#thanks for the ask! sorry it took a while to answer lol
hidingoutbackstage · 4 months
So now that RvB is over, I'm curious: Which season from the later era of RvB do you think is the worst (Shisno Duology/16-17, Zero/18 or Restoration/19)?
Personally if I had to rank those three, Zero/18 is the worst, then Restoration/19, and then Shisno Duology/16-17. Shisno Duology I think has more redeeming elements (like FINALLY getting a Donut arc and giving Sister depth and moments that showed of Wash and Carolina’s relationship) and even though it had writing elements I really didn’t like (Tucker being more of an asshole, Grif suddenly being a MAJOR asshole for no reason despite the arc he JUST went through in s15, trying to insert gds but actually they’re just AI but they’re the most advanced AI in the world to a stupid degree) it at least tried to give ALL of our main characters something to do, like it felt ooc and annoying at times but it was still THEM and they were still THERE.
The same canNOT be said for Restoration or Zero. Zero I hate the most because it stars an all new cast that they tell us is so cool and we should care about them and take them seriously, but they never show us anything worthy of that, and it also just feels like the creators of Zero watched the Freelancer Saga and took away that fans thought what was interesting was the cool action scenes and how badass these guys were and the emotional conflicts and how they sidelined our main characters. It’s like they didn’t realize that the Freelancers are supposed to be bad people and we were watching to see them eventually fall. As for how Zero treats the three (3) main characters from the og it DOES have, holy fuck is it terrible. Carolina is way undermined and sidelined for these people she should not care about, Wash’s disability was cured in a single throwaway line before he was put out of commission anyway, and Tucker, oh man Tucker. My blood is already boiling. They turned him back into a creep and an asshole, separated him from his team for no reason, KILLED HIM and gave his SUPER IMPORTANT SWORD to some random chick who STILL HAS THE SWORD AT THE END SO FUCK EVERYTHING THE SHOW SAID MADE TUCKER SPECIAL IG.
Sorry. Got heated there. Anyway Restoration is between those two in terms of quality, but it’s still bad. The character writing jumped all over the place, the pacing was atrocious, it felt like they didn’t have enough time to execute the story they were trying to do, while at the same time they wasted so much time. They tried to make Simmons the main character, which doesn’t come across AT ALL, they sideline basically everyone but Simmons, Caboose, Grif, and Sarge, and still don’t really give any satisfying narrative conclusion to any of them. Sarge’s death is stupid, Simmons staying in the army is stupid, Grif retiring and therefore being away from Simmons is stupid, and Caboose doesn’t really get an arc or honestly anything that gives him character, he’s just a plot device. They make Tucker the Meta and framed it as a big important thing in the marketing and then had all the characters act blasé about it, didn’t let anyone who WOULD be impacted by Meta!Tucker, actually get impacted by it, he got 23 total lines in the story, they tortured Tucker for months that felt like YEARS and then didn’t allow him to process any of that HORRIFIC TRAUMA and sent him out of the series with a SEX JOKE. Wash’s B plot was TOTALLY pointless and doesn’t make sense narratively given the end of s13. Donut was given a cameo that was just one more offensive gay joke. I swear the only good thing was the Chex reunion at the very end. It was also poorly made, with the animation looking rlly bad at times, stuff like Caboose’s double knees and the mouse cursor on screen the most notable (but also there was just a lot of the action that looked rough) and as a series ending finale it was a major fucking letdown on pretty much all fronts, but despite all that, it still isn’t worse than Zero. Imagine that.
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rebelrainfall · 2 months
rebelcaptain hadestown AU for the ask game 🫶
AAAAhhhhhhh ok I'll warn you I am NOT normal about this 💀 I've posted about a Hadestown au before here and a little snippet here a couple years ago, and I think I've posted the moodboard before as well but I'm putting it here anyway
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But ok yes five things that happen:
Cassian was almost an optimist, once. He earnestly, deeply believed everything that he would finish his song and make everything right again. But that was years ago. Far too many years have passed without a spring or fall and now what Cassian is is desperate. Desperate and exhausted and angry, and barely holding on to hope by a thread.
With every year that passes Cassian grows more resentful of the gods, of their selfishness and power and apathy. His resentment is most directed toward Hades and Persephone, of course, and he gives a bitterly sarcastic toast to Persephone, but he's growing more and more angry even with Hermes, who took him in and gives him work but who also barely seems to care about the humans dying around him.
