#that moment when u have a lot of ideas but you feel so miserable u cant draw 🤩
tuxalfredo · 1 year
Made this au a while ago when I watched atsv. These are like a month old.
Spiderverse but edworl (click on images to see closer if they're low quality)
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Spidey Edd🕷💚
and vigilante Dock Ock Tord🦑 (he's not a villain. Specifying that for Legacy Enjoyers.)
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I have role ideas for Tom and Matt too, but idk if I'll get to drawing them anytime soon tbh. Motivations been at 0, so Im posting old stuff.
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emotionalsupport-ljh · 2 months
Breaking and Entering
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You don't want Jihoon to worry.
Fluff (a miniscule amount of angst) - woozi x fem!reader
A hell of a lot of words for a sick fic :D Described as "princess treatment" by my friends 😌
AO3 link
Word Count: 3.1k
Before you even open your eyes, you feel a scratch in your throat that burns like hell. You reach for the water on your nightstand and take large gulps trying to soothe the pain. As your eyes open, they droop heavily and take a moment to adjust to the early morning sunlight that makes its way past your curtains. A chill suddenly attacks the uncovered parts of your body. You duck back under your comforter only to have an oppressive heat come in waves that cause sweat to cling to your forehead. On top of all that, you can’t breathe out of your left nostril. You’re terribly sick.
As you lament in your miserable state, a notification brightens your phone and you have to shut your eyes. You blink them trying to get used to the light, but all it does is give you a headache. You brave through the pain to turn your brightness down and check the notification. It’s a text from your boyfriend, Jihoon.
Jiji: good morning babe~ 😘
You: Good morning!
Jiji: what are ur plans for today? work?
You: No
You pause for a moment before continuing your response. You wonder if it’s a good idea to tell him that you aren’t feeling well today. On one hand, he might want to know that kind of stuff so that he can take care of you. On the other hand, it could cause some unnecessary stress in his already stressful life. Also, with his busy schedule, he probably wouldn’t be able to do much. You decide ultimately that this illness would probably be over quickly, and you don’t want to make Jihoon worry about nothing a little cough medicine and tea would fix.
You: I'm going to take the day off to relax and be lazy lol 😏
Jiji: that sounds nice
i wish i could do the same 😮‍💨
You: Busy schedule today?
Jiji: yup 🙃 but im excited for our date later this week
You: Me too!
Jiji: i have to go to work
text me later
You: Will do! I love you 🩷
Jiji: love u too~🖤
Putting your phone down and taking the chance to move from your bed to at least retrieve some relief in the form of medicine or warm tea, you feel your muscles ache in a way that makes you never want to move again. For now, you stare at the ceiling with the resolve to get over this silly little cold. You fall asleep soon after and stay asleep for many, many hours.
When you finally awaken again, the chill in your bones still hasn't subsided, no matter how many layers of sheet and blanket cover you. You have to force your eyes to open against the deeper sunlight now pouring through the cracks in your curtains. You power through the discomfort to get them to adjust to the brightness. Again, you reach a hand out for your phone and see that it is afternoon and that you have some missed texts from your boyfriend.
Jiji: hey~
wuts up
Jiji: taking an afternoon nap huh
text me when u see this
The messages were all sent about 45 minutes ago. You feel a little bad about lying, but it only strengthens your resolve to get better and put the whole lie behind you. You text back like normal, hoping that he has the time to read and respond even for just a few minutes.
You: Sorry! I fell asleep watching anime
It doesn’t take too long for a reply to pop-up. You had been dating Jihoon for months now, but you still got butterflies every time he texted you. Even now, aching all over and dripping from your face, he makes you feel a warmth you swore would make you even healthier than you were before.
Jiji: oh rub it in my face 🙄 lol
dont get too far without me
You: I would never!! 😫
How’s it been today? You're not too stressed, right?
Jiji: eh
im coping lol
nothing im not used to
You: Don’t push yourself too hard ok? 🥺
You're doing such a great job!!!!!!
Jiji: thx lol
i gotta go. love u~ 🖤
You: I love you too 🩷
You decide to try to come up with the ultimate healing game plan for the rest of the day. You plot out your meals and activities to maximize the time you can spend getting better. Or at least you try to as you come to realize that sleeping an extra 4 and a half hours without getting out of bed means that you’ve yet to relieve yourself. This kickstarts your game plan as you rush to the bathroom.
You power through the aches in your body to finally brush your teeth and put your hair in a manageable bun for the day. You put on your sweats and some socks to keep warm and make your way to the kitchen where you heat up some soup and make a mug of herbal tea. You take medicine and take it easy all day. The change in scenery from your bedroom to the living room not only motivates your mind to change, but also it motivates your body to move. You swear you already feel better.
