#thank you to the people still waiting for their commissions! <3
verawhisk · 5 months
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the szarr ranch’s favourite
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beneathashadytree · 22 days
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Warnings : slightly suggestive, making out, alcohol consumption, allusions to “sinning”/religious imagery, reader is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns!
Genre : domestic fluff with lots of tension!
Word count : 4.5K words (oops…)
Additional notes : This has been a seriously long time coming🙏🏽 It was a commission made by a friend here on Tumblr, based off Type O-Negative’s song “Love You to Death”, and may or may not have gotten carried away with it (hence the delay and the absurd word count😭). Hope you like it!! And let me know what you think of this guys🫶🏽
Commissions are open!
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The frantic call came from behind her, and with a practiced turn, she faced the red-faced man who’d been running up to her. Keeping her facial expression as placid as possible wasn’t as easy as she was trying to convince herself it was—and especially not after having spent 3 hours in a bedazzled ballroom, head splintering already from the wine and the rapid-fire conversations she’d had to entertain—but she somehow managed it. Coolly, she arched an eyebrow. “Yes?”
And though she eyed him with no disdain, her indifference was intimidating enough to force the man to swallow thickly and shift in his place. A flush had settled on his face, fueling her amusement as he took a hesitant step forward. “I… you said you were waiting for something. If… if you don’t mind, would you, well, care for a dance?”
Poor thing. He probably had no idea. She felt a little sympathetic, but her resolve was still hardened. After all, she was well aware that the only possible reason he’d deemed her fitting to approach in the first place was the fact that she was inarguably the most powerful person in the room. This was only mere exploitation, not actual admiration. His hesitation could be chalked up to intimidation. “Thank you, but I’ve got an escort.”
“But, please, you were talking about the firearms deal—!”
A rich chuckle resounded in her ear, followed by the soft smack of lips against her cheek in a kiss. Fond as that gesture was, the upwards flicker of crimson eyes was no less sharp as his gaze became directed at the overly-ambitious upstart. “I see you’re feeling rather bold tonight, Richter. Directly going for such business talks when asking for someone’s hand… a rookie mistake.” Punctuated by the hand settled on her waist, stroking over the silk, it was made more than apparent who her ‘escort’ was.
The young man’s face paled, and she couldn’t deny the twinge of enjoyment she felt as she played along with Sylus. “Indeed. Anyone else would be put off by such open exploitation.”
“But you’re not anyone, are you? I’d even say you like it when I bring up these things,” he quipped back, bringing her in closer by the waist and tucking her against him, before turning to the wide-eyed, speechless man whose trembling seemed to amuse him even more. “We’ll be off now. Be more careful next time.”
And though he said nothing more, it was clear that Sylus’ warning wasn’t just about being tactless. It was a reminder that the most poised, fanged woman in the room stood by his side, and no one else. The only secrets she’d divulge would be to him, in the confines of their own bedroom, and Richter would do well to remember it. Next time—if there ever were to be one—he’d make sure to remember it, or else he wouldn’t be as lenient.
Arm in arm, they left the stuffy ballroom together, and as soon as they were out in the open air, she heaved a sigh in relief. “Gods, I was about to suffocate. Everyone was going on and on about that deal.” Rolling her eyes, she stopped on the sidewalk to slip out of her heels, stretching her toes as they settled against the gravel. “Approached by ten different people, no less, all trying to butt in and include themselves to ensure some profit or the other.”
Within a second, Sylus had already kneeled down to take her heels, carefully twisting her ankle this way and that to try and soothe the ache of the long evening. She sighed again, and his gaze was hard as he looked up at hers. “You shouldn’t have let them bother you. You’ve got enough influence to prohibit them from ever mentioning it in front of you. And I wouldn’t mind exacting punishments in your stead.”
“A privilege I won’t be using any time soon, thank you very much.” With her heels in one hand, he began to steer her by her back with another. Frowning, she looked away from where she’d initially set her sights. “You didn’t let Luke and Kieran bring the bike around tonight for us to go on a joyride after?”
Sylus gave her a pointed look, slightly exasperated but still dyed in fondness. “Given the dress you’re wearing, I’d have to be particularly stupid to force you to hike it up to your hips to ride on. It would’ve been an entirely different thing if you’d worn one of your velvet suits, though.” Maybe he hadn’t noticed it, but his hand on her back was leaving fluttering touches and strokes over the small of her back, right where the fabric started. And maybe that was his little give-away that he enjoyed seeing every inch of exposed skin with that dangerously low-cut back.
It wasn’t long before they were sliding back into their respective seats in his sleek car. The fresh smell of new leather, cooled wine in the compartment, and something a little heady—a little him—made her grow dizzier with each second. Barely a few minutes had passed with her legs crossed when his own rough palm slipped through the slit of the dress and between her knees, gently prying them apart and gliding over the soft skin, before settling on her thigh right underneath the lace edge.
And though he’d done nothing else at all, save flicker his eyes back to her in the rear view mirror and quirk the corner of his lips upwards, squeezing her thigh before turning his attention back to the road, she felt like he’d bared a fraction of his mountain of carefully-hidden desires. And that was one mountain she knew only she had the ability to watch tremble and shake. Perhaps that was another privilege she had, standing by his side.
Sylus’ hands on her feet felt like a small piece of heaven made perfectly with her tired self in mind. After he’d carried her out of the car like she’d weighed nothing with her heels dangling from two of his fingers, he’d let her unlock the door with her fingerprint and quickly settled her into the couch without so much as a grunt. And soon his deft fingers were kneading at her soles, earning a hiss or two here and there that let him know he was definitely doing the right thing.
“I take it you failed to break into these new shoes,” he chuckled, shaking his head as he felt out another small knot that had been killing her the entire evening.
Groaning, she clutched at his wrist, the sudden pain sharp and unyielding. “Wasn’t exactly my priority, with so much going on. I was more preoccupied by the fact that Denise fucked up in the middle of the information chain. Had me cleaning up after her.” Despite her twitching, he went on massaging their tendons and muscles, until the frown on her face slowly morphed into a relaxed expression.
“Why do I have to keep telling you not to concern yourself with what’s beneath you?” Again, he sighed, as though it truly pained him to hear her putting herself through this, and then went on to reverently stroke at her calves, gently lifting her legs up for a second so he can take a seat in her place. “You shouldn’t have to do the dirty work. We’ve got lackeys for that.”
“You say that, but you’re really just pushing more work onto Luke and Kieran,” she scoffed, flicking his fingers away, instead pushing forward and draping herself across his lap, the slit on the side of the dress revealing more of her thigh as she did. A not-so-small part of her absolutely reveled in the way his eyes tracked her every movement, following the fabric as it slipped away and darkening with every inch of soft skin it exposed to his gaze. “And besides, I kind of like letting everyone know that I’m aware of everything going on, now and then.”
“An ego trip then?” Sylus teased, before bumping his nose with hers, hungrily taking in the catch in her breath. “Mm. Well, it’s a highly deserved one, sweetie.”
With her heart hammering in her chest, it was a wonder she could even come up with any sort of reply, let alone one with her whole heart and snark in it. “Flatterer,” she breathed out, eyes betraying her to glance at his lips, perfectly curled and awaiting her every beck and call. If she wanted to regain her senses any time soon and not completely surrender to the gaping maw of his desires, she had to pull back for a second.
And that she did, though her entire being protested to it. No disappointment marred his features; in fact, if she could call it that, she could detect a glimpse of deeper yearning burning behind his ruby eyes. “You know I don’t. Flatter, I mean. You’re just that good.” His words were double-edged. Her power in the position she held was undeniable, but neither was the fact that he never needed to win her favor to have her feelings in his palm.
It’s just that Sylus always did like the chase, more so than the ever-so-pleasant rewards he reaped afterwards. Part of him always urged her to let him earn her affection, and the wickedness within her wanted to see him grovel for it, just a little. And with how utterly infatuated he was—if those all-consuming eyes of his were anything to go by, in their blazing glory and darkened depths—he’d have no qualms with that. If he truly didn’t like going down on his knees for her, then why did he look so sinfully good doing it?
And why was that image of him imprinted in her mind, playing in an endless loop, tempting her to indulge more and more in his attentions?
Still at what she felt was a safe distance so as not to get devoured by him, she gently patted his cheek, her thumb stroking in rhythm with his own fingers wandering to caress her waist ever-so-tenderly. “Then, why not reward me for my proficient skills?” she coyly asked, nodding her head slightly to the rack so conveniently placed beside them.
“Isn’t it too late for that, sweetie?” he asked, though his arm was already reaching over to the assortment of wines he’d so carefully picked out and left to cool in their chilled compartments. Though Sylus had never said it outright, it was no secret to anyone around that he was a wine connoisseur of his own right. The fact that his darling only wished to indulge in the sweet, sweet aftertaste of ludicrously expensive alcohol with him only made him more eager to have it ready at hand—particularly for moments like these, when the sultry look in her eyes paired with her fluttering touch drove him half to insanity.
It wasn’t so absurd to say that he would do anything to keep her so pliantly perched on his lap, every bit as demanding of his attention as he was willing to give her all of him. And the saccharine smile that grew on her face as he reluctantly pulled away from her waist to uncork the bottle was proof that she knew just how desperate he was for her hands all over him and her eyes solely focused on him.
Expertly, he began to pull out the decanter, only to be stopped by her fingers snaking around his wrist, tugging it back. “Not feeling very patient. I’d rather not wait for it to be aerated.”
He chuckled—a deep, pleasant sound straight from the depths of his chest—clearly pleased by her brazenness. “Straight from the bottle and to the glasses it is. I like it when you demand what you want.” Maybe a few years ago, she would’ve flushed deeply at the manner in which she put herself on the line. But with him, she knew that there was no line, and there was no ‘out there.’ For he was a part of her, nestled between her breasts and buried deep inside her, dormant and yet so awake.
Hadn’t they both willed it to come this far? Hadn’t they both wished to be so entwined that all possible lines blurred and faded? And wasn’t this complete and utter surrender to one another only natural after such implicit involvement with each other? She didn’t mind it one bit, if it meant that he was as much as hers as she was his in every meaning of the word. Perhaps that’s why the prospect of being so bare in front of him wasn’t at all daunting. In fact, part of it even felt somewhat exhilarating.
“You make it a habit to bring out my most selfish traits,” she breathed out a semblance of a laugh, watching as he pulled out the two most luxurious crystal glasses he owned, reserved only for their late night wine-entrenched conversations. “I suppose you’ll have to do as I say then, to make up for ruining me like that.” Her voice dipped into a low purr, and she grinned at the flush that colored the tips of his ears, despite how focused he seemed on the task at hand. Like clockwork; like it was some sort of muscle memory he’d acquired over the years he’d spent enamored by her and the words spelled out by her tongue and coated in an almost-innocent tipsiness.
“I’m already bartending for you now. But you can have three more wishes before the night’s done,” Sylus lazily said, stoppering the bottle once again as the sweet scent of his favorite Merlot enveloped her senses; a scent dipped in promises and secret whispers of devotion.
Part of her wondered when she’d started finding drinking so enjoyable, particularly when with him. She couldn’t really think of a specific point in time when his lavish lifestyle had started imprinting itself on her, but somewhere down the line she’d begun to wait for quiet nights of winding down like this. Wrapped up in his embrace, her body heating up with every single one of his achingly tender caresses, both with his practiced fingers and his gaze full of intent… more often than not she ended up sprawled all over him, clothes in various states of disarray as he ravished her—heart, body, and soul.
