#that fight was SO fun. so so fun. wrecked that man's shit without going for the pillars at all
wizardnuke · 11 months
i do have to say i think that the house of hope run is my favorite part of the whole game
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n0phis · 2 years
my finger hurts so bad i have a blister now BUT
worm curseworm helped immeasurably with the headcanons and details! they r responsible for most of the wicked sick stuff here!!!! worm curseworm supremacy
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buckle in. this is gonna b a long one
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wilbur: does his best to keep his meticulous but he kept wiping his fucking hands on his pants while brewing and got Ingredience(tm) on them that wont come out. he wanted to add that kinda like… hierarchy shit to the sleeves but also was going off a vague memory of what he thought ranks look like and kinda bullshitted it all (why are the pips and chevrons combined man)
tommy: the one who sewed all this shit, he had a coat like wilburs but being Tommy (see; pants) absolutely wrecked it through roughhousing and Existing and finally pitched it. he made a replacement that was a little less fancy and more like tubbos but with SO much more red because it’s ‘sick as fuck wilbur shut the fuck up’.
eret: looks the most similar to wilbur’s (due to his maturity compared to tubbo/tommy/fundy and the amount of trust wilbur placed in him) save for a few things like the boots, collar, and length of the undercoat. INCREDIBLY pristine save for a slightly damaged lapel and concrete dust on the sleeves from working on the wall (since they were able to avoid a lot of the fighting). up until their betrayal, their ability to stay as regal and clean as they did was almost taken as a threat to everyone’s perception of wilbur as the leader of the revolution
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tubbo: dirty as fuck, torn as fuck from various escapades in caves and while gardening; he never wore other clothes for menial labour and shit hes goofy. loose on him with a very crumpled collar and lots of stitches for minor tears in the fabric.
fundy: he has little boy shoes he has little boy shoes his outfit is somewhat infantilizing canonically so thats a fun little nod to it! he is just as Rambunctious as tubbo and tommy but makes a much stronger effort to clean his clothes because he is very afraid of his father’s judgement. there are *very* slight dirt stains as a result that just will not come out. while his uniform was being made, he asked if he could get his more similar to his father rather than tubbo/tommy, hence the short tail while everything else looks like wilbur’s. ALSO loose on him, moreso at the start to give him room to grow into it
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niki & jack: they joined after the l’manburg war and so theirs are very fresh, with a slightly altered design (red underside vs gold, inverted colours on the sash and pants/shirt/collar) compared to the prior default and marginally more saturated colours as a sign of how crisp and new they are. straight lines to keep the sleeves visually interesting without signifying a wartime rank. both are fairly well fitted as tommy has honed his skills and has tubbo and niki to help
WHOOF. there we go!
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gaybananabread · 5 months
♪*✧⁠Ramshackle Day Off✧⁠*♪
~It’s official: I’ve gained yet another hyperfixation. I absolutely LOVED the pilot for Ramshackle; the trash goblins grabbed my focus. So, as with all my faves, they’re getting the special treatment. If this is your flavor of interest, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Stone
Lers: Skipp, Vinnie
Summary: Stone’s having one of his emo moments, feeling down and not even cracking his usual half-smile. Skipp and Vinnie decide to help, using the one method they know will always cheer up their grungy friend. 
Warnings: alcohol/cigarettes mentioned! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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In their slum alley, the three lovable scraps lounged about, enjoying one of the very few days where they didn't have to fight to survive.
Vinnie had hit the motherload that morning in a dumpster: an entire case of Hickory Smoked Beans, just past their expiration date. It was a Ramshackle miracle.
Since they didn't have to forage for money or food, the trio could take a sort of off-day. While Vinnie and Skipp were lounging and making the most of it, Stone couldn't help but feel morose.
Sure, they had enough food for a few days. But what happens after that? What would they do when they ran out and had to go back to their normal pattern? What if they couldn't get enough, and not even shoes could sustain them?
He'd usually just chug a bit of liquor to calm those thoughts, but it didn't seem to be doing much. Life felt…impossibly meaningless. Like no matter how hard they tried, the universe would continue to put them in their place at the very bottom.
Stone had a particular look when he got into those moods. His eyes seemed distant, he sighed more, and a bottle of some cheap, scavenged liquor was always nearby. 
While looking for some fabric to patch his newest jacket hole, Skipp noticed his friend's sullen attitude. It wasn't a rare sight, by any means, but it still worried him to see Stone so upset. 
“Hey…you alright, Stone? You seem kinda out of it.” Skipp kept a respectful distance, not knowing if his friend was in a touch-positive mood or not. He extended a hand to silently ask if touch was okay. Stone shrugged, taking a swig from his mystery bottle. 
“Aren’t we all? ‘re we ever really in it, or are we jus’ waitin’ for death to find us and put us in our final place?”
“Uh…okay?” Skipp patted the emotional man’s head before scooting away, going to find Vinnie. She would know what to do…probably.
Vinnie was lounging on one of their make-shift nests when Skipp found her. She groaned, stretching as she sat up from the pile of ratty blankets and coats.
“What is it now? Today’s supposed to be relaxing,” she whined, running a hand through her unruly hair. Skipp pointed to their drunken, miserable-looking friend. “Stone’s in a sad mood again.”
“Fuckin’...course he is. The one damn day we get off…” Vinnie grumbled, dramatically hauling herself completely out of her semi-comfortable nest. “He okay with touch?”
After the blonde nodded, she marched over to Stone, waving for him to do the same. Instead of greeting him, she straddled the dejected man, squeezing his hips.
“GRK- Vihihinnie! W-whahat the hehell?!” Stone dropped his bottle, hands flying to grab Vinnie’s wrists. He was drunk, though, so his fight wasn’t a very effective one.
Skipp blushed, his eyes widening. Vinnie’s fix was…tickling him? The optimistic guy never could handle watching tickle fights without getting flustered, but now…
It looked fun from both perspectives, and Stone was quite upset. He was pretty sure his mind would behave and let him wreck his friend for one.
“Isn’t it obvious? We’re cheering you up!” Even though his cheeks were still rosy, Skipp joined in, spidering his short nails on Stone’s kneecaps. It would almost certainly come back to haunt him later, but he didn’t really mind; that was a sort of bonus.
“Yep. It’s too good of a day for that depressing bullshit. You need to learn how to smile, ya mopey shit.” Vinnie was a bit less sweet, but there was a kindness in her salty words. She really cared for Stone, even if he was a depressing asshole sometimes.
“Guhuhuys! Fuhuck ohohohoff!” Stone squirmed and twisted under Vinnie, feeling the four evil hands on him. He squeezed Vinnie’s wrists, though he wasn’t exactly trying to shove her off. This wasn't lost on his friends.
“Aww, you like this, don’t you?” Surprisingly, Skipp was the one to tease him. It wasn’t exactly meant to be one, but that’s what it felt like to the giggling man. He groaned through the happy sound, covering his face with one hand. 
“Holy shit, Skipp. I think you’re right!” Vinnie chuckled, though she already knew that was the case. It was hardly the first time she’d used the method to get Stone to quit moping, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last. He needed to smile more.
“Wonder what happens if I go here…” Vinnie clawed at the back of Stone’s ribs, making him snort and start cackling. It was his worst spot, and she knew it. “Oh. That. How cute!”
Was that a bit mean? Maybe, yeah, but Stone seemed like he was writing gothic poetry that morning. The shithead needed to laugh that Ramshackle sadness off.
“’M NOHOHOT CUHUTE!” Stone was practically losing it at that point. Skipp had decided to move to the undersides of his knees. That combined with the backs of his ribs was almost more than he could handle. Almost.
“VIHIHINNY! GEHE’ OHOHOHOFF’A THEHEHERE!” Stone writhed, arching his back to try and avoid her fingers. He kicked his legs, but that was pretty much useless when she was on his thighs. Skipp had free reign of his lower body, and Vinnie was practically unstoppable up top.
“But I like it here! You look like Maggot with all that squirming, dude.” She mentioned their angelic friend, trying to get him blushing more. His cheeks were pink, but Vinnie wanted more. She knew how red he could get.
