#thanks for the ask ILY!!!! <33333
cadaverousdecay · 9 months
you r actually so crazy for the saltburn + wuthering heights parallels. ...im so happy you liked this film you can't even believe like I need to be weird and unsettling with someone about it so bad
zedfer i need to talk with u for 5 hours straight about this film im so serious u and nico and i NEED to get together to watch and discuss it it is so cruel that we're so distant,,,,, no one understands it like us freaks
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mocha-illustrates · 1 year
Hi the way you draw hands is everything to me you're SO good at art
aaaa thank you, sweet anon. hands are one of my favorite things to draw. i really enjoy playing around with posing them cos they can be sooo expressive and idk, i think that's so cool??
anyway thank you so much, here's a hand wip as a gift
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Ari I’m crawling through the desert in need of water…humbly I beg & plead for your Ken-geto twin AU headcanons 🙏🙏🙏 I think they’re the only thing that can quench my soul rn
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ODI . MY BELOVED . I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WAHHHH pls take a seat and get ready for a long long rant……… i’ll do my best to quench your thirst 🙏🙏🙏
OKAY SO . god. where do i even begin………
basically!!!!! i’m writing a fic where kenny is. your best friend’s older brother <33333 the best friend in question being sugu!!! i still haven’t decided if they’re twins or if kenny is a couple years older…… buuuut either way i have lots n lots of thoughts abt their dynamic :33 and how the two of them treat you!!!! sugu is just…. your reliable, soft best friend, and kenny is . the way he is 😭 but anyway…..
i picture kenny as being a bitttt of a bad boy in this au?? not exactly. but like. he has a tongue piercing and moved out really early and he’s maybe a little bit twisted . cares abt suguru but can’t really show it. he’s silly and talkative but also a bit condescending…. a bit of a know it all…… i feel like he almost acts more like a father than an older brother sometimes which suguru absolutely hates 😭 there’s a lot of tension between them!!
personality wise i feel like suguru sort of . adapts to kenjaku? he’s a bit of a social chameleon. and he really doesn’t like the idea of people seeing them as similar…. so if kenny is acting more serious and pretentious, suguru acts more childish — and if kenny acts more silly then suguru takes a more responsible role . it’s like that!!! it’s weird bc i see suguru as being very sincere at heart, and kenny as being fairly insincere, but with the way they act you could get the impression that it’s the other way around. kenny doesn’t care abt how others view him, suguru very much does. but sugu has a sincerity to him that kenny kind of lacks?? ig it’s less that kenny is insincere and more that he’s just. detached. in a way.
also sidenote kinda but !!! i picture both sugu and kenny as sweater boys 😭😭 they LOVE their sweaters. i feel like kenny wears turtlenecks religiously. and sugu goes out of his way to wear more leather jackets and hoodies bc he doesn’t like when they’re wearing the same stuff LMAO…. kenny sometimes makes their outfits match just to piss him off <333
anddddd going back to the whole . brotherly rivalry stuff…… i think kenny was always a bit of a black sheep growing up . and bc of that suguru automatically became the golden child!!! sugu can be mischievous and bratty but he gets away w it bc he’s the youngest/good at hiding it…. and in front of their parents he’s always very straightlaced. it’s almost like suguru holds back just so that he won’t appear similar to his brother, which i think kenny kind of finds pathetic. there’s just soooo much to their dynamic 😭😭 they’re similar and different and just. gah. they give me a headache!!!! bc kenny is such a wildcard in the way that he acts, and suguru is so prone to changing himself depending on the situation he’s in.
but overall i just feel like kenny is pretentious and teasing…. and kinda mean . while sugu is well-behaved and calm, but a little more teasing and silly around people he’s close to….. and he’s also super kind . he’s warm!!!! and kenny is sort of cold. that’s the way i picture their dynamic. but it’s very fluid i think …. sometimes kenny acts like the oldest, sometimes the youngest LMAO
ANYWAYYYY gosh i’m already yapping so much 😭😭😭 I HOPE YOU’RE STILL HERE ODI ….. here’s another drink for you 🧋 .
