#thanks for giving me the opportunity to use my sketch style-
polteashop · 1 year
🎶 Snowy from Undertale
It doesn’t often snow in the tangle, but when it does, it’s truly a sight to behold c:
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Anyways, I feel like Hibiscus would enjoy the song! :D I can see her playing it while running the shop, to encourage a peaceful atmosphere~ The cheerful and peaceful vibes it gives off reminds me a bit of her as well! ^^
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peathepirate · 27 days
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Part 22 - Finale
The one with criminal activities.
I can't believe this project is actually finished. I started sketching the first pages in January of 2021 (if my Instagram stories are to believe) and now I'm done? What am I even supposed to do now that I'm not drawing WINGS anymore?
It's not a perfect comic. It wasn't really meant to be a finished comic either, I was kind of messing around to see if I actually liked making longer comics. Turns out I do! I've always viewed this project as "practice", so the style is all over the place and at times, the art is really hard to look at (*cough* entire part 7 *cough*). But I finished it, all 206 pages of it! I never knew I had this much persistence in me :D
Things I wish I'd known before starting the comic: 1) Having a script will save you from many plot holes and plot threads that never lead anywhere (and it also gives you opportunities to do fun foreshadowing <- this is something I couldn't do for a Thing I came up with and had to drop because I'd already posted the first updates before writing the script). 2) Drawing in batches actually saves time, people aren't joking when they say that. It always takes time to get used to inking after sketching, or coloring after inking, etc. And when I say batches, I don't mean ten pages at a time, I mean like 40-50 pages at a time. I wish I'd realized this before the last 40 pages of this comic...
Thank you so, so much for each and every one of you who have been on this journey with me. It really has meant the world to me to have people I could share this story with. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it <3
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gubsbuubs · 4 months
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~ 5K
Warnings: smut; mask.k!nk (kinda), creampie
Summary: When tasked with directing a new episode focused on y/c/n, Matthew and Y/N unexpectedly uncover a shared affinity for masks
A/N: Hey my loves! I know I promised an MGG director smut, but after giving it some thought, I realized the story I have in mind needs more development so it´s going to be a multi-part fic. Stay tuned for that! In the meantime, here's a little taste of a MGG smut.
Please let me know if you guys enjoyed the visuals. I love to see them in works so I wanted to try it out.
English is not my first language. I hope you all enjoy it, and any and all comments are appreciated 🍒
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Friday 11pm - Quixote Studios Trailer Park - West Hollywood.
Being an actress on the set of Criminal Minds meant that a time would eventually come when she'd receive a script with her character´s name in the title.
"Y/C/N – Directed by Matthew Gray Gubler" She read it out loud as she stared at the cover page of the script.
Y/N knew, she didn't even need to flip through the pages to know that Y/C/N was clearly about to go through some traumatic event in her story development as the youngst and newest member of the BAU.
She was thankful; yes, don't get it wrong, she´d been waiting for an opportunity to take her own storyline even further since she joined the show almost a two years ago, but she didn't expect a 'Y/C/N" episode, especially not one directed by Matthew.
With his knack for blending spine-chilling suspense with heart-wrenching drama, it was bound to be a wild ride - equal parts terrifying and captivating.
With a laugh, she muttered to herself, "Well, this calls for a glass of wine,". She made her way to the small refrigerator tucked into the corner, it was late, everyone was already wrapped for the week, and a sip wouldn't hurt.
After pouring herself a generous portion of red, she returned to her seat on the couch.
The script lay before her, gently resting on her legs, feeling its weight against her skin. With a delicate touch, she let her fingers skim the cover, tracing the intricate patterns and feeling the slight texture beneath her fingertips.
As she opened the script, her eyes were immediately drawn to a sketch that covered the opening page. Unmistakably one of Gubler’s stills. Matthew had a very particular way of bringing his visions to life—through meticulously drawn storyboards.
And there, in stark contrast to the white of the page, was the figure that would probably haunt her dreams for nights to come.
No expression adorned its featureless face; the black mask it wore was void of emotion and intent. It seemed to leer at her from the page, its presence ominous and foreboding. Her eyes then drifted to the bottom right corner of the picture, where the word "Phlegethon" was written in bold letters.
Intrigued, she skimmed through the pages, scanning the lines of dialogue in search of any clues that might offer insight into the enigmatic masked figure and the direction of the episode.
And then, she found it—a classic Spencer Reid rambling session. A familiar warmth spread through her as she encountered the distinctive style of the beloved character. "Perfect," she thought, a soft smile gracing her lips as she sipped on her wine before delving deeper into the script.
(BAU CONFERENCE ROOM - LATE NIGHT) The team is gathered around the meeting table, discussing the details of the new case. David Rossi: "I've just never seen this type of burning technique before, how the victims are left with only their heads burnt to a crisp, leaving behind blackened, charred skin." (Pauses) "Guess the unsub has a flair for the dramatic." Spencer Reid: "I know how he's killing them." (Rises from his seat) "It's right there, he's giving us a clue." (Approaches the board and rearranges the crime scene pictures - depicting black letters on walls behind the victims) "P" "H" "L" "E" (Looks back at the table again) "He's spelling his name." (Pauses again) "Phlegethon." JJ: "Reid, English, please."
Spencer Reid: "Phlegethon... In Greek mythology, Phlegethon is one of the five rivers of the Underworld, known for its fiery nature and its association with punishment and destruction. It's often described as a river of fire, a torrent of burning flames that consumes everything in its path." (Motions at the pictures again) "He's achieving this burning technique by painting the victims' faces with Greek fire. Greek fire, also known as 'sea fire' or 'liquid fire,' was a devastating incendiary weapon used by the Byzantine Empire during naval battles. It's said to have been composed of a mixture of various substances, including petroleum, sulfur, and quicklime, which probably explains the smell the firefighters reported." (Sits back down) "By painting the victims' faces with Greek fire, the unsub is ensuring that the fire burns with intense heat in those specific areas, consuming the skin with a ferocity unmatched by conventional flames, leaving behind only blackened, charred remnants." Emily Prentiss: (Confused) "But that doesn't explain the sheer brutality of the wounds found in the victims' bodies." Y/C/N: "Or the masks he reportedly wears, as mentioned by Marianne Smith, the almost third victim who managed to escape." Spencer Reid: "It's possible that the masks serve a dual purpose. Firstly, they could serve as a grim reminder of his handiwork, a twisted reflection of the charred, disfigured faces left behind by his method of killing." (Pounders for a second) "Secondly, the masks could also provide a layer of anonymity, allowing him to operate without fear of being identified. By concealing his face, he's able to move freely without leaving behind any recognizable features, making it harder for law enforcement to track him down." Luke Alvez: "The beatings could serve as a means of subduing or torturing his victims. The physical violence may not only serve to incapacitate them but also to instill fear and control, further amplifying their suffering."
Y/N lifted her eyes from the paper, bringing the glass to her lips. The smooth taste of the wine coated her tongue as she pondered the words she had just read. Eventually, she came to realize that kidnapping was what connected Y/C/N to that creppy man. As the BAU delved deeper into their investigation to catch Phlegethon, Y/C/N's would fall victim to his clutches.
Reading through the script, she couldn't help but flinch at the vivid descriptions of the torture scenes her character would endure. Well … there it was - the trauma.
Each page turned brought forth mounting tension, yet, amidst the fear and apprehension, there was also a strange sense of excitement. As an actress, she relished the opportunity to delve into the depths of her character's psyche, and portray the resilience and strength needed to survive such harrowing circumstances.
The quiet of her trailer is suddenly shattered by the creak of the door, causing her to jump in her seat. Before she could react, the door swung open, revealing a person standing in the doorway, their face obscured by a dark, featureless mask.
She let out a piercing scream, panic setting in as she scrambled backwards with her eyes wide with terror.
Then a sound cuts through the air: laughter, the unknown person in the mask reaches up, removing it and revealing a familiar face.
"GUBLER! You son of a bitch, you scared the shit out of me!" she exclaimed as she stood up to smack him in the arm.
“Sorry, I couldn't resist," he said between laughs. "But you have to admit, it was pretty good."
Shaking her head in disapproval, she sat back down, "Yeah, yeah, good one."
With a soft click of the door behind him, Matthew fully entered the room and threw the mask into Y/N’s lap. She glanced down at it, then back up at at her co-star as he took a seat beside her on the sofa.
"Soooo…. What did you think?" He asked as he picked up the script.
"Well… It's intense, to say the least." She let out a shaky laugh. "I mean, the storyline is gripping, but those torture scenes... They're pretty chilling."
"Yeah, it's definitely going to push some boundaries," he commented, glancing down at the mask. "Speaking of which, what did you think of him? Does the mask capture the essence of Phlegethon?"
"It's... haunting," she murmured softly. "Definitely adds to the creep factor, gives me chills just to look at it."
A playful smirk tugged at the corners of his lips.“Did you see who I cast for the role?"
She looked up at him, curiosity evident in her expression as her eyebrows rose slightly. "Who did you cast?"
“You didn't even look at the casting?" he teased, shaking his head in disbelief.
"I was too caught up in the story," she admitted with a sheepish grin as she took the script out of his hands and flipped to the last pages.
STARRING: David Rossi - Joe Mantegna Emily Prentiss - Paget Brewster Dr. Spencer Reid - Matthew Gray Gubler Phlegethon - Matthew Gray Gubler Y/C/N Y/C/LN - Y/N Y/L/N Jennifer Jareau - A.J. Cook Penelope Garcia - Kirsten Vangsness Dr. Tara Lewis - Aisha Tyler Luke Alvez - Adam Rodriguez Matt Simmons - Daniel Henney
She stared in disbelief, her eyes widening with surprise. "What? No way”
"Oh, way, my sweet Y/N," he murmurs as he swiftly snatched the mask from her right leg. His fingers accidentally touching her exposed skin. Goosebumps immediately rose on her legs involuntarily.
