#thanks!!! :)
jedimitsopolis · 8 days
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[ID: Art of Amanda Young putting a hand to the bullet wound in her neck. It’s dripping down her shirt and arm. She looks determined. The background is the same red as the blood. End ID.]
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femmeidiot · 2 months
I hope that fact that I'm sweet and nice and kind and soft makes you want to take advantage of that and ruin me
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lotstradamus · 2 months
do you have some favourite go-to recipes? i would love any of your recommendations!! xx
we eat the same few things on rotation in our house, as I do all the cooking, and I like a) one-pot meals, and b) pasta, preferably. most of these are fairly low effort but you get a lot of bang for your buck flavour-wise, and they're endlessly customisable!
also, listen, I don't do measurements. follow your heart and taste as you go.
the tiktok viral baked feta pasta from like 4 years ago ingredients: plum or cherry tomatoes, a block of feta (or boursin if you're feeling flush), garlic, pasta optional extras: spinach, cannellini beans, chili crisp recipe: whack your tomatoes, sliced garlic, and olive oil in a big dish. nestle your feta in there. I like to add a tin of drained cannellini beans at this point to bulk it out/cut down on the pasta/make the texture confusing, but you don't have to. stick it in the oven at like 180-200C for half an hour ish. after half an hour boil your pasta. retrieve your oven dish, stir everything up to desired consistency (I'm a chunk girl). you can add spinach while you do this for extra greenery, or a massive spoonful of chili crisp for heat and crunch, but it's good on its own. add the pasta and some pasta water if you need. voila. you simply cannot go wrong.
gochujang and hummus pasta ingredients: gochujang (this keeps forever in the fridge so it's a good kitchen investment), a tub of hummus, garlic, white onion, parm optional extras: parsley recipe: chop onion and garlic, sling them in a pan with butter and a splash of EVOO. when the onion is sufficiently sweaty and nice, add a dollop of gochujang (the bigger the dollop the spicier the end result) and stir it all in, followed by the whole tub of hummus. boil the pasta. add the cooked pasta to the pan, along with some pasta water, a shit load of grated parm, and garnish with parsley. my friend sent me a vegan version of this recipe about a year ago and I've made the non-vegan version roughly once a week since. it is so fucking delicious. butter bean thing ingredients: butter beans, garlic, red onion, tomato paste, cream/double cream/greek yog, lemon, sourdough/nice crusty bread optional extras: parsley recipe: throw chopped garlic and onion in a pan with butter and EVOO and really let them sweat it out. add tinned butter beans WITH THE JUICE. yes, I know. add in a few good squirty piles of tomato paste and stir, then let it all heat through. at this point start toasting your crusty bread of choice because I ALWAYS forget until the end and then I'm rushed. I recommend splurging for the good bread, slathered with melty butter. add whatever creamy thing you have to hand (the og recipe I saw said double cream, but I usually have greek yoghurt in and that does the job) to the beans, along with some lemon juice, garnish with parsley if you like and serve. use the bread as a giant spoon. you are welcome.
sausage soup/stew? casserole?? ingredients: celery, white onion, carrot, sausage/s, cherry tomatoes, tinned tomatoes, chicken broth, parm optional extras: creamy thing of your choice, spinach, orzo recipe: dice the celery, carrot and onion (mirepoix!), and throw it in a big big big pot with some EVOO. now: I get a pack of nice sausages and either mash or chop them depending on how much energy I have, but if you live somewhere with a butcher or whatever you can save your mashing arm and just get ground sausage. throw in the ground, mashed, or chopped sausage and cook for a bit. follow with a tin of chopped tomatoes and chicken broth. I usually put in about a litre. chop the cherry toms and toss them in. follow with a load of grated parm. if you have any parm rinds, throw em in and leave it to bubble away. this doesn't sound like much but it is so good. the longer you leave it the more flavourful it will be! towards the end I like to add in whatever creamy thing is in the fridge (double cream, greek yog, milk), along with lots of chopped spinach and a cup of orzo to really bulk it up. we can happily live on this for DAYS, especially if we have leftover fancy crusty bread from the gochujang pasta. oh and remember to take out the parm rind.
