#that demyx may be the MoM
brave-symphonia · 2 years
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Demyx is doing a very important job Axel, he’s the one tying the whole Organization together.
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gulava · 6 months
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That way, we can still follow the rules without actually hurting one another. Right? Try to make it look real, Roxas!
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chenoehi · 5 months
been thinking thoughts about KH3, MoM theories, etc a lot lately and this is my current brain rot:
All the Org XIII ancient keyblade wielders seem to treat Sora with either derision or kindness.
Eg. Marluxia and Luxord are friendly to Sora when they’re fading away. Marluxia thanks him and Luxord gives him a card to help him. Luxord was arguably never unkind to Sora prior but he was still antagonistic. Larxene isn’t kind per se but she shows a different side briefly and even smiles at him in the end, which for her actually seemed genuine.
Meanwhile you have Xigbar/Luxu and Demyx. Both of which are, frankly, bastards (affectionately! I love them your honor) to Sora in KH2, DDD, and KH3 even when they don’t need to be. Like, just thinking about Xigbar antagonizing the shit out of Sora in KH2/Radiant Garden and like Cardi B I’m wondering what was tf reason.
Based on what we know of him now, we can make educated guesses as to why he acts that way — his character file is illuminating and offers a lot of insight as to why he may feel differently about Sora, in addition to how nosey af we know Luxu is.
Demyx initially acts friendly but that’s really just him addressing Roxas imo which he makes pretty obvious by speaking directly to Roxas in KH2. And while he was objectively terrible to Roxas in terms of ditching him on missions in Days, he was never actually rude or unkind to him that I remember. For the most part he’s friendly with him both in game and in comics (that I know of). And he seemed alright with Xion.
Sora? Nah. He’s sarcastic as shit and while I love me some barbs, I tend to agree with the opinion that sarcasm is veiled contempt.
In fact contempt is the word I feel fits best for how both Xigbar and Demyx act/feel toward Sora.
But Riku? Demyx calls out to him in Remind and starts talking like they’re besties, he smiles at him softly — which is not at all weird or like his soft smile for Ienzo, no not similar in the slightest — and he gets up in his personal space, which, while not entirely unusual for Demyx, is in contrast to his interactions with Sora. It’s made a little creepy by the odd familiarity with which he’s treating someone he’s supposedly just met — and not even properly. (it’s actually crazy to me but rn I’m realizing the org members almost never introduce themselves to anyone lol Sora has no idea who these people are, like he literally doesn’t know what to call them so he just says “it’s org 13” bc names? what’s a name?)
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And this single solitary interaction between Riku-Demyx for me is all just so strange because there’s few people on record in the games that Demyx is actually friendly toward. Xigbar, Ienzo, Roxas, maybe Xion, now Riku. That’s an ..interesting mix. I’m not counting Vexen because dude was finding every excuse to walk away from science boy in RG before getting sucked into the scheme via manipulation (and arguably his own ego, cause you know, he’s the only one who could pull it off bc no one would suspect him). He literally claims himself that he had no real friends outside of Xigbar and we know that association alone is 👀 At one point Axel speaks somewhat kindly of him, but then Demyx was saying how much quieter it was and how he’s glad the loudmouths were unalived in Castle Oblivion. Not very neighborly of him, but then again Axel and Zexion were friendly enough to bet on who’d die next only for Axel to axe (aheh) him so a lot of that backstabbing shit went on. So maybe he was cool with Axel but clearly not enough to be friends with him, even though he apparently wanted friends. (On another note, I still find it super odd Axel chose to defend Demyx to Roxas instead of piling on, we never even saw them interact. It’s weird.)
It’s unfortunate we don’t get to see Xigbar/Luxu interact with Riku on his own but, like with Demyx, I think he would be less bastardly than he is with Sora. Maybe it’s a keyblade master thing, maybe Riku’s just earned more respect, or maybe he just can’t stand that Sora is the ‘hero’ putting others (Riku et al) in danger constantly by needing to be rescued or protected — at least from Xigbar/Luxu’s perspective.
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nanakibh · 4 months
Staring into space...
What if the MoM "disappeared" because he fell asleep? Something along the lines of what would have happened to Sora in DDD if Riku hadn't rescued him. Perhaps MoM went into such a deep sleep that he ended up on the other side of sleep, unreality. As we know from Riku's experience, Quadratum can be skimmed from dreams. If that's what happened, MoM may have disappeared and left his body behind in the real world as an empty husk.
