#thanks for the ask mutual :D
afterhourswjay · 2 years
4, 78, 57, and 23! :P
4: Loved You A Little by The Maine, Taking Back Sunday, and Charlotte Sands
23: Monster by Skillet
57: Teen Idle By MARINA
78: Turncoat by Michael Rothery
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spinnysocks · 25 days
Any hcs for the skinks and the crocs meeting?
ooh ooh ooh! i assume this is based on the headcannons that nikki and i made about the croc-skink friendships - well, i'm very happy to elaborate!! :D
to set the scene: in canon during scar's reign over the outlanders, kiburi's mainly the one who talks to the skinks, but he doesn't care for them more than being told news of course. things change when scar is defeated and jasiri becomes leader; kiburi's float and the skinks no longer have any link, at least not until the skinks slowly reform along with kiburi's float because of jasiri's efforts (which include enticing the skinks to stay in the outlands, as they weren't sure whether to stay or go). as before, the skinks like to slink around the outlands so they come across kiburi's float eventually
njano is pretty outgoing so i can imagine him just showing up out of nowhere and chatting to kiburi at his watering hole! njano doesn't leave him alone after that lmao, he becomes kind of like his little messenger but kiburi grows to see a friend in him more than he'll admit :3
nyororo is looking for someone to trick for fun when she happens to hear tamka in the middle of practicing acting. she cringes at how bad he is at it first, then gives herself the challenge to at least make him a little more convincing. tamka is probably a bit sceptical at first, but he loves acting so he finds it fun! they have a loose mentor and student sorta friendship but they have fun talking about the best ways to fool other animals! in a human au, nyororo would be the best of her drama class and takes tamka under her wing
i- kinda forgot what exactly me and nikki came up with for nyata and nduli's friendship BUT i do imagine nyata also overhearing the crocs, specifically nduli being all sassy when the crocs chase out a trespasser or smth. she finds his attitude amusing, reminds her of herself, so she chats to him. i can't remember exactly what they bond over but, kinda like nyororo and tamka, nyata encourages nduli's sassier side :]
nyeusi and neema like to watch the drama of the outlands from the sidelines, and that's exactly how they meet. neither of them ‘talk’ but they pick up what each other are saying, and they're both aroace, so they become friends pretty quick! in a human au, they'd be the ones watching the chaos with a bag of popcorn lol - also i just wanna add that i hc nne and tano being friends with neema so they're friends with nyeusi by proxy, despite janja and the skinks' rocky relationship. they don't really care about it bc they just like to watch the drama together, even if it's between their leaders lol
outlanders interacting my beloved! :] i have a second outlander interactions prompt generator post in the works that i'm really excited about bc i love developing ideas for this silly found family!!
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charmwasjess · 23 days
For the ask game, 🍍 and 🍒
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I love Fix-it AUs, but I’m currently reading some great WIP Not Fix It or Breaking It Different AUs - @dapurinthos has a really fucking fascinating fic Galaxies Far, Far Away May Be Closer Than They Appear with an Isekai attack on the Grand Sith Plan + @rochenn's Leave Your Rifle by the Door imagines a world where Palpatine is out of the picture but the Clone Wars continue indefinitely and explores the impact that has on Cody, Obi-Wan, and Coruscant itself, really. Fantastic stuff. 
And here, okay >:D I’ll give you an actually unpopular AU opinion of mine. I have, historically, hated the Galidraan storyline. Stupid ass plot. Why is Dooku’s hair that color?! Put that Komari Vosa back, we have Asajj Ventress at home! (Thanks to @bolithesenate for pretty much singlehandedly getting me interested in Komari again with her fun crack. <3) 
It’s probably not even fair of me, because I’ve likely replaced the actual details of that comic plot with Talking Points from some parts of the fandom I agree with the least. (And regardless of that, I'm admittedly just not very interested in Mando lore, I've spent my hyperfixation points elsewhere.) I’m only hurting myself here, because I'm a Dooku fan, so I know there’s plenty of Galidraan AUs around that I would probably love, written by authors who I already know I like. But nope, this is the petty hill I die on. 
