#that every extra minute needs approved by your holiness
duskythesomething · 1 year
love that i called off and told specifically the opening manager (because everybody else does NOT need to know my shit going on rn) and THEN when she didn't end up opening i said something in the manager chat to make sure the agm had been told.... so why is gm getting mad at me for not telling her specifically?? woman i do not trust you w anything do you really want me to look at you and admit i made myself sick mixing painkillers during a breakdown last night and needed to sleep and eat real food today??? i haven't called off in MONTHS leave me tf alone.
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sp-by-april · 2 months
Kyle x fem reader seven minutes of Heaven, do go upstairs but maybe there are people watch (aka they get caught)
I love this one, I didn't want it to end!!!
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Kyle x F! Reader
[Submit a prompt for tonight's smut-a-thon!] [Kyle Broflovski Master List]
Getting chosen for Seven Minutes In Heaven is always nerve wracking. What if I get stuck with someone totally fucking lame. What I get my crush and I’m the totally fucking lame one?
It was a pretty good party so far. We are all drunk and it seemed like everyone was having a good time. Especially now that the game was getting spicier.
Clyde gestured to the stairs and a huge grin spread across Bebe’s face as she looked at me, “For you, I pick… Kyle,”
...I got my crush.
I was so into him, it bordered on pathetic. The fact he had no idea was a miracle. Sometimes he would ask me if I needed help with my homework and I’d lie just so we could spend extra time together.
Of course Bebe knew, I think all the other girls did.
As I made my way to the stairs, Eric looked at me and scoffed, “Good luck,”
When we both arrived at the same time, we stood and glanced at each other. I think we were waiting to see who’d go up first.
I noticed his cheeks were a little pink – I was worried he was embarrassed to get stuck with me. I hoped I wasn’t blushing as much as it felt like I was. My cheeks felt like they were burning.
Clyde pushed us, “Get. Up. There!”
I bit my lip as we ascended the staircase.
Once we reached the top and were sufficiently out of view, we glanced at each other again.
“When’s the timer start?” Kyle asked.
He definitely didn’t want to be here with me. Fuck.
“Right…” Clyde paused.
And paused.
I don’t know what was going on but we heard hushed voices the entire time. Bebe, Eric and... Stan, maybe?
“Okay, sorry, right now!” Clyde said eagerly, “Go!”
Kyle turned to me and my heart skipped a beat.
“We don’t have to do anything,” He said quietly.
I nodded, “Right,”
Then he continued, “But it kind of violates the spirit of the game if we don’t, doesn’t it?”
I turned to him, “Yeah, it kinda does,”
His hand slid over my cheek and my heart was hammering away in my chest.
He pulled me into a kiss and every nerve in my body felt like it was burning with desire. Then his lips parted slightly. I didn’t want to be the one to dive in, so I did the same and he slid his tongue into my mouth.
I put my hands on his shoulders and he put his other on my waist. As our tongues turned over and started learning each other, we pulled ourselves deeper into our kiss.
I felt a wet warmth between my legs and I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take.
The hand he had on my waist slid down, moving over my ass and he pulled our hips together.
He was so fucking hard, I could feel every bit of him.
You know that feeling when something good but surprising or hot or whatever happens and it feels like your stomach drops? That was exactly what happened to me.
A few moments later, his hand slid down further, landing on the middle of my thigh. His fingers traced my skin and moved up my skirt.
He finally put some daylight between us and moved his hand over my panties.
He started rubbing my clit through the thin silky fabric and I moaned softly into his mouth.
He broke our kiss and his lips brushed against my ear, “I want to…”
I realized he was asking my approval.
We only had seven minutes, better make them count... Right?
“Me too,” I whispered back.
He pulled my panties to the side and his breath hitched against my skin as his fingers traced my slit and felt how wet I was.
Suddenly, I heard a chorus of voices… Our friends came to the bottom of the stairs to spy on us. Of course! I should have fucking known.
“Holy shit, Kyle,’ Stan said with a smirk.
Kenny said, “Whoa,”
“Ohmygod!” Bebe exclaimed.
Kyle and I froze momentarily and then jumped apart.
Clyde grinned, “I guess we have to pick them again for the next round,”
“Actually…” Kyle grabbed my hand, “I think we’re gonna go,”
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♦️Episode 23 ♦️
Gonna skip mseto's clovenheart and come back around in my pass for the extras
[Felix is spar's ran, androgynous, willowy, Luna sibling &therefore elven light-medium brown skin VERY curly hair, which Spar also has when not slicked back, but brown eyes, sweet smile "between them and tars, they are obviously the more delicate one"]
[Josepha has green skin]
[Merim² is Felix's sibling, spar's Om (om is an ungendered word for aunt of uncle that has become my default for that usage but which I have seen used by other peope exactly once. But I like it. So.)]
The dreams sequence was uhhhh fucked up, methinks!
[Spar's restless & withdrawn when he's angry] hough....HOUGH.
Vellum making sure Spar's all healed up...ugh. ugh. Knife through my heart.
Yk how like there's that circle of distance animals tend to keep from sitting humans and how like dogs will come up really close to like any person but cats tend to stay further away?
Sometimes I think about that in situations like this, and what vellum's doing. Being visible, being available, helping keep watch but...letting someone take their time. Giving space at the same time.
I love that Vellum and Anya get along the are SO ♥️♥️♥️
Omg 🥰carnation🥰
Ah, I'm really glad they went to get her if they were gonna give up Anya........ [Vellum expresses that while he prefers to trust people it's often best to err on the side of assuming dishonesty—mostly at work]
Oh my god Anya is so sweet I love her!!!!
Spar if you don't fucking open up your goddamn heart and stop shielding and self isolating every time something sucks I will kick your ass!!!! I KNOW. it's hard, but fuck!
They have such sibling-in-law energy. They have such "gossip over tea as the run rises before making sure everyone's up and ready for the family event" energy. Your honor I love them.
OPE spars up.
The hurt/comfort ideas this episode is implanting into my brain.
"it's on the list" I'm gonna strangle spar.
Narratively? I love this. Narratively, spars doing so good. Narratively, gimme gimme gimme those good good flaws
Personally? Spar what the FUCK. Spar FUCK OFF. BITCH.
"who should even be in charge of this?" technically Vellum, right? He's the one that gives final approval on use of force?
Vellum trying to pull Spar's bear hug move.
Oh, goddamn, this scene is....hooooo.
"greggins is gaining a new appreciation for spar's style of communication" spar communicates???
"I need to hyperventilate for a minute and then I'll get back to you" first of all, mood—
"spar has never willingly taken a vacation...usually his loved ones trick him into it" spar is SUCH a hot mess, and I love Tatiana but girl....
LUNAVELLA AND BRUNHILDE HI!!!!!! I hope they kick his ass (not literally just give him a good talking to because spar what the fuck)
Spar...Spar speaking to them like that is WILD to me...
"he pats her as if he's comforting her" I am going to run spar a nice hot bath with lavender Epsom salt and fucking bolt him down into it will this man let himself be comforted ONCE?
"the more important thing is that they're here now and I can't keep everyone safe." D:
Spar? Asking for help? Of course not, unheard of.
Bestie those are elven war vets who killed a puppet-master-(functionally)demigod PLEASE let someone help you.
Musician...musicia—DIAMOND. FUCK.
Also NOBODY made diamond a scapegoat in ANYTHING I love them (sincerely) but they are so annoying (derogatory)
So diamond had contact with Grey....and wait grey was coming to sindershore? I'm wondering if diamond can mind control on the phone
HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE vellum said fuck
(not that he hasn't before? I havemt kaot track. But that was a DAMN well delivered line)
"looks like you've collected more of them!"
"which means over been watching them EXTREMELY carefully!"
Ipswitch is annoying in the best way. Ipswitch is annoying like I hope they never stop talking I have my chin in my hands, tell me all about how deductibles are a metaphor for justice.
Diamond is annoying like when I even hear the name I'm like "oh this bitch again"
""""""""the other one""""""""
"it's seems that you (pointing at vellum) have joined the list of my suitors" hhhh diamond is sooooo lucky to not be real because if we existed on the same physical plane I would be stepping on the back of their heels when they walk at every opportunity. I would mix toner into their hair mousse. I would straighten the backs of all their hanging earrings and bend the backs of all their studs. I would put olive oil in a spray bottle and go ham on their closet.
"I'm being cute" that's a word for it.
bitchass motherfucker. God.
"how is sekitan? :)" I don't trust that question at all.
"I didn't want them to be a fatality in all this" HHHHHHHHHRRNGHHH (wrathful)
[Kurt? May be green-skinned]
I loved this episode so much there are so many feelings in my heart. I was affectionately exasperated with spar, and then diamond came in and I was just exasperated. But ipswitch, Anya and Vellum are balancing it out for me. And also the scene between Spar and auntsssss that. That was so. SO. WAH. —AND END NOTES LUNA AND HILDE WERE GOING TO THE COUPLES DANCE THAT'S SOOO CUUUUTE!!!!
And ohhhhh diamond from from the plot card!! Huh!! They wove into the story so well I assumed they were, like, in the premise of the show!
But anyways I'm still bonking spar over the head with a wrapping paper roll and yelling "YOU. MUST. TRUST. YOUR. PEERS. TO-BE-STRONG-ENOUGH. TO CARRY. THE BURDEN. THAT IS. YOUR HEART. BECAUSE-THEY-CANT. KNOW YOU. WITHOUT. THAT. TRUST. SO. HELP. ME. GOD!!!!!!!!"
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babygirlaffirmations · 7 months
Heavy heart...
Master just dropped me off at work early. I have time to breathe and process before and again after. Trying to breathe and get fresh air. Sitting in one of the spots we sat during my lunch the day we first met. This visit surpassed my expectations. I've never connected so deeply and so fast with someone. My heart is heavy. I don't know how I'm gonna get through the next minute let alone the next day or 3.5 weeks. But I have a count down timer set. I have the days approved off at work. I have tasks until then. I have so many ideas on how to improve next visit. Pack less. How to better plan financially. Time to read my book homework. Time to research slave positions and how to better my service.
I'm gonna reach out to my support network for a while and extra. I'm gonna be as brave as I can be. Master says I'm so brave. Susu is gonna help me through. Master won't abandon me. Master will help me through sub drop. Master will make my birthday in less than 12 hours amazing...
I need to do whatever my body and mind need to float through this. And know it will get easier. I'll know more of the routine. Know Master's protocol style. Be able to better serve him. Represent him well every moment we're together and apart.
I'll rest in our time apart. 176 cummies this visit. Holy. Fuck. Today with just one as he left.
I'm gonna miss my Master's touch. Him cumming in my pussy and my ass. His forehead kisses. Waking up next to him. Falling asleep to Peppa and how to train your dragon. But those things aren't gone forever. And Master and I already know we thrive at a distance... It's just still so hard. I hope work gives me even the smallest distraction. And that I can enjoy my birthday tomorrow, in his service but at a distance. I feel so blessed and so lucky to be his...
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Just Friends
Oct 22, 2023
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not-all-dead · 4 years
Could you please do angsty #70 but with fluffy ending for Kya/Lin 👉👈
prompt #70 - “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
holy bejesus this ended up long and I’m not sure how fluffy the ending is but it does get happier(?) at the end
some very depressing thoughts from Lin but no s*lf h*rm or anything
Lin sat in her office, the door locked and lights off. There was minimal light coming from her window, the blinds pulled down to hide her from view. She rested her head in her hands, wanting to cry but feeling so overwhelmed that she couldn’t bring herself to. It was hardly afternoon, but she’d already been there for six hours.
Mako and Saikhan had both come to check on her, but she’d not let either of them in. She didn’t want anyone to see her like this, didn’t want anyone to see her at all, really. She was so tired, so sick of being constantly in the spotlight. She wanted to hide, to live a quiet life in the countryside where nobody could bother her.
But at the same time, she had an impossibly strong urge to protect people. She couldn’t retire, wouldn’t retire, if her staying meant order could be kept. She was aware that her being chief wasn’t the solution to every conflict, but she’d managed to keep the city functioning well for many years.
She also knew that part of her needing to stay was because of her desire to be loved by her mother, but she ignored that aspect of it. She didn’t want to think about how little affection Toph had shown towards her, how she’d never once been proud of her. She didn’t want to acknowledge that she’d done everything right in an attempt to earn her mother’s approval, and had still failed.
There were stacks upon stacks of files and papers on her desk, all in need of completion. She stared at them, a sinking feeling in her chest. She knew she’d only feel worse if she left it until later, but she couldn’t bring herself to start. Instead, she fell into her thoughts, her body growing numb.
She thought of all the people in republic city. Of how it was her duty, her responsibility to help them no matter what. She thought of Mako, of Korra, Bolin and Asami. She thought about how she’d been a mentor to the teenagers, and how they were a responsibility to her as well. She thought of her sister and niblings, how she’d pushed them away and still had yet to reconnect. She thought of Tenzin and his kids, how they’d attached themselves to her like an aunt since they were very young. She thought of everyone in her life and those not in her life, and she thought of the guilt she felt towards them, the feeling that she’d never be enough.
She thought of Kya. She thought of how much she’d helped her through, how many times she’d come back from her travels just to be with her. She thought of the habits she’d helped her overcome. She thought of how beautiful she was, and how she’d only grown more so with age. She thought of how she was the only one who really knew her, and the only one she loved completely.
And she thought of how she’d never get that love back. She thought of how Kya would never stop travelling, and how even if she did, she’d never know how much she loved her. She thought of telling her how she felt, but pushed the thought away. She’d never have the guts to do it, and anyway, she’d never get the response she’d hope for.
She was snapped out of her head by a knock on the door. She didn’t move and said nothing, hoping whoever it was would go away on their own. She assumed it was Mako or Saikhan, but was too tired to get up to check. Several minutes went by and she didn’t hear them leave, but they didn't knock again or say anything either. Finally, Lin heard a voice from the other side.
“Lin, can I please come in?” It was Kya.
Lin still said nothing, sinking further down in her chair and using her arm as a pillow on her desk. There was quiet again and Lin expected Kya to leave, but there was still no shift outside the door.
“Lin, please,” Kya said after a long moment. “I’m worried about you. Please let me in.”
Lin waited another few minutes, but Kya still refused to move away from the door. She eventually reached out and metalbent the lock open, allowing Kya entrance.
Kya heard the click and reached for the doorknob, opening the door slowly. She peaked in and saw Lin resting on the desk before entering the room completely. She pulled the extra chair around the desk, sitting herself closely beside Lin.
“Talk to me,” Kya said softly, placing her hand on Lin’s thigh.
Lin turned her head so she was looking at Kya, still using her arm as a pillow. She stared at the older woman, face devoid of emotion. Kya stared back, concern painted across her features. Lin felt a wave of guilt crash over her, and a tear slipped down her cheek.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered, standing up from her desk and going to look out the window.
She pulled the blinds up, watching the people and cars moving below. Her arms were wrapped around her torso, hands tightly gripping her biceps. She could feel Kya’s eyes watching her and her cheeks getting wetter. The street below blurred, and when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she fought to hold back a sob.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Lin,” Kya said, rubbing her hand up and down Lin’s back.
“Please don’t,” Lin said, pulling away again.
“Don’t what?” Kya tried to turn Lin to face her, but she just moved further away.
“Don’t do what you always do. Don’t act like you care, only to leave again. I know you don’t care, but every time you come, you make it seem like you do. Every goodbye hurts more than the last. I can’t take it, especially not now,” Lin’s voice was timid, her tone unlike any Kya had heard from her before.
“Lin, I- ” Kya paused and walked over to Lin, placing her hand on Lin’s shoulder and forcing Lin to look at her.
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think I love you?” A tear slipped from Kya’s eye, her heart clenching with the realization that Lin really didn’t realise how much she loved her.
Lin’s face twisted as she looked up at Kya. She wanted to believe what she was hearing, but her mind still told her that it wasn’t true, that it couldn’t be. She felt a sob build up in her throat, and when at last it broke free, she buried her head in Kya’s shoulder. Kya’s arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly as she sobbed, her own face betraying how much Lin’s anguish hurt her, too.
Lin felt hollow by the time she’d calmed down again and was no longer crying. She felt like her very soul had been pulled from her body, leaving only a shell of a person, a mind numbed of emotion. She stepped away from Kya, letting the older woman take her hands without protest.
“I’m sorry, your dress, I… ” Lin trailed off, refusing to meet Kya’s eyes.
“My dress is fine, Lin. Here, sit, would you?” Kya dragged Lin’s chair away from the desk and made her sit down.
“Listen, I can tell there’s a lot going on with you right now. You’re clearly hurting, and you need help to get through this. I’m going to do anything I can for you, and we can find others to help too if we need to. I’m not leaving this time, alright? I promise,” Kya sat in the chair beside Lin’s, taking her hands again.
Lin nodded and took a deep breath. She squeezed Kya’s hand weakly and raised her head. When their eyes met, she felt like the breath was knocked out of her, and she felt her heart rate rise. Her eyes watered again, though no tears fell, and she forced herself to speak again.
“I’m so sorry I took so long to say something, and- ”
“Lin, no. I’m sorry for being so ignorant and for making you feel the way I did. I promise from now on I’ll do anything to keep you from feeling that again,” Kya squeezed Lin’s hands.
“Thank you,” Lin said, a tiny, tired smile forming on her face.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi hannah! i may have a request 🥺 i've been watching too much tiktok and this two made me want some jungkook skater au 😳 like the reader saw him and went like love at first sight so she purposely buys a skate and goes everyday to the skatepark and start learning just to impress that hot tattooed skater that kinda looks like a bad boy but he's actually a softie. ♡
late skate
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 7k
glimpse: jungkook would rather wash down his grip tape than spend another hour seeing you land on yOUR ass, a smitten y/n and love at first sight, and tae almost losing his bearings (in all aspects) <3 // gif is from pinterest :D
note: thank you so much for the request babie!!! also i’m sorry since i’ve done this a month late hee-hee bUT but it’s here now!!! fun fact: i used to skate but one time i fell on my ass so hard doing an ollie that i quit ( ˙-˙ )
there is nothing
there is absolutely nothing you hate more than walking home alone and at-
wait u need to shudder
times like these make you both angry and scared because fIRST of all
you’re angry because if oNLY (you’re still hoping that u win the lottery soon) you were born to wealth and ease (if you see park jimin one more time in a billboard you’re about to lose it), you wouldn’t have to worry!! or even work for that matter!!!!
you could have a car by now!!!
but you don’t have a car and you’re still saving up for that because you have to keep up with your bills and this nice and decent apartment that you’re living in right now
well if you’re being honest, you are splitting it with yoongi and that cuts back your expenses significantly but that’s besides the point
which is why you’re being extra thrifty!! save up all the money that you could so you could by yourself a car amongst other financial decisions and nOT be scared shitless when walking home
you’re working at the animal shelter most of the time and it’s very fulfilling because of cOURSE!! your job is to care for animals and give them a better chance at everything :D
the pay is more than decent but it’s not the highest sO what you do on your spare time is pick up any job you could!!
and the income that you need is more and more than decent because taking care of chimmy is not an easy feat
chimmy, your alaskan malamute!!! he’s the first puppy you’ve properly taken care of in the shelter and you’ve fallen head over heels for him
he kept bumping into the wall when he scrambles after you call for him but eH you love the clumsy giant still!!
so much so that you file your adoption form for him and run over to mr. kim’s office hurriedly :D
your boss seokjin’s pretty sweet after all but at the same time he’s intimidating!! too sweet and intimidating at the same time that when he approves your form without much question, you almost kiss his cheek
.... hehe
jin beat you to it and instead he gave you a side-hug with a very strict warning to take care of chimmy and provide everything that he needs
he eats 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓊𝓂 dog food and you could only assume the amount that he needs because of how he towers
the treats?? one time yoongi got overly-excited to take a picture of him and accidentally left the bag on the ground, and when he came back?? chimmy’s managed to inhale all of them
thankfully he’s only loyal to one (1) toy and it’s to this brown angry... entity..? with one tooth that yoongi’s made by himself
but he constantly has to replace the stuffing because chimmy nOTICES when it’s flat and unstuffed from his own doings
hehehe the grooming.....
you thank your lucky stars that jin gives you a discount to have chimmy groomed!! 
one time you were about to have a breakdown because a $100 grooming session simply didn’t click well with your ongoing budget and you decided to do it yourself :D
spoiler alert: chimmy kept barking at you when you held up the mirror to his face because wOOF did you just... d-did you give him bangs.... how was that possible....
and then sECOND of all is that well.,.,.,
you’re scared and that’s it
there is every possible reason for you to be scared :D
you get off from work at 5!! but now it’s quarter to 8 and you totally should’ve booked an uber but it completely slipped your mind
normally, you wouldn’t walk home alone though because chimmy comes with you to the shelter, and then he serves as a therapy dog of sorts to help ease and calm down the new rescues!!
he even has his own little ID oh my god :’)
but he doesn’t come in everyday and well you remember,.,.
no actually, yoongi REMINDS you that today is his day-off at work and explictly implied that he’d very much love to cuddle with a giant alaskan malamute as he gets his well-deserved rest
and yoongs has been the reason to why you don’t unravel every single day and you owe him for your life so yea okay you can have chimmy whenever you need this giant pillow of support <3
but no
you don’t have chimmy with you and you don’t have anyone to bark and be willing to growl n intimidate any creepy dudes you could possibly encounter on this twenty-minute walk home
the extra coffee you’ve drank at 6 in lieu of dinner does not help at ALL
what if you just... run
that way you get home faster and you won’t have to be that antsy!!!
ok maybe just a light jog would do
you wanna go home so badly and take a shower and be sandwiched between your warm sheets and sleep all the way
you miss chimmy and yoongi and you just hOPE that he’d already cooked dinner and you won’t have processed food again for the third time in a week
and after dinner maybE you could treat yourself to online shopping because yoongs has also been pestering you to let yourself indulge once in a while
your thoughts are jumbled once panicked and it reminds you that yes you should definitely get a car and you know what??? you probably should-
wait fUCK
hold on a second
did you just manage to narrowly dodge what seems to be a skateboard in mid-air??????
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
said taehyung is jumping down and crouching to pick up the deck at your feet and squeaks an “oop sorry ‘bout that!!” before going back and
mr. “taehyung, you dumbass!!” is who you presume to be the speaker,, because well no one eLSE is in this skatepark at 9 in the evening,,,, is standing RIGHT underneath the light and is right at your line of sight
it’s as if the clouds are opening up and chimmy’s barking could be heard and everything you deem perfect is ringing right in your ears because god.... holy shit.....
he looks and probably feels like a warm-sized bed that smells of baby powder and fresh linen
he has a hoodie on with the sleeves scrunched up and you tHANK yourself that you’ve saved up enough to get lasik eye surgery because those tattoos...,.,. you r positive that they would be your demise
mr. TYD has a loose bucket hat on yet you could still see his features clearly and you aren’t lying when you say he is perhaps the most breathtaking thing you’d ever seen
even more breathtaking than seeing chimmy in the laundry room and having fished for your one good perfect bra in his mouth
you’re pretty sure this is what love at first sight must feel like
suddenly, you aren’t anxious at all and you’re instantly gravitating towards the ramp without much complaint
there’s a bench conveniently placed in which you could see him but he won’t see you
you find yourself sticking around and smiling when you see him goofing around in all good fun
hopefully you don’t look like a cREEP because you swear you aren’t!!!! and hopefully they don’t notice you either and find out then and there that you’re here in a skatepark withOut a skateboard,,, just sitting,,, to see him
this may not be your best idea yet lmao yes you’re gonna admit that
but it’s probably the first and last time that you’re ever gonna see him so might as well watch him for awhile!! that’s all!!!!
ok wait
this is definitely a bad idea because yoongi calls you and you forgOt to put it on silent and it’s his voice that greets you very rudely as soon as you pick up
“y/n where the FUCK are you???”
oh lmao it’s quarter to 10 already
“jeez, i’m coming home!! calm down!!”