Leaning further into him and hooking her leg around his waist, the fabric of her dress completely exposed her leg hip-down. She pretended not to notice how he faltered in his actions, momentarily distracted by her as he always was. After all this time, it still left a pleasantly bubbling feeling in her chest to see him react that way to her; like he was being bewitched by her silhouette for the very first time. Laughing, she asked, “And will that power over you vanish at midnight too?”
“It depends on whether or not you play your cards right,” Sylus simply said, after having topped off their wine almost right to the brim, splurging over her just like he always did.
He knew all too well that she could manage him just as expertly as she handled every extravagant ballroom, every meeting hidden in the shadows, and every viciously-worded deal. There were no wrong cards in her deck.
Remorse was something she should’ve been feeling at least a twinge of; engaging in Sylus’ hedonistic lifestyle wasn’t something she’d have been proud to admit a while back. But then again, everything was a whirlwind of passion and earnest intensity when it came to him. Getting caught up in the eye of the storm was no surprise. And when the storm had eyes that twinkled over twin glasses of red wine that matched it, and a smile so wicked and yet so unbeguiling as she was handed one to sip from, then there was nothing to stop her from hurtling towards the edge and accepting the devil’s hand.
Maybe she’d have to beg for heavenly forgiveness for indulging in all her vices, unabashedly. But Sylus had far too much to atone for, and if she knew anything about him, it was that he’d much rather get on his knees to please her than to plead for mercy from divine powers. And though he wasn’t below her at the moment, looking up with lascivious want, he made sure that his palm drawing shapes at the small of her back let her know just exactly how much he craved the closeness of her body.
She carefully sipped on the wine, savoring its tang and sharpness paired with its sweet warmth in the way she’d grown to enjoy, all without breaking eye contact with him. It was a calculated move; almost devious of her to do that when she knew that no matter how much he feigned being collected in front of her, it was no more than a front—one that quickly collapsed after she pulled the glass away and daring to lick drops of Merlot off her lip for a few more seconds.
She could practically feel him groan before she could hear it, and she wickedly flashed him her canines, intently pressing the inside of her thighs against his hip, soft flesh flush against his suit pants, the fabric between them not stopping him from feeling every inch of her. Still, her movements were languid and relaxed. It couldn’t have been the wine; she’d barely had a few sips, not even half the glass, and her drinking habits in public weren’t known for being excessive. But perhaps she was drunk on him and on this moment, and she could feel her body easing into that relaxed state that only he’d ever witness her in.
To the entirety of the N109 Zone, she was unmatched in power, with or without Sylus by her side. To be able to command a room with so much refined and perfected grace, she’d have to have already long demanded respect with her presence alone. But in his arms, playfully peering into his eyes and watching how they roved over every inch of her, and how his Adam's apple bobbed with his thick swallow, she was just a lover who’d stripped away all her inhibitions—and his. A lover he was clearly too entranced by to properly function, if the slight tremor that shook his hand and spilt a few drops of wine onto his throat was anything to go by.
And gods, just seeing the rouge staining his skin and slowly trickling down to his clavicles was enough temptation to drive her insane. Impulsively, she placed a hand on the broad planes of his chest, leaning in so close that she couldn’t escape the scent of his cologne and slight musk. Her tongue darted out, licking a stripe up his neck, and earning a sharp hiss of their name. “Spilled some wine,” she mumbled into his skin, as though that were enough of an explanation, lips sucking a deep red mark onto him. Tensing underneath her, his own hand instinctively dug deeper into her back, pressing them even closer together.
“Minx,” his deep voice rumbled, all out of sorts as though she’d sent him in a daze. Some pride swelled within her as she pulled back a bit to admire her own work of art, the soft skin marred by her stark claim on him. His silver hair had gotten mussed along the way, strands falling in front of his hooded, lust-addled eyes. Even if he hadn’t said it out loud, it was clear that she’d turned him to putty with just one kiss to his neck. With a smirk, she slowly took his half-empty glass of wine and set it on the coffee table beside the couch.
How many times had Sylus regarded her with this much unadulterated want, like if she disappeared for a moment he’d grow mad? She couldn’t count on one hand; couldn’t even begin to recall the first time he’d tied himself down to her. But there was something so dizzyingly satisfying about having such an intimidating man submit to her in every way. Something about the way his hand traced up a path to her shoulder blades, barely covered by the almost-backless fabric of the dress, and his eyes consumed her whole, wine-stained lips curled in a lovesick smile… something about him almost made her delirious.
“You’re the messy drinker,” she shrugged, feigning innocence as she hooked an arm around his neck and toyed with the silken hair at his nape, delighting in the way his eyes momentarily fluttered shut at the contact. “Can’t blame me for taking the chance.”
He inhaled sharply, then let out a breathy laugh as his now-free hand settled on her waist, perching her right on top of him and completely disregarding just how dangerously close he was to completely baring her with that open slit of the dress. “Though I disagree on that slight to my character, at least now you can’t blame me either when I take my chances.”
And then Sylus was kissing her, all softened lips and cherry-flavored lip balm showered in the headiness of well-warmed wine. His hands soothed her aching muscles and yet kindled fire to life underneath her dewy skin, while his tongue caressed hers like a lover’s touch after a long absence. He kissed her like he’d missed her; like he’d been wanting this for too long that he’d nearly forgotten how to breathe properly without her lips on his, and without her wet moans.
He swallowed her every sound like he possessed it—and her, with the greediness of a sun threatening to burn her world whole. But all he ever really was was the all-encompassing night, his shadows curled around hers and his reverent touch bathed in moonlight streaming through half-drawn curtains. Adoration seeped even through his sighs and soft-spoken mutters between stolen breaths, and she wondered if sin should taste as pure as it did from his mouth.
Her hand reached up and her fingers dug into his hair, seeking purchase to ground herself and try to regain an ounce of sanity. An impossible feat that was, especially when his hand had dipped to lightly finger her spine and elicit shivers from the depths of her, while his lips ravished her. Daringly, she nipped at his bottom lip, slightly raising herself off his lap for a moment as she relished in the shaky curse that left him. And with a swift tug, he pulled her back down flush against him, the carnal passion in his eyes completely drowning out his irises.
Not for long though, as the sudden jerk had caused a sloshing sound, and they were both made aware of the fact that it had slipped her mind to set aside her now-empty glass of wine. Whatever was left of it now stained Sylus’ shirt with rose splatters, the wet fabric sticking even more taut against his skin. The glass had already come precariously close to slipping from between her fingertips, with the way he’d distracted her from reality and all common sense with his wicked mouth—but now, he was positively drenched, and somehow, miraculously, without even an annoyed pinch between his eyebrows as he set her glass down.
Perhaps it was because he knew he was to blame for her spiraling in a haze.
Failing to hold back a chortle, she tried (to no avail, of course) to pat at his shirt with a tissue from the coffee table. “If it’s any consolation, pink suits you too,” she managed to make out between peals of laughter. “Though we could’ve bought a rose shirt instead. Less of a hassle, y’know. Infinitely easier to clean.”
Shaking his head as he snickered, Sylus extracted her hands off him, tissue and all, and she climbed off his lap so that he could move freely. “And make your life less interesting? Now, where’s the fun in that, sweetie?” He was quick to shuck off his clothes, throwing them off on the arm rest and running a hand through his hair.
Flushed and disheveled, with kiss-swollen lips and a dampened chest and neck, he looked like the epitome of godless and lawless beauty. No heaven would take him when he lived like he did, but he was a small piece of debauched heaven she stowed away for herself. And having him shirtless like this while she stood above him with shaky legs and warmth trickling through her blood like thick molasses was going to be the death of her.
“You’re getting drunk.” He didn’t ask it, merely stated it as an observation. It didn’t take her long to ponder it, and then she nodded, earning a huff of a laugh from him. He stood up, readjusting the waistband of his pants and gently picking her up in a clumsier carry than earlier. Her dress creased in his grip, but it seemed that neither of them had it in them to care at the moment, nor did it matter that her entire leg had slipped out of the slip. “Lightweight.” And that teasing jab was all he needed to say for her to know that their little fun had been put on hold—just for the night, of course, as he carried her off to bed.
“Like you’re usually any better. Spoilsport,” she bit back, though it held no malice and little force. If anything, fondness seeped into her voice, enamored by the realization that he’d pulled back for her. And how could she have it in her to complain, when he’d taken such good care of her the entire evening? Such tender-hearted care didn’t go unnoticed; not when her eyes only ever saw him, and her ears nestled against his chest could find solace in the rapid fluttering of his heartbeat.
“You’ll thank me in the morning, when you don’t have to nurse a hangover or a sore body.”
Climbing up the stairs shook her body in his embrace, and she tightened her hold around him. Unsurprisingly, as though he’d truly predicted it, she could feel herself growing more drowsy with each step he took, and it took her effort to keep her eyes half-open. Her words were little above a mumble when she replied, “Take my makeup off and I’ll double my thanks in advance.”
“Mm. I’ll ask to cash in, first thing when you wake up.” Even his voice sounded more distant now as she could vaguely sense him pushing their bedroom door open.
“And shameless,” came his soft agreement, before slowly setting her down on the plush mattress and nestling her head into her pillow. Her eyes focused on him for a second, taking in that lovelorn smile and affectionate gaze that always, always followed her, before non-verbally handing him her trust and letting go of him, leaving him to walk off.
And before Sylus had even come back with her makeup remover in tow, she’d already succumbed to the viselike grip of a blissful slumber, surrounded by the familiar scent of him all over their bed, and the soothing pressure of him on top of her, taking such achingly gentle care of her like he’d always promised to.
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Taglist: @mrlovesimps @snowyfragrance @malcarconia @jaysbookofnothing @kitsune25 @monohopeworld @lara635kookie @xinnn6 @moonlight-inthe-sea @canyonlouist @number-1-harumi-hater @2angelbaby2 @jinnieats @blobfishbumblebee @aesmstar @klutzycora-san @inkblotgalaxies @mxrissaauuu @rissaaaaaa @lilithmoonlite @wooyoungsfairygf @lemonsupernova @kpop-and-otome @elizabeth916 @cherrikissez @xcalkenf @i-am-fork @vergillvrr @billie-lover8 @musiclover2119 @rafayelsheart @loveyluv7 @foiledbug @xxaviibee @estelleokami @asherengel @wimpyvamps @witch-of-the-teapot @kttriangle @ayumi-darling @colorfulotaku @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t @secretmoneybearvoid @kurov1864 @doubleshoticedshakenespresso @afterdarkwithkaeya @blossomingrose @uselessnewt @sleepydang @nikkitc0703 @this-gave-pidgeon-further-shock @luna-usagi-chan @darkflowerav @kei-tsuki21 @oharasmommymilkers00 @b3gonias @urfavvmars24 @viscade (more in replies!)
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catientringer · 2 months
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DTIYS time!!🥳
I’m not celebrating a number, I just want to use this as an opportunity to say THANK YOU to all those that keep supporting me and showing me such kindness across all platforms🫶🏻✨I love y’all very much💕
This is my LMK OC “Dusk” (or “Yingyue”)—she’s ShadowPeach’s daughter🥹more info on her below.
Ok, now, RULES:
~ Be as creative as you like! Add people, put her in a different setting, whatever🥳
~ When you post it add the hastag #dtiysdusk so I can find all the entries
~ The deadline is 31st August
~ I will choose 3 winners, but no prizes this time, the commissions from last time are still on my to-do list and life is too busy rn to even do those sooo🙈
Can’t wait to see what you guys create🤩Have fun!
