#thanks anon :D
axoqiii · 1 year
hey, i love your art! for the palette ask game, webby in #33 - Venus Flytrap?
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💥 webbyyyy!!!
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darkfluffydragon · 6 months
More lore on shadow milk cookie and pure vanilla cookie and wind aecher cookie also since pure vanilla cookie rules the vanilla kingdom what will happen to it and how will the republic and the ancient cookies react to the beast... Please give me lore I crave for it
I have a lot of drawings planned for this au, but actually getting to do them is a whole other thing. I keep getting distracted by little side quests, and my motivation jumps from one project to another faster than I can keep up. Though, most of the little comics are seperate scenarios that occur in the au, focused around the trio.
Despite this, I can still share some of the lore through writing form >:D
I’ll start with the question of how exactly Shadow Milk Cookie managed to influence Pure Vanilla’s Souljam so easily. In the original story, Pure Vanilla resists Shadow Milk with White Lily’s help. In the Phantasmagoria AU, Shadow Milk Cookie tries again and succeeds.
There’s one main factor (or two), that contributed to this. Both of which happened long before the Beastyeast episodes. It happened during the Dark Flour War, when Pure Vanilla Cookie used Dark Moon Magic to banish Dark Enchantress and sacrifice himself. Dark Moon Magic taints the soul here, and the spell had a far greater consequence than anyone realised. Those imperfections in the Light of Truth gave Shadow Milk the perfect opening to sneak his way in and achieve victory.
Or perhaps, the true catalyst was the academy. When Pure Vanilla Cookie snuck into the restricted section and discovered knowledge long buried and lost.
Next up, Windy! Shadow Milk Cookie has met Wind Archer in the past. Briefly, at least. As a scholar and seeker of knowledge, he would have tried to find a way to meet Millennial Tree Cookie. Though he would only succeed when he becomes truly desperate to stop the corruption plaguing him and his friends. He would plead for an audience with the god, and upon meeting him, would be told that they could not help him. That the apparently all-knowing god could not help them because they were creations of the witches, who even the gods themselves did not truly understand.
All those nights of scouring ancient texts, all the weeks, months, perhaps even years, of clinging onto that false hope. It would cause Shadow Milk to feel resentment at the unfair situation. They did not ask for this power, they were simply created with it. What had they done to deserve such punishment? Did they not do everything the witches asked them to do? Why were the witches not helping them?’
He would want someone to resent, someone more tangible than the witches that created them. Who else but the god that stood before him? The grudge would remain, even after centuries had passed in the seal. It would remain long enough that when he comes across the guardian once more, he would gleefully take the wind god and break him at the first chance he had. Anything to provoke Millennial Tree Cookie, who had denied him the salvation he begged for all those eons ago.
Does Pure Vanilla Cookie still love White Lily Cookie? The answer to this is, at first, simple: No. He does not love White Lily, not anymore. Shadow Milk Cookie knew that the affection was a variable, one that had ruined his first attempts at gaining control. He would remove it as soon as possible, to cement his control. Pure Vanilla Cookie is quite literally unable to love White Lily anymore. Surprisingly enough, Shadow Milk Cookie didn’t deem the bond he held with the other ancients much of a threat to his manipulations, so he left those relatively untouched.
While Pure Vanilla isn’t able to love White Lily anymore, it doesn’t mean he’s lost any feelings he had for her. They’re still there. Specifically, he’s in love with the memory of her. He remembers how he used to love her, how he had waited so long for her. How he remained stubborn in his choice of love. Pure Vanilla would love those memories, cherish them even if he could no longer understand them. He cannot love the current White Lily Cookie, but he could love the White Lily and Pure Vanilla that once existed.
This lack of feeling wouldn’t go away in the aftermath either. Shadow Milk Cookie is very thorough in his methods, and the lost love wouldn’t just return. Even if his influence is gone. To regain Pure Vanilla’s love, White Lily would have to earn it again. The problem, however, stems from how much they would have changed. White Lily is no longer the White Lily from the academy that young Pure Vanilla fell in love with, and Pure Vanilla is no longer the virtuous hero and king the stories claim he is. They’ve both changed. So much so that one could even question if it was even possible for Pure Vanilla to fall in love with her again.