thai chicken curryish ingredients: chicken (thigh/breast), garlic, ginger, yellow peppers, spring onion, cashew nuts, rice, coconut milk, chicken broth optional extras: sriracha, coriander recipe: I love this one cos it is SO quick and SOOOO easy. cut chicken into chunks and brown it in the pot. whip it back out and throw in the chopped garlic and ginger (I have a tube of ginger paste in the fridge cos WHO has the time?) with a big glug of EVOO, then a cup of rice. jasmine works, but I've also used risotto rice. toss in the chopped peppers, spring onion and cashew nuts (if I have the energy I'll chop the nuts, but you can put em in as-is), then add coconut milk (a tin's amount, be that an actual tin or some of the melted stuff that costs 1/4 of the price - thanks Asian supermarket!) and chicken broth. put the browned chicken back in, give it all a stir, cover it, and stick it in the oven for like 25ish mins. here’s the NYT recipe if you need liquid measurements/an actionable recipe that isn’t me riffing. (as always, 12ft.io/ in front of the address to bypass the paywall.) serve it with sriracha squirted all over it (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) and coriander if you like it.
delicious little rice waffle ingredients: leftover jasmine rice, chili crisp, an egg, kewpie mayonnaise, sesame oil, spring onion, A WAFFLE MAKER optional extras: furikake recipe: full disclosure, you need a little waffle maker for this. mix the rice with chili crisp, a little sesame oil, and egg yolk. dollop it into the waffle maker and cook. garnish with kewpie mayo, sliced spring onion and some furikake if you have it, or just toasted sesame seeds if you have those, or neither! delicious little spicy umami snack, my beloved.
tuna melt of dreams ingredients: you know what's in a tuna melt recipe: swap the butter on the outside of the bread for kewpie mayonnaise and thank me later.
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piddgeon · 2 months
got tagged by @nestavadavat to do a 10 songs 10 mutuals post but long posts scare me so I’m just gonna start a new one <3
okay here we go
1.) The King and the Bull - Darren Korb
2.) Here Comes the Anxiety - The Wombats
3.) Youth - Glass Animals
4.) All My Love - Noah Kahan
5.) O My Heart - Mother Mother
6.) The Calling - The Amazing Devil
7.) Tic Toc - Mother Mother
8.) Just Look at This Mess - Punch Brothers
9.) Magnet - Punch Brothers
10.) Savages - MARINA
@ursaspecter @cowpunch-em @arthur-kilgore @samwis @adrianicsea @doomednarrative @drizzledrawings @catgirladjacent @angel-trapped @sawtrapz !! no pressure to do join ofc but feel free if you want to :)
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juniper-clan · 3 months
do u have a lore tag or something? was suddenly super curious about how the clan cats functioned on the ship and how starclan, 9 lives, etc would work while at sea..... did the healers steal herbs from the twolegs? what was their warrior code? high rn so forgive typos/errors/weirdness n whatnot
I've been marinating on this a few days, thinking about all of it...
First of all I will be making a lore tag, at this point the story has enough unique details that I can justify it.
I have a big worry of burying the comic beneath asks, and asks directed to me will all be answered in a weekly lore drop to keep the place tidy.
The tag for lore drops will be #jclore and I will try to post the ask bundles weekly.
That being said if you have lore questions directed to me (or theories!) ask away.
ANYWAYS a lot of that is truly lore dependent. Clans are just the cats that make up each ship -- of course Heron wouldn't understand a Gathering, there's no need for solitary clans traveling the high seas to host a monthly meeting when they're out traveling for months at a time. Some clans they meet they may never see again due to tragedy, trade routes, or whatever other reasons two ships wouldn't always be in the same port.
Due to the lifestyle there's likely a high turnover rate so to speak. Starclan would be vast and be filled with all kinds of cats who passed for whatever reason on the seas. It would be pretty easy to get your 9 lives when ships of cats are dying regularly -- and while the clans are solitary in life I do think they would be more liberal with their mingling in death, and many who died are probably eager to be remembered and help another ship cat, even if they didn't know them.
I think the healers made due with things available to them on the ship and things that come from the ocean. Certain fish, seaweed, maybe some sailors cloth to bind up a wound... and the sailors were likely kind on the cats and would help them with injuries.
Warrior Code may be very much loose as well, since Heron can and will make errors to the Warrior Code out of ignorance. They likely are living like pirates, codewise lol anything goes!
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springbon-t-art · 6 months
Oh my! So much love and support!!!
