#that is all. i need u__u
mourninglamby · 2 years
howdy what’s your favourite food?
love u redrum but this is a hilariously difficult question i have a horrible relationship w/ food rn i was literally on instinct just gonna reply with "edibles". so sure okay rn i guess its chocolate.
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ranseur · 1 year
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Jessie studies hard for her pokemon medical license exams.
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belligerentbagel · 2 years
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oh no new blorbos have been identified
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revasserium · 11 months
狐と蛍の物語 (the story of the fox and the firefly)
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harrison; 4,064 words; fluff and angst a/n: for @violettduchess and @aquagirl1978's summer days, sultry nights event -- prompt "fireflies" (obviously); i'm also gonna say this counts for my 31 days of au prompt -- reincarnation!au; inspired by hotarubi no mori e and catheryn m valente's deathless and honestly, i'm so proud and happy with this one that i'd encourage you to read it even if you have no idea of the fandom/character. u__u i would love, love, love to know what you guys think!
once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a girl who only danced to the firefly’s light and a fox who could tell nothing but lies.
for as long as you can remember, there’s always been the wood. and it has always been behind your house, it’s leaves and branches foreboding in the winter wind, and somehow less so in the simmer of mid-summer afternoons, when the sunlight dappled light across the soft, forest floor. it isn’t a very large wood, but it’s a wood nevertheless, and deserves all the respect and fear afforded to bigger woods in faraway places. woods that warn of teeth and terrors, woods that hide both dreams and monsters.
you’d been wandering the wood from when you were a little girl, and to you, there’s not a single rock you don’t know, a single tree you haven’t tried to climb. and the forest knows you, as forests do the people who frequent them, and it welcomes you with open arms, it cradles you to its chest, whispers stories into your ears, carves itself open to show you it’s secrets —
“you’re late.”
you crinkle your nose at the familiar voice, letting out a huffing breath as you drop your picnic basket in the middle of the small, sun-lit clearing, taking your time with laying out the checked picnic blanket and two cups and saucers for tea, and finally, pulling out a tray of confections, covered by a thin, linen baking towel.
“no, i’m not! you just want me to think i am so i’ll give you more than half of the sweets.”
a boy settles over the picnic blanket, cocking his head at you before you narrow your eyes.
“well? isn’t that true?”
“ahh… i wonder if it is…” he says, but you can hear the grin in his voice, even through the material of his fox-faced mask, which, after a few more seconds of posturing, he pushes up onto his forehead. he shakes out his milk-tea hair and slates you a poison-ivy grin. you know that grin like you know the woods— and you know the woods like you know the backs of your own hands. better, even, you think sometimes.
because for as long as there’s been the woods, and as long as you have wandered it’s depths, the boy with the fox-faced mask has always been there.
“there were fresh strawberries at farmer’s market today,” you say, setting up the tea service as you nudge the opened picnic basket towards the boy with a foot. he peers in with wide, curious eyes before letting out a soft noise of contentment as he reaches in to pull out a slice of freshly baked strawberry cream cake.
“your grandmama makes the best pastries in the world,” he says, and there’s such sincerity in his voice that for a moment, you almost believe him.
but you nod and take the compliment in stride, “she sure does!”
he digs in with gusto even when you tut that the tea hasn’t steeped properly, but you laugh as he smears a large dollop of whipped cream across his cheeks. you point it out to him with a dainty finger, and as always, you fight the urge to reach over and wipe it off for him. instead, you hold yourself still and sigh as he finally gets to it, smudging a bit into his hair in the process.
“clumsy fox,” you giggle, pressing a hand up to your lips.
“picky girl,” he snipes back, but there’s that full, sated grin on his own lips as he leans back, his elbows propped up on the soft grasses of the clearing.
after a moment of pleasant silence during which the leaves sang on their trees and the grasses swayed beneath the breeze, the boy turns towards you.
“so. no dancing today?”
you turn your head towards him before casting your eyes up towards the still bright blue sky.
“you know it’s not time yet.”
the boy heaves a melodramatic sigh, sound much bigger and larger than his 14-year old body should be able to hold.
“ah… right, right — because you can —”
“— only dance by the fireflies’ light — yep!”
the boy regards you with an imperious sort of look before breaking into a fit of bright, open laughter.
“you’re the strangest girl i’ve ever met!”
“just you saying that tells me it’s not true,” you stick out your tongue at him, even as heat washes up into your cheeks.
the boy shrugs, lying back down on the picnic basket, “i don’t always have to lie, y’know.”
and it’s your turn to regard him with the imperious look, and, a the cock of a singular eyebrow, his lips tug into a lopsided grin. his eyes flash, the color of budding spring.
“liar,” you say, but you’re smiling too as you lie back down to watch the clouds pass.
he makes no sound to correct you.
once, you’d asked him what his name is and he simply shook his head and said —
“call me whatever you’d like.”
“but i want to call you by your name.”
“what’s in a name anyway?”
“uhm… nothing’s in it but…” you’d frowned then, your eight year old mind spinning to try and catch up with this strange, strange question and this strange, strange boy.
“see? so why should it matter what my name is? just… call me whatever!”
but you’d only frowned hard enough for him to roll his eyes.
“fine then — uhm — what’s the name of the current prince?”
you’d blinked, “harry.”
“then call me that.”
“but is that your name?”
“well, now it is.”
you hadn’t been convinced but you liked it better than not calling him anything at all.
“harry, then,” you’d said, smiling. and the boy — harry — had smiled too, slipping his fox-faced mask back in place as he led you further into the forest.
“y’know…” harry says, his voice light as the sun dips beneath the horizon line, leaving behind a blaze of reds and pinks. you turn your head, eyes catching on the shape of him, inked out against the dying light.
