#thank you sweet anon it makes me endlessly happy every time someone asks for one of my technicolor aliens lol <3
Because she is, truly, flawless, how about Cury, F2 + A1?
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"those don't even fit you?? they were probably meant for me actually -"
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Today’s replies! One about SnK, one about SPTO, a bunch about TWST.
6ubble-gum asked:
Every so often I'll find ur tiny founding titan arts again and spend a good long few minutes gushing over it lmao. snk is dead to me but tiny founder is alive and well (espec the fleas art)
Ahh it’s so sweet that you remember and look at it from time to time! I’ll repeat myself, but wow it is truly surprising that our SnK stuff isn’t totally forgotten. I feel like even I don’t remember the majority of it…
I’m very glad our teeny tiny Founder (with his little fleas) makes you happy~ God I remember when we drew it and these were the newest chapters…  wild times.
Anonymous asked:
Speaking of Yandere Todd, I can already imagine him being extremely jealous of Mobile. Mobile would have to fight Wallace’s ‘evil ex’. They would have a fight to see who’s the better psychic for Wallace. And then Wallace watched all of this with a drink in his hand while he cheers his boyfriend on. And then he might call for a restraining order on Todd. That’s what I can imagine
OH NOOO I love how absolutely devastatingly one-sided this is. Wallace cheering Mobile on, Mobile winning…  At least Todd got his participation prize… which is a restraining order 😔
Jokes aside, I find it endlessly amusing that Wallace just keeps hooking up with psychic guys. I don’t necessarily think it’s intentional, but I do think Wallace benefits from it very nicely. In a lot of ways…
And it does make the psychic vs psychic scenarios very possible, I would honestly love to watch them fight. Or to draw them fighting... For some reason though (lol) I get a feeling that Mobile is more powerful than Todd. Gotta train more! For Wallace Wells! 💪
Anonymous asked:
I found your art on pinterest, here's the link: [I edited out the link]
Thank you for letting us know, Anon! Unfortunately, I don’t know if there is anything I can do to take it down… But we still appreciate you letting us know. Pinterest doesn’t respond to the request promptly.
The comments are hilarious though. Love it when people talk about me as if I’m a cryptid that steals people’s fingers and eats their kids.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Idia and Lilia will ever do cosplay together and if yes, what couple are they cosplaying?
I feel like Lilia is that force in Idia’s life that could make him consider things that used to be a definite “no-no” to him, and we do know that Idia actually doesn’t mind cosplaying as long as his head is hidden… And the whole cosplay thing sounds like something Lilia would want to try at least once, so maybe that could happen. If there is a combo of a character with his face (and head: can’t show burning hair) completely hidden + someone tiny and adorable? In any way, Idia is definitely going to overthink this whole thing, only for Lilia to change his mind and tell Idia that they should switch costumes with each other at the very last moment lol
Anonymous asked:
Got Azul, Jamil, Idia, and Riddle on a loading screen today and I blame you for immediately thinking about how much of a dream come true it would be for Azul to have all three of them 😂
Haha YESSSSS YESSSSSSSSS (proud of our bad influence)
It really is a dream come true, what a wonderful harem of reluctant lovers that don’t even like Azul all that much. But it doesn’t matter, because all three of them are his and his only <3
Good for him!
Anonymous asked:
have you seen ruggie’s club outfit?? he looks so good, i can’t wait till we get to see what his bottoms—i mean leona and epel look like in their club gear
Yeah I have! It’s very cool, it suits Ruggie a lot. He really does look like he is about to go and dominate some bitches lol
It’s also cool to finally see the uniform that magift players wear… is this the first time we’re seeing it? They usually wear their PE uniform... It’s a great design, and once again, Ruggie deserves to look cool. Good for him too!
Anonymous asked:
Random thought but Riddle being both in Heartslabyul and Horseback riding club... He's really constantly surrounded by big-tiddied green men :3 Good for him
Oh god I keep forgetting that Sebek also has a constant presence in Riddle’s life… you’re so right omg, what a sick twist of fate. Widdle Widdle (little Riddle) and big-tiddied green men that just keep spawning around him AHHH
Seriously, good for him. Am I ending the third reply in a row with this phrase? Well, everyone got what they deserved…
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more-better-words · 2 months
20 Writer Questions
Tagged by @mytardisisparked. Aw, thank you ☺️
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
546,530. And it ever increases! (to be fair, a full third of that is one fic <.<)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At tthe moment, the Star Trek: Enterprise brainrot continues to be extremely real. But if you look over my fandoms list, there's a diversity of very niche and obscure properties!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Far and away, the four fics that make up my ENT series Built to Last, though not in order lol
What We Build Here
For the Duration
From the Ground Up
The Place We Call Home
And then Lay Down the Beat, which is a Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency joint.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Heck yeah! I am massive ho for comments and love to respond to them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have an allergy to angst - I read and write fic because I love the characters and want them to be happy, so about the worst I can manage is bittersweet. So probably What We Build Here, but ONLY because I knew it would have a followup and everything would be okay!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them! The fic's not over til the happy ending gets here!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never on AO3, but I have gotten some rude anons here on tumblr in the past.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Kinda. 😄 I've written some M rated Trip/T'Pol that is inevitably very vanilla and very sweet.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't - I don't think my brain's wired right for crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in the manner that this question is asking, but I do consider the AI scrapping stuff to be theft and I'm not cool about it.
Stealing this answer from @mytardisisparked, because yeah
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Years ago I worked on a massive Baldur's Gate 2 AU with a friend that was a lot of fun. Never did publish any of it, which is a shame.
In my more modern writing era, no, though I have been the grateful recipient of a lot of ideas and positive feedback from some very wonderful people (most especially my beloved @pajamasecrets, but also @candiedsumire, @deadheaddaisy, @followersarepeopletoo, and a host of others)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Every ship i've ever written is my favorite!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably the sequel to In a Strange Land. That one just...*sigh*
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, definitely. I can sit there and have characters chat endlessly and be happy as can be.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
All the parts around the dialogue 😅
I struggle a lot with plotting. The answer to the question "what happens next?" makes me break out in a cold sweat.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
As it's never really been an issue for me…none, really.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If someone dug up my old LJ (and I won't tell you where to look), they'd find some extremely middling (and unfinished) Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
That changes depending on the weather, the phase of the moon, or the barometric pressure. I love them all for different reasons. 😁
Tagging anybody who want to play along!
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euphoricsunflowers · 3 years
touch — lee hoseok/wonho
a/n: wbk i haven’t been writing much recently, but today i felt a sudden rush of motivation so i wasn’t gonna let it go to waste!! gif is mine!!
a/n: thank you for 1k followers!! i hope to repay the vast amount of love i receive from my anons and my darling mutuals!! love you all <33
word count: 1.6k
content: sub!wonho, dom!afab!reader, no pronouns used for the reader, reader doesn’t cum so take that as you will, unprotected sex (i never put that here but uh wrap it up kids), choking, riding, hickeys, overall just another fic about how much i adore lee hoseok thank you
disclaimer: as this fic contains choking, i just want to remind you to please be aware that kinks are inherently dangerous and if you are going to partake, please do your research into doing it in the safest way possible. always have a safeword and safe signal. thank you.
summary: he comes home after a long day, and you always want him after so long.
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one of your hands cups his cheek while the other holds his waist close to you. your touch isn’t demanding or possessive, it’s simply just adoring. your fingers brush a bit of his hair out of his soft, doll-like eyes, pressing a gentle and fleeting kiss to his lips as he exhales quietly, playing with the hemming of your shirt with his fingers absentmindedly. all feels well and peaceful as you greet your sweet lover, “how was your day, hoseokie?”
“my day was really long, but being with you makes it all fade away,” he sighs comfortably as your hands stroke his sides, shuddering when your grip tightens a bit, “ah- how are you, my love?”
“i’m well, darling, i’m very well now that i have you,” you say with your voice suddenly lower and much more deadly, “you’re so pretty,” your hands just keep touching his waist and his chest, fingers brushing his nipples over his clothes just to keep him on edge, “baby,” the pet name with your voice so seductive makes him whimper.
“ahh- yes?”
“what are you so nervous for, angel? i just want to touch you—,” he whines at your words, “—i just love touching you like this. you’re so passive and docile, you let me do absolutely anything to you, hm?” it’s not true, he knows that. it’s comforting to remember that you know his limits, you know how far you can push him, but you also know how he likes to be spoken to. it’s hot, more than anything.
“i- yeah, you can do whatever you please with me,” he groans as his eyes shut when your hands start touching a little lower, moving from grabbing his ass to rubbing his inner thighs teasingly, “b-but, uhm, could you please not tease me? please?” he pouts subconsciously, knowing if you said no and continued teasing him, he wouldn’t stop you, he’d just get progressively more whiney and would beg you even more to make him feel so good.
it’s an appealing idea to leave him teased and denied for hours until his body cant physically handle it anymore, to make him squirm with need, but when he begs so softly for you to not tease him, it’s hard to not give in and give him everything he wants, and as such, you find yourself complying, touching him as he wishes.
he moans as he clutches your shoulders for any kind of support, and it’s cute to watch someone as big and strong as him just absolutely fall apart with just a few touches, “oh, my darling, is this really all it takes? just a few little brushes of my fingers against your cock and suddenly hoseokie can’t even keep himself together? that’s cute.”
“ahh, please,” he looks down, trying to avoid eye contact, he knows your gaze is too strong and he’s shatter immediately under it.
“please what, baby?” you taunt, making his shyness incredibly apparent as he’s forced to be more direct with his words.
“can we continue this in the bedroom?”
you giggle, “sure, i’ll ride your dick until you pass out, how does that sound?” you ask, already walking over to the door.
“that- uhm,” he gulps, “t-that sounds good,” he whimpers shakily as he watches you walk away, following behind you like a puppy as you lead him away.
he sits on the bed nervously as you sit beside him, cupping his cheeks and caressing his skin the way you did before in order to relax him, pressing kisses to the edge of his lips before moving down his jaw, spending a significant few minutes sucking and biting a hickey into his skin. he breathes somewhat shaky in pain, but it’s not major enough to really hurt him. he can take a lot, and you intend to do a lot.
as such, when your kisses find his neck, kissing right over the vein on the side, his heart rate picks up anxiously. you leave another love bite just above his collarbone before pulling back to trace you finger over it, “you’re so beautiful.”
the intimacy of the moment flusters him, but you always fluster him intentionally as you say, “and don’t think for a second i only mean your body. of course i love your body, i love the way you squirm and moan and whimper, but you have the most beautiful personality, my hoseok.”
his cheeks turn redder, loving the praise but still so unable to handle it, “p-please,” he’s also getting so needy as you talk, with every moment you’re not riding him, he becomes even more desperate for you.
“take off your shirt,” you command suddenly, and he does as you say with ease, discarding his shirt to some random corner of the room, pulling you closer to him once his hands were free. you press kisses to his chest, taunting him with a lick against his nipple.
his whole body reacts, squirming even more for friction against his cock when your fingers play with his other nipple, groaning helplessly, “fuck- oh! oh my-,”
“oh? does that feel good?”
“p-please,” he murmurs, burying his head into your shoulder, “please just get to it already, i-i cant handle your teasing. i need you so badly, my love,” he’s demanding, sure, but he knows he can be demanding. he knows that as much as you control him right now like a puppet on your strings, he knows what to say to mess you up just as much.
“alright, alright, i understand. take off the rest of your clothes, baby,” you kiss his forehead as you get off of him to take off your clothes too.
“do you- uhm, do you want me to do anything?” he fidgets nervously as you walk back over to him. his eyes never leave your body, still so overwhelmed by your presence and, for all the love his body gets from you, he adores you physically just as much. you’re absolutely everything he wants, “i could eat you out! or uhm, i’m not sure, but i can do something. i want you to feel good too,” he frowns.
“baby, trust me, i feel amazing right now,” you smile, leaning down to kiss his chest as you climb back on top of him.
“to have someone like you so willing to please me, so desperate for me it ruins you, is my greatest pleasure, baby,” he seems adequately comforted by your words, so you take that as a sign to continue, “and besides, i’m already thoroughly turned on, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
there’s a response lingering in his throat, but it doesn’t meet daylight as you being to play with his cock, all that leaves his mouth are throaty moans and helpless whimpers.
before he knows it, you’re already on him, sinking down, moaning freely for the first time this evening, and it makes him endlessly happy to see you feel pleasure. he’s just as wrecked, but you show it less than he does, because it’s so visible how he sighs, eyes fluttering closed, as you start to rock yourself back and forth.
“f-fuck,” he stutters, feeling your hands rest on his chest for stability, and he knows where that’s going, “oh, you’re so- so perfect, you just feel so good, can i touch you? please?”
