#thank you sanne baby!
stevebabey · 10 months
tf is that anon on? 🙄 anyways, stay groovy rubaby ily 🫶
who knows! me and my mutuals stay like this <3
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
Sanne I am BEGGING for “This is real. I’m real. Look at me.” with Dick 🥺🤍
SEXY! love this prompt, thank u for requesting 🥰
"this is real. i'm real. look at me." — dick grayson x gn!reader | tw: fear toxin, hallucinations, panicked reader | 500 words
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
"How long?"
"I don't know—"
"Well, how much did they inhale?"
"I don't know, Bruce!"
Everything is cloudy, warped. If you turn your head too fast, shadows loom over you. You cover your eyes and whimper, trying to shut out the monsters.
The Joker laughs, distantly, and you cry, thrashing. Someone holds down your shoulders and you cry louder. Your hand connects with skin. Someone grunts.
"Shit. Dick, come here!"
Cool hands rest on your face and pull at your hands. You scream and try to fight. The Joker laughs get closer.
"Don't let him get me," you beg. "Don't—he's here, don't... don't let him..."
"Baby, baby, I'm right here."
Your hands are pried off your face. You catch flashes of red, black, and blue. A familiar blue.
But then you meet milky white eyes, and in the haze of the toxin, the eyes turn sinister. You fight, pushing at the eyes, and another pair of hands holds down your legs.
"Let go, let go!" you scream. "Let go!"
"Tim, is it ready or not?"
"I'm going as fast as I can!"
The milky eyes suddenly disappear, replaced by blue.
"Honey, I'm right here," the blue eyes say, and you feel a hand on your cheek. "You're safe. It's me, it's Dick. Can you hear me?"
"Dick," you say, thrashing again. "Dick, he's here. You have to run, he's gonna—"
"No one's here, baby. You're in the Cave. You're safe, okay? I'm not gonna let anybody get you."
Your eyes scrunch up with tears, and the blue eyes blur. There's a pinch in your arm. You flinch and launch forward.
"I'm scared! I'm scared, don't hurt me—"
"Baby, hey. This is real. I'm real. Look at me."
Fingers brush away the tears under your lashes. The blue eyes come back into focus. They connect to a face.
"He's gonna get you," you say, chest aching with how shallow your breaths are.
Dick cups the back of your head. Behind him, you see Scarecrow himself. You start to wriggle, but Dick holds you tighter.
"I've got you. No one's there, baby. Close your eyes for me, okay, sweetheart? Listen to my voice."
"He-he'll kill you—"
"No one's gonna hurt me or you. I need you to slow your breathing. Come on, honey, slow breaths. Breathe with me."
You bury your face in a warm neck. He breathes and you breathe with him as best as you can, clinging to his suit. You close your eyes and cling hard. Dick rubs your back in circles.
"That's it. Good job. I got you. I'm here. No one's gonna get you."
"It feels so real," you whisper.
"I know, baby, I know. I'm sorry." Dick sounds choked, and he clears his throat. "It'll go away soon."
"Don't leave," you say instantly, hugging him tighter. Your eyes are squeezed shut so hard it almost hurts.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here the whole time. You still breathing?"
That reminds you to feel his breath and follow them. You thread your fingers through his hair. He smells like home. The gas can create a lot of things, but it can't take away the jasmine detergent Alfred uses, or the spiced cologne Dick dabs behind his ears.
"I'm-I'm breathing," you say.
"Good, you're doing so good. You're safe."
Dick doesn't leave your side for the rest of the night.
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bamdelune · 10 months
In Hindsight 🎼 bonus chapter: "well-planned funeral"
notes. this is supposed to be a crackfic drabble 🙏 don't worry guys no heavy angst yet
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"You what?" Kunikuzushi nearly spits out his perfectly made Earl Grey tea when he hears your plans for the day. The noise of the cafe the both of you were staying at drowned out by your conversation.
"You heard me." You quip, as if the very thing you had just suggested a few moments ago was the most normal day-to-day activity for an emotionally-aware, living-breathing human being.
"You're fucking insane." He replies.
"What's insane about picking out coffins for my funeral?"
Kunikuzushi gives you a deadpan look, "Are you hearing yourself right now?"
You shrug, "I am."
"How lucky I am to be your boyfriend." Kuni goes back to his laptop. "Indeed you are!" You respond smartly, squishing the soft plush of his cheeks from across the table.
"Stop that."
"You love me too much to stop me, my love." You grin, doing one last squish before retracting your hand.
Kunikuzushi flushes a few shades pinker before speaking again, "What're you thinking?"
You lean back slightly in your chair, crossing your legs, "Traditional white. What would you think of using my casket as a message board, wouldn't that be cute?" You muse.
Kunikuzushi still isn't used to the idea of you actually dying so soon, he would still stiffen up at the idea of ever seeing your body in a coffin and you are quick to notice that.
"Listen. If you don't wanna talk about it, we don't have—"
He quickly countere, narrowing his eyes at you. "Y/N, baby. It's okay, it's what you want—"
"But you don't want to talk about it."
"I never said that."
It's your turn to send him a knowing look, raising an eyebrow at his nonchalance.
"Fine. I guess I'm a bit weirded out how you're choosing your own stuff for your own funeral." He concedes, huffing a sigh. "Don't you think that's morbid?"
"I'm not having cakey embalming makeup when I'm dead. If I'm going, I'm going the right way."
"You're so weird." He chuckles, a look of adoration glinting in his eyes. A contrast to his snarky remark towards your afterlife preferences. "Hey, that's why you love me, right?" You giggle.
A few beats of silence pass the both of you by before he opens his mouth and closes again. Deciding against it, he opens his lips again. "I love you."
You smile softly, a quiet laugh leaving your lips. "I love you too."
