#thanks for the ask babe
blackoutdays13 · 1 month
top 5 tbosas fanfics you've read 🤝
yes I know some of these are reader inserts but I’m just a girlie.
no evil angel but love by bumblebugswrites. This book has consumed my whole being since it started a couple months ago. I can’t wait for the summer updates.
wait for it by the7thherione. This really carried my Treech obsession.
the ballad of a starfish by seeingthestars. This book messed me up a little bit. It’s the games from Mizzens perspective.
O children by disk4rte. I swear I am not being a kiss ass right now. This is just the book that got me to FINALLY read books with oc’s.
District 7 sweethearts by T3ACAKES or pure as the driven by Ellieel. I couldn’t decide between the two.
Only the first two are in order the rest I couldn’t place. Also these are a mix of tumblr, wattpad, and ao3 fics.
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alicentsgf · 1 year
You’re so iconic for being anti daemyra. I have people who say ‘all hotd ships are problematic so just stop caring 😌’ and compare two young gay girls to… an actual incestuous relationship between a niece and uncle. Like no they’re not equally bad, one IS worse than the other, and the show goes to efforts to portray that fact.
Anyways I love you
Okay but I feel the funniest part about me being anti daemyra, which i definitely am in a lot of ways just because I really don't enjoy them, i hate daemon, and I'm not quiet about it, is just... most of the time I'm just relating whats obvious in canon. Like I'll say 'daemon groomed rahenyra' or 'daemon brings out the worst in rhaenyra a lot of the time' and people will act like i slapped their grandmother. Like i actually have blogs i follow that like the pairing but they also acknowkedge and enjoy the full extent of what it is, the same way I actually enjoy both what rhaenicent was and what they became.
And yeah I am very amused by people who try to claim rhaenicent as a ship is Just as "morally" reprensible as daemyra bc to me its like 1) i dont think theres any real point ranking this shit by moral quality (especially real world morals) like its just not a conversation thats worth having and 2) that just seems like an absolutely wild opinion to have. Objectively. Like if you're going to ship daemyra why would you want to apply modern morality to the situation lmao you're going to lose. You put rhaenicent in a modern setting and most of the external factors that made them toxic disappear. You put daemyra in a modern setting and daemons going to fucking prison.
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thedogeveryonehates · 2 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
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owo a good spread
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erythromanc3r · 2 months
3 6 & 23 for the soft game!
3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
It’s a tie between Boy Smell’s Cowboy Kush and Palo Santo from Bath and Body Works!
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
PHYSICAL: beautiful eyes, nice legs, friendly smile
NON-PHYSICAL: resilient, curious, quick-witted
23. favorite piece of clothing?
I LOVE A WRAP DRESS! I have a couple different types in different lengths/colors/prints but I just love the way they look on me 💗
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brachiocephalics · 2 months
Hiii luv waves my paws at you. 3 11 18 24 ^_^
hi bubbas!!!! kisses you!!!(
3. 3 movies i could watch for the rest of my life and never get bored of?
crash 1996, suspiria & the house that jack built !!!
11. what do you consider romance?
uhmmm well. not to wax poetic but is there anything not romantic in life? romance is to me a kind of like... kinship. a bind of souls whether it's temporary or permanent. some advanced version of seeing urself thru the other.... i like to think About romance in terms of fun and freedom. i like the small things and also the bigger gestures. the art it creates. but most importantly i need someone who's willing to submit themselves to be in Folie A Deux with me!!! romance is talking each others ears off about anything and everythint... like for a romantic partner to me they don't have to be my other half they don't have to see everything the same way i do but they do have to be willing to be crazy with me!!! and entertain the multitudes of life with me.... the big and the small...
18. do you believe in ghosts or aliens?
yes to both but also I'm insane mentally so my beliefs are informed by that a lil bit
24. what's one thing you're proud of yourself for?
getting into medicine! becoming a doctor and getting the education for it has always been a big milestone to me ! and also generally being able to surround myself with so many lovely people now. I'm so glad I've put in the work in both professional/academic affairs and emotional ones.
