#not mad at all btw this honestly made me laugh
mourninglamby · 2 years
howdy what’s your favourite food?
love u redrum but this is a hilariously difficult question i have a horrible relationship w/ food rn i was literally on instinct just gonna reply with "edibles". so sure okay rn i guess its chocolate.
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
I was curious so I looked at the prologue (yah I know whatever side-eye me but anyway)
*spoilers ahead*
I'm going to talk about this in bullet points because this is more like a curiosity read instead of a "I'm going to invest in this" read.
Levi Childish Jealously Overall Thoughts:
First, now I get why they said "chlidren's day" It is because MC was talking about Minhyeok and them hanging out each children's day together and their fond memories of such
Also, Levi are you fucking srs why are you checking up on MC with a damn crystal ball as if your ass can't stand the fact that they're out smiling with the Gehenna besties like????
I clicked on the prologue and his ass was already mad and it made me laugh because see??? see what I mean by he's always mad about something? lmao
Also he made Foras go out and help him do the spying like? Ok
He made Foras feel bad about suggesting to go nerf Minhyeok if Levi wished it and this man is like "oh a sudden death that will make one miss the other forever" and he's referring to Solomon here and Foras was like "fuck" (HONESTLY Levi he only suggested that to make you feel better like don't do that .-.)
Learned some stuff about the devil named Seere, who can travel anywhere and through dreams too in a blink of an eye (reminds me of someone from another fandom...) and that's the one who produced the memory manipulation spell and it seems he just does this any way to cause mischief on Earth (so if anyone experiences deja vu blame him /j)
So the rules are, Levi can't alter things too much or it messes with each others minds or causes both of them or just Levi to wake up out of the dream if I'm getting that right
also Satan is about to get pissed the fuck off because they also got a sleeping spell/poition from Seere and everyone in the palace was asleep LMAO. The fact that he pretty much knocked everyone out so he could do what he wanted without pushback goodness.
NOW i'mma go over the dream events:
Minhyeok looked so ready and adorable in his uniform, confirmed this is high school Minhyeok and MC.
Minhyeok saw Levi just standing in his room and was like o______o the fuck? And Levi literally snapped his fingers and erased him.
Imagine the nightmare Minhyeok had as a teenager and was like "a demon fucking erased me from existence omfg" and his parents were like ???? and his brother was like "lol wut"
anyways moving forward, MC noticed the changes but didn't challenge them (Levi is hot wow gonna forget my friend ig /j)
Already this man is mad at MC for tripping and not tying their shoes...plz???
Also for whatever reason MC is very clumsy here, like everything reads to me like a Kdrama where every moment MC is falling, tripping, forgetting shit and Levi is getting annoyed and pissed off at every mistake and it's sending me because dude it is not that deep please relax
Cool Levi moments though is when he ties the shoes, blocks MC from getting hit by a volleyball, lends his gym clothes, gets a cream bun for MC, and takes MC to the nurse because they sprained their ankle
WTF Levi moments is....him basically glaring at the teacher who didn't challenge him, choking another fucking student for almost hitting MC with the volleyball, shoving students (actually I like that and wish I had someone to shove people out the way to get me stuff)
everything else was pretty tame and a good set up though for a highschool au, ASIDE from the sexual stuff? (again personal preference so don't axe me in the mentions)
Next, some screenshots of Levi doing the MOST
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You see this? This is you all's king btw because he and I would have been boxing...like? don't fucking call me stupid for forgetting shit like a bitch has ADHD so yeah I fucking forgot damn.
But again this is good material for how he would act in a school au setting, I do remember doing a childhood au with him and the other kings and he reacted similarly by finding everything they did annoying, kept to himself, and caused an issue that nearly killed everyone because he couldn't control his powers just yet, so if I do decide to do a highschool au with Astra I'll remember Levi's reactions for reference
Oh and a couple other things
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this is our official room in Gehenna?
I'm giving Satan extra smooches this room is gorgeous? Do we fuck in here too? I would. (i'm a sucker for canopy beds with ornate designs)
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Just some mini lore about Seere. Also something about him being under Asmodeus or this being mostly monitored by Asmo? (someone help here I was speed reading) So that's interesting.
Overall, everyone that likes schoolboy role play sexy time, have at it. My journey stops here at the sfw part.
Justice for Minhyeok though he is just in the void somewhere like
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a funny thing before you all go look at Glas' name
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it's usually Glasyalabolas, right? I was cracking up because he's never beating the Ikea furniture name allegations.
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kennyluvr · 1 year
#🪐: main 4 — baking brownies with them
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synopsis/concept: baking brownies with the main 4
content warnings: none!
author's note: the thing with ike is partially based of a personal experience LMAO. also i think there's tense inconsistencies but i don't wanna revise smh, so sorry ab that!
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kyle broflovski
kyle loves to bake with you whenever it rains, it helps him relax. whenever he starts to hear even a drizzle he calls you to come over😫
you guys rarely use a prepared recipe though, and whatever you use to make it changes every time, since you're just winging it most days and trying a bunch of stuff
and you guys love to add random shit to it, like whatever you can reach, you just grab it and dump it in.
you guys are constantly giggling and yelling so it never gets boring or quiet, it's literally so fun
literally everything is funny to you, like kyle mixed up the flour and the sugar and you both found it hilarious??
you guys also put music on and dance every few minutes, and while you wait for them to finish
and sometimes ike comes into the kitchen and joins you guys, until kyle makes him leave against your protests 😔
once, ike got on the counter somehow and smeared the batter everywhere when you two weren't looking. that's why kyle doesn't let him stay long most of the time anymore
it was so funny because you both thought it was shit 😨
you guys were laughing until your stomachs hurt when you realized, but sheila was NOT amused 💀
tbh it took longer to clean than to make the brownies since you made such a mess, and lowk made it worse.. but cold brownies are better anyway!
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stan marsh
stan would literally be so prepared. he has a recipe sheet, all the ingredients, toppings, and supplies all laid out neatly on the counter.
he'll probably want to add some weird ass shit to it too, like marshmallows, or peanut butter
"trust me it'll taste good! i swear, i've had it before. you're gonna thank me later"
and somehow it does turn out good?? 😧
he'll probably get cute matching aprons for both of you omg??
he partially takes the lead, being kind of bossy tbh but we love dominant stan
and he's definitely a perfectionist, like he'll measure everything meticulously. if you add even a drop more of something than the recipe calls to tease him, he'll lowk panic tbh
and if you try to taste the batter he'll probably lecture you about how dangerous it is 😒
"don't do that dumbass, you could get salmonella. or e. coli or something."
before putting it into the oven he'll probably write a cute little note on it for you with a toothpick or something to surprise you 🤭
luckily, you guys finish up fairly quickly, since stan's so neat and organized
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eric cartman
unfortunately you're not really baking with him, you're baking for him..
does nothing to help you except tell you how he likes it and how he wants it to be
"um, no y/n. i want more vanilla in it. usually i eat them with a lot of vanilla"
he's kind of excited though, he loves when you do stuff like this for him, it literally makes his heart swell 😓
he'd probably be super close to you all the time to supervise you and shit, hugging your waist closer to him
you do the opposite of what he says sometimes just to bug him, because the look of exasperation on his face is so cute 😕
"oh my god- you stupid FUCK i wanted m&ms. what normal person eats brownies with almonds??" (almond brownies are fire btw)
he's so funny when he gets mad too, and you keep having to stop to catch your breath
but honestly, sometimes, he's not actually upset or mad at what you're doing. he just does it more and exaggerates just because he knows it'll make you laugh, and he loves seeing you smile so widely because of him
he's so impatient too, when they're baking he keeps asking when they're going to be done
when you're finally done, he'll tell you how good they are to justify all the stress he caused 🙏
"see? i told you it would be better with m&m's. and the almonds aren't too bad either, i guess."
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kenny mccormick
kenny would agree but he'd be really cautious and scared to do anything
he still tries to make himself as helpful as possible, bringing you everything you need, giving you suggestions or ideas
you have to beat him away with a spoon sometimes because he keeps trying to have all the chocolate 😭
he feels bad that he can't do much, but he doesn't want to accidentally kill himself
so he opts to hinder you support you emotionally as well, just hugging your waist from behind and encouraging you with kisses ☹️
and just like kyle, you guys put on music while baking
but once you knocked over a whole bag of flour dancing, and he was just laughing hysterically 💀
and you yelled at him to help you clean up, but he's writhing on the floor, cackling and coating himself in flour
and then when he's helping you clean, he probably knocks over the batter or something and he starts laughing his ass off again
it ends up taking a while to finish, since you and kenny are both a mess and have to restart tons of times
but eventually, when you finish, he'll probably ask you to take some home for karen and his siblings 😢
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Shu Sakamaki in Real Life HCS
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Requests are open
🎻I probably won’t have much to say because I find his character to be ugh sometimes but I can’t imagine not creating hcs abt this mf.
🎻But it is difficult to come up with things about him, ngl.
🎻Anyhow, if you guys have seen these irl hcs before you’ll know I’m mostly sharing with you my general thoughts, and formulated opinions on this character so here we go!