“Oh yeah, he does!” Out of Stone’s view, Skipp giggled, making Stone groan. That little ball of sunshine just had to comment on everything, didn’t he? Stone cared for him, of course; he just wanted to lovingly strangle him sometimes.
“You know what eats maggots, Stone?” He flipped the blonde off, but Skipp didn’t mind. The next few seconds would make up for that. “Jumping spiders!”
Skipp clawed his hands, switching spots every few seconds to spider each area on his legs. It was kinda dumb, but scientifically accurate. That, and it tickled like crazy.
“SKIHIHIHPP! IHIHI- PFFAHAHAHA!” All protests died, swallowed up in loud, throaty cackles. His nerves were practically on fire, his thoughts drowned out by his own laughter. It was finally too much.
“EHEHENOHOUGH!” Stone yelled through his mirth, patting Vinnie’s shoulder. She immediately pulled away, Skipp following suit. Vinnie climbed off, giving him a second. 
Stone immediately curled in on himself, turning into a giggly pill bug as he recovered. “F-fuhuhuck youhu guhuhuhuys…” 
Vinnie chuckled, used to his profanities. She knows they usually mean he had fun, but was still a bit salty. Skipp, however, was concerned they’d crossed a line. “Stone? Did we go too far?”
The man huffed, swallowing another bout of giggles. His composure was mostly back, the thin line of his lips showing a ghost of a smile. “Nah, yohou’re fine. Youhu suck, thohough.”
Rolling her eyes, Vinnie nudged the giggly man’s shoulder. “Ah, whatever. You were being a downer, and you know it.” 
Stone lovingly flipped her off and grumbled something under his breath. Skipp pulled both of them into a hug, and for once, Stone didn’t pull away. He’d never admit it, but the embrace felt nice at that moment.
“C’mon, guys. Let’s enjoy our day off!” Skipp’s attitude remained bright as ever. Stone opened his mouth to argue, but huffed and shook his head. 
“Fine. I’m taking Vinnie’s nest.” Stone sauntered over to the pile of cloth, smirking at Vinnie’s near-instant outrage.
“Hey! Get your own rags, Nevermore!” The two started playfully wrestling, fighting over the nest Skipp knew they’d end up sharing. He leaned against the wall of the slum alley, watching his friends and taking in the happiness they both now felt.
Yep. Perfect Ramshackle day off.
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Further adventures in "kidnapping your soulmate for fun and profit" for @twird96.
"You did good with that guy who wrecked the street," Tim says, putting on Smiling Normal Civilian Face #2, which is a little more reserved than #4. Superboy turns red again.
"Technically I also wrecked the street," he says, looking embarrassed.
"It was already a wreck when you got there," Tim snorts. Property doesn't mean shit next to people. "And this way nobody died or got hurt too bad."
"You helped with that part," Superboy says, still red-faced. "Made it a lot easier to keep everybody safe with somebody who was thinking straight about getting them all out of the way, like I said. It's hard to, uh–concentrate on that many at once, you know?"
"Keeping track of where all the civilians are has to be a pain in a fight," Tim agrees, though he tries to make it sound more like he's following Superboy's logic than already fully aware of the vitality of situational awareness from his own vigilante gig. Superboy blinks, cocking his head.
"Oh–no, that part's easy," he says. "I can feel everybody. It's just, uh . . . actively spreading my TTK out that much? I gotta concentrate a lot harder. So it's just way easier when nobody's in the line of fire."
Tim . . . pauses. Tilts his head. He is, technically, aware of how Superboy's tactile telekinesis works, but that sounded like . . .
"Sorry," he says. "You had everybody there in your TTK field?"
"Mostly," Superboy says. "Like I said, it's hard to concentrate on that many people, especially if they're running around in a panic."
"Why would you split your focus like that?" Tim asks, a little mystified. Though he guesses this explains how Superboy noticed what he was doing without ever actually looking at him, come to think. "Doesn't it weaken your powers?"
"Well, yeah, but that dude was blowing up the whole street, man," Superboy says, making a face. "Somebody could've gotten shrapneled or something."
It occurs to Tim, slowly, that the amount of injured civilians really wasn't as high as it should've been, and in fact most of the injuries he did see had most likely been caused in the initial attack. So that means . . .
. . . huh.
"Huh," he says. "I didn't realize that was something you could do."
"I try not to advertise it," Superboy says sheepishly. "So, uh, bad guys won't start going after civilians harder when I'm fighting 'em. Or pick crowded areas to pick fights in."
"I was under the impression that you advertised most of what your powers can do," Tim says wryly, though again, he did get that impression from stolen files and cheap magazines.
"Well, yeah," Superboy says with an awkward shrug. "Otherwise people don't think I'm doing anything. Like, that I'm just punching stuff or whatever. Uh, so–how long are you in town for, then?"
"Just for the day," Tim says while making further mental re-evaluations of his soulmate. And it's an admittedly terrible cover, but–"I'm flying back to Gotham on a redeye. I just dropped in to get some time to myself, but I've got school on Monday and a paper to write for it. You know how it is."
"Not so much, man, I don't do that," Superboy says, and Tim . . . pauses, again.
"You don't . . . what, go to school?" he asks.
"Naw," Superboy says. "On account of supervillains attack it when I do."
"So you're home-schooled?" Tim assumes, trying not to cringe at the idea of Rex Leech teaching Superboy math or economics or anything even vaguely in that wheelhouse. That cannot possibly end well.
"Naw," Superboy repeats with another shrug. "Got superhero shit to do. And also, like, brand deals to do. Not really my thing anyway."
. . . Tim is reminded, again, that Superboy is not in fact legally a person and is therefore not in any way protected by labor laws, and Rex Leech and every single dodgy opportunist he's been selling Superboy's likeness to probably knows that. Not even the laws intended for civilians or metahumans or minors or animals would apply, in fact.
The next six months of this kidnapping plot are going to be an agonizing wait, Tim's already realizing.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
OK, au where Eddie survived,
Its 1990, Steve hears this song and decides to drunkenly serenade Eddie with it
Steve had had maybe… four beers, maximum, maybe one little fruity cocktail, and a shot of something that tasted like apple but that was it.
He wasnt even thirty yet and already his alcohol tolerance had gone to shit.
It was new year’s though! They’d hit the big Nine-O! The kids were allowed to be there, to celebrate with them as adults! They’d made it to ADULTHOOD, They’d, against literally all odds, survived the eighties and all the horrors that came with them.He was allowed to get a little white girl wasted in his and Robin’s apartment.
He was allowed to be free and silly in his own space surrounded by only his people.
No strangers to be seen in that apartment. Sure there were a few friends of the family, but he knew them, he knew them well enough that they knew him. The new and improved him, not the douchey high school him they once sort of knew. There were no strangers.
The music was loud, the track list riddled with cheesy pop, glam metal, rock, one or two reasonable metal tracks that the CC boys wouldn’t ridicule because Steve had been adamant that he wanted them (Eddie) to enjoy themselves, a few Madonna tracks, Queen, Bowie, plus, Dustin had brought a karaoke machine, in the hopes that Jonathan would capture something stupid on the fancy video camera Hopper got him for Christmas.
Wasted Steve was happy to accommodate as the something stupid.
Happy to be the first person brave enough, or drunk enough, to turn that silly little machine on because he was the only one just drunk enough to not care about embarrassing himself for fun. He was happy to peruse the list of songs Suzie had managed to acquire for it like a wine list at a fine restaurant, feeling excited eyes drawn to him. It was happening. Someone was going for the Karaoke.
Who better than Steve.
Who better than the King?
Who could switch from kegs to karaoke so seamlessly that it felt effortless, Steve. That’s who.
They had a projector screen for the words, but Steve didn’t need them, he’d been humming that damn song under his breath for weeks, having heard it on the radio driving to work. He related to it is all. Having a stupid crush that wouldn’t go away on someone who clearly didn’t seem to feel the same, but he couldn’t get over it.
He didn’t want anyone else.
Who else could say they’d understand the trauma they’d been through? Who else could be woken up in the middle of the night by screaming nightmares and just get it without having to ask? Who could he even talk to without breaking several NDA’s?
That issue alone had lost him a few partners since ’86. Who wanted to be with someone who couldn’t tell them the truth?