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abimee · 9 days
hi i can no longer act coy or hope that a job will come in time so im coming to everyone really embarassingly with my issues
in June I attempted to get fired from/left my job after having a really embarassing public meltdown due to having Rapid-Cycling Mixed Bipolar and the unending stress of that job of 3+ years. I've been struggling to get a job afterwards due to being in CA without a vehicle, and i'm currently working on an overdue commission so could not open up any more.
Soon after, my mother's car imploded, and a series of incidents related to a used engine and taking out a loan with a friend has left her both needing to pay back the loan and still needing to get a new car, putting her thousands in the hole.
my mother has allowed me to not worry about paying rent while unemployed, but now the person living with us is moving out, so it will be on me and my mother to pay rent, upping mine from $300 to $500 a month. I am currently job hunting with good prospects, but I am still in need of some assistance.
I DO NOT WANT TO ASK FOR DONATIONS WITHOUT GIVING SOMETHING IN RETURN, I have a very bad time taking help from people without doing something in return because I do not want people to feel like they Have to give me money or help me, I want to Offer something in return for that money, even in a situation like this, because I want everyone to come out on the other end feeling fulfilled, so I'm offering some (slow) cheaper commissions I can work on in between the bigger comm I owe.
My kofi is always open for donation sketches ---- you can donate the minimum amount (or whatever you prefer) and get a drawing like this of anything as long as you put it into the donation message!
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i cant currently take on big commissions as I have one i owe and the commissioner is a very generous person who has been waiting a good few months for me to finish one during this hectic time, but if you're interested in getting something a little higher quality for a donation, a $30-50 USD donation can get you a ''simple commission'' styled drawing --- that is, you give me a prompt and character refferences (ocs or fanart, up to 2-3 characters depending on complexity), and I draw them like below (color complexity depends on price, the higher the amount the more the color).
You wont have access to revisions to make this as fast as possible, so i HIGHLY reccomend only getting fanart comms of these and to make sure you really like my style!!
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this is one of those situations where I DEEPLY reccomend people do not donate unless they want something in return, if you dont wanna ask for a drawing or anything i reccomend going to people in more dire circumstances and helping them out with your donation!!!
but if you want to help me help my mother get out of a bad financial situation and get a little drawing in return, you can do a small dono and att a message of what you want doodled, or you can email me at [email protected] your $30-50 donation reciept and what you would like me to draw, and ill try to get them as soon as I can
thank you so much for checking this post out and keep it real old school!!!!! i promise once this is over and i get a job we'll be back to your regularly scheduled art posting
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fuckyeahfraxus · 1 month
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Fraxus Week
                                      is approaching for yet another year!
We haven't forgotten or dropped this event! Due to admins' personal issues, it takes place around a different time this year. Thank you all so much for your patience and your continuous love and support ❣️
Save the dates and please help spreading the word as much as possible. Even if you don't plan on participating, it would be a great help if you share the post 😊. Every reblog helps us to get the information around, so nobody misses the oppourtunity ❣️
As every year we can't wait to see what you guys will come up with for the prompts and thank you for everyone who sent in their suggestions. We made sure to try and mix and match them well!! It's always a highlight of the year and it's so amazing to see that the love and fandom for this incredible ship still very much existent and strong. Newbie or oldie, we welcome you!
The week will being on the 31st of August with the first Bonus day (we call it Fraxus Week Eve) and end on the 8th of September with the second Bonus day, as usual. The rules haven’t changed but please make sure to read them again, especially if this is gonna be your first time participating.
So, the prompts, finally, - here goes!
August 31st/Fraxus Week Eve: (Dancing in the) Rain / Height of Summer
September 1st/Day 1: Learn how to love / Transformation
September 2nd/Day 2: Sports & Competition
September 3rd/Day 3: Hidden moments
September 4th/Day 4: Dusk/Dawn or Moonlight/Shooting Stars
September 5th/Day 5: Solace / Haunted
September 6th/Day 6: Mischief and Debauchery
September 7th/Day 7: Guildmates / Family
September 8th/Bonus day: Mythology AU/Crossover or Videogame/Movie AU/Crossover
Everyone is allowed to participate and basically every sort of entry is allowed! Art, a fanfic, edits, headcanons, …everything! Just make sure that it has to do with Fraxus and does not imply something else/negative/other ships/trigger topics like r*pe etc! It also shouldn’t include something n.sfw. Entries bordering on n.sfw or suggestive mentions are alright.
Please put at least one of the tags fraxusweek or fraxus week in the first five tags of your entry! fraxus will suffice, too, if you forget to tag it otherwise but using the first two named tags will just make it easier for us to find the entries for this week! If you have twitter, you can also post your entries there with the tags!
You can also combine prompts, create multiple pieces per prompt or not use the prompts at all. If you’re not inspired by any of them, it’s okay to do your own thing or do something similar to the prompts.
The prompts can take place in the Canon Verse or an Alternate Universe, it's up to you!
Don’t worry about being late/on time! Late entries are always welcome, no matter how late. We know that things can get stressful very easily, so don’t worry about it!
Do not steal other people’s content! That won’t be accepted and that applies not only to this week but in general. Also refrain from reposting somebody's work without permission.
You can also submit your entries to our blog if you want.
If you’ve got any questions, just shoot us a an ask or a private message!
That’s it! We’re super looking forward to the event again. Let’s celebrate our beautiful ship!
The artwork on the banner is drawn by the absolutely lovely @intelligentbiscuit! We used it with their permission and want to give a shoutout for y'all to go and support their artwork! Y'all can find the original artwork post right >here< and they're also currently taking commissions. Thank you again for allowing us to use your artwork for the banner <3 😊
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yyuangss · 9 months
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summary ! in an attempt to give diluc the best present for secret santa, you spend some time to know more about him. though, the dawn winery owner has some unique tastes.
tags ! diluc ragnvindr x fem reader, fluff
word count ! 5.2k
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note: hello hello @umgatochamadopercyval !! i got you for the @2023gisecretsanta event 🫶 i got a little carried away so i’m very sorry for the word length 😭 either way, i hope you enjoy it MWAH <3 i had a lot of fun writing this for you !!
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When Barbara approached you asking if you’d like to be part of her Secret Santa event, you immediately agreed. She said she was going around inviting people she knew would be interested in participating.
You asked her who else had decided to participate in the event and she named a few others. Lisa, Kaeya, Sucrose, Venti, a few sisters from the Cathedral, Eury, Donna. All people you knew well since they constantly came to Good Hunter and you spoke to them while they waited for their food.
Barbara said she was still asking people to join. So once she had an even number, she’d go down a list and have them pick out a paper to see who their Secret Santa was. Everyone would get a month to find the gifts. Then, the gifts would be revealed at a Christmas party she was working on.
Nearly a week and a half after that, Barbara came rushing over to Good Hunter with a small bag in her hand. She was her usual cheerful self and more now since the Secret Santa event she planned out.
“(Y/N)! Do you have a moment?” Barbara asked, waving and standing near the side of the stall. She had been waiting to see when it would be available. Her smile showed just how excited she was.
“Give a second!” You said, smiling as well. After taking the current order and the customer went to sit down at one of the tables, Barbara approached. She showed off the small brown bag and you knew what she was hinting at. “How many people did you get to join?” You asked, making sure to wipe your hands clean.
“I got thirty people!” She said, holding the bag open. The number made your eyebrows raise. Barbara was very serious about this. You peered inside the bag. Small red and green sheets of paper were mixed together. The amount was smaller than what Barbara had said so you assumed she already went to some of the people.
You reached in, grabbing one of the slips at the bottom of the bag and pulled out a red slip. Barbara closed the bag once you got your person. She made sure the strings on the bag were tight so nothing would fall out.
“Could you check it to make sure you didn’t pull your own name?” She asked. You nodded your head.
“Of course!” You said, opening the slip of paper. You wondered whose name you ended up getting out of the bag. It would make shopping and searching for someone’s gift a fun experience. Hopefully it was Lisa. There were several new books you wanted to get for her and replace a few worn out books in her library. That was until you read the name of the person who would give you the most trouble searching for a gift.
Your smile faded slightly. In black ink, Barbara had written Diluc’s name on your slip. Her star and balloon drawn decorations on the paper made it more exciting than it actually was. Of all thirty people who decided to participate, you were the unlucky one stuck with Diluc. He wasn’t a bad person but you didn’t really know enough about him.
“Nope. Didn’t get my own name.” You said to Barbara, folding the paper in half again.
“Great! Thank you again for joining!” She exclaimed happily. “Remember not to tell anyone and you have a month from now.”
She waved before heading off. She needed to catch the rest of the people and hopefully finish this by the end of the day. As she sped towards the building of the Knights, you stared at her cursive handwriting.
The red haired male came into your mind. What were you going to get Diluc for Christmas? He was a reserved character. You couldn’t name a single thing he liked except grape juice. And there wasn’t anything else that stood out about him that would remind you of him.
For example, if it were Klee, you could have gotten her a new book bag or matching hats for her and Dodoco. Sucrose would be happy to get a new chemistry set. She definitely needed one after breaking a few beakers. Whereas Diluc… Nothing.
You started to think about certain gifts. Candles were a good option if that didn’t scream, ‘I don’t know you’. He never wore accessories. No rings, necklaces, or bracelets. Perhaps he didn’t like them but a hairpin from Liyue would be worth the trip. You let out a frustrated sigh, scratching the back of your head.
Was there anyone who knew what he liked that you could ask them?
Well, there were a few people. Now that you think about it, asking them probably isn’t a good idea either. Donna was off the table. You aren’t sure how far her title as a fan of Diluc’s went. And you also didn’t know if Barbara had asked her to be part of the event. That means Donna would definitely get jealous since you got the person she wanted.
Next was Kaeya. Asking him was fifty—fifty. He was rather sneaky and playful. Definitely the type of person to come up with a lie so you’d gift Diluc something he hated all because Kaeya wanted to mess with him. Or maybe you’d get the lucky half and he would be kind enough to actually say something his brother likes.
Then the people who worked for Diluc were also not a good choice. For one, you didn’t know them well enough to know if they’d keep this a secret. Two, they probably didn’t know Diluc well enough to tell you what he liked or disliked the most.
You were already stressed out, even if you had an entire month. You carefully stuffed the slip of paper into the front pocket of your apron. Thankfully, you were going on your break soon. You tapped your fingers on the countertop as you thought of what to do.
The worst idea yet came to your mind. You were just going to have to ask Diluc himself. You can't blurt out and reveal you got him for the Secret Santa event. Since your conversations with him are very brief, in order to do this, it needs to be in the most discreet manner possible. That way, it won’t make him get suspicious of you.
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“Diluc!” He heard his name being called. Instinctively, he looked over at the tavern entrance after passing a customer their drink. He saw you approaching the bar while smiling at him. “How are you?”
“(Y/N).” Diluc gave a curt nod and picked up an empty glass cup. You sat down on a stool, watching him clean the area for you with a wet rag. “It’s good to see you. I’m doing fine. I assume your shift has ended?” He motioned to your uniform. You occasionally came to Angel’s Share when you were off the clock. It was just to relax for a few minutes and socialize before heading home for the day.