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daenerysoftarth · 8 months
what are you favourite and least favourite aspects of living in japan? also, are you in tokyo or a different city? i visited japan once with my family years and years ago and i loved the food so much. i do remember a guy pissing on the street though and i always remember that when westerners get all weird and orientalist about how special and perfect and clean japan is
Ok so like I’m not living in Tokyo anymore rn tho I do plan to return eventually
My feelings about moving to japan are extremely complex because it was such a volatile, traumatic event for me personally. And while I simultaneously acknowledge and adore a lot of aspects of japan, it will never change those very hard and violent feeling first emotions I associated with the country
Which is part of the reason I’m back in the US now. When I come back to japan, it needs to be on my own terms. Not forced into it, like every time before
But I digress. One of my favorite parts about Tokyo is ofc the trains. The general city layout. The safety. I almost always felt safe, which is remarkable for the biggest city in the world. Meanwhile I live in a city 1/40th the size rn and it’s 1000x more violent, because that’s the US for ya. The lack of gun violence is honestly tbqh to be real the biggest difference between growing up in the US vs moving to japan. It’s hard to express how universal gun violence is in america, but it really is everywhere. I was shot at by my best friend’s dad when I was 11. I remember ducking from bullets in our apartment growing up with my mom. SWAT regularly was sent to various schools in the city, and once raided a house down the street from us. Urban america is a lot different from what’s shown on the movies. It’s violent. It’s harsh. It’s desperate. I look back on my childhood and am shocked by what I considered menial and normal back then. It’s not normal. And I think I always knew that on some level, but moving to another country provided that proof that it didn’t have ti be that way. I didn’t have to grow up like that. It was all unnecessary. It could’ve been avoided. We could’ve had our dreams.
One of the reasons I always felt discontented in japan, though, was the gaijin factor. Japan is extremely extremely homogenous and you will stick out if you’re not Japanese (some other nationalities can pass as Japanese but even then certain fashion styles or behaviors can mark you as Not Japanese, and thus mean you’re treated differently). Being a foreigner honestly made me agoraphobic for a long time. I had struggled with that in the US due to gun violence in my neighborhood, and japan almost exacerbated it simply for the social anxiety factor of sticking out like a sore thumb as a non-Japanese person. That’s something I do not miss at all. I described it to my mom as feeling like Big Bird whenever you enter a room. People won’t necessarily be mean to you or treat you unkindly, but it is very much a Factor that people Notice even if they don’t comment on it.
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mahonia, ivy, aloe vera :3 <3
mahonia: gosh, there are so many things that inspire me, it's hard to decide. If it had to be one thing above all others, it would be knowing that there are people in my life who care about me and want me to achieve my goals and be happy, and I embody that inspiration by dedicating myself to those goals even when all I want to do is give up.
Ivy: Generally I'm really bad at hiding my emotions, so often I don't have "tells" since it's all out in the open anyway. I'll actually flip the ask around: what's a thing that I do when I'm happy that I might not even notice that I'm doing? (since you see a lot of the happy version of me :3c )
Aloe vera: Another mundane thing in life that I really want to experience is owning a home. I just think it would be neat to have a place that's 100% mine
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flori-doodles · 2 years
Fitz in A2? :)
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Fitz wears grandma sweaters all the time I know it in my bones the ground speaks to me.
taglist under the cut! (Ask to be added)
@stopstealingtomatoes @theseasonismerrybutimnot @bylerlve @that-glasses-dog @constant-sapphic-breakdown @katniss-elizabeth-chase @abubble125 @callas-pancake-tree @appleflv
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shadlay · 1 year
can you do shadow drinking bubble tea hehe❤️
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He prefers to eat coffee beans but its a nice refreshment
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39 for the spotify wrapped ask :)
Awww yeah
(Not to be weird but I knew you’d be the one to ask me🥰)
Anyways back to business
Let’s see
#39 is…
Dead Girl Walking By: Christina Lee and Andrew Russell
Take from that what you will I guess
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acapelladitty · 1 year
hey there! i LOVE your writing. i look forward to your notifications sm 🥺💕
ive had an idea bouncing around in my head for a while? while he is brilliant, we all know arkham eddie is a bit dense when it comes to social/emotional topics. so what if a hostage tries to seduce eddie only so they can escape and eddie is suddenly developing feelings after the whole ordeal?
im sorry if its super specific, but i wanted to see what you thought :)
Hi, peach! Thank you very much for the lovely compliment! 💞 and i love the concept but I feel like I've covered something very similar to this already with my Faustian Bargains/Devil In The Details fic. In which the reader is trapped with Edward and seduces him to escape but then finds that things are not going to be QUITE that easy. The difference being that it features Batman '22 Edward and not Arkham Edward.