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synopsis. You are a singer-songwriter. Music has always been a part of you, it's a part of your identity that no one can ever take away. However, there's always a catch: you are diagnosed with a chronic illness that puts your life on a timer. Those who have heard your countless melodies have grown to notice that the notes on the sheet played a gloomier tune. Would the snarky and capable medical student you've met be able to bring life back into these melodies? Even as life begins to seep out of your own body? (scaramouche x gn!reader)
tags. gender-neutral reader, angst, fluff, crack, heavy contexts of death and illnesses, friends to lovers, slowburn, profanities, drinking (characters are in college), suggestive themes but no nsfw.
taglist. (status: open) — @beriiov @alatusorrow @br0oke96 @ohmyfinggod @itzblazekun @featuredtofu @sketcheeee @lazy-sanns @sakurapeach @sheraffim @vxmp-loml @sukunasrealgf @sleepning @yukiipc @thenightsflower @aqvvas @scaramoo @coquettemaiden @dappledstars @pooonyo @certified-simp-4evr @alatus-viator @yuminako (comment/send an ask to be added or removed, please let me know if i forgot to add you since my notification feed can be flooded sometimes!)
masterpost ★ masterlist © bamdelune 2023. do not repost, translate, plagiarize any of my works without permission, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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luc-ent · 2 years
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In the nightgarden ;
Hatching a plan
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The pink Volkswagen beetle stood out like a sore thumb in the parking lot. Honestly, it matched Kokomi's outfit. She was wearing a baby blue skirt with a white shirt and a light pink cardigan.
Kokomi's grip on your hand was hard, but you didn't really mind. Cars made her nervous and the least you could do was give her some comfort.
Giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, the two of you walked through the parking lot, weaving through the different cars and stopping whenever one pulled out.
Kuki was in the driver's seat playing on her phone. You knocked once on the car glass and Kuki rolled down the window. "Get in loser."
You walked over to the passenger seat and sat down. Kuki handed the purse to Kokomi who nodded as a thanks.
Kokomi said goodbye to the both of you and Kuki began driving to Yae's apartment.
You had never met either Yae or Ei and the name 'Heizou' was unfamiliar. Of course, you had seen Yae and Ei. Yae was hard to miss, always dressed in pink and always close to Ei. Ei was known around your college for her bluntness and for being Yae's girlfriend. Yae was known for being mischievous and for giving out false test answers. You also knew that Gorou absolutely despised Yae. Calling her a 'Sly fox'.
Yae and Ei were a bit of an It-couple, and you would be lying if you said you didn't think they were cute together.
That being said, speaking at an extended length with either of them scared the shit out of you. Mostly because of Gorou's speeches.
"Are you nervous?" Kuki asked. She hadn't switched on the radio yet, something she usually did, so she probably wanted to speak with you.
You answered her question honestly, "A little."
Kuki shook her head, "There's no need to be nervous. Heizou... he can be a bit annoying at times, but he means well."
Oh yeah. Heizou. The guy you were supposed to be dating...
It soothed you a bit that he was in on it, and that you weren't taking advantage of just... some guy. Meeting his parents and having to act like a couple in front of them... That made you nervous.
Kuki stopped at the red light. She looked over at you and took your hand, "Hey... Things will go great. If you're lucky it'll only be for two months or so."
"I hope it's only a month..." Kuki squeezed your hand before turning back to the steering wheel. You looked at the street you were driving on. You had no idea where you were, and you had lived in this town for four years! "How far away do they live?" You asked, confused.
"Twenty minutes away by car, fifty-minute bus ride. It's why Yae was pissed that I stole her car. It's a good thing that you had that date on a Saturday," Kuki glanced over at you, "Had it been on a Tuesday... Well, it wouldn't have been fun for me."
"Now, I feel guilty, Kuki." You complained.
"When Yae meets you and gets to know you and hears more in-depth about your situation, I promise she won't be pissed at all."
You nodded, and Kuki turned on the radio.
The annoying tune of the same irritating song that always played caused both of you to groan, and Kuki switched the channel to a pop-rock channel. A channel that she and Itto highly enjoyed, and that you were ambivalent towards.
You could only hope that the meeting would be a short one and that Heizou... was nice.
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In the nightgarden ; ← Prev | Masterlist | Next →
Fun fact ; You have kept that as you contact name ever since the two of you met.
Summary ; After a disastrous first date with your biology project partner, who was awfully persistent in getting a second date, Itto came up with the genius idea that you should get into a fake relationship to ward him off. Luckily for you, your math classmate Shikanoin Heizou volunteered. He also happened to be the only volunteer as your biology partner scared everyone else and he was the only one brave enough.
Unlucky you.
Author's note ; I really enjoyed writing this chapter actually
Taglist ; @belovedxiao @bobaducky @aixaingela @lazy-sanns @katsumikumo
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Did you sleep well queen 🥰🥰
Hiii Sanne, my baby assassin 💕💕 I did sleep well, thank you (and I wasn’t murdered in my sleep!!) even if I stayed up way past my bed time, according to @controlofwhatido & @sparkagrace - but I promise it was for a very good cause, namely some Evanstan fluff & smut I just needed to write 😏 I’m very excited to hopefully share that fic in a couple of days! I hope you slept well too, my love, and that you’re having a great day so far!! 😘😘
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
Hi! I´m Moya, I write and draw about people getting tortured on a regular basis after being informed that was not that strange of a thing, actually. 
Right now, I´m working and revising You came back a stranger, a pet whump series set on the BBU. If I had to define this series in a few words, it would be: “Nobody can be replaced...even if you pay for one” 
General CW are Human trafficking, modern slavery, pet whump, guilt, mutilation, sadistic whumper and dub/noncon. 
The demon angel AU explores the concept of Albus and Sann in a fantasy setting, where a seraphim who refuse to devote entirely to their god meets the demon he´s supposed to kill but instead runs away with. 
General CW are murder, blood, gore, slavery, conditioning, pet whump, fantasy whump, winged whump, angel and demon whump. 
Im also working on Scars for Redemption, a hero refuses to kill the defeated villain and takes him to safety, without knowing who that villain used to be and how hero´s sidekick will install fear in the powerless villain. 
Names are all provisional as of now, except for the villain´s. My baby boy, my sweet battery who saved himself, River.  :)
General CW are creepy whumper, pet whump, conditioning, deconditioning, sidekick whumper, whumper turned whumpee, emotional whump and hurt comfort. 
Mareland is my entirely self indulgent work about Salarien, an artifical human working under his creator, Rogue. A powerful magician who has kept captive another immortal magician for four millenia and the real owner of Salarien´s face.