“go for it,” you mumble, feelings his hands reach to hold your waist, enjoying the way his hands caress your skin just like you did to him before.
he groans as he gets more riled up from your movements, feeling a building feeling in his stomach, “please keep going,” he cries softly, “and uhm- could you- could you choke me? please?”
you smile almost sadistically as your hands wrap around his throat, feeling his pulse with your fingers. you push against the sides of his neck, watching his eyes roll back and his lips parted in an ‘O’ shape.
“good boy,” you mumble, and he faintly smiles at the praise before breaking out in moans, “you’re so per- perfect to me, hoseok,” he can’t coherently respond, but you can tell how happy compliments make him. he’s so easy to impress, so easy to sweep off his feet, “can i get you to cum for me, baby? really good and hard for me?”
“o-oh fuck, i’m so close-,” he stutters cutely.
“already, sweet thing? it hasn’t even been that long and you already want to cum inside me? you’re so adorable,” he whimpers again, his body seizing up as it hits him, and you don’t slow down one bit, “there you go, cutie, there you go, ride it out. you look so hot and slutty when you orgasm, my pretty boy.”
his voice is heavenly, drowning out your words as his head clouds over and he feels a kind of fleeting euphoria he’s missed, the kind only you give him. he wants to feel this way forever, but eventually, the feeling dies down, and his thoughts return to him.
“hope that made your long day a little better, my love,” you whisper, and suddenly your voice loses all that intensity and returns to be the comforting whisper in his ear, a lullaby he could fall asleep to, “now let me clean us up, and we’ll cuddle till we fall asleep, alright?”
he tiredly nods, and it takes all of your self control not to burst from how cute he is as he murmurs, “i love you, you know.”
“i know, baby. i love you, too.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @foenixs @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk @domreaderrecs and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
this is a genuine, curious question! what's appealing 2 u about jackunzel :^] ??
Sure, I can talk about why I ship Jackunzel!!!
@gryffindorkxdraws has some posts about why she likes Jackunzel here, here, and here, so those are a pretty good rundown of reasons to supplement mine. But I’ll make a list of my own!
Why Jackunzel Owns My Entire Soul: An Essay in Disorganized Bullet Points ~I dig the sun/moon symbolism! Like Jack was chosen by the moon and Rapunzel has the powers of the sun. It’s such a nice contrast, and it also lends itself really well to star-crossed lover-type fantasy/fairy tale AUs (which I am ALWAYS a sucker for!) ~From what little we know about Jack’s preference in girls (i.e. the slight crush he seemed to have on Tooth), Rapunzel seems like EXACTLY his type--bubbly, energetic, optimistic girls with a bit of a maternal streak. I think even the RotG director confirmed Punz is the kind of girl Jack would like! ~Jack also absolutely seems like Punzel’s type--if Flynn/Eugene is anything to go by, she’s kind of into sarcastic troublemakers with a hidden soft side XD And she also seems to like guys who are good with kids, if Eugene reading “The Adventures of Flynnigan Rider” to the younger kids at the orphanage is anything to go by! ~They both seem to be naturally pretty social people who suffered a lot from being isolated for a really long time--Jack had it worse, obviously (300 years--OUCH), but it was rough on Punz as well, growing up for 18 years with no one for company but Mother Gothel and Pascal. Jack, spending all that time with no one able to see him and only the guardians (who weren’t even really his friends from much of that time) for company, would understand that pain a lot. I feel like they’d be able to connect on a really deep and intimate level about the pain they felt at being isolated for so long, and this would give them a really strong bond that I can easily see turning into something romantic. ~They’re both just such genuinely lively and fun-loving people, and I can imagine them having a ton of fun together and just genuinely really enjoying spending time together. Like imagine the snowball fights!!! The ice-skating!!! The sledding!!! Chasing each other through the forest!!! Jack grabbing onto Punz and her wrapping her hair around a tree and swinging them around Tarzan-style!!! Like literally the entire scene where Punzel leaves her tower for the first time and is goofing off and doing Silly Shit for like an hour straight??? Like man...if Jack was there, they’d have the TIME OF THEIR LIVES together. Idk I just really love couples who I think would have a lot of fun together, it’s so pure <3 ~They’re both so loving!!! Like Rapunzel goes out of her way to be supportive to an entire tavernful of terrifying “ruffians and thugs” because they have dreams, and she’s so sweet to Flynn/Eugene no matter how many times he snarks at her and tries to alienate her!!! And Jack loves loves LOVES entertaining kids, and it genuinely makes him so happy to give them snow days :3 I just feel like they’d shower each other with love, and it’s honestly no less than they both deserve!!! ~Rapunzel especially is such an affectionate person, and I can see her doing just absolutely everything in her power to make Jack feel as seen and as loved as possible after 300 years of being alone. And god, does he NEED it, too. Like no way is this boy NOT touch-starved, and with some MAJOR self-esteem issues (although he’s good at hiding them). Rapunzel would do absolutely everything in her power to build him up and make him feel wanted and validated--and since it’s in her nature to do so, it would never feel like a burden or an effort for her. And she’d love him so much that hyping him up just comes naturally! She’s just got the kind of nurturing personality that someone as affection-starved as Jack really needs, and I think she could help him feel safe, comfortable, and loved in a way a lot of people couldn’t. ~For all the fun they’d have together, I also feel like Jack needs someone to ground him a bit and provide the Brain Cell to perhaps reign in that Unchecked Chaotic Energy of his sometimes XD Rapunzel certainly has a smart and rational side--I mean, she charted STARS as a teenager!!! She figured out how to get this stranger she captured to take her into the kingdom to see the lanterns!!! Girl can be spontaneous and goofy, sure, but she’s got smarts and kind of a mature streak that I think mesh with Jack really well. He’d never feel like she was a wet blanket stifling his fun, but she’d also have a sense of when to transition away from goofing off and focus on responsibilities (princess and guardian responsibilities in this case, I suppose?) ~On the flipside, I don’t see Rapunzel as being someone annoyed or irritated by Jack’s antics. She might like...gently scold him if he takes a prank too far, but she never finds his shenanigans to be grating and tiresome the way other people might. Rather, I think she’d be endlessly entertained by him. Like in his memory reel when he’s dicking around pretending to be a deer, she’d get a kick out of that! Jack would always be trying to make her laugh and make her smile, and Punz would love that so much about him! ~They’re both searching for a deeper meaning and a deeper sense of purpose in their lives. Rapunzel entertains herself with hobbies, but doesn’t feel like her life has really “begun” and is desperate to find out if her hunch is right and the floating lights really ARE meant for her. Jack has no idea why he was chosen by the moon or what he’s meant to do, and he’s determined to find out so he can finally have a sense of purpose. Rapunzel clearly wants a sense of purpose too, since she wants to do more with her life than pass the time with hobbies. I can definitely see them bonding over this! ~They’re both just so adventurous, and love to explore! Rapunzel is curious, and loves to read and learn, and she wants more than anything else to see the world and all it has to offer. Jack loves adventuring and flying around the globe spreading winter and fun, and he could show Punz everything she ever wanted to see. A perfect match, honestly! ~Aesthetically I LOVE the similarities!!! Like they both like to go barefoot, kinda showing their free-spirited natures. And I love how they’re both naturally brunette, but had their hair turned a different color by magic. It’s a little thing, but I think it’s a really neat parallel and it helps cement me thinking they really ARE perfect for each other in every little way! Haha XD AND they both have small green companions, and as of Ralph Breaks The Internet, they’re hoodie buddies as well!!! Not that surface-level parallels like that are actually that significant BUT I just think they’re neat XD ~While I am fond of Flynnzel/Eugenzel (still my favorite canon Disney couple!), finding out their age gap is around 8 years admittedly made me a bit uncomfy and just pushed me further into loving Jackunzel as an alternative option. I still really love Eugene as a character and adore his and Punzel’s dynamic, but these days I prefer their relationship as more of a big bro/little sis type thing. Jack I think is the best match for Rapunzel romantically, and Eugene I prefer with Elsa--or poooossibly Tooth, Astrid, or Zarina, if I read a fic that sells the pairing well enough! ~On a related note, I was into Jack x Tooth the first time I watched RotG, but after discovering Jackunzel, there was no going back--I was hooked! Rewatching the movie, Tooth strikes me more as a mom figure/”fun aunt” for Jack, and I actually prefer her with Bunnymund (I am WEAK for “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one” lmao)
Well, I think that just about covers it!!! I’ll add more reasons if I think of them! Thank you for the ask, and I’m always happy to answer more ship asks about CGI crossover pairings :3
Also @ the anon who asked for Jackunzel headcanons--fear not, I shall provide them!!! I just wanna make a complete list and accumulate all the ones from my various fics so it’s gonna take a while XD
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earlgreytea68 · 3 years
Hi! I loved your post about fanfiction and “official” literature, it resonated with me on a multiple levels. I started reading fanfics at the age of 16, I guess, and never really stopped since, now I’m in my mid thirties. Sometimes I read more of it, sometimes I got sucked into the new novel by my fave author, but I always come back. Because reading fanfiction opened up multiple universes I could wander through endlessly, and never get bored. I switch fandoms, and every time I discover something unique and awesome. I can’t stop thinking about how many talented people are out there, I’m so grateful for all of you guys, and I hope you get all the love appreciation you really deserve. And also, having the amazing possibility to say how much in love with a certain work you are, or even discuss something about the plot or ask a question directly to the person who wrote it, maybe even in the process of creating the said story… I think it’s a very special privilege, we all should be grateful to have it. Bless you, and I mean it! Oh, and this bit about seeing all the reviews of hmt and aren’t able to read them, really got me in the feels. I totally understand how it must be tough for you at the moment, and I sincerely wish, that maybe later this year, around Halloween or with a cup of hot wine in your hand near the Christmas break, you’ll find yourself in the right mindset to read some of them, and enjoy it. I only got to see one of those on my dash, and reading through it made me happy and hopeful, I have a very slim chance to see them, and god knows how it will look like next year, but the sentiment is still there, this guys make me happy. I wish you a very nice and cozy fall season, stay safe 😊
Awwww this is a very sweet and lovely ask, thank you, anon.
I have a whole rant that I do elsewhere in my life about how fanfiction is its own genre, that's not confined to "work based on other people's creativity" but is, in fact, a type of story-telling that is based more heavily on characters and emotions than on plots. Once you find this genre, you might read outside of the genre every once in a while, but you go back to fic the way someone who likes mysteries gravitates toward mysteries. It doesn't actually matter the fandom, the storytelling vehicle remains the same.
And I agree, that we are so lucky how many of us want to share and create with each other in this space, and how we can all interact, in a way that published fiction really never seems to have. I've been a published author, and I missed desperately the community of fandom: the other writers whose stuff I could squee over, the readers who feel comfortable telling me what they loved, what they hope for, what confuses them, etc. All of that makes the stories we tell so much richer, because they are not the stories *we're* telling, but the stories we're *all* telling, together, in this vast interrelated tapestry, and that is how storytelling was in the very beginning of its history and I think it's actually what humans need storytelling to be (hence the enduring popularity of fic in the first place, the need for humans to engage with the stories they're being told instead of just being passive consumers of it). And sometimes I worry about fandom going away, about people thinking that this way of creating isn't worthwhile because it doesn't make them money, and it makes me sad because I think it is the BEST kind of creating and we should all be so lucky, as writers, to find people who want to love our characters so much that they chat with us about them. Like, that is the dream! It's just so incredible!
I really am trying to be A Bigger Person about the whole HMT thing but there is a vast gulf between "thing I know I should be able to get over" and "thing which irritates me every time it comes up" lol. I have tried really hard to just...be all happy about HMT, but in truth the effort of trying to force myself to be happy just ends up making me extra-resentful, and so it's better that I just...try to avoid HMT in the hope that maybe eventually, someday, I won't find it so annoying and will be able to think about it without wanting to cry lol. I mean, emotions just take time to work through and become more rational, and it has not been nearly enough time for me, in my trauma-exhausted pandemic state, with all the other stuff I'm also trying to emotionally manage right now. At one point I just realized that the whole HMT situation was taking up way more time and mental and emotional energy (and money) than Fall Out Boy honestly really deserved, considering they have no idea who I am and don't care about me lol. Anyway, I haven't broken up with Fall Out Boy, which is good, because I worried I might, but we definitely seem okay; I've just broken up with HMT. I am really, really, really pleased that the tour is almost over and maybe I can go back to following FOB social media again and maybe I can be more successful pretending this tour never happened lol. And probably eventually someday I'll forget all about why I was upset and it'll all be fine, as you say. I know that everyone else seemed to have a really lovely time at their concerts and I'm very glad that they did.