He hadn’t gone through a whole goddamn bisexual crisis in ’88 when he REALISED his crush was an actual sexual sort of crush and not a ‘he’s just pretty Robin, it doesn’t have to mean anything!’ appreciation of another man’s ridiculously pretty face. Honestly what the fuck was up with his big doe eyes, his laugh, those lips, he made facial scars look so damn good, and—
The music was starting, he found Eddie’s eyes from across the room and locked on them, laser focus, go big or go broke! Worst case scenario Eddie punched him, he could probably take Eddie in a fight.
Maybe. Eddie was scrappy. But Steve had back up. At least a fight would probably shut his crush up.
“I love myself, I want you to love me When I'm feelin' down, I want you above me—” Jonathan’s camera was ON him.The kids mortified, like they were watching a train wreck in motion, unable to look away. Eddie was just staring at him, wide eyed and flush cheeked. Or was that his usual big ol doe eyed stare and the alcohol hitting his cheeks? Steve was too drunk to know for sure, but he felt seen. He felt warm, full of liquid courage!
“I search myself, I want you to find me I forget myself, I want you to remind me” Eddie wasn’t moving, so Steve, in his infinite white girl wasted wisdom, decided to take a step from centre stage, to cross that distance and hope those pesky bandmates of Eddie’s didn’t get in the way. They didn’t. they moved out of the way actually. Leaving Eddie to gaze up at him from his seat while onlookers stared in amazement.
And maybe a little horror on the kids part, Dustin especially.
Those were his dads. His male role models. His big brothers. His dudes.
One of which was damn near sensually lowering his pretty self down into the other man’s lap, straddling it as if they were the only two people in the room. They were not. Steve didn’t care. “I don't want anybody else, When I think about you, I touch myse—”
“Alrighty that’s enough of that!” And the music was gone. Leaving Steve to awkwardly look over his shoulder at the culprit who’d turned off his thing. Eddie’s hand had landed on his hip to steady him, which was nice. Warm. Big. Grounding. He liked it.
Didn’t mean he was gonna focus on that instead of the culprit. “Dustin you shit! That was my big MOMENT!”
“That was horrifying beyond anything I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’ve seen. Some. Shit. No dry humping our DM at the GROUP New Year’s party! Do that in your own private time! In your own room!” At least he wasn’t saying not to do it. just. Not in public. Got it.
“Boy you have no idea what dry humping is, you’re like twelve.”
“I do TOO!”
“Do not!”
“Do too!!”
Robin chose that moment to turn the normal music back on to drown their bickering out so the party could continue around them. It did. There were no strangers at that party. No matter how surprising Steve Harrington serenading Eddie Munson with a sexy song was, there were no strangers at that party. They were family.
Even the other Corroded Coffin boys were family by association. Nobody would start shit in that apartment.
They’d be outnumbered.
That hand was still on his hip. Squeezing to get his attention back from where Dustin had managed to claim it. Whatever words he’d been yelling in a failed attempt to get over the music dying in his throat when he looked down at the man he was still straddling. He knew that look. Recognised it from days long since passed. Want.
Desire, lust, need, Steve swallowed his own saliva, then licked his lips to dampen the drying skin.
“You touch yourself a lot, Harrington?”
“Mmnhm, I’ve been needing a hand with it actually, you offering, Munson?”
“Bedroom, now.”
Nothing quite like bringing in the new year with one hell of a bang.
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becausegraf · 2 months
A line in Dawntrail permanently burned into my mental audio board:
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic going heeeere kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty~
It's just some Good Shit, ok, the Mystic is a slick freakin' bastard and I love that.
Some more thoughts on our Blessed Siblings...
It's been fun rewatching those solo duties.
- Bakool Ja Ja gets the same base Dawntrail battle theme as Gulool Ja Ja but without the glorious vocals.
- You can see him using a lot of moves Gulool Ja Ja also uses during your spar, suggesting strongly that there is a shared 'school' of combat skills and magic techniques that may be getting passed on, likely through the Autarch.
- Fire magic of various sorts, that shove-kick they do and is even shown in the trailer, towers, the creation of shades/clone phantoms... It's almost a little cute to see BJJ's put some real work in.
- That final blast he does against Wuk Lamat's LB3 defense is massive holy shit. They're so much more than all talk, with that sort of wrecking power to back it up! Bakool Ja Ja just hits the wall of Wuk Lamat being a queen of Dynamis, h a h.
- Fear of failure is just a much weaker source of mojo than having something you truly want to achieve, something positive to fight for.
- BJJ's bladework is much less refined. As he uses a blade and staff combination, he can't make use viper techniques either way.
- Zoraal Ja's viper-trained all the way, naturally. Likely due to his hoobigo base frame it seems like he never cultivated any of the same magic techniques his father uses. The other explanation is ofc that the VPR class doesn't come with fire magic and they didn't feel any need to custom multiclass him for a single Trust fight.
- Getting to see Gulool Ja Ja's 'complete' battle flow during the Rite's last feat was awesome as sh- and in it you see him use a (much more 'oh shit') version of a move Bakool Ja Ja tried to pull on Wuk Lamat as well.
- They can actually pull off the whole coordinated cast skill, and I doubt that's easy to learn even if you have the physiology for it. I'd bet that it's the Mighty bringing the power, and the Mystic handling the, eh, more delicate half of such spellwork. Their boonewa half may have more raw magic 'strength' as a part of such an aptitude in general but I find it hard to imagine them doing it the other way around.
...seriously, he's doing his best, man xD
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south-sea · 1 year
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i've been promising it for ages, so here are finally some notes on the two iterations of black arms/doom i write for. in this house we ignore the "black doom is an evil space tyrant for the sake of being an evil space tyrant" thing and have fun exploring his motives from different angles
(it's because i had no idea that was even a thing until like a week ago. i've always thought the motivator was Just Food, and i like that significantly more.)
i like to think of eclipse's paternal qualities as something telling to black doom/the species as a whole, at least outside of canon instances. so that's an intentional trend across both.
it's also intentionally implied the alt arms are more or less what aruna's hive could/would have turned out like if he were less traditionally stubborn and foolhardy.
as for their plans and how things ended up:
alt doom started out as generally interested in how humanity might progress. once in contact with gerald, his plan was to trade his DNA for the chaos emeralds as a source of energy for the black comet, as its at-the-time power would have been mostly depleted by the time it circled back around in 50 years. this agreement was doomed to fail; both he and gerald almost immediately realized how badly it could backfire, got paranoid, and mutually planned to destroy each other. the fact humans are good sustenance for the black arms was just a convenient bonus at that point.
given shadow didn't make it past SA2 on this timeline, it left sonic to defeat the black arms. and in sonic fashion, this meant putting them in their place and sending them packing without properly destroying them.
alt doom is not so much one to accept he's been beaten, and more one to re-approach something from a different angle once he realizes his methods were flawed. this leads to him picking up and just going Somewhere Else. he's a scientist too, on some level. he can figure it out. and he does. rather than being all traditional and stubborn, he learns to work with other species, which in turn leads to securing better/more diverse materials, more ethical/convenient food sources, etc. the arms' population booms and advances at breakneck pace from then on. they diversify and spread out. without having to fight for survival, things are chill. it's considered the good end.
aruna's is the bad end. shadow is present on this timeline, and summarily wrecks his entire shit (for good reason).
the trouble with aruna's hive is it was in a constant state of nutritional deficit. they were the multiverse's scavengers, tending to pick planets clean whose populations were already critically low. not for any moral or ethical reason, just that the hive itself was so comparatively small in numbers, they didn't much have a choice.
this led to desperation. he got Tired of it. his last ditch effort to secure some means of easier travel/means to acquire food was to obtain the chaos emeralds. so he struck a deal with gerald, as these things always go.
he comes back 50 years later, finds his son has sided with the humans, and just snaps. just goes absolutely nuclear. if the deal isn't going to be upheld, and shadow sees the black arms as The Enemy, then he's just going to take the emeralds (and by extension the whole planet itself) by force. he's done playing nice. he and his people are starving. have been starving for enough years he's lost count.
this ends with the entire comet being blown up, and that's the last thing he sees as he's falling back to earth.
what all goes on after that point is between nobody but him, the multiverse's worst and, somehow, eventually, a familiar fallen god. (it's going in another aruna-centric post, some day, maybe, i hope.)
there's even still more i could say about how their respective hives operated and how they interacted with them personally, but that also needs to go in another post because this one's already long enough. but oh man is there more to say.