“you’re the only person i’ve ever met who’s wanted to be cursed.”
you take a long breath and turn your eyes back up to the bleeding sky.
“well. you’re cursed, and you seem just fine to me,” you try to keep your voice strong, resolute and steady. grandmama had always said that if you keep your voice strong, people are more willing to believe your words. you wonder if that’s why harry’s voice is always soft, always lilting, his words slippery as moss-covered stone.
“yeah, but you can’t even touch me,” he says, and for once, his voice is harsh, his words sharp and hard as broken glass.
“that’s okay though — once i get my own curse, i’ll be able to touch you, right?”
harry fights back the urge to turn, to take you by the shoulders and shake you till you push him away. he wants to scream, to howl at the moon like the mother wolves and the hungry cubs that live in the heart of the wood. he wants to run through the woods, crash into things, climb up the trees and shake off all their branching leaves.
but he can’t, and so he doesn’t.
instead, he turns to look at you and look at you and look at you.
he wonders if it’s a strange thing, to like looking at someone so much, to find something new about a face every single time it’s looked upon — the wisps of hair fallen loose to frame your face from the velvet ribbons holding it back, the curve of your button nose, the dip of your cupid’s bow. he wonders if this is a normal thing, the thick weight of it in this chest, the truth of his curse sitting heavy on his tongue.
“yeah… probably,” he says — and the lie is smooth as milk, sweet as just-spun sugar.
“good. then we won’t have long to wait, hm?”
there’s a story, so you’ve been told, of a fox that lives in the woods — and the fox can tell nothing but lies, lest the truth cut open it’s throat. and when it bleeds, because even monsters bleed (oh especially monsters), it will bleed in blue and silver, which everyone knows is the color of magic.
“but why would telling the truth kill it?” you’d asked, your eyes wide and round as the full-bellied moon.
your grandmama had sighed, rocking you in her lap as the forest outside shivers and shakes with the steps and breaths of creatures unseen.
“that’s what curses do, my sweetest… they’re unfair things, they are. and they don’t like to make a lot of sense.”
and that had been that. she’d moved onto a nicer story, a sweeter story, a story that was not so much truth and mostly lies — because the truth, as your grandmama had said, is sharp and unfair and makes so very little sense.
lies are much, much the better for the makings of stories.
he has never complimented you on your dancing, not even once — not in all the years you’ve been dancing for him, by the light of a million and one fireflies.
you’d been eight when you made the promise, it’s been ten years since then.
and at eighteen, you wonder how many more years it’ll be before the moon or the forest or whatever it is that chooses people to curse will take pity on you.
it’s just after sunset, and you’d just finished your customary sunday afternoon picnic. harry is sprawled out on the picnic blanket, his fox-faced mask lying in the soft, long grasses, an arm thrown over his eyes. you wonder if he’s asleep, though you don’t think you’ve ever seen him fall asleep, not in all the time you’ve known him.
“music, please…” you announce to the clearing, and after a long pause, as if the forest itself is coming to life, the wind picks up — the leaves rustle on their branches, the birds sweep up into a twitter wingbeats and song, the grasses around the clearing hish and hush the thrumming baseline to a music that only you and harry and the forest can hear.
slowly, harry pushes himself up, making a show of rubbing his eyes, and in the darkness you can only see the shape of him.
you don’t see the prickle of tears at the edge of his eyes as he wipes them away.
instead, you close your own eyes and wait.
and wait.
and then — at the first flicker of a firefly’s light, you lift your hands and start to dance.
once, you’d asked him how he’d gotten cursed in the first place.
“it’s a long story,” he’d said.
“i’ve got a long time,” you countered.
he’d crinkled his nose, pursing his lips as the pair of you hopped over a narrow stream, him watching as you teetered on the edge of the water.
“hm… well, if you do something a ton of times in the wood… the wood decides that that’s all your good for, and it becomes your curse!”
you’d blinked up at him from over your shoulder, a soft smear of mud on your cheeks.
“oh… it’s that easy?”
“i mean, to get a curse.”
he’d narrowed his eyes, “why would you want a curse?”
you’d straightened up, pressing your palms down your rather sullied dress.
“because — you said that i can’t touch you cause i’m human, right?”
“uh-huh…” harry had nodded, uncertain of where your child-logic had taken you.
“but other cursed things can touch you, right? like the wolves and the shadows and the queen of ravens.”
harry bit his lips. but you seemed to have taken his silence for consent and happily skipped off further into the forest. he’d never corrected you even as he heaved another world-weary sigh and followed after you. because technically, you hadn’t been totally wrong.
and his curse was only that he couldn’t correct you.
your mind wanders as you begin to dance, and these days, it’s been doing a lot of that — wandering. so your grandmama says that it’s a part of growing up — learning when to let your mind wander and when to reign it back in, hold it on a tighter leash and tell it to wander no more. it’s a blessing to be able to let your mind wander, and so you do.
it’s just that these days, you can’t help but notice that it’s less of wandering and more of… well, a straight-shot descent to a well-known destination. and you know from a whole childhood of actual wandering that if you know the way and you know what you’ll find at the end, then it’s not wandering at all.
it’s just going.
but still, you let your mind go where it wants, and lately, it’s been going and going and going... to harry.
harry and his soul-soft laughter, harry and his knife-edge smiles, harry and his loose, lethargic movements, unhurried and always so certain. back when you were both still children, he’d led you through the forest with nothing but his voice, spouting out random facts that were much too outlandish to be true, and later, when you were both a bit older (and you’d long since memorized every bit of forest there was to memorize), he’d walk alongside you in companionable silence.