With a wide smile he places the mask on "I'm gonna be haunting your dreams tonight," he whispered in a spooky voice.
As Matthew waved his hands in a ghostly manner in front of her face, she stood still, analyzing his barely noticeable features under the mask. In the dimly lit trailer, only accompanied by the small hum of her mini-fridge, she found it weird how into it she was getting by seeing Matthew with a mask on.
It wasn't that he needed to cover his face to look good, I mean, have you seen the man? He looks good all the damn time. But there was something strangely appealing about the way he looked in that eerie disguise. Creepy, but good.
Her heart was beating a little faster as she caught herself admiring the contours of his jawline, the way his nose perked up under the mask, and how his slender neck appeared from the gap between the mask and his slightly unbuttoned oversized patterned shirt.
Now silently standing before her, there was something undeniably hot about the mysterious aura he exuded.
Suddenly he reached out, his hand lightly resting on her arm. "I'm sorry, did I actually scare you?"
She cleared her throat nervously. "No, no," she waved her hand dismissively, trying to brush off the effect he was having on her.
"You're sure?" he pressed, adding reassuring pressure to her skin.
Her skin was warm, soft, so couldn’t help but notice how goosebumps formed on her skin under his fingers.
"Yeah, it was just..." She sighed, not wanting to give away the fact that she actually felt turned on by this. "It was weird seeing you like this."
Unconsciously she let her hand meet his cheek, analyzing the way the black fabric hugged his features without giving his identity away. “You look, I don’t know... different."
Now it was his turn to get goosebumps. He could feel his face getting hotter as her hand caressed the shape of his jawline. The fluster creeping up his neck was probably visible to her as she studied his masked face attentively.
He locked his eyes on hers and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was witnessing something beyond the ordinary. Was he seeing things, or was that a glimmer of lust? Desire? Her cheeks flushed with a warmth that mirrored his own, her delicate touch tracing the contours of the mask with an intimacy that set his pulse racing. Her breathing unstable, coming out in small quickened breaths.
It couldn't be... could it? Was the mask somehow affecting her, stirring something she wouldn’t dare to acknowledge?
The mere thought made his heart pound faster in his chest and he swallowed hard when he noticed the unmistakable tightness in his pants.
"Different how?" His voice was low as their proximity increased, so close now that if either dared the only thing separating them was the black fabric.
She took a deep breath,"You look... mysterious,".
He chuckled slightly “Is that a good thing?”
“Humm… yeah” her tongue darted out to wet her lips before she caused her bottom lip in between her teeth. “a very good thing.”
He was definitely not seeing things, if he ever did need a confirmation that was it. As she flashed them a smile with her bottom lip caught up in between her teeth his mind was racing at 1000 mph. She looks so innocent before him, so soft and fragile, but the look on her eyes was that of darkness and desire and he couldn’t ignore it even if he tried.
"Do you like that?" His voice was a low, teasing murmur, and although concealed by the mask, she could sense the mischievous lift of his eyebrows. “Do you like how mysterious I look”
She swallowed hard as her pulse quickening at the playful challenge in his voice. "I do," she confessed.
"You know… I’ve got to be very honest Y/N" the pressure he applied on her arm raised as he carefully knead the skin under his finger tips. "I could get used to you looking at me like that."
A small, innocent smile adorned her lips “And how exactly am I looking at you?"
He chuckled softly, his smirk growing wider "You really want me to describe what I see in your eyes?"
She simply nodded in confirmation.
He gently took her chin in his hand, tilting her head up "Okay," he murmured, his thumb traced the contour of her jawline. "Let's see... I’m sensing …a mixture of desire and curiosity. It's like you've just discovered something new about yourself… something exciting and a little dangerous.”
She felt her cheeks flush gently looked away.
“No, eyes on me!” He commanded holding her face in place “You’re scared but also excited…. I would even dare to say, turned on…”
Her eyes widened in surprised as she came to realize she wasn’t being a subtle as she planned. “I.. I… don’t … what?”
He chuckled as she struggled to find the right words. “It’s okay I feel the same… I’m actually pretty worked up to”
Her expression lit up “You are?”
He nodded his head in confirmation “You have no idea how much you’re driving me crazy right now”
She looked unsure, confused even like she could never believe the undeniable and pretty noticeable effect she was having on him.
“Do you want me to show you Sweetheart?” His left hand met hers.
Without being able to form a proper answer, she uttered a simple, “Please.”
Matthew took her hand and placed it on the visible bulge that imprinted his pants. Her eyes momentarily left his covered face to glance down, trying her best to not start moaning at how good his cock felt under her touch.
She began to caress him, feeling the heat and firmness through the fabric. Her fingers traced the outline of his erection, eliciting a throaty groan from him as he threw his head back.
Her strokes grew more deliberate, fingers gliding over the hard ridge and pressing lightly, teasing him and feeling the way his cock throbbed under her hand. As she continued to caress him, she felt the tension in his body build, his hips subtly rocking forward, seeking more of the pleasure she was giving.
Unable to resist any longer he moved up his mask just enough before he reached forward, tangling his fingers in her hair and pulling her close. He pressed his lips to her neck, kissing a trail along her sensitive skin, earning a sweet moan.
His other hand slid down to her chest, gently caressing her breast through the fabric of her dress.
His other hand slid down to her chest, gently caressing her breast through the fabric of her dress. “Is this okay?” Matthew whispered
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she arched into his touch, a soft moan escaping her lips. “Yes,” she breathed, her voice tinged with longing, reveling in the sensation of his hands on her body.
He kissed right below her ear before he spoke “Tell me what are you thinking right now?”
Her eyes fluttering closed. “You’re making it hard to think,” she admitted.
“Good,” he murmured, “Then I’m doing something right”
He leaned down to meet her lips, his tongue lightly sweeping over her bottom lip. She surrendered to the kiss, her body shuddering as his tongue danced with hers. Her fingers found their way to the back of his neck, gently tangling in the curls that peeked out from under the mask.
With a soft moan, she deepened the kiss, tugging on the collar of his shirt to bring him closer. He followed her lead, pressing against her as she laid back.
His fingers trailed along her exposed thigh, the fabric of her dress riding up as she wrapped herself around him.
He melted into her, his breath mingling with hers as a quiet, involuntary moan escaped his lips, intensifying the throb of his cock against the fabric of his pants.
His teeth grazed the delicate skin of her neck, and with a sigh, she tilted her head to the side, granting him access as he began to suckle gently on her skin, leaving a trail of warm kisses in his wake.
"Fuck," she moaned as she pressed herself closer to him, his breath hitched as he rocked his hips against her, the friction growing intense between them. Their bodies moved together, and it was becoming almost unbearable as they both craved more.
Her hands tugged at his shirt, desperate for more contact, and he let out a low groan, his fingers gripping her hips tighter, holding her close and increasing the pressure against her core.
“Matthew” She panted, her voice filled with urgency, "we shouldn't be doing this here."
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked, his breath hot against her skin.
"Please no!” she sounded desperate, her body betraying her protests as she grownd her hips against his croch. "It´s just.. we're at work," she pleaded, torn between desire and reason.
He chuckled softly, his lips still trailing kisses along her neck. "You're right," he murmured, his hand gently moving the strap of her dress down, exposing more of her soft skin. "We really shouldn't be doing this."
His hand skimmed over her breast, his touch gentle yet possessive as he caressed her through her bra. She shuddered, her skin breaking out in goosebumps at his touch. "But I don't think I can stop now," he whispered, his voice husky with desire, as he pulled the straps down, exposing her breasts to his hungry gaze.
"Some… Someone…” she stumbled her words, her voice tinged with urgency. "Someone could walk in any minute."
But her protests were met with the delicious sensation of his lips circling around her left nipple, lightly grazing it with his teeth. A whine escaped her lips as his hand kneaded her right breast, alternating between a gentle caresses and rougher grabs.
"Then tell me to stop, Y/N" he challenged, his hands moving to the hem of her dress, slowly raising it up as he positioned himself between her legs. His touch was firm as his lips brushed against the skin of her hip, teasing her with their proximity.
She moaned, her voice a desperate plea as she pushed his head down, craving more of his touch. He responded eagerly, leaving an open-mouthed kiss on the skin of her stomach.
"What if someone hears?" Her eyes searched for some type of reassurance as he settled his head between her thighs.
"What if?" he asked as he placed a kiss inside her thigh "Just let them hear how good I'm making you feel."
She let out a moan, her breath hitching with desire before she quipped "Wait!"
"Yes, sweetheart?" He raised his head to look at her, his hands rested on her thighs where his fingers traced small circles, teasing and tempting her further.
With a swift movement, she reached up and pulled the mask off his face. "This was fun but I want to see your face when you eat me out,".
That earned a wholeheartedly laugh, his eyes sparkling in the dim light now that the mask was gone. "You've got it," he replied.
His fingers gently moved her panties to the side, and as soon as she was bare before him, he couldn't help but let out a groan at the sight of her, so wet and inviting, begging for his touch.
"I've been dying to taste you," he murmured, his eyes locked on hers as he lowered himself between her legs. Then, without breaking eye contact, his tongue made contact with her slit, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her lips.
Her back arched in response, and her hand flew to his hair as he explored her with his tongue. The room was filled with the sounds of wetness, and hums of pleasure.
His tongue drew circles on her clit before taking a long stripe from bottom to top, catching her bud between his lips once again. "You taste better than I've ever imagined,".
His fingers traced a path from her hip to her lips, and she eagerly welcomed them into her mouth, coating them with her saliva. A moan escaped him, sending vibrations against her clit and intensifying the pleasure coursing through her body.
As she threw her head back in ecstasy, he took his fingers and lightly breached her entrance, initiating a slow, pumping motion. Her grip on his hair tightened, seeking steadiness. He continued to explore her with his fingers, feeling her walls clench around him in response to his movements. With each thrust, she felt herself edging closer, unable to contain the building tension within her body.
"You look so pretty," he whispered.
