#thanks for coming to my ted yell
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monst · 2 months
Hopefully there's some Bridgerton fans here:
You know how each season has that one confession scene. I know people would hc Jason as saying Anthony's "Your the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires" but I firmly believe he'd be on that farmer George shit.
"I love you! From the mo- from the moment I saw you try to go over the wall. I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near, I love you, (your name lol). My heart calls your name..."
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aestheticslyrics · 2 years
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the sound of letting go // all time low
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thief-of-eggs · 6 months
Anytime I see someone trashing a fic (or a group of fics through generalization) saying it’s “poorly written” or “out of character” or “didn’t end the way it should have” my blood literally begins to boil
Like- do people not understand that fanfiction is being written 100% for free? By people who do it as a hobby. By people who genuinely love the stuff they’re writing about. No media has as much love poured into it as fanfic. No matter how “technically good” it is, no matter how “canon-compliant” it is.
I just hate seeing people discouraging fic writers- whether by accident or on purpose. The miraculous thing about fanfiction is- the source material already exists!! If you do not like the fic you are reading, you are allowed to exit out!
I will fight anyone who speaks badly about anyone’s fics, mark my words. Even if it’s a generalized statement like “fics for this ship always suck” or “this fandom always gets this character wrong” or “the writing for this fandom always sucks”
If it bothers you so much, then go write your own!!! You are the problem, not the folks out there putting their whole hearts into their works!!
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lavender-draw · 1 year
,,,for me mutual,,,,,,,, @jazzandpizzazz
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it’s you
(you’re welcome)
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kastle-thrones · 9 months
Okay so as an alterhuman who loves fandom-
Does anyone else feel the struggle when you are just downright obsessed with a character, just feral over a fictional entity
And then you remember that people who kin fictional entities exist.
But you have that moment of realization
Because you have said, jokingly, a million times, “lol I’m so glad this character isn’t real, I’d die of embarrassment if that real actual entity ever saw me going insane like this”.
Lo and behold
You make eye contact with this (not)person
That exact entity
and you just have to deal with that.
You just have to stand there knowing that you have gone “my scrimblo and their bimbinis,,,” about this entity.
And they at any time can come demand an explanation for your rabid feral tendencies that just so happen to be about them.
Like there is nothing that will ever prepare you for the experience that is-
Me, having just gotten done with the tangent of the century about how much i would kill and die for a character:
Character, leaning over my shoulder:
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Anyways am I entitled to financial compensation or do i need medical insurance for that cardiac arrest (/j)
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kindlythevoid · 1 year
Listen, Ethan Hunt is at his core a silly goofy guy. Can he improvise? Sure! Guy loves to do it, does it all the time in fact, favorite way to do things. Anything that requires an actual thought?? A single thought spanning more than the next hour?? Nothing. Not a single braincell of his is working. This man hopped into the helicopter knowing nothing other than the fact that it was constantly yelling at him and that was a Bad Thing. Why? He doesn’t know. Listen. Listen. The man is smart; we all saw him do physics in the third movie when he pendulumed across a building. But also?? This man gets by with the Bare Minimum amount of Critical Thinking Skills (tm). The amount of times (at least two) he has gotten through a mission hoping the targets had never seen each other before?? Jumping into/through/generally towards something with the wish that he makes it and then doesn’t!?! I love Ethan, but it is because the only two thoughts going through that man’s head is Love Friends/People and Jump/Climb Things.
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notquiteaghost · 1 year
i don't think it's going to fit into canon events but the further i get into rivers of london the more my ideal peter/nightingale get-together becomes. nightingale has been having occasional one-night stands for decades, peter is aware of this, peter finishes his apprenticeship, there is an evening nothing much is happening and they're hanging out and drinking just enough for peter to make a only-half-serious pass, they fuck, this kicks off what they see as a convenient friends with benefits situation, it has to be pointed out to them by a third party what they are actually doing is dating if not common law marriage. the key thing is neither of them have been Pining because that would require either of them consciously analysing their feelings and why do that when you can not do that. nightingale's progression is 'well obviously he's attractive but he's my apprentice' 'i care for him a great deal; he's my apprentice' 'you know, if things were different... oh well' 'of course i'm capable of sleeping with someone repeatedly and not falling in love with them. of course i care for peter the most it's possible to care for someone. Anyway.' and peter's progression is 'yeah he's fit but he's my boss' 'hero worship always involves paying close attention to their clothing choices' 'well yeah i care about him he's like a mean old cat who inexplicably will let me pet it' 'he's fit he's good in bed i'm not gonna turn him down am i? getting dinner together and sharing a bed and knowing all his little habits and etc is just cuz we live together'
like. that CAN be platonic. in their case it is not.