(and a shoutout/direct link to @motobug as always for the mobian design)
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sonicasura · 1 year
I got another insane idea.
Trollhunters but it's a race to fix the Amulet of Daylight.
When Jim picks up the amulet, something... unnatural occurs. Magic surges uncontrollably through it before the item explodes. Shards of the amulet fly across Arcadia while one piece plunges into Jim's heart.
He falls unconscious and is taken to the hospital as the 'Daylight Fragment' in his chest begins to integrate itself. Meanwhile panic has spread across Trollmarket upon hearing about the Amulet's destruction. Without the Trollhunter, who will protect them from Gunmar's tyranny?
Vendel decides to form a group who shall collect the Daylight Fragments and rebuild the Amulet of Daylight! They already know where the first piece is... Although Jim ain't doing too hot even before the hunt begins.
The Daylight Fragment began altering his body from the inside as the boy wasn't meant to channel magic. Jim had multiple seizures and was put into ICU ward while the shard tries to keep the young man alive. It is only when night fell did shit really hit the fan.
The hospital's power goes out as the Daylight Fragment let looses a large magical surge. Barbara and Toby rush over to Jim's room only to find it a wreck with the boy shuddering in the corner. He could barely mutter out 'Run' before he transforms into a full blown troll.
(This isn't Beast Jim if you are wondering. His form here is gonna be a more natural progression from canon Troll Jim. Larger like 18 ft but with an Olympic runner's build, fur covering his entire back, sides, front legs, front arms then down newly grown long tail, and maybe an extra pair of arms.)
What better way to traumatize your loved ones than by chasing them down as an stony beast suffering from magic overload? He catches Barbara but their strong bond allows Jim come to his senses before he could hurt her. A sweet moment that is ruined by Draal whose quick to misinterpret the situation upon arrival.
Both begin to fight with Jim at a clear disadvantage in this new form until Blinky and AAARRRGGHH intervene. They realize their task has become harder as the Daylight Fragment has fused into the boy's body thus any removal would be lethal. Not to mention two humans now know about their existence with one being the human now troll's mother.
In short, four trolls and two humans have to work together to gather the Daylight Fragments before Gunmar's forces do. Failure means not only will nothing be able to stop the Gumm-Gumm King but Jim will never become human again. Hopefully they can put aside their differences and work together...right?
What To Expect:
Jim isn't having a fun time. He's a tired bean who wants to sleep in his bed without breaking nor trying to eat it. Troll instincts tend to absolutely sucks.
Toby being an amazing best friend and wingman for his buddy. Someone has to be there for him so the big guy doesn't eat homework or chase stray cats. Plus Jim needs hugs and HE WILL GET THEM.
Barbara is ready to beat up everyone who dares to try hurting her son. The trolls are absolutely scared of the doctor. Especially when she gets out the broom or finds a sword.
Draal and Blinky are absolute disasters while AAARRRGGHH is the only one with some common sense. At this point someone needs to make troll proof leashes cause the Krubera needs to keep both from doing something stupid. Barbara will be happy to oblige.
Everyone, including the villains, are so fucking confused. Why is there magic metal shards everywhere? Strickler wondering what happened to Young Atlas and why does Barbara have a barb wire broom? Everyone is in for one hell of a chaotic wild ride.
If anyone wants to try their own hand at such an idea then go ahead! Like to see what you guys can make hence this being a prompt! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Arcadia! For now enjoy the song that this partly stems from Control by Halsey.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Pull The Trigger | Ghost x trans!m!reader
@issdisgrace asked: “Keep your eyes on me, don't look anywhere else"
With Ghost and a ftm reader. It’s the readers first shot and he’s to scared to do it himself so he asks Ghost to do it for him and he agrees to do it. Just pure fluff, please ❤️❤️❤️
summary: you don't want to be like those who find glory in animosity, but luckily, Ghost is right there with you to reassure you as much as he can.
tws: definitely a "war is Hell" vibe ngl, swearing, gun violence, guns
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The sound of gunfire was heavy and harsh, controlled savagery; those who pulled the trigger near you did so with nothing behind their eyes, not a single tremble in their fingers, wanting little more than to make sure that they could kill a civilians if they wanted to. American military. They were vile.
They were killers, they were savages and barbarians, chasing glory and honour and valor without knowing that they could never grasp a hold of it; how could there be glory in war when they were so intent on slaughtering civilians? How could they have any honour when they fought for nothing except power, capital and oil? How could they know what valor was, when they did not have an ounce of decency to go with it?
Your hands shook when you held the rifle, not wanting to be like them; you didn't want to be someone who found entertainment in watching civilians die. You didn't want to be someone who gleefully tortured hostages. You didn't want to be someone who enjoyed wrecking people's homes just for the fun of it, watching with a grin as their homes turned to ash and rubble from a fire you had set. You didn't want to be like them.
The only solace was the Union Jack patch on your arm, and the masked man laid on his stomach beside you. But you didn't want to be like them.
You fumbled to get the rifle in position, but the second you laid on your stomach and looked through the scope at the target, your fingers froze; you couldn't pull the trigger. You didn't want to be like the Americans, you were scared of becoming a monster like them. You looked to Ghost, frowning as you shook your head.
"I can't do it."
"You're meant to be our new sniper," Ghost growled. "Take the shot, (y/n)."
You shook your head, pulling away from the rifle and able to feel your eyes well up with tears. "I can't shoot them, Si."
He huffed, swallowing thickly as he looked you up and down; he had known you long enough to be able to tell that you were scared. You were terrified, actually. "What is it?"
"I don't wanna be like them," you told him with a sniffle. "I don't wanna be like the yankees are. I don't want to be a monster."
Slowly, Ghost nodded; he had seen Americans on the battlefield enough times to know exactly what you meant. Slaughtering civilians like cattle. Burning houses. Torturing prisoners of war. Tricking children into setting off bombs. Fighting for no good reason, just oil and power and wealth.
"Do you want me to do it for you?"
He had seen those monsters for himself time and time again, he had even fought them when he knew that he could get away with making them stop, but he could understand why you were scared of being like them. He was, too. Probably more than you were, although he would never admit to it; you were all scared of being such heinous and vile creatures who wanted to be entertained by slaughter.
The soldiers themselves weren't even any good, anyway; they were not brave like Gurkhas, they were not smart like the Canadian Special Operations Regiment, they were not honourable like the Indian Marine Commando Force. They were cowardly and cruel, bullies who would shit themselves at the first sign of real fighting.
They were not soldiers, they were not warriors, they were bullies.
Nobody wanted to be like them. To be so vile, so disgusting, so awful and to be a shame to themselves and their families; to be a disgrace. Nobody wanted to be like that, to be even similar to them, not If they wanted to be a decent person, to be someone who could actually look their family in the eyes. To be human, not monstrous.
You nodded as you looked at him, pleading as you refused to take your gaze from him. "Please."
Ghost sighed, and moved over, gently pushing you away so that he could get behind the rifle; his hands didn't shake as he looked through the scope and he put his finger on the trigger. He was calm and collected as he nodded slowly, chewing at the inside of his lip. "(y/n), keep your eyes on me, don't look anywhere else... don't even think about the yanks."
You nodded, daring to get against his side as you rested your chin on his shoulder, your arm over his shoulder as you sighed. "This okay?"
"Just fine." He nodded. "Just don't look at them."
You swallowed thickly, although it was hard not to turn your head and to take any notice of the monsters surrounding you when you could hear the mortars, grenades, all kinds of explosives being deployed and launched by them; no respect for the land that they were upon, they were going to piss all over it.
They were going to ruin it. You could already smell the way that the buildings were starting to burn, knowing that they had been set ablaze by the Americans, and you couldn't stop yourself.
You pressed your face against Ghost, shaking your head as you whimpered quietly; you had seen war, you had been death and destruction for years before this moment.
A successful sniper, it's what for you dragged into task force one four one in the first place. But what they were doing was not war. It was not death and destruction; it was cruelty and abuse. It was killing for the sake of it.
