#thanks bhairavi!!!
natures-marvel · 1 year
yk what this is like? like you're that didi who lives on the floor above mine and has a dog and i am a six year old who comes to your house everyday to play with your dog and also befriends you in the process
Thats really sweet! 🥰
Thank you! 🥰
Also, we are really good friends by now?! No doubt about it! 😁
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folklore-girl · 1 year
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ty pinterest for making me feel so single ily 🥰🥰
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blackvahana · 5 months
I said I was going to make visionary incense with the trees and plants that grow in this garden. i am.
Madness going fucking ham earlier... was a necessary fucking moment (insert what i said last night about deities' actions being symbols. lev absolutely Forgot to be more careful because Big Lev made him forget that on purpose). a moment of realisation of how strong the Tree of Madness is and. jesus christ. I am not. stripping its bark and turning that into incense alone
its definitely going to be....... this garden as a whole actually is going to be mixed and matched to form various alchemical shit. the Heart Tree (tree of me in totality) is definitely needed in the visionary/divine madness incense, but that. increases the effects of the Tree of Madness, so I have to be fucking careful. The Tree of Sleep, whenever it arises, is definitely going to be a component and I think its soothing properties will counteract Madness alllllllmost. more so Madness is the top of a triangle metaphorically, Sleep is one other corner, we need another contender in the third corner to properly balance out and neutralise Madness' complex ferocity.
anyway. remember what i said about big spirits acting symbolically? dont look too much into that
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ramayantika · 5 months
The dance of the devi
Flowers for the goddess 
in my alta-dyed hands,
I offer them at the lotus feet
of the Mother of the Universe.
Gentle blues of the skies move out 
And Surya slowly rises from slumber
in its captivating regal glory,
its golden rays adorning
the Devi’s forehead.
I behold the golden complexioned goddess
set in stone with a benevolent smile.
My anklets lay at her feet
with turmeric and vermillion coating
some of those melodious bells.
A sweet summer breeze blows by.
A bell jingles and a lotus from her garland
falls to the brown earth at my dust laden feet.
A jingle of bangles and anklets,
A low hum of a mysterious yet beautiful tune,
And a voice sings,
A voice that I can recognize anywhere –
The Devi has risen!
Draped in silks and gold,
fragrant garlands around her limbs,
She steps outside to my courtyard,
A very humble stage for the one
who is the abode of this entire Universe.
The sun makes her ornaments gleam, 
yet her moon-like face is the brightest.
My anklets are around her feet
But what truly do I own 
in this illusionary world?
What I receive –
Beauty, intelligence, riches and power,
All comes from her.
And by the bright yellows of dawn
I see her dance in my courtyard.
Wherever her feet travel, little blooms arise
and where her hands softly touch,
Golden dust flies.
She twirls round and round
And I see the might cosmic Gods
Swirling around her magnificence.
Her veil, the illusionary veil,
which she playfully casts 
around this world
escapes the clutches 
of her beautiful braided hair.
And now I see. Clearly.
She leaps into the air,
Resembling a warrior
and a warrior she is,
for she is the Devi,
The ferocious Bhairavi,
The invincible Durga,
the slayer of Mahishasura.
She is the dark one, Kali,
The slayer of Raktabija.
Her dance of grace and elegance
transforms to a dance of death and destruction.
She is Shivatrinayani and Maheshwari.
She leaps and twirls with her trident
and her anklets and the temple bells ring 
Just like the eternal forces of nature.
Devi is Nitya, the eternal one.
I, a mere mortal woman, a devotee
akin to the turmeric and vermillion on her feet
watch the goddess dance in all her glory.
I see all the worlds and this vast universe 
dance with her,
And maybe it is really true:
That everything in the world dances.
Laasya performs in every object,
in the largest to the very smallest.
And then I see the radiant one
stretch her palm to me.
I see my world in her hand
And clasp her hand tightly.
Which daughter lets go of her mother’s hand?
So we dance.
Stars and galaxies, planets and cosmic bodies,
Fire and snow, gods, demons and mortals,
I see her in everything
And this is the Dance of Realisation.
The music, the drums and the bells slowly fade 
But the dancing soul now awakened
dances in ecstasy.
I see, I hear, I dance, I understand everything now.
The Devi twirls, spins, sings, smiles and laughs
And finally heads to her abode, to Shiva, her life.
