#that aunt is my favorite aunt by the way. shes so lovely and friendly and sweet. im sure he wouldve been a great uncle too
wegmans · 2 years
hmm uhhhh my uncle died this morning. this is the same aunt and uncle i met for the first time in jordan in 2015 and he had lost his vision by then and was extremely depressed and told me "im so happy to finally meet you, but i wish we had met 5 years ago, i was much happier back then." and then when i saw my aunt again this past summer in jordan she said that she was going to palestine that week because she needed to fill out legal forms to transfer account and house and other ownership to be under her name because he got alzheimers and started having psychotic episodes and getting violent and had to be put in a psych ward and thats why he wasnt there visiting with her. and then 1 month ago he was in a coma and just this morning his body fully gave up. for the last 7 years i have never forgotten his voice saying that he "was much happier back then" and always wished he could somehow miraculously get better so i could hear what he's like when he wasn't feeling so bad. because from everyone's stories of him, he used to be so loud and outgoing and funny and would entertain everyone he was around. he was a doctor too, and ran a hospital in ramallah. but i never got to see any of that. and it literally only got worse and worse for him all the time until he just died. what an unfair life. this sucks
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dreaming-medium · 11 months
Stray Kids Kinktober Day 8
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Stray Kids Kinktober Masterlist
Breeding - Bang Chan
Word Count: 8.4k
Summary: Your family’s yearly vacation is here and once again, you’re single. To avoid having your dating life be poked and prodded by your relatives, you decide to turn your best friend for a little help. Everyone already knows him! What’s the worst that could happen if he pretends to be your boyfriend for the week?
“It’s going to be a disaster,” you lament, leaning your head back over your couch. Your coffee mug gripped tightly in your hand.
A random movie is playing on your TV, but neither you nor your best friend are paying attention.
“It will not,” Chan chides and nudges your arm with his elbow.
He sips his own drink slowly, watching you throw your arm over your eyes.
“Yes it will! Every year my family goes on this vacation to the mountains, and every year I’m reminded that I’m the only single adult in the family.”
You sigh.
“You’re not the only single one, what about your cousin?”
“He started dating someone about a month after last year’s vacation. They’re still together, so she’s coming on the trip.” Your tone switches to something less dramatic. “She’s lovely, by the way, you’d like her. Very friendly.”
Chan laughs. “So, you’re single and alone there, what’s the worst that could happen? It’s your family. ”
“They make fun of me the whole time! And if I do anything my mom doesn’t like, she’ll go ‘this is why you don’t have a boyfriend, Y/N.’ Ugh!”
“Aren’t there only four ‘older’ cousins?”
“Yes, and I’m the only single one above the age of seventeen. I’m twenty four and I am going to die alone.”
Your arm drops from your eyes and you stare up at the ceiling.
The air in your apartment is warm and comfortable. Candles burn on the table beside you, filling the house with a pleasant warm cinnamon scent.
It was always one of Chan’s favorites.
“How long until the trip?” he asks.
“Next weekend.”
“Not enough time for a dating app, huh?”
You force a laugh, “No. Can you imagine? ‘Coffee was great! You wanna come on a week-long vacation with me and my giant, loud family?’ They would run for the hills.”
“Your family is great and you know it.”
“I know, they’re just… obnoxiously close, that’s all. I love them, don’t get me wrong.” Your arm slides off your eyes and you stare up at the ceiling. “But if I need to listen to my aunt nitpick my appearance in passive aggressive ways to ‘help’, I might kill myself.”
Chan takes a long sip of his drink. “They’re not that bad.”
You roll your eyes. “They love you so much, what would you know? Every time I bring you around them I always get tons of questions afterwards about you. I think my cousin is in love with you.”
“Which one?”
“She’s twelve.”
“Twelve and in love with you.”
Both of you sit in silence for a moment. Chan’s attention slides back to the TV. He’s looking at it, but he’s not absorbing what’s really playing.
Same with you, you’re too busy wrapped up in your thoughts when an idea hits you all of a sudden.
“That’s it!” you yell, sitting up straight. Your voice startles Chan and he almost spills his drink all over your couch.
“What? What’s it?” he asks quickly, checking his pants to make sure nothing spilled.
“You can come with me!”
“You want me to go on your family’s yearly vacation in place of a boyfriend?”
“I want you to come on my family’s yearly vacation as my boyfriend.”
Chan’s head snaps over to you, his eyes wide and his jaw dropped. You’re already looking at him with pleading eyes.
“Please, Chan!” you beg before he has a chance to say no. “Please, please, please!” you repeat over and over again.
Placing your coffee on the table, you crawl closer to him on the couch, begging over and over again.
“They already love you so much! It would be so easy ! Plus, it’s all expenses paid! It’s a free vacation to a lake house in the mountains with your best friend!”
“Felix isn’t going.” Chan teases.
You whine and grab his free hand. “No, me! Your best friend! Pretty please Chan! I’ll owe you big time!”
He stares at you for a long moment, thinking it through in his head. You’re staring at him with big, pleading, sparkly eyes. He’s never been able to say no to that look.
He sucks his teeth, head cocking to the side for a second. The hand in yours twitches and he holds it, like a faux-shake.
“Fine,” he says. “But, you owe me dinner.”
Squealing, you throw your arms around his shoulders.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He wraps his beverage-free hand around you and hugs you back. “You’re seriously the best, thank you!”
“I know, I know. Now can we please finish the movie?”
The trunk to your car slams shut, Chan dusts his hands off and then rests them on his hips.
“You look like a dad,” you tell him while coming up to the car with your backpack slung over your shoulder.
“A dad who packed the trunk of your car perfectly.” He eyes the backpack on your shoulder. “That goes in the backseat. I’m not opening the trunk again.”
Giggling, you open the backdoor and toss it in.
“Can you drive?” you ask, batting your eyelashes. “You know how much I hate driving.”
Chan sighs and holds his hand out for the keys.
“You’re the best!” you cheer and toss them to him.
“Yeah, you keep saying that.” Chan rolls his eyes and ducks into the driver’s side of the car. “Do you have the address?”
You duck inside the car and start typing on your phone. “I should have it in my texts, one sec.”
Scrolling through your phone, you try to find the text that your aunt sent you with the address. Your family has rented the same AirBnb every year since you were fourteen and yet you could never remember the address of the place.
As you’re searching for it, a phone call from your mom comes in.
“Oh, hold on.” You say to Chan and hit the answer button.
“Hey, ma!” you greet into the phone.
“Hey, sweetie! Are you on your way yet?”
“We just got into the car, actually. We’re about to leave.”
“I thought you would’ve left an hour ago.”
“Chan got held up at work, actually. Not his fault.”
At the mention of his name, Chan perks up and looks over at you, listening to the phone call intently.
“Ah, gotcha. I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me you two finally started dating.”
“Yeah, well, it’s still kinda new,” you lie through your teeth. You look up and make eye contact with Chan. “We only became official about…”
His eyes widen and he looks around panicked. Quickly, he holds up three fingers.
“About three week-”
He moves about wildly.
“Months! Three months ago! Sorry, I’m a little distracted putting all the bags in the car.”
Chan reacts to your lie comically, his chin jutting forward, head cocking to the side. You wave him off silently. Your mother doesn’t seem to clock your panic about the situation.
“I always saw how the two of you looked at each other, it was only a matter of time, really.”
A blush crawls up your neck and turns your ears and cheeks red. Chan looks down at his lap and coughs nervously, a blush of his own making its way onto his skin.
“Anyway, we better get going, mom! You know how talking on the phone while driving is illegal and all.”
“Make Chan drive! He’s the boyfriend.”
“You’re so right… And he should do so without putting up a fuss.”
Chan motions down to himself, as if to say ‘I’m already the one in the driver’s seat’. You wave him off again, trying to focus on your mother’s voice.
“Okay, okay, I’ll see you soon, but I expect some questions to be answered when I see you, Y/N!” Her voice is teasing, but it makes your blood run cold.
“Of course, mom. I’ll talk to you later, okay? Bye, love you!”
You don’t give her a chance to answer you before you hang up.
The silence in the car is so loud, the air is so still.
“So,” you say slowly. “We need to come up with a backstory, huh?”
“It seems so.”
Another bout of silence.
Neither of you are looking at each other, you’re both facing forward, staring out the windshield.
“I’ll uh… find the address.”
You clear your throat awkwardly and scroll through your phone. Chan waits a second before starting the car.
Chan turned one of the final corners of the trip onto the street.
“Our first date?” he asks.
“Coffee at the cafe by my apartment.”
“Second date?”
“Movies, we saw Barbie. We went out to eat afterwards. A diner.”
“When did we become official?”
“Three months ago. May 6th. You asked me after our third date.”
“You kissed me at my door.”
You both pause for a moment.
“How come I can’t be the one that kissed you?” you tease him.
Chan laughs out loud and turns the car into the driveway. “As if you would ever make the first move.”
You look at him incredulously. “I so would! You’re the one who gets too nervous to do anything. I say I kissed you, not the other way around.”
“No way, I kissed you.”
Chan puts the car into park.
“Absolutely not. I kissed you first.” you reply.
“Keep dreaming. I walked you to your door, we stood there and talked for a minute. You went to walk inside, but I stopped you and kissed you.”
You unbuckle your seatbelt.
“No, after we talked, there was an awkward silence and I could see how nervous you were and how you kept looking at my lips. So, I took the first step and kissed you.”
Grabbing the door handle, you wrench it open before Chan could issue a rebuttal again.
He calls your name from inside the car and lets out a loud groan afterwards.
“You can’t have all the firsts, now can you?” you call back, walking around to the trunk.
The front door to the house rips open and two of your little cousins come tearing out of the house with happy smiles.
“Y/N! Y/N!” they both call out, sprinting up to you.
Leaning down, you scoop both of them up into a hug with both arms, giving them an equally excited hello. Both of them hug you tightly.
They’re five and nine years old, girl and boy– the youngest of the cousins.
“Look who else I brought with me,” you giggle and look over at Chan, who was watching you from the side of the car. The door still opened, his arm leaning on the top.
Both of their tiny gazes turn towards him and just like that, you’re forgotten about.
“Chan!” They both cheer and run at him full tilt.
He wraps both of them up in his strong arms and picks them off the ground.
“Hello, you two!” he coos and gives them both kisses on their heads.
Something twinges within your heart seeing him interact with the two of them that way, it goes through you like an arrow. His brown eyes are so warm and sparkly holding your two little cousins close to him.
A genuine, bright smile pulled across his beautiful face.
Chan steps away from the car and puts them on the ground, they both complain. “Come on, I need to help Y/N with the bags. I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if I made her carry them all by herself.”
Your heart thuds again. Boyfriend.
The two kids groan and give in, running back into the house, telling everyone of your arrival.
Chan watches them for a moment before turning to look at you with a sheepish smile. You smile back and knock twice on the hood of your car.
“Come on then, boyfriend. These bags won't carry themselves.”
He laughs and grabs the bags from the trunk, arguing with you when you try to lift some of the heavier bags. Well, you weren’t going to argue about carrying something if you didn’t need to.
The cold air conditioned house was a familiar sight when you walked through the front door. One of your aunts was near the entrance when you first came in.
“Y/N, Chan, you’re here! We have you both in the room down here, I hope that’s okay.” she says, pointing to the room down the hall. It’s one of only three bedrooms on the first floor.
“Yeah! That’s totally fine, thank you.”
You smile and walk to the room, dropping your bags down on the bed.
The singular bed in the room.
Chan follows you inside the room with your bags, plopping them down on the floor by the door. You turn to look at him, he’s staring at the bed, most likely thinking the same thing that you are.
He closes the door behind you both.
“I didn’t think about this part.” you say quietly just in case someone was outside the door.
He shrugs. “Just don’t hog the blankets,” he jokes. Chan brushes it off so easily.
What you don’t know is his heart is racing just as much as yours is. His mouth has gone completely dry and he had to gulp down some nerves before jesting with you.
It’s just a bed, right? Both of you can share a bed, no problem. Not at all.
The two of you have fallen asleep on the couch together before. But, it’s not quite the same as sharing a bedroom for the next week.
“I didn’t think you would need any blankets since you’re a human space heater.” You open your one bag and pull out a few smaller things.
“You’re just jealous because you’re cold all the time.” Chan stands on the other side of the bed, plugging his phone charger into the wall.
“I’m not cold all the time.”
“You’re in a sweatshirt and it’s eighty five degrees outside.”
“We had the air conditioning on in the car.”
There’s a few knocks on the bedroom door. “Dinner!”
Contrary to what you both originally thought, your family did not grill the two of you interrogation style about your relationship. Instead, you were met with a lot of “It was only a matter of time”.
Each time one of your family members said something along those lines, both you and Chan would grow extremely shy, faces flushing and hearts racing.
Dinner was held in the back room attached to the large kitchen, a long dining table sat in the room, benches full of your family members lined it.
There were so many of you: eight cousins, three aunts, two uncles, two parents, one sister, one brother in law, one grandmother.
This was not the first time Chan had been around your extremely large family, not at all. He’s around you all the time, especially when he can’t go home to Australia for holidays. You always invite him to your family celebrations, and each time he’s more than thrilled to be there.
Everyone was so happy that he was there; part of you thinks they’re happier to see him than you.
Dinner came and went, it was filled with laughter and stories, like it usually is. Your dad and his brothers all teased one another, bringing up stories of being young in the 70’s and 80’s.
“Let’s do a movie night!” One of your younger cousins turns to her older brother. “You’ve been promising me that we would watch Star Wars.”
“You want to watch Star Wars tonight?” he replies.
“Yes, please! Cousins movie night!" She cheers and grabs her plate. “We can set the couches up like last year!”
Chan leaned over and whispered in your ear, “Movie night?”
“There’s a den upstairs with a couple couches, we push them together to make a giant bed and all watch movies at night. Very common L/N Family Activity on vacation.” you answer, leaning closer to him. “The adults usually go to bed and all the cousins watch movies.”
“Sounds exciting.”
Both of you chuckle and smile at one another. His dimples showing. You two seem to be in your own little bubble.
Chan’s leaning so close his body heat is radiating through your clothes. The fabric of his shirt is brushing against your bare arm.
“You’ll find that there’s a certain schedule to each day, breakfast, play down at the lake, lunch, back to the lake, get ready for dinner, eat dinner, movie time.”
“I think I can get used to that.”
“You better.”
A throat clears by you. Your aunt is looking at the two of you with a playful smile. “Are you both going to help clean up or what?”
“Dibs on sitting next to Y/N!” One of your little cousins calls out after you all finished pushing the couches together.
“No, I want to sit next to her!” Another yells out.
The youngest runs up and throws his arms around your hips, hugging you close to him. Both arms don’t make it around you all the way.
“No, me!”
You laugh and ruffle his hair. He holds you tighter and it knocks you off balance slightly.
“Come on, hon, you got to sit next to me at dinner, let someone else have a turn.” you coo down to him.
“No!” he pouts and hugs you tighter. You grimace and try to pry his arms off you.
Chan comes out of nowhere and picks your cousin off the ground in one fell swoop. “How about me, huh?” he teases and tickles your cousin with his one free hand.
Your cousin starts giggling like crazy.
“Don’t I get to sit next to my girlfriend?” he jokes and tickles him even more.
The biggest smile stretches over your face, heart warming once more.
Chan drops your cousin onto the couches, he bounces a bit, still laughing.
The tickle torture continues now that both of Chan’s hands are free. Giggles turn into cackles.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t fight the smile on your face and the feeling that stirs in your stomach. Are you ovulating? You have to be. There’s no other explanation for the flutter within your chest.
He just looks so natural like that. The teasing looked adorable.
It wasn’t until one of your older cousins came into the room before your gaze was taken away from Chan.
“Lovesick, eh?” he says in your ear.
“Oh, shut up.” You hit him in the arm.
“I know that look anywhere, Y/N. You can’t fool me.” He laughs and then walks to take his spot on the big couch huddle with his girlfriend.
Chan picks your little cousin up by the ankle and starts dragging him around. Both of their laughter was music to your ears.
“Okay, okay! Move time!” You call out to the two of them. Chan looks over at you immediately with the goofiest grin on his face.
Your little cousin groans.
“Give me my boyfriend back,” you tease and climb onto the couch.
After several minutes of figuring out seating and finding the movie on the TV, everyone was finally settled.
Chan sat directly next to you, his arm on the back of the couch behind you. Both of your legs stretched out in front of you and a shared blanket draped over you both.
The opening title sequence of Star Wars starts playing and silence falls over your cousins for the first time since you got there.
Absent-mindedly, Chan’s fingers lightly brush over the skin of your exposed shoulder from behind you. They trace small shapes lightly.
You can’t even focus on the movie in front of you, Chan’s touch is too distracting.
Your sister and her fiance sat on the other side of you. She leaned over and whispered in your ear about twenty minutes into the movie.
“You can cuddle with your boyfriend, you know.”
A flush crawls up your neck. “Yeah, of course I know that. I just didn’t want to–”
Chan must’ve heard her, his hand closes over your shoulder and brings you closer to him. Your body turns into his, head tucked underneath his chin. His body warmth seeps into you as soon as you press into him.
The cherry on top is when he presses a kiss to the crown of your hair before resting his chin on top of your head. A shockwave of goosebumps ripples through your body.
Thinking you were chilly, Chan wraps his other arm around you and holds you even closer.
Well, if he’s playing the part.
You intertwine your legs with his underneath the blanket. His heart jumps in his chest and he has to fight the urge to press another kiss into your hair.
Chan knew he was pushing his luck with the first one, but it just felt so natural, he couldn’t help himself. Every single time the two of you touch, he instinctually takes it further into a romantic zone.
Previously, he would restrain himself from advancing these moments with you, but now? He doesn’t need to hold himself back. He can let his body react naturally.
The movie continues on, whenever a younger cousin would ask any questions about the movie, one of the older kids would answer.
Whenever Chan was the one to answer, his voice would rumble deep within his chest. The later it got, the raspier it sounded.
Throughout the movie, you both just got more and more tangled up underneath the blanket. You slid an arm around to rest your hand on Chan’s chest; fingers mindlessly playing with the fabric of his t-shirt.
Chan melted into your touch so easily.
In all the years you’ve been close friends, you’ve never been this level of a human pretzel while hanging out. He’s relishing every moment of it. Your shared body heat mingling is intoxicating to him.
He’s such a tactile person, physical touch is definitely his love language.
Chan can’t remember a time he was ever this cozy while watching a movie.
One of his hands moves from your shoulder and into your hair, running his fingers through the strands gently.
Every muscle in your body relaxes when he starts scratching at your scalp lightly. His soft exhales puff out on your head. Normally, this would bother you, but instead you find it soothing.
Both of you were fighting against your eyelids towards the end of the movie. The little kids fell asleep about ten minutes before the credits rolled.
Chan squeezes you tighter for a moment before whispering into your hair, “Time for bed.”
Your heart squeezes. “I gotta help get the little ones to bed.”
“I got it,” he answers. “Go wash up and get to bed. I’ll be downstairs in a few.”
Words can’t even describe how much your heart melts at his words.
Pull it together, Y/N. He’s your fake boyfriend for the week, remember? Not your real one.
It’s Chan – Bang Chan. The same guy who held your hair each time you drank yourself sick in college. The guy who camps out at your dining room table to work because he claims the Wi-Fi is better at your apartment.
Nevertheless, you peel yourself off of him, untangling your limbs and sitting up.
“You’re the best,” you say to him with a sleepy smile.
“I know.”
Sunlight streams in through the bedroom window and the air conditioning unit continuously hums in the room.
A strong arm squeezing tighter around your body is what drags you out of dreamland.
A searingly hot body is pressed flush against the back of yours; legs tangled up, back to chest, soft exhales blowing into your hair lightly.
The haze of sleep still has your mind in its grip. All you know in that moment is that it’s so cozy, so warm, so nice that you can’t help but press your body backwards into that serene clasp.
The arm tightens again and brings you even closer.
A nose nuzzles further into the back of your head.
Chan, it’s Chan behind you.
You should care. You should be prying his arm off your waist and scooting over away from him.
But you don’t want to. It’s too nice.
It’s so peaceful, you’re about to drift back to sleep when the sound of two separate footsteps run towards your bedroom door.
They’re so loud, it rips you from sleep and you tense up, preparing for impact.
Your bedroom door is practically flung open.
Chan jolts against your body at the noise, his eyes snap open, arm tightening around you even more in a protective manner.
He has about two seconds to get his bearings before both cousins leap onto the bed, yelling at you both to wake up.
Chan releases you and turns over onto his back with a deep groan.
You groan and squint your eyes closed, bringing the covers up over your head.
“Noooo…” you moan out.
Chan laughs and grabs one little cousin closely, hugging her close to his chest. “Are you in here to sleep in bed with us? I sure hope so since it’s still soooo early.”
She giggles and tries to fight against his strong arms. “No!” she cackles. “You have to eat breakfast so we can go swimming down at the lake!”
Your other, more calm, cousin squirms underneath the covers and cuddles up to you. Slinging an arm around him, you keep your eyes closed and try to let your mind drift off again.
This is not the first time he’s done this, and it most likely will not be the last. It breaks your heart thinking about the year he feels like he’s too old to do this.