No care for the art of war. Only wanting to take pleasure and entertainment in the suffering of others, and as you kept your face pressed against Ghost, you heard and felt him take the shot; relief came over you for a split second, but you could not relax.
Slowly, Ghost pulled himself away from the rifle when he was sure that the target - a billionaire with a lust for misery - had been brought down; he sighed, brought you between his legs as he leaned against the nearest wall, and rested his chin on your head as he kept his arms around you tightly.
"It's alright," Ghost said, keeping you right there as he sighed. "You ain't nothing like them, don't worry. You're nothing like them... I got you."
You nodded, leaning into him as you relaxed a little more and closed your eyes. You felt him wrap his arms around you, keeping you tight against him as he slipped his hand under your shirt and pressed his gloves hand to your skin, a coarse reassurance that even tickled a little from where there were stray bits of string, wear and tear in those gloves.
It was the best reassurance you had had. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be," Ghost grumbled, pulling his mask up just enough so that his mouth was exposed, pressing his lips to your skin, another small reassurance. "You're alright. I've got you, (y/n)... how many fuckin' times have I proved it?"
"A lot," you agreed softly. "I still remember when you knocked that yank out for me."
"Yeah, well, he shouldn't have been sayin' that you were less of a man for bein' trans," he growled, gently nipping at your skin. "I've got you. I got your six."
"I've got your six," you repeated softly. "I'll be able to take the shot next time."
"Next time, you'll be with Soap," Ghost admitted. "But I ain't gonna be far if you need me... promise."
"Thank you," you murmured.
"Don't worry," he sighed. "Shit happens... but you got me."
It was the best he could offer, unable to tell you that he loved you but still wanting you to know that he cared; he cared about you as much as he could allow himself to, and he wanted you to know that. When he said that he had your six and that he had you, Ghost wasn't lying.
if you enjoyed this fic, REBLOG IT; if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM level of support. do not interact if you won't reblog.
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hey! I saw this mentioned in your pinned post and it looked fun so would you write stingxnastu hcs? (romantic)
i did that as an example just bc i saw one person complain they were boiling sting down to that and yukino in 100yq SDJKFHSK aye aye cap
before read more is when they each realized they had feelings, after is when they started to do anything with it
spoilers for gmgs and alvarez??? if people havent seen them yet
its after the gmgs and probably during the dragon king festival that sting realized he really liked natsu
like natsu kicked his ass in that 2v2 and i feel like most dragon slayers would find that hot so he probably started to realize his idolizing of "the salamander" has turned into a crush around then
which made him a bit more angry at fairy tail and a bit more willing to try and fight them in the final brawl. where he, again, got his shit wrecked. and not even by natsu
and during the festival when nearly everyone was bandaged up and already running on fumes natsu was one of the few who wasnt nearly that bad
so when the fight was nearly done and natsu was able to be on the ground and not flying on a dragon he was the only one who could move quickly
bc sting nearly got impaled by falling debris an there was no chance he could move out of the way an ultear had long since turned back time already an there wasnt much light he could hide in
natsu was able to shove him out of the way and the debris only grazed their legs. gave sting a concussion, falling down on the brick road with all the force of natsu fucking dragneel in a protective state, but that was better than death and oops there goes my heart
natsu probably realized in the alvarez arc somewhere
itd be firmly during or after sting beats larcade / rahkeid
natsu woulda had no thoughts before that. the most hed think about sting is as a friend in a lesser way to gajeel, since they both started off "bad" but gajeels in his guild and sting wasnt so. more time to bond with gajeel
when sting ate rogue's shadows natsu could feel it. hes fucking unconscious, yeah, but hes also draconic and demonic fire. he can feel the presence and absence of warmth. so when warm light meets warm darkness, he can feel it
it absolutely did not help that little "are you a dragon or a demon" thing going on in his core but it did pull him towards the right answer faster than canon. just more painful and it just kinda sped the whole thing up more so natsu was burning up on lucy's back before they could fully get to porlyusica
the realization wouldve come at the end when everyone had time to share their side of the story. saying "im neither. im human" doesnt really affect your instincts and whatnot. hed already be looking between rogue and sting when someone mentioned they were doing something after he had passed out
he had long since realize rogue's shadows could be cold and warm. he figured it was rogue doing something wacky while sting did something wacky. learning sting fought through starvation, ate rogue's shadows, and beat someone up WHILE STILL FIGHTING STARVATION. and it was ALL FOR NATSU. his heart went soaring. even if he just thought he was amazed and/or proud of how far sting had come. so he,,,, didnt actually realize it
read more ^^^
when sting realized, he also already thought natsu and lucy were together. hence his constant idea that hes just gonna be the idiot pinning in the background to an obliviously thickheaded, taken man for comedic relief
when natsu realized-without-realizing, not only did he not actually realize it, but he just kinda. shrugged. and he started wanting to get to know sting more and train with him more and fight with him more but like. thats just typical friendly behavior to natsu
and sting actually let natsu do all that. he let natsu pull him away from guild master work to talk and train and go on quests and whatnot. but it just meant that sting could throw flirts straight at natsu's face and get either a too-serious answer, a too-joking answer, or a blank stare bc what in the hell does that mean
sting would walk over to lucy at some point in time and be all "look your boyfriend is far too fucking dumb. i love him but i respect that you two are together but also can i go on fake dates with him. please think of the comedy of me, sabertooth's master, saying i go on dates with lucy heartfilia's boyfriend. thatd be so fucking funny"
but then lucy just looks at him and is all "my,,, my what? are you saying natsu's my boyfriend?"
sting would look back at her and nod and hed be confused bc. what does that mean. and when lucy starts busting a gut laughing her ass off hes even more confused
when she finally calms down shed say "natsu's more like my dumbass friend who couldnt tell the difference between flirting and shit-talking in a fight. i cant deal with something like that in a partner. hes all yours"
so sting gets excited. hes thinking about all the dates and all the gifts and all the funky little pickup lines and then he realizes just what lucy said and he realizes that not only did she immediately knew who he was talking about. meaning hes already so fucking obvious. but that natsu straight up doesnt get flirting. which is also obvious but to have it confirmed
he had run off after quickly thanking lucy. so when he realized this he was already way too far away. his hearing sucks but he KNOWS lucy is laughing her ass off and honestly he would be too if he wasnt the one smitten with a dumbass
sting would just say fine. whatever. all those fake date ideas he had were just going to be real dates whether natsu would say they were or not.
whenever he showed up at sabertooth
whenever he showed up at fairy tail
walking to get some random thing for someone
zooming to fairy tail in the light just to materialize for a moment, smack natsu upside the head for doing something dumb, and zooming back to sabertooth
sting got desperate to call everything a date. he even called them dates TO NATSU'S FACE. and he wasnt getting it
he saw lucy and gray and happy and cana and laxus and minerva and gajeel and mirajane fucking strauss tease natsu! hes sure erza even got in on it!! hes sure lisanna and yukino got in on it!!! natsu just kept saying how good of a friend sting was and how proud he was of his accomplishments. WHAT WAS THERE NOT TO GET
sting even kissed his cheek one time. natsu saved his ass on a quest. again. for the like eighth time. but this one was actually a mistake and not the dramatized little mess ups sting does sometimes to see what natsu would do. so he thanked him with a kiss to the cheek and natsu just SMILED and said "that's what friends are for!" WHAT.
sting didnt even know how natsu couldnt tell the difference between talking smack and flirting
but noooo natsu would say hes was talking SMACK. STINGS BOUTTA SMACK YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD AGAIN DUMBASS
when the training had finished and natsu said that sting just. went on a rant. about how different shit talking and flirting was. he went into details. he gave examples. he made sure to start trying to kick natsu to make sure he was paying attention because their adhd asses liked to just look off at butterflies every fucking second without something to do
sting got so riled up he started throwing white attacks around at natsu. natsu started throwing fire back but he was asking questions that just KEPT. MAKING STING. SO ANNOYED. BECAUSE HOW HAS NO ONE EXPLAINED THIS PART OF MODERN HUMAN BULLSHIT YET.
it was when stings voice got so scratchy and his throat got so raw that he finally stopped giving natsu a fucking crash coarse in modern romance. he stopped fighting and back on the ground. and it was silent
until natsu walked over, straddled stings hips, and said "so... all that time we were eating and talking and fighting, you were trying to mate me?"
and sting drags his hands down his face and looks up at natsu with the least impressed expression he can while honestly very embarrassed. he cant even say anything again. so he just nods.
