#thanks to everyone who's been working so hard on this!
whitlovealways8 · 3 days
Astro Observations Pt 4
I am not a professional astrologer but I have been studying for some years and have made some accurate world predictions; as well as, predictions for myself and loved ones.
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Aquarius suns are leaders. They tend to be the type that everyone wants to be friends with or be around.
Leo placements unaware of their own power can be envious towards others. However, when they know who they are they are unstoppable!
In terms of facial features and zodiac signs, the obvious ones to me are capricorns with a distinct head shape and cancers, they have rosy/high cheekbones to me.
Gemini suns are so humorous and witty! They are blunt however and people arent always use to that level of honesty.
Someone said people with Saturn ruled 3h like to curse 🤭 as a Scorpio rising I can agree. How about you Sag risings?
What is it with Aries and beign combative? I mentioned it in a previous post but honestly they think the worst of others without giving the benefit of the doubt. Scorpios are paranoid but Aries is a step up imo.
Taurus placements are fashionistas. They can dress so well and know how to coordinate. Would be great at being stylists for sure.
Capricorn dominant children are really hardworkers. They are willing to help around the house.
As someone with Chiron in the 11h, I do have a hard time finding my tribe. I have been wounded by friends a lot.
I have Mars at 29° Aries in my SR chart and it really has me wondering wtf will I be putting all my energy into to closing off or starting. Its in the 3h.
Cancer moon in SR chart means spending more time with your mom or a maternal figure and I can confirm. I have been spending much more time with my mom.
Aquarius female children tend to be outcasted in their childhood years by family. They also have like this cinderella energy of being the one who does a lot of the work around the house. Honorary mention Scorpio risings with their Aquarius 4h.
Virgo placements have a bit of a selfish trait.
Pisces rising folks are very ethereal, its not even in their looks alone. But just this feeling they give off. You want to be their friend.
I have a 5h stellium in my SR chart I will let you all know how it plays out 🤗 at the halfway point.
Thank you for reading & reblogging. You can follow me on twitter @whitlovealways8 and youtube @whitthamessenger
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ellecdc · 21 hours
hi mother i love ur writing !!! i was just wondering if you could write something with any ship that has james in it, where they're proud of reader bc she cleaned her room? i have really bad adhd and im cleaning it rn and im pretty proud of myself :) anyways its okay if not ! i love youuu !!!
thanks for your request, lovie (and congrats on cleaning your room!!!) here's a little baby blurb for you <3
marauders x roommate!reader who cleaned her room [500 words]
CW: platonic but could be read as something else, fem!reader, hints at non-platonic feelings but nothing outward
“One second, I’ll ask.” James says before he’s knocking on your bedroom door.
You had hardly raised your head to answer before he was pushing open the door door, his knock unanswered.
“Hey angel! Sirius and Remus are wondering if we want them to pick up- OH MY GOD!” He cut himself off, shouting as he looked around your room in…horror?
No, he was looking around your room in shock.
“What!?” You could hear Sirius shout from the other end of the line; a conversation that James had seemingly abandoned as he stared around your space. 
“What did you do?” James asked you breathlessly; finally moving his disbelieving stare from your belongings to yourself.
You suddenly felt horribly aware of yourself. You’d been cleaning all day; you had moved every piece of furniture and hoovered underneath and behind them, you had sorted out your closet and dresser, and you had finally organised the things that you had stashed under your bed to ‘deal with later’.
All this to say: you were sweaty, likely dirty, and you were sure your hair was in a right state.
“James what the hell is going on!? Is everything okay!?” Sirius’ muffled voice shouted from James’ phone. 
“James, you’re giving Sirius a fright.” You chided instead of drawing more attention to yourself.
James seemed to remember himself at that and brought the phone back up to his ear. “Sorry, sorry. What was that, Pads?”
Sirius’ response was quieter than before, but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was still worked up.
“No, no. Sorry, everyone is fine. It’s just…bloody hell Pads, she cleaned her room!”
Another hot flash of embarrassment surged through you.
“It wasn’t that bad.” You mumbled as you folded your last shirt.
“Of course it wasn’t, angel. That’s not what I meant.” James offered; significantly softening at your worried expression. “I just know this had been on your list for a long while, and I also know how fucking hard this must have been.”
You hardly had a moment to wave him off before you heard Sirius shout “we want to see!” from the other end of the line.
Protests meeting deaf ears - because it apparently didn’t matter that they’d be home in a measly half hour - James was quickly turning the call into a facetime and pointing the camera around your room.
“Oh my god!” Sirius echoed James’ earlier sentiments. 
“It looks great, dovey!” Remus chimed in. “You must have been in there all day!”
“It looks amazing.” James agreed quickly, bending over to survey under your bed. “Think you can do mine next?”
“Prongs!” Remus was quick to admonish. “No, she’s done quite enough for the day I’d say.”
“Forget I asked anything Prongs; we are getting pizza and we are celebrating.” Sirius decided. 
“We don’t need to celebrate the fact that I cleaned my room, you sods.” You scolded.
“Oi.” Sirius called with faux severity. “Let us celebrate our sweet girl if we so please.”
“We should get a cake, too.” You heard him add as he and James ended the call.
“It looks really good, angel.” James repeated; no longer looking around your room in awe, but rather at you with a peculiarly soft expression. 
“Thank you Jamie.” 
James spent a moment longer smiling at you before he was turning to leave your room. “I’ll set up the living room for us. What movie do you want to watch? Don’t answer that; I already know!”
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mellowswriting · 2 days
new perspective
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pairing || Din Djarin x f!Reader
word count || 2.8k
summary || teaching the infamous Mandalorian to slow down and enjoy life isn't easy. it takes planning, patience - and silken sheets apparently.
content || SMUT, domesticity, simple pleasures, shower sex, sensual massages (i'm incorrigible), p in v sex, cowgirl position 🤠, slow sweet sex, post-orgasm planning for the future (this is din, after all)
a/n || i know, i know. i can hear it all now. "mel, where the fuck have you been???" celebrating my graduation and then immediately devolving into an existential crisis. but that's okay! not only have i figured out my direction in life, but i've returned with everyone's favorite topic: simping for Din Djarin.
Din Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Library Blog
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Din Djarin is not a man who knows how to take his time. He’s a workhorse, constantly on the go from one job to the next. He simply never learned the skill of savoring the little things in life. A good meal, a hot shower, a full night’s rest, leisure time. All of those things are simply a stranger to him. Any pleasure he takes, usually at his own hand, is perfunctory at best, a release of tension for its own sake.
Until you.
It starts simple - a set of silken sheets that you bring onto the Crest. Din returns to find you sprawled out on the small bed you share with a sleepy smile that makes his chest feel funny. Your fingers fan out against the soft material.
“Come feel.” You murmur. He doesn’t hesitate to tug off the thick leather gloves and brush the fabric with the back of his fingers. You watch as his shoulders soften, his head tilting as he takes in the foreign feeling. “Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” He says contemplatively. “It’s soft.”
Your smile widens and you shift over, making room for your lover. “Join me?”
“In a bit,” Din promises. The chill of his beskar soaks into your skin as he presses his forehead to yours. His warm palm cups your cheek and he holds you there for a breath before pulling away. “I have some more work to do.”
It isn’t hard to convince him to strip down when he joins you later that night. He’s exhausted, body aching from a long day’s work. He lets you strip away his armor and flight suit until he’s left in his briefs. You’re used to him falling asleep the moment he collapses into bed - but tonight is different. His eyebrows raise in surprise when he relaxes back into the pillows, his fingers rubbing circles against new sheets. Din is a man of few words but it’s obvious how much he likes the new addition to the bedroom.
“Come here,” He whispers, beckoning you to join him. The tension melts from his body as you curl up against his side. He tilts your chin up and kisses you softly, a wordless offer of his thanks that you eagerly accept. Surrounded by the cool sheets and the woman he loves, he falls asleep within minutes. That morning, Din lingers in bed for those first drowsy moments after waking. He wakes you with a few gentle caresses of his hands over your shoulder and arm and a murmur of your name. He looks more rested than usual.
You make sure to buy matching pillowcases the next time you’re out.
With every passing day, Din learns how to slow down and savor the morning. It doesn’t take much to keep him in bed with you a little longer each morning - a few soft touches and sweet kisses, and Din sinks right back into your arms. He rubs his face into the crook of your neck and drifts in and out of sleep, practically purring with every brush of your fingers through his hair. His voice, so deep and rough first thing in the morning, rumbles low in his chest as he murmurs his love into your skin. It’s simple, this early morning peace the two of you share. So simple, but so important.
You slip into the shower with him one random evening. You can’t help it. He’s been gone for two days straight on a bounty hunt and you’ve missed him. His eyes light up with interest as they trail over your naked body, his hands finding your waist and tugging you against him. A shiver of desire arcs up your spine - but you didn’t come here to get fucked silly in the shower. Well, not yet at least. You loop your arms around his shoulders and press up on your toes to kiss him properly. Din groans against your lips, already moving to press you against the shower wall. A gentle tug on his hair is enough to stop him in his tracks.
“Can I wash your hair?” You ask, looking up at him like the picture of innocence.
Din blinks at you, confused. “You want to… wash my hair?”
“Yeah,” You say softly.
There’s no need to over-explain. The two of you have mastered this silent communication over the months you have spent together. He searches your face for a moment before his expression softens, implicit permission given in the way his eyes shine for you. You gently lather shampoo into his thick curls and let your nails drag along his scalp in the way he loves. His eyelashes flutter under your touch but his eyes don’t close. He’s too intent on watching you. The grip he has on your hips tightens as you work, little groans falling from his lips at the simple pleasure of your hands on his body.
He lets you maneuver him and tilt his head back into the water without a hint of resistance. For a man so used to keeping everyone at arm's length, the trust he holds for you is plain as day. His cock twitches against your belly as your fingers meticulously work the suds from his hair. The barest hint of your skin against his is enough to get him riled up, but this…? The press of your slick, bare body pressed against his? His body language begs for more. He leans into the press of your fingers and cants his hips forward, slowly grinding against you with stuttered breaths.
The moment the water runs clear, Din lifts you by your thighs and presses you against the cold shower wall. You can’t help but admire the bulge of his biceps as he leverages you up and nudges your entrance with the head of his cock, searching your face for permission. The hungry kiss you drag him into is all the permission he needs. A new rush of adrenaline seizes his body as he sinks into you. He fucks you hard and fast, pace faltering at the pure heaven of your body. He wedges his hand between your bodies and rubs insistent circles against your clit. He just knows your body too well - within minutes, those frantic bursts of pleasure built into a powerful orgasm that leaves you trembling and weak in his arms.
Din buries his face in the crook of your neck as he spills inside of you just seconds later. Every moan and panted breath echoes through the small shower. You shiver at the feeling of his lips pressed against your neck. He always knows just where to kiss and touch to leave you like putty in his hands. He goes willingly when you guide him in for a real kiss, lazy and slow as the water streams against you. Careful not to let you slip, he lowers you onto your feet and maneuvers you until the water pounds against your back.
You should have expected him to return the favor. Din doesn’t take no for an answer.
“It’s your turn.” He murmurs, too adamant and stubborn to be swayed. You’ve always loved that about him, even when it gives you grief.
You melt into his chest as he works product into your hair, his fingers massaging at your scalp in a way you didn’t even know you needed. Little sounds of satisfaction fall from your lips with every touch. Sometimes you forget just how big his hands are. He palms the back of your head and draws you close enough that your noses brush, but he doesn’t kiss you. Not yet. He just watches you for a moment as he thoroughly washes your hair. He takes in the way you look up at him with an expression so full of love that he aches.
“I love you,” His voice is so low that it almost gets lost in the thrum of water, but you hear it. He can tell by the way your eyes light up, by the soft smile that curls your lips.
“I love you, too.” You whisper back. Din kisses you softly before tilting your head back and rinsing the suds from your hair.
Slowly but surely, you introduce Din to a life he never realized was possible. He learns how to revel in the attention and care you give him. He learns how to give it in return. His thoughts always return to you when he’s on a bounty, knowing he has to return to his little love waiting for him at his ship. Every now and then, he finds something to bring back to you - a little trinket, some sweets, a new book. You always look at him as if he’s placed the entire universe in the palm of your hands. Fuck, he would do it, too. Anything to see you so happy.
Din returns from a week-long bounty exhausted, sore, and with a little gift in hand. It’s just a new robe, something soft and airy for you to wear on those long nights in hyperspace. You gasp softly when he hands it to you, your fingers exploring the silky fabric as if it’s precious - and to you, it is. Not because it’s some rare or expensive treasure. Just because it comes from him.
Allowing you to remove his armor is as easy as breathing. He eagerly accepts every touch and kiss you give him, more than happy to let you do as you please. You set every piece of armor aside with care and neatly fold his flight suit. It doesn’t take any convincing to get him into the shower with you. The burning heat of the water soothes some of the aches that linger in his muscles. A dull throb still follows his every move but he powers through, not wanting to spoil such a pleasant evening with his lover.
He never really learned that he can’t hide anything from you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask as he eases himself onto the edge of the bed.
“Just sore,” He concedes, slowly rolling his shoulders in a vain effort to ease the tension. Your eyebrows furrow as you look him over with a keen eye. All you wear is that scrutinizing expression and the pretty robe he got you, and he doesn’t think you’ve ever looked more beautiful. He sighs and reaches for your hand. “Come on, let’s just get some sleep.”
“You can’t sleep if you’re this uncomfortable.” You squeeze his shoulder, frowning when you feel how tight his muscles are. “Let me help.”
Din meets your gaze, your eyes so earnest that he doesn’t even think to deny you. He lets you maneuver him as you please until he’s laid out on his belly with you straddling his hips. A low groan rumbles through his chest when your hands bear down on his shoulders. Every pass of your fingers brings a strange combination of pleasure and pain that leaves him melting into the bed.
Even after all these months, he just isn’t used to the feeling of your skin against his. A simple passing touch is enough to have him shivering, but this? It’s overwhelming, all-consuming in the best possible way. It doesn’t take long for that pain to melt away into pure pleasure. Breathless, needy sounds follow every pass of your fingers. He can't help but rock his hips, grinding his cock into the silken sheets.
By the time you've finished working your thumbs into his lower back, you've reduced the Mandalorian beneath you into a desperate, hungry mess. He goes without hesitation when you urge him onto his back. His hands immediately find your hips and he grinds up into the heat of your cunt. The only thing that stops him from flipping you over and fucking you into the sheets is the gentle hand you place on his chest.
“Let me.” You whisper. Your voice carries a soft thrum of need that leaves him aching. “Let me take care of you.”
His fingers tighten at your hips at the mere brush of your fingers against his cock. That grip becomes bruising as you slowly sink onto him. Pleasure curls through his belly at the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him, so hot and slick and perfect - it would be so easy to lose his mind in the rapture of your body. It isn’t easy to keep his eyes open under the onslaught of pleasure, but it’s well worth it. He’s rewarded with the sight of your jaw falling slack and a shiver wracking your body. The stretch, the angle - it’s all new to you. You aren’t used to taking him this way. He isn’t used to letting you.
You sigh a breathy, pleased little sound that makes his heart skip a beat or two. Fuck, you might just be the death of him one of these days. It’s a demise he welcomes if it means meeting his end at your hands. That first roll of your hips has his head tipping back into the pile of fluffy pillows, yet another addition of comfort you’ve brought to this bed. You can’t take your eyes off him - the flex of his biceps, the clench of his jaw, the sheen of sweat that glistens on his tan skin. A delicious vision of the man you’ve come to love so dearly. You lean down and press a kiss to his chest, his collarbone, to that sweet spot where his pulse thrums in his neck.
Your fingers comb through his curls, bringing his pleasure-clouded gaze back to your own. His lips part as you set a slow, steady pace. Every rise and fall of your hips makes his eyelashes flutter but he doesn’t look away. He’s too entranced by this, by the pure newness of it all. Heat pulses and courses through your belly with every grind of your clit against him, grows stronger with every needy sound you pull from him. His chin tips up, an obvious plea, and you kiss him. Soft and slow, full of tongue and teeth.
Din doesn’t think he’s ever experienced anything quite as overwhelming as this. He isn’t a stranger to the feeling of your body or the love you somehow hold for him, but this is all new. Every slow rock of your hips sends honeyed pleasure slinking down his spine. There’s no need to rush. He can take his time and truly feel you, revel in the plushness of your thighs and the wet heat of your cunt. For the first time, he lets himself explore your body unhurried. His hands drift up and palm your breasts, his fingers rolling your nipple with a gentle touch. Your head tips back as you hum a pleased little sound.