Unfortunately, the next two days look the same, and you do not, in fact, feel any better. Even with minimal movement throughout the days, you still manage to leave a mess of dirty dishes, clothes, and tissues strewn about the apartment. You are miserable and finally starting to come to terms with it. The delusion of your ability to heal quickly and on your own was finally starting to dissipate. You thought seeing a doctor was a waste of time, but you start to see the necessity of an appointment the more time you spend with a scratch in your throat and a headache hammering your skull.
The worst part, however, is not the pain, nor is it the constant sweating or the need to breathe through your mouth. No, the worst part is that today is Jihoon’s one day off; you are supposed to be ready to go on a date.
It's a little late in the morning when you wake up. You thrash in your bed frustrated that you are still sick and very tired. When you check your phone, there are no new messages. It isn't unusual for Jihoon to sleep in on his days off. You dread having to tell him the truth that you had been sick all week and couldn’t go out tonight. You could anticipate his response: a string of crying emojis and then a laugh where he says he’s just kidding and he’s fine as long as you get better. He wouldn’t really be okay with it, but he would say he is. He would be really disappointed; he isn’t very good at showing his true emotions, but you know he feels them so deeply. You don’t want to cause him any undue stress or heartbreak. At this point, it unfortunately is inevitable.
You grab your phone and hover over Jihoon’s contact, trying to muster the courage to send your good-morning-text and your confession followed by a long apology and promises to make it all up to him one day. You don’t expect your phone to ring, brandishing a very familiar sweet smiling selfie with the name “Jiji” underneath. You are startled then you take a deep breath, clear your throat, and answer.
“Good morning, my baby,” a sleep-rasped voice calls out from the other side.
“Good morning,” you try to answer in a normal voice, doing your best to hide your congestion.
“You sound different. What’s up?” Jihoon caught on immediately.
You whine a little over the phone, only prolonging the inevitable. There’s only silence from the other side. “I’m sick,” you say, then blurt out, “I’ve been sick for the past three days. I really, really tried to get better, honestly. I’m so sorry, Jiji. I can’t go out tonight.”
Your heart beats quickly in your chest, maybe from the nerves of finally coming clean, maybe from the extra exertion on your sick body. The five seconds it takes for Jihoon to respond feel like five hours. All he says is, “Oh. Okay.” After that, he hangs up the phone, leaving you stunned and with a horrible pit in your stomach.
You’re in shock. The kind of shock people feel after breaking a limb or recovering from a disaster. It pushes every other feeling out of your body. You do your morning routine in a fugue state. When you sit back in your bed, it all hits you at once. Tears stream down your face almost unconsciously, and you lay down with your face in your pillow. Eventually, you fall asleep again, too tired from the illness to continue to cry or feel anything.
Jihoon makes up his mind quickly. After abruptly hanging up the phone, he immediately gets up and goes through his own routine faster than ever, even taking 30 minutes off of his normal workout just to have more time for his own plan. After coming home, he does something a little out of character. He goes to the kitchen to cook something that isn’t chicken breast and white rice.
This surprises his roommates. Soonyoung tries to help him with the big pot of what was so far just stock and vegetables. He gets distracted easily, and it takes him a long time to cut up an onion. Jeonghan takes a picture of Jihoon and sends it in the group chat asking if this is normal behavior for Woozis. Seungkwan tries to taste it before the dish is ready and whines when his hand is met with a smack from a wooden spoon.
“This isn’t for any of you. Leave it alone,” Jihoon says in a stern voice.
“Wait, what? Then who is it for?” Soonyoung raises an eyebrow at him.
“Y/N, my girlfriend. She’s sick.”
The mood in the apartment changes. Now, Jeonghan is texting more furiously in the group chat about how Jihoon cares so much about his poor, sick girlfriend. Seungkwan now insists on tasting the dish the whole way through the cooking process to make sure it’s suitable for such refined tastes as his and yours. Soonyoung calls his mom and asks what the best thing is to cure illnesses. It becomes a whole big thing that has Jihoon a little bit annoyed but also grateful his friends care about you almost as much as he cares about you.
Jihoon’s morning and the better part of his afternoon off of work are then filled with surprise visits from Mingyu, Jun, and Seokmin who bring an array of dishes that could feed you for a month and Minghao who brings a special tea blend that he uses when he's feeling sick. Vernon sends a playlist of chill music for you to listen to while you recover, and Wonwoo writes a list of movies he recommends you watch to rest. Chan makes a special delivery of his grandma's famous kimchi, which has the rest of the boys groaning that they don't get any this time. Joshua sends the best essential oil wax melts so you can indulge in some aromatherapy. Finally, Seungcheol makes sure that Jihoon tells you that he can send anything in the world to your house using his card whether it be medicine or a treat from your favorite bakery or even a new designer pajama set to make sure you are at maximum comfort levels.