All Jyn has ever wanted is to be a priority to someone. She wants attention, warmth, someone she can trust. And for the summer, Cassian gives her that. But as the cold comes on, as Cassian spends more and more of his time holed up in his room composing and discarding line after line, Jyn finds herself feeling just as discarded, cold and hungry as ever.
Jyn is Cassian's priority. She's the renewal of his failing hope, the reason he finds himself dreaming of spring and strawberries again. If only he could have realized that, before it was too late.
Because I am a ridiculous sucker when it comes to these two, Doubt Comes In gets replaced as the ending by a reprise of All I've Ever known. Take from that what you will 😏
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Here’s an interesting thought experiment. I was reading your post about the Commando app Beta 2.1 vs 3.1 debate and whether there was an Alpha app or a Beta 1.1. What if there was an Alpha app and Douglas tried it with Adam, the original bionic but it didn’t work right and caused some brain damage which is why Adam is like that? Douglas then realized that if he was going to put the Commando app in a bionic’s head that he needed to completely rewire their brain to be able to handle actually having information downloaded like a computer. By the time he realized this Bree was too far along so he turned his attention to the next subject. He made Chase more computer like and did a bunch of stuff that would allow Chase to handle actual changes to his brain from outside influences. It’s why Chase has the Commando and override app. The other two can’t have actual apps in their heads like that because they weren’t created to handle things like that.
Yayyy another person to talk about Spike/the Commando App with!!
And this is such an interesting thought that I love!! These are all great connecting ideas too, the idea that Chase has these apps because he has a computer in his mind to process and handle it all unlike his siblings and not just because his main ability is super intelligence. After all, he does have more room for upgrades than his siblings. I love this idea!
I do wonder though if after Douglas were to hypothetically do this he went and gave Adam and Bree some from of compatibility to their chips since Chase can connect to them essentially through bluetooth. But him having the computer not only for his intelligence but also for his apps and to process the use and control of these apps alongside his normal brain is really something to think about. Not only that, but he does have a bunch of wiring inside his head and a bunch of different scanners from his bionic eyes that are also linked to his computer system too (identifying people, fingerprint scanning, etc.)
And with the Commando App, we see that in both versions, especially the first one we see in 1x03, that there is a bunch of coding that appears during the activation and deactivation of the app. This almost seems to imply too that the app truly is still not 100% complete, which matches with the Beta version we see.
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We also see that the Commando App has an entire targeting system connected to Spike's vision. In the first version this comes in the form of Spike scanning the threat's face before completely locking onto the target as an "imminent threat."
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In the second version, this just comes in the form of a literal target being in Spike's vision. He also has a gauge that measures his aggression level, which obviously varies for him. Not only that, but on the right side of Spike's vision he has gauges to measure speed and visibility presumably of his target, which is kind of scary lol.
A mystery however is why does the chip interrupter not only not work on the Commando App, but instead makes Spike more aggressive? It most likely has something to do with affecting the computer system in Chase. Maybe it doesn't work because Spike is an app and is potentially more linked to the computer in Chase than his chip? Is it just a glitch in general? Is Spike's aggression increase also a glitch or is it a defense mechanism against an outside influence? Who knows!
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One last thing to note is the fact that after Spike takes a hard hit from Perry, it actually causes an error in Chase's computer system and glitches the Commando App out and forces it to disengage. Maybe this is something that would "naturally" happen or this is another example of the incomplete app being unstable (because one would imagine that this caliber of app and its purpose of fighting shouldn't be able to glitch out and shut down after a hard hit)
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Another intriguing thought is that a few of Chase's abilities are apps but are considered "abilities" like the Commado App or his Magnetism App, if that makes sense. Some of his "abilities" are directly related to his computer system as apps compared to his normal "abilities" like his laser bo or forcefield. I just thought that that was interesting to point out because I never really realized that until now!
There's a lot to think about with this, and since we were never meant to dive this deep into because it's a Disney XD show, there's a lot to play around with!