you knew his favorite trees, his favorite flowers, his favorite birds and colors, his favorite season, his favorite sweet, his favorite fruit and so many others.
and still, it feels as if you don’t know him at all, even though you’re certain he knows everything there is to know about you.
you spin out on the long grasses, the light of a million and one fireflies dancing across your skin, dancing with you, singing with you as the forest does. and above you, a crescent moon cuts a sinister smile into a lonely, starless night.
years later, you’d wonder if the night had known — if the wood had known (of course, of course it had known, because there are no secrets the woods do not know, no secrets the waning moon doesn’t keep from the sleeping earth), if the entire world had conspired against you and for you that night.
when you finish dancing and the last of the fireflies flicker down to rest on the long, soft grasses, you’re breathless with exertion, luminous with exaltation and drunk on the song of the forest and a million and one lightless stars.
in the middle of the clearing, harry is smiling, you can see it even from here, and for the first time since you’d danced for him the very first time, he brings his hands together and claps.
“that was… beautiful,” he says, and his voice is deeper now, supple and sweet with the night air.
“th-thanks! phew — i really think that might do it,” you say, plopping down on the picnic blanket next to him, spreading wide your arms and staring up at the velveteen sky above you.
once, you’d been told another story, though you don’t quite recall who you’d heard it from. maybe your grandmama, and maybe the old man who sits in the village square after all the longest days of the year, smoking his pipe and telling his stories.
“do you know why the cursed forest creatures can’t touch humans?”
“why?” a village boy had asked before you had the chance to.
“because… if a cursed creature touches human flesh, the cursed creature will die.”
“oh…” you said, clutching your hands to your chest, and you’d never really thought about dying. because really, what ten year old in their right mind would? but you knew of the concept from when grandmama talked about grandpapa — how he was there one day and then the next day he just… wasn’t.
“he died in his sleep,” she’d said, a tone of sadness in her voice that you’d never heard there before and wished you’d never have to hear again, “it was the best way to go.”
you’d wondered then if there’s really such thing as a “best” way to go. wouldn't the “best” thing to be not going at all?
“then… do the cursed creatures get to live forever?” you asked, before the village boy could cut in.
the old man took a long sip from his pipe and blew out a few concentric rings of smokes before coughing and waving it all away.
“no… you see, if the cursed creatures get to pass on their curses, they’d get to be reincarnated into being a human once more.”
“do you… really want to be cursed?” harry asks as the pair of you share in the silence after your dance.
you suck in a long breath before pushing yourself up to sit in front of him, careful to keep your knees from bumping his.
“of course i do! it’s… it’s what i’ve been trying to do since i was like — eight!”
“but… why?” and harry’s voice is small, smaller than you’ve ever heard it, even though now, his eighteen year old body should carry a much heavier, harder sound.
“because,” you say, resolute as you’d always been, “once i’m cursed, i’ll be able to touch you.”
“and why… is that so important to you?”
harry casts his eyes towards you; you catch his gaze with yours, holding it steady. and in that moment, you mind lets go of the story that the old man told you. because it was a long time ago, and the story was so, so far away. and sometimes, the mind chooses which truths it wants to listen to, which truths it wants to believe in.
sometimes, it chooses truths that don’t look like truths from the outside in, but from the inside out — they’re the truest things to ever be true.
like this one —
“because i want to touch you. because… it’s what i’ve wanted since i was a little girl. because… sometimes, i think i want to do more than touch you — sometimes —” your voice catches on a hitched breath, lost somewhere in your chest, somewhere between your heart and your throat.
but then, darkness descends over your vision and it takes you a long moment to realize that you’re staring at the inside of a mask, thin but solid — the fox-faced mask that harry always wears.
and then pressure, and warmth, right where the fox’s dagger-carved grin usually is, so close to your own lips you can feel the heat.
it holds for a long, long moment, and then it’s gone.
the light returns as harry tugs the mask from you, grinning that teasing, lopsided grin of his, though there’s something about it tonight that makes your heart seize.
“tell me, one more time…” he says, and his voice is jagged with something that sounds painful and true and so, so terrible.
“i — i want the curse…” you say, before you really realize what you’re saying, and it takes you a moment to realize that this too, is the truth.
“okay then… it’s yours.”
and he leans in to press his lips to yours.
the truth, harry realizes, is always bitter, and harsh, and much too sharp. when he pulls back, he presses his palms to yours and lets the moon wash the clearing in blue and silver. you gasp as you feel the magic creeping into your bones, tugging you under, dragging you through the cracks in the world even as harry is tugged away from you back to the world of the living.
“w-was this all a lie?” you ask, because inside you, your heart is fighting for it’s last few beats.
“no,” harry says, his voice is pained, and his expression even more so, because every truth he tells cuts him a little deeper, and he feels his throat constrict over the words, “your dance really was beautiful… and…”
he swallows hard, feeling the knife-edge of this one final truth slicing through him, sharp as moonlight, sweet as the lightless stars.
“i love you. please… don’t forget me.”
and already, you can feel the truth starting to hurt, starting to constrict inside you like a curse. but still, you force it from you as harry flickers and fades along with the light of a million and one firefly lights.
“i — i won’t.”
“but how exactly do you transfer a curse?” the village boy asked, his voice loud and jarring.
the old man takes another long sip of his pipe, puffs out a few more smoke rings.
“through a kiss,” he said.
you blinked. a kiss?
“ew!” the village boy recoiled then, shrinking back from the thought of kissing — because that’s what children are taught to do at such grown-up concepts as kissing.
you, on the other hand, you stayed right where you are, but a frown has creased your tiny, child-like brow.