General CW are slavery, conditioning, pet whump, gore, creepy whumper, dubcon, magic whump, nonhuman whumpee, skinning and captivity. 
I write snippets and scenarios of other series and you can find them here. 
My art is tagged with #illustration
Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy your stay in my blog! Here´s some art, if you like. 
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lamatisse · 4 years
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sim dump 01
finally, here they are! sorry it took me this long. i wanted to give them outfits but i ended up just putting the same black underwear on all of them. i hope that’s okay? i said i was going to give draftgirl some decent clothes on, but i figured it was much easier for people to download this with fewer stuff in it. well, i know i like it better that way! uniformity tickles my fancy...people dress up sims how they see fit anyway.
.。*゚+.*.。 download & details under the cut .。*゚+.*.。
note: please check out my resources to see my defaults!
ELLE (aka draftgirl) — download
hair / face overlay / blush / eyebrows n27 / belly overlay / cleavage / undies / contacts / eyelashes
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh
presets: lips / nose / body
ZARA — download
hair / face overlay / skintone #13 / blush / eyebrows n9 / cleavage / undies / contacts / eyelashes
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh / shoulders
presets: nose / eyes / lips / body
AMONDI — download
hair / face overlay / skintint* / blush / eyebrows n15 / cleavage / undies / contacts / eyelashes
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh / lip up
presets: lips / nose / eyes / body
SANNE — download
hair / face overlay / blush / eyebrows n21 / belly overlay / cleavage / undies / eyelashes / contacts
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh / shoulders / nose alar
presets: eyes / nose / lips / body
SFS — download (merged)
Patreon (free) — download (merged & separate)
* amondi’s skintint - a very important cc! this sim has a light ea skintone but with a skintint to make her darker. i wasn’t quite satisfied with the darker skintones i have in my mods folder at the moment so i just went with this. i do also recommend this cc especially for cas simmers! (i currently have a wip skintones with 96 shades so please look forward to that!) update: bare skintones finally out! amondi's tray files aren't updated, so please just give her a similar skintone if you plan to download this cc, thank you!
give my babies lots of love! i hope you like them!! they currently don’t have any last names so i just gave them all “matisse” in reference to my url.
please don’t upload them anywhere else
please don’t put them behind any paywall
please don’t claim them as your own
a simple credit would be very nice!
if any links are broken or wrong, please send me a message! i would be happy to change them!!
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts; 4, for however works best 👀!!
Thank you for the ask!! I should be studying but instead I'm writing this... Not sure how long it's gonna be buuut here we go B)
-- prompt: Can you walk? I’d be happy to carry you.
--- Somewhere in Orr, 1325 AE (set during Hunters and Prey)
Sanne stares. She's heard of sylvari having their own healers and of their plant-like bodies being notoriously hard to work with from healers of Pact at large, but she's never had to actually do it herself. Ferghen's Risen, dead body lies somewhere in the back and she doesn't know which is worse: looking at him or staring at the sap leaking from the cut in the bark.
"Make yourself useful if you're not going to help me with this," Elandrin hisses, grasping at the wound in his leg. "You're a tracker, right? Find us a way back to Fort Trinity!"
"I know healing," Sanne frowns. "I'm just unfamiliar with sylvari anatomy. If you let me, I could try-"
"Why should I leave my leg in the hands of someone who confessed to not being- for fuck's sake, this hurts - familiar with sylvari anatomy?"
Boy screeches from her shoulder. "Afraid I'll just cut it off?"
"I don't trust you not to." He stares at her, squinting. He's probably not joking. "Besides, I know how to deal with this. I'm not as uninformed as you are, Warmaster. Just find us a way back."
Sanne wonders if smacking him will make this particular stay in Orr any more pleasant. She looks at Ferghen and her breath catches. Unease crawls up her spine, under her skin, her eyes water and she grips her bow tightly to not let her hands shake as much.
She'll make his death count. She turns away and starts making a route.
They find shelter beneath a ruined archway during the night. Her stomach grumbles, but you don't eat anything you find in Orr. To his credit, Elandrin managed to somehow get the wound under control, though she suspects it hurts like a bitch still, if not even more.
He doesn't trust me not to cut his leg off, she thinks. What a lonely existence it must be, to not trust others even when you're lost in enemy territory.
It was her watch, so early morning hours find her looking out into wasteland, Boy in her lap. The bird's curled on it, eyes closed, and Sanne lightly runs her fingers over his scalp, like she knows he likes.
Elandrin's breath is heavy. He may look asleep, but she doubts he's that deeply asleep at all. Resting on one hand, dagger in the other, he looks no less dangerous than he does awake, leaping at enemies left and right in a fiery fury she can only imagine. Curious, she sneaks her fingers near him, careful not to touch, and sends small waves of healing energy his way.
Sanne smiles when she notices his breath slowly turn a little easier.
"Are you sure you can walk?" Sanne asks. The camp is in sight and thankfully, there's only been one Risen ambush. Boy flies over their heads, scouting and sending word to Sanne that the path is clear. "I can carry you. I'm sure norn babies weigh more than you do."
"Just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm easy," he grumbles, limping along. "How do you not know I'm not going to stab you once you pick me up?" He twirls the dagger between his fingers.
"Because without me, you're lost here," Sanne says. "Because you can't do this alone and that asuran Priory guy is dead."
"Choke and die," he all but growls, and then adds, visibly trying to make his tone more soft (and not doing a very good job at it, but effort is effort), "I know what you did few days ago in the archway. I know that magic."
"Marshall will have my throat if I get his friend killed," Sanne shrugs. "And you don't have to go through it. Sylvari feel pain the same way others do, right?"
He makes a non-committal noise. There's an uncomfortable silence for a few moments before he says, "I hope there are menders at a nearby camp."
Sanne trudges along, accepting the fact she's unlikely to get praise from him. Zhaitan dying will be thanks enough.
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snkpolls · 3 years
SnK Episode 70 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
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The poll closed with 76 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here.
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
RATE THE EPISODE 74 responses
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Although the response to this week’s episode was still overwhelmingly positive, with 95.9% of responses giving the episode 3 or higher, it was a bit lower in comparison to the previous one. 