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rockthingsbymeg · 4 years
It’s been a while
Request: hi! in one of your one shots on saturday it was slash and y/n having sex in a car, and at one point she said she was going to sit on his lap to make him realise she wanst wearing underwear if he took too long, i was wondering if you could make a small one-shot of y/n sitting on slashs lap at a club and him realising shes not wearing any underwear and maybe fooling around? only if you have time, or when you have time, thank you (: (sent by anon)
Pairing: Slash / Saul Hudson x reader
Info: Smut with some fluff; 1252 words;
A/N: Ok I wanna apologize for taking actual months to get this out, just like all the other requests that are/have taken me ages to complete. I hope it was, somehow, worth the wait <3
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It had been a while since Slash and Y/N had some time to themselves. Both their work schedules had been chaotic, with him needing to focus on Guns N' Roses’ double album and Y/N’s work going through a rough period. It had been impossible for them to spend some quality time together in the last six weeks, but this night they finally had some time. 
Y/N's routine was finally back to normal, which meant she had the energy to accompany Slash to a party held by the band. She had dressed up like she hadn't done in a very long time, and was determined to finally have some alone time with Slash. It didn't necessarily need to be alone as long as they weren’t interrupted...
They had gone to dinner with Duff and his girlfriend before all four of them drove to the party. It had felt good to relax with their friends for a while and get his mind off the album, but Y/N was growing needier by the second. Watching Slash smiling, relaxed, leaning against the back of the chair in his tight leather pants and a dark, loose tee was too much to handle after so long without being properly touched.
As they settled at the bar, conversation still going easy and happy, Y/N made herself comfortable on the seat by Slash's side. She ordered a few drinks to get some liquid courage flowing, and Slash accompanied her, a burning hand resting on the inside of her thigh.
In order to spice things up a little tonight, Y/N had “forgotten" her underwear. Slash had already noticed the lack of a bra, which had helped Slash Jr. (as he so proudly called his dick) be even more interested. He was already getting hard when he saw her dressed up, but the more details he noticed, the harder he got.
Y/N’s original plan was that at some point Slash would stroke his hand up her thigh, like he always did, and eventually get close enough to notice how bare she was. But his hand was not moving, and she was growing needier by the second, so she took the matters into her own hands.
She downed her last drink and turned her head to him, pressing soft, teasing kisses to his neck and ear lobe. He had a small half-smirk half-smile on his lips, keeping his touch innocent on her knee.
Her kisses got bolder as time went on, and eventually, he turned to her and pulled her closer, planting his lips against hers.
“God, I missed feeling you...” He moaned softly, running his hands down her back, then up and down her sides and finally stopping on her ass.
“I missed it too, Slash... so much... I hate not having you like this for longer than a day.” She breathed out, rolling her hips slowly on top of him.
Slash smirked. “Depends on the day... sometimes you need me even if I've spent hours fucking you...” He said, giving her ass a little squeeze and moving his lips to her neck, teasingly biting and licking.
Y/N blushed a little but didn't back down. “You're one to talk... even in your dreams you get hard and moan my name...” She chuckled, referring to a wet dream he had had just a few days prior.
Slash blushed slightly as well, but he knew he had nothing to be embarrassed about around Y/N, so he went on. “That's cus you're so hot, sweetheart. I just want you all the time...”
His hands had slipped from her ass and were now moving up her thighs, underneath the dress. He was getting closer to where she ached for him, and eventually reached her waist.
A frown settled on his face for short seconds before a teasing smirk took place again. “Someone forgot their underwear...”
“You always say how much better it looks on the floor of our bedroom.” She smirked back, pecking his lips. “Maybe we should go home and see if you're telling the truth...” 
Slash chuckled and shook his head. “We're not leaving. Not right now anyway...” He said, moving his right hand to the middle of her legs.
Y/N bit down on her lower lip and looked around the room briefly. Everyone was involved in a conversation or dancing, the music was loud and everything was dark. Perfect.
“Oh, we aren’t? Why not?” She questioned innocently, shifting her hips so he'd have better access.
Slash played along. “We're having such a good time here. Don’t wanna end it early...”
He leaned forward and kissed her right as he slipped two fingers inside her. He felt her moans more than he heard them, much to his dismay, but he was happy enough feeling her wetness roll down his fingers as he began to thrust.
Six weeks without any touch had taken a toll on her, and he could tell by the way she looked so desperately and lustfully down at him. She moved her hips according to the pace he wanted, her hands tightly holding on to his shoulders.
Slash had a smile on his face as he watched. For him, seeing his wife in the pleasured state she currently found herself in, was the biggest gift he could have asked for and he always took his time memorizing every single detail over and over and thanking his lucky stars that she was in his life.
His smile always ended up making her smile. She would stare back at him, lips parted as moans and ragged breaths left her body, but a smile would be there, and so would a special glow to her eyes.
They were, no doubt, made for each other.
And their bodies agreed.
They felt safe, loved, cared for, and free around each other. It was better than anything they had ever felt, and it reflected on how they were together. Their bodies would almost adapt to each other's, being turned on by the smallest details and the simplest things.
Which always led to every intimate moment being full of love and lust like no other.
“I love you so much...” She moaned, pressing her lips to his and speeding up her hips as the need grew bigger than she could handle.
“I love you too, baby.” He said against her lips, moving his thumb to her clit and keeping a hand on her lower back to help her keep up the pace.
Her moans grew louder and louder, but no one around them cared much. They kept going, moans and hushed begs and teasing words slipping between them, and eventually, Y/N couldn’t take it anymore.
She cummed, clinging tightly to his body and moaning against his ear, her wetness soaking Slash’s hand all the way down to the bracelets on his wrist.
He let her take her time cooling down, her whiny moans still dripping from her lips like sweet honey and making him so hard it was beginning to hurt.
“I'm all good to go home now... if you can move at all...” He chuckled, noticing how she was already relaxing against him.
“I can, don’t worry. I can always move if it means more sex with you.” She smirked, pressing a small kiss to his lips and fixing herself while she got up.
Slash licked his fingers and cleaned her remaining wetness on his pants before taking her hand and speed walking to the car. They had a lot of lost time to make up for...
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, reblogs, comments and any kind of way you show me you liked this are endlessly appreciated💛
Requests are closed.
Taglist: @curly-hudson; @agroupiewhore; @littlemisscare-all; @metalheartofgold​
Thank you @dustnbones​​ for beta-reading💛
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I just read your fluffy headcannons with Toye and they are p e r f e c t. Made me realise how much I needed this and I was hoping if you could do one with Ron Speirs. 😔✊
anon, im incredibly happy that you think my Toye hcs were perfect- i also totally get you, anon. we all need some soft speirs hcs in our lives and i will do exactly that! 😩👌💞💕
btw im incredibly sorry that i took so long to write these hcs but hopefully you enjoy them!
Taglist: @floydtab, @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi, @noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @hufflepuffpancakes​, @hihosilvers​, @rayleighshughes
shoutout to my wifey @floydtab for helping me on these hcs, this probably wouldn’t have existed without you- you gave me so much inspo i love you ma’am 💞💕
Fluffy/General Ronald Speirs HCs
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Let’s get one thing clear here- Ron is a cold bitch but is ACTUALLY a big softie.
Only for you anyway, but no one else except you two need to know that-
Like Ron will subtly do things to impress you, and you’re just like, 'You dont have to do that I love you too fucking much already, stop tryna make me fall for you again-'
But you always appreciate it anyways because you know that this boy just wants the best for you-
Ron is straightforward and makes it his daily goal to make you happy-
If you’ve had a bad day, Ron will literally go and get your favorite food/drink/thing to immediately make you feel better, and it works 100% of the time.
Aaah- This man lowkey cares a lot in the relationship and he’s just but a bit worried and is self conscious.
But you just tell him that he's enough and that you'll love him no matter what.
After that he'll just immediately hug you and you would press kisses on his jawline while softly rubbing his back to reassure him that you’re there.
Soft declarations of love are always said and done between the two of you and you knew that you couldn’t live without it.
It was practically essential at this point and you’d never ever get tired of Ron saying ‘I love you’.
Ron is also very protective of you but he’s embarrassed to admit it.
The amount of times he almost yeeted someone because they either made you mad/uncomfortable have been endless.
Like they better HOPE that Speirs doesn’t find their address-
Ron isn’t really big on PDA but he will not hesitate to wrap an arm around your waist, and even sometimes he’ll sit you on his lap while he nuzzles his face on the side of your neck.
It’s just a personal preference of Ron’s and he just doesn’t want people to exactly see something that is intimate, you feel?
Even though he prefers to keep your relationship private, he would always softly call you endearing terms in your ear in public.
He prefers to love you in private, and he thinks that it feels more special that way.
Ron acts the complete opposite when you two are alone or behind closed doors. He’s extremely passionate and every single touch light yet intense.
Ron cannot keep his hands off you and he cherishes every moment he shares with you. 
He just loves the fact that you feel so right in his hold, like you two were always meant to be.
He loves everything about you and wouldn’t change a single thing about yourself, I promise you that.
Ron is also a MAJOR worrywart, like if he even heard you whisper ‘ow’, you better bet that he’s going to ZOOM his ass to you.
He also doesn’t express his worries verbally- oh no- his actions speak for him. He’ll hold you in his arms and will ACTUALLY kiss the area where you hurt yourself.
Ron just wants you to be alright and will fret over you even if it’s just a papercut.
Ron is also very discreet about your relationship and God forbid anyone from seeing him being soft towards you. (And God help them even more if they decide to bring it up.)
Ron constantly thinks how amazing you are while you’re right next to him with your hands in his.
He’s always extremely happy around you and he absolutely loves playing with your hair and it’s so cute.
Soft forehead kisses for this man are a must and he can’t help but smile when you press your lips softly against his skin.
Ron is definitely an athletic man and he adores swimming.
There have been countless times where Ron would take you to a lake just so he can swim with you.
When you’re done changing Ron will scoop you up and just straight up jump into the water.
Cue the WHOLESOME AS FUCK experience, thank you very much.
It’s always serene and the air is always filled with laughs as you and Ron splash each other endlessly.
Kisses are always pressed against your wet cheek whenever you two go swimming 
You’d also cradle his face in your hands as you’d stare lovingly into his eyes.
But you’d always finish swimming before him though and you’d admire him as he’d do laps.
Like Ron’s so beautiful, look at that man, he’s so fucking out of this world- 
He might or might not have been trying to impress you by doing laps, but that's a secret we'll never know-
When you’re finally dry, Ron comes up behind you as he just got out of the water and hugs you, causing you to be wet all over again.
Ron also has a special spot in his heart that is reserved for playgrounds. Like when he’s walking with you and he spots one his eyes LIGHT up and you don’t need words to tell what he was thinking.
Ron loves pushing you on the swings and your laugh and smile just keep him GOIN-
He’ll also wrap his arms around your waist as he’s behind you when you’re sliding on the slides-
The childlike wonder in Ron comes out whenever he sees a playground and that’s one of Ron’s many quirks that you loved-
Like literally the main reason he likes going to playgrounds more now is so he can just see your joyful expressions and sweet laugh-
Okokok, Ron Speirs might seem like a cat, but please believe me when I say that he adores dogs!
You could see the absolute love in his eyes when he sees Trigger and you just had the most perfect idea on what to get him for Christmas.
You fell in love with a little Bernese Mountain Dog puppy (please, please, please search them up- they’re adorable) and your plan was set in motion.
You immediately knew that Ron would love him too.
The lil pup was a pure fluffball of sunshine and this boy was bound to bring lots of joy during the holidays-
When you presented the tiny bundle of fluff to Ron, you could see waves of euphoria emitting off of him-
You knew that Ron was already a man of a few words but he was just rendered speechless (in a good way, of course) when his eyes laid upon the Bernese puppy.
“Ron- What?”
“His name is going to be Milo.”
You have caught Ron multiple times with Milo on his lap and it’s fucking adorable.
Ron would also fall asleep with Milo in his arms and you swore you were going to take a picture of that and frame it-
Milo’s energetic and bouncy personality somehow complimented Ron’s steady and calm one.
 It’s a beautiful dynamic and it just works in the best way possible.
Okokok I’ve rambled enough, but have I mentioned how caring and amazing Ron is? Yeah? Well screw it, here’s more-
Ron is a little spoon half of the time but he’ll never admit it like the stubborn cutie that he is-
You love holding him in your arms and he loves it all the same too!
But Ron is such a good fucking boyfriend, it’s making me ascend-
When you’d fall asleep in your desk while doing work, Ron would ALWAYS carry you back to your shared bedroom and lay you down gently on the bed.
Ron will get on the bed and he’d be the big spoon as he’d crawl into bed with you. 