Gotta be one of the simplest explanations for Demyx I've thought of, at least. Unfortunately, in this scenario, I'm not sure what would have made Xemnas think that Demyx was an ancient wielder. I guess if he found a Nobody wearing a black coat in a suspicious place like the Keyblade Graveyard, that might have been enough? lol
I enjoy how this idea adds a new layer of meaning to Melody of Memory. The title is abbreviated as "MoM." There's the connection with music. And the whole plot of the game is Kairi exploring her heart while in a deep sleep. So, there you go. Maybe MoM... Has also been asleep.
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captainbobbin · 6 months
Wondering what you think about XigDem. Especially considering the theory that Demyx is the Master of Masters theyd be an interesting dynamic with dumbass mentor x possibly mentally unstable student. Also the dummy’s were my second ship when I joined this hellfire of a fandom
(referring to this ship ask meme)
Makes Sense, Doesn't Compel Me - yet.
Admittedly, my knowledge on the Union Cross era of the KH lore is patchy at best. I really like what I've seen of Luxu and MoM but truthfully I have a few too many gaps in my familiarity of them to really imprint headcanons or specific feelings on them, if that makes sense.
In terms of just regular ol' Xigbar and Demyx, I like them both seperately and together! I think its pretty cute and an easygoing kinda lazy mentor-playful student kind of vibe (which from what I've gathered is essentially flipped on its head with the MoM theory haha). I like Xigbar being kind of lackadaisical due to his age and experience and resigning himself to just having a good time where he can while he can, and Demyx is pretty fun company that doesnt ask too many questions. Their personalities feel like they line up interestingly, but it feels very much like a temporary 'relationship' rather than anything lasting or that would leave an imprint, especially on Xigbar. Very much a fling that goes on a little too long and is a friends-with-benefits hangout-and-see-what-happens kind of thing to me!
I need to go back and rewatch a lot of the MoM stuff and I'm really interested in what reveals may come from this entire section of the series. Demyx deserves more screentime and Xig is probably my 3rd fave Org member behind Saix and Xemnas so its always a treat to see what hes getting up to haha. I like XigDem but I don't have any particular deep thoughts on it just yet, but perhaps soon after I re-familiarise myself with the more conspiracy side of things! :)
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waterdanced · 2 years
alright, folks, strap in for another theory rambling from syd: demyx edition
what we know about demyx:
not much
(that's, like, partially facetious but also true. all we really know is that he's connected to some ancient keyblade legacy. on top of that, though, there are some observations we can make:)
his death in kh2 has him in a weird pillar of light only shared slightly with xigbar
i trust him when he says he's not a scientist
his title is the melodious nocturne in en and nocturnal poem in jp
his element is water, which has been heavily associated with darkness as a metaphor in kingdom hearts
now, let's set aside demyx for a second to discuss the master of masters — and no, this theory isn't one of those theories about them being the same or whatever. i have taste.
the landi lodge on youtube posits that the master of masters may very well be light itself, and i'm inclined to agree; the fact that he says "the truth is what you see with your eyes, not what you hear," only for the screen to flash with light when his name is blanked from being heard is almost evidence enough, but compound that with my outdated theory about him being kingdom hearts itself... i feel it makes sense. what we also know about the master of masters is that he once had friends in a time long ago who fell in another keyblade war, and darkness is his long-time enemy.
there is also a lot of christian imagery going into mom and the foretellers, given the seven deadly sins and whatnot. i promise this is relevant.
one more important detail: one of the thirteen true darknesses is currently unaccounted for.
now, let's get back to demyx and what i think about him:
let's take one possibility for his true name, edym, and consider that it's an alternative spelling of adam. adam was created by god, famously known as a being of light.
let's consider that edym — possibly like luxu, possibly like the foretellers, if you let me be very insane — may very well have been a creation of the master of masters in an era long past. they may be connected in a way without being the same person. consider edym as a prototype replica (which would work narratively given all his talking points and plot involving the replicas), maybe even with, somehow, a piece of the master in him to kickstart his existence — sort of similar to the concept of a nobody. it would explain his light pillar at death, and it would explain his haha, yeah, no dismissal of being a scientist. it would also explain his ancient keyblade legacy. it might even explain why he knows nobodies do have hearts, which no one is aware of canonically.
consider him one of mom's original friends, thought lost in the war. consider him becoming a vessel for the missing darkness and how that would be such a painful insult and personal attack to the master of masters while also explaining his affinity for water, so often linked to darkness. it would also explain the nocturne/nocturnal part of his titles, given that nothing else about demyx really fits that description whereas most of the others at least fit who they're assigned to.