Chan is practically wrestling with your cousin next to you. She squeals when he turns on his side with her encased in his arms.
“Chaaan!” she giggles.
After a few moments, he lets her go and she clambers off the bed.
“Come on, Chan! Come sit next to me at breakfast!” She pulls on his hand closest to the edge of the bed.
He laughs and turns his head to look at you. You’re fast asleep again with your younger cousin asleep in your arms.
Chan’s heart slams against his ribcage and his stomach does a cartwheel.
Your sleeping face is so peaceful, and the way your little cousin has the same hair color as you had the cogs in his mind turning.
What if that was your kid in your arms, not just a cousin?
What if it was his?
His eyes flicker all over your face.
Something stirs in his mind, shooting down his spine. If it wasn’t for your other little cousin yanking on his arm over and over again, probably would’ve watched you for a few more moments, allowing his mind to roam into dangerous territory.
“You’re staring.” Your aunt sits next to Chan with a plate full of food.
He’s camped out on the back porch of the cabin. It overlooks the wooden stairs that lead down to the dock hanging over the lake.
You’re lounging out on a floaty, pina colada in your hand– courtesy of him. He had walked it down to you only a few moments ago.
When it was announced that it was lunch time, you told Chan you wanted to work on your tan without worrying about your cousins splashing you every five seconds.
Maybe making you a frozen drink was just an excuse to see your face light up when he brought it to you. Maybe it was an excuse to watch the water droplets slide over your body up close.
Chan clears his throat and tears his eyes off your lazing form. Clearly, he’d been caught staring at your bikini clad form.
She nudges his arm playfully. “Don’t be embarrassed, it would be weirder if you didn’t stare, you know.”
Your family can be so crass sometimes.
Chan laughs and takes a bite of the sandwich on his plate. “It’s just nice to see her relaxing for once.”
“Has she been working herself into the ground again?”
“She never stops.”
Your aunt nods and looks back down at you before taking a bite of her own food. “Also helps that she looks good in that bathing suit.” She pauses. “Damn, your kids will be good looking.”
Chan chokes on his bite of food, his body jerks forward and he slams his fist into his chest to try and get it down.
Your aunt pats him on the back a few times, laughing at his expense.
“What?” She questions with an evil chuckle. “Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it.”
“We’ve only been together for three months,” he wheezes out, still hitting his chest. The clump of food is sitting in his throat.
“It’s too early to think about stuff like that,” he lies through his teeth.
You’re not even his. You’re not. This week will end and you’ll have to go back to just being best friends.
He’ll have to pretend that he wasn’t fake sleeping for the last hour before you woke up just to have his arms around you for a little while longer.
“Please.” Your aunt rolls her eyes and goes back to her food when another family member joins the table.
Chan takes a long swig of water before letting his eyes flicker to you once more. Your free hand hangs down in the water, head tilted back to dip into the cool lake, exposing your long, beautiful neck.
In his swim trunks, his cock twitches and he takes an even bigger drink of water.
The torture continues endlessly for the two of you.
It’s the fourth night when it’s just you and Chan left awake.
Rain is pouring against the windows outside, the fireplace is lit, TV playing something in the background.
“I’m never going to get to bed.”
“I told you that you shouldn’t have had coffee with dessert,” you tease Chan, nudging his arm.
“Your uncle offered me a cup and I panicked.”
“You don’t even like coffee.”
“I know!” He whined.
You laugh at his expense. “Come on,” you tug on his arm. “You promised you would play pool with me.”
“When did I say that?”
“Literally this morning!”
“Fine, fine.”
He allows you to pull him off the couch with a dorky smile on his face. He loves giving you a hard time for no reason at all.
The pool table sat in the front room, just a few steps away from your bedroom.
Every time the two of you had gone to play pool, other family members would get in the way and pull one of you two in another direction.
Tonight was really the first night you both had to yourselves.
“You break,” you tell him once everything is set up. He nods and lines up his shot. After a second, he hits the cue ball perfectly into the cluster and all the balls scatter along the table, but nothing sinks into the pocket.
“Pity,” you tease him.
“Pity,” he repeats, mocking your tone.
Laughing, you bend over and line up your own shot. From across the table, Chan watches your form bend over, his lip pulling between his teeth mindlessly.
You hit the ball and sink one in.
With a cheer on the quieter side, you look at him with a smirk. He rolls his eyes playfully as you line up another shot.
The game continues just like this for a bit. Both of you going back and forth, missing most shots, but also nailing some good ones.
You’re tied at the end, racing to try and sink the 8-ball before the other person.
Leaning over the table right in front of him, you try and set up your aim.
“Wait,” Chan says quietly before you can pull the pool stick back to take your shot.
He leans down over you, pressing his back into yours, arms coming around you. He guides your aim to hit the cue ball differently.
The entire time, your heart rate is increasing exponentially.
“Just a bit more to the left,” he whispers in your ear. Chills rip down your body and you gulp. His voice sounds so low and sensual.
His hand over yours adjusts with tiny, miniscule movements. He keeps changing the aim a bit to the left, then a bit to the right, like he’s prolonging the contact.
Behind you, his hips are pressed into yours. It’s taking every ounce of willpower and control for him not to get hard in his sweats.
Especially, since in this position, he potentially could–
“Pull back,” he rasps. You follow his instructions immediately. He helps guide the pool stick back, hesitating for a moment. His chest inflates with a deep breath.
He breathes in the smell of your shampoo.
“Shoot,” he exhales.
With his guidance, you both shoot the ball, standing up quickly to watch it bounce off the 8-ball and then sinking into the corner pocket.
You cheer and jump up, turning around to face him directly.
“Take that!”
When you turned to face him, he hadn’t backed away yet. You’re practically nose to nose with Chan. A gasp catches in your throat from his proximity.
And yet, he still doesn’t back away. He continues to stare at you, his eyes dart from yours, down to your lips, then back up to your eyes again.
“Y/N,” he breathes out.
You swallow nervously and hold his eye contact.
Chan’s jaw clenches once, his hands ball into fists at his sides. Every single ounce of constraint is being tested within his body right now.
Cracks are going up the dam of his self control.
You’re not moving away; why aren’t you moving away from him?
He watches your eyes flicker down to his lips once and that’s all it takes for his mind to snap.
Chan lunges forward, grabbing your face with both of his hands and smashing your lips together. You let out a surprised noise against his mouth, your pool stick clattering to the ground.
Every bit of pent up aggression from the last few days is poured into the first kiss.
His hands aren’t on your face for long. He can’t keep still, sliding them all over your body; into your hair, down your sides, grabbing your hips, he’s everywhere.
“Fuck,” he growls against your lips. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Y/N. Shit.”
Even though he’s apologizing, he can’t stop himself. He can’t stop slotting his lips over yours, devouring your very being.
Chan’s eyebrows are pinched together painfully. He’s pinning your body against the pool table with his hips.
You grab at his shirt and pull him closer.
“Shut up,” you say in between heated kisses.
“But I–”
“Shut up.” Your tongue runs over his bottom lip and his mind whites out. Every rebuttal fell from his mind, through the floor and into the Earth.
You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing his face even closer to yours as he licks into your mouth. With each turn of your heads, your noses brush against one another.
Chan runs his hands down your body and grabs underneath your thighs, picking you up and placing you on the pool table.
Your legs part and he stands in between them, never leaving your lips once.
As he runs his hands up your legs, he squeezes your bare thighs every few inches. It makes your core clench and body tingle.
Your fingers run up through his hair, grabbing tightly and pulling. Chan moans into your mouth and moves his hands to grab at your waist, fingers curling into the fabric of your shirt.
“Chan,” you whisper on his lips. He responds with a grunt. “Need you.”
His hands fly to your legs again, grabbing you by the knees, he yanks your hips forward. Your clothed core comes into direct contact with his erection.
“I can give you exactly what you need, baby.” he nips your lip with his teeth. “I can take good care of you, yeah?”
Trailing his fingers up, he toys with the waistband of your shorts. At the same time, he moves his kisses down your neck. You tilt your head back to give him more access.
“Wanna take these off, babygirl?” he moans when you roll your hips into his.
“Yes, please.” you hiss in response.
Lifting your hips, he grabs the fabric and slides it down your legs, tossing them onto the floor with the forgotten pool stick.
Kisses trail lower and lower down your neck as he lowers to the ground.
Chan pulls away to kneel onto the ground.
His eyes are heated and strong when they meet yours. A dark scarlet color covers his cheeks and down his neck, disappearing into his sleeveless shirt.
Both of his hands grab at your thighs when he looks down at your glistening cunt. You’re absolutely soaking wet by now.
Since the moment he helped you line up your shot, you felt your panties dampening.
Wasting no time, Chan leans forward and runs his tongue from the bottom of your slit all the way up to the top, swirling around your clit and sucking gently.
Your hand flies up to cover your mouth, the other rests on the table behind you to keep your balance.
He repeats the action again, this time with more fervor and you squint your eyes shut, head tossing back from the pleasure that rips down your spine like a zipper.
Chan’s hands tighten around your thighs, eyes staring up at you and studying each reaction closely.
You taste so fucking good. He can’t get enough of you. His tongue greedily scoops up your juices, licking around your clit to feel you grind into his face.
His cock throbs with each moan, each whine that makes it through your fingers held tightly over your mouth.
After one long suck on your clit, Chan dips his tongue inside you, licking at your walls. Your eyes roll back into your head, the hand over your mouth flies down to grip at his hair.
He can’t help but smirk into your folds.
Every single moan is music to his ears.
Slowly, he inches his fingers over and when he moves his tongue up to your clit, he slides a finger into you, immediately curling it up to hit that spongy spot inside you.
“Jesus fuck–!” you cry out as quiet as you can manage.
It doesn’t slip your mind that you’re quite literally in a house full of relatives who could wake up and come into the front room at any moment and see the two of you.
But the fear just adds an extra layer of arousal to you.
“Does that feel good, babygirl?” Chan mutters into your cunt. “Does it feel good to have my fingers inside you?”
He thrusts his finger in and out slowly, those brown eyes studying you like a predator studies prey.
You bite your lip, eyes closed, and nod your head.
Chan adds a second finger and your head tosses back again. He can feel you clench down hard on his fingers when he licks your clit in long, even strokes.
A thin sheen of sweat covers your body.
“Chan,” you whine.
“Yeah, baby?” he teases, licking up slowly, the pace of his fingers is equally as slow. But, regardless of the pace, he’s still coaxing you towards the edge of an orgasm. It’s building slowly, you can feel it in the pit of your stomach.
“Shit,” you buck your hips into his face when he does one particularly hard thrust.
“Use your words, little girl.” He bites your thigh and then goes back to your folds. You clench around him hard at the name.
How are you supposed to use your words when your voice keeps getting caught in your throat? When every time you think you can open your mouth, a sultry moan tumbles out.
“N-Need you,” you manage to strain out.
A devilish smile pulls at his lips. He begins to thrust faster with his fingers, licking your clit quicker.
“Need me?” He asks in between licks. “You need me?”
Veins are popping in your neck from straining to keep your voice down.
“Yes, fuck!” You hiss out. “ I need you.”
In between his legs, Chan can feel his cock weeping with precum. His mind is so clouded with lust he can barely think straight.
Desperately, he wishes that you didn’t have to keep your voice down. He wants to make you scream.
Faster and faster he thrusts and licks at your soaking cunt, greedily tasting your juices.
Your thighs twitch on either side of his head the closer you get to your orgasm.
“Chan,” you grab his attention by yanking on his hair. He grunts and looks up at you through his lashes, lips still devouring you. “Inside, inside. I need your cock inside me.”
Your words go straight to his dick, he licks at your cunt a few more times before standing to his feet quickly to lock your lips together, fingers still buried inside you.
When you taste your own slick on his tongue, your eyes roll back in your head and you clench around him. Chan smirks into the kiss, curling his fingers up.
He’s relentless. Tongue sliding over yours, moans being eaten up by a greedy mouth while his fingers fuck into you.
With more strength than you thought you had, you pry Chan’s lips off yours by pulling his hair back.
“If you don’t fuck me in the next thirty seconds, I’ll pin you down and ride you until your cock can’t cum anymore.”
An exhale is punched from his chest. His mind whites out. Chan’s mouth drops open and his fingers stutter within you.
Did you really just say that? That sounds like a fucking dream.
“Babygirl,” he growls darkly. “You have no idea what you’re asking for.”
Your eyes darken and you pull his hair again. “Fuck me until I can’t walk, Chris.”
Chan rips his fingers out of your cunt, grabs both of your hips and roughly pulls you off the pool table.
He fists a hand in the back of your hair and spins you around, shoving your head down, bending you over completely.
You’re lucky you had half a mind to put your arms out to rest your weight on your elbows.
Using his one foot, he knocks the inside of yours outwards to spread your legs even more.
“Fucking look at that,” he marvels, running his free hand up your ass and kneading a handful. After a second he reels back and brings his hand down with a painful smack.
Your one hand flies to your mouth to cover the squeak that you make.
“Bent over, soaking wet cunt just fucking waiting to take my cock.” His hand tightens in your hair. The other hand rips his sweatpants down to take his cock out. “What a good girl you are.”
Chan can’t remember a time he’s ever been this hard.
Casting a look over your shoulder, you look back at Chan. His eyes are blown out, lip pulled in a sneer as he fists his cock, staring directly at your fluttering walls clench around nothing.
“You wanna fill me up, Channie?”
His eyes snap up to yours with a predator-like stare. His hand stops pumping his own cock, hell, he even stops breathing.
Chan’s jaw clenches, every ounce of self control is being drained. How much more of this can he fucking take before he passes out?
“What?” His voice is so strained and hoarse.
Your eyes narrow and you wiggle your hips tauntingly. “Come on, Chan.”
Chan’s eyes darken. He fists your hair and shoves your face down on the table and slams his cock inside you.
Your mouth stretches open in a silent scream, but you don’t let the noise make it out of your body.
Chan’s eyes roll to the back. You feel so fucking good.
“Holy shit.” He moans out. “Jesus fuck you’re so fighting tight.”
He wastes no time, pulling his cock out to slam back inside you. Your back arches and hips press into his to meet his thrust.
Each sharp wave of pleasure shoots down your legs and into your toes.
Small gasps and whines make their way through your lips.
Chan leans down, yanking your hair back to pick your head up slightly. His face comes down next to yours.
“You like this, yeah?” He whispers harshly. Thrust after thrust slams against your cervix. “You like when it’s rough?”
Closing your eyes tightly, you keep your mouth shut, trying to nod with his hand so tightly wound in the crown of your hair.
“Better be quiet, then. Don’t want someone coming out and seeing you look like a cum hungry, whore.”
Over and over again he fucks into you.
After one harsh thrust, your mouth drops open and before you can moan loudly, Chan’s free hand covers your mouth tightly.
“Feels that good to have my cock inside you, huh? Can’t control that pretty mouth, you’re so fucked out.”
You whine and nod again. Nails digging into the felt of the pool table underneath you.
Hot, white pleasure is coursing through your veins. You’ve never been fucked like this in your life.
Chan leans down more and bites at the side of your neck, lapping at the skin and leaving small marks that will fade by the morning.
“You’re fucking lucky you have to be in a bathing suit in front of your family tomorrow. Otherwise I would leave my fucking mark all over you.” He bites, but doesn’t suck. “Make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
Another whine is stopped by his hand.
“I have a better idea, babygirl.” He bites your earlobe, pace slowing down within you. Instead, he thrusts deeper, you can practically feel him within your gut. “I’m going to do exactly what you said, yeah? Fill you up? Make that pussy sloppy with my fucking load.”
Your hips jerk back into his to try and encourage him to pick up the pace. Chan only tightens his hold in your hair.
“You’re going to take whatever I give you, every last fucking drop. Even after I pull out, I’ll stuff you with my fucking fingers so nothing gets wasted.”
Arching your back, you press into him more.
“You want that, huh?” He growls, biting your ear. His pace picks up gradually, each thrust rougher and faster than the last. “You want my seed inside you?”
You nod pathetically.
“You want me to fuck a baby into you?”
His thrusts start growing erratic.
You never expected him to be this talkative during sex. But he hasn’t shut up once.
Another nod accompanied with a whine comes from you. You’re absolutely drowning in pleasure.
“Gunna carry my kids, got the fucking perfect hips for it, yeah? You’ll look so fucking hot all pregnant with our kids. Fuck.”
He’s so lost and fucked out, he can’t stop his mouth from running, spewing all his fantasies.
Moving his hand from your mouth, he trails it down to grab at your throat.
“Chan!” You moan out, licking your dry lips.
“Can feel you clenching, babygirl. You gonna cum for me? Gunna cream on my cock? Suck up my cum and hold onto it with this tight fucking pussy?”
“Yes yes yes yes.” You pant over and over again. “Kiss me, kiss me, please”
When you turn your head, your lips smash together.
The coil in your gut is seconds from snapping.
You bite Chan’s lip and pull back.
“Fuck me full, daddy.”
Every muscle in his body tensed and his thrusts turn into something animalistic. The hand in your hair is so tight your scalp is screaming.
“Say it again.”
“Fu-huck,” is all you’re able to manage.
“Say it again.” He barks in your ear. You’re not going to be able sit down tomorrow.
A bite to your neck.
“Daddy! Fuck me, daddy!”
“Holy shit.” He whines in your ear. Hearing you say that makes him feel fucking insane. His body is acting on its own.
With a few more thrusts both of you are thrown over the edge at the same time. Your cunt clenching around him so tight, Chan can barely breathe.
His cock spurts and sprays within you, painting your walls white.
Every single sensation feels so good you think you leave for body for a few minutes. Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks.
His entire body is wrapped around yours. Grunts in your ear keep you grounded.
You feel so full.
Chan came inside you so much that it’s leaking out and dripping down the inside of your legs.
He pants heavily into your ear.
Releasing your neck, he lovingly runs his hand down your side, caressing your hip, massaging circles into the bone.
His hand slides around and cups your lower stomach tenderly.
Slowly, he unwinds his hand from your hair, kissing at the roots he’s been relentlessly pulling on. He scratches and rubs at your scalp to ease the ache.
But still, he hasn’t pulled out.
Chan kisses the top of your head and down to your face, kissing the cheek he’s able to reach.
You can’t catch your breath.
“Y/N,” he whispers into your hair.
You hum back to him, eyes still closed in bliss.
“I love you.”
Your heart jumps in your chest, Chan feels you clench around him.
“I love you too.” It falls from your lips so easily, like it’s been sitting there for so long, just waiting to be heard.
Both of your heads turn to kiss one another.
It’s so ungodly sweet for the events that just took place minutes ago.
His lips are so soft and plush, especially from being swollen from your steamy kisses.
Inside you, you can feel his cock twitch. Is he…?
Breathlessly, you pull away from his sweet kiss.
“Are you still hard?” you pant.
Sheepishly, he smiles and ruts into you. A moan catches in your throat.
“Babygirl, I’ve been waiting for so long to fuck you. It’s going to take a few times before I’m ready to call it a night.”
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Hips Don't Lie part 2
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N invites Henry Cavill to a carne asada after a month of dating
Warning: probably some stereotypical Latina/Mexican things because I'm half Mexican, no translated Spanish, unwanted comments from an aunt about weight (for me it’s with my mom) and about Henry, spelling and grammar errors
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After a month of dating, Henry and Y/N were at his place, they were cooking tallarines saltado. Everything was going well and Y/N got a text.
“Give me a minute, guapo.” Y/N said, washing her hands to check her phone. It was a text from her mom. “Hey Henry, how do you feel about going to a carne asada? It’s this weekend, I know it’s a little soon to be meeting my parents, but I really don’t want to go alone.”
“Darling, it’s fine, I’ll go with you to the barbecue.” Henry said. He put the cut up steak into a pan to cook it along with the onions and tomatoes. “Why don’t you want to go alone?”
“Because my mom and my aunts are all going to be like ‘y el novio?’ Like I’m 32, not married or engaged, in their eyes…something is wrong. So please, my handsome British boyfriend, come with me to the carne asada.” Y/N practically begged, having her hands together in a praying motion.
“Yes, my tiny dancer, I’ll go to the carne asada.” Henry said, kissing her forehead and she was pouting with her arms crossed.
“I am not tiny, You’re just big.” Y/N said and her eyes widened at the last part of her sentence.
“In more ways than one.” Henry winked and kissed her. “Do we have to bring anything?” Y/N looked at him in a ‘are you kidding me’ kind of way. “Sorry, what are we bringing?”
“That’s better, and that depends. My mom usually makes her agua de Jamaica which is hibiscus water, don’t ask how it got the name, and red rice. Obviously my uncles bring the meat, um, I’m thinking, someone usually brings dessert which is like fruit salad and cookies, uh, carajo, no puedo pensar. Okay, I got it, we can make alfajores and picarones, mainly because I crave it.” Y/N said,
“What about really food? Should we bring macaroni salad?” Henry asked
“Never in my life have I ever seen macaroni salad at these carne asadas (I’m using my own experiences, obviously). We could make pasta though and like that we could eat some before we go and the rest we take it there.” Y/N said.
“Why would we eat before we go to the carne asada if we’re going to eat there?” Henry asked.