“yeah tell that to chimmy who’s been worried sick with me and won’t stop hOWLING!!!”
you’re scrambling to gather your duffel and sneak oNE last look at him and ur practically pouting as you say goodbye to him under your breath 
“... aw, you worry about me?”
you resume back to jogging on your way home and this time for rEAL
you’re gonna miss him
he’s like one of the random dudes you see in the mall that are sO breathtaking and you know you’re never gonna see them again
you didn’t even manage to catch his name :((
but whoever he is, he feels a little more different than a dude in a mall because this time, you feel like you’re gonna cRY at the thought of it
little did you know that jungkook could see you all this time and he’s sad to see you go 
chimmy is the first to leap at you as soon as you come through the door
and if you didn’t anticipate the giant, then you’d probably be toppled over by now
yoongi finds it weird that there’s this lingering gentle smile on your face
well he shouldn’t be so shOcked because he sees you talking to yourself when you’re watching documentaries and cooking
(( he always checks if there’s a camera hidden somewhere in the kitchen and you were vlogging or something but nO!!! ))
it’s like you’re a third-grader again that goes fERAL at just the thought of their crush
you hope mr. tyd has already eaten breakfast and hasn’t had any injuries with his skateboarding
you’re trying to rationalize with yourself that it’s just a stOOpid and pathetic crush to harbor in less than a day and stop thinking about him
the universe must seem to hate aND love you at the same time because well would you look at tHAT
it’s 5 in the afternoon and you have chimmy beside you and you’re walking home
and that’s practically your routine ever since you’ve gotten this job
it would only differ if a situation like last night happens or when you’re too tired to walk home oR when it’s raining
but right now it’s your normal workday, and you’re walking home, and it’s sunny, aND THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU’VE SEEN HIM
this is also the first time that you’ve seen him in such a situation that you didn’t expect :O
the fact that you’ve mayhaps watched kimi no nawa last night with yoongi and perhaps 98 times before that, does not help at all
“you uh, y-you wanna go for a run on the grass, chim??”
there’s this mini field besides the skatepark and chimmy happily jUMPS at the mention of grass :D
aha oh well :D would you look at that :D your dog wants to go run on the grass that’s a couple feet away from the skatepark :D who are you to stop him anyways?? :D
chimmy’s more than happy to comply with your wish and vice versa because he’s having the time of his life clearly
he’s your pawman and the perfect variable so you wouldn’t seem like a third-grader with a helpless crush on anOther third-grader
it seems that hE’S more excited than you though because chimmy runs to the ramp instead of the grass!!!
and in the process he goes UP to greet a guy like he does with you whenever you come home!!! it’s harmless pouncing per se
but it’s not entirely harmless because it feels like chimmy knows EXACTLY what’s in your mind and what he’s doing
...... of course
chimmy has to of cOurse pounce on him
jungkook wasn’t surely expecting a giant and overly-friendly alaskan malamute to pounce on him right when he was about to drop-in
it’s a pleasant surprise either because it’s-
oh my god
is this yOU?????
jungkook was in the skatepark last night with taehyung and they took advantage of it because they were the only ones there!!
tae surely wasn’t kidding when he said that he was a novice because holy sHIT how was it possible that he sent a skateboard flying mid-air after a failed trick??
kook flinches when he follows it in his line of sight and notices that there’s someone down there who might be literally dECKED out of tae’s stupidity
he’s about to yell for this passer-by to dodge and-
time seems to move quicker because you’re already stopping yourself and flinching in place and then looking up
you’re rIGHT underneath this street lamp and jungkook sighs a breath of relief when he realized that you weren’t hit
but at the same time he’s gasping again because wow
t-that’s uhm-
wHEW he has never felt this pressure in his chest ever since he joined a quizbee in 8th grade
would it be-
ok nevermind
you’re really beautiful??? and frankly he has to look away for a second because you’re tOO beautiful that he doesn’t know what to do with himself
that’s it u are under arrest for being too pretty >:(
jungkook’s flustered because there’s just these types of people that put a knot on his chest unknowingly and he doesn’t know how to act normally
you are the equivalent of him not being able to look at the screen because the kdrama was that good and he feels unworthy to even watch it
it’s goosebumps all over his skin and he’d be lying when he says his cheeks are not heating up at aLL
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
his first instinct is to scold taehyung because what iF he ended up hurting you with his skateboard, hmm?? and tHEN what
he expected you to leave after that close-call and if everyone must know, jungkook has an incredible talent at being able to scope out things in his peripheral vision
he could look straight ahead and be able to see what you were also doing at the side
he doesn’t know if that’s a talent or uH everyone has it but whatever he can do that!!!
and you were clearly still there and in fact, even sIT down on the bench
he could see you smiling and giggling and a ginormous part of him assumes that it’s because of him
he prays to god that it’s NOT the guy who almost decked you with a skateboard ://
jungkook was acting weird and he kept smiling and laughing mORE than necessary and taehyung can see right through him
“bro all i did was walk towards you wtf are you laughing,,.,”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHA tae you’re so silly XD”
alrighty then,, maybe jungkook just binge-ate his vitamin gummies which is why he keeps beaming for an unknown reason
koo was so grumpy literally just before he had his skateboard flying and now he’s ???? weird
jungkook was ultimately sad to see you get up and he knows he’s probably never gonna see you again ok alright time to mope
but this
he’s beyond surprised to see that said owner of giant dog happens to be yOU!! of all the people!!!!
it’s you!
“i’m so so sorry about him!! he’s just excited to make friends with everyone and i don’t have the sLIGHTEST clue why he came to you!!”
you pointedly look at chimmy and he has the audacity to howl before looking away
it hasn’t dawned on you that you’re talking and apologizing to him but it certainly did on jungkook which is why he’s charmingly laughing already
“no, no. it’s okay, i don’t mind!! his name’s chimmy, then?”
you’re blinking profusely because yes.. right.. HE is talking to you
“yeah, uh, correct!! his name’s chimmy :)”
“that’s cute. anyways, i’m jungkook :)”
aha :D
koo would like to think that he is smooth
and yes you agree
you immediately shake his hand tOO eagerly with a smile on your face as you’re trying to take this all in
“i’m y/n :)”
jungkook’s hand is bigger than yours and your hand fits sNUGLY right into his hold
he has some tattoos on his hands and there’s some peaking from underneath his hoodie
but even with ur lasik vision you cAN’T focus because omg are you seriously holding jungkook’s hand.,.,
jungkook as in THEE jungkook that you’ve immediately clocked and crushed on last night in an instant
your lil moment of just holding each other’s hands is interrupted when taehyung pops out of nOwhere
(( actually he’s been there for the past two minutes and he kept switching between cooing and laughing ))
“yO i’m taehyung!!! you must be y/n, i didn’t nick you last night, did i?”
he takes it upon himself to hug you right then and there
well he’s warm and he passes the internal vibe check yoongi’s hotwired into your brain so you reciprocate!! you like hugs anyway and taehyung’s just like chimmy but in human form
jungkook practically squawks and stammers in his place because w-why.. w-what...... no
chimmy bARKS at taehyung and koo is tempted to do the same too because no man you simply do nOt hug my crush that you know absolutely nothing about
“he’s asking for you.”
kook points to chimmy who’s obviously pouncing on you to come run with him
you excuse yourself so you could go satisfy the giant and jungkook felt like his heart was gonna fall out of his aSS
tae wiggles his eyebrows and has his lips pursed and it’s the shit-eating grin that he immediately flips off as soon as he sees it
“what was that all about?”
you are convinced
you are 100% convinced
your head is fully-set into the game and in no way are you gonna back out
“min yoongi!!”
ah there it is
yoongi’s having the time of his life playing fetch with chimmy! what could possibly be any more important in this world than that
“what did i do now?”
you only call out his full name when a) you’re agitated and when b) he’s ignoring you and you’ve had enough of it
he really doesn’t recall giving you the cold shoulder recently
and he certainly didn’t agitated you when all he’s done is play with chimmy and sleep!!!
“please click this for me pls. click. please. pls click.”
aH yoongi should’ve brought his glasses instead of leaving them on the couch
you’re holding out your laptop to him with your arms outstretched and he has to come really close to decipher and-
... huh
“a skateboard?”
pardon him but he’s really lost on this one ok
he is as lost as he was when walmart decided to completely rearrange the whole store
“... and what do you need a skateboard for? y/n when i said that you should get yourself a four-wheeler, i didn’t mean a skateboard-”
in what part does a skateboard look like an SUV
whY are you like this
“it’s for uh... it’s for fun purposes!!”
you’re trying not to raise any more questions in yoongi’s mind but his head is miles miles away now lol
???? you hate trying new things though ???
one time you traded in your beef ramen for pork ramen because the first one was out of stock and throughout the whole meal you kept thinking how much you regretted it
and besides, skateboarding would be the last thing you’d get into!!!
yoongi distinctly remembers that you’d rather choke on chewing gum rather than get your knees scraped
why was that?? because when your knees get scraped, walking and doing everything else?? impossible 
nice try sherlock but the moment you do so much as to not stand up straight?? sIT down?? yeah your knees would give out 
what has got to be something so special that you’d wanna get into skateboarding and risk yourself into getting your knees scraped??
omg is that what he thinks it is
“... it’s a crush, isn’t it?”
the way you instantly shut him down and practically have to beg him just to press the check out button.,..
yeah yoongi’s gotten his answer alright :D
whatever this is
or whatever that’s going on
you’re sure that you’ve never felt this content for a long time
you now bring a change of clothes so you wouldn’t go skating in your uniform because that just honestly sucks
you may be too tired to walk to the skatepark which is why sometimes you’d book a ride, but no you’re never tOO tired to skate and see jungkook :D
it’s frustrating enough as it is
yoongi used to skate and that’s the reason why you’ve found this shortcut in the first place because this was where the park was!! you’d always think at the back of your head on wHY was yoongi struggling!!!
smh that’s so easy yoongs </3
joke’s on you now though because trying to balance on the board in the first place scared you shitless because hOW were you supposed to do this??
you can ride a bike and that has tWO wheels and this has fOUR bearings!!! how come you can’t balance yourself??
even managing to stand up on the board without panicking for more than ten seconds AND managing to shift from left to right even if it’s albeit shaky at first, took you a wHOLE evening
but you’re so proud of yourself and so is jungkook :D
jungkook finds it the highlight of his night when you’d hold onto him
yes he knOws you have it under control now and you barely hold onto him for support
“just so you won’t fall, that’s all.”
he always evades your eyes when you go look up at him dreamily like that because how could he not???
you’ve covered the basics of pushing yourself then simultaneously riding the skateboard!!
you do that for one WHOLE week and both jungkook and tae (and yoongi) think it’s time that you do something else besides skate in one straight line and occasionally to a left and a right
ok you’re kind of scared shitless because you already fell a couple of times but y’know what?? it’s time!!
society has progressed past the need of you skating in a straight path
the society NEEDS you to do tricks now
confession time:
dear diary the kickflip is simply not kicking the board in an attempt to flip it by itself. it is not. it is not as easy as it sounds. it is the bane of my existence
it’s evident that you’re stalling out of your way with this one but you just need oNE success and that’s it!!! one win to woo jungkook from his feet and then you’d stop
tae has already shut you up too because you keep talking about how your day went when you already is set four times before that
and it must’ve been a lucky first time because you absolutely nAIL it on the first try!!!
you honestly thought you’d land square on your ass and see bruises on it later in the shower but N-O!! you’ve done it perfectly and-
jungkook’s not looking
he didn’t see your feat!!
or maybe he didn’t see it because he chosE not to!!!
maybe doing a kickflip is nothing impressive and it’s obvious that he’s a pro at this compared to you who’s even more of a novice that makes taehyung look like a god
you can’t have that :((
ok ok hOW can you impress jungkook
there must be something you could do to impress him!!
that’s it
this is practically perfect!!
you’re gonna do your first drop-in at a pipe that is nowhere gOOD for a beginner like you :D
one, two, th-
“easy, doll.”
jungkook materializes out of nowhere and you expected him to be skating at the far end!! not mere inches away from your face holding your hANDS
this is the first time you’ve seen jungkook actually this close and you just have this urge to kiss his cheek
he has you whipped for him and he hasn’t even done anything to you!!!
“not the best idea to go down an eight-foot tall half-pipe for your first time, hm?”
he scrunches his nose at your absurd thoughts because absolutely wHY would you do that??
how could you fall in love with him even mORE
“do the two-feet tall one first. go have taehyung teach you.”
the grin in your face goes as fast as it came
no offense to taehyung but he’s not the one your head-over-heels for :((
practically everyone knows about your crush on jungkook BESIDES jungkook himself
you’re tapping tae on the shoulder to come and teach you while you just watch kook shred it at the other side of the park by himself
it’s okay!! progress is progress and you’re gonna get far with jungkook!!
going to the skatepark right after work is now your new routine
sometimes you even come with yoongi when he’s free and he takes all his time to gloat on how you used to make fun of him when he was skating avidly back then
that gives you a grand total of three (3) people teaching you how to skate and giving you pointers
jungkook also now holds conversation from time to time :D
he’d ask you how your day went and you’d have to pretend that you didn’t wait for him to ask so you’re not spilling detail after detail
he now does this thing of pinching your cHEEK when you get something right 
your heart after doing an ollie goes bEEP when he pinches your cheek and tells you eagerly that you did such a good job
yoongi’s laid off his teasing for you and jungkook but god he can’t deny that he gets these weird vibes from him
eh it’s probably nothing
today you’re especially excited because it was an outfit that you just bought and you feel gREAT in it!!!
tbh your day was the absolute worst but jungkook is always a great pick-me-up to whatever day you could have :)
a tennis skirt with shorts already built underneath is the greatest save of ur life
it’s a little on the more expensive side because it IS a name-brand and those don’t come cheap but it’s ok :D it’s gonna be worth it :D it better be :D
oh uhm
jungkook seems different today.... ?
you were used to him looking intimidating and mad even if he wasn’t, but this time it just felt emphasized even more
taehyung’s here but he’s not the only one!!! there’s two guys with jungkook on the other side of the ramp
“those are his friends, i guess?? i don’t know, he hasn’t introduced them to me.”
so you’re nOT the only one who’s lost
jungkook will probably come around later and you could all hang out again :))
chimmy happily chuffs at your side and that just gives taehyung the most wonderful idea he’s ever had this day
“hEY which one of us do you think could out-skate chimmy???”
jungkook is utterly and without a doubt stressed 
he knew that hoseok and namjoon would come over, but he didn’t expect that they’d visit him while he was in the park!!!!
and he already knows what they’re here for and that just makes him grimace :((
“why don’t you want to go pro?”
koo’s ears feel like bleeding when hobi asks him that for the nth time
god it’s always just the sAME question!! he could practically sniff the air on what they’re gonna say next
“jungkook, i think we all know that you’re more than qualified to be a pro!! look at you!!”
it’s the same conversation over and over again
the next things they’d say are that he’s a natural and he’s wasting all his talent doing this thing cASUALLY
he’s not the next tony hawk or anything like that!!! he’s not gonna book a sponsorship and a collaboration with vans!!! but hobi and joon kEEP insisting that he’s that good
“hyung, i think we’ve already talked about this-...”
“yes and you refusE to listen!! why can’t you just accept the fact that you have a much better future in this??”
jungkook’s currently a freelance graphic designer which means he works from home and he’s in charge of his oWN schedule
but it doesn’t necessarily mean that every single day he gets a new commission or anything grand like that
he’s gonna be honest and say that yES he has thought of being a pro skater!! but he’s trying to be as rational as possible about it
because not every competition would be a win and not competitions don’t happen as frequent as a typical job is!!
and what iF jungkook gets injured?? something of an injury that would lay him off from skating 
and being unable to skate??? = he basically gets nOTHING
he feels pressures because hobi and joon are pro skaters already!! and that gives them all the more reason to make jungkook into one
not to flex but uh they’re both quite already kNOWN
and jungkook hasn’t even started his pro career but he’s already known!!! both by his skills and the fact that he’s friends with these two champions
“i literally do not care if you beat me!! just come take the leap and be a pRO already, jungkook!!! it’s a loss as it is that you still consider yourself an amateur.”
their words, not his 
ok uhm what if
what if jungkook opens a skate clinic?? he can do what he loves and in the same time, earn money!!
... yeah
that could work!! and if he feels extra prepared, then yeah maybe he’d be a pro
or would a skate clinic be useless if he isn’t a pro by then???
oh my god
jungkook’s so frustrated with all this sudden bombarding and it makes him want to tug at his hair
as much as he loves his hyungs, sometimes they just can’t seem to know when to back oFF and realize that their nudging is more like shoving
“do something productive and worth your time, jungkook. stop babysitting.”
namjoon says with an edge and that tames jungkook
what makes it worse was what they were implying in the first place
hoseok doesn’t make it discreet to look at taehyung and you
“tae, tae, look!! i’m doing it, i’m doing it!!”
you’re saying over your shoulder because omg you’re getting the lead and chimmy’s slowed down for some reason
well actually taehyung’s took it upon himself to stop behind you
you get an immediate answer when you feel someone effectively hALT you still and you almost fall on your ass just by the sheer strength of someone holding you up
jungkook’s holding you down and his hands are quite heAVy on your arms
there’s this unexplainable look on his face but you’re positive that it’s not one of happiness
“you should probably stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing.”
to be honest you’re unsure of how to react
but the way that jungkook looks like he’s mad at you and retreats back to those two guys with a scoff in his step -- 
it’s enough
it’s truly enough for you to reevaluate every decision you’ve ever made
maybe it’s simply not just a bad day for you and a case of overthinking thigs,, and it’s perhaps the fact that he want you to stop
stop whatever that is happening
you probably must be frozen in place because chimmy bounds and pounces at you
you probably must’ve looked like an utter fool,, skating in a tennis skirt and trying to outrace a damn dog in a fucking skatepark,, right in front of jungkook and his friends
“y/n, you uh, y’okay?”
tae’s worried because there’s an instant shift to your mood and he could only assume what you were feeling
tears prick at the back of your eyes and that’s the signal for you to gather your things in a flash because the last thing you’d want is to cRY in front of him
“y-yeah! i’m gonna go home, tae. chimmy’s looking for yoongi.”
the dog in question tilts his head because w hat now,,,.,., wha t,.,. he is???
you learned that dogs could smell emotions and that makes you even sadder
chimmy was behaved the whole time; didn’t even try straying you around when he keeps seeing umbrellas on the street even if he loves them
you’re okay
you should be okay
there’s something definitely off
yoongi’s cleaned everything and did his share of chores
the tv is still mounted and the microwave’s clean!!
chimmy didn’t have a toilet accident because if he did, he would’ve already picked it up
there’s definitely something off with yOU
because first of all, why are you here???
“not coming to the park?”
if he can recall correctly, no matter how knackered you were after work, you’d still go to the skatepark!!
... not unless you were injured??
nah because if you were injured then you’d be whining to him now
“nope :)”
you’re lying on the couch where he usually lies nowadays because you weren’t around!!
and you’re drinking from your mug that he’s claimed as his mug
and chimmy’s squished in between the tiny gap of you and the far edge of the couch
“and why?”
he’s always had answers for everything but his mind’s bLANK for this
“wanna spend time with you guys :)”
that’s gotta be the answer, right???
this is definitely weird
for starters, it’s already 11 PM and jungkook’s still in the skatepark and he’s not even skating anymore
he’s just waiting
weird... you aren’t here.......
aH it’s nothing :D you’re probably just tired and didn’t want to go skate
oh and.. you’re not here the next day
or the next
or the nEXT
jungkook spends almost the entirety of his time in the park
he goes there at 3 in the afternoon and comes home at 11 in the evening
no big deal
half of the time is just spent him actually skating and the other is figuring out wHERE you are
uh maybe you’ve started to take ubers now every time you come home??
you’re not walking home anymore and the car would pass by the skatepark and jungkook wouldn’t have a single clue where you are
it’s also this time that it dawns on him that he has no means whatsoever to contact you
he didn’t ask for your number and didn’t exchange socials so he could only gUESS
he can’t come over to your apartment either because he hasn’t walked you home and therefore he wouldn’t know your address
holy shit he’s so dumb and jungkook misses you a lot
like a whole whole lot
he misses you holding onto his shoulders for support and misses your excited grin whenever you nail a trick and had a perfect run
there’s nothing that jungkook could dO besides wait
and miss you so much
and mope
kook doesn’t want to give up and miss a day because what iF you pass by when he’s not there???
he can’t have that and he wON’t have that
he’s just so antsy and he hasn’t had his fix of chimmy bounding towards him and the malamute intentionally pouncing on him whenever he’d drop-in so he could lose his balance
he just needs to see you and your duffel bag and the precious yet beat-up wristwatch you have and-
jungkook’s brought his perfume the past few days because he wouldn’t want to be aND smell sweaty when he sees you again
he’s wearing a shirt this time and nOT a hoodie and it’s actually a nice shirt!! the pale orange makes his tattoos pop
he’s also wearing a watch so he could look business-ish and composed and he kinda hATES watches because uhhhh you ever heard of a phone, buddy??
you’re walking striaght and paying no mind at all and to your surrounding and-
there’s suddenly this cRASH in front of you and it makes you recall in response because that came out of nowhere
... and this feels oddly familiar
only this time though, it’s intentional and it’s jungkook who literally tHREW his skateboard down on the spot in front of you
“y/n? wow, what a coincidence!”
you didn’t expect to see jungkook as soOn as you anticipated that he wouldn’t be here
he laughs nervously and he tries not to overanalyze the fact that your face is blank
“yup. totally.”
you’re avoiding his gaze and meanwhile he’s searching desperately for yours 
what is he feeling and why is it hurt and longing at the same time
“can i walk you home?”
the words tumble out of his mouth before he could even ponder over them longer
“i uh, i rEALLY can’t believe i never asked to walk you home!! or even ask for your number!!! but uHhhh it’s late at night and to be honest i don’t have your number and i just need to know that you’re safe and-”
he stops his rambling right there because he realizes that he’s a stuttering nervous mess
you’re a bit speechless because normally you’re the chatty one but this one.,.,,. this one’s a pleasant surprise
“yeah, yeah. okay :)”
he can’t believe either that you agreed to it but he’s immediately gathering himself and swoops your duffel for him to hold
he’s not gonna entertain a single complaint <3
it’s not exactly the most tensioned silence ever but it’s definitely nOT comfortable
“why didn’t you come to the park?”
okay well sHIT you didn’t expect him to be this straightforward
wait no 
you shouldn’t be surprised!! after all, he probably did mean what he said the last time you’ve seen him
what are u gonna say now
well you coulD say that you’re busy and he’d probably fall for it!!
or reiterate the truth that he’s implied and say it with a straight face
“oh. i started intentionally falling on my ass because i missed you,” jungkook spills out of nowhere while waiting for your answer and he now realizes that might’ve been a little awkward
after all he dID admit that he missed you
“did i uhm... did i say something?”
he rephrases his question and he knows that this was the more appropriate one
your coping mechanism is to kick on the ground as if there were leaves and there are absolutely nO leaves <3
“jungkook, you told me to stop.”
he blinks rapidly at that as he tries to digest your words
he’s trying to backtrack as much as possible and it wasn’t that!!
he simply doesn’t wanna see you hurt
“i can’t explain it but holy shiT i can’t see you hurt!! a-and i know that being hurt in skating is normal but for sOME reason i can’t stand it when i see you in pain o-or-...”
jungkook just can’t explaiN what he feels
“i just -- i just don’t gEt why you’d want to be hurt?? whY are you doing this to yourself??”
you find him ridiculous and this whole situation is just rIDICULOUS
“jesus christ jungkook i did it to try and impress a guy!!”
that earns you a snort and you immediately go defensive
he seems irked and his eyes are just beGGING to be rolled
“who?? taehyung?? the guy who would’ve wiped you out if he did end up hitting you on the head with the deck just a little harder??”