🎻Okay, so I’m sure we all know he’s the heir and a prince of the vampire kingdom (I know its weird.) And I just have to say this because I don’t say it enough, I really feel like he acts differently in the demon world because he knows his dad will be mad.
🎻So you can expect Shu to be much more expressive as he is the heir, he represents his father and so he needs to be “lively”.
🎻 That being said, he attends gatherings, banquets, and many other events that his father may want him to.
🎻I will say that when he is in the demon world it is much different as he doesn’t act like himself.
🎻Apart from him is still the same in the sense that he is still a pervert.
🎻I mean we know he’ll be with low-ranking vampires or whatever just to get some.
🎻 After all, he has somewhat of an ego even if he doesn’t show it.
🎻So you know he most definitely does believe that because he is the heir he can move from one girl to the next with no strings attached.
🎻All for his advantage of course.
🎻Also speaking of his royalty life I really want to mention the fact that he is very annoyed by all the attention the girls give him.
🎻He literally can’t wait till he goes back to the human world where it's much quieter.
🎻However as a royal he does enjoy the theatre because he can hear classical music.
🎻In fact, he loves it most when he can watch the ballet performances.
🎻If there’s one thing he loves most it’s watching girls do ballet.
🎻He loves watching them practice especially because you know he’s a thigh guy. Apart from being an ass man.
🎻This is honestly where he might take an interest in a girl who's probably a dancer.
🎻I’ve literally made an aesthetic about this here.
🎻And you can read a lot about how he is at school in the demon world here. 
🎻Oh btw he sleeps in only his underwear, that’s just how I see it. (and it's actually canon, I was laughing when I found out I was right.)
🎻I will say that he doesn’t laugh very often, he’ll just have a chuckle that makes anyone uncomfortable but when he full-on laughs it's so fucking rare.
🎻And it freaks out almost anyone, it even got Yui.
🎻He is such an ass I feel like he trolls anyone in, anyway, he can.
🎻His hair is so tangled and I bet he doesn’t wash it that often because he’s lazy
🎻He smells like cotton/linen and a bit of dust.
🎻The best actor to play him would be Toby Regbo.
🎻However the model I found on Pinterest is also a great representation of what he’d look like.
🎻In terms of attitude he really reminds me of Robert Pattinson because he trolls so much. 
🎻The best way to bribe him is with steak, I swear it works every time. 
🎻And I bet my entire ass that Reiji uses it for when he needs big favors.
🎻He loves to be comfortable so I feel like American Eagle, Hollister, Old Navy, and H&M are his go to.
🎻I know he loves cardigans so much so he’s probably extremely picky about the kind he buys.
🎻That’s why he only has three, this is actually canon, I believe it was in one of the game translations in Reiji’s route where he was looking for his jacket and asked Reiji. And Reiji told him it can’t be that hard to find since he has only three, lol.
🎻And idk why but I just feel like he miss places them all around the house.
🎻I also think he keeps so much junk under his bed.
🎻“Huh, I don’t remember that being there.”
🎻If he gets really hot, he just throws his cardigan under the bed.
🎻He once owned a cat, it's not that he went out of his way and bought one. It sorta followed him and so he started to take care of it a little. It lived outside mostly because Reiji wouldn’t tolerate it, but occasionally Shu kept the cat in his room.
🎻He has no idea where the cat went and whether or not it's alive since he hardly kept watch of it.
🎻Although he sometimes wonders where it went, and I think he liked the cat since she sometimes got into Reiji’s things. It was amusing to say the least.
🎻Forgets he puts his music sheets on his bed and ends up sitting on them.
🎻That’s why they’re always somewhat crumbled and folded.
🎻Never makes his bed, he just throws the blanket on and thanks to the butler the room is kept clean.
🎻Otherwise it’d end up like Ayato’s room, to which the butler can never keep up with.
🎻Because he loves music he has vinyl records, and countless CDs in some boxes he keeps under his bed.
🎻He keeps a couple of his favorite books which are in Latin.
🎻Something also tells me if he had a journal, he’d write only Latin because none of his brothers can.
🎻Because he used to be a cashier, he still has his name tag from then and his worker vest.
🎻He keeps in hidden in a corner of his closet.
🎻Speaking of which his closet is so empty and he literally has repeats of the same pants and shirts.
🎻It’s mostly because they were on a good sale.
🎻He will wear the same clothes for like three days or more and not even change out of them.
🎻Doesn’t brush his hair, just goes to school with bed head.
🎻Keeps his door locked so triplets don’t think about pranking him with some clown-related things since he has a fear of them. It's mostly because he’s learned that the hard way.
🎻It's also because he fears they may bring in a caterpillar.
🎻I could totally see Yui trying to feed a caterpillar and he’d flip out in panic and leave immediately. 
🎻He never will admit to his fears and covers them up quite well because he wants no one to know that, especially a girl. lol.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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analogwriting · 4 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 14: Magnesium
Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.3k a/n: ayeo fuck kese amirite???? this isn't the chapter i was crying over btw also i definitely have this queued to post at like 2am bc i feel like that's my brand so i'm deffo passed out rn cause i open LMFAO next
Dead? He told everyone you were dead? Now you were even more confused than before. Why the hell would he say something like that? It only drove the question more - why the hell did he want you out of the picture? Is that why Eustass seemed to go off the deep end? Cause his level of recklessness did just suddenly spike out of nowhere. Was that when he received the false news? 
Your head was spinning but you had to focus on the task at hand. While you were running, you felt something land on your shoulder and you stopped. It was a bird - not any bird, but Myra’s bird. One she sent when she had urgent news. You couldn’t help but be nervous.
You untied the letter attached to its foot, opening it carefully and reading it. As the words sunk in, you started laughing. Was she fucking joking? “C’mon, My. You could’ve told me that from the beginning.” 
Dear y/n,
I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you this in person - I just didn’t know how. So, I set up a fake mission to get you to find your brother. You always seemed hesitant to leave our island - to leave Lily and I, so I figured this was the only way to get you to reunite with him. I knew you would keep putting it off, claiming that you needed to get stronger. I hope you forgive me for lying to you.
There is no flower that we need for a breakthrough - there’s nothing in Wano that we need. I just knew your brother was there and knew you were missing him. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
My sincerest apologies,
At the very bottom was Lily’s name written as well. You were sure she just wanted to feel included. You smiled fondly at the letter. “Oh, My. I could never be mad at you.” You pulled a pen pad and pen out of your pocket, writing a quick response before sending the bird off again. Impressive it was able to find you in all this chaos, honestly.
You made sure to let her know you weren’t mad and thanked her for everything. The whole thing was just hysterical. Myra was terrible at talking about feelings of any kind. A lot of people claimed she couldn’t feel normal emotions like a normal human, but she just couldn’t express them. She was rigid and came off cold, but you knew better. She had her own way of caring.
Obviously. She arranged a whole fake mission just to reunite you with your brother. You tucked away the letter, knowing you’d probably end up just keeping it. A keepsake along with the knife. Huh, maybe you were getting sentimental. Eh, whatever.
Well, now what? You spend a considerable amount of time looking for this damn flower that didn’t exist. And your brother is probably long gone from the place that he was at. 
You suddenly felt something jump on to you from up above, yelping as you tumbled to the ground with whatever it was. After a moment of rolling around and a few scrapes with something sharp, you pinned it to the ground.
“Dive!?” Your eyes widened as you saw the small woman struggling against your grip. “Get fucking off of me!” She cried. Confusion took over your features. “Dive! It’s me!” 
“No, it can’t be! You’re dead!” She eventually stopped struggling. That’s when you noticed her lip quivering and the tears in her eyes. “Who are you and why do you have their face?” 
You stared at her for a long moment, processing. Right. Kese told all of them that you were dead. You let out a small sigh, sitting back and letting her go. “It’s me, Dive. I don’t know why Kese told everyone I died.” She sniffled, glaring at you.
“I don’t believe you.” She slowly sat up, wincing. You noticed a cut on her arm. “Here, let me tend to it.” You reached out and she pulled away suddenly, seemingly to distrust you. You frowned. 
“Dive. I promise you. It’s me.” You tried to think of something to help your case, then you remembered. You lifted up your pant leg, showing her a clear bite mark scar. “When we met, I startled you so bad that you bit the shit out of me. I couldn’t walk right for a week.”
Dive’s eyes widened and tears started falling. “It really is you!” She threw herself into your arms as she sobbed, burying her face in your chest. You held her there, comforting her. Fuck, why did Kese do this? What the hell was his angle? 
After Dive calmed down enough, she pulled away. “So, are you coming back with us?” A soft smile spreads across your face and you nod. “Of course.” She grinned widely. “Good. Everyone is going to be so fucking happy you’re alive.”
You stood up with Dive, looking around. “I heard the captain is fighting Big Mom with that other pirate captain - we should go find them!” She pulled you down the hallway and you followed behind her. 
“Dive?” The both of you stop as you see Heat and Wire coming out of one of the many hallways that seemed to be in this maze of a place. They both tensed when they saw you. “Dive…get away from them.” You groaned, rolling your eyes. This was getting old fast. Sure, you understood why everyone was cautious but you were getting annoyed and honestly you couldn’t wait to kick some ass. Well, specifically Kese’s ass.
