#thanks for giving me an excuse to gush lol
lovingseventeen · 1 year
braiding svt’s hair 
a/n: wholesome, but also some crack i guess LOL 
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✿ agreed without giving much thought to it 
✿ up until you had to pull a few strands a bit tighter because they were shorter
✿ “HE-hey!” he half-yells, remembering that he doesn’t ever want to raise his voice at you 
✿ “sorry cheol” you say, still too fixated on getting his braids done to notice how sulky he’s getting 
✿ “enjoy this now, it’ll be the last time” he says, a very noticeable pout in his voice 
✿ bros beautiful 
✿ he had no problem letting you braid his hair because he did have his hair in a braid before when it was significantly longer 
✿ his hair is medium length currently, so you don’t have to pull too hard for him, and you give him this style that has two braids that meet at the back of his head
✿ “can’t believe this suits you so well, hannie” you tell him as he looks in the mirror, his fingers gracing his hair so elegantly
✿ “ay, c’mon no one’s prettier than you” he replies, coming to place a kiss on your cheek 
✿ he actually usually braids your hair when you ask him to 
✿ one day you offer to braid his so you two match 
✿ naturally, he’s agreeing 
✿ he’s so smiley when you match - ofc you have to take pictures together 
✿ it definitely becomes his new lock screen 
✿ would never say no to you 
✿ tilts his head back when you start tugging, “baaabe” and you have to tell him to hold still 
✿ gives you a thumbs up afterwards because he doesn’t look bad, he figures
✿ ofc you gotta braid your babygirl’s hair 
✿ he feels so dainty after you give him two little braids  
✿ keeps forming a “v” with his hands to frame his face LOL 
✿ highkey, he looks good though, would probably eventually ask you to actually try styling his hair and he’d give his stylist a reference photo in the future 
✿ also rarely says no to you 
✿ he sits patiently on the floor as you sit on the couch because of his height 
✿ “wonu you look so cute” you gush, cupping his cheeks after giving him a little crown with his braids 
✿ he smiles in return, “as long as you’re happy” 
✿ you’re running your hands through his hair as he plays a song guide, he likes when you do this 
✿ you’ve been noticing his fringe has been getting longer, “you want me to help get your hair out of the way?” you ask 
✿ “could you?” he replies, sitting up to make it a little easier for you 
✿ you do a little braid that will keep some of the shorter strands in place, freeing his forehead 
✿ he checks your work when you finish, surprised at the little braid but thankful nonetheless, placing a kiss to your hand 
✿ “thank you, i’ll try to wrap this up soon” 
✿ “‘kyeomie, would you let me braid your hair?” you asked in boredom one day 
✿ he’s nodding, already trying to find where to sit to make it easy for you, “where do you want me?” 
✿ you giggle, telling to sit on a stool and that you’ll stand 
✿ highkey loves it when you finish, his eyes crinkle when he smiles “i feel pretty” 
✿ you almost can’t believe how adorable your boyfriend is, “that you are” you smile back :’)
✿ also a WHINER 
✿ you’re not even pulling his hair the way he’s claiming 
✿ he’s gasping and whining at every tug regardless of how much force you’re actually using 
✿ “babe!” he whines when you actually give him one tug ✿ becomes so pouty even when you finish his braid without pulling hard 
✿ he’s bringing a hand to his scalp and there’s a very obvious pout on his lips going, “why do you hate me” 
✿ you jokingly roll your eyes, “you know for such a tall man, you’re a baby” 
✿ he doesn’t care lmao, he’ll use you ‘hurting him’ as an excuse to be clingy that day 
✿ his hair is starting to get longer but management says he isn’t allowed to get it cut yet 
✿ has been opting for a half ponytail recently but he also wants something different 
✿ “do you know how to do something to tie my hair back?” he asks you
✿ you do this little braid that keeps his main fringe out of his face and sort of just tucks it behind one ear 
✿ your boyfriend looks very elegant when you finish, slightly feminine but it’s never something that bothered him 
✿ kisses the side of your head as a thank you 
✿ doesn’t tell you that you’re actually hurting him 
✿ he just sits there quietly so you had no idea that you were pulling a bit hard
✿ you only find out when you find him looking in the mirror after and wincing as he touches his scalp 
✿ “seungkwan, is the braid too tight?” 
✿ “yeah” as he looks away PLS 
✿ “you should’ve told me!” you exclaim, immediately feeling bad. you take his arm to get him to sit as you quickly take out the elastic and undo his braids
✿ “i’m sorry, baby” you tell him after, kissing the top of his head 
✿ you actually end up braiding his hair for fun because he fell asleep in your lap 
✿ he actually only notices when he goes to the bathroom when he wakes up and sees himself in the mirror 
✿ walks back out to you with eyebrows raised as he points to his hair
✿ “i got bored?” you offer 
✿ “okay” he replies simply, he keeps them in anyway because there isn’t an urge to take them out 
✿ soon realizes that he appreciates his hair being out of his face 
✿ might ask you in the future to give him one braid at home because he likes it 
✿ is HURT that YOU hurt him 
✿ “baby-baby wait” he whines, a hand coming up to touch his scalp 
✿ “it’s not that bad i’m almost done-” you tell him as you pull again
✿ dino lets out this yelp before you tie an elastic at the end 
✿ “did i do something to you recently?” he genuinely asks, “because i’m sorry, whatever i did, i get it” 
✿ take the braids out soon pls 
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staytinyville · 5 months
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Kiss a Girl
↣ Summary: When Bang Chan is finally over a break up, he comes across someone that seemed to make things feel like he was a high schooler again.
↣ Characters/Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
↣ Genre: fluff
↣ AU/Trope info: idol!au, webtoon artist!reader, foreign!reader, post break-up, song inspired fic
↣ Word Count: 2.9k
↣ Warnings: none
↣ A/N: I am from Texas where country songs are just a must. I grew up on like 2000s country songs and will always go back to them lol. But I heard Keith Urban while I was in the store the other day and was like. This is giving Bang Chan. Could it be because they are both Australian? Quite possibly. But TBH I do wanna hear Bang Chan sing one of Keith Urban’s songs. 
Staytinyville’s Permanent Taglist
↣ Affiliates: @cultofdionysusnet , @k-labels , @k-vanity
↣ Special Thanks: Thank you @saradika-graphics for the amazing banners! Please go check her out if you have specific banners in mind. She is great!
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You have been in Korea for the past month doing some things for a work project you would never have thought to be possible. You were just a simple college kid a couple years ago who enjoyed making comics about a couple OC you created years ago. When the story became a hit around the world it garnered a lot of attention. 
Especially TV companies that were asking you if they could create your story into a series. 
You, being someone who was studying in the entertainment industry, agreed they could use it so long as you were allowed to work on the project with them. Your credits in college really help to put them along for the ride. Now you were going to be living in Korea for a bit until production finished and the whole series came out on the TV. 
In the past month, you had made some good friends with the people you worked with. There were A-list actors who enjoyed your company and sometimes would invite you out to go drinking with them. While you did enjoy going with them, you found yourself attached to your translator a lot more compared to them. 
It was easy to find people who spoke English, especially in the area you were working in. But the way your translator had to stick closer to you than others, you both found yourselves becoming close friends. And for them, as someone who worked closely in an industry that called for a lot of high ends, they were the ones who often took you out to fancy places where normal people would only wait years to get reservations. 
“This is a very classy spot.” You told your friend as you looked around the club. 
“It's a very high end club.” Your friend/translator told you. “Like only a select few people can get in.”
You laughed out loud. “How did you pull it off then?” You asked. 
“Did you forget where it is that we work at?” They laughed. “Of course we are going to get the best stuff. Just gotta be careful because they will make us sign NDA.” They deadpanned at the end. 
You laughed even louder. You glanced around for a moment to find where the bar was, easily spotting it along with a crowd. Just as you were about to head in that direction, you froze for a moment just as someone passed in front of you.
