#thanks cillian
ludinusdaleth · 2 months
ive got one for you, fellow man liker: when a guy has long hair, is thinning but still has long hair despite it, or is just bald, they are deeply handsome. when a man just has Short Hair - i.... really find it unattractive 90% of the time!
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songspiral · 9 months
"All Your Fails" by Kevin Drew
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mysaintkitten · 8 months
Little Secret | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
prompt: neil is your sisters boyfriend, but that doesn’t stop you from developing a slight crush on him (this is based off a suggestion that was sent to me !! thank you to whoever sent it !!) (NSFW, NO MINORS!)
WARNINGS: veeery slight age gap (unspecified ages but reader is implied to be younger, everyones legal), cheating, loss of virginity, unprotected sex (p in v), creampie
word count: 3.8k
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neil and your sister had been dating for about 4 months now, still very much in its fresh-honeymoon stage. in those 4 months, you two had been around each other a few times but hadn’t really spoken to each other directly. you’d be in the same conversations, but that’s really all that would happen.
it wasn’t until somehow, the two of you were left alone in the living room of your house a few hours before your parents were planning to hold a family gathering, neil being your sisters plus one. you’re sitting on one side of the couch and he sits on the other, you’re physically as far apart as you can within the couches armrests. your sister had temporarily left due to a minor emergency situation, she had realized that she had no solo cups or paper plates for the family gathering tonight, and your parents were at the liquor store buying alcohol for the gathering.
for a while, you just sat in silence. if you were being honest, you thought neil was pretty cute, but you felt so guilty about it. so you just tried your best to avoid him. he was just a few years older, nothing significant that would make people look twice, but the more dominating factor was that he was with your sister. whenever you felt yourself staring at him, or tweaking your appearance when he’d look away, you’d remind yourself: he’s with your sister.
as the two of you sat in silence, he eventually breaks it by blowing a weak raspberry through his lips and stirring up a conversation,
“sooo …” he starts, eyes scanning around the room before bringing them to you, “see any interesting movies lately?” he asks, you refrain from chuckling. of course he’s asking about movies. but, it’s his main interest and he’s trying to be nice, so you engage.
“uh, yeah, actually!” you respond, looking down at your hands in your lap was you fiddled with your thumbs, “watched fantastic planet, i thought it was really cool.”
“wow, really?” he responds, his words almost sound sarcastic, but when you look up at him he has a partially impressed expression on his face. you blush slightly, temporarily basking in the fact that you gave him an answer he approved of. your sister wasn’t as in to movies as either of you were, which was a bit of a tolling factor on his relationship with her.
“i like fantastic planet too, you seen any other french films? like la haine?” he questions, his body language becoming more relaxed,
you perk up slightly, “yeah! i loved la haine!” you beamed, turning your body inwards to face him better, you did really enjoy cinema but you didn’t have anyone to talk about it with.
he smiles at you warmly and then scans you up and down, before he can say anything you hear the front door unlock and your sister comes in, “oh, my god! you won’t believe what i saw!” she exclaims from the front door. his gaze stays on you for a few more moments before he breaks it to go help your sister out with the bags. you watch him as he leaves. you feel an uncontrollable smile spread across your lips and you scurrying up to your room, not wanting to face your sister and be reminded of the fact that these feelings are guaranteed to lead to nothing.
once upstairs, you start getting ready. you shower and shave, change into a nicer outfit, a cute little dress. overall modest, but showed enough to hopefully peak neil’s intrest, and do your hair and makeup.
you’re patient, making sure you look as nice as possible, nearly missing the beginning of the get together to finish getting ready.
as you’re putting your earrings in, you’re subconsciously thinking about what neil would like. does he like slutty? does he like modest? you don’t want to make it obvious, but you want him to like what he sees.
after a few drinks, it sets in that the gathering is a bit of a let down. neil didn’t look at you once. it was almost like he was avoiding you. the conversations were boring, and you were tired of asking the same dull questions about your life and your future. you decided it was best for you to just sneak back up to your room. your parents and sister were enjoying the company, you didn’t want to kill their vibe.
once in your room, you strip yourself of your dress and slip into a loose tee and some pyjama shorts, proceeding to climb back into bed and scroll on your phone.