"Matthew," she moaned, her voice barely above a whisper, "don't stop."
"Can you please cum on my tongue," he pleaded. "You taste so good, baby."
Her legs trembled as her cunt dripped and he hungrily lapped up every essence, savoring the taste of her pleasure.
Her legs trembled as she ran her hands through her hair, trying to steady her breathing.
He sat up in front of her, a satisfied smile playing on his moist lips. "You're incredible," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration "I could do that all day."
"Me too," she chuckled as she sat up, meeting his lips in a desperate kiss. She undid the buttons on his shirt, each one revealing more of his chest.
"Arms up," he instructed as he rose in his feet, with ease he swiftly removed her dress and bra, revealing her soft skin, adorned only in her panties.
His hand met her cheek, his touch gentle yet possessive, as he stood before her.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as she leaned forward, letting her fingers trace the outline of his bulge. With delicate movements, she unbuttoned his pants, and they fell to the floor with a soft thud. Carefully, she wrapped her fingers around him, lightly pumping his cock before taking his pink tip into her mouth. His head flew back, a guttural moan escaping his lips as she took him deeper, her tongue swirling around him with precision.
"You're going to have to stop," he gasped, his fingers entangled in her hair as she looked up at him, her mouth still working wonders on him.
“Please," he pleaded, his voice thick with desire, "I need to be inside of you."
She released him with a soft pop, and he felt like he could have cum right then and there, especially with that smile she just flashed him. God, she looked so pretty kneeling before him like that.
He reached forward, wrapping his fingers around her neck gently, and she followed his lead, sinking back onto the sofa. He lowered himself on top of her, his weight pressing into her as he settled between her legs.
With a hungry look in his eyes, he reached between them to grab his thick and throbbing cock. Slowly, he guided it to her entrance, teasing her with the tip as he felt her wetness coating him. With a slow motion against her slick folds he finally sank into her.
She was a moaning mess against his lips as he fully bottomed out, her walls stretching deliciously around him, welcoming him deeper.
He began to move, savoring the feeling of her warmth enveloping him. His movements increased in speed and intensity as her moans grew louder, filling the room with the sound of their bodies coming together.
He glanced down, watching as her wet cunt hungrily swallowed his cock, now glistening with her juices. The sight of himself disappearing inside her, inch by inch, was almost too much to bear.
"Fuck, you look so good taking all of me," he growled, his voice thick with lust. His hips moved with primal intensity, driving into her with a fierce, unrelenting rhythm.
Her moans grew louder and more desperate as he filled her completely. "Don't stop. Please, don't stop."
"I won't," he promised, his breath hot against her ear. "Not until you cum on my cock."
He reached down, his thumb finding her clit, circling it with just the right amount of pressure. She cried out, her body arching into him as the added stimulation pushed her closer to the edge.
“Oh my God," she panted, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps.
"I can feel you squeezing me." He groaned, his thrusts becoming progressively urgent and demanding. "You're going to cum for me, sweethart?"
"Yes," she whimpered, her nails digging into his back as she clung to him. "Yes, I'm so close."
A final, powerful thrust was all it took for her walls to clench around him as she reached her peak, her body trembling with the force of her release. He groaned in satisfaction, feeling her shudder beneath him.
The sensation of her pulsing around him was his undoing, he had to cum. He was about to pull out, but she circled her legs around him, holding him in place.
"Keep going," she gasped, her voice barely coarse.
"Oh, please don't," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I'm not going to last."
"Please, come inside of me."
"Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.
"Yes, please," she pleaded. "Fill me up."
With a guttural moan, he couldn't hold back any longer. His body trembled fast against hers as he released inside, filling her with his warmth. "Fuck," he muttered, his climax hitting him hard.
He collapsed on top of her, both of them breathing heavily as they layed intertwined.
She smiled up at him, a satisfied look in her eyes. "That was amazing," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair.
He kissed her forehead gently and brushed a strand of hair from her face. "You're incredible," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her swollen lips.
Matthew reached for the tissue box on the counter, gently cleaning her up. He got up, and she adjusted her panties back into place.
Extending his hand, he helped her to her feet. He found her bra first and handed it to her with a soft smile.
“Here you go,” he said, his voice warm. She slipped her arms through the straps, and he stepped closer, clasping it at the back with ease. His fingers brushed lightly against her skin, and he placed a kiss on her shoulder. Next, he picked up her dress and held it out for her. As she got dressed, he turned to find his pants, pulling them on.
"Let me help you with that," she said, stepping closer to him as he got his shirt on. Her fingers deftly worked on the buttons fastening them with care.
After they were both dressed, they stood in silence for a moment, the air felt heavy with the remnants of their intimacy.
Matthew's gaze wandered to the floor, where the black mask lay discarded. Bending down, he picked it up, the smooth surface cool against his fingertips. A small grin tugged at the corners of his lips.
"So, we accidentally discovered we're into masks, huh?" he chuckled, holding up the mask between them.
Y/N burst into laughter. "Seriously, how the hell are we supposed to film the episode after this?" she exclaimed between giggles.
Matthew laughed along “Yeah, it's going to be really difficult to not get hard in front of the whole production team"
"I'll never look at masks the same way again," she admitted "Thankfully, I do not l come across a lot of them."
"Well, I have to admit, I do have quite the collection of masks back home," he continued, raising his eyebrows "I don't know if you know this, but Halloween is kind of my thing."
"Oh, really? I had no idea" Y/N said in an ironic way, a playful grin spreading across her lips. "Is this your way of inviting me back to your place?"
"Maybe," Matthew's lips curved into a smirk, “But.. humm… actually" he began, his voice sincere. "I want to know if you would you like to go out to dinner with me? Like, a proper date?"
Y/N's eyebrows shot up in surprise "Matthew, we just had sex. Shouldn't we be doing things the other way around?"
"I know it might seem backward, but... I really like you, Y/N and I want to do things the right way. So, what do you say?"
"I'd love to go on a proper date with you," she replied with a smile.
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yoshijammer · 4 months
My request is anything doo_liss!!!
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Requested by anon, it's Doo- hey someone stole one of my keyboard keys what gives
(Rambling and bonus sketches under the cut but hey! I'm still taking Paper Mario requests, send it to my inbox and I'll draw it)
I'm surprised I haven't really drawn Doopliss before because I like him a lot, probably one of my favorites in TTYD. I know I said I'd do these requests in the same style but I thought it'd be more fun to change it depending on the character/scenario, hope you guys don't mind (I'll use the same brush though).
I had to take some time learning how to draw Doopliss before I could begin. I don't normally share my practices but I kinda like how they look so here, bonus Doopliss doodles. (dooples?) The top right one inspired the drawing, the rest was me screwing around.
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Thank you anon for giving me the opportunity to draw the silly freak-in-a-sheet! I'm having a lot of fun with these requests so if anyone would like me to draw something Paper Mario related, please don't hesitate to send something to my inbox.
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tothepointofinsanity · 8 months
i really want to ask how do you draw sayaka and the others like that?? (the style)
Oh, hello. I think my style is generally too broad and inconsistent for me to give a visual guide on [unless you point out a specific piece that you wish to know how it came about, and if you do feel free to let me know] since a style can cover a lot of things, but the core elements of it are:
1) Using a textured brush, especially pencil-based ones. Or anything that allows you to freely sketch and has more shading opportunities. Then you fill in your works like you’re using a coloured pencil. The trick is to have fun with it.
2) The eyes are a crucial component to the character.
Sayaka’s eyes should have a tired weight to them, or look like a fish-eye. Or anything bleak and dead, because she seems to think she is like that. Madoka’s eyes are wide and round like the tbh creature. Homura can have similar eyes to Sayaka, but I like to give the former swirly patterns in her pupils if she’s feeling particularly devilish that day. Kyoko’s eyes are sharp and cutting. Sometimes I like to mix all of them together and break my own guidelines [Sayaka can look cutting, Kyoko can look tired]. You can draw them however you like since a style is personal, but that’s just the way I draw The Gang [yet to figure out how to draw Mami properly].
3) Have a bunch of different inspiration ideas and source materials. Sometimes style is more than visuals, it’s also feeling. Drawings are typically based on “sentiment” anyways. Have a Pinterest board if you want a more organised collection that you can tangibly revisit from time to time.
My main inspirations for the style are the titular Gekidan Inu Curry, but I also generally like looking at the illustrations for children’s story books and artistic posters. I think at one point I was inspired by a PowerPoint presentation of all things. I also like a lot of “childlike” things such as dolls and toys. You can take a lot of different things you like and blend them together to achieve a large variety of results. I have a laundry list worth of muses to learn from.
4) Colour choices and shapes. The oddity of some Madoka Magica scenes is how the colour pops out in nonsensical ways that capture your attention. Of course, mixed media has a hand in it, but it rarely sticks to one consistent colour palette. There’s black and red, green and pink. I like using blue, green and red for Sayaka, purple, black and white for Homura…It’s also important to play around with the shapes and patterns you can present in the overall composition. You can always go for a less chaotic and harmonic piece with balanced colours, but I like to push contrast to the limit and flash bang every user who has the misfortune of scrolling through my gallery.
That’s really about it for “style” I think…I’m aware it’s not exactly the clearest explanation a person can give…if it’s too vague for a post, maybe I’ll make an actual visual guide if others also want it…u_u
Thank you for the ask!
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bberetd · 28 days
Hey there! Since you also reblogged the post saying you want people to send you asks (actually I even reblogged it from you), here I am to ask you a question. A potentially very tough one. Ready?
If you had to pick only one (1!) favorite Mario character who would it be and why?
I'm just trying to get to know my mutuals a little better, y'know?
But most people seem to be using that 'send me asks' post as another opportunity to say mushy stuff to each other, so let me also do that! I'd like to remind you that I'm very glad that I'm following your blog. You're certainly a fun and kind person, and must say I like you very much 😀❤️ Thanks for always supporting my art, it really means a lot to me.