now !!!! when it comes to their dynamic with you…… 👀👀 suguru is just a protective softie. he loves you so much!!! you’re his bestie!!!! and you’re the only one he ever acts bratty and pouty with…. he just feels comfortable around you :’3 so he can let his guard down and be a little silly… a little teasing….. but he’s always always always taking care of you . a warm sunflower boy <333333
then there’s kenny who . bullies you a bit 😭 JUST A BIT . bc he likes seeing your reactions <3 he’s kind of like your typical intimidating best friend’s brother…. a little scary ……. a bit of a dick….. he looks after you in his own way but . he doesn’t coddle you the way suguru does. when you’re kids he’s someone you look up to, but also someone you’re a tinyyyyy bit afraid of . but you get a crush on him anyway . and he has a soft spot for you. and then he leaves and doesn’t return until a couple years later ………. and he hasn’t really changed. but he’s less of a bully and more of a teaser. maybe a little condescending. but he’s charming, yk? alluring.
anyway as you can see i’m getting carried away LMAOO this fic is just . fluff?? kind of??? w a lot of tension 😭 you like kenny and he . well. you just don’t know what he’s thinking . he kind of sees you as a baby bird i think,,,,,,,,, and he’s . the big bad wolf. you get the vibes …….. here r some snippets of the fic just for fun!! it’s very near and dear to my heart hehe
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…….. he has me in a chokehold i fear 💔
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fullmetalscullyy · 1 year
emma i would love to see u tackle royai and cooking for each other (or sharing in food). there's such a warmth and intimacy in making something for someone. it's whole purpose is to sustain life!!!
so........ how about......... three wee royai moments where they're cooking together............. :)
here with me
read on ao3
summary: there was a reason // i collided into you // Roy and Riza cooking (providing for one another) throughout the years
rated: g | words: 2718 | tags: royai, cooking, young royai, post-canon, happy, childhood friends, sickfic, post promised day
Riza shuffled into the kitchen, following the smell of cooking, to find Roy standing over the hob, stirring something within a pot. And whatever it was, it smelled delicious. It was so flavoursome, it made her eyes water and caused her to break out into a coughing fit, announcing her presence.
And although it caused Roy to startle at the sudden, loud sound, he still grinned over at her.
He almost toppled off the chair onto the floor, in an endearing, hopeless, sort of way, but that was neither here nor there.
The reason he was currently kneeling on a chair though, was because he wasn’t quite tall enough to reach the hob to cook. Although in his teenage years, Roy’s growth spurt still hadn’t hit him yet (much to his dismay), so he’d taken a leaf out of Riza’s book and dragged a chair over from the table so he could see what he was doing. Bless his wee cotton socks too, because before Riza had interrupted and startled him, he’d looked so precious up there, his tongue peeking out from between his lips as his brow furrowed in concentration, eyes darting back and forth between the pot and the piece of handwritten paper beside it, which presumably detailed the recipe of whatever he was cooking.
Riza tightened the blanket around her shoulders and wrinkled her nose in response to the sneeze which was threatening her. “What are you doing?”
Roy beamed at her. “Cooking.” He answered as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
Her brow furrowed. “What?”
He shrugged. “You’re ill. It was the least I could do. Plus, I wanted to.”
“You wanted to.” She blinked at him, unable to comprehend what was happening.
Roy nodded in cheerful agreement, nonplussed about her surprise.
“Is there anything you need me to do?”
“Nope.” Roy even popped the ‘p’.
“Well. Let me help at least –” Riza reached forward to busy herself with assisting him, but Roy was having none of it.
“Ah. Ah!” He swatted at her playfully, brandishing his wooden spoon to keep her back and out of reach. “No. Go and sit down.”
Riza frowned. “Roy, no –”
“Riza, yes. Go and sit down. I’ll cook.”
Sensing she would get nowhere with him and too exhausted and shivery to argue she ambled over to sit at the kitchen table, like he directed.