It’s very strongly a role reversal scenario.
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juicezone · 2 months
*gives you guys a juice box*
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cilil · 4 months
Regarding Fingolfin Kink poll. Options of being stepped on, size difference and knife play do paint a rather concerning, but fascinating alternative reading of whatever he tried to accomplish in That One Duel.
Hehehehe. It's a fun thought, right? Maybe he wanted to go out with a different kind of bang...
Melkor would be okay with most of these as well, excluding the sword play on Fingolfin's part - unless those were screams of pleasure after all >:)
Another fun alternative: Fingolfin had no idea he's into this until the duel happened. He then sat in Mandos, remembering what happened, and was like "shit why was this hot". This could also fit super well into a "Fingolfin lives and gets captured" AU because we all know Melkor and I would have an absolute field day with it. Ah the possibilities...
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drawthething · 2 years
Love ur art! If you are taking suggestions, maybe you could draw Natalie with her lizard(s)?
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Ah Nat! Cool gal with a cool taste for pets :D Sorry if the komodo dragon looks weird, I can't seem to draw animals (damn those funny heads). Oh well, you might get a laugh outta it pffft
Say, do ya think she might get a crocodile soon?
Thank you for the suggestion and comment :D i'm so happy to hear that aww ❤
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angelmichelangelo · 4 months
Hey you know would be fun? You could rank your favorite to least favorite iteration of each of the four boys. Btw sorry for all these asks lol
OH THAT WOULD BE FUN!! don’t be sorry i haven’t had asks in months so it’s all good friend! okay here we go:
starting with leo.
least favourite leo would for SURE be the bayverse version. now.. i am the Few that actually enjoys those movies (sue me, they came out when i was first getting into tmnt so they hold some nostalgia value) but ive mentioned before my gripe with bayverse!leo just because he’s so narrow minded and so set aside from mike, raph and don. it feels like he’s their awkward older cousin that lives with them rather than a brother. bayverse!leo get in the bin. michael bay, you can join him whilst he’s there, actually. why did you do my boy dirty like this, huh?
my favourite leo would be 2003! i just really enjoy his storylines! i like that he’s far from perfect! i think he’s well written and he is a good balance of all the ingredients that make leo Leo!! plus leosagi <33333
now raphael.
least favourite version of raph would be.. rise? this is hard because like i said in my last ask, i genuinely enjoy all versions of raph! i’m just gonna say raph just because i like it when he has his typical anger issues. UGH but it’s so hard because he’s so Eldest Daughter in rise. it’s official: i do not have a least favourite raph. it is simply impossible. even bayverse!raph is good lol
favourite raph is easily 2012. sean austin the man that you are, that is MY raphael. as an anger issues girlie i just relate to this raph. he loves his brothers and i will die on the hill that is defending him with every breath i have. we love 2012 in this house and we love 2012 raph even more.
donnie’s turn!!
gonna be super duper controversial with this one so im putting on bubble wrap to protect myself but least favourite donnie is… rise. oops. HEAR ME OUT!! i am totally fine with others liking rise don. i get the appeal. but my heart will forever love gentle, soft, sweet donnie, and whilst the change up in rise is COOL as hell, i just can’t with the sarccy, cold, snarky version of him. (plus i have a LOOOOT to say about ahem. certain stereotypes when it comes to writers creating canonically autistic characters but that’s another rant for another time) ONCE AGAIN!! i still enjoy his character!! but i just don’t find him to be my favourite.. okay swiftly moving on lol
favourite donnie is EAAAASSILY 2007 don. he’s basically a side character in that movie alongside mike but BOY OH BOY he’s just so fantastic. he’s so fun. i could write essays about how he held that stupid family together. give him a medal. give him the moon idc he deserves it. 2007 is a winner
and now for my golden boy, michelangelo
least favourite mikey? im probably gonna go with mutant mayhem???? again, i enjoyed his character and i think his va was like perfect! but he was pretty underutilised in that movie and im really desperately hoping that he’s bumped up from background comic relief to something more in the show and sequel. he’s only on the bottom of the list because he didn’t really do much in the movie except nearly die lol rip
favourite mikey? idw. bodies all the rest of the turtles in every iteration. idw mikey is funny, clever, smart, has great storylines plus we get my meat and potatoes woodyangelo. that’s all i really ever need lol. plus idw mikey checks splinter and that’s like. the best. put that rat DOWN mike !!!