You let out a polite excuse me, bowing your head just a bit. The person looked at you oddly for a moment before giving you a small smile and telling you it was alright. When the man began to walk away, you tried to keep a neutral face, but were secretly panicking inside over you had just ran into. 
“Bro!” You gasped quietly, smacking your friend’s arm. “Did I just see Yugyeom? Like the idol?” You gushed. 
“Probably.” They looked over your shoulders, frowning as they nodded. “This is a popular club for idols because it's so exclusive.”
“Why would you bring me here?” You looked at them wide eyed, feeling like you were going to make a fool of yourself and risk a lot of things. 
“This is where a lot of people in the entertainment industry come when they want to experience normal things. Like a club.” They explained to you. “This place is also really popular with the younger generations. You’ll probably come across a couple of people winding down from promotions and stuff.”
You did in fact see a couple of more idols. Your friend was the one who explained to you who was in attendance at the club for the ones you weren’t able to pick out right away. There was a good amount of older people as well, at least at the bar. 
Once you got a drink in, you dragged your friend out to dance, laughing as songs you weren’t able to make out the words to blasted on the speakers. WIth how much your smile seemed to stretch across your face, other people began to notice you. Many of them were much to shy or reserved to go out and dance along with you but there were a few who wanted to feel your excitable energy. 
“Hello.” A girl smiled while talking in English, coming into your closer circle. 
“Hi.” You beamed, holding your hands out to grab onto hers. “Come dance!” You swung her arms around as you tried your best to not look like a fool. 
But it seemed the more others drank and the night went on, you didn’t have to worry much about that. Things would never change once people had alcohol in their systems to make them let loose just a bit. 
With you dancing along with the girl, a lot more came to join your side as your contagious positive attitude had an effect on others around you. 
“Like this.” The girl laughed, trying to copy your silly jumps.
“Yes!” You laughed, trying to get others to dance as well. 
Just as a large crowd was beginning to form on the dance floor, there were others going around and enjoying their time with friends. There was an idol who had just arrived after finally getting out of his post-break-up slump. He was ready to get back out there and mingle with new people after being in a mental blockage when it came to friends. 
His bandmates had gotten him to agree to going out with his closer friends that weren’t any of them. They had other things to do, which did make him a bit upset but as they had told him, he had a life outside of them as well. 
“Chan!” Yugyeom hugged the man’s side. “Look at you! Finally out.” He said, showing him towards where the others of the group were. 
“I don't know.” Chan nodded to himself. “I'm ready to be out.” He said. 
“For once and it's not in the studio.” Another one of their friends teased, lightly punching Chan in the arm. 
The Australian laughed, looking around the club he had not been to in a while. He took in the large crowd that was going on around the dance floor. 
“There's a foreigner?” He furrowed his eyebrows, turning to the others. 
“She's cute!” A friend called out. “Been dancing and getting others to join. Seems social.” He added. 
“I'm going to go ask her to dance.” Yugyeom called out, going to join the crowd. 
Once others saw the boy coming down to stand next to the floor, everyone else seemed to join as well, having you get sucked into the crowd that was chanting as songs continued. Yugyeom came up to you giving you a smile as he caught your attention. 
“Dance?” He asked you.
“Oh, sure!?” You nodded your head, moving to turn and face him as his song started to play. You laughed watching as he tried to explain to you the dance moves that came along with it. 
You kept laughing, cheeks hurting from the fun you were having. You hadn’t really gotten the chance to experience something like this back home. You have been to bars but the energy isn’t the same as a club that was meant to pump people full of adrenaline. You enjoyed the atmosphere, it helped your need to be social. 
“Yes.” Yugyeom gushed in English that had an accent. “Like that. Good!” He gave you thumbs up to show that you were correct. 
You laughed at his way of trying to speak to you. You waved him off, telling him thank you in Korean which made him laugh even more. He tried to have a conversation with you, but you laughed most of it and tried to explain to him he needed to speak slowly in order for you to understand just a bit more. 
When a new song came on, you hadn’t noticed someone else coming up to your side. All you did was turn to face the DJ stand as you began to sing to Stray Kids TOPLINE. You laughed as those around you began to do the same, in your own world. You turned to the person next to you, shouting out lyrics as you both gave off the same energy. 
You started singing louder when you noticed it had been Bang Chan singing along with you. The chorus came around and you fully turned to give him your attention, trying to keep up. Bang Chan felt something in his chest as he danced with you to his own song. It wasn’t that he was proud, it was just that he seemed to be content with how you didn’t seem phased with who he was. 
When the song came to an end, you clapped for Bang Chan, giving him a dazzling smile that made him turn his lips up. 
“You know Stray Kids!?” He asked you, shouting over the speakers. 
“No, who are they!?” You shouted back, face looking serious. 
You almost laughed at how Bang Chan’s eyes went wide and he looked at a loss for words. “I'm just kidding. It's really nice to meet you.” You gushed, bowing your head.
“Oh, you don't need to bow.” Chan awkwardly giggled. “It's okay.”
“I got used to it here!” You told him, coming to stand up straight. 
“Would you like to sit with me?” He asked you after a moment.
Your eyebrows raised, eyes wide as you took in his question. Looking just around him, you noticed your friend quickly nodding their heads, telling you to accept the offer. 
“Am I allowed to?” You laughed.
He thought about it for a moment, looking over at his group of friends. “Ah, if you don't tell anyone.” Chan chuckled. 
“Sounds like a risk.” You hummed. “I'll take it.” The smile you had made Chan a bit dizzy.
It had been so long since he had seen someone look at him that way. He had a ton of people look at him that way actually, but never to someone who made it seem like they just wanted to be friends. Chan had no problems with hookups, but it was refreshing to meet someone who wasn’t over him because they knew him. 
You did know him–sure–but you were taking into account who he was which made you a bit cautious. While it was normal for others to be that way, you weren’t scared of talking to him like you had been friends for years. 
When he showed you where his friend group were, you laughed a little at how they seemed to begin hollering when Chan brought you over. 
“Don't listen to them.” He shook his head. 
“Even if I did, I don't think I'd understand much.” You told him honestly. 
“Are you visiting then?” Chan asked, allowing you to sit down first before he sat in front of you. 
The music was much quieter in the area, but you figured it had to do with the fact that the table was sectioned off in the VIP. They had their own bar as well, classy stuff. 
“It's for work. I'm going to be here for a few months.” You answered him. “I did study what I could but I still need people to talk slowly.” You explained. 
“Ah, I see. I see. Lucky you, I speak English.” He laughed. 
“Even if you didn't, I'd try my best.” You nodded your head. “Miss the chance to speak with Bang Chan? Mega producer who’s part of 3RACHA?” You gushed, making his face turn red. 
“I wouldn't say mega.” Chan shrugged, getting bashful. 
“I mean I don't know.” You pursed your lips in thought. “The Scoville scale is out here close to blowing up.” You laughed. 
Chan bursted out laughing, cheeks hurting from how much he was stretching them. “You're cool.” He told you. 
“Why thank you!” You waved him off. “I pride myself on being cool.” You said.
“Han would like you.”
“Just going to drop bandmates on me as if I'm not freaking out on the inside.” You suddenly said, making him laugh. 
“You and I both.” Chan answered truthfully. 
“No! Please don't! It's all cool!” Your eyes went wide hearing his confession.
You both spent a good hour sitting at the table laughing about stories that would come up or just things about the other’s life. Chan hadn’t noticed when his friends would get up to get more drinks or when they would go out to dance. And they didn’t want to disrupt you two either, eyeing each other with smirking as they teased the poor boy behind his back. 
Before you knew it, you were telling your friend that you would be heading back to your temporary home with Chan as company. They gave Chan a thankful smile, bowing down in respect for someone of higher standard. But they told you to be careful, having gotten used to you always telling others that whenever they would leave. 