“Ay, amorcito, there’s so much You need to learn. Just in case there’s something you don’t like, and they never really start grilling right when you come in, it’s usually an hour after everyone’s there so you won’t be starving.” Y/N said.
“Alright, I’ll make the list so we can go shopping tomorrow. Now, I know this is going to be a stupid question, but what do I wear?” Henry asked.
“It’s not stupid at all. So again, my mom taught to dress presentable for whatever ‘event’ so like dress semi formal but summery.” Y/N said and Henry looked at her confused. “Just wear your khaki pants your navy or light blue button down.” Henry nodded.
It was the night before the carne asada and Y/N and Henry were in Y/N’s kitchen, their dessert is chilling, her dog Concha laying down in her bed (any breed you want), and they’re going over the family tree.
“Yeimy is my favorite cousin, she’s a music producer, love her to death. Then we have Juan Luis, Yeimy’s brother, kinda mujeriego, me entiendes, very fuckboy, but he’s a lawyer so we’re friendly. There’s my Tia chela, but you have to call her Graciela until she says you can call her Chela. Now Chela comments on my weight, a lot more than my mom does pero eso es otra cosa aparte.” Y/N said, showing pictures of each family member to Henry.
“Okay…who is Veronica?” Henry asked.
“She’s my mom’s friend from church, I don’t think she’ll be here though, she’s in Colombia.” Y/N said, looking for her photo to show him.
“And we’re going to your mom’s house for the carne asada?” Henry asked.
“Yes, I got her a house with a nice yard, my dad has the grill with the charcoal y todo. Now if there’s anything special that you want to drink or eat, get it tomorrow morning, we have to be there at 2.” Y/N said, now cleaning up the kitchen. So are you staying the night so you can help me with everything or are you coming here early in the morning?”
“I got all stuff in my car, I’m staying the night. I’ll just bring it in.” Henry said, he opened the door to leave and Concha got up from her bed to leave with Henry. “Nope, not you, just me.”
The day of the carne asada, Henry was in the driving with Y/N carrying the alfajores and picarones, the pasta in the backseat with Concha chilling so she could see her cousins. Y/N was wearing a sundress with wedge sandals.
“Okay, when you go in your obviously say hello to everyone, depending on whether the women of my family lean in, it’s a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It’s not a real kiss, it’s more of a cheek touch and the kiss sound, and with the men, again, obviously a handshake.” Y/N reminded him.
“Darling, I know everything, please relax.” Henry said.
“I cant relax, they never met any of my partners before.” Y/N said.
“Well i feel very special now.” Henry said.
“You should.” Y/N said.
Henry parked on the street, they go out of the car, Henry helping Y/N with the food as she put Concha on a leash so they could go to the house.
“Mami, ya llegamos!” Y/N yelled as she opened the gate to enter the yard.
“Ay Y/N, mi niña, cómo estás, amor? Y trajiste a supermán! Sabía que tenías amigos famosos pero nunca pensé de esta altura.” Y/N’s mom, Carolina, said.
“Ah mami, él se llama Henry, es mi novio, pero habla inglés, por favor.” Y/N told her mom.
“Oh my god, Henry, it’s so good to meet you. Finally my daughter has a boyfriend!” Carolina said and Y/N looked away to roll her eyes (because who the hell rolls their eyes in front of the their mothers, right?) “Princesa, has subido de peso? Te está saliendo un poquito la panza, no? Bueno, deja toda la comida en las mesa que no falta poco para llegar lo demás gente.” Carolina said and walked away to get paper plates and plastic utensils for everyone.
“What did she tell you?” Henry asked,
“Nothing it doesn’t matter, just put the food on the table, okay? Come on, Concha, let’s take you out your harness.” Y/N said and placed the food on the table to let her dog loose and Concha started running on the grass with Carolina’s cavalier King Charles spaniel, Honey. A few minutes, the cousins came, there was Yeimy, Juan Luis, Fabian (Peluche) and his wife Cecilia (Chiquis), Irma and her husband Erick, María José and her husband Diego, Alfonso (Poncho), and Maite.
“Prima, que bueno verte! Ooh, look at you, love the dress, you look so good.” Irma said, letting her Maltese, Cinnamon, off leash, Cinnamon ran to Concha.
“My mom didn’t think so, que bueno verte.” Y/N said, hugging her and kissing her cheek.
“Ay, no la escuchas, you look Great.” Yeimy said, placing what she brought on the table as well.
“Quien es el güerito?” Peluche asked, letting his german shepherd, Roscoe, off his leash
“Ay Peluche, mira quien habla de güerito. Anyway, everyone, this is my boyfriend, Henry.” Y/N introduced Henry.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” As Y/N told him, Henry greeted the girl cousins with a hug and let them kiss his cheek while shaking hands with the boy cousins.
“You landed Superman? The Witcher? How did you do that?” Maite asked. Y/N was going to answer but the tias and tíos came in as well.
“Hola hola! Carolina, ya llegamos! A ver, gordita, arrímate otra mesa, si?” Tía Chela told Y/N and Y/N did as she was told, she pulled another table to they could also place the food. Henry was saying hello to everyone. “Y mija, segura que es fiel? Como que es muy guapo, ha trabajado con mujeres como tú amiga Eiza, con la mujer maravilla, no sé, me parece raro que esté contigo.”
“Ay mamá, deja de escupir tu veneno a ella, ve con mi papá que está juntado al heladera para las bebidas.” María José said and Chela left reluctantly.
“Thanks, Majo.” Y/N said,
“I grew up with her criticizing me, can’t have her do the same to you. Look at us, we’re in our 30s and we still care about what our mothers say.” Majo said,
“Eso nunca va a cambiar.” Y/N said and she walked back to Henry where he was listening to her Tío Juancho (Juan Camilo) telling a story about his camping trip.
“Hey, pececita, I was just telling your boyfriend about the time I went camping,” Juancho said, hugging and kissing Y/N.
“So glad you’re back, love.” Henry said, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
“Oye Henry’s ven conmigo un momento, come with me.” Y/N’s dad, Carlos, told Henry, tapping his shoulder.
“Papi, que vas a hacer?” Y/N asked.
“Nada mija, es como male bonding, help me grill, Superman.” Carlos said.
“Papi!” Y/N whined.
“Ve con tus primos, princesa.” Carlos said.
“It’s alright, maybe it’s a good thing.” Henry said, kissing Y/N to ease her worries. Henry went with Carlos to the grilled, grabbing the tray of seasoned meats to cook.
“So, Superman, how long have you been dating my daughter?” Carlos asked, sipping a bit of modelo beer.
“Not long, a month.” Henry answered.
“You think of dating her for longer?” Carlos asked.
“Of course, sir.” Henry said,
“Ah, escucha eso, ‘sir’, mira que respetuoso me salió. Listen, Y/N is a good girl, she worked hard in her music, bought this house for me y mi mujer, and if you break her heart or hurt her in anyway, I know some people.” Carlos threatened and Henry got paler.
Carlos laughed. “Ah, te estoy vacilando, it was a joke, you seem like a good person, you know how to grill?” Henry let out a breath of relief.
“Yeah, yes, I know how to grill.” Henry said.
“Good, pass me the orange container, it has the ribs.” Carlos said. Henry did what he was told and gave Y/N a thumbs up. Y/N gave him one back.
“You think your güero can eat what we brought?” Diego asked.
“Let’s hope so, as long as he doesn’t add salsa, it should be fine.” Y/N said. She looked over to where Henry was grilling with her dad, they’re gonna last, maybe not forever, but they would totally last.
Everyone was eating.
“Mija, te salió muy bien la pasta.” Carolina said.
“Gracias, me ayudó Henry también.” Y/N said, making sure she knew.
“Who knew you could cook, Henry, and with seasoning.” Carolina said, sitting down to eat. Henry looked at Y/N and she put her hands up in surrender. Everyone was serving themselves until.
“Haz platos para sus hombres también, que no se te olvide.” Chelis announced.
“Ay mamá, mas anticuada no puedes ser, ellos tienen manos, que se sirven solos.” Majo told her mom.
“Whats happening?” Henry whispered in Y/N’s ear.
“Do you see why I couldn’t come here alone? Just don’t serve yourself any salsa, the sauces are usually very spicy, the rest should be good to eat. There’s tacos dorados that have potatoes, some are chicken, others are beans, it’s a surprise. Take one of each, I’m sure you’ll like it.” Y/N whispered back to him. Everyone serves their own plate porque así debe ser, and they were all chatting, mainly trying to get to know Henry.
“So Henry, You’re a good looking man, why are you here with Y/N? I’m sure you can do a lot better.” Chela said and Majo states at her mom and mouthed her apology to Y/N.
“Has she been telling you this the entire time? Asking why I’m here with you?” Henry asked Y/N and Y/N just nodded. Henry stood up from his seat. “Listen, Graciela, I fell for Y/N the moment I saw her, I don’t know what you have been telling her since we got here but I have had enough. She didn’t want to come here alone and now I know why. If she shows up alone, you’ll ask why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she shows up with me, you ask her why I’m here with her, that’s enough.” Henry said, Y/N pulled his arm to sit him back down.
“Perdón, Y/N, que Pena contigo.” Chela said and Y/N just nodded, it was nice to have someone other than her cousins defend her. “I’m sorry to you too, Henry.” Henry nodded his head and everyone continued eating. By the time they were finished, they went their “separate ways”.
In the carne asada, there were 3 sections, where the cousins were talking about their memories, what they’ve been up to. The aunts and her mom were talking about neighborhood gossip and about their kids. And of course the uncles and her dad drinking and talking about whatever.
“How did you and Henry meet?” Maite asked again.
“Well my coworker Eiza wanted to set me up with her, saying she was going to be at the after party. I didn’t want to be set up but when I went to the after party, I saw this beautiful woman dancing like she was the only one in the room, she captured everyone’s attention, including mine. Eiza noticed I was staring at the dancer and it turned out to be Y/N so Eiza called her over and there you have it.” Henry told them.
“Mira eso, prima, lo dejaste embobado desde el primer momento.” Ponchó said, petting Concha that went up to him.
“Así es, I thank our parents for playing Shakira when we were growing up.” Y/N said, raising her beer bottle to toast.
“Speaking of Shakira, how did you dance when he spotted you?” Chiquis asked, connecting her phone to the Bluetooth speaker that Peluche carried. It started playing the song ‘hips don’t lie’ and everyone was cheering ‘oh’.
“Alright, alright, I’ll show y’all.” Y/N said, getting up from her chair, handing Henry her beer. “It was something like this.”
Everyone was cheering, Henry was whistling, they were just having a good time.
“Pero ya, i guess that’s how Henry fell for me.” Y/N said, sitting on Henry’s lap now, taking her beer form his hand.
“You have no idea, sweetheart.” Henry kissed her.
“Mira Que lindo, pero no sé comen delante de los pobres.” Juan Luis said, sipping his beer.
“No que tienes novia, hermano?” Yeimy asked.
“Pero no está aquí, boba.” Juan Luis said.
“Wait Henry, why did you really like my dancing?” Y/N asked.
“You want the really answer or the savory answer?” Henry asked and Y/N hit his chest playfully. “Alright, alright, you were having fun, I wanted to be with someone I could have fun with. That, and the way you moved your hips gave me an idea of how you would be in other activities.” Henry smirked and Y/N laughed.
“Ay, you’re so dirty.” Y/N said, placing her head in the crook of his neck. “How you like my family?”
“I think I could come over more often, if you invite me, of course.” Henry said.
“Of course.” Y/N repeated and they kissed, his hands on her waist.
Taglist: @f10werfae @warriormirkwood @marieksg
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nanaosaki3940 · 3 months
Feels Like A Family [Sakamoto Days]
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I'm currently working on my next chapter and decided to share a small snippet of it... Please let me know if you liked it or not... 
Fanfic Name: Love In The Line Of Fire [Sakamoto Days]
Pairing: Yoichi Nagumo X OC
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Nana's POV
I walked down the bustling street, my hand securely holding the small, warm hand of Hana, my cheerful five-year-old niece. The summer sun bathed us in a gentle, golden glow, casting long shadows as we made our way toward a popular dessert shop known for its delectable treats. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional bark from dogs being walked by their owners.
“So, Hana-chan, what kind of dessert are you in the mood for today? Ice cream? Cake?” I asked, glancing down at Hana with a warm smile.
Her wide, innocent eyes sparkled with excitement as she pondered the delicious options.
“Ice cream! I want strawberry with sprinkles!” Hana replied cheerfully, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
Her excitement was infectious, and I found myself grinning in response.
"Of course. We'll get the biggest ice creams they have…" I promised, imagining the joy on her face when she would see the towering scoops of her favorite flavor.
As we continued our walk, Hana suddenly pointed excitedly at something ahead.
“Aunt Na-chan! Look at that big dog!” she exclaimed, her voice high with delight, her tiny finger was directed at a fluffy, golden retriever that was trotting happily beside its owner.
“Yes, Hana-chan, it’s a very big dog. Maybe we can say hi to it on our way back…” I suggested while chuckling at her excitement, picturing the scene of Hana petting the friendly dog and her face lighting up with pure joy.
The sidewalks were crowded with people enjoying the pleasant weather. Vendors lined the street, selling everything from fresh flowers to colorful trinkets. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, mingling with the aroma of street food being cooked at various stalls.
As we approached the dessert shop, the bustling crowd momentarily parted, revealing a familiar face striding towards us. It was Nagumo, easily recognizable in his signature brown trench coat, a printed shirt peeking out from beneath, and black pants. His long rectangular-shaped suitcase, undoubtedly filled with his assortment of weapons, was slung over his shoulder with a casual air.
“Yo-chan?” I called out, my voice tinged with surprise as I spotted him.
“Hey, Nana-chan! Fancy meeting you here!” Nagumo greeted, his trademark grin spreading across his face, radiating his usual infectious energy.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, my eyebrows raised in curiosity as we closed the distance between us.
“I was actually heading to your place to meet up with Sakamoto-kun. But since I ran into you, I’ll stick around and we can go back together…” Nagumo replied in an energetic tone, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Did you come here to talk about the Death Row Inmate assassins?” I questioned further, a hint of concern in my voice.
“Yeah…” Nagumo responded, nodding his head solemnly, though the gleam in his eyes remained.
Just then, Hana tugged gently on my hand, her eyes wide with curiosity.
“Who is this, Aunt Na-chan?” she asked, her innocent voice breaking the moment.
“This is Yoichi Nagumo. He’s a friend of mine and your dad’s…” I explained with a smile, introducing her to Nagumo.
“And who might this lovely young lady be?” Nagumo asked, his grin widening as he crouched down to Hana’s level, making sure to look her in the eye.
“I’m Hana! I’m my Daddy’s daughter!” Hana giggled, introducing herself with a bright smile that could light up the room.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hana-chan!” Nagumo responded, extending a hand dramatically, his grin widening even further.
“Nice to meet you too, Uncle Yo-chan!” Hana grinned back and shook his hand, her small fingers wrapping around his with an endearing enthusiasm.
Immediately, Hana's cheerful demeanor meshed seamlessly with Nagumo's playful nature, and seeing that brought a smile to my face. Nagumo had always had a special talent for connecting with kids. His blend of cheerfulness, playful energy, and undeniable charm made him irresistible to children. They found him fun yet safe and harmless, a figure who could effortlessly bring joy to their day. Women, on the other hand, were naturally drawn to his magnetic personality, while men admired his effortless confidence and charm, often wishing they could emulate his captivating presence.
I understood that feeling all too well. My first encounter with Nagumo occurred when Taro first got into JCC. Back then I was only 8 years old while Taro and Nagumo were 14 years old; they were just 6 years older than me. At that time, Taro was just beginning his training to become a professional assassin, and through this journey, he formed a fast friendship with Nagumo. Through Taro, I came to know Nagumo, who quickly became a significant presence in my life. He was everything one could admire: charming, charismatic, funny, witty, incredibly handsome, and endearingly cute. His boundless optimism and ever-present smile created a magnetic aura that drew people in effortlessly.
Nagumo's friendly and approachable demeanor made him popular among his peers and endeared him to those younger than him. His quick wit and humor kept everyone entertained, and his genuine kindness won the hearts of many. It was no wonder that children adored him and women found him irresistible. His ability to make anyone laugh with a quick-witted comment or lighten the mood with his infectious smile had always captivated me. It was easy to see why people were naturally drawn to him.
As a child, I had admired him from a distance, and as I grew older, those feelings blossomed into a quiet, persistent longing. I had been infatuated with him, and over the years, that infatuation matured into a deeper, more profound love. Even now, standing next to him as he effortlessly bonded with Hana, I felt that familiar flutter in my heart. Despite the years that had passed, my feelings for Nagumo remained as strong as ever, a constant, unspoken presence in my life.
His charming presence reminded me of countless moments from our shared past. His ability to make anyone laugh with a quick-witted comment or lighten the mood with his infectious smile had always captivated me. Watching him now, I was transported back to those days when I first realized just how special he was. He was more than just a friend of Taro’s; he had become an indelible part of my life story, someone who had always been there, quietly shaping my dreams and hopes.
And now, here he was, effortlessly winning over Hana, just as he had won over everyone else in his life. It was a poignant reminder of why I had fallen for him in the first place, and why those feelings had never truly faded. His presence was a testament to the enduring nature of my love for him, a love that had stood the test of time and continued to thrive in the quiet corners of my heart.
Nagumo and Hana continued to chat animatedly as we made our way to the ice cream parlor, their laughter filling the air. Once inside, the shop owner greeted us with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with delight at the sight of us.
“Oh, what a cute family you are! You make such a lovely couple with your adorable daughter!” the shopkeeper remarked, looking between the three of us with a beam of approval.
My face turned crimson upon hearing the comment. I felt a rush of heat spread across my cheeks and quickly opened my mouth to correct her.
“O-Oh, we're not actually—” I began, my voice wavering slightly from the unexpected embarrassment.
But before I could finish, Nagumo, ever the opportunist, cut me off with a mischievous grin.
“Thank you! Yes, I'm quite lucky to have such a young wife and cute daughter!” he chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders with an easy familiarity before winking at me.
“Yeah! We're a happy family!” Hana giggled, catching on to the playful ruse as her eyes sparkled with delight at the game Nagumo was playing. “Daddy, can I have extra sprinkles on my ice cream?”
“Yes, anything for our dear Hana-chan! My sweet daughter!” Nagumo responded, his voice full of mock seriousness.
He tickled and hugged Hana gently, making her giggle louder, her laughter bouncing off the walls of the dessert shop. I stood there, flustered and at a loss for words. My mouth opened and closed a few times as I tried to find the right thing to say, but all I managed was a small, awkward smile. The shop owner's eyes were full of warmth and affection, completely convinced by Nagumo's and Hana's playful act.
As we ordered our desserts, I couldn't help but notice how natural Nagumo seemed in this role. He exuded a warmth and charm that made it easy for others to believe in the illusion he had created. His dark hair and eyes matched Hana's so well that it was no wonder the shop owner had mistaken them for father and daughter. With my presence completing the picture, it was easy to see why she had assumed we were a family.
“Here you go, a big strawberry ice cream with extra sprinkles for the little princess…” the shopkeeper said, handing Hana her treat with a fond smile.
“Thank you!” Hana exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she took her ice cream.
Nagumo and I both received our own desserts and coffee and he, in his usual generous manner, took care of the bill before we made our way to a cozy spot at a small table. Throughout the entire interaction, I could feel the amused glances of the other customers, and it only added to my flustered state. Sitting down, I couldn't help but glance at Nagumo, who seemed entirely unbothered by the whole situation.
“Enjoy your treat, everyone!” the shop owner called out as she returned to her work.
Hana, her face lighting up with delight, dove into her strawberry ice cream adorned with colorful sprinkles.
“This is so yummy!” Hana exclaimed between giggles, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
“I'm glad you like it, Hana-chan!” Nagumo replied warmly, casting a fond glance at her before turning his playful gaze toward me. “Nana-chan, you were positively adorable back there, all flustered and blushing.”
“Yo-chan, you really shouldn't have played along like that. It was embarrassing!” I chided, a slight frown betraying my lingering embarrassment as my cheeks retained their rosy hue.
“Oh, come on, Nana-chan. It was harmless fun!” Nagumo chuckled, tousling Hana's hair affectionately as she giggled along with us. “You should have seen your own expression! And besides, Hana-chan seemed to get a kick out of it.”
“Yeah, Aunt Na-chan! It was so funny!” Hana chimed in, her laughter bubbling with infectious joy.
“But you have to admit, we made quite a convincing family…” Nagumo teased with a mischievous smirk.
“Still, you didn't have to... to...” I huffed, crossing my arms and searching for the right words.
“To what? To acknowledge how lucky I am to have such a beautiful young wife and an adorable daughter?” Nagumo interjected playfully, his grin widening. 
“Stop teasing me, baka!” I scowled, though a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.
“You two are funny! Just like a real mommy and daddy!” Hana added with a wide grin, clearly amused by our banter.
Despite my initial embarrassment, I couldn't help but smile at Hana's innocent comment. The warmth between us was palpable in that quaint confectionary shop. As Nagumo and Hana continued their playful interaction, a sense of contentment settled over me. For that brief and sweet afternoon, sitting together like this, we truly felt like a family.