“I’m on my break right now.” You said. You scouted the first floor to see who was here. The floor was nearly deserted, only consisting of the tavern’s usual customers. You turned back to Diluc, thinking about the slip with his name on it in your pocket. “What about you? Are you leaving soon?”
“No. I may be here all day.” Diluc said. You needed to make this worth the while. No way were you leaving the city to go all the way to the winery. “Charles wasn’t feeling well.”
He finished wiping down the counter and threw the rag over his shoulder. He didn’t have his coat on since the tavern was relatively warm. The weather outside was getting colder as the days went on.
“What can I get for you?” He asked.
“A berry and mint burst.” It was what you normally got whenever you paid a visit.
As Diluc grabbed one of the glasses to make your drink, you thought this would be a good time to ease into the conversation. He seemed concentrated on making your drink so he probably might not be too responsive. Either way, you needed to try.
“I feel like we don’t talk a lot.” You said, as Diluc poured the light blue liquid into the cup. He let out a confused hum at your statement and set the bottle back down. He stepped away from the counter, searching for the remaining ingredients that belonged in your drink.
“And what do you mean by that?” He sounded as intimidating and serious as he always did.
“We don’t talk a lot.” You said. He carefully pushed your drink in your direction. “I think we’re more acquaintances than friends. Don’t you?” You grabbed your drink in one hand.
Diluc rested on the counter as he narrowed his eyes at you. His gaze seemed to be studying you instead of being mad at something you said. The guy sitting next to you left a few Mora on the countertop and left the tavern. He also left behind two cups to be picked up and cleaned.
“I say the same, yes.” Diluc said, scooping the Mora on the wooden counter.
His responses are repeats of what you say. It makes it feel like he’s simply not interested in having a conversation. Plus, he is always seen with an uninterested expression. His personality is nowhere near Kaeya’s.
Getting Diluc to talk is harder than you thought. At this point, you wanted to be straightforward and admit what you were truly here for.
“What’s your favorite thing about yourself?” You suddenly asked. Too strong of a question. He would figure out what your intentions were by it. Diluc raised an eyebrow as he dried one of the cups with a different rag than the one from earlier.
“What’s my favorite thing about myself?” He repeated your question. He glanced down at the cup before turning around. He sorted it out with the stack of cups used by tavern customers. You heard him say the question again but much lower this time. Eventually, he crossed his arms, staring at the wall before giving his answer. “I love my long, luscious and luxurious red hair.”
“Wait— What?” You sputtered.
“I answered your question. My favorite thing about myself is my hair.” Diluc faced you. He had his normal stoic expression. Was he telling the truth or poorly executing a joke? You squint your eyes. Diluc’s hair was well taken care of. Out of all his features, his hair and the color of it stood out the most. The length of it also suited him. Diluc with short hair was like a nightmare. Maybe because he never wore it in any other style except his ponytail. “Is that not something I can say?”
“No, no,” You said, taking a sip from your drink. The minty taste made your eyes water. “I didn’t expect you to say that. I thought you would have said your eyes. Your hair is really pretty.”
He managed to make his hair look like silk. There had been times you were tempted to touch it. As you put your cup back on the wooden counter, you thought of your next question.
“How do you get your hair to look like that?” You placed your chin on the palm of your hand. Whatever routine he said, you might need to start using it.
“Slime condensate.” Diluc petted the tips of his hair. Your expression changed to one of disbelief. “It needs to be the thick hydro slimes from Inazuma. I like to get them from Watatsumi Island since the area is surrounded by water.”
You had to take some time to process what he said. The infamous Dawn Winery owner put slime in his hair to keep it “luscious” and “luxurious” at all times. You had never heard of anyone putting slime in their hair. You scratched the top of your head. Whenever Diluc said something new about himself, the idea of giving him a gift for this event seemed impossible.
That wasn’t the only time you went to Angel’s Share. You went back for an entire week, trying to pry information out of Diluc. There needed to be one thing he liked and was willing to share with you. The only problem with that was to have him stop talking about his hair.
“I love my hair color. Did you know it’s natural?”
“It’s so hard to keep it this soft. If the slime isn’t from Inazuma, my hair gets all tangled.”
“Cut it? No, I’d never cut it. I’ve been growing it out since I was a child. My father’s hair was exactly like mine.”
You didn’t take him as the narcissist type or the kind of person to be full of himself.
Your last hope at getting him a gift was what he used for his hair. Diluc let you know what the process to get the slime condensate was. He said it is called an extraction. It was harmless to the slimes. In order for this to happen, he or someone else would grab hold of a slime. As this is going on, the other person will begin to pluck out condensate from under the bottom part.
You weren’t going to make it to Inazuma and return to Mondstadt in time for the party.
Sara went with you to find Herta and ask her to send your commission over to Inazuma. She was a little skeptical at how overly specific but she said with enough Mora, someone over there would be willing to take up the challenge.
That was two weeks ago. The party was in a week from now. You started to panic. Did no one take up your commission? You asked Lumine to take an impromptu trip to Liyue and see what items you could find.
She agreed. The Honorary Knight protected you along the way. Thankfully, there weren’t any monsters that attacked you on your trip. Liyue had rarer beauties that cost a lot more. In the end, it was going to be worth it. You found the gift after hours of searching. This was reserved only if the condensate didn’t make it to Mondstadt on time.
“Pardon me,” A tall, unknown man approached since there wasn’t a line. You could tell he was from another region. He had a box underneath his arm. His white, puffy coat covered his entire body. The hood he had on covered the majority of his blue hair. With good reason. The cold weather this year was entirely different. At least you were near the fire. “My name is Kamisato Ayato. I’m looking for a lady by the name of (Y/N). She requested a commission in Inazuma.”
“That’s me.” You said.
“Ah, wonderful. This makes it all the much easier.” He placed the box on top of the counter. The gloves he was currently wearing were white while the inside had a sort of dark purple lining. He removed the hood from over his head, settling his hands on top of the mysterious box. “The person who did your commission told me to be very careful with it. He said he went out of his way to make it the very best.”
“Did you come all this way just to deliver it yourself?” You felt a little guilty but Ayato let out a chuckle.
“No, no. I’m the leader of the Yashiro Commission.” He waved his hand, “I’m in Mondstadt for the holidays. I thought it was a good idea to bring over your commission. That way you wouldn’t have to wait too long.” He patted the box before insisting you take it.
You pulled the box over, noticing how heavy it was.
“Anyway, everything has already been paid for on our end.” Ayato said, adjusting his coat. “I was also told to pass on a message to you. If you had any more… Specific commissions to be done in Inazuma, simply request for Arataki Itto. He’s more than willing to help.”
That must have been the guy who did your commission. You hope to meet him in person one day to thank him over and over for what he did.
“Thank you very much.” You flashed Ayato a smile. He did the same in return, “Enjoy your holidays and your stay in Mondstadt!”
“Thank you,” He bowed his head, “The same goes to you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way.”
As soon as Ayato was gone, you decided it was a good idea to open the box. Your jaw dropped at the contents. It was a lot more than you had asked for. Considering what was given, you had definitely underpaid this Itto guy. Either he was a perfectionist or he was extremely reckless.
The jars of slime were actually much bigger than you expected. Maybe you should have been specific on that as well. How many hydro slimes on Watatsumi Island had to undergo an extraction to get all this condensate? Even though Diluc said the extraction process is not harmful for the slimes and they’re constantly growing, you’re starting to feel bad for them.
At least it arrived at a good time before the party. With the slime condensate here, your gift for Diluc was ready. But you had both items. There wasn’t any point in keeping the second gift for yourself. Maybe it would give you a hint on what Diluc likes. Hopefully next year, Donna was the one stuck with him instead of you.
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The party was being hosted at Angel’s Share. It was closed for the holiday and with his permission, Diluc allowed Barbara to have the party there. So long as she prepared all the decorations and food. He didn’t mind making the drinks since it would allow him to keep a better eye on Venti.
When you arrived, the ongoing scene was a bit of a mess. Barbara was apologizing profusely to someone. You recognized one of them. Ayato, the man from the other day. He laughed loudly when he noticed Barbara beginning to tear up. Next to him was a girl who had similar features. She chuckled softly when Ayato hugged Barbara and reassured her everything was fine. The girl had to be related to him.
“You’re here.” You heard Diluc’s voice. He had been at the bar but spotted you as soon as you came through the door. His eyes landed on the gift you were holding. “If you’d like, you can leave that over there. Barbara said we’ll open the gifts after eating and once everyone is here.” Diluc motioned to a round table in a corner. Several of the partygoers left their gifts either on the table or on the floor. Some were big, others small. You were curious to find out which one was meant for you.
“Okay, thanks.” You went over to the table and placed the gift next to one that was the same size. You weren’t about to carry that around all night. The glass jars were too heavy for that.
After you put your gift with the rest, you decided to join the rest of the crowd.
You found out that Kamisato Ayato was Diluc’s closest friend. He and his sister, Ayaka, came to Mondstadt to celebrate the holiday with Diluc. Last year, he was the one who went to Inazuma to visit the siblings. Barbara was apologizing because she didn’t know they would be here. And if she did, she’d prepare a gift so that neither would feel left out. They let her know it was an unforeseen event and she had no reason to apologize.
Bennett and Fischl were the last to arrive. Afterwards, Barbara asked everyone to come to the first floor and get their gifts so she could explain the rules. You placed yours underneath your chair. Jean sat next to you, keeping hers on her lap and making small talk about who she guessed you had.
The table in the corner was soon empty. Whoever went first, the person who received the gift would go next. So on and so on until all gifts were exchanged.
Donna decided to start the chain off. For an odd reason, she had two gifts. You all gave each other the same knowing look. One gift was meant for her Secret Santa and the other was obviously meant for Diluc. If anything, you were already aware she had selected a better choice in present for him. Except Barbara didn’t let her give it to him right away and told her to wait until everything was over.
She had Bennett. From Bennett, it went over to Klee. He had gifted the little girl a new backpack and a tiny one for Dodoco. Klee’s gift went to Razor. He might have been the happiest one from the night. Eventually the chain went around to Albedo who had just opened his gift from Lisa.
“For my Secret Santa, I got (Y/N).” Albedo handed you a wrapped box.
It had candy canes all over the paper and a giant bow on the top. You heard some rustling inside. You tore the wrapping paper off the sides. Removing it fully, you opened the box and your eyes widened in astonishment. Albedo had carefully packaged two glass cloches beside each other. They contained flowers sprouting on the inside. He went as far as adding grass to the base and making it seem like a small garden.
“I managed to find a way to preserve cecilias and glaze lilies.” He explained and helped you take one of them out to show everyone else. “I remember you said they’re your favorite flowers. These will never die even if you take the glass off of them. And you won’t need to water them either.”
“Thank you so much, Albedo!” You said, opening up one arm to give him a hug. He reciprocated the action. “And I love how you painted butterflies on the glass domes!”
“Actually, they’re called cloches.” Ayato corrected from across the room, making your attention go from Albedo to him. Ayaka ended up smacking his knee with her fan. The entire room let out a collective laugh at the two siblings bickering.
Your eyes drifted over to Diluc who sat next to the Kamisato siblings. It seemed like he already knew he was going to be next. Both of his hands are on his lap, waiting to get his gift. He was staring at you intently and tapping his gloved hand against his thigh. You set Albedo’s gift next to your chair with extra care.
“My gift is to Diluc.” You said. You slid out the wrapped box from underneath your chair. You had both your hands holding the bottom side of the box. Watching your step, you made your way to the other side of the room where Diluc was.