You found yourself outside some plaza eating Tteokbokki from a small restaurant outside on the sidewalk. The night was nice and cool, leaving you in a refreshed feeling after having danced in the hot club. Chan was laughing at you struggling to get the rice cake on your chopsticks. 
“Why would you eat it like that!?” He laughed, covering his mouth.
“I can't pick it up with the chopsticks!” You exclaimed, stabbing the rice cake treat with both chopsticks so it looked like you were at least eating them correctly. You managed to put it in your mouth before looking up at Chan who was pursing his lips. 
“Don't look at me like that!” You gushed, smile on your face. 
“It's like this.” He moved closer to you, trying to get you to hold the chopsticks correctly. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t know how to use them, it was just that trying to pick up slippery food proved to be harder than you cared to admit. 
“I'm trying!” You exclaimed, moving closer to him as he kept trying to put some food on your chopsticks. 
As you were moving to place it in your mouth, the slippery cake fell from your utensils and onto the floor. “My Tteokbokki!” You cried out.
“Ok fine. Keep stabbing it.” Chan laughed, giving up.
Next thing you knew the night had come to an end and Chan had walked you to the building you were staying at. He had his hands in his pockets, looking up at the tall apartment building before giving you a kind smile. 
“This is me.” You told him. “I had a great time.” You confessed. 
“Me too.” Chan smiled softly. “Thank you for coming out with me.” He added. 
You laughed as your face flushed red. “Of course. Thank you for inviting.” You told him. 
“Ah. I guess I'll see you.” Chan nodded his head, shoulders dropping for just a moment. 
“Yeah.” You nodded your head, soft smile on your face. “I had a really great time. I mean it—thank you for taking me out. Only could ever dream of something like that.” You told him honestly. 
“Yeah.” Chan thought about something for a moment, which made you stop from going in completely. “Ah, is it okay if I ask for your number?” He asked you.
“I mean for me it is but is it for you?” You joked once more. 
“Sounds like a risk. I'll take it.” He mocked you from earlier.  
“You know though, I really don't want to make you sign an NDA.” He quickly added after you both traded numbers. 
“To kiss and tell is just not my style.” You sang off, grinning from ear to ear. 
Chan laughed for a moment, understanding your joke. “But the night is young and it's been a while.” He played along. 
“Ah, you know it! Wasn't expecting you to honestly.” You told him.
“I'm a music producer—I listen to a lot of things. Besides, it's kinda relatable.” He smiled a little, looking down as he took in a calming breath. 
You weren’t going to ask about it, it wasn’t your place. You knew what the song was about–it was one you had heard since you were a little kid. Besides, Chan was an idol who had secrets to keep from the public. That was one of the first things you had to get used to when moving to Korea and working in the entertainment industry. 
“Then I'm happy to be that girl you wanna kiss.” You joked, thinking about the rest of the song.
“I wouldn't go that far.” He laughed, shaking his head. 
You gasped, eyes going wide at the scene you had just made. “Making me sound like a fool then. Ah, forget about it.” You said in a rush, face red from actual embarrassment this time. 
“No, I don't think I will.” Chan hummed, stepping closer to you. 
You watched him step closer, feeling your heart stop for just a moment as he placed his lips against your cheek. “Goodnight, (Y/N).” He told you softly.
“Goodnight Chan.” You smiled. 
You waved him off, turning around when a cold breeze blew past you. He continued on his journey towards his car parked in the front of the building. 
“I wanna kiss a girl. I wanna hold her right. Maybe make a little magic under the moonlight.” You sang to yourself, nodding your head along to the nonexistent beat you were playing in your head. 
“Don't wanna go too far just to take it slow. But I shouldn't be lonely in this big ol world. I wanna kiss a girl.” Chan quietly sang to himself as he walked home. 
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Permanent Taglist: @hecateslittlewitchling , @ldysmfrst , @rln-byg , @vampcharxter , @angieskzzzz , @puppyminnnie , @marvel-potter-1d-korea , @smilingtokki
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ddejavvu · 1 year
reader being shy about her period even though she’s been with hotch for while and doesn’t want to talk about it with him, but he’s straightforward about it, knows reader is shy but they’re both adults! so he draws her a bath (and maybe joins her?) and takes care of her whether she likes it or not lol
basically something fluffy 🥺
Drawing your bath is something you do every single night, but tonight it feels different, weird. It's probably the looming threat of Aaron shuffling around in the bedroom, and you're not even halfway through working up viable excuses when he asks the dreaded question.
"Can I join you?"
He's already undoing his pants before giving you the chance to answer. You never say no, the question is more of a formality at this point. But this time you shake your head, turning around to face him head-on.
"Uh, actually, Aaron, I think I want to take this one alone."
He freezes with his hand down his pants. Apparently untucking his shirt leaves him in a position that makes him look like a depraved teenager.
"Okay," He nods, redoing his zipper, clearly taken-aback, "Is there any reason why?"
"My head hurts. I just- I kind of want to be alone."
His face drops sympathetically, and he nods along, already reaching into the cabinet for the advil, "I'm sorry, honey. Here, take some, and when you're out I'll run interference with Jack so that you can go and lay down."
The way he handles it makes you feel bad for lying to him, but you bite the bullet and take the medicine anyways. It won't do anything, and the worst it will do is give you a headache. Then at least you won't be a liar.
"Thanks, Aaron," You murmur, bumping your face into his chest in a low-effort hug that holds more sincerity than it seems to, "I love you."
"I love you, too." He hums, kissing the crown of your head. He makes for the bedroom again, about to leave you to bathe in peace, but he doubles back, "Oh, and just so you know, I saw you were running low on pads, so I picked some up on my way home from work, but they're in that cabinet."
He points beneath the sink and your stomach drops, "I know you usually keep them in your purse, but Jack wanted gum this morning and I saw you didn't have many left, so I just stocked them here. You can move them, it doesn't matter to me, I just wanted you to know where they were."
He barely glances up at you after he's done, but the momentary gaze is enough to see that you're frozen. He stills in the doorway, "Honey? Are you okay?"
"You bought me pads?" The question feels embarrassing, heating your cheeks and burning your belly.
"I made sure they were the same kind," His brows furrow, "Is that.. okay?"
"It's-" You stammer, lip quivering slightly, "It's fine, it's- great! It's too good, Aaron," Tears well in your eyes, "You're too good to me."
"Honey," He croons, rushing to catch you in a hug, "That's- buying pads is not 'too good for you'. You need them, it's just the same as when I make you dinner or drive you to work."
"Those are all great," You gush, staining his dark green polo with your tears, "You're the perfect man."
You don't need to feel his cheeks to know they're on fire, and he chuckles sheepishly, rubbing up and down your back, "I think that's debatable, you can ask a few higher-ups at the office."
"Well you've never bought Erin Strauss pads before, have you?" You sniffle, two damp blotches on his shirt left behind even after you pick your head up out of his chest.
"No," He grins, shaking his head, "No, but one year I bought her a #1 boss mug."
"#1 bitch," You mumble, turning away so he can't see your smirk as he laughs, "Oh, and Aaron?"
"You can get in, if you want." You offer, still residually hesitant, "I just- I don't really have a headache. I didn't want you to know about.."
"Your period." He finishes for you, voice strong and sure of himself, "Alright. Lemme just set Jack up with a movie, then I'll be back."
You take the time he's gone to peek under the bathroom sink, and sure enough, two large packages of your go-to menstrual pads sit beneath a pipe. They're lined up neatly beside his shaving kit, and you marvel at the domesticity they radiate together. You pluck one from the package, fresh and light pink. The wrapper crinkles as you set it on the counter beside your fresh underwear, and a wave of comfort washes over you. This is your house, and you're allowed to live in it.
Comfort steps aside for amusement, though, when you picture Aaron striding into a corner store in his suit and tie, picking up two packages of pink pads, and handing them over to the teenage cashier.