But then you’d turn to face him in your sleep and you’d instinctively pull him closer and your cheek would be resting on chest 
Oml- I can’t the scene is too goddamn wholesome-
Buuuut if you fall asleep on the couch, Ron would bring a nice fluffy blanket to cover you and he’d sit next to you and he’d fall asleep while making sure you were ok-
You never liked waking up or mornings before, but mornings with Ron? Oh yeah, you were DOWN for that-
Ron’s fluffy tousled hair in the morning is GOLDEN and when you’d push it back to reveal his sleepy but hella handsome face, it’s fucking over I swear-
Ron also feels the same when he wakes up next to you and he genuinely thinks that it’s like waking up to an angel-
But Ron’s husky voice when he wakes up is 😩👌💕, is there anymore to say???
You’d two would just stay in bed cuddling with Milo by your side during the few hours of the morning and you couldn’t ask for anything better.
Ron was known and cemented as a hardened, scary, and stern soldier, but you didn’t mind one bit. 
Because to you... Ron was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to your life, and you couldn’t care less as to what other people thought of him. 💞
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oooooh i’m probably deceased by now, so boo- but the afterlife can wait im proud of writing these hcs!
i hope you enjoyed these hcs lovely anon and i also hope that it was good enough!
but thank you for reading, everybody, i appreciate it so much- 💞💞😩
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
You are way too nice for this world 🥺 About that last anon, i just wanted to thank you and express how much I admire your hablity to be constantly creating, even when i see you get so many prompts (and how dry some people are when asking). I think ive just sent you one prompt personally (which i loved way too much skjhfd), but every once in a while i go on a binge of your blog bc i love everything you write 💖, even with couples i dont care about 😌
YOU are waaay too nice to me, always ❤️ Thank you for your support
I like creating, writing stories so it makes me happy too, it’s even better when people enjoy it. Some times are harder than others, but I love writing and receiving sweet messages like yours. 
Whenever I see someone binge reading my stuff, a bunch of likes coming one after the other it makes my heart melt and grow as big as it’s possible every time, so thank you! thank you! ❤️
And that’s so good! I hope I make you enjoy those couples a little bit more. 
Thank you endlessly for always being so nice
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Themed Weekends Presents...
A reflection from @trulymadlysydney
What does HS1 mean to me?
It took me far too long to come up with the answer to this question, and honestly I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I don’t think I’ll ever have the words to express just how much this album, and more importantly this era, means to me.  But, as most writers do, I will try my best to find the words, type and retype it, (and still overthink it), and share it in hopes that it will mean something to someone else out there, too.
To accurately express my emotions towards this album, I think I have to start from the very beginning: The announcement of SOTT.  I remember exactly where I was standing-- in the tiny, cramped back room at work.  (At a job that I didn’t exactly like.)  I could hardly focus the rest of my shift, and my poor coworkers had to listen to me gush about how excited I was and how “You guys should really give it a chance! Like, I know he was in One Direction but like, if you actually listen to their music they have some really great stuff!”   As excited as I was for the single, I don’t think I ever could have guessed exactly how much it would change my life.
This song came at a very horrible, very dark time in my life.  I’ll spare you all the details, the sob story, etc etc.  But the thing was, I didn’t realize just how dark a time it was.  That’s the funny thing about depression (or mental illness of any kind really).  It lies to you.  It makes you feel so comfortably numb in your own misery until you don’t even realize how miserable you are.  Your coping mechanisms can become your everyday life, to the point where you don’t even realize that you’re hardly living at all.  Of course, that’s not what this post is about, but it’s worth mentioning because Sign of the Times became my biggest joy at that time.
I stayed up almost the entire night it dropped. I went on post limit TWICE in one night, (is that even possible? Apparently so!) and I felt so genuinely happy and excited for the first time in a long time.  It was always playing on my phone-- in the bathroom while I showered, tucked under my pillow while I slept, on repeat in the car (despite my poor mother kindly asking if maybe I was ready to play something else now).  It was all I listened to for a solid few weeks… including when something very bad happened. I had a wake up call that essentially told me that -- oh yeah, you really need to learn to take care of yourself because things aren’t so good right now.  When I messed up, when I felt alone and scared, when I felt like there was no possible way I could move on or up, or ever be happy again, one thing remained-- that song was still constantly playing.  Still bringing me as much joy as the first time I listened to it.
Things did get better, as things often do.  Harry was on Saturday Night Live and I hid out in my room (despite my entire family visiting from out of state and spending time together-- sorry guys) and I watched his performances with a smile on my face the entire time.  I think at one point (most likely during the Mick Jagger impression) I even screamed into my pillow because I had so much emotion buzzing around inside of me that I didn’t know what the heck to do with it all.  I was so proud.  I watched the musical performances over and over and over.  And then I called my family into my  room to watch them with me.  I couldn’t stop smiling.   I knew that this was only the start of something so huge.
And then the album came.  I was at work when it dropped-- scheduled to close the shop.  I couldn’t get out of there fast enough, especially because I had friends blowing up my texts and anons blowing up my inbox, gushing endlessly about the album and how beyond good it was. I wasn’t driving at the time, so I begged my mom to speed home. “But mom, you don’t get it, it’s his whole ALBUM.  It’s finally out!”  I didn’t even change out of my work clothes when I got home, I just jumped onto my bed-- shoes, name tag, and all, and hit play.  
I don’t know how many times I cried listening to it that first time through. (There’s a video somewhere, floating around the tumblr-verse, depicting in embarrassing detail my reactions to each of the songs.)  But it became the album of my year.  And I spent that year trying to recruit as many Harry fans as I could.  To this day, there’s still no feeling quite like the absolute delight I feel when someone (friend, family, or stranger) tells me that they like his album or even just a song from it.
Sign of the Times became an anthem, a bittersweet reminder that sometimes life sucks, and it’s hard, but we’ve all been there, and we get up again and we keep trying to find our way.  Kiwi became a hype song.  Sweet Creature became a lullaby.  Each song took on a meaning for me, each song became personal.  To this day there are still some songs that I can’t listen to because I have to be in the right frame of mind.
In January 2018, I got a tattoo-- a heart drawn by Harry.  A constant reminder of the love he exudes and the joy he brings to me and  to so many other people. “Be a lover.  Chose love.  Give love.  Love everyone, always.”  (My tattoo artist, upon seeing the heart, gave me a funny look.  “Are you sure you want it all… wonky like that?”  I was almost offended.)
Because of Harry, I’ve made some of the best friends I could ever ask for.  When my life was horrible and I felt alone, I had him, and I had the friends I made through tumblr.  And when my life turned around, and I felt over the moon happy and excited to live every day, I still had him.  And I still had my internet friends.  Internet friendships can be a hard thing to explain to real-life friends, but it’s a connection that’s so beautiful and fulfilling for those lucky enough to experience it.  I’ve even been blessed to meet quite a few of the online friends I’ve made in person, and it’s all thanks to Harry.
I still consider the weekend of July 13th, 2018, to be one of the best of my life.  I got to see the man I’d loved for so so long, the person who--unknowingly-- got me through some of the hardest times, but also brought me so many friends.  I got to hear the music that shaped the past year of my life. And I got to meet so many of the incredible people who I’d only spoken to through screens.  And it was the most magical weekend of my life.
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again:  There is absolutely no feeling on earth like the feeling you get from the energy inside a Harry Styles concert. When he tells you its okay to be whoever you want to be in that room, you believe him.  When he tells you he loves you, you believe him.  You feed off of one another’s energy, and even though you’re one of thousands of people in a sold out room, it feels personal and intimate in a way that even the most talented writer could never find the words for.   Though I sat alone both nights, I felt like I was lifelong friends with every single person around me.  It wasn’t scary, or intimidating, it was familiar and comforting.
I know that I may never get the chance to thank Harry in person for everything he’s done for me and for so many other people, but I think deep down he knows.    He knows what he means to us, because we mean just as much to him-- and it’s apparent in the way he performs and speaks and acts.  And although his meticulously planned and sometimes cryptic posts and behaviors get on our nerves sometimes, and although we may want to fight him for being such a little shit, he’s still our Harry.  He’s our best friend, and we’re his.  
So to answer the original question, HS1 means friendship.  It means new beginnings, it means moving forward, it’s hope in times where hope seems impossible.  It’s love and kindness and vulnerability and knowing you are not alone.  And most importantly, it means something different to every person who listens to it.  It takes a true artist to be able to do that, and I absolutely cannot wait to experience it all over again with his next album and with all of you.
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hobrerek · 5 years
Sweet sweet domestic life with sterek, and just day to day life, small but significant things they do for each other? 😃
Hello Anon! Thank you for sending in a prompt so quickly after I posted the ask, I was so excited that this was my first request and so I wrote 1.3K of domestic life for you and I hope you enjoy!
Much love,Jessa
If you ignored the large hulking werewolf and frequent supernatural occurrences side of things, Stiles had discovered that living with Derek really wasn’t all that bad considering.
On the one hand, Derek’s ability to move around the house stealthily had certainly given Stiles his fair share of mini-heart attacks, waking up and realizing that Derek wasn’t beside him in the middle of the night and being terrified at what could have happened before seeing him come back from the bathroom, but also because here he was screaming in terror when Derek snuck up on him for the FIFTEENTH TIME THIS WEEK DEREK, SO HELP ME GOD PUT A BELL ON YOU DICK!
On the other hand, Derek’s ability to move around quietly meant Stiles was never disturbed when the elder slipped out of their bed in the morning, going for his morning run long before Stiles was even considering waking up, returning in time to make Stiles his favourite hot chocolate monstrosity and bringing it up to bed so Stiles could wake up to something sweet every morning (as if his actions weren’t enough).
Living with Derek meant that Stiles always had someone to care for who appreciated his worrying, even if sometimes he went a little too far with it. No matter how many times Derek had told him he was okay, that his body was going to heal and he’d be fine in a few hours, it was never enough for Stiles, even if deep down inside he knew that Derek was right and he was acting illogically, he was his partner and he needed to know, needed to FEEL like Derek was going to be okay, even if that meant frustrating the older man endlessly as he rubbed ointments into his tired muscles and gently rubbed dirt and blood and god knows what else out of the cuts across his side and shoulders.
It also meant hot pots of chicken noodle soup on the days when Derek just couldn’t warm up no matter how hard he tried, brain lost in the fog of dark and depressing memories, muscles taut as they tried to decide whether they were human or other. It meant soft kisses as Stiles drifted on by, long nimble fingers pressing into the pleasure points along Derek’s neck as Stiles cooed in his ear to relax and remember breathing, tugging him along to the couch where he was deposited into the younger man’s lap, his hum of contentment sounding more like a purr which Stiles would gently tease him for as he ran his fingers through Derek’s hair, only stopping after the man was well and truly asleep.
Being in the same house meant Derek could always tell when Stiles needed a distraction from his studying, finding a way to do something to annoy his partner so that Stiles would turn his full attention onto him and not his psych textbook, standing up in a huff and informing Derek that he knew exactly what he was doing and no he did not appreciate the distraction thank you very much! But when Derek would kiss him, intense and passionately, pulling their bodies together as he all but dragged Stiles out of the living room and up to their bedroom, the younger man pliant in his arms as they dropped onto their bed, bodies angled towards each other as Derek, not wanting sex, just smiled and waited for Stiles to start ranting about whatever new theory he was learning about today that just made such little sense Derek!!!
Those days also meant Derek could show off his love of reading and knowledge by walking into their second room which had long ago been turned into an almost library, pulling a book off the shelf and tossing it to Stiles who read the title and with his lips slightly parted in shock would look at Derek with glee, realizing that Derek had once again found the perfect solution to his problem and that despite the fact they both knew Derek would deny it, they also knew based on the fact that this book had only come out four months ago, that Derek had been reading Stiles’ reading list in advance to see what he could to do help.
Occupying the same space meant on days when Derek was too pent up with energy, knowing he couldn’t leave the house because of the danger it would cause, feeling the werewolf in him thrumming underneath his skin, Stiles would know how to distract him. Stiles, the small fragile human in comparison to his large hulking werewolf of a partner, who would walk around their home shirtless, body fluid as he flowed around the room, dancing maniacally to some cheesy bop music on the radio, catching Derek’s attention and sending him into a surprised peal of laughter.
Seeing him like this, open and carefree and loving, made Derek want to do nothing more than to kiss him and tell Stiles he loved him, so he did. It meant backing Stiles up against the kitchen counter, taking the dish he had just been drying out of his hands and placing it back in the sink, throwing the dish towel over his shoulder as he cupped Stiles’ cheeks in his hands and pressed their lips together, teasing with his tongue until the younger man opened up and he could taste the way he loved him the way that Derek wanted him too.