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team free will going back home from a hunt with the windows down to air out baby from the smell the corpses left behind from having to put them in the backseat (since there wasn't enough space in the trunk) listening to taylor swift cause it's jack's turn in music and dear john comes on... and then cut to these four grown ass mfs absolultely loosing their collective shit screaming along to it from the top of their lungs because ✨️daddy issues✨️
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hershelwidget · 5 months
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you know, I've written an awful lot of female/feminine characters that are treated harshly or without respect from their male/masculine counterparts. Emma is probably the biggest example of this, where she, the "only girl" in her Gup group, is often scolded like she's a child or protected from the outside world because she's too "fragile" and "weak". boy I sure hope this doesn't mirror past experiences i've had as someone who's grown up as a girl and OH WAIT IT DOES
The most tragic part of it is, no matter how much Emma tries to hold her own, she's just not able to get to that level of independence that other characters like Rosemary and Polly have, or hell, even Dashi and Tweak from the actual source material
Emma's the most held-back character I've probably ever written, period, and ESPECIALLY the most held-back lady
She's held down by her own self-confidence some of the time, but most of that is direct result of the constant misogyny, babying, and general disrespect by the people she's closest to. Regardless of if them mean it or not, it's still disrespect
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dogtccth · 5 months
I swear I don't just want to write smut! Roman just seeks approval and intimacy he lacks in his day to day through sex. But also feels entitled to sexual gratification because he is still a narcissist -- but also is an insecure one.
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AoS Framework rant yaaaay
(pls remember these are just my opinions :))
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I recently rewatched season 4 for the third time, and I think I finally put my finger on what feels so off to me about Fitz’s framework storyline.
Just a warning: I’ll be discussing the concepts of how childhood abuse affects people, though it’s fairly vague.
The framework plays with the concept of nature vs nurture and, frankly, I hate it. The idea that simply being raised by an abuser will by default make you a bad person too is disgusting and harmful.
They were trying to make Fitz a mirror image to Ward: if Ward had only had a good influence, he would have been a good person; if Fitz had a bad one, he would have followed Ward’s dark path.
This is so disrespectful to abuse survivors, and it removes culpability from full grown adults.
We are responsible for our choices. No one else. Sure, the people we meet in our lives have a big effect on us. They can help or hinder us. But at the end of the day, we are responsible for our actions.
Fitz is a good person. He wouldn’t have become the horrible person we see in the framework just because his dad was around. If anything, I think he would have been an even more pronounced version of the Fitz we see in season one; skittish, anxious, and leery of authority.
Ward also chose his own path. Sure, while he was still a child, I can get behind the idea that he was manipulated into doing bad things. But he chose his way after that.
A sense of obligation to Garret? Sure. But even after his mentor was long dead, he still chose to restart Hydra on his own, to get revenge, to continue down a dark path.
The only way I can figure Fitz’s framework storyline in my head, is that Aida must have actively got inside Fitz’s brain and messed with him and his story more than the others. She was obsessed with him, and she lies to him after they come out of the framework (saying that everything she did in the framework was at Radcliffe’s orders, despite a large amount of it being for her own gain).
I have to believe that she altered him somehow. This would also make sense in explaining why he is the only member of the team to later develop the symptoms he did, despite many of them having their head filled with two lives. Fitz was the only one shown to not be able to distinguish the two, which would make sense if Aida had a more direct impact on his brain.
I also find this storyline frustrating because of the discourse it has created in the fandom. That it’s okay to support Ward because the framework proves he’s just a poor little baby who was manipulated.
He is a full grown adult.
Yes, I do feel bad for Ward, I do feel he had a lot of potential and I kind of wish he had gotten a redemption arc. But he didn’t. He made his choices, no one else made them for him. Infantilizing him and blaming all of his actions on Garret is not okay.
ALSO - touching again on the implication that we become bad people if we’re manipulated - this disregards how hard it is to grow up in a horrible home and still come out a compassionate and caring person. So many people have absolutely disgusting parents, and yet grow up to be empathetic, kind, and good people. Suggesting otherwise feels very dismissive and disrespectful to their struggles and trauma.
In the same line of thinking, parents can do everything right and someone can still grow to be cruel and abusive.
In short, Fitz and Ward’s storylines were horribly over-simplified in s4. There is so much nuance there, and to suggest that we are nothing more than a product of our environment is kind of ridiculous offensive, imo.
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Gyutaro definitely has a degradation kink...
He would also definitely like being dominated...
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topshelf2112-blog · 2 years
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1. The Winchesters
The xenophobia, the abuse, the money-as-manipulation - but, most of all: the decision to leave their only living son in a war zone where death is a very real possibility when they could have gotten him out.