“No! It’s really them! The-”
“For all we know, they could be some kind of devil fruit user.”
You looked at Wire as he spoke, thinking for a moment. “Remember when we were kids? There was the snapping turtle incident? You know? The one where it bi-”
They were both over in moments, covering your mouth with their hands. “Okay! Okay!” You couldn’t help but start cackling behind their hands. They let you go, staring at you for a moment. They took you in and you sighed. “You’re making me uncomfortable,” you grumbled.
You suddenly felt them both wrap their arms around you and you yelped, almost taking a tumble to the ground, but catching yourself at the last moment. You patted their backs, keeping your own tears back. Mostly because you just missed the shit out of everyone. Besides, you knew these two for such a long time and now seeing them after being gone…
“Alright, alright,” you said, sniffling and pulling away from them. Now wasn’t the time to be sentimental - there was a wholeass war going on.
“We don’t understand…” Heat said, shaking his head. “Why would Kese tell everyone you’re dead?” Wire was just as confused. You shook your own head. “That’s what I’m going to try to figure out.” You sighed, putting your hands on your hips. You supposed you understood getting you off the ship…actually…no you fucking didn’t. Why has he been out to get you since the fucking get go?
“When the captain received that letter…” Wire frowned. You blinked. “Letter? What letter?” He looked at you. “Kese gave it to him. Apparently there was a letter sent by the lab you were at, saying that you had died on a mission. It included some newspaper clipping as well. There was a picture of you and everything.” 
Your eyes widened. A picture? How the fuck did he pull that off? Why was he going through such lengths to do such a thing? Nothing was making any fucking sense. 
“The captain went on a rampage after that,” Dive chimed in with a frown. “That’s when he ended up fighting Shanks. Shanks had tried to stop his rampage and the captain lashed out at him and…well…” She shrugged, assuming you knew the rest. You frowned, indicating that you did, in fact, know the outcome.
“Killer also seemed to change quite a bit. He wasn’t the level headed vice captain we all grew up with. Seemed to not have much care for what happened to him. It grew reckless… He kinda stopped cooking too. It was…” Heat shook his head. “Bad.”
You stood there, shocked. Bewildered. Dumbfounded. So, your guess was right. When your brother started to grow more reckless, that’s when he received the fake news. Also, you weren’t expecting to hear all this about Killer. Stopped cooking? You just couldn’t imagine it. But…you just couldn’t fucking figure out why. It was so weird, so confusing. What would Kese gain from all this?
“It’s so fucking good to see you,” Heat said with a large smile, hugging you again. You patted his back and smiled. “It’s good to see you guys too. I just wish you all didn’t think I died. That’s definitely making everything much harder.” You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you pulled away from Heat.
“Well, let’s head to wherever Tungsten is now. I saw him earlier, but at this point I’m not sure if he’s fully convinced what he saw was real - same with Killer.” Their expressions were bored into your skull. Well, Eustass’. But you knew that Killer must’ve felt the same way. You could just feel it.
Wire nods. “Follow me.” And you do. You slowly find more and more crew members on the way, all of them absolutely overjoyed to see you. Gig nearly crushed you when he picked you up, sobbing as he hugged you. You almost died for real. That would’ve been incredibly awkward - surviving death allegations only to die by affection.
The only people you were missing at this point were Killer, Bubblegum, and Pomp. And the man of the hour - Kese. Though, someone mentioned he was watching the ship. Everyone seemed to be in agreement that they weren’t going to say anything to him and just let you and Eustass deal with his ass.
Eventually, you made it to the room where Eustass was fighting Big Mom. You arrived just in time to see him summon a behemoth of some kind of a machine. Your eyes widened as you watched the scene unfold before you. You’d never really watched your brother fight before, but you knew it wasn’t to this calibur. 
“Holy fucking shit,” you mumbled. “Impressive, right?” You looked over to Heat and nodded. “Yeah. When the fuck did that happen?” He shrugged. “This is definitely a newer one, but this was the only good thing that came out of…everything that happened. Awakened his devil fruit n’ all.” Your own face darkened. You still couldn’t believe that Kese just…lied to everyone. About something of that caliber too.
You needed to see this letter. To see this…picture.
While Eustass was fighting, you started patching everyone up. The lot of you stayed out of the way and you figured there was a better way to pass the time besides just sitting and watching. The fight seemed to be almost over anyway. With the amount of yelling and big attacks happening, you knew the fight was drawing to a close. 
“Aren’t you worried, y/n? You seem rather calm about the fight right now,” Wire said. You looked at him, shaking your head. “Says the man who never shows any kind expression.” You snorted before answering his question. “I’m not worried in the slightest though. I have faith in my brother. They’ll win.” 
It wasn’t long after that that he had done just that. They won. You head over to your brother with the rest of the crew, cries and shouts to be heard. You stop next to him, kneeling down and smiling. “Good job, Tungsten.” You started to patch him up quickly. He just stared at you. “You…really are back, Bigs? It wasn’t a sick delusion earlier?” You shook your head. He let out a breathless chuckle as he seemed to process it, staring up at the ceiling.
“They’re really back, captain!” Dive chimed in. You saw as tears welled in Eustass’ eyes and he covered his face with his arm. “I can’t fucking believe it,” he mumbled in a hoarse voice. You didn’t say much, just working on patching him up. You knew he was more than likely crying, but he wasn’t about to display that kind of emotion. You let him be.
Suddenly, you heard a command come from a large dragon that came crashing from above. Was that Kaido? He was a fucking dragon? An order came to attack your brother and the other captain from the other crew. You stood up, pulling out your own blades as people began to run towards the lot of you.
“Like fucking hell I’ll let them hurt you.” 
Though, not much was able to happen before a large hand came down, grabbing Kaido and yoinking him right back out of the ceiling. You blinked, looking back at your brother who was sitting up. He looked just as confused as you, shaking his head and shrugging. “Luffy - I’m assuming.” You blinked. The Strawhat guy? Man, you really were missing a lot of important pieces of information right now, but you weren’t about to dwell on it.
It seemed everyone was distracted after that. A few people tried to come after Eustass, but you took them down with ease. You saw him stand up at the corner of your eye. “You better sit the fuck back down, Tungsten!” You turned around and glared at him and he returned the sentiment. “I’m fucking fine - chill out!”
“You just took a fuckin’ beating. You don’t need to be standing!” You marched back over to him, letting the others worry about what stragglers tried to attack. 
“But I won!”
“Well, that’s not what I fucking said is it?”
“What the fuck are you getting on about?”
“I’m here to patch you up, no matter the damage. Now just accept my generosity before I let you bleed out!”
“Why are you fucking yelling at me?!”
“I’m not yelling!”
Just like that - the two of you are back to your old ways of arguing. To anyone else but the crew, it probably looked like yet another fight was about to break out, but to your crew members, they couldn’t have been happier to see the sight before their eyes. They all had smiles on their faces and some of them were even laughing about it. “Finds out y/n is alive and the first thing they do is argue. They’re really related,” you heard Wire muse.
“Why the hell are you mad at me!” You shouted, drowning out background noise.
“I’m not mad - I’m just shocked!”
“Well what? What could you possibly have to say now? More yelling? You’ve done enough of that!”
“I’ve got two years’ worth of scoldings to catch up on!”
“What the fuck does that mean!”
“It means-”
“Alright.” A third party interjects as you suddenly feel yourself being lifted off the ground. “Killer!” you shouted, immediately beginning to squirm. Eustass just laughed at you. “Ha! Serves you right for yelling for no reason!”
“Just ‘cause ass is in your name don’t mean you gotta act like one!” you shout from over Killer’s shoulder as he carries you away from your brother.
“Oh my fucking god - there are two of them,” you hear a voice say. Your eyes land on Trafalgar Law who looks absolutely horrified at the scene before him. You flip him off. “Mind ya business, asshole.” 
“Real threatening coming from the person being lugged around like a sack of potatoes.”
“Why you fuckin- Killer let me at him!” You start struggling only to feel his grip on you tighten and you immediately give up.
“Absolutely not.” 
He does, however, finally put you down once there’s distance in between you and your brother. You dust yourself off and straighten yourself out with a sigh before folding your arms. You looked at Killer with a small glare. “I was just trying to help,” you grumbled. 
Then you heard it. You fucking heard what haunted you from your encounter in the snow. You tensed as the laugh rang through the air and your head snapped up, looking around for that deranged swordsman.
It fucking hit you like a fucking freight train.
Your eyes widened as you slowly looked at Killer, whose shoulders were shaking along with the haunting laughter. “Killi?” Your voice was soft as you slowly walked towards him. He stepped back and you paused for a moment. You looked over to your brother whose attention had also been grabbed by the sound of Killer’s new haunting laughter. It seemed to reverberate in a way that stuck with you.
It was hollow and emotionless. Not like the genuine laughter that it used to be. This was not the laugh you had fallen in love with. It was a twisted ghost of something you once enjoyed.