Riza felt bad though, that he was doing all of this for her while she was ill. He was here to learn alchemy. He was a guest in her home. His family were paying her father to tutor him. And now he’d been left to cook for himself – and her – too? It was too much. Her ailing body failing her was no excuse, and yet, he would have none of her continued attempts to try and help him. Her offers were met with playfulness and patience, but a firm reply which said no. He could manage on his own.
Riza still didn’t feel safe enough to venture far from him and his cooking shenanigans though. He’d once shared how he’d almost burned his aunt’s house down when he cooked and Riza was still unsure if it was a joke or not.
So she watched him like a hawk while he chattered away. Probably to fill the silence, which made her feel even worse, because her ill brain could barely keep up with his train of thought and she felt as though she should offer him something, not just silence. But it was too much for her exhausted body and mind to comprehend.
It was… nice, though. To listen to him. To hear his voice. To hear his stories which he obviously enjoyed telling and sharing.
Secretly, Riza loved it.
It was nice to be doted on for once.
To be cared for.
They both sat down at the table together without incident a short time later. Her bowl of soup was presented to her with a flourish, complete with pristine presentation. One would have thought the young man was a professional cook.
Taking a cautious sip of her soup, Riza politely and gently ignored how Roy was waiting and watching for her reaction as she sampled his dish.
It was… good. Great, actually. Extremely tasty. She tried not to be too surprised at how good it was given how much he’d put himself down about his cooking abilities in the past, but this was delightful. Perfect for her sore throat, and delicious. Not too much for her tender stomach to put away either. It was just enough.
He’d created the perfect dish for her.
Riza swallowed it down and relished in how it soothed her aching throat. And immediately went back for another taste.
“Is it okay?”
Riza glanced up, noticing how nervous he looked, even as she almost started to devour and hoover up his homemade soup.
Still, her face flushed pink. “Yes,” she replied, not quite able to fully find her voice with his attention so directly upon her. It was because of her cold, for sure.
No other reason.
“It’s good. Very tasty.”
Her appraisal lit up his entire face. Roy sat up a little taller in his chair. His shoulders rolled back and his head perked up, but it was nothing compared to the pure joy which brightened his entire being, illuminating him from within.
“Good. I’m glad.” He looked extremely pleased with himself as he tucked into his own dinner.
*             *             *            *             *            *             *
“Riza?” Roy’s disembodied voice called out to her from the doorway to her home.
“In the kitchen.”
Roy entered the room a few seconds later, surprisingly. Riza hadn’t expected him to come straight through to see her. Snow still caked the edges of his boots and the shoulders of his thick winter coat, but he didn’t appear to be too bothered about it. Neither was she, honestly. A little water from melted snow would dry up quick enough, so it wasn’t a problem.
And when he did make his immediate appearance within the room, Roy was ruffling his hair to dislodge the snowflakes which had caught in his dark strands. And like always, Riza’s attention was drawn to him immediately.
As soon as he entered the room.
(It was really becoming a problem.)
Riza had turned to greet him, but the sight of him made her pause.
His hair was tousled, slightly wet from being out in the snow and curling at the ends due to the damp. Since he’d joined the military, he’d started to fill out within his own body with all the physical training they had him doing. His arms, which had been long and gangly as a teen, were now corded with muscle, same with his legs. And now, when he moved to dislodge those pesky snowflakes, his newly discovered biceps flexed. Quite nicely, too.
Not that Riza had been staring, of course.
Definitely not.
Riza’s face flamed and she hastily turned back to the stove. “Did you get everything you needed?” She was grateful her voice remained steady as she spoke because on the inside it felt as if her entire being was quivering like a leaf, as it often did around her childhood friend nowadays.
A pesky new discovery, but one she would manage. Through sheer willpower alone.
Riza vowed she would not make Roy uncomfortable with the things which churned within her gut and her chest over him.
“Yep. I got a discount on the vegetables as well. I think the lady in the shop likes me,” Roy chuckled.
Riza felt her stomach twist and the bubbling, happy feeling which had been fizzing within her died.
Crumbled into ash.
Riza buried it. Buried it deep and locked it down tight. Jealousy had no place here and she was too old, too mature, now, to even consider such a thing.
