after all.
“What was that, Slytherin?” Iwaizumi turned to you. His gaze was fire on your skin and you wanted nothing but to catch him aflame as well. 
“Your arrogance and cockiness proceeds even you.” You said, voice monotone and venomous against the recent silence at your speech. “I wouldn’t be too sure of your success.”
“Say that again after the match.” Iwaizumi turned back to accept another compliment and find a place to sit at his house’s table.
You wondered if you would get expelled if an apple happened to launch out of your hands and land on the back of his head.
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Late in your second year, you had enough of Hajime Iwaizumi.
The both of you were in a silent competition the minute you were introduced to each other in your first year. It was never anything serious, just two eleven year olds who liked to be at the top.
It wasn’t until your second year that you started to feel genuine distaste for him. You had buried the thought of “hate” for a long time, masking it to be annoyance and opposition. 
The hatred was much deeper than a surface burn.
It was during charms class that you finally snapped. 
It was not more than the simple mutter of his breath. It was a mispronunciation of the spell and the tap of his wand against the table that made you lose your control. 
“Hajime! Can you please, for the love of Merlin, shut the fuck up!” The harsh language created a tense silence through the classroom. No twelve year old had the balls to curse that hard in front of that many people, including a professor. “If you are going to be an idiot, at least try to hide it.”
Hajime Iwaizumi turned in his seat to face you, irritation and vexation easily overpowering his shock. 
“Funny that you’re saying that.” He said.
“You’re so ridiculous.” You rolled your eyes. “Oh, I’m Hajime Iwaizumi and I am a perfect student that can’t even properly pronounce a simple spell! But that doesn’t matter because guess who’s a keeper for the quidditch team when I’m only a second year!! I am perfect!! Literally no one likes you.”
“Trust me, no one likes you either.”
No one meaning, and translating to, I don’t.
Just to show off, you easily cast the charm that he had failed. Charms was your strong subject, so you only needed to say the spell and flick your wand before turning your attention back to him.
He was nearly smoking from his ears, he was both embarrassed and livid.
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You waved to Kei Tsukishima as you caught his gaze from the side of the hall. He was a fellow Slytherin and a good friend, though neither of you would admit that to each other.
He nodded as his greeting. He shoved his book back into his bag as you made your way to his side.
“Hey, Tsukki.” You said. “I wasn’t expecting to see you until practice tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, I’m waiting for Yamaguchi.” He turned his body to lean against the wall. “We’re going to Hogsmeade today.”
“No invitation?”
He sighed. “Would you like to join us, Captain?”
“I was joking, no need to sound so enthusiastic.” You chuckled. As you started to speak again, Tadashi Yamaguchi left the classroom the two of you stood outside of. He smiled at you, his green and white reflecting off of his eyes.
“Captain!” Yamaguchi greeted, putting an arm around your shoulder. “Are you coming to Hogsmeade with us?”
“Be careful, the idiots are coming.” Tsukishima interrupted and warned, motioning over your shoulder.
You turned around to find Oikawa and Iwaizumi walking next to each other, laughing about something only the two of them knew. You had to hold back from making a comment.
“Yoohoo!” Tooru Oikawa caught your eye. You sighed and turned back to your fellow Slytherins, sharing a look. 
“Hello, Tooru.” You felt him beside you before you looked. 
You purposely didn’t look at Iwaizumi. 
“We’re celebrating our win tonight, you guys should join!” Oikawa invited. You heard Iwaizumi’s exhale of frustration, but you only rolled your eyes in an attempt to ignore his presence. 
“You want a group of Slytherins hanging out with you, celebrating your win, when we go against you in less than a week?” Tsukishima spoke up. He moved off of the wall. “No thanks. Come, Yamaguchi. Let’s go.”
Yamaguchi waved goodbye and followed his best friend down the hall. You pivoted to fully face the two Gryffindors.
“I’ll come.” You said, mainly out of spite.
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Tooru Oikawa was naturally outgoing. He was the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, a flirt, and all together a pretty chill person. You didn’t mind calling him a friend, despite the vast differences between you two.
One vast difference being his best friend.
Which is why you found yourself next to him as soon as you entered the Gryffindor party. The cascades of burgundy and gold created a deep atmosphere in the hidden room, lights dancing along the dark walls and the smell of various alcohols filled the air. It was a Gryffindor party, that much was true.
You were one of the very few Slytherins that occupied the room. Your eyes caught sight of only a couple, most of them much younger than you and just happy to be at one of their first few parties.
“Oi, a snake has crawled into the winner’s common room.” Oikawa joked as he handed you a can. You accepted. 
“A snake in a lion’s den, I wonder who will win.” You quipped. 
“The lion, for sure.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure. Snakes can eat things 100 percent their size.” You raised a brow and opened your can. 
“Hm,” Oikawa looked over his shoulder and called out for someone you didn’t see. “Hey! Who do you think would win, a lion or a snake?”
“A lion obviously.” It was Hajime Iwaizumi. 
You let out a groan, immediately losing your sense of humor. “Ah, you’ll see in less than a week.”
“I don’t think I will.” Iwaizumi said, stoic and annoyed. “This win was only one of few.”
“I suggest you just celebrate this win.” You took a sip. “Because I don’t think the losing team would like to come to the winner’s party.”
“That just means I will not be seeing you, which is a grand idea.”
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It was the time of year just before winter, where the air starts to cool but the sun still warms your skin. You took a breath and held your broom at your side. 
It was near minutes before the anticipated game against Gryffindor, and you could hear the crowds already. The rivalry between your houses was something that everyone enjoyed; the rivalry between you and their keeper was all you.
“Alright team.” You pivoted to the team behind you. “We’re playing Serpent first; and if we don’t get any points within the first two minutes, I’ll hold up the signal for Green. Got it?”
“Got it.”
You had a pretty well-rounded team in your honest opinion. Tsukishima was perfect as your keeper, he was never one to let anything get past him. Your chasers included you, Yamaguchi, and another girl named Yui Michimiya. You had the Miya twins for beaters. And, rather recently, you gained a new seeker named Tobio Kageyama. The same age as your keeper, but only wanted to join quidditch out of hate for the Gryffindor seeker (and who were you to deny that?).
The Gryffindor team was not one to mess with, they had a nice team too. Iwaizumi as the keeper, the Idiots Nishinoya and Tanaka as beaters, their new seeker Shoyo Hinata... but the problem was their chasers: Oikawa, Kiyoko Shimizu, and Wakatoshi Ushijima. They were so quick on their brooms, it was like working against wind.
Today was no day to lose.
“It’s our first official match of the year.” You encouraged. “Let’s show them who not to mess with.”
“Let’s absolutely destroy them.” Atsumu added.
You grinned.
As you headed towards the field, you could feel the adrenaline creeping into your bones. Quidditch had become routine, simple muscle memory as you moved to your starting positions. 
The Gryffindor team appeared, and you felt the excitement enter you in a rush of air.
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In the air, Hajime Iwaizumi felt at peace. He was very good at what he did, and he knew that, and the game was something he was passionate about.
He was also passionate about beating you.
You were the bane of his existence. You had never once sent him anything other than something bitter or sarcastic. You were an annoying pest that he simply couldn’t get rid of.
And as you threw the Quaffle into the goal just above his head, Iwaizumi felt his eye twitch.
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Slytherin won, Tobio Kageyama’s hand high with the Snitch inside. 
You watched in triumph as the teams descended on the brooms. From the skies down, you cheered.
“Congrats, Slytherin.” Oikawa said, though his tone was bitter and sour. 
You knew that he hated losing, so you didn’t push it. He was a friend, after all. Sending him just a small “I’m sorry you didn’t win” smile, you headed to your team. You gathered them into a hug, or rather-- a huddle, and ruffled the hair on Kageyama’s head. 
You peeked over your shoulder to catch sight of Iwaizumi. He was standing, hands at his sides, red face and eyes blank of any expression other than anger.
You smirked at him.
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Hajime Iwaizumi was on the other side of the victory this time, silently brooding as he picked at his food in the Great Hall. The Gryffindor table emitted zero volume. 
He was pissed off the second you entered the hall, Kei Tsukishima and Tadashi Yamaguchi walking beside you. The green and white seemed to glow, mocking him in the worst way imaginable. 
Oikawa tried to bring his attention back to the food, but Iwaizumi was focused primarily on you. You were gloating, relishing in his loss, taking delight in the compliments from your house. A Hufflepuff appeared at your side, and you smiled as you thanked them for their congratulations. 
He felt sick.
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You could not help but drown yourself in the triumph. You walked on air, the feeling of superiority tickling every inch of skin it could touch.
You waved goodbye to a couple of friends, heading directly to the Gryffindor table. You placed your hands on Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s shoulders, leaning to place your head right between theirs.
“I suppose the snake beats the lion.” You sent a wink to Iwaizumi, knowing full well how it would provoke him. 
“Fuck off.” Iwaizumi shoved your hand off of his shoulder.
“Go receive your praise at the Slytherin table.” Oikawa shooed, fork in hand. “You won’t find it here.”
“Sore losers.” You mocked just for fun. You stood straight. “I imagine that I would be the same, given it were the other way.”
You basically skipped back to your table for breakfast.
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You were absolutely elated for the rest of the day. It was quite similar to being on cloud 9, winning your first game of the year against your rivals. The look on Hajime Iwaizumi’s face only added to the feeling.
You were walking down the hall, talking to a fellow Slytherin girl who had her arm wrapped in yours. She was going on and on about how she wished she could have imprinted Kageyama’s snitch catch to her memory.
That was when your shoulder collided directly into a firm body.
Your arm was ripped away from your classmates, along with your bag that fell onto the hard ground with a loud thud and wisp of parchment and ink. Everything in your bag now scattered the ground, covered in the dark ink and dirt. 
Your mood was too high to get too angry. It was an accident; you would bite your tongue and clean up the mess.
Until you realized just who’s shoulder you ran into: Hajime Iwaizumi. Your greatest enemy and now destruction of your contents.
“Watch where you’re going next time, Hajime.” You grunted, kneeling to save some of your parchment before the ink could reach it. 
“Perhaps if you had your head out of your ass, you wouldn’t have run into me.” Iwaizumi responded. He had turned to face you midway through your fall.
“As if you didn’t feel this way a week ago.” You told him, standing up. Nearly everything that was in your bag was soaked, including the bag itself. You inhaled deeply. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”
“Now, why would I run my shoulder into you on purpose hoping to ruin your mood?” He asked. “You must be very arrogant to think that everything must be about you.”
You clenched your jaw and closed your eyes. “I will not let a piece of shit such as yourself bring my mood down today. Today is a good day.”
You knelt once again to find your essay that you had written for Snape, searching your documents. Only to find it one of the few that were directly under the ink, completely doused in black.
“Actually, fuck you.” You lifted the paper. Ink dripped off and onto the ground. “Do you know how long I worked on this?”
“I don’t know, a couple of minutes?” Iwaizumi shrugged. “You aren’t exactly the best at your schoolwork.”
“You wish you knew me well, but you don’t at all.” You felt anger boil in your chest. “I worked very hard on this essay. Days, even. And you destroyed it in less than five seconds..”
“There’s the Slytherin in you.” He let out a humorless laugh. “You think everything has to be about you, and if it doesn’t than someone is out to get you. Your ego is so fucking enormous that you can’t even muster the idea that maybe something isn’t about you. You didn’t even win, Tobio won the game for you. God, why don’t you go make a friend instead of standing here arguing with me about an accident?”
And then, “You really are a raging bitch, aren’t you?”
The girl that you were talking to had wide eyes, and you were sure that she was ready to fight. A couple of bystanders that were once just listeners started to mumble. And you.... you couldn’t fathom words.
Your feud with him had grown deep, but it had never gone as far as that. In front of a crowd, no less. 
It was one thing to make comments, to be bitter and roll your eyes at each other’s presence. It was one thing to bicker, to fight, to joke to friends about the other’s incompetence and purposely pull on each other’s strings.
It was something else completely to call you a bitch in front of everyone in the middle of a hallway after a thread of insults.
You fake smiled, feeling unwanted tears threaten their way to your eyes. You would not allow yourself the angry tears; they would only make you angrier. 
“You’re more than just an asshole, Hajime Iwaizumi.” You told him. Because you truly didn’t have any words.
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“Calling a woman a bitch is the worst insult. Those are fighting words.” Oikawa’s older sister used to say. “It’s comparable to calling a man a pussy.”
Hajime Iwaizumi didn’t think much while he spoke. He just said the things as they came, especially when he didn’t really care much about what you thought of him.
But, calling you a bitch... that felt as if it were crossing a line that he didn’t have the authority to cross. And the look on your face after he said it was one that he had never witnessed on you.
At practice, his head still held the image of you. 
He was confused. Why did he regret calling you a name? It wasn’t as if the two of you don’t argue in front of people all of the time. In fact, it was nearly a common occurrence. 
For some ungodly reason, he felt a tug at his chest. 
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“Maybe you should apologize?” Oikawa suggested.
“Why would I apologize to her?”
“Because I think you went a little bit too far.” He told his best friend as truthfully as possible. “Because as much as I think the rivalry between you two is fun, she’s still just a girl. And because my sister said you should.”
“You wrote your sister?”
“Yeah, of course I did.”
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For several days, Hajime Iwaizumi hadn’t seen you. You didn’t eat in the Great Hall, you didn’t come to the classes he had with you, you didn’t go to Hogsmeade like you usually did on weekends.
So, he came to your practice.
He was hoping to apologize. It was something he had never done to you before, and he had practiced it quite a few times. Just a small, “I’m sorry for calling you a bitch in front of everyone.”
Yes. That should be fine and the two of you could go back to the regularly scheduled loathing.
But the second he stepped onto the field, the two beaters stood in front of him. 
“I wouldn’t.” Atsumu said, holding his broom. “She’s been in a mood.”
“I know, I’m the reason for that.” Iwaizumi said. “I just want to talk to her. Just a second.”
“I wouldn’t.” Osamu repeated. “Whatever you have to say, it’s gonna have to wait.”
Iwaizumi nodded, looking at the twins. He was going to ask them to tell you that he had been there, ask them to ask you to meet him somewhere or something so he can get the stupid apology off of his chest, when you appeared behind them.
“Get off of my field, Hajime Iwaizumi.” You said. You had been at practice for the past two hours (according to the sign ups), yet your voice was even and you hadn’t even broken a sweat. In fact, your voice spit toxin in his direction.
“I just wanted to...”
You had taken off before he could even say his second word. The twins followed right after.
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Tooru Oikawa took a place beside you. It would have been normal, if it were not for your avid avoidance of anyone with a Gryffindor robe on.
“Hello, Tooru.” You said without sparing him a glance.