“Killer, what happened?” Before really thinking, you outstretched your arm towards his helmet but he quickly grabbed your arm - which happened to be the bandaged one and you hissed softly, pulling your arm away. He paused in his own movements as well.
His own hand reached out and took your arm gently, looking at your bandages. “Did I do this?” You looked at him, confused. Wait…was that shot in the dark theory you had true? You assumed he was just affected by whatever that swordsman was infected with. Was Killer and that swordsman the same person?
“No? It was some crazy swordsman in-”
“I did this…” You could hear the realization in his voice as it also hit you, but you’re still in denial. There was no way they were the same person. The dead look in his eyes. The look of bloodlust and just…
“Killer, no-”
“I did.” He ripped off his helmet and you gasped - mostly just out of shock from his sudden movements. You looked up at him with wide eyes. The bandages were gone, yes. But that smile, that haunting, empty smile stretched across his face. It looked absolutely painful. You reached your hands up towards his face and he pulled back, that damn cackle ringing out from him.
You caught his face in your hands anyway, brushing his hair out of his face to get a whole view of him. “What did they do to you?” Your voice was soft as you looked up at him. You watched as he cackled, the smile and the noise not matching the pure sadness his eyes were portraying. You saw the tears forming in his eyes. He was clearly in pain. Surely it wasn’t comfortable to have your face stretched and contorted in such a way permanently.
There had to be something someone could do about this.
Before you could say much more, Killer pulls away, putting his helmet back on his head. Eustass joins the two of you and you look at him. “What the fuck happened?” Your brother blinks as the blame of your conversation was pointed at him. He just holds up his hands in a surrender-like way.
“It wasn’t his fault, y/n…” You look back at Killer. “I’ll…explain later.” You stare at him for a moment before looking at your brother who also has a dark expression on his face. You nod, looking back at Killer. “Fine. I’ll let it be - for now.” “We have something to take care of anyway.” The two of them nod, knowing exactly what, or who you are referring to.
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taegularities · 1 year
Rid I don’t know if I’m late ! But can I request a drabble where CMI JK gets jealous? Maybe some guy starts shamelessly flirting with her while they’re out somewhere?
Btw loved cmi6 it made me feel all the feelings and now I’m too excited and nervous cmi7 🥺🥺
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fic: colour me in
pairing: jungkook x reader
warnings: nothing really; insecurities, jealousy, a healthy relationship, such a soft soft convo, taemin guest appearance, still totally not in love or whuteva
wc: around 910
a/n: you're not late at all! feel free to keep sending stuff. closing drabble requests, though, so spam me with question if you'd like 🥺 lemme know what you think! and ahhh, i'm so happy you liked cmi6... and gosh, i truly cannot wait for cmi7.. it'll be a ride and a half :') thank you, sweetheart 🤍 (unedited!)
ask my characters! (drabble requests closed) <3
When Jungkook steps out of the bakery, snacks and beverages in his hands, he pauses for just a moment. It was easy to escape the cashier's conversation. Easy to soothe the worries she'd fallen into it.
What's not so easy is watching that stranger so close to you, sitting on the bench, laughing at whatever you're saying.
Jungkook isn't necessarily the jealous type – as long as the debate doesn't shift to damn perilla leaves or you don’t end up naked in someone else's bed, there's not all that much that will drive him up the wall.
But tonight is reserved for the two of you. Any other disturbance has no place here.
So he shakes his head, clicking his tongue, scoffs as he steps next to you slowly.
When you notice, your laughter pauses, and you look between the men before you enthusiastically introduce, "Ah, Kook! This is Taemin. Just found out he went to the same college as we did."
"Really?" Jungkook questions, squinting his eyes. "Never seen you there."
"I graduated years ago," Taemin says with a tender smile; sweet enough to melt angels' hearts.
"Ah. How old are you?"
"Twenty-nine. Why?"
"Just asking."
"Uhm, in any case," you say, getting on your feet. You don't think Taemin's anyhow harmful; but the animosity between them is palpable. Or at least from Jungkook's side. "This is my boyfriend Jungkook."
You laugh nervously, and then add, "Was nice to meet you. We'll be going then."
"It was nice talking to you, too," Taemin says softly, unbothered as hell; the opposite of Jungkook whose irritation swims to the forefront of his eyes.
Only when you've left his periphery and you've linked your arm with Jungkook, do you realise just how much the picture of Taemin and you annoyed him.
Stoic silence accompanies you for half a mile, no matter how many times you thank him for the food, or compliment the town, or crack a horrible joke.
And then, you break.
"Are you mad at me?"
He shakes his head. "No. I'm not mad at you."
"But you're mad."
"I... no, it's fine."
"But," you start, tapping his knuckles, "your fists are pretty firm. And your jaw is clenched."
"I'm fine, angel."
“I don’t care about Taemin, by the way.”
“Okay. He’s too old for you anyway,” he suddenly says.
You argue, “You said you’re fine.” 
“Yeah. I’m honestly okay.”
"Or jealous." He grants you one ominous glance, and you widen your eyes, immediately defending, "I'm just saying. You don't have a reason to be jelly, though."
"Why's that?"
"Because," you start, halting your steps. You look into his eyes, and smile with a slightly tilted head. "I'm yours. I told you and... I meant it."
You're not sure where your courage is coming from. Day and night, you question his feelings, constantly wondering what he might be thinking of you. Or how often you occupy his mind at all.
That you're soothing his worries now, vowing your undying loyalty to him is a bigger step than you realise.
But it does the trick. The crease between his eyebrows relaxes. He blinks at you.
"It's not... you're not who I'm mad at," he admits, "that was true. I'm more pissed at myself for overthinking, you know? Now I know how you felt when we spoke about Nara... The ache in your eyes, I could see it."
You're taken aback – not quite expecting for him to mention that day. Or Nara. Or to feel anyhow similarly to how you hurt back then.
But you don't understand.
"But it was just a guy from college," you assure.
"That's not the problem, really... I just. Do you–" He licks his lips, chuckling about his own idiocy. "Do you ever talk to other men and think how easy life could be with them? Like Seokjin. Do you ever feel like it would've been easier with him?"
"What's it?"
"Just. Life. Love. Your future."
To hear him voice his worries like that.
He's right... it feels like the conversation weeks ago. Back then, you wondered whether a childhood friend like Nara could've been the easier choice. How you could compete against her.
"No," you tell him firmly, placing a hand under his ear, "do you? Like, ever regret being with me like that."
"No." His answer comes just as fast – but he still looks conflicted. "Never. But it scares me to see you laughing with someone else. Not because I doubt where your heart lies, but... 'cause I want to feel right for you."
Your heart pounds in your chest. He's never talked about whatever lingers between you so blatantly. It feels like a breakthrough moment.
"Is that why we're both here? You want to feel like you're right for me. Or... want to confirm that you're enough to make me happy."
"I..." He waits. Looks at you so softly, it hurts. "It's not just that. Tonight belongs to us. Tonight wasn't supposed to be about Taemin, or any other man I deem a better fit for you."
"It still belongs to us," you tell him, moving closer. "Taemin, or Nara... none of them matter, Jungkook."
He doesn't speak.
You look down to his hand, tangling your fingers.
Move your eyes back to him slowly, eyebrows raised in question. He opens his mouth, nervous and blinking. When he doesn’t speak, you ask, “Jungkook?”
“I need to tell you something.”
– and you know the rest... 💕
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Re your terrible day in need of fluff prompts-
1) I hope things have turned around at least a little and the universe is being more gentle and kind now.
2) promptttt: Reader grouchy (just one of those grumpy grrr days) so gf Kate and bff Yelena trap -not opposed to playfully forcing btw- R into their cuddles and don’t let go until R stops being all pouty. Will there be laughing? Hopefully because honestly how wonderful are their laughs????
3) sending you mad mad mad love
a/n: hi!! <3, i love this prompt so much, it definitely helped my day a bunch!! (don’t worry, i feel significantly better now)
word count: 629
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You were angry today. Why? Who needs a reason why, you just were grumpy today. Someone smiles at you on the street? What a weirdo, this is NYC. You do the obvious and glare furiously at them. A cat nuzzles it’s furry little head on your legs as it looks up to you like you’re it’s mother? Okay, that wasn’t so bad, but why does the cat have more happiness than you? You glared softly at the cat.
Now, you sat on the couch, your irrational anger bubbling under your skin. You had crossed your arms as your girlfriend walked in the room, her smile practically blinding you. You humphed and looked away when she directed her sun shine towards you. Kate furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Yelena, who was sitting on the countertop, shoveling mac n’ cheese in her mouth. Your best friend shrugged at Kate’s questioning look.
“Don’t look at me, Bishop. Y/N has been grumpy all day. I think she even glared at a newborn.”
You rolled your eyes at Yelena’s words, an action that did not go unseen by Kate.
“Grumpy huh? Why are you in a bad mood, love?”
You huffed before you answered.
“No reason, just in a bad mood.”
You continued to look away from Kate. Because of that, you didn’t see the silent conversation happening between your girlfriend and best friend. Yelena set her bowl down on the countertop gently, making no sound as she jumped off. Kate shared a smirk with blonde assassin as they made their way to the couch. Very subtly, they sat on either side of you, taking on faux serious expressions.
