#thanks for the message anon!
kazscrows · 1 year
The fact that Freddy said he was “traumatized” in an Instagram post after wrapping S2 then seeing all Kaz went through in S2 is a full circle moment. I kept wondering how far they would go in terms of Kaz’s back story. Since they pretty much went all the way his post makes so much sense now. Poor lad. He was so great though! He should be damn proud of that performance.
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The best… at acting—
Yeahhhh!! Freddy was phenomenal this season! I wondered how far it would go too. Like I wasn’t sure if they’d actually show all the rotting bodies and an actual child on top of them but.. they did- and the way Freddy showed Kaz reacting to triggers from that was incredible! Also just his rage towards Pekka and his drive to make him suffer like he had. He was terrifying in a… beautiful? way? Does that even make sense? I hope he is proud of himself, he’s such a talented actor. I think he really portrayed Kaz in an amazing way. Can’t imagine anyone else being Kaz Brekker.
Seriously the acting for this show is some of the best I’ve seen in anything for a very long time. The cast should all give themselves a pat on the back for that.
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anoray · 11 months
Ahsoka vs Thrawn pisses me off, because that conflict wasn't built up well at all and rather than get a Rebels season 5 devoted entirely to the characters, we have their arcs revolve around Ahsoka like Ezra, Hera, Sabine deserve better than this shitshow.
Sabine calling Ahsoka "master" lmao what a joke.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I think the biggest story development problem I have with Ahsoka spearheading the hunt for Thrawn and Ezra is that she was gone after the end of Season 2. Thrawn entered the picture in Season 3.
Ahsoka never had any involvement in all the trials and tribulations the Rebels went through with Thrawn. Ever. And Thrawn is really the main nemesis for Hera because he invaded her home on Ryloth, he took her Kalikori, and he used it against Hera when she was being tortured by Pryce by goading her about the loss of her brother. To add salt to the wound, Thrawn basically expressed that Hera should feel lucky her family's treasured heirloom would become part of his art collection rather than be tossed away upon her execution . That is all on top of the Rebels who were under Hera's wing on Atollon who got wiped out by Thrawn. So, if anyone has a major bone to pick with Thrawn, it is Hera Syndulla, not Ahsoka.
As for Sabine and Ahsoka, I am curious to see what kind of backstory the show provides regarding their relationship plus how it moves it forward because these two had absolutely zero onscreen time together in Rebels. Because they never had any direct connection to begin with, it was hard to feel excited about them teaming up for the grand search for Ezra at the end of the Season 4 epilogue. Frankly, it will be a real slap in the face to Kanan and Ezra if they make Sabine Force-sensitive with Ahsoka her master. That said, I don't think they'd tease such a huge development in the trailer if that's what's really going on, but I guess we shall see what we shall see.
I intend to view Ahsoka with an open mind and wait until all the episodes air before forming any final opinions. For now, I'm crossing my fingers that this "Season 5 of SWR" per Filoni keeps the Ghost characters front and center as they so deserve if this is indeed the continuation of their story.
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mordsfesch · 5 months
Achtung, hot take zum Münchner Tatort:
Und bitte nicht zu ernst nehmen <3
Also ich bin geistig nochmal "Königinnen" durchgegangen, as one does, und da ist mir wieder die Szene eingefallen auf dem kleinen Fest, wo alle Königinnen da waren und ihre Produkte vorgestellt haben. Da hat Franz ja der einen Königin geholfen und den aufdringlichen Typen von ihr weggezogen. Zitat: "wennst noch a bussl magst, gehst heim zu deiner Mama."
Und dann hab ich mir weitere Gedanken gemacht. Wo hat Franz noch einer Frau geholfen, wo ein Mann zu aufdringlich wurde. Genau, bei "der letzten wiesn". Wo die Kellnerin von nem betrunkenen angegraben wurde.