“Ah, this should be interesting.” Ayato said with a grin on his face. He shifted in his chair, body leaning towards his friend. He seemed more interested in the gift than the person who was receiving it.
“It’s heavy.” You said, nervously. You gently handed it over to Diluc.
“Thank you.” He took it in his arms and placed it on the floor between his feet. Ayato moved his chair closer to get a better view of what your gift to his best friend would be. Diluc waited until you sat back down in your chair. He began to unwrap the ribbon you’d tied around the entire box. He pulled on one edge of the lace, allowing it to unravel on its own.
After that was over, he lifted off the top of the box. You watched anxiously to see his reaction to your gift. When Diluc saw what was inside, a small smirk came on his lips. Meanwhile, Ayato scrunched up his eyebrows at the peculiar choice. He realized what the items were and why exactly your commission had been such a weird request.
Diluc kept the lid on his lap. He crouched over in his chair and pulled out one of the seven items inside.
In his hands, Diluc held a glass jar filled to the top with slime condensate. There wasn't only one in there. You had asked for a minimum of three jars in your commission and sent over enough Mora for their troubles. But, being the nice person he was, Itto decided to get you a total of—
“Six jars of slime condensate.” Diluc held it up in the air as if he was examining it. You started to feel a little embarrassed when he spun it around and showed it off the rest of the crowd. They each side eyed each other, wondering what kind of present that was. You actively avoided their gazes as they questioned your choice. Why did he have to start off with the worst gift? “I’m assuming they come from Watatsumi Island?” He said in a slight teasing tone.
Diluc’s lips twitched upwards when he glanced over at you. He shook the jar a little, the slime bouncing around. It clinked against the other jars as he carefully set it back into the gift box. Next, he moved onto the second gift. Right beside all of the six jars was a dark red jewelry box. It had a geo symbol carved on the top which Diluc knew you got it from Liyue.
He placed it on his lap and cautiously opened it since he wasn’t sure of what was inside. Inside, the box had a black velvety texture. It had two separate sections. Ayato heard his friend let out a small snicker before composing himself and turning it around for the remaining partygoers to see.
“It’s a matching hairbrush and a hair comb.” Diluc said.
Both the brush and comb were designed to be the same. They had been marbleized with red and gold. What stood out the most was the hair comb. The accessory had been made to resemble a phoenix. Its wings were outstretched and the beak pointed upwards. If placed in the hair correctly, it was supposed to give off the illusion the phoenix was flying.
“Oh, how beautiful.” Ayaka silently complimented.
The jewelry box closed with a snap and Diluc set it beside the six jars of slime condensate. He closed the lid of his gift and a wide smile spread on his face. For some reason, you felt like he found this entire situation hilarious.
“Thank you, (Y/N). I’m especially grateful for the slime.” He said. Diluc cleared his throat right after and the smile disappeared. He ended up picking up his gift and announced who his Secret Santa was. “My gift is to Sucrose.”
The remaining gifts were passed around until everyone had opened their gifts. They were all thoughtful and generous.
Everyone loved their gifts and it was perfect for their personalities. Yet, your eyes kept looking over at Diluc’s present. He had to be lying. The party continued as normal. People broke off into their separate groups, ate the remaining leftovers and treats, and played a few games. The gifts, held dear in everyone’s hearts, were forgotten at the moment.
An hour passed and you thought it would be a good time to leave the party. You put your coat on as well as your gloves. Thankfully, you didn’t live too far from the tavern. There should still be a few guards patrolling the city in case of intruders.
“I’m going to be leaving now.” You said to Barbara while holding your gift from Albedo. You wanted to thank him again only to find out he’d left with Klee a long time ago. The little girl was starting to get sleepy and tried to play it off that she wasn’t tired.
“You are? Aw, I wanted you to stay a little longer!” Barbara said. Diluc overheard your conversation and he had already slipped on his red jacket.
“Allow me to walk you home. I insist.” He said, opening the tavern door. Cold air rushed in causing his cheeks and nose to get rosy. “Barbara, if I don’t return soon and everyone has left, don’t worry about cleaning the mess. Head home as well.” He instructed before leaving the tavern right after you.
The door closed. Diluc fixed his jacket as he began following you.
He only had plans to drop you off at your home safely and return to the tavern. You were both walking in silence. You glanced out the corner of your eye. Diluc’s hands were in his pockets. He had a small smile on his face. It was starting to get to you. The smile had the appearance he knew something and purposely refused to tell you what it was. You exhaled loudly, deciding to confront and get it over with. It would be better for him to be honest.
“You didn’t like your gift… Did you?” You asked, stopping in your tracks. You tilted your head to the side and turned to face him.
“I did like my gift. Why would you ask that question?” He answered.
“Why are you smiling like that then?” You nodded your head. It was really in the most innocent and subconscious manner. Diluc didn’t want you to take it the wrong way so it was a good time to come clean. Especially since the hunt for gifts and the party was over. He left his gift in the tavern, right behind the bar counter so no one would find it.
“I have something to admit.” He said.
Oh. Your eyes widened slightly. You took a step back. Donna was going to be mad.
“I lied to you. I don’t actually use slime condensate in my hair.”
Oh. You narrowed your eyes at the man standing in front of you. Scratch that, you were going to be mad. The smile on Diluc’s face grew a lot more visible.
“What?” You finally spoke up. “You’re joking, right?”
“No. I’m not joking.” He shook his head. Your jaw dropped at the confirmation. “I don’t use it. If anyone does, they must be out of their mind to put that in their hair.”
“So you were faking the entire time?!” You shouted. He had led you to believe his hair was his favorite feature and that he cared for it the most. All those times he complained about running low on slime and he might need to find a replacement before getting his new stash from Inazuma. Pure lies he made on the spot. He was so convincing, you thought all he loved in life was slime condensate. “Diluc, you’re such a jerk!” You would have punched him if you weren’t carrying your gift. He grinned briefly at your weak insult.
“Is it my fault you were terrible at hiding you had me for Secret Santa?” He said. He began to walk again and you sped up to join him. You had to be honest. Your attempts were very pitiful when you spoke with Diluc that entire week. It’s much easier to talk with him at the moment than beforehand. “Though, I like your gift more than Donna’s.”
That’s an accomplishment.
“Are you sure six jars were necessary?”
“Leave me alone.”
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simandy · 2 months
I don't think you're "part of the problem" wrt paid content at all. I think commissioned work is a perfectly ethical way of monetising sims content - especialy when everyone gets to share the finished result without paying anything. You are literally the gold standard on how to do this (I am someone who commissioned you and is still 100% thrilled with the result ftr!)
... Oh. 🥺
Thank you anon, so much, really. I'm glad to hear it from you bc i really do question my part in all of this.
Your opinion being said, i think people should take a look at commissions, because it seems like a clean solution. You get compensation from the person who actively chose you to make something for them, then everyone else gets it for free right after! It's like a collab. You give me the idea, i give you the final product, and it's something that everyone else enjoys!!! It's much better than making everyone wait for 3 months or to watch your content being pirated (and digging your own grave online because of it). I don't have to pay for everything in my house because i live with my parents, but i can pay for my meds and college with it and it's been a blessing while i can't get a job!
Anyway i think those creators who paywall should take a look at this method and study it. This would even give them free space to work on stuff they want and to release them for free since the commission money would be guaranteed.
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
A Demon’s Ache — Part 4
Eyeless Jack x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Commissioned by @cookiereblogss — thank you so so very much luv, your support has been absolutely incredible ❤️❤️
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Check out my patreon if you’d like to support me!
Masterlist: x
Jack avoids you for the next week or so
Hell, he avoids basically everyone
He stays locked up in his room, going back and forth between wishing you hadn’t slept with Jeff and trying to convince himself that you’re your own person, and you can do whatever you want
Or whoever you want, for that matter
Still, he can’t help the burning pit of rage in his stomach every time his thoughts wander to the scarred-faced killer
Of all the fucking people
Unfortunately, staying in his room gets old fast
But he still refuses to step out
Because the last few times he’s left his room, something bad has happened
And logically, he knows he can’t stay inside forever
And he knows that running into you is inevitable
But knowing it isn’t enough to stop him from stalling—he’ll delay having to see you for as long as possible
Part of him is also worried about running into Jeff
He doesn’t know what he’ll do to him the next time he sees that asshole
Killing another resident is strictly prohibited, but he doesn’t know if he’ll have the willpower to stop himself from caving his head in when he sees his dumb fucking face
The mental image brings a smile to the demon’s lips
It would be so easy
It would be so satisfying
With a sigh, Jack makes his way to the window and pulls the curtains open
It looks like a nice day out
The sun is still rising in the blue sky, the green leaves are swaying in the breeze, the birds are chirping
He shuts the blinds close, plunging himself back into the darkness once more
It’s better this way, he thinks
He’s about to crack open one of his dusty medical books to bury himself in some studies when he gets a text
Hoodie: Hey, you busy? What’re you up to?
Nm, he types back, and though he’s grateful for the unexpected distraction, he almost wishes he could just be left alone for a few more days
He needs more time to stew in his misery
A reply comes a few minutes later
Hoodie: Ight, you down to train? Masky’s out of commission, I need a partner
The demon sighs
He looks around his room
He’s not necessarily messy per se, but he’s also most certainly not the tidiest
Books, clothes, and a few medical supplies are strewn across the room
He could spend the day cleaning
Or he could spend it reading, or learning a new skill, or picking up some kind of hobby or something
He runs his fingers through his hair
Even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he knows what he should do
I’ll be there in 10, he finally answers
Jack purposefully takes the longer route through the mansion—just so that he can be sure he won’t encounter you
It’s petty, he knows it is, but at this point, he almost doesn’t care
He’s too frustrated and miserable to bother acting civilized
Hoodie’s already waiting for him when he reaches the training field
Located a short trek into the forest, the proxies have their own private cabin next to a broad open clearing
And said clearing, of which, is often used as an outdoor sparring ground
It’s almost always more fun training out here rather than inside
Something about a cramped, sweaty basement just isn’t Jack’s favorite
The proxy’s leaning against the short rotting wooden fence lining one side of the clearing, his arms folded over his chest, when Jack approaches
He gives a nod to the demon as he notices him
“Hey,” Jack says, and when he remembers what Hoodie said about his partner, he asks, “is Masky alright?”
Hoodie shrugs nonchalantly
“Yeah, it’s just a minor injury—no big deal”
He pushes off the fence, adding, “he’ll be fine, it’s just not the best to train with”
Jack nods
He follows the human into the clearing, and the two ready themselves on opposite sides
“You didn’t need me to take a look at it?”
He gets into his fighting stance as he speaks, and Hoodie does the same
“Nah, that newbie checked it out,” the proxy rolls his neck out, and it makes a satisfying crack, before then stretching his shoulder as well, “Besides, you were MIA”
The two face one another 
A gust of wind rustles through the trees around them 
They share a mutual nod to indicate they’re both set, and then the tension grows palpable as the combat session begins
Jack’s one of the strongest and fastest residents at the mansion
If not the strongest and fastest
He usually gives his sparring partner a chance by letting them make the first move
But it’s like all of the jealousy, anger and frustration that’s been building up until this point suddenly snaps inside of him
And in a flash, he charges at the human in front of him
Hoodie tries to dodge, but Jack’s inhumanly fast, and he easily lands his blow to the proxy’s stomach
The human grunts, doubling over, but he’s fast and smart enough to know that he should move before Jack strikes again
He sidesteps him, but he’s slower and clumsier after that first hit, and Jack almost feels bad for him
Maybe he should pull his punches a little more
He can’t let his anger overtake him; he’s the one who has to patch him up afterward if he hits too hard
“The newbie—you mean that guy with the gas mask? What does he call himself again? Y’s Virus or something?”