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teamsasukes · 3 months
Hi so I saw your post about Sakura and her not-abt-Sasuke motivations post and saw you mentioning that Sasuke could say no to Sakura coming with him in 699. I want to know your idea about Sakura's motivations to sticking with Sasuke inspite of being pregnant especially being a medical ninja and knowing the dangers of giving birth away from Konoha (Sasuke could have denied her staying for safety and transported her to Konoha immediately but he didn't) Why do you think she stuck by and he didn't let her go? A penny for your thoughts and headcanons?
sakura's pregnancy honestly isn't something i think about very much, mainly because i just don't consider post-699 canon and i'm not sure i really... see children as a necessary part of sasuke and sakura's lives together (regardless of how much i do enjoy sarada). but to go with this for a second...
i love the idea of sasuke and sakura travelling together after the war, whatever context that is in: getting to know each other now as adults after having a fractured relationship for so long, platonic or romantic or not neatly categorized, and most importantly, removed from konoha.
sasuke's provided reason for leaving konoha at the end of the series is to expand his understanding of the world, and in my headcanon, to perhaps see about instituting reform on a smaller scale in other places that need it. it kind of continues the journey he started when he first freed people from orochimaru's prisons.
sakura, meanwhile, is a medical expert who i'd assume has some experience with administration, having worked under the hokage. and konoha is one of the nicer places in the land of fire and fortunately in peacetime. sakura could help more people if she lent her skills to underserviced areas in need of more comprehensive healthcare infrastructure.
so that is why i think sakura travels with him: she is working to fulfill a purpose just as sasuke is. (and isn't it nice that they can do it together?) as for why sasuke didn't just teleport her to konoha for the delivery -- the watsonian explanation is that she and sasuke both trusted karin to pull it off without a hitch and didn't see a need to return. the doylist explanation is probably that the whole plot of gaiden hinged on sarada leaving konoha to learn about her birth, haha.
also i think they just like spending time together. they enjoy each other's company <3
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star2stop · 4 months
ill ask about your jashlings 🫵🏽 which two are your favorite to draw and whats their relationship with each other
so... mmh my two faves to draw... i havent drawn them a lot yet actually, as for now im focusing on coming up with a design for all of them so i havent done a lotta doodles really, but i can certainly answer that with no problem either way!
okay... mmmh. definitely maverick, like, i LOVE drawing deranged looking characters and the little eye and mouth drips are very fun (i love drawing goop i love drawing goop i love draw-)
another one i really liked to draw was xavier even tho i admit i kinda struggled with the colors at first lmao, the spikey hair is always a joy to sketch out and lineart also the overall sharp shapes are just great
imma be honest i dont think they'd be very good friends, or related if that matters, maybe distant cousins? but eh i doubt it, idk them being related doesnt seem right to me,,,
i feel like xavier is pretty clean in terms of alcohol and drugs and whatever, like yeah, a lil drink sometimes is nice but he aint the type to get black out drunk and wake up on the sidewalk like five hours later lmao, hes not much into clubbing if ya feel me
his natural habitat is the gym ur honor, when hes upset he just lifts some weights or idk runs a mile? actually- he doesnt even have to be upset, dude hits the gym just for fun (also fun fact he can run and jump and everything with heels, and yes everyone is so jealous of him for that lmao)
maverick is a bit wilder,, and louder definitely... (also high 90% of the time-) pretty much the opposite lol
you'll never catch him in the house dude, hes ALWAYS out, doesnt matter the hour, bro could be at the store at 3am simply cuz being at home is boring and he cant sleep anyway so why not?
hed definely call you at UNGODLY hours and ask you to hang out lmao
not gonna lie the only thing they'd have in common is probably the fact that they like videogames? or reading perhaps? (mmmh thinking of a potential book club in the jash verse rn...) maybe the few times they see each other they play mario kart together and catch up who knows
xavier is definetely one of the only jashlings that hangs out with maverick btw, even if they rarely do. as one of my friends described mav, "this is the weird cousin everyone stays away from" and kits so right for that lmao
agdhfh sorry this just became a yapping session about the characters themselves more than their relationship dhgdhfng i just love these silly guys so much...
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hecatesbroom · 4 months
Weird writing questions for you! Numbers 7, 25, 32, 34 :)
Aa thank you!! I just answered about half of this ask when my answer was deleted (my own fault :') so here's attempt number 2 haha
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
I think it's having a way to express my love for the characters and settings I write about, as well as getting to express my love for language itself! So: getting to use a medium I love to convey my love for... the world and its people (and stories, and characters), I guess? :)
Getting to share my writing with people (and finding a community because of it!) is definitely a great, of not the biggest joy as well — but I personally feel like that's more a joy of the result of writing, rather than writing in and of itself? If that makes sense!