“and the trick,” the old man continues, his smile going wide and a little lascivious, “is getting someone who will take their curse willingly… to accept the kiss.”
for as long as harry can remember, there has always been the wood. and in the wood, there’s always been a girl with a fox-painted mask who danced to the light of the fireflies.
once, when he’d gone exploring (even though his grandpapa had warned him time and time again about going into the wood by himself), he’d nearly run into her and she’d cocked her head when he’d fallen face-first near the bank of a tiny stream, smearing mud across his cheeks.
“you’re strange little boy,” the girl said — and she could be no more than his age, harry thinks.
“and you’re a weird little girl,” he counters, his eyes catching on the bright red of the fox’s painted mouth.
there is magic at work here, harry knows, though he doesn’t know what kind, and all he really wants is to explore the woods behind his house, to know all there is to know of the world, and perhaps — he thinks as you turn and make your way deeper into the forest — to one day hold the hand of the girl with the fox-faced mask.
but that’s a wish for another day, he decides as he follows after you, jogging to catch up and ask for your name.
“ah… what’s in name,” you say, you voice light and languid, even as he frowns, “you can call me whatever you like.”
once, harry had asked his grandpapa what the truest feeling in the whole wide world is.
and his grandpapa had answered —
“that, harry, would be falling in love…”
“falling in love?”
“yes, my dear boy — and the thing about love is that it’s like a curse… but it’s also like a blessing.”
“but… how can a thing be a curse and a blessing?”
then, his grandpapa had smiled, a smile that is starlight and wolfsong and all the secrets the forest ever has to tell.
“because we are doomed to always, always fall in love, my boy — and it will always, always be like handing someone and knife and asking them to cut open your throat.”
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
NOOOO I just replayed OoT for 20mn to check something and I just realized I had my mental plan about which shortcut leads where completely messed up, which destroys my entire military strategy plans for Thralls noooooooooo
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whomturgled · 1 year
i have so many feelings and i hate it
#and regrets of any time ive acted up or feel like in hindsight it wasnt cherishing the time i have w them as i shld be and#and things i want to do with them still and ways to love them and be loved and understand their way of loving and#i think we can be so good together and. i miss them. and i hope they miss me.#i really hope theyll miss me soon and want me again and . ik its maybe a little messed up but i want to believe and trust and#its hard and it hurts but. i really feel theres a great connection and if i need to chill out a bit and remember myself more thats fine#and on me for getting so like. moody recently. altho i kinda feel like part of that is med changes but u__u still i need to be able to like#be better and i think they make me better and so happy and. im so comfortable with them and i love them and i wld want to make it work#even if it had to be distance but i dont think i want to just be their friend like maybe but it would hurt a lot bc i love them so much#and i hope they wanna be with me too still and will allow me to romance them yknow flowers and adventures and love and take care and... yea#and maybe some of this was just them going thru a lot rn and im sorry for adding pressure to it and i want to be the comfortable respite an#auurgrgghfhdhdhhfhfdhh i miss them#i just keep thinking abt them like ill have periods of not but then i do again and. idk.#theres also a lot of complicated feelings and thoughts and its like i want to like. idk. know some of their friends n stuff n. :^( idk#i dont feel well from the stress and emotions and ow of it all#i really hope it isnt just a way for them to let me down i really hope they come back eventually like i wanna believe they will but#ourgsghthfhdhfhghghdhdhwkelftk4bfbhwiwjtjejAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#i love them a lot. and need to listen more abt more alone time stuff bc it is good for both of us but not like this u_u#ok sorry for rambling i needed somewhere to write feelings so here we are#i guess part of me is hoping theyre thinking abt me at least a bit and maybe will check this and see it and be like wow i do miss them too#but ik thats silly and eitth3u2ieigjtb4jirifjwji24jgntn aahhhhhhhhhhh. i say a lot of things wrong esp when scared or overly emotional and.#urgevshehrhtjrjeitjtnjeeitjtjwjeiigvjiw9384847rhfbwjoe4j4n4j289djrnrnf#i just really really hope they come back soonish and like want me and are like yes i do want you sorry for that but not a huge sorry bc#like i understand where theyre coming from and. and. yeah. idk. soon doesnt have to be today or tomorrow but maybe a week or 2 idk#i just realy miss them and it hurts and i really dont want them with someone else or to just throw it all away andni want to prove i can#like. idk. love them and be better and more positive i guess we've both been dealing w a lot of stuff and i do need to learn to accept and#more patient w how we communicate differently and we do have to face that but its a difficult topic to confront ig and aurh4hwhshhrlffff#i think they love me i want to trust and i really hope they dont try to make any decisions for me or like based on what they think best 4 m#bc i get to decide that :^(#when i said let down i meant like. leave my life and never talk to me again and stuff.. ;^(. idk how to feel abt some things but. idk. idk.#theres so many feelings and that all is just a pretty vague tip of the iceberg ugh
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deadgrantaires · 1 year
see my only realy goal with totk is to make another lyrical comic but this time zelda centric since shes. so much more interesting and important than link in this one lol but regaurdless... its equality
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mossmx · 1 year
I don't think Uther is that bad as far as morally questionable character go, but to be fair he is one of the few I can recall that killed children first hand like nbd
(and I mean that NOT derogatory - this is a "evil fictional character are so valid" zone XD Uther stanning stronghold we might say XD)
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sunsetno4 · 21 days
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It's been a minute since I drew Vendetta's tattoos and I was craving it some fierce, lol. I always headcanon’d all the mirrors in Ven’s (sensory nightmare) apartment being broken and covered, but you need some precision when bleaching hair. Unfortunately. u__u; And, why not bubblegum while bathing~~~