As I leisurely sipped my coffee, I observed Nagumo and Hana engrossed in lively conversation, their laughter and chatter creating a warm ambiance around our table. Nagumo, with his characteristic charm and animated gestures, was deep in conversation with Hana. He asked her about school life, her friends, and her hobbies, and in return, regaled her with amusing anecdotes about her father Taro Sakamoto during their days at JCC. Hana, wide-eyed and fully attentive, hung on every word, finding immense amusement in learning about her father's youthful antics.
Notorious for the intricate tattoos adorning his whole body, Nagumo even showcased a few to Hana which were on his arms and neck, sharing stories behind some of the designs. His playful side emerged as he performed magic tricks with his dice, deftly making them disappear into thin air, leaving Hana marveling with wonder.
Nagumo possessed a natural affinity for interacting with children, a skill that seemed effortless for him. Not everyone could engage with youngsters as effortlessly as he did. Beyond his knack for connecting with kids, Nagumo genuinely enjoyed their company. Whether it was indulging in sweets together, sharing stories, or simply engaging in playful banter, he thrived in their presence. It made me reflect on what kind of father he might one day become. I couldn't help but imagine him as the epitome of a cool, fun-loving dad—someone his children would undoubtedly adore. His inherent warmth and ability to create joyful moments would undoubtedly make him a cherished figure in his children's lives. It was a thought that filled me with a sense of certainty and warmth.
Contemplating Nagumo's future, I couldn't shake the question of whether he would ever find it within himself to settle down and create a family of his own. His career as a professional assassin, aligned with both JAA and the Order, presented formidable obstacles to such aspirations. I reflected on my cousin Taro's experience—he had made the difficult decision to exit the assassin world in order to build a family with Aoi. Their journey underscored the sacrifices and challenges inherent in balancing a life of danger with the desire for domesticity.
In contrast, my parents had boldly chosen to defy the odds, navigating the perilous waters of their profession while choosing to marry and eventually bring me into the world. Their decision to start a family despite the risks spoke volumes about their love and commitment. I had always felt their affection deeply, and their words of gratitude for having me in their lives were a testament to their unwavering devotion. I cherished the bond we shared and considered myself fortunate to call them my parents.
Turning my thoughts back to Nagumo, I couldn't help but ponder his stance on relationships and marriage. He was a different case altogether. From what I knew of him, he had never ventured into a serious romantic entanglement despite his charm and affable nature. While he had casually dated during his tenure at JCC, those interactions had never progressed beyond the superficial, likely due to the inherent risks of his profession. His profession as an assassin imposed significant barriers to forming lasting attachments, and I wondered if he harbored any desires for a more settled life.
The thought gnawed at me—did he envision a future that involved settling down and sharing his life with someone?
Presently, Nagumo remained single and unattached, with no apparent romantic interests or crushes on the horizon. If there was someone he fancied, I believed I would have been aware of it by now. And yet, despite the passing years, my own feelings for him had not waned. I still harbored a deep affection, nurtured from the innocence of childhood. Now, as a young woman, I found myself contemplating whether it was time to disclose my feelings to him.
I had grown since those innocent beginnings of admiration when I harbored a childish crush. My experiences had shaped me into a mature individual, and I knew Nagumo must see me differently now—a woman rather than the girl he had once known. If he didn't, then it was up to me to make him see me in a new light. I resolved to take the initiative in altering his perception. The thought emboldened me, stirring a resolve to confront my feelings and perhaps take a chance on love with Nagumo, despite the uncertainties that lay ahead.
The question lingered in my mind like a persistent whisper, echoing through the depths of my thoughts. If I were to muster the courage and convey my feelings to Nagumo, would he reciprocate? Could I dare to hope that he might accept me as more than a friend—a potential girlfriend, even?
It wasn't merely a matter of summoning bravery; it was about navigating the uncertainties that accompanied such a confession. Nagumo, entrenched in a perilous profession as an assassin, had forged a life defined by danger and unpredictability. His world was a stark contrast to the stability and security that traditional relationships often required. Would he be willing to venture into uncharted emotional territory, to explore the possibility of intimacy and commitment with me?
My heart fluttered with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. I had known Nagumo for years, watching him navigate life with his characteristic charm and wit. Yet, beneath his affable demeanor lay a complexity that intrigued and, at times, perplexed me. Would he view my confession as an unexpected revelation, or had he perhaps sensed the undercurrent of affection that had lingered between us?
I replayed our interactions in my mind, searching for signs—subtle hints that might indicate his feelings toward me. Had there been moments when his gaze lingered a fraction longer, or his smile held a deeper warmth? Or had I been projecting my own desires onto our friendship, seeing what I wished to see rather than what was truly there?
These questions swirled within me, intertwining with memories of shared laughter, meaningful conversations, and the undeniable bond we had forged over the years. If I were to take the leap and confess my love, would it risk our friendship, or could it potentially blossom into something more profound—a partnership built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared journey through life's uncertainties?
The thought both excited and terrified me. Yet, as I contemplated the possibility of revealing my feelings to Nagumo, I knew that uncertainty was an inevitable part of love. Perhaps, in embracing vulnerability and expressing my truth, I would discover that our connection ran deeper than I had ever imagined—a bond resilient enough to weather the challenges that lay ahead.
"Nana-chan, my dear wife?" Nagumo's teasing voice interrupted my reverie, his smirk pulling me back from my thoughts. "Looks like you're lost in deep contemplation. What's brewing in that pretty little head of yours?"
"Nothing much…" I sighed softly, a smile tugging at my lips as I took another sip of coffee before glancing affectionately at Hana, who was immersed in her delight over the ice cream. "I was just thinking how much Hana-chan is enjoying herself here."
Noticing a smear of ice cream lingering at the corner of Hana's lips, I reached out instinctively, gently wiping it away with my finger before casually licking it off. Nagumo's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected gesture. In response, he theatrically smeared a bit of cream from his pastry near his lips, turning towards me expectantly.
"Honey, could you do me a favor and wipe this off?" Nagumo's request was playful, his pout exaggerated, eliciting an eye roll and a playful scoff from me.
"Handle it yourself, hubby…" I retorted playfully, tossing a few napkins in his direction.
"Aww, Hana-chan, see how mean Mommy is?" Nagumo exaggerated further, continuing the playful charade.
"Yeah! Mommy, stop being mean to Daddy!" Hana chimed in, giggling mischievously as she joined the game.
"Okay, you two, enough!" I laughed, pretending to scold them both, before reaching out to playfully pinch their cheeks simultaneously.
Our laughter filled the air around us, creating a warm, lively atmosphere in the cozy confectionery shop. As we bantered and teased each other, I couldn't help but revel in the joy of the moment. Despite the teasing and the playful dynamics, there was an underlying warmth and closeness between us. It felt almost like a glimpse into what a real family might feel like—filled with love, laughter, and genuine affection.
The afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting a gentle glow over our little tableau. Hana's laughter echoed in the background, blending with Nagumo's teasing banter. In that moment, surrounded by sweetness and laughter, I couldn't deny the fondness that had grown for Nagumo over the years. He had become more than a childhood friend; he was someone who understood me deeply, someone who brought lightness and joy into my life.
As we enjoyed our treats and shared moments of lightheartedness, I couldn't shake the lingering thought—the possibility of what could be if I dared to express the feelings that had been quietly simmering within me. It was a daunting prospect, yet one that held the promise of something beautiful and profound.
But for now, I was content to bask in the warmth of our playful camaraderie, savoring the simple pleasures of being together in that cozy corner of the world, where laughter flowed freely and love lingered in the air.
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Read the whole fanfic on Wattpad and Quotev -
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 2 months
Hmmm it's been a while since I posted one of my weird crossover ideas on tumblr. Let's fix that.
For the past few days I've been enjoying daydreaming about a Avatar the Last Airbender/Wingfeather Saga crossover. But it's. probably not what you would expect, haha. I'll probably never write it as more than ideas though, so I may was well post the concept here.
So this takes place in the Wingfeather world of Aerwiar, several years before the Fall of Anniera that jumpstarts the war/plot happening in the book series. One day, Artham Wingfeather is in one of Anniera's port towns and is called over by a concerned citizen, who leads him to a crowd watching a rowboat slowly drift to shore. The rowboat contains two small children, who Artham brings ashore and takes back to Castle Rysen.
The small children in question are Zuko (age 4) and Azula (age 2). In this version of events, the Fire Nation royal family is a bit darker than in canon and, after Ozai flies into a rage and burns Zuko (yes he still has his scar I know I'm mean, but there's a POINT I swear) Ursa decides she needs to get her kids the heck out of the Fire Nation. But Ozai is suspicious and possessive of her in general and has her under guard so she can't escape the palace, so she entrusts her kiddos to a few trusted servants, who pack them up in a rowboat with food and water and send them off, hoping they'll make it to a coastal village and be taken in by a kindly family.
Most of this is explained/implied in a note that Ursa sent along with the kids, that Artham reads and passes on to Esben (and Nia and Arundelle). They are properly horrified.
However, what no one realizes is that these kiddos have come through a portal between the two worlds. So Artham and Esben ASSUME that SOMEWHERE these kid's mom is being held captive by their cruel father and so they send out search parties/reconnaissance teams to try and rescue her, and because any father so cruel as to hurt his son the way Ozai hurt Zuko needs to be stopped. The brothers also wonder if, perhaps, this is somehow connected to the Tragic Accident that befell their parents and aunt Illiya a year before when their ship was lost and they were killed. And they start to wonder if, perhaps, that wasn't an accident, but that they stumbled upon whatever This was and tried to stop it and got in the way. (They don't suspect Bonifer... at first...)
Anyway, Artham finds himself caretaker for these two small children and develops a bond with them, especially Zuko (what, you thought I WASN'T going to use this as an excuse to make a connection between two of my favorite characters of all time?). Arundelle also becomes close with them, and- besides the cooks in the castle- she's the first person Artham tells about the kids. Because I thought it'd be fun to make Arundelle a healer (hey, why shouldn't she be good with healing plants and herbs? heh) and have her be the main person who treats Zuko's burn.
Azula recovers from the trauma of being separated from her mom and home pretty quickly since the new place she's in has kind, caring people, nice food, is still a palace, and she's two. She loves playing with Arundelle and listening to Artham's stories. She's very bright and friendly and talkative. She IS very attached to her brother tho, sleeping in the same bed as him the first few nights in this new place, even defending him/trying to explain his actions the way she's heard adults do. (when Artham finds the siblings they're clinging to each other in their little boat, terrified)
Zuko is more complicated. He's had the physical trauma of being burned paired with the emotional trauma of being hurt and abused by his father (the burning wasn't the first time, just the most severe). He understands a little more of what's going on than his sister. He love, love, loves being held, especially by Artham, because since Azula was born he's not been allowed to act like a "baby" and hasn't gotten much physical affection. He's very shy and has periods of mutism when meeting new people or encountering distressing/unfamiliar situations. Little guy has also had his senses severely rattled by losing both half his vision and half his hearing in one fell swoop. In short, he's a mess. The first time he's alone with Artham he has a panic attack because he thinks Artham will hurt him, but Artham being so kind and understanding and gentle with him helps him unlearn that. Zuko becomes very attached to Artham very quickly and... Artham becomes attached to him pretty fast too.
(Additionally, Zuko is terrified of Bonifer. The only explanation he can give for that is, "He looks at me like father did." which does plant a little seed of suspicion in Artham's mind specifically)
So, long term, this severely messes up Gnag/Bonifer's plans, since suddenly the Annierans are combing the Hollows/The Killridge Mts/even the Doonlands trying to find Zuko and Azula's family. This either forces the baddies to speed up their plans... or derails them altogether. I haven't decided yet, haha. The Annierans do find out something of what Gnag is doing (they don't connect Bonifer to it right away tho) and end up with some preparation for the attack that eventually comes. I think the attack on Anniera is still somewhat successful, but a lot less so than in canon. Like, I don't think the entire populace is captured/scattered and I haven't decided if I want Artham and Esben to still get captured or not. (if they do I have this great mental image of 7-year-old Zuko and 5-year-old Azula trying to rescue them from Throg. Just. just imagine the CHAOS even a pair of BABY firebenders could do in Aerwiar. Imagine.)
Oh yeah, to give you a better idea of WHEN this happens, Nia is pregnant with Janner when Artham finds Zuko and Azula. I just thought it'd be fun for Zuko to have the same age gap with Janner he has with Aang and it makes it close enough for things to come together plot wise.
So yeah, that's my thoughts on how Zuko and Azula could potentially have prevented the Fall of Anniera. xD
Other random things they cause:
Artham adopting them
Artham and Arundelle getting married a few years before Anniera falls after the closeness and bonding that comes from caring for a pair of traumatized children.
Absolute chaos with their firebending (the Annierans chalk this up to the old stories of Annieran/Anyaran kids having special powers to defend their home with and decide not to question it further)
So yeah, there's my late night thoughts on a WFS/ATLA AU. where Artham adopts Zuko and Azula. because why not. I hope it was a fun read. :D
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mr-ame · 2 years
I think, this event is a sweet opportunity to tell more about my apprentice and put them finally on the spot. They are pretty developed, but in my head only, because I was not... well secure enough? to give them more credit.
Thanks to @ghoulfriendfangss for such an inspiring prompt list!
So, meet now Robin, my apprentice
Day 1 - Introduction
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Pronouns: they/she/him
Familiar: Carrot the european robin
Birthday: 25 may
Height: 5'6,5''(169cm)
Favorite color: ochre
Favorite season: autumn
Fashion sense: boho baroque
Sexuality: Demisexual
Self-insert level: aprox 35%
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Robin is a confident and friendly magician. Curiosity and need to be interested, entartained and involved are their key qualities alongside with how stubborn they are. However they find it hard to read people and get attached to them. That never helped making a lot of connections. It leaves Robin having a lot of familliar friendly faces around the district, but very few close friends. Robin is hardly ever bored, they enjoy keeping their aunt's magic shop and providing townspeople with whatever household magic tricks they need.
Resurrection made Robin change from the way they used to be. They lost colors in their appearence and became less loud and superficial. They feel urge to remember themselves again, to get all the pieces connected, but they are also afraid of failing to connect to their past self. Robin became a quiet observer seeking to find hidden truth in details.
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Robin likes: nature, traveling, playing on words, working as a shop keeper, doing any sort of fortune telling, learning and discovering new ways of magic, collecting trinkets of all kind; calm people, hot drinks, sunsets, abandoned empty locations like ruins or dead cites; finding traces of ancient or hidden magic in places and objects; music and dancing.
Robin dislikes: too many rules and prohibitions; being told what to do in a humilating way; having somebody make important decisions for them; people who are mean and fast to judge; not being able to find a solution; giving up on people, ideas and objects.
Day 2 - LI and their relationship
Asra is Robin's one and only love interest. I could only see the rest of the routes as friendship routes for Robin.
Their relationship is sweet and caring partnership in crime.
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Their connection grew slowly throughout time. Journey from strangers to close friends took them a number of years. Robin was surprised to see Asra coming back to spend time together over and over again, but it was a pleasant surprise obviously. They found themselves the most relaxed around Asra. They bonded over their light playful tempers and shared fascination with magic and it's mysteries.
Asra was the first person who choose to be near all the time and Robin welcomed him naturally. Being on their own was fine to Robin. But finding a friend like him made them realize how meaningful connections can be. Robin started to care more about townsfolk and neighborhood habitants to the point that when the plague came, Robin could not stay a bystander.
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After resurrection Robin only saw Asra as a friend and teacher. While appreciating his supportive and patient attitude, Robin desired autonomy. They were eager to learn doing everything by themselves. Asra made everything for Robin not to feel like a burden, but they still wanted to do better, to feel better and to make him proud.
By the timeline of the game prologue Robin started to feel mixed feelings. They were proud of their own progress. Never since they remember themselves they felt as confident as now. And at the same time they noticed Asra distancing himself a lot (I believe it happened because the more mc became resembling the old self, the harder it was to contain his emotions but its my tiny little hc). That was the first time Robin realized that instead of needing Asra's help, they missed his company. Now that they did not need to hold his hand to stand and walk properly, Robin realized that they missed the sensation of his palm in their in a different way.
So they started making steps towards Asra, completely unaware of his true feelings. The way how eager he met them midways was another surprise for Robin. And slowly uncovering his secrets through the route made them fall harder for this person.
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riahlynn101 · 11 months
What are your thoughts over the movie? I have some myself (and a mild mental breakdown over the Thing™), but overall, it was good. I want to talk about it with anyone, lol
Okay, so....
Spoilers below the cut:
Firstly, I loved it. You can tell how much effort they put into this movie, and it really shows. Kudos to everyone involved.
Things I liked:
Piper Rubio did amazing. No comment beyond that. Abby is one of my favorite characters now, and if anything happens to her, I'll cry.
Actually, all the kids did a wonderful job. Especially Grant Feely. He really embodied that creepy, restless spirit vibe.
Mike and Abby's sibling relationship was everything to me!
Vanessa asking Mike if he wants to dance with her (OMG).
The Springbonnie suit looked great!
Mike having a little bit of an attitude (I love him so much)!
The animatronics were cool. I like that they took the time to make them seem friendly, and almost childlike, before switching gears.
Things I didn't like:
I'm not an expert on filmmaking, so excuse me if I'm wrong here. But the pacing was all over the place. The first act of the movie was perfect, and then the second act was....fast. Like fast-fast. Based on what other people are saying, I'm 99.9% sure they cut out a lot of footage.
This one might come back to bite me in the ass later, but some plotlines felt unnecessary. I know this is FNAF and complicated is written somewhere between Freddy and Fazbear, but did we really need some side plot about an evil aunt? They didn't go anywhere with it, and we still don't know what happened to her. Did Golden Freddy K.O her? Kill her? Who knows? Because we certainly don't. We see her legs, and then she's never mentioned again.
I don't know if this is controversial, but I hate that Vanessa's an Afton. Maybe it's because I was so set on Mike being an Afton, but I really, really hate that they changed it. (I'll elaborate on that more down below).
I felt like they could have given us some more background. Some more flashbacks to the 80s. Anything.
I know I'm being overdramatic, but having the plot twist be Vanessa's an Afton kind of killed all my excitement. Which is stupid, I know, but yeah....
I mean, I'm still going to write fanfictions about the movie, and about all the ways that Mike Schmidt is actually Michael Afton.
--Sorry in advance, but I'm going to ramble--
I have a feeling that William knows Mike better than he's letting on. Of course, he did kidnap Garrett, who could have told William everything about Mike. He could have also watched the news and seen Mike with his parents, asking for Garrett to come home.
But that's not the vibe i was getting from William during the office scene. But I'll let you all decide for yourselves:
William Afton is a skilled manipulator and actor, but the expression he makes looking down at his coffee doesn't scream, "holy shit, the brother of my victim is sitting in my office." He has no reason to look concerned. Mike has no idea who he is, and he isn't even looking at William. So, why put on a show?
Also, the change in his attitude is telling. He went from cold and distant to personable in a heartbeat.
Of course, there's always the possibility that I'm totally wrong, and William is scared he's been found out. Which could be true, given that he doesn't hesitate to fuck Mike up the second he's able to.
In the same vein, why would William Afton-a guy known for killing/kidnapping kids around the pizzeria, or at least close to the pizzeria-drive to the middle of nowhere, pick a random kid, and kill him? I know he's crazy, but I don't buy it.
Some people are saying that Garrett is a Charlie parallel, and that Mike is Henry's son. Which could be the case, I mean, we see a mechanic in the training video that bears a striking resemblance to the actor that plays Mike's dad. I don't know if those two things are connected, but it's interesting to point out.
But, like I said, it's weird that William went out of his way to kidnap a kid for no reason. And he likely wasn't in a costume (at least I hope he wasn't, because if he was and no one saw who took Garrett, I think a kidnapped child is the least of their worries.) So, how did he convince Garrett, who was by himself for a grand total of five second, to get in the car? Maybe he offered him candy or toys? I dunno.
I might go into all the evidence/theories so far that Mike's an Afton in another post. And where they're going with Garrett's character. But yeah....
Everyone, please, feel free to share your thoughts on the movie. I would love to hear them :D!!
((Thank you for this question btw <3333))
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
I hope I'm not reaching but I feel like Din essentially told Bo that he is spending the rest of his life with her. Din Djarin, the man who usually helps people and is on his way, told Bo that he will serve her until her song is written. He will be right by her side with Grogu who loves her too. Which usually would be after someone dies. If that is not setting up a clan of 3 I don't know what is.
I would love to hear your thoughts about how Bo's interactions differ from the other interactions he has with Pelli, Greef, etc. Because it's not lost on me that Bo acts like his mom. I would say that Grogu is so attached to her that he and Din cannot leave.
Hello my friend! And no you are absolutely not!
To understand this, one only has to look at what kind of person Din Djarin is. In season 1, he was an absolute lone wolf who roamed the galaxy to do assignments as a bouny hunter to support his tribe. Although he has always helped friends and acquaintances he met along the way, he has never committed his life to anyone other than his tribe. Some examples:
Boba Fett
I love Boba, he is my husband and I love the dynamic between him and Din. Din didn't hesitate for a second to help Boba Fett with his problem with the pykes. He didn't want payment, but just the fact that Fennec came to him to hire him suggests they have a different kind of relationship, although Din was absolutely willing to die for the cause when push came to shove. But that has more to do with the fact that honor is paramount for Din Djarin and when he promises something he keeps it.