My life, a thread in her hands,
I now submit to her eternal play 
of this Life’s Dance.
I haven't written poetry in a while now. Somehow I couldn't capture this in a story format, it felt bland and very large and long. I didn't like it. The poem format perhaps gives me a little peace to form the vision I once had a few years ago while meditating on the goddess. I will obviously edit this later for the book, but for now here's the first draft poem for the book
Tagging: @swayamev @indiansapphic @jukti-torko-golpo (big thank you to you for the devi content!) @navaratna @rhysaka @krishna-priyatama @krsnaradhika @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @alhad-si-simran @ramcharantitties @kaal-naagin
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daughterofruins · 1 year
This isn't proof read and definitely not perfect, but do leave reviews because they mean everything to me.
Lets get one thing straight- I am THE best debater in my school. I love going to debates. But I don't like being forced to go to debates, especially where there are people like him.
Him with his annoying wannabe disney prince hairstyle and him with his annoying flirting glance and him with his annoying signature playboy smirk. He should be renamed Mr.Annoying.
And yet, here I was running on my way to the auditorium for the semi finals, crashing into people and muttering hurried sorrys so they knew that Pristine Academy girls were "lady like" and "well mannered".
I made it through the door just as they said Pristine Academy.
"We qualified", my co debater whispered in my ears.
"Of course we did. We have me in our team."
That was my greatest weapon right there, my confidence.
6 academies had made it to the semis, only 2 would make it to the finals. They called one speaker from each school to come and collect their motions. I rose to go.
We made a queue and headed for the tiny room at the back of the hall, where 6 students could barely fit. I was the second last in the line and there was no way I could see who was behind me since movement there was impossible. I could only smell the mango flavoured shampoo of the girl infront of me. As she got her slip and left I took two small steps and dug my hand inside the bowl placed before me.
I got my hands on one slip and turned to leave, but my foot crashed with someone else's foot and I leaned forward, readying myself for the most embarrassing moment of my school life. Yet, I did not fall.
After something like an eternity and a second, I looked up and found two strong hands gripping my arms, the blue shirt rolled up to the forearms, showing well muscled forearms. My eyes traveled up a muscular shirt into two brown eyes and that was when I realised.
I was in the arms of the debater from Wellstone Academy.
I was in the arms of the winner of the last MUN i had attended.
I was in his arms.
The thought made me puke.
"I see you've fallen for me, Ms.Pristine"
I jerked him off me the way an angry cat dries herself, hissing and meowing loudly.
"I see you've qualified, Mr.Wellstone"
We didn't know each others names. All I knew was his school and the fact that the boy who was assisting him had a huge crush on me.
Both of us stood there for what seemed like an eternity, till he said,
"I've got to collect my topic."
"I'm not stopping you," I replied.
"But you're in my way"
"I'm trying to get out, if you'd be kind enough to move to the side and let a lady pass"
He moved just enough for my to pass by, and when I crossed him I looked up on an impluse, our faces inches away from eachother when I moved to the other side.
"We've got the same motion your grace. We're on the same team, lady" he said, over emphasising the last word.
I looked at him, and all I could smell in that closed room was my rose scented perfume and his manly cologne.
"We won't just make a team, Sir, we'll make a winning team" I said before I walked out, the blood pulsing in my veins.
At least I got the last word this time.
Guys, the schools mentioned are completely fictitious. They're not real and if they are, then the real ones haven't been mentioned here at all. Thank you for reading:)
Tagging because it's my first time and I need reviews:-
@tumhari-bhairavi @tumharimummykibahu @mainapnifavouritehoon @bookish-alone @misssclumsy @after-dark-shine @oh-munda-kukkad-kamaal-da @alhad-si-simran @trashmeowcan @satanicallysatanicchild @om-is-ok @chanda-chamke-cham-cham @sanskari-kanya @vellibandi @appki-adrak-wali-chai and anyone else really.
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butchkaramazov · 1 year
A Shade Darker Than Red: Chapter 10
Chapter 9.5
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The next day, I found myself knocking at her door with a glass of neem water in my hand. Maa said it helped with the hangover, and I found myself in no position to question her authority on all things drunk and bisexual.
My knocks were answered by a very disgruntled Paro, clearly still recovering from the effects of last night. I barely held back a snigger. “So,” I smirked, leaning against the doorframe, “how’s that wine feeling?”
Paro rolled her eyes, accepting the neem water. “What’s Bhairavi auntie up to this time?”