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I genuinely can't think of a single one, because I feel like every single detail I come up with about a character ends up being relevant to a story in one way or another! For example, I have this one OC who always wears some sort of knitwear. It started out as a random character detail I really couldn't find a use for other than characterisation, but the knitwear (and its varying states, as well as whether it was handmade or store-bought) eventually came to symbolise the state of his fraying marriage!
So: none, because the minute I come up with a hyper-specific detail, my brain decides it's Very Important, Actually and immediately finds a way to weave it into the story or its symbolism 😂
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
Ohh I have a couple, but I think this quote (a bit more than a line, sorry!) from the locked tomb series really stuck with me. To the point where I put part of it in my bio!
"Bury me next to you in that unmarked grave, Joy. We knew that was the only hope we ever had–that we would live to see it through . . . and pray for our own cessation. Oh, we'll still hate each other, my dear, we have hated each other too long and too passionately to stop . . . but my bones will rest easy next to your bones."
I'm not sure what it is about this quote, but something about it (especially with the context of the story and this whole messed up relationship) makes me go a little bit insane over it whenever I read it haha. I think when I read this for the first time, I finally realised I was done for and proceeded to fully fixate on the locked tomb until my Tolkien obsession took over. So it marks the start of a pretty intense love for these books, I guess 😂 (I'll spare you the full analysis on this but ohh, there's so much to say about it even without the context of the series!! The imagery, the slight shift in tone towards the end!!)
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
Great, amazing, and show-stopping. So good I started using it in Dutch, even though it's technically incorrect here. It's amazing for clarity, and skipping it can provide some hilarious misinterpretations.
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lipsticklens · 1 month
🤍 and 🐚 for whoever you'd like!!! :D
♡ heart-shaped-reagent-vial
🤍 : how did you first meet your f/o? what made you realize you were falling in love with them? what made them realize they were falling in love with you?
i should add a disclaimer that my selfship with howard is based around me being/kinning vince! in case any of you have seen the show and recognize our lovestory, lol
we first met when he interviewed me for a job at the zoo! i thought he was pretty cute... he thought i looked confusing and couldn't tell if i was a man or a woman :D but he convinced me to quit art school in order to work with him at the zoo, so i guess he was pretty down bad for me ♡
i'd say i was attracted to him from the beginning, but when i really started to fall in love... hmm, that's really hard to pin down. honestly, i can't think of any one moment ;; i went from being into him purely on a physical level to genuinely having feelings for him.
howard only realized he was in love with me when i kissed him for the first time! and that was the night we got together. <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)> heehee
🐚 : do you give each other gifts often? what's your favorite thing they've given you? what's their favorite thing you've given them?
i get little trinkets for howard pretty often! just whenever i see something random out and about that makes me think of him - knickknacks, new stationary he's never tried before, pretty much anything related to jazz. he always says they're just cheap nonsense, but i always see them carefully organized on his shelves later. (*^^*)
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rocksanddeadflowers · 11 months
Hello, was thinking about this the other day and with all the mechs asks going around I thought it couldn't hurt to ask so-
Do u hc that the mechs are a bunch of bored immortal theater kids that plan+write their albums
Or that they just randomly start singing sometimes and no one knows why?
(I've seen multiple different band members answer this and they all answered it differently, so I'm not asking the canonical answer just ur head canons)
Ok that’s it have a good day!
I personally have always thought they planned most albums/songs out together bc there's just more story to them having to work on said stories. There's a lot that goes into writing stories and music, so I just think it's neat to consider the actual characters dealing with that, especially for stories they were so closely tied to, and their own stories.
I do, however, believe there are exceptions to this. That sometimes pieces of lyrics or music or entire songs just appear in their mind, and somehow it works! Of course, to a standpoint, that's just how art works for some people. You get an idea, feeling, or image, and follow it through. I still think there's something different about how the Mechs deal with it though. Just kind of a universe narrative force of magic that gives them knowledge they didn't know, shouldn't know. That knowledge comes to mind at random, but it's never very straightforward or clear, hence the song/poetic/artistic format that they see.
Basically, to me, a lot of what they create comes from actual hard work, but sometimes something slips into their minds, and they go with it.