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calamitydaze · 5 months
I feel u... I want to love the show so bad and I do think the kids are awesome in their roles but unfortunately the writing and execution are just not quite what they could be
yeahhh exactly :’( the writing is like, bafflingly mid especially when you have such good material to pull from??? there’s still moments of the same humor and fun atmosphere that the book had (like annabeth and grover splashing water on percy in the fountain and the scene where they first meet ares, those were cute hehe) but most of the time it’s just taking itself way too seriously and the vibes aren’t there
i understand needing to streamline to fit it into a tv show, and not wanting to make it exactly a 1 to 1 recreation, but none of the adaptational changes have felt like they fulfilled that purpose to me, they’re just Changes. they’re pointless at best and harmful at worst (occasionally just as good, like percy choosing to sacrifice himself on the arch, but i can’t think of any that i’d say were Better). like, why was percy not the one to see the three fates, when that’s like Really Important for him to see? why give him riptide right away? why have all of annabeth’s cute character moments that give her depth been flattened out, like being scared of spiders and desperate for a quest and embarrassed to go on the tunnel of love? why is grover basically useless?? and i could keep going like idk….. if you don’t compare it too hard to the original and just watch it as a kids fantasy show, it’s fine and enjoyable— like i’m not at all saying its BAD as a show and i’m really glad so many people like it— but it was hyped up for years as a faithful adaptation and i can’t help but be disappointed u__u
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verysmallcyborg · 24 days
Silly question; what’s Fornax’s Preferred eating utensil/way to eat stuff (like, given the option. I’m not sayin forks for soup, unless Fornax is Like That, which…. HILARIOUS trait, doesn’t sound likely-)
… this is cos we just ate dinner and we all ate it with something different despite being the same meal Idk didfkekfsmdjsn
considering just how LARGE fornax's hands are—if the option is there—she will always try to eat with her hands/fingers rather than with utensils, or if it's something liquid-y like soup, then they'll just grab the bowl and drink it like that LMFAO even if it's something like steak, she also just picks up it up and tears into it (bc who needs a knife when u have perfectly good big fangs/canines)
but if it's something that absolutely Needs to be eaten with a fork, or if they HAVE to have "manners" while eating in other company, then it's a mild inconvenience bc of their minor hand tremors and most utensils are a bit too dainty and small to their liking u__u but she tries!! SHE SURE TRIES....
this does make them a very messy eater, but they view it as "who knows if utensils were cleaned thoroughly. i always wash my hands before eating anyways, so i know they're fine. might as well let the chef know just how good it is if i dig into it like this, right?" (and they do lick bowls/plates clean, literally, fornax has their own little ways of letting people know with their actions that they enjoyed food!!!)
thank you for the ask >:3c
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bruciemilf · 2 years
As much as I love the hell out of your Jason being a protective and possessive overgrown puppy of a daddy's boy, I also feel like that would be a terribly stressful existence for him. Like, I doubt even 'pls don't perceive me' Battinson!Bruce is safe from being constantly chosen City's Most Eligible Bachelor. And that's just as his civilian identity, at least 99.9% of his rogues want to get on his pants even those who really ARE serious in their murderous intentions. You'd think the JLA would be a serious and wholesome place but nope; Supes, Wondy, and Hal are only the most blatant flirts, not the only ones (sadly for Jay's blood pressure). You hoping the antiheroes would show some solidarity for his frayed nerves?? Constantine just popped out of the ether just to call Bruce babygirl and get all up on his space. Like, poor tired Bruce wears either a bat-themed body armor with an assets-covering cape or three-piece suits with turtlenecks. Does he need to start wearing priest robes?? Wouldn't that be sacrilegious somehow?? He's just trying to keep his son from growling so much. Meanwhile, Jason would like it on record that the reasons he snapped and started shooting people should be self-evident by now u__u
But have you considered that's exactly what they both deserve as karma JSJSJ
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dangara2610 · 10 months
(2/10) Blind Hugo - Part 2
Let's continue with a little fanart made with hurry,
Extra note, my progress got erased three times and I had to re-write u__u
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1.- What had been Hugo doing while Varian, Nuru and Yong were outside ? Being taking cared by Rudigger, Olivia and Prometeus , he is supposed to take rest and sleep a lot, only getting up for water , food and maybe sit around, easy for the pets, Rudigger was provided with a wall clock, so he can carry the medicines in time.
2.- And well, surely, Ruddy was there to change the wet cloth over his eyes, feeling sad when Hugo groaned in pain , the others do those kind of things at night, before going to bed.
3.- But well, no, today Hugo got bored and tough it would be a nice idea to go to their kitchen and make a sandwich, he is not an invalid.
Rudigger got angry at the mess he has to clean, ingredients in the floor, the meal was already done and saved on a basket, Ruddy would have to just go and serve it, even if Ruddy hissed and signaled the things, he had to get his attention by pulling Hugo's arm or hand, Hugo barely distingued a blurry black paw moving, but, due to not understanding animal lenguage, Hugo thought Ruddy was being a prick and was obstaclulising his lunch time, or just wanting him to go back to bed, he wouldn't, so they started a cat figth.
4- Hugo asked Olivia to figth back Rudigger and she did , Ruddy gave up , definitely not fighting a robot that obeys one persons voice, they don't speak the same language, and after Hugo finished his sandwich, we wanted to go out and take a walk outside,his plan has to just recognize the place, not going too far, or maybe yes but in a straight line and then in reverse
5.- But Prometeus got in his was, pushing him, Hugo tough Prom was obstaclulising his way so he pushed back, until Ruddy jumped on Hugo's shoulder , he wanted to strike at Rudigger until his hand got caught, Ruddy took it to shove Prom's reins on it, and then jump to Prometeus back, Hugo was confused but the understood, they wanted to guide him and don't let him get lost.