"yknow you couldve just said 'hey, want to be my mate?', and i wouldve said yes"
"i mean i wouldve asked you to wait because it only took until you started throwing white magic at me just now to realize that i liked you but. i probably wouldve said yes a few months ago."
"do it yourself, coward"
happy and lector, who had taken to the sky the moment they started using magic, just sigh when that made sting start sputtering. natsu probably didnt even fully realize what that meant. but the exceeds are just glad the long and torturous slow burn is finally fucking over
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Kakashi’s Story- Chapter Four (because i am WEAK)
Margo choosing to fight because sue doesn’t want to leave Nanara is so sweet! Also a pot fir armor is just *chefs kiss* beautiful. Love these villagers.
‘The release of the chakra to create a wall that huge would come with some serious shaking and a loud roar’ love that Kakashi’s skills keep getting highlighted in such interesting fun ways.
‘This was incredible chakra control’ i’m going to need every person who doubts Kakashi’s chakra control to write a 500 word apology letter right now 😂😂😂
‘A ninja with hair that was silver like a wolf’s shining in the moonlight and a gaze sleepy like a goat’ i just - these comparisons do not much up but i love it so damn much
‘Who’s winning’ said by the biggest shit of the world, taunting his enemy in his own little way before knocking them out
‘Nah, there’s no way it’s just one person. It’s gotta be a combo technique’ oh boy how wrong you are XD i just… i love that it’s clear Kakashi’s skill is so above average that people expect him to be multiple shinobi.
I love that Kakashi, a trained assassine, is just knocking his opponents out. The growth in his character arc is delicious.
I also love that we get some sweet Kakashi and Iruka content.
‘Distracted bu the memory of Iruka’s proud face’ i say this with all of my Kakagai loving heart… SIMP
My beautiful man did a screw up and now he has to fight properly, all because he was distracted thinking about Iruka XD
‘He looked sort of sleepy’ the fact that this is the first thing people thing of when they see Kakashi is so hilarious. Nothing else, just sleepy looking.
Hatake Kakashi, Sixth Hokage, kicking all of the ass with *drumroll* a pot lid
‘It had to be an amazing pot lid that used chakra. That had to be it’ legit grasping at straws because it makes no sense that one man is kicking all of this ass XD
Kakashi lost his pot lid and put his enemy into a genjutsu in mere seconds!? KING
‘Their average ability was on a special jonin level’ not only can he kick ass, but he can determine his enemies skill level so quickly And determine just how hard this fight will be, which is… not hard at all.
‘To Kakashi they were a group of small time punks’ you cocky shit i love you
I love that they keep convincing themselves that there is more than one attacker. They simply cannot fathom the fact that they’re getting wrecked by one man XD
Two! A pot lid and a pot have now been used as weapon’s and destroyed XD
‘His opponent was a monster on an entirely different level’ ya, a Hokage’s level XD
Kakashi catching a Shuriken, chucking it back and then knocking out an opponent he caught in a trap. He’s so friggen quick.
‘The intruder was faster than wind’ the comparisons in Kakashi’s skill are delightful. I am loving every single second of this
I enjoy seeing them get cocking thinking they finally have the upper hand and will take the intruder down, only to have Kakashi kick their asses.
Genjutsu for the win again!
Kakashi wore his headband over his left eye… to make it easier to realize who he is??? The lil shit!
‘He had once been a Konoha shinobi. Until the sixth Hokage had dismissed him.’ Grudge! We have a shinobi with a grudge! *drinks this up greedily*
‘He would expect nothing less from Kakashi than the nerve to make the first love when surrounded by 12 people’ hatake Kakashi, world renowed lil shit and cocking f*** XD
‘Shin Hakubi, hm?’ Kakashi see’s and recognizes the dude immediately. He is the complete opposite to gai in this way (gai never remember faces while kakashi commits them to memory)
‘This was the greatest fortune of his life, going one-on-one with the Hokage when he’s used up his chakra’ do they just… forget he’s highly skilled in Taijutsu too? He goes toe to toe with gai, a taijutsu master, and they just… forget this?
KAKASHI USED GENJUTSU TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE STILL HAD THE SHARINGAN!? He didn’t even know who he was facing but he knew without a doubt he could use his title as ‘Kakashi of the Sharingan’ to scare the absolute shit out of his opponents.
‘But he saw my Raijin shuriken and hit them. There’s no way he could pull off a trick like that without the sharingan’ think again b***
‘After learning that he had repeatedly robbed civilians on missions, Kakashi had dismissed him’ good. No thieving trash allowed
Kakashi got the beat the crap out of the POS who hurt that little girl! Go baby!!!
This chapter was so good! There’s the action, the stealth, the intelligence. I love Kakashi so much because i got invested into this universe for the Shinobi and he’s an actual representation of a talebted well rounded shinobi
I love seeing him in his zone. Being a stealthy little shit but also cocky af because he knows he has this. He knows he won’t lose. It’s brilliant!
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs the Eclipse Resurgence
A little more Forbidden West ... except not really in the Forbidden West, mostly.
Okay, so - off I go to this clearing. Well, there's all the blood, and ... well, here we go, Focus says third person. Let's follow the third person.
Oop, there goes a raccoon. I could Focus it but it'll be got away by the time I-- Oh. I just ... approximated its trajectory and shot it. DAMN I'm good.
Why do these people not just kill the machines when the machines are in their way? It's not hard! You'd figure everyone wandering around outside a settlement would go armed when there's a possibility of machines in the way! Ah, well - at least that means I'll never be out of a job. ...At least, if I save the world. I guess it's not going to matter either way if I don't.
Aha! Cave! Wow. Cave full of shinies. Treasure caves for the win.
Huh. Yeah, that's Eclipse alright. Shooty time.
Wow. I'm getting good at melee stealth kills. Then again, how far am I down the Infiltrator tree? Yeesh.
"We should go check". Yeah, c'mon down into the nice dark cave where I can shoot the living hell out of you people. YOU PEOPLE WERE SUCH PAINS IN MY ASS AND I'M NOT DEALING WITH IT AGAIN IF I DON'T HAVE TO.
...Oh. Was I supposed to fight them out here? Eh well. they came to me. That seems a nicer way of dealing with it.
Eclipse with Focus. Great. And apparently the wanting to set up whole armies in the Forbidden West to TAKE OVER THE WORLD-- oh for fuck's sake. I guess this is what @true0neutral meant by "You'll like what they have in place of bandit camps", hmm?
Right. Mask for proof and ... okay, brief raid of the rest of the shinies in this cave and then I will go back.
Ooh. Nighttime. And Fanghorns in the way. Yay, Zen hunting!
...Fuck. I think I lost a Scrounger down a cliff. Eh well.
Go, Conovar, be freeeeeee! No, please, enjoy the being free. You don't want to dedicate your life to a cause; it sucks. I can take on another cause; it's fine.
Right. Now, how do I glide? Okay, now you're not giving me helpful hints. I want the helpful hints; how do I fucking glide? Lemme check the keybinds - and you don't tell me either! Fuck's sake. Fine, lemme do some testing; I'm sitting on all the medicinal berries in the world anyway.
...Fuck this. The glider no longer exists. Fuck it and fuck my life.
Right. Onward to the scavenger place. Ooh, hey, foxes! I need fox parts! Let's do this!
Ooooooooookay I saw some of that stuff I see in the distance at the far edges of Nora territory etcetera, but I seem to recall it looking somewhat less like a fucking Reaper. Didn't I have enough of this shit on the final run to the Beam in Mass Effect 3? And I had better weapons until Harbinger wrecked my shit up and left me with nothing but a hand cannon to deal with the final boss of Marauder fucking Shields. ...At least I can trust Guerilla not to do that to me.