Din can’t help but press his hips up, rising every time yours fall. He doesn’t take control, doesn’t try to set a faster pace. He just moves with you as fluid as rushing water. His hands shift to cup your ass, his fingers digging in and spreading you out for him. Desire clouds your gaze as he grinds his hips at that perfect angle that makes you see stars. You’re so close - he can feel it in the telltale rhythmic pulse of your cunt, in the way your thighs tremble. Slick drips in little rivulets down his thighs.
“Perfect, so perfect,” He rambles between rushed breaths. “My sweet girl, all mine.”
“Yours,” You promise. “I’m yours.”
All it takes is one perfect rock of his hips to have you falling apart for him. That tension finally bursts through your belly, your cunt tightening around him with every aching wave of pleasure. You lose all sense, all ability to keep your pace, but Din is quick to take over. His grip on your waist tightens as he pulls you down, spilling himself as deep as your body can take him. You let yourself melt into his chest, a wave of pleasure shuddering through you with every twitch of his spent cock.
Din locks his arms around your back, all too content to keep your body against his. No complaint comes from you. You just tuck your face into his neck with a spent sigh. The two of you float together in that sweet, exhausted haze. He doesn’t know for how long, but he never wants it to end. He never wants any of this to end. He wants this forever, for every possible moment of his life to be soaked in this contentment. Surrounded by soft sheets and the smell of your perfume. Unhurried and easy, with you.
Months ago, such a realization would have thrown him into an existential crisis. But he didn’t have you all those months ago - this sweet, bright-eyed, spitfire of a woman currently taking a cat nap on his chest. He didn’t have the sweet scent of your shampoo infused in his sheets. He didn’t have your soft exhales ghosting along his throat. He just didn’t know that life could be like this. The moment you shift as if you’re making to get off of him, his arms tighten around you.
“Just a little longer,” He murmurs, his voice sleepy and pleasure drunk.
You're more than happy to indulge him.
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Things I've worked out so far for my Merlin Soulmate AU:
Soulmates and soulmarks are their own subset of magic, and one that Uther can not eradicate, because everyone is born with soulmates
So he does the next best thing and makes it practically illegal to find one's soulmate, mandating the use of gloves and long-sleeves around anyone that is not immediately blood related (soul bonds are solidified through touch)
(Except in the cases where he found someone with a soul mark that moved (a sign that their soulmate was born with magic) in which he would force a parade of citizens to come touch until he finds them. (Very rarely does he find them in this way))
Uther repeals most of the laws surrounding soulmates that ensure their rights. Such as the law that protected bonded soulmates (soulmates who have solidified their bond through touch) from having to testify against each other. In fact, under the new laws he made, if someone refused to testify against their soulmate, both/all would be assumed guilty of the crime in question and punished accordingly
Uther, being very classist and viewing common folk as inferior, also passes a law nulifying marriages between noble and common born soulmates, and outlawing any future marriages of the kind. So people that had been noble for decades were stripped of their title and standing and forced to return to their lives from before (in many instances this part was not strictly enforced, and it caused a lot of outrage when a noble spouse DID abide by this and shun their common born soulmate that had been their partner.)
Uther also repeals a law that allowed nobles to lend their noble status to their platonic soulmates, suddenly making GENERATIONS of nobility commonfolk.
This causes resentment from these nobles, as well as their friends. Sorcerers are not the only ones trying to kill Uther in this au, he wrongs just about everyone.
The only reason he continues to stay in power is because he's so brutal and he fosters a strong inner circle with similar views as his (or so he thinks in some cases)
Uther only had one soulmate and it was Ygraine. However, Ygraine had another soulmate and it was Nimeuh.
Nimeuh tried very hard to dissuade Ygraine from agreeing to the enchantment that lead to her giving birth to Arthur, and it was Ygraine that had to persuade Nimeuh into agreeing to even do it, as Nimeuh knew the risks and did not want to risk losing a part of her soul
She does anyway, despite her every effort
Uther makes it illegal to talk to others about their soulmates or soul marks or to show them to anyone.
Now even before Uther's bullshit, it wasn't polite to just ask, or to ask to see someone's marks (unless that mark was your own, then it was fine, lots of people wanted to know what the representation of their soul looked like)
But this made it so the generation(s) raised following the purge had next to no knowledge of soulmates (Same as with magic) or what made them "evil"
Well, they're magic. Measures of destiny, pieces of ones soul displayed on the skin of the people most important in one's life. And when a piece of one's soul dies, it's agony.
It was no secret that Queen Ygraine was King Uther's soulmate.
In the years of and following the Purge, those particularly bold and angry would whisper, "His entire soul died with her."
Everyone's soulmarks are as follows:
Merlin's is a fluttering blue butterfly
Arthur's is a gleaming golden crown
Gwen's is a forge bucket filled with lavender
Morgana's is a crescent moon with a bright star rotating around the bottom tip (thank you to @clotpoleofcamelot for the idea!)
Percival's is an acorn that is beginning to take root (thank you to @jgvfhl for the idea!)
Leon's is an owl in flight holding an arrow in its talons (I'm not entirely sold on this one, so if anyone has other suggestions, I'm open to it)
Gwaine’s is an oak with his necklace's symbol carved into the trunk (thank you to @donttouchtheneednoggle for the symbol idea!)
Lancelot's is a sword crossed diagonally over a shield with the crest of a winged beast
And Elyan's is a forge hammer circled by chainmail links (thank you again to @donttouchtheneednoggle for the idea!)
Arthur, Elyan, Gwaine, Gwen, Lancelot, Leon, Merlin, and Percival are all soulmates with each other. Gwen also has a soulmate in Morgana, and Merlin has a soulmate in Freya
(Merlin's soulmark for Freya does not start moving until she is cursed, and Merlin asks Gaius what it means. He has a crisis when he finds out, as he puts together that Arthur and Gwen (and Lancelot, but thats not an issue) must know that Merlin was born with magic.)
Merlin before that point is not aware that his soul mark on his soulmates moves, marking him as a born sorcerer. Should he have known this, since Huneth would know due to her soulmate being Balinor? Yeah, he probably should, but there's a lot Huneth didn't tell Merlin in the show and it might not have occurred to her to tell him, or even that he'd find his soulmates in Camelot.
Morgana's other soulmates are Morgause and Mordred.
Leon, Gwen, and Elyan find out they are soulmates when they are kids. The thing about young kids is that they don't really care a whole lot about rules that they don't understand, rules that no one explained, rules that don't make sense. You cant go swimming and catch frogs in full clothes with gloves! So they don't. And it's just the three of them present when they find out that Leon is soulmates with both Gwen and Elyan
(Gwen has known that she and Elyan are soulmates since she held him for the first time. Siblings that are soulmates are unusual but not unheard of)
They agree not to tell anyone, as they don't want to get in trouble
Leon and Arthur soulbond by accident.
Arthur comes over one day to Leon's estate and Leon, who does not have gloves on as he is in his home, greets Arthur with a hair ruffle without thinking.
This is in front of Leon’s parents and a guard, so there is no covering it up when both boys have the exact same reaction, and Arthur asks what that feeling was
Leon (a teenager at this point, maybe 15-16) is TERRIFIED. He just broke the law in front of several witnesses, and soulbound with the king's son. He's expecting to get executed or banished
Neither of those things happen.
In fact, Uther is not even mad. Leon is well on his way to becoming a skilled and respected knight, and he comes from a loyal noble family going back generations. If anything, Uther sees Leon being Arthur's soulmate as a sign of his loyalty and a garentee he will serve him well (Never let it be said that Uther isn't a hypocrite)
It's not long after this that a young Arthur asks Gaius what it means when a soulmark moves. Gaius stiffens and slowly explains that it means that the soulmate was born with magic. "But I thought magic is evil?" "According to your father, it is illegal, yes." "But I thought soulmates were supposed to have positive lasting impact on your life. Leon does." And Gaius is feeling a mix of emotions, cause if Arthur is implying what he *thinks* he is... "Arthur, do you have a soulmark that moves?" And Arthur nods and shows him the butterfly with the gently flapping wings. Gaius instructs Arthur not to tell or show anyone this, especially Uther, as it could be dangerous not only for his soulmate, but for him as well.
Arthur listens to Gaius and doesn't say a word to anyone, including Leon (if he had, they might have figured out they had all the same soulmates, and Leon could have pointed him towards Gwen and Elyan sooner)
Gwen almost doesn't take the job as Morgana’s servant because TWO of her soulmarks move and her parents warned her and Elyan (who shared most of the same soul marks as her) never to let anyone see, to never talk about it, or it would put both them and their soulmate(s) in danger.
A downside to always having to wear gloves it it makes it rather difficult to dress someone, even if tools had been invented to help with the process. One day Gwen gets frustrated and Morgana tells her to take them off if it would be easier. And Gwen freezes a bit. Because Morgana is the king's ward, and this is a bad idea, she's encouraging her to break the law. But then Morgana takes off her own gloves and wiggles her fingers at Gwen "It's fine, Gwen. No one needs to know. It's a stupid law anyway." And Gwen turns away, heading for the door, and for a second Morgana thinks she's gone too far and is about to apologize when Gwen flips the lock on the door, ensuring it's secure and coming back, removing her gloves as she does so. Morgana grins and promises that nothing that happens before that door gets unlocked will be repeated to anyone.
Morgana holds out her hand for Gwen to shake and after a long moment Gwen takes it. And their marks for each other go warm and and this feeling of *rightness* settles over them both, they've found another piece of their SOUL
This is how Morgana gets confirmation that she has magic, by asking to see her mark on Gwen and realizing what it means that her mark *moves*
I have more that starts moving into what changes and stays the same to canon, but this is already so long that it will have to be another post. If anyone has any clarifying questions, please feel free to ask me!
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karasuno-planet · 3 days
Taking care of you
Kageyama x manager!reader who gets migraines !
warnings: migraine pain, vision loss
wc: 0.8k
summary: self-assured reader gets a horrible migraine and needs help, despite never asking for it. (pre-established relationship w/ kageyama) (fem!reader)
a/n: I LOVE THE HAIKYUU FANDOM SMMMM <333 you guys are my favs. requests open !! and the tsukki academic rivals fic is in the works for anyone wondering...
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(gif not mine !)
One thing you had quickly learned while dating Kageyama is that he's not one for public displays of affection. You certainly weren't secret, hell pretty much everyone knew and was talking about you two, but you kept it private. Especially in front of his opponents. That's why it came as such a shock when you felt his arms aroudn you suddenly in the middle of a practice match.
To say you had a migraine that day was an understatement. Three days into the trining camp, in excruciating heat working late to help the team reform their entire strategies form the bottom up— you were exhausted.
But you were used to the migraines. It was something you could handle. The team is already under so much stress, especially Tobio. His sets hadn't been satisfactory, and he was re-learning everything he already knew from scratch. You couldn't imagine the pressure you knew he already felt, so keeping the pressure of your aching head a secret was nothing in comparison.
That doesn't mean nobody noticed, though. Walking into the first practice set of the day, Coach Ukai made a comment.
"Y/n, are you feeling okay?"
"Yes! Feeling good..."
"Okay, just let me know if you need to take a breather or something."
Had you already been exposed? The last thing you wanted was to be a burden on the team, but the floaters in your vision were a bit hard to ignore. And when the ringing in your ears set in, it got worse. Much worse.
By the third set of the day, you weren't faring well. You stood on the sidelines, taking notes on gameplay, when your vision started to black out completely. You widened your eyes to realize you couldn't see a thing. Your head pounding, you focused all your energy on just staying on your feet.
A deep voice yelled out, "Y/n? Are you okay?"
You recognized it as Daichi's voice, "Don't worry Daichi, I'm just fine..."
You heard Asahi chime in, "uh.. That was Kuroo talking...on the other side of the court..."
Before you knew it, Kageyama rushed off the court, running towards you and supporting you with his hand on your back, "Damn y/n, you can't see a thing, can you?" You recognized his touch and sent in front of you immediately.
"I'm okay, really."
"Sure.." he dismissed you. "I've got you okay? Must be scary, not being able to see..." he mumbled. "Can you walk if I support you? Here.." He started slowly helping you walk towards the exit of the gym.
"KAGEYAMA!" Hinata shouted, "What's going on??"
He sighed, looking back at the court, "She gets bad migraines, but she'll be okay, don't worry."
There was a collective sigh and chatter resumed across the volleyball court now that everyone understood the issue. Some players were wishing you well, but you could hear next to nothing with the ringing in your ears.
"I'm walking her to her room," Kageyama declared to Coach Ukai before continuing to support you to walk.
"Yeah, yeah, okay. SUGAWARA, get in there."
Suga jolted into action, stepping onto the court to fill Kageyama's place.
And that's the last moment you could clearly make out before you woke up.
You were laying on your back, a cold towel draped across your forehead and a blanket over your body. Tobio sat on the floor next to your bed, and turned around to face you quickly when you heard you moving.
"Y/n," he whispered. "Here, have some water." He handed you a bottle of ice water and you took a couple sips.
"Thank you..."
"No problem, but, why didn't you tell me something was wrong?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to distract you."
"That's ridiculous, your migraines are serious and I deserve to know."
"You're right, I'm sorry."
You felt his hand slowly wrap around yours, "No, I...I've been so stressed out and mad at myself I didn't even realize what that might do to you. So absorbed in my own world..."
"My migraine is not your fault Tobio."
"Drink some more," he pushed the water towards you, noticeably keepin ghis voice low and soft to not irritate your head.
You took another sip and sighed, "I'm serious. You have nothing to do with it."
"Regardless, I have everything to do with it now. I'm not leaving your side until you're back to one hundred percent, okay?"
"You don't need to do that."
"But I'm going to," he assured you, squeezing your hand tightly in his, "besides, I'm lucky to be your nurse when you've got quite a few people eager to see you..."
"Yeah, but I don't think those guys have ever whispered in their lives," he chuckled softly, "I told them to piss off until I say you're ready."
"You're the best, Tobio."
"I know."
Before you could even open your mouth to thank him, he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and set you back in your thoughts.
"I don't mind taking care of you, you know."
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 19 hours
What is your hidden talent?
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Hey, everyone! It would be super helpful if yall donated to my CashApp. I want to do this kind of work full-time. I have been told by people I read for that I am meant to do tarot reading. I am inclined to believe them because fr it has been so fun for me to see how much it helps yall. Way more fun than any retail/food industry job I've had. I feel like I am actually doing something substantial with my time. If yall want me to be able to continue to do this daily it would be so awesome if yall donated. Thank you guys in advance!
Donate to my CashApp Here
The decks I am using today are The Tarot of the Divine, Believe in You Own Magic Oracle and The Healing Waters Oracle. Take everything that resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Astrology: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
Song: I Set Fire To The Rain by Adele
Vibes: Teal, green, yellow/gold, shear white cloth, smelling smoke, burning house, swimming, mixed drinks, hot chocolate, braided hair, locked doors, house plants, deep skin tone, 888, shells, feathers, crayons, colored hair, ares
Cards: 2 of Wands, 9 of Cups, 5 of Wands, Mural, Gold, Cleansing, Into the Unknown
Welcome in, pile 1! You have two hidden talents. One that you use rather regularly but unknowingly and the other you have yet to unlock. The energy I am getting from the cards makes me think the two talents are intertwined. ALSO Trigger Warning for abuse in this reading. It is VERY HEAVY. Do not read if you do not think you are ready.
The first hidden talent is starting new from the ground up. I know to you it might not sound that interesting. You have no idea how hard it can be to start new things for others. Starting from the ground up is scary and intimidating. Organizing the chaos in your mind and project that chaos clearly into reality. I see you are probably an artist of some kind. You might paint, make clay sculptures, or hand-make intricate jewelry of some kind. I see you learned to hone this ability because of a karmic relationship. They made you feel adored and cherished until you were in their grasp. When you were trapped with them, they turned on you. It's giving love bombing. This person literally blew up on you over the smallest things. I see a shattered tea/coffee cup. You stayed with them for a long time even though you knew what they were doing was wrong. You had to completely shred the life you had with them. You had to start your life from scratch. Which is why you are so used to the idea of starting with nothing and building up. The pain that you felt from that past connection still hurts you to this day. You probably have PTSD from the situation you were in. I am so sorry you had to go through all that. You didn't deserve to be treated like that.