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Wait , why did I made those points more descriptive than the past ones that were way more interesting? well, because when I started this one's I had more time (seven days ago)
So let's go faster before I run out of time again
Extra note : Hugo has been getting Donella's messages, Olivia brings them, but he can't read them, so, he just writes on both sides of the paper "talk to you later" and send them back, he has tried to "go on a walk" alone to encounter her, but nobody and no animal leave him alone.
6.- The human team noticed the animal team had problems of communication and proper lead, so, they started to take more turns, of course, they stopped researching Ulla's diary to keep researching medical options for Hugo
7.- Varian turns were full of human experimentation, testing all oftamologist products with new addition Varian did, Young turns were full of entertainment made for the blinds, guessing, reading, soft martial arts, and some accidents Young had, due to his prone to disaster nature, Nuru turns would be Hugo's actual relief, because she would be like a mom taking care of a sick son, and chatting a lot about the situation, about their feelings, and spectations , encouraging words with also reality slaps.
8.- Nuru needed the team to hurry and find the eternal library, she is still worried about the coming meteor disaster on her kingdom , so after weeks, watching no big improvement, she calls a meeting, saying that, in the Eternal Library , they will be able to find The Cure for Hugo sickness, so it's better to let him stay safe with other people to take care of him, maybe she can provide him nurses and a place to stay in her kindgom.
9.- Hugo kind of looks offended , but kept quiet to hear about the others reactions, Varian is taken aback, the idea of leave him behind is hard, Young volunteers to stay with Hugo all the time, but Nuru and Varian say no thanks, after all he is a child, need adult supervision, not supervising a vulnerable adult, what if they have another fire related accident alone?, Maybe is better to accept Nuru's offer
10.- But that also makes them wonder about the next stage, what if Hugo gets stuck on a meteor shower? So they think about another place like Corona , but thinking about it, that place is very behind time about scientific development and about medical care so instead of get taking care of, he will end up just waiting with no real treatment, next they think about Yong kingdom , with his family or maybe hired nurses , very much nicer place where Hugo will be able to have a naturalist treatment and maybe get a treatment from any doctor, because Yong kingdom gets a lot of migrants.
11.- Hugo just thinks if is he being a burden for them, he should go back with Cyrus and Donella, his adoptive mother, no wait, his boss, so she can give him a better place to stay, keep hidden the secret and stop pretending, the Kingdom he is from, is supposed to have a higher scientific development so maybe with Donella help he can have a better quality doctor and stay with the people he grew up with.
12.- The night arrives, everyone looks asleep, but Hugo is writing a letter for Donella saying something like " I'm very sorry, I'm leaving, I can't keep going, please find someone else to help you with your mission I can no longer do it, I'll go-" and then he herd Varian voice in front on him asking was was he doing, Hugo hides the letter under the covers and evades, but Varian readed all
Thanks for reading 🌾🍁🌊
See you for the final part 3 🌱🪷
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straycalamities · 1 year
I wasn't around much during the 2012 fever, so I wonder: did Entre date anyone else besides 12? I saw him being constantly shipped with 72 and Swag but I think Swagtre was only canon during Truffula Flu. Perhaps there are more ships I'm not aware of
mainverse entre has only dated two ppl (unless im forgetting some obscure shit i said) and that was some girl when he was like 17/18 or whatever that his mom forced him to. and then 12
entre's thing was always that he was too focused on his aspirations to really think about romance or sex and anyone who kept up with him for a while (or backread) can remember about how often he rebuffed the idea of him getting intimate with anyone at all
he DID have senpai crushes on 72 and swag tho (and maybe someone else i forgor) and it's very strongly implied that the feelings towards 72 toed the line of romantic (especially if you attended the tinychats) but entre didn't know how to recognize those feelings, he's never really had them
12 was an accident LMAOOO he just got too into the conversation and suddenly he's agreeing to a date??? and then he ended up really liking him so they've stayed together since. he likes that theres not a big like...demand for his time and attention. 12 Understands exactly what entre's going through and gives him his space and such and yet they do give each other special attention when they're feelin it. its very casual and entre likes that but it also fulfills his emotional needs when he needs that too. idk obviously we dont show a lot of that on the blog (mostly bc i respect that 12's mod isnt rly up to updating him and i dont wanna be pushy U__U its fine tho bc entre gets along just fine on his own whims)
entre is my shipping bicycle tho so 8) ive shipped him w many -lers through the years and still do (and even teased a thing w a norma in some tinychats way back in the day) so theres a lot of ships floating around out there and even more in my head
i think the main ones that were a fandom thing are like seventre, 12tre, inktre, bittre, rocktre, and swagtre
but ive seen ppl joke or "what if" about others too and i cant remember all of them
and yeah swagtre is only canon in truffula flu tho he did have a crush on him and 72 in weehawken (to mirror mainverse)
and speaking of weehawken, the revival last year had him kinda B) hitting it off with a certain other -ler (EDU why's it empty >:O whatever here's a post of his mainverse self)
whats funny is i was like adamant on not shipping on the blogs LMAOOOOO i look at past me and POINT! AND LAUGH! FOOLISH!! JUST HAVE FUN IDIOT. i mean obviously i lightened up overtime but for a while i was like so strict man. and for what
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revasserium · 9 months
Can i request OPLA zoro where he doesn't get along with reader but calls her my girl in front of a baratie waiter who was flirting with her.
my girl
zoro; 2,438 words; fluff, kinda enemies to lovers, fem!reader, straw hat!reader, lots of banter, slow...burn?
summary: just cause you don't see eye to eye doesn't mean zoro's down to watch you get hit on while he's in the same bar, either.
a/n: again. i've got no excuse. pls continue to send more requests feed my opla!zoro obsession u__u
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it is perhaps what therapists and psychiatrists would call an incompatibility of character. or maybe something about you and him that simply acted like two jigsaw pieces from completely different puzzles. or maybe luffy had just jinxed it when he’d said the first time that he sensed some “tension amongst the crew”, but it’s no secret that you and zoro don’t exact see eye to eye.
in fact, sanji thinks, it might only be a matter of time before you each try to take the other’s eyes out permanently.