Also please teach me your ways to draw so fast, I just finally finished sketching my latest fanart today (yeah, that ambitious one) and it took embarrassingly long. And this one is supposed to have a proper lineart too💀
Oh, that reminds me: I'm really excited for your animations! Once I'm done with my current fanart, the next bigger fan project on my list is also one animation I've been thinking of, so I hope we'll be able to motivate each other a bit 😁👊
OH just oneeee? 😩
Whew, okay, well... while Daisy has a huge place in my heart (especially lately, as you can tell 😹), my all-time favorite will always be Luigi.
See, the funny thing is that I hardly cared for him before the movie, and even a little after I watched the movie. My first favorite Mario character was actually Rosalina when SMG came out, because I was SO obsessed with space when I was younger (and still kinda am), and blue was and is my favorite color (such a deep reason, right? :P)
I always tend to lean towards the underdogs of a franchise, yet I don't remember the exact moment that drew me to him. There were just a bunch of edits and videos of him flooding all of my social media pages when the movie hype was still fresh, and I guess one day I decided, "yup. that's my guy."
I think the moment that really solidified my love for him was when I replayed Luigi's Mansion (I kiiinda played it before, but I was 4 and just pressing buttons lol... it's strangely a core memory for me). His bravery throughout the game despite his evident fears and anxieties is just... so inspiring and real to me, genuinely. And a little bit of him shone through his commentary of some of the objects throughout the mansion, which was also endearing 😆 The game gets creepier the deeper I think about it, and I just can't help but give him more flowers for going through it three different times!
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plus, he's just so happy and awkward and silly. how could you not love him?!
But in short, he's my favorite because he's relatable to me, and I find his little quirks adorable and endearing.
yet despite all that, he knows when to lock tf IN. that's my hero <3
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Mugi!!! I couldn't be any happier that we're friends and moots! You've blessed my timeline with your gorgeously detailed art and commentary, and I'm so grateful you support my art just as much ♥️♥️ I admire and like you very much as well, you're amazing <3
as for quick art, basically-
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and thank you!! the animation might take longer because classes start tomorrow for me, and year 3 of uni is definitely gonna be more challenging and, er, expensive. 🫠 Hopefully I'll learn to manage my time better so I can make decent progress every day, but I do know where I want to go with the animation. Big yes to motivating each other!! I know that ambitious art will be PHENOMENAL when it's dropped, and I can't wait to see your style in motion! :))
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pearlwhitecats · 4 months
Hey, your OCs are really cool, I love their designs!
I was wondering if you could give any advice on designing characters, or more specifically, fragmem Ocs like Azulan? I've been trying my hand at designing my own for awhile now, but they always feel like they're missing details.
Thank you so much!! I can give some tips on how I design characters 🙇‍♀️!! I have some examples prepared too for anyone who is interested! Azu shall be my model today since it’s fragmem related, but you can use these tips for any fandom/oc you want!
1. Personality ✨
Personality can influence the way your character dresses :0 the way they wear their jackets, scarves etc, can give you some opportunities to experiment with different styles!!
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2. Silhouette ☁️
Silhouette is very important to a characters design. It can say a lot about your character, not just their personality! I also find it easier to add accessories after sketching out some base shapes of how I feel the outfit could look like!
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3. Compare to the official characters 🩵
This is a preference, but personally I like to study the way the official artists draw the characters.
For Azulan, I looked at Wilmesh and Kurode’s design because I wanted something soft but street!
Take note of the kind of fabrics, patterns and accessories used in official characters, they could give you a feel of how to accessorise your oc in a way that could fit in that world.
4. Draft 📝
This is dependent on how you work, but just remember that many of the times, the first design you come up with may not be what you envisioned! Don’t be afraid to make more than 1 version of the outfit, you could end up loving another design more! You can create a whole new design or expand on the existing one, it’s up to you!
(Here’s a lil peek at Azulan’s original design! He had more flared out pants, and his jacket didn’t even exist then! 😮)
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These are just tips I feel that help me out alot when I design characters, please don’t feel pressured to follow these tips, but try them out if you’re interested!! <3 🩵
If anyone has questions, send it to me thru my inbox! I enjoy helping people out with art and stuff 🙇‍♀️ tysm for reading!
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olddivan · 2 months
hello i hope you are well! if it's ok to ask, how would you recommend working on art technique? i love your art and i think you have improved tremendously since you started posting. i was wondering what resources you use to work on your anatomy and shapes. thank you so much for drawing and i hope you know your art is lovely and you have been a huge inspiration!
I don't do anything special, I mostly take all the sources for inspiration from Pinterest and Artstation. I copy anatomy from some sketches in Artstation and from photos as well. I also used to I took a 3d model, put it right and copied it, ha ha.
In general, a little knowledge of Blender or Maya helps a lot in working with backgrounds perspective. You can also set the light as you need for references, he he. I think there are some other programs, but I have not studied them. I also gained some experience while working as an illustrator and a concept artist. I'm actually a 2d animator by education (not a very promising animator, I'm still ashamed of my graduate work), so I've been drawing almost all my life and got a lot of skills back in college. Thus I'm growing somehow, but I still don't think I'm doing it fast enough, taking into account how many opportunities I had initially. I wasted a lot of time because of severe depression. So I don't consider myself qualified to give any really good advice. But if my opinion is still important, then I advise you to just draw for your own pleasure for a start, ha ha. While I was working in gamedev, I watched various videos on YouTube, if I had any specific questions. Mostly when it was necessary to draw in a casual style. I can't recommend anyone specific, I don't remember where or when I took the information, unfortunately ((. And you need a lot of practice and sketches. Anatomy doesn't work out — make sketches. Don't know how to work with color — experiment on a simple art too, and then make one big art to understand how much progress you have made, and then work on the mistakes. I don't know what else to say, everything is quite trivial — practice and study. Well, it probably makes sense to study the basics of academic drawing, although I studied it, it didn't help)))))) and sometimes I take pictures of myself for references, which is also a good option.
Oh, and in order not to contradict one of the posts — I have rarely drawn for myself lately. And for the last year I have been working to the bone at a conveyor belt where I had to draw backgrounds, props, ugly characters and a bunch of nonsense very quickly in the most disgusting style for me, where you completely degrade. So here's another tip — think a hundred times if you want to work as an artist, so that you don't hate it later.
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lobanhart · 11 months
Hey guys! The time for New Year's holidays will soon come, and this means a time of warm hugs, meetings with friends and pleasant moments. If you would like to give a nice gift to your loved ones, I am already opening a commission sheet for the coming Christmas and New Year. I will be very happy to implement your ideas, as always! Thank you for trusting me with your characters, ideas and hopes!
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PORTRAIT/HEAD/BUST ~ 25$ (+1 character = +10$)
HALF BODY  ~  40$ (+1 character = +20$)
FULL BODY  ~  50$ (+1 character = +25$)
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BACKGROUND  ~  photo (free) / drawing (10-25$)
PORTRAIT/HEAD/BUST ~ 15$ (+1 character = +7$)
HALF BODY  ~  20$ (+1 character = +10$)
FULL BODY  ~  25$ (+1 character = +15$)
BACKGROUND  ~  photo (free) / drawing (5-10$)
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For more detailed and high-quality art, send me detailed references! This is everything that you consider important - clothes, faceclaime (the appearance of a certain person), spending time, piercings, etc. You can send me your references by mail ([email protected]).
I work for any fandom you want!
Depends on the degree of my workload. I usually draw orders from 1 week to 1 month, but it can also be faster!
Please notify me in advance if you would like to see art by a certain date!
Payment via Boosty. I usually accept payment after the sketch is approved ^^
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You can also see examples of my art on this blog on the # with my nickname “lobanhart”
You have no idea how much each of you means to me! Thank you all very much for giving me the opportunity to implement your ideas, draw beautiful and interesting characters for several years now!
You literally help me survive 🖤
With love, your LoBanhart!💛✨
Post uses commissions for @agamemgoth 🥰
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annacpadilla · 1 year
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For those who don’t know me, my name is Anna Padilla and I am an illustrator! I specialize in character design and mimicking cartoon styles. If you cannot afford a commission right now, I would appreciate it if you could reblog this post!
Artist perks and agreements are below the cut. Thank you!
I am very OC friendly!!
You will be given a full time-lapse of your piece at no extra cost.
You will have full permission to post the finished product wherever you desire, as long as you follow the agreements.
There are no additional fees when determining your illustration. Meaning you may request anything between a portrait, bust or full body!
There are no additional fees if you would like to use the piece as an icon, wallpaper or background of any kind. Just let me know asap so I can size it correctly for you!
Payment is upfront AFTER I send you the initial sketch.
I will send you an invoice via paypal. Once I receive payment I will begin the process. DO NOT SEND ME MONEY AS A DONATION. Please respect my payment process.
Tips are not necessary but they are appreciated. You will have that opportunity once I send the invoice.
Depending on the work, the piece could take anywhere between 1 week and 3 months.
I reserve the rights to post (sfw) WIPs on my platforms and stream my progress on my twitch channel/private discords.
DO NOT harass me publicly or in our communications while I work on your piece. You may POLITELY INQUIRE about progress at any point, I will get back to you as soon as I can.
If you do not receive the finished work in less than 4 months from the initial agreement, a full refund shall be issued on demand.
The finished work will have a watermark/signature.
DO NOT crop out the watermark/signature.
Once I have completed the image, if they DO NOT have an original character, I still reserve rights to upload the image and use for my portfolio and/or promotional purposes.
If you decide to post the final web image you are responsible to give me visible credit wherever/whenever you post it. (I.E. a visible link back to my instagram, tumblr, twitch or twitter pages)
DO NOT redistribute the image for marketing/sale purposes unless we have reached an agreement.
If you have a time constraint let me know so that I may apply any additional rates.
My LIVE progress sheet is available here!!