The thing was, you weren’t angry with him. You didn’t hate Oikawa, you hated his closest friend. And by association, you didn’t want to talk to him just as much. Oikawa had always been the middle ground between the doom and gloom that was the dark haired man you hated.
“I think you should talk to Iwa.” Oikawa said. Plain and simple, to the point.
“I think you should mind your business.” You retorted. “I never talked to him to begin with, what’s different now?”
“Because now is different.” He grabbed his book as the professor walked in. “Now, you won’t even say your smart ass remarks or tell him how fucked up his hair looks. Now is just... boring and sad.”
“So you want me to talk to the guy I hate in order for you to not be bored?” You scoffed and collected your things. “Truly, you are his best friend.”
You left just as the professor started talking, receiving a few stares in the process. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to that.
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You were walking with Tsukishima, laughing at your attempts to get him to smile. Your team had really taken your mind and restored your confidence. You figured, as long as you didn’t see the man you hate then he simply didn’t exist. It was that easy.
Until you accidentally caught his eye across the street. 
It had been snowing, so most of the students were in their winter gear and warm clothes. You yourself had a hat and scarf on, gloves to cover your hands despite the hot to-go mug of cocoa in them. 
Hogsmeade was quite busy with everyone getting last minute holiday gifts and hurrying to hang out before break. Yet, somehow, your eyes found the brown of Iwaizumi’s.
You turned around, forcing Tsukishima to follow. The younger boy didn’t even have to ask about your change in demeanor, easily falling into pace beside you. 
You felt a hand on your wrist, and heard your name being called. “Hey. Can I talk to you? I’ve been trying to apologize...”
You stopped dead in your tracks, as if you were pulled on a leash. As if his bare hand touching your empty gloved one had scolded you. Iwaizumi stood before you, red cheeks from either the cold or from rushing after you. Either way, you wanted nothing to do with it. 
He had spun you in his grasp, his jaw tight and eyes searching yours before falling to his hand around yours. His grip on your wrist was tight, and he swallowed as his eyes found yours again.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You snatched your arm away. “Have you ever considered that? I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you, and I don’t want to hear your half-ass apology!”
“I have been trying to talk to you.” He said. “I...” His eyes scanned yours. His tongue rolled in his mouth. “You mean to tell me that you don’t want my apologies?”
“You’ve made it very clear what you think of me, so I hope that I can make this very clear for you,” You took a deep breath. “I hate you. I don’t like you, I have never liked you, and I hope that whatever it is that is eating you up inside continues to do so.”
Hajime Iwaizumi’s eye twitched. He started to take a step towards you, but decided against it, falling back into the same step. “I don’t...” His voice was nothing as you had ever heard it. “You...” His eyes clouded with the emotions you were familiar with. “Fine.”
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It was a sudden realization. It was not something you had even considered before, not something planned or reasoned. It was much like a tsunami, a build up of unrelated activity that brought something else entirely.
Emotions were unfortunate things. If you feel extreme emotions for someone, no matter what... they are still very strong feelings.
Hate to love, what a strange concept.
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You held the potion below your nose, inhaling the scent. 
“What does it smell like?” Snape asked.
“It smells like... bergamot.” You distinguished the varying smells. “Apple. And... lavender?”
You stepped back and hoped no one could see you connecting the dots through your eyes.
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Tooru Oikawa was an observant person. He was known to be the person who knew the best for his team, easily finding the perfect techniques for each on the field and as encouragement. He was one for connections and relationships.
Which is why he knew that you were masking feelings of something else with this burning hatred. Which is why he knew why you felt so bad after Iwa called you a terrible name in front of an audience. Which is why he knew who it was when you listed your amortentia scents.
He tried to send you a look from his seat across from you, classes later. He wanted to tell you that he knew; that he knew there was something more to what’s going on, and that something was Iwaizumi.
You just sent him a middle finger, knowing full well what he was getting at.
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Your feelings didn’t just suddenly arrive. And you were full of confusion, disorientation, and most of all... anger.
For as long as you could remember, Hajime Iwaizumi was supposed to be your arch enemy. He was your nemesis on a daily basis. He was the reason for your annoyance. He was the reason for your hatred for the colors red and gold. He was the reason you became the quidditch captain. He was the reason for the breath leaving your lungs.
And he was the reason for the breath entering.
You were pissed. You were pissed that you had unrealized feelings for the man you were supposed to hate, have hated for years. You were pissed that your love had been in a game of chess, where the only outcome is to win or forfeit. You were pissed that the entire time you had spent a vast majority of your time hating, loathing, rolling your eyes at... the entire time you had a reserved space for hate, when it should have been quite the opposite.
The luck must have been exclusively for someone else, because it seemed as though whoever created you had decided to have a fun game.
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You had punched Hajime Iwaizumi once. 
It was something you thought of a lot, and it was the main reason Iwaizumi chose not to test you too closely to that day. 
He was rolling his eyes at something Oikawa was saying when you walked by. You were heading to your quidditch practice, the captain not one for latecomers. And he caught sight of you. He quickly jumped from his spot and stopped you from passing.
“Out of the way, Hajime, I have practice.”
“Oh, right, because you’re on the quidditch team now.”
“I am, thank you very much.” It was the beginning of third year, and you were not only annoyed but you were also a Growing Person going through puberty. You did not have time to deal with a teenage boy pissing you off. “You forget that not everyone got on the team their first year of trying out.”
“Because we’re better than the entire Slytherin team.”
“Talk to me when you win a house cup.” You tried to push past him, but he stood directly in front of you in one step. “Move, or be moved.”
“What are you going to do? Punch me?”
So, you did. Your fist collided with his cheek before you could even register that it had happened. Oikawa gasped out loud, it quickly turning into a laugh. 
“She punched you!” Oikawa laughed, grasping at his sides. “Ah man!”
While Iwaizumi touched his cheek to check that— ah yes, you really did punch him— you were already walking away to the practice field.
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Iwaizumi missed you, if he were being fully and completely honest with himself.
He found himself searching for you in classes or in common areas, prepared for your snide remarks and bitter taunts. He found himself waiting for you to roll your eyes at his presence; looking for you to quip about the next quidditch game.
But when none of it came, he felt out of place.
He actually missed your annoyed banter. He missed you shoving your middle finger in his direction. He missed the redness on your cheeks when you would try to calm yourself down. He missed the silence that would escape you if he entered a room and you were anything other than angry.
He missed catching you smiling at someone and watching your face change. He missed the arguments in class. He missed the little comments during eating.
Confused, he pushed those feelings down as he watched you eat with some Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff that he had never talked to before.
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It had been several weeks of silence from your end. You had thrown yourself back into quidditch before the break, happy to have a distraction from whatever the fuck you were feeling. You weren’t going home for the holidays, so you spent some time planning for the spring and classes.
You found yourself outside, sitting in the snow and writing a make up essay for Snape. You had found a nice spot under a roofed area, so nothing smudged your writing (or, you know, covered it completely). 
“Oh.” A voice said from above you.
You looked up to find Iwaizumi, hands in pockets and staring at you as if you had never existed and he was discovering you for the first time.
“I wasn’t expecting to find anyone here.” He said. 
“Yeah, obviously neither was I.” You started to put your things away.
“No... no comment?”
“No... snarky comment? No you look terrible to me?”
You shook your head. Mainly because you didn’t have the energy. You were content, bored, and just overall exhausted. You had exhausted yourself in thinking of every possible outcome to your love for the man in front of you, none of which made any sense.
None of it made any sense.
It was as if one moment, you were standing on ground. And the next, you were swept away by a giant wave that you thought was only an earthquake. You hated love. 
“Then, can I finally say what I have been meaning to?”
“No.” You finally got the last of your things into your bag. 
“Why what?”
“Why can’t you just hear me out?” He stood in front of you, hoping to stall your leaving. “I’ve been trying to tell you that I shouldn’t have called you a bitch, and I should have...”
“And I don’t want to hear it.”
You started to leave, but he jogged to jump in front of you again. Through the years, he had gained height compared to you. You weren’t necessarily kids anymore, you weren’t at eye level to just punch him in his cheek without reaching for it. 
“God, you’re fucking annoying.” You shifted your bag on your shoulders. “You want me to call you a name so it can be even? You want me to tell you that everything is fine and we can go back to our constant fighting? What do you fucking want from me?”
“What do I want from you?” He asked, voice rising to match yours. “What do you want from me? I’ve been trying to get your attention for over a fucking month and you have given me every reason to just stop.”
“Then why don’t you!” You dropped your hands. “Why don’t you just leave me the fuck alone?”
“Why what, Hajime?”
“Why?” Iwaizumi let out a small breath, the grey cloud leaving his lungs. “Why won’t you just let me talk to you for five minutes?”
“Because I don’t want to! Because I don’t want to hear you make up excuses. Because I cannot listen to your voice for too long.”
Before you could stop yourself, before you could recognize your own voice, before any thoughts arrived, you said, “Because for some fucked up god awful reason, I’m in love with you!”
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Everything froze all at once. The oxygen left your lungs, the snow stopped falling, and everything became so unbearably silent.
You stared at him, regret drenching you in an instant as if the tides of the ocean had rose and fell in one single motion. You couldn’t breathe, your heart seized in your chest and against your ribs. You couldn’t bring yourself to look into his face, fearing to find yourself lost and never found.
He let out a single breath. And you held yours.
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kuromantic · 3 years
Hi! Thank you so much for being so generous with your time and translating for us! I also love your level headed perspective on fandom.
The info on differences between JP and American fanon is especially helpful and illuminating. If you don’t mind talking more about it, I wanted to ask about Oikawa. American fanon puts him in a gay sterotype that’s based on specifically western ideas and this carries over in how his relationship with Iwaizumi is depicted too. I was wondering how Japanese fans see the oikawa/iwaizumi ship dynamic? Also, is there a large fanfiction community in japan too? I know there are lots of amazing fanart and dj, was wondering if fanfiction is part of fan participation too?
Thank you as always!
I think Oikawa is interesting because he's probably one of the most "straight guy"-esque characters in the series, with him entertaining the girls fawning over him and trying to chat to Kiyoko. I guess the western stereotype of gay people, like "girls like him" and "he's not very traditionally masculine" apply to Oikawa somewhat. But it's more normal for some Japanese girls to like "less traditionally masculine" and androgynous/gentle looking men, like the whole trope of bishounen. Also there isn't really as much of a feminine gay man stereotype in Japan, although some talk femininely Oikawa doesn't fit into that category.
iwaoi/oiiwa in Japanese is quite interesting, because it has an almost equal amount of works under both ship dynamics. Usually there is a huge skew on top/bottom, as seen in ships like kghn and bkak. But iwaoi has around 13k art, and oiiwa has around 15k. I think the fact that different people interpret both of their personalities in different ways is seen very clearly here. Some want to see a more vulnerable Oikawa or Iwaizumi, while some want to see him composed and domineering. Oikawa and Iwaizumi are very multidimensional, so it's no surprise there.
And yes, Japan fandom also has a lot of fanfic! Pixiv is a lot less easy to filter than ao3, but there are many gems, especially underrated ones. The quality is incredible, and I've bought several doujinshi with fic in them that just really made me amazed. One thing I note is that Japanese often uses first person narrative, or even sometimes a random mob narrating a ship's daily life or something.
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shingia · 3 years
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
disclaimer : i am not japanese, i only study it in college so please feel free to correct me if i made any mistake !
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⇀ hinata shōyō - 日向 翔陽
日向 : the first kanji is 日 (hi), meaning sun, day, light of the sun, which perfectly fits hinata’s personality, obviously
the second kanji is 向 (nata) and has quite a few meanings depending on the context, such as : facing, beyond, confront, defy or approach. overall i think this kanji is perfect to illustrate hinata’s habit to always move forward no matter what stands in front of him
翔陽 : the kanji 翔 (shō) is literally perfect for hinata since it means soar, fly. however, it is different from the kanji we see on karasuno’s banner which is 飛. i’ve done some researches and it seems like 飛 is used to express flying, fluttering or scattering while 翔 is used for things that are currently in flight. 
the second kanji, 陽 (yō) has a similar meaning to 日, they both mean sun and overall express a feeling of positivity
⇀ kageyama tobio - 影山飛雄
影山 : the first kanji 影 (kage) means shadow, silhouette, phantom. in other terms, it’s almost like the opposite of the sun that is so predominant in hinata’s name. i really like that 影 translates to “shadow” because, when you come to think of it, a shadow could not exist without sunlight (this is so wholesome bye) 
the second kanji is 山, which is very common in japanese surnames and means “mountain”. my analysis is that mountains are one of the closest things to the sun, and the higher you stand on the mountain, the bigger the sun. it could be a great metaphor, meaning that tobio’s growth is a way of making hinata shine even brighter. another explanation is that kageyama literally means “the shadow of the mountain”
飛雄 : i mentioned it before but the kanji on karasuno’s banner is 飛, and it’s also the first kanji of kageyama’s first name. so yeah, i love this. it means that shōyō and tobio’s kanjis both mean the same thing, which is very interesting considering that their family names are so different
the second kanji is basically an ego boost from kageyama’s parents. 雄 means “masculine, hero, leader, superiority, excellence”, it’s like his king status follows him to his first name, like he was destined to be do great things
⇀ tsukishima kei - 月島蛍
月島 : you guys might know this already but the first kanji of tsukki’s name (tsuki) means “moon” (how bizarre). in zen buddhism, which is a part of japanese religions and beliefs, the moon is a symbol of enlightenment and truth : sounds perfect for this clever mr. salty. 
the other kanji, 島 (shima) means “island”, which does not seem to have a direct link with tsukki. but trust me when i tell you you won’t be disappointed by the meaning of his first name
蛍 : i had trouble believing at first but the tsukki’s first name means “lightning bug, butterfly”. and i LOVE it. first of all because tsukki’s so desperately trying to be a lone wolf while his name is literally “butterfly”. second of all, i think that it’s a subtle way of expressing that tsukki thrives in the shadow, like a lightning bug. which is another clue telling us that hinata and him are opposite. my analysis is that the sun (aka hinata) is a source of light for everyone, while the moon (aka tsukki) is a source of light for much fewer people (hello yamaguchi), and, if we go even further, a lightning bug basically only produces light for itself which echoes tsukishima’s individualism
⇀ yamaguchi tadashi - 山口忠
山口 : you already know it if you’ve read kags part, 山 means mountain. and if my reasoning applied for kageyama and hinata, it most definitely applies for yamaguchi and tsukki as well. if yamaguchi symbolizes the mountain, then he is one of the few privileged that are allowed to be so close to the moon, who is usually so solitary. 
the kanji 口 means “mouth”. like the “shima” in tsukishima, it does not symbolizes anything relevant to the character, the family name 山口 is just very popular in japan
忠 : in my opinion, this is the most appropriate kanji for yamaguchi’s first name. it means “loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness”. do i have to say more ? i don’t think so.