Very amazing a 💯/10✊
I loved it, as always
Gabi episode? NO BUENO.
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Gabi and Falco’s escapades took up the vast majority of the episode, so we wanted to know which one of them was your favorite. An equal amount of respondents (28.4%) seemed to prefer either the moment wherein Gabi came under attack from that perfidious horse or Kaya remembering Sasha and how she saved her life years ago. Closely behind those (25.7%) are the folks preferring the argument between Gabi and Kaya. Another semi-popular option was the scene wherein Kaya showed Gabi and Falco her former village.
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We also had a fair bit of scenes focused on characters besides Gabi and Falco. For this question, there was a rather noted diversity in opinions. 24.7% seemed privy to seeing a recurrence of Mikasa’s headache and the flashback to Eren’s killing of the traffickers. 15.1% were most interested in seeing Hange remember Sannes’ warning about the cycle. An equal number of responses (13.7%) were most interested in either seeing the discussion between Magath and the rest of the Warriors on their further actions or seeing Hange confront Floch and the rest of the recruits about their recent actions in regards to Eren. Finally, 11% said that their favorite moment was either seeing the conversation between Mikasa and Louise or the conversation between the warriors and shirtless Reiner. A few folks also indicated their enjoyment of the scene wherein Hange was heckled by the civilians or the conversation between Pixis and Yelena.
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We’ve had a few small flashbacks in this episode and it seems like the definitive majority (58.9%) enjoyed the flashback about Kaya getting saved by Sasha. 26% were most privy to seeing Mikasa remember Eren killing the kidnappers many years ago and 13.7% enjoyed seeing Hange remember Sannes’ warning. One person liked catching the sight of Mikasa’s actions in Trost.
RATE JEAN’S OUTFIT 73 responses
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Jean decided to try out a new style, courtesy of Coco Chanel, the Paradis Collection. Not too many were impressed, however, with only 34.8% giving Jean’s fit a 4 or a 5. 24.7% gave it a 3, the rest gave it a lower score.
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It looks like Eren won this round when it comes to the showdown of AoT’s rare fan service scenes with 75%. 
AOT men are immaculate
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Yelena looks to be a rather popular girl, with 53.4% of respondents noting that they would totally appreciate an opportunity to talk to her. 23.3% aren’t sure and 11% really wouldn’t, in contrast. 12.3% simply don’t care.
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For this question, we got a rather colorful pie chart. 26.4% of respondents stated that the existence of a flying boat fueled by iceburst stones is the most interesting detail. That was followed by, in order from more interesting to less interesting according to the poll takers, Blouse family’s involvement with Historia’s orphanage, Yelena making contact with Eren beforehand, the girl Sasha saved in Episode 2 of S2 being Kaya’s identity, the confirmation that Louise was the girl Mikasa saved back in Trost and fact that Floch and his co-minded folks leaked information about Eren to the press and the existence of Eren’s “home”.
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Gabi shouted out a lot of questionable things in this episode, at various points. We’ve asked how the respondents felt about it. The plurality, 37.5% simply saw it as a rather sad state for her. In contrast, 27.8% were actually annoyed with her for that. 16.7% thought that it might have been, perhaps, a result of her attempting to fool herself. We also received a lot of write-ins.
Gabi's IQ is a bit low or she has been brainwashed harder than others
I think it’s just hard for her to see it any other way because she is so young. She was starting to be shaped like reigner, Annie bertholdt. 
I understand why she acts like that. Doesn't make it any less annoying tho
I feel so bad for her. Marleyan propaganda and indoctrination is one hell of a drug
Gabi sucks and she just is a trash character
She's just a kid trying to deal with a lot of trauma and new contradicting information whilst also having a winning attitude. Her negative feelings toward Eldians is familiar and so constant hatred is just a coping mechanism.
It only makes sense for her to act this way. Falco and Colt had to join the warriors unit to redeem their uncle’s crimes as part of the restorationists. Gabi has been praised and fed false propaganda her whole life, so yes she would have a harder time rejecting her race’s past history. Children are easier to manipulate/brainwash than adults.
I think she’s clinging to what she knew because she had based her whole identity and goals in life off of these facts. Admitting that these things might not be true would be like denying who she is?? Y’know 
Immovable object (my hatred for Gabi because I find her annoying and she killed Sasha) vs unstoppable force (me recognizing she is a child in a traumatic situation who has been brainwashed and raised to believe she must atone for things she is not actually responsible for)
A bit annoying, but I'm hopeful that she will slowly change her mind. Maybe due to realizing Sasha was actually a good person through Kaya/seeing she's no different from them?
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An interesting what-if comes about when thinking about Gabi possibly meeting Eren instead of Falco all those weeks ago and how that would have impacted her personal beliefs. A slight majority (50.7%) believe it wouldn’t have changed much, if at all as a result of that possible meeting. 20.5% think that Gabi would have taken somewhat of a middle-ground position when taking her current and Falco’s current beliefs into account. 17.8% can’t really say for sure and 8.2% don’t seem to care. Only a few believe that Gabi would have started to feeling differently back then.
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It doesn’t appear that Gabi has garnered that much sympathy for her near breakdown, with 49.3% noting that they really didn’t feel much, if any, sympathy for Gabi. In contrast, 50.6% said that they felt some noted degree of sympathy, mostly on a moderate scale. 
It makes me sick to my stomach seeing Sasha's family just treating Gabi so nicely. I know they don't know she's Sasha's killer but I'd really like to see them go horror-flick on her ass and kill her when they learn the truth
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Floch states that Eren ensured Paradis a path to survival via the ability to initiate the rumbling, while Hange shows skepticism that the rumbling is even a probable solution to their problems, feeling they should secure their freedom in other ways. 52.8% seem to feel the same way that Hange does, while only 27.8% would take Floch’s side in this differing of views. 12.5% think neither of them are wholly correct and feel there are other options. 
Both should co-operate 
Fuck ever agreeing with Floch. Who is he to even question their authority. Sit back buddy, relax, have a breather. You only became a main character this season, nothing bads gonna happen if wittle baby ewen is in jail for COMMITING WARCRIMES and forcing his superiors to cater to him. That's lit-rally how the army works. 