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I didn’t invent this, it’s from Dooku: Jedi Lost, but when Dooku and Sifo-Dyas are doing their sarcastic funny shit-talking back-and-forth bit to each other, god, I could write that all day. Dooku takes himself so seriously, and of course, he can be a sarcastic asshole right back, but I think particularly in his Jedi Master era, there’s an underlying earnestness to him. It plays really well with Sifo-Dyas’s loving brand of total irreverence, the way he likes to say or do stuff just to see Dooku’s :O reaction. It’s such a good dynamic. 
Dialogue is super fun for me too, so I have a blast with those parts, and I hope it shows.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 6 months
Surprise appearance by me!
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How are you? Hope you're doing well. ^w^
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Hello drag!! I'm doing okay :'Dc
I've been very very busy as of late honestly xd it sucks but I haven't been updating myself on social media either HHH the stress was getting to me and my studies :')
I've been going out with family and friends a lot more though so that's better! I've been a little too computer obsessed these past few years so the fact it's broken rn is helping me see more people and build a social life lmao xD
Don't get me wrong, absolutely love posting art here, but it's so nice not to worry about being online when exams keep drowning me HHH
hopefully you guys don't mind the long absence cause I might be gone for a while randomly at times and I really can't help it 😔♥️♥️♥️
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red-velvet-0w0 · 2 days
erin! the forever day is insanely cool, idk if youve been asked this before, but how did you come up with it/how long have you been working on it?
Thank you!!!!!! <3
So the forever day is actually a fairly recent project, I think I started working on it sometime July I think? Maybe early August idk
The main inspirations for it were Marble Hornets (people trying to uncover secrets and fighting eldritch entities and a guy in a mask while losing memories), Over the Garden Wall (children try to outsmart an eldritch horned beast), Witherburn Afterschool News (child reporter finds out about a cult in her small town), and Gravity Falls (kids in small town investigate the supernatural with a parental figure who knows more than he seems and has a plan to perform a ritual that might lead to the end of the world in order to bring back a loved one he had lost and the CIA showing up to be a minor antagonist)
As for the evolution of the idea, it started off with me just considering the idea of time loops, and how at this point I feel like they’ve been overdone, and how somebody could do something different with the concept. I had been going through a bit of a marble hornets phase at the time, so my first thought was to make them lose their memories between loops. Which then led me to realize that came with the issue that it sorta ruins the concept of a time loop if they can’t remember anything, which then led me to the idea of Ida and her camera. In this version I also had vague concepts of there also being some sort of eldritch shadow entity to serve as an antagonist, who had trapped her in time for some reason.
But I wasn’t really happy with the lack of supporting characters in that version, and had a lot of other ideas for how the memories could be carried over (which later became the different memorabilia), and decided to add the other 4 characters and their memorabilia, and later split all the different concepts for the “eldritch god antagonists” into all the different gods, and just grabbed the secret agents from Gravity Falls and just shoved them in there too.
From there I still made a whole lot of changes to the character and their personalities and interactions and abilities but that’s basically the history of The Forever Day this far!
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a-very-fond-farewell · 2 months
I mean. I have to ask about "blownasunder" 👀
ahah you caught me P:
basically it’s a project that never saw the light beyond ch1, and that’s mostly bc your beautiful fic fed all my reading needs dear ;-; but also bc I was having troubles researching South Korean legal system and law school education curricula.
it should have been a canon divergence au where Yo Han didn’t become a judge but an Ethics Professor instead (can you imagine?? him?? ethics?? that’s an insane reach even for me), while Ga On began university later bc he did end up in jail in high school after getting (some level of) revenge for his parents. the catch should have been all focused on Ga On’s relationship with Jung Sun Ah as his benefactor funding his studies after charitably reintroducing him to society through a deal with the court. he gets a more lenient sentence and is made to apply for social work in volunteering activities (handled by the cult) before his military service. this all to be allowed to go to university and then law school in the end: so he actively mecame the posterchild for the elite’s facade of well-meaning intentions towards the commons folks and is paraded as such (causing him all sorts of self-esteem issues mixed with pride for “being picked” and for “having made it back to society”).