Ugh. No, dead-by-Blight fox is not worth this. Man, I spend far too much time in games where the Blight is a thing and red things radiate deadliness of that sort. Now I kind of wonder what the colour-blind accessibility options do because for those of us who can see colours in the usual way, red means danger but red is also the grass we hide in for stealth. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND.
Hi, Scavenger dude. Oh, you want to make spiffy armour? Cool. Ah. You're running a contest and this poor jerk's stuck without parts. Well. You've given me an excuse to Zen-hunt, Poor Jerk, so I will be nice to you. I like hitting up Shellwalkers anyway.
Precision arrow quiver upgraded YEEEEEES. And that's the achievement for having upgraded all the bags at least once. I like achievements. They're fun.
I ... should take a break or something. More coffee. Food. Then pick what the hell I want to do next. I see ... one of those Eclipse camps ... a Large Metal Bird hunting spot, and a whoooole lot of Fog of War, so there's probably a Tallneck out there someplace. ADVENTURE! ...Yeah, okay, and saving the world, but lemme HUNT.
So I'mma go grab some potato salad and coffee and then get back to the ADVENTURE. If nothing else, this has so far been a great way to hyperfocus past the OW I woke up with today. I mean, the paracetamol helped a bit, but sometimes, even when moving hurts, I just have to keep weaponising my hyperfocus tendencies. I could be a grumpy sod about the fact that it took forty-some years to figure out that I probably have ADHD, especially when it's often misdiagnosed as borderline personality disorder in women and I was diagnosed with that over twenty years ago, but ... I'm honestly not that much? I still prefer having a diagnosis when I can, but at the same time, I did at least figure out how to not only work around the whole mess but even use some of it to my advantage. See also: hyperfocus as an all-natural painkiller, and setting my executive dysfunction to work against my impulsivity tendencies so I don't end up bankrupting myself stupidly. I guess we all figure it out eventually.
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Hey, so you probably already made posts about this and I just don't remember, but what's Blood Moon like in your actor AU? Their personality, their relationships with the others, what they think of their role, etc?
I actually haven't talked about it before other then very briefly, but I'd love to share! :D
They still share a body but the two personality thing is highly played up. So their personalities are similar to the ones shown in the show, but they don't have the blood lust and are a bit tamer on the murder happy aspect. The one with the voice closer to Monty is still impulsive and emotionally charged but not as unhinged, he's just as smart as his brother- he's just more emotional. Meanwhile the rhyming one is more quiet but not sadistic like his character. Though he does still speak in rhyme; That's just something he does for fun.
They really enjoy the role because it gives them the chance to act like crazy unhinged bastards without being told to settle the fuck down. It's basically being given a "Go fucking crazy little man" pass and they are happy to take it.
They slot nicely into the middle child role when it comes to Eclipse and Lunar. Eclipse is the oldest, they're the mild children, and Lunar is the youngest.
As for relationships...
Eclipse: They actually get along really well with Eclipse, though in that combative gremlin brother way. They wrestle a lot. It made filming the fight scene easier because they roughhouse all the time! The noises that played when Moon was in the room during the fight were the actual noises from them roughhousing with some added sound effects. Of course they'd never actually hurt him, but it was fun fucking with him. They're a bit of the rival sibling type, which made the role that much more fun to play! ^^
Lunar: Blood Moon has a good relationship with their little brother as well, though they do tease him... a lot XD. They just find it so cute to see his grumpy little poutting face! They have an absurd amount of nicknames for him, though the two of them use different types. The wilder one uses more simple and slightly cruder nicknames that probably reference inside jokes and or embarrassing events. Lunar got a paint bucket stuck on his head because he ran into the latter while playing on the switch so sometimes he calls him 'bucket head' and is more then eager to explain why if asked. Meanwhile the rhyming one uses more soft albeit... weird nicknames. Like giving him a nickname based on some obscure type of grass. They're also just as protective of him as Eclipse is, though are more likely to act before and think later.
Sun and Moon don't know Bloody well, as they only recently met when he got included in the show. They're a bit eccentric but gradually they've started to get used to them and their weird quirks. They get along a bit better with Moon then they do Sun, just because of shared interests and because they share that familiar bastard energy, but they do make an effort to get to know Sun too.
Bonus: Neither of their brothers are safe from tickles, though the two personalities have slight preferences over who they really like tickling. The more feral one likes to tickle Eclipse, because he doesn't have to be gentle and can just wreck his shit while cackling maniacally. Seeing Eclipse embarrassed afterwards is always insanely rewarding. The rhyming one likes to tickle Lunar because of how reactive and wiggly he is. He gets tired out far quicker then Eclipse, but that's fine- it's worth it to see his reactions to both the tickles and being teased mercilessly. They like to team up with Eclipse to tickle Lunar into a hysterical puddle.
There are some aspects of their role they don't like, though. The more feral one gets tired of screaming nonstop often, as most people would. The rhyming one doesn't appreciate the screaming much either, considering it's probably just as loud if not louder to the person sharing the body with him. The rhyming one sometimes has issues with keeping his input equal with his brother as in reality he's not as talkative, nor as sadistic so getting into that "murdery fun" mindset can be a bit challenging depending on his mood.
And.. they also don't really like scaring or hurting their siblings. :( Insulting Lunar feels almost illegal, and seeing Eclipse act so shitty also feels weird. Sometimes the rhymer has to remind the feral one that it's a show so that he doesn't throw Eclipse when he comes into range for being a dick to their little sibling. Lunar finds it funny that both of his siblings get so upset from seeing him act distraught that they end up dragging him into the blanket pit after filming. (It was a pile before, but Bloody made it a pit)
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manofmanymons · 2 years
how do you think the urvive kids would have dealt with the main enemies of, i dunno, adventure (1999)
I think it would be really funny if they just hit Myotismon and Machinedramon with an uno reverse card. Just like "well my partner is the same Digimon but better, soo..."
Before I keep talking I wanna clarify that rather than looking at this as "Adventure enemies but in Survive" I'm thinking more like "Survive kids but in Adventure"
I think the Devimon arc would be interesting bc the Survive kids are older and more cautious so I feel like tricks like the mansion illusion wouldn't work as well on them? But also as a "first boss" I think they might also be less united than the Adventure crew. I feel like they'd either roll a nat 20 in persuasion and win Ogremon to their side way earlier on or like straight up kill him instead of just temporarily defeating him tho so in that sense the Devimom fight would be easier for them. I like to think the former would happen tho and then it would just be a matter of like kicking that demons ass as a crew instead of winning by any sort of last minute evolution.
I'm having such a hard time imagining the Etemon arc with these kids. I feel like even though they're not stupid and obviously they would understand the danger, as more modern age kids I can't imagine they wouldn't find Etemon at least a little bit silly. Like Minoru would so laugh his ass off they first they meet the funky singer chimp.
Assuming they would also be undergoing a "find the crests" arc I feel like they would argue significantly more than the adventure crew. Stay on file island vs go to server, focus on crests vs focus on kicking Etemon's ass. Ironically I think having our MC with an Agumon throwdown with monkey man and end up in the real world would just happen exactly like in Adventure?
But then after that like...without the fog forcing them to stay together and w all their arguments leading up to this point I think they'd kinda fall apart. Similar to Adventure again but this time they're not just splitting up to find a friend they just kinda can't stand each other rn so the "bring everyone back together arc" def has to happen before they can face off w myotismon.
Although the stakes for them would be way different than in adventure bc there's no 8th kid they're looking for or anything so I think it would be more fun if they all just like
Well a) underwent a crest activation arc but ALSO just had a friendship arc. Yknow like gained some perspective in their time apart and then really bonded when they got back.
While I still stand by that uno reversing myotismon by killing him with a different myotismon would be hilarious, I GUESS they could just use the power of friendship or whatever instead :/
Except actually fuck it if Adenture could have random kids getting a "bippity boppity deus ex machina, bitch" moment and soloing the main boss then so can the Survive kids so actually yeah they should be allowed to kill the vampire with a better vampire.
Speaking of the anime power of friendship I really want them to just kick puppetmon's ass with a genuine coordinated group attack. Like idk considering the whole thing with that guy was "oh he's weak bc he has no friends" it's a little weird that in adventure he was ultimately killed by one (1) angsty boy who was NOT being a team player at the time. It would be fun if the payoff for everyone becoming besties was just flawless teamwork yknow. I also think that being able to strategize like that would be a neat way to set the Survive cast apart from the Adventure cast.