The second hidden talent is transmutation. I see that the reason you haven't unlocked it yet is because you fear change. What happened to you in that shitty relationship makes it way easier for you to start over than to change the situation. You are scared to see things to the end. I see that this fear reveals itself in your artwork. You probably have many unfinished projects because you view yourself as incapable of seeing them through. Which by the way isn't true you are so capable of anything you want to do. Heal the hurt part of you that thinks you are incapable. Your ex was the one who instilled that in you. Don't let that motherfucker get you down. Especially if they aren't in your life anymore. Don't let them have that power over you, love. You deserve to feel good. Face your fear of them being right. You and I both know they aren't. When you do unlock this ability you will be able to transmute all the pain that asshole put you through into beautiful art. You will be able to finish all of those unfinished projects. You will be able to find true love within yourself. You will find that you were never broken like that bitch said you were. You were always lovely, sweet, and accommodating. You were always creating love everywhere you went.
Astrology: Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces
Song: I Love Rock n Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
Vibes: Navy Blue, white, peach, deer, horses, libraries, books, coffee, hot springs, scones, pillow forts, maxi-skirts, cowboys, mermaids, 333, wine, fine dining, tall trees, athena, artemis
Cards: The Hermit, 3 of Wands, Knight of Swords, Nostalgia, Stars, Water Codes, The Healing Lagoon
Hello, pile 2! You have one secret power but trust me it's a good one. You have the ability to pull information out of thin air. You are crazy smart. People might not think it when they look at you because you try not to flaunt it too wildly. You prefer to stay under the radar when it comes to intellect. This makes people underestimate you. I feel that some of yall reading like this for various reasons but others really fucking hate it. You have some insecurity around this skill. That's why you don't think it is a good skill tbh. You think a lot on the go even while in conversation which makes people see you as kind of ditzy. Even so, you absolutely obliterate at trivia night. Your friends come to you first when they need obscure information. You might have been a really lonely kid and spent a lot of your time reading away the time. For a big chunk of your childhood you found your companionship in novels. You may have been bullied for this. Don't let those people's words get you down. Honestly, they were just jealous of your intelligence. The friends you have now love to hear you infodump about your favorite books. They love to hear everything you know about sea creatures and astrology/astronomy. They ask questions not to mock you but because they genuinely are interested in what you have to say. You are magnificent. Your mind is unparalleled. How people perceive you has nothing to do with what is actually happening in your mind. It is just their projections of themselves onto you. Ignore them lmao. <3
Astrology: Cancer, Taurus, Libra
Song: Stay by Zedd
Vibes: All shades of blue, creeks, hanging flowers, 9999, faires, watermelon, paint-brush, rabbits, bird chips, car horn, pearls, lily pads, walking in the rain, lanterns, puppies, beaches, zues
Cards: Queen of Cups, Page of Cups, Ace of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, Raindrops, Stagnant Waters, Light House
My dear pile 3, welcome to your reading. You have a hidden ability that I feel is only hidden from you. Everyone else seems to know this about you. You have the power of hospitality and refuge. You are a safe place for everyone you know to come to if they need it. You are the type of person to tell everyone you know if they need a place to stay for any reason, all they gotta do is ask. You have a motherly energy about you, even if you aren't a woman. You always have emergency snacks for occasions like that. You host parties and everyone always leaves feeling 10 times better than when they arrived. You are the friend that lends a hand when needed. You the kind of person to have a shoulder ready for anyone to lean on, even if you don't know them well. The most beautiful thing about this is that these actions are never self-sacrificing. You have an abundance of all that you need so you can be generous constantly to those in need. I see you resting when necessary and listening to your body. I see you volunteering in your community. I think recently you helped clean up a beach or something. Maybe you organized it? Your energy is so soothing. You are just amazing, my friend. Absolutely the softest heart on earth. I also see you might foster animals! You take in rescue animals and nurse them back to health until they can find a forever home. ;n; You are the definition of an earth angel. Please see how amazing you are and how big your heart is. I wanna be your friend so bad from hearing all of this. Never stop being this beautiful of a soul, my dear. You are perfect.
Astrology: Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius
Song: Black Girl Magic by Londrelle
Vibes: Cyan, yellow, rusty red, iridescent, sake, 4c hair, magic, spell casting, curse breaking, singing, tea, pottery, steam-train, festivals, celebration, 963, small forests, mercury/hermes, lambs, Oshun
Cards: The Star, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 6 of Swords, 7 of Wands, Tower, Spaceship, Thank You
PILE 4, WOW. Welcome. Your energy is just sooo woah. You are so indescribable. All that you have been through. Everything you have seen. All I can say is, wow. Your secret power is balance. It is a well-earned hidden ability. You have been through so much to gain the skills that I see in this reading. You have traveled so far. When I first looked at the reading I could not pin down exactly what skill you had because you are just so good at EVERYTHING. I legitimately out loud said, "Everything??? Everything." You know how to take care of yourself. You are an excellent lover. If you are a parent you are good at that too. You are chasing your dreams. I see you performing as a singer or a musician and your talent stuns everyone in the room. You are the best manifester in a 20 miles radius. You are a witch for sure. You have worked so hard on breaking karmic familial curses and you succeeded. You succeeded far past your soul's initial expectations. You are everything, my love. Like literally everything. Then it hit me. You are a tightrope walker. You are balancing everything perfectly. Have you ever heard of Rock Cairns? They are stacks of rocks that hikers add to as they pass by on park trails. You have turned your life into something like that. You have perfectly balanced every stone you passed in your life in a pile and you manage it all on your own. First off, I want to tell you what a good job you are doing. What a good job you have been doing since you were born. Second thing, PLEASE REST WHEN YOU NEED IT OHMYGODS. You don't need me to tell you that though. You are probably smoking a joint right fucking now while reading this or you just got done doing that. No notes, baby. You got this. I just think Spirit wanted to remind you of your magnificence.
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tomssexdoll · 3 days
heyy girl love ur fics and congrats on the marriage!! could I get an Imagine of 2014 Tom having a younger gf like it can be smut or fluff I don’t mind
thank you!!!
ok babe i lowkey wanna spice things up with this request! if ur unhappy with it tho just request again or msg me <3
Forbidden love
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"We can't, it's not right.."
"Who says it's wrong? We both want this and there's nothing stopping us"
PAIRINGS: Tom 2014 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Y/N is an assistant for her boss Tom, he's been eyeing her for months and finally takes his chances and invites her to a "business dinner", but to her surprise it was only for them..
A/N: why is the fucking photo quality so bad
WARNINGS: dom!tom, reader!sub, p in v (missionary), eating out, fingering, a lot of teasing, nipple and breast playing, age gap (5 years)
I work at a law firm, one of the top rated in the country. All of my coworkers are very hard working, always trying to impress our boss. Last month I got promoted to my boss's assistant, he had been our new boss for about 6 months, the other one going MIA.
He was quite young to be a boss, he was 27 (pretend he actually was in 2014), but the age gap for me and him was quite large, 5 years. I was 22 and I had been working there since I was 19.
He told us that his dad was the CEO of the company and when the other boss mysteriously went missing he let him fill in, considering Tom had wanted the job for ages.
He wasn't as rude, arrogant or demanding as our other boss, he was chill. Giving us days off and not interrogating us on where we'll be, throwing everyone in the office a party when it was their birthday, giving us free donuts every monday.
It was like an angel was sent to us. I did notice the looks he gave me, the stares that would last more than 10 seconds, the way he looked me up and down when I entered his office, the way his hand would just so casually rest on my arm or thigh for a split second.
I feel like everyone could sense the tension, I just didn't want them to think I was abusing my position and getting more money. I really did love my job, it made me happy and being an assistant just made it more fun.
It was just another casual day, I walked into Tom's office that morning with his coffee and a little crossiant. He looked up from his paper work, taking in my appearance, his gaze lingering on my figure for a moment before meeting my eyes. "Good morning schatzi," he said smoothly, taking the burning coffee from my hands with a small smile. 'Schatzi' was his little nickname for me, I didn't know what it meant, I wasn't german, but it sounded cute.
"Oh, and what's this?" he chuckled, taking the pastry from my hands, "a crossiant? How nice of you," he smirked, "thankyou very much sweetheart, now I have some jobs for you to do," he slid over some paperwork, something he knew I dreaded.
"I know honey, just do these and you're done for the day, ok?" his voice was soft, reassuring even. I sighed and nodded, picking the pile up and going over to my desk in his office. I immediately started on it, skimming through the different cases, bills and reports.
Once I finished I grabbed my stapler, stapling together all the documents that fit each other. I stood up again and placed the piles on his desk, he smirked, leaning forward. "Thankyou schatzi, alright, I need you to accompany me to a business dinner tonight, at 8pm," he reached into his desk and pulled out a small box, sliding it across the desk towards me.
"And make sure you look presentable, this is a very expensive resturant," his tone firm and asserting. "I will, what's this for?" I hinted towards the box, "open it and find out," he raised an eyebrow at me, his smirk growing wider.
He watched with a mix of amusement and curiosity as I opened the box, my eyes widened as I saw a beautiful pair of diamond earrings, "sir...these are beautiful oh my god, these are too expensive I can't wear them," I looked up at him, worry filling my face.
He chuckled at my reaction, knowing he had taken the time to pick it out for me, imagining how good I would look in them. "Oh it's no big deal, they're for you, now wear them ok?" he took my hand in his, rubbing the skin with his thumb.
My cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, "o..okay.." I smiled, stuttering over my words because of the lingering tension. He smirked, "good," he stood up, signalling the end of the meeting as he starts to put his coat on, "I'll see you tonight then schatzi."
And with that he left, waving goodbye to all of my coworkers. I sighed and helped around the office for the duration of my shift, printing things off, getting coffee or lunch for people, etc.
As I got home that evening I checked the clock, it was 6pm and I needed to start getting ready. How was this dinner even going to go? What kind of business was he attending, it was weird cause I was usually the one booking these things for him.
I brushed it off and got into the shower, lathering my body up with my bodywash, scrubbing it into my skin and washing all of it off. Then I moved to my hair, letting the water coat it completely before applying the shampoo and massaging it into my scalp.
After I finished I stepped out, drying myself off and finding a beautiful, long black dress in my wardrobe, slipping it onto my body, the dress hugging my curves perfectly.
I picked up the small box he gave me, putting the earrings on and admiring them in the mirror, the way they glistened in the light. I quickly did my makeup, a simple look. Then putting some black heels on and grabbing my purse, heading out of my apartment.
As I got there I waited for him, the cool wind brushing against the exposed skin on my arms. He arrived not long after me, scanning the area until he spotted me standing alone in front of the entrance. He felt a stirring in his chest at the sight of me, his gaze roaming down to my dress, the way it complimented my body perfectly.
"You look stunning," he smirked, taking my hand and planting a soft kiss, "oh, well thankyou," I giggled, my cheeks flushing red. He wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me into the high end establishment, nodding his head at the host who quickly scurried off to secure a table.
The interior is sleek and elegant, dimly lit with a mix of black and gold decor that screams luxury. I scanned the room but didn't notice anyone who seemed to be there for business, all the people there were couples, "who are we meeting with sir? I don't think they're here yet," I looked up at him, he released a low chuckle, "were not meeting with anyone, it's just you and me tonight schatzi," he walks over to the ready table and pulls out my chair, signalling for me to sit down.
I was shocked to say the least, watching as he sat down across from me. "Oh..b..but, you said it was for business," I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why he would lie.
He leaned forward, his gaze intense, "oh, I had to give you an excuse to dress up like that. I knew you'd refuse something like this so I had to improvise, I'm surprised you even believed it" he grinned, taking a sip of water.
I sighed, "you're sneaky, don't do that again," the waiter came over again, Tom ordered a bottle of red wine for the table. "So, why me? Why not any other person from our work or a tinder date?" I couldn't comprehend why he'd take me out of all people out, what was so special about me?
"Don't ask silly questions Y/N." he said, his eyes not meeting mine this time, his tone leaving no room for discussion. I slowly nodded, finding it weird that he was so hesitant to ask this question.
When the waiter came back I ordered some food, picking a simple chicken pasta dish they had on the menu, Tom ordered a rare steak and a shot of whiskey for him.
I poured myself a glass of wine, sipping at the red liquid, burning my throat as it went down. Tom put his hand on top of mine, causing me to look up at him, "I have a proposition for you. After dinner, I want you to come back to my place with me. We can chill, relax a bit," he smirked, a cheeky look in his eyes.
I giggled, "I mean, I don't see why not, sure," he smirks lightly at my response, pleased with how easily I agreed to go back to his place. His hand stayed on top of mine for a few more moments before moving away, taking a sip of his wine. "Awesome, it's a deal then."
Tom just kept watching me, every move I made, when I talked his eyes would drift off to my lips, even when I would eat he seemed more interested in watching me than eating himself, neglecting his steak. After a while he leaned back in his chair, taking another sip of wine, watching how I struggled to finish the food.
I sighed and softly pat my stomach, pushing it towards him, "I can't finish it, I'm so full," I groaned. He raised an eyebrow, his gaze softening slightly, he grabbed the plate and started to eat the rest of it, chatting with me about random things, letting the conversation flow naturally.
I didn't even realise how much chemistry me and him had, I looked at my watch and saw it had been an hour of us just talking, I pulled out my purse to pay but he stopped me, placing his hand on mine. "I've got it schatzi, don't even worry about it," he says with a wave of his hand, a small smirk on his lips as he went to the host stand and payed for our meals.
As he came back I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, "thankyou sir," I could tell he was surprised, he blushed softly and just nodded, letting me leave first.
He followed me to his car, his gaze never leaving my figure. Even though he knew I'm a bit tipsy, he can't help but notice the way my body moves, the sway of my hips and the curves of my waist, his mind filling with dirty thoughts.
I opened the car door and slid into the passanger seat, watching as Tom came into the drivers seat and started the car, driving back to his luxury house. A heavy silence hung between us as he drove, his mind racing with thoughts of me, he tried to keep his eyes focused on the road but he kept sneaking glances at my exposed neck, imagining his lips on my skin.
As we arrived to his house I walked inside, admiring the interior, "this is beautiful sir, my god it's so bougie.." I giggled, taking a seat on his large sofa. He smiles, a hint of pride in his eyes, "thankyou," he says, closing the door behind him. "It's home." he walks towards me, taking a seat next to me on the couch.
The place was MASSIVE, filled with expensive artwork and designer furniture, this house cost me more than my life. "Would you like some more wine? I have tons of bottles for you to choose," he looked down at me, his gaze soft and nurturing. "Oh! Yeah, sure," I smiled, crossing my legs.
As he came back and handed me the glass of wine, his fingers brushed against mine. He watched as I took a sip, my lips wrapping around the rim of the glass, he found himself getting lost in the moment, his mind wandering places it shouldn't. He swallowed air, his adams apple bobbing up and down, "do you like it?" I nodded, a bright smile plastered on my face, "yeah, it's really nice," I placed the finished glass on the coffee table.
"Would you like more schatzi?" his voice is low and seductive, he can't help but be drawn to me, my precense commanding his attention. "Oh yeah, one more won't hurt," I chuckled, holding out my glass and watching as he filled it with the red liquid yet again. He scooted closer, close enough that I started to feel his warmth radiating off him. His gaze is intense, his eyes filled with unspoken desires.
I finished my glass yet again, my head a little hazy from all the wine I've drunk. I could tell he was a bit tipsy too, his eyes a little droopy. His mind kept racing with dirty thoughts and sinful fantisies, his body craving mine.
He reached out, placing his hand on my thigh, slowly trailing it upwards, leaning in and nuzzling my neck, placing a soft kiss on my collarbone. His lips were warm, his breath hot as he whispered in my ear, "you're so beautiful, let me take care of you baby.."
"But, sir.." I looked up at him, his eyes shifting to mine, "what's the matter schatz, are you scared? There's no need to be, I promise I don't bite.." he smirked, his tone seductive as he continues to caress my thigh.
"We can't, it's not right.." I bit my lip, my head telling me to shut this down but my body was yearning for more.
"Who says it's wrong? We both want this and there's nothing stopping us, you don't know how long I've wanted you, the first time I saw you I was drawn to you," he murmered in my ear, kissing my neck gently, "your voice, your smile, your face, your sexy body, your smell, the way you eat, the way you walk, everything about you intruiged me, I knew I had to make you mine somehow.."
"Tom.." I whined, "shhh, just let me make you feel good princess.." he trailed kisses down from my neck to my shoulders, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.
Suddenly I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look down at me, I leaned in and captured his lips in a hungry, passionate kiss. His hands roamed around my body, exploring every inch of me.
Our lips moved together in a synchronised dance, my hand moving to his cheek, he couldn't get enough of me, his desire for me growing stronger with every passing second. "Take your dress off for me.." he whispered against my lips, I nodded and slowly got up, letting him drag the zipper down, my back exposed to him.
I slowly slid the dress off, revealing my black lacey bra and matching thong, "oh fuck.." his breath hitched, turning me around to get a good look at me. "Lay down on the couch baby," he grabbed my hand, helping me lay down.