suddenly, your bedroom door swings open, and there neil is.
you both stare at each other, “oh, sorry, i thought this was the bathroom.” he said, blatantly lying, he’s been to your house numerous times, he knew exactly where the bathroom was. but how’d he know which room was yours? had he been doing trial and error without you knowing?
you break eye contact and glance around your room trying to figure out what words to say, feeling a blush creep across your cheeks, you notice in your peripheral that he’s walking into your room now, beginning to shut the door behind him,
“uh, well ..” you start, “it isn’t, i can take you to the actual bathroom if you’d like ..” you joke lightly, attempting to calm your own nerves, he smiles at you,
“that’s alright, i don’t really have to go, anyway.” he responds, looking at all the small trinkets you have scattered throughout your room, “why’d you leave?”
oh, so he did notice you.
“i guess it just wasn’t really my vibe .. things didn’t go exactly as planned i suppose.” laughing weakly, again, just trying to break the tension. you’re not even sure if there’s actual tension or if it’s just your nerves, either way, you’re trying to calm yourself down.
“what did you have planned?” he asks, he’s standing directly beside your bed at this point, picking up and toying with little things he’s found on your nightstand.
“uhh ..” you murmur, trying to conjure up a believable lie. you can’t just say, “oh, i tried my best to look hot so you’d look at me, but you didn’t, so i went upstairs.” so you settle with, “i just wasn’t expecting every conversation to revolve around my future, you know? i mean maybe that’s excepted of older family members, they just want what’s best-“ you ramble, and you realize you’re rambling way too far into your sentence.
“sorry” you giggle, he grins at you and chuckles softly, “in summary, the conversations were tedious. i’d rather just be in my room.”
he sighs, “yeah, i get that”, he places the small objects back on your nightstand and adjusts them to how they were before he picked them up. then, to your surprise, he sits on the edge of your bed, “your sisters having a nice time talking with the other girls, i felt a bit out of place so i told them i was heading up to the bathroom, they didn’t really notice though.” he adds, his comment about your sister brought you back down to earth. oh, yeah, my sister, your girlfriend.
you shift away from him slightly, feeling yourself becoming antsy. he had never been this close to you before, he had never been in such a personal space with you before, neither of you knew each other like that, yet here you were.
“oh .. haha ..” you mutter, your eyes are actively avoiding him, you’ve convinced yourself that as long as you don’t look at him he won’t realize how nervous you are. as if he read your mind, you hear him say, “wait, look at me.”
you gulp slightly and shift your head and your gaze towards him, making direct eye contact with him. his eyes drift down to your lips and he brings his thumb forward, gently swiping it against the edge of your bottom lip.
you don’t breathe, his eyes on you and his thumb on your lip is a bit much for your psyche to handle, your eyes shift away, keeping your head in place for him.
he notices your eyes shifting and he chuckles, “what? am i that hideous?”
your eyes widen slightly while looking back at him “no, no no! it’s not that!” you explain frantically, “it’s uh … kinda ..” you start, your voice trailing off as you realize what you were just about to admit to him. he doesn’t let you stop though, he continues to pry.
“kinda … what?” he asks, raising his brows, “kinda .. the opposite.” you choke out, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment, you definitely can’t look at him at this point.
you shift away from him more, tucking your knees up to your chest, the silence is eating away at you.
“look, i’m sorry, i think you should go, i shouldn’t have-“ you blab, desperately trying to dig yourself out of this hole you’ve created.
“(y/n), (y/n), breathe, it’s alright.” he coos, placing his hand on your shoulder in attempt to calm you down, “no shame in a little attraction, we’re only human, after all.” he adds, rubbing your arm gently.
“but you’re taken, neil ..” you whisper, “by my sister, at that!”
he doesn’t really respond to that, he returns to his original point, “we feel how we feel. you can’t control that.”, as he speaks he brings himself closer to you, his torso is mere inches away from your tucked-up legs.