⇀ nishinoya yū - 西谷夕
西谷 : the first kanji is 西 (nishi) and means « west ». the second is 谷 (noya), meaning valley. nothing spectacular, right ? JUST WAIT (many of you guys probably know where i’m getting at)
夕 : noya’s first name, 夕 (yū) means evening.  WAIT A BIT MORE
⇀ azumane asahi - 東峰旭
東峰 : ok so i’m typing really fast because i think what furudate did is amazing : the kanjis of asahi’s last name are 東 which means « east » and 峰 which means « valley », « peak ». HOW GREAT IS THAT ? it’s literally written in their names that noya and asahi complement each other. also, choosing to name the ace with a kanji meaning « peak » is very clever. and as you can guess, their first names are also genius :
旭 : the kanji 旭 (asahi) means rising sun (literally, asa means morning and is written 朝, and hi means sun, written 日). but i think there’s more than a link between noya and asahi’s names. indeed, hinata said to asahi in season 1 that he really wanted to become an ace. and both characters have the kanji 日 somewhere in their name. it’s like they both aim so high (literally and figuratively) that the comparison with the sun is inevitable
⇀ tanaka ryūnosuke - 田中龍之助
田中 : this last name is one of the most popular in japan, and i don’t think it symbolizes anything particular for the character. but his name…
龍之助 : the first kanji is 龍 (ryū) and means « dragon, imperial ». obviously it fits really well tanaka’s fiery temperament. the second kanji is 之 (no) and it means « of, this » ; from what i read, it’s basically the kanji equivalent of の, which can be considered an equivalent of the « ’s » in english. and the third kanji, 助 (suke) means « help, rescue, assist ». so tanaka’s name is « the dragon that rescues » and i think it fits him so well ! it might be a reference to his protective behavior towards kiyoko. so basically, tanaka attacks to protect
⇀ sawamura daichi - 澤村大地
澤村 : i’ll admit it, daichi’s last name is definitely not the most stylish. the first kanji (sawa) means « swamp » and the second kanji (mura) means « town, village ». luckily, his first name is a bit more symbolic :
大地 : the first kanji, 大 (dai), means « large, big » and the second kanji is 地, meaning « ground, earth ». when the two of them are put together, it creates the noun 大地 which can be translated as « solid earth » which is obviously, very appropriated for our captain
⇀ sugawara kōshi - 菅原孝支
菅原 : sugawara is a japanese family name that means « sedge field », unless i’m forgetting something about suga i don’t think that it symbolizes something specific about him
孝支 : the first kanji 孝 (kō) means « filial piety, child’s respect », so according to his name, suga is a respectful child, which honestly does not surprise anyone. the second kanji is 支 (shi) means « support, branch, sustain ». like daichi, suga’s first name alludes to something strong on which others can rely for support. i mean, they’re not captain and vice-captain for nothing
⇀ ennoshita chikara - 縁下力
縁下 : ok i really like ennoshita’s name. the first kanji is 縁 (en) and means « affinity, relation, connection », which seems to be a reference to ennoshita being the one that, first of all, brings the second years together and also the one that will « connect » with daichi’s status of captain when the third years will be gone. it’s like he’s the bridge between the third years and the upperclassmen.
the second kanji is 下 (shita) which means « below, down, low, inferior ». my guess is that furudate either wanted to represent ennoshita’s tendency to doubt himself or simply the fact that ennoshita is right below daichi when it comes to the position of captain. like if there was a pyramid, daichi would be at the top and ennoshita would be right below
力 : the kanji of his first name means « power, strength, bear up » and i love that it compensates for the meaning of the second kanji of his family name. i like to picture that daichi is the « solid ground » as we’ve seen before while ennoshita is still underground but nonetheless really strong. moreover, if you combine daichi’s last kanji 地 and ennoshita’s 力, it creates the word 地力  (jiriki) which means « one’s own potential, real ability »
⇀ ukai keishin - 烏養繋心
烏養 (keep in mind that this is the last name so everything i’m saying here also applies to ikkei ukai) : you might have already recognized it but the first kanji is 烏 which can be read as « u » or « karasu ». see my point ? exactly. ukai literally shares a part of his name with karasuno, and this kanji means « crow, raven » (obviously)
the second kanji is 養 and means « foster, bring up, rear, develop, nurture » : such a great choice for this lovely coach, isn’t it ? but that’s not it :
繋心 : the first kanji is 繋 which means « tie, fasten, chain, connect », here again we are reminded that ukai is the one that brings the team together. also, he shares this kanji with his grandfather whose name is 一繋 (the first kanji means « one » so we can suppose that ikkei ukai was « the first to tie the team together ») . the second kanji is 心 which means « heart, mind, spirit ». i see this as a way of expressing that ukai is « the heart and mind of the team » thanks to his coach status
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i rly rly enjoyed making this post because it was a way for me to study and improve my japanese so i hope you liked it! i will make another post with other names because there’s just so much to say about them
keep in mind that these are just my personal theories and analysis, i might be wrong and honestly i was too lazy to look it up on google to see if i was right
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Ryuunosuke Tanaka - Childhood Friend (Part 1)
DISCLAIMER: I am not fluent in Japanese and the translations are not 100% accurate, so there may be lots of inaccuracies. Please let me know if there’s any mistakes I made in the translation!
Please do not repost my translations anywhere else!
A Ryuunosuke Tanaka story from the HQ+Kareshi Childhood Friend series
Read below!
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The last panel is a short Q&A from the artist!
agh i feel like im not doing a good job as of late ever since i came back from my break ;; but i still have fun translating and all that i just hate cleanup
im a huge fan of this dork :> kiyoko im sorry
AH YES a competition to see who can embarrass tanaka more with saeko-neesan!!
Here is part 2!
Thank you for reading!
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yyuangss-main · 4 years
Anon said: please please please do a part 2 to career !!
First, happy birthday to my number one husband in Haikyuu, Wakatoshi ❤️ It’ll be mine soon as well on the 16th. We stan getting old. Second, let it be known this is technically kind of Ushijima x Reader x Iwaizumi. Heavy on the Iwaizumi. Third, The Talk Shit Five is something I made up with Haikyuu friends and I will probably make a SMAU with them. And fourth, have fun reading!
Word Count: 2k+ Words First part can be read here
It has been two years since Wakatoshi found out you’re Iwaizumi’s girlfriend. According to the male, your relationship’s been great. Iwaizumi wishes that Ushijima could meet you since their friendship had been rising in recent times. But due to Ushijima now being a part of the Scwedien Alders, it almost seemed impossible.
“Thanks again for helping me.” Iwaizumi rolled his neck after placing the plastic bags on the table. “I can’t believe I fucking forgot the most important thing.”
“No need to stress yourself about it.” Ushijima started sorting things out. “People will not get here until later.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Iwaizumi decided to have a cookout, feeling it was too long since all his friends were reunited. “Did we get the coal?” Ushijima furrowed his brows.
“We had to buy coal?” Iwaizumi face palmed.
“Damn it. I don’t want to run out there again. I’m gonna call Yahaba and see if he can bring it.” The black haired male stepped out from his kitchen, typing away on his phone. Ushijima preoccupied himself with the task in front of him. Iwaizumi took a few minutes to come back.
“Yahaba’s getting the coal and (Y/N) is almost here.” Iwaizumi crouched down, rustling in the white plastic bags below him. Ushijima stopped moving, feet frozen in place. You were almost here? This is not good. And he can’t bail out now. Iwaizumi had trusted him to be of assistance.
“Ah. Guess I’ll finally get to see her again.” Ushijima mumbled.
“Yup. You guys’ll get along.” Iwaizumi’s hand placed the box of spoons on his countertop. “Since you two are Shiratorizawa grads.” Ushijima said, ‘mhm’ so he could go back to his internal panic.
What will it be like to see you? Would you walk out and not come back? Had you told Iwaizumi the truth yet? Or did he already know?
They had all the essentials, heads snapping up to a loud knock.
“That’s gotta be (Y/N). Stay right here.” Iwaizumi jogged out the kitchen. There was no avoiding this now.
Maybe he could run out the back door and say he had an urgent call from Tendou that he was hospitalized. There was the sound of a squeal after the door opened and a kiss accompanied it.
“How was it?”
“Hajime! Kentaro is so adorable I wish you would’ve come!” Wakatoshi bit the inside of his cheek, marveled at hearing your voice. Too long since he last heard “Good luck then”. They are distant now, your voice barely distinguishable. “I know he’s coming later for the party but still!”
You were now rambling on while Iwaizumi repeated the word, “Baby,” doing his best to get your attention. Wakatoshi’s love for how passionate you get never left. He had his fair share of you rambling on and yearned for more.
“Baby. I want you to meet someone.” You were finally quiet, done talking about Kyoutani. “You might know him ‘cause he went to Shiratorizawa as well. Come with me.” There were footsteps heading to the kitchen. Damn, Ushijima can’t stand here and look awkward once you come in. Quickly, Ushiwaka pulled out his phone and spun to face the counter.
Now, he stared at the black screen that reflected his face.
“Hey—” Ushijima heard the sound of Iwaizumi’s voice and lifted his head over his shoulder. In half a second, your smile was wiped clean off your face. “Ushiwaka, this is (Y/N). It’s about time you two meet.”
Someone had to speak. Would it be him? Would it be you?
“Wakatoshi. Haven’t seen a glimpse of you since graduation.” You said, hanging your purse on the chair nearest to you. “How’ve been? Job doing you well?”
“I’m fine. I had a few problems but Iwaizumi helped me through it.” Ushijima returned his cellular device in his back pocket. “And you (Y/N)?” At least you were still on the first name basis.
“Ah, here and there with the photography. I’m booked with ten weddings.” You exhaled.
Iwaizumi seemed thrilled that you finally met Ushijima after the long time he spent trying to make it a reality. He didn’t stop from asking questions about how you two knew each other. It was awkward since it was only the three of you. Iwaizumi and Ushijima set up the tables in the backyard. They also brought out two coolers and the grill.
You were sorting the spoons and forks into cups to place on tables, ignoring Ushijima who’s eyes lingered instead of helping.
Matsukawa and Yahaba had to get there earlier since they brought the coal. The duo, currently completely angry about it now stood surprised with Ushijima’s precense. The two Seijoh grads gave a knowing look and gave it to you as well. Eventually came the rest of the guests.
They were the boys who played with Iwaizumi his third year. Kageyama, Tsukishima, Tanaka, and Kiyoko who graduated from Karasuno. Kuroo from Nekoma. Someone by the name Rintaro Suna. And a few people who you worked with.
Obviously Oikawa came “fashionably” late with nearly melted ice cream. His beige turtle neck made you forgave him. It was chaos once he reunited with you. Now Ushijima saw why you wanted to stay in Argentina with him.
Ushijima talked with Tsukishima, Kageyama, and Kyoutani most of the time. He felt much of an outsider seeing the connections Iwaizumi and you had with the others.
Tanaka, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Suna, and Iwaizumi were apparently what they called “The Talk Shit Five” after meeting at training camp. The Aoba Johsai graduates kept their relationship with Iwaizumi and you. Since Kageyama went to Kitagawa, you still kept in touch even after different high schools. Where did Ushiwaka fit in all this?
Your ex from Shiratorizawa that half of these volleyball players envied? That was his category.
Everyone began eating, sitting at the tables with their respected people. Your table consisted of you, Iwaizumi, Kyoutani, Kageyama, Ushijima, and Oikawa. All in that order at the round table.
“Excuse me!” Oikawa clapped his hands for everyone to listen to him. “Although I don’t have a drink, I’d like to propose a toast!” A water bottle hit his shin after he said that. Oikawa sent a glare in Iwaizumi’s direction. He bent over to snatch it up and picked stray grass off it.
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. My drink goes to us! For our success, that we may all find our dreams and press on into the future!” Oikawa opened the water bottle with ease and took a drink from it. “And that Iwa—chan may be nicer to me.”
“Let me go!” Hanamaki grinned, nearly falling back from his chair. Everyone’s head followed Hanamaki as he stepped to replace Oikawa. The setter who spoke first went to sit down at his chair he got up from. “This goes to my dearest Matsukawa. Let’s finally get a job.”
“No thank you!” Matsukawa cupped his mouth.
Kuroo thought it’d be a good idea to go next, instituating a chain where almost everyone went. You’d just finished, dedicating your speech to Tooru and Hajime, your Kitagawa boys that were there in hard times. Ushijima knew hard times translated to your break up.
What did you tell them?
“Oh, calling me by the first name! Are you trying to kill me woman?” Oikawa’s flirty tone made you laugh. “Anywho. Iwa—chan’s heart is broken after losing the Shiratorizawa match, blech.”
“He’s not the only one heart broken by Shiratorizawa.” You replied, voice low now.
“Great! Since both of you are moody. Let me lighten you two up! Meet us at the front of the mall! Love you!” The line on the other side beeped before you could reply.
“Ushiwaka, why don’t you go?” Oikawa blinked at him. The wing spiker now awoke from his day dream, hearing everyone urge him on. They also cheering for him. Ushijima dragged his water along, clearing his throat. By now, the chairs were turned to face the so called stage.
“I don’t… Have something to make a toast about. So, I’ll do it for someone I was once friends with.” Ushijima said, adverting eye contact with you. “This person told me to never give up. They supported me in every step I took to be where I am today. They were with me through thick and thin. I made a mistake and lost them. But I haven’t lost their advice. I hope they’re doing fine today.” Ushijima let his eyes land on you. Your face was neutral. Yes, he’d stubly made a speech about you.
“To Ushi’s friend!” Tanaka, seated near the back, raised his soda can. Others replied in choruses of “To Ushi’s friend!”, drowning their drink in for the mysterious person.
“If I may go.” Iwaizumi left his soda on the table, right hand in his pocket. “This one, goes for someone I love so much—”
“Iwa-chan! You shouldn’t have!” Oikawa placed the back of his hand on his forehead, faking a faint. “I knew you loved me back. I’m wearing the dress.” Chuckling and snorting went around with Iwaizumi rolling his eyes. Ushijima was burning holes in the back of your head, guts telling him the speech was about you.
“Like I was saying. This toast is for (Y/N). The only thing I’ll ever thank Oikawa for, is getting you to hang with us again.” You couldn’t help but smile brightly, ignoring Matsukawa and Hanamaki recording from the sidelines. “I’ll get cheesy just this one time. You saying yes to be my girlfriend made me feel the luckiest. Having you by my side is what I needed to continue. You give me motivation. Every day, I wake up excited to see you again.”
Ushijima leaned his elbows on the table.