Sharing their life meant that for Stiles, all his days, his bad days, his good days, his inbetween days were shared with Derek. It meant allowing himself to feel emotions he would normally suppress, because occupying a space with another person could be hard, but it was easier knowing it was with Derek. For Derek, that meant that all his bad days, much more infrequent, were slowly becoming more and more good days as he learned to allow himself to open up to Stiles, who only ever judged him when he somehow managed to burn the wooden spoon he had been stirring the spaghetti with because Erika had texted him a funny picture from her trip and Derek had gotten distracted.
Intertwining their lives meant that fighting all the time no longer made sense, meant both men had to buck up the courage to use their words to express when something was on their mind instead, meant they had to communicate openly about who was doing what and meant that being honest about how things were going was integral to their relationship’s success. Living together meant that they could no longer just run away from their conversations, meant long talks in bed or in the bath, at the dinner table after a long day or on the couch after Jeopardy ended and Derek had snuck out a win at the end. It meant all their emotions, their love, their fears, their jealously, their elation were open books to be read and digested. It was shared and it would always be shared as long as they had each other, even if the very thought of that scared the absolute shit out of both of them.
Building a home together meant that everyday Derek came home to a partner who loved him more than he deserved and was ferocious in his protection of the older man.
Creating a life together meant that everyday Stiles came home to a partner who made his life and him a better person and loved him with reckless abandon.
Being them, their partners, their one and only’s, meant that happiness for each of them was at each other’s fingertips, in the way they said each other’s names and the I love you’s they shared every night as they went to sleep and every morning when they opened up their eyes.
Love, in the end, was building a life together and calling it home.
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
happy new year beautiful, i'm here to spread some love!!! in celebration of 2019 tag your 19 favorite blogs/mutuals 🎉
you did not just tell me to tag people I love, i have like a lot. Happy new year my sweets, may you be blessed with good health, enormous wealth, graduate, get a job, give yourself a gift (me), sleep better, eat better (pls i cannot stress on this enough!), get you a spa day by yourself, and just treat yourself… start the year with a de-stress, we have 364 days to go… 
here’s my favourite people who run such magnificent blogs and people I have to talk to, on regular basis like taking my non-existent anti-depression pills:
@namjoonslion​ you knew you’re gonna get tagged, abby don’t even try to deny, and I probably never tell you how much you meant to me a lot, but I really do appreciate you, I love the spirits you have and our overall nothing-can-go-wrong VS but-it-might contra is something I hold dearly and I’m not sure why it worked out this long. We’re like Sadness & Joy pair in Disney Pixar’s Inside Out. And that’s just so cute now that I think of it. You walked into my life one day, and it’s like the sun came out. I feel like you’d give the best hug because you’re tol and I’m smol@magical-warlock​ my pisces, demi darling whom I love and rarely talk to nowadays, you always know how to cheer me up with some random ass text post of cute sayings and marvel things and I’m just wanting to catapult myself to Holland every time you send me a picture of your town. It’s honestly the best town that fits me. I would walk days with you and talk and hold hands, sigh. We shared a lot of stories together, and I feel like we’re both undergoing something very tough, I always know you have my back and you’ll have mine. Being associated to you is the best things that happened in my years in Tumblr and I truly mean it when I say I care about you.
@minseoltanggi​ baby fish! bat, you are by far the closest one to me of all my tumblr friends because we live in the same country and you’ve seen my face before. You are adorable af and I hope you don’t be scared of turning 15 soon, it’s an experience, you have to embrace it as you go and don’t worry too much. You are a smart little girl and have many potentials, so don’t let your fears shackle you down to earth because I want to see you be that Astronomy expert you wanted to become! And if you changed your mind mid-way that’s fine, too. I’m sorry that I can’t get on tumblr as often as I’d like and message you. I do hope your blankets are warm and your pillows are soft, every night. 
@luciddrugs​ same age dudette, Alexa! I know we’ve not been acquainted until the last few months of 2018 and dare I say, you’re by far the most passionate blossoming ARMY I have ever met. You desire to know and understand Hoseok is beyond me, like wow, you helped me see another side of Hoseok and that’s something not many people could have done, and I sort of understand when you spazzed about him not getting a lot of attention, because TRUE DAT. I mean look at my man Namjoon, these two gets push back along with Jin sometimes and it saddens me. having another hyungline stan is ultimately a blessing, like, thank you for SCREAMING HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HOBI BECAUSE GURL YASSSSSSS… /two idiots screaming in the middles of the sea–flashbacks lmao)
@fangirlaholicxx​ Divvie. My other gun. My right-hand women. If yall read my writings i can’t say crappy anymore because that would be an insult to Div’s work  its her you should thank, my writings starting from Catching Fire, was proof read by her. And if I don’t get Div squealing, don’t bet I’ll release any of the fics. She’s my fuel, my gasoline, she keeps me going, and is my personal cheerleader. She makes great moodboards and it’s a matter of time until she ripens to her full form and bless us with her endless creative tendencies, just watch. I love her…so much. I don’t think she knows that. Thanks for catching me when I fall. /seals love letter with a heart wax/
@submissive-bangtan​ caro, caro, CARO! I love your brain and the intricate words you use. You know a whole world I didn’t know about and it’s because of you I’ve learned new things. You’re always so generous with your knowledge and following you was the best thing I’ve ever done? Like I came as a sub bts enthusiast (a dying clan) and pledge loyalty, but you gave me a Pandora box of tricks and passion. I think you’re super cool and I’m always so shy to make first move, so when you answered my tags, it makes my heart bloom? Can someone have that much power? Germans, I tell you…sigh.
@yourladyhobi18​ Luisa 💞🌹 we never actually spoke but endlessly tagging each other on posts of our knights and saviours, sometimes without context and we do it like it’s the most natural thing in the world and honestly I desired this kind of connection for the longest time, and I never knew I needed it until you came. I guess this is how two shy people become friends lmao.
@majestikblue​ you are a very mysterious one. You come unexpected and return when you desired. You always sends the nicest text out of nowhere and I’m always smiling when I see your texts?? Like how do you always know me going through tough times, did you put a camera on me?? Should I be staring at the corners so you could see me kiss you or what? I don’t even catch your name, and I don’t think I’ve ever asked…what kind of friendship is this, Anissa? I just want to say I appreciate you and your existence, please don’t ever change.
@lovethyfandoms2​ how could I forget you and Digby when you’re the first person to actually come and talk to me. I know you’re super busy at college now, and I wish you all the best. I hold the memories and conversations we had, close to my heart and will never forget them. Happy New Year, Josie. And it all began with a random ass link you accidently sent me haha, I remembered that lmao, I was so confused. Do all friendship began this weird though, I wonder haha! Josie, survive made it out 2018! Woo woo!
Nothing less important, in fact! Very important people that I cannot possibly forget ever, is my lovelies, whom I dearly appreciate and desire to protect forever and always, may this year bring you more positive hopes and help you dream, gives you something to smile for, and I have nothing else to offer but my stories and the comfort they bring, but should you feel the need to talk to me, come any time…
@rapmooni @tinyjjks @kai-tashi @monosgf @babybee05 @leesuzy09 @seokjins-epiphany @hobi-isadaydream @zynnami @verracotta @joonraw @seoulso @bloodyspell​ @8xxakiraxx8​ @therealredraven​ @ursulabtslover​ @triviamang​ 
I plan to make a separate post for this, and have more affectionate things to say, but if you’re not mentioned here, please don’t feel upset… I know most of you hide behind the comfort of an anon, and that’s okay. But If you’re reading this and felt like you are invincible? You’re not, I see you, I recognise you. And I appreciate every each and every one of you. I keep you in my thoughts when I see you reblog my writings and say nice things in the tags, and when you like my drunk depressive posts. I know you guys are wonderful people with good hearts. You’re the REAL reason why I began, continue and desire to write, I hope I’ll be able to do more in the future. I have so many more people to thank, and I’d personally shake each of your hands and give you a hug if I could and know your face. 
Thank you for seeing me, thank you for noticing me, thank you for listening to my stories. Thank you for a wholesome end of 2018 and here’s to a beautiful start in 2019. 🥂 (i’m buying sodas and pizzas for us all) happy fucking new year babes
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givelovechooselove · 6 years
I have some harry questions for you! What are your favorite five moments from Harry's promo? Your favorite 3 performances? And your all time favorite look this year?
 Okay *cracks knuckles* the time has come for me to answer what LITERALLY have to be the 3 most difficult questions I’ve ever been asked lol. I’ve enjoyed everything about Harry’s solo launch so much it feels nearly impossible to choose my favorite parts, but for you, I’ll try! Just please know that for every answer I pick, there could easily be 5 million other answers that I feel just as passionately about :’) Anyway, without further ado:
Favorite Promo Moments
1. Harry crying over Stevie Nicks
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This one could also qualify as one of my favorite performances of the year, and I will honestly never be over it!! For someone so young, Harry is refreshingly unfazed by fame and not easily starstruck. So to witness him during such a moment of vulnerability over getting to perform with his idol was truly something special and magical to behold. I will never forget how hard I cried that night, and I will forever be a mess and grateful as hell that I got to experience it via grainy livestream. 
2. Harry and Fionn
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Okay, I’m assuming I can include Dunkirk promo because Harry ft Fionn is just way too good to leave out lol. I generally loved Harry being part of such an amazing cast of beautiful men, but I especially LOVED his dynamic with Fionn. It was literally so much fun seeing Harry make Fionn slowly fall in love with him (much like the rest of the world) and to watch Fionn come out of his shell right before my eyes. Like Harry is only a few years older than him, but it was really sweet the way he used his experience to put Fionn at ease and help his personality shine. I love these two talented babs, and I miss seeing them together!!
3. Late Late Styles 
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A week long Late Late Show residency and THE best Carpool Karaoke segment in history?? Hell yeah! I absolutely loved everything about his week on the Late Late Show and how it allowed him to showcase how versatile, talented, and hilarious he is. From hosting to performing to doing skits… it was all incredibly impressive and quite frankly, a fucking dream come true. #Blessed. Fun Fact: I’ve seen his Carpool Karaoke at least 50 times and that is not even a slight exaggeration loll
4. Harry standing up for his fans
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First of all, it was super amazing that Harry got a Rolling Stone cover so early in his solo career, but it was made even better by the fact that he used that platform to stick up for his his fanbase–particularly young girls. This was not a surprise to any of us who’ve followed Harry over the past several years, but I really love that it made clear the fact that Harry doesn’t see attracting older, male fans as a requirement for being taken seriously as an artist.That is such an endlessly important message, and it made me so happy that this quote in particular went viral and set the internet on fire.
5. Choose love, give love
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When Harry performed his secret show in Mexico shortly after the tragic bombing in Manchester, he gave us all an extra special reminder and some important words to live by. “Be a lover. Choose love, give love, love everyone always. Give as much love as you can.” That night has stayed with me all year, not only because Harry performed so passionately in honor of the victims of the attack (and basically tore my heart right out of my chest), but also because he reminded me that love is a CHOICE. It’s not about doing nice things every now and then because you happen to be in a good mood. It’s about making a conscious decision every single day that you are going put good out into the world and make it a bit brighter. There are so many ugly things happening all the time, and I love that Harry used his platform to encourage us all to be better to one another. 
BONUS: Some promo honorable mentions I have to include!! – Harry debuting SOTT on the Breakfast Show (and Harry & Nick in general), Harry on SNL (what the fuck!!!), and the entirety of Harry at the BBC. 
Favorite Performances
1. Sign of the Times on the Late Late Show
I have struggled for FOREVER with picking myfavorite performance of Sign of the Times, but honestly this is it. I think Isaw someone in another post describe this one as the most technically perfectversion, and they are absolutely right. His vocals were completely on point(like I’m serious, not a single note was off), he was expressive, confident,and brought the energy this song deserves. The band sounded incredible. All ofHarry’s performances are damn near flawless, but this one is pretty hard totop. He is incomparable.
2. Kiwi on the Late Late Show
For anyone who wasn’t already in love withKiwi before this performance, they certainly were after!! Holy mother of god! Ithink this was the first time Harry gave us the full blown “Stage Harry”treatment after going solo. I will never forget literally jumping off my couchwatching this performance jfalkjdsljal Electric is an understatement. He wasabsolutely fucking brilliant here, and don’t even get me started on thatJUMPSUIT!! The air punches, that scream, the drop to his knees…. the man is arockstar, what else can I say?
3. Ultralight Beam at the London Secret Show
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!!!! Talk about a wigsnatcher!! Like Harry Styles really did not come to fucking PLAY!! This man isout here creating his own sultry, sexy rock arrangement of a Kanye West song??And crushing it like it’s nothing?? That talent and vision and balls that ittook for him to take this song and give it his own voice and flare is somethingI’m never going to get over. And the vocals!! Good lord. Like I’ve always knownhe was talented, I already knew his album was brilliant by this point, but whensomeone can get on a stage at one of their first shows as a solo artists andtake on an arrangement like this, you know you are no longer dealing with apopstar…. that’s a legend in the making.