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I'm kind of sad there were no real interactions with Boba and Grogu I really would like to see that, because Boba knew a few jedi himself.
Peli Motto
First off I have to say that I adore Peli, one of my absolute favorite characters. And Grogu adores her too, as we found out this episode as he jumps into her arms with glee. Peli reminds me of my favorite aunt I got to spend time with as a kid and that meant lots of fun and action. She spoils Grogu, he gets his favorite food and has a lot of fun, yet a very different relationship than the one he has with Bo. Bo-Katan has spoken with Grogu on an equal footing since the beginning, not like a toddler or pet. Just think how much she talked to him in episode two and made a real connection. Bo explains, shows interest, and teaches him along with Din, taking on the role of mother rather than cool aunt.
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Greef Karga
Grogu and Din share a special past with Greef. I really like the character, especially this season. Greef was Din's boss, then briefly his enemy. Grogu saves his life and it completely changes the relationship of the three. Din and Greef are friendly with each other, he doesn't hesitate to help when Nevarro needs help, but at the same time Din also has Greef's offer of a piece of land in mind. I love how Greef gives him a bottle... whatever that is... he reminds me of a good friend and he treats Grogu the same way. I would even say like a childless friend who appreciates the little one (after all, he saved his life!) but doesn't really know what to do with him. When Din insists on Grogu's name, Grogu doesn't seem to show any real interest.
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Greef and most of the other acquaintances and friends call Din Mando. That's one of the first things I noticed, that Bo always calls him by his name. Both Bo's relationship with Din and Grogu was much more personal from the start. She shouldn't have taken care of Din or Grogu, but she did it and not just like that, but with interest and a lot of warmth that she never showed to anyone else.
I don't get the aunt vibes with Bo like some people say. I'm a mom myself and I've felt the connection between Grogu and Bo since the second episode. The way she treats him, how he is always close to her, how she protects and teaches him. Apart from the fact that Katee Sackhoff describes herself as a mummy and recently became a mother herself.
The same goes for Din Djarin. Yes, he is loyal and has so far helped all his friends without hesitation and would probably die honorably for most of them. But he has never committed himself to anyone so openly and without compromise and until his end. I'm pretty sure Bo-Katan understood what Din Djarin's words really mean is evident in her reaction. Astonishment, awe and full of emotion.
I realized too late that you were actually asking about the relationship between Bo and Grogu, now it's a mixture. Have fun with it and this is the way!
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loveisnotovertae · 9 months
Love is Not Over
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Love Is Not Over
✏️Taehyung x OFC ✏️Friends to Lover AU 🛑 Rated 18+ 📖WC: 2153 ⚠️Mentally abusive and controlling ex, stalking, mention of anxiety cheating, COVID, drinking, drunk hookup, masturbation, oral, accidental marriage, accidental pregnancy⚠️
Mae always wanted to go to South Korea and visit all the places her Aunt and Uncle used to tell her stories about. So after catching her fiancè cheating, she did just that. Her two month trip turned into a permanent stay thanks to covid lockdown. A friendly neighbor turned best friend, who just so happened to be part of the biggest music group in the world. A drunken night that changed her life forever.
Chapter 6
“According to Twitter, the guys are leaving for the States, at the same time we’re heading back.” D said, looking at her phone.
“That would explain why I haven’t heard much from Jimin,” Mae said, adjusting herself in the seat.
The women were on their way back from a hike to one of the volcanoes. They’d been on the island for almost a week now and spent the majority of the time away from the house and out exploring. Jeju was a beautiful island with so much to see and do. They’d gone hiking, visited The Haenyeo women, and even explored some lava tubes. Pretty much every tourist attraction they could. Next week they planned to take things easier. Staying closer to town and the house.
“Here I thought you just snuck away to talk to him so that I wouldn’t steal your phone.” Veronica laughed from the front seat.
“Nope, he said he was busy, and when he did text it was super late. Does it say what they’re doing?” Mae leaned over to look at D’s phone.
“An award show and preparing for their concert next month.” D looked at Mae. “Don’t they tell you these things?”
“Not unless I ask. If they want me to know something they’ll tell me. I usually find out at the same time everyone else does.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?”
“No, I knew they had a show and concert coming up. But that’s next month. I wonder if they are doing something else and that’s why they are leaving earlier.” Mae replied.
The women stopped at a restaurant to eat and then went to their final stop, LoveLand, before heading back to the house. Although Mae was a little apprehensive about it, she was excited to see what the “amusement park for adults” had.
Just as they were getting ready to leave the park, Mae’s phone went off.
“How’s my favorite person in Seoul?” Mae asked.
“Bored. How’s Jeju? Did you guys do anything interesting today?” a curious Jimin asked from the other end of the phone.
“We went for a hike to one of the volcanoes. We’re just finishing up at LoveLand right now before we head back.”
“You went to the sex park?” Jimin shouted, causing Mae to hold the phone from her ear.
“Jesus, I heard him clear over here.” Kimberleigh laughed.
“Yes,” Mae said, putting the phone back to her ear.
“I don’t believe you.” Mae’s face scrunched in confusion at Taehyung's voice.
“Jimin, do you have me on speaker phone?”
“Yes, I figured I’d give you a call while we were eating.”
“How many people are there?” Mae asked.
“Just me, Tae, and Jungkook.”
“Hi, Mae.” Jungkook's amused voice came through the phone.
“Hello, JK.” 
“Mae, are you really at LoveLand?”
“Yes we are. Hang on a second and I’ll put you on video.” Mae pulled the phone away from her ear and pressed the video chat option. She laughed when Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook's faces showed up on screen. Judging by the angle, Jimin obviously had his phone laying on the table.
“Hi, Veronica.” Jimin said when Mae flipped the camera around just as Veronica stopped to look at one of the statues.
“Hey, Jimin.” She said with a flirty tone and waved.
The women continued the walk through the park with the three men on the phone. The guys ate their food while the women passed around the phone and told them about each thing they stopped at. 
“Too bad you guys are so busy getting ready to leave.” Veronica said as they piled back into their vehicle. “We were hoping that we’d get to at least meet you in person. I mean, you have been taking care of Mae for three years.”
“You just want Jimin here so you can flirt with him in person.” D said, causing everyone to laugh.
“Do you blame me? Look at him.”  Veronica lifted up the phone for her to see it better in the back seat.
“Veronica is making Jimin blush.” Jungkook giggled.
“Speaking of good looks.” D shifted in the seat so that she was closer to the phone. “Do any of you happen to know which one of you Mae’s been having sex dreams about?”
“That’s enough of that!” Mae yanked D back in her seat and took the phone away from Veronica. “We’ll talk to you guys later. Bye!”
“Wait, you’ve dreamt about sex with one of us?” an amused Jimin asked quickly.
“Nope, not having this conversation with you. Bye!” Flustered Mae hung up the phone before anyone could say anything else.
Mae sent death glares to her friends who were laughing as she put her phone away. She couldn’t be mad at them, she would have done the same thing if roles were reversed. But she could give them the cold shoulder while she calmed down.
The women spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing around the house. But by early evening, the four of them started to go stir crazy and decided to get a head start on some of the photo shoots they had planned since it was a nice evening.
“You’ve got your wish, Veronica.” Mae said, gently tossing her phone onto the kitchen island.
Veronica looked up from the camera and asked, “Which wish is that, Giant? I have a lot of wishes.”
“Jimin will be here tomorrow so that you guys can meet him.” 
“He’s what?” Veronica yelled, causing D and Kimberleigh to run from the other room where they were getting the outfits ready.
“What the hell is happening? Is everything ok?” A frightened Kimberliegh asked.
“No, everything is not ok!” 
Mae watched in amusement as Veronica started to panic. “Park Jimin is coming here! Park Jimin in the flesh in front of me! How could you do this to me?” she asked, looking at a laughing Mae.
“It’s what you wanted! What do you mean by ‘How could I do this to you?’ it’s not like he’s already outside the front door.”
“She does have a point, Ronnie.” D added before going back to the other room.
“Don’t you take her side!” Veronica yelled after her.
“We aren’t taking anyone's side, Ronnie. You wanted him here and now he’s coming. At least they gave you a warning.” Kimberleigh shrugged. “Now why don't you two go get your first outfit on.” She picked up the camera that was in front of Veronica.
“Get your ass back here, Giant!” 
Mae ran through the house laughing while Veronica chased after her.
Mae looked at herself in the mirror one last time before going back outside. She’d gained some weight since the last photoshoot they did together. But it was a good weight, she looked a lot healthier than she did while she was with Tyler. He was very particular about how the two of them looked; she only ate the things he deemed healthy.
“Holy tits and ass.” Kimberleigh said when Mae stepped out onto the patio.
“I think this bikini might be a little too small.” She mumbled adjusting the top trying to cover herself as much as she could.
“You don’t think it shows too much?”
“It’s a bikini, Mae. It’s supposed to show what you have.” D said, moving one of the lounge chairs.
“How do you feel about it? Because we all think you look sexy as hell.” Veronica stood beside her and assessed the outfit, “If you aren’t comfortable we can skip it or you can put the cover up on. It’s see-through so it won't hide everything.”
“I feel amazing. It just feels a little strange having so little on in public. I haven’t worn a bikini outside since I left the States.” Mae admitted.
“Here, put this on for now.” Kimberleigh said, handing her the cover up. “You can always take it off.”
Mae put on the light fabric and looked at herself in the full length mirror they’d taken from one of the bedrooms and placed on the patio.  Veronica was right, the black knitted clothing didn’t cover everything, the front was open and she could still see the purple bikini through the back, but it covered enough until she was comfortable.
“Alright, where do you want me?”
“Over here next to the pool.” D pointed at the lounge chair she’d moved.
“DJ, drop that beat!” Veronica picked up the camera and yelled to Kimberleigh.
“BTS? Really?” Mae asked with a laugh.
“They have good songs.” Kimberleigh shrugged and mouthed the lyrics ‘Am I Wrong’.
The next hour and a half was filled with chaos as the women sang, danced, and took pictures. It was hectic and the women were having the time of their lives. It was just like old times, before Tyler.
“The food should be here in a few minutes,” Kimberleigh said, turning down the music. “I’m going to go wait out front. Mae don’t fall!” She shouted before entering the house.
“Geez, she says that like I’m clumsy or something.” Mae put her hand on D’s shoulder to steady herself while she stood on the lounge chair.
“That’s because you are.” D laughed.
“Oh that’s going to look beautiful with the color of the sunset in the sky.” Veronica stood in front of them. “I thought you were a giant before,” she laughed looking up at Mae.
“Be careful, Ant. I can squish you with my big toe.” she laughed, lifting one foot.
“Put your damn foot down, woman!” D said, grabbing a hold of Mae when she started to wobble. “I’m going to go help Kimberleigh and get our drinks. You two are going to give me a heart attack.”
“There’s a slight breeze up here. Do you think I should put the cover up back on and let it flow?” 
“Is there enough to make it?” Veronica asked, handing her back the fabric she discarded not too long ago.
“Wouldn’t hurt to try.” Mae shrugged.
Veronica stepped back and waited for Mae to get situated again while she found her perfect angle. The sun was getting ready to set, causing the sky to be a mixture of pastels. The colors blended beautifully with Mae’s swimsuit. So the idea was to get her as high up as possible. Mae started out the last shoot with her back towards the ocean so that Veronica could get a few shots of her front with and without the cover up.
“Alright, let's get you turned around so that I can get some shots of your back.”
“Come help. I don’t have D and don’t want to fall in the pool.”  Mae said, waving her hand at Veronica.
“What in the world is taking them so long?” She asked, taking Mae’s extended hand and helping her turn.
“Maybe the food is taking a little longer.”
“Food’s here, ladies.” Kimberleigh said, stepping out onto the patio.
“What the hell took you so long?” Mae asked, not looking Kimberleigh’s way as she watched Veronica get the cover up from the railing.
“I’ll fuck you senseless.” Veronica said softly, frozen in place and looking towards the house behind Mae.
“You’ll do what?”
“It’s nice to finally see you too, Veronica.” Mae’s eyes widened at the sound of Jimin’s voice.
“Ronnie, tell me that isn’t Jimin. Please tell me we’ve been in the heat too long and are hallucinating.”
“If it is, I'm not complaining.”
Not taking her eyes off the man from her dreams, Veronica shoved the cover up towards Mae, causing her to lose her balance on the cushion top lounge chair. Everyone went wide-eyed with panic when they heard Mae scream as she fell back into the cool water.
“Ronnie, I’m going to kill you!” Mae yelled once she’d resurfaced.
“I am so sorry, Giant. I was so focused on the gorgeous man I completely forgot you were on the lounge chair.”
“Well your lack of focus nearly got me killed.” Mae said swimming across the pool. “Your ass is just lucky it was the deep end.”
Mae adjusted her suit that had shifted from the impact before standing up in the shallow end and walking up the three steps to exit.
“Would you like a towel?” Mae looked up in shock to find Taehyung standing in front of her. “You hit the water pretty hard, are you ok?” Mae, unable to speak, just nodded. “By the way,” he said, unfolding the towel and leaning in closer, “You look good in that suit but I prefer the forest green lace number from three years ago.” Taehyung whispered in her ear as he put the towel around her shoulders.
Mae leaned away from him when she realized he was talking about the lingerie she’d worn for their last shoot in Colorado. Taehyung smirked when her wide eyes met his. He gave her a playful wink before walking back towards the group.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
We haven't talked in a while (cause I've been dead/busy, lol) so I'm sending you MANY questions!
✨- Moonstone or Sundrop?
🔮- Something you wish had happened in the series?
📺- Another show you’d like to see have a cross over with Tangled?
🖤- Tangled NOtp?
💎- Favorite AU?
💜- Characters you think should have interacted at all or more?
📚- Favorite Tangled Fanfic?
💢- Which character do you not relate to the most?
💥- A big a opinion you have related to the Tangled movie/series?1
Hey Portal! Don’t worry, I’ve been busy too, I just got back from summer vacation.
Moonstone or Sundrop?
Oh, moonstone. All the way.
Something you wish had happened in the series?
Well there’s always the chronic thing of me wishing Rapunzel actually apologized to Cass like Cass apologized to her. Right now the biggest thing that I wish happened in the series is that we got to see a bit more of Rapunzel’s extended family besides Aunt Willow. She’s part of a royal family after all, there’s no way she doesn’t have a ton of aunts and uncles and cousins.
Another show you’d like to see have a cross over with Tangled?
Definitely either Dragon Prince or Vox Machina. I feel like some the character dynamics would be so hysterical.
Tangled NoTP
This won’t come as a surprise to anyone who knows me but…Cassunzel.
Favorite AU
I can’t pick just one so my top five favorite ones are
the New Moon AU in which Eugene and Rapunzel share the moonstone
The forbidden love au in which Rapunzel and Eugene were raised in their respective kingdoms and now have a secret romance going on and Varian, Lance, and Cass play matchmakers/chaperones
Roleswap AU, this one’s a lot more versatile but usually Rapunzel swaps roles with either Cass or Varian and she’s raised as an alchemist peasant girl and Eugene and/or Lance is the tutor to either Varian or Cass, depending on who’s the Lost Royal in the au
I don’t know if it’s an official au but @erazonpo3 had this cool Rapunzeltopia variant where Gothel never kidnapped Rapunzel and stayed to raise Cass and the canon Rapunzel and Eugene found that au’s Cass
And of course, post series au
Characters you think should’ve interacted at all or more?
Definitely Varian and Cass. Also Arianna and Cass because good god let the girl have a healthy mother figure. All of the Brotherhood, definitely. And also Lance And Rapunzel because wholesome sibling in law dynamics. Oh and I know they’re not in the show but I would’ve loved to see more of Rapunzel and Candor and Rapunzel and Dahlia
Favorite Tangled Fanfic
Oh man, I feel like I’m friends with all the good writers in the fandom. I’m still working on finishing reading them all and eagerly awaiting the rest but @th3p0rtalmaker, @majorabbey, @twotangledsisters, @flossy2003, @frozenwolftemplar, and @batata-doce-com-farofa all have such fantastic fics! You’re all such great writers and I love your work so much!
And also there’s this really great fanfic recently I found that was actually reccommended to me by @twotangledsisters called “The Fall” which focuses on Cass’s climb back up her tower at the end of CR.
Which character do you not relate to the most?
I think probably Frederic or Trevor, because never once have. I thought that kidnapping my crush or holding someone hostage was a good idea.
A big a opinion you have related to the Tangled movie/series?
This may be a piping hot take but just because Cassandra is introverted doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing or that she needed Rapunzel to break her out of her shell or even that she had no friends before Rapunzel. She doesn’t need Rapunzel to make her more likeable or socialize with people more or be more open. Being an introvert is perfectly okay. Hell, I myself am an introvert and if someone tried to get me to open up like that or be way too friendly towards me, I would also just dig my heels in or shut it out. And this take doesn’t even make sense anyway to me because Cass still barely interacts with anyone after befriending Rapunzel
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
Happy New Year's
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Pairing: Tony x Clint Word count: 8,776
Read on AO3
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It had been a surprise to everyone when Tony and Clint got together. Wanda thought it was a joke, Nat was skeptical, Steve never thought it would last, Sam rolled his eyes, and JARVIS had alerted them that they had been spending the nights together. They realized how serious they were when they adopted a little girl named Katie. 
When they got her to the tower, they showed her her new room- and told her they would get it decorated however she would like. Almost immediately, she told them her favorite color was yellow, and she loved red pandas. “Well, yellow and red pandas it is.” Tony smiled proudly. “Let’s make it perfect.” 
Clint nodded in agreement. “And we’ll get your favorite dinner tonight.” He smiled when she got excited. They both helped her unpack the stuff she had, as well as the stuff they bought before her arrival. She was seven, and her birthday was the following month. “Any ideas what you’d like to do for your birthday?” 
She stared at him for a moment, thinking. “I never get to stay up. Can I stay up to watch the ball drop?” She asked. “It sounds fun.” 
Tony and Clint glanced at each other before nodding. “I think we can arrange that. No big party?” Tony asked. 
“No, thank you.” She shook her head. “I do like cake, though! My favorite is chocolate.”  
“Chocolate cake is the best.” Clint agreed. “Sprinkles?” What kid didn’t like sprinkles? 
She nodded. “Sprinkles. And ice cream? Please.” She smiled, hopeful. 
Tony grinned, watching them together. “All the sprinkles.” Clint promised her. 
“Thank you!” She smiled, going to set the doll she brought with her on her bed. “Perfect.” She nodded to herself. “Molly likes the bed.” 
“I’m glad.” Tony chuckled. “Please let us know if Molly doesn’t like something, okay? We want you both comfortable.” He walked over and tapped her little nose.
She giggled. “I will.” She suddenly hugged his legs. “Thank you.” She went and did the same to Clint. “I like my new home.” She was bouncing. “No more moving!”
Tony wrapped his arm around Clint’s waist. “We’re so happy you’re here, kiddo.” Clint smiled. “We knew when we met you that you were meant to be our daughter.” He said proudly. “And we know that the others will love you, too.” 
“I’m excited to have a big family!” She looked up at them. “When will I meet them?” 
“How about now?” Tony offered. “I’m sure they’d be happy to.” 
She nodded. “Yeah!” She had been told all about her new family, more than what she had seen on tv. “I’m excited.”  
“Let’s gather them up.” Clint smiled and soon everyone was alerted to meet them in the largest lounge area. 
Everyone was excited, each of them getting a small welcome home gift for their newest family member. Katie held each of their hands in the elevator on the way down. She jumped excitedly when she saw everyone waiting for her. “Hi!”  
Nat smiled and waved. “Welcome.” She crouched a bit so Katie wouldn’t have to look up at her. 
“You’re so pretty.” Katie hugged her. “You’re my Aunt Nat, right?” 
She nodded. “I am. And I think you’re really pretty, too.” She handed her a box. It was a set of kid friendly bath bombs. “So you can relax and really enjoy your first bath here.” 
“Yay! I love colors. Thank you.” She hugged her again, peeking up at Steve, Bucky, and Sam. “Wow, you’re tall!” She blinked, making the men chuckle. Bucky was the first one to come over and crouch. 
“Hey.” He smiled softly. “Welcome home.” He told her. “This is for you.” He handed her a soft blanket. 
She hugged it tightly. “Thank you! You’re Uncle Bucky.” It was clear she tried to remember everyone. “And you’re Uncle Steve.” She smiled as Steve came over. 
“I am. We’re happy you’re here.” He handed her a set of coloring books. “If you ever want someone to color with, don’t be afraid to ask, okay? I love art.” 
She nodded quickly. “Okay! Thank you.” Clint came over to help her carry her new gifts. This way as others have her something, it wouldn’t all fall out of her arms. Next was Sam. “You’re Uncle Sam. Can I see your wings one day?” 
“Absolutely.” He smiled. “Anytime you want.” He gave her a set of 3D puzzles. “Thought you may like these.” 