there is also the fact that vexen comments about "men like us, men of science," when speaking to demyx... which is certainly not accurate for vexen's perception of demyx. but consider that vexen/even has displayed a very sharp intuition before in being able to tell that ventus is a heart of pure light, so perhaps he's picking up on something about demyx's past and true nature.
this would all even, in a way similar to how xigbar set off mom-similarity warning bells in others before that reveal, explain what similarities are there between demyx and the master.
i've talked about my theories for luxord and how those would put him around the missing link era, but i don't think mom's original era would be mentioned if it wouldn't also be relevant. demyx having a personal connection to the master of masters would add another layer to the way he's often seen with xigbar, as well.
and all this said, demyx could still very well have ended up quadratum, thus making him a duo with luxord still despite being from different eras.
i hope all of this makes sense. i could definitely spend more time on it to make it more cohesive, but... this is what y'all get.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Gone through the Hollow Bastion events:
**Mickey is not wearing a top, much like all the other Dark Coat wearers.
***Dark Coats are obviously a reference to Phantom Blot's cloak, just like Master Xehanort's design is a homage to Disney's Mad Doctor (hence old man Xehanort's eyebrow game).
**Saix is quite explicit that all Heartless, when destroyed, release hearts. No "Purebloods don't have Hearts" nonsense later games try to establish.
***This is technically untrue in KH2 canon since some Heartless can summon additional Heartless without hearts, but those are functionally extensions of the same Heartless. In original lore, all UNIQUE Heartless release hearts in-canon, even if Purebloods' aren't apparent in-game.
**So Xigbar recruited Marluxia, and it seems the second two were Demyx (who we fight after the scene), and Roxas.
**Some Hollow Bastion scenes are actually pre-rendered in the PS2 version, I don't think they are in HD version.
**This section of the game hammers in the Heartless vs. Nobodies theme of the game.
***Even though Nobodies supposedly don't have hearts (as the later retcons confirm, they in fact do, but have a false one), they can have enough darkness to manipulate the Heartless.
**KH2 reminds you that Maleficent's long term goal is still capturing Kingdom Hearts. Her immediate goal may not be that, but that's not important.
***Maleficent's Corridor of Darkness is not in between worlds, but in depths of Realm of Darkness, which is nothing but pitch-black darkness.
**Of course the whole segment is a homage to the FFX, when Tidus is wondering if everything they done so far has been for naught.
***Given what Tidus is, and whole Heartless vs. Nobody, there is clearly an attempted red herring to make you wonder if Sora is the fake, and Roxas the original.
****INB4 KH4 reveals Sora is Tidus to MoM's Shuyin.
*****This isn't me being facetious either, we will like see some Goddess Etro shenanigans in KH4.
**And yes, Xemnas's user name is "Another".
**The Hearts of Men weaving together the false Kingdom Hearts is of course very much a FFX homage. Norts' overarching goal of destroying the multiverse to save it is also very Church of Yevon.
Edit: Also forgot, Ansem the Wise has the same Elf Ears as the Norts in KH2. I don't think this is true in KH3.
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edge-of-ultima · 1 year
Are You Guys Ready For The Most Cracked Master of Masters Theory?
So people have had a number of theories about the identity of the Master of Masters and on whether or not he's even a character we've already seen. I’ve seen theories range from Demyx to Axel, to Sora, to somehow also Xigbar. However, today friends I have finally cracked the code. While I am still in the camp that MoM is a new character, if the Master of Masters is a character that we have already seen then it is more than likely....................................... Riku. Let's start by bringing up points used in the favor of Sora being the Master of Masters because that’s actually relevent. 
The Master of Masters tells Luxu that there he’s been fighting the darkness for a long time, that there was a Keyblade War when he was young, and that he lost comrades to the darkness. Riku also fought in the Keyblade War in KH3 and was the second to last one to go down, so he saw everyone else get taken out.
People have made the point that at times the Master’s goofball nature and certain mannerisms are reminiscent of Sora. Check out this comment from Kairi in 0.2 and a particularly interesting reply from Riku.
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May your heart be your guiding key?
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Next, MoM seems to know a LOT about and really hates the darkness. Who out of our main cast has the most intimate knowledge about darkness and can be quoted as early as Chain of Memories as saying... 
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You know how the Master just decides to take Xehanort’s keyblade in Dark Road for funsies? 
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Guess who has held the most keyblade wielder’s personal keyblades?