Also the other main exception is that the Toy Soldier, upon witnessing the event, created the whole song Redeath. Like as they're all watching it happen the Toy Soldier is spouting the words to match, and the music played from an unseen source, or from the planets itself. No one really gets how that happened, not even the Toy Soldier, that's just how he narrative decided to flow that day. Besides, they've seen weirder.
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thebest-medicine · 6 months
7. How does tickling make you feel?
37. Spontaneous tickles, or a planned session?
38. Share a line from a book that you like.
7. How does tickling make you feel?
It’s…. Hmm this is such a good question. It feels like love, like silliness and playfulness that makes you feel light. Like nervousness and panic and play and safety and REALness. It’s grounding. It’s fun and competitive and makes my brain go brrrr. It feels intimate and makes my heart race and my toes tingle and my thoughts blank except for everything in the moment. It feels like being present. And like being hugged. Soft. Kind. Teasing. Wonderful.
37. Spontaneous tickles, or a planned session?
I did answer this one in another ask but I will elaborate!!!!!
I think there’s so much space for planning out sessions to try new things and allow for improvisations and fun play and spontaneity
38. Share a line from a book that you like.
“I have learned this for certain: if discontent is your disease, travel is medicine. It resensitizes. It opens you up to see outside the patterns you follow. Because new places require new learning. It forces your childlike self back into action. When you are a kid, everything is new. You don’t know what’s under each rock, or up the creek. So, you look. You notice because you need to. The world is new.”
Book: To Shake the Sleeping Self
Author: Jedidiah Jenkins
Ask me more things!
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difty-dift · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
I'm honored and touched 🥺💗
Art in its many various forms. Painting, photography, music, dance, animation, film, etc.
Animals! It's easier to list exceptions lol, which are insectoids and slimy ones. Everything else is so cool and fascinating and cute~
Good food, of course. Mainly desserts~♡
Chatting and talking and hanging with my friends :3 this one may have the most potent happiness
Sometimes, letting time pass in a leisurely manner. Sounds insane, but if I can't do nothing, might as well enjoy the gaps between
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sushisocks · 8 months
Are we doing Sean songs? Because I have one: Canary in a Coal Mine by The Crane Wives
Feed me promises, keep my heart well / I'll sing you songs until the darkness does recede / But if in the end I lose my voice / Will you forget about your love for me?
It also works for Arthur I guess, but I think it was one of your posts where you described Sean's death as like the canary in the coal mine for the gang and my brain latched onto that concept so. This is Sean's song now
(Also he would love The Wearing of the Green and with the timeline could canonically sing it as well)
Sean songs are ALWAYS welcome in my askbox!! and OOHHHH is this a good one!!
I agree that it works for Arthur, but to me there’s a certain twinge of the heart when relating it to Sean, I think. Him being a songbird (especially a canary) is imagery that’s VERY dear to me not even gonna lie. Smth smth about the birdsong being uplifting for the miners deep underground, and its death being a warning of impending doom, yk? 
And the song itself; I LOVE the themes here, ESPECIALLY relating back to other things I’ve written about Sean before. How he plays this role in the gang, and isn’t really allowed to be anything but the camp clown, and how that might lend itself to his constant seeking of attention/affirmation that the people he runs with ACTUALLY like him. Is he ever allowed to be more and do more than his designation? What does it mean, for Sean to be yelled at the second he lets himself be anything but happy and up-beat?
The fact that we don’t ever really get to see what Sean’s reactions might’ve been like in the latter half of the game, CRUSHES me. I’m so captivated by the potential character arc we could’ve gotten there.
Also the lines; But I still hold out hope that maybe someday / I'll be worth more than all the silence left in my way
Are SOOO poignant for the very visceral effect Sean’s ABSENCE has on the gang and the vibes of camp. Colter and Shady Belle are the most stand-out in my opinion. 
Is the canary at its most valuable when it is still singing, or when it is truly serving its purpose, and the mines are quiet?
(also I agree bigtime; I’d love to hear Sean sing the Wearing of the Green tbhh, he has a real good singing voice!!)