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shmowder · 3 months
Two dollars?? Whoa. I'll keep an eye out for a sale. Based on screenshots, it seems like P1 has more dialogue and more opportunities to get to know the characters better? I love the P2 art style so much though so it might be hard to get used to the original. I know some people have the opposite problem and are unhappy with some of the redesigns.
We like the same aspects of yandere <3 Oh I need to rant for a second. There's nothing wrong with legitimately enjoying the violence and kidnapping aspects, but I do feel like there's sometimes too much emphasis on making sure readers don't think you're (general "you") romanticizing yanderes. Like intellectually I know it's unhealthy you don't have to tell me every other sentence that this is wrong and bad and that the reader insert isn't supposed to like it! 🤧 ... Ngl I love willing!reader 🫣🫣 Anyway. Rant over :)
I'll never get over actually being asked for my thoughts?? Thank you, even though I often feel out of my depth lmao. Please tell me about yandere Aspity!
In addition to what you said, I think Maria would be prone to jealousy too but unlike Katerina, would feel more of a sense of entitlement and is more prone to lashing out at others and at you occasionally. Katerina is more likely to internalize perceived rejection and be self-destructive about it. They'd both want to dress you up and do your makeup (even if you don't normally wear any) like a doll >:)
Lara and Peter might be the clingy/obsessive type, would latch on to the idea of you as a lifeline to pull them out of their despair. Lara would try to prove herself to you through acts of service; you'd be the inspiration for Peter's art and he'd give you little gifts all the time.
Victor would be overprotective, treating you like glass and like you've said before, wanting you to feel you can come to him, only, with your troubles. Would also randomly ignore you occasionally lol :( He can't help it he's too lost in thought! Big Vlad would spoil the ever loving fuck out of you *and* intimidate everyone else away.
Btw. I read your Andrey x reader hcs last night and they were really good! I don't really feel anything for this guy but it seems like you've got his personality just right :) I've never wanted piercings in my life, why is that part speaking to me 😭 (ok, that's a lie, I did want snakebites when I was seventeen :o)) I liked the little bit about sketching diagrams afterwards, too. Your smut is so good forreal
🐿️ anon
Delicious juicy food delivered straight to my inbox for FREE? I am in heaven and ascending even higher rn.
I want to let you know that this concept lived in my head rent-free for the past week. Each time I came to answer this ask, I'd get distracted by the brief yandere drabbles you wrote and get lost in the fantasy. Especially the overprotective Victor one, it's my favourite. Oh god, you're a genius. Tell me more I beg!
And yes P1 had a lot more dialogue which is nice because it explains the story a lot more. Especially characters like Aglaya who get a lot of backstory and other things revealed about them. It's a game that does the best it could with the very very limited technology it had at the time, and despite the graphics it's beautiful in some areas.
The music is its crowning gem however! P1 soundtrack literally blows P2 soundtrack out of the water. It's like the devs know the graphic and everything is lacking in P1 so they more than made up for it with fire music that gets you in a trance of how amazing it sounds.
I think the major flaws are how the charactersation and story is slightly different. Some characters like Victor and Aglaya remain the same but other characters like Alexander Saburov are massively different. Also as a majority everyone is more of an asshole in P1, especially Artemy and Daniil at times.
Eva and Andrey are more slutty... do with that what you will.
Yulia in P1 feels like a younger Yulia who's still lost and figuring out life. Like a freshly out of college Yulia. While in P2 she's more of a jaded full grown up who knows how the world works but is displeased by it. I love both versions <3 She is one of the very polite characters in P1... which are surprisingly sparce. P1 is also more funny and silly with the dialogue, it's more whimsical with more realistic options too. Also you get a lot of opportunities to break the 4th wall while in P2 you can only do it while talking with the rat prophet, the replacement Artemy and endgame Mark.
And I agree with you about the yandere thoughts. The horror ones are fun but sometimes I want romanticised obsession and devotion yk? Like a yandere ready to move the earth and bring down the moon for their beloved. Where the conflict is more focused on the emotions and intenal turmoil rather than the murder or horror aspect. Even when it comes to the reader, I enjoy a little toxic reader too 👀 Like someone who encourages their yandere behaviour or doesn't mind it, someone who is okay with the obsession or someone who actively goes out of their way to make it worse. A reader who's a full fledged character rather than a damsel in distress, someone who takes actions and can effect the world around them.
But don't get me wrong! I do like a damsel in distress... as a kink. It's kinda hot to be a useless fawned upon princess that everyone is looking to save and please.
Yeah, I feel you so much on the "Don't have to tell me this is wrong every sentence." Like, oh my god, dude! I hate when stories treat the reader like they're an idiot. You have to have faith in them, especially when your content is marked for adults that they will be able to read between the lines. Like you don't see murder or serial killer stories saying how this is wrong every sentence?? Yandere is just a mix of horror, romance, and smut! It's just an archetype with interesting concepts and maybe even a fetish.
Why do people have to psychoanalyse every kink someone has??
I'll get back to the other characters in a bit, let's focus on the overprotective Victor for example! bc the brainrot is real i legit haven't stopped thinking about him for one second.
In one of his dialogue trees he has this line:
5.Victor Kain: ...If I'd learned about this earlier, I would have torn his head off already. Now give me thirty-five seconds of silence, please. I need to think.
It's when you inform him about the chemist who's helping people hide their dead. The same one who buys body parts from Artemy, he apparently also works for tha kains but manages to hide his shady businesses right under their nose.
And his reaction is just odjwofjwofkwk So Delicious? Like that chemist posed a real threat to tramble down on the fragile castle the Kain built with their reputation, start a domino effect which exposes them as law breakers for the townfolks which they absolutely cannot have.
You see him angry, even if it's just a small glimpse. He could've worded it more elegantly, used so many different expressions. But no, Victor chose the phrase "tear his head off"
THE FERALITY! THE POTENTIAL MY GOD. This man is so good at making himself a safe and trustworthy pragmatic person so much you forget there's a wide awake tiger with deadly focus behind those melancholic eyes, weighting your every word and soaking in all the information you unawarly expose to him. Memorising all the names you mention, drawing a map in his brain of your social circle and connections. Saying so little himself just to get you to keep talking and telling him more and more until a secret or two spill out without you realising it.
The way he's briefly quiet before snapping, composing himself, and holding back the flood of rage in his brain from bubbling to the surface. "I would've torn his head off" only scratches the surface of what he really wanted to do and say.
Even this simple sentence from someone usually so polite and level-headed paints a gruesome picture of a predetor's sharp teeth tearing apart a person's brain, completely dislocating the head from the shoulders and tearing the skin off with one bite. The crunching of the skull as it caves under the pressure of the tiger's jaw.
All that anger directed towards anyone who wishes you harm. It's like you struck a match inside him and now he simply cannot help but watch out for your well being from behind the curtains.
His obsession stems from thinking of you as... lesser to put it kindly. Of course you will never be aware of this condescension nor how he views you as a fragile thing unfit for the real world, a glass figurine that needs to be handled with delicate gloves so you won't crack.
Non the wiser, you think he's just a really good listener. So when he invites you over for tea, you oblige and just spill your heart out to him. Telling him how your week went, talking about the boring details and your hobbies, mentioning the mundane things like your trip to the grocery store.
And he never interrupts, at first you thought it was a little creepy how he'd have you over just to listen to you talk. Only answering with questions and dismissing any questions directed towards him ir his well being, saying he'd rather know about you more.
But with time you warmed him to him, I mean it is Victor Kain? He has never done harm to anyone has he? Sure the Kains have some screws loose but Victor always seemed the calmest one amidst his eccentric family.
You think that maybe he is just lonely and needs company or a friend! He's definitely awkward when it comes to normal conversation, so you're understandable when all he wants to talk about is you.
As far as you're concerned, that's as deep as youre surface relationship goes. It starts with afternoon tea and ands just after the sun sets down when he walks you home, ever the old school gentleman. Strange tho, he never walks anyone else home and lets Maria run loose at any hour of the night. But you've never given it much thought.
You poor sweet thing, so unaware of the monster you're feeding. The obsession you're helping nurture whenever you oblige to his request or head his advice. The rush of satisfaction that runs through his veins when you come running to him to vent after a particularly hard day, the addicting euphoria flooding his system when you thank him for listening, saying how he's the only person you trust with these embarrassing things.
Victor who's pulling strings when you're not looking. Taking over your life and holding power over every aspect of it so he can fine tune it, surgically decide every small detail like he's tinkering with the delicate inner-machinery of a clock.
Making sure he is your sole support system. Coincidentally, the friends you make are offered jobs back at the Capital and have to move away. The grocery near your house relocates, and the closest one is right next to the Kain's resident.
Whichever job you held is deemed too dangerous for someone as helpless as you and he takes it upon himself to talk to someone who talks to someone else who persuades the owner into getting you fired or at least you're out of business if it's privately owned. No one wants your services, they all deeply admire the Kains and would run to please him at the drop of a hat.
No one but Victor who so kindly extends a helping hand. If you refuse chairty money then he immediately suggest working for him instead, he needs a helper you see. No matter what excuse or response you have prepared, he has already accounted for all of them and has a convincing counter-argument.
You don't have to know that in reality, he just thinks the world is too dangerous for you to freely roam and get a job. If you want to play pretend as boss and employee then he will indulge your childish antics and offer you a job, either way the end is the same with you slowly migrating more and more under his wing and care.
Stripped of your income, support system and any opportunity for growth. Once Victor has you in his claws, he will make sure you never slip through his fingers.
Tbf he is content with you just being around, as long as you're safe and sound under his watch he will even if you just see him as a friend and nothing more.
Because while helping you is enthralling, not knowing where you are is the worst withdrawal he has ever experienced. And that man lived at the Capital before, do not let his grown up facade tirck you, he's probably even tried coke and all drugs under the sun at some point in his youth out of sheer boredom or curiosity.
It ircks him thinking you're vulnerable and bare outside for anyone to grab, it makes his brain ache to see you in a situation outside of his own control. He needs you to live in a world of his own making for all of eternity or he feels like ripping his hair out.