“Yeah. She was very sweet and kind.”
Roy was a friend. An old friend, who she loved dearly.
Nothing more.
Never mind the fact he’d called Riza and been on the first train back when he learned how her father’s health had taken a downturn. Riza had presumed it was to ask her father about flame alchemy while he still had the chance, but in response to voicing her assumptions to him, Roy’s gaze has hardened. His jaw had locked and he hadn’t looked happy about something. He’d even gone as far to leave the room and once he’d returned, a few hours later, he’d looked dejected, but resigned.
Riza still hadn’t figured out why he’d acted and looked that way. And their friendship felt slightly different because of it.
But perhaps it was simply Riza’s imagination.
“What’s wrong?”
Riza startled and suddenly, he was there. At her elbow. Roy even lifted a hand to grasp her elbow gently, initiating contact with his thumb and forefinger which made her stomach flutter with troublesome butterflies, as it always did.
“What do you mean?”
His eyes searched her face, his brow furrowed and face concerned. Riza just averted her gaze, turning back to dinner before Roy could see too much. Before he could figure anything out she’d rather keep hidden for the sake of their friendship.
Her one-sided affections were hers, and hers to deal with alone. She would not burden him with them.
Riza didn’t dare look at him, but his sudden response confused her. “What?”
“Nothing.” Roy sounded so nonchalant, such a twist from how he’d looked just a moment ago, which brought Riza’s attention back to him. But Roy had already turned away and was walking over to the kitchen table to unpack his shopping bags.
Riza dropped it. She didn’t want to dwell for too long on what he’d meant by that innocent “nothing”. That sudden realisation which laced his tone.
Her poor heart had endured and suffered enough recently, and she didn’t want to add anymore pressure to it. She owed herself that much currently, at the very least.
Roy appeared by her elbow again, making Riza’s heart jump and stutter. “Is there anything you need me to do?”
“Um…” Her brain was scrambled. Disjointed after trying to make sense of what had just happened between them.
But Roy waited patiently for her brain to stop short circuiting and catch back up with the present.
“Actually… Yes. Would you mind mashing the potatoes?”
Roy beamed at her. “I would love nothing more, Riza,” he replied rather dramatically, equipped with a wink.
Her stomach tumbled again, but Riza forced her brain to reign it in. She reminded herself he was just being Roy. Playful and fun.
The complete opposite of her.
But… Riza was slowly learning. Thanks to him. Thanks to his influence.
She was grateful for that, at least.
Roy rolled up his sleeves, exposing his now toned forearms, and Riza quickly darted her gaze away, unable to linger on the sight for too long. She studied the stew within the pot before her as if her life depended upon it instead, ignoring the young man working methodically (muscles flexing and all) and humming quietly – while so at ease – by her side.
Side by side, they cooked. For each other. For themselves.
A small smile teased Riza’s lips at the domesticity of it all. It tugged at her heart strings. It brought her a sliver of dangerous hope. A childish vision of the future. It made her insides bunch up at the thought of him doing it with someone else… That lady in the shop perhaps, whoever she was…
Despite it all, Riza had never been happier in that moment.
Right now, he was here with her.
No one else.
That may be the case in the future – and that was okay. Riza could make peace with that, for his sake and his happiness. Her little, budding – but difficult – feelings for her friend would never be voiced or known.
And that was okay.
They’d disappear eventually, Riza was sure. If he found someone, it would be all right. Because in the end, Riza would still have him as a friend. She’d still have him in her life.
And that was enough.
She wasn’t brave enough to lose him.
(Just yet).
It would be too much for him to give up everything for her. Far too much. He had his goals and his dreams, and she was a quiet, lonesome man’s daughter. She had nothing at all to offer, but she could still be his friend. Throughout it all, without fail, she’d offer all the support she had for him to see everything he desired come to fruition.
That would be enough…
Riza supposed.
“For the record, the lady in the shop was in her seventies. Nothing to get jealous over.”
Riza whipped around and smacked him on the arm with carrot while he guffawed away to himself.