He quickly removed his own clothes, revealing his muscular toned body, he climbs onto the couch, positioning his head in between my thighs. "Fuck, you have no idea how many times I've replayed this in my head," he presses his lips to the fabric of my thong before trailing his tongue undernearth it. He could feel the heat radiating from my pussy, he growled against me in anticipation.
"You gonna let me eat this pretty pussy baby?" he looked up at me, his eyes glazed over with lust. "Yes..oh god yes.." I whined, sliding my panties off and throwing them across the room. He grinned at my bold move and leaned in again, this time without any barrier between his lips and my heat.
He wastes no time in licking and sucking on my clit, his fingers teasing and entering me at the same time. "Fuckkk..you taste good," he groaned, feeling me squirm.
"Ohh fuck!" I gasped, the sensation addicting. "You like that, huh?" he growled against me, sucking and licking harder and faster, the tip of his tongue flicking at my clit in a desperate try to make me cum.
"Holy shit!" I whined, bucking my hips forward, "yess, just like that," he says, pulling my legs further from each other and plunging his fingers deeper inside me, curling his fingers at my g spot, making me cry out in pleasure.
His mouth never left my clit as he teased it skillfully, making sure every inch of me was trembling with pleasure. I reached down and gripped his hair, tugging on it every time I felt his tongue skid across my needy clit.
He wrapped his arms around my thighs, reeling me in closer, removing his fingers from my sopping cunt and replacing it with his tongue, dipping it as far as he could.
He moved back and forth from my hole to my clit, making me throw my head back, the pleasure getting too much for me to handle, my release dangerously close.
"Oh fuck! I'm close!" I choked out, grinding myself against his face, "good girl, cum on this fucking tongue.." he grunted, his tongue lapping at my clit eagerly, he ate me out like a starved man, like he was deprived from food for years.
With one last flick of his tongue, my body shuddered as my orgasm washed over me, his tongue darted to my hole and slurped up every bit of juice I left for him.
He pulled back, his chin and mouth glistened with my cum. My chest heaved up and down, recovering from my mind blowing orgasm. He stands back up and pulls me up with him, "I'm not done with you yet," he grunts, carrying me to his bed, laying me down gently and climbing on top of me.
I looked into his eyes, then down to his crotch, his cock straining against his boxers, desperate to be freed. His hands roamed up to my breasts, squeezing them possessively.
I leaned in and kissed him gently, my lips moving perfectly with his, "mmm.." he groaned, deepening the kiss and rubbing his erection against my thigh. His hips moved rhythmically, eager to claim every inch of me.
"I want you fully nude, let me take your bra off baby.." he murmered against my lips, "okay.." I muttered, arching my back to give him easy access. His arms wrapped around me, his fingers finding the clips of my bra and carefully taking it off, revealing my perky breasts to him.
"They're more beautiful then I imagined.." he groaned, taking them in his hands as he dove down and gently sucked on one of my nipples. "The way you taste..I could spend hours just worshipping your body," he smirks, making sure he leaves no sensitive spot unattended.
"Tom...fuck me, please.." I whined, my tone desperate, urgent for his cock. "Okay, okay baby, so impatient," he chuckled, moving his hands down to his boxers, sliding them off in one swift motion.
My eyes widened, his size undeniably big. "How is that gonna fit..." I whined, looking back up at him. "Oh honey, i'll make it fit, don't you worry," he chuckled, rubbing his tip against my slick folds.
"Hold onto me baby, it might hurt a little but I'll be gentle," he whispered, I wrapped my arms around his torso, he slowly etnered me, giving me inch by inch as he watched my face contort in pleasure.
"See? You're doing so well for me baby, such a good girl.." he smirks, starting to move inside me. "Fuckk..you're so tight.." he groaned, throwing his head back, gripping my hips tightly and picking up his pace.
"Gonna fuck you so good you won't be able to walk straight.." he grinned, thruting harder and faster, his balls slapping against my ass each time he slammed into me. I could hear him moaning in tandem with me, the sound of sex filling the room as he fucked me relentlessly.
His eyes blazed with possessive intensity as he looked down at me, watching me crumble under his touch. His thrusts becoming more brutal and unforgiving as he gets lost in the moment, "fuck fuck fuck!" I cried out, scratching at his back desperately.
His pace became more frantic, matching the urgency of my cries. The sound of skin slapping against skin grew louder, his cock drilling into my hole.
"Tom!" I yelped as he started to pump harder into me with wild abandonment, his muscles straining and buldging. His face was set in a mask of intense pleasure, his mouth slightly agape as he relentesly drives himself deeper into my quivering core.
"Take it all, take every inch of this fucking cock," he growled, "i'm gonna cum! Oh fuck!" I whimpered, burying my face into his neck. "Not yet, schatz," he grins wickedly, reaching out to tease and and pinch my sensitive nipples, slowing his thrusts to keep me on edge.
He wanted to savor every moment of my ecstacy, "I want us to cum together baby..you can do it baby just a little longer.." he chuckled, reaching down and rubbing my clit harshly.
"Mmmh! I can't handle it anymore!" I gasped, tears falling down my cheeks. "Yes you can," he groans, his voice deep and guttural as he takes control. My pussy started to clench around his cock, no longer able to hold back my orgasm.
"That's it baby, let your pussy wrap itself around my cock like that, 'm so close.." he moaned loudly, continuing to rub harsh circles on my puffy clit. "Cmon, cum for me baby!" he practically yelled, slamming himself into me over and over until I was sent over the edge.
I dug my nails deep into his back as I came all over his cock, my juices dripping down his shaft. His eyes rolled back in pleasure as he reached the climax of his desire, spilling himself deep inside of me, our juices mixing together.
He collapsed on top of me, our chests heaving up and down in unison, letting out a satified sigh as he wraps his arms around my trembling frame. "Ohh baby, you did so well, such a good girl for me," he panted, flipping us over and pulling me onto his chest, letting me recover from everything that just played out.
He placed a gentle kiss on my head before slowly pulling out, letting our juices spill out of me, "are you okay my love?" he pulled me closer, tightening his hold on me. I nodded lazily, all my energy sucked out of me, "mhm.." he smirked and peppered kisses on my forehead, "good," he whispered, running his hand through my hair gently.
"What are we gonna do now? Will we just forget about this and move on or start something.." I looked up at him, "Us...I've been thinking about it, a lot," he paused for a moment, "I can't just forget about this, about you. I want to start something with you, but I want to do it right, I can't fuck this up."
"I know..but how do we do it? How do we break the news to everyone, I feel like they'll have expected this and look down on me.." he slowly sat up, pulling me properly into his lap. "It won't be easy. There will be people who don't understand, who will try and tear us apart," he sighed, looking at me sternly.
I nodded, "but, don't listen to them baby. They don't know the truth, the don't know what we have, infact they're probably jealous," he winked, I giggled and kissed him softly.
"I guess so yeah, I just don't want to be a secret.." I mumbled, his face turned serious, "you will never be a secret, my love. I will shout it from the rooftops if I have to.." his hands move up to my face, cupping it gently.
I smiled and nodded, "I will always take care of you, always" he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine, sincerity in his voice. We both knew we didn't want this to be just a one night stand or for us to be friends with benefits, we didn't believe in any of that, what we had was special, a connection I've never had before.
"You're something special, y'know? This connection we have is rare, I've never been this drawn to someone, ever," he pulls back slightly, looking into my eyes, letting me know he's not fibbing.
"I want to explore it more, to see where it takes us," he caressed my cheek, "me too Tom.." I whispered, kissing him gently again.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck
tags: @miyukafujii @ella1289 @20doozers
tags: @tomsonlyslut @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf
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otomiyaa · 2 days
Survival of the Ticklish
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[Fic Reupload] - Old fic from 2017 (!!!) requested by @buggertkle ❤️ Thank you for remembering this one! ^^ Retrieved thanks to @wertzunge as always, you're the best.
It was based on a random BNHA-Facebook chat edit thingie I made back then, but I think that one is lost forever.
Summary: All Might has come with the craziest class activity ever, and thanks to a random Facebook survey it’s one with Deku in the center of it: Labeled most ticklish person in class and ready to get wrecked! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.6K
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Deku entered the class on shaking legs. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination, but he could literally feel the eyes on him the moment he made his appearance.
“Hey hey! Deku-kun! Morning!” Deku flinched when Uraraka happily patted his shoulder, and he nodded awkwardly.
“M-Morning...” he said with a stiff smile, and just as Uraraka cocked her head in confusion, Deku noticed Bakugou who stepped into the room with the same terrifying vibe around him as always. His glaring eyes were piercing right through him, and he was walking his way.
“Ka-Kaha-Kacchan, p-please-” Deku wasn’t sure why he thought Bakugou was about to do something else since all that happened was that he got roughly pushed to the side as Bakugou snapped angrily: “Out of the way Deku!” 
Deku stumbled against Kirishima’s table and jumped when the table’s owner poked him in the side.
“Yo. You alright bro?” Deku made panicky noises, nodded frantically and jumped into his own seat as he continued nodding.
“Totally fine!” Phew. Seems as if everyone had forgotten about it. How. How could he have been so lucky.
Yesterday, All Might had to share this random thing on Facebook. He was asking Class 1-A who was most ticklish in this class?
He had no idea why everyone - or well, most - felt the need to vote his name. Deku sighed. Yes he had been born unbearably ticklish and he didn’t actually mind since he enjoyed a good laugh. But it was embarrassing and frightening now that it was all over Facebook and everyone probably saw it. 
“Good morning class!” All Might finally made his entrance, and Deku froze right on the spot.
Right… Why did he ask for such unnecessary information again? 
“Plus Ultra!” All Might made a pose in front of the blackboard that was just as unnecessary as asking everyone on Facebook who was the most ticklish person in class.
He then grinned and blinded everyone with his charming smile. “For today’s class I asked you guys something on Facebook yesterday,” All Might started, and Deku felt his stomach flip in shock.
Shit. It was with a purpose after all. He already started to shrink in his chair before All Might even finished his story.
“Who...” All Might wiggled his eyebrows and then pointed at Deku “…is the most ticklish? Most of you voted for young Midoriya.”
This was unbelievable. All heads turned and Deku never wanted to sink in the floor this fast. 
“Because I don’t want to use violence, I am using this strategy. Midoriya, stand here boy!”
Deku felt how his shaking legs took him to the front of the class where All Might was standing, and he trembled when his teacher grabbed both his shoulders and turned him back around to face the class. 
“Today we’re gonna use whatever is needed once you guys are active heroes in the working field,” All Might announced, and Deku spasmed a little when All Might’s big hands squeezed his shoulders with fingers ticklishly digging near his collarbones.
“Teamwork, strategy, strength-” with each word All Might added another squeeze, and Deku was fighting his giggles already. Owww this wasn’t looking good.
“Us all? Against Deku!?” Bakugou asked, expressing probably everyone’s confusion, and Deku wanted to cry so hard when All Might - consciously or unconsciously - tickled him again.
“That’s right. This guy’s your little villain. I’m gonna whisper a codeword in his ear, and you guys are gonna get it out of him. No violence, but you are allowed to use tickling,” All Might said, and Deku yelped when he pierced a thick finger in his side and wiggled it playfully.
“…As you can see this guy’s indeed quite ticklish,” All Might laughed, and Deku snorted helplessly.
“Fifteen minutes is all you’re gonna get. You guys get the codeword, you win. If you don’t, it’ll be the ticklish villain’s win. The prize you’re going after is worth a million.”
The class lost their minds.
“What! A million!” 
“That can’t be!” 
“But it’s so easy!?” 
Deku continued to giggle softly as All Might bent down and tickled his ear with whispers no one else could hear:
“Codeword’s ‘United States of Smash’. Now go!” He patted Deku’s butt who immediately knew he had to run, and he sprinted out of the class.
“The schoolground’s your battlefield, now catch him first! Get me that codeword!”
Deku panicked when he heard his classmates fanatic roars as he dashed through the school building. A first-year hero-stampede came after him, and Deku screeched when Iida used his Quirk to immediately catch up with him.
“No! Nonono aaaahh!”
Deku was about to tumble down the stairs he was running down from when Iida grabbed his collar and shoved him into the nearest wall. 
“Tell me, Midoriya. Tell me the cooode,” Iida said with teasy wiggling fingers at him, and Deku cringed and tried to wiggle away.
“Nooo!” he gasped, but before Iida could even touch him, he was launched into air back towards the top of the stairs, and Uraraka came into view.
“Deku-kun! Come here boy!” She jabbed his sides a few times and Deku squealed as he was pulled back into her grip.
“U-Urahahaka please nohaha!”
Before the tickles could escalate he heard Uraraka let out a soft cry and the gentle fingers were replaced by one…two…three…four pairs of hands?!
“Give here! I had him first!” 
“No I was first! Get the fuck away!”
Deku gasped as he was being pulled apart from all sides. Denki was pulling one arm, Sero was holding the other arm, Kirishima and Aoyama were each holding a leg, nearly spreading him wide apart as they all fought over him. 
“You guys are all such idiots! Here, hold him still!” Deku froze and looked up to see Bakugou walking towards him with a devilish smile on his face.
He immediately felt the adrenaline rush through his veins as he made desperate and pathetic attempts to escape.
“No! Nohoho let me go! Let me goaaAAAahh! Naahahah!”
Deku was soon laughing for his dear life as Bakugou tickled his sides and ribs so roughly that it almost hurt.
“Now be nice Deku and tell me that friggin’ code or I’ll blast your head off and tickle you to fucking death!”
Bakugou’s threat was useless since Deku found no chance to talk. Not that he was planning to give up already, but Bakugou was now tickling him with enthusiasm usually reserved for combat only, and his other classmates were being hyperactive and fighting each other to join in getting at least a body part to tickle.
“GYaahhahaha!” Tears were pricking in his eyes already and he wheezed tiredly, but with his four classmates holding him up - spread wide - and Bakugou awakening his ticklish childhood memories while more tickly fingers decided to join in…. it was all a bit much.
“Say the cooode Midoriya,” said a sneaky voice from under him, and Deku realized then that Mineta had crawled underneath him and attacked his sides and back with wiggling and scratching fingers.
“EEehhee!” Deku arched his back and tried to bite his lip to prevent more noises to come out. A truly failed attempt.
Bakugou clearly grew very irritated when Mineta’s fingers clashed with his own as they fought over territory to tickle, and Bakugou then literally exploded with a “Leave me the fuck alone!” and Deku was sent flying.
Blown away by the power of Bakugou’s Quirk, Deku got on wobbly legs and tried to make it for a run, and he yelped when he ran into something but saw… nothing?
“Gotcha! Tiiickle tickle tickle!” he heard a voice chant as fingers pinched at his sides and poked at his tummy, and Deku wriggled himself free as he giggled helplessly and he backed away.
“I-Invisible Girl!? You’re naked?!” Backing away wasn’t a good thing to do because he bumped into someone behind him and one pair… two pairs!? - of arms tightly wrapped around him. Shoji.
“AAahahah!” Deku was absolutely hysterical and as if it wasn’t hysterical enough to hear all other Class 1-A peeps roaring and yelling at each other as they fought for the spotlights as tickle monsters, he was now under attack by probably the scariest tickler of his nightmares. 
“Give it up Midoriya Izuku. Tell me the codeword,” Shoji commanded, but before his killer arms could go any further in completely wrecking Deku, he was pulled out of his grip by his ankle.
It was a very long tongue that carried him into the air and tugged him out of Shoji’s reach before an enthusiastic frog-girl jumped on top of him and chose an interesting yet killer spot to tickle: His neck.
“Hehehe it will be me to hear that codeword first won’t it Midoriya?” Tsuyu teased, and Deku scrunched up his shoulders and shook his head heavily.
“Neehehehe dooon’t!” he giggled, and his eyes widened when Tsuyu used her tongue to pin his arm above his head while she tickled his armpit with one hand and his neck with the other.
“GAAHaha!” Deku bucked and screamed for his dear life, but again the torture barely lasted before Tsuyu was blown away by Bakugou-monster who had caught up, along with Iida and Uraraka, Deku’s very own buddies who accepted the battle.
While Deku dashed away with super-speed, he heard the others fight each other, and he smirked.
They were so failing at teamwo- “WAhh!” he ran straight into someone who had not mingled with the 1-A crowd, and he gasped when said person pulled him into an empty classroom.
“T-Todoroki-kumphffffh!” Todoroki covered his mouth with one hand as he pinned him against him from behind, and Deku struggled and panicked when ice began to circle around his body. A cold feeling surrounded his legs and eventually left him immobile.