I shrugged. “Who knows, who cares. Just drink it.”
She walked further into her room and I followed, an amused smile playing on my lips as she almost spat out the neem water. “Just what is this?” 
“Oh, just the usual,” I said. “Neem water. Distracts you from the mugginess of last night.”
“You jerk!” She punched my shoulder. “And I can’t even be mad at you because—this actually helps!” She plopped herself on the bed, looking dismayed. “Did I do anything stupid last night?” she groaned.
I forced a laugh, feeling those familiar butterflies in my stomach. “None that I’m aware of, no,” I said. I couldn’t tell her. No, absolutely not. She brought all the colour back to my little Red world, and if she left, she would take all things bright and beautiful along with her.
Paro inched closer until her knee nudged my hip. She rested her head in the crook of my neck, her breath warm against my collarbones. “Thank you, Renu,” she muttered. “I may have a terrible hangover, but—thanks for—bringing me home.”
“Doofus,” I teased. “Where else would I bring you but home? And since when did we start thanking each other?”
Paro didn’t reply, choosing to snuggle deeper into my neck. She looked at me, her eyelids drooping as she managed to flash me a tired smile. “I hate to say this but—the neem water actually did help.” 
“Now that—that might just be the Renu effect.” 
Paro merely huffed in response.
She looked divine, almost otherworldly—enveloped in my mortal body. I had felt it creeping on me since I met her when we were five. Now, on a sudden impulse, I leaned forward and captured her lips between mine.
A thousand alarms blared in my mind as I pulled away as quickly as I had leaned in. The colours I had seen when my lips had touched hers quickly faded to a dark red. What had I done? 
I stood up and stumbled backwards, walking into her desks and drawers. Paro stood up as well, walking towards me. Her expression was inscrutable. “Renu—”
“No, Paro, I fucked up—”
“Renu, please, listen to me—”
“Please, Paro, please don’t say anything.” I still rolled her name around in my tongue, just as I had done when we were five. Now, I feared I wouldn’t be able to speak it again.
I lifted my hands to my face, trying to scrub the filth away. The Red seemed to envelop me, it had proved me right. After everything, I would, indeed, end everything in red.
“Renu, sit down, you’re shaking,” Paro said. It terrified me how her voice trembled. It never did when it came to me. Had I really done this?
“Paro—Paro, I’m sorry, believe me I shouldn’t have—” I heard myself mumble pleas of desperation, almost prayers. Thirteen years of friendship. Thirteen. And I had destroyed it all in a single second of pure, animalistic desperation.
I walked away from her until my back was against the wall. Something wet rolled down my cheeks and nose and I tasted salt. Red red red red red red red red—“I’m so so sorry oh God I shouldn’t have done that I’m so sorry I—”
Paro walked closer to me. “Renu.” A little bit of colour, now. It would soon be Red again.
“I swear I don’t want to ruin anything I’m so sorry I messed up I’m sorry—” 
“I’m just—”
My vision blurred as I felt Paro pull me by my shirt and press me against her chest, crashing her lips onto mine. Everything seemed to slow down and speed up at the same time. She was hesitant at first, until her body curved into mine and deepened the kiss. My hands instinctively roamed up the expanse of her collar to her tangled locks of hair, as if my body was made to hold hers.
My mind froze for a second as I tasted Colgate and neem and Paro. My knees almost buckled when her hand traced circles on my back. Bright lights. Bright, flashing lights. Colour. This was—this was too good to be true.
I pulled away first, causing a whine to escape from Paro’s lips. “So…you like me?” I asked, rather stupidly.
Paro still looked at me like I was the stupidest thing she’d ever seen, her lips swollen and pupils dilated. “No, you idiot,” she said, smiling despite herself. “I love you.”
I felt her eyes on my scar, suddenly feeling self-conscious. The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. “I know it looks ugly, I—”
“Renu,” Paro murmured, her fingers tracing over the nasty gash. “Shut up.” I gladly complied as she kissed the side of my mouth, right where the scar started. 
“You’re pretty red, you know,” she said, cupping my face after pulling away.
I felt my cheeks heat up. “Shut up.”
“Vermillion, actually.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
I raised an eyebrow, leaning in. “Are you sure about that?”
“Good morning Parvati, did you—oh.” Maa. Perfect timing. Right when our faces were two centimetres away from each other.