As he makes his way over to your apartment, Jihoon feels silly carrying a bunch of bags filled with various gifts from everyone on top of the soup he made that seems to pale in comparison. He curses Jeonghan under his breath for telling everyone his plan to bring you supplies, effectively making him the delivery boy because he is the only person who has the passcode to your apartment. He tries to call you on his way over, now adding his phone to the pile he was juggling. It rings a few times and then goes to voicemail. He tries again and meets the same outcome. He assumes that you’re resting; being sick for multiple days sounds exhausting which is why he is so willing to bring over everything he (and the others) could possibly think of to make you feel better.
Jihoon reaches your front door and knocks loud enough that you would be able to hear it from your room, but soft enough that you wouldn’t wake up if you were resting. He waits a beat before just typing the code and letting himself inside. He makes his way to the kitchen and sets down the various bags on the countertops. Only once his arms are empty does he realize the state of the apartment. He slowly takes in the dirty dishes and various random stuff left on the floor. The trashcan is full, and tea bags litter the countertops. There are tissue boxes everywhere, each one full of used tissues.
He walks slowly to your room and, opening the door, he almost couldn’t make out your sleeping shape on the bed. You’re curled up into a ball under many layers of blankets on one side, and on the other was a pile of clothing. There’s more clothing on the floor. Jihoon goes back to the kitchen and takes a deep breath. He meticulously puts all the food everyone prepared into the fridge, rolls up his sleeves, and decides to start there. He makes a list in his head of all the things he could realistically do in the few hours you would be asleep.
The next moment, Jihoon is elbow deep in soapy water scrubbing dishes and wiping countertops. He finds all the cleaning instruments and proceeds to sweep and vacuum. He fills a trash bag with tissues, tissue boxes, and food containers. He gently tiptoes around your room, gathering up the clothes from the floor, which he assumes are dirty, and putting them in the wash. The clothes on the bed, which he checks are clean, are now folded and put in a hamper for later sorting. He even has time to reheat his soup and make a pretty plating of it paired with some rice and a cup of some of Minghao’s herbal tea.
You awaken when you hear dishes clanking in the kitchen. Someone is in your home. You freeze until the noise stops and begin to get up from your bed. With your legs swung over the side of the bed, ready to stand and possibly defend yourself, the door opens slowly and in walks Jihoon with a tray of dishes.
He looks surprised, then flashes a big smile, then says, “Good, you’re awake. It’s time to eat.”
All you can do is stare at him in disbelief as he sets a tray of soup and rice and tea on your lap. He sits cross-legged in the empty space beside you and scrolls through his phone as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
“W…what’s all this?” you stutter out, utterly confused.
“Lunch,” Jihoon answers nonchalantly.
Looking at him beside you, you realize that there is indeed empty space on your bed for him to sit where there was once a pile of clothes. Tears appear behind your eyes when you look around at the spotless floor of your bedroom. You look at your boyfriend as one tear falls.
“Did you…”
“Yeah, it was a real mess in here.” He turns to look at you and uses his thumb to wipe the one tear from your cheek. “Start eating. I bet you haven’t eaten all day. How are you supposed to get better if you don’t eat?”
He was right. You take a spoonful of broth and bring it to your lips. It tastes wonderful. Alternating between tea and soup and rice, you feel fuller, and the heat from the meal eases your throat just a little more. Jihoon looks at you and sees how happy you look to be having a meal that wasn’t microwaved from a package. You are already almost done with the meal after only a few minutes.
“See, you were hungry, huh?” He teasingly shakes his head.
You lightly push your boyfriend's arm. You make a face, suddenly feeling awkward to be around him. “I thought you were mad at me.”
“What? Why? Because you lied to me for days and didn’t let me take care of you? Or because you canceled our date on the day of because you assumed I cared that we went out somewhere?” he starts sarcastically, “I actually hadn’t thought about it all day.”
“I’m serious, Jiji!” you try to whine but end in a cough. He’s laughing at you as you get a little frustrated.
“I’m seriously not mad. I wish you would’ve told me, but being mad won’t fix anything.” His smile is soft, and he’s looking at you with love in his eyes.
“I’m really sorry. I just didn’t want to worry you. I didn’t know it would last this long. Honestly, I don’t know what I have, and you probably shouldn't be sitting so close to me right now.” You weakly try to push Jihoon away, but he sits like a rock, not budging at all.
“I’m fine,” he chuckles, “The plague couldn’t even keep me away from you.” He leans to kiss your forehead.
All your muscles relax as the last few bites on your plate disappear. Jihoon takes the empty tray in one hand and uses the other to guide you to your feet with him. He wordlessly walks you both out of the room. You see that not only is the entire apartment clean, but there are small gifts left out on the coffee table.