*             *             *            *             *            *             *
Riza knocked on the Colonel’s door. Hayate whined quietly by her side and sat in place patiently as he waited for his second favourite human to make an appearance.
It was adorable how he’d taken to him.
(Riza understood the feeling.)
“Lieutenant!” Roy’s smile was like a beacon in the dark. It transformed his entire face, and he perked up instantly as soon as he set eyes on her.
Again, Riza understood the feeling.
“Good evening, Colonel.”
He opened the door further and stepped aside, inviting them inside his home. “Come on in.”
Hayate was eager and was already tugging on the lead as he hurried towards the Colonel to jump around his shins.
He was a good dog. He never really bothered or pestered anyone – except her and Roy. As soon as he was around either of them, he begged for attention, eager for pets, and always wanted to be the centre of attention. Every time. He loved them both unconditionally and equally, it seemed.
Riza adored him for it.
Roy chuckled and crouched to pay attention to his adopted little dog while Riza walked inside and shed her coat. Ever the gentlemen, Roy raised from his crouch – much to Hayate’s vocal dismay – and offered to take her coat and hang it up.
“How are you today?”
Always asking after her. Always enquiring how she was doing.
“I’m fine, sir. And thank you for the invite. It was much appreciated, as always.” Riza turned to Hayate who was staring adoringly up at Roy. “Hayate missed you, so I’m sure he was grateful for the opportunity to visit.”
“Just Hayate?”
Riza narrowed her eyes at him, watching as his danced as a smile teased his lips.
“Yes,” she deadpanned.
Roy’s mouth parted in mock shock as he placed a hand upon his chest, over his heart, before breaking out into laughter.
He even stuck his tongue out at her.
Just like he did as a boy.
“Come in.” Roy gestured further into his home. “I know I promised a lovely, relaxing evening,” he winked, “but it seems I’m still having some trouble.”
Riza’s concern for him instantly flared as he lifted his hands, wiggling his fingers and inadvertently brandishing his scarred palms from the Promise Day.
“I could use a hand in the kitchen, if you wouldn’t mind, Lieutenant,” he smiled sheepishly. “I tried already… with disastrous results.”
Riza opened her mouth to reply, only to be halted by a different smile, one which spread across Roy’s face and softened his features entirely. “I thought we could cook together. Just like old times.”
His sweet, boyish smile transported her back through the years, to all the times they’d done this before.
A million times before.
Some of the happiest moments of Riza’s life.
And Riza’s heart tugged at the nostalgia of it all. At how he’d remembered she’d once quietly admitted it was one of her favourite memories of her childhood with him – when they’d worked and cooked together. Provided for themselves and one another. At its basest, given each other the gift of care and sustenance.
And he’d remembered.
Riza rolled up the sleeves of her cardigan. The Colonel’s eyes sparkled with delight at her acceptance.
“Is there anything you need me to do?”
Their age-old question to one another.
Something that was just theirs.
“Why yes, Riza, I do believe there is.”
read on ao3
comments and kudos are always much appreciated!! 🥰🥰
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intertexts · 4 months
- bizly, introing the episode: "welcome to just rolled with it where we answer our generations greatest question: will dakota cole break the law?"