I want to say I side with floch, but I don’t trust eren. 
I don’t know for sure
I think they're both right in their own way. 
dont like floch lol
Wish Gabi would've shot Floch instead of Sasha :/
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Nearly 55% of respondents feel that Eren absolutely deserved to be jailed for his actions in Marley, regardless of how they answered the previous question. Only 35.6% feel that he was wrongfully locked up.
Jailing him is just tradition at this point 
Yeah. You fuck up and you do the time. If you want to make decisions and live 'freely', don't become a soldier. Simple???
Eren did some war crimes, time to sit in the time-out box 
He definitely needs to be observed and perhaps questioned, but not jailed. I thought that wasn't really a great move. 
I don't know
How many times has Eren been in jail now? He's obviously not gonna be staying there for long
Reprimanded a little bit for not trusting his team, but didn't deserve jail
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Hange remembers Sannes’ words about how someone always steps into the role he once played prior to the Uprising Arc. 67.6% feel that Hange, whether intentional or not, is falling into the cycle that Sannes and his comrades perpetuated for years before them. 19.7% feel the opposite, however, and believe that Hange wouldn’t let things get that bad. 
I don’t know why I can’t remember who sannes is rn. 
yes but i feel like she will realize this and try to change 
I can’t say yet
Yes, to a degree but this doesn't mean they've past the point of no return. Everything the previous government did could have started with good intentions similar to Hange now but those intentions eventually morphed and corrupted. 
i dunno
Maybe i'm not sure only time will tell
I think that can't be said for sure until we see how she acts/responds to this realization
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Half of respondents feel that Mikasa’s demeanor toward Louise stems from her feeling as though she can relate to the girl in some way. The remainder of responses were rather mixed, with 15.1% feeling that Mikasa simply feels sorry for her, and at a tie for 11%, either feel that she finds Louise annoying or is just generally indifferent toward her.
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Mikasa’s headaches, while they don’t get much of a focus, tend to happen infrequently throughout the series. Though, her headache in episode 70 appears to be a bit more traumatic for her than ones we have seen in the past. 27.4% feel that these headaches are likely related to her Ackerman biology, while 20.5% think that it can be explained as simply PTSD. 15.1% think that it’s her “Eren sense,” so to speak. Small handfuls feel it’s something more related to Paths/The Coordinate, or a mixture of her Ackerman and Asian biology. 21.9% still aren’t really sure what to make of these. Will Isayama give us answers?!
the wine has to have something to do with it????
It's those damn ~PATHS~
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The horse gets the gold start this week for giving Gabi a little bit of karmic justice. 65.3% appeared to enjoy the little misfortune Gabi had to endure thanks to the horse’s shenanigans. 19.4% agree that this was surely the work of devils! And 15.3% felt genuinely bad for Gabi during this moment. 
Horse !!!!!!
Wish that horse would have bit Garbage's head off xD
Horse got some revenge for Sasha! Here's hoping someone ot something else will finish her off permanently!
*falco voice* GAAAAAABIIIIII
Thank you Horse-kun!
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56.2% of respondents feel confident that Gabi’s views of Paradis will change by the conclusion of her character arc. 12.3% are still adamant that nothing will be able to sway her views. The remainder continue to be uncertain. 
I hope gabi changes her views. But she seems pretty set 
I don't honestly know if Gabi will change her views, but killing Sasha was enough to make me ALWAYS hate her no matter what kind of development she may get
Will Gabi change? I don't know but I don't care. Nothing will undo her killing Sasha.
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Kaya mentions that they will be eating at a Marleyan’s restaurant and believes that said Marleyan (Nicolo) will be able to help Gabi and Falco figure out a way to return home to Marley. Nearly half of the fandom feel that they won’t be successful in getting any help from Nicolo, while only 13.7% think that he will be able to do something for them. 31.5% didn’t want to make a call either way.
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Over half of the fandom (65.3%) doesn’t have much faith in the Warriors to successfully retrieve Gabi and Falco. 20.8% feel the opposite, however, and think that their urgency is warranted. Will they get to Gabi and Falco in time?!
epic laina
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With every AoT episode, we get as many questions as we do answers. This episode is not an exception. Majority of the respondents (53.4%) are interested in getting answers for all of them (What did Yelana talk to Eren about, what is up with Mikasa’s headaches, what is Hange going to investigate and why is Shiganshina being evacuated?). Out of the all of those, the Yelena-Eren convo is the most popular one.
Gabi sucks so hard, she should be much more harshly punished for killing Sasha
The scenery was beautiful!! I'm hoping we get some action soon tho
MAPPA created some beautiful imagery this episode, like the scene with Falco and Gabi at the lake so was gorgeous! Also I wanna honk Reiner's tiddies
babies, my babies. 
Gabi sucks
Doesn't really stand out, but I much preferred the pacing of this episode to the last two. I better see some damn rumbling next ep, we're getting straight edged rn with that ice plane.  I absolutely FUCKED with seeing Louise do the little salute, brought back memories of simpler times.
Gabi is garbage
I loved the episode! Beautiful callbacks to so many previous set-up/storylines. It made me reminisce a bunch. I also hope for a bit of catharsis regarding Sasha's death by the hands of Gabi. Hopefully something will click and Gabi will realize that she may be wrong in her beliefs after realizing the person she killed (Sasha) is savior Kaya had described to her. While I don't hate Gabi, I also wouldn't mind a bit of karma going her way either. 
I think this is definitely one of my favorites so far. There's a lot of interesting new pieces of info, and I'm excited to see how this stuff resolves in the end.