I thought to myself: what if Sun Ah gets to Ga On first? I wanted to explore something similar to the betrayal Ga On felt in canon towards [redacted..... for spoiler reasons in case anyone hasn’t watched the show till the end yet], but this time around in regards to an “older-sister-like figure”, so to speak. Sun Ah is very deceitful and can act the caring type well, so I wanted to see how Ga On would have grown up to be under her influence rather than anyone else’s. this would have also made him closer to the cult too and he would have been essentially groomed into being one of the many perfect little puppets they used for their schemes.
Soo Hyun would have not been in the picture close-range, since at the time she would have been in police academy, but I still wanted her to project her guilt onto Ga On for “not having managed to save him back then”, or something on those lines. my queen Jin Joo is also there, but I wasn’t sure whether to make her Ga On’s tutor or Yo Han’s teaching assistant yet.
I ditched the idea in the end, but i still think about it from time to time. I envisioned a How to get away with Murder scenario for the high-stakes ethics lectures under Yo Han’s guidance, but in this au Yo Han would have been highly suspicious of Ga On since the kid was basically taken under the 1%’s wing and is consequently indebted to them. Ga On would have been still 27-28 in this au tho.
I’m sad I wasn’t able to give justice to this plot idea, bc coming up with Yo Han’s shenanigans in class was proving to be very difficult for me at the time xD I wrote the basic plot points on my notepad and maybe the first chapter.. but then I gave up.
but in a way I’m glad I did, bc I was frustrated with myself and decided to treat me to some good food on ao3 and found your fic ;—; that way I found you T—T and we became friends T^T so all is well in the end :D
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mackmp3 · 1 year
mack-anthology-of-noise -> mack-anthology-mp3 -> mackmp3
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hello i'm mack :]
welcome to my blog it is terrible!
here i post about. things. that appear in my mind. and exit it in tumblr form. mostly music and art related! (hopefully)
i am a lesbian (possibly aspec not sure), she/her/his (they is okay if you forget). i am also butch! boydyke or something idkkkk but also not quite. boy in a girl way. or something <3
i am a teenager still! so please don't be weird yknow. i'm from aotearoa new zealand and am pākehā (white)
i am a musician! i play bass, guitar and sing in descending order of proficiency hehe. i can also do harmonica, thank you folk music phase, and i'll attempt piano. i write songs too! all audio recordings are under #musicking , hopefully they are cool :)
i also draw and paint! at the moment A Lot of it is of doctor who characters, so check out my other blog for that (linked further down), but all of other stuff is tagged under #my art ! i have actually improved quite a bit recently i think which is nice
i'm not really comfortable with dms but if you'd like to say hi or talk about / rec some music or just tell me something, please send an ask! I would love to hear from you! (if you've sent me a dm pls don't stress about it, i'd just rather not talk privately, thank you for your consideration)
it would be great if i wasn't followed by people over 30, for my own comfort - this is at my discretion, lots of you are chill. i intend no offense if i block you <3 also like. please no bigots not that any would listen to that. thanks.
my music i am normal about
pj harvey // radiohead // patti smith // joan baez // bob dylan <- my top five ever. i think. maybe. subject to change.
post punk // industrial // 90s indie // shoegaze // 60s & 70s folk & folk rock // garage rock // psychedelica // goth // dunedin sound // new wave // no wave // electronic
currently listening to more goth music & the i saw the tv glow soundtrack
pleaseeeeee talk to me about music i can and will make you a playlist on any vibe if you would like <3
media yippee
doctor who has taken over my mind! if you want to see generally mildly unhinged thoughts about the show & random bits of the eu & 1271927 art reblogs i will direct you to @butchtwelfthdoctor which is 98% doctor who atm hehe. i put my fanart there too.
you can look at my letterboxd if you so desire but i will admit i don't watch nearly as many films as i would like
the starless sea (favouritest book ever) // we have always lived in the castle // this is how you lose the time war // salt lick //m train (any of patti smith's books honestly) // bob dylan's chronicles // vampire science
the sideblog is @mackerel-like-the-fish for stuff that's not as on theme - if we're mutuals feel free to follow that! i mean anyone can follow it if you like but don't expect quality content lol
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anarcho-masochist · 3 months
ur smart what do u recommend i research?? could be anything as long as its semi-interesting
On a particular topic or just in general?