- grizzly: "no, you know what? i think the final villain of prime defenders is william fucking wisp! i think youre playing out a villain backstory and youre going to snap and go batshit crazy" < hehehehehehehehe
- charlie: "i dont think its a secret that william is FOR SURE the most likely to become a villain out of the three of us. i dont see it as a permanent final thing but i definitely think it could happen at some point. i think he would have like a red x teen titans arc" WAHOO
- charlie CURRENTLY has no plans to do this he and bizly have never even discussed it. however he thinks its a possibility. "im playing this kid who is VERY smart and has a lot of ideas, but keeps getting shut down by basically everyone and i think hes starting to get a little desperate"
- they start talking about how when charlie plays william he gets "the Chip Brain" which is a reference to how in riptide bizly makes the most WILD NONSENSE decisions and then afterwards goes "i dont know why i did that i was just so in character and i felt like thats what he would do in the moment. out of character i agree that was fucking stupid why did i do that" << so. charlie gets this playing william too LMAO
- HEY UH. FUCKED UP SENTENCE INCOMING !!! "william has literally seen what happens after you die. thats knowledge that almost NOBODY else in this world has. and i think it makes him values life... less. hes seen that theres more after, hes seen that people kind of stick around, i think life to him is a lot more fragile and messy and less black-and-white, killing or not killing. it doesnt hold the same weight. becoming sort of apathetic and desensitized to the concept of death" << THIS IS AWESOMEEEEE FOR ME
- grizzly says hes glad william and vyncent didnt try to break the doctor out of prison like they thought they would because he genuinely wouldnt know how to play that as dakota
- charlie: "william has gotten so protective of dakota that if in his mind there was ANY chance that his friend would die all because of this guy being in jail over false charges, if that was the direction the conversation was going, william actually right then and there wouldve gotten him out. he couldnt have accepted that a situation like that would lead to losing his friend"
- grizzly: "iiiiii would like to sayyyy. bizly. will i still kick absolute ass if i dont have strength and speed, or will I just be some kind of loser" << bizly says maybe but he wpuld have to play dakota as more of a Regular Guy and just have him train at martial arts really hard
- DISCUSSING A TRAINING ARC AGAIN !!!!! which they think would be fun but they dont want to do another timeskip. (<<me who has future knowledge and knows how they figure this out: :3c)
- one of the biggest reasons keeping grizzly from agreeing to break the doctor out now is because hes really afraid he'll be super bitter against the family and augment himself to have some sort of powers and become a supervillain. and he thinks something like that happening would absolutely CRUSH dakota to a point where he wouldnt know how he would come back from that
- bizly had a real time epiphany, everyone was quiet for a minute and he just went "oh my god. i know exactly how this is gonna work. pick anything you want, i got this. i have a way to make everything work"
- grizzly has NO idea which option hes gonna choose, but he thinks hes leaning toward dakota getting a normal heart and just training really hard at martial arts. charlie and condi are saying that theyre really interested to see dakota before he goes and trains because theyve never seen him *weak* before
- grizzly: "if you ever call dakota stupid in character again ill cry"
charlie: "i mean i only did that because he was putting himself in danger! i think william heard him say shit like 'its cool. its okay ive got two years' and i think he just got genuinely really upset at that. william would rather keep his friend alive than spare his feelings"
- "if william ever did become a supervillain he would *never* hurt dakota" (<< WAUGH)
- charlie was gonna ask the doctor about williams whole decaying thing but decided not to because it didnt feel right in the moment. bizly goes "i mean you already know who you need to talk to about that" to which charlie goes NOOOOOOOOOO bc he is implying. mal
- charlie: "william doesnt wanna talk to mal he pisses him off"
grizzly: "why, because its like looking in a mirror?"
condi and bizly at the same time: "ooooooohhhhhhh"
- grizzly: "god this decision is so fucking hard i feel like i need an adult- OH MY GOD can we go see tide. can i not make my decision and instead we just go see tide"
- condi: "vyncent doesnt really know how to feel about this choice. he wants dakota to be powerful because he knows those powers are really important to him but he also doesnt want his friend to fucking die!"
- GRIZZLY IS TALKING ABOUT THE DEMON HE ATE AGAIN AND BIZLY GOT SO FRUSTRATED THAT HE ACCIDENTALLY REVEALED WILLIAM STUFF:::: "i dont think the demon works how you think it works, its not PHYSICALLY in your stomach it doesnt have a physical form you CANNOT digest it !!!! in this whole campaign, no spirit has been able to wander out and influence the physical world, thats why william is so special as a planeswalker! he is a spirit that has a physical form, he can affect the real world and also be in the spirit world without a guide!"
- theyre discussing the morality of the blake family and grizzly genuinely doesnt know if dakota could process something like this where its sooooo deeply in the grey area, dakota is very black and white he doesnt think he can even understand that right now
SUCH GOOOOD FUCKING TRIVIA THIS EP DUDE!!!!!!! thank u for the foooood. fuck yes a little bowl of seeds for me.