“you know ..” he says, staring down at your bed while tracing small patters on your comforter with his finger, “actually i don’t think i should say ..” he laughs weakly. your curiosity peaks. “no, go on, i had to say what i was thinking, it’s your turn.” you coax, relaxing your body language a bit.
he sighs, “well .. you aren’t too bad yourself, not bad at all actually ..” he looks back up at you, shifting his gaze between your eyes and your lips. your hearts pounding, you’re worried he might be able to hear it, “oh, stop .. you’re just saying that ..” you mumble, nudging him playfully.
“i’m not!” he laughs, “really, i think you’re very attractive .. you probably get that all the time though.”
you scoff and cross your arms in front of your body, “definitely not ..”
his brows stitch together in disbelief, “what? you’re telling me you don’t have guys trailing after you constantly?”, you shake your head no. he huffs and scoots closer, directly beside you now.
you chat for a while, almost completely forgetting about the gathering and the fact that your sister, his girlfriend, is downstairs, but neither of you care at this point. you begin to discuss your shared interest, movies.
he brings up trainspotting, and you nearly lose it, unleashing all of your retained trainspotting-knowledge onto him.
he can tell how into it you are, he watches you attentively as you ramble, making sure to nod every now and then so you know he’s listening and following along.
“and you know, for the toilet scene, they actually used chocolate an-“ you’re cut of by his lips on yours, you immediately forget whatever trainspotting trivia you were about to say to him, which knowing his love for film, he probably already knew all of the facts you told him. but he sat and listened anyway.
he pulls away, and he smirks slightly at the surprised expression on your face.
“neil ..” is all you can manage to mutter out before his lips are back on yours again, kissing you a bit more deeper, testing his limits. he pulls back again for a moment, “is this alright?” he hums, his lips nearly grazing yours. “my sister ..” you whine, he just chuckles and kisses you again. at this point, you’ve fully pushed your morals aside.
his kisses start to get deeper and his tongue starts to explore your mouth, you moan at the new sensation, you hadn’t been intimate with anyone before and things were moving rather quickly.
his lips move over to your cheek, down to your jawline and then to your neck where he suckles on the skin softly while creeping his hand between your legs.
you grab his wrist and halt his actions, “neil, i’ve never done this before ..” you confess,
he groans into your neck, his hot breath sending chills throughout your body, “i’ll be gentle, sweetheart ..” he mumbles, licking a flat stripe onto your neck before continuing to place his wet kisses on the skin. he wouldn’t admit it out loud, but the thought of stripping you of your innocence made him harder.
you’re undeniably wet, your mind is racing, neil’s mouth, his hands, his cock, your sister, your family downstairs, you can’t focus on one distinct thing until you feel neil’s fingers slip into your panties.
you gasp quietly, feeling his skilled fingers toy with your pussy, “no one’s touched here before?” he asked, pulling his head out from your neck to look down at his hand in your pants, using his free hand to palm his aching bulge, “n-no .. just me ..” you whimper as he starts to rub small circles onto your clit, he smirks before whispering “ever think about me when you touch yourself?”. you nod, biting your lip, screwing your eyes shut to avoid looking at him.
he chuckles lowly, “dirty little thing .. lemme get these off”, he takes his fingers off your clit and hooks them into your waistband, you whimper in disapproval at the loss of contact. as you lift your hips to aid him in the removal, you lower them back down and spread your legs, bending them slightly.
he falls silent and your eyes open back up, you see him crawling to get between your legs, your holes are on a perfect display for him, you’ve never been so exposed in front of anyone before, but you’ve also never felt so aroused.
as his eyes scan you wet pussy, he brings his fingers back up, sliding his middle finger up and down your folds, “touch yourself for me, baby, i wanna see.” he purrs, teasing your opening with his finger. you whine, placing your hand between your legs and rubbing your clit timidly, a bit embarrassed to be doing it right in front of him. as you start to touch yourself, he begins to fuck you with his finger, watching as you clench desperately around his lone digit.
he’s absolutely infatuated with you, as you stare down at him between your legs he looks almost hypnotized.