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i say, i'm getting really curious about jenkins, is he a fidus chappie or one of those approach-at-your-own-risk types? and now that we're here could you tell me your favourite thing about him?
thanks muchly
AA ty for this ask!!!! im so glad someones curious abt him i'm vibrating at the speed of LIGHT thank YOU muchly
is he a fidus chappie is a tough question. hes polite/cool/professional but thats mostly cos of his job (he's a train attendant so he's gotta be a gentleman). HOWEVER his temper is kind of short when he's teased, so he gets snippy quickly.... but he can also be?? playful?? he has some vaguely-flirty lines. he contains multitudes lol
overall, under his politeness i think he's got a sore spot about being underestimated and overall is a bit of a misanthrope. i mean he kills people hehe >:] so i think ill leave it at, you'd probably only want to have a pleasant passing conversation at the train station or at a coffee shop before he gets ideas LMAO
as for my favorite thing its actually SO hard to choose one.... i like his whole physical appearance (stupid little pince-nez, slutty little waistcoat etc) but i choose his hair bc cos it comes down in the finale as a representation of how he's coming unhinged and this trope SUSTAINS me. slay jenkins
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princekirijo · 1 year
14 & 23 for riku & if you're feeling up to it for spiderfiend also!!
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Riku: This is such a good question for Riku because this is like such an important part of his character. The short answer is that it depends on the character! For example to the Thieves, he wants to appear as a cool, confident friend who's always up for a dare and a bit of fun. To his parents he wants to come across as a reliable and worthy son. This cause Riku a lot of problems as this causes his self esteem to be real low (nobody wants the real him kinda issues). In general he always wants to appear as confidence and able to handle anything (just different flavor depending on the person).
Spiderfiend: I think this is pretty common with all spider people but he wants to be someone people can look up to. At first he wanted to be the guy that people would turn to, a hero you could always rely on. He kinda became the guy he wish was around the night his mom died. However as he gets older and matures he realizes he'd rather be a symbol of hope. He won't always be there to save others (hint hint for the event that triggers this change) so instead he wants to inspire others to protect themselves and others, but he'll still do his best to be there for those in need!
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Riku: Hmm. I think a mixture of pain and anger. Riku isn't naturally an angry person, but he has been throw a fair amount of shit in life and he's never really been able to express it properly. I think he just bottles it up for the most part and he'll just remove himself from the situation.
Spiderfiend: Definitely grief. Classic Spider-man style Prince has lost a lot. Between losing his bio family in a car crash, his adoptive mom to thugs and also almost losing someone else he cares about (that's gonna be vague for now while I'm thinking up details) he carries around a lot of grief. He covers it up with snappy one liners and dumb vine quotes but deep down he's hurting :[
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[ EXTRA ]:    sender hands the receiver a spare weapon during a fight to give them a better chance after they break or lose their own.
from khioniya, for childe. during their own- friendly! -fight. & she's handing him her weapon to carry on trying to beat her ass with lmao.
if this doesn't work for childe pls ignore it!
Things done while sparring/fighting | Accepting!
((hooOOHOOOOO you have NO IDEA how feral childe imMEDIATELY was as soon as this popped up in my inbox asdlfkdj HE'S SO EXCITED TO GET HIS ASS KICKED LETS GOOOOOO 👀👀👀😎))
Long had Childe hungered to challenge the Archon who he so loyally served.
It was a secret desire, easily disguised by insatiable bloodlust towards any and all who dared stand as his opposition. More than that: it was his ultimate goal. The marker by which he would measure his greatest success...or his distance from achieving it.
For what greater strength could he possibly achieve than the almighty Tsaritsa herself? If Childe could defeat her, he would finally earn the right to be called the strongest warrior in all of Teyvat.
And yet, he'd never imagined Her Majesty would agree so easily. Treat it so casually. As they sparred the Abyss howled in every fiber of his being: ravenous and angry.
Was a friendly little spar all she thought of his power? As if this were some triviality, as if he didn't even stand a chance—?
He would prove his might. He would prove it if it left him bloodied, broken, reduced to a canvas of wounds and viscera painting stone floors—
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A clattering echo rang through the halls of Zapolyarny Palace: the sound of his Vision skidding across the floor, cleaved from his belt with one elegant strike. Childe barely heard it over the roaring in his veins. Separated from their power source, the twin blades he clutched shuddered and dismantled, water sluicing through his fingers into a puddle at his feet. But the Tsaritsa did not persist. She did not take advantage of the opening to end this like he knew she could. Instead, her red-tinged image vibrated at the cadence of his feral heart as she paused to hand over her weapon.
Howling fury amplified tenfold. Notes of it colored the breathless, near maniacal laugh that poured from a grin filled with teeth.