“what? taehyung???” you’re so confused and jungkook hates it even more, “yeah, taehyung!!”
“i like you, jungkook!”
he points to himself to which you eagerly nod your head to
“can you excuse me for one second?”
he barely gives you the time to respond because he’s already walking away and biting his arm
he’s actually sCREAMING
you throw your head back because omg did the two of you just basically admit that you liked each other
jungkook jogs back to where you stand a presses a hefty kISS right on your cheek
he’s on too much of a high that he holds your hand and practically drags you along with him because he’s almost skIPPING from how happy he is
“okay. good. nice. very good!!!” he could now sigh in relief because whEW that robbed him off his breath
“because i fell for you when i first saw you.”
jungkook basically has nO filter now and it’s adorable because god he’s just so soft and you now know what’s going and this wouldn’t be just whatever
“huh. imagine if yOU fell for me too at the same time,,,, that would make me piss my pants.”
he cackles because wow he dO be funny :D
he’s turning to look at you to gauge at your reaction and the waY that you’re holding your eye contact with him is all-telling for your answer
oh my god
jungkook is wrapped around your pinky :’)
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nerdythebard · 3 years
#15: Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty
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Umm... I, uh... t-this... ughhh...
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You know what, let's just move on! (>///<)
Next Time: The true king of music comes in to bring the heat!
Now that we've got that embarrassing thing out of the way, let's... uh... see what we need to play as Aphrodite in D&D:
Soulmate Bond: While the concept itself is exploited to its core by fanfiction writers, here we need to focus our attention on our party members. We're the ultimate support. If we're close, they are better at doing... well... D&D things.
Sustainability: We might be offering our heart and soul to help our teammates, but we can't forget about ourselves. We won't be much help if we cannot survive.
The Power of Love Protects You: Aphrodite is a very good healer. Her Ultimate also grants temporary invulnerability to her soulmate. #LoveWins.
Despite being often viewed as "just a goddess of love", Aphrodite is an immensely powerful Elder Deity. Born directly from the Primordial being Ouranos, she is love and desire and passion; some of the most powerful forces that can drive a person to accomplish their goals... or to make them completely mad.
In D&D, however, we're going to make her a Protector Aasimar. We get +2 Charisma and +1 Wisdom, 60 feet of Darkvision, Celestial Resistance (which grants us resistance to radiant and necrotic damage), and we know how to speak Common and Celestial. Thanks to the Light Bearer feature, we know the Light cantrip, and because of Healing Hands, we can touch a creature and make them recover Hit Points equal to our overall level (once per long rest).
I think we can all agree that if Aphrodite was a character in D&D, she would be a total socialite. For that, let's modify the Noble background slightly, by swapping out History for Insight, keep the Persuasion proficiency, swap the proficiency with a gaming set into another language of our choice, and let's replace the Position of Privilege feature with a similar yet bit more useful Kept In Style from Sword Coast: Adventurer's Guide. This feature makes sure that whatever city we're in (it does say Waterdeep, but work with your DM on that one), our needs and desires are catered to and most expenses are sent to our family to deal with. Our name and family symbol might grand us (and our party members) discounts or straight-up free lodging and meals at a high-class festhall, and general approval from the middle class.
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There is no doubt about it, Charisma is our top ability; we're the Goddess of Love and Desire, we need to flaunt it and charm people left and right. Wisdom is next, we may not look like it, but we're actually pretty resourceful and can read people quite well. Constitution is after that, all casters need Hit Points and yes, we're going to be a caster.
Dexterity is a little lower than I would like it to be (especially since SMITE Aphrodite doesn't use any armour), but we'll make it work later. Follow that up with Intelligence, we might seem like an occasional ditz and books are Athena's thing anyway. Finally, we'll dump Strength.
Although there were several ways to make this build work (I was considering another Sorcerer multiclass), I've decided to use the recently-released stuff. We're going Cleric start-to-finish.
Clerics have a d8 for their Hit Dice, and they start with [8 + our Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points. They gain proficiency with light armour, medium armour, shields, and simple weapon. For Aphrodite, I would go with a quarterstaff (with a holy symbol attached to it) and studded leather armour. Clerics' saving throws are Wisdom and Charisma, and they get to pick two class skills (Medicine and Religion).
Level 1: Clerics start their D&D adventure by picking their subclass, their Divine Domain. There once was a leaked playtest material with the Love Domain subclass (which was later rebranded as Unity Domain), but with the release of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything it became the Peace Domain, and that's what we're using.
With the Implement of Peace feature, we gain proficiency in Performance. The Emboldening Bond feature lets us choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of us (including ourselves) equal to our proficiency bonus. For 10 minutes, all bonded creatures can roll a 1d4 and add the result to any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw they make... okay, so this is basically the Bless spell, but lasts longer and targets more creatures... Aphrodite, why are you so broken OP from the start?
Clerics also gain some Domain Spells, when they hit certain levels. Those spells do not count against the number of spells Clerics can prepare per day, and are always prepared:
Heroism imbues one creature we touch with bravery for 1 minute (concentration). For the duration, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains Temporary Hit Points equal to our casting ability modifier at the start of each of their turn. When the spell ends, all of the remaining THP are lost.
Sanctuary wards one creature within 30 feet of us against attacks for 1 minute. Any creature that attacks the spell's recipient must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they must choose a different target or lose the attack (or spell). If the protected creature initiates an attack, a spell, or deals damage to anybody, the spell ends.
Besides those spells, we also get some from the Spellcasting feature. Clerics know cantrips, regular spells, and rituals. We start by picking three cantrips:
Guidance is a must-have for support players. It lasts for 1 minute (concentration), and it gives the creature we touch a 1d4 to add to their next ability check. The spell then ends.
Sacred Flame is probably the best source of radiant damage in the game. Target within 60 feet of us must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer 1d8 radiant damage (damage increases as we level up).
Word of Radiance is a great way to handle swarms and multiple enemies. Each creature of our choice within 5 feet of us must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d6 radiant damage (damage increases as we level up).
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Clerics have access to their full spell list and prepare spells every day. The number of spells we can is [our Wisdom modifier + our Cleric level]. We are only restricted by the number and amount of spell slots. At the 1st level, we get two 1st-level spell slots:
Guiding Bolt creates a flash of light that targets one creature within 120 feet of us. On a successful hit, the target suffers 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against it until the end of its next turn has an advantage.
Healing Word uses a bonus action to target one creature we can see within 60 feet of us and let them recover [1d4 + our spellcasting modifier] Hit Points. The healing increases by 1d4 for each spell slot higher than 1st-level.
Shield of Faith grants us (or a creature within 60 feet of us) a +2 AC bonus for 10 minutes (concentration).
Level 2: We gain one of the Cleric's signature skills - Channel Divinity. Once per short or long rest, we can become a conduit for the divine powers and perform one of the following effects:
Turn Undead: Each undead creature within 30 feet of us must make a Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1 minute. A turned creature must spend its turn trying to move as far away as possible from us and cannot willingly move closer than 30 feet towards us.
Balm of Peace: CD effect granted to us by our Domain. As an action, we can move our full movement speed without provoking attacks of opportunity and when we move within 5 feet of any other creature while doing that, we can restore [2d6 + our Wisdom modifier] Hit Points to that creature.
We also get to learn one more spell: Protection from Evil and Good last for 10 minutes (concentration). Until the spell ends, one target we touch is protected against the following types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Creatures of those types have a disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.
Level 3: We unlock 2nd-level spell slots here. Spiritual Weapon creates a manifestation of our deity's power (it can be a sceptre, a weapon, or even a comb or a giant lollipop). We can summon it as a bonus action within 60 feet and make melee attacks with it. On a successful hit, the target takes [1d8 + our spellcasting modifier] force damage.
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Our Divine Domain also grants us two spells at this level:
Aid bolsters our allies' toughness and resolve. We choose up to three creatures within 30 feet of us. For the next 8 hours, each target's Hit Points and Hit Points Maximum increase by 5.
Warding Bond creates a connection between us and one creature within 60 feet of us for 1 hour. While the bonded target is within 60 feet of us, it gains a +1 to their AC and saving throws, and resistance to all damage. Unfortunately, if they take damage we suffer the same amount.
We also get a new racial feature: Radiant Soul. We can use our action to sprout a pair of luminous wings, which give us flying speed of 30 feet for 1 minute. Once per turn, we can also deal extra radiant damage (equal to our level) to an attack or a spell. This feature can be used once per long rest.
Level 4: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. Let's raise our Wisdom and Constitution, to start rounding up those odd numbers.
Because we've increased our spellcasting ability, we can pick two spells here:
Hold Person forces a Constitution saving throw onto one (humanoid) target within 60 feet. On a failed save, the target is paralysed for 1 minute (concentration).
Calm Emotions does the opposite of what Aphrodite stands for, but it's nonetheless useful. The spell forces a Charisma saving throw onto all creatures within 20-foot-radius sphere (creatures can also choose to fail this throw). On a failed save, we get to select one of two effect: suppress the charmed or frightened status for 1 minute (concentration), or suppress a creature's hostile feelings for 1 minute (concentration).
We also learn a new cantrip: Spare the Dying helps a creature with 0 Hit Points to remain stable; the player doesn't have to make Death Saving Throws, but the character is still unconscious.
Level 5: Our Turn Undead gets an upgrade and becomes Destroy Undead. Starting at this level, when an undead of CR 1/2 or lower (skeletons, shadows, zombies, etc.) fails the saving throw against our Turn Undead, it gets destroyed instead.
We also unlock 3rd-level spell slots: Spirit Guardians create a flock of spectral protectors in a 15-foot radius centred on ourselves for 10 minutes (concentration). Creatures within the area have their speed halved and must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 3d8 damage (radiant if we're good or neutral, necrotic if we're evil; half damage on a successful save). We can select which creatures are unaffected by the spirits, and we can choose the form they appear as. For Aphrodite, I'd suggest doves since those are her sacred animals.
Our Divine Domain grants us two spells at this level:
Beacon of Hope lets us grant a number of creatures within 30 feet of us an advantage on Wisdom saving throws and Death Saving Throws for 1 minute (concentration). We also receive maximum healing from spells.
Sending allows us to put a telepathic message in the mind of a creature we've previously met (or seen, like in a photo). The message must be of 25 words or less, and the receiver is able to reply.
Level 6: Our Channel Divinity feature can now be used twice per short or long rest. We also gain a subclass feature: Protective Bond. The bonds we create help people protect each other. If a creature affected by our Emboldening Bond is about to take damage, any other bonded creature within 30 feet of them can use a reaction to teleport to their location and take all the damage instead.
For this level's spell, we'll go with Fast Friends. Using her divine beauty, Aphrodite can ensure people do her biddings without question.
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Fast Friends lets us charm one humanoid within 30 feet of us that can hear and understand us. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed for 1 hour (concentration). While charmed, the creature will carry out any task and provide any service we ask if we do so in a friendly manner. Any task that might harm the target or conflicts with their morals requires another Wisdom saving throw. When the spell ends, the target realizes they were under a spell.
Level 7: We don't get anything class-related, but we do unlock 4th-level spells:
Death Ward grants one creature we touch immunity to death for 8 hours. When the target's Hit Points get reduced to 0, they come back to life with 1 Hit Point instead and the spell ends. The spell also protects from instant-kill effects, such as Power Word: Kill.
We also get more spells from our Divine Domain:
Aura of Purity creates an energy surge spreading 30 feet from us. Until the spell ends (10 minutes, concentration), non-hostile creatures within the aura cannot succumb to diseases, have resistance to poison damage, and gain an advantage against the following conditions: blindness, deafness, charmed, frightened, paralysed, poisoned, and stunned.
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere is our another attempt at Aphrodite's Invulnerability ability. The spell creates a bubble of force that surrounds a target within 30 feet of us. For 1 minute (concentration), nothing – spells, physical objects, or energy – cannot pass through the bubble, and the target inside cannot be harmed by anything. They can use their action to move the bubble up to half of their speed, a'la giant hamster ball.
Level 8: A lot happens to Clerics here. First off, we get another ASI; let's boost our Charisma and Dexterity. Next, our Destroy Undead now works against the undead with a CR of 1 or lower (spectres, ghouls, boneless, husks, etc.). We also learn another 4th-level spell: Banishment sends a creature within 60 feet of us into another plane of existence, provided the target fails its Charisma saving throw. The spell lasts for 1 minute (concentration) and has two outcomes, depending on where the banished target is from:
If the banished target is native to the plane of existence we're banishing it from, it gets transported to a demiplane prison and reappears in the same spot when the spell ends.
If the banished target is not native to the plane of existence we're banishing it from, we must keep the spell active for 1 minute for the banishment to be permanent.
Finally, we get another Divine Domain feature: Potent Spellcasting allows us to add our Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt by our Cleric cantrips.
Level 9: Once again, we don't get any new class upgrades, but we do unlock 5th-level spells:
Holy Weapon enchants a weapon we touch with divine energy. Until the spell ends (1 hour, concentration), the weapon emits a bright light for 30 feet and a dim one for another 30. Attacks made with the now blessed weapon deal extra 2d6 radiant damage and if the weapon is not magical, it becomes so for the duration.
We also receive our final Divine Domain spells:
Greater Restoration is a high-level healing spell that cures serious ailments, such as curses, status effects (charmed, exhaustion, petrification), loss of Maximum Hit Points, etc.
Rary's Telepathic Bond links together the minds of up to eight willing creatures for 1 hour. Until the spell ends, the creatures can communicate telepathically freely, regardless of distance (although they must be on the same plane of existence).
Level 10: We learn our last cantrip: Mending repairs some minor breaks and tears in objects we touch, such as broken key or a severed rope. The spell can mend a damage of up to 1 foot.
We learn Divine Intervention from our Domain. We call our deity for direct help, and roll percentile dice. If the result is equal to our Cleric level (or lower), the plea is successful and we receive help from our god (DM's interpretation. It can be a vision, a direct manifestation, a spell or an item useful for the request we make, etc.). If we do not succeed, we can try again after taking a long rest. If we succeed, we can try again after 7 days.
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We also learn another 5th-level spells: Mass Cure Wounds creates a wave of healing energy that affects up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere appearing at a point of our choice within 60 feet of us. Each target regains Hit Points equal do [3d8 + our spellcasting ability].
Level 11: Our Destroy Undead now affects the undead with the CR of 2 and lower (ghasts, poltergeists, will-o'-wisps, etc.).
We unlock 6th-level spells here. Word of Recall allows us to teleport us and up to five willing creatures within 5 feet of us to a pre-established sanctuary to our deity.
Level 12: Time for another ASI! This time, let's raise our Dexterity and Constitution.
Planar Ally allows us to summon an otherworldly helper directly from our deity's entourage. The creature can be a celestial, a fey, or a fiend loyal to us, although it is under no compulsion to carry out orders. It will also demand payment for its services.
Level 13: We unlock 7th-level spells at this level.
Temple of the Gods is the divine version of Mordenkeinen's Magnificent Mansion, but with less furnishings. We create a temple within 120 cubic feet space for 24 hours, and designate creatures who can freely enter it. Undesignated creatures may try to breach the temple, but have to succeed on a Charisma saving throw. If they manage to enter the temple, they are hindered by divine magic; each attack roll and saving throw carries a 1d4 penalty to their overall result. The spell cannot be cancelled by Dispel Magic or Antimagic Field.
Level 14: Our Destroy Undead feature now affects the undead with the CR of 3 and lower (wights, vampiric mists, mummies, etc.)
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Since we've skipped Revivify, now is a good chance to have a resurrection-type spell. Resurrection brings back a target that's been dead for no more than a century (that isn't undead and didn't die of old age). The spell neutralizes poisons and diseases, closes wounds and regenerates missing body parts; it does not, however, remove curses. The resurrected character takes a -4 penalty to all of their attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws; each long rest reduces the penalty by 1.
Level 15: We don't get anything here, just 8th-level spells:
Antimagic Field creates a zone (10-foot-radius sphere) in which no magic can exist for 1 hour (concentration). Summoned creatures disappear, magical items become mundane, spells cannot be cast. Magical effects (charmed and frightened conditions, etc.) except ones coming from artefacts and/or deities are suppressed.
Level 16: Time for an ASI! Let's put one point into Constitution and one into Dexterity.
Holy Aura radiates from our body up to 30 feet for 1 minute (concentration). Any creature within range that we choose is also sheds the same light in 5 feet radius of them and have advantage on all saving throws, and other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against them until the spell ends. If by chance a fiend or an undead attacks us, it has to make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the spell ends.
Level 17: Our Destroy Undead reaches its peak potential and now affects the undead with the CR of 4 or lower (ghosts, banshees, flameskulls, etc.)
We also get our final Domain feature: Expansive Bond. The benefits of our previous Bonds now work for creatures within 60 feet of each other. Moreover, if a creature uses Protective Bond to take somebody else's damage, they have a resistance to that attack.
We finally unlock 9th-level spells. Mass Heal affects any number of creatures within 60 feet of us and restores up to 700 Hit Points, divided as we choose. The creatures are also healed of all diseases and blindness and deafness effects are removed.
Level 18: We can now use our Channel Divinity feature three times per rest.
We take a few step back with spells and take the 7th-level Divine Word. We choose any number of creatures within 30 feet of us and force a Charisma saving throw on them. On a failed save, the creatures suffer an effect based on their current number of Hit Points:
50 or fewer: deafened for 1 minute
40 or fewer: deafened and blinded for 10 minutes
30 or fewer: deafened, blinded, and stunned for 1 hour
20 or fewer: killed instantly
Regardless of their Hit Points, a celestial, a fiend, or a fey is additionally sent back to its native plane of existence and cannot return for 24 hours (unless via Wish spell).
Level 19: Time for our final ASI. Let's get that Dexterity up again and... I dunno, maybe Strength? Doesn't change much, but it's better than having an odd number for more important stats.
Now... in case the theme of this build hadn't been clear before
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And the 9th-level healing spells are absolute monsters. Power Word: Heal restores all Hit Points of one creature we touch. It removes charmed, frightened, paralysed, and stunned conditions, and if the creature is knocked prone, it doesn't waste its movement to get up.
Level 20: Our capstone is Cleric 20, which grants us probably one of the strongest endgame abilities: Divine Intervention Improvement. From this point onwards, our Divine Intervention always succeeds. We don't need to roll for it, although the 7-days limit is still present.
For our final spell of the build, we get True Resurrection. We can bring back a creature that's been dead for no more than 200 years and hadn't died of old age. The spell restores all of their Hit Points, closes wounds, removes poisons and diseases, and even lifts curses. It can even make a new body for the willing soul, if the old one's gone.
And that is it. Aphrodite, the protective Goddess of Beauty. Let's see how well (or not) we've made her:
First off, and this should come as no surprise, we're a support character. We have a plethora of healing and protection options, and our charms could help us and our party members to avoid conflict. We have the AC of 15, 133 Hit Points on average, and a +3 to our initiative.
Unfortunately, this build has a few downsides: we're don't have many damage-dealing abilities, with the most prominent being our cantrips. Also, we're pretty useless against creatures immune to being charmed. Our Intelligence is also not great, so those saving throws could be trouble.
Anyway, another deity off the list. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves with these builds. I'll see you next time!
- Nerdy out!
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octupus-on-the-moon · 3 years
A plan
~Yeah, took longer then expected, but i´ll update regulary from now on. The ending is bad i will change that later. Anyway i hope you guys enjoy it~
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Sixth part of a nightmare
Word count: 1566
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Mental health issues 
Bucky and y/n spend the rest of the day planning how they would get to the documents of Mr. Belove. They seemed to start enjoying each other’s company. With every laugh and teasing comment, the loneliness that surrounded both faded.
“Wait a minute, won´t your father… Belove… whatever, won´t he suspect something if you don´t come home tonight?” Bucky asked from the floor. He was sitting in front of a hand painted ground-plan, looking up to y/n. She was sitting on the kitchen counter, childly swinging her feet, chewing on a lollipop.
“No, he isn´t that overprotective. I told him I met some old friend from high school and that we have a lot to catch up. Then I wrote Lisa, the woman that helps me out in the house, to pack some things and bring them to me. Don´t worry I told her to wait for me three blocks from here” y/n explained proud of her foresight.
“You really thought of everything?” Barnes praised her, tilting his head a little to the side. “I like that. You can have the bed by the way. I sleep on the floor anyway” Y/n feet stopped “Are you okey?” He frowned. Her proud expression froze. “Did I say something wrong?” Bucky added, surprising himself with a worried tone in his voice.
“No. No. It´s fine. You just reminded me of someone” She excused herself hasty. Followed by a broad smile, that didn´t reach her eyes “However, do we go over the plan again?”
 The first problem, was that her father never left the house. He spends most of the time in his office or in the library, near the office. The only moment the bureau was completely unsupervised, not counting the security system, was while breakfast, dinner, late at night or on Friday afternoon; The only day of the week he would leave the house to play golf for a few hours. Barnes and y/n decided to do the-not-actually-a-break-in that day.
The second problem only concerned Bucky. It consisted in him needing to ask Sam for another favor…  
 “It´s easy.” Barnes began “You come home from your lecture at 12 pm, then you take lunch with him. He goes off to play golf at 1:30 pm. I turn of the security system at 1:40 pm. You slip into his office and get the documents of the vault. Then we meet at the gate 2 pm sharp. If something goes wrong, we meet at 3 pm here.” He finished with his everlasting, impenetrable face.
“Sounds solid.” Her phone vibrated. “My package arrived” Y/n announced while looking at her phone. “I´ll go get it. I´ll be back in 20. Don´t do anything fun without me” and she left.
 Barnes sat still for a few moments. He was thinking. Since she arrived this morning, something inside him had changed. But what was it? Bucky questioned himself. Then he realized that he had not thought of his anger about Sam, Steve and the shield. Also, his Yori-problem, all the guilt, slid into the background. Today Bucky had laughed and smiled more than he had since 1944. Now that he was there all alone, the silences came back. He felt the void, with all his worries, slowly approaching him.
“It’s the quietest most personal hell” Dr. Raynor´s voice echoed in his mind. Maybe she was right, he thought.
Someone knocked. Barnes rushed to the door. Anything was better now. Better than that awful silence. He threw the door open, just to find Yori standing right in front of him, with a pretty displeased face.
“What about dinner James? We said 6, it´s almost 7” Nakajima complained immediately.
“Oh. Dammit. I am so sorry. I forgot. It´s just. I had a crazy day. And I have a guest.”
“A girl?”
“No! Yes. But not like that. You know what. Just come in” Yori was all smiles as he passed by Bucky, who was desperate by his sudden change of mood.
“Who is she?” Nakajima queried. He was calmly crossing the short corridor, while Barnes closed the door. Bucky´s face went blank, as it occurred him. The report was laying on the counter.
“Ehhh. She. I mean. We” Bucky stuttered as he hurried into the kitchen to collect all the papers “We are coworkers. But she has a problem in her house and is staying a few days with me” He lied after stuffing the papers into an old black backpack, casually leaning against the sink. “She should be back any moment, then we can decide over dinner” Yori looked disappointed, but his face lit up a little after a second.
“You only have one bed” a suggestive smirk appeared on Nakajima´s face. If you looked close enough you could watch Barnes´s cheeks turn red. What did he do to deserve the day of today? He asked. Probably annoy his therapist and not follow the three holy rules, Bucky answered himself, but he won´t change it in the future.
“I will sleep on the floor”
“That´s not comfortable.”