“Well, Yelena, I just don’t think this grouchyness will do.”
Yelena nodded, very serious to the point of being comical.
“I agree Kate Bishop. I guess there’s only one thing we can do.”
Kate nodded.
“I guess so.”
You were only able to let out a confused noise before you were bombarded by two pairs of arms. Immediately, you protested. But your pleas were lost to the void as you were smothered in cuddles.
“Guys! Come on, let me go!”
You felt them simultaneously shake their heads against your shoulders.
“Nope! No can do! We aren’t letting you go until you show us that beautiful smile of yours!”
You sighed and sarcastically smiled.
“Is that better?”
You received a glare from Yelena with that.
Kate tightened her hold on you, pulling you closer to nuzzle into your neck, making you giggle a bit. Kate lit up after hearing the sound, her excitement causing all three of you to tumble to the ground, you sandwiched between the two. Their cuddling didn’t waver. You laughed loudly at the sudden change in scenery, causing Yelena to start laughing as well. Soon, the three of you, piled up Croods style, were laughing hysterically. You did your best to return Kate’s hug as you all untangled yourself. Kate’s arms were tight against you as you spoke.
“Thanks Kate.”
Yelena let out an offended huff.
“Excuse me? Where’s my hug? May I remind you I had to experience your grumpy mood much longer than Kate and-” before she could finish, you had already thrown your arms around her.
“Thank you too, Yelena.”
You pulled back and leaned against the couch, the burst of happiness still pounding in your heart.
“I’m sorry I was so grumpy.” You apologized to the two most important people in your life with a sheepish grin.
Kate shrugged before wiggling her shoulders and spreading her arms.
“You can make up for it with more cuddles!”
You couldn’t resist her puppy dog eyes.
The rest of the night was spent with you, Kate, and Yelena all cuddled up on the couch, watching all of your comfort movies.
a/n: idk why i end so many of my fics with watching movies but thank you for reading! i hope this wasn’t terrible!
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zk4rlett-h34rt · 4 months
Bell’s Attacker Prologue 🧚🏽‍♀️
Intro!: Okay so before we get into my thoughts reading this I wanna preface this by saying I read his prologue a couple of days ago and many thoughts however since then I had class and then I was doing my manifestations so I’m a lil brain dead 😵. And this will be short
But with that being said let’s get this show on the road ✨
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Hold my hand as I say this. (We are now holding hands btw) this man is FINE. Like he looks 😋 but with that being said…freaky lil hoe. And the worst kind where he changes your life forever and then he dips. So you must understand that everytime he says something nice to me
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But we must move forward. I’d still let him hit but know I’m watching
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He says that everything is legal here and listen I didn’t get to play the event but..pookie you’re never here that’s why everything is legal boo?? There’s no law??
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Made me laugh bc??? Not you coming for my home 🤨 We are in the middle of war ?? Under attack?? Any of that ring a bell ? Stay in your lane sir 💗
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Now listen here MC, she’s down for the ride but when he started doing thissss. No she’s good. In fact she already ate b4 she got here. The MC is going to lie and say she’s curious but she’s not…I’m full thank you boo
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You know when pet owners are obsessed with smelling their cat. A lot of that is going on here 😭. I don’t mind it tho 😏
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Honestly this is such a slay. I also did like the part where they didn’t care which gender MC was that’s what kind of sets this game apart for me (and the smut)
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THIS AINT NO FUCKING SHELTER. this don’t make me feel any type of safe 😭
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Now this made me a lil mad bc knowing my dumbass I’d fully do it and say hooray 🤦🏽‍♀️ but you know what …hip hip hooray 🎉 MC is gonna get laid !
Okay that’s pretty much all I had to say me and Bell have a funny love scared relationship he’s the only demon I’ve managed to pull besides Mammon on both accounts crazy how he manages to find me.
But with that being said … we’re definitely gonna have to talk about the Levi card bc 😃 clutched my pearls . Omg I’m so tired from cramming 😮‍💨 Anyways thx for reading see ya laterrr 🧚🏽‍♀️
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Yes the requests are open, (ok anyway) could you do lis characters with reader who has a twin who helps them asking out the one they want to ask for a date whilst embarrassing them as well?
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 - Chloe, Rachel, Victoria, Nathan, Kate 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, mentions of nathan being high, embarrassing moments ig
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - i'm about to crash and burn y'all i got like 3 1/2 hours of sleep if that
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☆ 𝐂𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞 - Honestly, she wouldn't realize that it's not you at first. You're at your house, hanging out as friends. Just a couple of besties. And your twin decides to take it upon themselves to have a little chat, and they're leaning beside her from behind the couch.
Chloe couldn't clearly see them and they're just talking away and finally them pull a move. But again, they know Chloe thinks this is you. Even while saying some dumb stuff. Until they made that move, and asked her about moving things up a notch.
Then Chloe is like wtf, but doesn't say anything because she thinks this is funny. And your twin is just going in on making a move before they both hear you coming and your twin freaking bolts.
And you know they did some shit. You literally could not look at her after that because your twin totally admitted the huge crush you had on her and it really messed with you. But hey, you're dating her now, so you can't totally be mad.
But you totally beat them up after that.
☆ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 - Knows immediately. You cannot get anything passed her and your twin knows it. Because lord can you not shut up about her. But your twin does not miss a chance to embarass you and get you to make a move.
They will tell her all about how you used to gush over your crushes and how you used to write your first name with their last name. And she's going along with it and laughing. Totally uses it against you later btw. You're screwed now that she has that info.
So then you appear and your sibling is like 'haha, gotta blast' and later they disappear. You are ready to beat somebody up and Rachel is in tears from laughing. Safe to say, you are not laughing until a very long time later.
☆ 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 - You didn't go to school that day but you wish you had.. or not. Your twin pulled up to Blackwell with a mission when they found out you were sick and they hunted Victoria down wearing your clothes. Victoria didn't even realize it either until way after that it wasn't you. Your twin sure does know you well.
And they're just hanging you out to dry lmfao. They're just ripping on you but not in an obvious more so looking at themselves and saying something stupid about the outfit which is technically all yours. Or when asking Vic to a date at the diner, how you were a 'baby' and a few other names to go along with it.
Safe to say when you get a confirmation text from her wanting to pick a day for the date later you're very confused. But your twin just can't help my laugh maniacally while you chase them around.
☆ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 - Your twin was lowkey nervous to talk to him but at the same time, pretending they're you makes it easier. Especially since he was high when they came up to him, sitting at the diner, a grin on their face when they realized that they could probably get away with this.
They're talking it up with him to and he's just going with it and they're laughing and this whole time he's thinking this is you. And then Nathan gets a text from you and he's like, 'why are you texting me, you're right here?' and your twin is like 'shit'.
Totally blows it away and honestly probably forgets after like 10 minutes. But does trip out when he remembers again later, than you realize what your twin did and nearly make them into a documentary.
Nathan totally confesses he likes you after that conversation, don't ask what they talked about.
☆ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 - So sweet but very observant. She's a watcher, not a talker. She knows almost immediately that it isn't you but does give your twin props, they're good. But not like Kate sees you, in a whole other light. So finally your twin gets to the gist of teasing about you.
Kate is blushing and totally trying not to listen to them because its obvious they're embarrassing you just to do it until the twin reveals how much you like her and then it's like tomato central, she is bright, fire engine red.
Your twin is laughing their ass off at this but thinks it's so cute because aww lovebirds. But you totally murder them after.
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a/N: i'm so tired oh em gee
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daincrediblegg · 2 months
Two questions: top 5 things that the Inexperienced Jared Observer should watch him in
Which Terror ep would you rate as Thee best and why?
OOOH HO HO AND I SHALL ANSWER WITH GUSTO Ok. Barring the obvious three choices (i.e. Foundation, The Terror, and Chernobyl, which are really the biggest powerhouses of Jared's acting abilities to date, and then the tier two shows: Carnival Row, Mad Men (it is a very good show overall but if you're there just for jared it takes a while to get to him and it takes a LONG time to get over him), and The Crown), these are my recommendations:
Certain Women His part in this movie is very short, but honestly. it really shows how much this man can do with such a little character, really proving the "no small parts only small actors" adage that folks like to throw around. I still think about him a lot. really showed such a range with so little and it baffles me to this day. Also it's an anthologized narrative and his part and also Lily Gladstone's role in it (her first film role ever btw) as being a horse lesbian with Kristen Stewart really makes it worth the watch a lot more than some of the other bit part things I've seen him in.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows I genuinely think he's my favorite Moriarty of all time. Full stop. he's just such a wicked delight, and it will forever make me curse Guy Ritchie for only giving him bit parts in some of his other films. absolutely criminal.