“They look fun.” She smiled as she looked at them. “Thank you!”  She looked forward to trying them. Wanda stepped over next. “You’re Aunt Wanda. Your hair is so pretty.” She gently pet her hair. 
Wanda smiled brightly. “You’re so sweet. I can do yours any time you want.” She promised. “We can have a girls day with Aunt Nat.”  
“That sounds fun.” She smiled. “I’d really like that.” 
“We’ll plan it.” She tapped her arm. “I heard you enjoyed dolls, so I got you this.” She handed her a set of barbies. “I’ll even play with you some time if you’d like.”
“Please.” She asked sweetly. “Can you braid hair?” She had learned not that long ago and looked forward to practicing. 
Wanda nodded. “I can do a few braids.” She smiled as she got excited. “It’ll be part of our girls day.” She promised. “How’re you liking your new room?” 
“The bed is so big!” She bounced. “I love it. This is a nice home.” Her tone made everyone a bit emotional. “And I don’t have to worry about Molly.” She said happily and looked for Clint and Tony behind her. “Right, daddies?” 
Clint and Tony beamed instantly. “Right, princess.” Tony chuckled. “You and Molly are very safe here.” He nodded. “You’re the safest little girl on the planet.” 
She bounced again. “I’m happy!” She clapped. 
Clint lifted her with ease. “We’re happy too, kiddo.” He grinned. “We’re getting Katie’s favorite dinner tonight.” He told the others. 
“Oh, what’s that?” Sam asked her. “Lemme guess… is it pasta?” He asked, making her giggle and shake her head. “Tacos?” She shook her head again, Clint smirking. He pretended to think. “Sushi?” He asked in a way it was clear he was being silly for her. 
“Sushi is spicy!” She scrunched her nose. “And smelly.” She shook her head. “Yuck.”
Nat laughed. “She knows her food.” She smiled. “Is it pizza? Because pizza’s good.” 
She nodded quickly. “Pizza! All kinds.” She said excitedly. “Did you know they make cheeseburger pizza?!” 
“It’s a top five favorite of your dads here.” Tony grinned, nudging Clint. He chuckled when Katie seemed to get more excited with that. “He’s been known to put fries on top.” 
She gasped. “Can we try that? Please?” She asked. “That sounds so good!” 
Everyone laughed at that. “You really did pick the perfect kid for you two.” Steve teased. 
Clint beamed. “Right? She also likes science. Not my specialty thankfully.” He chuckled. “That’ll be all Tony.” 
Katie giggled. “I like things that go poof!” She made the motions with her hands. “I like Emily on Netflix. She makes science super fun! She once had them walk on eggs .”  
“Definitely the perfect kid.” Tony rubbed her back. Leaning over, he kissed Clint’s cheek. Katie was happy to be in the middle of that. She had a big family now. “Let’s get your new toys put away and then how about I show you my lab?”
“Yay!” She cheered, waving to the others. “Bye!” She couldn’t wait to spend more time with them. 
Everyone said bye at the same time, already attached to their niece. Nat turned to the others. “I think the tower is gonna get a lot more fun.” 
Wanda nodded. “Another girl!” She said excitedly. “She’s the sweetest!” She gushed. “I’m gonna go find some kid friendly nail salons. They have those mommy and me places where they do both.” 
Nat nodded quickly. “Great idea. I’ll see if I can order her a robe to match ours.” She smiled. 
Bucky chuckled and shook his head. “The tower is gonna turn pink, isn’t it?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll want to paint your nails any color you’d like.” Nat teased. “And play with your luscious hair.” She added with a chuckle. 
“Maybe add a cute headband.” Sam smirked. “Oh, get her a makeup kit.” 
Bucky shoved him gently. “Yeah, alright.” He laughed.  “I am looking forward to pizza and fries. Just separately.” He added. “Never thought I’d meet someone with tastes like Barton’s.”
“It’s cute.” Nat smiled. “It really does seem like a perfect fit.” 
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Walking into the lab, Katie squealed. “It’s so big!” 
Clint laughed and looked at Tony who he knew was super proud right now. He was beaming. “Welcome to the lab.” 
Katie looked up at Tony. “You’re so cool.” She gasped. “I’m glad you’re my dad!”
Tony smiled widely. “I’m really happy to hear you say that, princess.” That wasn’t something he ever thought he’d hear. Hell, he didn’t think fatherhood would ever be something he did. Especially with Clint by his side. That had truly thrown him for a loop. It all started because of a damn drinking game.
Clint passed everyone a round of shots after a day of paperwork. “Game ideas?” He asked, wanting everyone to have a good time.
“Something different.” Tony shrugged. “How about truth or dare? And if we don’t do either, take a shot?”
Everyone nodded in agreement. “You thought of it, you go first.” Nat told him. 
Tony nodded, looking around as he thought. “Alright.” He licked his lips. 
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They had been playing for some time, and had their fair share of drinks. “Alright, Barton.” Sam smirked. “Truth or dare.” 
“Dare.” He said confidently. 
“I dare you to kiss Stark. Full blown kiss. Not a tiny peck on the lips.” 
Clint shrugged, always up for anything. “Cool.” He scooted over to Tony, giving him a moment of warning before cupping the back of his head. Everyone was a bit surprised when Tony kissed back, tangling his fingers in Clint’s hair. 
After a moment, Nat leaned towards Bucky. “Maybe...maybe we should leave.” 
Bucky nodded, standing quickly. Sam followed when Clint managed to move into Tony’s lap. “Geez.” Sam mumbled, everyone stumbling out to let them be. That’s not what he had expected to happen. He thought Clint would have either taken a shot or gave him some quick lame kiss. Not...that. 
Clint pulled away for air but moved to kiss over Tony’s jaw. “My floor is closer. Just putting it out there.” He flirted. 
Tony thought for a split second and nodded. “Lead the way.”  
No one had really known for sure if they slept together that night and didn’t think to ask until they officiated their relationship. 
Clint gave Tony’s hand a squeeze as they watched Katie look around. “What can I touch?” She asked. She didn’t know what to focus her eyes on.
“Anything.” He had already kid proofed things. Anything that could hurt her was put up or locked up. 
She instantly pressed things. Sitting on Tony’s favorite stool, she was mesmerized. Clint leaned into Tony. “We did good.” He said quietly. “Hard to believe this all started because of some drunken sex two years ago.”
Tony chuckled. “I’m glad you’re up for any dare.” He grinned. “Not how I expected things to go, that’s for sure.” 
“Thought you’d hit me.” He admitted. “So glad you didn’t.” He let out a breath. “Things could have gone so very differently.” 
Tony pecked his lips. “I’m glad I didn’t either.” He smiled. Looking over, he saw Katie climb off the stool and go to look at one of the suits. 
“Wow.” She marveled. “So cool.” She gasped, still trying to wrap her little mind around the fact that one of her dads was Iron Man . She had the coolest parents! Hearing footsteps, she looked over to see Tony walking up to stand next to her, hands in his pockets. 
“You’re allowed in here, whenever, okay? Just as long as someone’s with you.” He smiled. “I plan to get you your own set up over there. Just gotta finish cleaning it up.” He pointed to an area that had a few boxes. 
She clapped. “Yay!” She dove into his arms as he crouched. “That’ll be so much fun.” 
He hugged her gently. “Glad you’re excited.” He said softly, rubbing her back. “Anything you want to do before dinner?” He asked, figuring they had a few hours to kill. 
“Can you show me the whole tower?” 
“Yep.” He agreed. “We’re good at tours.” He stood and held her hand. “Let’s go.” 
Clint took her other one, both of them happily showing her around. Every now and then they would swing her up a bit. Her giggles filled the halls. It was the perfect addition. 
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The guys were in charge of bringing dinner so they got the best pizza and fries for their niece. And then an ice cream cake with lots of confetti sprinkles. 
“I brought board games.” Wanda came in. “We’re gonna have lots of fun!” 
“Major party.” Sam held up some punch. “She deserves it. And isn’t her birthday coming up?”
“New Years Eve? Did I hear that right?” Steve asked. 
Wanda nodded. “Yeah. I’d hate to have a birthday so close to Christmas.” She scrunched her nose. 
“Double the presents for a kid.” Bucky shrugged. 
“Because we can afford it.” She pointed out. “Imagine being a kid from a poor family who can’t really do much.” She added. “Then it’s likely a combined thing.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, exactly. I’m sure she’s had combined gifts before.” They’d been told you’d been in foster care since you were two, after all. And while you’d had some good homes, foster parents weren’t rich. Usually.
“I’m sure they’ll spoil her now.” Sam smiled. “We all will.” 
Katie suddenly ran in, diving for Nat. “Aunt Nat!” She laughed as Nat caught her.
“Hi, pretty girl.” She smiled. “We’re gonna have a fun night. Uncle Sam brought punch, and Aunt Wanda brought board games.”
“What kind?” She gasped. “I only know two.” She was curious. “I know CandyLand and Chutes and Ladders.”
Wanda looked at her stack. “I have Candy Land. And then Trouble, Sorry, and Connect Four.” She held them up. “We can work on getting more over time.” She honestly looked forward to getting to help raise her. “And I think Uncle Bruce is bringing something back for you, too. He’ll be back in the morning.”  
“Yay Uncle Bruce!” She cheered. “I’m excited to meet him.” 
“He’ll like you.” Steve smiled at her. “No. He’ll love you.”
She beamed and clapped, thinking her new family was so nice. “Can we eat now? I’m hungry.” 
Clint made her a plate, one slice with fries and one without. She climbed up on a chair, smiling. “Thank you!” 
“Sure thing.” He grinned, eager to see if she liked it. She went for the one with fries first, wiggling a bit after taking a bite. 
“Wow!” She munched. “Best pizza ever.” 
Clint offered a high five. “Good to hear.” He grinned when he got a high five in return. 
Tony shook his head with a fond smile. It was their first night as a full family and he was falling more and more in love with Clint. He never thought he could love this much. He never thought he would have deserved this life. Katie giggled as she made funny faces with Wanda. She already fit in so well. Tony had worried there’d be an adjustment period where she would keep to herself. Clearly she was more like him and was thriving. He was proud. When Clint looked over at him, he winked. 
Clint grinned, winking back. “What’s up, handsome?” He asked flirtily. 
“Just happy.” He smiled. “So happy.” He said lovingly. “Let’s eat so we can play after.” 
“Play!” Katie cheered, having a ton of energy. 
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Once they tucked Katie into bed, Tony looked forward to relaxing together. They would listen in, just in case she got up in the middle of the night. They opted to watch something in bed before getting some sleep. They both changed and brushed their teeth before Tony pulled Clint to him. “You know I love you, right?” Tony smirked. 
Clint laughed. “I do know, but yeah I like the reminder.” He grinned. 
Stepping back, he got down on one knee. “So, will you let me annoy you for the rest of our lives and remind you every day?” 
Clint widened his eyes. “Oh shit.” He grinned. “Yes!” He was floored. “Hell yes.” He chuckled. Pulling Tony up, he kissed him lovingly. 
Tony smiled into the kiss and held him close. Life was looking up. He couldn’t wait to plan a wedding. “I’ll get you a ring soon.” He kissed him again. 
“I’m happy with anything.” Clint mumbled. “As long as I have you and Katie.” 
“You know I like to spoil.” Tony grinned. “Now let’s go cuddle up.” He hugged him. “Want to announce it over breakfast, or wait to take everyone out to dinner to celebrate?” 
Clint chuckled. “I know you’d like a celebratory dinner.” He knew his now fiance very well. “Maybe a nice buffet?” He suggested as they made their way to their large bed. 
“Sounds lovely, fiancé.” Tony beamed. 
“When did you decide to ask? Like, just now or something?” He asked, curious. Tony either did things extremely spontaneously, or planned for ages. There was nothing in between with him. 
Tony smiled. “Seeing you with our daughter.” He told him, crawling into bed. “Just watching you guys together. I had to ask you.” 
Clint kissed him quickly. “That’s sweet.” He held him close. “If only the world knew what a sap you really are.”
“Only you could handle it.” He laughed. “It’s our little secret.” He pointed out. 
“I guess for now.” Clint smiled. He moved to rest his head on Tony’s chest. “I look forward to calling you my husband, but I don’t want to rush the wedding, either.”
“I don’t rush anything, dear.” Tony teased. “It’ll be the wedding of the century!”
“As long as the color purple is in there somewhere.” He shrugged. Closing his eyes, he pictured Tony in a tux. He was excited to have all their friends celebrate with them. And now they had the perfect flower girl. Their little girl. “Perfect day.” He mumbled. 
Tony smiled, nodding. “You do want a ring though, right?” He wanted to get him one. 
“Show off that I’m taken? Yes.” Clint kissed his chest. “I am so damn proud to be with you.” 
Tony beamed, never having a doubt that Clint always chose him and never felt ashamed or afraid of the fame part. It had been a bit of a worry at first- would Clint be afraid of being seen dating a man? Tony had no idea what his sexuality was until they talked about it. He’d never cared. Clint was Clint. He was a teammate and friend. His sexuality wouldn’t have changed that. “I’m more proud to be with you.” He smiled. “I get to say I’m with someone so damn amazing.”
“A hot mess?” Clint laughed. “Because face it, that’s me.” 
“Definitely hot, that’s for sure.” Tony grinned. “Funny, too.” He added. “Best guy to hang out with.” He went on. “Guy with the biggest heart.”
Clint looked up at him. “Thanks.” He smiled. “Means a lot.” He said softly. “You could have anyone in the world and you chose me.”
“Every time.” Tony said confidently. “Even when we’re old and wrinkly.” He teased. 
“Especially then.” He laughed. “So much to look forward to.”  
“I am so happy we have Katie now.” He agreed. “I can’t wait to raise her with you. She’s a great kid.” He said happily. 
“Our perfect family.” Clint sighed. 
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There was only one mission over the next month, and Clint had been the one to stay home with Katie. They had a blast playing games all day, Clint’s effort to not let her worry about her new family off fighting. It would take a lot of getting used to for her, and she was very excited when the others sent her a quick video for bedtime. “They’re so nice.” She told Clint. “I hope they come home okay.”
“They're really good at what they do.” He assured her. “Lots of practice.” He explained. “Maybe one of these days you can watch us train. Would that help?” 
She nodded. “Yeah.” She said quietly. “I don’t want you and daddy hurt. Ever!” Her arms went around his neck. 
Clint held her. “We appreciate that, pumpkin.” ” He said softly. “We’ll always make sure we come home to you.” He promised. 
“Good!” She squeezed him. “I just got you guys!” 
Clint melted and couldn’t wait to tell Tony about the exchange. He knew that he’d be happy to know Katie loved them this much already. 
“Can you read me a story?” She asked. “Please?” 
“Of course. How about you get ready for bed and pick one out?” He smiled. 
She nodded and skipped away. She hummed as she went, making him chuckle. She got her pajamas on, choosing her iron man ones for now. She had a set of all the team members' logos. Tony had them made for her, not really liking the ones on the market. She had been very excited when he gave them to her. “Ready!” She said eventually. She grabbed a book on her way to him.
“Great choice. Want to send a selfie to daddy?” Clint asked. “I’m sure that he’d love that.” 
“Yes!” Katie beamed.
Clint opened up the app with the filters once they were both on the bed. “Which one should we use?” He smiled. “The puppy one? The heart one?” 
She thought. “The heart one!” She pointed. “It has pink hearts.”
He clicked it and smiled next to her. She cuddles into him and smiled. “Perfect.” He typed out a quick message and sent it to Tony. “And sent.” 
She smiled excitedly and got comfy for the bedtime story. It didn’t take her long for her eyes to start getting heavy. Clint stayed there for a while, turning off the lights. Smiling, he slipped out her her room and headed towards his own. He hoped Tony got the message okay. And that they would all be home soon. Katie was gonna make cards in the morning. 
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Sitting in the playroom, Katie was working on the last card she needed for when the others got home, and Clint was watching a movie on the other side of the room. She gasped and stood. “They’re home!” 
Clint raised an eyebrow at her. “How do you know?” 
She frowned slightly. “Oh. They’re not?” Did she get too excited? “No. They are.” She furrowed her brows. 
“The team has landed and is on their way down to see you.” JARVIS alerted them. 
Katie smiled. “See?”
Clint blinked. “That’s...interesting.” He stood and lifted her onto his back. “Let’s meet them by the elevators.” He gently picked up her stack of cards. “And we’ll have a nice dinner tonight, too.” He added. 
“Mac and cheese?” She asked. “That extra gooey one that had lots of cheese in it?” She hummed. “Oh! Bacon on top?” She asked, hopeful. They found she really loved bacon. 
“That sounds good to me.” He chuckled. “With garlic bread?” 
She nodded. “Please!”
Tony walked out from the hallway, eager to see his family. Katie wiggled down and ran to him. “Daddy!” She giggled. “How’s your arm?” 
He raised an eyebrow. “How’d you know about my arm?” 
She pouted. “Cause you hurt it.” She said as if it was nothing. 
“But I didn’t say anything, and it’s covered.” He pointed out, having not wanted her to worry. 
She shrugged a little bit and hugged his good arm. “But you still hurt it.” It didn’t bother her that there was no way for her to have known that, and didn’t see the others looks.
Clint ran a hand through Tony’s. “You’re okay though?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a surface scratch.” Tony waved him off. 
“The princess made cards.” Clint let her hand them out. “No help from me.” 
“Oh, no wonder they look so good.” Nat teased Clint and smiled at Katie. “Thank you!” She moved to hug her. 
Katie squeezed her. “I’m glad everybody is home.” She had been worried the whole time. 
“We are for a while.” Tony smiled. “I really loved the picture I got last night, by the way.”
She smiled. “We all have to take selfies!” She bounced. “And can we put them on my wall?”
“We can.” Clint chuckled. “Let everyone relax, and then we can do that tomorrow. Oh, how about we go to the zoo? And we can all do the photobooth thing?”
“Animals!” She squealed. “I like that idea!” She agreed. 
“Sounds fun.” Sam nodded. “Always up for a relaxing day.” 
“Can you help me plan my clothes in the morning?” Katie looked at Nat and Wanda. “You always look so pretty.” She loved getting time with her aunts. The week before they’d even painted her nails for the holidays.
They both nodded. “We sure can.” Nat promised. “Sleep over tonight, too?” 
She bounced. “Yes! We’re having Mac and cheese and bacon!” She told them as they made their way inside. “With garlic bread.” 
“I love bacon.” Bucky grinned. “Good choice, kiddo.”
She beamed and walked with them happily. 
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“Excited for your birthday tomorrow?” Bruce asked as she colored in his lab while Tony repaired something. 
She nodded. “Yeah! I’ve never really had a party.” She smiled. “And I get to stay up to see the ball drop!” 
“That is exciting.” Bruce smiled. “We get to have sparkling cider.” He told her. They’d got some fun games to do, as well. And they all looked forward to celebrating her 8th birthday. 
“And sparklers!” She smiled. “And we’re gonna have cake!” 
Bruce was thrilled to be a part of it. She had certainly made the tower feel more full of life. 
“And ice cream.” Tony said suddenly. “Can’t forget the ice cream.”
“Ice cream.” She wiggled. “Vanilla?” 
“We’ll have vanilla, strawberry, and butter pecan at your dad's request.” Tony smiled at her. “With all the toppings.”
“Sounds yummy.” She beamed. “Can we go play in the snow after?” She changed the topic completely. “It’s going to snow in an hour.” 
Tony stopped what he was doing and glanced at her. “How do you know?” 
Bruce blinked and quickly pulled up the forecast on his tablet. 
“I dunno, I just know daddy.” She giggled. “Silly.” She focused on her coloring. “Daddy’s calling.” She said seconds before Tony’s phone went off. 
Bruce made eye contact with Tony and nodded about the snow. 
“Heya, babe.” Tony answered the phone. “What’s up?” He put his phone between his ear and shoulder to keep working. “Yeah, I should be finished by dinner.” He told him, smiling as he heard her humming. 
“I say hi!” She told him. 
Chuckling, he relayed the message. “She’s coloring.” He went on. “And has informed me it’s going to snow in an hour.” 
“A lot!” She added. “A LOT A LOT.” She went on. “Taller than me!”
Tony still didn’t understand but told Clint, a lot. “Yeah, make sure you get home before then.” He was out getting last minute stuff for tomorrow. “I don’t want to have to fly out to get you.” He teased. “No matter how much you’d like that.” He laughed. “Alright. I love you, too.”
Katie got off her stool to go show Bruce her coloring. “This is for you!” 
“Thank you. Can I hang it up in here?” He asked. “I know the perfect spot.” He smiled.
“You want to?” She asked, proud that he did. “Yes, you can!” She agreed.
“Great.” He smiled and went to gather some tape. “Right here.” He put it up. 
“Perfect.” She agreed with a smile. It made her happy that her drawing was up in his lab. She hugged his legs before going back to her colors. Now she wanted to color for someone else. Maybe Uncle Thor who would be popping in tomorrow for a visit away. Nodding to herself, she decided to do that. 
“Who’re you coloring for now?” Bruce asked, going back to his work.
“Uncle Thor! I want him to like me!” She smiled. 