1) Sora’s Kingdom Key (Multiple Times)
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2) Xion’s Replica Kingdom Key
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3) Roxas’ Oblivion
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4) Kairi’s Destiny’s Embrace
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5) His Own
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6) Terra’s
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But hey that's just a theory, A Crackpot Game Theory That is Probably Not True, But Was Fun to Create Anyways ™
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bluerosesburnblue · 2 years
Do you have any KH joke theories you like to talk about that you secretly worry might become canon? My joke fan theory is that Nomura will slowly reveal that 90 percent of the characters are related to one another in some shape or form, except for whichever pairs he might want to marry off to one another. PS, I haven't finished Dark Road yet.
Nah, I don't really to "joke" theories, to be honest. I just don't see the point in making a theory unless it's actually to predict what's going to happen and if you're just throwing an idea out there that you don't think will happen because it's too ridiculous, you may as well just brand it as an AU, in my opinion
That said, I have had legitimate theories that I hoped wouldn't come true and the only reason I had those theories was because of where the writing was leading towards. Theories that are along the same lines as yours, actually. Thankfully, Xehanort and Eraqus being brothers (that I was worried about after we saw Xehanort's mom in the KHUx finale) was debunked in a Dark Road interview, but Dark Road itself still confirmed other things I was worried would happen. Nothing that I'll go into detail for considering...
PS, I haven't finished Dark Road yet. My joke fan theory is that Nomura will slowly reveal that 90 percent of the characters are related to one another in some shape or form
Let's just say that Dark Road has done nothing to assuage my fear of that exact same thing, especially in regards to Missing Link's whole "bloodlines" plot mentioned in interviews
Other than that, there's theories that I don't personally believe but that are popular in the fandom that I desperately hope don't end up being true. Mostly "The Master of Masters is Sora in some way" and "Demyx has secretly been the Master of Masters this whole time." I'm really just tired of the secret identity and "THIS character was secretly THAT character all along!" reveals. Just let characters stand on their own merits again
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purplelea · 2 years
kingdom hearts for the character thing ^-^
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Okay so I'm gonna answer you both here since... it's the same ask haha ^^" @pinelo tagging you so you get the notification
Anyway let's go boysssss
Xion definitely. I love her so much, ever since I discovered her story in days the only thing I wanted was to see her come back. The idea that she didn't even have a face until Roxas saw her as a real person is soooo good. I love this message in kingdom hearts, that anything can be real and have a heart as soon as someone see them as having one. "By ourselves, we're no one. It's when others look at us, and see someone, that's the moment we each start to exist." Thank you Joshua. These words have never been more relevant than for Xion.
And here I will put... Player :) "But it's not a character, it's supposed to be you!" Nope. Not at all. Player is their own character. You may customize their appearance, but they make their own choices. They have their own personality. Would you, as the one playing KHUX, have chosen to join the dandelions? Probably. But Player did not. Anyway. Player my beloved. The speech they gave for Ephemer is living rent free in my mind. Also the scene when they pretended to be controlled by the Darkness? Ephemera just told them "hey Skuld and I are going to sacrifice ourselves for you" and Player went nope. No no no you are not doing that. They didn't even hesitate. My heart.
Scrimblo Bimbo
I'm going to put the whole twilight gang here (Hayner, Pence and Olette). MY BELOVEDS. I wouldn't say they're so underappreciated honestly but given how much love they deserve it's still not enough. They're so brave and funny and kind. Just a group of friends looking to enjoy their time and make new friends, but their new friends always get wrapped into super weird things. And there's also this friend that was only friend with digital versions of themselves. Oh, doesn't matter. He's their friend now. They're gonna save an old man from an evil man with Hayner's super flying sidekick to find him. They're the best.
Glup Shitto
Well it's not so much of an "obscure character" since the KH4 trailer, but considering only KHUX, then Strelitzia. Do I even have to explain myself? She's so sweet and kind and she absolutely did not deserve this. I don't think she would have been able to change Player's mind though, even if she managed to talk to them. But she was convinced that she should try despite everything, and I admire her for that. I can't wait to see more of her in kh4.
Poor little meow meow
And here is the case where I put... Isa!!! I love him so much. I hated him at first during days and kh2 but the implications of everything he did during DDD and kh3 really made me change my mind. Suggesting the idea of the replicas and suggesting to go fetch Even himself, explaining to the scientist his plan before letting him join the real org, then asking him to have demyx deliver Roxas' replica, then having Xion fight Axel and insisting on Axel and Roxas' names so she would wake up. King.