“you’re really not worried?” he asked luffy as they’d watched zoro and you bicker all the way down the wobbling boardwalk leading up to the baratie, you sniping at zoro for getting in your way and zoro biting back something equally acerbic and childish about you being too clumsy to be a good pirate.
“huh? why would i be worried? they get along just fine!” luffy had laughed, eyes bright and round as he’d readjusted his hat and bounded off towards the entrance, whooping about being hungry enough to take down an entire sea cow.
“wh —”
“bit rich, since you and zoro are always at each other’s throats, no?”
nami bumps sanji’s arm as she strolls by him with a stack of empty crates. sanji squawks, readjusting his own bags before jogging after her.
“c’mon, you know that’s different!”
nami smirks but doesn’t grace that with an answer, instead, she lets her eyes flicker back to where you and zoro are still snarking at each other even as the bewildered looking fishman at the front leads you all around back to the kitchen entrance.
“— wouldn’t have been in that situation if you’d just —”
“yeah? and if i’d just stayed put like you said, the entire going merry would’ve gone up in smoke cause last i checked, wood is very flammable!”
“the merry’s not that fragile.”
“you wanna bet?”
“yeah, maybe i do —”
“what’s goin’ on here? didn’t i tell you lot to get lost?” zeff’s gruff voice interrupts your bickering as the peg-legged chef looks from zoro to you and then the rest of the crew, “gotta new one, didya? don’t remember you from the last time these idiots were here.”
“she’s barely an upgrade from the clown head —”
you slam your heel into the toe of zoro’s boot and he hisses, nearly dropping his armful of crates.
“what he means is that i’m the brains of the operation —”
“we don’t need brains —”
“oh, so you’re admitting that you didn’t have any before i got here?”
zoro glares, dropping the crates as luffy pushes past you both to clap zeff on the shoulder and offer him a huge stack of berry.
“we came to pay you back for the meal last time! and to buy a new one! and… maybe some extra food stuff if you’ve got it.”
zeff opens his mouth to answer but it’s drowned out by the sound of your voice as you jab a finger into zoro’s chest.
“— just because you can’t hold more than one cohesive thought in your head at once doesn’t mean that —”
“— what’s that even supposed to mean? like you can think about two things at once?”
“enough! you two — outta the kitchen, now! i won’t have your lovesick teenage yappin’ distractin’ my line chefs!”
you both jump at zeff’s voice, and an unpleasant heat creeps into your cheeks as you realize that the entire kitchen had indeed gone very quiet, most of the white-clad workers staring at you and zoro.
“i need a drink,” zoro says, rolling his shoulders as he sidesteps you and pushes his way out of the kitchen.
“look, sir, i didn’t mean —” you take half a step forward but zeff jabs a finger at the doors still swinging in zoro’s wake.
“i said out!”
you glance between zeff and the rest of your crew for a split second before turning and scrambling from the kitchen, looking abashed.
“oh no, c’mon zeff, you didn’t need to yell at her like that —” sanji sighs as he tries to go after you, but nami nails him in the stomach with one of her arms.
“nope. this is something they need to work out on their own. and you’re on grocery shopping duty with me, remember?” she flashes him a smile even as he deflates slightly and turns back to the work of haggling rations out of the baratie’s storerooms.
you find zoro already posted up at the bar, even though the hour is still early enough that there’s only a few other patrons, mainly keeping to themselves. you fight the urge to march up to him and give him an earful about embarrassing you in front of sanji’s old master like that but zeff’s words about making a scene keeps your lips clamped shut.
instead, you seat yourself as far from zoro as humanly possible and wait for the bartender to sidle over. he flashes you a winning smile, making no attempt to conceal the way his eyes drag from your hair to your face and then down to your cleavage, where his gaze rests for a beat too long before he clears his throat.
“what can i get you, gorgeous? something sweet and bubbly, perhaps? or maybe something a bit more dark and… seductive? i can have a custom drink whipped up for you in a few if you’d like… on the house, of course.”
he shoots you a wink that has your eyebrows hiking up your forehead.
“laying it on thick, are we?”
the bartender shrugs, seemingly unbothered by your lack of enthusiasm.
“place like this doesn’t exactly breed subtlety.”
you make a noncommittal noise before sighing, “i’ll have a dirty martini, shaken not stirred, straight, with a twist, please.”
to his credit, the bartender doesn’t miss a single beat, “ah, a woman of taste, though i’ll admit that i prefer my martini’s naked instead of shaken, hm?”
he waggles his eyebrows and if it weren’t for the loud cough from down the bar drawing the bartender’s attention, you would’ve rolled your eyes.
at the opposite end of the bar, zoro taps his empty drink glass against the waxy hardwood, a vein ticking in his jaw. he’d listened to the entire exchange with a growing annoyance festering in the depths of his stomach. and here he was, hoping for a moment of quiet without the sound of your voice yammering in his ear. he shoots the bartender a glowering look as the man refills his drink and tries to make his way back down the bar to you.
zoro tosses the entire drink back in one and sets the empty glass down with a loud clack, clearing his throat as the bartender turns to stare at him. he holds the man’s gaze for a full three seconds before looking pointedly down at his glass and the bartender’s face visibly reddens.