If you are asking in general, have you watched the series on literary analysis by A Critical Dragon and Philip Chase?
If you're asking because of my ASPD posts, then it depends on how much of a challenge you're in the mood for. Some random suggestions, from easiest to hardest:
ASPD and the criminal justice system. Why is it an aggravating factor instead of mitigating? Should ASPD qualify for the insanity defense? How should they be treated by the criminal justice system? Etc. I've written A LOT about this for my degree; it's always fascinating.
ASPD and boredom. There's many directions you could take this, much to explore.
Whether the DSM-V criteria are any good, based on actual experiences of pwASPD and/or measurable differences (physiological, by psychiatric evaluations, etc.). There's lots out there, and it's both interesting and helpful, but it is definitely a challenging topic.
Near impossible to research: the experience of "exceptions" in ASPD. It's certainly a thing that happens, but I'm having difficulty finding any scientific literature or academic sources on it.
Have fun!!
(And sorry for answering late, I was working for most of today.)
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hanasinbloom · 1 year
hi hi i'm back with Request Part 3: gwen and cody my beloveds pls n thank <3
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Some more OG faves of mine!! ❤ Gotta love the mean goth girl + nerdy boy simp dynamic lolol
[ Requests are still open! ]
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writeouswriter · 7 months
Sorry I just had to say
Me 🤝 You
TV head pfps
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Omg, I've been following you for months and never noticed, I'm just out here seeing shapes and colours and registering NONE of it. Also, I meant to answer this days ago, but the curse (sleepy). Old TVs, my beloved <3
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spinnysocks · 3 months
gotta ask for your thoughts on jasiri for the character bingo!!
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she is literally everything. she's not only the queen of the outlands, she's the BACKBONE of it
i LOVE imagining her interactions with the other outlanders and how she slowly reforms them. they all have the capacity to be good, but she's the one who brings it out. she's the one who makes them a family :’) and she's happy to as well! she never expected this, that they'd all get so attached, but watching it happen and helping them is a gift to her
obviously i mainly think about her and the outlanders, but i genuinely love her and kion's relationship SO MUCH. i don't care if they're platonic, queerplatonic or romantic i just LOVE THEMMM. but if they ARE romantic, i like to imagine that they bring the pridelands and outlands to complete and utter harmony. fuck all the harmful stereotyping everyone gets along forever happy yippeee /silly
but yeah. she can't do any wrong and she's literally the best ever
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fluffypichu876 · 10 months
In retribution to my dear mutual @prototypelq's post, I will also be writing about my 3 favorites games of all time! Making this list was a bit easier than I expected, but because I have too many beloved games to choose from expect a lot of honorable mentions hehehe
And the first game on the list is, of course:
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
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It's no surprise that this game would be here. I mean, it's not like I replay it every year!
SOTN is a game of the genre "Metroidvania". You probably know this term if you have heard of games like Hollow Knight or Ori, but if you don't, basically, a Metroidvania game takes place on a huge map consisting of interconnected smaller rooms. When playing, you'll travel and explore around these rooms, defeating enemies and unlocking new abilities that allow you to acess new areas that were unaccessible before.
The OG Metroid on the NES can be considered the very first game of this genre, but Super Metroid and SOTN together were responsible for defining its standards and popularity today. Hence the term, "Metroidvania".
This game is a heck lot of fun to play. Dracula's Castle is huge and full of interesting areas to explore, filled with enemies and secrets of all kinds. SOTN is based on an RPG-like stat and level system, and you gradually grow stronger as you defeat foes, gain EXP, and level up. Weapons, armor, and other equipment are found all through the castle, further increasing your stats and other attributes.
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The soundtrack is an absolute masterpiece. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Castlevania as a franchise has some of the best OST's out there. Michiru Yamane is a great composer, and her instrumental works fit CV's themes and tone really well.