Yes, Charles is written as a foil, so his arrogance and his foibles are quite real. However, how many of his mistakes must be traced to familial abuse and familial expectation? He says, more than once, that he is afraid of not living up to his name, that he might not even be a real Winchester (which is a clear indication that his surname is mythically and mystically freighted with qualities mortared into place by family lore); much of his boasting is about proving that he really is a Winchester, that he belongs, that he is worthy. By choosing a vocation, he’s upended the family tradition of a life of good works/leisure, but he can only upend it so far. His unmarried state (at an age where he should be married and can financially support a family) may be a rebellion, too, a bid to stay true to himself. He laments missing Christmas with his family, but, as the audience, burdened with knowledge he doesn’t realize he’s shared with us, we cannot but be grateful he’s with a new, found family, who will learn to value him even with his flaws. With them, he will grow into himself, discover ways of being he hasn’t known before, and, hopefully (willfully ignoring the finale) find a way to reenter Boston as his own man for the first time, the bars of III no longer imprisoning him by casting the shadows of ancestry, tradition, and expectation across his life.
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michaelirby · 2 years
coming back from the dead to say i’m so in love w michael and the fact that he went to the SAG awards makes me wanna nut
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kindlythevoid · 1 year
So this point might have been made but I would once again like to link the Death of the Clones and to the Fall of the Republic
We all knew that the downfall of the Republic went hand-in-hand with Order 66. In Clone Wars, Filoni, as we all knew, emphasized the clones’ death in the series finale as much as the Jedi’s in the movies. He places real emphasis on the effect it had on the clones, who we had grown to see as individuals, as people, while the Emperor saw them as a means to an end. 
However, not only does Filoni acutely break our hearts by showing us the other side of the coin, he makes an interesting association throughout the show. The end of the Jedi means the end of the Republic, it’s true, but, in most media types, Luke Skywalker rebuilds the Jedi Order in a new way and helps preserve their legacy. The Empire is done away with and the Republic restored. 
Or is it?
On one side, the New Republic and the Jedi show the resurrection of an old idea in new ways, a transformation in order to adapt to new ideals. 
But the Old Republic is dead. The time of the Jedi intermeshed with the Republic is gone and buried, another story to be passed down as more of a cautionary tale than the height of an ancient order. 
You know who else is dead? That never gets revived or reformed? The clones. 
Our brave boys in every color under the sun die, and they never return, not in any way that prolongs them. 
You see, they age on the double. During wartime, this was so they could get more troops on the field faster. Afterwards? It’s pretty convenient that they die twice as fast as the rest of the population. And even though surviving clones such as Rex and Wolffe and Gregor, the main ones we truly know about surviving later on at this point in the Star Wars Canon, made huge contributions to the Republic, it ultimately will not benefit them from a genetic or cultural standpoint. 
Culturally, they were dead the moment the Emperor gave the order. 
And, here’s the kicker, so was the Republic. 
The Republic spent its last years mired in politics and war rooms and, as Filoni likes to remind us, clones. 
I’m still going through my rewatch of the clone wars, but there are a few prominent scenes that come to mind that make Filoni’s point, intentioned or not, extremely clear. 
The first is this gif of Commander Thorn’s death. 
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As Thorn falls back after his admittedly badass last stand, he lands in the center of what I would describe as a symbol of the Republic. The gear’s right there, formed by the droids. 
This, of course, is just one of several moments where the Republic symbol is made, but it is a popular scene and a good example for the point I’m trying to make. 
Thorn in this picture, takes the place of the Republic. And just as the clone dies, so, too, does the Republic.
Don’t believe me?
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Fives very literally held the secret to the clones’s survival. And, as we all know, had the clones had full control, it is likely the Republic would not have fallen, or at least not as dramatically and without the multiple genocides on its way out. 
Fives, in the gif above, is surrounded by the Republic symbol once again, only this time by other clones. It’s poetic, in a way, that two clones struggling to save their people die in a Republic symbol. Almost as if the fate of the Republic hinges on the fate of the clones. 
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And if that doesn’t cover it enough for you, if you truly don’t see the connection between the clones and the Republic, I’d like you to meet a dear clone whom we all love:
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The only clone I’ve seen with a big ass tattoo of the Republic symbol stamped right there on his damn face. 
Jesse, who truly believed in the Republic and had served long enough to be the only clone other than Rex to keep his helmet creatively apart after Ahsoka’s return. 
Jesse, whose death marks the start of the Empire. His destruction and death under Order 66 marks the turning point in Clone Wars. Before they got the call on that ship, the Republic was alive and basically done with the war. But as soon as that ship crashed, as soon as we see that Jesse is well and truly dead, buried and respects and everything, the next scene, the very next scene, features Darth Vader and the Empire. 
The clones were the canaries of the Republic. When they died, the Republic followed. 
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