“wish you had told me sooner .. would’ve touched you ages ago ..” he groans, adding another finger in, you whine slightly, stopping the movements on your clit.
neil shoves his fingers fully in, keeping them knuckle deep inside of you, “did i say you could stop?” he breathed, gently running the tips of his fingers along your leg.
you resume your movements, and he speeds up his while smirking “good girl.” he praises, he shifts onto his knees while keeping his fingers inside you, he brings his hand up to your face and cups your cheek.
he runs his thumb along your cheek sweetly before bringing his thumb to your lips, brushing against the skin, “open.” neil nearly whispers, you comply, sucking his thumb into your mouth.
you bat your eyelashes at him and suck his thumb in the most seductive way you can, despite having no experience, he likes what he sees. “jesus, (y/n) ..” he mutters, twisting his fingers inside you while trusting them in a bit harsher. “shit, neil!” you moan around his thumb, “you want more than my fingers, sweetheart?”, you whimper and nod, “hm? use your words, baby.” he hums.
you whine, “y-yes, i want more than your fing-ers ..”
“what do you want to fill you up instead?” he pries while taking his thumb out of your mouth and bringing that hand down to palm himself, smirking like the smug little fuck he is, you whimper louder, shifting your hips in front of him.
“neil ..” you huff, he just chuckles “come on, tell me what you want in that little pussy.”
you can barely manage to get the words out, embarrassment and arousal battling within your brain, but thanks to neil’s sweet little touches and words- arousal wins.
“y-our cock ..” you whisper, turning your head to the side. he groans quietly, “my, what, sweetheart? speak up.”
“your cock, neil!” you mewl, your desperation flooding all your other senses. he chuckles, “good girl, was that so bad?” he jokes before taking his fingers out of you, leaving you feeling empty, as he undoes his pants and hastily tugs them down. his hard cock springs out, you’re a bit intimidated by his size. he’s not huge, but he’s definitely big, and you’ve never had sex before, so your nerves were definitely starting to act up.
he scoots himself forward and lines himself up between your legs, rubbing your slick up and down with the head of his dick.
“aw, you nervous?” he teases, you don’t respond, you just whine, “you’ll take it all, like a good girl, huh?” he coos, sliding himself inside you slowly. “what about protection, neil?” you mewl, he laughs, “what, you think your sisters dirty, or something? i’m clean, darling.”
god, he’s disgusting. before you can respond, you gasp loudly at the stretch and slight burning sensation, “oh my ..” you huff, forgetting about whatever you were just bickering about. he hasn’t even bottomed out yet. he pauses for a moment, still only halfway inside you, to lean his body forward and place his hand beside your head, placing small kisses on your lips and cheek.
“doing so good, just a little more ..” he moans, using his free hand to rub your thigh soothingly.
finally, he bottoms out, you look down between your legs and then back up at him. he’s blushing himself, and he has a stupid little grin on his face. “feels nice ..” he groans before sliding himself out a bit, quickly thrusting back in. you moan at the mixture of pleasure and pain, feeling so incredibly full by neil’s cock. he speeds up more, making your moans louder and your body twitch beneath him. “god fu-ck, neil!” you nearly shout, he brings his hand up from beside your head and covers your mouth, “i know it feels good, sweetheart, but you gotta be quiet, okay? can’t let everyone downstairs know you’re getting pounded up here.” he taunts, knowing exactly how his thrusts are effecting you.
“mhmm!” you whine from underneath his hand, he moans and his shoulders go slack, “so fucking tight ..”
you grip the wrist of the hand that’s over your mouth, grunting and whining into his palm, while exhaling harshly through your nose.
he takes his hand off your mouth and moves it to your neck, gripping the sides gently. you stitch your brows together and watch him fuck into you through half-lidded eyes. “how does this feel, baby?” he purrs, dragging his nails along your thigh with his free hand.
you moan, not loudly, but loud enough for him to hear.
“good .. ‘s so good ..” you whimper, finding it hard to speak due to the circumstances.
“think you can come on my cock for me, hm?” he grunts, bringing his lips to yours before kissing you sloppily. you not as best you can and moan against his lips, neil takes his hand off your neck and brings it between your legs and promptly rubbing your clit, making you moan even louder again this lips.
“neil! shit!” you whine, clenching around him involuntarily. he moans weakly, placing his forehead against yours.
“‘m gonna come .. god, fuck!” he groans, pumping into you harder while continuing to rub your clit, you’re close too- but so close that you really can’t verbalized it. you just hope he knows, and he does. with a few breathy moans, he’s coming inside you. he pauses for a few moments to pull his body back up, but his thrusts don’t slow down, he’s maintaining his rough pace while rubbing on your clit, eager to get you to come for him.