BONUS: Performance honorable mentions!! – TheChain on the Live Lounge, Girl Crush at the BBC, every performance of TwoGhosts and…. basically every other performance he did this year??
All Time Favorite Look of H017
And the winner is….. Harry Styles Live on Tour- Chicago 
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I might be biased because this was My show and MY suit (yes mine!), but this was honestly and truly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen him wear. I remember when the curtain fell, it just absolutely took my breath away :’) I wil never ever forget that night or this look.
Thanks for the questions anon, I hope you enjoyed!!
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Try by Colbie Callait
I know I haven’t written for some time, I’m sorry I got sick and I want to also thank the lovely anons who said nice things bout the last OS. Tumblr is fixing my ask box, so I’m sorry I haven’t thanked you personally yet. Slight warning, that this fic deal with insecurities as an issue and I just want to recognize two things, (1) April as a character has grown and her insecurities aren’t the same anymore - so this is AU, based around s8/9, and she doesn’t fail her boards nor have active battle with her religion. (2) Everyone’s journey with nsecurities are dfferent. This is based on my understanding how insecurities work, I’m sorry if anything is offensive. 
Put your make up on, get your nails done
Curl your hair 
Run the extra mile, keep it slim
So they like you.
Do they like you?
April's not really sure how exactly she convinced herself to work up the nerve to do what she was about to do, but somehow here she was. She nervously fidgets around, pulls on her clothes, tidies up her sweater, and picks invisible linen from her pants. She straightens out her hair and places the curls gently on the shoulders. He'll be here in the attending' lounge soon. She'd made a quick check with him this morning in the on call room, to check what time he was off.
She wasn't really sure when this whole sleeping together thing became their thing, but here they were, holed up in the on call rooms of the hospital, everyday, sometimes twice a day. She wasn't complaining. Of course not, that wasn't what this was about. Never in her most optimistic dreams did April ever expect someone like Jackson to want a.... whatever it is they were, with someone like her.
As the years went by, and having only had one boy in high school who'd taken her to the carnival and dumped her the next day because she was too 'enthusiastic' and 'didn't know how to chill' and a college boyfriend who'd called her a 'prude' because she'd made it clear to him she was waiting until marriage, expectations of any kind of love dwindled down. She guesses she's lucky she even has the kind of relationship she has with Jackson. She shouldn't, couldn't, expect more.
Some little girls, herself included, dream of white weddings, and sweet boys who'd love them and babies and white picket fence houses. The sad reality, April came to know as an adult is society will rise to the occasion to make sure that some of these little girls know, as they grow up, that there are a few shortcomings with them, that might make this dream impossible.
She was scrawny, had fizzy hair, braces, acne and pigeon toes. Apparently, boys liked only a particular image she'd never be capable of looking like. So, when she was old enough, she promised herself she'd try her hardest to look like that. Maybe then, someone would love her. So she runs every morning, goes to yoga on the weekends and swims every other day. She dyes her hair red, and uses a tirade of products, so that she always had long locks of shiny, bouncy hair. She fixes her teeth, and gets her braces off, and spends a fortune to get rid of the acne and torturously wears a leg brace for a year to and goes to ballet to get rid of the pigeon toes. She looks a lot different now than what she did. She's still not perfect, she still refuses to look in the mirror and call herself beautiful nor does she expect anyone else to call her beautiful. She'd settle for 'not bad looking' any day.
It doesn't work. Turns out, they tell her, it's not just the way she looks, it's her personality as well. She's annoying, neurotic, crazy, difficult to like. Her colleagues take the time out of their day to remind her that she doesn't measure up. There's something different about her they find hard to relate to. They let her know her voice is grating and her presence is unwelcome. She misses Reed in those moments, the only person to ever fully accept her, but she's happy she at least has Jackson, that is until he tells her she be ashamed that she's still a virgin. She never thought he'd feel that way, out of everyone else. She wasn't sure how to go about explaining to them that she didn't  want to lose her virginity in a one night stand, that even if it wasn't after marriage, at the very least to would be to a man who loved her. She wasn't sure how to let them know that it doesn't come easy for some people. They're beautiful, and smart, and interesting. They're not her. They don't understand what it's like to love without being loved back, to lust endlessly, to convince yourself you're happier alone, to convince yourself to let go of any dreams  because you need to start being realistic. So she calls them out, and feels a rush when Meredith tells her she's starting like her more and more.
"Hey, I thought you were off an hour ago?"
Her thoughts get interrupted by the very person she'd been waiting for. She turns around to see Jackson walking towards her, and leaning down to kiss her. She kisses him back, and holds him there for a second, because sometimes she still can't believe this is real. She's still waiting for him to tell her this was an elaborate prank, that it was all a joke.
"Um, I was waiting for you." She says, as he pulls back, and starts to change.
"I... um, wanted to ask you something?"
He nods, pulling on his shirt.
She's not sure how to go about it now that she's here. She practiced it in front of the mirror a million times, and she's been imagining doing this for a good week now. She just needed to find the surge of unusual confidence she had yesterday and blurt it out.
"Will, uh, w-okay, so.... I was wondering if, you-I.... was thinking, well-" She's stuttering and it's not attractive. She can already tell that she's making a fool out of herself, and that this was a terrible idea. She just couldn't appreciate what she had couldn't she? She just couldn't be satisfied with only sleeping with him, could she?
"April?" He asks her, seemingly slightly amused at her reluctance.
She takes a deep breath, reminds herself the pep talk she gave herself. She deserved more, she deserved more, she deserved more. And if he said no, well, she'd settle for what they have, and love him until he left her for someone better. Then she'd try not to let it kill her.
"Will you go on a date with me?"
Get your sexy on, don't be shy, girl
Take it off
This is what you want, to belong
So they like you.
Do you like you?
Her eyes widen the moment it's out there, her pulse beats faster and she's feels a steady fluttering in her stomach. She waits for him to recognize what she's saying, register it and...
Laugh. He was laughing. A lot. She felt tears prick the back of her eyes. Stupid, stupid, stupid. In what mental state did she let herself believe she had any chance being in an actual relationship with him. Someone so perfect in so many ways. God, she'd never felt this stupid in her whole life. Jackson dated women like Lexie. Gorgeous, intelligent, interesting, likable. Not.... her. In what universe would he have to settle for someone like.... her. She quickly chokes back a sob that threatens at her throat, her face contorting painfully to a forced smiled.
"You don't- you don't have to... I mean, I was just asking. It's so dumb, I know." She forces herself to laugh with him, hoping he can't hear the devastation in her voice.
"What? No. No, April," Jackson says, his laughter dying down, and a smile settling on his face, "Its not that I don't want to, it's just.... it's not that."
"Oh." She blinks. Was he....
"I'd really like for you to take me out, yes." He winks, and chuckles once more.
Her heart soars and for a second she's dumbstruck. She was prepared for a rejection, gone through the thousand of ways he would say no, but she wasn't prepared for him to agree to this. Maybe, he was entertaining her, finding this whole thing amusing, but it was a chance. She could recognize an opportunity to impress when she saw one. She could convince him, that she was worth giving a shot. Maybe she wasn't a lot of things, but she could make up for all her shortcomings. She just wanted a chance to prove that to him.
"Okay! Um, great! That's great!" She squeals, and realsies that she should probably tone it down a little bit. He'll probably get scared off by her enthusiasm.
"I'll pick you up at 8... or are you going to be the one doing that?" He grins.
"I.... I'll do it," She's the one who needs to impress him, not the other way around.
He laughs again, and picks up his bag, "Okay."
She nods, and he squeezes her hand and walks away.
She's on cloud 9, and she can't screw this up.
Get your shopping on, at the mall,
Max your credit cards
You don't have to choose, buy it all
So they like you.
Do they like you?
She's happy their date falls on a Sunday when she has a half day at work. It gives her time to rush to the mall and try to put herself together. She doesn't really have any girlfriends. She's not close to Meredith all that much and Cristina isn't the type to hand out advice. She wants a different look, she decides. Her sweater, jeans and flats combo isn't cute, and definitely nothing like what the girls he dates dresses.
She decides on a tight, short red dress with spaghetti straps that hugs her body. She looks awkward, since she doesn't carry it well, and it makes her cry in the changing room for a second, because she's ridiculous for thinking she could pull off looking sexy, until the sales assistance asks if she needs help. She buys a pair of heels that makes her toes ache, but she's not going to wear flats with this dress.
She gets ready, gets herself prepared. Runs the mascara wand through her lashes, applies the red lipstick. She pulls on a curl, so it falls from the neat bun on her head, and now she hopes it looks more effortless. She doesn't think she looks too bad. Yet, the more she appraises herself the more she realizes that's not true. She stares at herself long enough for her to give in and realize this is the best she got.
She picks up the keys and decides to head out, when she hears the doorbell ring. She looks slightly confused and goes to open, a little shocked when she sees Jackson on the other side.
"Jackson?" She asks, eyebrow raised, wondering what he was doing here, since she was supposed to be picking him up.
"Hey, Ap-" He begins, but his eyes rove over her, and she takes a second before blushing furiously. Maybe her efforts paid off.
She blinks, and looks at him, and his face looks.... disappointed? She wasn't sure, but it had to be. Nobody had a positive "oh" reaction. Her face falls, and there's a heaviness in her chest that she pushes down. It's fine, she thinks, beauty isn't one of her strengths. She didn't know what she was expecting. For him to say she was beautiful? Maybe. He's never said it before. Sure, she knew that for whatever reason it was, he was turned on by her, but he'd never really called her beautiful. She didn't think it was the same thing.
"That bad, huh?" She jokes.
"Wha- oh no, April, sorry I'm just... its very different from.... Never mind, you look-"
"I'm just kidding, Jackson." She forces a laugh, because she's even sadder he feels the need to explain himself to her, when really, she gets it. She just thought she'd give it a shot.
"You look really handsome." She tells him, and bites her lip. He looked gorgeous as he always does. She suddenly felt herself shrinking. She was way out of her depth here. This man was so far out of her league, she couldn't even comprehend how she thought he'd want something other than a physical relationship with her.
"Thank you," He smiles, and holds his hand out, a massive bouquet of flowers, "This is for you."
It's all her favorites, and she feels so happy that he remembers. Very few people do.
"Thank you, they're so pretty." She takes them from him, a little surprised that he'd bought them in the first place.
"Ready?" He asks her, and she nods, "So, where to?"
She gulps, and recoups, decides that she's going to give it her all, and to do that, she needed to start believing in herself.
"That's a surprise," She teases him, her eyes twinkling, and he smirks.
"Oh yeah? Is it that way?" He nods towards the bedroom, and she stills for a second.
"Um, su-sure. We could- we could stay and.... of course. Here let me just-" She starts to turn around and go back to the room, her heart clenching knowing it was stupid to assume otherwise. She was sex, that was all.
"April, no, no, I'm kidding. It's a joke. Look, are you okay? You're acting a little..." He says, but stops himself, shaking his head, "Let's go, come on."
He smiles, and holds his arm out to her, and she tentatively places it against his, "Okay."
Wait a second,
Why should you care, what they think of you
When you're all alone, by yourself
Do you like you?
Do you like you?
They sit in a restaurant, and she feels a little unfamiliar with the setting. Sure, they've dined out together before, as friends, but the awareness that they were on a date made it difficult to relax. She saw people's gaze fall on them, and she can almost feel the judgement seeping through. What's he doing with her? What could possibly be wrong with him that he'd have to settle for her?
"April? You hate Thai food." Jackson says, once they're seated and their menus handed out to them.
"I don't think hate is the word I'd use," She says, although her eyes scan the menu with caution.
"It's too spicy for you, you'll get sick." He comments.
"No I won't," Although it happened once, and she knows that's why he's bringing it up, "Plus, you said you were craving it."
He grins, "You have a great memory bank, you know that. You remember everything!"
"I do!" She grins, "I perfected it back in the farm so I always remembered how many eggs each hen had."  
He laughs, and she relaxes, slightly. They were best friends. Conversation was something she could do.  
It goes smoothly, until she hears two girls snickering in the background, and she turns her head and meets their gaze. They quickly look away, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what they're saying.
She gazes back at him, and he's unaffected, telling her a some story about him and Alex, and brushing his leg up hers. She smiles, tries to be in the moment.
They laugh again, and she wants them to stop. To leave her alone. She also feels bad. For Jackson. She wants to turn around and apologize to him, that being with her in public is a nightmare for him. I'm sorry, she thinks, you shouldn't have to be seen with me.
After dinner, she asks for the bill, but gets told it's already taken care of.
"I'm not letting you pay." He tells her, rolling his eyes.
"But it's my date."
He ignores her question, and turns to her, "Where to next?"
"Miniature golf!" She exclaims, and pulls his hand and he follows her out, "It's the number 1 most recommended date activity."