"What's so funny?' He peels off his shirt with ease now that it's no longer tucked into his pants, discarding it on the floor.
"Nothing," You insist, a smile still lingering on your lips, "I bet the 15-year old checker was fun to talk to."
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Because I always love to read your thoughts ♥️ For the ask game- number 3 for Zukaang in Ship It?
Ahhh thank you for the ask...and for an excuse to gush about Zukaang🥺😍🤭
Zukaang - I ship it!
What made you ship it?
I've always loved their dynamic, and IMO their relationship is one of the best things about ATLA. Even though I shipped Kataang from the start, the way Aang and Zuko went from being mortal enemies to genuine friends is something that's so special to me. The connection they made when they glanced at each other during The Storm, and then the famous "Do you think we could have been friends, too?" scene gives me the chills EVERY TIME. There's this particular kind of vulnerability that they share with each other and no one else. They share the unique privilege and burden of being the Avatar and the Fire Lord, they're the descendants of Roku and Sozin (one literally, the other spiritually), and they're the only ones who can work to bring out about the kind of world that Aang remembers and that Zuko dreams of - TOGETHER. But what really made me ship them is how they keep getting drawn to each other and are never able to escape the other no matter how hard they try, until they both relent and accept that their destinies are inseparably intertwined, that each of them carries a part of the other within them, and dflkgjsldkfjsad IM OBSESSED
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
The vulnerability they share with each other. Both of them keep their emotional walls up pretty high. Zuko is closed off and brooding, and Aang hides a lot with his smile and seemingly open nature. Even though they let down their guard with Mai and Katara, there's a deeper part of themselves that even the women who love them can't quite touch. For Zuko, it's the validation and healing and eventually justice he seeks as someone who both perpetuates and suffers from being part of the FN imperial family's generational cycle of destruction. For Aang, it's the loneliness from being cut off from the world he once knew and from his destiny as the Avatar, a revered and almost mythical being especially in a world that has waited for his return for so long. Aang and Zuko are unique among the ATLA cast in their emotional isolation, and it's only in the moments when they bare their souls to each other (even when they're still enemies! even when it doesn't feel entirely safe!) that they begin to find a kindred spirit. (I know I sound very normal right now but I'm actually internally screaming)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I haven't been in the Zukaang fandom for very long, but from what I can tell (and from what I'm told), there aren't a lot of Aang-centric fanworks, especially when it comes to fic. So I guess my unpopular opinion is that we could use a lot more Aang-centric Zukaang art and fic...mostly so I can enjoy it LOL. Zuko taking care of Aang? Give it to me because I. will. eat. it. UP. I've already discovered a couple of fic authors, including you, who tend to write Aang-centric fics, and they live rent-free in my brain 😍
send me an ask from the ship ask game!
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So that's what you do, dress yourself in some comfortable clothes, and pack your things as if your life depended on it, giving your reflection a quick glance before leaving your old apartment behind. After a long ride, you finally reach Morioh, checking your notepad once again for directions as if you hadn't read it a few too many times already out of fear of getting completely lost…and you did. Even after checking it so many times, you still got lost somehow! You walked around for what felt like hours and still haven't found your damn hotel! In a desperate moment, you swallow your pride and start looking for somebody to get information from…no matter how stupid you must look with your suitcase under your arm and sweat running down your face. So after looking for a while, you finally reach upon a small cafe, an old blond man sitting at one of the tables set outside the small establishment, just perfect!
“Excuse me, would you mind giving me directions?”
That's the first thing that leaves your mouth as soon as you reach the stranger, which, in return, turned his heads as quickly as you had reached out to him.
“I'm truly sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for this hotel here and-”
You spent a few minutes with the man as both of you tried to make sense of the messy scribbles you made, the man letting out a few chuckles as he reassured you everytime you apologized for your mistakes (which weren't even that deep honestly, just a few spelling mistakes due to how nervous you were) And finally, after some time you two manage to make sense of your messy handwriting and a map that the man had in hands, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as you thanked him.
“Before I leave, may I ask you something?”
He asked, the coffee in his hands already finished
“I'm sure I've met you before. Did you happen to live here? What's your name?”
If it was any other situation, you would be wary of the man. You had just met him, yet he was already asking for your name and if you had lived here! Yet, in your rush to get to your hotel, you simply answered him without questioning
“Oh, I'm not really sure? I can't really remember it…but my name is Y/N! Y/N L/N!”
His eyebrows perked up slightly, a smile slowly creeping up to his face as three other people slowly approached the table
“Y/N L/N you say?”
(Pretty sure this is still trash but I put WAY to much effort onto this to not send it lol 😭)
Too much effort on my Yandere blog? Nah, no such thing. This is the right place to put effort into writing Jojo characters as yandere. I’ll appreciate any piece that gets sent to me dang it.
Gosh Norisuke would be so interesting as a platonic yandere. I could gush over that alone, there’s a genuine nice air about him and I believe him to be very warm and inviting when he wants to be. Though can just be as unsettling as any of the other Higashikata family members. If there’s anything you’re uncertain about, he’s right there to help you at a moments notice. I’ll stop blabbering about it under your submission however
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yanderecrazysie · 10 months
How about a scenerio where Oikawa has a huge ass crush on his Spanish teacher and purposely disrupts her lessons and acts really disrespectful for her attention and pretends to be failing the class and yn assumes he's misbehaving due to him struggling so offers him extra lessons and then he kidnaps her or something (Kinda stupid Ik lol)
Not stupid at all! But I have a funny story about this request- the notification cut off early and all I saw was “How about a scenerio where Oikawa has a huge ass” and I was like “Excuse me???” But then I clicked on it and read the whole thing and couldn’t stop laughing because it wasn’t a troll request after all!
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Title: Lesson
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, teacher-student “relationship” (one-sided)
Summary: Oikawa isn’t your model student, to put it lightly. But extra lessons may prove to be your worst mistake yet.
Part 2: here
a period of learning or teaching.
“Seriously, you’ve been teaching our class for half the year, and the only Spanish word I’ve learned so far is ‘bonjour’!”
Familiar raucous laughter broke out among the third years, a couple of boys even giving high fives to their class clown. You had to bite back your frustration and keep your fake smile glued in place because that’s what teachers do.
You didn’t bother correcting him. Even if Oikawa was failing your class, you at least knew that he knew “bonjour” wasn’t Spanish. It was just him acting up again, like always.
Impatiently, you waited for the laughter to die down, before you continued your lesson, acting like he’d never interrupted in the first place. But Oikawa is quick to speak up again, placing verb conjugations on the sidelines once more.
“No one cares that ‘jugar’...” you winced at the hard “j” in his pronunciation, “means juice, Teach’.” It didn’t. You wanted to scream.
That smug smile on his face as a chorus of girls giggled behind him made you lose your cool.
“Just because you’re failing this class, Oikawa, doesn’t mean you can take everyone else down with you.”
Whoops. That slipped out. You probably shouldn’t be so harsh to a student, but the chorus of “oooh”s made you bite back a grin. 
Oikawa’s smug smile had vanished and been replaced with something akin to a pout, “Maybe you should do your job and help me not fail your class. A student failing looks much worse on the teacher, doesn’t it?”
You wanted to explain that everyone else was passing so, no, it’d look worse on him as a student. You wanted to explain that you were doing your job and he was the one making it hard for you to do so.
But he had a good point. You hadn’t thought of tutoring him before.
Maybe… maybe all this acting out was because he was insecure about his troubles learning Spanish. Maybe if he was doing better in the class, he’d shut that obnoxious mouth of his.
You’d talked to the other teachers about him and they all said the same. “He’s a good kid. Quiet, respectful, and a quick learner.”
Perhaps he was frustrated because this was the one class he couldn’t catch on to. Maybe, if he had a nudge in the right direction, he’d be that quiet, respectful student every other teacher saw in him.
“We’ll talk about it after class.” You said simply, before continuing on.