SOTN does not use MIDI samples processed by the PSX's sound chip (except for the Librarian's theme). Instead, all of the game's songs are played through audio streams, granting them CD-like quality, which is a little rare in other games on the system. Here's an example of what Yamane could do with this audio quality:
Sounds great, doesn't it?
Another aspect of SOTN that I love is of course, the visuals. To this day, I consider this game to have some of the best 2D graphics ever. The levels and backgrounds are beautiful, and every tile is filled with plenty of detail. All of Alucard's animations are fluid, graceful, and an absolute delight to watch and control. Often, the game will mix in 3D elements to enhance the beauty of an area, and it looks great.
There are so many little hidden details in the game that make you appreciate the developers's love and care even more. For example, in the Outer Wall area, a small suspended room can be found at the area map's bottom. In this room alone:
A falcon/hawk/eagle/bird of prey can be observed in her nest. As you progress through the game and return to this room, you can see the falcon coming back everytime to lay, incubate, and take care of her offspring. It's really damn cute.
A telescope can be found in the left wall. Using it allows you to see the Ferryman from the Underground Caverns.
Alucard can sit in one of the chairs. Leaving him there for a few minutes will cause him to fall asleep. Aditionally, in the Japanese version, the fairy familiar will sing him a lullaby (she can sing in any chair, in fact.)
Now, what is the purpose of this area, you ask? None. There are no items, weapons, enemies, or anything of use to the player (except for map completion). The devs just created this room to add more life and personality to the game. And this is just one example!
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As much as I love this game, though, I do admit that it isn't as perfect as most people make it. It does have its flaws: the game has very bad balancing issues, and the difficulty curve is essentially non-existent.
I never liked the Inverted Castle. Not because it's just the normal castle turned 180º, but because it doesn't feel like it was coherently designed, instead just quickly put together so they could ship the game claiming it to have double the original content (Galamoth was a great addition, though. I might make a post someday on why I love this boss so damn much).
Overall, this game means a lot to me. It pretty much set up my standards and taste with video games, and it made me understand why I enjoy playing them so much. It's a great game that I recommend to pretty much everyone! It's fun and really easy to pick up, taking only about 12-18 hours to beat for the first time, at max.
Also, can we just appreciate Ayami Kojima's wonderful cover art for the game?
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And now, for my second most favorite game:
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
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My first (and only so far) FromSoft game, and boy did I fall in love with this game.
Well, to begin it, Sekiro has one of the best combat systems I have ever had the honor to experience. It's based primarely on player reaction, testing their ability to counter, parry, and dodge the various attacks thrown at them. Equipped with only one sword (and a few very useful prosthetic appendages), our protagonist Wolf must defeat all sorts of opponents, from respected warriors, shinobis with no honor, animals (yes I did die to a rooster. Twice), the undead, demons, and much more, all so can rescue and avenge his master.
Using your trusted katana, you have the ability to deflect enemy strikes based on your input timing, dropping their guard and allowing for attacks of your own. When fighting enemies in this game, you are not aiming for their health. Instead, you aim for their posture. As you deflect attacks with perfect timing, your enemy will slowy begin to lose posture, and once said posture breaks, you can go for a finisher attack that instantly depletes their whole health bar. It's hella satisfying to pull off. Deflecting attacks poorly can lead to your own posture breaking, though, so paying attention is essential.
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There are other aspects to the game's combat, such as Perilous Attacks, which cannot be deflected. To deal with them, you must either dodge, jump, or counter, adding even more danger to a fight and demanding focus from the player. Your prosthetic can also hold a few unique abilities, such as the Firecracker, which helps stunning certain opponents. Wise usage of these Prosthetic Tools will greatly help you on the harder fights.
Oh, and there's a catch: Wolf is no mere shinobi. He was blessed (or rather cursed?) with the power of the Divine Heritage, granting him immortality and the ability to revive from the dead for all of eternity. Gameplay-wise, this means that whenever you die, you'll receive one (or two, sometimes three) chance to revive on the spot at half health, allowing you to properly finish off your opponent. But don't think this makes the game easy! Reviving in the face of a tough boss never means an immediate victory, trust me.