“I love you, Wakatoshi.” Your eyes were staring into his olive ones. “You mean so much to me.” Wakatoshi placed a kiss to your forehead.
“You mean a lot to me too. I’m thankful for you.”
“(Y/N), you’re the one who told me to never give up.” With each word, Iwaizumi took one step closer to you. “These past two, near to be three, years have been the best. And I wonder what it’ll be like with you for the ones to come.”
“Can you believe it’s about to be one year?” You were settled on his lap while he laid down on the bed.
“I can. And I am glad to have spent it with you.” Ushijima sat up half way, arms bringing you into an embrace.
“Who said you weren’t romantic?”
“You own my heart. I don’t want it any other way.” Iwaizumi now stood in front of you. “So, (Y/N).” Your happy expression went into shock. Matsukawa and Hanamaki, now closer with their phones recording. Oikawa, letting out a loud gasp beside you. Ushijima, feeling his heart sink further down. And Iwaizumi, kneeling down before you and bringing a black box from his pocket.
“Have you ever thought about getting married?” You played with Ushijima’s hair, back pressed against the itchy oak. Ushijima’s head was on your lap, eyes closed.
“I have. I’ve thought about it many times.” He said. “If a year like this was with you, I’d like to know what the rest of my life will be like.”
“Will you marry me?” The box was now opened, the ring inside showing itself to you. Iwaizumi giving you the rare, loving smile he showed to you.
‘Say no.’ Thought Ushijima. ‘Say no. Say no—’
“Yes! Yes!” Your arms through themselves around Iwaizumi’s neck. Kuroo and Tanaka wailed in the distance, clinging onto each other. Iwaizumi muttered, ‘I love you’ in your ear, giving you a kiss anywhere he could land it. There were claps spreading about as you and Iwaizumi stood up. Iwaizumi grabbed your hand, slipping the diamond cut ring on.
Ushijima leaned back, observing as the two of you shared a passionate kiss. Some of the people you worked with were taking pictures of it.
“Good luck then.”
He should have known that pain meant he regretted it. He should have chased after you like his legs wanted to. Then, that’d be him instead of Iwaizumi. Wakatoshi brought his hands together, clapping too. Congratulations, you’re getting married.
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engekihaikyuu · 4 years
Haikyuu Finale
The members of Gekidan Haikyuu share their thoughts after reading the final chapter of Haikyuu!  They were also all given special commemorative shirts to congratulate the series!
Ookubo Satomi (2nd Kiyoko) Furudate-sensei, congratulations on the Haikyuu finale!!  I’m absolutely brimming with emotions I just can’t express in words... Finding Haikyuu, my beloved friends, and the time I spent as Shimizu Kiyoko will be lifelong treasures. Thank you so much for all of the emotions! #HaikyuuFinale    #EngekiHaikyuu   
(video) Hi everyone! I’m Ookubo Satomi. If you’re wondering why I’m suddenly posting a video, it’s because today! Is the series finale of Haikyuu, which is serialized in the weekly Shounen Jump magazine. (applause) Congratulations! And so on that note, I want to talk about my feelings about Haikyuu. Let’s go!! Now that I’ve changed, let’s start. I am sad... really sad. Haikyuu has been running for a lengthy eight and a half years, but I learned  about it from the anime which started airing in 2014. From that, I became a Karasuno fan. I’ve always cheered on Karasuno, and now on stage, I’ve managed to become a Karasuno member myself and then got to cheer them on while being right beside them. It really felt like a dream, but I was also nervous. Thank you so much!  My impressions of Haikyuu include... powerful lines! The words in Haikyuu are really so powerful, they cheer you on--they really encourage people and gives them the push they need. I really think there really are so many great lines for that. Even for me at times when I’ve felt like breaking down, it’s given me a push, and I think that if you actually play volleyball and read Haikyuu, it must be even more encouraging for those readers. I think. Ahh, I’m so sad... But I’m going to keep reading and re-reading the volumes and Jump, face Haikyuu, and think about all the messages sensei was trying to impart to us in those words. I’m going to continue to study Haikyuu!  Furudate-sensei, congratulations on all of your hard work over these long eight and a half years!!! All the hope and smiles and tears... I’ve felt so many different emotions while reading! And I’m going to keep doing so!  Thank you so so much!!
(end of video message) I am so happy that I was able to find Haikyuu. I found Haikyuu in my teens, grew up together with Hinata and Kageyama and all the rest, really got a taste of the springtime of their youth, and I really feel like they’re my classmates. I’m so glad that Haikyuu was born in this time period. I love Haikyuu!  Furudate-sensei, thank you so much for giving us this wonderful series.
Please do not repost my translations
Because of IG video limits, her video was posted in three parts on her IG. I’m going to only post the first of the three here in this post, please follow the link below to watch her message in full. 
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just-patchy · 3 years
🎵 :flushed:
Thanks for the ask! :3c
Ding Ding Dong by Loona! (Translations taken from genius.com)
Come closer, ding ding dong/ The bell is ringing/ Come to me quickly, ding ding dong/ Before today is over (I want to express my feelings)
Bang bang bang, since it's a bit awkward (Just come, come)/ I'm saying that I like you/ The sweet fantasy that I dreamed of (Shh it's a secret)
I’d say Eira/Stella too but the song’s pretty upbeat so I think it suits Lulu and Noir more! Lulu was only either a easy target for bullying or a hero of sorts to admire, so she didn’t really have the time to sit down and think about romance! Noir, well, we know she’s a sentient black hole(?) so I doubt she has that many experiences! Plus both of them are the type to confess first so I imagine them just running to confess once they figured things out! AND it’ll probably be a little awkward but still very cute uwu
Universe by Loona! (Translations by colorcodedlyrics.com)
Everything that was directed at you who were far away/ It will become clear, it’s almost magical/ Slowly getting closer/ This fluttering feeling, yeah
OK SO PART OF THIS SONG IS PROBABLY THEM WITH SOULMATE AU DREAM EDITION BUT!!!! They’re kinda far away from each other bc they’re in different dorms with no mutual acquaintances whatsoever, not to mention Eira’s usually isolated due to her condition and Stella, being in Diasomnia, is already intimidating enough. HENCE slowly getting closer when they start developing feelings beyond Stella testing out Eira’s condition and whatnot
Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko!
I can see you're real smart/ World class piece of art/ I can see you in the dark/ All we have to do is start
You're the one I like/ I will find a reason tonight/ Feel it all despite/ The fact you don't like my type
I struggled with them bc their relationship is just aggressive love in a sense ahskhajdhjs BUT the pre-chorus I imagine Taffy being intrigued by Prim bc they’re polar opposites and can’t stand each other, fine line between hate and love thing. 2nd verse is how Prim and Taffy obviously can’t stand each other, but also how Taffy came to like Prim romantically and WILL convince her to date her goddammit
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sage-sunset · 4 years
music to my ears (2)
akaashi keiji x reader, college au
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You stared down at your phone, surprised to hear from your newest acquaintance. Akaashi Keiji was easily the prettiest boy you’d ever met, and you felt your stomach flutter at the idea of going on a date with him.
“Good morning, Y/N. How’re you feeling today?” “Great, thanks!” You’d bought the new sheets, and it had worked wonders. Combined with some ointment and a benadryl, the swelling and rashes had gone down quickly. A quiet beeping on your watch reminded you that your lecture was in half an hour. 
“I’m heading out, Yacchan. I’ll be in the practice room after, so I won’t be back until noon.”
“See you soon!”
You headed out, violin case in hand. Your lecture was for English, which was one of your favorite subjects. Not to mention you were reading Pride and Prejudice, which was one of your favorite Western books.
As you walked across campus, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You spun to see who it was, and your face fell.
“What do you want, Kuroo?” “Kuroo? Formal. What happened to Tetsu-” “Tetsurou was my friend. You’re just an immature asshole.” “Ouch.” “I have to get to class. What is it?” “He asks about you every day. Did you block him?” “Yeah, of course.” “Damn. That’s cold.” “You know what was cold, Kuroo? Him sleeping around with anything that had a vagina. I’m not getting back with that dickhead, so tell him that it’s over. It’s always been over.” He sighed, and before he could say anything else you turned and walked away.
You thought about it during your entire class. Akaashi was very kind and respectful from what you’d seen, not to mention that he was gorgeous. It would be nice to get to know him a little better.
After class, you went into a practice room. You had it reserved for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at ten forty five until eleven thirty, and it was a nice one with a piano. You warmed up before moving on to your assigned pieces, beginning with part of Amy Beach’s Sonata.
On off days you practiced in one of the public ones, but those rooms were smaller and not as soundproofed. You spent an entire practice session trying to drown out the noises of a squeaky ass alto sax playing careless whisper.
Your fingers danced across the strings as your mind drifted away. Every time you played, you got sucked into another world, a world away from ex friends and toxic masculinity and itchy dryer sheets, a world where there were only gorgeous boys with a lyral allergy that asked you out to coffee.
As the timer ticked its final minutes away, buzzing once your time was up, you finished the piece. Scales and warmups were boring, just a way to get your fingers used to the feeling of playing, as if you could ever forget. But when you played a piece that you loved, it felt amazing.
You packed up, shutting the case and putting the sheet music back into your folder. A million thoughts raced through your head as you tried to put your mind in order. Being organized wasn’t your thing.
You had a baroque workshop at one, and then at four an art history presentation. You decided to get some quick lunch, but before that you realized that in your haste to make it to class and in your anger at seeing Kuroo again, you had forgotten to actually respond to Akaashi.
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You drummed your fingers on the table lightly, waiting for him to show up. It was about twelve, and you only had a short time to get to know him.
“Hello, L/N-san.” “Oh, hey Akaashi-san.” He sat across from you, and you blushed slightly under his gaze. Why was he so freaking pretty?? 
“So, what’s your major? You mentioned a workshop.” “It’s music theory and composition.” “You play an instrument?” “Yeah, violin. I can also play the piano and flute, but the violin is my favorite.” “I see. I’m not very talented with music, but I love to write.” “Are you a literature major then?” “Yes.” “Sounds fun. What do you like to read?” “All kinds of books. Western novels have been my interest lately.” “Which authors do you like?” “Agatha Christie, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen-” “Pride and Prejudice, right? And Emma?” He smiled, nodding.
“That’s right. Do you like those books?” “They’re classics. My mom used to read them to me, it was how I learned English. That and from listening to musicals.” “So, you like musical theater as well?” “Yeah! I like singing, and I like telling stories, so it’s the best of both worlds.” He nodded again, and you both chatted for a while before your watch started beeping again.
“Oh, class is in a few minutes. I’ve got to go.” “Before you do, would you like to go somewhere together? I had a nice time, and-” “I’d like that.” It slipped out, and you blushed profusely.
“Well, my roommate’s friends with a bunch of guys. They’re having a party on Saturday night, and maybe you could come.” “Oh, sure. Where is it?” “I’ll text you the details. I don’t want you to be late.” You smiled, grabbing your case and backpack before putting a ten on the table for the drinks you’d gotten. You didn’t really eat anything, but it was fine. You’d order takeout with Yachi later.
“I’ll see you soon, Akaashi-san.” “Call me Keiji, please.” “Then call me Y/N! Thank you for meeting with me, Keiji-kun!” You turned and left, feeling impossibly light. Going to a party with a guy who seemed into you… a dream. Saturday morning you had orchestra practice, but that ended at one. 
The next class you were feeling inspired, and it translated into your playing. Kiyoko, one of your friends and a pianist (but not a music major, just someone who enjoyed it for fun), told you that you sounded better than usual.
Music was more beautiful when you had someone to share it with.
You stretched out on the couch, eating your Chinese as Yachi typed away on a paper. It was getting late, and you were both tired, so once she finished you put on a horror movie to fall asleep to.
“This one’s scary. What’s it called?” “As Above something something. It’s in the catacombs, I think-” Your phone went off, and you grabbed it, smiling when you saw the name but face falling when you saw what he’d written.
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Yachi looked over your shoulder, and leaned her head on you.
“That’s good, don’t you like him? Are you gonna go?” You felt conflicted. A little sick. Tired. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” “Omega Kappa, that’s where Teru-” “Oh. I get it. Crap.”
You sat in the darkened dorm room, staring at the message.
That was your ex’s fraternity.
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crollalanzaa · 4 years
My Haikyuu Thoughts
(reposted from twitter)
I started the manga 23/6/14 largely because there was a void left by me falling out of HP which RL and PJO wasn’t filling. I saw Hinata art on viria’s tumblr and was, ‘oh, who he?’  I think I watched a bit of the anime but had not thought much of it ???
So there was this kid who was irritatingly enthusiastic and embarrassingly bad at volleyball and it was all the cringe making stuff I hate because I’m not into vicarious humiliation, but as I read on, and he hit that perfect shot and yelled ‘ALL RIIIIIGHT!’ I was almost hooked.
Then he appeared and you know who I mean. It wasn’t the appearance at the middle school match but turning up at the gym, realising his place was now under threat, but going out of his way to make sure the two idiots bonded on court.
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I was intrigued and more than a little koo-koo  over Suga, but still not absolutely hooked. The point where I knew this was not only my thing but a story which was going to reel me in was the Neighbourhood match. The drama of the Asahi/Suga/Nishinoya dynamic was one thing. Asahi calling for the toss still sends shivers up and down my spine and yet ... what hooked me was the adults leaving the match, their conversation as they went back to their normal lives They laughed with fondness and nostalgia about the drama of HS volleyball and   as an adult reading that, it suddenly transcended the kids/teen lit I’d thought it would be (nothing wrong with that -I often prefer this genre because books written for my demographic I find samey and overly romance or abuse based) because we had normal people like me who’d left their HS dreams in the gym (or the drama studio for me) but were happy(ish) in their everyday lives and enthusiastic about volleyball as a hobby. When Shimada put himself out to help Yamaguchi. When Saeko put herself out to get the idiots to Tokyo, it felt like they were falling for these kids and this team like me.
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Reel back a bit. Hq had been going for two years when I jumped in. I binge read everything in two days, finishing at 112 (I think). Back in the day, my friend, we were relying on fan translations. There was no official site, and the translators did it all for love,  which was wonderful but there was a lot of debate about reading for free and waiting for the translation could be tortuous. I wanted to support Furudate but couldn’t buy the physical copies. It was suggested at one point that Eng speaking fans shouldn’t be a part of the fandom  - not by anyone remotely official, you understand -  but that was the state of things in 2014. I bought official merch instead and watched the anime while I waited for 113 to drop.
So forward to 117. If you ever want to know why I still catch my breath and laugh a little at the Daichi Dead moment it’s because we all had to wait for what seemed like twenty years to find out what the high heck was wrong with him. I genuinely thought he’d wrecked his shoulder and was distraught because there was no way they’d win everything with the Captain out!