The Devil's Violinist @prismatica-the-strange and I absolutely did not go into this film expecting it to be as good as it is. we thought it was gonna be a flop. that Jared Harris was gonna play the devil and we'd have a laugh and that would be that. Incorrect. Turns out the guy playing Paganini is actually a bonafide child prodigy violinist and he blows a LOT of the musician biopic performances out of the water because he REALLY DO BE PLAYING THAT VIOLIN LIKE THAT. Oh and also Jared plays his manager who is literally the devil and he has a pincer beard. and he's a sarcastic little shit and he's just a delight.
Two of Us This was genuinely the first film that made Jared a lifelong stand-out name to me at age fourteen. iykyk. He also fulfilled every McLennon shipper's dreams with this movie by kissing Aidan Quinn full on the lips. So if you want an explanation of why he queer codes a lot of his roles, this is it.
It's really hard to choose between The Beast Must Die, The Quiet Ones, and the 2015 Poltergeist remake, so I suppose I'm gonna go with The Beast Must Die because he's a saucy little asshole and he absolutely looks the prettiest in that. But that's the bitch of it with : this man has made a career of making himself a highlight no matter what kind of bit part you throw at him, so like honestly anything in his filmography is worth watching. But yeah he's so pretty in the beast must die. That's all I got. As for the second question... man why can't I choose all of em? why??? 😭😭😭 I can't pit all these bad bitch episodes against each other at any given moment in time man. I love this show too much. I simply cannot choose. it's all so good. I would like to say it's ep 5 for the way jared acts drunkenly (best drunken performance I've ever seen in my entire life), but then I think about him on the gunwale with blanky talking about the reindeer and laughing and how much Jared literally changed from the script to make that moment so goddamn endearing and human. but then I also remember the moment blanky leaves him like??? DUDE. I can't. I cannot choose. my favorite episode is the whole show.
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imaginesxthevamps · 2 years
Hola! Can you do an imagine where James is bestfriends to the reader and Brad is her boyfriend and Brad is kinda jealous that he thinks James is flirting with the reader and he opened up to Tristan and Connor...hehe I hope u read this. Thank youuu
Jealousy | Brad Simpson
Word count: +/- 1.6k
Date: 24/07/2022
Warnings: none
Proofread: Yes (there could still be some grammar and spelling mistakes as english is not my native language)
Tags: Brad Simpson, The Vamps, imagine, Brad Simpson x reader, fanfiction, request, fluff
A/N: Hello! Thank you for your request! I hope you enjoy and that it is how you wanted it to be! :)) Lots of love💕 (also jealous!Brad is such a concept, I have another one in my requests btw)
The boys are all at your and Brad's apartment to work on new music. While they are busy in the studio Brad has built, you are working on something in the study room where you mostly also finish off things for work. You hear the music through the wall. Maybe it's weird but it helps you concentrate when the boys are playing music here. Suddenly the music stops and you guess that they are taking a break.
"Here you are", James says when he enters the room. "Yeah, I'm working on a new project", you answer him with a wink. He walks over to your desk and leans on it to see the screen of your laptop better. "Seems interesting", he says and winks back. "I could use some help", you whisper in his ear. "What can I help you with?", he whispers back. But you don't get the time to ask James something as Brad walks into the room.
Brad has seen you while he was walking by when he went to get some drinks. "What are you doing in here?", he tries to ask James in a friendly tone when he is standing next to James, trying to look at what is on your screen but you close it. "I saw y/n sitting in here and I thought I'd go and say hi then she showed me the project she is working on", James answers. "You never want to show that project to me", Brad says in an annoyed tone. "Brad baby, my laptop was open, he just had to walk over to see it". "Whatever", Brad says bluntly and walks out of the room. "Is he.. mad?", James asks not knowing why Brad was acting like that. "I have no idea what this was all about", you say honestly. James leaves the room so you can focus again on your project.
In the evening everyone is sitting in the living room after a long day. Brad has made some gin and tonics for everyone. You are sitting next to James while Brad is sitting in front of you next to Connor. Tristan is sitting on a chair next to the couch where you and James are sitting. James is showing you some funny memes on his phone while the other boys are talking. A few of the memes he is showing you are so funny that you can't hold your laugh.
Brad is watching you the whole time, scanning every move you and James make. He knows you two are best friends but he is getting suspicious and jealous. James makes you laugh, James gets to see things that he never gets to see.
"So what did you want to ask me earlier?", James whispers in your ear. You whisper in his ear what you needed to know. In response, James whispers back the answer.
"Alright guys, I'm tired, I'm going to bed", Brad says suddenly, drinking up his still half-filled glass with gin and tonic. "Brad mate, it's only 10 pm", Connor says to his friend but Brad stands up and goes to the bedroom without saying another word. Now all the eyes of his bandmates are pointed at you. "I really don't know what's up with him today", you say honestly.
Everyone just assumes that Brad is having a bad day. You go to the kitchen to get another gin and tonic for everyone. "I'm going home", James says entering the kitchen, "My dog is already home alone all day, I should check on him". "Yes, of course, give Moochie a lot of hugs from me", you smile. Oh and thank you for helping me", you say. "That's what best friends are for", James says and kisses you on the cheek and hugs you. "I'll help you with your stuff", you suggest.
'I'm going to help James carry his stuff to his car", you say to Connor and Tristan before disappearing into the studio where you guys collect all of James' stuff before leaving the apartment with it.
"I'm going to talk to Brad", Connor says. "Maybe Brad is really sleeping", Tristan says. "I don't care, something is up with him", Connor answers and stands up. "I'm coming with you", Tristan says and follows his friend to the bedroom.
"Are you there Brad?", Connor knocks on the door. "Con?", Brad asks and opens the door. "Tristan? What are you guys doing here?", Brad says confused. "There is something up with you mate", Tristan says. "I don't want to talk about it", Brad says in a flat tone. "Come on we're your friends", Connor says. "Is James there too?", Brad asks. "No, he is by his car with y/n. He is leaving because Moochie has been alone all day. She is helping with his stuff", Connor explains. Brad sighs and lets both of them into the room.
The three of them sit down on his bed. Brad in front of the other two so they can talk. "I think there is something between James and y/n", Brad opens up. "What?", Connor and Tristan both reply. "I think they are flirting and they are not even hiding it, just in front of my face", Brad explains. "She shows James a project she has been working on for several weeks now but when I want to see it she does everything to hide it. Then when we are sitting in the living room y/n is laughing so hard with James' jokes, then they just start to whisper. This has been going on for weeks", Brad rambles. "Are you jealous?", Connor asks. "What? No! It's just what I see", Brad says. "Maybe you should talk to y/n about this? Then you will know what's going on. Also, don't forget they are best friends", Tristan says to his friend. "Maybe I do have to talk to her and I know they are best friends. That's why I haven't talked to her yet, I thought I was just making things up but after today I really need to know", Brad says, "thank you guys for listening". "Bro hug!", Connor shouts and they fall in each other's arms.
After Tristan and Connor talked to Brad they also go home so you and Brad can talk to each other. You were already back in the living room after helping James. When the front door falls shut, Brad leaves the bedroom and makes his way over to you.
"Brad? I thought you were going to bed?", you ask surprised. "We have to talk", Brad sighs and sits on the couch in front of you. "I already thought something was up", you say. "I want you to be honest with me. Is there something going on between you and James?", Brad asks. "What? Like what could be going on between us?", you ask because you have honestly no idea. "You guys are just flirting while I'm here", he says. "What? No! There is nothing between us, we're just best friends you know that", you reply. "That's why he was whispering to you and why he can see things that I never get to see. Do best friends really do that?", Brad says to you. "So you're actually jealous?", you ask him. "No! It's what I see y/n!", Brad shouts. "You know what? If you really want to see what this is all about, here you go", you say in an angry voice while shoving your laptop on his lap. Brad opens it and gasps. "Now you know it and now you ruined all my work. It's hard to plan a surprise when your boyfriend gets so suspicious", you say and you walk to the bedroom. Brad just stares at the screen of your laptop. It's a word document with "Brad's birthday surprise" as the title. He closes your laptop really fast and lays it to the side before getting up and going to the bedroom.
When he opens the door he sees you sitting in your bed. You've turned the television on. You don't even look at him when he walks in. "Babe, I'm sorry, I really thought something was going on between you", he tries to apologise but you don't answer. He takes the remote and turns the television off. Now he has got your attention. "Hey! I was watching!", you say to him. "Just listen to me", he pleads you. "Look I'm sorry I was so jealous and I'm sorry I ruined your work", he says and sits next to you on the bed. "I think I just felt left out", Brad tells you while looking at his own hands. "Sometimes Brad you're a pain in the ass boyfriend", you say. His hands take you up and put you on his lap so you're straddling him. "I know, I know, I'll work on it", he says. "Just don't be jealous, you know you're the only one for me. I love James a lot but I could never be together with him, oh no", you say. "He better stays off my girl", Brad says and kisses you. "No one would kiss me as you do", you say and you lean in again to kiss him. "I'm so sorry", Brad says when you let go of him. "I said that sometimes you're a pain in the ass but most of the time I love you", you say. "Good to hear that", he says and wants to kiss you again but you pull away from him before he can touch your lips. Brad looks at you with a worried face. "It sucks that you know my surprise now, I've been working on it for weeks", you say. "I've only read the title, I have no clue what you have planned besides that it is for my birthday", Brad says honestly. "Better you don't", you say and kiss him again.