I hate Gabi even more
I hate Gabi SO much
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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nadianadims · 4 years
🇮🇹 – 🇩🇰
imagine having so much fucking ice in your veins that you deliberately go for an olimpico against the toughest team in your group six (6) fucking minutes into the game
i just know nadia was proud of her
as pernille put it so beautifully in their joint (!) post-match interview: who cares about the missed chances against israel when she’s clearly saving the goals for the italy
queen of showing the fuck up
idk who’s more shocked over italy’s performance (or lack thereof), italy or myself
additionally i have a hard time deciphering italy’s logic behind leaving the world’s best football player completely unmarked
but…. thanks?
what is UP with the ref robbing A CHILD off of her goal???
disney villain bitch why would you do baby signe like that
henceforth i shall refer to this game as denmark’s 4-1 demolition of italy
in conclusion:
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god tier: nadia and pernille – from their joint winners interview to them fully submitting themselves to the ever-present tension between them this nt break
god tier 2.0: sanne sleeping on the ball
honourable mention: tiny nanna move bitch get out of the waying bartoli
nice dodge: boye somehow avoided getting sent off? considering the ferocity with which she went into her every tackle today even after she got her yellow and the way the italians were flopping around, i was fully expecting her to get a red card lmao
um? hello? tier: k*trine v*je somehow managed to not play like shit for a change what the fuck is up with that?
unacceptable tier: giuliani deciding to interrupt a decidedly horrible performance just to steal queen pernille harder’s goal scoring record
shit tier: everything that went into conceding our first ever goal this qualification
deserves death: the “yay we’re going to the euros” hats
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stevebabey · 1 year
i know i already said it but happy day of birth ily ruby baby <33
🧍‍♂️<- me on my day of birth hehehehe thank you sanne honey i love u so much MWAH
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aradiyatoys · 3 years
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A brandnew star 💫 appeared in the sky on that night. It shone brightly upon the earth, shedding its clear light on the hearts ❤️ of adults and children, filling them with great joy. During that night, Mary, Joseph’s wife, gave birth to Baby Jesus 👶🏻 the Son of God.
The star caught the eye of Three Wise Men named Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, who were living in faraway countries. They followed the star all the way to Baby Jesus to bring him gifts 🎁
The story of Nativity is just magical. Children will love to hear it, and I hope these simple toys will help you to share the Nativity story with even the little ones.
For the first time ever I release two crochet patterns at the same day, because how can you split these little cuties? They come as two separate patterns: Nativity Minis and Nativity Minis set 2, making it a complete Nativity scene. Fun fact about these patterns, for 2 years in a row these patterns were the most requested ones and they are finally here! 😍
Nativity Minis set 1 consists of 4 characters: Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and Lamb and currently available in English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Danish. Nativity Minis set 2 consists of 4 characters too: Gaspar, Balthasar, Melchior and Donkey and currently available in English, Dutch, French and Spanish.
Nativity Minis crochet pattern -> https://etsy.me/3qvXJ19
Nativity Minis set 2 crochet pattern -> https://etsy.me/2VBVriu
This was a big challenge for me, as Nativity Minis set 2 pattern is by far the biggest pattern I ever created💪🏻 Also, it was a huge challenge for my sweetest friends who were able to finish tests, proofreading and translations just in time to make today’s release happen: Celine, Sanne, Sabrina, Clarissa, Gwendoline, Heidi and MJ! From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much! You all are amazing, responsible to super attentive, I feel lucky to know you! 😘
It is very hard to showcase all 8 characters in one single post, so there will be a lot more awesome photos in upcoming days! Stay tuned!
As for now, happy crocheting! I hope you’ll love your Nativity Minis! 🎉
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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Episode • 7/8
Mobile Masterlist •
♡ ☾
Authors note• the next part will be the last part I promise guys
Warnings• language, mentions of death I think at this point I can’t remember
Songs• Something - the Beatles/linger - the cranberries/possibility- Lykke Li/ requiem on water - imperial mammoth
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•in your entire life
•were you more surprised than when you opened your locker one morning
•and saw a little note float out, and rest itself in the floor in between you and the locker.
•you honestly didn’t want to pick it up.
•what the hell did that asshole have to say to you now?
•you finally lean down and pick up the note
•and you have to hold your hand over your mouth once you open it to stop the crying
•bc you’re in the middle of school
•so embarrassing
•lol don’t even ask what school was like the Monday after prom
•right there
•on the page
•is a poorly drawn sun.
•but this sun was different
•it’s eyes were closed
•and it had tears running down its cheeks
•Jaemin wrote you another note for a number of reasons
•the main one being
•he just wanted you to feel beautiful in your skin again
•he regretted everything he said to you
•but the one he regretted the most was telling you you’re not beautiful
•bc wtf
•Jaemin had known you for 8 months
•he knew your insecurities
•he knew what to use against you
•and he used it
•and that made Jaemin worse than some of the worst ppl he’s ever talked to
•and he literally can’t look at himself in the mirror anymore
•one time he got so mad he just fucking punched his mirror and it like, shattered
•really fucked up his hand but he didn’t even care at that point
•he was drunk
•felt numb
•so the letters were a way for him to feel something again
•and for him to express his love for you still
•bc no matter what he says to literally anyone
•all he does is love u
•he like truly believes ur his soulmate
•and that he’ll die alone
•and to top it all off
•his parents loved you so they’re always asking where you are
•and vice versa but you told ur mom what happened
•and Jaemin tried to keep it in but one night at dinner his mom is like “i really miss y/n! I told you what we were having earlier bc I knew it’s y/n’s favorite and I wanted you to invite her!”
•and Jaemin starts eating quietly but then starts remembering the first time you met his parents and you ate this so mid bite he just breaks down and starts sobbing
•bc hes like kept this all in
•he doesn’t want anyone to know he actually cares abt u
•but these are his Parents
•so he tells them
•and they are like “bro what”
•and they ask him if his reputation as a high school student was more important to him than love
•and he already knew it wasn’t
•but he was already 10000% sure u hated his guts
•and you did
•but you also still loved him and u hated it
•so you open the letter
•”Sunshine, it’s been a while. I know what happened between you and Jaemin, and I’m so sorry. I’m doing this again, not because I want you to be with me just because you’re single now (you don’t even know me) but because I was there that night. And I heard him. And y/n, I have never heard a more wrong and idiotic being in my life. And I need you to know he was wrong. I need you to know how beautiful you are; inside and out.
First things first, I didn’t get to say it to you that night, because I’m an idiot, and I wish I had, but you looked so beautiful at prom. You’re hair was curled and hanging over your shoulder, and your pink dress with the flower heals; I wanted to marry you right then and there. You took my breath away, even more than the first time I laid eyes on you. But even then you were absolutely stunning. You are so gorgeous in everything you wear. It doesn’t matter to me. I wanted to kiss you, and hug you, and tell you how much I loved you.