“I know but I can´t share the bed with a stranger Yori”
“Did not mean that. I have two thin extra mattresses. You can have one, till she´s home again” Nakajima offered all serious again. Barnes first reaction would have been to reject his suggestion, but if he did that, he would need to explain why he wanted to sleep on the floor so bad. Or Nakajima would misinterpret Bucky´s intention with y/n.
“That would be great, thank you”
“No problem.”
Silence. Again. But it did not last long. Although Yori preferred not to talk, he felt that something was up. James was usually a very calm guy, but now he was wriggling around impatiently. So Nakajima started to tell about his day. Barnes listen attentively, while making some tea. Grateful not to be surrounded by silence.  
 “James? I´m back” y/n interrupted them. “I thought we could order pizza” Her voice lowered at the end of the sentences, as she turned around the corner seeing Barnes and Nakajima. “Oh! Hello, I`m y/n.” She introduced herself, reaching her free hand towards Yori. The other one was holding a grey sports bag.
“Yori Nakajima a pleasure to meet you” The little grey man replied, accepting her hand.
“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Nakajima. I didn´t know you were expecting someone today” Y/n said, first addressing Yori and then Bucky.
“Yori is my neighbor. We eat sometimes together, but I forgot that we agreed for dinner tonight” Barnes explained a little insecure, because he didn´t know if it was okey for her, sharing dinner with Yori. Nakajima was silently observing the interaction between both.
“Oh, but he can stay for the pizza don’t?” y/n asked Bucky with pleading puppy eyes. Something about that look made him feel warm inside.
“Yes of course.” Barnes agreed with a little smile, that only Yori seemed to notice. Approving whatever kind of relationship these two had, with a knowing look.
“Mr. Nakajima, what kind of pizza do you like?”
 Mr. Nakajima liked the classic New York-style pizza and enjoyed the red wine, Barnes found in one of the mostly empty cupboards of his kitchen.
“James you are really in need of some furniture” Y/n commented from a wooden chair. Yori was comfortably seated on the little armchair, even though he struggled a little reaching for his wine glass on the floor. Meanwhile Bucky was standing near the counter.
“I never planned to have people over and I´m almost never at home, so what´s the point of buying furniture”
“I live alone, but at least I have a table to sit on” Yori added while he balanced the plate on his knees reaching for the glass on the ground.
“Yeah, where do you eat usually? On the floor?” Y/n teased him grinning, before she took a bite of her pizza. Barnes shifted his weight on the left side, uncomfortable with all the questions.
“I never eat at home, cooking for myself isn´t worth it and if I order something I just sit on the floor or in the armchair” Bucky justified his meager living, shrugging and nodding towards Yori. Who just shook his head, amused, about the poor argument. This drew y/n attention to him.
“Mr. Nakajima you said you lived alone. Do you not have any family? Children?” She asked curiously. Regretting once again talking so thoughtlessly, as Yori´s face turned expressionless. Scared of breaking the silence. Y/n looked up to Bucky for help. But he was starring down at his pizza, lost in his own thoughts, which didn´t seem to be pleasant either. “I´m sorry if I did say something wrong. I didn´t know…” Nakajima took a deep breath, so she interrupted herself.
“It´s fine, as you said, you didn´t know. My wife died many years ago giving birth to my firstborn son.” Yori started talking calmly. “My son died a few years ago in a shooting. Since then, I´m alone. James moved here some months ago and spends some time with me. A girl, from the sushi restaurant around the corner, also keeps an eye on me, but that´s it.”
It took a while and an empty wine bottle to restore the relaxed atmosphere. The day ended with a more or less intense card game. After Bucky brought the mattress from Yori´s apartment to his empty livingroom. 
All rights reserved.
Ps. Yeah, i broke my own heart with the dinner scene
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thecandywrites · 3 years
Jewel Of The North Chapter 12
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Woo, I know it’s been a hot minute. But I gotta show Doug and Alorna getting their comupance because JUSTICE and REVENGE. Also, I wanted to send our little blended family on a cruise. Not just any cruise, but a Disney Cruise. Have I have been on a Disney Cruise? No. Do I want to? Yes. Did I watch three and a half hours worth of cruise videos talking about the Disney cruise ships and clubs and concierge level stuff for research? Yes. Is it crazy stupid expensive? Yes. Is this an escape fantasy from The Plague I’m living in? Yes.  Also because this is a fantasy story. I’m smudging reality. Becuase those pictures are from the Disney Dream, but last I knew it was the Disney Wonder that was in Alaska. But can I leave things there? No. Because I’m a Dramatic Bitch. And I live for the drama. And yes this has been sitting in my drafts for...way too long. But a few more bumps in the road, some hurdles AND THEN happily ever after. We are getting there. 
Jewel Of The North 
Chapter 12
Noah’s jaw was on the floor when you came out of the bathroom in the “infamous” gold dress as Noah wolf whistled. 
“Wow. That’s the gold dress eh?” Noah asked as he openly gawked at your body in it. 
“Yep. It’s the “gold maneater”. Every time my kids see me in it before now, they’ve always complained, because both already have to deal with enough of the “your mom’s a MILF” comments as it is and they think it's too risque for a woman my age. I actually got this dress as a dare from Tasha who said I need a “back on the market and on the menu” dress. Blossom calls it my “get dicked down dress”.” You laughed as you struck a few poses for him as Noah had a hard time forming a coherent sentence and simply made a string of half word-like sounds along the lines of ‘yeah’ ‘mmhmm’ of agreement as he simply settled for gestures of approval and agreement cause his words were failing him. 
“Yeah..that’s...that’s exactly what’s going to happen.” Noah reassured you which made you laugh even harder. 
“Oh I know. It’s the last night of the cruise, I wanted to go out with a bang.” You shrugged as you slipped your shawl on. 
“Ready?” You asked him. 
“I uh, I’ll need…” Noah tried to hint as he tried to adjust the bulge in his pants, it had only been hours since you had sex shortly after lunch, but he couldn’t help his reaction to you and he doubted he ever would get used to you or stop reacting to you like this. 
“A moment?” You guessed as you beamed smugly, happy to elicit such a reaction from him, even after you thought he would be sated, at least for a few hours but you would be lying if you claimed you didn’t want Noah to try to rip this dress off of you and ravish you- preferably after dinner because you had worked up an appetite. 
Being married to your former husband, Andrew, he was ok in bed. But he wasn’t necessarily “sexy” to you, at least in looks. He meant safety, security, stability and comfort for you when you met him and married him but eventually, the spark left, the more narcissistic traits you saw and experienced and the more of an ‘asshole’ he acted and the less natural chemistry you had. He didn’t always know how to get your engine revving and keep it revving. Mentally or emotionally which eventually bled into physically. 
But Noah? Oh, all you had to do was think about him and your whole body was humming and buzzing with delight, anticipation and- what you had thought was your long past dead sex drive- which thanks to the awakening it received from Noah, was very much alive and well and practically insatiable with Noah and even though you were losing count of how many times you had had sex, or made love in all of it’s forms, you hungered for more. And with just a look, a touch, or gesture, or especially warm, wonderful words and deeds from Noah and it was all over for you. He was...everything you had ever wanted or needed and you were so grateful you had waited for him because he had been worth the wait and definitely worth all the effort and he made all the bad times and obstacles and trials and tribulations up to this point- worth it and was the last piece of the puzzle and completed everything and you couldn’t wait for him to fully join and complete your family. 
Once Noah “recovered” enough, you went to dinner and if Noah had thought you garnered a lot of attention in the red dress, it was nothing compared to the attention you received in the gold dress. He never heard so many ‘god damn’s’ or ‘wow’s’ or even ‘holy fucking shit’s’ from guys and even other women when you strut past, with your arm happily hooked in the crook of Noah’s elbow. 
You were happy that his own gold tie matched your dress flawlessly so that it was clearly evident that you were a couple and one hell of an attractive one and you couldn’t help but notice how the women who weren’t looking at you, were staring in awe at Noah. And while you, understandably, weren’t necessarily one of the jealous types, it filled you with pride to be on his arm to show him off, cleaned up and looking like a million bucks himself and you felt so lucky to be with him.  
Even after dinner, when you went to one of the “clubs” on board, it was wonderful when Noah danced with you. Andy didn’t dance and hated to dance with you even though you loved to do so and would begrudgingly dance with you at weddings, only when you begged and pleaded for him to. 
Noah though? The man, thank the gods, had rhythm, and could keep up with you on the dance floor and the two of you danced really well and the chemistry you had in the bedroom spilled out everywhere else. You were so focused on grinding on Noah with his hands possessively on your hips and riding the hypnotic beats from the music to notice how Doug stared in disbelief as he watched from a safe distance while Alorna was in the restroom and felt jealousy eat him alive, that could have been him. He could have been the one to dance with the hot millionaire MILF. What did Noah honestly have that he didn’t? Was it because he was an ice orc instead of a “traditional” green one? Or was it the plane? Probably the plane. 
When Alorna came back she scuffed in disgust to see you and Noah on the dancefloor cutting it up, like you were in your own little worlds as she watched how all the guys who had been staring in desire at her, were now staring at you, their jaws on the floor and their hard ons tenting their pants.
“Come on Baby, lets go back to the casino, let her have this little tiny club, I’m feeling lucky tonight.” Doug insisted to get Alorna out of there before she started a fight because he could see the fire in her eyes that she wanted to start one. 
“So do I.” Alorna cooed as they strut out of there and went back to the casino and in the beginning they were winning back all their previous losses, but just like any casino, the longer they played, the more they lost until they lost even more than what they had previously won and then some. 
But all of that was a world away from you and Noah. 
You barely made it back to the room before Noah hiked your dress up, pulled your breasts out, moved your slimming panties to the side and fucked you into the back of the door of your room while sucking on your tits as you moaned and keened in ecstasy, to the point no one could pass by the hallway without knowing exactly what you were up to inside the room and by the time you made it to the bed, your dress was ripped, Noah’s buttons on his shirt had popped off and the room looked like a hurricane had torn through it and Noah and yourself slept like the dead, having worn each other out half the night. 
In the morning, you both got the remainder of your things together and checked out of the room and were happy when even with some shopping on board, you still had left over credit and you had the cruise cut Noah the check for your surplus and just as you disembarked, you watched as Alorna and Doug were arrested by four police officers as they had tried to disembark. 
“Get your hands off me!” Alorna screeched as she struggled as Doug was struggling too before both of them got tazed and pissed themselves as you and Noah gasped as you watched on from a safe distance before you two couldn’t help but snicker a laugh as everyone else watched on eagerly and laughed as they recorded it to upload it onto YouTube as the cruise simply handed them a very hefty bill, from not just their room and drinks and spa services and add ons but also a bill for tens of thousands owed at the casino.
“Wouldn’t want to be them.” You practically sang to Noah as you both laughed, watching them get their comeuppance. 
“Me neither.” Noah shook his head as you both eagerly watched as they were hauled off and you and Noah got your baggage and got a taxi to the hotel you would be staying in tonight before you would have to go to the airport the next day and each of you would fly your separate ways home. 
Once at the hotel you went ahead and booked the Disney cruise for the dates that worked best and went ahead and booked things for all the kids, the extra experiences and excursions you could, you wanted Sakura to have the princess treatment, and knew that Skylar, for as tomboyish as she was, she wouldn’t say no to some pampering, nor Zane for that matter as you did the same for things for you and Noah as Noah made plans of where he was going to park his plane and stuff and meet back up for the cruise before you made more plans of how you were going to move Noah and his own animals and pets and things down for the winter and when and even ordered new things to decorate Sakura’s room with because you were taking Sakura, and her pets home with you after the two families met and would hopefully, with all fingers crossed, would get along and get her on your insurances, get her in school and get her room ready for her so that moving in would be as easy and hopefully seamless as could be and even made plans so that Noah could fly his family down to see where Noah and Sakura would settle in for the winter and have a chance to have a really big, proper gosbe and merging of the two families in September as everyone in your family was eager to meet Noah and Sakura and their family too. 
You spent the last night together holding each other tightly, making promises and plans as you made love slowly, savoring every nano second because it would be a while before you would have the opportunity to have this pleasure with each other for a while. The next morning at their airport, Noah waited with you at the gate since your flight left before his, not wanting to spend a single second without you- that he didn’t have to and gave you one hell of a kiss goodbye. 
Several hours later, you both arrived home and while you were happy to be home, you missed Noah and Sakura especially and once the kids were dropped off at home, you sat them down to bring them up to speed with the first part of your plan and were surprised when both of them were ok and at peace with it, and strangely- eagerly looking forward to it and when they asked about the second part of the plan, of Noah and Sakura moving in with you for the fall, winter and spring and Noah working on flipping the estates while they were in school and you were at work- they were actually impressed and relieved that Noah would be “pulling weight” and working with your dad on the houses too and were more interested in the how rather than the why of the matter because they could tell that you genuinely loved Sakura and Noah and they were grateful that at least Noah was “connected” to people they knew and trusted, mainly, your father. 
“Ok, I’ll be honest, I totally thought I was going to have to do a lot more convincing.” You admitted to them once you seemed to have laid all your cards out on the table to them. 
“Grandpa Gru vouched for him and when Grandpa Gru talked with Noah’s dad Ukluk and Noah’s former father in law Tonrar, we were right there and got to hear most of it and we got to talk to them too and they’ve been talking back and forth ever since and Grandpa Gru has been telling us about him and Sakura and they were really nice, and we got to talk to Summer and Isla and we got to talk to Noah’s siblings, well, all of them except Alorna, who’s apparently in jail for slandering you as a priestess, which isn’t cool, but you can’t please everyone. But otherwise we got to talk to his former siblings in law too and even Sakura’s cousins who all seem really cool and they’re all pretty normal, which is a good thing. And to hear all of them be honest about Noah and his situation and especially about Neena and their relationship and how he treated her and how he treats his family as well as the circumstances of her own death and how he’s dealt with it, in particular how he didn’t turn to the bottle or any other vices, or even his own temper, impressed us, like a lot. And instead of a “sales speech” about how great he is, to hear he’s imperfect and makes mistakes but tries his best and treats the people around him respectfully and really well and has honor and a strong sense of duty and was already making sacrifices for people around him, and has similar values that we have and has a very similar situation that we have. That was enough for us. We also comprised a list of questions for him.” Xander revealed before they showed you the list. 
“Aww, this is really comprehensive.” You praised as you looked it over and grinned when you already knew the answers to most of these but you’d leave it to Noah to confirm them himself. 
“Can I copy this?” You asked. 
“Please do.” Skylar nodded before you went to your office and took a photocopy of the list, both sides before you took pictures and then took a pen and added a third page of things they didn’t come up with that Noah had to offer and things to talk about before you copied that and handed it to them to look at before you got a call from Noah. 
“Yes?” You answered when you picked up only to hear Sakura’s voice on the other end. 
“Hi Mama,” Sakura greeted you sleepily as you looked at your watch and noticed that it was bed time in her time zone as you yourself were feeling quite tired. 
“Hi Honey,” You greeted, your heart melting in your chest as your soul ached to be holding her again. 
“Can I have a bedtime story?” Sakura asked. 
“Of course,” you readily agreed. 
“I gotta read Sakura a bedtime story.” You informed your kids who both grinned knowingly and were happy to see you happy before you went upstairs to the bookshelf in your kid’s old playroom and got an appropriate story to read her and once Sakura was put to sleep, you talked with Noah and told him about the list and the developments with Sky and Zane and what your dad had done which Noah was very grateful for as Noah revealed that after you had boarded your plane and he was waiting for his own, that he got a call from your dad and the two talked for a couple of hours while he waited as your dad got to have a good conversation and came to an understanding and was surprisingly sympathetic and really nice and welcoming and Noah had a really good feeling that they were going to get along just fine and when he talked with your Mom, all your mom wanted to know was about his pets and horses and what he liked to to eat and drink and otherwise welcomed him with open arms which made you blow out a breath of relief you suggested that for next year that he would probably need to put an addition to his house for everyone which he was more than happy to agree to because his house currently was only a cottage sized house, big enough and cozy enough for Noah, you and Sakura but with adding Skylar and Xander and the menagerie to the mix, not so much. And even the barn would be cramped but Noah’s plot of land was definitely big enough to accommodate your needs and it could be made to work. 
In just the span of three weeks, you had turned one of your guest bedrooms into a bedroom for Sakura and worked overtime to make it perfect while also working with your dad, your brothers and brothers in law to make sure the outbuilding, aka the man cave- was ready for Noah and and looked into zoning for several acres of land to see if you turn it into a runway so that Noah wouldn’t have to rent a space at another air field and looked into commissioning an airplane hanger to be built on the property too since you had bought up the surrounding farmland. 
But that time seemed to fly by and now your children and yourself were waiting in the lobby of a hotel, waiting for Noah and Sakura to arrive while you and your children all played games on your phones as they were also waiting, having brought gifts for Sakura which were in gift bags while your own gifts had been a new suitcase full of new clothes and things for them both. 
While all of you were excited, you were particularly anxious because the weather forecast told you that this week was going to have some storms and you weren’t sure how the cruise was going to go if the weather was bad, but you had an abundance of seasickness medicine and other medicines, just in case. You were prepared. 
Finally Noah and Sakura made it into the hotel and the moment she saw you, she let go of Noah's hand and bolted for you. 
"Mama!" Sakura shrieked in delight as you readily got up and closed the distance as you caught her in your arms and tried and failed not to cry, when you got to hold her again as you kissed each other all over as Noah came over and simply kissed you sweetly before the three of you made it back over to where Xander and Skylar were still hanging out in the lounge area, gift bags in hand and friendly smiles on their faces before Sakura got down and practically tackled Skylar and Xander with hugs which made the kids laugh as Noah was holding Sakura’s gifts for your own children. 
“Hi, I'm Noatak, aka Noah, nice to meet you both.” Noah greeted your kids with a handshake which they were happy to give him, staring up at this mountain of a man, kind of awe but still a trace of fear because he was still just a little fear inspiring in person but they weren’t terrified or anything. His smile and demeanor and especially his energy was friendly and while they could tell he was nervous, he seemed to radiate calm and warmth, which is what Skylar picked up on the most and just by this first impression, she was cool. Xander, was still reserving his final judgement though. 
“Hi, I'm Skylar, you can call me Sky for short,” Your daughter mirrored and echoed back to him as she watched as her little hand disappeared into his much larger one. 
"And I'm Xander but you can call me Zane for short too." Xander replied before Sakura happily exchanged gifts as Zane and Sky were excited to see what Sakura would get them before a discussion was held about where to get dinner at before a place was decided that was within walking distance where the kids happily walked with their gifts, eagerly talking and getting to know each other which left you and Noah to walk hand in hand only a step behind them. 
“Here, you left this.” Noah said as he tried to hand you a check for the entire amount that you had left him on the day he flew you out. 
“Oh no you don’t. You need to keep that, it’s our money now, who knows when you’ll need it, moving can be expensive, as are planes, I know you already had plans to upkeep the plane this winter, I just made the “how” a little easier.” You argued as you took the check and promptly tore it into little pieces and stuffed the pieces into your pocket to burn later. 
“Nice try though.” You cooed to him. 
“Well then the moment we get back, I need to put you on my bank accounts so that you can access it anyway.” Noah insisted. 
“Only if you’ll let me do the same for you and my own accounts.” You proposed. 
“Only the small ones.” Noah gently countered. 
“Fair enough.” You grinned with a soft chuckle. 
Over dinner the kids brought out “the list” of questions as you and Noah sat side by side in the booth while the kids sat on the other side of the table as they went down the list while you waited for the food. 
“So what was your first job?” Zane began. 
“Well officially, the first job I had that came with a paycheck, was actually on a fishing boat, fishing for snow crabs and just about everything else under the sun up there and that’s how I saved up my money to buy the plane. But otherwise I have been flying with my dad in his plane since before I was old enough to legally drive as did my brother who actually flies for USPS.” Noah revealed which got all but Sakura to blink in surprise. 
“Well that might come in handy, there’s supposed to be storms this week on the cruise, I’ll need your help getting my sea- legs.” You murmured. 
“Oh there’s plenty of tricks to getting the seasickness to abate.” He reassured all of you which made you feel better about the prospect of spending a cruise on stormy seas as he simply squeezed your hand reassuringly. 
“So how did you know that our mom was the one for you?” Skylar asked which got Noah to bark a laugh for her bluntness. 
“Direct, I like it, actually, she was the answer to a lot of prayers, the least of which was financial.” Noah began. 
“I had been praying, ever since Neena died, so for a while now, for the right woman to look at Sakura and see a daughter, her daughter specifically and love her just as much as I do and would want to be her mother and would be an excellent mother at that and be what Sakura needed to help her heal from the loss of her first one. And have a future with her without erasing or ignoring the past and who would respect our culture and not look down on it, and would help her embrace it. And your mom did all of that and more, like so much more than I ever could have thought to hope for, much less pray for.” Noah answered as you practically glowed with pride next to him and smiled so adoringly at him and thanked all the gods for a man who finally recognized your contributions and gave you credit where it was due. 
“Because she prayed with me to the same gods my first mama and all my grandparents pray to and then she showed me how she prayed to hers and we shared a lot of the same ones and she made me my summer solstice outfit, just like my first mama did, only better. And hugging her felt like I was hugging my first mama, that she loved me just as much.” Sakura volunteered which melted everyone’s hearts. 
“And it became immediately apparent to me just on that first day that it was The Gods Will that everything that I packed for Taylor and her family, I packed two, and both sets made it and it just so happened that Noah needed everything that I had packed but he didn’t ask for any of it and I sincerely doubt he ever would have either. But he did appreciate it and was more than deserving of it too and while his house wasn’t the biggest or grandest house I’ve ever been in, he built it with his own two hands and he built it well and it was full of more love than anything which was very keenly felt. And I could tell that Noah took care of his house really well too, everything was in good working order, and well maintained and neat and orderly and pretty clean too. He’s been used to doing all the domestic chores along with earning an income and providing for his family just like me and trying to carry everything all by himself which is hard and a burden- I’m all too familiar with myself and he cooks really well too. So, win-win.” You added with a proud smile which got Sky to smile fondly and even Zane to grin as he sat on one side of Sakura while Skylar sat on the other side of her which Sakura couldn’t be happier about, being surrounded by her new family. 
“So how did you know that Daddy was the one for you Mama?” Sakura asked you in turn. 
“Well he also answered a lot of prayers for me too. So on the trip up to the Frozen Tundra, I had to take a flight and a short cruise up there and it was just non stop men with a few women too, both married, divorced, single, in and out of all kinds of relationships and it was just a barrage of mostly guys wanting to buy me every drink at every bar that they could make- in an effort to have sex with me and I was really sick of it, been sick of it for years now and I was worn down and weary of it all. Like even the spa manager on that first cruise ship tried to have sex with me so my guard was up and I figured I wouldn’t have a break from that until I got to Taylor’s house when surprise- surprise, even there, I ran into the same thing from her brother in law and the whole way up I had been praying that I would find a friend and find relief from all of that and lo and behold- Noah was there waiting for me to get off the boat and he didn’t flirt with me once on that first day or even the second and not really on the third either. He was nothing but respectful and professional to me even before I met him and after he met me in person he showed unbelievable restraint and self control which encouraged me to do the same, because the moment I saw him in person, I thought he was the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on and there was that instant attraction, connection and chemistry and even with all of that, he let me just hang out and help him in exchange for flying me all over which I love flying and at the first subtle sign of discomfort from other’s advances, he didn’t hesitate to protect me and shield me from those unwanted advances from everyone else and it was such a welcome relief, like it was walking into a cool air conditioned room to rest and get replenished and feel completely safe while also feeling completely free and it was so wonderful to feel that after being in the oppressive heat all day with buzzing mosquitoes trying to suck every bit of blood and joy and peace from me they could and it was really nice and refreshing.” You began which got Noah to huff a laugh. 