I pulled away, smoothening my shirt. “Ah, sweet mother of mine,” I greeted. “Good morning!”
Paro swatted my shoulder. “That awkward Shakespearean thing isn’t working,” she muttered in my ear. I fought the urge to dig a hole into the earth and stay there forever.
Maa simply stood there for quite a few minutes, before sighing in relief. “Finally,” she huffed, picking up Paro’s empty glass. “Got some sense knocked into you, did you?” She shook her head disapprovingly. “What took you so long?”
Paro stared as Maa simply walked out of the room, stopping only to remind me that I had English tuition at seven p.m.
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@avani-amulya @manujanolavu @nirmohi-premika @lovesickpdf @arachneofthoughts @sonilaalbindi @desi-yearning @alhad-si-simran @thatpagalchokri @trashmeowcan @waitingforthesunrise @vellibandi @thesunandstarss @chanda-chamke-cham-cham @damnn-dorothea @the-unhinged-fanwinggg @watchingblsnowandforever @disproportionatelysculpting @bundle-of-glitter @bibliophile-dendrophile please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist<3
here it is !! the scene y'all have been waiting for i'm just gonna pretend like i didn't get butterflies writing this.
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indian-kahani · 1 year
Desi LGBT Fest: Day 9 - Perseverance
tagging: @desi-lgbt-fest - I also actually wanted to say a big big big thankyou for making me feel so loved! I was super nervous to get involved but you have reblogged every single one of my posts with the sweetest tags and it really means a lot &lt;3
i've already tagged her at the bottom of the post but also for @tumhari-bhairavi, you've been the sweetest about all my writing &lt;333
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Dear Amma,
I’m leaving for college tonight. Yes, me – your sweet little Padma…! I’m scared, Amma. I’m really, really scared. I know you love me no matter what. I know you will always be there by my side, calling me your bangara. I know that I have you and Papa, and Anshu, by my side.
Amma, no matter how grown up I am I will still be your little baby. Can I still be the girl that held your hand in the market? Can I still be the tiny girl you loved so much? This world hates me, Amma. You know I have always been so gentle. How do I survive in this world that hates people like me so much? I can’t love who I want to openly, so how do I hide the sweetest parts of me?
I can’t hold Anshika’s hand in public, or kiss her under the stars after drinking tea and taste the sugar on her lips. I can’t take photos with her in a booth or rest my head on her shoulder. I can’t stand in front of a crowd with a priest and lead her around the fire with a knot tied in our dresses, showing the Lord himself how we love each other. I can’t hide my name in her wedding mehendi. I might never be able to put a ring on her finger…!
I’m scared to go to college, Amma. What if they hate me too? I know the world is getting bigger but there will always be people determined to hate me for something I can’t control. Will you still love me even after people ask you where you went wrong as a parent? Will you still call me your vajra after people tell you to marry me off to some fine, upstanding boy to fix me? Will I still have a home with you, at least, even if everyone else despises me?
If you promise me that much, Amma, I will try my best. I will be a daughter you can be proud of. I will do whatever it takes if you just give me this one thing more. You have already sacrificed so much for my ambitions: please give me your blessings along with it.
One day, Amma, I will carry Anshika up the two hundred steps of Jejuri and stand before God who made us so beautiful. One day, I will make you so proud that you will ask me to carry you till the top of Kedarnath so you can thank Shiva for giving you such a fine daughter. I will do anything, everything I can, Amma.
I promise.
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bangara - gold [language - kannada]
vajra - diamond [language - kannada]
This honestly hit really close to home for me. I relate to Padma a lot, always wanting my parents to be proud of me, and writing this was super emotional. I may or may not have cried but yk-
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This was inspired by @tumhari-bhairavi's piece for desi-lgbt-fest-2022 day 3, fear.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
3-Pile Tarot Reading - What is it about you that makes others mentally kneel in front of you?
I have prepared a reading where you pick one of the three piles (or two or all of them) based on which resonates with you. Then you scroll to the reading for your pile.
Clear and simple, right? Shall we begin?
What is it about you that makes others mentally kneel in front of you?
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Pile 1 - Aura Quartz - 14 Bhadra Kali
Pile 2 - Selenite (Desert Rose) - 7 Dakshina
Pile 3 - Clear Quartz - Bhairavi Yogini
Pick the pile or piles you feel most drawn to!
See you in your reading!