But I didn’t.
And I’m so sorry sunshine. I wish I had. I really do.
If you don’t want these letters, then throw them out without ever looking them, I get it. I just want you to have self confidence again; to feel beautiful and smart again. Because I think - no, I know - that you’re the most stunning person I’ve ever seen, and the smartest. And you teach me everyday how to be a beautiful person inside and out.
I love you sunshine.
Always and forever”
•knowing it was Jaemin
•his letters used to make you so happy
•now it upset you so much
•bc what was the truth
•but you didn’t tell him you knew
•you wanted to see what he had to say
•and if you were being honest, you craved his affection still
•bc u were in love with him
•but it ended up hurting u more
•he would write more letters than he used to
•before, you would get maybe three of four a month
•now you got at least three a week
•and they were all about how amazing you are
•and in a lot of them
•Jaemin would subtly tear himself down
•u read in between the lines to see it
•and you were honestly scared he was gonna kill himself
•you knew all the pressure he had on him; football captain, honors and AP student, the popular boy, the good kid (although that on was a bit tarnished after prom lmao)
•he used to sit with u for hours venting
•and then you would be there to help him
•he no longer had that support
•bc he was such a closed off person, he didn’t tell his friends much of his problems
•no matter what, you were not having it
•it wasn’t that you were weak. you like to think of it as you being strong. bc even though everything he had done, you still wanted to make sure he was okay in the end. you still had the courage to say something to him.
•so you left a note in his locker
•”Dear my secret admirer,
Not so secret, huh? I was bound to find out, what with all the notes you used to give me in third period?
I’m not writing to you for any reason other than to make sure you’re okay.
I can tell when you’re stressed, I think you forget
I don’t particularly like you. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you
And as someone who loves you, it would be in your best interest if you don’t put yourself down in the letters you write.
No matter what you say Jaemin, you will always be a good person.
You are an amazing captain that your team members are lucky to have. You lead them in a way that they learn to take pride in the accomplishments AND their failures, and to grow from each.
You are a beautiful friend, Always looking out for the dreamies and making sure that they’re happiness is above your own. You listen and you give advice.
You’re a beautiful son, as is no surprise due to the beautiful people that raised you.
You’re one of the top students in the class, you don’t even have to study and you get A’s.
And no matter how much I want to fight it in my head, you were an amazing boyfriend. Until the end LOL.
What I’m trying to say is life is going to continuously beat you down.
So stand up and swing next
It’s going to want to silence you.
So scream.
Fight back, because it’s what you deserve.
And please, stay safe.
I will always love you,
Ps. Please stop with the letters. They hurt too much. “
•you slipped that in after the last bell
•and Jaemin didn’t go to his locker right after school, he rushed to practice
•he did have to get a book from his locker afterwards though, so he was in the hallway alone when he opened his locker and the note floated its way onto the floor
•Jaemin was thankful he was alone, bc he sobbed like a little baby
•you were such a beautiful person, so kind and such such a good soul
•and he hurt you so bad
•and yet you still felt the need to tell him all of that
•he started off by sobbing into his locker
•but after about 5 minutes of that his knees gave out and he slipped onto the floor
•and just put his head in his hands and sobbed
•you were at school
•just down the hall actually
•you were in the music club, and you had a meeting after school to bc you had to write a song for the school club banner parade
•(side note. remember previously when i said that you had this club w mark? tell no one, but you were actually still regularly talking to mark! on the first meeting after prom, mark practically ran into the room and when straight to you, and before you could even open your mouth, he was word vomiting how sorry he was and that he had known you longer than any of those assholes and you were an amazing friend and that “ifyoudontwanttobemyfriendanymoreiunderstandcompletely-“ but you had to literally cover his mouth and you were just like “um, well. let’s just start writing the next assignment together, okay?” and before you knew it, you and mark were laughing again together. he actually made you feel a lot better, a lot closer. you both refused to talk abt any of the other dream members, or yerim and miri, but sometimes, something would slip. those were secretly your favorite moments, when mark would joke about something that happened that day, or when he would bring up an old memory of all 10 of you. over the course of the two months since prom, mark had made you laugh the most, and was your biggest reason to smile, honestly.)
•for a timeline, your meetings are about an hour long, sports is two hours long
•you stayed in late to finish some stuff up, as you were the leader of the club
•so you were walking out with ur bass in hand when u heard someone crying really loud in the hallway next to the one you were in
•you went to check and
•who do u see but Na Jaemin sitting on the floor sobbing into his hands
•you didn’t want to pry but you knew it was about u
•you felt like u kinda had to
Continue here
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@ivietea @fiveguysgoodbyeguys
@comically-sleep-deprived @woosans-sann @mozartwasajungkookstan @littlefluu @cxcxlxlee @jaesluvklub
@uyuzo @sweetie-yoongi7 @marklexleaf @infatuated-with-you
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aiiwa · 4 years
get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better! ahaha
omg hi 🥺 umm whenever i get asked to talk about myself i’m just like “who am i?” sklajjdkdk
FIVE things about me:
my favourite ship is my babies @tea-sann and @sugawalmartwobble 😭💖 (the top-tier iwa+yn inspo i get from them is unrivalled 😩)
i’m twenty-one hehe and a gemini
i hate crossing roads 😣 unless there’s a legitimate crossing, and i speed walk like crazy djklasndqt (if you jaywalk...how and why?!)
i never really got into character x reader until i joined tumblr like two months ago? and all the amazing content i’ve seen and read had me ready to give it ago 😋
ummm i love water?? and fruit 🤤 fruit and water is delicious and good for you so make sure you have some thank you 😚
hehe thank you for reading 💖
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
You came back a stranger
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(TW: box boy whump, modern slavery. pet whump. dehumanization, human trafficking, noncon and dubcon, scarification, brainwash, ns*w at times. scarification, grief, dead burns, alcohol, child abuse, captivity among others and tagged accordingly in each chapter)
Updated masterlist (14/03/23) Hope the layout change makes it easier to navigate! I´ve never written so consistently in my life.