"Why thank you, Your Majesty—but I'm afraid I can't accept you going easy on me." Purple light spilled from inside his coat and illuminated the animosity in dull eyes. Slowly, a wash of black slithered over his clothes, and in a burst of violet, he brandished the blade of a lightning-forged spear at the most powerful being in the world.
"I'll win this battle with my own strength." There was no hesitation. No fear. Only promise as he leapt back into the fight with wild and gleeful abandon.
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waterfall-ambience · 1 year
If you’re still doing the OC ask game, can you do 2 for Avery, 6 for Luna, and 16 for Riza?
2. What are your OC’s food preferences (flavors/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
Avery is a really easy person to feed because he’s not picky at all. Having grown up on Perpetua, he’s been exposed to and found an appreciation for a lot of different cultural dishes thanks to how the members come from all sorts of backgrounds. That, combined with being raised with Minerva's ‘everything in moderation’ + ‘try anything at least once’ approach to food, it's hard to find stuff he absolutely will not eat.
Flavour generally matters more to him than texture, and he doesn’t think too much about calories unless something looks/sounds insanely calorically dense.
That being said, if asked to pick from a menu, his choices would be a little boring. He might take the spicy option (now that he has a ‘resistance’ to a capsaicin, he WILL reap the benefits because it’s more fun that way).
But he’s also equally likely to pick the ‘default’ or ‘classic’ option because he’s not picky to the point where he doesn’t have strong preferences for almost anything (unless, say, he’s going for some kind of ‘vibe’). He’s also liable to order things with the expectation that someone else might want to sample from him.
6. What would STOP your OC from Doing the Right Thing in a tense situation?
The boring answer is ‘nerves’ or ‘he suffers from analysis paralysis when trying to figure out the best outcome’.
In an ideal world, Captain Luna is a perfect moral paragon and nothing would stop him from doing the Right Thing except the gods themselves. He always strives to do the Right Thing, and sometimes he can’t for whatever reason, be it nerves, or stretching himself too thin when trying to figure out the best outcome. Maybe the cost is too high, or he has to focus on the big picture rather than personal impact, the needs of the many vs those of the few. Even if the Right Thing is not achieved, what matters is that he tried and that he retains his personal innocence.
But of course, the world is not ideal, because the man is more than capable of holding a grudge. Even if the grudge is justified (see: that with the Wither King), he’s not immune to the catharsis of watching a bastard go down in cruel and sometimes unusual ways. He tries to hold off on it, because he recognises that a hard punishment that doesn’t really do anything to address the issue is just an excuse to torture someone, but dang, does it feel good, especially if he already hates them.
It's unlikely that anyone would ever find themself in this situation, considering that Luna finds forgiveness to be more beneficial for all parties involved, but god help you if you manage to seriously cross him.
16. How strong or weak is your OC’s Impulse control? What’s the worst thing that happened because of their Impulsivity or inability to be so?
Riza's impulse control isn’t great, and she’s prone to doing things on a whim if she has the energy. Usually it’s mundane, little things, like deciding stay up late to watch a slasher film, painting her nails a different colour, cropping her shirts, scaring people with her invisibility powers, nabbing stuff from stores because she thinks it’s funny (technically shoplifting, but ‘everything on Perpetua is an art piece so it doesn’t really matter’). Y’know, little things.
Though despite all of this, she doesn’t come across as particularly impulsive (not like Icarus or how some other members more obviously are) because she generally tends towards laziness. She doesn’t usually go around pocketing random things, but it’s less due to an absence of an urge to do so, rather than thinking about it and subsequently deciding not to.
Riza's impulsivity hasn't really gotten her into major trouble yet (maybe just Alice being disappointed in her + making her work more), but that just might be because Alice doesn't let her in any important control rooms with levers and big red buttons.
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vixvaporub · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 7) favorite moments from any manga that you loved? Sorry if you have answered this ask before.....Thanks....
Some of my favorite scenes from fruits basket
I'm going to meddle
Shigure giving some good advice
Love what yuki has to say here
(I could probably go on but I'll only give 3 from fruits basket)
For blue period
When they go to the beach (I thought I capped it but I guess I didn't)
The ending for the girl from the other side (spoilers if you haven't read it)
Yona of the dawn (I think this scene is just so funny, bought the volume for this chapter alone)
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