"Did you google this?" He teases her, and slings an arm around her waist.
"Yes, I did, actually." She admits, and shrugs her shoulders. She didn't know what a good date was on instinct.
You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to bend until you break
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing
You don’t have try, try , try 
"Did you have a good time?"
He walked her up to her apartment, and followed her inside out of habit, closing the door behind him.
"Hm, oh yeah. It was great." He smiles, his hands in his jeans.
What now? April wonders. Does she ask him if he'd like to do it again sometime? Is she expected to say something? Is he going to say it?
"Um, April, listen, about tonight...." He begins, scratching his neck, walking towards her.
She sighs, knowing rejection when she hears it. She really did give it her all, tonight, tried to be the best version of herself. She spoke less, was a lot more nonchalant when it came to things and managed to keep her voice at a lower octave. This was the best version of herself, but it wasn't enough, it seemed. She tried so hard, she tried her best, and she stepped far out of every comfort zone she knew, to do it.
"I know," She smiles, hoping her voice doesn't break, "It's fine, really, you don't have to. I... we can still," she gestures to the bedroom, "if you want."
"Oh, I do... it's just, what exactly do you know?"
"You don't want to date me," She shrugs, biting her lip hard, not not cry. It was embarrassing enough she thought she could pull it off, she didn't need to cry about it, "I get it, really I do. I just, I don't know, wanted to convince you I wasn't just good for sex."
"April, what the hell makes you think I think you're just good for sex? I'm your best friend. Do you think I'd ever stoop low enough to see you as just this sex object that I can sleep with whenever I want to. Is that what you think?"
He sounds angry, and she's a little taken aback. She wasn't insulting him, of course not, she was just pointing out the obvious. She wasn't sure why he couldn't understand that.
"No, no. I don't. You're wonderful. You wouldn't... that's not what I meant. I meant-"
He doesn't let her finish because he's slightly fuming, and she's a little worried now.
"And what makes you think I don't want to date you? I-" He stops pacing, and looks up at her, "You asked me out because you thought all I wanted from you was sex?"
He looks so hurt, it breaks her heart.
She nods, "I didn't think you would want to... date me."
"April, why-why the hell would you think that?" He asks her, eyes wide.
"Um, I... I'm not like the other girls."
"Other girls?"
"The ones boys like."
"April....." He whispers, and she feels him walking towards her. He sits down on the couch and takes her hand, pulling him to the seat next to her, "I was confused abouttonight, because, I don't know, you were acting so unlike yourself. You were quiet, and strangely calm, I was just confused. It was like this different person."
"I wanted to be less...." Her voice trails off, as she drops her gaze to her lap.
"Less what?"
"Less me."
He sighs, and puts her stray curl behind her ear, "April, I really like you. You! Not whoever this person is. These clothes, the way you've been acting, it's not you. I just wanted to go to on a date with my smart, kinda, funny, gorgeous best friend."
She darts her head towards him, eyes wide, "G-gorgeous?"
"Ofcourse you are, why would you- I've never said that before have I?" He waits for her to nod, and groans deeply, running a hand over his face, "I'm an idiot."
"What? No you're not, Jackson. You-"
"No, don't defend me, please. I'm an idiot. I'm the asshole who was to afraid to ask you out so I made you feel like complete crap instead. I'm the guy who sleeps with his best friend and never told her how devastatingly beautiful she was, and acted like all she was good for was sex. Don't defend that guy, April." He looks away from her, but she can see how guilty he is.
She never meant for him to beat himself down, that had never been her intention. But something he'd said had struck a chord with April, and it made her perk up.
"Did you just say... you were too afraid to ask me out?" She wanted to laugh. What did he have anything to be insecure about?
"That's why I laughed in the morning. God, you probably thought- Nevermind. I just found it funny because, I didn't think you'd want to date me." He shrugs, and she can't help but laugh loudly, throwing her head back against the couch.
"Why the heck wouldn't I date you?" She was really starting to think he was pranking her.
"You're too good for me," Jackson tells her, "God, I mean April, you're perfect. You're this beautiful, intelligent, incredible person. You're so well adjusted, and normal. You don't have abandonment issues or a family that think all you're good at is being pretty. You don't have walls to intentionally keep people out, and you don't have a problem putting your heart out there, because your strong enough to deal with rejection. You're.... amazing, and you can do- you deserve so much more than I can ever give you."
She doesn't say anything for a while, because she's not sure how to respond to all this. Never, in all the time they spent together, has she ever considered the possibility of Jackson having insecurities. He's perfect in her eyes, and she's not merely speaking of his looks. Sure, he was stubborn, and had a mean streak, but he was still perfect to her. She couldn't believe he'd think so.... low of himself. The hypocrisy didn't go unnoticed by her.
"No, Jackson. No, my god, how could you even think that," She kneels before him, and takes his face into her hands, turning his gaze away from the floor to focus on hers, "I... I'm the one who doesn't deserve you, that's why I did all this."
"You were always perfect to me, April. Way before all this. When you were just my best friend, and I didn't even consider anything more, you were still perfect. You were this slightly annoying, neurotic, but crazy smart, and beautiful mess," He takes her in for a slight second, "Perfect."
She blushes, and it takes her a time to grasp all the things he's saying. He likes the things she hates so much about herself. He doesn't like her despite it, but also because of it.
"I don't care about all the stupid things you think I care about," April replies, hoisting herself up on to his lap. She places her hands on his shoulders, and his hands curls themselves perfectly around her waist, "A parent did something terrible to you, and that's not something you just get over, I don't expect you to. I like you just fine, all stubborn and grumpy."
He cracks a smile at that, "I'm damaged goods, April. You deserve shiny and new."
"Do not ever say you're damaged. You just have a lot of hurt in your heart, and I don't want you to ever feel guilty for that. It does not make you damaged, or broken or whatever slew of adjectives I know is running through your head right now. Okay?"
He nods, although she can tell he's not utterly convinced, "Okay."
She sighs, knowing that all the issues Jackson had weren't going to solved suddenly just became she says so. Some of it he has to deal with himself.
"Come on." He tells her, standing up, and in the process carrying her in his arms, bridal style.
Take your make up off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror, at yourself
Don't you like you?
She squeals a bit when he gently deposits her onto the bed of her room, and wanders off to her bathroom without a word. He's been to her place before, they were...are best friends, and if she was paying enough attention, possibly more than that. He comes out, carrying a container and she squints her eyes to see what it is.
"Are those makeup wipes?" She questions, raising a brow. What was he doing?
"Yep." He says, "You look gorgeous, with or without makeup, although I personally prefer you without it, it doesn't really matter what I prefer. If you like wearing makeup because it's fun, and artsy and you just like spending $35 on an eyeliner, be my guest. But if you're wearing it because you think I mind seeing your freckles, and dark under eyes, and acne scars, then you really have no reason to wear it."
He takes out a wipe, slowly running it across her face. She's a little dumbfounded, because this is really the last thing she'd thought he was ever going to do. He takes his time, and soon, it's all off and he runs a wet towel across her face.
"There.... just as perfect." He smiles, kissing the tip of her nose.
She giggles, and is honestly unsure what to do about this turn of events.
"Okay, next comes the dress. Hands up," He instructs her, and she does as he says, and he pulls it off of her, "This is gorgeous, you look amazing in it, that's what I was going to say earlier before you cut me off. But it's also not you. I have a feeling you wore it to impress me, and it's sweet, really, but you don't have to. I like you in a potato sack."
She laughs, and shakes her head at him, "I'd look horrible in a potato sack, it's totally not my colour."
He chuckles at her horrible attempt at a joke, "What? Muddy brown would look great on you!"
They laugh together while Jackson manages to take off the shoes that had been giving her an insane amount of pain all night. He takes a foot in his hand, and it's red and slightly swollen and she sees him wince.
"Okay, never, wear these again," He throws the pair across the room, almost as if it's their fault she's hurt,"I love your cat ear flats."
"You think they're ridiculous." She points out.
"Ridiculously cute." He retorts.
She makes a promise to go back and get her money, she's more than happy to trade those in for some nice, low heels.
"I mean, I'm not complaining about these," He winks, running a finger on top of the red lace lingerie she bought just for tonight.
She blushes furiously, and feels a highly self conscious when she realizes that he's never seen her under this harsh light. She brings her hands up to her body, folds into herself.
He notices, "Oh no you don't, come on," he pushes her arms out of the way and smiles to himself, "You are incredibly sexy, you know that. It's kinda why I haven't been able to get my thoughts straight for one second."
"Jackson, what are you doing?" She asks him, now slightly exasperated with his behavios. She didn't need him feeling guilty about not having said these things before. Or worse, saying them out of pity.
"Right now? Choosing between your bunny PJs and the unicorn ones," He's holding up two different pairs, glancing between them, "Bunny! It's better than the rainbow vomit explosion you've got going here."
He tosses her unicorn pajamas on the bed, and walks up to her. She holds her arms out, and he begins to dress her, concentrating on his task.
"Jackson? You didn't answer my question." She points out, as he pulls the pants over her hips.
"Adorable. Now you're just missing bunny ears." He grins.
"Jackson!" She huffs frustratedly, crossing her arms in front of her.
"I'm trying to show you that this is the girl I slept with in San Francisco, and wanted to continue sleeping with after that. Not whoever it is you feel you have to be to impress me or some shit," He pulls her on her feet, and takes her hair out of her bun, running his hands through the freed curls, "I think you're gorgeous at 10 in the night, after a long shift, in bunny pajamas and no makeup. Do you know why?"
She shakes her head.
"It's because this is you, April. I like you. This you. The real you. You don't have to try so damn hard to make me like you, because I like you just fine in your most natural habitat. You're my best friend. I've always liked you, just like this. You don't have to try. Not for me, not for anyone. You just have to be."
She feels tears threaten to fall, but she holds them back up, because she doesn't want him to misinterpret it. Out of all the things he'd told her tonight, that had been the most special. No one has ever in her life told her that she didn't have to try her hardest, bend over backwards, to be liked. That it was enough that she just was herself. He wasn't excusing her, he wasn't denying that she was crazy sometimes and a little neurotic, he was saying it didn't matter because it made her... her, and there was nothing wrong with that. She beamed.
"You're the best best friend anyone could ask for." She tells him, and he laughs.
"We sound like we're 13. I feel like I should go and make you a friendship bracelet." He jokes.
"Well, I actually do have beads and yarn." She tells him, her eyes gleaming.
"Uh, why not?" He shrugs and sits down on the bed, after taking his tie off, and pulling down a couple of buttons.
She brings everything and sets it up on her bed. They begin their tasks, Jackson surprising her with his excellent technique. She figures it has something to do with being a plastic surgeon.
"Hey, Jackson?" She says, and he looks up  at her, "This is the best date I've ever had."
He smiles, and leans forward, "Me too. Wanna do it again sometime?"
Her breath falls short, and it takes her a moment to realize that everything she worried about was for nothing. She needed to work on her insecurities. She knew that. But he gave her a reason to. She didn't suddenly feel perfect, just because he said she was. But, she wanted to. One day. She wanted to because she didn't want to feel like she had to be anything but herself anymore to impress someone. She wanted to because she didn't want to feel like she had to impress someone in the first place.
"I'd love that." She says, and kisses him softly on the lips.
"Now quit distracting me," He waved her off, and falls back down on the bed, "My one is going to be way prettier."
She chuckles, and grins to herself. She needed to be kind to herself, and love herself more. For her, and for him.
Cause I like you
Thank you for reading!
Side Note:I hope none of you wonderful human beings ever have to feel like this. <3
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MONSTA X Bodyguard Minhyuk ‘Truly, Madly, Deeply’
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anon asked: Love your writing and I’m a big fan! I would love to request an expansion on Monsta x Minhyuk as your bodyguard. Pretty please with a cherry on top. I’m honestly addicted to your writing.
A/N: Hee hee! You’re so sweet, thank you! I really hope you like this. <3 WARNING: Mild Violence
This is an expansion of a reaction I wrote here.
Minhyuk was leaning against you again, practically molding himself into your side. Honestly the man had no concept of personal space.
“C’mon,” he whined taking your arm and wrapping it around his shoulders. “There’s no one here.”
“I know, but I have work to do.” Your voice held mild reproach but let him stay nonetheless.
“How often do we get to be alone when it’s not in your quarters?” Turning his head he began placing small kisses up your neck.
“Minhyuk! Someone could come in any second.”
Reaching your lips he gave you lingering kiss. Not too deep, but savoring the moment, then he pulled away. “Sorry I can’t help it. It’s hard to be with you all day and not touch you.”