“That’s funny I felt the same way but kind of the opposite.” Noah said. 
“I was oppressive heat?” You laughed. 
“No, no, no, it was the opposite in that for me it felt like it was the never ending winter and oppressively cold, but with you- it was like getting that first warm breeze of summer, where the winter finally shakes it’s hold on everything and wishy washy spring where it’s cold one day and hot the next only to be cold the day after that- it felt like winter was finally over and once that warm summer breeze rolls in, it’s even and stable and you can trust that it’ll stay warm instead of trying to rip it away in two seconds, and you did smell like some tropical blooms in paradise, and what was really poignant, was that morning when I dropped Sakura off at my mom’s, my mom said her tea leaves told her that I would find Paradise that day and at the time I had no idea what she meant but the second I met you, it was crystal clear.” Noah explained. 
“Which is why I called you Paradise at first Mama and because she showed me the tea leaves and then did some more and they told me that you were a really good mama, one of the best.” Sakura sighed dreamily as she smiled adoringly at you as you mirrored her. 
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” You fawned as you picked up his hand and kissed the back of it sweetly before you reached across the table to stroke Sakura’s cheek with your palm and smiled even brighter when she leaned into your touch as Zane and Skylar smiled fondly too as that seemed to cement things for Skylar especially, the gods themselves picked Noah and Sakura out for them and through destiny itself, brought them together.  
“So anyway, when I first came up, when I finally got to him- others tried to flirt with me, once he observed that I was tired and uncomfortable, he shut them down and stood up for me without asking for anything in return or trying to flirt with me himself even though at the time I would have probably flirted back but because he showed restraint, I showed some too and he was generous with me without any thought of being paid back for any of it and treated me like we’d been friends for years and we just got along and we clicked on just that base- friendship level because he thought I was married and I thought he was married and we both deeply respected those boundaries and didn’t push them and when we found out that we were both widowed, it didn’t jump straight from friends to romantic, it stayed friends and it grew very organically from there and he went above and beyond for me, helping me with my luggage, helping drive half my crap to Taylor’s house, and hugging him that first night felt like hugging home, only it wasn’t a home I had known yet and it was such a relief all around and a very welcome change.” You explained. 
“Yeah except, because you were that wonderful paradise compared to everything else and it’s not like I wasn’t immediately attracted to you either. You were wonderful on the phone and then when I saw you coming down the pier with a plane load of cargo, I figured you were my fare but the closer you got, the more I could see and I had every intention of meeting you halfway but once I got a good look at you, my whole body just froze and my brain shut down and my eyes got tunnel vision and I just watched completely bewitched as the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life who looked like paradise incarnate, coming down the pier and so that’s why I just stupidly stood there and stared at you like an awkward teenager and then when you saw me, smiled politely and turned and called me and pulled me out of that daze, I almost said ‘sorry, we don’t get too many drop dead gorgeous women up here’ but that would have been incredibly unprofessional and inappropriate and my mouth has never worked that smoothly with my brain and then when I was driving you to the plane and I’m seeing every sailor, every passenger, every guy with a pulse stop, stare and do a double take, I thought I needed a warhammer strapped to my back and I thought I was going to be fighting all of them off just to keep you safe because we may live in a polite- modern society but that can change in a hot minute and I had to hide behind my sunglasses and I was terrified something was gonna happen to you and so I had to call Taylor and voice my concerns to her because again, didn’t want to be rude to you and told her that you needed a bodyguard and she told me to volunteer basically before she laughed and hung up.” Noah confessed. 
“Really?” You and the kids all laughed in delight, grateful that there was that instant attraction and chemistry. 
“Yeah, so like I just had to put myself on my best behavior because I did not want to mess up anything with you.” Noah explained. 
“Well obviously it worked.” You reassured him. 
“Plus when I met Sakura, I had the most overwhelming mothering urges towards her, like every instinct in my mind and body was telling me to love her and take care of her and do everything in my power to make sure she was ok and help her in any way I could, whether it benefited me or not. And when I got to hug and hold her for the first time, it was like I was holding you guys after I first gave birth to you. That ‘there you are, I’ve waited so long to finally meet you and I’m gonna love you forever.’ feeling.” You repeated and even now Noah still got misty eyed just thinking about it as Skylar had her arm around Sakura and hugged her tight too. 
“And that’s exactly what I prayed for.” Noah repeated. 
“And then to know that he wasn’t a stranger or just some guy- but to know that it was Grandpa Gru’s old airforce brother from another mother, that- that- was his dad and that our families had actually been old friends before my dad had moved us away, that if my parents had stayed we would have grown up together and probably would have been friends starting then too. And the fact that Taylor also vetted him for me, and that Taylor knew him and knew his family too so that I had not just that childhood connection but also have that mature adulthood character reference and his reputation alone was outstanding and the fact that he not only respected me but respected my profession too which is a really big deal, especially for me, when so many think it’s an invitation for solicitation, but not him, he recognized that it was, not just my bread and butter but actually my calling and was really helpful and supportive.” You mused. 
“Well and likewise, because you were the first client since Neena died that didn’t haggle me or look down on me because I was an ice orc and a pilot and you didn’t treat me and my family like tourist attractions which has happened a lot before and you respected me and my profession which also went a long way too.” Noah confessed. 
“Yeah, being objectified sucks, we just get objectified for different things. I’m actually worried that’s gonna happen on the cruise, that you and Sakura will get patronized because you’re ice orcs and get roped into posing for other guests who think you’re part of the experience.” You confessed. 
“Nah, I wouldn’t, if Sakura and I brought our native regalia, maybe, but since we didn’t, I doubt that’ll happen, I don’t think people will care enough to notice us because usually we get ignored everywhere we go that isn’t home where we know everyone.” Noah reassured you. 
“But, back to what we were talking about, the moment you came into my life, suddenly money was the last thing to matter to me, all that really mattered was Sakura and you, and making sure both of you were ok and taken care of and most of all safe.” Noah professed. 
“Aww, I had the same feeling but especially for Sakura, like I knew you would be ok and could take care of yourself and I knew Sakura would be ok as long as you would be successful so making you as successful as possible so you could continue to care for her became my immediate goal. Which is why once I found out that your competition was undercutting you to steal your already limited pool of clients, I felt I needed to try to help any way I could and it ended up working out really well. And what worked out even better was that all the money that I made that first day, even when I went and didn’t expect to make any money at all, I spent helping you even more so that it was in no way a burden and the more I gave and the more I helped, the more blessing and happiness I got in return and the blessing didn’t stop at you and Sakura, it went to your family and Neena’s family too and even the clans, despite Alorna and Doug’s attempts to sabotage that because the seeds and things I brought from the lower 48 that I barely spent anything on- ended up getting split up and going to all the clans and it all got used and appreciated which is, at the end of the day, what matters.” You added. 
“And it proved to everyone what a fine woman you were that even in the face of deep disrespect and sabotage that you kept your cool and kept your composure and were classy and gracious and respectful and still honored the clans and the council, which was the right thing to do, it wasn’t easy and I didn’t make it any easier on you either.” Noah confessed. 
“How did you make it hard?” Zane asked with a frown. 
“I took her concession as her giving up on me and Sakura and it wasn’t that at all, she was in her own priestess regalia and in regalia, she has a code she needs to abide by and I didn’t take that into account or consideration at all and I, very wrongly jumped to the conclusion that she was giving up and I will probably regret that mistake till the day I die.” Noah readily confessed which impressed Zane and Skylar that he was humble enough to admit he made a mistake and owned up to it and didn’t sugar coat it or downplay it but was actually very factual in his recounting which was very honest and forthcoming, which they respected and admired. 
“Well you need to forgive yourself for that, I know I have, and beating yourself up for a mistake won’t get you anywhere.” You comforted him with another squeeze of his hand. 
“No but it sure did teach me some humility and the lesson to not to jump to conclusions and to actually talk things out and figure it out instead of just emotionally reacting.” Noah gently countered. 
 “And it taught me to explain myself before misconceptions and misunderstandings happen because the difference in culture is still there.” You allowed. 
“Huh,” Zane hummed and shrugged it off. 
“But that’s still a really good thing that you would admit that you were in the wrong and obviously you apologized and tried to make amends and that you’re humble enough to admit that you were wrong and learned lessons, even as an adult.” Skylar praised. 
“And what an apology it was.” You grinned cheekily which got Noah to blush and smile bashfully. 
“It wasn’t just sex was it? It was an actual apology right?” Zane pressed. 
“Yes, it was an actual apology, like, crying, on his knees, begging for forgiveness and admitting fault and promising to do better and then following through with actions.” You reassured Zane. 
“And then yes, sex.” Noah took a chance and teased Zane which got Skylar to snort a snickering laugh as Sakura giggled too as Zane just sighed tiredly and resigned himself to this even though secretly he was relieved that it was Noah that you had chosen, or the gods rather, because now that you were in a serious relationship, his friend’s dads would hopefully now be deterred and stop drooling over you already.
“Yeah, I guess that’s inevitable and part of a healthy, committed monogamous relationship right?” Zane returned, trying to be cool about it because he could tell Noah was being harmless, in his joking and appreciated the gesture and could humor him. 
“Yup, very healthy,” You nodded. 
“And very committed and monogamous.” Noah nodded in turn. 
“So have you ever killed anyone?” Skylar asked which got you and Noah to laugh because she just- came in from left field with that one. 
“No, I have killed many animals though, for hunting purposes because hunting and trapping is legal and absolutely necessary if you’re going to live up there.” Noah answered. 
“What’s the biggest thing you’ve killed?” Skylar asked. 
“A bull moose that was just over 1500 pounds, getting that thing to my plane was the hardest thing because you have to dress it in the field and carry it out in pieces and carry it out quickly before the wolves and bears get wind of it. But thankfully I was hunting with my dad and my brothers and brothers in law so we all helped and we got a few moose that day, it set up the families for most of the winter actually.” Noah began before he recounted his other hunting expeditions and by the end of dinner, Sky and Zane seemed happy and satisfied with Noah’s answers to his questions and Noah in turn got his own questions about you and them, answered too. 
You went back to the hotel and you tried to “ease” everyone into this by getting two hotel rooms, one for Noah and Sakura and the other for your kids and yourself, but they were right next to each other and had a door from one to the other that you kept open and once the kids got dressed to go swimming in the hotel’s pool and Noah got to see you in a bikini again, he nearly lost control and had to actively remind himself that not only was Sakura around, but your own children and the guests at the hotel meant he couldn’t just scoop you up and fuck you against the closest surface. The bikini wasn’t even all that “sexy” it was actually modest compared to most but your body in it was giving every ounce of will power he had a run for its money. 
“Did you miss me?” You cooed to him as you caught him staring at you as you laid out the kid’s towels down over the sun chairs as you taunted him by wiggling your butt just enough to make it jiggle a little. 
“You have no idea.” Noah returned huskily as he simply came up behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you flush to him to pin his hardening cock to your backside and left the most salacious kiss on the side of your neck, your knees almost buckled from under you as you dropped your own towel on the ground as your whole body betrayed you and you were ready to rip your bikini off of your frame and offer yourself to him poolside. 
“Fuck.” You cursed under your breath as it was suddenly unbearably hot in the sun, because Noah had practically set you on fire with just that little touch and kiss. 
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” He teased you. 
“You keep pushing it and this will end in one of two ways, I get away from you so I don’t fuck you in front of the gods and everyone- right here, right now and scar the kids for life or you can figure out a way we can both sneak away for five or ten minutes so we can get our own private business taken care of.” You offered as you bent at the waist to pick up your towel and to feel his shaft tried to spear the cleft of your ass as it laid against the length of it.  
Thankfully the kids soon made friends with the other kids swimming at the pool and Noah and yourself did manage to “sneak” into a family’s restroom. 
That door was barely shut and locked before Noah ripped your bottoms off as you barely had a chance to step out of them before he picked you up, pinned you against a wall and entered you roughly then started up a very earnest and powerful rhythm as he kissed you like a man starved while you clung to him like a lifeline while you tried to stamp down your whimpering keens and feeling rejoined was feeling like you were whole again. 
“Gods I’ve missed you.” You confessed between scorching hot kisses. 
“Missed you too, my hand has been a poor substitute.” Noah confessed which got a giggle to bubble from your throat. 
“Likewise.” You returned as his hips snapped forcefully into yours and the pleasure was almost overwhelming, after three weeks of just talking on the phone, seeing him again in person, the magic and the sparks and the chemistry was still there, if anything there was more of it. That three weeks had felt just as long as the two years between losing Andy and finding Noah to begin with and it was crazy how in a month, what once was a stranger was now the center of your life and the same could be said for Noah. 
But at least you had all the texts, phone calls and emails. And thankfully Noah had been busy with his business while you were gone, having practically worked nonstop once he got back. And you talked to both him and Sakura at least once a day, especially at night, reading stories to Sakura to put her to sleep and then talking to Noah about his day after putting Sakura to bed. And sometimes it was just decompressing or heart and soul bearing conversation and other times it turned into some really amazing phone sex. But none of it held a candle to the real thing and way faster than you were expecting, you came in a shuddering keen, nuzzling your face into the crux of his neck and shoulder while your fingertips dimpled into the meat of his shoulders and back and it took less than ten pumps later before Noah finally let loose himself and pumped you full of his seed, a growling groaning moan as he simply pinned you against the wall and held you tight and nuzzled his face in the juncture of your own neck and shoulder and breathed in your scent deep into his lungs, feeling anchored by it because now, that he had you in his arms, he didn’t care about anything else. Everything else seemed so far away now. 
By the time you made it back out, Sakura was on Zane’s shoulders as he and some of the other kids there were playing chicken and didn’t notice that you and Noah had stepped away it seemed as you both slipped into the warm water and swam around until the sunset and you finally got to go back to the rooms where you happily put Sakura to bed, snuggling with her in her bed as you read a story from your phone to her as Sky and Zane got ready for bed in their own bed across from you and watched on fondly before they fell asleep after Sakura did before you happily crawled into bed with Noah, made love and then fell asleep in his arms, finally sleeping well for the first time in weeks and Skylar and Zane didn’t have any issues with it in the morning which was a relief for you and Noah. 
Before loading the cruise ship you had Noah take you and your second set of luggage and a huge crate of gifts for kids, all of Sakura’s cousins on both sides of her family since you and your kids had insisted on also getting gifts for their soon to be cousins and loaded those up on the plane so you wouldn’t have to worry about those gifts getting dirty or damaged before they could reach their recipients and your kids got to explore Noah’s plane which they thought was really cool, Skylar actually did summersaults down the cargo hold as Zane sat in the cockpit and eagerly looked at all the controls and was asking Noah about what each one was and did which made you happy as Noah promised that after the cruise, he would let them fly the plane for a few minutes on the way home which made them really happy and excited for. Which made you so excited to see everything again, but instead of the eyes of a visitor but from the eyes of a soon to be local. 
Thankfully you got onto the cruise ship early because you were in the concierge royal suite and not surprisingly, Zane and Skylar seemed to make new friends right at check in, some of them had even been at the hotel the night before and even Sakura made new friends too which gave you some relief that she wasn’t being left out or ignored. Skylar and Zane could make fast friends wherever they went when they wanted to and for a week long cruise, they could do so freely to make the trip more enjoyable and Skylar and Zane had gifted Sakura a little notebook to write down all the names of all her friends so that once they got on board they could send each other gifts and “pixie dust” to other guests which Zane and Skylar insisted that all the kids staying in all of the handicap rooms on board get pixie dust in particular which damn near made Noah cry because of how thoughtful and inclusive they were to include them as Sakura also agreed to do the same which made you particularly proud. You had also spent the last three weeks making sure that you would have all the extra touches and flourishes that would make the cruise memorable and special for everyone. 
Once you were invited to board, you got your pictures taken and then it was announced to the welcoming crew that the Kintucks and the Kingsleys were arrived which Sakura thought was really fun and once onboard the concierge lounge on the ship, you got each of them the program for the cruise and your highlighters out and brought out the list of things you had already put into your agenda, like princess makeovers and royal tea service for the nights you would be going to Rapunzel’s Royal Table for dinner where it was basically Disney’s version of “formal nights” as all five you got to have your choice about activities for the cruises. 
Noah, unsurprisingly, was happy to just be along for the ride. Sky and Zane were really looking forward to all the kids clubs and since this was Sakura’s first cruise, much less a Disney one, she was just eager to experience everything she could as Skylar and Zane were equally eager to share the experiences with her while you were eager to have some good proper alone time with Noah because your suite had two huge whirlpool tubs, one for the master and one for the kid’s room and while you brought plenty of bath bombs for the kids, you also brought some for yourself too along with some amazing lingerie just for Noah’s enjoyment, as all of you tried to get used to the rocking of the boat. 
“So...what’s that trick to getting your sea legs?” Zane asked Noah as you could tell from his expression that he was getting a little queasy as he sipped on his ginger ale. 
“Ok so back when I was on a fishing boat, what we would do is we would fill the hold up with sea water, get our gear on, as if we would go overboard and we would take turns throwing each other into the holding tank, like throwing each other as high in the air as we could, with more flips and twists, the better and when the body gets thrown around like that, it’s forced to re-calibrate itself and even in a really bad storm there is always a rhythm to the waves that your body gets used to, we would barely be out of port and we would start doing this, usually on the third throw, maybe the fifth throw if you’re really bad off, you’re good to go, now the biggest trick is when you get back on land, your body will still want to follow the rhythm of the sea and you can get “land sickness”, which is getting sea sick sitting perfectly still, but again, it’s the same trick to get out of it.” Noah explained.  
“So you yeet us basically.” Skylar grinned excitedly. 
“Yeah, into the pool.” Noah nodded. 
“Yes!” Skylar cheered which got Noah to laugh as he looked around casually and noticed something...odd. 
“Hey, not to be a worry wart but we might have a problem, 8’oclock.” Noah murmured to your family as he looked around casually again which got everyone’s ears to pick up. 
“What?” You asked, as you instantly looked around yourself before you noticed the family in the direction Noah alluded to before your own stomach dropped. 
“They’re looking at Zane pretty hard.” Noah realized. 
“Ah, fans, this happens quite a bit, hopefully they’ll be cool and not swarm me.” Zane muttered in resignation. 
“Cause of your YouTube channel?” Noah asked. 
“Most likely, they don’t look like the ballet following type.” Zane answered. 
“If they come over and bother you- do you want me to get rid of them?” Noah offered casually. 
“Uh, well, there’s no reason to be rude, but yeah if they get bothersome and hound me, please do.” Zane answered, happy and relieved that Noah would even offer before the family couldn’t help it and came over. 
“Hey, are you Zane Kingsley, with King’s Snakes?” Another boy asked Zane as the family from across the lounge had been staring and gawking at Zane the moment your family had been waiting to board the ship and Noah noticed Zane plastered on that same, forced polite smile you did that first day when that whole tavern tried to buy you drinks as Noah looked from Zane to you to see you did the same thing as Skylar didn’t bother hiding her annoyance at the intrusion while Sakura looked on curiously as she ate her snack. 
“Yeah, that’s me,” Zane reluctantly confirmed before the whole family seemed to gush and fawn and geek out that they met a “celebrity” on the cruise before they all got pictures with Zane as Zane humored them and gave them autographs while he tried to keep it about the snakes, asking if they had any and was happy that they were looking to buy one soon. 
“Oh my goodness, look at us being so rude, are you vacationing with your family?” The mom asked. 
“Yup, that’s my mom Zara, my sister Sky, my soon to be stepsister Sakura, and soon to be step dad Noatak.” Zane introduced which brought a more genuine smile to your face. 
“Oh wow, you guys are ice orcs aren’t you?” The dad asked. 
“Yup, we’re from the Sungilak tribe too.” Sakura volunteered. 
“Oh that’s so awesome, do you mind if we get pictures of you guys too? We’ve never met ice orcs before, you have such beautiful coloring.” The mom tried to flatter. 
“Sure.” Sakura agreed before she smiled really brightly for them as you and Noah shared a meaningful look before the family seemed satisfied they left you alone. 
“Gods, please let that be the only time that happens.” You muttered to Noah worriedly as you squeezed his hand as you walked the halls to your suite to get changed into your bathing suits since the luggage that wasn’t your carryons had already been delivered. 
You all got to your room and just as the other guests were boarding, Noah took the lifeguard aside and explained what he was about to do to you and your family and got special permission to do so since he would be throwing you guys much higher and farther than would normally be allowed but they trusted Noah for his word and his experience. 
Skylar had never screamed more gleefully in her life, even on roller coasters, she didn’t squeal so loudly and Sakura did about the same and Zane even let out a shout or five as you marveled at Noah’s strength in not only picking you up but throwing you just as high and just as far as the kids but it worked like the charm it was. Then Noah jumped and did flips in the air to calibrate himself to it and once done, all of you happily went back to the room to fully settle in and get ready for the sailing away party as Sakura got to be on your shoulders while Skylar requested to enjoy it on Noah’s shoulders and was happy to be the tallest in the crowd that was gathered. 
The first two days of the cruise were perfect, everyone got to have all their fun events that they wanted to go to and no one had issues with seasickness at all and you and Noah got to fully reconnect and Noah loved the lingerie and loved getting it off of you in record time too while the kids were in their kid’s clubs and do a lot of crafts in the oceaneers clubs. 
The third day however, the storms hit and thankfully you were in the middle of the ship so you didn’t have to have deal with the bow going up and down with the waves, but the winds and rains hitting the glass of the veranda was the scariest thing you had encountered on the sea as all three of the kids huddled close to you in your bed as Sakura was squarely on your chest, Zane was under your right arm and Skylar was under your left and Noah was on the other side of Skylar as Noah simply smiled fondly to see you comforting all your children through the storm and was relieved that none of you were faring badly because of the seasickness as you all huddled together under the blankets during the worst of the storm. 
Then after that, the storms passed and things went back to normal however, for the rest of the cruise, your family soon garnered more and more attention every time you left your cabin as Zane got an exorbitant amount of attention and “pixie dust” from just about all the kids on board because the news of “a celebrity” had traveled fast and even Noah and especially Sakura was approached a lot too, to the point that Noah actually did have to intervene and remind the other guests that you were all on a family vacation and that if they wanted pictures with ice orcs, to get them on shore with the others who were actually dressed to cater to tourists but that he and his daughter were not part of the attractions themselves and that Zane was also on a private family vacation and appreciated his privacy which Zane had never been more grateful and thankful for Noah to do as Skylar was more adoring of him in those moments than she had been yet because usually you fiercely protected Zane from “fanatical fans” but with Noah, he was the best deterrent yet and she had immediately claimed him as her step dad and had instantly started calling him "Dad" which Noah got used to pretty quick as Zane had to get a second piece of luggage to pack all of the “pixie dust” from the cruise. 
Then when you got off the boat with your luggage, Noah flew you back to your family’s new home away from home, to meet his family which your kids thought was the coolest thing to be flown in and all took turns in the cockpit with the head gear and help steer the plane and then the kids happily loaded themselves into the back of the pickup truck with their luggage and thought the Frozen Tundra was really, really pretty, with the mountains and the greens and the swaths of wild flower blooms in the other fields and you had them also pack gifts for their soon to be cousins as well, making sure that all the kids were accounted for and prayed that the kids would like the gifts as you went to Noah’s house first to unload all your luggage as Zane happily poached stickers and other items from all the “pixie dust” that he got form all his “fans” on the cruise and added them to the gift bags for a special Disney touch to them. 
You were never more relived to see Neena's family with the Noah’s family again as they still gave you the same warm welcome that they had done last time and Sakura was so proud to introduce her new siblings to all her cousins who were thrilled to get presents as you and Noah watched on, as Skylar of course, wanted to wrestle with her new boy cousins while Zane was content to simply sit and talk with his new girl cousins as they all happily played with their new things of slime happily around the card table in the game room. 