He remained unfrozen from his waist up until his head, and Todoroki who stood behind him chuckled in his ear and said in a low voice:
“Now tell me that codeword or I may have to use force.” Well, this guy was into his… role?
Deku felt the urge to grin but he chose a defiant look instead and growled: “Do your worst!” Maybe he shouldn’t have, just maybe. If he even cared about his poor sensitive body at all.
Todoroki crept five cold fingers first over his shirt, then under his shirt and wiggled them around Deku’s bare stomach, making tingles overpower him and laughter bubble up his throat.
“Ahhfffff – mphphhhh!” Todoroki kept one hand tightly over his mouth and probably just made very sure no one else would disturb him and his precious moment with the villain.
“Nod at me if you’re ready to spill the code, and I will stop.”
Deku squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head instead of nodding as he tried to suck in his stomach, but Todoroki’s cold fingers were now squeezing his tummy fat in a way that made him want to break out of his ice. One For All wasn’t even cooperating.
The tickles were taking such control of every muscle and nerve, and with the ice trapping him and Todoroki’s hand muffling his noises this only made him more helpless and more sensitive. How much longer did he need to hold out!?
“Five more minutes. Five more minutes Class 1-A!” All Might’s voice roared through the speakers as if he was reading his mind, followed by Present Mic who announced excitedly: 
“Someone getting tickled to death today!? It’s all happening in Class 1-A!” 
Except Class 1-A was running around wildly. Deku could especially hear Bakugou’s angry cries of protest, but here he was stuck in an abandoned classroom with Todoroki choosing to torture him in private.
Errr… Deku’s arms were suddenly raised and more ice appeared on his body, trapping his arms above his head and leaving his torso open and vulnerable.
“Tell me!” Todoroki seemed to grow impatient and now removed his hand from his mouth and tickled both his armpits and ribs until Deku screamed.
“EEehehe! Staahahahaap!”
Triggered by the sound of his laughter, the others came barging into the classroom with so much force that the door collapsed and tables and chairs were sent flying as they all rushed through the classroom.
“Woah!” Iida seemed to have lost control over the ‘brakes’ and he ran straight into Todoroki, knocking him down while the others gathered around a stuck and panicking Deku.
“Todoroki-kuhuhun hehehelp!” He wasn’t sure why he was calling for his previous attacker, but the ice was still there and now multiple classmates were tickling him. 
“Time is uuuup!”
That was All Might’s voice. Why weren’t they stopping!? 
“Give me the code!” Mineta used his tiny body to climb over him and tickled his waist and sides mercilessly. Bakugou was replacing Todoroki’s earlier assault with armpit tickles that made Deku wanna die.
Uraraka was floating somewhere and tickling his neck, and he had no idea who those people were that were going after his knees that stuck out above the ice.
“STaahahahap!” he cried, but they weren’t stopping.
“TIME IS UP!” This time it was Present Mic again, and they did hear this voice, so they stopped and looked up in confusion.
“Already?” Everyone mumbled and whispered softly while they caught their breaths, Deku in particular, and they watched how All Might entered the classroom with a smile that didn’t even look a little bit genuine. He looked at his watch and then tsk-tsk’ed at the Class 1-A students that were gathered in the classroom Todoroki had kidnapped Deku into.
“You guys fail. Young Todoroki,” he only had to say his name and Todoroki made the ice melt, releasing Deku who coughed and caught his breath while his body suffered from after tingles.
“Teamwork. Strategy. Strength. You lacked all of them,” All Might said strictly to everyone while he walked over to a shakey Deku and grabbed his arm for support. 
“Fifteen minutes just wasn’t enough time!” Bakugou yelled angrily. “I didn’t even touch him!” Momo protested. 
“And that’s where you all went wrong! What did those guys waste most of their time on?” All Might directed this question at Deku who blushed, feeling shy and a bit scared to feel all those eyes on him again.
“They fought o-over who could t…tickle…me,” he muttered with a red face.
“Right. Are you guys deaf? Are you?” All Might asked and he was still smiling, making this situation more hilarious than it was probably intended. Several heads were shaking ‘no’.
“I didn’t say a single person could win. I said you as a group could win. Young Todoroki, your strategy of restraint was good but you failed when you took the villain into a separate room. Never go off on your own. Young Bakugou, you can hand me a paper next week about the definition of teamwork.”
“Why only me!?!?” All Might ignored Bakugou and then turned to all the others.
“And everyone of you, forget about thinking just of yourself and start thinking as a group. If you would’ve all been up against a real villain, that villain wouldn’t even need to destroy you. You do.” Bam.
Deku never knew All Might had such serious intentions with this… giggly exercise.
“Ufufu,” he giggled sheepishly when All Might poked his side.
“And young Midoriya here wins the prize worth a million...” he said, and the others held their breaths and Deku’s heart thumped in excitement.
“A selfie with me!”
All Might took out his phone and made a peace sign while Deku stood there with the same stiff smile, silently wondering what the hell was going on as the picture was made. 
All Might really was something else, but hey, even though his silly classmates had wasted most of their time, Deku was still proud he managed to deal with a bunch of tickle monsters at once, without even thinking of giving up the codeword.
He had to modestly agree with All Might, he was indeed today’s winner!
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When Evan seems well and truly frozen, Tommy stands. Rounds the table to tangle his fingers in Evan’s hair, bends down to repeat the command in his ear. “I told you,” a gentle tug. “To tell him what you want, Evan.”
“I–I want you to make me crawl to him and suck him off, like–like you said you would.”
Tommy tuts. “I told you to tell Eddie, not me.”
Evan flushes pretty and red, looks down at the floor. “I–”
Tommy taps Evan’s cheekbone twice, prompts. “Eyes on him, baby.”
Evan breathes hard through his nose, finally looks at Eddie, who looks just as wrecked and they’ve barely gotten started. Then, it’s like the dam breaks. “I wanna suck your cock. I want you to fuck me. I want you to use me. Whatever you wanna give me, Eddie, I–” Tommy watches him tremble, steel himself to keep going. “I want you to kiss me.”
Eddie’s eyes are wide and scared, looking at Evan as if the man’s just as likely to punch him as kiss him. “You… you want me to kiss you?”
Buck and Eddie finally get their shit together. Tommy deserves a medal for his efforts.
Part 3 of Got Your Six up now! Thank you so much to everyone who's been delighting in this silly little idea with me. Especially @watchyourbuck and @dadbodbuck
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aroundthefurgf · 5 hours
hi guys, i know everyone has been having a rough year but i’m really needing assistance for the next few weeks if possible. last year my apartment caught on fire and i was living in my car for the majority of winter and the rest of summer without anyway to take a shower or find a job after my car tore up, now i’m staying with my emotionally abusive and narcissistic aunt who i thought i would never have to live with again yet due to the circumstances she actually allowed me to move in, at first she wouldn’t, but her car is tearing up as well and restaurant i’ve finally managed to find a job at works you 8hrs washing dishes or cooking food on your feet with no breaks what so ever even in slow periods as the law states. i’m not interested in filing a law suit or whatever because they’ll always win but i just can’t handle the job anymore and with only $10 to my name until i can find another one, i am asking for $100 or so for food until the factory jobs i’ve applied for can reach out or until i can get ahold of them from calling every day like i have. these past two years i have developed cptsd and anxiety disorders from living in my car and a job without any breaks and so hard and fast paced like the one i have now i just cannot deal with. especially with the very painful scoliosis i have in my back. the very wonderful and generous people of this website have always helped me out more than i can imagine and i wouldn’t be asking again if i didn’t have any other options. i’ve even tried to donate plasma but i was incarcerated last year while sleeping in my car and they will not let me donate. my c*sh*pp is linked below if you decide to help. thank you.
c*sh*pp ; $alexandriad19
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tenjikufag · 14 hours
Laios Touden x Tiefling!MaleReader
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-continuation of PART1 **LONG PART
-typical angst warnings, read part 1 to get the gist of it all. Thanks for reading! Surprised how many people wanted a part two, I hope it meets any expectations //hides
“Laios! Hey! We need to have a plan for this!”
Chilchuck grabbed the back of the blondes shirt, trying to drag him back. Laios had become hard headed and didn’t think one bit about how to find you aside from starting to explore.
“We can ask around first! You don’t even know where you’re going!”
The half foot was exhausted, it hadn’t even been a week of you missing- they haven’t even checked the morgues or even put up missing posters of you!
“Brother, he’s right.. we need to plan something or else we may miss him..”
Falin’s hand stroked her brothers shoulder, making him stop.. he knew they were right but he wanted to find you as quick as he could.
“Marcille! You have spells to trace things right?”
The elfen girl jolted, not expecting to be called on so suddenly. She clutched Ambrosia close to her chest
“I can only trace recent tracks! He’s been gone long enough that the traces would be gone!”
Her brash response made the man frown, he guessed that was a possibility. It wasn’t his only idea but for now he would have to go through the typical missing persons route…
They checked in with their neighbours, any friends they knew that might’ve seen you, checked the morgues, asked around in taverns, consulted guilds… and nothing came up. No one had even seen you leave? He found that hard to believe!
Suddenly a dog barked, happy to see the group walk by, taking the man out of his thoughts. Falin smiled and knelt down to pet the dogs head.
“You guys seem awfully busy, harassing everyone within earshot. What’s got ya in such a mind?”
An older woman leaned forward in her rocking chair, passing a treat to Falin to feed the dog.
“Harass?! I’ll have you know-!”
Chilchuck was about to rant before Laios covered his mouth
“We are looking for someone, he’s been missing for quite some time now.”
Laios informed them, the dog barked and wiggled it’s way to the others in the group.
“Is that so? Well looks like ya found yerself just the guild for the job..”
Marcille and Falin tilted their head, before looking around the surround area of the building.
Dogs were everywhere, inside and outside of the building. It seemed there were many people involved with this and many more leaving with happy dogs in tow..
“Hunting dogs?”
“If that’s what ya wanna call these buggers. They’re also used for retrieval, search and rescue, or just a dog if ya wanted one.”
Marcille perked up, but before she could approach the woman further a hand came up from the woman
“We don’t lend these dogs to people who are gonna kill them for those goddamn roots, just s’yaknow..”
That’s right.. Marcille hadn’t really thought about the vision of an elf lurching for a dog.. and the implications..
“These dogs here are all trained, I’ve trained every single one of them. They’re reliable, if you need to find someone I’ve got just the dog for you..”
She slowly got up, whipping a cane out from under her and trudged her way into the building.
“Come on, don’t make me walk so much- I’m old can’t ya see?!”
The group apologized, Laios had a new determined look on him. What a lucky break!
The woman walked through the crowd, dogs were excited to see her but drove their attention back to the companions they were being introduced to.
“This one right here, it’s been stubborn to other training but it’s good at scent tracking. It was gonna be one of the guild dogs but it would probably be happier working.”
A large black dog sniffed the woman’s hand before circling around her and sitting. It looked quite dopey.. big and fluffy, big eyes and just a smidgen of drool coming from its mouth.
“How much?”
Laios knew they were low on funds but if this was the way to go.. and it had to be, he would sell everything he had!
“Fer this one? He’s hard headed so his price’ll be lower but name a price.”
The group quickly huddled, negotiating what was reasonable for both parties.
“We got this, and it’s all we got on us right now!”
Laios held out their singular pouch of funds..
Chilchuck couldn’t even argue, he knew the situation and didn’t have the heart to discourage the man further…
“Hm? Oh this is too much. Here, lemme take what I think is reasonable..”
The woman took the bag of coins and counted up a handful of them. Handing back the bag, it was barely any lighter than before.
“Are you sure?! You can ask for more!”
Marcille panicked, feeling bad despite not wanting to lose all of the partys money..
“Don’t question it long ears, this one doesn’t seem like it’ll let you leave without em~”
She laughed, watching the dog pounce onto Chilchuck as soon as she let the lead go. The dog was bigger than the half foot and took over him like he was a toy.
Laios smiled, nodding his head and thanking the woman.
“Just give em the scent yer lookin for and it’s gonna find them, guilds promise.”
The woman was happy, she knew the dog would be a good fit for the group and knew they were trust worthy just from the look of them.
They all split, leading the new companion through the town.
“Whatre you gonna make it smell?”
Chilchuck asked, the dog still nudging his arm for pets. Laios already knew what to give the dog..
Your underwear!
“Hah?! Don’t ya think a sock or maybe a shirt would do?!”
“I want him to smell something intimate, a smell that wouldn’t change because of different soaps.”
The group, aside from Falin, protested but once the dog was offered the scent- it completely pulled away from Chilchuck. It began sniffing around the house and seemingly followed a route that you had done before leaving. It began scratching at the closed front door, indicating the scent left the house.
“Woah, didn’t think it’d work that fast..”
Laios took the leash and let the dog drag them, it was strong in pulling on the lead. Despite its determined snout pressed on the ground it managed to evade any passerby and obstacles in its way.
“Good thing we all packed up before giving the scent..”
The dog led them outside of the town.
You sat at a table, surrounded by tieflings. Several towns over you’d found yourself a guild, a community of them; they were more than happy to accept you even if you weren’t one by birth..
They were kind. Accepting. Indiscriminate.
Just like Laios.
Your story was quickly shared amongst them all, many eager to hear of your life before the incident. They all held empathy towards you, trying to help you adjust to the new body and life.
“We don’t have any ways of reversing such a spell.. with no traces or idea of what it could have been.. the risks far outweigh the positives..”
An elder spoke to you, pouring tea for you. You’d expected that answer but it was hard to hear nonetheless..
“I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through, especially losing your mate. We can only help you cope, young one.”
Nodding, you agreed to their terms. It wasn’t anything crazy like devoting your life or anything but simply being able to contribute to the homestead- take care of yourself and be mindful of others.
That’s where you found yourself, amongst other tieflings and learning their ways to make integration easier. You figured you’d lucked out with this and wouldn’t push further.. it was better this way, right?
“You’re gonna make your horns sag with all the frowning ya do!”
A voice cackled, a new friend you’d made walked over and nudged your shoulder. Were you really frowning that much?
“Thinkin’ about him again?”
You nodded, it was obvious to everyone that you were heartbroken in more than one way, not just affected by your change.
“Why’d ya leave if you knew it’d be this hard? Wouldn’t it be easier with him, don’t ya think?”
You really weren’t sure, shrugging towards your friend; she only sighed. She was a mature tiefling, having lived for about 180 years by now so she’s had her fair share of relationships before landing herself a mate.
“Is he hateful? Do ya think he woulda kicked you out anyways?”
No, he wouldn’t. Laios wasn’t like that.. you left because you thought it was the best course of action. What had been done could not be undone, but the guilt and regret ate at you endlessly.
“No.. he was everything to me. The only one I’ll love, kind is an understatement and nowhere near strong enough to describe him..”
Tears pricked at your eyes, you were quick to wipe them away but the soft sniffles still made their way to the woman’s ears.
“Then.. why did you leave.. really? You gotta be honest with yourself.”
You left because it was what was right…. Right? How would he be able to accept you? Why would you subject him to such a horror, and how could you force yourself to watch his love for you change before your very eyes?!
“What I’m hearin is that it was selfish. I’m not gonna sugar coat it for ya love. You don’t know what he woulda said, how do ya think he’s feelin’ right now?”
It felt like cotton was stuffed in your mouth and throat, drying in realization of what you’ve done.. even in the worst case scenario you would never imagine Laios to be a horrid person, it was unfair to think that of him.
You knew he would look for you. You knew how heartbroken he must’ve been..
She was right, it was selfish.. but how could you repent for this? It was done. You were gone from his life and even if he did search for you, it wasn’t like he was going to find you.
Even if he did manage to pass through, he wouldn’t recognize you..
Pulling the hood over your head and clutching it over your ears, you sighed and listened to the woman beside you talk.
“Make sure you’re not late for dinner, sorry for the lecture. Just hate seein’ someone in pain.”
She got up and walked away, leaving you to sulk in the emotions and thoughts.
The party had been walking for what seemed like ages, their feet tired and bodies heavy from the week long trek. The dog seemed to have no issue, even trying to forego breaks and sleeping at night!
Sitting at the top of a large hill that overlooked a quaint town, they decided they’d set up camp before traversing the rough terrain below them.
Their dog barked and whined, pulling at the lead Laios tied to a strong tree.
“How does it even breathe with its nose pressed on the ground?”
Chilchuck grimaced, wiping the dogs face of the dirt as Falin readied a bowl of food and water for it.
“It’s a working dog, it probably expects a big reward for finishing its task.”
She smiled, putting down the bowls and watching the dog hesitate before scarfing it down.
“Wish I was that motivated for a damn snack..”
Falin lightly laughed at the man’s words, sitting down beside her brother as he looked over the town in thought.