So und jetzt kommt der hot take, ja Franz und Ivo sind die guadians of all women and all children, is ja klar, aber sie helfen den meisten Frauen nur damit sie gut da stehen, vorallem vor den Frauen die sie mögen. Weil bei "der letzten wiesn" fand ja Franz die Kellnerin toll. Hat man gesehen. (Wobei kurzer Einschub, ich weiß das er ihr auch geholfen hätte, wenn er sie nicht leiden könnte) Und bei "Königninnen" hat Franz den Typen von der einen Königin weggezogen das er vor der Managerin sympathisch rüber kommt oder toll da steht. Gleich darauf hat er ihr auf die Brüste geschaut.
So jetzt zieh ich Ivo da auch noch mit rein. In "die wahrheit" und "der Tod ist unser ganzes Leben" hilft ja Ivo auch nur der Witwe, weil er sie toll findet. Ja, man hilf Leuten die man mag. Wobei bei den beiden ist das sowieso mehr ein Helfersyndrom so ganz neben bei.
Aber Punkt ist, sie wollen beide vor den Frauen gut da stehen und helfen auch deshalb.
Abschließend will ich noch sagen das ich Franz und Ivo liebe und sie bis auf den Tod verteidigen würde, jedoch musste das mal aus mir raus. Wobei das eher etwas ist das mir aufgefallen ist, als eine festgefahrene Meinung. Die zwei sind auch nur Menschen die sich einfach bemühen.
Ich habe ewig überlegt, ob ich dem noch größer was hinzuzufügen hätte, aber... per se kann ich diese Beobachtung nur bestätigen.
Denn sowohl Franz als auch Ivo werden ganz oft als Retter in der Not für die Damen dargestellt, mit denen sie dann eine Beziehung haben oder zumindest wollen. Und das nicht erst seit den "neueren" Folgen, sondern auch schon in jenen aus den 90ern.
"Sie wollen beide vor den Frauen gut dastehen und helfen auch deshalb."
Das "auch" ist für mich da irgendwie ausschlaggebend. Ich halte den Charakteren nämlich zugute, dass sie tatsächlich mit guten Absichten solche Aktionen bringen und wirklich helfen wollen. Sie tun es nicht nur, um damit bei Frauen zu landen, also ohne die Absicht irgendetwas Gutes zu bewirken. Wie gut das in den Folgen rüber kommt / wie gut die Charaktere geschrieben sind ist, wie immer beim Tatort, immer unterschiedlich.
So viel zu meinen Gedanken zu deinen Gedanken. Falls wer mehr Gedanken hat und sie teilen möchte, immer her damit.
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mys-oleander · 6 months
16. You masterbated yourself to starvation. What’s the top number 1 food you crave RN?
Oh gosh, there's a question. You know, even when I haven't eaten all day because I've spent most of it in bed, on my phone or playing with myself, and I finally drag myself to the kitchen, I don't know if there's anything in particular I crave. Just something quick and easy I can have immediately.
If I'm really pressed, burgers? I'm almost always craving a good burger. Or a charcuterie board with some good cheese.
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pagerunner · 2 years
I think I finally understood why your pfp is a dog after your last post. Because all I can picture now is you sitting all professionally in your librarian chair, until someone asks you for books, upon which you instantly wag your entire body with excitement like a Golden Retriever. Wonderful.
HA! yeah that's about right! I work in a VERY small library so it's relatively rare and thus still exciting.
(The dog in my profile pic is Lucky the Pizza Dog btw, from the Fraction run of Hawkeye. Which, if you're looking for comic recommendations, is FANTASTIC and Lucky gets to solve crimes and eat trash pizza.)
...Turns out, I can't actually TURN OFF the reading recommendation setting of my brain...
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kaeyachi · 11 months
it was indeed the angst
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anxietycalling · 11 months
the writing style of a memory called empire is kinda weird to me (I feel like Mahit is trying to convince the reader that she’s really smart and hasn’t done anything wrong and it’s like I know?? I’m convinced???) but it’s fine and I had fun with the second one! Glad you’re enjoying it!
yes!!! i think you explained it exactly. it feels very similar to the kind of double speaking government employees use here. (Husband works for the government so i have learned the lingo)
i'm only partway in, i think I'm about 7 chapters in, but i have to take breaks to kind of decipher all the political intrigue stuff. I do get why tlt fans kept recommending it though! it's also nice to know that the second book is good.