If you want to see Arkham Eddie specifically then fire me a wee ask and I'll add it to the slagheap 😉 I think the character voices are different enough that I could do something fresh with it!
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hoodie-buck · 8 months
Im gonna get you cancelled too bitch. Least liked 911 characters? One trope you think is overrated ? One you think is underrated? And do you love me ?
i hate you too bitch 😂
—well you already know but not a fan of taylor at all, doug is actually the worst, can’t stand idek the new gfs names lmao, jonah is also awful, oh wait we can’t forget the actual worst—margret buckley can get fucked. i said what i said. don’t really care for lucy either. hmm an overrated trope?? is magic a trope?? idk you know how i feel about that one 😂 underrated?? murder boyfriends (i just made it a trope ok) and ofc ily bitch. making out with you 😘😘
✨ask me anything✨
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writer-ish · 2 years
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You know those cringey questionable photos you take in college for your "friend" who wants to be a "photographer" and they just end up looking like some over-exposed Terry Richardson dupes and in the end you hear the guy is just some accountant now living in Jersey, his DSLR collecting dust in his mom's basement?
Ethan comes across these photos in a box labelled "CRINGE" as they're unpacking Brooke's things in his their apartment, when they all (including the above) flutter out of a composition notebook:
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With a massive groan, she attempts to collect them before they fall to the ground (and before Ethan can look too closely at them and judge), but Ethan is faster, grasping each photograph with a speedy agility that belies his usual cool demeanour.
He stares at them for a long while, eyes scanning each one methodically. Just when Brooke feels like the floor could literally swallow her whole at any moment, her throat choking on excuses for why she was so stupid as to let someone— Ethan speaks up, his voice slightly hoarse.
"Do you, uh—" His eyes meet hers briefly, before glancing away, the colour heightening in his cheeks.
Intrigued and amused, she waits a beat before prompting him: "Yes?"
"Do you still have those shoes?"
(Luckily they, too, are in the box labelled "cringe". No more unpacking occurs that day.)
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sylladextrous · 1 year
13, 17, 30 for the music ask game
13. One of your favorite 80s songs
Elise I love you so much but you know I don't listen to anything older than like 2000 😭
anyways it's of course a Bad Religion song
17. A song that you would sing a duet with on karaoke
uhhhmmm good question. most songs I listen to have a single vocalist. and plus I don't much like karaoke
but I would sing my heart out with you specifically for this song
30. A song that reminds you of yourself
didn't even have to think about this one tbh
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loserdiaz · 2 years
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
"Sometimes I think I hate everyone." Eddie whispers, a low shy confession while he looks at Evan's eyes. "Except for you. I never hate you."
🌺 favorite poetic quote from a published work
Between tears, Eddie kisses him again. Their story doesn’t end with Buck's book. Eddie gets a lifetime next to Evan Buckley, they will continue to write pages for the rest of their lifes.
They get forever.
not sure it counts as a 'poetic' quote but it's still one of my favorites.
send me asks quote game for fic writers
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greeneyezblackheart · 2 years
the doors for the band ask game because they are superior 😌🎸 (YOUR TASTE IN MUSIC FRIEND!!!!!! LOVE YOUR BLOG SO MUCH <3)
favourite song: Riders On The Storm, Cars Hiss By My Window
least favourite song: can’t think of one I just don’t like
have i ever seen them live: nope
favourite band member: Morrison
least favourite band member: don’t really have one
how many of their albums i have: none in physical form but I have 36 songs on my Spotify, if that counts?
favourite album: LA Woman or Morrison Hotel, it’s a toss-up
favorite lyrics: Shiiiiit, i’ll have to get back to you on that one.
favorite music video: They don’t have any music videos, do they? Just live performances from back in the day?
ever met any members: nope
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