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(Of course I had no real idea about Ennoshita stepping up to the plate, but that’s another story) The discovery it was a tooth had me SCREECHING! So relieved. I yelled to one of my first hq friends (who’s now deactivated) and then casually went to France with friends -hahaha.
I’ve done complete 180s on so many characters now that it’s safe to say I never trust the initial narrative Kags, Tsukki, Yams (come on, he was Tsukki’s mate giggling in corners over Hinata’s ineptitude. It was only when he saw what Hinata could do he stopped being a sock puppet).  
 The biggest turn around was on Oikawa who I hated to the point where I threw things at my laptop when he appeared. It wasn’t so much him as everyone going ka-ka over him which pissed off my withered adult heart. What changed was forcing myself to write him for an IwaOi week. I reread/rewatched his story and through Hajime’s eyes I began to appreciate him. I wrote Philos as an Achilles/Patroclus reincarnation type fic and that led on and on. And this is what Furudate does so well. Gives you a ‘villain’ then adds the backstory so they’re a hero.
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Disliked Tendou, too but his Farewell My Paradise, his acceptance of defeat and the way he was such a good sport about it, made me gasp. And I love love love his new career.
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It’s the appreciation of amazing play by the opposition which made me fall hard for Inarizaki and Atsumu. (Look at him here! Punt him out the f*cking window!) I’d learnt not to automatically hate anyone, so I reserved judgment. Moment I decided I liked him? Setting for Kags.
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Moment I decided I loved him - getting laughed at by Osamu.
Before this turns into an Atsumu appreciation thread, let me tell you about the characters I was indifferent to but then warmed towards. The main one was because one of my earliest hq friends (yes, you Megan) likes him and through her eyes I started to appreciate the hngg that is Konoha Akinori 
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When I first started reading hq, I did some searches on tumblr and came across quite explicit Kuroken fanart, so I was understandably nervous meeting those Nekoma boys.   Although I’m still ultra fond of the kurokens I wrote, hindsight is a dreadful thing when you see how off your assumptions and hcs were. But in retrospect I don’t think anyone envisaged quite how dorky and shy Kuroo had been as a boy. The error I laugh over the most is somehow transplanting Yaku’s personality into Kai and vice versa, but that’s what happens when you write before canon is done. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Could I have held off writing for six years - nyope. Not a chance. Watching the story unfold, week after week, year after year has honestly been the happiest part of my life. Is that sad? Is it melodramatic? 
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Perhaps. But it has brought me so much apart from a fantastic story. Found friends. A shelter from when real life’s shit. And so many laughs. I still on occasion burst out laughing in the street when I think about Hinata forgetting to spike, or a daft hc shared on twitter. Still sigh a little over the ppl who said they’d leave when their team lost. Remember the time I was warned not to celebrate the Crows winning because it would upset the Seijou fans. I restricted myself to a brief yay then deleted. All nonsense, because most of the Seijou fans I was friendly with accepted the narrative with a bit of wistfulness and looked forward to the next chapter. And for those who wept that Oikawa ‘deserved to win’ they received their own message from Tooru that his ‘worthless pride’ meant something and he was still a winner! 
Oikawa Tooru’s journey perfectly illustrated the idea that your life doesn’t end at High School, that your path is never fixed, and you’re not only made of your achievements but perhaps more so by the doubts and failures. We saw that more recently with the strongest player    Ushijima Wakatoshi whose recent backstory with Iwaizumi has at last made me warm to him. (Iwa-chan has this effect!) 
 There are so many stories to relate to. So many moments. Yachi and Suga overthinking. Kiyoko finding something else she was passionate about. Asahi returning. 
You all know I write and some of you know I’m an amateur actor - both of these rely on a certain amount of internal motivation but also external validation. What if the story flops? What if I dry on stage? ‘What if’ can become a never-ending mantra. So when Hirugami’s story appeared, where despite being amazing at volleyball it was making him miserable, until Hoshiumi suggested he could quit and that freed him - it sang to me.  I’ve been through ups and downs with writing, and much as I love acting it can takeover especially the worry that you’ll fuck up. I know I won’t set the world alight and that used to ‘Concern’ me, but partly thanks to this story and also my hq tl, I’ve realised it’s  unimportant.
If I fuck up on stage, I might throw off other people, but no one will die. If no one reads my fic, I won’t die. If I never write another fic ... no one will die except for the fictional characters and my headcanons. And even then they’re still alive in my head.
And look, I have so many ppl to thank who’ve made this journey with me and supported me all the way, but I’m too scared of missing people out and in a way everyone has helped. But none more than the creator. So Thank you Furudate and Haikyuu for everything. 
Great Receive!
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gimmeyoon · 5 years
You’ve Become My Favorite Sin [6]
Alternatively Titled: Heavenly Way to Die
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Pairing: Jungkook x Male OC | Angel!Jimin x femdemon!reader
Ratings/Warnings: M for Mature. Cursing, drinking, smut (oral), and Homophobic slurs. Main character death. Also, contains religious themes. 
Word Count: 5.9 k
A/N: Most of this chapter is backstory for Jungkook’s character, but the end does switch back to the present, so you could read this without the first 5 parts but the end will be very confusing. Also, I wanted to do male reader, but I thought that having two people named _____ might be confusing, so please feel free to get rid of Henry and replace it with your name if you’re a male reader looking for some love thank you thats all
Songs: Mercy / Gatekeeper by Hayley Kiyoko, Sanctify by Years & Years, and What A Heavenly Way to Die by Troye Sivan
Summary: When Jimin started questioning his place in the world as an angel, you took it upon yourself to show him the darker side of life. Suddenly, falling from grace doesn’t seem so bad.
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Paris, France: 1947
     Jungkook wasn’t exactly sure how he had ended up at this bar. Earlier in the night his intention had been to get soused and judging by the way he felt, he had reached that goal. 
     The night had gotten off to a rough start, him almost immediately having to deal with some fat-head American whose mission in life must be to attack any and all Japanese men who he runs into. Jungkook was used to this, he had been dealing with it for years now, so he silently pulled his Korean American identification card out of his wallet and presented it with his right hand to the man. His left hand presented the man his middle finger. 
     The fat-head apologized for his slur while Jungkook made note of his uniform. Jungkook still maintained his silence as he pulled his dog tags out from underneath his shirt.
     “Wow I’m an ass,” the fat-head said. “What branch?”
     “Army,” Jungkook replied as he turned back to his drink. “Would have done national guard, but they found out I could speak Japanese, so they didn’t give me a choice.”
     “I’m army as well. National guard is for pussies anyways.”
     “My older brother was national guard, so I would rethink that.”
     “Shit, I’m sorry. Listen man, me and some GIs are having some drinks over here, and you’re welcome to join us.”
      Jungkook looked over to where he pointed and weighed his options. On one hand, he was perfectly content drinking alone until he couldn’t see straight. On the other, he had to admit this was becoming a depressing routine. So, he decided to join them.
     Jungkook never much liked being in the military. He and his brother had enlisted with the only other Korean American in their neighborhood. He had told them about this thing called the Tiger Brigade, a Los Angeles Korean Reserve, and they figured it was a good enough way to fulfill their draft requirement with the least risk to their life. The plan worked for everyone but Jungkook, who probably should have lied when they asked if he knew Japanese. Nevertheless, he passed the test and they shipped him to the Pacific. Sometimes when he laid in bed hoping for sleep to overtake him, he wished that he hadn’t let his grandmother teach him Japanese. He wished that he had ignored her like his brother. 
     But he didn’t. 
     “Did you develop a soul while you were gone, Fitz?” one of the GIs sitting at the table greeted as Jungkook and apparently Fitz approached the table.
     “Turns out, he’s Korean,” Fitz shrugged as he slid into the booth. “and a GI like us.”
     Jungkook slid into the booth after Fitz, as the other GIs ragged on their friend. He began to nervously stroke the rabbit’s foot that he kept clipped to his belt loop. His mom had given him it before he had left for the Pacific and it calmed his nerves.
     From what Jungkook could gather, he and Fitz were the only two of the group that had served in the Pacific leg of the war. As was to be expected in Paris, most of these men had served in the European tour.
     “I heard they gave those cards out, but I’ve never seen one,” Fitz said. “Anyways, I’d like to make a toast to our new friend.” Fitz smiled as he turned to Jungkook. “Success to our army, success to our fleet, may our foes be compelled to bow down at our feet. Here’s to – uh,” Fitz chuckled. “What’s your name?”
     “You can call me Kook.”
     “Kook,” Fitz laughed. “Here’s to Kook, here’s to French women, may these girls be compelled to let him come in ‘em.”
     The table broke out into howling laughter as they raised their glasses. 
     As far as Kook could tell that was hours ago. Now Kook was here with one of the GIs, who he thinks might be called Lazy Eye but there was also a high probability that Jungkook had called him that himself in his head, because he did in fact have a lazy eye. He dare not actually call the guy that just in case it was a horrible insult he had devised on his own time. 
     There were three things that had struck Jungkook odd about this bar: 
 They had asked him for his age when he entered, which was odd because there was no drinking age as far as he knew, and if there was one, he was well over it.
 Jungkook had not seen a girl enter this establishment the entire time he had been here.
 Several men had bought him drinks since he had sat down.
    Lazy Eye had not taken kindly to the older men approaching them and buying Jungkook drinks, which had brought the latter back to his earlier confusion. How had he gotten here?
     “Where are we?” Jungkook asked as he leaned over to Lazy Eye.
     Jungkook raised an eyebrow. Lazy eye was dumb as well it seemed. “The bar not the quarter.”
     “The bar doesn’t have a name.”
     “Fuck off,” Jungkook sighed. “Did you bring me here to kill me?”
     Lazy Eye laughed. “This place doesn’t have a name because you can’t tell the cops where you were last night if it doesn’t have a name.”
     “Sorry, I didn’t realize we drank our way back to America in the 1920s.” Jungkook said as he finished off his whiskey. He had to fight the urge to see if any of those old guys were coming back to buy him another drink. It was weird, but he couldn’t say he minded how full his wallet felt.
     “You want another,” Lazy Eye asked, as if reading his mind.
     “Don’t worry about it, buddy. We should at least see if there’s any more pennies from heaven.” 
     “Oh, so, you’re looking for a papa-gâteau.”
     Jungkook furrowed his brow as he tried to piece together the little bit of French he knew. “Dad cake?”
     “I believe it translates to sugar daddy.”
     “Oh fuck, this is a gay bar.”
     Lazy Eye laughed as Jungkook ran his hands over his face. The latter stood up quickly and went to leave, when Lazy Eye reached out to grab his wrist.
     “You are gay, right?”
     “Why the fuck would you think I’m a fag like you,” Jungkook spat back.
     “Not in here, asshole,” Lazy Eye stood up and looked Jungkook square in the eyes. “Just to be clear, you sure as hell didn’t mind taking drinks from 3 different guys in here, so I wouldn’t act like the thought completely disgusts you.” Lazy eye looked him up and down. “Get the fuck out of here.”
     Jungkook stood stunned as Lazy Eye sat down. He wasn’t a fighter and as he looked around the bar, it because clear that his explosion had not gone unnoticed. Grabbing his jacket, Jungkook quickly exited the building and walked down the street. Fuck if he knew how to get home.
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     “Well if it isn’t my favorite souse,” Henry smiled as he opened the door to Jungkook who had forgotten his keys in their apartment for the second time that week.
    “Sorry Henry,” Jungkook slurred as he stumbled past his best friend. After the incident at the not named bar, the drinks had hit him much harder than he had anticipated. 
     “Thought you might be on active duty tonight,” Henry said, ignoring Jungkook’s apology. “Couldn’t bear to be without me.”
     Jungkook, who had found refuge on their couch at this point, grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at his friend.
     “Don’t take your lack of sex out on Alma’s pillows,” Henry smiled as he walked over to Jungkook and placed the pillow back on the couch.
     “Alma can – she can-”
     “Yeah, yeah, you don’t like Alma.” Henry sat down beside Jungkook on the couch. The two friends say in comfortable silence, as Jungkook took deep breaths to regain his composure.
     Jungkook had come to Paris to be with Henry. The two men had grown up together, living on the same street in San Francisco. They had been best friends since the first time Henry choose Jungkook to be on his team in baseball. It had been the right choice, as Jungkook was naturally athletic, but the other kids often didn’t pick him because he was Korean. Henry picked him first. 
     After the European leg of the war Ended, Henry wrote to Jungkook and told him that he should find his way to Paris after he beat the Japanese. He had said there were three French girls to every man in Paris and they had a penchant for the exotic. Jungkook had informed Henry that he didn’t like being called exotic, but he did like girls, so he might just take him up on that offer. Two years later and here they were sitting on the couch that Henry’s mom had bought them with the pillows Alma had bought when she visited.
     Alma lived on their street growing up as well, and Henry had always been in love with her. Alma had always been in love with other men, which was why Jungkook was not fond of her. He had watched Henry be a lovesick puppy about her for 14 years now, and it had only gotten more depressing. 
     “Speaking of Alma,” Henry said, breaking the silence. “She wrote again.”
     Jungkook sighed. “She’s bad news, Hen.”
     Henry shook his head. “She broke up with that asshole, Mel.”
     “Sure, and next week she’ll be with a new asshole.”
     “She broke you with him three months ago,” Henry smiled as he looked down at his hands. “She said she loves me and wants me to come home. That she should have made me come back with her last time she visited.”
     “She loves you?” Jungkook scoffed as he stood up from the couch. “You’re going to get on a plane for that floozy and she’s going to be back together with Mel by the time you set foot in California.”
    “Don’t be like this.”
     “Like what, your best friend? Would you prefer it if I lied to you and let you get on that plane like a fat-head.”
     “If you were my best friend, then you would know how badly I have wanted this for my entire life,” Henry said as he stood up.
     “Oh, get bent! I’ve watched you pine after Alma since I became your friend and she hasn’t been interested in you once. Now she loves you? Were you doing dope while I was gone?”
     “Can’t you just be happy for me?”
     “I would be more than happy to watch you marry a nice French girl, maybe settle down in the countryside, have some French speaking brats, but going back to San Francisco will be the biggest mistake of your life.” 
     “No, the biggest mistake of my life was inviting you to live with me.”
     Jungkook recoiled as if he had been hit. Henry sighed before reaching out to him, seeming to instantly regret his words, but Jungkook pulled away from his friend.