The Vamps requests are open!
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
thoughsts on edens gardens characters except I think weird sorry if I missed some
I like him I think having more if an antagonistic character as the protagonist is really fun I love that idea sm im excited to see where the story goes sm
I dont think hell die but if he does ill be really fucking mad
the blushing sprite is really cute
girl idek shes really interesting I wobder if shell be support to damon I think shed make a good support for damon
very good vibes!! I like the whole crow or rvane motif btw I noticed she has more red on her and damon has more green and theyre complismrntary colors sooooo
I love him sosososo much scooby doo.motherfuckinggggg guy. he has the laugh that ny sibling makes all the time to abnoy me the first time hebdid it I was like "oh my god" still love him tho. he is like art(uro). to me. they should meet
if he dies i think ill be depressed for a few hours and in pain throughout the entire trial unless he gets like executed where ill just sit there like 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨. and then be in pain. like in chapter one if danganronpa lapse
good vibes good energy
face reveal when?!?!?!
if she dies im going to expode and die in a car crash bit the car crash is me exploding and doesnt involve cars
of course her name is grace
love the colors!! and the visor!!!!!!
when I saw her talent I was like "art(uro)"?!?!?!??! but no.shes the opposite of art(uro). they should meet
he seems chill I like him if he asked me if he could borrow five dollars I wou'm let him have five dollars. I would like to go to the beach with him and get icecream after ithink I eould like to be his friend if he was real. I am probably too chaotic for him.tbh
im sorry everytime I see her I think "elon musk" im doing her dirty shes so mich better then elon musk
honestly dont hav emuch of an opinion on her tbh... shes there. nice that she feeds people
so true diana. I have a crush on her. but also thats a massive fucking red flag because everytime ive had a crush on a fanganronpa character theyve turned out fucking ballistic soooooooooooooooo yikes!!!!!!!!!!!
im ngl she is kind of boring. maybe a little bit. idk I cant think of much to say about her
go girl give us nothing!!! ignore this I just feel like this is something hed say. or grace would say
im ngl he is kinda annoying slightly I found myself getting a bit bothered by him.
love the fit btw I wishi could rock and outfit like that
pwople would be like "you look just like a kpop star" to him
anyways pathetic little meow meow no wonder hes a butterfly
um if he dies im going to commit homixide 😀😀😀😀😀😀
"call the fire bigrade grace" so true bestie pop off
I fucking love his hat I wonder why people call him nayhem... jett probavly gave him that nickname adorable
I think um him and jett are a bit gay for eachother slightly
I cannot take her seeiously with thsoe goofy ahh sprites everytime she does the fucking sprite thats like "waaaaaugh!!!!!!" I cant help but copy it like "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!!!!!!!!!" like "WOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAHG YEEEPERS CREEPERS"
that one fucking sprite wherre shes kike "hhhhhhhhhhjhhiyhhhhjdjdjdjdj"
shes not my favorite but she gets bonus points because black widow spider and in the second grade I made black widow spiders my personality for a few days so attachment to them
communist mr beast
no fucking clue what ti say here. why is he always in fornt of thst tree of ignorance huh.
I like hiw everyone has real aninals and then jean is just DRAGON
I do not trust her!!! I think she has serial killer vibes!!!!!!! She seems way too optimistic about all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suspicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is going to.kill one or more motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thiught he was gonna be a douche tbh but hinestly im SOOOOSOSOSOOS GLAD HE ISNT I love him.I know ulysses came first but I cant help but be reminded of pascal as in my oc pascal everyytime I look at him. pathetic man
I posted this then immediately realized I fucking forgot wolfgang difbdjshdvdvdgdhdgd so now im editing my post nobody had to know
um I like thats hes kinda the more protagy role! I think hes really sus thiugh because WOLFgang and hus animals a dheep also he had like the hope speech thing ig. idfk hes
I like her!!!! shes very sweet I love her I want her out of there get her outta here she deserves to be safe and happy
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seobshome · 2 years
seventeen as midnights songs
Tumblr media
notes - this is literally my first ‘customized’ post on tumblr so if you have any tips plz help me lol. I got this idea because I saw some videos on tiktok of taylor and svt cross overs and the tour dates gave me this idea. The explanations just get longer and longer and some of them don’t make a lot of sense lol.
       Below the cut !
Lavender Haze - Joshua
I just feel like it fits him so well. I literally look at him and it reminds me of the vibes of lavender haze, he’s so vibrant and expressive, quite literally the most dreamy man ever. He’s so ethereal and full of beauty and that's how I see Lavender haze, its a beautiful song. “I’ve been under scrutiny, you handle it beautifully” I believed Shua is loyal to a fault, I just can’t describe why he’s so lavender haze but he is. 
Maroon - Mingyu
Easily it belongs to Mingyu, the song is just so him. “laughing with my feet in your lap, like you were my closet friend” sounds so him, like a relationship with him would be so intense but such fondness. Maroon to me is a relationship full of passionate love and that’s how I see this. Mingyu is literally a Taylor Swift song I don’t care, I am so down bad for this beautiful man.
Anti-Hero - Seungkwan
You cant tell me he doesn't embody it. All the hate he’s received, and the insecurities he’s talked about. Some people make it seem like a chore just to compliment all his hard work. He still pushes through it through no matter who says what on his name. Along with how the industry treated him before he made a name for himself and his. 
Snow on the Beach - Vernon
In my mind Vernon is such Lana material, he would be a Lana stan, I don’t care. How he’s spoken about his ethnicity and how he can get uncomfortable with it, but yet is still seen as so handsome in the eyes of many. “weird but fucking beautiful” his mixed ethnicity is looked down upon in Korea, but he’s so looked up to and complimented often on his other-worldly looks.
You’re on your own kid - Chan 
Everyone saw this coming, but that’s okay because its accurate. Even though he does have 12 older brothers to look after him and help guide him everyone knows the childish urge to want to do everything on your own. Everyone wants to try to prove themselves and often times it leads to them distancing themselves and trying to do it on their own, I see that in him especially growing up in the scene from a very young age. (this is me projecting btw)
Midnight Rain - Seungcheol
“A deep portal, time travel all the love we unravel and the life I gave away” quite literally Choi Seungcheol, he’s sacrificed so much of himself just to succeed and make a name for himself and the rest of the boys at such a young age, stepping up to be their leader. He has so much love for all of them and all I could hope is he looks back and sees his sacrifices have made him into who he is today. 
Question...? - Hoshi 
Honestly at first I didn’t really have any reasoning for assigning him to this song just a feeling but then the lyrics. “ It was one drink after another” made me think of him in ttt, “fuckin politics and gender roles” His duality and his style of dance is so fluid and I feel Hosh is such an open awesome guy and I just thought of him. “ Does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike” I feel he is often hard on himself and the others just from having to build themselves up from nothing and wanting the best for everyone. (idk if this one makes sense)
Vigilante Shit - Woozi
This song just makes me think of Jihoon honestly I don’t really have an explanation to my thoughts here. “Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie they say looks can kill and I might try”, everyone always says he the scariest when he’s mad but we all know Jihoon would do a lot for seventeen, he already does. There's just so many layers to him, and I think he defends the group much more than he lets on. This man could definitely write a diss track or something as his revenge.
Bejeweled - Jeonghan 
Obviously bejeweled is his song he’s so elegant with such a big personality. Not to mention his gorgeous looks and smile its hard not to smile at him when he’s giggling and grinning. His personality is layered though but he’s still such a sweet soul and he blesses those around him in a caring way under his mischief. Many members have talked about how they can come to Jeonghan with whatever, I just think he lights up a room.
Labyrinth - Jun
This song just suits him in my opinion “lost in the labyrinth of my mind”, we all know Jun spaces out a lot and he’s in his own world quite often which is one thing I really love about him. I cant explain it but his vibe is literally this song to me and the mixed beats and genres is just perfect. “you would break your back to make me break a smile” I just wanted to include this because it reminded me of the Jun 2nd place episode, plus seventeen as a whole love Jun so much and he can do nothing and they’d smile and laugh which I think is so precious. 
Karma - Minghao 
Nobody can tell me this song isn't Hao, he literally embodies karma. He wouldn’t stoop to anybody's level just to get back at them but he’d let the universe take care of it. “My pennies made your crown” literally came from nothing, a bankrupt company to the group its been made to today. By far one of the best dancer’s of the 3rd gen. “ ask me what I learned from all those years ask me what I earned from all those tears ask me why so many fade but I'm still here” It wasn’t an easy battle for them to get to the top either they went through many hardships and struggles and yet all 13 are still together.
Sweet Nothing - Seokmin 
I’m gonna try my best to make up a description for it but this was a no brainer between him and gyu. He’s literally one of the sweetest men ever in my eyes, and his gorgeous smile. “Outside they're push and shoving you're in the kitchen humming” this line just reminds me so much of him, he’s almost always so sweet and gentle with all the members and he doesn’t want any special treatment in return. Soft head pats, loving smiles, and laughing fits is what I imagine with dk.