It concerned you a little that his smile was so victorious.
Oikawa was finally quieter for the rest of class, though there wasn’t much left of it. Afterwards, he came up to your desk almost shyly to discuss tutoring. You couldn’t use the classroom, since it turned into a club room after classes, nor could you use the library, since it was for students only and you had to be silent there.
“I have volleyball practice and, after that, my parents expect me to be at home, so I can’t go over to your house.” Oikawa played the part of looking sad and innocent, hoping you’d come to the right conclusion on your own.
“Would your parents mind if I came over to your house?”
There’s the money.
“I’ll ask them, but I’m sure that’s fine,” Oikawa gushed, “Thank you, Teach’, I really mean it.”
Play the part. Draw her in.
You smiled, genuinely. Not like those fake smiles you plaster on your face all the time, “I hope this will help, Oikawa.”
He flashes his teeth at her, hopefully dazzling her with his smile, “I think it will.”
After school, you headed to the address Oikawa had given you. The house was nice, but smaller than you had expected for a family to live in. You had taught his sister a few years earlier, but perhaps she had moved out by now.
You knocked on the door, and it opened on its own. Immediately, you got horror movie vibes and almost took a step back. 
“It’s open!” You could hear Oikawa’s voice echo through the empty house. You stepped inside, noting that it was very dimly lit. 
It was only after you’d thought “I wonder why there weren’t any cars in the driveway? Are his parents even home or did he lie to me?” that the door slammed shut behind you, electronically locking with a thunderous clicking sound.
Instinctually, you threw yourself at the door, desperately trying to open it to no avail. The footsteps that sounded behind you only renewed your panicked efforts.
Finally, when the footsteps were too close for comfort, you spun around, ready to fight. Oikawa stood a little ways in front of you, smirking as he twirled a remote in his hand.
“Welcome home, Teach’.”
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princelylove · 6 months
Ohh me too, I get infatuated more with my favorite character, and sometimes with other random character that I have never pay attention to when on my period lol. I'd love to imagine how they pamper me and take care me in this vulnerable state. It's feel so great and distract me from the period pain.
Take care of yourself my prince, it will be exhausted so I hope you get plenty of rest and feel better soon. Don't work out too hard 💗
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Thank you, darling. Using this ask as an excuse to gush a teeny tiny bit. I'm working on something with him right now but a little affectionate talk never hurt anyone.
I've been thinking about Leone way too much lately. He's so. I want him so bad. He's so pathetic. I love a man that acts so deprived. He comes off as very reserved and detached, but he's just sooo clingy. So affectionate. So needy.
He doesn't really know what to do with his darling's period besides from giving you some space, and leaving all of your basic needs out where you can access them as needed. Maybe hiding one or two so you have to come talk to him...
And then pretending like it should've been obvious. Yeah, your pain killers are on top of the fridge where absolutely nothing else of yours is. Your pads, liners, and tampons are in the hallway closet instead of the bathroom itself, sure. There's conveniently only half of your comfort foods left, meaning if you have it now and finish it, you have to talk to him about going to get more.
And God does he sincerely savor it. He melts at the way you say his name- even if it's a harsh "Leone."
But he'd be so happy if you came to him for comfort. His full attention is always on you, sure, but it's not like you know that. Hugging him like this, letting him just rock back and forth with you... He wants to stay like this forever. If only you came to him like this all the time.
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saiyanandproud · 7 months
Little RP-related vent (not aimed at anyone I follow on this blog, so no worries mutuals, it's fine, you're good).
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I try to be as precise as I can when I write. I may not have the best aesthetics, but I keep my writing clean, readable and all. I keep my muse's page up-to-date, with all the information needed. When setting up a thread, I make sure it's clear to my mutual where it's set, when, why and all, and I always do my best to leave my part of the story with an opening the mutual can latch onto to keep the writing going. Whenever there's something I am unsure with, I make sure to politely reach to the other person to make sure I didn't misunderstand anything, or to explain and work out any perplexity.
And then. Then there's people with overcomplicated aesthethics, talking about their muse at lenght, in the smallest, most insignificant detail (which is great, don't get me wrong), but when it's their turn to pay attention to the mutual's muse? They completely go over it. I give them a 'bait' for their reply, with my character asking them something, they leave me with nothing in theirs, no curiosity towards my muse, nothing they can interact on. I prepare a setting, it gets ignored, and when I clarify it they reply "ok lol it's ok I probably wasn't pay attention to what I wrote". Excuse me?! You're writing with another person. You must pay attention to what you write!
I'm all for being proud of one's own muse: it's great, and when the passion comes through, it can easily look inviting and drag other people in, to interact and write together. But seriously, in a RP community, a muse is nothing without interactions to work on it and develop it, to bring out its potential. Just gushing about it with no access to them feels empty to people who are there to write with you. Role-playing is a mutual action. And when all the care, respect and attention I try to pour in it is unreciprocated, it gets easily disappointing and no wonder I feel like dropping a thread on the spot.
Sorry, again, it was just a moment of venting. Maybe it's because I feel particularly inspired to write these days. Anyways, you people here are good, so don't worry, and thanks for all the fun you offer me.
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
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:::Virgin Killers:::
::CHARACTERS:: Cloud. Sephiroth. Reno. Angeal.
::T.W:: 18+ MDNI. GN! reader Slight coercion (cause they know wtf they doing). Corruption kink. Morally ambiguous lol. little mention of Zack. Daddy kink mention- because its angeal and i-
::AN:: This was on the rise for a minute. I just kinda wanted our heroes to be a little...less so. I had a good time.
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Unsuspecting in his endeavors. No one thinks Cloud is "that kind of guy." Likes to use his "brokeness" as an excuse to get into pants of the people that can "save him". Doesn't convince you otherwise. Always gets them a little too drunk, pretends to be a little too vulnerable- pressing out the same spiel of his familial death and his inability to grasp emotions. With a tear or two, he has you hooked too. Bringing you on his lap so he can press kisses into your neck, making sure his tears drag against heated skin for added effect. When the whimpers and sighs get to much, he'll make sure to look at you forlornly. Bright blue eyes with unshed tears asking if you can take the pain away- just for a little while. And who are you to say no to someone whos been through it all. So it doesn't really occur to you, three fingers deep and shuddering into his blonde hair- that maybe he does this to everyone. That he doesn't call you by name when he has you by the waist and he's fucking his hips into you, digging into that spot that makes you start to cry in pleasure. Or even when he whispers "thank you" when he kisses down your spine as he fucks you into the bed, that maybe those words may not mean anything. If it does…well he's not letting you know for awhile. "Come on just one finger, you can take it right? Feel good for me too please?". He thinks that maybe Zack will like this one. He always liked Clouds sloppy seconds.
You think you're funny- you know exactly who he is and what he does. Takes pretty little things like you and politely ruins their lives. But you're playing a game, dancing around and teasing him just so his teeth can ache for a sweet thing like you. One of his little groupies. Initiations and all that. He knows that his little faithful group has to go through a "process", where they have to be in contact with him, even for five seconds to be able to join his loyal fan club. And oh, cute thing you are, you're determined to not just have a 30 second conversation gushing about how much you love "Loveless". And god does the bratty ones always make his hands itch. You've blackmailed him, saying you know what you do with some of the new recruits. And you want that. You want everything. And now aren't you just a greedy thing? Genesis can only grin and huff out a laughter because now that cocky smirk of yours is gone. He's fucked it out of you properly he thinks. Pulling your hips back because- awww are you running? Its too big now? You cant take it? He's just being kind and giving you what you asked for. He was even nice enough to fuck your throat first. Doesn't matter if he's rocking his hips into you a little harder than necessary, or that he's holding your neck down so you don't move and you takes what he gives you. It has him hissing because- shit he loves how tight virgin holes are. Untouched and he just wants to mold his cock around that bratty fuckhole.