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thank you for reblogging bimble greep. let him in.
Always :3
I always think of the "let me in. let me innnn!" meme when I see it, lmao.
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dyst-blogs · 11 months
you're pretty cool
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this is the biggest compliment ive ever recieved omg
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seasonal-writes · 2 years
How about 68?
- What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Oooh, I feel like I can kinda flesh out that brief question about inspiration I got a bit ago. So, like, I mentioned music as a first thing. I am mentally ill over music as a whole, and listen to that more than I listen to/watch anything else. And would I be a fic writer if I didn't use lyrics as a way to come up with story ideas?? Like. Yeah. that's a HUGE source of inspiration. Additionally, I'll read poetry! Sometimes certain stuff like that will really inspire me, like specific lines or the overall vibe or meaning.
But another thing, as I mentioned, is also talking with my friends! The nice thing about having friends who are into the same thing as you is that there's a likely chance AUs or other story ideas will come into play, and often times I'll respond with "OHH I WANNA WRITE IT" and sometimes I do. Like, "19% touch starved and 81% in denial"? That was totally born out of me saying "I wanna write my first rancher fluff fic" and my best friend saying "what if jimmy was touch-starved" and i was like "YOU'RE SO RIGHT" and voila. So. That's another REALLY big source of inspiration for me, as well as just being very fun and allowing me to bond with my friends :)
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cvstodians · 2 years
Thank you very much for poll 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
No worries! It’s been a ton of fun to set up- I’m looking forward to see how it unfolds <3
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drawthething · 2 years
hello! opinion on the Gac trio aka Gene, Alex and Courtney:D I personally find them adorable💗
Ooooh an ask about Gene's gang of precious annoying kiddos! I am blessed :D
Kudos to the writers for letting my boy Gene have his little friend group outside of his siblings. And they're like these puzzle pieces that fit so well together. Alex's more composed and timid, Courtney's a tiny bit lot more over the top and Gene's the perfect balance 👌. They all have such amusing and endearingly annoying personalities though, it's like only they can match each other's level of infinite absurdity.
I also love Gene & Courtney as well as Gene & Alex as duos. Such silly fun dynamics and I LIVE for Gene & Courtney's friendship development throughout the show (now we've just gotta have more Alex episodes and it'll be perfecta cuz there're only like, 3 eps of him that i remember) We need more of all three of them together tbh, since they've only got their trio interactions in "Roller? I hardly know her" and "The Gene mile".
Hope I'll draw some pieces for these wonderfully whacky kids soon, they deserve their own appreciation posts :]
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your creations are loved, ty
Aw, thank you :D
Lajdsjsksksksk- This made me smile real big, I hope ya know.
Happy Feels, this made my day!
(thanks anon)
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outoftheirdifferences · 5 months
I would die for Lauren
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Aw, I didn't know my OC girl had fans on here! :D
I'm glad you like her so much, Anon! If you RP here on tumblr too, feel welcome to throw some ideas at me if you want to get a muse of your interacting with her; I'm always happy to give the girl some love ^^
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decaydanceredacted · 1 year
I know everyone here seems to think Pete's a bottom but I need him to fuck me until I can't think anymore! (ps. thanks for your service lol I just read every single one of your posts I love this account)
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kyros-tha-soldier · 2 years
im assuming for the moment that s-snake's ability works on people who find her adorable/cute (in like a non sexual way). maybe the fruit wouldve worked differently for blackbeard too and that's why he wanted it
Hol up Anon, you're actually right! I remembered that she was called 'adorable' or maybe 'cute' by York before she turned into stone, so far i haven't seen the panels so yes i think that's how it is!
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