Horse Plinko
Character I would torture for fun? OH BUT YEN SID OF COURSE. I hate this guy. Relying only on Sora to fix the worlds and then scolding him when he fails? HE'S JUST A KID! Get up from your dumb chair and do something for once! No that one time in kh3 doesn't count. He could've done something sooner. The only thing that prevents me from sending him to superhell is because he isn't responsible for the death of thousands of children. And while we're talking about it...
Eeby Deeby
YOU. *grabs the MoM like a feral cat* YOU ARE GOING TO SUPER HELL. You know I get that he's doing this to destroy the darkness. I get it. It's true. Everything he's ever done has only been with one goal: to get rid of the darkness for good. But if Eraqus was a good example of how light can corrupt people, then MoM is an even better one. Is destroying the Darkness for good really worth all the hurt he caused? It's a question worth asking.
Ask game: give me any fandom!
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
Jessica raised by MoM pacifist au:
Officiater: then I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride
Lexuaeus: make that a warning not to lie to her Demyx because the next time you might be a little sore
Keigo: *kisses Hana passionately*
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invertxgo · 6 years
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is this just the theory i’m going to have to live with until we get a canonical mom face reveal?
What happened to the ‘mom is an eldritch abomination’/‘mom is a demon’/‘mom is kingdom hearts itself’ crew....
we used to have so many neat n funky headcanons for mom
why r u making him demyx
let him be an eldritch demon abomination that personifies kingdom hearts
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superdorkcat · 2 years
Mini KH Theory
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Demyx and Luxord are connected. That’s it. That’s the post.
Okay I’ll elaborate. When it comes to the OG Organization XIII, all of the members are divided into groups who knew each other as Somebodies and they’re all directly ranked above each other.
Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion (ranks 1-6) all apprenticed under Ansem the Wise together. Additionally, the first five helped raise pre-Nobody Zexion alongside Ansem while Xemnas and Xigbar were in league the entire time and arranged for the others to become Nobodies in the first place. Saix and Axel (7 and 8) were best friends growing up in Radiant Garden while ranks 11 and 12, Marluxia and Larxene, were in the Dandelions together.
However, Somebody-speaking, Demyx and Luxord have no connections to any of the other members, aside from having an “ancient Keyblade legacy” that they’re (by all appearances) unaware of. Additionally, Demyx is number 9 while Luxord is number 10 so, judging from the pattern established by the other members, their Somebodies will presumably be connected in some matter.
Re:Mind seems to hint that Luxord is actually one of Yozora’s companions. Meanwhile, Demyx appears to be linked to the Master of Masters in some fashion- as pointed out by other fans, some of his mannerisms are similar to MoM and his character file has this bombshell:
“But yeah, it’s just like he was always saying-y’know, the ‘may your heart be your guiding key’ guy? Hey, but wait, what’s it supposed to be guiding me to again?”
So yeah, Demyx and the MoM are definitely connected in somehow and, since Yozora is also implied to be linked to MoM, that would mean that Demyx and Luxord are linked by proxy. We’ll unfortunately have to wait for IV and/or Missing Link to come out in order to get any answers, though.
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nanakibh · 2 years
I recently got “Cloud Vol.1″ which is a book/magazine that Square-Enix released in 2007, featuring upcoming games from the time such as the Fabula Nova Crystallis. I’m going to share a full translation of the Agito XIII section, but there’s something that I thought even Versus/Verum Rex fans might enjoy. I don’t think I’ve seen this anywhere else.
It refers to FFXIII as “shiro no shinwa” (White Myth), Versus XIII as “iro no nai shinwa” (Colorless Myth), and Agito XIII as “michibiki no shinwa” (Guidance Myth).
“White Myth” was probably referring to the XIII party’s innocence in spite of the judgment they received after being branded as l’Cie. The section didn’t elaborate on the meaning, so that’s my best guess.
“Colorless Myth” was probably referring to Versus XIII’s concept of there being no such thing as good or evil (ie, nothing is truly black or white), which was mentioned in the section’s introduction.
“Guidance Myth” was probably referring to the oath that the protagonist would’ve made with the Crystal after enrolling at Akademeia and/or the fact that they were being guided toward a mysterious goal, both of which were mentioned in the section’s introduction.
I think it’s more well known that the FNC was referred to as “shin mirai crystal shinwa.” This book translated that as “the myth of the new-future crystal.”