P.S. Don't worry, I'm also working on the requested readings and you will get at least one today.
3-Pile Tarot Reading
Pile 1 - Aura Quartz - 14 Bhadra Kali
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You are the creator of your own destiny and others are left in awe about it. You have goals, dreams, ambitions and you know how to achieve them step by stem. You are not the one to start feeling cold feet when an obstacle comes in your way. You are courageous, a fighter in your soul. Life hasn’t always been kind to you, it might have roughed your feathers more than once but here you still are, standing proudly and with a vision in front of you. You don’t know what boredom is as you have so many creative and groundbreaking ideas that you simply don’t have time to feel stuck. You have your emotions under control most of the time and you are likely the motherly kind of person, always taking care of others, being their trusty rock in the stormy seas of life. Your own life is likely a hurricane but you live by the saying “Calm sea never made a skilled sailor”. While you do go through rough times, you are still somewhat protected from serious harm. In your case, gods protect the courageous ones.
Pile 2 - Selenite (Desert Rose) - 7 Dakshina
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You are the survivor and people admire that about you. You have been through some tough times, you had to deal with fear and make difficult choices where none of the options looked ideal. You have been to dark places once. However, you have found your light, you have said the prayers to take you through the abyss safely, you took that step into the unknown, you made the hard choice and you have broken the cycle of manipulation and fear. You have trusted your guts and won over the inner insecurities and anxieties which were chaining you up and making you vulnerable in the eyes of others. You are that person no more now. You have found the path of self-love, passion, respect. You are now at the beginning of an exciting journey. You are building healthy relationships now, you love your new self.
Pile 3 - Clear Quartz - Bhairavi Yogini
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You are authentic and people are envious about that. You might have been insecure in the past, maybe never felt truly loved or beautiful but you have learned that true beauty comes within. It’s not only appearance, it’s the confidence you radiate. You are on the right path, you are true to yourself, you don’t let others decide what’s good for you. Sometimes people don’t understand your direction and the path you are walking. That’s fine. This path wasn’t meant for them, it’s yours. You don’t take anything for granted, you don’t follow others obediently. You ask questions, investigate and make your own conclusions and have your own opinions. It might lead to conflicts with other people, your friends and relatives might feel disappointed when you choose the path they didn’t imagine for you. You should know, you are protected and any fear or negativity will be erased away from your path as long as it’s authentic for you.
I hope you liked this little game type of a reading. Let me know in the comments which pile you picked. As usual, pick what resonates with you and dismiss the rest.
Thank you for your attention!
Thank you for reading!
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Any Feedback is Welcomed ✅
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penpaperandbooks · 2 months
They Bring Me Flowers - Pt. 1
Glossary: arasan - the Tamil equivalent of 'Your Highness' illavarasan - the Tamil equivalent of Crown Prince devi - a term used to address any woman respectfully
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I sit by the window, mindlessly watching the people go by below. The grocer sells his items and the hawker cries out his wares while the children play around them.
The wind blows in, bringing with it the smell of sweet jasmine. The branches of parijat flowers sway slightly from the weight of the flowers in their ceramic vase.
The musician's voice travels through the hall, singing raga Bhairavi. I close my eyes, soaking in the soft winter sun, and the raga, feeling it transport me.
The song ends and the musician looks at me hopefully for some payment. I gesture to the maids waiting at the side, and they give her a ring, studded with gems.
"Thank you, devi." the musician bows, keeping the necklace safe in the leather bag by her side. "Do you have anything you want me to sing?" she asks.
I shake my head. "Sing anything," I say, turning away from her. The musician starts again, singing a ballad, famous amongst the nobility.
I close my eyes and lean back into the low sofa as the slow, mournful tune of the song fills the hall. It tells the tale of a flower girl, poor and downtrodden, doing various other odd jobs to sustain herself.
One day the illavarasan's friends were out on a joy ride around the city when they came across her. Buying flowers from her out of pity, they ride by, satisfied with their good deed for the day. But one of them stays back, unwilling to go galloping with his friends.
"What is your name?" he asks the girl, captivated by her beauty. Her clothes were spotted with stains and flecks of mud, but she carried herself with a certain dignity that he had never seen in the common folk.
She looks at him silently. "Why do you want to know, sire? Please, do not concern yourself with us lowly people," she announces loudly, before turning away from him.
Since then, he was taken with her, sometimes riding or other days walking to her usual spot, either to buy flowers or to stand and admire her.