Laios wasn’t his usual self, he was quiet and almost pensive the whole journey. Everyone had expected some sort of change but this made them uneasy to say the least- he was even more determined than the dog! It was only when the group lectured him (and the dog) that he needed to rest did he relent somewhat.
Pulling out a map, he crossed out another town that they’d just passed through without a sign of you.
“What’s the next town? I hope there’s an inn..”
The elf sighed wistfully, dreaming of a warm bed and a good bath. She looked over the blondes shoulder, seeing where he was reading
“The next town is —! There should be an inn.. and since we didn’t spend all too much getting here we could probably stay there..”
Chilchuck felt himself pale..
“Isn’t that the place with the huge tiefling guild?”
Marcille perked up, double checking the area and the name
“Yes! It is! Oh we should stop there-“
“For what?!”
“They have all sorts of magic that I’ve not been able to study for.. reasons but it will be a great opportunity for my dungeon research!”
Laios furrowed his brows. Tieflings? He’s never seen one in person and never really thought about them..
“Tieflings? What magic would they have?”
Before Marcille could inform him, Chilchuck piped up immediately
“Do you really not know?! They’re all necromancers!”
Marcille smacked the half-foots head,
“They are not! Many are just normal in their magic practices- dead magic is strictly forbidden amongst almost all guilds!”
The two of them argued, Laios was fascinated nonetheless but he still ended up thinking about you.. if you died would he be able to ask them for help?
“Just because the only known Tieflings were necromancers and created the magic doesn’t make them all one! That’s ignorant to say!”
“That’s all I need to know!”
The two of them went at it for quite some time, until eventually cooling off and walking away from eachother.
After eating, they drew straws for nightwatch. Even if they were in safe territories and could sleep peacefully without being ransacked or attacked by monsters; somebody needed to keep the dog occupied. It truly was a stubborn dog.
Laios took the first watch. He sat down by the dog, running his fingers through the soft fur on its back.
Why would you leave? With the quiet and just him alone.. tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn’t understand it.. what exactly happened? What could have been so bad that you’d leave him with nothing but a letter? It worried him sick aside from being absolutely heartbroken..
The dog quieted down, laying its head on his lap and staring up at him in hopes to comfort him.. he smiled softly and wiped away his tears.
He had always wanted to get a dog with you, growing up with them he absolutely adored them and in his perfect vision of your future it would be you, him, Falin, and a dog or two. It hurt that he only got a dog in these circumstances.
The town was already busy, even with it just passing the morning sunrise there were people scurrying between shops, door chimes filled the air, and loud chattering busied the groups thoughts.
Their dog started barking.
It began to pull harshly on the lead, wheezing as it practically choked itself of air. The barks weren’t the typical “let’s go!” But more of a viscous sound, like an alert.
“Dog doesn’t like tieflings, eh?”
Laios looked over, seeing a man chuckling lightly at the dog.
“It’s typical from what I’ve heard, somethin’ about the devils sets them off.”
Marcille rolled her eyes, beckoning the male to move along. It was odd behaviour he had to admit but would dogs really have an innate ability to dislike a group like that? He wasn’t all too sure..
The deeper they got into the city, they started to see them.
Long ears, tails, pointed teeth, horns..
Some had typical skin tones, others were grey, red, and other washed out pale colours but stood out nonetheless.. chilchuck slotted himself in the middle of everyone as if he was walking between three protective walls. Marcille on the other hand seemed giddy, already chatting up a storm with a pair that sat outside..
The others had noticed they’d ended up right infront of the tiefling guild, before Chilchuck could protest anything, the dog started to howl.
It made the new friends Marcille found herself, flinch and excuse themselves.
“Hey! Quiet down..”
Laios spoke down to the dog, trying to keep it close to him but it continued to stand on its hind legs to howl and cry. He apologized profusely to the people who moved away, not really sure what he could do to calm the dog.
The guild buildings front door opened and a hooded figure came out, quick to turn away and walk the way they faced. He couldn’t put his finger on it but something made him gravitate towards the person.
Something about the build and way they walked looked familiar but he dismissed it.. but
The dog got loose.
It had jumped and flipped itself around just right to slip out of its collar- the group stood in shock for a moment before screaming and running after the dog.
“There’s a dog outside, I’d avoid it if ya can. Can’t say it would do anythin’ but some people train their dogs to attack us.”
You were warned, pulling your hood up over your head. What a weird thing to do.. but you heard the dog and commotion outside, even seeing two of the other residents come in and complain about the dog.
“-and we were having such a good chat with a cute elf girl!”
Elf? Elves weren’t common to see around these parts from what you’d gathered, never seeing one in the time you’ve been here despite seeing essentially all other groups of people.
Patting yourself down, you said a quick goodbye to the head member.
Slinking out of the door, you saw the dog in the corner of your eye and made way to avoid it. Preoccupied with your thoughts and list of what you had to do, you didn’t hear the people behind you start to holler about a loose dog.
That’s when you felt a bite on your tail.
Pain curled up your spine before you whipped around and saw the dog, it then jumped on you and placed its front paws on your abdomen trying to stop you.
“Go on! Get!”
It only gave a dopey head tilt to you before howling.
“Ah! I’m so sorry! It slipped out of its collar and-“
It was Laios.
The two of you made eye contact, ignoring the dog happily circling around you and sitting down proudly- giving one more bark of “I found you!”..
It was like a standoff, you felt the blood drain from your face and stomach start to churn as his gaze shook while looking at you.
“Y/n? Is.. is that you?”
Your throat felt dry, no words coming but your mouth was left slightly agape.. he found you. How did he find you? You took a quick glance behind him and saw Chilchuck, Marcille, and Falin.
They’d all come for you?
The feeling in your chest dropped like a bad of sand and you spun around and took off, much to the protests of Laios who quickly left the dog with his friends and told them to wait.
You ran around the corner, quick on your feet to escape a confrontation.
He wasn’t supposed to find you! Yeah he could have searched and looked for as long as he wanted but you never expected him to find you!
“Y/n! Wait!”
Air was leaving your lungs quickly, you needed to find an escape but with a final turn you found yourself at a dead end in an alleyway.
The sound of Laios skidding on his feet behind you made sure to let you know that you were caught.
A feeling of dread filled every cavity in your body, anxious vibrations and chattering in your teeth while his steps got closer.
“Don’t come any closer!”
You hunched over yourself, pulling your hood down further to cover your ears and face.
“So.. it is you?”
“You wouldn’t believe it if I said no.. would you?”
Laios felt his heart break, the cracking in your voice and the way your body shook broke him inside; he’d never seen you this distraught.. he scanned over your cowering figure, first noticing the tail that tucked itself under your legs and the faint silhouette of horns on top of your head.. but he smiled softly to himself.
It was you, and you were still alive.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, flinching away and trying to get up and run but he caught you quickly. Wrapping you in his arms tightly despite you thrashing and trying to get out of his grip.
“Let me go! Please! I don’t want you to see me like this!”
He listened to you sob and scream, letting you scratch his skin and almost tears his clothes; all he could focus on was the warmth he held from you, the familiar sensation of you in his arms calmed his once ever growing nerves even in such a moment.
You were in his arms, breathing and safe. That’s all he knew and all he needed for now.
“Laios Touden! Let me go!”
“No, not until you tell me why you left.”
You stopped thrashing around at his words.. with your lax body he hugged you properly and rubbed his face into your shoulder. The tears wetting your cape and shoulder.
“Did you.. did you leave because you wanted to?”
Your breathe hitched, of course not. You never intended to leave him but.. the change..
“I left because I..”
Sighing softly, you tried to pull away again but his grip only tightened with his own soft shaky breathe.
“Can you let me go for just a moment? I won’t run..”
He hesitated, his arms tensing and he squeezed you before he reluctantly pulled away but kept himself close to you.
Reaching up, you raised your head and took off the hood.
Laios’ eyes widened, looking at your horns first, seeing the way your ears had changed and the other new features you’d gained..
“This. This is why I left.. I can’t imagine that you’d still love me-“
“But you’re still.. you, right?”
He grabbed your hands into his, inspecting the long claw like nails.. lacing his fingers with his own with a soft smile on his lips.
You were still you, nothing inside had changed.. it was all exterior as far as you knew. Biting your lip, the tip of one of your canines peeked out and tears welled in your eyes.
“I don’t know.. why are you looking at me like that?”
Laios had seemed like he was hyper focused and already in his own world.. he was still Laios.. you weren’t sure if it was curious disgust or if he was still surprised to see you like this..
“Laios..? Stop gawking at me! Please say something!”
“Can you uh, can you open your mouth?”
Blinking, you went to speak but before words could come up he already had a hand pushing softly on your upper lip.
“Fangs? That’s.. hot!”
You blushed, pulling your face away from his hand. Why wasn’t he saying anything else about you leaving?!
“What are you saying?! Aren’t you scared?! Disgusted? Just tell me what you feel so I can leave! So you can carry on with your life!”
He flinched, not used to you screaming at him.
“What do you mean?”
His puppy eyes watered, hurt that you’d scream at him and a familiar guilt burned at you.
“What do I mean?! Look at me! I left you, don’t you feel any hatred towards me?!”
He shook his head, once again grabbing both your hands in his.
“I could never hate you. I came looking for you because I love you and don’t want to continue without you.”
The man’s voice wavered, a realization seemingly hit him.
“.. do you hate me?”
He suddenly dropped your hands, for once during the whole interaction he took a step back. Without any thought you quickly wrapped your arms around him to keep him from going further.
“No! I don’t hate you! It’s because of me changing that I left and I just thought that you’d be better off without me like this!”
His tight grip on your waist returned, he leaned his forehead on yours.
“I could never be any better off without you. Never.”
You watched his lip quiver, his eyes shut but you saw tears appearing on his lashes..
“I’m.. I’m sorry. I’m sorry Laios..”
He breathed in, opening his eyes to look into yours.
“Is it okay if I kiss you? Or.. do you still want me to leave you alone.. are you happier here?”
Your heart thrummed in your chest, you planted your lips on his and the two of you desperately exchanged kisses. A bite at your lip made you open your mouth and he took claim immediately, you felt him lick along your new fangs. Pushing onto him he backed away and let you explore his mouth, nipping at his lip and leaving a faint scratch- just enough to draw blood. He winced and you pulled away.
He was flushed red, a faint dot of blood on his lips.
“Are you okay?”
Poking out his tongue, he licked the blood off his lip with a smile.
“Never better… come home with me, Y/n”
You wanted to cry.
He still wanted you, despite everything he still travelled and searched for you- the same love in his eyes from all those years still vibrant and glowing. You nodded, before the two of you left the dead end he gave you a much needed confirming hug. Making sure to nuzzle himself into your neck, feeling your skin against his was a much needed relief.. he was happy.
Laios would never think any less of you, his view of you would never change- so long as you allowed him to be, he would be by your side. He hoped it would be forever.
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photo1030 · 17 hours
Leather and Lace - Chapter 23: Colter - The Winter Storm
Summary: After a major job goes seriously wrong, the gang is driven out of the area. 
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*This beautiful image comes from @gem-likes-rdr
*Thank you to @appalachiancowboy99 for being my sounding board.
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter - TBD, but there are a handful of future chapters that were posted ahead of time
Shouts and chaos reign through the Van der Linde camp as it is hastily packed up. The stale odor of fires being doused with water chokes the air as sooty particles bounce into the sky like summer fireflies. Wooden boxes and crates crack loudly as they get hastily slammed shut, and wagons creak as the gang’s few possessions get roughly tossed inside. Ms. Grimshaw’s sharp voice barks instructions at the members who stayed behind while groups went out on their respective jobs. Your head rings, throbbing from anxiety and fear. You have never seen the gang so disheveled and unhinged and it is most unsettling. You are still trying to piece together what happened as you tend to the bloody wounds of your friends who are laid out in front of you. 
Apparently this ferry boat heist that Dutch and Micah had been planning for weeks went horribly wrong. The delectable smell of a take worth $150,000 in bank revenue was too tantalizing to pass up, but it also came with high risks. Arthur had tried to steer the fools from it, even Hosea tried. But their collective reasoning fell on deaf and indignant ears. So wanting no part of it himself, Arthur left the camp in a huff with Hosea to work their own real estate job instead. 
Dutch and Micah had taken a collection of the remaining outlaw misfits up to the town of Blackwater, the new up-and-coming port city of West Elizabeth. The town proudly buzzes with new businesses and commerce, with citizens and visitors flocking to the growing community. It is a lucrative area, brimming with lumber, mining, and port travel businesses along the Flat Iron Lake and its tributaries. 
Details of what transpired on the ferry boat are still unclear, as there was little time to explain what happened. But afterwards, Dutch and the others came tearing into camp like the devil himself was chasing them, hollering to anyone within earshot to pack it in. No time for pleasantries, just throw the shit in a wagon right this minute and move. 
Like a cloud of mosquitoes that scatters off of calm water when a stone is thrown, everyone explodes into an almost rehearsed motion, hurriedly moving to their respective areas to toss whatever humble belongings they have into crates. 
Fortunately, because you and Arthur share a living space now, he is able to pack up the belongings for the both of you, trying his best to be careful with your things while you are occupied elsewhere, hovering over the wounded. Arthur dismantles the tent quickly with the help of Reverend Swanson before he moves to assist you with packing the medical tent next. 
You try to remain calm, balancing packing supplies with tending to your injured friends, when out of the corner of your eye you see little Jack, his eyes filled with fearful tears of confusion. His mother has him sitting on the end of one of the wagons where she can keep a watchful eye on him, making sure he doesn’t get trampled under someone’s hurried feet. 
He sits perfectly still, nervously nibbling his fingers, as a constant in a whirlwind of commotion all around him. A hard lump forms in your throat as your heart aches for the poor child who is scared and confused as to the swirling chaos which is dangerously close to swallowing him up whole. Amazingly, the boy never seems to have too many issues with living out in the open and on the run like this. But when he sees the people who are always protecting him with their own fear pooling in their eyes, it causes Jack’s little body to shake with a new kind of panic. 
Slowly turning your face away from Jack, your gaze falls back to your monumental task at hand. Davey and Jenny are laid out in front of you, both groaning and gasping in pain from the gunshot wounds they sustained in the Blackwater robbery. Your attention skips between the two of them, changing bandages and administering tinctures and tonics in an effort to ease their pain. Reverend Swanson even offers up some of his morphine to help. And they will certainly need it for the journey ahead. 
Both Davey and Jenny’s injuries are severe and they shouldn’t be moved at all, but that is simply not an option. A sharp pang of guilt washes over you that you can’t do more for them so you patch them up as best you can, trying to make them comfortable. You then proceed to pack what you can while still staying within arms length of both of them, watching over them like a hawk. Ms. Grimshaw would normally assist you, but she’s got her own hands full right now. The whole camp has been given the directive to be packed and in place to move out as soon as possible. 
You place the last of the medical supplies into a crate to be placed into Arthur’s wagon when Dutch stalks through the area, gauging the progress of the camp’s dismantling. 
“Come on, people, we got to move!” he hollers, urgently sweeping his arm towards the lot of nerve-wracked gang members. 
“What about supplies?” interjects Mr. Pearson from his station, his face red with exertion as he heaves the last crate into the chuck wagon. “Food stocks are low.”
“No time”, barks Dutch. “We’ll just have to see what we can pick up along the way.” 
“Along the way to where?” you ask incredulously, eyebrows raised in challenge, as there has been no mention of a plan or destination of any kind. But you forget yourself, and more importantly, who you are talking to.
Dutch quickly spins on you, his dark eyes flash in your direction, his shoulders taught, pulling him even taller and more menacing. 
“Nevermind about that.” The words are growled out slow and low in a warning that makes you instantly recoil. “It is not your concern. I’m handling it.” 
But your stubbornness gets the best of you, as that answer is simply not going to placate you, not when your family’s lives are in your hands. You shake your head, face twisting up in disbelief as you look down at Davey’s blood-soaked body. 
“But what about-”
“Not now, Y/N!” Dutch’s deep voice raises in volume to immediately end the conversation. ”Just look after those who need medical attention and let me handle the move.”
Your eyes skip over to Arthur for help, but his face is set in stone with a grim expression that you cannot place. 
“Just do as you're told, Y/N”, he says flatly. 
That is all that Arthur can mutter before heading over to finish packing your shared tent.
Following the shootout, Blackwater and the entirety of the great Plains and Tall Trees region are put on lock-down. Pinkertons are brought in to cover the area to patrol like a dog ravaged with fleas, looking for the elusive Van Der Linde Gang. The Pinkerton Agency is a private security guard and detective agency that is known for their ruthless and sometimes violent tactics. Prominent companies and rich businessmen began to hire these groups shortly after the Civil War as bounty hunters of sorts to protect their interests and to help put an end to the “lawlessness of the Wild West”. 