“here you are, sir — the last three are on the house.”
the bartender lines up five identical drinks in front of zoro before marching away and zoro has to give it to the guy. he does make a good, stiff drink.
still, as he tries his hardest not to glance down towards where you’re sitting, sipping slowly at your martini, he can’t help overhearing the stilted stabs at conversation floating down the length of the empty bar. the bartender lavishes you with questions, asking about your travels, who you came with, where you’re from. you, for your part, never give him an answer more than three words long — travels were good, my crew, an autumn island.
zoro briefly wonders why you don’t tell the guy off like you so often did him. then, he briefly wonders if the fact that you’re always so easily set off by him means something. then, he not-so-briefly wonders why, if he’s always been so bothered by you, that he’s still thinking about you in the precious few hours he has to himself.
he clicks his tongue and downs another drink just as you finish your first.
“c’mon darlin’ — just a hint — what about the first letter? shall i try to guess?”
you sigh into your now empty glass as the bartender asks your name for the third time in a row, though to no avail. suddenly, a warm, solid presence appears next to you and the next thing you know, zoro’s arm is brushing up against yours as he leans over the bar to bear down at the bartender.
“right, now if you’re done trying t’pick up my girl, i think i’d like the check.”
the bartender blinks up at zoro, uncomprehending for a second before a blotchy redness seeps into his cheeks.
“y-your — you haven’t said a word to each other since either of you got here!”
you swallow passed a bewildered laugh as you glance up at zoro to find a challenge clear in his eyes. you slowly swivel back to the bartender with a light smile.
“ever heard of a lover’s quarrel?”
the bartender sputters as he stares between the pair of you for another long second before scurrying off to fetch the check. zoro chuckles under his breath, his earrings clinking softly in the dim light.
“damn — i really wanted another drink,” you say, staring at your empty glass.
wordlessly, zoro plops one of his in front of you. it’s the second to last.
you bring it up to your nose for a sniff before making a face.
“god that smells awful!”
“fine then, more for me.”
“i didn’t say i wouldn’t drink it!”
you bring the glass to your lips for a small sip. it’s tastier than you’d imagined but it still burns a line down your throat as you shiver.
“h-holy shit —” you cough, wiping at your mouth, “how many of these have you had?”
zoro shrugs, sipping on his own glass with a careless ease, “dunno. don’t really keep count.”
“ugh… this could knock out a war elephant…” you make another face before you take a second sip.
“figures you can’t hold your liquor, drinkin’ whatever girly shit you ordered.”
you round on him, “martinis are not girly!”
“tch. whatever.”
you settle into a huffy silence. zoro’s arm is still pressed against yours and neither of you makes to pull away. for a while, the only sounds in the bar are the soft clink of ice on glass and the light, liquid splashing of the ocean waves.
“why didn’t you tell him off?” zoro’s voice is quiet and when you turn to look at him, it’s to find him staring. you hold his gaze steady and don’t look away.
“why should i? he’s no one to me.”
“you don’t seem to have a problem yellin’ at me.”
you shrug, your eyes flickering back to the too-strong drink in your hand.
“i don’t tend to waste my breath on people i don’t really care about,” you say, your voice soft and careful and honest. zoro sucks in a slow breath, his mildly alcohol addled brain trying to process what you’d just said but his thoughts are interrupted by a peel of loud, raucous laughter echoing in from the dining room beyond.
“c’mon, sounds like dinner is served,” you say, grinning as you push off the bar, jerking your head towards the dining room door.
zoro lets out the breath before downing the rest of his drink and leaving the empty glass on the bar to follow you.
at dinner, you bicker less than usual and zoro is even more quiet than he normally is. though he wastes no time ordering another round for the table. no one really comments till zeff comes round at the end with the check.
“dinner’s already paid for but i was told that this is for the ‘lovebirds from the bar’,” he says, as he drops the drinks bill in front of zoro with a deadpan sort of look.
for a full ten seconds, no one moves. and then, usopp’s jaws hit the floor as sanji’s eyebrows jerk towards the ceiling. nami sits back with a satisfied smirk as luffy nods happily at the two of you before turning to grin at sanji.
“see? told you they get along fine!”
sanji has the decency to sputter just as usopp leans forward to point between you and zoro.
“wait… whaattt?”
you make to tug out your wallet but zoro slaps a stack of berry on top of the bill.
“give our compliments to the bartender,” he says with a slight smirk as zeff takes the money, glancing up at the two of you.
“yeah? what’d he make that’s got you so impressed?”
you purse your lips as you make a show of shrugging, waving a nonchalant hand through the air.
“oh, just a mean dirty martini.”
zeff lets out a loud bark of laughter as he takes the berry and clomps back towards the kitchens, shaking his head. zoro chuckles beside you as he stretches an arm over his head and lets it settle casually on the booth back behind you.
later, as everyone is making their way back towards the going merry, nami catches up to you on the docks, looping an arm through yours and pinning you with a meaningful look just as sanji sidles up to zoro and bumps him with a shoulder.
“so…” nami says, grinning as she tugs you forward a few steps.
“so.” sanji clears his throat, casting zoro a sidelong glance.
“wanna tell me what that was about?” nami asks.
“care to elaborate on that back there?” sanji questions.
you and zoro both take a deep, long breath. zoro glances up to see the way you toss a lock of hair over your shoulder, your bright laughter carrying back on the breeze. you allow yourself a smile, and you don’t have to turn to feel zoro’s eyes on you as both of you turn to your respective companions and say —
“i’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.”
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opla!zoro reqs are (as always) open!!
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00queasy00 · 9 months
i really need pin up poses of voldemort in my life rn U__U)/ too bad i used up all my wrist power for today...maybe ill draw this tomorrow if i remember
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