“Ok, you guys can wrestle if you want but here are the rules, no broken anything, no broken noses, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles and obviously necks, we don’t want to take anyone to the ER today, that kind of thing. No pulling hair or braids or anything like that, and anything that a bathing suit would cover is off limits and of course, honor the tap out code and only displays of good sportsmanlike conduct is allowed. And boys, if you’re not cool with a girl like Skylar getting the best of you and beating you, don’t wrestle with her in the first place. She’s had a lot of formal training. Skylar, only match what you’re about to be given, no ganging up on anyone, lets play fair, one on one or two on two or however it has to go to be even. No breaking furniture or windows or anything like that, let’s be respectful of each other and the space. No trash talking or anything like that.” You specified, making sure you made eye contact with all of them before they all eagerly nodded their agreement. 
“Ok, have at it then.” You agreed before you backed away before it descended into controlled chaos.
“Does that happen a lot?” Isla asked as she sat next to you on the couch with Summer as you all watched as Skylar happily started pinning each one down to the ground as all the boys were beyond happy and excited that a girl was willing to play this rough and could go toe to toe with them and they didn’t have to worry about holding back to keep from hurting her cause she was one tough cookie. 
“Yeah, now don’t misunderstand, the two of them could just as easily switch places. And at home, Zane is Skylar’s workout and sparring partner so he knows everything that she does martial arts wise and in school he was the one to restrain her when she would get in fights in school so he knows those holds better than she does. But he prefers to make interpersonal connections through talking. Skylar, is obviously more physical and they’ll both bond to everyone else, just through different means. And Skylar, is actually a really gifted, graceful dancer and Zane can do all kinds of lifts with her and it helps her keep her own balance in the martial arts, but she prefers the skin on skin contact and getting to know each one by playing like this.” You explained before you watched Skylar actually kick one particular boy cousin off of her with so much power he practically went flying backwards about 10 feet, a few feet off the ground as Zane saw him coming and pulled the other girl cousins out of the way so they didn’t get pulled into it and hurt as the boy got up and laughed and dove back in as the other fathers watched their sons play fight with amusement as the other women were puting the finishing touches on dinner as Noah had never beamed with so much pride at seeing Skylar seem to take on two at a time with ease and judging by all the bright smiles on all the faces of the kids, they were all definitely having fun. 
“So how was the cruise?” Noah’s brother Nago asked from the pool table.  
“Uh, it was a mixed bag honestly. The first couple of days were awesome. Then word got out that “a celebrity” was on the cruise and then it wasn’t so great. Zane has a YouTube channel about breeding ball pythons and he’s only ten but he’s already making money as a breeder and he’s actually really, really smart when it comes to their care and genetics and medical care. And so, because of that exposure, he gets recognized a lot and he got recognized on the ship and he signed more autographs than Mickey Mouse did. It was insane. And it got to the point that he had me step in and remind these people that he wasn’t at an expo, he wasn’t on this cruise for any kind of publicity but he was just on a private family vacation and it’s a good thing I have a mean glare to keep them at bay but it was the same people who objectified Sakura and I the whole time, thinking because we were ice orcs that we were part of the cruise and the experience too, that wasn’t cool and Zara showed her claws a few times trying to keep Sakura safe and not hassled either and the staff of course was really cool and understanding and helpful. And then of course we had those storms roll in and it got pretty dicey a few times and if I had not done the water tank trick on all of them and myself, all of us would have been sicker than a dog that whole time. But even with all of that going on, Zara never faltered once. She was amazing and kept everyone safe and together and having a good time and to Sakura, she just thought it was the best family vacation she had ever been on and thankfully didn’t think the attention she got was a bad thing as Skylar warmed right up to me and loved it that I was bigger and taller than anyone else on board and loved to sit on my shoulders to watch all the shows that weren’t canceled due to weather. Zane is of course reserving judgement which I can’t argue with or find fault in. So, like I said, mixed bag.” Noah surmised. 
“Well of course it wasn’t going to be perfect. Nothing ever is.” Ukluk noted. 
“No, I wasn’t expecting it to be but I just wasn’t exactly expecting what we got either.” Noah muttered as he continued to watch Skylar closely to make sure she wasn’t getting hurt before she put one of Sakura’s cousins, Kako into a choke hold. 
“Hey! Kako! Tap out, she’s gonna make you pass out buddy.” Noah suggested as Suka laughed at how his son was being put into a choke hold as Kako never looked happier to be in such a state. 
“I’m good!” Kako tried to say as he waived off his uncle in between trying to squirm out of the hold only a minute later he went limp into a pile on the floor before Skylar let him go and rolled him over with the help of his siblings and other cousins as they all cheered that she had knocked him out before they clamored for her to do the same thing to them. 
“Really?” Skylar asked. 
“Yeah!” They insisted before Skylar looked at you and then to Noah and the other dads for permission. 
“Go for it!” Nago, Yakone, Tonrar, Dave, Max and John all encouraged her. 
“If that’s what they want, go for it Sweetie.” Ukluk laughed and gave her the nod before she beamed and outright tackled the rest of them until she had all the boys passed out on the floor around her and stood and caught her breath and appraised her handiwork while Noah and his brothers and brothers in law and his father and father in law all give her high fives and teased that she needed to come over to their house for sleep overs to do that to their sons that night for bed. 
“If this was two hundred years ago, she would be getting marriage proposals left and right for that.” Isla practically cackled to you which made the rest of you laugh with her. 
“Yeah, most of the boys at school already view her as this little warrior goddess as it is. And she’s only 8, just turned 8 too, I can’t imagine what she’ll be like at 18, but my rule is, no dating while in elementary, middle or high school. If you want to date in college that’s your choice but nothing before that.” You insisted. 
“Ooh, that’s gonna be hard, especially up here, most are matched before high school graduation.” Isla grimaced. 
“Well then she’ll be one of the few who aren’t as will Zane, and Sakura. Because they’re children right now and they should focus on being kids, having fun, enjoying hobbies, learning life skills and school. Not anything romantic, they’re still growing and developing and maturing for their age, romance should be the last thing pushed onto them.” You insisted. 
“Agreed.” Noah practically boomed from across the room which made you smile even brighter as Skylar then joined Zane’s group and met all the girl cousins and sat next to Sakura and put her arm around her. 
“Can you show me how to do that?” Sakura asked Skylar. 
“And me?” The other girls chimed in. 
“Yeah sure, wait for them to wake up first.”  Skylar said as she nodded over to the boys who were still passed out before their mothers came down to get everyone. 
“What happened to the boys?” Samantha asked worriedly, seeing her sons passed out on the floor. 
“Oh Sammie, you should have been here! So the boys found out that Skylar can wrestle, asked her to put them in choke holds which she did! It was the single coolest thing I’ve ever seen.” Nago laughed giddily as he went over to his boys and picked up their arms and let the arms drop. 
“The boys...asked for this?” Samantha repeated. 
“Yeah, and of course I was cool with it and gave her permission too.” Nago insisted. 
“We all did.” All the guys insisted. 
“...ok. Well dinner is ready, and they need to wake up for dinner.” Samantha insisted before all the guys murmured their agreement and woke up their sons who almost jolted awake.
“Hey bud, how do you feel?” Suka asked Kako. 
“I feel fine, that was really fun!” Kako beamed happily. 
“Good, I’m glad you had fun, time for dinner.” Suka insisted as he helped his son to his feet before all the other boys as they all happily got up and went upstairs and happily told their mothers all about how awesome Skylar was and how she plays just as rough as they do which made their mothers happy to hear that they were getting along and you and Noah were finally relieved that this time, things were going much smoother.
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
Narcos México: Dating them would include: (5/7)
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Tags: @fandomnerd16​ , @visintaes​
Warnings: NSFW
Miguel Ángel ,, this man needs someone he can wholeheartedly trust,,
Your able to keep him focused on only one thing and forget everything else, one step at a time motto
He loves having your full attention and love,,
Por eso esta perdidamente enamorado de ti
He can also always count on you for being on his side and giving him advice on hard decisions
Whenever he feels like he’s gonna explode because of the pendejadas his employers are doing, he’s automatically calling you
It de-stresses him when he hears about your day and what you’re planning on doing later,
honestly your voice just soothes him as he closes his eyes and listens to you
I feel like, when that’s not enough, he’s inviting right on the spot if you want to visit the cafe nearby or something
He loves taking you out for dates at fancy places/restaurants
Miguel feels like your love grows stronger when he takes you out because you’re spending time together
He’s also always making sure you enjoy your food, surroundings, etc, he wants it to be perfect for you,
Like, if you even mention that your food is a bit cold, he’s snapping his fingers and making orders,,
“Ay, pendejo, como se te ocurre darle a mi esposa su comida todo frío, es una dama, orale, apurate a traerla otro plato, cabrón”
 he can’t help it, he wants everything to have your approval.
He wants to treat you with what you deserve and more
Miguel goes soft when you smile at him for a gesture he did, it might be something you said you wanted a long time ago or just him buying a big ass bouquet of roses because we all know Felix can be extra 💅🏼
So he’s definitely bringing you a serenata where you live and giving you that adoring smile he does when he sees your face light up
Serenata Sin Luna by Jose Alfredo Jiménez just screams this, let me go sob
God, the way he overachieves expectations when it’s your birthday or something
Like this man thinks his birthday parties are casual, but when it comes to you, he has to have them fancy and extravagant,,,
“Miguel, que es todo esto?”
“Pues es tu cumpleaños tesoro, y apenas vamos empezando”
It’s just jaw dropping the way he goes all out for you
You can’t tell me otherwise that this man lives for taking walks with you,, either late at night after a date or just a normal walk to talk about anything and hold your hand- ugh
He’s one to give you his coat so you don’t freeze as he hugs you into his side
“Ya vez, te dije que trajeras un suéter, mija”
While he pulls you into him, smiling and kissing the top of your head🥺
Miguel’s also asking every time you see a carrito de comida if you want anything, without fail
I can definitely see you guys sharing food, just feeding each other as you smile to one another and the heart eyes you both give each other- I can’t 
HAND HOLDING, again,,,I- he just really loves holding your hand ok, like apart of him makes him feel  strong when he’s holding your hand, he’ll give you an occasional squeeze when he gets excited, stressed, or worried about something
I can also see him fiddling with your wedding ring as he holds you hand, whenever he’s bored or nervous at a party dinner,-
God, this man spoils you every minute he can,
He states that it’s the least he can do after you put up with him, -the softness that is showing is astronomical
But you’re always telling him that you’re sticking around because your love for him is endless, 🥺
That statement alone makes him die of happiness
Every time there’s a party that he needs to attend, he’s already sending you a new dress for you to wear to accompany him
This man is complimenting every second he can,
He’s worshipping the ground you walk on
“Te ves tan hermosa, mija”
I can definitely see that people only walk up to him when you’re next to him because he’s actually approachable and happy when you’re around,,
Styling his hair back to normal after he ruins it when he stresses out,,
“Ya, mi amor, tu sabes que no me gusta verte así, tu eres mejor que ellos”-
The way he looks at you makes me cry, you can just see his worries go away as he smiles up at you🥺
Or even when he needs reassurance that you do love him after Felix visits Neto in prison, like the part where he tells him that he’s alone in this world
“Cuídate Flaco, la única persona que te queda es tu mujer; un milagro que ella todavía esta contigo”  That really got to him :(
That’s when he’ll spend the whole day with you, like a lazy day... never wanting to let go of you...
“Si sabes, yo hago todo esto por ti, verdad? Este es tu imperio tesoro, y de nadie mas”-
Soft cuddles in the morning and before you go to bed together because Miguel is on that soft shit
You’re what makes him a better man at the end of the day, your relationship is so beautiful, I’m crying
Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo,, this man is making you feel things, 
Let me put this out there,,, Miguel lives for seeing you blowing him
It’s one of the only good things that come out for him when he’s stressed tf out because you’re always willing to help him relax
I feel like you’ll grab hold of his face and kiss him as his hands grip your clothes like an anchor,,,
You’ll lead him to sit down as you get down on your knees and begin to unbuckle his pants as he lets out a deep breath
He’ll let you do all the work as he lets his head fall back while he lazily thrusts into your mouth,
“Como me sabes cuidar, verdad tesoro?” 
As he smiles down at you- 
El Jefe de Jefes, look there’s a reason why he’s given that name, 
he’s definitely a dom, he wants to see as you fall apart beneath him, it’s such an amazing sight for him
The way you say his name and scratch his back while he just fucks you into the bed
He chuckles lightly when he rubs your clit with his fingers as he keeps thrusting into you, just the way you gasp and say his name a little louder-
The build up to having sex is something else entirely, I can see him desperately kissing you as he grips you clothes while you’re quickly unbuttoning his shirt
He’ll lay you on the bed as he moves to start kissing your neck and moving his fingers in between your thighs,
Oh yeahh, this man is into fingering you, like holy shit, the way he’ll look into your eyes and hoarsely speak to you
“Mira lo fácil que te hago sentir, amor, como eres de obediente para mi” as he’s curling his fingers into you- okk
I feel like Miguel would not give you time to adjust to him, like he’s too desperate, ya feel?
Like, you’ll stutter his name out and on the verge of tears from pain and pleasure but he’s just brushing your hair out of your face and cradling your face, nodding his head
“No, no hagas eso, yo se que puedes, tesoro”
He’ll silence you by kissing you and just pounding into you more harder
Wow, the way he’ll have you not thinking straight anymore with your head thrown back, excites him-
 one of his absolute favorite positions is having one of your legs lifted on his shoulder, as he fucks you, because that’s hella erotic
The marks he leaves behind makes you feel so many emotions, too
He’s always leaving them on your chest, a spot where only he can see and no one else-
Speaking of exciting emotions,,,, Desk Sex
Like, c’mon you know this is a thing 
Miguel’s ass fantasizes about this
Like, either you bent over his desk or laying, spread out on his desk as he clasps his hand over your mouth, wow
When you're bent over his desk with one of your legs resting on his desk and the other leg on the ground, he’s tangling his hand into your hair as he pulls you back and moves to wrap it wrap your throat,
“Calladita, amor, no quieres que nos encuentren, verdad?”, as he’s thrusting deeply into you from behind and moves his other hand to rub your throbbing clit -ok, someone escort me out
Balcony Sex -that’s for another time,,
I feel like, the times when he comes home from his out of country/state trips, you’re already waiting for him on the bed with his favorite lingerie
He pauses from the door and lightly chuckles,
“Imaginate si alguien más o el pinche Clavel entra y no yo, amor”
Uggh, i can just see you lightly laughing as you get up and walk up to him and lead him to sit down on the bed
“Te extrañaba, mi amor”
You’re straddling him as he grabs hold of your hips and desperately kisses you-,
now usually he doesn’t prefer to be bottom, but when my baby is tired, he can’t even think
He’ll let you have your fun on top of him, like grounding your hips onto his and gripping his shoulders
The way you both let out deep breaths in sync when he’s inside of you-
Loves the way you’re desperately bouncing on him-
He’ll steady you on top of him once your hips start to stutter and your creasing your eyebrows,, he knows your going to stop soon
So he’ll move his hands to grip your ass and thrust up into you,,
“Dime cuanto me extrañabas” -wow
I just know this man can last the whole night making you see stars and only remember his name.
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
force sensitive
pairing: rex / reader
word count: 2017
summary: you’re a mechanic for the 501st & you go with torrent to 79’s during leave. you get drunk off your ass & start pushing things off tables, claiming that it was the force (it wasn’t). then, after a few minutes, it was.
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rex didn’t know what he did to deserve any of this. he was just trying to have a fun night at 79’s and wind down after yet another visit to fellucia, the hellhole planet that tested his sanity, and reunite with some brothers he hasn’t seen in a while. in hindsight, there was no point in hoping that things would be quiet at the clone bar because the words “quiet” and “79’s” didn’t belong in the same category.
this, however, would have been above his pay grade if he actually got paid for this shit.
you were drunk off your shebs, to describe your condition briefly. in more vivid detail, you were splayed across the laps of him, fives, and hardcase with a smile that took over your face as you laughed at literally anything anyone said. you had an arm wrapped around rex’s shoulder and was currently using his pauldron as a pillow despite saying it was uncomfortable. there was a double-digit number of empty glasses in front of the area where you previously sat and rex knew well how miserable your hangover would be in the morning.
he also knew that tomorrow would be a terribly busy day for you and your fellow mechanics because the 327th was temporarily going to be bunking with them on the resolute, and they just got back from another hellhole rex didn’t have the displeasure of knowing. “alright, i think it’s time to get home-“
“but rex, look!” you swept your free arm across part of the table and knocked over the bottles belonging to fives and hardcase with a flourish. “i used the force! i’m force sensititive!! i need to go to the temple, as soon as i can!”
hardcase started laughing so hard that he nearly shoved you into the floor. the only way you don’t fall is the way rex and fives grip onto you and save you from the grimy bar floor. no one deserved to be on that floor. there was no telling what diseases someone could get from it.
“y/n, cyare, you’re drunk. we need to get back to base so you can get a head start on sleeping out this hangover.” why did rex have to be the voice of reason? it was so hard and emotionally taxing. but on the other hand, he thought with a hidden smile, it did give him some serious blackmail for when his vod’e needed to be straightened out.
you pouted, shifting yourself clumsily away from rex and snuggling closer to fives. the arc trooper didn’t mind it one bit, hamming it up with an arm around your waist as he pulled you into his lap. a small shriek accompanied fives burying his chin in between your shoulder and neck, the tickling sensation heightened by his goatee burning slightly into your exposed skin.
“fives! fives, stop! i- i can’t breathe! fives!” you were giggling and bracing yourself on his thighs, clueless to the wrath beginning to boil in the captain at the sight of you all over his vod. he quickly brushed it away and buried any evidence of his jealousy as he lifted you into his arms, trying not to glance at your inebriated smile that was now dangerously close to his.
“c’mon sweetheart, you’ve got a long day ahead of ya tomorrow.” fives said nothing as you were removed from his lap but with that knowing look in his eyes, he didn’t need to. the protective body language of his captain and the way you leaned into him were signs that pointed to something a little more than platonic.
you let yourself relax into rex, the plastoid armor not even a bother in your pursuit for comfort. you’d been in far less comfortable places as a mechanic; plastoid painted in five-oh-first blue was always welcome. footsteps carried you out of the bar and back home. “you’re soft, captain. anyone ever tell you that?”
rex flushed redder than a sith’s ‘saber at the affection in your words paired with your breath innocently panting against his neck (maker how he wishes it were anything but innocent). “no, i… can’t say that i’ve been made aware of that knowledge. is it a good thing?” he didn’t know where the last part originated from, only that he said it and it unfortunately couldn’t be forced back down his throat.
your smile seemed to bring him back to the planet, while the way you nudged his ear with your nose as you replied, “it’s a wonderful thing, alor’ad. absolutely wonderful.”
he smiled despite himself, allowing himself this time of bliss while he carried you out of 79’s and back toward the barracks. your mando’a was a little lacking in some places, but he loved to hear the way your tongue rolled over every syllable. especially when it was to him.
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“rex, i did it again!”
“i’m proud of you, sweetheart.”
another clatter was heard around his quarters and rex didn’t know whether he should laugh or groan at the mess you were making as you claimed to be using the force. he knew that you probably should be staying in your bunk in the mechanics’ quarters for the night, but only a cruel man would leave your bunkmates subject to the giddy drunk that was his cyare. so he carried the burden gladly, looking forward to falling asleep beside you once you had tired yourself out.
you had only been in rex’s private quarters on one other occasion, and that first time was so brief that you hadn’t gotten the chance to see the small things that made it his and different from the same official-looking bunks that all commanding officers were given.
he had a wooden hat/cloak rack in the corner closest to the door that held his helmet and your prized bomber jacket. there was a bottle of unopened corellian whiskey on a caf table that rested in front of a worn couch that no one knew how he got into his room. all they knew is that it was comfortable & was a great place to talk about your problems with the blond man currently enduring your drunken antics with a smile.
you plopped down next to him on said couch, toeing your boots off clumsily and letting your feet prop themselves on the coffee table. they didn’t stay there for long. rex’s voice was chiding you right after but he did so softly, knowing that you wouldn’t have done that if in your right mind. “cyare, feet off the table!” he grabbed your legs and swung them over his lap, your angle changing to where your head was resting against the arm of the couch.
“i’m sorry, rexy,” you pouted as you wiggled around for a moment to get truly comfortable in the new position. “forgive me?” you gazed at him through your lashes, your foot now nudging his armored thigh playfully, a smirk growing as he jostled slightly at your efforts.
his grin mirrored yours after a minute and it could’ve powered the entire damn ship with how bright it was. “yeah, i couldn’t stay mad at’cha for long, anyway.” in your honest/drunken opinion, he didn’t smile like that often enough, and you resolved to do anything to bring that light back to his face. you didn’t know if you’d remember the vow by morning, so it was more of a sentiment than anything at this point.
hummed approval emitted from your throat, deciding to enjoy the comfortable silence that had now settled in the room. a gloved hand came up to rub your leg and your eyes drifted shut when he began to massage the muscle. rex took your head falling back a sign that his ministrations were effective and so he continued, secretly filling away the image of you on his couch so relaxed. you were always running yourself ragged trying to keep everything in working order for him and the entire five-oh-first that you deserved this peace, to let loose every once in a while.
then he heard a clunk as his helmet landed in your lap, the thing seeming to float all the way across the room as if you used- holy kriff, you weren’t lying.
“y’know what would be weird, rex? if the five-oh-first had gold paint and the two-twelfth had your blue.” you ran your fingers over the markings of his helmet, taking the time to admire the welding marks that signified the way he customized his phase 2 helmet. “don’t think your jaig eyes would pop out the same th’ do in blue. not sure why not, might just be because this is the only real color i’ve seen you in. blue suits you, i think.”
he wasn’t paying as much attention to your words as he would have been otherwise, but you just made his helmet float to you! he was warranted a bit of distraction, in his opinion. he chuckled when thinking back to it now, knowing that your mischief has probably caused at least one food fight in the mess because of course his gotabor’ika would use the force to start shit.
rex was in his head for a moment too long because your feet had returned to nudging his thigh, you clearly not satisfied with his attention being held elsewhere while you were trying to make conversation. drunk you took his silence as a cue to him being sleepy, and even though plastoid felt okay when you were being carried by the strong arms of your captain, it most likely wasn’t comfortable to sleep in.
getting your feet with a slight wobble (rex would have laughed) you stretched out the hand not holding his helmet toward him, signalling for him to hold your hand. “rex, we gotta go’sleep. bly’s coming tomorrow and i wanna say hi, an’ i can’t say hi if i’m sleeping off a hangover.” rex stood but didn’t take your hand, deciding to remove his armor first.
“your logic is flawless as usual, gotabor’ika. you go on ahead, i’ll get this stuff off and meet you there.” he’s slept next to you before, it wasn’t a new experience for him; the unfamiliar territory was that it was in his bed without the prying eyes of his brothers to watch him hold you as protectively as he ached to when you were assigned to join them on the field.
a little huff followed you making your way to his bed, once again flabbergasting rex as you used the force to move his blanket aside enough to crawl in. your eyes watched approvingly as he stripped down to his bottom blacks, your arms hugging his helmet like an extra pillow.
you didn’t put up a fight when his hands moved your arms away from the helmet, body already succumbing to the exhaustion that would be trailed by a nasty hangover. your eyes were fighting it, them being your only ally in your quest to admire the blond man now shimmying under the covers. his quiet little demand for you to scooch warranted compliance because it sounded so soft, like he was saying something with far more substantial than the six-letter command.
rex felt a hum vibrate in your chest as you tangled your body around his. you’d told him before that you got cold easily and the mechanics’ barracks being below the air filtration system made them colder than most of the ship. you were letting yourself get lost in the warmth of him, your mind becoming peacefully blank of everything but rex.
he simply smiled as your breath fanned across his bare chest, lightly blowing the light chest hair that adorned his body. in this bliss he’d nearly forgotten that you could apparently use the force until you used said force to tug the blanket up to your neck and tuck them around you both. eh, that force stuff can be a problem for future rex. all he wanted to do was stay in this moment with your weight resting comfortably against his side, not a worry in sight.