He wants to feel dirty for using his fame. He does. But it seems to fade away when he slides his cock into another conquest. The chase is always so much fun. How absolute intimidated they look- especially when he gets really close. You're no better, the thought of having The Sephiroth wrecking your insides has you clenching your thighs. And oh was the chase fun. He likes little coy and shy ones- well at least you're acting that way. He can smell how much you want him. Blatantly lying to his face about not liking him and even trying to push him away. But he'll tire of the game, just as he always does, laying ownership over you-if only just for a few hours. First orgasms are always so sweet and he's so addicted. But he likes the fourth, the exhaustion and the bewildered look on you face when you don't think you can come anymore. And now that just wont do. You wanted to play and so you'll play. Doesn't matter if he hasn't fucked you yet, the way you shakily ride his fingers and tongue is enough to get even him to come. Your hips stuttering, not sure where to go or even to place your hands, that's ok he'll help you. Guide you and tell you how good you're doing. He's not giving you his cock, no matter how much you beg. He wants another chance at that pretty hole of yours later. Wants you addicted to him. Plus- he's not trying to break his new toy again.
The "I-i've never done this before" Never fails to get his cock immediately hard and rearing to go. There's a threadbare layer of restraint he has when you look up at him all doe-eyed and biting lips as you explain no person has ever touched you. Has to laugh away the hunger when you ask if he can do it. Of course he'll do it. He can deal with the consequences later. But he loves to see your face fall when he says a simple "hm. nope" Making sure to pop the "p". And now your indignant and embarrassed and ah- he really cant hold back anymore. Thinks you're so cute when you shyly cover your face and whine when he slowly fucks into you. He likes to intentionally go too slow so that little things like you can beg him to go faster. The power rush he feels when he does and makes you choke on your plea and seeing your expression change makes him go absolutely feral. Rutting into you, holding your hands above your head so he can see your face, so you cant run from him. He loves the lewd noises your unused hole makes when it feels good. "Come on now, listen, your holes talking to me, saying it feels good- shhh you gotta be quiet so I can hear more" He likes that he can get away with incredibly nasty things that he wouldn't normally get away with. He just likes the uncertainty that crosses your features- because are you supposed to do this? He'll make sure to slide his hips a certain direction so he can hit the spongey spot that makes you see stars and has you forgetting whatever you were even thinking.
His moral ground stands high. He is the one that is the most unsuspecting. Everyone thinks he's a virgin himself. He neither encourages it or denies it. But even he is weak to wiles of the inexperienced. Giving it up to reason as to "save you". That if anyone is going to teach you, well he'd be the best person. And maybe he's thought the same thing to hundreds similar to you, but for right now- lets not talk about them. You're special, he wants to take care of you. Wants you to feel comfortable and ease you into it. Asks if you're ok at least 82 times, as if he cant tell by your expression when he works a finger open. Kisses down your body when you whine at the twinge of pain. Its really to hide his own facial expression of glee at achieving another conquest. Cockwarms you to get used to feeling the shape of his cock, knowing that he's a little bigger than most- the satisfaction that no one will fill you like he does has him thrusting a little inside of you. Your pinched expression and huffing breath has him twitching and leaking. He's shameless enough to look at you when you feel him. Knows he's not embarrassed at all. Praising you with enough words that it forces you to move a little. He's patient, he knows it hurts- even if thats the part that gets him off. Makes him harder when you grab his shoulders and say how much you need him. Need him to help you move. He goes blank then and when he suddenly blinks- he has you in a mating press and you've come twice already. You're absolutely leaking with it now and you're begging him to come. Of course he'll give you his come. Makes sure to always come inside, even when you're hiccupping and wiggling away- "shhh its ok. Let daddy make you feel good- i'll take care of you."
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a-dragons-journal · 6 months
Hey, I don't know how much of Frontiers you have played yet (so feel free to hold off on answering until you play a bit more, if you want) but how are you liking it? 👀 How do you feel the devs did on the game?
I am asking because I DO want to hear you gush about Frontiers (or give your criticisms), but also for slightly selfish reasons because the team who made Frontiers is also making the open world Star Wars game and I am a bit hyped lmao. I am hoping that if the team did a great job on Frontiers, they might also do a great job with my hearthome as well c:
But for real, please gush if you want, I love hearing about your hearthome stuff and seeing people get excited over things like that brings me so much joy.
@starrun (sideblog woes, gotta send on anon)
(Ayyyy, fellow hearthome-haver! :D)
So here's the thing about Frontiers, and thank you for giving me an excuse to make this post.
I'm going to preface this by saying I am not very far into the story yet, so this may well just be a case of me not being far enough in to have a good grasp on it. I haven't even gotten to getting my ikran yet, and I know that's considered relatively early in the story.
With that being said: If one of your primary desires with Frontiers of Pandora is to experience Pandora, you will have a fantastic time with this game. If that's not something you're really interested in, and you're only focused on other aspects of gameplay... it might not be worth the price tag for you.
I am in love with this game, let me be very clear about that. I've been playing it obsessively in every spare minute I have. But my primary desire with it is to experience Eywa'eveng, story and other gameplay aspects be damned. In that, Frontiers does a spectacular job - the world is impossibly detailed and interactive and beautiful, the animals and plants are fun and interesting and I haven't even gotten out of the jungle where they really put together a bunch of new stuff yet, the feeling of the world is flawless. Weather cycles are a thing, day-night cycles are a thing, and both of them are extremely well-done in terms of duration and beauty. The gathering and crafting systems focusing on immersiveness and quality over quantity is great; the cooking system is genuinely fun to experiment with (though that probably won't last terribly long lol). The Na'vi actually speak well-pronounced Na'vi! Although the subtitles could use some corrections and there's a couple of weird instances where character names are misspelled according to Na'vi phonetics (looking at you, Eetu - that should be Itu). The character concepts are very strong and interesting, and I'm in love with a couple of them. The music is incredible. Running around in the world feels fantastic - you really feel how strong and agile you are as a Na'vi, and they really understood how important verticality is to Eywa'eveng; you can climb basically anything you want and you're rewarded for exploring by finding neat things and resources. I can't wait to be able to fly.
However, it's clear that they focused so hard on that aspect of the game that, in my opinion at least, some other aspects of it suffered. There's some weird little things, like the fact that NPCs in the world who have something for you but don't have a whole cutscene don't turn to face you when they talk to you, and the ones that do have a cutscene tend to glitch and teleport when the cutscene ends sometimes (mostly this seems to happen with cutscenes that aren't directly plot-relevant, though, so it's not like it's gotten in the way of anything, it's just jarring). The character and story concepts are very strong, fun, and interesting, but the execution is... kind of meh so far, to be honest. A good portion of the dialogue feels a little unpolished.
There's also a few game decisions I just plain don't like, even though it's clear that's just a case of "they were going for something different from my preference" rather than "this is poorly done". For instance, there's no dialogue options when you talk to NPCs; the player character just says what they're going to say, and for me, even if a dialogue option doesn't actually change anything, it's still nice to have it and makes it feel more interactive and engaging. As it is, I feel a little disconnected from the character I'm playing as. Similarly, while there's a lot of ambient dialogue from NPCs as you walk around (which is fun and nice), I kind of miss the ability a lot of RPGs have to walk up to the major/named NPCs and interact with them to prompt a dialogue line when they don't actually have a full conversation for you.
But, again, a lot of the weak points are things that might well get ironed out as I get further into the story, and might just be a symptom of that weird little portion a lot of games have toward the start where they're trying to get you fully set and going on the story and thus things have to be a little weird to make that happen. A lot of the characters' mehness is not that they feel flat, but that they feel unexplored, and like... there's plenty of time for them to be explored in, it just hasn't happened yet. So I'm reticent to say any of this is a very fair critique just yet, but it's what I've got for you.