You understood. As your guard Minhyuk was constantly at your side but the two of you had to maintain a professional working relationship. It wasn’t like there weren’t rumors about what was going on, the staff was so small it was impossible to stop them from spreading. But suspecting and seeing were two different things. So during the day one of you might tease with a glance or a touch but for the most part behaved. Which was why when night came it felt like the two of you were starving for each other.
It felt rather cliché to be involved with your bodyguard. And you were sure those who speculated on the situation thought it was merely lust, or a matter of convenience. But it wasn’t, not by half. When you met him for the first time you were stunned at how friendly and bright he was, not just with you but everyone. He was the polar opposite of every other guard you’d ever met. As you got to know him better his caring heart only pulled you under all the more.
Soon after you requested him to be your personal guard. It was a bold move given his lack of seniority. Love had made you a little reckless with your reputation but you didn’t care. There wasn’t much in your life that gave you happiness, or that you could even call yours. So you were going to take this love for your own and let those who’d judge hang to rot.
Though people in the house guessed, you downplayed the relationship even more outside those walls. Minhyuk seemed like a different person when working anyway. Alert, focused, serious about his job to the point he could come off stern. His quicksilver temperament often left your head spinning but kept you endlessly fascinated.
But apparently you hadn’t been circumspect enough. Or maybe you had someone within your household who’d sold you out. At any rate, your enemies knew where to hit you hardest.
You and Minhyuk were on a late night stroll through the garden on the grounds. It was one of your favorite ways to relax after a stressful day. The two of you were talking quietly when a man rushed out from behind some thick rose bushes and grabbed your guard. The knife he placed against Minhyuk’s throat froze everything, even the air in your lungs.  
“Give me the papers or he’s dead.”
As much as you loved Minhyuk you had a responsibility to uphold. You tried bluffing. “So? He’s only a guard. They’re practically interchangeable.” Your eyes flicked to Minhyuk and you could tell he agreed with your strategy.
The guy snorted in disbelief, “He’s not just a guard. I know you’re fucking him.”
Starting to get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach you said in as disinterested voice you could manage. “You think he’s the only one? Like I said, they’re interchangeable.”
“Right. So you wouldn’t mind if I slit his throat?” He braced himself as if to do so and there was no mistaking the earnestness of his intent. The man had the cold, black eyes of a shark. There was no emotion behind them to appeal to, only single minded intent.
Minhyuk knew you well enough to see the exact moment you gave in because he said, “Don’t.”  
What else could you do? He’d exploited your only vulnerability. Minhyuk was your greatest strength but also your greatest weakness. To watch the man you love be killed in front of your eyes would break you beyond repair. The rest of the world could be damned along with you. “The papers were destroyed.”
The man began to grumble thinking you were feeding him another line. Before he could take his frustration out on Minhyuk you hastily added, “But I memorized the information. Take me instead.”
“No!” Minhyuk thrashed and the knife pricked the underside of his jaw, a small rivulet of blood began trickling down.
You had to raise your voice to be heard over his protests. “Take me but I’ll only give you what you want if you let him live.”
The man hesitated but agreed. Why wouldn’t he? If you were lying about the information he could still use you as a hostage. It was a win for him either way.
Knowing Minhyuk wouldn’t just let you walk away you offered, “There’s a gardening shed just over there. We can lock him up and I’ll come with you easily. But if you harm him at all you’ll never get anything from me.”
Your words were nearly drowned out by Minhyuk’s inarticulate cursing. He screamed your name and threw his weight around to break the man’s hold, but his captor had a significant height and weight advantage. The man didn’t budge.
Though Minhyuk was breathing hard and tears were running down his face, he stopped fighting when you stood in front of him. You reached up and cradled his face with both hands as if the two of you were alone. “Don’t hate me.”
“Please, please don’t do this,” he begged.
By now your facade had crumbled and you were crying as well. “I’m sorry for being selfish, but I can’t watch you die. I love you too much.” Pressing your lips against his, you never imagined a kiss could break your heart so.
Minhyuk allowed his lips to remain against yours for a few soul searing moments before unexpectedly going limp, using his now dead weight against his captor. He fell through the man’s arms then struck out at his knee to take him down. The commotion shifted you off balance and you landed hard on your butt. The impact radiated painfully up your spine. The two men had gotten to their feet and were locked in fierce combat. There was no finesse, only savage desperation. Sheer emotion was powering Minhyuk through the fight and it wasn’t long before his opponent dropped to the ground.
The sudden silence was only broken by Minhyuk’s harsh breathing. Still sitting you watched as he paced, running a hand through his hair. He was livid. “What the hell were you thinking?! I’m your guard, it’s my job to die if necessary to protect you. Not the other way around!”
It was the truth, you couldn’t deny it of course. But you loved him, so in your mind that changed the rules. You’d give up everything for him, even if the two of you had to spend the rest of your lives hiding. Anything would be better than seeing him lying there dead. You didn’t regret the choice you made.
Minhyuk stopped and stared at you hard. “If you can’t let me do my job then I can’t be your guard. You’re not supposed to put me first.”
A numbness spread through you. It seemed you were going to lose him anyway. No matter, you’d accomplished what was most important. He was alive. Getting to your feet, you felt like your soul had left your body. “I understand. I really do.”
There were so many emotions crossing his face: frustration, heartache, disappointment. Like a man who’d had his world shaken to its core. “Fine.”
Your eyes welled and it was hard to speak around the lump in your throat. He was serious. “Take care of yourself Minhyuk.”
You turned to leave, not wanting him to see your tears. He’d made the decision he felt he had to make just as you had, now you had to live with the consequences. The ground blurred making it difficult to navigate the terrain back to the house.
So you wouldn’t crouch into a ball and sob your eyes out you tried to focus on what needed to be done once you got inside. Authorities had to be notified and questions answered. Though it felt like everything was over it’d only just begun.
Your determination to lose yourself in thought was probably why you hadn’t heard the footsteps behind you. Someone grabbed your arm and you yelped in surprise as you were spun around.
“Goddammit,” Minhyuk’s lips came crashing down on yours before you could get anything out. The kiss was frantic and he gave a punishing nip before he withdrew, saying harshly, “My life is not worth more than yours. Do you understand?” He kissed you again, this time with more control, though pain bled through his voice when he spoke again. “I thought my heart would stop when you agreed to go with him. Now you’re walking away so pitifully and I can’t stand it. I can’t.”
“So what are we going to do?”
He pressed his forehead against yours, twining strands of your hair around his finger. “I should leave. Walk away right now because my heart’s compromised and so is yours. But I’ve always fought for what I wanted. I won’t let my feelings get in the way of keeping you safe and I swear no one will ever be in the position for you to pull that kind of stupid stunt again.”
Biting your tongue, you decided to let that slide. He was in no mood to argue the merits of your decision. True his life wasn’t worth more than yours, but it wasn’t worth less either. If ever you could do anything to protect him, you would. He wasn’t the only fighter between the two of you, but you’d keep that a secret for now.​
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hotchley · 3 years
Hi! Sorry for putting so many asks in your inbox and sorry for oversharing </3 still kinda trying to figure out how this thing exactly works n shit. Also thought abt the fact that this is kind of like pen pals, but it’s unfair to you because I know who you are and what you post but for you I’m just ✨anonymous✨ if u ever wanna know my url just tell me, the biggest reason as to why I always do anonymous asks is bc my main blog isn’t cm related and I don’t want people wondering why a marvel ship blog is asking them shit and to me it’s uncomfy to always say that it’s my main blog and not my cm blog and then say my cm blog because that whole thing seems like self promo?? Idk. What was i trying to say? I forgot. Anyway, what I actually wanted to say is that I saw your daily „things that make me happy“ posts on your writing blog and I thought „hey i wanna do that too“. So I’ve done it for the last six days and wanted to share that with you:) obviously my writing isn’t as good as yours and there may be grammar mistakes and English isn’t my mother tongue but I still hope you enjoy my little mind blurbs. I would make a „read more thingy“ so your followers don’t have to read all my shit and it’s not that long but you can’t do that on asks </3 so ye anyw
[1/365] music. be it classical or pop, kpop or jazz, choral, I love it all. Different voices coming together, the harmonies, the beat. They all can vary so much. Different instruments coming together to play one piece, to make something whole. The delicacy of violins being played on the a or e string, the emotions that can be converted through sound waves. The low rumble of the basses and double basses. How violin strings vibrate when you play them just right with your bow and you feel the vibration in your left hand and then kind of in your whole body. I don’t know where I would be without music.
[2/365] a freshly made bed. So soft and so clean. It feels and smells like home, like being safe and loved. It’s fluffy, warm and cozy. Makes me feel better.
[3/365] strangers being nice to me. Doesn’t matter if it’s a cashier being nice to me at my usual grocery store or that new teacher saying „thank you“ with a wide smile after I hold the door open for them. Yesterday on my daily run I smiled at an old lady and she smiled back. Made my entire day. She looked so grim before I smiled at her, so surprised when I did. I’m happy I did. Sometimes I think we lose faith that there are decent and nice humans in the world and being nice and having a smile for someone feels impossible. It’s great, being reminded that some people care. Strangers being nice to me reminds me that everyone else around me is also just human. And that I want to treat everyone with kindness, because I want to be treated with kindness too. Life can be so miserable and small gestures can do so much.
[4/365] when teachers are nice. Okay maybe I seek the approval of adults because I have issues. Moving on. Teachers are supposed to teach children about life and about certain subjects. They teach us things everyone is expected to know. They play an enormous role in the first 18 to 19 years of our life. And it makes me so happy when teachers are interested in things I say, stuff I make in class. When they encourage me instead of making me feel bad for making mistakes. When they „it’s okay, take your time“ when they tell stories and I’m the only one in the whole class interested in them. When they wish us good luck for an exam that’s not in their class. When they give feedback, when they listen and remember.
[5/365] the first few days of summer.Theres always those first few warm days of the year, that indicate that summer has finally made it and it’s on it’s way now. The first few rays of sunshine that hit my skin and warm it. Birds endlessly singing their songs, not seeming to ever get tired. The first few flowers blooming, trees getting new green leaves, the wind dancing through them. The warm air swirling across my legs. The tiles warming my barefoot feet. The smell of wet, freshly washed laundry my mom put up on hangers outside to dry. My neighbor mowing grass and the wonderful smell of the freshly mown grass. Life feels good.
[6/365] when my favorite artists release new songs.The anticipation, the thrill of waiting for the YouTube premier to begin. Wondering if you’re going to like it. Watching the teasers again and again thinking about how the music video is going to be. What their voices are going to sound like. And then listening to the new album on repeat because of course I adore it.
~ 🐝
(Haha i just noticed I can make the bumblebee big hehe)
Okay once again putting everything below the cut for easy scrolling, it's nothing personal I swear I'm just doing this with the longer asks <3
I have no problem with getting lots of asks!! It may take me a few days (or months but anyways) to answer them, but I appreciate every single one and I like creating this safe space for people to talk.
And you're not oversharing!! Obviously if you were like: here's my full name, age and town that I live in I would be worried, but telling me about your day isn't oversharing <3 you can tell me whatever you're comfortable with, whatever that is (so long as it remains SFW duh)
Oh my god PEN PALS IS SO CUTEE!! I might change my ask tag to letters from pen pals... what do we think guys?? Is that a cute tag?? I know it's so unnecessary to even have them tagged as "people talk to me" but that's so cutee
Haha it's okay to remain on anon <3 sometimes when I'm complimenting people or asking questions I like to go on anon just because I feel weird sending compliments not on anon?? And when I was having my "am i ace? maybe i'm ace..." thing, I was like: mmm yeah I'm going to send these on anon so it's fine!!
I'm so glad you enjoy the things that make me smile :)) it seemed like such a stupid idea part of the way through and I kinda went through this weird phase of needing to make it all sound poetic, but I'm kinda over that now so...
Also comparisons? No!! Everyone is on their own journey, and there's no point comparing your writing to mine because there are writers that are so much better than me and that's okay!! Also, the fact that you're sending your asks in English is more than enough for me <3 like I don't care how "good" your written English is, because I can't even write French with the correct grammar, so mistakes are okay!! Nothing to feel bad about!!
1. That's so... that's so poetic oh my god I love it like how have you put it into words that's so sweet
3. Please kind strangers... I try to be one, but sometimes I forget that you can't really see if someone is smiling under a mask, and then I'm like: am I being kind or polite, but honestly, every small good thing makes such a difference to people's lives it's so sweet
4. my dad is a maths teacher, so hearing someone else appreciate them is very sweet. My history teacher is so nice to us and he really does care, like when someone starts stumbling over their sentences or can't explain their point, he just goes: no it's okay, you can do it, either start again or carry on, it's fine and it's just so AAH
5. once again, so poetic!!!!!!!!
6. AWW
This was so sweet!! Thank you for sharing!!
(ahh I love the big bumblebee!!)
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