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 6.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: My heart is beating for Haz rn but Tom is my fave so I’m confused af ok😫. Also who tf is Emily🤡? I hope you like this chapter and I would appreciate it if you leave a comment, reblog or send a feedback!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: flufff, swearing, mentions of alcohol
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
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Monday came quickly honestly. Probably the constant overthinking during the whole Sunday and Monday morning distracted you pretty well.
And here you are now.
Fresh out of the shower, with your robe around your body staring at Anna in front of your door who was ready to ‘glam you up’.
“I don’t know, I think I’m gonna puke if we’re being honest.” You spoke, exhaling the air from your lungs.
“It’s totally normal to feel like that! That means you like him.” She winked, marching to your bedroom.
“Well I do like him and that’s why I’m worried. What if I mess everything up? I’m so awkward you know that.” You began to panic, chewing on your bottom lip nervously.
“Just be yourself, he is already smitten. Believe me, what could go wrong?”
Maybe the truth about Tom, I don’t know.
“You’re right, but I’m still sweating and I feel sick.”
“Can’t wait for you to return from the date and say to me ‘oh I was so stupid for worrying it was amazing Ann I love him!’” She mocked you, laughing along with you.
“I really hope that will be the end product after tonight’s date.”
“Harrison is a really great guy, you will have the best night with him I’m sure.”
Your mouth curved into a smile at the thought of him.
At the thought of his blue eyes and his contagious laugh that was ringing in your ears since Saturday.
Maybe he really is the one for you?
If only Tom didn’t come that night at your apartment, everything would be fine.
The thoughts were eating you up, but you tried to remain calm.
“Just remember Tom’s words. Maybe this deal won’t last that long.” You said to yourself.
“So what are we doing for tonight?” Anna spoke resting her arms on the chair, looking at your reflection in the mirror.
“Nothing extra, keep it casual.” You replied, not wanting to look like you’re going to a red carpet.
“Keep it casual got it.”
“Did you spoke with Tom yesterday?” She asked curiously, making your heart skip a beat when she mentioned his name.
You were trying your best not to react.
“No, he didn’t call me. Why, did something happen?” You asked, trying to look worried.
“No, no. Just asking I thought that he maybe apologized or something, but it seems he is still acting like a total douche.”
You kind of forgot the scene from the party, Harrison being on your mind practically every second.
But now that she reminded you, you were pissed. He could at least call and say a stupid ‘sorry’, however he was too proud. Tom would never admit he was wrong even when it was a small, unimportant thing.
“You know he is like that when he is around a girl that he wants to shag, but still I don’t approve that, I mean we’re his friends.” You responded.
“That’s absolutely right. Gosh I don’t know how could someone sleep with him? I know he is hot and all that but c’mon Tom just thinks with his thing down there and that’s disgusting.” She spoke bitterly while your face turned red.
You don’t know a thing Anna, but you’re definitely right about that.
He just knows how to make a girl say yes straight away, that’s the problem.
“U-uh yes, I agree.” Your voice coming out as a whisper.
“Let’s not ruin our night with him, we love him although he is like that so it’s not important. Did our prince charming say where you two are going?” She changed the subject, focusing on your hair that was the last thing that needed to be done.
“Didn’t drop a single clue, he just said he will pick me up at seven.” You chuckled, glancing at the clock.
Thirty minutes and he will be here.
“Oh shit he is outside.” You whisper yelled, heart almost jumping out of your chest.
“Listen. Don’t worry, just relax and be yourself. Harrison is fantastic and not a pompous dick like others.” She put her palms on your shoulders giving them an encouraging squeeze.
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply to calm your nerves.
“Thank you so much Ann, I owe you big times. I will call you when I come home or you can stay here and make yourself comfortable whatever you want.” You said, hugging her tightly.
“Thanks for the offer but I will go home, and I will be waiting for your call. And you miss have fun.” She smiled like a proud mother, hugging you back.
Your hands were shaking, and your stomach lurched when you saw him leaned on his black car waiting for you.
You both immediately smiled at each other.
Harrison was as nervous as you were. He spent his whole day rambling to Harry that tried his best not to laugh at his friend who was totally excited to see the girl that couldn’t leave his head the whole weekend.
He was finally ready to find a girl. Someone who will be here even when things went downhill.
“Good evening gorgeous.” Harrison greeted, flashing you a broad smile.
“Well good evening to you too handsome.” You greeted him back, standing now in front of him with a shy smile plastered on your face.
“You look stunning tonight love.” He half whispered, with his eyes still on yours.
“Thank you, so do you.”
“Ready to hop in?” He asked, opening the door for you.
“Of course, how could I not be with a gentleman like you by my side?” You flirted shamelessly, making him laugh.
“Eager to know where I’m taking you?” He asked, starting a conversation.
Your eyes were glued on the road and everything around trying to guess where you were heading to.
“Definitely, hope you’re not gonna kill me or something already.”
“Too much criminal series love.” He chuckled at your response.
“And I would still want the place to remain a surprise, but don’t worry nothing will happen.” He added.
“It better not Harrison I trust you.” You continued to joke, enjoying the rest of the drive.
“And we’re here beautiful.” He parked his car, opening the door for you again.
Holy fuck.
The view was mesmerizing. It was like a hill, with a view on the whole city that was glowing now.
Your whole face lit up, not only because he was creative and didn’t take you to a classic restaurant on the first date but because you had such a great person next to you to enjoy the breathtaking view with.
“This is truly stupendous Harrison..Gosh.” You were so dumbfounded at the sight that you didn’t feel the warmth of his body behind you.
“I’m so glad you like it, I wanted to take you somewhere special the first time.” He spoke into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“I appreciate that a lot, and you really left me speechless here.” You giggled, turning your face to his.
Harrison put a lot of effort in this, wanting to show you how much he fancied you.
This wasn’t just an ordinary place that he googled up or something.
This was Harrison’s special place ever since he was twelve. He would often come here when he needed some time for himself or when he wanted to sit and relax looking at the whole town that was in a rush as always.
The place was unique in Harrison’s life. His gut told him he could trust you and that this was a brilliant timing to share it with you.
He hoped maybe it will be your special place by the end of the night, because he was sure you were the girl that will change his life.
“It’s actually my secret place or whatever they call it nowadays.” His eyes lit up looking at the two most beautiful sights in front of him.
“Oh no sorry, now I ruined the whole secret place thing for you.” You grabbed his hand, feeling bad in some kind of way.
“Don’t be silly love, if I thought you weren’t noteworthy I wouldn’t share it with you.” His fingers stroked your skin carefully, making your heartbeat go wild at the feeling of his gentle touch.
“Happy to hear that you think I’m that special.” You whispered, noticing the small blanket positioned on the grass behind him.
“C’mon let’s sit and enjoy the real magic from here.” His hand took yours, rubbing his thumb against your palm.
“So you study English Literature?” He asked, pouring the sparkling wine in your glass.
He sure planned this all well, and you weren’t complaining. In fact you loved it so much that you could sit like this forever. Just you and him.
“That’s right. Does it sound that boring?” You asked, the nervousness now long gone.
“Absolutely not! Mr. Phillips must be your favourite professor I assume?” He rose his eyebrow asking sarcastically.
“Are you like in my class or something because that would be awkward as hell. And no c’mon he is a total ass.”
“If I was with you in the same class I would definitely ask a beauty like you out a long time ago, don’t worry. My sister is taking his classes, she started her first year so you know heard some stuff.” He chuckled, sipping his wine.
“I’m sorry for her, he can be an idiot towards students but that shouldn’t discourage her at all.”
“Totally, every college has someone like that.” He added, receiving a nod from you.
You two were talking like you knew each other your whole life and that was something you craved for a long time.
Harrison couldn’t keep his eyes the whole night away from you.
It was something about your irresistible smile and how your head would fall back when you laughed that got him love-struck.
He really liked you and your sweet soul that was full of tenderness.
That was something he could never find in someone ever since Emily.
“Tired?” He gave you a half-smile when he felt your head resting on his shoulder.
“No, just loving this atmosphere and your presence. I could do this every day for the rest of my life if you ask me.” You said softly.
Harrison thought that this was the perfect timing to wrap his arm around your waist, caressing it carefully.
He was sure he wanted to kiss in you that exact moment. Even though he was distracted by his heart that was a beating mess and by his sweaty palms, he couldn’t wait more. He reminded himself if he waited and didn’t speak to you that night nothing of this would happen, so what could go wrong now?
He didn’t want it to be forced, it should be memorable for the both of you.
What’s the point if he doesn’t show you how much he liked you through the kiss?
So his hands leisurely traveled to your arm and shoulder. Your skin was landscaped with goosebumps, and you were sure he could see how your cheeks turned red although it was dark.
You relaxed in his hands, leaning your face into his neck inhaling his scent.
The grin on his face was growing bigger when he felt your body on his, he would trade anything just to be always like this with you from now on.
His fingertips brushed the skin of your hot cheek while his eyes were admiring your body that was illuminated by the moonlight.
Eventually his large palm cupped your cheek, bringing you close to his face.
His nose bumped into yours, his eyes now focused on your sparkling ones.
“Is this okay?” He asked for consent.
“Yes.” You whispered back, wrapping your hand around his wrist.
“God you’re so beautiful.” His lips were ghosting over yours, still testing the waters.
Harrison was exhilarated at that moment, closing the small space between your lips. They were moving against yours delicately. He could taste the sweet wine from your lips mixing with the taste of your cherry chapstick and it was a combination that he will always associate with you.
Your heart fluttered, and the only thing you could think is how his lips were soft against yours.
Harrison would break the kiss, opening his eyes to ensure himself that you were real and that this wasn’t a figment of his imagination before pulling you in for another short innocent kiss.
You both stayed close to each other after the intimate moment, with Harrison’s thumb still on your cheek.
“I really like you Y/N, I want to be around you more.” He spoke in your ear, nothing but the truth.
“And I like you more, hopefully this will be something more.” You responded truthfully as well.
“Thanks for the wonderful evening love, and thank you for giving me a chance to finally find and enjoy the time with someone as pretty as you, inside and out.”
“No, thank you for everything. You were the first who showed some love and interest for who I really am, not just for some fun.” Your voice getting smaller when you said the last part.
“Love, if someone doesn’t see your true beauty behind that graceful face, he doesn’t deserve a single look from you, let alone something more.”
Oh how right you were Harrison, you don’t even know.
You were a grinning mess after his statement, the only thanks you could give him was a small peck.
The car stopped in front of your apartment, silence now filling the space in his car.
His hand rested on top of yours through the whole ride back to the apartment.
Harrison was beaming, glancing every now and then at you, memorising every feature of yours.
“Here we are.”
There was just a little bit of sadness that could be heard in his voice, because the night was over and he was already missing you in his embrace.
“Thank you for this beautiful night. You really made it special.” You spoke once again, caressing his hand that you refused to let go.
“Please love, I already said what I really mean. You are a wonderful person and no one could prove me wrong.”
“You Y/N made this night one of my favourites and thank you for that.” He admitted, kissing you passionately.
This one was a much longer and caring. The kiss was like a perfect match and it made you smile during it.
“Thank you.” You murmured as he pulled away.
“I’m going to call you love, I can’t wait to see you again.”
“Not if I call you first.” You answered.
“I won’t complain.”
“Have a good night beautiful.” He added, pecking your lips.
“And you as well handsome.”
It was like you forgot how to walk when you stepped out of his car. Harrison’s vehicle not leaving the driveway until he was sure you entered the house safely.
The smile on your face was genuine and the whole night was repeating in your head non-stop.
It occupied your mind so much that you didn’t even notice the light being turned on in the living room.
Until a loud groan finally caught your attention.
“Who’s there?” Your voice trembling.
“Fuck, just me.” A male voice responded, mumbling the words.
Just me?
“Are you normal? How did you even enter the apartment?” You relaxed immediately when your eyes landed on a half drunk Tom.
“Key behind the flowerpot, not a brilliant hiding place if you ask me.” He laughed while his eyes remained closed.
“Yeah..right, forgot about that. What do you want?” You spitted, clearly annoyed at the realisation that you will probably not spend the night alone.
“Gotta see my favourite girl, but looks like she was busy.” Tom slurred, resting his hands on the back of his head.
“Tom if you’re drunk you can crash on the couch.” You stated, making your way to your bedroom.
“C’mon babe, wanted to spend the night with you.” He rushed next to you, grabbing your waist.
“Thought you didn’t do that.”
“I meant as friends love, but I can always make an exception for you.” Tom whispered as the smell of the strong alcohol hit your nostrils.
“Are you going to talk to me and say why are you here or?” You tried again.
“I was with Sophie today ya know. It kinda went well I guess? Or not? Because she said I’m gonna regret that decision and that tone but hey I don’t care at least her annoying ass is out of my face.” He smiled, receiving an eye roll from you.
“I told you to talk politely, now she is going to get all crazy.”
“I was polite! But she just doesn’t understand what it means I don’t want anything with you. That’s the problem.”
“Okay, you have a point here, she can get pretty hard to handle.” You believed his words knowing she was a special case.
“Thank you. Also I came to apologize for my behaviour.” Tom added, mumbling the last words.
“Oh really? Why?” You crossed your arms, waiting for him to speak.
“Because I was tipsy, and that was a shit move, you know I didn’t mean that.”
“It was.” Your mouth set in a hard line.
“I’m sorry love okay?”
“You’re forgiven, apologize to Ann as well.” You weren’t in a mood for a fight, and he at least said sorry so all good.
“Not happy to see me love?” He turned his attention to you, squeezing your hips.
“I’m tired Tom, but I appreciate your apology and everything, feel free to take the couch.”
“Where were you that late on a weeknight anyways?” Tom asked curiously, eyeing your body and how pretty you looked tonight.
“On a date.”
Oh yes Harrison.
That dolled up for him?
Why does he even care about that, you two were nothing?
“Looks like you had fun. Tell me more.”
“You really won’t let me sleep tonight am I right?” You asked, trying your best not to smile but he was making it so hard already.
“Nah, let’s make ourselves comfortable on the couch and spend the night like that hm?” He smirked, pulling you back into the living room.
“Why can’t I say no to you? You need to stop that.”
It was so hard, switching thoughts about two boys every minute. One second it was Harrison only and then Tom just shows up out of nowhere and makes everything go wild inside of you.
You didn’t want to lose Tom nor Harrison.
However you were aware that someone in the end will get heartbroken no matter what, and that was your main concern.
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hawkins-high86 · 4 years
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Review: y/n and Arvin's relationship platonic or something more?
Warning: yes this is going to have a lot of trigger warnings and spoil alert this will include mostly everything with in the book and the movie so if you don't feel comfortable just skip this story slight😡 domestic abuse which is never ok reader is preacher's daughter adopted daughter
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️spoil alert ahead⚠️⚠️⚠️18+
Y/n pov :
Me and Arvin's relationship was good I met him around when he was about 10 years old we had a healthy relationship we were good friends I stood up for him and his sister even though I would mostly getting beaten up by someone sometimes mostly I would help my dad at the church sometimes secretly smoking a cigarette outside in the back of the church today I went on a picnic with Arvin the the woods just to talk smoke some cigarettes stuff like that I knew that he had his gun on him ever since lenora died he was sad depressed but he said that I made his sadness go away which made me happy and him happy to I know my dad would never approve of me and Arvin being friends so are friendship was a secret I had a little crush on him but I didn't want to ruin our friendship so he sat the blanket down on the grass a sit down and lit my cigarette and looked at the puff through the air thanks for um sticking up for me Arvin but you didn't have to you know that I said.
"I know I just care about you and those boys are idiot's " he said
Um thanks I said he handed me another cigarette and some beer and a sandwich I finished the beer and the sandwich I layed down on the blanket and Arvin layed down next to me my dad would totally kill me now if he saw me and you together smoking and drinking alcohol.
"I know that's why I barely go to church "he said
Yea I know I kinda miss you he forces me to pray every night before I go to bed and he makes me stay after church on Sunday's for extra time with god which is nice but I don't need to do it every Sunday you know I said that to him Arvin you know that I can tell you everything right I said.
"Yea what is it y/n" he said
Well,if I don't listen to him or God's rules he makes me go in the prayer room and locks me in there for a couple of hours and sometimes he hits me and call me worthless piece of trash I said trying to hold back my tears.
"Hey dont cry your not worthless I love you don't listen to him" he said
Thanks Arvin I checked my watch it said 6:30 holy shit I need to go home please drive me to the church just the back of the church please so he won't see us
"Ok" he said
He picked me up I squealed and laughed and I waited for him in his car he put the stuff in the trunk and headed back to the church in a couple of minutes we were there at the church well um thanks for the dinner tonight love you I said so kissing his cheek
"Love you too y/n" he said
He closed the door and I went inside the church and I bumped into my dad
"What in God's name were you doing with that boy?" He asked me
Oof cliffhanger sorry
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hailbop1701 · 4 years
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Doom: To Hell And Back
Chapter 3: Lucy in the sky...
Hi guys! Chapter 3 all nice and long and done and edited. Thanks @thottiewithashotgun I freaking love you. <3 again if you would like to be tagged let me know!
“Open the door.” 
At Sarge’s order, Portman and Goat moved through the large doorway. They were quiet for a moment before giving the all-clear. “Pinky, give us a schematic,” Sarge ordered into his comm.  
“Uploading to you now,” Pinky said and a map popped up onto a screen on the wall beside you. “Carmack’s lab is isolated from the rest of the facility. The airlock is the only way in or out.” 
“Goat, Portman: Genetics. Kid, Destroyer: Carmack’s office, where he sent the mayday from. Reaper, Crow, keep Dr. Grimm here safe on her salvage op. Duke and I’ll take the weapons lab, make sure all the hardware’s secure.” Sarge barked and nodded his head toward the door. “Portman, Goat, on you.” 
Portman cleared the left, while Goat cleared the right. Portman snorted as we all passed the doorway and it shut with a hiss behind us. “Five bucks says this shit ain’t nothing but a disgruntled employee with a gun,” he said with a short laugh. You rolled your eyes but kept your mouth shut. “Fluorescent markings as rooms are cleared. Go.” Sarge ordered glaring at Portman’s back. 
Reaper took point and you took the rear, with Dr. Grimm in the middle. Your eyes darted around, looking at everything. The hall was dark, the power was obviously on auxiliary. The lights that weren’t broken already, flickered causing a creepy ambiance. Coming up to a door, Reaper nodded to you and you moved forward, keeping Dr. Grimm outside as Reaper cleared the room. “All clear,” he called out. 
You and the good Doctor entered the room and she went straight for a computer terminal. “How much time you gonna need?” Reaper asked his eyes on her. She looked up, “Thirty minutes, tops,” she said looking back down at her work. You wandered the room looking at all of its contents. It looked like anything you’d find in the back of a museum. A couple of books lay open on a table and you read them with interest. 
Reaper glanced over at you as you read through the book that sat on the table in front of you. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you said dryly without looking up. Reaper sighed and shifted looking away. You looked up at this and cocked your head to the side, “Reaper, say what’s on your mind before you brood harder.” you said, leaning against the tabletop. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Dr. Grimm smirk. Reaper gave you a half-hearted glare, “Sarge said you were a quarantine expert.” he said, turning to face you fully. 
You nodded, a frown coloring your features. “My unit had been on point with a few quarantines. Me being the medic, my job was to help clear infected areas. Clear and examine the remains. One of the reasons they call me Crow. Crows tend to circle when death is near.” you said with a shrug, looking away from Reaper toward the books again. The silence was tense before Reaper broke it. 
“You had to separate families, put them down when needed,” he said and you flinched at his words. “John!” Dr. Grimm scolded. You gave a sad smile and shook your head “No, it’s okay. He’s right; when we cleared houses sometimes they contained people infected who were still alive but too far gone to save. I would make them comfortable and sit with them until they’ve passed.” you said giving Reaper a small smile. 
Reaper sighed, “It was the kindest thing you could do for them.” he said shifting looking uncomfortable. “ So ‘Reaper’? As in ‘Grimm’?” Dr. Grimm asked mildly amused. Reaper rolled his eyes, “ They’re Marines, Sam, not poets.” he drawled. You snorted and wandered over to some skeletal remains. It appeared to be female; she was stuck shielding her child; pain etched on her face. You furrowed your brow at the site; ‘what was she protecting her child from?’ 
“Holy shit!” Reaper called out from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder to see Reaper looking at the remains surprised. “Oh yeah, meet Lucy. Lucy, this is my brother, John, another creature from the long lost past.” 
You chuckled, “You found human remains?” Reaper asked incredulously. “Humanoid.” both you and Dr. Grimm corrected. “I bet that was a happy surprise, Dr. Grimm,” you say with a smile. “Sam, please.” 
You nodded and she continued almost excitedly, “ Lucy and her child were our first major find. We’re bringing out more every day.”
“You re-opened the dig?” Reaper asked, sounding pissed. ‘Well there’s something going on here that I don’t know about.’ you thought and watched the two siblings argue like it was a tennis match. 
“I know I should have told you. I didn’t figure it was the sort of thing I could jot down on a yearly birthday card. It’s been stabilized.” Sam said.
Sam stood up looking as angry as her brother now, “You wanna talk about safe? Like you took a desk job? I’m a forensic archeologist, John. I’ll go where the work is.” she said evenly.
‘Point, set, match. Sam one, Reaper zero.’ you thought more amused at the argument than you should be.
“Is that the reason you’re up here?” Reaper asked coldly. “You wanna know why I’m up here? I’ll show you. Come here.” Sam said, walking back over to the terminal. She plugged a hard drive in and tapped at the keys. Reaper walked over and you with him; the curiosity was just too much sometimes. 
“This Lucy’s chromosome profile. Notice anything?” Sam asked smugly. You gasped and leaned in closer. “No fucking way,” you mutter astounded at what was on the screen. “My molecular genetics is a little rusty.” Reaper said dryly. “What’s the first thing Dad taught us to look for?” Sam asked patiently. Reaper squinted at the screen and frowned; you couldn’t help but smile. ‘He got it.’ you thought impressed. 
“She’s got 24 pairs of chromosomes. Humans only have 23. - But what does the extra pair do?” he asked almost awed. Sam shrugged, “Makes her superhuman. The extra pair makes her super strong, super fit, super intelligent. Her cells divide 50 times faster, meaning she heals almost instantly. The fossil record indicates these people had conquered disease. We found no genetic disorders, no viruses, no cancers.” 
“So what, they were just naturally superior?” Reaper asked, crossing his arms. Sam shook her head, “No. Not naturally. See, the earliest remains we found only had 23. We suspect this extra chromosome may be synthetic.” she said you sigh frowning. ‘Well the remains make sense now, sort of.’ you thought with a wince. 
“Bioengineered?” Reaper asked disapprovingly. Sam looked amused now, “That’s a long word for a Marine.” she said with a smirk. Reaper scoffed and turned away looking at Lucy again. Sam bit her lip, “ Does it ever bother you, you could’ve spent your life looking in a microscope instead of a sniper scope?” 
Reaper ignored the question with one of his own, “ If they were so smart, how come they’re so dead?” Sam shrugged again, “ We don’t know. Maybe they just went with time.” she said a bit sadly. Reaper looked at his sister shaking his head, “You don't shield a baby from time.” he said, pointing out what she wanted to ignore. 