Tony chuckled. “He loves you, and we can put it up until he visits again. Just...remember where we put it in case that’s not for a bit.”
“But…” She frowned. “He’s coming tomorrow!” She looked at him. “He’ll be here after lunch!” 
“How…” Tony put down his stuff. “How do you know?” He furrowed his brows. 
Katie shrugged. “I just do?” She said easily. “Like I know two plus two is four. It’s easy.” 
Tony ‘huh’d’. He wasn’t sure how to think. He doubted he’d ever get used to her just ‘knowing’ things. He didn’t want her to feel weird about it so he just smiled. “Then I guess we’ll see Thor tomorrow.”
She smiled back and went back to her coloring. Thor would be there for her birthday, and she was very happy. She felt special. “What’s Uncle Thor’s favorite color?” She asked without looking up.
“Mm, probably red or gold.” Bruce provided. “But I’m sure he’d like anything you colored him.” 
“Okay! Maybe I’ll put glitter.” She nodded. “Everyone needs glitter!”
Tony chuckled. “That they do.” Even if it bothered the hell out of him and he was still finding glitter from family craft night two weeks before. It was funny when Sam found some on his wings one day, too. During a mission. Bucky had to shut off his mic because he was laughing so hard. It was now a running joke. Nat asked if anyone wanted to make a bet on who would find glitter in their gear next- everyone pointed to Tony. He’d been checking his suits since. That was the last thing he needed- to be shooting glitter. Even if it did come from his daughter. 
“Done!” Katie held up her drawing.
Tony looked over. “It’s wonderful!” He grinned, making her light up. “Alright, let’s go start dinner for when dad gets home.” 
She bounced over and nodded. “Okay.” She took his hand in hers, her drawing in the other hand. She waved to Bruce as they left. “What’s for dinner?”
“I’m thinking chicken and veggies.” He nodded. “How’s that sound?” He glanced at her. “I promise I’ll make sweet corn.” He chuckled, as that was her favorite one. 
“Then it sounds good.” She smiled up at him. “Can I get the spicy stuff on my chicken?” 
He laughed. “You say you won’t eat sushi because it’s spicy, but you like cajun seasoning?”
She nodded. “Yeah.” She giggled. “It’s so good! Especially on bagels with cream cheese.” 
“You have your father’s taste. Not mine.” He chuckled.
“Daddy said you have to be reminded to eat.” She stuck her tongue out. “He says that sometimes you just forget. I don’t get how you can forget food .” She sounded offended. “It’s so good!” 
Tony laughed. “I apologize, princess.” He loved how she just said what she thought. It was refreshing. She was comfortable with everyone and it meant the world. He spun her, enjoying how she giggled. She was the best addition to them. “Excited to be 8?”
“Mhmm.” She nodded. “So old!” 
“So old?” He asked, amused. “What am I? Ancient? What’s that make Uncle Steve?!” 
She thought. “Uncle Steve is like a fossil.” She said innocently. “He’s so old, and so is Uncle Bucky!”
Tony laughed harder. “Oh, please you have to tell them that.” He encouraged her.
“I will. Because it’s true!” She smiled. “And it’s always good to tell the truth.”
“That’s true.” He smiled. 
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Sitting around dinner, Tony smirked at Katie. “So, didn’t you wanna tell Uncle Steve something?”
She nodded and looked at him seriously. “You’re super old!” She began. “Like a fossil.” She smiled. “But that’s okay because fossils are cool.” She said sweetly. “You and Uncle Bucky!” She added.
Steve blinked and looked at Bucky, grinning. They both burst into laughter at that. 
Sam snickered as well. “You’re so right, Katie.” He grinned. 
“I know.” She beamed. “And Uncle Thor is the oldest! Because he’s a god. I’ll tel him tomorrow.”
Tony smiled proudly. 
“Oh, Thor’s coming by?” Wanda asked. “How sweet.” She never questioned how Katie knew things. She just accepted it. “About what time?” 
“After noon.” She replied. “Are we still going to play in the snow before it’s taller than me?” She asked Tony. 
“Yep. It’s your day.” Tony smiled. “We’ll finish up dinner and get bundled up.” 
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Clint held Katie on his back. “Throw!” He grinned as she threw a snowball at Steve. He ran away as it hit him. “Good shot!” He laughed. 
She giggled and hung onto him, having a blast. She loved the snow. The others loved it now. They never had a reason to hang out in the snow before. “Can we go in and make cocoa?” She asked after about forty minutes.
“Marshmallows!” Clint cheered. When Katie cheered right back, he grinned. 
Everyone made their way in and took off their wet clothes. “Can we watch a movie?” Katie asked, climbing on a stool in the kitchen. 
“Yeah. Any suggestions?” Tony asked. He glanced at her as he moved around to make everyone a mug. 
“Harry Potter!” 
Wanda smiled. “That’s a good one.” She agreed. “Which one? Oh, how about every night we watch one? Start with the first?”
She nodded quickly. “Yeah!” Katie grinned. “That’s such a good idea!” 
“Wanda has the best ideas.” Nat smiled. “Followed by you.” She told Katie. She wiggled instantly. “Are you gonna wear your Harry Potter robe?” Her and Wanda had gone to find her a robe, but had spotted the little wizards robes and opted for that instead.
“Yes!” She beamed. “I want to be Hermione next Halloween.” 
“We’ll keep that in mind.” Tony smiled. He knew they had more than enough time for her to change her mind. “Who should I go as?” 
“You and daddy should switch suits.” She nodded. “You should go as him, and he should go as you!” 
“Hey, that’d be cool.” Sam smiled. “What about me?” Hell, she could pick all their costumes. 
She thought, humming. “What about Flynn? From tangled?” She suggested, kicking her feet slightly. “He’s cool. And funny. Like you.”
“I’m funny.” Sam said proudly and smirked at Bucky. “Unlike this fossil.” He teased, making her laugh.
“Uncle Bucky can be…” She thought again. She tapped her finger on her chin. “Aquaman?” She grinned. “They’re both rrrr.” She made muscles. “And have pretty hair.”
Bucky smirked right back at Sam, feeling he won at that. “I can do that.” He smiled at Katie. “What about Uncle Steve?” He was enjoying this. 
“Superman. Duh!” She said quickly. “Silly question.” As if they should have just expected that. “Aunt Nat should be Poison Ivy.” 
“Oh, I like her.” Nat nodded. “Excellent choice.” She grinned. “Should I be writing these down so we don’t forget?” She asked, curious.
Steve nodded. “Good idea.” He agreed. “What about Aunt Wanda?” 
“Aunt Wanda needs to be a princess.” She stated, thinking of all the different ones. “She’d be a very pretty princess. OH. Belle. Or Ariel. Which do you like Aunt Wanda?” 
“I like both. I think I could pull off Ariel better I think.” She smiled. “What about Uncle Bruce?” 
“Since he has dark hair...maybe Prince Eric?” She suggested. “They’re both nice.” Which made the most sense to her. “Uncle Thor can go as himself! But in some armor from Asgard. He told me about it last time he was here.” 
“It’s going to be nice.” Tony beamed. “Best Halloween ever. Our first Halloween, actually!” 
“Tons of fun.” Clint agreed. He looked forward to throwing a Halloween party for any friends that Katie might want to have over, as well. He knew Tony felt the same. She was doing homeschooling with a tutor until the following year, so she really didn’t have friends her age just yet. Not like they knew many other kids. When would they get the chance to meet any? He decided to talk to Tony in maybe looking into some kind of activity for Katie. Maybe karate, dance, or gymnastics. See what she would like to try. He looked at her as he broke away from his line of thought. 
She was listening intently to Tony talk about New Year’s Eve for an adult. She finally had her cocoa and was blowing on it at the same time. 
Wanda slid her phone over to Clint to show him the pictures she had taken during the snowball fight. He smiled as he swiped through them. He would ask her to print these. He wanted to from some of them to put up in the living room, and the rest for a family photo album. He’d get as many pictures as he could. All the memories. 
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Tony woke up first the next day and gently poked Clint awake. Clint groaned. “Aren’t you the one that’s less of a morning person?” 
“Yeah but it’s our daughter’s birthday.” He grinned. “That’s exciting!” He was all but buzzing. 
Clint chuckled. “No coffee for you.” He stretched. “Or you won’t need your suit to fly.” He teased.
Tony laughed and pecked his lips. “I take that as a compliment.” He grinned, getting out of bed. “What should we make for breakfast?”
“French toast.” He automatically replied. “She loves French toast.” 
“Okay, let’s shower together to cut our time in half?” He suggested. 
“I’m going to assume you know that won’t be true.” Clint laughed. “We’ll take even longer.”  
“Hands to yourself and we will.” Tony smirked. “If you can.”  
“Doubtful.” Clint shook his head. “You can’t, either.” 
“Fair.” Tony laughed. “So that’s a no on a shower together?” 
“Nope.” Clint grinned and gathered his stuff. “Let’s go, fiancé.”  
It was a great start to their morning. 
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Katie was in the kitchen with Sam and Bucky when Tony and Clint walked in. “Uncle Sam made me breakfast!” She said happily. 
Sam beamed. “Morning.” He greeted them. “There’s waffles and bacon.” 
“Well I can get used to this.” Clint laughed. “Are you gonna be our wife now?” He teased. 
Sam rolled his eyes. “I’m the best Uncle.” He countered. 
Katie giggled and ate. She was looking forward to that night. 
Tony lifted her gently. “Happy birthday!” He kissed her cheek. “So, you’re 8 now. Gonna start looking for a job?” He joked. 
She giggled. “I’d work for you!” She grinned. “And get to play in your lab with you! Oh, can I have my own Iron Man suit? In yellow?”  
“In yellow? I think I could find something.” He nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Thanks!” She smiled. “That’ll be so fun!”  
“Yellow is an interesting choice.” Sam chuckled. 
Katie grinned. “It’s my favorite color!”
“Yeah, Sam.” Bucky chuckled. “It’s bright, like her personality.” He tapped her nose. His face lit up as she giggled. “Alright. How about we all finish eating and then start our day?”
Tony nodded, grabbing them their plates. Today was going to be awesome. “Crafting this morning?” He suggested. 
Katie nodded. “And then board games?” She asked, hopeful. 
Clint smiled. “That sounds great.” He nodded, sitting down with his coffee and food. He wondered if she’d make it staying up that night. Or if she would nod off around her usual bedtime. 
“What does everyone do when the fireworks go off?” Katie asked as she sipped her juice. “Just watch them?” 
“Depends.” Bucky nodded. “Me and Uncle Steve used to make firecrackers and open them once the ball dropped. There was no ball then but you know.” He shrugged. “Your dad used to just party and have fun.” 
Tony nodded. “It’s true.” He didn’t hide it. “Lots of parties. You’ll wind up hearing about them eventually.” 
“Adult parties.” Clint added. “Ones you won’t see for a long time.” 
She shrugged. “Adults can be boring.” She made a face. 
“I hope I’m never boring.” Tony chuckled. “I aim to amuse.” 
“Fair point. I don’t think you’re boring.” Sam laughed. “I think that gene is missing from your DNA.” He added. “Even when you get grumpy…” 
“You get grumpy?” She asked him. “Like the dwarf?”
“So they say.” Tony smiled and shrugged. 
“Very.” Clint nodded. “He gets snippy when he’s grumpy.”
“Only once in a while.” Tony laughed. “I’m human.” 
Sam made a so so motion with his hand, making everyone laugh. “Mostly.” He teased.
“He’s right.” Clint grinned, earning a piece of bread thrown at him. “You have tech in your chest. That’s not human.” He pointed to him. “So, you are partially not human.” 
“Who is all human?” Katie asked curiously. 
“Everyone but Thor, your dad, and Bruce, I think.” Sam shrugged. He still saw Wanda as human, even with her powers. 
“You too?” She looked at Bucky. “But...your super arm!” 
He smiled. “Comes off.” He shrugged a shoulder. “And lots of humans have prosthetics, too. Mine is just...extra.” 
She nodded. “That’s cool.” She smiled. “I like your arm.”
“Thanks.” He grinned. Having her like it meant a lot to him. He was afraid she’d be scared. He would have taken it off if that had been the case, only using it for missions. Easy decision for him. He fist bumped her when she held hers up. 
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By the afternoon, Thor had shown up and everyone was playing monopoly. Katie was next to the God, enjoying having him around. She thought he was fun and talked like a real prince. She hoped he stayed for at least a few days.
“How are you so bad with money?” Clint asked his fiancé. “You’re rich.” He pointed out. 
“Exactly!” Tony countered. “How many times have you seen me up at three am ordering stupid things we don’t need from an infomercials?! Would anyone good with money do that?” 
Nat snorted. “I’m glad you have assistants in real life.” She shook her head. “Or you’d be screwed.” She paused. “Is that why we have that weird thing in the kitchen that none of us have ever touched?” 
“Yes. That’s a mug warmer that also is supposed to boil eggs.” He said without a beat. Everyone just stared at him. “To be fair, I think I’d been drinking when I ordered that.” He shrugged. “No big deal.” He waved it off. 
Clint shook his head and went his turn. There was no one like Tony. He loved him so much. Once he was done his turn, he kissed Tony’s arm softly.
Tony smiled and kissed his cheek in return. He enjoyed that Clint loved him no matter his quirks. He never, ever tried to change him. That meant the world. Katie like that they liked each other. One of her foster homes, the parents fought too much for her liking. She liked that they were best friends! She leaned against Thor as they played. “Can I have a nap before dinner? So I can stay up longer!” She asked. “I don’t want to fall asleep and miss all the fun!”
Wanda smiled. “A nap sounds great.” She agreed. “We can make a fort and nap in it!” 
“Fort!” Clint smiled. “Can I come to your fort?”
She thought and scrunched her nose playfully. “I dunno daddy, maybe it’s an all girls fort?” She pointed out. “No boys allowed?”
Clint pouted. “But I’m cool. I’ll bring snacks?” He tried. “The snacks dad puts up in a cabinet you can’t reach.” 
Tony couldn’t believe the bribe and shook his head with a smile. He couldn’t wait to see what Clint tried when Katie was a teenager. 
“Mm…” She thought about it. “Maybe…” 
“And extra juice.” Clint added. 
Nat laughed and shook her head. “You really want that fort, don’t you? Why don’t you make your own?” She teased him. 
“I suck at it.” He said easily. “Can’t build a sturdy structure.” He shrugged. “It always comes right back down.” 
Sam snickered at how sad he sounded. He honestly sounded bummed. 
“I’ll teach you!” Katie instantly provided. “I’m really good.”
Clint smiled. “Thanks, pumpkin.” He chuckled. “I’d like that.” He agreed.  
“Let us all build a mighty fort.” Thor chuckled. “It shall be a castle!” He lifted Katie as she cheered. “Do you have a crown?”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so.” She looked at Tony and Clint. “Do I have a crown?”
Clint looked at Tony. “That’s your specialty.” 
“How?” Tony asked. “Do I look like I know where to get a crown?” 
“Don’t play coy, man. We know you’re the drama queen of the house.” Bucky smirked. “And who else out of all of us could probably tell us where the most expensive jewelry can be bought? Because where else would you buy a damn crown?” 
Tony huffed. “I guess you have a fair point.” He shook his head. “But no, I don’t own a crown. And neither do you, princess.”
She pouted. “Maybe for Christmas next year I’ll ask Santa.” She nodded. “You do call me princess.”
“She’s got a point.” Clint smiled at Tony. “Looks like it’s you who needs to buy her one.”
Tony shot him a look. “I’d be happy to.” He pointed out. 
“Yay!” Katie cheered. “I can’t wait.” 
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Everyone sang happy birthday excitedly as Clint brought out the cake and candles. The family nap had gone well, and the fort was still set up. It was like a castle. Just as Thor had said.
Katie wiggled as she made a wish and blew out the candles. Clapping, she grinned around at her family. This was already her favorite birthday. “Best birthday ever!” She said happily. 
Tony wrapped his arm around her on one side. “We’re so happy to hear that.” He kissed her temple. 
Wanda got a bit emotional, happy that Katie was part of their family. “Let’s eat cake and open presents.” She suggested.
Katie sat excitedly and dug in once she had her slice. “This is so yummy.”
“Only the best for the best.” Tony smiled. She smiled up at him after taking another bite, thankful for him and Clint. They were the best. They were fun, and let her play in the lab. No one ever made her feel not welcomed. Clint had even showed her a couple spots to hide in when playing hide and seek with the others. 
Everyone watched excitedly as she opened her gifts. She stayed playing with them for hours. Her favorite gift was a ‘sister’ for Molly and new clothes for both. Currently Wanda was braiding her hair while everyone watched the TV. “Just a couple more hours.” She told her. “Then the ball will drop.”
“So fun!” Katie smiled. 
“Braid my hair next?” Thor asked. “It looks stylish.” He smiled. “And relaxing.”
“Sure.” Wanda smiled. “One braid, half a braid, the rest down, how would you like it?”
“Oh.” He thought. “Half braid.” He told her. 
Katie went off to play with Clint when Thor took her place. He got her a toy bow and arrow and was showing her how to use it. Sam ducked as a foam arrow went past him. “I’m so glad those are basically NERF arrows.” He muttered.
The arrow had hit Steve and he nodded. “Yeah.” He picked it up. “Or this would be a very bad idea.” 
“You have me to thank.” Tony laughed. “He would have gotten her the real deal.”
Thank you.” Sam and Steve said at the same time. 
Clint chuckled and went back to helping Katie. 
Tony smiled, excited for the new year. He had a ring in his pocket for Clint, to officially propose. He wanted to slip a ring on his finger this time. He pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures of them. “Will you help my brother when we get him?” Katie asked Clint before shooting another arrow.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and tried not to stare. “Uh.” Clint opened and closed his mouth a few times. “Yeah.” He decided to just agree. “Of course.” He nodded. “Care to give us a timeframe on when we get him?” He asked.
She nodded. “Next year for the new school year.” 
“A nephew. How lovely.” Thor went with it, being around so many people who have abilities that he didn’t question it. And it never seemed to occur to Katie that it was ‘different’.  
“How old?” Tony asked. If they had an idea, they could prepare better for him. She hadn’t been wrong in any of her moments of ‘just knowing’. 
She grinned. “He’s gonna be a baby!” She told him, aiming at her little target. “He’s not born yet.”
“Cool.” Tony smiled and winked at Clint. “Guess we should get a nursery started.” He was excited. 
Wanda clapped, loving this. “Another baby!”  
“That’ll fix your baby fever.” Sam chuckled. “If you had your way there’d be a bunch of kids running around.” He nudged her playfully.
Wanda smiled. “I always wanted a big family. I’m happy I’ve got one.” She nudged him back. “Kids are great.” 
“They are.” Thor agreed. “I adore being around them. They’re so free.” He smiled widely. “And clearly fun to have around.” He caught a foam arrow. “And keep you aware of your surroundings.” He laughed.
“Sorry.” Katie giggled. “I’m trying to hit the target.” 
“You need more practice.” Clint smiled. “But not bad for a start.” He wanted to be encouraging. 
“You’re gonna be the best.” Tony nodded. “Maybe one day you’ll be better than your dad.”
She gasped. “Better?” She couldn’t fathom that. “Whoa.”
Clint nodded in agreement. “I know you can.” He crouched. “Just keep practicing.”
She beamed. “Okay!” She could do that, she thought that this was fun. She wanted to be a superhero, too. “I’ll practice all the time!”  
Clint smiled proudly and continued helping her. Finally, she put her bow and arrows away to go color. She was completely awake up until 11:30. Then she started to nod off. She was fighting it as hard as she could. She was determined to make it. 
Thor watched her fall asleep on the couch and chuckled. “So close to making it.” He glanced over to see Wanda also asleep against Nat. “Looks like it may be a sleepover in the living room.”  
“The fort is comfy.” Steve nodded. “Should we move them?”
Thor nodded and stood to move Wanda. She curled into him, making him chuckle. 
“She looks so small.” Nat laughed. “Makes it look like there’s already two kids in the house.” 
Sam smiled. “She’s like a big kid when she relaxes.” She deserved it, however. 
Clint moved Katie at the same time. “They were so close.” He smiled. “She tried. Maybe next year.”
“Maybe.” Tony agreed. He helped get them tucked in. He sat back with Clint when he returned to the couch. He put his arm around him, looking forward to properly proposing at midnight. He hoped Clint liked the ring. He’d put a lot of thought into it. 
Thor brought in some snacks for his friends, hoping they all had a nice celebration. “Sustenance!” He chuckled. 
“Oh.” Clint grabbed one. “Thanks!” He grinned.
Nat shook her head and happily watched the performances on the TV. This was so different compared to all the years before. They’d had a few parties or had been guests at some. Rarely had it been just their family. They never just hung out. It was nice. . She looked forward to more holidays like this. 
When the countdown was close, Tony stood. He reached for Clint’s hand. 
Clint smiled widely and stood as well. It was about to mark another New Year spent with the man he loved. He was ready to kiss him. And start preparing for their apparently growing family. 
Tony surprised everyone by sinking to a knee. They knew they were engaged, but hadn’t expected him to pull out a ring.  
Clint raised his eyebrows. “Huh?” He blinked.
“I wanted to do this the right way. I promised you a ring, and had one designed.” Tony grinned. “Will you marry me?” 