Unlike Dark Souls, which rewards a more defensive playstyle, in Sekiro, the player must be aggressive and constantly take risks to overtake their opponents. Dodging everything and staying away will only drag on the fight and allow the enemy to regain their posture. As a certain character would say, "Hesitation is defeat".
But the amazing combat isn't this game's only strength. Another aspect that I love is how beautiful the game looks. Everything from the lighting, the colors, the gorgeous views, and the very well designed areas come together really nicely, and exploring this rather linear game is an absolute delight.
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The battles look graceful, and not just because of the combat system. The special effects look amazing, and add great beauty and danger to every strike. The Divine Dragon's bossfight is the most gorgeous part of the game. It's so cinematic and breath-taking that despite being one of From's easiest bosses, it's easily one of the most memorable ones.
The instrumental soundtrack is really nice, complementing each moment of the game pretty well. The Divine Dragon battle above has one of my tracks in the game.
And as expected, the game is tough as nails (I died like, 50 times at the first mini-boss. The Ogre has no fucking chill). One of the hardest FromSoft games, according to fans. This game demands a lot of the player's attention, skill, and mostly importantly: their knowledge of the game and how everything works. Your first few hours will be very difficult, as you slowly get an grasp on the game. But once you beat Lady Butterfly or Genichiro (two of the game's most important skill checks), everything just clicks and the rest of the game becomes a lot more doable.
Overall, this game was an blast to play, but it may not be for everyone. I recommend it for anyone who likes FromSoft's other titles, as well as for those who enjoy a good challenge. If you want to get into more difficult games, this game is not too bad of a choice, since it's extremely balanced and very skill-based, completely free of bullshit.
Oh well, time for my last but not least favorite!:
Devil May Cry 5
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This shouldn't come off as a huge surprise xD
I might have only gotten into this game earlier this year, but the 160 hours I currently have on it speaks more than enough. I LOVE this game and don't plan on dropping it anytime soon!
It's rare for me to hyperfixate on one specific game and play it for hours and hours without tiring like this, and DMC5 is currently my second worst case of this xD (the first one being Castlevania of course, in which I have 100%'d like 4 games :P).
DMC's combat system is simply too much fun. You have lots of moves at your disposal, and using them creatively and with as much style as possible adds so much depth to the game that beating the heck out of demons never stops being fun and rewarding.
It's also very skill-based, adding another layer of satisfaction to everything. Building up the skill to perform a new combo, finally managing to use Royal Guard with consistency, defeating that one difficult enemy/boss with an SSS rank, or just beating the higher difficulties is absolutely worth it. And even if you don't have much skill with the game, nothing is ever stopping you from bullying enemies in your favorite ways.
The dynamic soundtrack fits the combat really well and gives you the right ammount of adrenaline and motivation to slash through hordes and hordes of enemies. Also thank you Capcom for adding the Jukebox. I can finally listen to Devils Never Cry during an actual battle (and not just the DMC3 credits one!)
The characters are another great strength for me. The DMC Crew is so unique and fun to watch, and the Spardas in particular have a lot of depth to them, keeping the mind of fans very busy thinking about them xD.
So yeah, this game is way too fun for my own good, aparently. Never saw such a powerful brainrot coming. Absolutely recommend it to anyone and everyone who likes some good video-gamey time!
And now, time to cast the spotlight to a few games that I love, but not enough to consider them my top 3 favorites:
Honorable Mentions
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow & Dawn of Sorrow
My second favorite CV games. Aria of Sorrow picked everything that was good about SOTN and polished it to perfection, creating one of the best metroidvanias out there. Dawn of Sorrow may not be as good, but it has a very special place in my heart.
Final Fantasy IX
One of my favorite JRPGs ever. This game is so charming, but under it's seemingly light appearance is a great story about the meaning of life, and about coming in terms with your own mortality. The battle system is fun and the music is as good as ever. The characters are wonderful and I cherish them to this day.