“Crow, what do you think?” Sam asked genuinely wanting your opinion. You winced slightly at the name, “Call me (Y/N). I uh, have to agree with Reaper on this one.” you said, walking closer to them. You bent over a little to get a closer look at the set of remains. “ I don’t care where you’re from or if you think it could cure everything. Becoming something better before you’re ready can cause a lot of problems. Creating a super serum; it’s never had the best track record. And by the look on Lucy’s face...well I guess they paid the price for it. I just hope we won’t have to make the same mistakes.” you whispered and glanced up at the two siblings. Sam thinned her lips and furrowed her brow. Reaper was about to add something else when your comms. blew up with noise. Gunfire and the words “Contact!” You and Reaper looked at each other for just a moment before sprinting towards the door. “ Moving east through Carmack’s office! Fast!” Sarge’s voice boomed through your earpiece. “Confirmed contact. Moving fast, over south corridor.” 
You and Reaper skidded to a halt, aiming your weapons at a lone figure standing in the corner. The man growled at you all, clutching onto a severed arm; you locked eyes with Sarge for a second silently asking to move in and check on him. He hesitated for the briefest of moments before nodding his approval. You swung your rifle onto your back and slowly moved forward, your hands up. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” you whispered sweetly. The deranged man growled but not as forcefully.  
You edged even closer, making sure your hands are in his sight at all times. He dropped the arm and crouched, pulling his arms against his chest. “Lemme just take a quick look at you. It’s okay.” you soothed. Someone behind you cocked their gun and the mad Doctor hissed. You froze for a moment and continued when his eyes locked back onto you. The sound of rushing footsteps didn’t stop you from crouching in front of the man. You look him over and began to catalogue his injuries. 
“Sam, I told you to stay-” Reaper hissed quietly. “But he knows me, John. Dr. Carmack, it’s me. Samantha. That person next to you is (Y/N).  Where are the others? Where are they? Steve, Hillary. I’m not gonna hurt you.” Sam said inching closer. You held up a hand to stop Sam and she slowed, but it was too late. Too many people were crowding around him. Dr. Carmack flung his hand to his ear; with a twist and a strong pull it came off. He threw it to the floor and Sam gave a startled scream of “Jesus Christ!”
“Fuck.” you muttered and quickly pulled out a packet of gauze from the bag on your left thigh. You tore it open and gently pressed it onto Carmack’s left ear. The man looked at you but didn’t protest; you gave him a sweet smile and slowly stood up with him in tow. 
Portman laughed saying, “Nice!” and the Kid looked grossed out, ready to blow chunks then and there. The rest of the unit only looked mildly disturbed. You sighed not batting an eye, “Now, who wants to be a gentleman and help me get him to the infirmary?” 
Duke immediately held up a hand. “Lady’s got a pair.” Destroyer said impressed. “Oh sweetie, you’ve seen nothing yet.” you teased, gently easing your head out of Cormack’s reach.
He seemed to like your hair. 
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
Spin the Bottle (Iwaizumi x Reader)
hello! this is my submission for the HQWN’s summer fic exchange! this fic is for sabrina, @iwaqchan ! sabrina, i hope you enjoy this! i tried to combine spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven to make it ~extra~ cliché!
summary: Was it painfully obvious that Iwaizumi has a crush on you, or is it just common knowledge amongst the third years on Seijoh’s boys’ volleyball team? Either way, you’re going into a closet with him and he’ll see if he’ll act on his feelings. tw: cursing, alcohol word count: 2130
“Holy, now this is a party! Oikawa, did you organize this? I bet you did,” Hanamaki smirks when he enters the basement of Oikawa’s house, as if the location wasn’t already indication enough of the owner. The parents are away, the juice has been acquired, and everyone’s here. Seeing everyone so casual stirs something in Iwaizumi’s heart and a small grin curls on his lips as he sips from his cup. It won’t be long until this get-together gets rowdy, so he’ll be enjoying the somewhat tranquil nature while he has it.
Iwaizumi leans against the wall and his first instinct when he sees you is to stick his tongue out at you in between drinking. “Hey.” You go in for a hug because you’ve been friends long enough, but Iwaizumi doesn’t see you that way. He lingers in your touch before pulling away. “Good to see you, thought you were going to ditch?”
“Like I’d miss Oikawa drunk off his ass for a night. Believe me, I’d switch around any plans for this party.” You laugh. “I mean, we just graduated, of course I want to party with my friends.”
Iwaizumi twirls the air with his finger. “You’d consider us all friends?”
“Dumby.” You punctuate your sentence by shoving his shoulder. “Yes, of course I consider us all friends. I wouldn’t have gotten through high school if it weren’t for this friend group. This really large friend group, now that I’m thinking about it.”
“You can blame Oikawa for that.” For as long as Oikawa has lived and breathed, he has never not gathered people together. It’s one of his redeeming qualities, not that Iwaizumi could count that many. Oikawa’s found his place in many groups and he’s never upset when he’s cut out because he can always return to the volleyball team. He always has a home there, and so does Iwaizumi. Oikawa is a cool guy at times.
“He’s a funny person, that’s for sure.” You laugh to yourself. “Are we starting something? Oikawa seems to be running all over the place trying to rearrange things.” 
“I try to not look at him.” Iwaizumi chugs the rest of his drink. “Hey, do you need another drink? Or a drink in general?” He asks after noticing your hands are empty.
“I’ll just come with you.” You both grab your drinks with light banter flowing between the two of you, and Iwaizumi can’t get this small smile off of his face. You’re just so funny, and so wonderful. Being drunk with you is wonderful. 
There’s something about your flushed cheeks and your hair in a messy style that makes Iwaizumi think of things that he should not be thinking of his friend, but he just wants a pass for once. He wants to allow his mind to run wild while he can. When he’s in university, across the ocean, he won’t have anyone like you to keep him company. He’s sure he’ll find friends, maybe even friends who speak his native tongue, but at the end of the day, Hajime fears it will be a lonely experience when he’s away across the sea.
“Hey, hey, we’re starting spin the bottle now!” Oikawa announces in his drunken stupor. Iwaizumi can tell this stupid man can barely keep his own after he arranged the couches so that the center could stay empty for bodies to inhabit it. For once, Hajime wants all of them to have a carefree night. He doesn’t want to worry about his overbearing parents, volleyball training, or homework assignments. Hajime just wants to be here.
The two of you rejoin the group, crossing your legs when you connect the circle. Hajime purposefully sits across from you because it seems unlikely that the bottle will spin towards him if he’s sitting right next to you. His narrow gaze is on you for most of the game, only leaving when Oikawa ends up kissing Makki without complaints.
“Oikawa!” Makki brushes his lips with the back of his hand, but there’s a grin on his face nonetheless. “We should make this more interesting, not that Oikawa kissing me wasn’t interesting enough.” He taps his chin as if ideas will come about by this physical action. “I think...we should spin the bottle, but instead of kissing, seven minutes in heaven?”
The rest of the cohort yells in approval.
It’s your turn to spin the bottle, and for some reason, Iwaizumi’s heart pounds against his ribcage and it’s incredibly distracting. For the most part, the other third year boys tease him about his crush on you, though he’s only really told Oikawa about it. Even just telling Oikawa is enough to spread it far and wide, so he’s surprised that you don’t know about it. Nonetheless, Iwaizumi looks around the circle. Would it be justified if he said he was jealous of how everyone’s waiting to see how the bottle will land?
Would this situation be different if Iwaizumi sucked it up and told you how he felt before today, before everyone got so drunk that their only choice is to sit down? His lips curl into a pout. At least Iwaizumi’s thought process hasn’t been taken over by the alcohol; his ability to overthink is still golden.
The girls form circles with their mouth as they glue their eyes to the movement of the glass bottle and the boys all try to look in different directions, so that if they aren’t chosen, there’s no hard feelings.
Iwaizumi’s knee bounces and all he’s staring at is his lap and his fingers that tightly clasp around his own bottle of beer.
Again, the yelling starts and Iwaizumi snaps up to look at everyone’s faces, then looks down at the bottle.
It landed on him.
The neck of the bottle is facing straight towards him. There’s no dispute about that.
“You guys know what to do!” Oikawa’s words pulls Iwaizumi’s head from the clouds. His best friend nods his head toward a closet. “That should be big enough for you guys.”
Mattsun, who sits beside you, gently taps you over and over again before you roll your eyes and get to your feet and reach out toward Iwaizumi.
“I’m not going to wait all day, Iwa,” you tease and pull him up as best as you can, but he’s definitely a big guy. Iwaizumi doesn’t mind that when he’s also on his feet, you’re still holding his hand. Your hand is small in his grip and he loves the fact that your fingers are on display in this position at least. He can see all the folds of skin on your knuckles and your neat fingernails too.
The other boys cup their hands around their mouth and howl in support. Iwaizumi turns his head and he’s really glad you also aren’t looking back because he glares at the third year boys. By now, everyone at this party must know why his heart is on his sleeve.
“I’m putting the timer on now,” Makki’s voice is heard behind the two of you as you enter the closet. Could this even be classified as closet? Besides the racks of clothing, it’s a spacious room.
Iwaizumi settles down on the floor, knowing he won’t be able to take anything if he continues to stand and you follow suit.
“So,” you smile as you break the ice. “Did you actually want to do something, or, um, should we make sounds to pretend like we are? Because I don’t really know how you feel about that.” You play with your hands when you say this and you can’t look up to his face.
“Why are you so serious, (Y/N)?”
“Because,” it’s hard for you to continue. “You’re one of my greatest friends.”
“So are you saying you don’t want to kiss me?” This comes out a little rougher than Iwaizumi expected, but he opts not to say anything more.
“No, I’m not saying that, I’m just saying—”
“Then let’s kiss. It’s not a big deal, you know. We’re not going to see each other for a long time after this summer, so we might as well make the most of it.”
 “You’re being for real?” You mutter and he doesn’t even take a beat before pressing his lips onto yours. Always been precise and never afraid to dive in deep. You respond as any sane person would and kiss him back. Hands are quickly added into the mix and you didn’t quite expect his tongue to come in too, but are you complaining? Not when you’re the one moaning into his mouth.
“You’re so hot,” Iwaizumi breathes out his words when you disconnect and there’s even a bit of his saliva that you wipe off your mouth. “(Y/N), where’d you learn how to kiss like that? I should’ve told you that I liked you a long time ago if we’d be kissing like that all the time.”
“Hajime, you like me?” This has to be the product of having one-too-many drinks. Iwaizumi can definitely keep his own weight, but the more he drinks, his mind goes wild. “Like you’re not kidding?”
“I know I’m drunk or whatever. I like you so much.” For once, Iwaizumi has allowed himself to be off his game, but even now, he’s conscious of his decisions. Maybe two more shots would have prompted him to act and throw away his inhibitions. His hand still is squeezing your waist, pressing his fingers into your flesh. His head is reeling and the way your lip is between your teeth, biting down so lightly, is only contributing to his intoxicated cloud. 
“I like you too.”
“Will you go out with me?” Now, it’s his turn to bite his lip and he’s really trying to be sober right now because he wants to remember every single moment of this conversation. Tomorrow, he might remember bits and pieces, but he wants to replay this whole movie when he wakes up with his hangover. He wants to remember how you’re one of the best kissers he knows and he’s glad he knows that firsthand. He wants to remember how you told him your feelings in four words and how your lip biting is driving him absolutely crazy.
You don’t know what to respond and you’re sure Oikawa will swing the door open, looking to each of you for evidence that you actually accomplished something behind this closed door.
“Fuck, I know that we’re seniors and we only have this summer, but I’ve liked you since first year. I have, I swear to God, and I’ve never liked anyone the way I’ve liked you because you’re just so perfect.” He doesn’t even know if his words are making sense at this point but Hajime hopes that the more he speaks, he’ll be convinced that this is the only way he could have truly confessed to you. “I hope you’re not going to reject me, but if you do, can you just still be my friend, because I swear I’ve heard people get awkward when someone tells them how they feel—”
His words are cut off but nothing other than a hard kiss. He doesn’t know if you wanted him to just shut up or maybe you feel the way he does. Maybe you feel the same butterflies he does, the same ones that are flapping their wings against the walls of his stomach.
When you release with a popping sound, you press a hand against your lips, feeling the swelling across the expanse of your skin. “I like you. I don’t think I would’ve kissed you like that if I didn’t.”
Before Hajime could get a word in, the rest of the partygoers peer into the closet, their eyes glowing and questioning. “Alright, time to get out!” Oikawa announces, holding out a hand for you to get up. Well, Hajime’s not going to lose to his best friend this time and he also holds out a hand, expecting yours to match it, and you do. You get up together and out of the door, making your way back to the circle.
Oikawa stops Iwaizumi in his tracks and you’re still holding onto him as he’s stuck in place. “So, Iwa-chan, I’m guessing everything went well?” He cups Iwaizumi’s ear to whisper words that everyone else is left guessing on. Iwaizumi doesn’t even have to look at Oikawa to know that he’s smirking.
Iwaizumi looks down at his hand, considers his balled fist, and sails it right into Oikawa’s bicep. Nothing hard, but Oikawa makes it out to be as if he’ll die from the punch. “Shut up, Shittykawa.” 
Still, when you lead Iwaizumi back to the human ellipse, there’s an undeniable smile on his face that rivals the twinkling stars.
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Fifty Nine
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
June 18th, 1995 Remy sat as still as he could in the church pew while the pastor continued to talk. Usually he just droned on and on for forty five minutes or so, but today he was riled up. He was yelling about fire and brimstone and God coming down to smite all the gays from the face of the earth.
There had been some serious niggling doubts in Remy’s mind concerning religion before, but this just sealed the deal for him. He was very much not going to believe in any god or gods who hated him just because he was gay.
Toby glanced at Remy and scribbled a note in the corner of the church bulletin. You okay?
Remy nodded, and wrote back, I’m okay. Just decidedly agnostic.
Toby bit back a snicker even as he winced in sympathy. Remy just shrugged and leaned back into the pew. Religion just wasn’t worth it.
  March 31st, 2002
Remy woke up that morning slowly, for once consciousness not dumping a bucket of cold water on his head in order to get him awake, albeit groggy. He stretched, feeling the bedsheets...he paused. He felt the bedsheets in a lot more places than he normally did. He was naked.
Suddenly that bucket of cold water came crashing down and he bolted upright in bed with a gasp. “Holy shit,” he breathed, looking around wildly for his clothes. He found his briefs on the floor and pulled them on, cheeks flaring red like a forest fire. He kept cursing under his breath, hands shaking hard as he pulled up his briefs from the day before. He knew what had happened. He remembered what had happened, every dirty little detail. He had slept with Emile last night, in more than just the literal sense.
“Rem?” Emile asked softly from behind him. Remy turned to find Emile blinking owlishly at him from behind his glasses. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” Remy said, cheeks red as he realized that Emile was also waking up naked, and turning redder at the reaction that gathered from him.
“Aw, shit,” Emile said, pushing himself up and grabbing his clothes. “I was worried that we were going too fast, that we did it too soon. I thought...I worried that you’d wake up and instantly be a nervous wreck.”
Remy shoved shaking hands into the crooks of his arms, crossing them tight. “Emile...”
“Did I push you too far? Did I make you feel like you had to sleep with me?” Emile asked, as he got dressed. “God, Rem, I didn’t mean to do that—”
“—You didn’t,” Remy said. “I...I wanted that. It was...it was good. And...and I remember everything, you never did anything I didn’t ask you to do. You asked beforehand if you wanted to try something. You...respected me. You didn’t...you didn’t do what you’re worried about.”
“Okay,” Emile said, eyeing Remy. “But you’re still a nervous wreck from here.”
“Well...it’s not every day that you spend an entire evening and a good portion of the night just...yeah,” Remy said. “Especially since it was my first time doing... anything with a partner. I’m...God, can we skip this conversation? I don’t regret it, it was good—great, really. You were amazing and loving and there’s no one else I would have rather done it with, I’m just realizing that I did do it and while I’m not freaking out about losing my virginity, I am freaking out that what happened really happened and wasn’t just a wild dream that my mind had been showing with increasing frequency.”
Emile blinked. “There’s...a lot to unpack there. First and foremost, you’ve had dreams about this?”
“You haven’t?” Remy asked incredulously.
“I mean, I have, but that’s normal. You’re acting like there’s some big scandal or something. What am I missing?” Emile asked.
“That my family is very, very conservative and I just participated in gay sex out of wedlock for the first time,” Remy deadpanned. “I’m a little in shock.”
Emile stared at Remy for one, two, three seconds. Then he said, “A valid response.”
Remy shifted on his feet and went looking for his shirt and pants. Emile moved around their bed and stood there patiently, waiting for Remy to get dressed. Remy was still shaking, too much to be passed off as pre-coffee jitters. When he turned, Emile was just standing there, looking him over. “Religious guilt?” Emile asked.
“I’m not religious,” Remy said.
“You grew up in a religious family,” Emile pointed out. “My first time with a guy? I had a panic attack afterwards. Everything the church said about having sex before marriage, nevermind sex with another guy, made me convinced I was going to Hell. And at this point I was already scrutinizing what the church was saying and making my own opinions based on what I knew. You can feel the effects of...what’s the word...indoctrination! You can feel the effects of indoctrination no matter if you’re still in the church or not.”
Remy was still red with embarrassment, and the only reason he didn’t grow redder was because it simply wasn’t possible. He knew that what he had done with Emile was fine. In certain circles, especially the ones they both ran in, it was even encouraged. And yet...he still felt off. Embarrassed. Dirty.
“Honey?” Emile asked softly, walking over and tilting Remy’s chin up. “What you did wasn’t a bad thing. You’re not sinning, you’re not defiled. You’re certainly not dirty in any other sense than sweaty.” That got Remy laughing. “Listen. We can either take a shower together or separately, get ready for the day, and talk about it however much you want, if that sounds good to you?”
Remy nodded, flushing red. “You can take the shower first. I only have an afternoon shift today.”
Emile nodded and kissed Remy’s cheek, before he left the room. Remy sat down on the bed heavily. Much as he hated it, he still felt a little guilty. He knew that this wasn’t wrong. He knew that. But he still felt wrong.
He scrubbed his face with his hands. “It’s gonna be okay,” he mumbled. “You’re not in trouble. No one will hate you for this. Emile isn’t the type to make a notch on his belt and leave as soon as he sleeps with someone. You’ve wanted this for a while, and you got it. It’s okay.”
This was one of those things that Kim had suggested he do when his anxiety got the better of him, and at first he had scoffed at it. But now, it was helping him rationalize. “It’s okay...” Remy breathed. In one fluid motion, he stood and moved to the kitchen. Everything was okay, but he needed his coffee if he wanted any hope of no jitters the rest of the day. He got to making breakfast, and when the bathroom door opened and Emile walked out looking almost-immaculate, Remy laughed. “You realize you look like a nerd when you dress in those sweater vests?”
“I’ll wear what I want to wear when I want to wear it, thank you very much, Mister I’ll-Wear-A-Leather-Jacket-In-The-Summer-For-The-Aesthetic.”
Remy blinked. “That’s an eleven word nickname. That’s entirely too long.”
Emile cracked a grin. “I might use it again if you’re not careful and make a jab at my clothing choices.”
“Look, I’m just stating facts,” Remy said, leaving the coffee pot to brew as he went back to their room, grabbed his clothes, and went to shower.
He turned on the water and let himself relax in the spray. He wasn’t tense, exactly, but he had been on edge and it felt nice to just go limp under hot water for a couple minutes. He could let his mind blank and not worry about anything except making sure he didn’t breathe in any water. It was nice to not have to think.
Of course, he couldn’t stay in the shower forever, so he cleaned up and got dressed with a somewhat tired sigh. He walked out of the bathroom to find Emile sipping some of Remy’s coffee. “Hey! That’s mine!” Remy exclaimed with an indignant laugh.
“This is good, Rem. Is this just the pre-ground stuff we buy?” Emile asked.
“Kinda. I add a few extra things when we have them to spice up the blend a little, and make it a little less pure bitter,” Remy said with a shrug. “Why?”
“When I say this is good, I mean it’s really good, Rem,” Emile said. “If this is what you can do with the canned grounds, what can you do with fresh ingredients at a coffee shop?”
“The world may never know,” Remy sighed. “Because the managers don’t want me to experiment with their supplies in case it flops and we waste good coffee.”
Emile tutted. “That’s a shame. You could really make some quality blends, I’m sure of it. Some stuff that they’ve never thought of before.”
Remy flushed. “You think so?” he asked. He wasn’t sure why, but he really wanted Emile’s approval on this.
“I know so,” Emile said with a grin, passing Remy a mug filled with coffee. “Come on, you said it’s yours, taste the fruits of your labor.”
Remy sipped it and hummed. “Yeah, adding more vanilla extract was a good call. I was worried it would be over powering, but that works really well. And I used...” Remy went to the notebook he kept in the kitchen, flipping it open. “I know it was two more teaspoons than last time...okay, yeah, about three tablespoons this time. I could probably stretch that further but this works fine for me.”
He scribbled that down and Emile was watching him. “What?” he asked.
“That’s what you use that notebook for?” Emile asked. “Writing down recipes?”
“Writing down experiments I try in my cooking, yeah,” Remy said. “Because I would easily forget exactly how much I used and lose the recipe, and that would destroy me. I don’t write down the full thing, just the important bits, but...”
“That’s still interesting,” Emile said, looking over Remy’s shoulder. “You’re essentially making your own cookbook.”
“Yeah, a little, I guess,” Remy said.
Emile grinned that scheming grin he had been showing a lot more recently. “What?” Remy asked, crossing his arms.
“It’s nothing,” Emile said, waving his hand in a dismissing motion.
“It’s not,” Remy insisted. “Come on, tell me!”
Emile sighed. “I’m just thinking about what it would be like if you...I don’t know...did your own thing. Went off to culinary school, or even just opened a shop around here, because I don’t know how much culinary school could honestly teach you.”
“You’re not scheming to send me away, are you?” Remy halfway teased.
“No, of course not,” Emile said, kissing Remy’s cheek. “I’d never want to send you away. I just can’t help but wonder what it would be like if you were to actually be a master chef, instead of us just joking around.”
Remy sipped at his coffee and hummed. “I imagine there would be a lot more stress on my end and I might make you cook more dinners at home because I wouldn’t want to come home just to do more of my job.”
“Fair enough,” Emile laughed. “Anything you want to do today before your afternoon shift?”
“Meh,” Remy said. “I think we’ve got ourselves the recipe for a lazy Sunday morning in. And that’s the way I like it.”
“Well, after the night we had, I’m not surprised you’d just want to lay low,” Emile said with a wink.
Remy’s cheeks flared bright red. “Emile Zachary Thomas, I will murder you.”
“Aw, but where’s the fun in that?” Emile asked. “I wouldn’t ever be able to do what we did last night again.”
“But you also wouldn’t joke about it and make me flustered, so I count that as a win,” Remy said with a shrug.
“What, you can dish it out but you can’t take it?” Emile asked. “You love teasing me around my parents, or our friends, or anywhere when someone else can hear. Why is it different when I do it?”
Remy shrugged. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “Maybe because when I do it around other people, it's pretty clear that I’m joking. If you do that when it’s just the two of us, it’s not for show, as much. You might be teasing me, but there’s a part of you that always means it, too. That’s...intimidating.”
“Really?” Emile asked. “You’re intimidated by people actually following through with less than safe for work actions?”
Remy shrugged. “Not usually. Most of the people who make those jokes around me, even if they tried to make a move, it wouldn’t be scary. But with you...it’s different.”
“Why? Am I scary?” Emile asked, worried.
Remy shook his head and was quick to reassure, “No, it’s not because you’re scary. It’s because...you matter.”
Emile stood there, effectively stunned. “...Oh,” he said.
Remy was red as a tomato. “...Yeah...”
When Emile could respond again, his smile was a little watery. “I love you too, Rem.”
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