He tries to distract himself, tries to make some kind of small talk to give the proxy a chance
Hoodie huffs out a laugh
“X-Virus,” he corrects, and seeing that Jack’s giving him a moment to recover, he tries to shake the pain off before resuming his stance
The two circle one another, staying parallel with a fair amount of distance between them
“The kid knows medicine?” Jack asks, matching Hoodie’s movements
“Seems like it. He’s gotta have some kind of use for the boss to keep him. Being a cocky brat with a baseball bat isn’t enough to cut it”
He sidesteps Jack, tries to fake him out, then aims for a kick at his legs
The demon easily jumps back, then uses his momentum to mimic Hoodie’s maneuver
It gets the proxy down, giving Jack the perfect opportunity to get him in a headlock
Hoodie grunts, hands flying up to try to pry Jack off of him
“And what about you?” he asks, his voice audibly strained as he struggles in his hold, “where’ve you been this past week?”
“Busy,” he answers, and then to avoid getting pressed for an answer, he tightens his hold around his throat
Hoodie struggles for longer than Jack expects
But eventually, left with no other choice, he gives in, tapping out, and Jack finally releases him
The proxy gasps, coughing, trying to get a rush of air into his lungs, as Jack stands and offers him a hand
“I hit a nerve?” Hoodie asks, rubbing his throat before taking the help getting up
Jack eyes him for a moment
“What’re you playing at?” he finally asks
Though he wouldn’t consider himself on bad terms with the proxy, he knows fully well that the proxy often has ulterior motives
He can’t—or at least, he shouldn’t—always trust him so easily
Sensing this, Hoodie puts his hands up defensively
“Hey man, I’m not playing at anything,” he claims, “you haven’t been around, and (y/n)’s coincidentally gotten all gloomy recently”
Jack’s ears perk up at the mention of your name
“What do you mean?”
It seems it’s Hoodie’s turn to eye him suspiciously now
“What do you mean ‘what do I mean?’ Did something happen between the two of you?”
When Jack hesitates to answer, Hoodie continues
“Look man, it’s no secret that you’ve got a thing for her. But if you somehow hurt her—”
“I didn’t”
When Jack quickly interrupts him, Hoodie raises a brow at him
Jack sighs
“Listen, there’s nothing going on between us. She’s...” he swallows down the memory of what you said to him in the garden, then forces himself to finish his sentence, “she’s not interested in me”
Hoodie seems to study him for a moment, almost as if trying to judge whether or not he’s lying
“...And what makes you say that?”
“Because she...” Jack stops himself in his tracks, shaking his head, “I-I just know, alright? She’s not into me”
Jack watches as Hoodie pauses to think for a moment
“Well, I clearly don’t know what happened between the two of you,” and before Jack can intercept again, Hoodie adds, “and clearly, something did happen”
“But, whatever,” he continues, “it’s none of my business. All I can say is that, if I were you, I’d try to talk to her. Something’s been bothering her, and something’s obviously bothering you too, and the best you can do is just try to sort things out with her”
It’s now Jack’s turn to get quiet
Had he been too harsh with you the last time he saw you?
Were you worried about him because you hadn’t seen him since?
Seeing him hesitate so much, Hoodie asks if he’ll try talking to you
"...Yeah, alright, I will. I’ll try talking to her,” Jack finally agrees
Hoodie grins
“Finally. Well, with that out of the way, can we finally spar?”
The rest of the training session goes relatively well, all things considered
Jack’s distracted thinking about you, so Hoodie manages to land a fair amount of blows, but he’s still ultimately no match for the demon
Even on the whole trek back through the forest to get to the mansion, Jack’s thoughts are racing a mile a minute
If he was the slightest bit more aware of his surroundings, maybe he would’ve remembered to take the longer route to avoid seeing Jeff on the way in
Maybe he could’ve prevented the killer from noticing him, from locking eyes with him
Maybe he could’ve changed paths when he realized he was headed straight toward him
But that latter one is doubtful, considering the rage tightening in his sternum at the mere sight of him
Jack wouldn’t have backed down at that point—no matter how alert he was
“Out of my way,” Jeff grumbles
He nearly shoulder-checks him, but Jack moves out of the way before it connects
“Watch where you’re fucking going”
The venomous animosity dripping from Jack’s tone is enough to make the raven-haired killer pause in his tracks
“Fuck you just say to me?”
There’s no mistaking the pecking order in the mansion
Jack’s on top
But he’s usually easy-going enough to ignore Jeff’s constant attempts at proving himself
Not today
“I said—“ Jack straightens himself up, all but hissing the words out, “watch where you’re fucking going”
A look of visible confusion flashes over Jeff’s features
Until it clicks
“Ohh, I get it,” he snickers, and the sound makes Jack want to rip him to shreds right then and there
“You’re just upset because I fucked your little girlfriend before you ever even got the chance”
The way he admits to it—so crudely, so shamelessly—it actually takes Jack by surprise 
And Jeff, being the constant prick he is, doesn’t stop there
“God, y’know, she’s actually way less innocent than she lets on. She likes it dirty—filthy. Like a desperate little slut. Wanna know her favorite position? She just loves getting—“
Jack punches him
He hits him directly in the temple, and it knocks Jeff out in one shot
It’s ridiculously satisfying
He only wishes he hadn’t gone down so easily—he would’ve loved to beat him down over and over again
With a snort, he walks away, leaving Jeff passed out on the ground behind him
He had planned to talk to you immediately after training with Hoodie, but he’s way too infuriated to do so right now
Instead, he makes a beeline back to his room
And he promises himself he’ll confront you the very next chance he gets
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kybabi · 1 year
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soft re-opening!
hello everyone !!!!!
my goodness it’s been a while… a little over two years to be precise :( i’ve been so incredibly busy in my last two years of high school and i’m moving on to bigger things now!
first of all, i just wanna say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has supported me these years, even the ones where i wasn’t even active. periodically i’d open my page to see new messages in my inbox and i can’t tell you how emotional that made me :’)
i’m sure most of you are inactive or have moved on from this fandom as it’s been so long, but for those of you who are still here, i want to know if anyone is still interested in receiving content from this page! please let me know if you are still interested; id love to reconnect with you all :)
i am also REOPENING COMMISSIONS! as a soon-to-be-broke college student, i really need the money for the upcoming school year, so my commissions are now open! please click the navigation link in my bio to review my guidelines if you are interested !!
and lastly, i just want to say, if you’re not interested in content or commissions or even anything fandom-related, if you would simply like to be friends, just send me a dm or an ask !! you are all welcome to my page and i cannot wait to talk to all of you lovely people once again💛
love, ky <3
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freya-fallen · 5 months
Little Dove 2/?
Check part 1 for story triggers, though none really apply here.
Part 3
You frown at the text. It’s from your bother’s number, but it’s clearly not him. You don’t know if you should respond or wait to talk to Keigo about it. But who knows when that will be.
>Where should I drop this phone off?
>Your the only contact outside the HPSC
You didn’t realize that. Surely, Keigo had other people— sidekicks or… then again, he had multiple phones. He said it was easier that way; he could ignore calls from one phone, but keep the other on in case of emergencies.
You should probably respond, right?
<Who is this?>
>I asked you first
You scowl. This is getting you nowhere. There must be some question you can ask that this person will answer. 
<Are you a hero? What agency are you with?> 
>I’m not with an agency. I’m more underground
Whoever this is must be a contact. Keigo does all kinds of work for the commission, to include intel gathering. 
>You bird brain’s gf?
<Ew no lol>
It’s such an automatic response that you type it out before you can help yourself.
>You gotta be a little sister then
“Shit.” No one outside the HPSC is supposed to know about you. You stare down at the screen in your hands, your heart pounding as your mind rushes to find an excuse.
>Don’t worry I won’t tell
<Hero families get threatened a lot> 
>I understand completely
>I still gotta know where to drop off this phone tho
You’re not dumb enough to invite this stranger to your home, not that they’d get through the door without being vetted.
That begs the question of what you can do. You can meet them somewhere, maybe at a cafe or something, a public place. You roll your lip between your teeth as you consider. That might be the best option.
<Do you know XYZ? The cafe?>
A minute passes. You approach the black car awaiting you outside the school and hesitate to open the door.
You release the breath you weren’t aware you were holding and open the door, climbing inside. 
<Meet me there in ten?>
>you got it dove
“We need to make a stop before home,” you tell the driver. “It’s not too far, so I can probably walk from there.”
XYZ is a small cafe only three blocks from home. You’ve been allowed to walk there on your own a few times, usually on weekends where you decide you want a sweet pastry. The driver sets up and you pull outside the cafe only a few minutes later. Nervous hands waffle your phone as you find a seat and cross your legs under the table. You’ve never met another hero, let alone one who works with your brother. Something tells you itt’s a guy and you wonder what he’ll be like, if he’ll judge you for being a highschool girl, or for having such a weak quirk compared to your brother.
“You like coffee, little dove?” You didn’t even notice the person approach. His smoky voice makes you jump and you blink up at him with wide eyes.
He’s a little taller than Keigo, with black hair and the brightest blue eyes you’ve ever seen. They’re familiar, but strange above the black mask that covers the bottom of his face. Maybe if you could see his whole face you could put a name to him, but you’re lost at the moment.
“I’m not allowed to have coffee,” you admit awkwardly. 
His eyes crinkle at the corners in a hint of a smile. “I won’t tell if you won’t. C’mon, it’s a caramel latte.” He sets the steaming cup in front of you and slips into the other seat at the tiny round table.
You can’t see all of his hands from beneath the cuff of his jacket, which is buttoned up all the way to tickle at the bottom of the mask. His fingers are long and pale. There are half-moon scars beneath his eyes, though the mask covers a bit of that, too. And his ears are similarly trextured and lined with silver piercings.
“Thank you.” You wrap your hands around the mug and bring the steaming cup to your lips. It’s sweet with just a hint of coffee bitterness beneath. You like it. It must show on your face, because the stranger chuckles.
He leans against one fist. “I don’t know what I expected, but not anyone as cute as you.”
One of your wings flutters at the compliment and your cheeks burn. You hope he didn’t notice, but something tells you he sees everything. “You have Kei— Hawks’ phone?”
He pulls out the red-cased cell and taps it gentle on the table. “I could just leave it as his agency or something, but when I saw your contact, I was intrigued. Seriously, why isn’t he sharing you with the world? He should be taking you to galas and shit.”
“He’s more concerned with my safety.” Your face is so hot you’re sure he can feel it from across the table. No one talks to you like this. At school, you’re so shy that no boy has ever confessed to you. The adults in your life are typically all business. Keigo calls you pretty and says you’re perfect, but he’s family. 
He nods. “Your boyfriend probably shows you off though, right?”
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” You almost choke on the words. Keigo has told you it isn’t safe to date either, not until you’re a little older. Once you have your own place, it’ll be different.
“No way. A cutie like you? Have you ever been on a date?” You shake your head. “So you don’t have a boyfriend and Hawks never takes you out.” He sighs and his eyes bore into you as he seems to consider something. “How about I take you out some time?”