Zero expectations are set upon you to do anything. He isn't looking for a slave or a housewife, he just wants to be reassured no harm will ever befall you and keeping you under his watchfull gaze is the best solution he could come up with.
So what if you're basically a glorified pet? You still have your freedom... although limited. You can pursue your hobbies, indulge in his money and even befriend his two kids if you feel like it.
If you get really desperate for company other than his own and the Kains, then maybe he will think about letting you socialise with the other utopians every now and them. The mostly do not pose any dangers but some of them (caught Andrey, Eva and Vlad the Younger) Do really test his patience and boil his blood with jealousy from the shameless sexua advances and romantic propositions they throw your way as if he wasn't in the room.
Still, the utopians are your toys to play with until you're content. Didn't you ask for friends?
But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of more... forgive his brain, humans are inherently flawed and he cannot help but think of you in rather scandalous ways at times. Animalistic desires of lust and love rearing its head. Whenever you lean too close to him, pat your beautiful eyelashes or call his name out with a faux whine.
He's more than open to a seemingly "normal" relationship with you. As long as you get used to his busy schedule and periods of ignoring the world around him while in deep thought. He lives in his own brain most of the time and you rarely if ever guess what's going on in his life at any give day.
He remains an enigma while settling for nothing less than your whole heart laid bare before him on a silver tray. Proding at the fragile organ, never causing it any harm as he caresses it with gentle fingers. Feigning ignorance of the way his mouth waters, salvia dripping down the sharp fangs.
But again, he's down to compromise. You can only go places if he's by your side, even his own brother, the judge, he doesn't trust to accompany you alone.
God that was a fucking treat to write and think about. Talking with you is always so fun, I can just let go and say everything on my mind. When writing fanfics or sharing my thoughts to others I always trim the edges and make sure I'm not repeating myself yk? I have to put in effort to make my thoughts presentable and tied nicely with a bow, compress it down to bite sizes.
But man i am living the dream! A wall of text! my purpose in life! I wrote so much in such a short time that my fingers actually hurt.
Anyway I have more so let's keep going!
He'd also fall on the overprotective category but not possessive controlling like Victor Kain. No, He'd want you to genuinely be happy.
Spoils you rotten, without decorum or an excuse. Literally buys you anything and everything, even the things you don't ask for he will get you just because he thought you might like them.
The softest thing with you despite how harsh and uncaring he is with others.
Don't get him wrong. He is still a ruthless businessman with shady and amoral practices, he simply does not care. The only things worth it in this life are the people you love, and he loves his family the most.
Including you! Surprise! He starts considering you part of his family. His love is definitely not just platonic however but he does hold the most shame when it comes to getting together with someone after his dead wife yk?
Especially if you're younger, oh my god he lacks morals yes but this is just humiliating. He gets over it easily.
If you want someone who is extremely self-aware and the guilt of lusting after a young adult really eats him up to the core, then look at none other than Alexander Saburov. Not only is his wife still alive so triple the shame and guilt, but also you're a 20/30 something cutie and he well past middle age. He is getting his ass beaten by his conscience inside his own mind and having a moral crisis.
Anyway, back to Big Vlad. I think he'd try to make you get with his son as a way to coerce you into joining the family, especially if you say he is too old for you.
Try saying Victor Kain is too old for you and that old man 404 errors on the spot then quickly recovers pulls up the shady "well the passage of time is subjective and age does not define a human's mind as long as they are a sound adult" argument. I don't think he himself remembers the fact he is almost 60. Age and time is just a suggestion to the Kains.
However Big Vlad would never pull the "becoming your boss" move ever. He wants you to see him as someone close and in an intimate light, that move will just ruin everything he has built. If he wants to throw money your way then he will shamelessly do it without tact and no one can stop him.
You do get your own worms bodyguards and nice herb brides who watch over you courtesy to him however.
Alexander might be the biggest simp in yanderes but he will hesitate before doing something which conflicts with his convictions.
Big Vlad however, will not.
Your suggestions are heard and the changes you demand in his treatment of the kin are immediately obeyed. He tries his best to please you and make you happy, you literally have this man wrapped around your pinky.
A single kiss would have his brain haywire, all it takes is a pat of your pretty eyelashes and a cute pout and all the complaints fizzle from his brain. You immediately win the argument by default.
While sex is good and all, I feel like he is more of a romantic at heart. Genuinely a big doofus in love and would melt over something as simple as hand holding or having you sleep against his chest. He lives for the early morning breakfast where your eyebrows are scrunched from being so sleepy, as you walk over and sink into his arms.
If Victor Kain treats you like a glorified pet and Alexander Saburov like the temptation & sin incarnate then Big Vlad treats you like royalty, a literal prince/princess fallen into his lap and he's the king who will ensure you have the most pampered and spoiled life ever.
You're not helpless in Big Vlad's eyes, he doesn't infantilise you like Victor Kain does. If anything you're the most capable and talented person in the entire world, which is why you deserve everything good and sweet in it.
I have so many more ideas and concepts! I love your idea of Maria and Katerina treating the reader like a doll and dressing you up then making out with you- Like you're just a beautiful thing to them to cuddle with as they fall asleep and string along on dates.
Yandere Maria wouldn't care what you have to say, she never begs or asks, she just takes. The day she decides you are here doll, everyone acknowledges that you are off limits because who in their right mind would oppose Maria??
And while Katerina doesn't hold much power, her husband is the leading authority over the town criminal and justice system. He is also the biggest simp to her and is 100% okay with being a cuck if it means his wife is happy.
If having you as her precious doll to dress up, smooch, and play with will put a stop to her morphine addiction, then he'd step over his own morals and look the other way.
YANDERE ASPITY MY LOVE. She has potential! I adore non-humans obsessing over a human. You're not like other humans, you're full of surprises and she wants to test and study you more. You make her see worth in her life and the world beyond the earth and why she was born.
I also like the implication that since she is literally a piece cut from boddho's heart and moulded into a person like clay, that if she falls in love with you then the earth itself would too. With Yandere Aspity you get a Yandere Boddoh and the entirety of the kin for free!
Maybe even possessive Aspity who doesn't want to share you with the earth, who refuses to hand you over and wants you to be hers. A piece of the earth defying its original self, establishing herself as her own person by choosing to love you and never share you.
But my food already went cold, and my fingers are growing numb, so I will cut it short for now.
Ha. Short. I say while having written the entire front page article of a gossipy small town's newspaper.
Do tell me about your thoughts! I love hearing them and reading what you write! Be it your thoughts about other yanderes or your opinions of what I have written. Or even an entirely different concept in general.
Lastly, thank you so much for the praise! I'm glad you liked my Andrey fic. He was a bit challenging to write because as you can see I specialised in romanticism and down bad old men and he's a fuck boy with anger issues and a renaissance man. So I had to conceade that no, he won't take you on picnics but he will take you to get your nipples pierced and maybe get a matching set of his own.
I'm happy you like my smut! I struggled a lot with figuring out how to write it ironically- I stuided romance and fluff I didn't take any good dick courses! So I only improved through trial and error, I changed my smut style so many times ah- The current one is the one I like most!
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brickcentral · 1 year
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Hello community! It's @theaphol again with a post revaling a bit of magic behind the collaborative storytelling we've just posted! Have a look at how @lady-brick, @jcmimoso and @sergi_h2opolo7 crafted the world where you've ben projected with their story:
When we began to think about the story we wanted to tell with this set, we think that the legend of Sant Jordi fits very well for the dragon, the princess and the heroin, but this time we decided to make our own adaptation and for once, that the girl was the protagonist and saved the prince in trouble.
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I took the two photos outdoors, playing with natural light and a frame that allowed the tower to be out of focus in the background and an overview of the market as the protagonist of the first scene.
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For scene 4 and 5, the tower and the dragon are the protagonists. This time I made some preliminary sketches of how I would explain this part of the story and what composition I would try to do.
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To keep the same lighting and background of the first two scenes. These photographs were also taken abroad at the same location.
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I was worried about how to hold the dragon on the tower, but in the end I just played with the joints of the same figure with the angles of the tower itself.
This collaboration has been a challenge for me since I rarely take photographs in vertical format and it has made me get out of my comfort zone.
I would like to thanks Brickcentral for the opportunity to participate in this fun collaboration that has also allowed me to meet two great photographers like @jcmimoso and @sergi_h2opolo7.
I want to thank Brickcentral for giving me the opportunity to participate in this project specially to @fourbrickstall and @theaphol. To me it was something unexpected…I am a newbie in the LEGO world. It was a nice surprise!
Also thanks to my two colleagues @lady-brick and @jcmimoso for their great involvement and support.
The tower was the main building for this story and all the photos had to include it. The big height of the tower fixed the orientation and the size for all the photos. 
That was the most complicated to me because I don’t usually use this size in my photos.
All of my photos are indoor with basic and low cost material and accessories as you can see below. This time I used natural light coming through the windows and no lamps were used.
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First of all I want to thank Brickcentral for the opportunity to participate in this exciting project. It is the first collaboration that I do and it has meant a lot of technical work that I am not used to developing. It has taken me out of my usual photo style (if I have any) and thanks to this it has made me learn new things.
The first photo has been the most complicated to plan because I wanted a close-up of the catapult but without giving up seeing the almost entire tower in the background, in a vertical format.
My computer screen rotates, but it’s not that wide and with the focal length I wanted to use, you could see part of the room. That’s why I set up the diorama in the dining room, and used a photo of clouds projected on the TV (which was turned 90º). I spent a whole Sunday like this while my son protested because he had run out of TV…
To give the catapult more height I used books while the tower was lower, to try to give a feeling of distance. The catapult is an extraordinary piece, it has mobility and a counterweight, so after taking several shots at different moments of the movement I combined them with Photoshop to get a sense of movement.