WIWI VILLAIN ARC. PLEASE. PLEASE. YEAH. honestly at this point i know it's going to happen, i just don't know when n how. not even from ur ominous giggling it just feels SO clear to me that he is a guy who can be so desperate and do anything for the people he loves and i... give him One situation where he doesn't have his very fragile support system of two other extremely fucked up teens and their absent dad who he just doesn't wanna disappoint!!! give him one fucking situation where he's separated from them and scared and there's some threat and you fucking KNOW he's going to be Up To Some Shit. i'd bet real money on both the villain or at least morally grey conflict arc AND that general setup being the catalyst.
god. literally all of this stuff is SOOO good i'm fucking LOCKED ON to the other wiwi planeswalker shit-- that's basically what i was thinking? when the planeswalker thing had come up before? but. tasty... before i started 22 my assumption here was then that the decay situation was like. a subconscious... choiiiice? i guess? like. you know. he perceived himself as dead and his body began to reflect that & then he looked more dead so he got more dead etc etc vicious cycle. but. now i'm not sure??????? ALSO. that thing ab his thoughts on death are so fucking tasty. so so good holy shit. makes sense!! makes sense!! there's less gravity to death when it's just a place you can go, there's less gravity to killing when it's not permanent-ending, just shifting someone from one place to another. like, y'know, when u were a kid, and there was someplace u never went very often & so u thought it was Special and Important & then u grew up and figured out it wasn't actually Special and Important and an Occasion to go there, your mom just hated the parking situation or it was a bit too far for a car ride w/ little kids. that's what death is like to william wisp!! head in hands. not even gonna touch on mal rn!!!
anyway. ghostkicksisms................
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hannibalussy · 6 months
i actually still wanna see the amongus kitty if you want to show us the amongus kitty
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“hold” for wip guessing game!
“haymitch can tell it’s forced because it looks, for a moment, as though it’s wobbling, as though it’s going to crack and fall off her face if she holds it too long.”
send me a word & if it appears in my wip i'll post the sentence it's in!
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rpfisfine · 6 months
hi linda!! what is your favorite food and your favorite drink?
hiiiiii isabel!!! hmmmmm (me, thinking) my favorite food is probably anything that has tuna in it or a czech food called řízek which looks like this
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and my favorite alcoholic drink is beer (left) and my favorite non-alcoholic drink is orange juice (right) which look like this
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sherlockig · 9 months
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨🧡💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 🧡💛✨
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matan4il · 2 years
you're a cutie pie!
No, Dom, please! YOU are! Thank you so much for being a literal sunshine, I love you so much! I am sending you ALL the hugs and I hope you're doing incredibly well. Thank you so much for always brightening up my day, and I hope I at least occasionally manage to do the same for you, beautiful! xoxoxox
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HIIIII ARI HIIIIIIIIIII:333333 i am here with yet another cute lil selfship question hehehehe i was wondering what seasons you'd assign to all of them?? liike is arisugu autumn... is arigojo summer.. ??? what about arikenny.. ? TELL ME TELL ME TELL MEE!!!!!!!!!! i wanna know abt them all!!!!! AND AS ALWAYS MWAH MWAH ILYYY ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!! - @teddybeartoji
MICKEY :333333 hello hello hello my love!!! WAHHHH THIS RLLY IS SUCH A CUTE QUESTION 😭😭 i love . seasons . seasons my beloveds. I SAW YOURS TOOOO BTW the tags were so so cute…
BUT UMMM well . arisugu is for sure an autumn ship :33 those are just the vibes . we’re both autumn people so … you know. i’d also call it a summer ship though!!! like the bridge between summer and autumn yk?? it happens to be my favorite shift of the year which probably plays a part 😭 but i do also see sugu as a summer boy above all else. the kanji for ”geto” can be translated as ”summer oil” which i think is so cute 🥺🥺… but!! yeah!!!! arisugu is just. cozy & nostalgic vibes <3333 late summer evenings and early autumn mornings. we both love them!!!!!