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nicepersondisorder · 1 month
What is your favourote and least favourite character from hazbin? Would you change anything about them?
i have MANY favorite characters from hazbin !! depending on the traits and the lense we're sorting them by
they're all so interesting and cool!! charchar is amazing and i love how she refuses to give up and sees good in everyone (AND HER VOICE ACTOR IS SO GOOD. SHE HAS SUCH PRETTY VOICE.). she's determined and goal oriented and her dreams are so good and while she has issues and problems, she's genuinely such a good person. i also like the fact that she's a sweet bubbly character, but she still doesn't shy away from swearing and she was shown to lose her cool several times. i love her. i really should reblog more arts with her. okkkk once i finish writing this answer i will go and queue more arts with my babygirl !!!! o7
have i told i love charlie? yeah? i love her. i love her a lot. sorry. next segment
in the next segment we have "pathetic losers", which has two sub-types: "dorks" and "just genuinely pathetic. like. good lord they're so fucking pathetic. (/neg)."
at the top is lucifer ! he's a fascinating critter. he goes in the "dorks" category, but he is really pathetic. dipping toes in the second category even! loser <3 (speaking of losers, i LOVE husk's design. no i'm not biased because he's a cat what are you talking about !!)(i'm lying)(don't have a special opinion on his overall character though, sowwy </3). ANYWAY continuing with lucifer! majority of the scenes with him were Physically Painful to watch due to Second Hand Embarrassment (also i did skip almost all of the episode due to Reasons tm. i need to go and actually watch it. sloooowly). his "TAKE THAT DEPRESSION" lives rent fee in my brain and reminds me of a "could a depressed person make this?" meme. he's pathetic wet beast of a man and while i dislike his absence and flippancy towards his daughter, i understand him (LOL). im also extremely depressed 🤝. that doesn't excuse his actions but i do get why he acts the way he acts. also i don't have "more than anything" playing on repeat. don't look at my music app
second in the "dorks" category is sir pentious! not gushing about him as much as about charchar or lucifer, but he is just so. he evokes cuteness agression in me. i need to make a balloon animal out of him. he is such a nerd. i loved him when the pilot came out (the only character from pilot i drew in 2019 actually!)(you should be honored sirsnake!!). he's not on the list of my favorite favorite characters, i just thought i'd include him since i brought up the "dorks" subtype.
breaking the segment to talk how i find charlie endearing. she's such a sweetheart..... she can do it i believe in her and her dreams <33 (sir pent DID get redeemed after all!!!! the hotel is working !!). she's so silly. love her. ok moving to subtype "pathetic /neg"
the one and only character in this category is vox. he's so fucking pathetic. tearing my hair out i LOVE him for this. okay so i might be a liiiiitle bit unfair to him BUT . his crush on alastor is just so. shaking crying i don't have words for this. he has such bad taste in men (affectionate). AND THE WAY HE ACTS ABOUT IT IS ALSO SO PATHETIC. "oh i learned that the guy who i have love(unrequited)/hate relationship with is back from 7 years absence??? i must broadcast how i don't care about him at all IMMEDIATELY". has the vibe from the joke i've heard somewhere "i've been chasing you for seven miles to tell you how much i don't care about you" or something like that, don't remember the exact wordinb unfortunately 😔. he IS a cool character tho. i love his design, im really weak for tv headed characters. i could run doom on him.sorry. also his powers are sick as fuck!!! but he's so pathetic it's easy to froget how much influence he has an how strong he is.i want to pick him apart on the vivisection table. sorry again. no im not
okay ! next category! "fucking dick holy shit". valentino. he's So Terrible. i need him boiled in oil and i also hate him and i like him and i hope he dies ten thousand deaths and i want to see him suffer. kind of niffty-like type of like for him! he's really fascinating in the worst way possible and he's like. hmmmm im not sure how to put it? he's a genuinely good character (NOT person, two different things) and he can be both absolutely terrible vile etc etc, there are scenes shown that humanize him, which i think is also a good thing, because irl abusers are not one dimensional, and so fictinal ones also shouldn't be, especially in a show that wants to bring up serious themes correctly. controversial opinion but people bitching about how val's design is wasted on him are completely missing the point. yeah.
um! moving on !
there are more characters that i Like, but if i'd be listing them all im afraid itd take years 😭 like you asked for one (1) favorite character and i wrote you a whole essay LMAO
and i don't think i have a least favorite character? it takes too much energy to dislike a character that i don't have XD (i do have a slight distate for alastor, but it's for personal 🍎 reasons so i'm not gonna include him in the post! or in the tags)
nvm i lied i don't like zestial. i Can Not understand what he's saying 💔 bless the subtitles ! that's a silly "least favorite character" don't take it seriously !
ALMOST FORGOT TO ANSWER THE SECOND QUESTION. i don't think i'd change anything about the characters !! except maybe making zestial's speech more understandable. please bitches with auditory processing issues can't understand what you're saying zestial please im begginb you on my knees WHAT ARE YOU SAYING
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Since I know you’re yoongi biased, I thought I’d come here to gush over how cute he was during his dj suga vlive with jimin when he’d get excited over understanding one of the expressions in the quiz they did together 😭🥺 “Ah!! Okay, okay, okay!”
Do you know how RARELY people bring vlives into my inbox that aren't about jikook. Lol I LOVE this entire vlive. I love it. It's my biases just laughing and having the time of their lives together. I love these honey FM radio shows Yoongi did. He has one with all the members! Jimins is my favorite though, simply because it's got both my biases in it 😍🥰
With the switchover from vlive to weverse, my vlive links are being funny snd not embedding. So hopefully the actual links still work. But it's the 200530 DJ Suga Honey FM 06.13 with Jimin vlive. 🥰 They also posted selcas together too after they finished the vlive and were all matchy in their black shirts!
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Introducing his guest on the show with their unit names and then just Jimin praise! "Miniminis, Tom and Jerry, Tony Montana and Irreplaceable. I see the video clips of us two. His voice is the envy of everyone. I recognize him as the funniest BTS member. Jimin!" 🤣😍
And Jimin returning the energy by saying Yoongi is a good DJ and he likes his voice 🥺 and then them immediately starting to bicker. Lmao over first their height. Then about how Jimin didn't visit during his MV set. Since his visit during the comeback trailer shooting gave Yoongi lots of energy, he said he was upset that Jimin didn't come again. Lmfao and Jimin replying that's it's because he wanted Yoongi to want him more. Their teasing is my favorite 🤣
Yoongi mentioning in an interview about picking Jimin for things
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Istg this voice live is the cutest, and it's the epitome of "hyung will always pick me" and Yoongi talking about how he originally worked on the song People as a track for Jimin, but the company refuted that idea so it ended up on his mixtape instead. 😭 and their voices reading the story! And their confusion and giggles and excitement during the expressions quiz game. And during the game where they had to guess ApoBangPo and Suga said it was coined by JK. And Jimin said that every BTS member should know that one, but also just threw out there that JK uses many pretty expressions 🥺🥺🥺
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They are so cute. I GENIUNELY love their voices. I relistened to this whole vlive while putting my youngest to bed. Just enjoying them speaking in my headphones. Lol Yoongi's voice in particular, i could listen to him talk and do anything. His speech patterns and the way he says things. I love it. It's soothing? Idk, I just adore it. And hearing their excitement makes me happy 🥰🥰🥰
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All their bickering over acronyms and how neither likes them and they don't keep up with trends. Lol Jimin once again, stating that he basically never uses the internet and basically only uses it for minimal things and gaming. Which then led them into teasing each other about gaming and how they play together 🥰 Yoongi ending the vlive by responding to comments and then playing filter. He is my comfort person. Him and Jimin. My comfort members. My biases. Probably why i love this vlive so much even if it's just their voices! Lol their selcas also low key reminded me of their 2013 selca in all black too and Jimin in a hat🥺
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They've grown so much! I love them. Thanks for giving me an excuse to listen to this live again and then just gush over these two! 🥰🥰
Original tweets for these selcas too!