“What? You? Really?” You’re lost for words.
“Sure. Why not?”
You gape at him. “But you’re a hero. And I—I’m…” 
One of his hands crosses the table to lay over yours. You’d expect it to be cold given how pale he is, but it’s warm, almost hot. “It’s not like I’m famous. Your brother and I mostly just pass intel.”
“I’m not really allowed…” You shrug. The weight of his hand is nice on yours and he gives it a little squeeze.
“So don’t tell. It’ll be our little secret, like the coffee.”
You smile brightly. “Okay.”
“I’ll text you, pretty bird. Enjoy your coffee.” He stands and you suddenly realize something.
“Wait! What’s your name?”
He glances back at you and says, “Call me Dabi.”
want to be added to the taglist? lemme know
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prettyrealm · 6 months
taylor swift & travis kelce dynamic reading
this reading is a paid commision, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3 celebrity commissions • personal commissions
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honestly, this dynamic is giving PR-adjacent, it doesn’t feel like it’s technically solely PR but that at the same time, the media and their reputations are basically the sole reason for being together (and they likely do a lot of things for the media too, maybe even calling the paparazzi on themselves and stuff similar to that). both of them (taylor especially) entered this relationship with the media and optics in mind. taylor felt she needed an image boost (almost in a desperate way, she really wanted people to see the good in her and liked this opportunity). taylor and travis are not happy together at all. they take this “relationship” day by day and it feels painful, not painful as in gaslighting or infidelity, but painful as in the feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and you know you have to clock into your terrible job in less than an hour and you don’t know how many more weeks you can realistically handle it. they’re both just waiting for this to be over but for some reason don’t think they can leave yet. they feel drained and both feel they could be doing better things with their time. at first, they thought this would be easy but now they’re just terribly bored. they have nothing to talk about or (anything fun) to do together, they have zero of the same interests and find it hard to even hold basic conversations with the other person. not only do they not have anything to talk about, they can actually leave the conversations they do have feeling pretty bad at times, travis has a way of accidentally triggering taylor (and he may even tease her at times which she doesn’t appreciate, though she also seems to not say anything about it either). she has a long term plan with this relationship though, so she’s okay with dealing with temporary discomfort if it’ll make her future brighter. while they both entered this relationship with image in mind, taylor was more calculated about it and travis saw more actual potential in it (and still sometimes thinks so), when it ends it’s likely that taylor won’t be hurt at all, but travis may feel a bit slighted. zero romantic feelings here. they are definitely not each others soulmate, that’s for sure.
how travis kelce sees taylor swift:
travis sees taylor as the greatest pop star in the world right now, and he has a hard time seeing past her image (blonde all american girl, songwriter that writes about her exes) and viewing her as an actual person. i think he only ever really sees two sides of her, pop-star taylor and business woman taylor. so when he isn’t stuck on her image, he just sees a strong, powerful (but bossy) woman (who’s friendly enough and good at networking). he thinks she’s a true business woman and really gets to see the extent of how business-oriented and career driven she is behind the scenes (he can tell she has a lot of knowledge here and knows what she’s doing). travis definitely wants the relationship to keep going more than she does because he knows she’s the most famous and powerful person out right now (he sees how much money her name moves), he likes being tied to someone so famous.
how taylor swift sees travis kelce:
taylor sees as on the same page as her when it comes to their overall goals (for ex. it’s not like she calls the paparazzi on them unbeknownst to him, he knows exactly what’s going on). overall however, she thinks he’s super stupid. she’s had problems explaining things to him because he just doesn’t understand it and she doesn’t get why. she thinks he’s super immature and literally acts like a teenage boy, which is super unattractive to her - this is not her type of guy at all. she thinks he’s weird and the things he thinks are funny are bizarre and strange to her (it’s like someone belly laughing at a comedy movie you think is extremely corny and bad). she’s shocked that someone can even be this way, he leaves her baffled often. she also worries about him saying the wrong thing to other people in case it reflects badly on her (since she thinks he isn’t a smart or tactful speaker). she’s often shocked at how relationship-y and coupley he tries to act with her at times and she thinks it really crosses the line (for ex. if they do call the paparazzi on themselves he might really play up the affection or something and she’s like, “ok you know you don’t need to be doing that much”). but this can also even happen behind the scenes, which confuses taylor even more, for ex. say they’re at an event and she’s talking to another guy, later he’ll be like, “so who was that guy?” and she’s like “??? why are you even asking me that when you know what this is? are you really trying to act jealous right now?”. he frustrates her often.
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year
I see you open for request, can I request how y/n(dan jia) meet the character? Because I want to know how we meet the character
Character : jing yuan, yingxing, jingliu and that fox lady. I forgot her name hehehe✌✨
Is it just open for scenario?
Definitely like your fanfic about dragon's cradle
I will wait for more update from the fanfic! ✨
I will request again if I have idea and your request is open :)
since this is very heavily reliant on canon events, everything in this scenario is just headcanons ! just for a little fluff <3
in this headcanon, Jing Yuan is already an adult. though i see many people referring Jing Yuan as a child in many mvs, but if im not mistaken, jing yuan was already a general before everything happened.
ONCE AGAIN ! i will replace the name Dan Jia with (Y/n), for more comfort, but this timeline was actually when Dan Jia was still 'alive'. But still, this is just a head canon, nothing too serious, so have fun !
OH ANOTHER THING ! i made dan jia/ (Y/n)'s horns blue for the sake of the story, and her powers are ice. She wields a crystal fan, and follows the path of abundance. Like Dan Feng, who is the Imbibator Lunae (drinker of the moon), (Y/n) is the Saltator Lunae (dancer of the moon), a name given to her due to the unforeseen fate of having two individuals that could inherit the dragon heart after successfully undergoing the Transmutation Arcanum.
Taglist ! : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou , @sincerely-aaronette
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"Jing Yuan, I want you to meet someone," the icy cold voice of his master entered her ears.
The practicing knight looked up from his place, looking to his right where his master in blue and white was standing. The sword that was strong in his grasp was let loosened as he stood straight, sheathing the sword into its scabbard.
Jing Yuan's golden eyes widened as he looked up. Behind his master was a young woman, who had similar features to the Imbibator Lunae he had grown close to. Not facial features, rather the unique features the dragon's predecessors have. The horns and the glowing (e/c) eyes, that brim with potential and power.
"This is (Y/n). Dan Feng's sister. She'll be training with me to hone her ice powers. It never hurts to learn more." Jingliu said, looking at the young lady behind her a hand gestured out for (Y/n). Jing Yuan blushed a little at the sight of the dragon lady before him. And it seemed that Jingliu noticed the gaze of her student.
"Jing Yuan. Be nice to her." "I'm always nice !" "No flirting."
Jing Yuan's face burst into a deep crimson shade. He was still a young adult., mind you. He was still pretty new with relationships. Future Jing Yuan would've probably pat his back and laughed at the shyness of his past self.
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm (Y/n), the Saltator Lunae." (Y/n) said, a light chuckle leaving her pink lips as she bowed to him. Jing Yuan's eyes widened and he bowed back. "J-Jing Yuan. Th-the pleasure is mine."
Though this is the first time he met this dragon lady who raised her head before him, this isn't the first time he's seen this lady. No, not when Jing Yuan remembers those (e/c) eyes that shone as brightly as the stars, and were as clear as glass.
The swordsmith was walking peacefully in the night at the bazaar, tired after a full day slaving by the fire, creating weapons with his own hand. Yingxing felt fulfilled more than anything, as he had the power to bring his creations to life. The soft gaze of the moon above him as if blessing him for all his hard work.
There was once, he received a commission unique to all other works. It was an odd request for a swordsmith like himself to create such an accessory, but since it was from a dear friend of that requested him to try, even going as far as to provide the materials, Yingxing thought that he might as well give it a shot.
In his hand, Yingxing held a beautiful glass hairpin he had molded with his own hands. The small accessory was embedded with stunning pearls and precious quartz, that was obviously hard to find from the exquisite quality. He felt almost saddened to part with it.
It almost felt...unreal to see the familiar shine of that...rainbow quartz shining beneath the moonlight. Yingxing reached out to it, but the said shine disappeared within the sea of residents of the Xianzhou ship. But he needed to find it, he needed to reach out, to see who was actually the beholder of that precious hair ornament.
Closer and closer Yingxing walked, pushing through the sea of people without harming anyone. His amber eyes scanned through the crowd, and came back in sight with the glass hairpin he had dedicated his soul into making.
A woman. A beautiful woman who had her hair held up with the beautiful stick made with the finest items. Yingxing reached out to the woman, his hand caught by the Imbibator Lunae who had a smirk.
"I knew you'd find her by the hairpin in her hair. Yingxing, meet my sister, (Y/n)." the High Elder said, and the woman beside him turned around, horns on her head.
Yingxing never knew that the hairpin he thought to be a failure at first was actually the most beautiful thing he has seen under the moonlight.
'Once...once again....again !' Were the things the master ice woman repeated in her mind time and time again as she swung her sword tirelessly. Who cares if her hands dripped with blood ? Who cares if her hands were sore from the splintered wood in her hands ? That's right. Not even Jingliu herself cared about it.
She kept swinging her sword towards the dummy. Time and time again she leapt into the air like a snowstorm, slashing her weapon infused with her ice powers, obliterating all the dummies she just had repaired. Jingliu was strong...but in her eyes, it wasn't strong enough, not precise enough...not fast enough.
Jingliu landed on the ground with a thump of her shoes beneath her feet, her expression filled with distaste and disappointment to herself. She cared not for the stinging in her hands, the blood dripping down and staining the stone pavement beneath her shoes.
"That's enough. Take a break." a soft and tender voice called out. Five slender fingers landed on her shoulder, snapping Jingliu out of her trance. She was quite disturbed to who had pulled her out of her zone, but as she turned behind, (e/c) eyes were staring deep into her red eyes.
"Your hands...wont be able to heal if you push yourself any longer without medical attention." the dragon lady said, peeling open Jingliu's hand, forcing her to drop the sword from her hands. Jingliu was so stunned by the sudden appearance of this woman, who she had never realized from earlier.
"Come. I'll heal your hands. And maybe you should take a break. Doctors always say that with a slight break, your body would be able to breathe and you'll be able to do better." the woman said, pulling Jingliu along with her, the tender and soft (s/c) hand holding onto her bloody and calloused hand.
"Who...are you ?" Jingliu asked the dragon woman before her, though she would be crazy not to know who this woman was with the horns on her head symbolizing her importance. And the woman smiled warmly and answered simply with a small smile. "My name is (Y/n)."
And as their friendship bloomed between the two ice women, Jingliu had been inspired by (Y/n)'s dances and elegance. And with that in mind, she had forged her signature move, earning her the name, Transcendent One.
(Y/n) gazed up to the sky, watching the starskiffs race around. She wished how she could have some freedom of her own. How free she would feel, in the sky above, travelling with the stars. She kept thinking about it, while sipping at the canned peach tea in her hands as she walked.
Her thoughts were cut short when she heard storming of boots and thumps her ears had recognized to belong to those in the Cloud Knights. And as she turned, there was indeed a group of 4 knights chasing after a purple foxian woman who was jeering at the knights who weren't able to catch up to her.
"Hah ! You thought !" the purple foxian said, looking back and pulling her tongue out at them. That was, until she turned front and realized there she was running into someone.
Without time and reflex to stop or to turn, Baiheng did the craziest thing she could ever do. Which was grab at the hand of the woman that was walking along politely like an average law-abiding citizen of the Xianzhou.