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maiiuelle · 19 days
idk but i think mermaid!reader wouldn't know how to stop asking questions about the human stuff!! she would be super shy too tho
sweet girl just wants to fit in somewhere so bad :(( she’s the most comfortable with jj, so of course she’s gonna ask him a million questions about humans whenever one pops into her head.
you’re jittering with excitement once you get invited to sit in on some brainstorming, so eager to keep helping them with their adventures. you can barely pay any attention though, eyes drawn to different objects around the room to gawk at.
“hey, um.. jayj?” you pull on his stained shirt for the millionth time in the last 5 minutes, now with the tv remote in your hand. “what’s this for?”
the other pogues are shocked by jj’s patience, his head turning to examine what you’ve brought him now. “well damn, little fishy, good eye! this here, is a remote control.” he holds his hands out for you to give it to him, and once you do he holds it like an ancient relic. “y’point it at the television to watch stuff.”
you nod along, biting your lip in thought as you try to commit his words to memory. “hm.. okay.”
jj nods along with you, pressing his lips together knowingly as he hands the remote back. “alright, smarty pants. do papa j a favor and put this back where y’found it, kay?”
you’re so grateful to have such an amazing teacher, and jj loves that you make him feel important <3
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charmac · 3 months
I unlocked my phone for Charlie to take the selfie with us and this was his reaction to seeing my home screen wallpaper
(the wallpaper by @macdenlover)
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nycswebhead · 1 month
Just wanted you to know that you are genuinely one of the funniest people on the god damn earth, like every time I read through your blog I laugh so hard I can’t breathe, you understand Spider-Man on a fundamental level
thats because i am him?
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Hello may 31th anon! Look at that, another year behind us and a new one to come. Have a nice day! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
#may 31th anon#hello friends!! (。’▽’。)♡ how are you!! I missed you so much!#I'm sorry that once again i have not been posting but I did that thing again where I got scared of posting#I do not know why but it is the same with physical paper diarys#I have 3 diarys and they all have 1 entry#I think one just says 'I am ten'#what have you been up to!! did you do something fun? is it summer too where you live? c:#my tumblr messages seem to be broken! I'm sorry if you wrote something :C it just says 'no new messages' despite also saying new messages#not a lot has happened here! I got a tomato plant and then I got very invested into the tomato plant and I have eaten three tomatos so far (#my roses are also doing well!! I just got a new yellow rose and since she got here she only made orange flowers#I do not know the meaning of that#but I am very thankful! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ I love it when things are orange!!#I've been trying to buy an orange shirt for the past 2 weeks but they always sell out before I get to them#I'm also thinking about buying a jean jacket#I have not worn a jean jacket for at least 15 years because one time in 7th grade  tthe girl behind me said#that I was wearing a cool jean jacket and I just assumed that this was bullying for no actual reason#but maybe she just thought that it was an acutal cool jean jacket#we'll soon have out 10 year school reunion#maybe I should ask her#is anyone else going to a secret Sherlock phase again#I just want to see that silly little hat again#would sherlock holmes wear a jean jacket#have a nice day everyone!!#see you soon hopefully!!#♡^▽^♡
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janearts · 6 months
I know Roisia didn't think much of Gortash's offer to rule the world together, but what were her thoughts on the Steel Watch? Using humanoid brains to power robots seems at least a little necromancy adjacent
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[Ask refers to this previous ask.]
At some point I'll need to distinguish that Roisia is not a Dark Urge character. Her dark urges cackle and gurgle and trot along behind her. Anyway, the whole Steel Watch is not just necromancy-adjacent, it is Myrkulite necromancy... just flavoured with Illithid psionics. Reanimate a corpse, tadpole the poor sod, cut off its head, put the reanimated body into a Steel Watcher shell and the tadpoled brain into a jar, and wham, bam, thank you ma'am you've got yourself a Watcher.