     “As stated, previously, get bent,” Jungkook said as he pushed past his best friend to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He quickly surveyed the room for something to break and settled on pushing the books off of the top his dresser. They fell to the floor with a thud and Jungkook joined them there. He pulled his knees to his chest, took the rabbit’s foot off his belt loop, and gripped it tightly in his hand. He tried to stop the tears that were forming in the corner of his eyes from falling. If he hadn’t been drinking, maybe he would have known that Henry only said that because he was angry, but it didn’t feel that way. It felt like years of knowing that Henry was too good of a friend to him were finally culminating in the realization that he had never been his friend at all.
    There was a light knock at the door, but Jungkook didn’t answer. He knew who it was, and if he knew Henry it wouldn’t matter either way. The door was going to be opened.
     “I’m sorry,” said Henry as the door creaked open. “I didn’t mean that. You’re my brother and I love you.”
     Jungkook nodded his head but didn’t turn to face Henry. His friend walked into the room and stood in front of Jungkook, causing the latter to bury his face in his knees. He felt like a child, but he also couldn’t face Henry looking so upset.
     “I’ll wait a little while, make her write a few more letters before I hop on a plane, okay? Will that make you feel better about this whole thing.”
     No, but Jungkook didn’t want this interaction to go on any longer. In fact, if he had it his way he would be able to magically make a bottle of whiskey appear in his hands. That would be his dream ending to this interaction.
     “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
     “I know, and I respect you for that. You’re a good friend, always have been,” Henry nudged Jungkook’s foot with his own, causing the latter to look up at him. Jungkook was greeted with a smile.
     “Okay,” Jungkook sighed.
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      Jungkook was absolutely sure how he ended up in the no name bar this time. Henry had gotten another letter from Alma and he had wanted to read it verbatim to him. So Jungkook listened and he counted each word that he was absolutely certain was a lie and decided that he would do a shot for each one. He was four shots in at this point and had been put on hold for a short period of time by the bartender. 
     The no name bar was probably a mistake, but he figured that he could convince some of the older men to buy some of the shots he had made a personal promise to down tonight and that would make his wallet very happen. He was less happy to note that he had been thinking about the establishment since his fat-headed exit last time. He felt bad about how he treated Lazy Eye. 
     So, there he sat on the bar stool in a gay bar with no name because such an establishment was not always welcome. It had to be private, like the army Jungkook realized. Otherwise it was a crime. 
     “Silver over there wanted me to give this to you.”
     Jungkook looked up and was surprised to see a woman in front of him. He quickly looked up and down the bar for Hal, the bartended that had been serving him drinks all night. When Hal was not found, he returned to the women in front of him.
     “You’re new,” he said, as he took the shot from her. He threw the liquid down his throat before passing the small glass back to her
     “So are you.”
     “How do you know that?”
     She smiled, and there was something in her smile that made Jungkook feel uneasy. There was more to it, but he couldn’t tell what it was. 
     “Well, because you’re wrong. I’m not new. I love this place.”
     Jungkook nodded his head, mostly hoping for this conversation to be over. There was something about this woman that made him both want to look away and also never look at anything else ever again. Whatever it was made him uncomfortable and would be more than enough reason to never come back here again.
     “You love him,” she said, causing Jungkook’s brow to furrow.
     “Silver? I don’t even know him, and he’s not really my type.”
     “That’s true. Your type is your age, from San Francisco, air force pilot, madly in love with a girl you absolutely hate, and named Henry.”
     Jungkook’s draw nearly dropped open as he stared at the women. “Seutokeo,” he barely whispered.
     The woman smiled as she leaned in closer to Jungkook. “Agma,” she returned in a whisper. 
     Jungkook recoiled at her words. Demon. This was not happening. Clearly, he had too much to drink and he was hallucinating now.
     “_____, nice to meet you, Jungkook.”
     “How the fuck do you know all of this?”
     “I just told you I was a demon, so I can only assume you are asking for a more detailed description. Very well, my dogs stay posted in this lovely establishment, and you caused quite a scene, so they followed you home. It was compelling.”
     “You’re a crazy person,” Jungkook said as he stood up from his seat. He quickly turned towards the door but when he looked up at it, she was already there, greeting him with that same terrifying smile. He looked back at the bar in disbelief and when he turned back, she was in front of him. He recoiled and had it not been for her hand on his arm he surely would have fallen to the floor.
     “Let’s take a walk, okay?”
     Jungkook found himself in the cool Parisian night before he could object, and he began to weigh his choices. If she was a demon, there was one place he knew she couldn’t go, he just needed to keep his eyes out for a church and be ready to run once he got close enough. Easy.
     “You’re in love with your best friend, and I want to help you.”
     “I am not in love with my best friend,” Jungkook spat.
     “But you are. You love him so much but you can’t say anything because the big guy made it so everyone would hate you for it.” She pointed up to the sky as she said this and Jungkook stupidly followed her finger. He quickly looked away once he realized her point.
     “I’m not gay. I like girls.”
     She shook her head. “You don’t have to be straight with me, Jungkook. I’m a huge fan of yours.”
     Jungkook snorted in response. “A big fan of me? Hell, I didn’t know I was with a fan, I would have offered to sign something for you.”
     “How about you sign away your soul?” She winked. “You promise me your soul and I’ll make Henry fall in love with you.”
     “How many times do I have to tell you I-”
     “Listen,” she interrupted as she stopped walking. “You can lie to me until you’re blue in the face, but you are in love with him.”
     Jungkook desperately wanted them to start walking again so he could keep looking for a church. He pulled away from her lightly to try and get the show on the road, but she pulled back harder, making him stay with her. Jungkook was certain of one thing, this was bad, and he was not getting out of it.
     “You want him, and I want you to have him. Falling in love with you will save him,” she said. “He won’t go back to California, he’ll stay right here with you and be crazy happy about it.”
     Her last point piqued Jungkook’s interest. If he was being honest, there was this part of him that he had shoved down when he was about 15-years-old. He had been playing football with the neighborhood kids and he was just about to make a touchdown when he got knocked aside. He landed on his back and when looked up Henry was smiling down at him. 
     Gotcha, Kook, was all he said in response, but Jungkook had thought about those words for weeks. He had felt something then that when he was home alone hours later, he felt ashamed for. Something that threatened to bubble up any time he was with Henry after that. Something that made his skin rise when Henry walked around half-naked in their apartment. Something that made him hate Alma, because she was going to get him in the end, when Jungkook knew who really deserved him. Who would do anything for him.
     “Let’s say you’re right-”
     “I am.”
     “what happens to me. I mean, what does selling my soul mean.”
     A small smile danced at her lips. “I need a right-hand man, and you’re the guy I want. You spend the rest of your life with Henry and then you spend it with me, running my dominion as my principality. It’s a win-win.”
      Jungkook wanted to pretend that he needed time to think it over, but the moment she had promised that he would stay in Paris and forget about Alma he had been sold. Finally, Henry would be free of her, they would be free of her.
     “Fantastic,” she reached down and pulled the rabbits foot off of Jungkook’s belt loop. “I’ll be needing this, and you’ll be needing some paper work.”
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     Jungkook hesitated as he stood outside of his and Henry’s apartment. _____ had left him long ago with the promise that her magic worked immediately.  However, Jungkook’s brain wasn’t working as quickly. He was terrified because this meant he was giving into every thought, every feeling he hadn’t let himself have for close to ten years. He knew what he always knew; giving into this meant no going back. Stepping into that apartment would change everything and right now he wanted to be the same Jungkook who only liked girls for just a few moments more. The Jungkook that stood on the other side of that door was confusing and new and scary and he wasn’t ready for that yet.
    Then again, he wasn’t sure he would ever be ready for that.
    Gripping the door handle with his shaking hand, Jungkook slowly opened the door and entered his new life.
     Henry was sleeping on the couch and there was a pang in Jungkook’s heart at the sight. Turns out, his new life wasn’t waiting immediately on the other side because this was normal. His friend stirred as Jungkook shut the door and the latter worried that he had awoken him.
    “I tried to stay up,” Henry said, confirming Jungkook’s concerns. “but you’re always out so late.”
     “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
     Henry chuckled, his tone deep with sleep, and opened his eyes slightly. “I’m glad you did. I wanted to talk to you about something.”
    “Oh?” Jungkook feigned ignorance as he walked further into the apartment and closer to Henry.
     “Alma wrote today,”
     Jungkook nodded his head. This was the part he had been most excited about. The moment when Henry said that he no longer cared what she thought.
     “She’s coming to visit again.”
     “What. The. Fuck.” Jungkook held his head in his hands as he tried to wrap his mind around what was happening. He had been duped. “I can’t believe I sold my soul to a demon for this shit. I really let myself unearth all of the horrible feelings I have for you, damned myself for eternity, and you have the audacity to still be in love with her, because I got tricked by a demon.”
     “Jungkook, are you okay? You’re not making any sense.” Henry stood up from his spot on the couch, any tiredness that may have been present in his eyes now replaced by concern. “Please, take a seat, you’ve probably had too much to drink again.”
     “I’m in love with you, you fat-head! I know it’s wrong and I know I shouldn’t, but I am in love with you and the fact that you would be with someone like her, someone so beneath you, makes me want to die,” Jungkook pulled his arm away from Henry as he began pacing around the living room. “So I did just that, I damned myself for eternity so I could finally be happy on this god-forsaken Earth and for once in my pitiful life feel like loving you was the right thing to do, and you tell me Alma is coming here and the next thing I know you’re back in California and I continue to be sad and alone, fucking girls that I’ll never love because I love you.”
     Henry jumped at Jungkook’s words and the latter realized he was still shouting. He put his hands out to show that he was sorry and calming down.
     “You love me?”
     Jungkook snorted as he looked down at his feet. It was probably too late to turn back now. “Oh, you heard that? You heard me screaming that I love you?” He looked up at Henry. “Is it too late to say that was all a joke?”
     “You’re a fat-head, you know that?” Henry smiled as he walked to Jungkook.
     “Or maybe I’m working on some lines for a play? Or what about if I sa-” Jungkook’s words died on the tip of his tongue as Henry reached up and placed his hands on either side of Jungkook’s face. He hesitated for only a moment before pressing his lips against Jungkook’s. 
     Jungkook was stunned, having been so sure that he had been tricked by the demon, but as Henry’s warm body pressed deeper into his own, he finally realized that this was really happening, and he kissed the man he loved back. Jungkook had always thought that giving into his desire for Henry would make him feel heavy with shame, but he had never felt lighter in his life. It was as if the room was no longer around them and the world no longer existed. It was just him and Henry as he had always wanted it.
     Jungkook deepened the kiss, the longing in his chest growing stronger. He had wanted Henry for so long and there was a part of his brain that told him they had plenty of time and that everything could wait. The other part was tired of waiting and that was the part he decided to listen to. He pressed his hardening cock into Henry’s thigh, causing the latter to smile into their kiss. Henry pulled back and smirked at Jungkook before pulling the latter back into his room. The next few moments were a flurry in Jungkook’s mind as he tried to control his rapidly beating heart. He had been wrong earlier when he had said that everything was going to change when he entered the apartment. Everything was going to change now. Henry was the first person to remove his shirt, Jungkook was sure of that, because he had pulled Henry in for another kiss once he realized that he could finally do that whenever Henry was half-naked around the apartment.
     “I want you,” Henry said as they broke away from the kiss, and that was when Jungkook’s shirt came off. The rest of their clothes came off quickly and Jungkook did his best to maintain his composure when Henry dropped to his knees in front of him. Wrapping his fingers around Jungkook’s hardened member, Henry smiled before licking languidly at the tip of his cock. Jungkook hissed at the contact and instinctively wound his fingers into Henry’s hair pulling him closer to where he wanted him. Henry wrapped his lips around Jungkook’s cock and began moving slowly up and down his length. 
      Jungkook was embarrassed by how quickly he felt his high approaching, but he wasn’t done with Henry yet. He had been waiting so long that this couldn’t be the end. He pulled lightly at Henry’s hair, but he did not let up. Instead he swatted at Jungkook’s hand and gripped tightly at his thigh. Jungkook swore under his breath and did his best to hold on.
     He looked up at the ceiling, because looking down at Henry while he took Jungkook’s dick into his mouth so well and so happily, was too much for him to handle while his ego refused to let him cum. 
     “Fuck,” Jungkook looked back down at Henry and the latter’s eyes looked back at him. “You’re amazing, I can’t hold on any longer.”
     Henry moaned around Jungkook’s length, causing a slew of obscenities to leave Jungkook’s mouth as he came. Henry continued his pace as he milked Jungkook for all he had and pulled away once Jungkook’s orgasm had finished. Jungkook lazily smiled at Henry as he stood up from his spot.
     “I love you,” he whispered, as Henry wrapped his arms around his neck.
     “I love you too, Kook. Always have.”
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     Jungkook rolled over in his bed and reached out for Henry, only to find that he wasn’t there. Jungkook’s eyes quickly shot open as he searched the room for his boyfriend. The had been taking turns sleeping in each other’s room since that night months ago, and he hadn’t woken up without Henry in a long time. Even when Henry had work early in the morning, he made sure to wake Jungkook up with a kiss before leaving. 
     Utterly confused and slightly worried, Jungkook got out of bed and walked into the living room. He searched the entire apartment for Henry, but he wasn’t there. Looking at the calendar that hung-over Henry’s desk, confirmed that he didn’t work early today. He should be here. Jungkook walked back to his room to put some clothes on his naked body. As he cleaned up the remnants of last night, he tried to remember if Henry had said anything about an errand he needed to run, or a friend he was going to see. Jungkook couldn’t think of anything. As he finished making the bed, the door to the apartment opened and closed, allaying Jungkook’s fears. Whatever Henry needed to do, he was back now, and everything was okay.
     “I woke up and you weren’t here,” Jungkook said as he walked into the living room.
     Henry looked up at him and offered him a small smile, as he shrugged his jacket off. “Sorry, Kook, I just had something I forgot I needed to do.”
     “It’s okay, you just owe me tonight,” Jungkook teased as he wrapped his arms around Henry’s waist and pulled him in for a kiss.
     Henry offered him another small smile when he pulled back and he quickly moved out of Jungkook’s embrace. The interaction felt off to Jungkook, but he decided not to bring it up. He didn’t want to seem clingy and it was probably nothing.
     “Did you eat before your errand, I can make breakfast?”
     “Yeah, that’d be great, Kook. Thanks.”
      Jungkook made his way into the kitchen and he began to make breakfast, but something about Henry still felt off to him. In fact, it continued to feel off to him for the rest of the day. Jungkook had tried to talk to him about his errand while the ate breakfast, but Henry said it was nothing for him to worry about. Jungkook went into work and tried not to think about what Henry had been doing, but they had never had secrets between each other besides the fact that Jungkook had feelings for him. It wasn’t right that he was keeping something from him, and Jungkook was intent on making him tell the truth. However, all of that went out the door when Jungkook was greeted after work with a passionate kiss and hours of sex. The only thing that had felt normal all day was when Jungkook was rocking his hips into Henry’s, so he convinced himself that he was blowing everything out of proportion and that nothing was wrong.