arigojo is actually more winter -> spring coded though…. the shift between the two especially. i can’t explain it super well bc arigojo is a can of worms LMAO but like . when i think of it i always picture the beginning stages of a relationship. that heartfluttering but also very scary feeling :’) which reminds me a lot of spring…. in general i see gojo as a spring baby. i know he’s a winter baby but spring feels more Him. or i guess just the two combined…. idk but i love him . would like to go on a walk with him and point out the first crocus buds of the year <3
arikenny……………………….. i wanna say autumn -> winter. that feels right. late autumn & early winter as opposed to arisugu’s early autumn and arigojo’s late winter….. i just think arikenny is both cozy and a little melancholic? 😭 kenjaku appreciates all seasons but i do mostly think of the colder seasons when i think of them lol. they like the snow and the festivities :3 they’d take me to go see the fireworks during new years. and laugh when i slip on the ice. (#lovewins)
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cadaverousdecay · 2 years
OH???? NEW URL ??????
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HEHE YEAS idk how long im gonna keep it, ill probsbly go back to the old one sometime (this is my first time in 5 years of tumblr changing it lol) but this has been rotating in my mind for awhile i heart gothic architecture i heart architecture as anatomy i heart words that sound cool together. and i heart u sooooo so much <33333333
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askdon-chan · 1 year
(hey; did you know; I fucking admire you)
(like your art, writing and everything else from the way you talk about ya new hyper fixation and give me more people to draw, to the way you seem to make lore at the drop of a hat)
(like genuinely thank you so much for being my friend, I’ve been blessed)
(☽) omg @theinkbunny is that you???
(☽) You’re welcome! Thanks for being my friend as well! I feel like we get along so well and your stories and ocs are cool and you impress me so much SBDHSJAMAJSKJAKSKSJANSNAA-
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
if not for the tags, you would already have 9 fingers instead of 10
lucky for me cause then you wouldn't see my art ever again</3 after all how can i draw with no thumb blue?? >:'D that's so mean and cruel smh<33333
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
u be in ur tags just like “honestly just. unfollow this blog if you do not want to see me going insane in the tags about piarles every minute i'm on here” BESTIE THATS WHY IM HERE?????? and I mean I AM kinda delusional&obsessed with piarles rn but likeYOU ARE JUST LIKE ME???? WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO THEN?????
istg I wish I was a better piece of shit that could write good fics (been there tried that I am truly shit) so I could let all the intrusive thoughts come out but since I can’t I AM TRUSTING YOU WITH THEM thank u so much ✨
oh my GODDDD this makes me so 🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ because like. there is somehow no feeling better than when you and a mutual on tumblr dot com just Click, you know? and i LOVE that you're just as delusional and obsessed as me. whenever i see your tags in my notifs, i'm just like 😍👌 always, because you get it. you get it, and i love it so much omg.
and ALSO!! about the writing - i can't believe you're even half as shit as you think. writers are notorious for being brutal about their own writing, fskdjdkdhdkf. so if you ever want to give it a try again... you know i will be here to cheer you on, and my DMs are absolutely always open. ❤️❤️ but there is never any pressure here! and i am SO happy to listen to whatever piarles thoughts you have, omg. SEND THEM ALL TO ME!! send themmmm, trust me with them all, i will keep them in a music box in my heart and play them when i'm in need of fabulous piarles content. intrusive piarles thoughts are the BEST, truly!!
in short: <33333 and YOU ARE AMAZING 😘😘😘
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
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@starshinc said: 🔥  ─  have an indoor picnic by the fireplace and/or christmas tree / also izuku for ochako pleaseeeeeeee
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the uraraka family is a very christmas & holiday oriented family. ochako has done just about everything you can possibly do at christmas time, but! when izuku suggests a picnic in front of the christmas tree and fireplace, ochako is struck with christmas wonder.
eyes bright, she agrees and before waiting for a response from izuku, ochako pulls him into an excited hug! not wanting to frighten him off or anything, she quick pulls back and finds herself flushing almosy immediately.
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" i! -- uh! " ochako swallows hard and sucks on her bottom lip, trying to change the subject. " d-do you need any help with anything? maybe i can set up some blankets and cushions? "
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