“drench my cock, sweetheart, show me how good it feels.” he praises, looking down at himself fucking you.
you don’t need much more than that, you’re coming around his cock and you’re coming hard. harder than you ever have. maybe because prior all your orgasms had been from your own hands, but neil’s hands and words and cock gave you an orgasm that was unlike anything you had felt before. your mind goes blank and your body tenses up, small huffs and ‘fuck’s falling from your mouth as your orgasm crashes through you.
“there you go .. that’s it .. all over me baby ..” he coos, watching in fascination as you come undone on his cock.
once you’ve ridden your orgasm out, he pulls his softening cock out, making you wince, “sorry, i’m sorry ..” he mumbles, running his fingers along your thigh calmingly. “god, look at that ..” he groans, mostly to himself, as he spreads your lips apart and watches as the come behind to spill out of you. he gets up off the bed and begins to button up his pants, adjusting his appearance in the mirror before heading to the door.
“i’ll get you a wet rag and get you cleaned up, after that i’ve gotta go back downstairs.” he says, his hand already on the doorknob, “wait!” you respond, he turns his body to face you fully.
“what was that? what’s this?” you ask, leaving the question rather vague for a reason, “i mean .. i would like to keep this going .. i won’t tell if you won’t ..” he whispers slightly, as if nows the time he needed to be quiet. you would like to see him more often, you wanna feel how you felt more often. so you nod, “okay, i won’t either.” you whisper back.
he smiles, “sounds good. can you swing by my video store sometime this week? we could chat, watch a few films ..” he bubbled, seemingly giddy at the idea of spending time with you. “yeah, definitely!” you grin back as he heads out the door to grab the wet rag.
the post-nut clarity begins to sink in. you just slept with your sisters boyfriend. how are you ever going to face her again? how awful of a person can you be to do something like this? what’s done is done, you tell yourself, you’ve already been an awful sister. so fuck it. let’s keep this going.
it’s 3 am heeeeyyyy
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cillianslvt · 2 months
I know his eyes, lips, and cheekbones get all the attention, but Cillian's neck is so goddamn sexy. Like how dare you be that good at having a neck.
i see your neck
and i raise you ✨collarbones✨
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feasibilities · 23 days
Grief Counseling | Thomas Shelby x Reader ⚰️
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Synopsis: Thomas comforts the wife of his recently deceased friend in the most inappropriate way possible. Warnings: Sex, Alcohol Use, Death, Widowhood, Guilt, Crying Author's Note: This reminds me of the "My husband is DEAD. Click here to see my (expletive)." meme, lmao. Enjoy!
“Thomas…” You whispered as his hands slid underneath your dress. You had buried your husband hours earlier and somehow drank your way to the bedroom of one of his dearest friends, Thomas Shelby. In your drunken haze, you began to worry about the consequences.  His face was inches away from yours. His pride got in the way of his lustful feelings as he refused to kiss you first. Forcing his hand, you kissed him gently. He pulled away and stared at you once more. His hesitancy also bubbled to the surface as he remembered your husband’s wishes. 
Take care of her and don’t let a soul bring her harm. 
He wouldn’t haunt him for a single night of lechery, right?
“Stop being a tease.” You begged. 
“I’ve dreamt of this for years.” He confessed. 
“So have I.” You said softly. His eyes had a marked tenderness to them. He haphazardly rolled your stockings down your legs and did the same with your underwear. His fingers plunged into the velvety flesh of your cunt. A stifled moan left you as he moved them steadily. He nearly fainted at the sight of your arousal coating his fingers. Soon after, your legs began to shake. He couldn’t believe his friend’s wife was about to cum around his fingers. It was a privilege to see your gorgeous face contorted in pleasure. You yanked him down by his collar to kiss him. He kissed back messily and fingered you even faster. 
“That’s it, love.” He coached as you fell apart. Liquid spurted out of your entrance between Thomas’ rapid movements. You covered your mouth to muffle shrieks of pleasure. He planted warm kisses on your collarbone to calm you. As you came to, he tasted his fingers. Sitting up, you slid out of your dress and climbed on top of him. 