Allow me to point out the obvious. The Master of Masters described the fictional world as a place without light or darkness, so you could say that it’s “colorless.” The word “guide” is already strongly linked to the MoM (”May your heart be your guiding key”), but it can also apply to Demyx who remembered that something was guiding him in his character file. Reminder that the design of the MoM’s clock tower came from Akademeia, so make of that what you will. I’m just extremely tickled to find out that “guide” was apparently always a key word.
The book states that the player would select the protagonist from Nomura’s original 12 characters when starting the game. There’s also two whole pages which highlight how central the mobile phone platform was to the experience. The things they described as the “most appealing features” don’t exist in the final game. lol What they described sounds like a version of Type-0 from an alternate universe. It’s similar, yet also wildly different.
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Pls enjoy this edit I made to encapsulate my thoughts on this information.
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flightofthejackdaw · 2 years
Demyx and his possible connections:
I’m a little late to the party on this one, but I was reflecting on Demyx’s story ‘Tweet of substitute’ and started thinking about the ‘guy’ he mentioned. Now I know we’ve all come the conclusion it’s MoM, but it might not be.
I’m going of the titular line that started this: “Oh yeah, what is it that person used to say all the time? Something about a guiding key? Come to think of it, wasn’t something guiding me?”
This line can imply a LOT, from the fact that Demyx thinks that something is guiding him. Be it his heart or being some sort of purpose he has that hasn’t been revealed yet. And then there is the fact this line implies that at some point he came across someone who constantly used the “guiding key” line. Enough that he remembers part of it and that this person says it ALL the time. So who ever this person is, is someone Demyx met and talked with enough times for the fact that they always talked about a “guiding key” to stick in his mind.
Now let’s take apart the first possible person MoM, the person we all jumped to when seeing this line the first time. The Master definitely says this line all the time, however the question is; Why would the Master involve himself with Demyx? It made sense that MoM would talk with Xehanort because he had great importance in the set path of history that MoM would know about due to the Book of Prophecy’s. But why Demyx? Unless Demyx has a great importance that we don’t know about the Master would have no reason to talk with him, especially not enough times for the encounter to be stuck in Demyx’s head. Perhaps they could’ve met, but when? Unless we learn something later down the line, I just think it’s unlikely that these two ever met.
However I think there is someone else who says this line all the time that Demyx actually had a more likely chance of meeting and interacting with, Luxu. Luxu traveled around for hundreds of years, passing down No Name and such. And I still think he’s hanging around Scala during Dark Road in a different form keeping an eye on things.
Theres a much higher chance that Demyx and Luxu could’ve met, now we still dont know what time Demyx is from except from the “Ancient Keyblade legacy” line. I think it’s a little unlikely we’ll see Demyx in Dark Road, unless he’s part of the lost upper classmen. Though there is still Missing Link, which we know Luxu will be in due to the trailer.
So I’m thinking that Demyx and Luxu may of crossed paths in this time period and Demyx remembered the “guiding key” line. Perhaps he met a hooded Luxu and thought it odd enough that it stuck in his head.
Them meeting in the past could explain why Xigbar puts up with Demyx and why they’re friends despite being so different from each other. Demyx would obviously not recognise Xiggy due to the body switching stuff, but Xiggy could’ve recognised Demyx and decided to hang around him. Leading to their odd friendship.
I don’t know I just think it’s kind of neat, and a little more interesting and less confusing than Demyx meeting the MoM.
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avionvadion · 3 years
You know it’s Kingdom Hearts when new lore makes you rewatch EVERY SINGLE PREVIOUS CUTSCENE to REANALYZE EVERYTHING. Holy frick.
What we still don’t know, though, is-
1) Demyx and Luxord’s roles with keyblades. Luxord’s somebody is clearly from Quadratum given he’s Yozora’s chauffeur, but we still don’t know anything about Demyx’s past. He may or may not be MoM, but the same can be said about Sora.
2) Zexion had some kind of dirt on Xemnas. Zexion was the only Org member called by name in Melody of Memory- with the exception of the sea salt trio. He knew something, knew too much, and was killed for it. Ienzo as a child also knew Xehanort was super shady.
This part is just my bias, but I would also really like to earn what happened to his parents and if Ienzo was abandoned, orphaned, or just plain adopted from an orphanage. Zexion was the only person Lexaeus trusted.
4) Is the star another Sora? Why was Yozora all, “why are you using the name Sora”??? Why does he still say, “I will save you” in the bad end where Sora is crystallized??? How is that part of “saving” him???
UGH. I needs to knows.
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How you Xigbar stans feeling right now, though?? I’m honestly curious.
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