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For my second photo, I initially wanted to do an outdoor coronation, with a canopy that the king would be under, but then I changed my mind. I disassembled the beautiful tower and with the help of pieces from other sets I created from scratch an enclosure that would serve as a throne room.
I wanted to fill it with Falcon soldiers, but I don’t have many, and I’m not good at cloning, so I put a couple near the target to give a sense of depth of planes and the rest on the other side of the throne. The head of the dragon presides over the room, and so that the view does not go towards the bare ceiling, I created a lamp with the pieces that I had. Just building the room and the lamp took me many hours of sleep. Like I said, I usually use a lot of different materials for dioramas but not entire Lego constructions, and I’m not used to designing them and it takes forever.
For the light that enters through the windows I used my humidifier and a Ulanzi VL49 led, in long exposure to give softness.
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The third and last photo was faster. I knew I wanted to use the official alternative builds to the tower, so I built the mill, the small tower, and the two shops, but without hinged them together. That way I could freely arrange them to fit the frame.
I created a pedestal in the shape of a small tower to place the statue of the heroine and the head of the dragon and edited it with the gold color to give it more prominence. In stone, which was the initial idea, it seemed more subdued compared to the rest of the figures. In fact I removed some figures from the foreground and changed the initial background image because it seemed to take away from it. That’s why I almost never move the set until I can see it on a big screen. Although, like this time, I had to move my head to see the Photoshop icons, because the PC screen was right behind the set and rotated 90 degrees.
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If you want to read the complete story visit the blog! And also please do check out their profiles where you'll find more excellent photography by each of them!
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cboffshore · 2 years
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Fashion first. Lab safety second. Ethics never. This is "Off The Deep End."
Welcome to Seabound Style: The Official Remaster.
Just like with my Twitter arrival in Spring 2021, I'm ringing in my triumphant return to The Superior Hellsite with a line of couture fashion sketches inspired by Ninjago: Seabound (without building a solid follower base first, of course, because of course I won't do that). This particular power suit, inspired by our favorite regicidal squid man Kalmaar, is the first in the series - and boy, do I have a lot to say under the cut.
(A quick note if you don't plan on reading further and just want to look at the art: this design and all future designs are meant to be viewed on a fullscreen desktop, so don't be afraid to zoom in!)
Affectionately nicknamed the Kalmaar Power Suit, this isn't just a design sketch - it's a whole origin story. These notes are going to be unreasonably long, but I promise they're worth a read. (You'll get some bonus content out of it, too!)
First off, the part you probably already know if you've seen my work before: Giles Panton's performance as Kalmaar in Seabound immediately clawed its way to the top of my list of Favorite Voice Acting Performances of All Time, where he's been slapping most other contenders off of the summit ever since. I was obsessed with Kalmaar's terrifying-yet-hilarious insane grad student energy right away, and I knew I had to do something about that. At the time, I was just dipping my toes into fanfiction for the first time and didn't think I could do him justice that way. (Still don't, by the way. Absolutely unhinged energy there, as proven by the Kalmaar Voice Request Open Season of November 2022.)
And then, the super secret part two of the story that I've never told: I took a closer look at Kalmaar's physical design and accidentally made the best design gamble of my life. Oh, and kicked off a very niche brand of fanart.
April, 2021: Thanks to my involvement in another internet project, I have an art app on my Chromebook and a short background in fashion concept design, so I figure: let's give Kalmaar a shot! I jot down some preliminary notes - okay, they basically just say "POWER SUIT FOR POWERFUL BOY", but they are notes. Concept out of the way? Cool. Time to grab that color palette.
For reasons I still don't get, Tommy Andreasen rings in Panton's participation with a high quality image of Kalmaar power posing. I snag that and start eyedropping colors, and then I notice something weird - something I had initially passed off as body markings.
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Is... is that the edge of a jacket?...wait. My concept has a jacket involved. Okay, well, I guess we're committed whether or not that's a jacket or body markings! It's too good of an opportunity. Having never done a design on this scale (and only knowing how to use three brushes in my art app), I fumble my way through what is - at the time - my magnum opus. (Oh, 2021 me...)
April 20, 2021: I join Twitter, throw the design at Panton in the midst of his fanart-reaction and fan-engaging spree, and damn near die when he responds, even though this is par for the course at the time.
April 25, 2021: "The Tale of Benthomaar" airs. Having mostly forgotten about the body-marking-or-jacket debate from earlier, I get smacked in the face by the image of kid Kalmaar wearing.... hold on, that's not what he looked like last time.
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Sailor suit? Sailor suit. That's a sailor suit!
Listen. Look at that clasp. Look at the wrist markings. THERE IS A DISTINCT COLLAR THERE THAT CONTINUES DOWNWARDS. I am, apparently, some kind of fashion oracle. A question that no rational human has ever asked - "Do humanoid squids wear clothing?" - has been answered.
And, in my first real foray into fashion design, I have apparently subconsciously picked up on it. Empowered by my surprise title of Fashion Oracle, I keep going, and pretty soon I've posted an entire thread that I've titled Seabound Style.
Every Date After That One, Up Until Now: I keep doing character-inspired fashion sketches and eventually graduate to bringing in hefty doses of analysis. I learn more about my art app and get good at using it.
And what do I do with those skills?
Something social media loves to see: I look back at my old designs and realize that I can do better.
And now, here we are.
Updates And Symbolic Breakdown
It should be noted that - for the most part - Kalmaar's about as deep as a tide pool. It's a refreshing change, honestly! Ninjago's got a rich tradition of villains nursing highly specific grudges for ridiculous periods of time, which is wonderful. Kalmaar, on the other hand, just hates everyone. Equal opportunity discrimination at its finest. Some people cite that shallow motive as a reason for Kalmaar not being a great villain, but I actually think it's a neat narrative strategy. Sometimes, people are just horrible for no reason! No grudges, no real wrongdoing, just a nerd who spends a little too much time researching eldritch horrors and practicing taser skills.
As it happens, displaying that shallowness through symbolism is not easy. I will admit that - as with a lot of my art - the elements sometimes happen first, and the symbolism comes later (usually on accident!). Sometimes, I do get a symbolic idea before I start sketching, in which case I'll build off of that. Mostly, though, it's all happy coincidences. In this case, I tried to preserve most of the original design, then elaborated on what was already present. Most of this design is and always has been based on his physical appearance, although I've slipped in what symbolism I can.
For reference, here's the original version of the Kalmaar Power Suit, in all its untextured glory:
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Yeesh. Good foundation, I'll give my past self that - but I can do better now. In the new design, I introduced all kinds of fun symbols and techniques.
First up: technical stuff, like shading, proper textures, better lineart, and a refreshed color palette. Most of this manifests in the base of the suit itself, which I've given a speckled texture and a slight blush tone to better reflect Kalmaar's canon appearance.
Presenting even more dangly chain bits! Looking back, I've realized just how much of Kalmaar's appearance and the KPS carry over into my body of work now (you'll see what I mean as I work on transferring my other art over and progress through this series). Truly a style icon. In conjunction with the spearhead pins, the chains on the collar, waist, and hand jewelry are meant to call to mind Kalmaar's armored belt and asymmetrical chest drape.
I kept the honor-society-esque lapel pin and chains to lean into Kalmaar's scholarly background, but I turned the collar pins into tiny anchors as a subtle nod to his subtle weekend hobby of sinking ships. (I mean, not that subtle near the end, but he didn't seem to have to work too hard to hide it...) The other pins, such as the blazer clasp, boot dangly accents, and lapel pin, are all traced from the spear-like emblems dangling from Kalmaar's armor.
Kalmaar's gill-like torso slats have been reimagined as false pockets (so shallow there's literally nothing in there!)
The blue and pink edging embroidery are now 1. visible and 2. arranged in the right way.
The Merlopian representation is sparse to reflect his loyalty to himself - it tops out at the Art Deco shell texturing on the lapels and skirt lining. I chose this pattern because it closely resembles the throne room: his first major attack site and a goal he kept under wraps until the opportunity to stage a coup (couppertunity?) arrived.
You might have noticed that there's no amulet representation! As with the original (yes, I remember my excuse now), it's weird to think he'd tote both of them around with him in any capacity. The minute he got the Storm Amulet, the first thing he did was rush it home and fire it up. I did originally toy with incorporating the amulets into the handbag or the jewelry, but it ended up looking like too much (and not in a fun Kalmaarish way, either). Besides, those aren't his to control...
Speaking of the handbag, that got a complete overhaul! Both iterations represent his trident in some way. The original clutch purse is a more obvious representation, but I ended up not liking it when I began work on this revamp. A friend of mine (thanks, Nora!) suggested I lean into the Art Deco influence and go for something a little more avant-garde. Enter a handbag inspired by a glass nautical float, with copious fringe and a trident-shaped closure up top. I opted for a sickly acid green colordropped directly from Kalmaar's eyes for the glass ball (mainly because it was a cool shade I hadn't gotten to use), and wrapped it in a golden net. Historically, fishermen used these floats to keep their nets afloat, which I think has a fun double meaning here. One, it reflects Kalmaar's strategy of manipulation and entrapment via false innocence; two, he definitely took one or two of these from shipwrecks as souvenirs. I bet he used them as paperweights.
Although I did like the personal touch that it lent the finished art, I decided to nix the handwritten titles in favor of bringing in a texturing some custom lettering from Canva. Unfortunately, I made a very bad choice of font (after it was too late to change it, of course). It's not that I dislike the font - I fully intend to keep it for this series and possibly others - but I woke up the morning after I finished this piece and realized I'd accidentally made the damn thing look like a loading screen tip.
Which leads into the promised bonus content: this awful thing I made as fast as humanly possible.
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I can't defend this. I won't try. This isn't quite as insensitive as the underground infamy that is "Ice Bear Is In", but it does not feel right.
So let's do some nicer bonus content, shall we? Here's the backdrop for "Off The Deep End," which you can use as a wallpaper, if you'd like to! I'm trying to make all the backdrops as cool as the pieces they support.