I STILL want to uno reverse machinedramon so badly.
I genuinely can't even remember what actually happened with metalseadramon. I think he dies first out of the dark masters, yeah? Like he kills whamon and then Tai wrecks his shit? Honestly I think ANY Survive kid could solo that guy. I don't even care which one. Whoever is the most violent in that moment. Maybe Aoi bc he just murdered a friend in front of them. Or Miu bc mega level marine digimon vs mega level marine digimon.
Piedmon uuuuh. Well he's different from Survive Piedmon so instead of getting soloed by Takuma maybe he can be our fancy dancy Omegamon moment.
Apocalymon idk would just be the equivalent of the master tbh. Maybe they could even have a heart to heart to with him yknow like instead of totally blowing him up they could like kick his ass a little and then be like "but what if you weren't evil" and he could be like "oh shit you're right" and they all live happily ever after ksjsnd
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wikiangela · 2 years
she hulk finale!!! 😍 it was awesome and I loved it and here are some comments I made while watching (kinda long post sns)
spoilers under the cut!
the opening was fantastic, so funny lol
oh shit and Bruce is still in space huh 😳
and she can't turn, just like Blonsky? I mean, from the perspective of the witnesses... understandable
aw I feel so bad for her, she doesn't deserve all that 😭
oh no she's moving 😭 like, I get it, but I love her apartment, it's so cute lol
"by any and all means" I fucking love Nikki 😂😂 where do I find a bestie like her lol
Dennis what the fuck 🤦🏻‍♀️ tbh I genuinely forgot this guy existed lmao "dated for a significant about of time" HA, you fucking wish 😂 you wish you could pull anyone even remotely as awesome as Jen lmao
we're gonna see Blonsky again??? yaaay!
"I'm not running from my problems, it's a mental health break" ain't that a mood lol
Nikki's a genius 👑
"deep haikus" by Emil Blonsky - I fucking need this book in my life 😂😂😂
I love Pug, I wish we could've seen more of him in this series lol
"I would have the exact same criticism if she was a man" OMG but this is exactly what males say on the internet 😂😂😂
fucking Todd 😂 for a second there i was afraid Pug's cover was blown lol
Pug is doing so good and I'm loving how uncomfy he is about all that 😂
TODD is HulkKing???! I mean, there were theories after he called her a specimen and all, but I honestly didn't expect that, because I was sure it had to be someone smarter 😂😂😂
I still don't trust the wrecking crew guy 👀
wait, is Blonsky with inteligencia?????! WHAT? obvi he wasn't suddenly good but like... why - also, how can he suddenly transform without alerting his parole officer now????
seeing Blonsky's voice come out of the Abomination is so silly oh my god 😂😂
fucking Todd 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
oh, and Titania's here! "does that bitch ever use a door" seriously 😂😂
oh, so Emil protected Jen - so he really does do it for profit huh - still doesn't make it okay hah
BRUCE IS HERE!!!! OH MY GOD?? I thought he was in space???
noo, Bruce, wrong guy to fight 😂😂😂
"what is even happening here" 😂😂 it's so chaotic and I'm loving every second 😂😂😂
oh my god for a second I panicked when it switched to the Disney plus menu 😂😂 this is so funny
so she broke the inhibitor and jumped into marvel assembled - aka the real world???! this episode is completely unhinged and insane and I love it 😂😂😂
is she going to complain about the storylines 🤣 this is so meta and that whole thing was unexpected but it's so good???
Kevin 😂 or, K.E.V.I.N. 😂😂 so funny
"you are very expensive" I cannot stop laughing 😂😂😂
okay, I fucking love this episode 😂 😂
making fun of the usual overdone formula? I'm all here for it 😂
no, but seriously, I kinda love that she's like: the stakes were high enough for me personally, I don't need to have to save the world or anything, it was supposed to be a fun legal comedy with me coming to terms with my superpowers - because I genuinely loved the show and this brand new thing they're trying and I love that for once the stakes don't have to be threatening to everyone around
"save it for the movie" YES - as much as I loved seeing Bruce again, it is kinda like: a man has to come to the rescue because she wouldn't be able to do it without him 😅 he's getting his own project, we don't need to know now (even tho I'm curious haha)
"when are we getting the x-men" wait I need to finish the movies 😂😂😂
"I smash fourth walls and bad endings" AS YOU SHOULD 💪😂😂 I can't believe we finally got marvel saying "yeah, it's been repetitive, let's change it up" 😂😂
"and sometimes Matt Murdock" YAS, get it girl 😏😂
MATT IS BACK????!!!!! FUCK YEAH!! (but seriously, get him the red suit back, the yellow looks so bad 🤢)
he met the fam? 👀 so they're a thing? I'm so here for it, pls let them be together forever lol
And Bruce is back the right way lol
wait what, a son??? I am so confused 😂
Wong breaking Emil out again 😂😂😂
oh my god I loved it!!!! so good!!! honestly this might be my fave finale of marvel shows so far because it was SO unexpected and different and just completely chaotic and unhinged and I'm here for all of it 😂😂
the meta jokes and comments were absolutely hilarious and I laughed my ass off
I love how the ending was finally something different and more grounded I guess (as much as it can be in a hulk show lol) with no nonsense about Todd getting powers and all that
and I think everyone got what they deserved, with Todd being sued (it is a lawyer show lol) and Blonsky going back to prison - tho obvi he's not there anymore lol
despite being a superhero show, it dealt more with Jen and her life and coming to terms with herself, balancing her life as she hulk and Jen, and it was a legal comedy (could've used more legal stuff but those were 20 minute episodes so I get it lol) and I'm glad it all ended the way it ended rather than have the usual everyone shows up completely out of the blue for the last big fight that the hero's gonna win anyway
(and Matt!! god I hope they're dating lol I can't wait to see him again in born again!)
I fucking loved the show and this ending completely subverted expectations and made this show even better
so good, I hope we'll get s2 and I really hope to see her on the big screen one day (also, Bruce has a son wtf, when is his movie or whatever coming out lol)
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gnzma · 1 year
Talk about Guzma’s morals, and what influenced them— people, culture, media, etc. What made him think/feel the way he does? [ characters questions ; ACCEPTING ]
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[ man. nice question. mostly because. i think what truly influenced him was the way he was treated, and the traumas he went through
obligatory TW for physical abuse, bullyism and child neglect
. Guzma used to be very into Alolans culture. of course there's that childlike wonder that comes with the idea of being someone powerful like a Captain, maybe a Kahuna in the future, but he used to love that part of his Region's history. in fact, when he gave up on the island tour, he didn't really think much of it - he'd just try again next year, when he's ready, because Alola deserves someone strong to protect them, right?
he did that without knowing that it all would go into shit.
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his father saw him as someone important only as long as he could become somebody, and giving up would just mean that he isn't suited to be one. he was never the brightest or the calmest kid around, but as soon as he became a disappointment he became nothing but a punching ball, first emotionally, then physically speaking. the kids at school just saw him as an angry kid who gave up. Kukui did the same, sure, but he was the fun, happy-go-lucky kid who joked about it. Guzma was the kid who eventually snapped after the umpteenth battle lost. his mom wasn't around much because she worked away, his teachers noticed only when he was the one reacting, the kahunas just heard about a child who got mad at everyone for the smallest things -- and, eventually, someone who sneaked into Tapu Koko's temple, angered their god, made a mess soon after and started insulting the guardian of their island. he couldn't fight back his father, so he beat up kids older than him, then thugs behind the school, then adults who didn't scare him. he was ignored by everyone who could've helped him, so he forced them to notice him by being the loud, violent bastard everyone treated him as already anyway.
and then the first skulls showed up. rejects of society, people the gods themselves forsake. the proof that Alola was wrong. that everyone picked their favorites, and those that didn't fit the pitch perfect goody-two-shoes stereotypes everyone loved so much were meant to be thrown away.
and... isn't that unfair? why following morals, when nobody else didn't and yet still managed to avoid consequences? why being good, when nobody listened when they tried so bad to seem like it?
why accept this, when you can wreck it all?
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