Final Fantasy X
One of the best games I have ever played. Of all the (4) Final Fantasy games that I've played so far, this one has the best battle system and some of the best enemy/boss design in the series. Alongside the gameplay, the story is the game's second biggest strength, and it has a very high chance to make you cry. The soundtrack is one of Nobue Uematsu's best works for this franchise, making you feel all sorts of emotions. Can't recommend this game enough.
The Legend of the Zelda: Breath of the Wild
This is the only Zelda game that I've ever played (please don't kill me), but boy is it a good one. The land of Hyrule is vast and very fun to explore. The game has such a relaxing vibe: sometimes I would just ride my horse, let it follow a road automatically, and just chill to the music watching the beautiful landscape. I put 170 hours in this game and didn't even realize it until I beat Ganon xD
Devil May Cry 3
Second favorite DMC game! This game is surprisingly polished for its time, and it barely feels dated at all! I personally prefer DMC3's DMD mode over 5's, as I find it more fleshed out, but it sure is a LOT harder.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
My first Metal Gear game. It may be short and relatively simple in terms of combat depth, but it's a lot of fun, the soundtrack is a BANGER, and the cutscenes are a joy to watch. The memes just never end, do they?
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Quite possibly Kojima's craziest game to date, but also one of the most fun ones! Not as good as MGS3, but there's something about the old-school MGS gameplay that I absolutely adore. Also the dialogue and plot are so batshit insane that you end up enjoying it despite not understanding a single thing xD
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Most underrated CV game ever, and my favorite old-fashioned Castlevania game. It stands up to SCIV, its SNES counterpart, really well. In fact, I personally enjoyed this game's gameplay and level design more than the latter.
(just three more games I promise)
Pokémon: Black and White (and their sequels)
These games are the most fun i've ever had with Pokémon. They're really good. They've got the best plot of any Pokémon game, and the first BW games actually made me question the morality of keeping these creatures and leading them into battles.
The Great Ace Attorney
My favorite Ace Attorney game. Great story with lovely characters. The cases were a lot of fun, and I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes nerd, so it's only natural that this game appealed to me, I guess xD. I still have to play the sequel, tho.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
This game might be technically unfinished, but it has some of the best gameplay in the series. The filler side-missions get repetitive but they're oddly fun to finish. It's my second most played MG game, right behind MGRR.
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fancymuffinparty · 9 months
Erehisu SFW Headcanon ask: Vacations
Shipping Headcanons Ask meme! Number 15: Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere? For Erehisu!!! Thank you, thank you!!! :D
Oooh Historia plans most of their vacations, but she gives Eren options so he has a say in their ventures, often in the form of brochures or super detailed itineraries. (I get a kick out of the idea of them using their respective fathers' money to fund their globe-trotting escapades, too! lol) They would travel all over Europe, but specifically western Europe. For romance, art, and unique culinary experiences, they go to France (Paris or Nice). For adventure, mountainous escapes, and shopping they opt for Switzerland or Belgium. I also fancy Germany (Berlin) and Austria (Vienna) as another destination for these lovebirds. Only top-tier accommodations of course; five star hotels and fine dining (per Historia!) BUUUUT Eren drags her into the occasional divey pub/bar/beer hall in the Alpine countries because they always have the best selection of booze and it's always a blast. (Lots of dancing and letting loose with the locals!) I headcanon that Historia speaks some German so she's always adored in the motherland lol
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spookuzm · 5 months
sorry took me a bit to respond as was doing a couple things but here we go!
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Now hurry and do your turn before something bad can happen!! Who knows it that X will last long enough!
(also I didnt even notice that you were using google images to help you. That's how well you had drawn!! I just adored it honestly)
alright! let's end this silly game once and for all!
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(i actually gave IbisPaintX another shot, and i found out what was wrong. now it actually kept all the colors! :D)
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conceptofjoy · 5 months
relatively simple self tagging system could be just idk. d.character or somethign? like dav art gets tagged #d.dave
that seems to work? idk i feel a little embarrassed putting my initial infront of a character lol but the something.character idea seems good. maybe hs.dave or something
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
*pops up out of nowhere, grabs you and hugs you tight* no escape for you, yuri >:)
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