Upon hearing that these men have now joined local law enforcement in chasing you all down makes your blood run cold. Suddenly the gravity of what your gang does, Arthur in particular, hits you full on. This “Robinhood-esque” lifestyle is no longer as romantic a notion as you once believed. And you are not so naive to deduce that if Dutch Van Der Linde is their target, then Arthur’s neck is surely in danger of a hangman’s noose as well. 
The whole territory is left in chaos in the gang’s wake. The ferryboat was a hailstorm of gunfire, killing lawmen and civilians alike. The law is not able to confirm if the gang was able to escape with the ferryboat money, as the cache has yet to be recovered. And this leaves the locals in a flurry, digging in gardens and backyards to see if the money was stashed anywhere where strangers fitting the gang’s collective descriptions were rumored to be lurking. 
Truth be told, the gang could not escape with the stolen money and instead, stashed it in an undisclosed location in Blackwater known only to Dutch and Hosea. They will have to come back for it when it’s safe and who knows when that will be. Dutch knew this would not be an easy job, but his arrogance has left nothing but destruction behind. 
But it wasn’t just those poor souls on the ferryboat who suffered. The “Blackwater Massacre”, as it is being referred to in the newspapers, has resulted in casualties to your family as well. John took a hit to the arm during the heist and Charles suffered a badly burned hand. But they got off lucky. 
Davey Callander was hit in the gut. It’s bad, too. The bullet tore right through his belly. You try to dress the wound as best you can to quell the bleeding, but you know it’s not good. His brother Mac was also shot at the scene, but apparently was not able to escape with the others. Whether Mac has been caught or killed, no one knows for sure. 
And then there’s Jenny. Sweet Jenny Kirk. She took a bullet, too, the fragment ricocheted around in her chest like a ball kicked around a schoolyard. As you hold your hand over her wound, watching the viscous red liquid pool around your fingers, you know in your heart what’s coming. Her soft brown eyes look to you, seeking that confirmation of whether she’s dying. But gazing into her ever-paling face, you don’t have the heart to tell her the truth.
“Everything is going to be fine, Jenny.” Smiling softly, you gently run your fingers through her hair before cupping her cheek. “I need you to relax and take it easy. I know it hurts and I’ll do everything I can to make it stop.” A tear rolls down the side of her face as she whimpers and nods, placing all of her trust in you.
And then there's Sean. Sean is missing, as well. He was last seen tucked behind a building, about to be swarmed by Pinkertons. He’s another one that was left behind, no one knowing whether he is dead or alive. 
Having nowhere to escape to, Dutch pushes your lot up into the Grizzly Mountains of Ambarino. It is a hard path and the gang leader is convinced that the law will not bother with the chase up there. With the situation becoming dire, he decides that you all would have to flee the area completely until this mess blows over. The threat of the swarming law is oppressive as it chases your group, strangling you all from any resources or salvation. There are few options for respite and none of them are too pleasing to begin with. 
As the procession of wagons rumbles further north, a helacious storm settles in, swallowing the gang in bitter cold and ice. The persistent snow covers your tracks into the mountains but it is a hard and treacherous journey. You make the dangerous trek up the mountainside and fortunately manage to lose your pursuers in the process. But that seems to be the only bit of luck the gang has been granted. 
Sadly, the atmosphere inside your wagon grows even more grim as Jenny’s labored breathing starts to slow as her battered body begins the final stages of failure. You knew it was a lost cause before you even hit the foothills of the mountains, but watching her life ebb away before your eyes tears at your heart nonetheless. 
Her poor body shakes as the cold winds wrap around the wagon, the constant rocking of the hard wooden platform that she lays upon offering her little relief as you try desperately to make her as comfortable as possible. You take her hand into yours, squeezing it tightly, and sing softly to her as she creeps closer to permanent relief. The fear of death that shadows her tired eyes begins to waver as she focuses on the comforting melody of your voice, a lullaby that tenderly floats into the air. 
And then suddenly, Jenny’s sweet face goes slack and her torment has ended. It takes you but a moment of staring at her young freckled face to wrap your mind around the reality of it before you and Abigail share a tearful look. Not a word is spoken between the two of you. You simply nod in acknowledgement to your friend as you look down at Jenny again. You are not looking forward to the painful task of telling Lenny. You set your lips to Jenny’s cold forehead before your hand ghosts over her face, closing her eyes. 
With a deep sigh, you now turn your full attention to Davey. You don’t know the Callender brothers too well. They always seemed too rowdy for your taste. But Arthur likes them well enough, taking a drink with them on occasion. 
But Jenny is a different story. She came into the gang just after you did. Being younger than you, she tended to stay more with Tilly and Mary Beth. She was a bit of a tom-boy, as they say, but sharp as a tack and sweet as honey. And particularly sweet on one Mr. Lenny Summers. He loved reading and discussing books with her. And that common interest created a beautiful little budding romance between the youngsters. She already knew how to read, but Lenny was helping Jenny develop her skills at it. You’d often catch them sitting at the fires together, coyishly touching shoulders and exchanging sweet blushing glances.
And poor Sean. Your mind quickly skips to him as you readjust yourself to check Davey’s bandages. Whoever caught Sean may put a bullet in him just to stop his mouth running. Karen acts like his absence doesn’t affect her so deeply, as if they weren’t so close. But you’ve heard her crying softly at night and noticed his shirt tucked into her bedroll. 
As the caravan of lost souls trudges ever onward, the sun begins its descent for the day and Arthur rides out ahead to try to find shelter from the merciless storm. You have your hands full caring for Davey, but you can’t help but worry for his safety, as well. 
Arthur is strong and as resilient as ever. And Dutch is leaning on him heavily to get the gang out of this mess that he’s made. Dutch wears Arthur like a shield, using him to take the brunt of the poundings, sending him off to do dangerous work. But as much as you hate to admit it, Arthur is the gang’s best hope at surviving this latest miscalculation. You have hardly even seen him since the gang rolled out of the valley let alone spoken to him. You want nothing more than to wrap your arms around him to make sure he is okay, to give him the support he needs, and to have him comfort you in return. But that is not possible at the moment, and that lack of connection with your love leaves you feeling empty and hopeless. 
Tucked away in the wagon between the injured, you cannot even see the outside world, let alone Arthur. You have no idea where he even is. You can only hear the world around you, as the frigid wind howls next to your ear, causing the canvas over top to shake and snap loudly. Abigail reaches up to light the rusty lantern that sways from the roof of the wagon as the darkness of the end of the day settles upon you all. The flame is small and fragile within the glass globe, struggling to keep itself going, just like the hope in your heart. 
Reverend Swanson walks along the side of the lead wagon and up towards the front of it where Dutch and Hosea sit perched on the bench, driving the poor horses onward in the unrelenting weather. 
“We need to stop soon,” Reverend hollers up to them, his voice getting muffled in the wind. “Jenny’s dead. And Abigail says Davey’s not doing too well either. We’ll need to find a place, “ he adds with a knowing look.
“We’ll all be dead soon if we don’t get out of this storm,” grumbles Hosea. The old man tucks his chin into the collar of his coat, wrapping his arms around his thin frame even tighter to try to stay warm.
Dutch nods in an attempt at consolation. “It’ll be alright,” he affirms. “We’ll find shelter soon. Arthur is out there looking for a place.”
And just like that, as if called out of the darkness, a shadowy form emerges from the swirling snow. Arthur’s unmistakable blue coat and trusty horse come into view, a faint yellow glow from his lantern acting like a beacon. 
“I found a place,” the seasoned outlaw shouts over the howling wind. “Not too far up ahead.” Arthur’s face twists up against the frigid air, his mouth turning down into a frustrated and annoyed scowl, his eyes just as icy and angry as the weather. 
Arthur turns Buck around to head back the way they came, and eventually leads the gang to settle in an abandoned mining town known as Colter. 
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*This fantastic images comes from @rosesrdr2photography
It is early evening by the time the gang arrives at the small collection of broken-down buildings known as Colter. The sun’s absence has plunged the world into darkness, making it exponentially colder. Hosea climbs down from the wagon with stiff joints and hurries over as fast as the deep snow allows his old knees to move to inspect the nearest building that looks inhabitable. He heaves his shoulder into the door, thrusting his lantern inward to cast its fragile illumination upon the interior. The room is bleak and dreary, covered in cobwebs and dust from a time long forgotten by the last inhabitants. But, at least it has walls and a solid roof. And more importantly, it is empty. 
“Bring him in here!” Hosea calls out over his shoulder into the dark. Arthur and Bill carry Davey inside on a make-shift gurney with you and Abigail following closely behind. The rest of the group falls in as well, desperate to get out of the wagons and out of the elements.
Your red-stained fingers hover over Davey’s bandages again, noting with disappointment at how much more blood has been lost since you last checked. Out of the corner of your eyes, you catch Abigail fidgeting above his chest and mouth, looking for signs of life. 
“Davey’s dead”, she announces with a matter of fact tone laced with disappointment.
Abigail’s statement halts you in your tracks. Your eyes dart between Abigail’s wind-chapped face to Davey’s lifeless one, before your gaze falters back to the wound that your hands are currently buried in, the blood already coagulating and becoming cold. A defeated sigh drags your shoulders down even further, and with a heavy heart at having lost another, you slowly retract your hands, fixing the blanket around Davey’s body like a death shroud. 
The room sits heavy with sorrow. The expressions on everyone’s faces are a mixture of both sadness and exhaustion and one that is collectively shared by the entire group. 
To his credit, Dutch senses the need of his people, the need to be cared for and consoled. You all need that guiding light to focus on if you are to make it out of this hell alive. Dutch steps into the middle of the small gathering, and proceeds to address the gang with a speech, trying to rally you all together as morale is at an all-time low. Like the father figure that you all so desperately need and share, his deep voice carries softly, yet firmly in the dead air. It is this that is Dutch’s greatest gift:  the gift of charisma. 
He ends his impassioned speech with “Get yourselves warm. Stay strong. Stay with me.” And then Dutch immediately shifts into survival mode, as there is no time for sadness. He needs to get you all refocused on the hardship that still lies ahead.
“We’ll get some supplies. Mr. Pearson, Ms. Grimshaw, I need you to turn this place into a camp.” Both loyal gang members nod in unison at their understood roles. ”Arthur, come with me. Let’s head out and see what we can find.” 
“In this?” Arthur tosses his arm towards the storm that rages all around you, threatening to snow you all in and suffocate you. 
“Yes,” Dutch declares emphatically. “We should go now before it gets worse out there and then we can’t get out at all. Come on.” Dutch huffs and turns to head back out into the cold.
You silently watch as Arthur just rolls his eyes in annoyance before he obediently follows Dutch outside. A cold and unsettled feeling washes over you as Arthur shuffles out the door behind his mentor. You are still trying to piece together what happened back in Blackwater, but the whispers indicate that it was not good at all. The fact that your friends’ blood covers your hands and clothing is a bad enough indication. 
But you overheard Javier talking about how Dutch shot an innocent woman. Your mind scrambled upon hearing that. While you are well aware of how dangerous Dutch Van der Linde can be, you just couldn’t believe that he would kill an innocent bystander for no reason. 
Once outside, Arthur fixes his coat collar high around his cheeks to block the whipping winds. And finally having a moment alone with Dutch, he takes the opportunity to ask what has been plaguing his mind since you all left. 
“What happened back there on that boat?” Arthur’s skeptical blue eyes hold Dutch’s dark ones, waiting for an explanation that he feels he’s owed.
“We missed you, Arthur. That’s what happened.” Dutch’s curt answer doesn’t provide any sort of information other than deflection with a slight hint of blame. “Now come on. We got to see if we can come across Micah or John. They’re supposed to be out there lookin’ around.” 
He quickly stalks away to head towards the horses again, leaving Arthur standing disgruntled in the snow before he can even counter his point. Dutch throws his leg over the Count’s saddle, waiting impatiently for Arthur and Buck to pull up next him and then they head out into the frigid weather once more. 
He should probably be sitting inside, trying to get warm, but the swell of anger and annoyance is more than enough to keep Arthur warm at the moment. None of this would be happening if Dutch and Micah had listened to him. But no. And now, friends are dead and missing, the law and Pinkertons are hot on your heels, and the gang is chased up into the middle of nowhere, freezing and starving. 
The two men are not out too long before Micah meets them along the path. His body is covered in snow, Baylock’s mane crusted with ice. “I found a homestead with a fire lit a little ways back,” he informs the two riders. “Might be able to get some resources there.”
“Alright good, let’s take a look,” agrees Dutch. And the three of them plod along in the snow, back down to where Micah found the small ranch. 
Upon reaching the top of the hill, Micah points down towards the property he found. There is a main house with some smaller buildings scattered about. And there is, indeed, a fire illuminating out into the blue of the night. They make their way down to the house, maneuvering around fence posts and small paddocks. They dismount and stash the horses at the edge of the property to make their way on foot, careful not to be noticed
“Alright,” whispers Dutch, “You two stay hidden out of sight. I’ll knock on the door and see what we’re dealing with. We may get farther with one freezing man out in the cold than three of us wielding guns.” 
Arthur and Micah quietly nod in unison, a rare instance of camaraderie, and each find hiding spots crouching in the snow behind a chicken coop and a wagon, diligently watching Dutch as he approaches the dwelling and knocks on the door. 
He is greeted by a man who is naturally uneasy at seeing someone arrive at his door at this hour and in these weather conditions. Dutch puts on his best friendly face at the sight of the skeptically scowling host.
“Hello, friend!” Dutch smiles brightly with that trademark silver tongue and charm. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but you see, my people and I got lost in this storm.” He pointedly waves his arm behind him towards the swirling snow. “And we’re hoping you might be able to help us out a little.”
From where they are sitting in the ice-crusted snow, Arthur and Micah watch the exchange between Dutch and the man, but suddenly, something catches Micah’s attention, causing him to abruptly sit up.
“Arthur!” he hisses, causing Arthur’s cautious eyes to leave Dutch’s form and dart in his direction. “There’s a body in this wagon!” Micah flips over the canvas that is covering the wooden structure he is hiding behind to reveal a corpse, dead at least a day with a bullet hole in his chest. “Somethin’ ain’t right here!”
And before he knows what’s happening, Arthur’s ears are assaulted by the loud cracks of gunfire. The air explodes into gunshots and shouting from all directions of the property. Quickly looking to cover Dutch, Arthur sees the man that greeted Dutch is dead in front of him with two more coming out of the house. Dutch backpedals, but makes quick work of them, while more men swarm the house from all around. 
Now, say what you will about Micah Bell, but he is quite skilled with a gun, like it is an extension of himself. And being paired up with Arthur, the two easily take care of the collection of men that pour from the house and surrounding areas. Bullets mingled with wooden splinters from ill-aimed shots graze Arthur’s head, but he is a man ruled by instinct and reflexes, and the pounding of his heart gets pushed to the far reaches of his brain. Bodies quickly begin to fall, deep crimson blood staining the pristine white of the powdery snow. 
The commotion settles almost as quickly as it began, calming once more to a deafening silence before Arthur and Micah are able to safely approach the house to join Dutch on the small porch. Dutch looms over one of the men that lays in a heap in the doorway, nudging him with his black boot. 
“O’Driscolls” Dutch spits the name with disdain, his breath frosting like a halo above his head in the cold. “What the hell are they doing up here so far North?” He looks about again as if to find the answer in the room inside the house. “Well, whatever it is, nevermind right now. Check the place over, we got people waiting for us,” he nods in determination. “Grab whatever you can that would be useful, food, blankets, medicine.”
As the three men split up to comb the property, Arthur heads into the barn to see what he can find there. The scent of old, mildewing hay and unmucked stalls cascades into his nostrils as he crosses the threshold of the barn. His blue eyes scan the sparse area which is already looking thread-bare. A huff of disappointment escapes his chapped lips as he meanders listlessly, picking up random items such as a few oatcakes for his horse and a rope, but nothing too significant.  
A shadow catches Arthur’s eye, his head snapping to attention in one of the stalls. Before he can make heads or tails of things, a body darts out of the shadows and jumps him from behind. The person hurls their meager body into Arthur’s much larger one, throwing their arms around him in a feeble attempt to knock him to the ground. Apparently another O’Driscoll hiding in the shadows. 