Just because it's necromancy doesn't mean it pleases Roisia, though. Roisia is all about the wondrous nature of the organic form. The meat, the guts, the nerves, the intricate and complex systems that allow a body to function. Despite the fact that it was a Necromancer (Balthazar) who helped design the Steel Watch, she would think he missed The Whole Goddamn Point of necromancy and, essentially, nerfed the most powerful organ in the body and implanted a sophisticated organism into one that, while stronger, is far more primitive. She didn't feel there was anything particularly Myrkulite about the construction of the Steel Watch, but what the hell does she know?
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mys-oleander · 6 months
what we can or cannot ask in asks
A very good question, anon!
This is my kink blog, so kinky and sexual questions are perfectly fine, as long as you keep it respectful and remember that I'm a human being you don't have a prestablished dynamic or relationship with. I probably won't answer anything that's too personal? but I don't mind talking about sex or fantasies or anything like that.
Requests for pictures are kind of borderline for me, as whether I feel like posting something depends on how I'm feeling that day. And I won't accept most tasks through my inbox. That's something I really only want to explore with my Owner at this time.
I do appreciate you asking though and feeling out my boundaries!
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daisyswift3 · 2 months
So I think I may have cracked the code. Listening to Clara Bow w this context in mind from the 4th, 9th, and 10th 🎃 messages makes the lyrics cut even deeper and explains the purpose of the anthology.
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What Taylor is essentially saying is that above all else she is proud of her humanity. “Human. Human. Human.” “Flesh and blood.” Unlike some ppl in Hollywood like greedy big suits (cough SB^2 cough Big Machine cough) she’s managed to keep her humanity intact and didn’t let these negative experiences corrupt her or turn her bitter. She was able to find peace and courage in spite of it. And she’s saying I am abt to come out of the closet and while I am hopeful I’m also a little fearful. But isn’t that an amazing thing? Because being fearful, sad, furious, insecure, hopeful—these experiences are unique to humans! “Your heart beats red and hot and furious in your chest.”
“And most importantly, they will know about the human heart.” THIS is the purpose of the anthology. This is why she released 31 (13 backwards) songs for her fans to dissect and decode. Bc she wants them to understand that she’s not a god. She’s a flawed human just like the rest of us.
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I think there’s a very good chance that THIS is what her movie is going to be about. Her journey out of the closet and all the hardship that came along w it and helping other ppl to understand the human heart. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a memoir that was released w it—“the professor said to write what you know.” And it makes sense too why the manuscript lyrics match perfectly w the all too well short film. Bc they’re talking abt the exact same thing!! She has a relationship w a much older man, experiences heartbreak, heals, and then writes abt it in a book—the story of us AKA the manuscript.
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And this is why 🎃 kept referencing the story of us. I couldn't make sense of it a few months ago but now in hindsight it all makes perfect sense. Message in a bottle was probably a red tv vault track for this reason too. Bc the message in a bottle is the manuscript. The puzzle pieces really do all fall right into place.
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kaeyachi · 1 year
fr I don't like people who are against some ships like it doesn't even concern then
I personally all kind of ships (except the child x adult and family x family ones) the ships opens up to more possibilities to analyse th characters. I just love seeing characters interact with each other and being a ship is more than just interaction it's so interesting but I lack the vocabulary to tell what I actually want to say skksk. To me it's all about the dynamic and how it goes i kind of don't like people who are like "why do you ship them the other ship is way better" like (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
thank you for the ask!
and I agree with what you said!! At the end of the day, everything is just media to be consumed- we ARE supposed to get creative with it (the media we consume is born out of creativity itself afterall, and hindering others from getting creative is, at the very least, hypocrisy)
I also think that if "odd" or "rare" ships are so stressful or annoying to them then they can just block the shipper instead of bombarding them with commentary nobody asked for. The shipper wont stop shipping the moment they comment negatively anyway!
Whats worse is that some are actually threatening shippers they disagree with. Threatening someone over a rare ship discourse? I wish i had the same amount of free time they have to hate on a random person in the internet as well.
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daily-spooky · 1 day
Thank you for making this blog
My pleasure
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