“Of course.” Clint smiled widely. “I’d love to marry you!”
Their friends clapped excitedly as the ball had dropped. Tony pulled Clint up into a loving kiss, smiling into it. Things were truly looking up. 
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victoriademedici · 10 months
15 people, 15 questions
Thanks sm for tagging me @foreverinthepagesofhistoryy @world-of-wales @leonisandmurex 🖤
1) Are you named after anyone?
My middle name is the same as my grandmother’s but my first name isn’t really after someone… my aunt came up with my twin sister’s name and my parents wanted our names to have all the same letters so my name has the letters K-i-a-r-a (same amount of each) but scrambled in a different order
2) When was the last time you cried?
Night before last I was listening to nostalgic music and getting all sad about my missing my childhood and blah blah blah haha
3) Do you have kids?
Lol nope
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
I did gymnastics and dance for some time then also cross county right before covid but then I stopped
5) Do you use sarcasm?
Occasionally, usually in a joking way with friends
6) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
If they seem friendly enough or not for me to approach/be near them probably. Then race, clothes, hair color, eye color, piercings/tattoos, etc
7) What’s your eye colour?
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t need a happily ever after ending, I just don’t want to feel broken with nothing good left over in the end :,)
9) Any talents?
I’m above average in some things but I can’t think of anything cool enough to give me bragging rights haha
10) Where were you born?
United States
11) What are your hobbies?
Reading (I’m rly trying with Harry Potter and Unravel Me rn I swear :), editing (royals ofc), complaining
12) Do you have any pets?
No, I wish :( My parents both grew up with a ton of pets but the most I’ve had was beta fish
13) How tall are you?
5’0 1/4 (shut up I know I’m short ok 😭)
14) Favorite subject in school?
Well usually my favorite class would be the one most of my friends are in or where I do the least amount of work but I really do love my psychology teacher despite the work. Psychology really interests me a lot and she was my AP Human Geography teacher last year which is great. I do also fancy some literature and history every once in a while but too much gives me a headache.
15) Dream job?
I’ve kind of explained here that I would love to be a librarian and I really do want to get into reading more but the most realistic thing right now that I want is to be an emergency room nurse because I used to watch clips of Untold Stories of the ER and Sex Sent Me to the ER and Bondi Beach and other shows that made me really want to be in the medical field. I’m even saving Grey’s Anatomy for when I’m in nursing school for motivation :)
Tagging: @victorysp @queen--maxima @queensilvy @roamwithahungryheart @leonorandsofia @andramoreaux @philibetexcerpts @philibet-fandom @betweenfrocksandbooks @sea-dukes-assistant @glowingatdawn @gloriouszipperskeletonshoe @fantasticbirdhologram @thiziri @demetrivolturiswife @thewholeplaceshimmering @rosesonkittens @royally-obsessed @redrosecut @rex-and-regina …and anyone else who wants to is tagged as well :)
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 10 months
The Gilded Age, 02x07, Wonders never Cease. My thoughts
This episode was a fucking roller-coaster of a ride! One moment I'm crying then next I'm happy for someone, next I'm completely suspicious of one certain rich mrs. pain in ass.
First to everyone that was on to Muade Beaten right off the bat y'all get million brilliant points and I completely apologize for ever doubting any of you. Omg y'all were so right!! I truly didn't believe she was part of the scam. She freakin good! Give her award for that shit. At the same time I'm sad because I wanted her to be on the up and up. I really liked her, especially with Oscar. They made a cute couple. Omg poor Oscar, I just wanted to hug him when he started crying at John's place and I started crying for Oscar. Then when he tells Aunt Agnes how much money he lose, I started crying for all of them. Because I thought he had just used his individual money for the investment not his mother's money also. That's when I was oh no no no Oscar!! This has to be ok somehow, it just has too.
Then if that wasn't hard enough they have Luke pass away. I was just sobbing when Aunt Ada woke up he was gone. It's just awful that they were together for such a short time. Aunt Ada deserves so much more than just a taste of happily married bliss. My heart just brakes for her. At the same time I am glad she got to be loved like that and love someone in that way.
I did love what Aunt Agnes said to Luke when they were alone. It was also wonderful getting to see that side of her, Aunt Agnes truly loves and cares for her family. Even though she has this tough outer exterior, once you get pass that she's quite loving and she a softness about her. I like how she take her role as head of her family, all her family seriously. Aunt Agnes will always be the strength, the backbone, the true North for them. No matter if it takes kicking their ass or loving them like mad but most likely both she will be there doing it. Aunt Agnes over this season especially has become another of my favorite characters.
Ok once again not enough Bertha in the episode! I think we got spoiled last season because the show kinda revolved around Bertha and the Russell's. But this season their expending the other characters story lines more so we're getting less of what I want the most Bertha. Maybe they could made TGA two hours long episodes. I totally watch them!!
But onto what we did get. First fucking Mrs. Astor, suddenly all oh I got you box at the Academy of music. Yea like Bertha wasn't gonna be what this bitch up to. Mrs. Astor overly nice, her voice dripping with enough sugar put Bertha into glucose shock. Mrs. Astor should work on her fake nice act it's really transparent to anyone that can smell bullshit at 1000 feet. Then the stunt she pulled at Aurora's just made her look stupid not Bertha. But I so did love Bertha's crystal clear No, than she's all look bitch I never told you for sure I was doing that. Why are bringing up now, don't look so smug you haven't won anything. I'm not about to be your lackey. Mrs. Astor getting all huffy and leaveing she's just so pathetic omg. Mrs. Astor really thought she got the better hand of Bertha Russell with her stealing the Duke not with standing. But she simply can't Bertha far more intelligent, cunning, calculated and purely ruthless then Mrs. Astor. On flip side of that Bertha is also friendly, sweet, fun, kind and sincere. Where Mrs. Astor full of crap there's nothing sincere about her, she's all fake nice and attitude. I think she far to use to people kissing her ass and getting her way. We all know Bertha isn't going to do that. I'm so ready to see what happens at the opening night at both opera houses!!
I'm so happy for Jake! Mr. Bannister all casual oh I write my friend in German clock makers group for you. I really do like how there like a little family at the Van Rhijn house (with the exception of Armstrong). I really hope Jake gets his pattern, then goes on to be a clock maker if that's what he wants.
I don't have any idea why Marian is trying to convince herself to marry Dashiell. She's not in love with him, what she going to do wait until she's actually married to the man than be like I made mistake here. I wish she could be as brave for herself as she for everyone else. It's like this all she think she deserves is a loveless marriage at least on her side so she'll doom herself to it. Instead of being brave and looking for what deserves a love like Aunt Ada found. Which might be with one Larry Russell.
I adored the scene with Bertha and George. It's always a treat getting to see Bertha with her hair down all related in her night clothes. I really love that show has a in love married couple at core of it. It's not too much or too little, it's just right as Goldie Locks would say. They have reached the ideal balance for a loving marriage couple in a series, now all other series take note please. They are very endearing. When Bertha sat on George's lap such a romantic thing to do. I really do enjoy their scene together. Ever if their just talking. 😍
I was hoping George would end up being a good guy with his workers, treat them as human beings but so far he's still being ruthless ass. It's so hard with him, when he's with Bertha and his children I really like him, but as soon as he's all business I can't stand him. It drives me nuts.
I'm so happy to see Peggy stand her ground. But I do wonder how long that's going to go on for? Her boss doesn't even seem to give a second thought about his wife or family, just going to listen to his dick. Because let's be honest that's what he's doing. I just don't like him there's something about him the rubs me the wrong way, beyond the I'm so easily willing to cheat on my wife. I definitely feel he's done this before. Peggy might want to find out how many other babies he has around! I just get this feeling off him it's more like he wants to own Peggy untilhe gets bored then he moves on to the the next woman. I hope a really good guy comes into Peggy's life that's not married and sweeps her off her feet.
I really like what Larry did with his speech making sure that at least people in that room which did include the President know that Mrs. Roebling did the work on Brooklyn Bridge. I hope she knew that she wasn't forgotten in history. I learned about her college in my women in America history course. Now thanks to The Gilded Age so many more know her incredible story and she's come back to life in a way that makes the history even more exciting.
Oh I almost... I love when Mr. Baudin ask Mrs. Bruce if she going to watch the fireworks. I was omg the roof of the house! Because that house has to tall enough. I was happy I was correct. I thought I was so sweet he took up there so she could see them. I really like them together. I hope they become a couple. Makes me think of Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson in a way.
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Doin'the Barbie - Andy Barclay x (Fem)Reader
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Warnings: Andy catches the reader trying on a Barbie costume and feels weirdly attracted. Expect some doll brand references. (The title for this comes from the song in the cassette included with 1989's Dance Club Barbie)
Summary: Andy accidentally discovers the surprise you are planning for your goddaughter's birthday party and feels conflicted about it.
Tags: @losersclubisms ( I posted it only just so you could see it because i have the feeling that you may like it)
The doorbell rang and you answered without second thoughts. Caught up as you were in the practice of your performance knowing you weren't expecting any visits, you would have never imagined to find your boyfriend waiting at the other side.
Andy surprised you as much as the situation he stumbled on surprised him. There was 80 funky music playing before you opened the door for him and he found you dressed in a strange outfit that screamed 80's.
A thight black crop top with one of the short sleeves falling at the side of your arm and three fluorescent roses in the chest combined with a bright pink Madonna - like short riffled skirt. It suited you wonderfully, but you looked to him like a very beautifull time traveller.
" Am I interrupting something? I'm sorry. I know I should have called, but before that even occured to me I was already on the way. "
You gave him a peck on the lips and invited him to sit on your couch.
" How can i blame you for missing me? I miss you all the time. I only wish you wouldn't have to see this, but I'm going to change real quick."
" You look amazing… Mind to explain? All of this is odd enough to make me curious, but I am not complaining. "
You wished you could just change clothes and ignore the topic because you were almost sure it was a conversation he wouldn't want to have.
" My goddaughter's birthday it's coming up and i am preparing for my role in the party. I know that sort of stuff is triggering for you, so we can skip it and that would be perfectly fine. "
He knew about her, the little girl was your best friend's daughter. A year after you both started dating the father abandoned the family and since then you have been more present than ever in the kid's life to cover up for the struggling mother in all the things surpassing her limitations. It almost made him consider leaving you despite you both were already so in love. He was worried for the kid and for you, fearing Chucky would get in the middle and ruin your lives. It wasn't easy for him to stay calm, since you pretty much had become to that kid what Aunt Maggie was once for him.
Still, he was so proud of you because you were damn awesome in that role.
" I don't mind hearing if you want to tell me. I promise I will let you know if it's getting uncomfortable for me."
" Well, she loves Barbie. Some time ago i gave her all my old Barbies and turns out my old favorite is also hers. I'm already giving her a brand new Barbie as a gift, but that's not the end of it. I have been preparing myself for months because i'm going to act as Barbie for her and her little friends at the party. "
You stood up in front of him, model posing pridefully.
" I'm Dance Club Barbie: hottest tv dancer coming with her own cassette of original songs. " You introduced yourself like if you were a doll in a commercial. " The party is going to have a mix of themes between Barbie and Stranger Things, so i'm going to lead the entertainment as the best dancer Barbie of the 80's. I recreated the outfit all by myself. "
He was a bit weirded, but it was more of himself than of you in particular. You were ríght assuming it was the kind of thing he would hate, but he didn't seem to loathe it on you.
" I can't argue with a pretty doll. What are you going to do? Dance, then fight demogorgons with a baseball bat? "
It made you chuckle, but that was a good sign.
" For the start, i'm practicing the children friendly dance routines for the doll's songs." You are explained ríght away. " I have been driving my coworkers insane singing the catchy Paula Abdul main song for the Barbie dance."
You sang a tiny bit of the " Doin the Barbie" song just to make fun of yourself and began to chuckle inmediately afterwards.
" I really wanna do the Barbie, you are insanely attractive to me ríght now. " He mocked you in a flirty tone. " Did you stop to think you are going to save a child's birthday as the favorite toy? Which is also your old favorite toy? That's so attractive of you. "
You giggled, genuinely surprised of his reaction.
" Wanna know a fun fact?" You wondered out loud, caressing his cheek . " Dance Club Barbie was one of the top selling dolls of 1989, so tecnically i'm also a market rival of the Good Guy. After the controversy ruined him I ended up kicking that ginger bastard's ass on sales."
He squeezed his hand tighter against the front side of his thight.
" Don't make it worse. I feel weird and horrible, you are just trying to bring joy to that girl as this sweet Barbie who is going to cheer the party. "
He stopped himself for an instant as a sudden realization made him spill an awkward ask.
" … Are you going to keep the costume afterwards?"
It was nothing like what you could have possibly expected from him.
" ANDY!" You called him out. " Since when are you into Barbies?"
" I don't like Barbies, I like you as one. There is a difference. "
You collapsed on the couch ríght beside him.
" For now the onlyone you are going to get is Kissing Barbie, banned from the market because kisses are her central talent. " You teased him, caressing his cheeks. " You could be Shaving Fun Ken, but without the shaving. I love this super hot beard. "
The rehearsal was completely postponed. Andy didn't get the banned dolls couple joke, but you were filling him with kisses anyways.
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stitchlingbelle · 9 months
Watching Halo, Episode 4
Child soldiers! This universe doesn’t suck AT ALL. /s Like, I know we I want to blame Halsey for everything because she’s a monster, but SO MANY PEOPLE are involved in this program! Not just authorizing it, all the way down to the drill sergeants and teachers, etc. Watching Halsey groom baby!John is unpleasant, and so is knowing he’s tried to get out before (and before Soren’s attempt, too) and failed.
Meanwhile back in the present, we bask in the beauty of space and read vital signs! “Is this what anxious feels like?” “Technically.” Yep, it’s just a bunch of weird imbalances that occasionally threaten to ruin my life! Enjoy it, Chief.
Soren gets a parallel bit about memory, where he tells us, the audience, that the memories can be regained, and also admits a bit of tragic backstory to Kwan. Seriously, he killed his dad as a baby (ok, 6yo)? Are we going to hear the whole story at some point?
And back on Reach, MY GIRL KAI!!!!!! The MVP of this show, I’m calling it now, this is the Kai Show from here on out, has just removed her own emotion-regulation pellet. (I love Riz not questioning the blood etc at all and just walking off.) I’m fascinated to see what she does with it.
John et al land on Eridanus II, despite the aforementioned quarantine. (Is is safe, was that a cover story, or did the writers just forget?) They find things very quickly, but then, there’s only 9 episodes, they don’t have time to dick around on this show.
Kwan and Soren bickering is one of my favorite things. Take notes, Soren, Kessler’s gonna be doing this in a couple years if they live that long. Vinsher got a Gestapo makeover. Again, this is the guy the UNSC supports. Yikes. Kwan talks to the first friendly face she sees, IN PUBLIC. Is Attu going to sell her out? Also, her father’s memorial being that night made me stop and try to count. It really hasn’t been that long, it’s true. How fast the universe can turn upside down!
Kai dyes her hair! Cute, distinctive, a very girly moment for my tastes initially but I’m a little hypersensitive about how women get portrayed in media some days. I had to remind myself that there are plenty of women on this show and she can be girly! This isn’t the MCU. It is in fact very cool how many women we get, all of whom are actually doing stuff…
…which leads us to Miranda and her research efforts. It’s interesting how uncomfortable she is around Spartans, when you’d think she’d be pretty familiar with them if her mom has been working with them for what, 30 years? Probably longer than Miranda’s been alive, honestly. And good on Kai for calling it out, even if I worry she’s going to get herself in trouble. (Probably not with Miranda directly, but in general.) No one else can activate the artifact, but they do have linguistic skills. I should make my husband watch this.
Kwan attends her father’s memorial, which is a disaster on multiple levels—small, sparsely attended, she makes contact with someone she suspects might be a traitor, and the whole things gets busted up. Soren gets her out and will get her to her aunt, but then what? It’s no good having money if no one’s willing to get paid. And what if her aunt doesn’t want to pay up?
On Eridanus II, they dig up a box of drawings. Why did his dad make him bury these? Why not just throw them out? What did his dad know? Was his mom in on it, too? They explore the house, which inevitably triggers a bunch of memories—including Halsey! “our secret”???? This bitch’s blood cells are shaped like little red flags istg. How did she find him? Was she a member of the colony as well? (And how DID he keep guessing the coin correctly? Is the Master Chief supposed to be psychic? Is this part of the game lore?)
Kai and the other Spartans are helping Miranda out, and Kai keeps pushing to humanize them to Miranda (and to herself? Or her natural exuberance is just uncontrollable at this point). This actually seems to work to the point of Miranda getting invested and admitting she’s a little jealous. Kai trots out a charming little story of their childhood pets, and how HALSEY FORCED THEM TO MURDER THEIR PETS WTF. Miranda immediately reconsiders her jealousy, her mother, and her life choices. Kai: we’re like sisters! =D
Vinsher gets a scene straight out of Jupiter Ascending where he hires some random hot chick named Franco to eliminate Kwan while lounging in a huge pool/ bathtub thing and smoking a cigar. Franco proceeds to do nearly that, taking out all of Kwan’s aunt’s security and the aunt herself before Soren comes to save the day. Before she dies, Kwan’s aunt reveals that there’s a secret tribe of mystics in the desert than gave Kwan’s dad some sort of prophecy that drove him. This series really has everything and the kitchen sink, doesn’t it?
We wrap up with John finding the other alien artifact that he saw as a child, Halsey and Cortana at his side, while Kai and Miranda discover the Arc Word “Halo” and Miranda warns Kai in an extremely creepy and apt voiceover that her mother views any deviation as a glitch, and she doesn’t tolerate glitches.
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e-adlirez · 2 years
How would you describe the Stilton family?
How do you think a Thea Sisters x Geronimo Stilton book would go down?
How about I answer both? :3
OKAY SO the Stilton family is, dare I say it, one big dysfunctional mess :D There are good parts and members of the family who are vibing (see Aunt Sugarfur and her family, who made their debut in The Wedding Crasher), but they are an absolute MESS.
Thea is the crystal clear favorite, Trap is... well, Trap, and WILLIAM SHORTPAWS. Oh BOY. His whole "only I'm allowed to talk smack about him" thing and constant Steven He emotional damage dealt on Geronimo would probably be considered emotional abuse at this point. Actually nah I looked it up and it IS emotional abuse, from the neglect to the verbal abuse to the gaslighting (I SEE YOU WILLIAM PUTTING A LITERAL KID-FRIENDLY SHOCK COLLAR ON G JUST TO MAKE SURE HE'S WORKING AND EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATING HIM TO SELL HIS HOUSE AND BELONGINGS IN MOUSE HOUSE HUNTER). The entire package. Not the best look for the main patriarch of the Stilton family, is it?
AND NOW WITH THAT OUT OF THE WAY I've actually been toying around with the idea of a Thea Sisters x Geronimo Stilton book for a while now. Stuff going into the grindstone, maybe I might put out something but so far nothing's stuck besides "what if Violet and Geronimo switched places?" Okay hear me out.
Violet and G have been known to be very similar to each other: shy, introverted bookworms who like classical music, antiquities and history-related things; both of them are planners who prefer not to have things shoved upon them at the last minute; take sleep very seriously; can come off as "lazy" when they have a day off just to relax (Colette even calls Violet "lazy" in one of the Secret Thea Sisters' Diary entries, Italian because Scholastic hASN'T TRANSLATED THEM YET--); AND TO PUT THE CHERRY ON TOP, they love their families, although one is more problematic than the other.
As a pleb who hasn't read the Thea Stilton books, you'd think "hmmm okay, if Vi is that much similar to G, doesn't that just make Violet a genderbent G?"
Well, yes and no. Violet, for one, isn't a doormat. She's inarguably one of if not THE Thea Sister who's thrown the absolute most shade on people she doesn't exactly like (from roasting Colette on multiple occasions albeit from behind her back, to confronting villains like the Three Scottish Assholes (the Golden Grumps and Angus from Old Castle), A PERSON HOLDING THEM HOSTAGE (Dunya from Blue Scarab Hunt), AND a guy who literally had her life or death in his hands (Luke Von Klawitz from the Treasure Seekers). Then there's the time she schooled Enrico Mousetti in Dancing Shadows, and chef's kiss, beautiful, 10/10, would watch her roast the hell out of him again.
Violet is a confrontational person when it counts, and unlike Geronimo, she is not good with people pushing her around like it's nothing (if anything, it's one of her biggest pet peeves).
So I ask again: what if Violet and Geronimo switched places?
How it happens is up for you to headcanon, but what if Violet had to have one of those adventures where either Hercule Poirat, Bruce Hyena, Wild Willie or someone else burst in like "VIOLET HOLY F#^K" and dragged her onto a mission? She wouldn't take it sitting down, I'm sure :]
I'll leave you to think on that :]]]
Was the second question an excuse for me to vomit my brain out for the entire fandom to see? Yes.
Do I regret it? No.
Would I make fanfic about this sort of scenario when an idea more solid than daily brainrot comes to me? Maybe.
Anyway, I hope you like that answer Anon. I'm very surprised and mildly flattered on just how fast a question came into my inbox. Hope to answer your questions again ^^
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