However, the idiot has no idea who he is dealing with and Arthur quickly flips the man over his shoulder as if he were tossing nothing more than a bag of feed. The wind is knocked out of the man’s lungs as he slams flat onto his back, blinking the stars out of his eyes as Arthur is quick to grab ahold of his jacket and begins to land blow after blow to the intruder’s face. Arthur’s fists angrily pummel into skin and teeth, as the sound of bone crunching and blood spurting from a busted lip and nose quickly escalates to mix with pathetic whimpers and sings through the brisk air. 
The commotion draws Dutch’s attention from where he is combing the fallen bodies for clues as to why the rival gang is here on this property. From outside he hurries over to the barn to make sure that Arthur is not in need of assistance. But Dutch stops short at the sight, mildly amused to see his right-hand man not only just fine, but has caught one of the trespassers. 
The younger outlaw pauses, eyes intensely burning into the man beneath with his arm pulled back, threatening to deliver another blow.
“What are you all doin’ here?” Arthur shouts angrily.
The O’Driscoll cowers in fear as Arthur looms over him. “N..Nothin’! I swear!”
A sickening sound of blood squelching fills the air again with another punch to the teeth. 
“Now, I sure don’t believe that.” A wickedly sadistic grin crawls across Arthur’s face, his breath circling in the air like that of a fire breathing dragon. 
“I ain’t gonna ask again, what are you all doing out here?!” Arthur shouts, spittle flying into the man’s face. 
“It’s…It’s a train. A train is coming through. Colm has us getting ready for it.”
A heartless chuckle rumbles from Dutch’s chest from where he stands in the doorway watching the interrogation. “Well, alright, then.” He turns to head back to the house with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Arthur, I'll trust you to take care of this.” 
Arthur barely has time to process this information before he hears screaming coming from the main house. With his captor distracted, the O’Driscoll wrenches himself free from Arthur’s gloved hands and tries to flee, sprinting out from under Arthur’s grasp. 
Tripping on his own two feet, the O’Driscoll tries to make a break for it across the yard. But he only gets so far before Arthur smoothly pulls his gun from his holster and calmly puts a bullet in the man’s back, landing him facedown in the snow. With that matter taken care of without so much as an afterthought, Arthur turns his full attention towards the continued ruckus coming from the house. 
“What the hell is it now?” he mutters under his breath, and quickly stalks over to see what the next issue is that he has to deal with. 
Taking the porch steps two at a time, Arthur barrels into the house to see Micah chasing a frazzled woman around a table as she is screaming in terror, hurling objects at him in self defense. Micah’s hands are held up, trying to placate the woman, but one could tell that he’d pounce on her the second he got close enough. Whether he was trying to calm her, or torment her even more, who knows, but either way, Arthur is infuriated at the sight. Arthur quickly rushes forward, shoving Micah out of his way, and putting himself between the two. 
The poor woman is almost feral at this point, eyes wild, her hands desperately clutching any object she can get her hands on to try to defend herself.
“It’s alright, miss, we ain’t gonna hurt ya,” Arthur tells her, his voice low and soft, using the same tone he uses with Buck when he gets spooked. 
The woman slowly ceases her screaming, her chest heaving in exhaustion as she tries to catch her breath, panicked eyes darting all around the room. Dutch comes up behind Arthur, also trying to calm the poor woman who is shaking like a leaf. 
But the calm moment is all too brief as a fire quickly starts to spread across the floor from a lantern that was knocked over in the uproar. 
“Come on, we gotta get outta here,” mutters Dutch. “Time to go.”
Dutch is quick to grab a large blanket from the living room, wrapping it around the small woman before directing her out of the house. Orange and red flames quickly crawl up the side of the walls of the dwelling like a spider as the four of them duck out of the house. Arthur tucks the woman against him to protect her from the elements, escorting her outside as the house begins to catch fire, engulfed and smoldering behind her. 
“We ain’t good men,” he informs her, “but we’re better than those others, I guarantee.” 
The poor thing quietly submits as Arthur carefully lifts her small frame up onto Buck’s saddle before climbing up himself and settling in front of her.
“They….they killed my husband,” she whimpers.
“You’ll be safe with us, miss,” assures Dutch as they begin to move away from the house. “What’s your name?”
“Sadie. Sadie Adler,” she mumbles as she turns her chin over her shoulder to watch her home and everything she loved so dearly burn to the ground. 
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*This fantastic images comes from @rosesrdr2photography
A/N: I decided to break this section into multiple chapters like I did with "Feelings Revealed." This is the setup chapter, more drama (and love) to come!
Tag List: @rivetingrosie4​ @bimbo-dollz​ @pine4pple-b0i​ @redwritr​ @kuri-chans-blog​ @queer-sadie-adler​ @joelmillerswifey​ @gimmethosedaddymilkers​ @pcotarelo​ @delilah-grimes​ @maemortem​ @wistfulwisteriawitch​ @lilacxxdreams​ @mentallyillfrogs​ @absolutegeek​ @spurz​ @sophiaj650​ @uniqueclodzinevoid​ @lookingformaurice​ @pawoui​ @randomidk-123​ @yyiikes​ @eddiemetalheadmunson​ @twola​ @kmartkiddieisle​ @red-dead-simp @regwishesshehadmagic​  @rhehr241​  @earwen-x​ @akariver75​ @djennty​ @nervousmumbling​ @xliliths​ @unbotheredbeeeee​ @onnetonprinsessa​ @kittiowolf210​ @ezrynn​ @suhiss @arthurmargon​​ @codnerd1999 @queer-sadie-adler​​ @alice-vanderlinde​​ @sweetandstoned21​​ @j4llyf7sh @spooky631​​ @m0r4rx @ilovrxats​​ @i-69-urmom​​ @ddbluesie @ivuravix @nervousmumbling @sickvictorianangel @tirededuxhours @ezzythereal1 @chloepluto1306 @ivys-valentine @spiritcatcherxo @lea-khena @brccklynbaby1 @foundynnel @readingcoco @carmelamontezlikr @ultraporcelainpig @sofiaa-xcx @namesaretomainstream @miphy @cookiesandcreaminthetardis @loveheartabby @daisybvck @julialoopeezz @a-court-of-valkyries
*I tagged people who expressed interest in the continued story. If you’d like to be added or removed, please let me know. There are a few that would not let me link, so I apologize if this doesn’t ping some people. 
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 days
Hi. I love you blog ❤️
But I have an unpleasant question to ask. I hope it doesn’t bring your mood down and I hope that you may have some advice.
I love the Bridgerton community here and I genuinely enjoy the series analyses and the memes and love and praise for the actors. But you know how the situation with Luke has been recently.
I had to block #lukola and lukola content since the comments are mostly generated under this tag. I know that not everyone is using it romantically but I hoped that it will bring down the amount of posts that make me see red or genuinely depressed me. And I still have to block users just to remove their posts from my dash even though I thought that the filter may help.
I want to generate positivity instead of fighting but some posts are just THAT outrageous that I feel the need to dismantle them. By doing that I feel like I keep the hate train rolling simply by bringing the content of these posts into question in order to point out how harmful they are. I’ve also tried doing nothing and ignoring, but it feels like I’m letting the baseless cruelty slide and letting my principles and who I am at the core down.
I’m not sure what to do anymore and I’m thinking about stepping away from all social media for a while. But this thought also makes me sad because I used to love it here and I still (sometimes) do.
Do you have any advice? How do you deal with this? Maybe I have to filter something more? Do you see any way to contribute something good without fighting but also without hiding and running away from the tide?
If I’ve overstepped, I am sorry, and if you decide to remove the ask or not answer it I would absolutely understand. Thank you for listening in any case ❤️
Oh my gosh you’re so sweet. Thank you so much for enjoying my blog. That means so much to me and I truly appreciate it!
As far as advice goes I don’t know if I have a lot. I know it can get really hard to not let other peoples hatred and negativity bring you down. It can get really frustrating especially when the hate is as illogical and unwarranted as the harassment that the bridgerton actors, especially Luke, have been getting. It’s not guaranteed but hopefully the aggression will die down with some time as people move on with their lives. Just know that you’re not alone in these feelings.
I’m personally pretty susceptible to this kind of negativity too. That’s why tumblr is my only form of social media. The way that I try to work with those reactionary feelings is pretty similar to what you’re already doing. Whenever I see something that affects me like that I just block it and move on. Sometimes I do forget to do that and get wrapped up in scrolling through the hate or typing up a response, but then I have to stop myself and think if it’s really worth my time. I remind myself that these people want attention and they want the notes on their posts to feel validated in their opinions. It is hard but the best course of action is to try to just ignore them because they’re truly not worth the stress or energy.
With that I do want to say don’t be afraid to vent your feelings on your own blog. If you don’t feel comfortable putting it in the tag or associating it with your blog because you don’t want to deal with those people harassing you there that’s completely fine. You can always leave it untagged, type it up but leave it in your drafts, create a side blog just for that, or block them when they leave an upsetting comment. I’ve just found that it’s helpful to me to let out how I feel on here instead of holding it in and it’s especially helpful when I find people who actually get it and share my feelings. That’s actually one of my favorite things about tumblr.
Another thing that I try to do is just make my blog a nice place that I’m proud of, which is why you liking my blog has made me very happy. I try to share as many things that I like as I can. With the negativity in the tag surrounding Luke I’ve just been trying to counter it with any positive post that comes to my mind to drown out how negative and hateful some people have been. These people aren’t the majority, they’re just loud. That’s why whenever I’ve been making posts about this season I’ve been putting them in Luke and Nicola’s tags. If you have other social media accounts spamming the cast and their tags with love, complements, or just anything that’s not hateful to counter the hate spamming that they get is always a good idea too.
All that being said if it is all too much I always recommend just stepping away from social media for a second. It can be very overwhelming and hard to remember that it’s not real life, so if you ever feel like it’s effecting you too much just check in with yourself and walk away, for at least a bit.
I know that’s not great advice, but I’m going to post this in all of the tags that I use for bridgerton to see if anyone else has any advice that might be a bit more helpful. I’m very sorry that you’ve been experiencing this too and I hope that it gets better. Thank you so much for liking my blog, that really did make my day
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megangovier · 2 days
The new Client
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Wc- 854
Pairing: sub-Trainer! Joel x plus size fem! reader x Tommy Miller
Summary: You just started the gym; Joel Miller is your new trainer. Later that afternoon Tommy takes over Joel's place until 15:30pm. Around 22:30 you take a shower.
Warning: 18+ only // pet names // // hair pulling // pranks // Jerking off // mommy kink // mention of "slut" mdni
Joining the gym can be very nerve wracking, especially if you've never been in one. You have the fear of heads turning and looking at you with disgusts, as you headed inside heart pumping out your chest, face turning red with nerves you keep your eyes on your feet and hoping no one is looking at the big girl who just walked in. As you got onto the smith machine, a handsome guy came up to you with his hand out for you to shake it "you must be my new client, I welcome you to our gym, this is a safe space for everyone and we're quite friendly so no need to feel uncomfortable with us." a shy smile slipped onto your face "thank you sir, I really appreciate that" Kneeling beside you "I'll be your main trainer, but my brother will be taking over from me later this afternoon".
"Right, we're going to start with the basics, a bit of a warmup and then weights, you'd be doing the smith machine with my brother." Getting up off the machine, you head towards the free space in the gym, away from the others. "So, what we're going to do now is a few leg and back stretches, so would you please stand next to me, and I'll talk you through it, as it's your first time". hearing those words, you were thinking of something else. As you were doing what he told you, the constant pet names he was giving you was making butterflies erupt in your lower stomach. After that was done, you moved on to other stretches to warm up your muscles before the big workouts that you'll be doing this afternoon.
6 hours later..
It's currently 15:30pm and Tommy has just walked into the gym, alongside him was Joel. A few times he looked at you, wondering what he's got to work with, a smile fell onto his face. Heading towards you he took out his hand for you to shake it "Nice to meet you, I'm Tommy Joel's brother", I'll be taking over from him now sweetheart, now I need you to head yourself onto that machine over there". Getting off the bouncy ball, you sat on the smith machine. "We're going to count down from 50, I really want those muscles of yours to burn, with exertion" putting each hand on the cold bars, above your head you lift up and then down. Repeating 49 more times, Tommy helped you when he saw you struggling. Once done your arms were on fire, which was good as he said he wanted them to burn with exertion.
7 Hours later..
After a long day of workout, you just wanted to be under a warm shower. You were finishing up when you saw Tommy and Joel talking to each other, face grinning ear to ear. Whispering among themselves you just headed out towards the Lockeroom, getting undressed you wrapped the towel around yourself and headed into the showers. Hanging the towel up, sliding the curtain over. The warm water shot out from the head of the shower making you squeal in surprise. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, finally peace you thought. Tommy sneaked into the shower, quietly taking your only towel. Once you were finished, about to grab your towel to dry yourself but grabbed something cold and hard instead.
Shock and terror withered through your body, you were cold and wet. You had no idea where your towel had gone, it was just there on the towel rack. Quietly walking out to find another one, someone had sneaked up behind you and pinned you against the locker. Whimpers had left your lips. "Awh, it's okay baby! don't be scared" eyes wide, mouth agape it was Joel Miller, your new trainer. "Um sir, I don't think this is app-" you were interrupted with his lips smashing onto yours, surprised by the sudden act you froze and stood there dumbfounded. His leg spreading yours open, getting close to your throbbing clit. "Please baby, I need you to touch me, the first time I saw you I had to have you, the way your curves are in the right places, the softest lips I've ever kissed, like strawberries". Sliding your hand down onto his clothed bulge, he thrusted into it.
"Mommy please take it out, I need you to feel how much of a needy little slut I am for you, you're so pretty!" taking out his aching cock, you slowly jerked it off. Head falling back in ecstasy "just like that mommy, fuck!" A grin slipped onto your face, hand moving faster now eyes rolling back. "Oh, fuck mommy, I'm so close already, your hand just feels too good" slipping your other hand into his hair. Whiny moans left his lips "such a good boy for mommy" you said. Making him twitch in your hand, "please mommy, pull my hair harder" as you did, he bucked his hips needily into your hand "fuck! fuck! fuck! I'm coming mommy!" kissing his lips, he groaned and exploded onto your exposed thigh.
@joelsgreys @javiscigarette @toxicanonymity @joelmillerisapunk @joelscurls @pedropascalsblog @joelmillerisapunkfics
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raposarealm · 10 months
De-deification?! What- do you know what happened?
I will admit to being a bit behind on things (Pillar of Tomorrow is translated now, but I haven't read it in English yet, only attempted to do so in Japanese on the first day of the raid,) but... (kinda spoilers below)
At the end of the event, Iroha and Ui are returned to their normal states (presumably Mokyu is as well,) while Nemu and Touka stay up in... wherever the hell they were, to finish compiling the Magia Record. We see Iroha and Ui return to Mikadzuki Villa as well, and given at least the CGs from the current event Paradise Shift, their parents regained memory of them (which I'm curious to see how that's explained.) I'm not sure if Mugenroha counted as a 'deity', I was more joking than anything else. But I think that's the gist of it all, though I'm. Never really familiar with the happenings of Arc 2 and beyond, I'm still working my way through the beginning of the main story for Arc 2 I-
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stuckinapril · 5 months
friend wanted to see my tumblr, and when i told him i can’t show it to him bc it’s basically my personal diary he went “oh so I can’t see it but a bunch of strangers on tumblr can??” he literally does not get me. no one will get me like the people in my phone get me
#It’s just so different#even though it’s public it still feels secret and safe. i feel comfy sharing a lot more on here than I do in my actual day to day life lol#in my head I’m also just speaking to myself 90% of the time which helps#if a friend off tumblr saw my thoughts I’d feel so weird ab it#esp bc they might get the vagueposting about certain situations and tell mutual friends#no thank u. this is for me. I’m not about to start censoring my thoughts bc someone I know knows my tumblr#u guys literally saw me have LIVE BREAKDOWNS#meanwhile I’ll have the worst fucking day in history and tell no one about it. I’m already cripplingly private but way more so in real life#this is basically a low stress journaling outlet for me. it’s so important for me to maintain the separation#like this is actually my diary & has been so handy for letting out emotions / articulating thoughts / staying on track !!#& I’ve met so many kind people on here who actually get me. which is so hard to find irl bc I’m surrounded by pre-med gunners/overachievers#who are by standard not very good w emotion & can be competitive/judgmental. or at least it’s hard for me to be vulnerable in front of them#and I’m part of that crowd so I reserve my emotions only to a handful of very close friends#it’s nice to hop on here and express negative emotions!! or positive emotions!! just whatever I want and it’s low stress and people get me#I don’t have to worry about judgment or competitiveness etc etc#like everyone on here is so kind & nice & understanding. & just a breath of fresh air from the types I run w. it’s just nice to have this#so idk that’s why I think I’ll always be strict about keeping the worlds separate. it just works#p
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