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Go listen to it if you haven't before! And the other DJ Suga shows! 🥰🥰 I adore them! Thanks for the ask again!
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astrobei · 2 years
Quick! Tag your top favorite byler blogs (as many as you want) and tell my why you love them in one line to spread positivity on the dashboard and make someone's day!
YESSSSS ok buckle up everyone i have an excuse to Gush and these will Not just be one line sorry (i am not)
first and foremost, of course, my lovely lovely friends @bookinit02 @andiwriteordie @smoosnoom @wiseatom and @livsmessydoodles the MOST incredible and lovely people i have ever met in my life !! not only are they seriously the most talented writers and artists i have ever ever had the privilege of talking to, they are also just such kind and hilarious people and a solid 50% (at least) of the reason this community means as much to me as it does !! seriously so inspiring and uplifting and i look forward to talking to them every day because they never fail to make me laugh uncontrollably and inappropriately in public places, go give all their fics (and liv’s art) so much love RN bc they deserve it sm <3
@meanwillbyers my first Real mutual on st tumblr you are such a delight to see on my dash!! like actually mal is one of the funniest people Ever and such a talented artist AND writer like wtf . who let this happen 😭 has never had a bad take ever and is just generally such a refreshing name to see on my screen!
@lookslikefireflies literally she is such a talented writer, her will and max fic had me like . frothing at the mouth in tears on the bathroom floor NOT JOKING love love love seeing a message from u in my inbox or a comment from u on my fics, actually one of the sweetest ever and such a nice constant presence on my dash !!
@nancysglock HELLOOO wtf the first time i read one of her scripts it was over the summer and i dont remember which it was but i was SO EMOTIONAL WHEN I REALIZED IT WASN’T REAL omg but seriously so sweet i honestly geek out whenever you interact w my blog bc i’m such a fan LOL and the whiplash i get from your funny ask answers/posts vs ur scripts and rly well written gut-wrenching posts is so. wtf (<3)
@nnilkyway YELLING EVERY TIME HE POSTS ART seriously idk how u do it but the way u use color makes me gasp and i could probably sit there staring at anything u make for hours and hours,, and also they’re actually HILARIOUS yk when you find someone with your exact sense of humor and it is so extremely comforting and it feels like a warm hug,, literally what seeing ur posts on my dash is like i am sitting here patiently waiting for new nnilkyway content
@messrsbyler HOTTEST TAKES EVERRR and so many posts that never fail to make me sink to my knees and start sobbing SERIOUSLY one of the biggest brained people on this site,, also just extremely funny and sweet and i love getting messages/replies from you!! obsessed with you and your entire blog fr
this is by no means an exhaustive list, mostly just the people i interact w most on here! love u guys all so much, you seriously make it fun and exciting to be a part of the byler community, even when things r bleak and slow i always look forward to coming on here and talking to u !! thank u for giving me the motivation to keep writing fr <3
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wooahaes · 1 year
hiya!! i saw your ask game post and wanted to join hehe ^^
coups + cold to everyone but you (idk if that's the name of the trope but i hope you get it lol) he just gives me that kinda vibes yknow... i know hes really sweet but this trope fits him imo.... i dont know...
anyways take care and byebye!! ^^
hiyaa <3 thank u for joining! u take care as well <3
oooh... i'm a sucker for tht kind of thing. def not when its taken to the level of 'is a dick to everyone but you' but i do think the idea of feeling safer expressing things w someone special.
i think i can see cheol not being a dick, but he's just more openly doting with you a lot more? office worker au where ur all at the same company, and while he does check in with others, he makes the excuse that you're the newest hire so he's just making sure you're adjusting well. and then ppl point out that he's never been this warm to anyone except jeonghan (and sometimes shua) and even then he took forever to open up to them a lil more. he literally drove you home last week AND stopped to get you dinner. the one time seungkwan needed a ride, cheol took him straight home ??? and told him to go ahead and get inside meanwhile you were literally kinda gushing abt how sweet he is bc he parked and walked you to ur door.
this might not be what you mean but just... cheol who dotes on u So much compared to everyone else. not to the point where you get away with certain things, he'll still correct you, but he'll buy you lunch or leave a snack on your desk or quietly leave a new pack of sticky notes for you, etc. chan asked him for the sticky notes tht were next to him and cheol told him to get them himself. cheol excuses it as you being on a sales call, but chan says the notes were closer to him last time!!! he could at least throw them!!!
cheol comes in after a meeting with a client to see a bouquet of roses on his desk. he loudly asks who did this (while ur not in the room) and if its a prank. everyone's a lil lost and he just puts them aside to give away later. other ppl leave at the end of the day, while you shyly approach and ask him if he liked the flowers and that you heard from seungkwan that he was pissed abt them. he realizes they're from you, and immediately softens up and says he loves them and asks why you sent them. you kinda dance around the subject a lil before saying you like him and the others kept pointing out how he was like... so doting toward you? and it kinda made you realize oh he likes you back. hes like ah. ill kill them later for telling you that >:( since he'd want to confess on his own terms ykno?
but you just kinda laugh and say that they were reassuring you--you had ur suspicions because cheol doesnt get anyone else snacks from the vending machine. well. except jeonghan when he begs and cheol tells him no before buying an extra snack for him anyway. you asked him once and he asked what you wanted and told you not to pay him back when you offered.
uh. idk. kiss kiss fall in luv.
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wolfimprints · 1 year
Hi! May I please request a ship?
I'm 21, genderqueer (they/them, pretty feminine presenting), and bi. I'm really short but tend to wear pretty tall platforms so I'm 5' 6" in public, lol. I have angel fangs (piercings) and I adore tattoos. Generally, my sense of style is pretty alternative but in a really casual way because I prioritize comfort over aesthetic and I have sensory issues (black comfy clothes and no makeup for the win).
I cuss a ton and have a very horrible sense of humor (dirty jokes and shock/dark humor, I'm not allowed near the kids table anymore, I have no filter and it's gotten me in trouble), I also vape, and I drink socially. I'm autistic, so I have trouble reading social cues, have limited facial expressions, have trouble with empathy, and tend to infodump about random things.
I'm usually pretty chill, I like to complain a lot but it's all lighthearted. My idea of an ideal date is hiking while talking mindlessly about anything, then going home to make dinner together and eat it on the couch while watching Rick and Morty or an anime or something. Also, I get crushes easily. Even in a relationship, I'm loyal as can be but I do tend to gush about fictional characters or the cutie that I saw at the coffee shop because I think that attraction is so normal and natural and human that it shouldn't be an issue. I'm also REALLY straightforward when I have a crush, I'll tell them "yeah, I totally did that thing so that I had an excuse to look at you some more because I think you're hot, lol" and I really don't see the big deal, facts are facts.
I'm also an artist and I love to cook. I read a bit, bit I get bored too quickly so I tend to drop books a lot. I like silly movies (Monty Python or Bill and Ted or something like those) and cartoons (Adventure Time, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Rugrats, etc.) and generally unserious things. I like anything that looks whimsigoth, and I'm an extreme introvert.
That's all I can think of. I feel like I simultaneously rambled for far to long and like I didn't give nearly enough information. My bad, lol. But thank you in advance if you take the request, and sorry to bother you if you can't/aren't taking requests!!
I ship you with... QUIL!
I feel like he'll appreciate your clothing style (I see him being into grungy stuff) and your interests (films/cartoons with black humour). He's also pretty sarcastic/blunt so he'll see you as a partner-in-crime in mischief.
I picture him as an observer, so he'll understand after a while of spending time with you what gets you going and what not. He'll always get the conversation going even after you've made quite a comment that freezes the mood.
Thanks for requesting!
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labcampkill · 1 year
I never heard of Leslie Vernon! Thanks for talking about the movie!
OOC MUN: I am always willing to gush about one of my favorite horror movies of all time. Please give me any excuse lol.
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