Baiheng pulled along the woman who was quite startled by the sudden pull and run, dropping her canned drink behind as she was suddenly pulled along. The drink fell from her hands and spilt onto the ground as the two of them ran.
"H-hey, wait !" "Sorry ! I'll make it up to you, I promise !" Baiheng exclaimed in pure horror, clearly not understanding her own reflex to pull along this innocent and clueless dragon woman with her.
"Anyway ! My name is Baiheng ! Pleasure to meet you !" the foxian said, flashing a bright, toothy smile to (Y/n) who laughed along with this cheerful foxian.
;;sorry if some of them weren't good,, i really didnt have much idea for them,,, i hope you had fun reading these !
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slickfordain · 1 year
How long is waiting?
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Aether,- a mere traveler who has been commissioned multiple times by random people; even the Archons; and yet, in return… He got nothing. Until… Well. He met you.
It’s not hard to say that Aether has favorites and that he despises everyone else, he finds comfort in you… When you and Aether first met, you were confused of who he was,— and treated him like a normal person, which was what caught his attention.
Being honest, even if you did commission him he’d still fall heavily for you
Aether was now peacefully cuddling you under the dark blue sky by the beach, the stars being above despite being… Fake, and just an illusion for everyone to see, like how wanderer claimed it as beforehand when he was a Fatui.
“… You know.. I… I never got to be held like this by such a sweet person…” Aether started, holding you close, as you hummed out a “Mhm”, your tired half lidded eyes gazing up slightly.
Aether’s breath hitched lightly, before looking down with flushed rosy cheeks…. It wasn’t… Often, that he’d feel a familiar feeling of… Love, but somehow, you made him the most happiest hero he could ever be…. And that was.. Certainly enough for him.
“… You know… [N]… You’re really… Humble, oddly..” Your ears perked up at this, confused and lost of what the traveler meant. You’ve never really seen him speaking to you like this… He seemed.. Hesitant? “… I am…?” You murmur slightly, in a questioning tone which Aether could understand why.
He just gave a faint smile, before sighing and nodding… He’s trying to recollect his words, finding the right ones to describe how horrible he felt all those times…. But… He’s scared of oversharing; because nobody has ever willingly listened to him.
“Would you… Listen, just once?” Aether asks in hopes you’d understand, and unsurprisingly, you nodded. Aether’s eyes lit up slightly… That was one thing he loved about you, and that was your nature to listen. It was so heartwarming… He wished he didn’t need to do this stupid traveling..
With another deep sigh escaping his throat, he hesitantly tries using his words he’s been thinking about to use. “It’s just… I’ve.. Always wondered, why did I start searching for my sister…?” He began, making you stare rather surprised by his question…
You also started wondering why, but feared he wouldn’t like to share the thoughts of it with you.
“Throughout my adventures, with Paimon, I still found no value in life itself after all those times…”
That was very pitiful and saddening to hear… Having a traveler so depressed, you didn’t think it would go so deep as this…
You tried consoling him, even though you absolutely suck at trying to comfort or even cheer someone up; you offered him some food in your hands, catching him off guard slightly.
“… Food..?” You mumbled out, saying one word each time. It wasn’t odd, it was pretty normal for you to do that,— actually. As you see, you use either 3-4 words, or just end up saying nothing. You weren’t much of a talkative person, and Aether respected that full-honestly. It’s like a fresh of breathtaking air… Something that he has always valued in a person, and he loves it. Because it’s you.
“… Thank you..” He smiled warmly, before it fades once he took a bite of your offered gift… “I..” He trails off again. “I haven’t given you anything in return, all this time… After you’ve done so much for me to find my sister…” He shares out, his grip on you becoming tighter, making you shift slightly and tried being in a comfortable cuddling position.
“.. You don’t need to…” You dismissed his worries, brushing it off like a wave that was one to ignore, but to Aether… It meant everything to do something for you. He wanted to do something for you, and it’s ironic because he never offered someone to help… That’s just… What’s special about you.
Aether wanted to offer you something… Perhaps.. Explaining about his old home would be a great value? “You know, I…” But he stopped. Right when you looked at him, he was thinking…
It wouldn’t be enough talking about his old home.
There had to be more about it…
After a moment of silence, Aether continues…
“… I’ve never… Told you my name, have I?” He gave out a soft chuckle, realizing that the greatest gift could be both about his old home and his name. And you instantly got excited, your eyes sparkling just a tiny bit, giving Aether those feelings once more that had his heart pounding— as if it’ll tear out from his chest so much…
“I’d like to know…” You immediately said, getting in a bit too close— that had Aether slightly stammering over his words, his chest beating rapidly. If you kept this up, he might not be able to restrain his feelings.
But, he gave a small laughter, ruffling your hair in a gentle way possible, before he continues. “You’re the first person who’ll… Ever get to know my name, honestly…” Aether sheepishly says, his face becoming more rosy-red than usual. “But, consider this as a thank you gift.”
“My name is Aether..” He introduces himself in a gentle way possible, your eyes sparkling in admiration that he even considers you special enough to tell his name. Nobody in Teyvat ever knew his name… He always went by “traveler” or, well, the titles he receives every now and then when saving a nation…
“Ae-ther…” You tried spelling out, like some little baby learning a language. It honestly made Aether want to squish you and kiss you to death— because oh dear heavens, have mercy on him with your soft-spoken voice.
“That’s right…. Aether…” He smiled warmly still, being happy and content that he finally revealed his name to someone he could trust. And that person, was you.
“Aether…” You repeated slowly, smiling gently as you think you could get used to it… “Very lovely…” You complimented, as in return, Aether just softly laughs again. He found pure hope with you… It felt Ethereal… “Lovely, yes? I think yours is the loveliest….” He nuzzled against your cheek with his own, stroking his fingers through your [Hair color] hair, your own cheeks burning up— holding onto him which made you look a little… Clingy. But Aether didn’t mind… By Gods, he didn’t mind at all…
“I wish I could go home…” He utters as a starter… You, looking at him, a bit saddened that he wanted to go home.. Until he added more to his sentence. “I wish I could go home, with you…” He continued on, your eyes gazing, slightly widening. You didn’t expect from the traveler to be… Wanting you near him.. But at this point? You shouldn’t be so surprised anymore…
You’ve always felt loved and safe, when it came to Aether.
“I could’ve shown you so many things my world had in store… We could fly together too.” Aether explains, before looking down at your face, seeing that you were visibly confused by his last sentence.. He must’ve meant the Glider.
“I suppose I could explain that when I finish my journey..” Aether grinned, seeing your pouty face, wanting answers from him now…. But Aether wanted to keep it for the end, because he has a long way before he can get his powers back— to go back home.
“Just wait for me…”
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I had no WiFi and went insane
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iznsfw · 1 year
Two Years!
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It's been two years ever since I started writing on Tumblr, and while there were plenty of times I was thinking I wasn't going to be able to keep up, I'm still here!
Thank you to the readers, you keep my blog alive; the writers, who always inspire me in more ways than they know; the people who commission and tip most especially because they help me with my income; and of course, you!
If you're reading this, I'm incredibly grateful for you and what you do. You have contributed too in making me feel like a writer.
A lot of you have followed me ever since my debut fic and I couldn't be more blessed, but I'm also thankful for those who came across what I write one day and decided to stay. In either category you fall in, know that I'll always feel special because of you.
Alright, with that aside—let's look at some stats!
I have 5,828 followers as of posting this
I have 6 fics with over 1k notes
I have 21 fics for Kwon Eunbi
I have written for all 12 of the IZ*ONE members, my ults
I have 3 commissions waiting to be finished (I'll get to them!)
Thank you thank you thank you <3
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senshis-tenshi · 7 days
Me: Hi, I've been in therapy since childhood and nothing has helped me. I still struggle with a normal life no matter what I do. My psychologist suspects my BPD has been misdiagnosed and I'm actually autistic and have ADHD, so I'd like to book an assessment, please.
Doctors: Great! That will be 850 Euros.
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Hello, I'm Ellie and I hope to raise money for my professional diagnosis through art commissions :3
I would greatly benefit from an official AuDHD diagnosis. I could get proper psychological treatment and medication to help me function. I would finally have an explanation for... well, basically my entire life.
I sadly have no family to support me through this, the two family members I have left don't believe in autism, so I could really use any support at all! I'm tired of hating myself for being "weird", "lazy" and "dumb", and I'm sure my wellbeing would improve drastically with the right treatment.
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≡ ꒰ ° Bust ꒱ ˚ · .
Lineart ⤞ 5 EUR Flat Color ⤞ 10 EUR Full Color ⤞ 15 EUR
≡ ꒰ ° Waist ꒱ ˚ · .
Lineart ⤞ 10 EUR Flat Color ⤞ 15 EUR Full Color ⤞ 20 EUR
≡ ꒰ ° Full Body ꒱ ˚ · .
Lineart ⤞ 15 EUR Flat Color ⤞ 20 EUR Full Color ⤞ 25 EUR
≡ ꒰ ° Extras ꒱ ˚ · .
Additional Character ⤞ 15 EUR + Not SFW ⤞ 10 EUR + Banner or Icon ⤞ 5 EUR +
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✩ I reserve my right to refuse any commissions I'm not comfortable with. This includes, for example, not SFW of underage characters, art of real people, racist, ableist or transphobic depictions... we can talk about it in DMs or asks :) Most fandoms and OCs are welcome!!
✩ I ask for half the money upfront, half when it's finished! But if I'm unable to finish the commission for some reason (like when the chronic illness is chronic illnessing or my tablet flies out the window), you will be refunded the full price :3
✩ Expected waiting time varies depending on the amount of work! A bust lineart will be finished in a maximum of 3 days, while a full color piece of your favorite ship in detail will take me up to 20 days max.
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Here are some examples of my art! Click for better quality :3
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Thank you for reading this far! Please consider commissioning me and reblogging this post to spread the word.
Take care <3
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lvckygifs · 18 days
hello ! those of you that know me know that i don't really like to put things about my personal life on here , but i've been thinking about this for a while and got the news on friday that my sister will be going on long - term sick , so have decided to open gif pack commissions to help us out .
just a bit of background info , my sister dislocated her knee a couple of years ago and she's been struggling with it since . she didn't get the correct treatment or support to begin with , and each time she's been to see a doctor over it she just kept getting sent away with the advice of taking pain relief and that there was an 18 week waiting list for an MRI . long story short , her knee pretty much collapsed on her a few weeks back while she was at work . it's done the same before but this time was different , and after going to the hospital to get it checked over she was rushed through for an MRI . the results came back on thursday , and it turns out she has an ACL injury as well as something else i can't remember the name of , but she's going to need re - constructive surgery . we were hoping she would be able to still do office work while awaiting the surgery but it turns out that can't happen , and since it could be up to 4 months before she has the surgery as well as the recovery time afterwards , she'll be off work for a while and considering sick pay is nowhere close to her usual income , there's only me working currently . so with this happening , that's why i decided to open commissions , just so that there's another source of income to help get us through these next months since it'll be a long time before things will be returning back to normal ! i would really appreciate the help so please consider commissioning from me . as of right now , i have three spots open . i'll maybe add more in the future but i want to see how i go with three first . all information regarding commissions can be found here . i'm sorry this is long winded but i wanted to explain the situation ! i would really appreciate people reblogging this post to reach a wider audience <3 thank you !
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