Mastermind - Wonwoo
We all know Wonwoo as an intelligent man so of course it makes sense he ended up as mastermind. “saw a wide smirk on your face, you knew the entire time” that line just reminds me of him, like even if you schemed against him I just think he would know the whole time and let it flow because he wanted it too, and to see you happy. Wonwoo is a mastermind himself too so it just makes sense. (gives me debate night vibes lol)
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zixuo · 2 years
This has a black gender neutral reader btw whoopsie
No warnings because it’s late and I’m tired + no cute theme lol I’ll do another later
Imagine rook waking up with you in bed, y’know a casual morning a casual school day and he texts you to meet him outside of campus for wtv reason, he pulls out a small tiny purple remote and a vibrator which made you tilt ur head and look at him like he was a mad man (which he is) but you honestly couldn’t deny since he HAS been persuading you to do this for a while
“Rook why would I do this. It’s a Friday can’t you wait til tomorrow?” you had to look up at him since he’s above average height
“Come on baby! There’s just 3 more hours left of school, after this is over I can fuck your brains out for you! Any position you want.. pleeeaasseeee?~”
You looked up at him with an irritated face, scrunching up your button nose while squinting your eyes. He did know all of your favorite positions, and he did know how to make you cry, and he knew your sweet spot..
“Fine nigga, you get 2 hours.”
“2 and a half.”
“2 hours and 10 minutes.”
“Deal sweetheart.”
So there you were, sitting in history listening to god knows what. You were already passing a handful of your classes so you didn’t need to pay attention, it’s just that you KNEW rook was fucking with you. Everytime you locked eyes in the hallways you could see him putting his hand in his pocket to turn the vibrator up and down rapidly. You nearly tripped a few times because of it and he laughed at you everytime, doing a smug smile every single time behind that stupid ass hat of his.
Finally, school was over.
You quite literally bolted into his room, stumbling over your shoelaces a few times and bumping into some random with blue hair, that didn’t matter though. You just needed to get into his room IMMEDIATELY.
creeeeaaaakkkkk “Yesssss?”
Thank god you had a boyfriend who was athletic and knew how to use his fingers. Every curl of his fingers, every thrust, every rub of them. It felt too good. He had you in his lap, the vibrator still inside of you while he fingered you, his other hand rubbing your clit vigorously, you had to hold his shirt and bury your face into it so nobody walked in because of the muffled moans.
“Ah ah ah, good sluts don’t fight getting fingered? You barged into my room to argue and fell into my hands like putty, don’t think you’re gonna leave this room by tonight. You did give me permission to use you and ruin you on my cock and fingers hm? Cmon. Answer me or did I already break that pretty little head of yours?”
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sunny-bunnys-blog · 1 year
A little fic about Ryoga/Shark and Astral/Apis's relationship before he ran away in my New Dawn AU :) btw, the flashback happens before Apis founds out that Adonis is his dad.
Italics = flashbacks
The school roof was always a strange comfort to Apis, even before his new friend group he just... Enjoyed being up there.
Apis had finished his lesson earlier than intended so he was given permission to leave class, this giving him time to be on the roof by his self for some time.
As he breathes in the pure air, a familiar, warm feeling snaked its way into his mind. He missed the days spent with Yuma and the others on the roof of Heartland Academy, but there was someone else he missed
Ever since Astral had used the numeron code, he was able to venture away from Yuma and the key. Though it was nice, it was extremely lonely to do so due to him being invisible to 98% of the population.
One particular cloudy day, he had decided to float to the roof after becoming bored of the lesson that Yuma was no doubt sleeping through. And there, he met a familiar face.
Ryoga Kamishiro seemed to be unkempt, his tie loosely tied and his hair knotted in multiple places, his eyes having bags under them.
There had been a incident after the war where many people turned their backs on the Barians, believing that they were no better than feral beasts, leading to harassment landing upon them. There was no doubt that 'Shark' had fallen victim to some of that horrid treatment.
"Oh, Astral." Ryoga said, looking at him with the dull expression. "Out of all of the people I expected to see me here, you were definitely not on the list. How are things?"
In truth, Astral felt awful for not being able to stop Ryoga and and the Barians from being harmed by people who failed to understand, but he didn't dare say it in fear of being misread and making it about himself.
"It has been well." "I can't help but notice that Yuma isn't with you, is that new? Or were you too scared to leave him before now?" 'Shark' teased, causing the Astral being to pout and turn away.
But even still, he couldn't help to giggle at the comment. "Perhaps. But, what about you? Are you not supposed to be in a lesson at this moment?" The comment made the former Barian emperor fall silent.
It was obvious, even if he didn't say it, constantly having to avoid the harassment had taken everything out of him, and it broke Astral's heart. "I apologize, you do not deserve that treatment, nobody does." "Hey, on the bright side, I don't have to deal with Rio's annoying voice or Vector, so I'm chill with it."
"Let's just say that people aren't treating me and the others the best, especially after all that's happened. So to avoid people ganging up on all of us, we've decided to not be seen together and not show up to lesson." He says, his tone more flat than it ever has been.
Astral laughed a bit more. After that day, they would never fail to meet on the roof each day to just... Talk. Talk about what? Anything really, they had found a comfort within one another that would be considered as taboo not even a year ago.
Apis held his phone and stared at the contact. It was Ryoga's. His mind was telling him to message him, assure him that he was okay and still alive, try to reach out. But his body wouldn't move, he was petrified.
What if 'Shark' didn't remember him? What if he was mad at Apis leaving without telling him? What if he tried to track him down? His mind filled with horrible possibilities before he was brought out of those thoughts by Yuki.
"Hey, Apis! How are ya doing?" Yuki clung around Apis's neck. "Oh! Hi, Yuki. I'm doing well, how about yourself?"
They were soon greeted by their others friends. "Honestly Yuki, and here I thought you only liked me." Minako said, making Yuki let go of Apis before clinging around her girlfriend.
"oh come on, you know you're my fave!" "Ew, get a room you two." Hayate said, smirking as he walked over to Apis.
As per usual, Saki was the last one there by 10 seconds, talking to Apis.
"You alright? I saw you leave class early, did anything happen?" Apis's face softened, putting his phone away before talking to his friends. Telling Ryoga could wait, at least for now
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Why do you people even watch ATLA if makes so many of you miserable?
WHEN did I ever say it makes me miserable lmao
So. First of all? I literally first watched/got to know this show as a kid alongside my little brother, tuning in to random episodes rather than watching it all in order on my own. I always respected it and thought it was cool, but it took me a bit to watch it all properly, and by that time I already watched the finale, had the inkling it was dumb, and when I watched everything that feeling was only strengthed
Like? Idk who you are but your question seems to imply you're a new fan coming in from the 2020 ATLA renaissance, and it's important to remember that's super not the case for a lot people. I grew up with the show! I keep rewatching it every couple of years! Not because I hate it and I want to get mad, but because I do genuinely love like, 90% of it- and most of the stuff I hate about it, and a lot of my anger towards it was born MUCH later than my first watchthrough. When you watch something you enjoy a whole bunch of times and get familiar with it, of course you're also gonna become aware of its flaws! And, as much as I hate having to say it, Aang as a character IS the show's biggest flaw- he doesn't carry his weight as the show's protagonist, and kid me could sense it, while adult me can now look at him and say WHY.
ATLA fan culture is a bit problematic in the sense that it's been put on such a high pedestal that it can seem weird when people criticize it, but like? There are parts of it that are DESERVING of criticism, heck, pretty much all of the people who worked on it who've spoken about it in the years since would agree that there are some stuff that either didn't age well or weren't well made in the first place, like- being critical of something or hating some aspects of it doesn't mean you hate the whole thing!!!
Fr if I didn't enjoy ATLA at all I wouldn't ever bother rewatching it, or engaging with the fandom, or consuming fan content... But I obviously do, given that I'm here speaking about it YEARS after I first saw it, because it resonated with me, and I love it! Even if I'm still mad as fuck about a lot of stuff that happened in the franchise over the years (and the finale, the can't be stressed enough), that doesn't detract from the fact that there are still more stuff about it that I love than I don't... Even if I tend to talk about the bad stuff because they make me ranty and I have to release all my thoughts somewhere else I'd explode lol. Btw, before I started being more active on Tumblr I'd just bombard my best friend with my thoughts on shit they'd never seen/played/experience so. Tumblr is genuinely just a good place for this because sometimes people see my thoughts and agree, sometimes they don't and it's all chill honestly
Watching ATLA for the most part makes me really happy, actually! But there are a selection of episodes that make me mad, and like? If you're not up to seeing less stellar reviews of the show, THERE'S A REASON I TAG EVERYTHING!! You can just block "anti___" tags, I respect that not everyone agrees with my takes on the show, and I specifically take care that they won't have to see them if they don't want to, so, really... Unless you ACTUALLY wanna have a discussion about my issues with the show, wouldn't it have been so much easier to just block either me or the tags and move on rather than question my enjoyment of something I dearly love for like, no reason whatsoever? Oh well whatever this was kinda a funny ask to get, thanks for the laugh lol "you people" cracked me up
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