     Henry cuddled into him as they fell asleep that night, and Jungkook was sure that everything was going to go back to normal tomorrow morning.
     That was until he opened his eyes. 
     “Fuck,” Henry cursed as Jungkook woke up. Henry was straddling Jungkook, and the latter was just about to make a joke about him not getting enough last night, when Henry’s hands flew to Jungkook’s neck.
     “Kinky,” Jungkook coughed out before he realized that Henry’s hands were getting tighter on his neck. 
     Too tight in fact. Jungkook reached up to try and pry Henry’s hands off of him, he was stronger than Henry, but the latter had gotten the element of surprise and Jungkook was losing momentum as his airway was cut off. 
     Henry looked crazy above him, his eyes angry but somehow also sad. As Jungkook tried to beg him to stop it almost looked like he regretted what he was doing, but his grip only got tighter.
      Jungkook batted at his lover’s hands as he tried to understand what was happening. He wanted to ask Henry why he was hurting him, he wanted to know what he had done, but mostly he wanted to know what that fucking errand was because he knew now that it had to have something to do with this. How had Henry gone from lying to this so quickly?
     Jungkook’s chest burned as he continued to struggle against Henry, but his attacks were weakening as it became harder and harder to breath. His head felt light like it had when Henry had first kissed him, and he wondered how they had gotten to this point. How could someone he loved so much hold him down and murder him?
     Jungkook never got the chance to ask as the world went dark around him.
    And then she was there smiling.
    “It’s good to see you again, Bunny. Sorry it had to end so soon.”
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     Jimin gasped for air as he sat on the floor of _____’s office. He had started to panic once he saw the heavenly blade on the principalities desk and he had pressed the moon on his chest in fear as he waited for you to pull him back to your dominion. 
     “They’re going to kill you,” he finally said as he turned to face you. “They have a heavenly blade. I saw it. You have to send me back, before Jungkook’s meeting is over, but you need to know that you are not safe.”
     You looked at him with a neutral face that Jimin couldn’t read. “Anything else?”
     Jimin looked at you confused. “No that’s it.”
     “Just my impending erasure from existence then?”
     Jimin nodded his head a frown on his face.
     “Well if it’s just that,” you chuckled. “I guess I’ll see you in a little bit.”
     Jimin went to respond but the familiar feeling of dematerializing echoed throughout his body and soon enough he was back outside of Dragas’ office. Beside him stood one of Dragas’ demons who looked at him skeptically.
     “Didn’t want to take the stairs,” Jimin said with a humorless chuckle, looking down at his shoes. 
     Jungkook emerged with Dragas only moments later and he too seemed surprised to see Jimin. He nodded his head at the angel before motioning for him to follow him down the stairs.
     “Weren’t you supposed to be looking for something,” Jungkook hissed as they walked to the entrance.
     “I found something, and it’s really bad,” Jimin hissed back. “Somehow they got their hands on a Heavenly Blade.”
     Jungkook’s eyes widened as he turned to Jimin. He quickly grabbed the Angel’s arm and pulled him out of Dragas’ mansion. “How do you know that?” He asked once they had made it outside. “How do you even know what one looks like?”
     This was not good. Jimin quickly tried to think of a reason why he, a new demon, would have any idea what kind of weaponry angels used. “_____ showed me what they looked like just in case I saw anything like that while I was searching.”
     Jungkook raised an eyebrow at this but pushed no further. “If you’re right, we’re in way over our heads.”
     “I hope I’m wrong then. I really do.”
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© gimmeyoon — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or translation onto other sites even with proper credit given is not permitted.
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[08 - Still the Same as Ever]
“That kid reminds me of you.”
“It was like seeing another Daisuke, but that V-mon didn’t look like me. It gave me the impression it’s not an usual digimon.”
“What are ya talkin’ about V-mon? That kid cannot be me, we ain’t alike! Heh, I’d say he’s part of the goody-two-shoes group.”
“But they aren’t bad people, you know. They share the same desire as you.”
“If they did, then why would they accuse me of doin’ something bad!?”
“... Please, look at the situation you’re in.”
“They have the same desire as me…?”
He was at the balcony, admiring the view. That memory of what V-mon had talked to him before he and Ken left the Digital World caused confusion inside him.
“Why can’t they see what I am trying to do…? What Ichijouji and I are trying to prevent from happening again?”
Was it right, though?
“... I need to see that kid again.”
[Daichi’s World, year 2027]
Kiyoko mysteriously got a message from her brother saying he would stay at some friend’s home for a few days and to tell their mother to not worry about. oddly, the message came at the morning, so she had to explain things at the breakfast.
Miyako accepted that, just like her. and after leaving home for work… Kiyoko started to investigate her brother’s whereabouts.
“Daichi, where the heck are you? I told you were at Mitsuki’s house, but I just asked him and he said you didn’t see him yesterday. Whatever you’re doing, stop hiding stuff and let me help you doofus.”
She typed that while reading it with a quiet voice. When she hit the ‘send’ button, Kiyoko heard someone knocking on the front door aggressively.
“What? I didn’t expect him to return that quickly…”
She went to open the door, and after that… Someone stepped in very quickly and closed the door. She shouted and tried to use her phone to call for the police but…
“No wait, it’s me!”
“Ta… Taisuke!? Why are you wearing shades and a facemask!? Wait, your hair is… Down?”
“Argh, don’t ask me questions!” he snorted “No wait, I can answer that. Someone is… Following me!”
“Following you?” she frowned “Like, a digimon or a person?”
“I don’t know!” he took the shades and mask off “I was going to meet Eiji and suddenly I heard a ‘click’ ‘click’ and then…!! I had to go home and try to disguise myself!”
“You don’t know…” it wasn’t a good answer, but could her give him a hand at this hour? “If there’s someone following you, how about telling officer Ichijouji to investigate it?”
“It’s not… It’s not a police’s case! It’s some paparazzi!”
“I still think you need to tell officer Ichijouji about it.”
“How!? It keeps following me everywhere I go since yesterday! And my uncle is busy with the case of that attack on the theater event. A-and he might tell my dad about it!”
“So you want to hide it from them, to not let the adults know some creeper is following an innocent child-- Wait. I think I know who’s that creepy paparazzi following you.”
“D-do ya know!?”
She noticed someone very familiar outside right now through the window. Oh no, it’s him.
“It’s you Junya, am I right?” she opened the window “You jerk stop scaring my friends! I told you they’re NOT part of some conspiracy theory involving the legends!”
“Wait, what?” Taisuke blinked.
“Oh Kiyoko, I was passing by hehe--”
A teen revealed himself -- Spiky hair and with the same color as Motomiya Jun’s haircolor, holding a phone and now looking at her from the distance.
“If you bully my friends again I swear I gonna punch you to the outer universe!” she shook her fist “Now get outta here! Shush!”
“Wait, you know that person!?”
“He’s my cousin” Kiyoko answered unhappily “He’s a cool guy but he started researching for the Tale of the Chosen Children and ended up cooking some dumb theories. He said ambassador Yagami is hiding the truth from the world, that he knows those stories are real.”
“O-oh… Wait, what have I do with it!?”
“I’m sure he wanted to investigate your daily life, and perhaps make you spill the beans. Don’t worry, I know those are stories for children and that your dad isn’t hiding stuff from anyone else.”
“That’s illegal I think.”
“Yeah I know, I will fight him if he does it again. Let me know please?”
“Thanks” he sighed.
  [Parallel world, year 2002]
Daichi waited the end of the school activities on the next day so he could catch Daisuke and finally ask a few questions. It still bugged him that the Daisuke of that world wasn’t friends with the Chosen Children, and that Ken was also one of the enemies. Those made no sense! How in the world would two gentle and caring people could be completely the opposite of their counterparts from his world?!
They were on the other side of the street, watching carefully from there. Ulforce Chibi had been on Natsu’s arms, while Daichi kept his eyes on the school’s entrance, and checking it out the clock. Oddly, his digivice had adapted to that world’s time from all of a sudden.
“It’s almost the time-- Huh? Someone’s coming”
“Oi, kid!”
They wasn’t expecting him to be already there! And to be the first to leave minutes before the school’s ring bell rang.
“Can we talk for a bit?” he was smiling? That seemed suspicious.
 “So… You have a digimon right?” they were walking on the sidewalk, with no idea where they were going. But Natsu assumed to be back to the Motomiya household “That lil’ plush here is your partner?”
“Yes, he is” Daichi replied, still unsure if he could trust Daisuke or not. The fear from yesterday was still present in his voice “B-but why do you ask it?”
“Look, sorry for… Attacking you? My friend does not like to get people messing with his plans. We’re doing something for the people.”
“Enslaving digimon won’t solve anything” Natsu replied with a cold tone.
“Geez, why do you think we’re enslaving them?” Daisuke seemed uncomfortable with that wording “Ichijouji and I are just makin’ them unable to evolve. The digimon caused damage to this world three years ago.”
“It still makes no sense!”
“N-Natsu please…” Daichi tried to calm her down “I’m aware of what happened, the Chosen Children told me.”
“But did they tell you WHAT the digimon actually had done to us!? They invaded this world, kidnapped children, took everyone in town as hostages. And, another incident changed Ichijouji’s life.”
Natsu wasn’t aware of the last part. Maybe it was… An event from that world?
“His brother, ol’ Osamu, was hit by a car which was damaged by the digimon interference. He survived, but he can’t walk anymore.”
Wait, what!? Ichijouji Osamu survived in this world!? Natsu was shocked by that reveal. Because, in Daichi’s world Osamu is…
“But mr. Motomiya, you can’t simply condemn all the digimon for those incidents!” Daichi tried to be reasonable with him “There’s good digimon too! The Chosen Children’s job is to protect the worlds, not to take control of an entire world to protect the other!”
“I agree, but… Takeru and his mean friends keep accusing us from being bad people! I’m not a villain!”
“If you’re not, then stop pretending that that does not affect the others!” Natsu hissed “If you’re a hero you need to stop Ichijouji Ken!”
“If I stop him… The digimon will invade this world again!”
“Do ya think we’re evil!?” Ulforce roared “If the bad digimon invade, then the Chosen Children will protect this world just like before!”
“mr. Motomiya,” Daichi said with a frown “mr. Ichijouji might be confused as well and if you’re the only person he cares about, you’re able to make him understand that.”
“... I don’t think if they… If Hikari and Taichi… Would accept me after all the damage I’ve caused to them.”
“They will! After all, mr. Hikari doesn’t seem happy fighting her friend. In fact, she seems hurt by it.”
Daisuke glanced at him in silence, so there is hope. The hope to fix the wrong choices he had taken.
“I will talk with him then. Maybe if I explain things… No, could you lend me a hand, kiddo?”
“Yes, I can try. Also, I’m Daichi and these are Natsu and Ulforce.”
“Well you can call me by Daisuke then” he chuckled “... Thanks for giving me a reason to do the right thing, Daichi.”
“So you knew what you were doing was the wrong thing…?”
“Eh, kinda of…” he laughed nervously “Every time I tried to talk with Ichijouji he… Seemed pretty distant from me. I stayed with him because I couldn’t stand seeing him alone. And he’s still hurt by what happened to ol’ Osamu.”
“Despite of everything… You’re still the same” Natsu muttered.
“I’m glad you heard me, mr. Motomiya” Daichi smiled “This shows that you’re a good person after all, just like mr. Takeru and mr. Hikari think about you.”
“They… They think that about me?”
“Yes, they do.”
“... Thanks.”
  [Daichi’s world, year 2027]
“Their information is correct,” Ken told Taichi via phone “I had been informed of a suspicious activity in the Digital World.”
“Is that… ‘Roar of Freedom’ they mentioned?”
“Yes, I think they’re connected to that incident from 2025.”
“... What do you need?”
“Nothing at the moment, but if I’m right about this… We might find him.”
“Sir!” an officer opened the door of the room “S-someone invaded and… And…”
“What?” Ken turned to look at the woman “I will call you later, I need to go now” he told Taichi and hung up “What happened?”
“The Strikedramon brothers… They had been… Deleted.”
“Deleted!? How!? The security of this building is…”
“We don’t know! All we got was… This.”
She gave him a paper with something written in Digimoji.
“... I will handle the case. Please, check the cameras and check if you can find something suspicious.”
“Yes sir.”
“Wormmon,” he looked at the digimon playing something on a tablet “Can you read this for me? I need to call the others” and he passed the paper to Wormmon.
“Um, let’s see” Wormmon took his reading glasses and examined the paper.
“Hello? It’s Ichijouji. Could you gather the rest of the group for me? I know we all are busy, but this is important. Ok, I will wait.”
Wormmon started to type the translation on the tablet. 
“I need a gathering of all ten as soon as possible. No, it’s indeed important so that’s why I’m trying to reunite all of us. It also about him, I think I got a clue. Can’t tell that yet, and what I want to discuss is about--”
“One sec, Wormmon was translating something for me.”
“Here,” Wormmon handed him the tablet and Ken read it aloud:
“... ‘You won’t win this time, Chosen Children. I know who all of you are.’ , huh?”
“That’s concerning…” Wormmon frowned.
“I think we have to reunite everyone right now. I got a message addressed to us.”
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The OCs: Jamie Jackson
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Full Name: Jaidee Jamie Jackson
Nicknames: Jamie (to everyone except for her parents). Lek (by her parents).  Cara/Tesoro (from Michael). Printsessa/Lyubimaya (from Vasya). 
Emojis: 🥋📝⚖🌶🍷
Birthday: June 15th 
Place of Birth: Hells Kitchen, New York
Sexuality: Bisexual polyamorous. 
- Her parents, Malee and James, met while he was on a business trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand. He ended up extending his time there and the two fell in love. Malee came with him back to New York and a year later they were married. Less than a year later they had Jamie. 
James’s mother is Norwegian, so growing up he spoke English and Norwegian when at home. He’s gifted with learning languages and his job is as a translater. Jamie speaks little Norwegian as she only spoke it when she would be visiting her grandparents. 
Malee and James thought they were going to have a boy so when Jamie was born they had already picked out a name for her and fallen in love with the name. So they just kept it since Jaidee is a unisex name. 
- She was very small in her father’s hands when she was born and her mom gifted her with the nickname Lek, meaning ‘small’. 
Her name, Jaidee, means ‘kindhearted’. 
- Her favorite colour is rose gold.
- Her lucky number is five.
- She sleeps cuddling a stuffed panda. Toto sleeps beside her knees.
- Jamie has very bad anger issues as a child so her parents enroll her into taekwando with Taka. The two begin doing kendo together as well when they’re fourteen. 