Albus is an Albino box boy bought by successful business woman, Zarai Montenegro, who orders him to hide his status and assume the identity of Albus Serra, her new assistant. His world will take a 180 degree turn upon meeting Robert Glass, one of his Mistress’s friends and the owner of Sann, a mute box boy with a ghost’s face.
Moodboard by the amazing @nynantheae​​ ! Thank you so much!!
Here´s the story so far. 
(In chronological order in-story. Real start happens in Prologue)
WRU Intake files: Albus // Sann
[Before 778900 ]
Him /  Blank Space /  Ocean  / Quick hands / Quick hands part 2 / Siblings / No escape / Where grief takes us / Fix me /  It was a sunny day ( Albus´ POV) /  Cage
[Extra Zarai Chapter]
[ The replacement ]
It was a sunny day ( Robert´s POV) /  Training / Replacement (Sann´s unboxing drabble) /  Butterfly pins  /  Approach / Futile /  Muted  / Stitches
[ Becoming Zarai Montenegro´s assistant ]
The offer  /  Unboxing  /  First day  /  Shocking reality  1  /  Shocking reality 2  /  Punishment  /  When you gave me food  / Of secrets and memories  /  Comfort  /  Nice to meet you, Goodbye  /  A ghost from the past /  The office  /  A little talk  /  First mistake  /  I´m (not) here  /  White Noise  /  The master´s party  /  Unrequited love /  Forgotten  /  Overworked  / A good Pet  /  Files  
[Extra: Sann ties up Robert]
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
[ Bonding ]
The pet´s party  /  On the other side (Sann´s POV for The Pet´s party)  / Exposed /  Deal  /  Job offer  /  Baby steps  /  The boss´s herding dog  /  To me, you are… /  Sann and games  / All dressed up for Halloween /  On those quiet momen17ts / Teach me how to cook  /  Fever Nightmares /  Safe (Sann´s POV)  /  I´ll stay where I belong  / Slow dance /  Love / The wishing well
[ Captivity: Albus ]
Lies are unsustainable pt. 1 /  Lies are unsustainable pt. 2 /  Lies are unsustainable pt. 3 / Fallen Bridges / Fallen bridges pt. 2 / The observer and the guilty  /  Bonded  / Punish me instead /  The tattoo artist  /  Box Boy  /  Noise and Time  / Swimming  / The painting  /  Choice: Wired shut  / Quiet pt. 1
[ For you: Sann ]
Get out /  
[ Outside the box ]
When it´s over, Ghost, take me home / Tell me the ugly truth  /  Darkness / Hopelessness /  Mirrors /  Mirrors part 2 / I’m fine  /  Shadows  / The reason
[ Keep your promise ] (10-15 years after captivity)
Storm / Therapy
Illustration tag
Demon Angel AU // Tattoo artist AU
Sann´s Sign language analysis by @just-a-raccoon-with-wifi (thank you!!)
Sann and Albus fanart by @haro-whumps
Sann wings by @haro-whumps
Sann and Albus fanart by @boxboysandotherwhump
Sann dancing and Sann crop top fanart by @boxboysandotherwhump
(my gentle human, thank you so much!!!)
Ray by @cubeswhump​
Albus nailed to the wall by @whumpfigure
This story has a taglist!
Thanks for reading this far! Hopefully it´s been a fun ride for you as it is for me.
@castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​ @giggly-evil-puppy​​ @cowboysrappin​​ @haro-whumps​​ @burtlederp​​ @neuro-whump​​ @comfortforthepain​​ @whumps-the-word​​ @whole-and-apart-and-between​​ @broken-horn​​ @ashintheairlikesnow​​ @rosesareviolentlyread​​​ @starnight-whump​​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi​​ @as-a-matter-of-whump​​  @whumpasaurus101​​ @grizzlie70​​​ @twistedcaretaker @wingedwhump​ @unicornscotty​ @melancholy-in-the-morning​
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tinymountainz · 4 years
aesthetic tag!
tagged by @blueish-sun (thanks love💕🌻, my aesthetics are random af but oh well)
tagging: @kawaiikageshini @adoptmesenpai @sauceracha @jackieskeleton @timetoresurface @captainchangbin
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
@jaesmintea - dia
oversized everything | painted nails | fairy lights | dozing off in the middle of class | tying hair up into a ponytail | round glasses | laughing so hard you can’t breathe | late night study sessions | tender hand holding | impromptu photoshoots | drowning in moondust | bathing in the light of the sunset | strawberry flavored lollipops | polaroid pictures | eagerly tugging someone down the street | handwritten love letters | smell of coffee | living with reckless abandon | crinkled pages of a journal | replaying the same part in a song over and over
@yunwoo - anna
smell of old books | bulletin boards | rain hitting against a windowpane | warm blankets | making a playlist for every mood | giggly phone calls | art noveau architecture | flushed cheeks | the 1980s, but modernized | getting overly emotionally attached to fictional characters | converse highs | sticking your tongue out when you concentrate | ice cream parlors | playing with hair | reading with a flashlight underneath your covers | golden hour | waking up in the middle of the night to write down a story idea | the myth of cupid & psyche | stationery | wanting to have your very own westley
total: soft 3, dark academia 7, edgy 14, seventies 3, preppy casual 3, dia 7, anna 5.
@blueish-sun​ - diana
halloween | leather jackets | well worn combat boots | peach colored blush | red lipstick | freckles | silver colored jewelry | buzzfeed unsolved nerd | not easily scared | messy handwriting | notebook hoarder | white fairy lights | sweet lemonade on summer days | slytherin | warm colors | paranormal investigations | collecting vintage cameras | cold hands | clear phone case + photocards | ripped jeans
@musicfreakme - sanne
dusty dr. martens | undercut | embroidered flowers | claims to be a gamer, but only plays the sims | big earrings | matching tattoos | big, open-mouthed smiles | androgynous looking | bursts into uwus when in close proximity of a small animal | multilingual | oversized jean jackets | ridiculously named and oddly specific playlists | dark chocolate flavored ice cream | flushed cheeks | a mole just above the lip | singing songs in the streets | scented candles | playing with your hands | lip-biting | scared of the dark, watches buzzfeed unsolved supernatural anyways
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