Soon, the two fell in love with each other, both waiting excitedly for when they would meet. Their small exchange, while he bought flowers, was the only time they could talk, for she was but a flower girl and he the friend of the illavarasan.
One day, weeks after the two first met, the illavarasan followed his friend, curious to see where he had been slipping off during their classes and practice.
When he saw his friend walk up to the flower girl, he too was taken by her beauty. He ran back to the palace and begged his father to have the flower girl's hand in marriage.
"I beg of you, Father!" the illavarasan pleaded. "She is all I can think about. I cannot live without her beside me!" he cried, his heart beating as he waited for his father to answer. Not a thought he spared for his friend, forget the girl.
The arasan pondered over this issue long and hard, before finally giving in. To him it was but the silly obsessions that he too had at that age, before he came into power.
"Fine," he said, a knowing smile on his face. "But, she shall be your mistress, not your wife," he said, despite protests from his son.
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natures-marvel · 1 year
can I pls have an atom the dog ka image everyday
Not everyday cause mere paas itne pics nahi hai uske 😕
Altho, heres one for now :
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folklore-girl · 1 year
love the theme <33333
bhairavi diii
thank you <333333
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sarayu-sunrays · 1 year
Good morning jii, have a nice day <3
*insert flower image, can you please start image asks thank you*
Morning (afternoon!) Akka!
Mere pas kuch flowers nahi hai par yeh mera favourite (and only :P) succulent hai. So here, a succulent for you <3
It wants to be a flower.
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Also sorry, what do you mean 'can you start image asks'?
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: Of Light and Shadow is a novel about magic, mayhem, love, and betrayal—the story of a bandit and a prince who change each other in unexpected ways. When they don’t give us our birthright, we steal it. Roshan Chaya is out for justice. Abandoned by her parents at birth and adopted by the kingdom of Jwala's most notorious bandit before his brutal murder, she is now leader of the Shadow Clan, a gang of farmers-turned-bandits impoverished by the provincial governor’s atrocities and corruption. Roshan’s goal: to avenge her adoptive father and earn back rights and dignity for her people. Prince Navin has always felt like an outcast. Second in line for the throne, he has never been close to his grandmother, Queen Bhairavi of Jwala. When a night out drinking with friends leads to his capture by the infamous Shadow Clan, Navin schemes to befriend Roshan and use her as a means to escape. His ploy, however, brings Navin closer to the corruption and poverty at the heart of Roshan’s province, raising questions about its governor and Navin’s own family. To further complicate things, the closer Roshan and Navin get, the harder it becomes to fight their growing attraction. But how can they trust each other when the world as they know it starts to fall apart? Set in a magical world inspired by the badlands of 17th century India, this standalone epic fantasy novel by Tanaz Bhathena is packed with political tensions, dangerous schemes, and swoon-worthy romance that asks the age old question: can love conquer all?
She’s the leader of bandits known as the Shadow Clan who wants to get revenge for the murder of her father and save her people from the governor’s atrocities and corruption. He’s the second in line prince, an outcast who spends his day flirting and drinking and he has soul magic. Two people whose’s lives completely change when they meet, or rather when she kidnaps him and holds him for ransom and he schemes for his release... yet the more he spends time with Roshan the more he discovers what is truly happening to his hand and people and that this bandit might just have stolen his heart. Prince Navin was only suppose to be something to help Roshan get her goals and help her people but things become complicated as Roshan and Navin learn about each other, spend time together, and actually work together to save the people from corruption. They are so different yet so alike, they both want whats best for their world but with so much on the line, can they really succeed? This was definitely an interesting read, it starts off a bit iffy but absolutely picks up and has a great ending overall. I found myself getting invested snd liked how the story wrapped up. The romance was great and I liked the magic system that was made. 
*Thanks Netgalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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*ruffles your hair* hehe hi cutu <3 meri taraf se ek chhotu sa phoot for your hair
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Haaye. Thank you Miss Bhairavi. Flowers for you too
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butchkaramazov · 1 year
hi ahana, how are you doing? maaf karna i left so abruptly, but I wasn't doing so well, I'm back now <3
~ bhairavi
ofc ofc health first, obviously. how are you doing? there's no need to be sorry <3
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indian-kahani · 1 year
@morally-gayy @tumhari-bhairavi yk I think the gay lords did bless me today, I had a nice day. thanks guys
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