You smiled sweetly before he rushed to enter you once more. Your gasp of wanton boosted his ego. You interlocked your fingers with his and rutted against him slowly. Your breaths began to synchronize with his. He occasionally glanced at your left hand tangled with his. Your wedding ring threatened to dredge up feelings of guilt. Noticing the distraction, you pulled the ring off and sat it on the nightstand. Putting your hands on his chest, you bounced vigorously. The headboard began to slam against the wall. Thomas hopelessly grabbed your hips to slow you down. Before he had the chance, he was filling you to the brim. His head fell back against the pillow as he his breathing stopped momentarily. You clenched around him to drain every drop. His breaths finally returned as he winded down. 
Kissing his forehead, you got off of him and put on your wedding ring. You fiddled with it as reality sunk in. Thomas saw tears fill your prepossessing eyes again and embraced you. 
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cillianistic · 7 months
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「 Cillian Murphy - portrait shoot in London, 2007 」
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madsrocketship · 5 months
“Irish or not, you’re all legends”
-Cillian Murphy
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thomashelbyswife · 7 months
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Tommy Shelby & Charlie Shelby - Peaky Blinders S3E1
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i-blindside · 4 months
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Injecting these chest hair pics straight into my veins
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harmslength · 6 months
(Mostly) NSFW Headcanons Part III
Disclaimer: Slight spoilers so be warned. Just covering movies I have seen or characters I know enough about to judge. This is just for funsies, just my own personal opinions, so it’s totally okay if you disagree. Fully aware how much of an ass I’m being. Horny hater at my core.
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Disco Pigs (2001) | Enda Walsh, Kirsten Sheridan - Darren
• starting out strong with THE freak of freaks
• not to state the obvious but.. possessive, dominating, jealous asf but also loyal asf
• Incel ass behavior, would definitely have a Reddit account, frequent user of 4chan.
• would jerk off to hentai titties if he could
• would probably ask you to do the ahegao face during sex…
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On the Edge (2001) | John Carney - Jonathan Breech
• as much as he would hate to admit it.. hopeless romantic. Super devoted but would have an annoying tendency to flirt with other girls to see if you’d get jealous.
• honestly.. great first bf to have. Would absolutely destroy your perception of what love should be.. but hey isn’t that first loves?
• heavy breathing and moaning in your ear. Loves to give hickeys.
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Sunburn (1999) | Nelson Hume - Davin McDerby
• oh davin… dead beat baby daddy fr.. loved his character arc regardless tho
• ngl probably absolute shit in bed. He screams premature ejaculator..
• has a porn addiction, but would hide it from you
• would pick up edging and would talk about your sex life very openly with “the boys”
• loves sending nudes and nut vids if he had the chance
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Intermission (2003) | John Crowley - John
• he has no qualms about saying it: you’re a whore 😌
• probably feels the need to be in charge and take control but really.. you’d be the one calling the shots mostly
• definitely the type to make stupid jokes during sex
• whiny, would definitely triple text if you didn’t respond fast enough
• still a cutie ofc
• jealousy is his middle name
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Girl with the Pearl Earring (2003) | Peter Webber - Pieter
• breeding kink but not in the fun way. Breeding kink in the way where he would wanna fuck like rabbits and procreate like rabbits.
• would want you to have like 6 of his kids is what I’m saying
• acts like he’s touch starved half the time, really handsy, likes to tease and leave kisses all over you
• knows how to handle his meat
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At Deaths Door (1999) | Conor Morrissey - Young Reaper
• this one is just for shits and giggles
• it’s giving virgin, inexperienced but passionate
• shy asf, again you’d probably have to make the first move
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sunny-sainz · 2 months
how am i supposed to be normal about this???
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acillianproblem · 11 months
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lasagnebats · 5 months
i love your take on cillian’s jonathan,, your chibi-like drawings of crane are especially adored. could you possibly draw him in his straight-jacket look? :)
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literally what is his problem what can he even do
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peakyscillian · 1 year
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meep-meep-richie · 9 months
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I'm a simple person; all i need is....
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firemenenthusiast · 10 months
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take your pants off right now
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