- She’s Buddhist and her favourite holiday is Loy Krathong. 
She’s a very good cook thanks to her mother teaching her and she cooks for every holiday. Her specialty is her eggrolls. 
- Her favourite movie is Yes or No. 
- As a child she loves playing dress up in her mother’s chut Thai and jewelry. When the family goes to Chiang Mai, Jamie always becomes very ecstatic to wear her own sarongs. 
- James and Malee are very doting parents and adore their only child with all of their being. Malee never received a full formal education as she had to be pulled from school in elementary school to help cook for her family so she wants Jamie to do better than her. Malee never wants Jamie to have to do as much work as she’s had to do. 
Malee cannot read or write in English and often has trouble in Thai. She’s taught Jamie how to speak the language, but she can’t teach her anything else. 
- As a child she didn’t understand why some of the kids would laugh at the food she would bring for lunch or why they would make fun of her mother’s accent when Malee would come to pick her up. She grows to love her heritage as she becomes a teenager and hates that she wasted so much time being embarrassed about a part of herself. 
She and Marie have this in common. 
- When she’s six, Malee tells her that she’s enrolling her into music lessons. Malee let Jamie pick the instrument and fully expected for her daughter to pick the piano and was pleasantly surprised when Jamie picked the flute.
- Her favorite fairytales are A Tale of Two Rice Birds and East of the Sun, West of the Moon. 
- Her favourite types of tea are a tie between Thai boba tea and jasmine tea with honey. She doesn’t like coffee in the morning but rather drinks tea. The only time she drinks coffee is when she goes to a coffee shop and orders herself a latte. 
- Jamie, Peyton, Alexei, and Taka are all neighbors and so growing up together, the four of them were very close friends. Jamie and Peyton always had a rivalry of sorts growing up and it just never went away much to the amusement of Taka and Alexei. 
- Jamie is a big daddy’s girl and very close to her dad. If her mom says she can’t do something, she asks her dad. James half of the time gives her the okay. The other half of the time he says to ask her mom. 
- Despite being close to her parents she’s still terrified of coming out to them, especially when shse realizes she’s polyamorous. 
- Taka and Jamie date for a very short period when in highschool and it nearly destroys the friendship between them, Peyton, and Alexei. 
Alexei had a huge crush on Taka for the longest time but never told anyone except for Peyton so he becomes very bitter towards Jamie while she and Taka are dating and it causes a lot of tension between the friends. Jamie and Taka decide that they’re better as friends and they would rather stay friends than have their frienships with Alexei and Peyton destroyed. 
- She’s twenty when she meets Michael and the two begin seeing each other then dating. She finds out about his mafia work very early on but is honestly kind of an idiot and decides she doesn’t care about it. He only deals with weapons and drug distribution, is her excuse. It’s a poor one. She is aware but a fool in love. 
- As one of Michael’s cover stories for running the mafia is a restaurant, Jamie and Peyton get jobs as hostesses at his fine dining Italian restaurant. Sometimes they both help serve just for some extra pocket money. 
- Her favorite foods consist of her dad’s homemade buttercake, her mom’s Pad Thai, Michael’s fra diavolo, and Vasya’s potato and cheese pierogis. 
- Though she often picks mild fun at Vasya’s very casual clothing taste, Jamie loves to steal borrow Vasya’s sweaters and cardigans. They’re warm and fluffy and smell like Vasya’s perfume. 
- She learns a few steps for a few traditional Thai dances but she feels like she looks ridiculous when she dances.
Malee self taught herself some dances when she was growing up in Thailand by watching the dancers during festivals. She dances sometimes when she hears Jamie practicing music on the flute. 
- Jamie has a shih tzu named Toto. He is like her child.
- She’s fond of poetry and has been known to take a poetry book with her to a coffee shop and sip on a latte. 
- She was on her highschool’s debate team. It’s no surprise that she would further her education by becoming a lawyer.
This would be how she re-meets Vasya. Jamie is interning at Nelson & Murdock & co. and one day Vasya comes over with Maddie so the two girls can talk to their dads. Jamie nearly drops the coffees she brought for everyone when she sees Vasya and just quietly, “Oh my god...” When Vasya sees her she later yells at Matt, “Why didn’t you tell me there’s a pretty girl here?!” Matt doesn’t tell either that the other girl likes each other, just lets them fumble around cluelessly. 
- The first date between Michael, Jamie, and Vasya takes place at Michael’s penthouse where he cooks for them. The first date outside of their homes is at Fogwell’s where Vasya takes them. She and Michael both are surprised when Jamie is very capable of fighting back. Matt is not the only Murdock to have gotten laid in that gym...
- Jamie hates bugs, doesn’t matter what kind it is, she does not like them. 
- Her favorite type of fast food is Popeyes.
- She loves frozen yogurt, her favorite flavour being cake batter. She enjoys putting granola on her yogurt, frozen or not. 
- Generally, Jamie is very reserved and quiet. Often times when she’s talking, she doesn’t realize just how softly she’s speaking and is told to speak up. This always makes her flush and grow very annoyed and snappish. 
- Her favourite flowers are lotuses. 
- She loves mango. The fruit, mango candy, mango flavoured icecream, mango smoothies. If it’s mango, she loves it. Needless to say, when she makes herself sticky rice, it’s topped with mango.  
- She’s very ‘girly’ and likes make up. Her eyeliner is always on point and winged beautifully. Shopping is a favourite past time of hers. 
- She’s allergic to most boxed hair dyes but not bubble dye. Peyton helps her dye her hair anytime Jamie gets in the mood to do so. 
- The one time she was taken hostage to be used as bait against Michael and Vasya, Michael snorted, “Your funeral.” Once he hung up he took a deep breath and, “We really need to go get Jamie back.” Vasya just nodded. “Quickly is preferable.” Jamie did not take kindly to being kidnapped.
- When Vasya leaves to go to school in Moscow, Jamie cries the hardest. 
- She hates Michael’s father and elder brother, Angelo. Mostly because of how they treated Michael growing up but also because Angelo kidnapped Peyton, thinking she was Jamie, and Peyton is her best frenemy. She finds Raphael to be amusing though. 
- She and Jack get along fairly well. She thinks he’s even more amusing than Raphael and is very smart. He thinks she needs to loosen up and have more fun. 
- When they get Vasya back, Jamie loves and adores Smolya the most. He is her little baby. It’s very common for Michael and Vasya to find her passed out on the couch with Smolya sleeping on her, tiny fist clenching a lock of her hair. Rebuilding the relationship between the three of them takes much work, love, and patience.
- When she finds out that she’s pregnant she’s extremely anxious. The baby is named Aranya, nicknamed Ari, and takes after all three of her parents. A few years after Ari is born, Vasya is pregnant with Alessia. 
Aranya and Alessia are super close but get on each other’s nerves.
- Jamie adopts a Siamese kitten and names it Pringles. 
6 songs that she probably has on her phone/fit her well:
I’m a Ruler by Tommee Profitt ft. Ruby Amanfu 
Cliché  by Candy Mafia
Second Hand Love by Bedroom Audio
What I Need by Hayley Kiyoko ft. Kehlani
Princess by Fletcher
Youth by Troye Sivan
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catilinas · 5 years
2018 year in review
Rules: answer the questions about 2018 and tag some people!
tagged by @aegenka thank you!!!
Top 5 films you watched in 2018:
(honestly i can’t think of five films. that i’ve watched. except for bingewatching Every Marvel Film during exams. so plays instead:)
the RSC antony and cleopatra at the barbican 
antony and cleopatra at the national theatre
a three-actor production of antigone i saw in a pub
thyestes (in latin!) in cambridge
Top 5 TV shows in 2018:
bold of you to assume i’ve watched Any tv shows this year
Top 5 songs of 2018
statistically i have no clue! but some that i associate with very specific parts of this year
lethal combination - the wombats. listened to this in march when it snowed and the school coach got hit by a car on the way to my latin mock exam. kept listening to it for the three hours i was stuck in london bridge station waiting for a train
under the blue/take me in - hayley kiyoko. i listened to this album on repeat on our classics trip round greece. which was also when i was reading attis! so now this is my brain’s attis soundtrack
Z-E-P-H-Y-R - squalloscope..... i love this song now..... nice
after the apocalypse - squalloscope. i just really like the imagery! also lol i listened to this a lot during exams and there being Things after the End Of The World was. nice
between my teeth - orla gartland. this was most of november! it is a good song for walking up hills to
Top 5 Books you Read in 2018
please keep in mind that i will read More books by the end of the year! and im gonna do a proper post at some point
attis - tom holland
selected poems - w.s. graham
annals - tacitus
memorial - alice oswald
carthage must be destroyed - richard miles
Five Good/Positive things that happened to you in 2018
i went on a poetry course in cl*n and it was amazing and i miss it so much :’(
the school classics trip round greece......... h. reading attis goes here
i did my a level exams!!!!!! and i got into university!!!!!! yeehaw!!!!!!
the tower poetry summer school...... oh man
i got into translation theory fghjhgfh and now im in the reception pit
im not tagging anyone bcs im Tired but if you want to do this go wild!
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10 questions
Oh wow, @kittensartsbooks I adore tag games, thank you so much <3 Sorry I took my time – it’s been an exhausting week.
(Also, omgjahflljajhflahfrhf you used a Nightwish quote, I love it!)
1. If your WIP was a TV show, what song would be the opening?
I’ve thought way too much about this.
I always imagined the show would be a similar format to BBC’s Sherlock, with each episode being its own little movie, but everything tying up neatly together in the end, The plot however would have the intensity of Game of Thrones.
As such, I want a proper, long, artistic opening sequence, with epic score music.
2. Do you write a poetic prose or do you prefer something more straightforward?
I use what I need. It would depend on the character POV, but I’d like to use more poetic prose when dealing with emotions. I’ve found it has greater impact. But since I write a lot of adventure, it’s hardly appropriate all the time.
3. Do your OCs have any jobs? If they do, what are they? If they don’t, what would they do for a living?
I mean, most of them are soldiers, largely by necessity rather than by choice. If they had to choose a profession though, I think only Marcus would have remained a soldier, simply because of his upbringing.
Richard would have been an amazing defence lawyer, but Matt Murdock style – he’d only take the honourable cases.
Liana would work in a crisis centre. Among my characters she is also the most likely to be a night-time vigilante, who delivers justice whenever the system fails to do so.
Gareth needs an extremely dynamic work environment with constant challenges. He’s more technically inclined, but likes to have a purpose, and use his brain, so I think in the right circumstances, he’d make an amazing paramedic. Any job would be too small for him, though, because he’s just too amazing. <3
Nastya would have been a manager at a large firm. She’s simply the boss.
Colby is a neurosurgeon now that’s he’s out of the Army and I think this is perfect for him.
Kemball is a computer genius but it’s his special interest. He’d like to do something beyond that. He’d probably be interested in doing translation of literary works and important historical documents, since he’s good with languages too.
Kia would be a farmer, so full of energy, embracing every morning, talking to her animals and loving her pretty flower garden. Felicity would travel around taking beautiful photos zie’d sell online, very often of nature, because it means waiting patiently in hiding for the right moment to capture on film.
4. Choose a color for each of your OCs.
Oooh, I’ve actually secretly done that already!
Liana burgundy red
Marcus indigo blue
Gareth yellow or white 
Richard sunset orange
Nastya brown
Kia pink
Fel beige
5. Choose parts of songs that describe each of your OCs perfectly.
This is going to be impossible. Let’s try! Xd
“She's got a hold on me Maybe she is just what they want me to be
Even in these chains, you can't stop me. Even in these chains, you can't stop me!” ~Big Bad Wolf by ITM
“Hit me like a ray of sun Burning through my darkest night You're the only one that I want Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again But this don't even feel like falling Gravity can't forget To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened Every rule I had you break it The risk that I'm taking I'm never gonna shut you out” ~Halo by Beyoncé
“The meadows of heaven await harvest The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched The elsewhere creatures yet unseen Finally your number came up, freefall awaits the brave” ~Elan by Nightwish
“Is it sick of me To need control of you? Is it sick to make You beg the way I do?” ~Sick Like Me by ITM
“I walk through this world, just tryna be nice They say I'll get hurt, if I'm not like ice I know I've got friends, I still get so lonely That look in your eyes, I want you to hold me” ~Feelings by Hayley Kiyoko
I can’t do anymore, this is what I’ve got. Xd
6. Which of your OCs just want to belong somewhere? Which of them want to stand out and be something more?
Oh, oh, oh, this is very telling. I love this question.
Richard just wants to be left alone. He wants a life, a future, and peace. He doesn’t want to belong but he doesn’t want to stand out either.
Gareth wants to shine because he knows what he’s worth. Mostly, he loves a challenge, so he’s not blinded by greed, but he’d hate to just be one of the herd.
Liana aches to belong somewhere. She’s never had that, so…
Marcus wants to belong too. He’d go to great lengths to be accepted.
Colby loves his shiny awards. Achievements are very important to him.
Nastya loves to prove herself too, and she’d hate to hear people find her regular, or predictable.
Kia likes a calm life, and lots of friends who make her happy. She’d love to belong to a fun bunch of people who laugh at her jokes.
Fel loves a challenge. Zie’d like to know zie’s done better than the others in zer group.
7. What makes you excited to write your story?
I crave to tell stories, but this one has become so important, on a personal level. The After The World Ends series is about justice, and the world around us, and the future we could have vs the future we think we want.
8. If your novel was already published, which part of your story/chapter would you be more anxious to see the readers reactions?
I’ve already had that answered for me: Marcus/Liana interactions. Readers have no patience for Marcus, which was my goal, but it seems I’ve lost them with Liana’s “what the hell is happening, weren’t we supposed to be in love” POV. It has a purpose, but still… :/
9. What’s the line you’ve written that made you proud?
This one is from Blacklight; it’s not exactly a line, but it’s related to Gareth and Richard’s relationship dynamic. Richard tries to change the way he thinks of Gareth, so it goes:
Gareth—The Captain—Gareth
The Captain—Gareth—the Captain.
I love how I’ve placed that to show his emotions and I’m super proud of it.
10. Which OCs don’t get together, but you could see being a nice couple?
Sal and Liana. They’d be super supportive of each other, and a great battle couple. But they’re just friends, sorry :)
Another great couple would have been Deanna Novakova and Greta Talles. They would be an amazing power-couple, and they have the same wonderful brand of encouraging, thoughtful, inspiring leadership.
Lemme see: @write-the-galaxy @crowgale @magnificentvoidarbiter @sapphicauthor @writerbi-day @newzealandgay
Stay readin’, folks!
P.S. I did the tagging quickly so now I thought of a few more people
@kclenhartnovels @quillwritten @blackwidowrising if you feel like it? :) 
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