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As soon as I posted The Missing Co-workers pictures I completely fell asleep but I'm so happy to see that everyone’s liking it so far and finding their oc's on the drawings.! They were all a delight to make! (also a pain to do because of the delays and personal stuff)
I wish I could show everything I had planned for that event… but Tumblr’s limits wouldn’t allow me to do so, but oh well! maybe next time!
Thank you for everyone who participated!
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featheredsnek · 2 months
Can Mocha do the Chippi Chippi Chapa Chapa dance?
(Also, your art makes me sob (in a good way) bc of how cute it is)
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stranger-comet · 10 months
will with "constant rambling" would be really nice!!!
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bolithesenate · 2 months
Uuuuhhhhh could you make Jocasta Nu in the “eye strain…. 2!!!!” for the palette challenge?
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pepurika · 11 months
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justaboot · 1 year
For the song and sketch request:
Space Oddity - David Bowie
Della Duck
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For here am I sitting in a tin can,
Far above the world,
The planet Earth is blue,
And there's nothing left to do.
-Space Oddity, David Bowie
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frankenjoly · 24 days
kunichuuzai + stars
atsulucy + sunshine
both? both
kunichuuzai + stars
“The stars are beautiful tonight.” Dazai said, and it didn’t take a genius to see what was coming next.
It wasn’t merely about the stars; though, for the record, they were very beautiful indeed. They were just more focused on each other, holding hands as they sat together on the best possible bench to watch the scenery. Well, Chûya and him were sitting, Dazai was practically laying down over their laps.
“Ah, yeah.” Chûya instantly continued. So, if Kunikida had any doubts of how to respond, they would have dissipated right then and there. “But y’know what else it’s beautiful?” And there it was.
“Your faces.” All three of them said, in almost perfect unison, and those words were followed by small laughs that could basically count as giggles.
atsulucy + sunshine
“Mornin’, sunshine. Sun’s up already.”
“I’ll take your word for that.” Atsushi said, playfully, leaning in to leave a soft (still sleepy) kiss on Lucy’s lips. They had slept in Anne’s room, which meant no windows to check if she was joking or not, but it didn’t matter; he believed her.
“You don’t think I may be kidding?” She replied while moving backwards after the kiss, allowing Atsushi to get up from the bed. “Anyway, we should get dressed and moving.” They were supposed to have breakfast with Kyôka, Kenji and the Tanizakis, and getting late wasn’t an option. First of all, because none of them liked the idea, and second because Naomi would start joking about the reasons for it, and Atsushi could see the innuendos coming from kilometers away.
“Yeah, ma’am.” He answered, nodding.
“Ma’am?” Lucy raised her eyebrows, faking a gasp shortly after.
“Would it be better if I said ‘m’lady’?”
(Also on ao3.)
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al-norton · 2 months
🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort?
I'm not a huge 'draw when distressed' type of person but when I do need to draw to relax. I tend to literally just draw people sleeping lol
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calciumdreams · 2 months
God, I wish I could live in your art. It's gorgeous. Thanks for bringing joy into the world 👍
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Thank you so much!!!! this made me really happy, glad you like my silly drawings! :"-D!!!
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simplyreveries · 3 months
here's a short description of myself for the matchup event:
-they/he/it pronouns
hobbies: drawing, cutting and dying hair, eating fancy sushi, reading fanfics
deathly scared of bugs & insects(except for butterflies), bad with social cues, wakes up very late (can range anywhere from 1pm to 6pm), needs to listen to songs 24/7
again, congrats on the 500 followers! i love reading your works, especially all the Leona ones
i match you with idia shroud!!!
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i have feeling you guys are definitely a friends-to-lovers kind of scenario. you managed to worm your way into his life by similar interests and hobbies. he just feels such a sense of comfort around you, he thinks you're one of the few people he actually even does feel that way around. he gets not understanding social ques, though he is observant and notices a lot about other people, he has trouble socially- you two easily can freely vent and talk about any troubles you've had with it.
idia is canonically good at drawing himself so if you ask him, he may show you some of what he's done, whether digitally or on paper. though he is comfortable with you, he is completely nervous about showing you that. may or may not be because some of the pages are dedicated to you.
he'll help you get good headphones like good quality ones. he once made you them for you as a gift. if there's ever a chance where you forget or misplace yours, he'll lend you the ones he has around him all the time. if you ever ask him the music, he listens to prepare for him to ramble of his favorite idol group "Precipice Moirai"...
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pokeficdaily · 1 year
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