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Anyway, you made it to the end! Yay! I promise the next posts won't be as long now that I've got the backstory out of the way. If you have any questions about my work, please ask me. I love feedback. I live for feedback.
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punk-pandame · 2 years
thought i'd give a general update on what i'm up to. haven't been posting a lot lately- being sick and tired tends to limit productivity after all lol- but that doesn't mean i stopped writing or drawing! i've been working on bits and pieces of a lot of things when i have the time and energy. i am still drawing or writing something for everyone who's helped with nova's vet bills at a slow and steady pace while i deal with some health setbacks. thank you all for your patience and generosity. it's appreciated more than you know and we're getting closer to paying it off!
a few people have asked for process pics/videos, and lemme tell ya, i *tried* okay XD i tried to do like a process video but it stressed me out so much i couldn't draw, and stopping to take screenshots or videos as i go along really throws me off my rhythm. so right now, this sketch practice page is about as close as we're getting to a process from me. if you bounce around the page, you can tell for the most part what i drew first and what i drew later; the later stuff is way better (peep that old man asume at the bottom as an example lol, i'm so proud of him). the point of this one was just to get used to a new brush and figure out what i want various styles to look like, from super cartoony to more realistic.
[ID: a greyscale sketch page by Punky. The character faces featured, from left top to bottom right: Iruka, Kushina, Chouji, Temari, Kurotsuchi, Hinata, a teenage Shizune, a teenage Kisame, a sickly Nagato, Orochimaru with a snake tongue, a black Shikamaru, an older Konan, Tenten, an older Anko, Tsume, Itachi, Genma, Shikaku, Ino, an older Ssume, Yamato, Shino, and Kurenai. Random objects also pictured are: Kakashi's Icha Icha Paradise book, a scroll, dango, a fan, a shuriken, Zabuza's Executioner's Blade, Sasuke's sword, and a piece of narutomaki. End ID]
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monthly recaps have als fallen to the wayside for a while now (sorry!), so i wanted to share with you all my goals for 2023 instead:
- draw a comic: i've always loved comics but never actually learned how to draw them, so i've been reading tutorials artists i follow have put out over the years and learning more about comics in general.i think they're a valuable form of art, and would be a perfect way for me to mesh some of the stories i'd like to tell with scenes i want to draw. hence sketch practice
- start including fanart with my fics: this is likely going to be partially dependent on what i'm learning about drawing comics, but also provides an opportunity to throw in the kinds of pieces i already do. i'm already fixating on the writing, may as well include art, right XD
- finish louboutins. we are so close to the finish line besties i just don't wanna deal with emotions right now hahaha. i only got like two chapters left for it, and the emotions will be resolved i promise!
- get to the chuunin exams arc in tto1us
- start updating 1-800-FAKE-NUMBER again
- yes i'm insane and i'm doing kinktober again for 2023 BUT not 31 individual fics like. half that at *most*. i'm not gonna overdo it and it's all gonna be silly rarepairs. more details in a few months.
- that big art project i wanted to finish in 2022 didn't pan out but i'm not giving up! hoping to finish by the end of this year and have it ready for 2024, but if not, push it another year. i'll release more details if i manage to get close but i am promising nothing lol
-if the inspiration is there, do some more high school series drawings that i never finished.
i hope you're all well. i have not forgotten about you all. i love you, and thank you for your continued support even through the silence <3
be the first to get updates and see new stuff, view exclusive ficlets and drawings, request commissions, and more on my patreon and buymeacoffee!
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appaeve · 2 years
Hii, I'm absolutely enamoured of your art! The style is so neat and expressive, the colours a delight and overall aaah, you're amazing, looking forward to see your future works :D
I have this question (I hope it doesn't bother you, feel free to ignore in case), have you attended any art school/academy or are you self taught? Because I'd love to learn how to draw, and I know that practice is the key, but I feel so lost thinking about what I should practice exactly. I think that a course would help, but at the same time I think it wouldn't since art is mostly yours to develop and vibe with yanno. Hope you're having a nice (insert moment of the day here)!
hi! first, thank you sm! I know it doesn’t seem like much but compliments regarding the funky way I draw make my day :). And for the second thing- nope! I attended public school that had a basic art class that you drew maybe a still life in and moved on in 8 weeks to do other extracurriculars like gym. Later on I did get the chance to learn some digital/photoshop stuff and paints for more serious courses but yea! mostly self taught :)
Next bit is LONG so we’re breaking it up:
aaaa ok so now when I heard of the “I’d love to learn how to draw, but I feel lost” I resonated with that BIG time. “Starting art” or in your case stating how you wanted to learn how to draw is a personal process that i wholly believe will be different for everyone. For me I started by drawing on rocks I found in the backyard as a kid and grew from there. To jump into drawing (for my personal method!) draw what your interested in or what you enjoy, and then mix that with some studies. Maybe an OC one day, and the next you’ll practice hands/ something from life you don’t really wanna draw. But! by doing this you build skills and grow- then when you redraw that OC maybe their anatomy is better or you drew a nice background with it. Once you learn the basics of some elements of art then you can stylize them!
“Well what do I study?” Anatomy, color theory, composition tricks, fundamentals of art, etc. are all pretty broad things to focus on! I would try to divy it up, maybe you practice shoes, or plant studies one day instead of the whole human figure and a forest painting. Keep it simple and fun, you’re learning and sketches aren’t meant to be perfect! There’s no “order” on what you should study first. As for taking courses vs going with flow with art/more self taught, I would say that if you have the opportunity to learn from masters- take it take it take it. I would never consider learning or taking inspiration from artists cheating. Of course I wouldn’t recommend copying an artists work (and CERTAINLY not positing it online) but maybe as a study draw a work that is based from them/their style and learn from it. I look at the way I draw noses for certain characters and they remind me of they way “x” person drew them, yeah? bits and pieces of inspiration and other artists work helped me create my own art that is personal to me :).
WHOOO okay finally last thing- going back to the no “order” bit. Establish goals! lets say you wanna draw characters first, then I would recommend looking up videos of drawing body types or tutorials online. Maybe clothes next, or you wanna learn to draw trees and do a whole week on that. Some people practice everyday, others do it like once a week- and that’s ok! Art shouldn’t be super stressful methinks. If you think taking an art course is good for your artistic journey, then do it. If you think practicing everyday but more self-taught (still use references, im the biggest hypocrite when it comes to this but they’re so so important), then do it! Yeah I might be throwing in what I personally do as an artist (but I’m still VERY much learning too!) however it is your choice to decide what path is best for you as a creator. Hopefully some of this helped! it seemed like a very genuine ask that I appreciated and wanted to give my input to the best of my ability :)
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gliphyartfan · 2 years
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Here is the rough draft for Time's full normal attire. Some headcanon notes for the design -Time hates ties. With a passion. Its a daily torture that he wears them, but he feels the difference when he is fully put together in expensive name brand suits. Please listen more. He doesn't know if it pisses him off or makes him want to mock them. (and the dream of (y/n) helping him take off the tie at the end of a hard day might be what keeps him going) -The scarf: Its a gift from Wars for one of his birthdays. At the end of the day they are brothers and despite loving the same person I feel like losing each other would be the second worst pain to feel, after losing (y/n), due to how they understand each other. Especially for Time since he waited the longest to finally finally finally have someone who understood him. How tortured he was not knowing if any of his brothers would come, if he would find (y/n). He will be found wearing presents from the others, as he doesn't really buy things for himself.
-The markings. I just never felt right when sketching if Time did not have his signature markings (same with Twilight). I feel like he would at some point dawned the mask. Surviving, especially as a kid is hard in our world. So I see many dire opportunities to need it.
-EARS. Yes I know the ears are human ears. The guys would use magic to hide it. It would be too odd for a group of gentleman to all have pointy ears and be down right fucking terrifying. Also when finally meeting (y/n) it might make her hesitant of them. (not due to anything malicious, girl just watches/reads way too many supernatural shows/movies/books to know something sus was up.) And also the whole, not draw attention to themselves thing. Ask me anything about the design, let me know if you don't like anything. Or even just questions on the art. Like I said in a comment, I'm transitioning from physical materials to digital so I understand if anything looks weird. I even have a blurb in my head of Lilah's(my y/n's) reaction to Time's meeting if anyone is interested in me writing that. I have to go ahead and apologize, my line work will never be straight and perfect. I had an accident so I have some nerve damage in my drawing hand. So just a heads up. Oh! And you can call me, Lyric!! *goes to hide and cry from embaressment.*
@yandere-linked-universe *Excited Noises* LOOK!
Holy shit. I can see his muscles inside those sleeves
You drew this?? Really??!???
And I thought your last drawing was incredible! (And it was!)
The details, the lines, the colors. (That SUIT)
His hair is a in small ponytail!! (The things that face does to me...)
Excellent color choice for him. The scarf is absolutely a perfect touch to his style.
I'm genuinely envious that you managed to draw his hand and arms so well. And LOOK at the way his body is proportioned! And his face. (His expression!)
How he's standing makes me drool. The red of the scarf just delightfully contrasting his blue inner shirt!
I agree with your Headcanons so hard!! (I honestly can't see him without his markings).
Ears? Perfect, I honestly would see them using magic to hide their ears.
Plus I honestly see Time only accepting gifts from the chain, (and (y/n)).
Time not using ties because he wants (y/n) to tie it for him? Oooh, that's gonna be something each of those boys would want. But Time? Peeeerfect!
What are his shoes? I would say boots. Steel toe Boots that can be disguised as dress shoes!
Does he hold rings? Maybe Legend gives them a magic ring for protection?
I know if she gives them a gift, if they can wear it, it's a permanent accessory for them.
You have writing? Please share! I genuinely enjoy other people's work! The world is waiting for your creativity!
Thank you so much for this surprise! I'm actually excited to see more of your incredible work!
Please accept this not as good as your magnificent work traditional sketch of a plushie Sky as a humble bribe tribute!
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Can't say no to him can't you?
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