“What is all this?” you ask your boyfriend as take a seat on the couch, waiting for him to put the empty plates and bowls from the tray in the sink.
He takes a seat next to you and rubs the back of his neck with one hand and avoids eye contact when he answers, “The guys heard you weren’t feeling great, so, of course, they had to help out, too.” He goes through and shows you the wax melts, medicine, and self-care products. He also tells you about your new stock of homemade meals from the best cooks in the group. You get really excited about the kimchi from Chan’s grandma. He sends you Vernon’s playlist and Wonwoo’s recommendations. He even shows you the text Seungcheol sent him about using his card for whatever you might need.
Everything is perfect for the rest of the evening that was supposed to be a fancy, romantic date night. It turns out that watching movies and listening to music while snuggling and talking is the best medicine for illness and the most romantic date you have ever been on.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
could you do how svt looks after you when you’re on your period/ how they react when you start your period at their place? on my period rn and having the feels lol thank u
thank you so much for your request! sending love and comfort to every menstruating soul out there <3
seventeen taking care of you on your period | OT13
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𓆩♡𓆪 he cannot stand seeing you in pain, so he does a thorough research on how to help you 
𓆩♡𓆪 randomly starts explaining how he read that broccoli and kale helps with period cramps 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you assure him that his cuddles are enough, he pouts and says that they can’t possibly help you feel better :(((
𓆩♡𓆪 regardless, he wraps you up in blankets and puts your head on his chest, while your favourite movie is playing in the background 
𓆩♡𓆪 and when you’re laying down on the couch, he makes sure to gently rub your tummy or put his warm hands on your lower back, to ease any aches that you might have there
𓆩♡𓆪 somehow is always prepared for your period
𓆩♡𓆪 so if you’re out in public and forgot to take a pad or a tampon with you, don’t worry - he is stacked up with them
𓆩♡𓆪 always keeps you close, so he knows when your cramps are getting worse 
𓆩♡𓆪 during your period he smothers you with extra affection (but makes sure that you’re not feeling suffocated or overwhelmed) 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you're out with other people, he has his arm wrapped around your waist, stroking your hip with his thumb, to let you know that you can always lean on him 
𓆩♡𓆪 slayer of period cramps and back pain 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is build for this and he never fails to take care of you every. single . month 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you ever start your period at his place, he is quick to give you painkillers to prevent some of the cramps and tells you to take a hot shower, while he prepares dinner 
𓆩♡𓆪 he also gives you his t-shirts and hoodies, because he know how much you enjoy wearing them (sprays them with extra cologne just because he can)
𓆩♡𓆪 knowing that you tend to get a bit self conscious during your period, he compliments you a lot and always makes sure to tell you how beautiful you are
𓆩♡𓆪 tries to make you laugh in any way possible
𓆩♡𓆪 but the second he sees you wince in pain, he’s back on the couch asking you if you’re alright 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you ever stain the bed sheets, he immediately tells you to take a warm shower, reassuring you with lots of kisses that it’s alright, because you have no reason to be embarrassed 
𓆩♡𓆪 he hates the idea of you being in pain, so he always buys a ton of different painkillers 
𓆩♡𓆪 mentally curses your period for making you feel so miserable every month
𓆩♡𓆪 kind of helpless, because he doesn’t want to risk doing something wrong that will only make you feel worse 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is attached to your hip and does not want to leave you alone, so you spend most of your days at the dance studio
𓆩♡𓆪 comes back home with the most random stuff that are supposed to help you with the pain (he read online that they help, SO THEY HAVE TO HELP) 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you get emotional, he gets emotional as well and then you’re just a crying mess
𓆩♡𓆪 to make each other feel even worse, you watch a side movie and the weep in each other’s arms for the rest of the night (but it’s okay because you’re crying together <3)
𓆩♡𓆪 gets so much more affectionate with you when you’re on your period 
𓆩♡𓆪 but because the sight of you in pain makes his heart break, he can’t help himself but drift towards you at any given moment 
𓆩♡𓆪 puts your head on his lap when he reads, so that he can read to you as well and gently sets you on his lap when he’s gaming, so that he can rub your back from time to time 
𓆩♡𓆪 has no shame in buying pads or tampons, because he’ll do anything for you (and there is no shame in being a man and buying their partner sanitary products)
𓆩♡𓆪 says “tasty” at any given moment because knows how much it makes you laugh 
𓆩♡𓆪 reminds you to take the painkillers (he leaves a bottle at your nightstand before he goes to work in the morning) and reminds you to eat (leaves a note at the fridge doors that he ordered your favourite breakfast take out) 
𓆩♡𓆪 you spend your every free moment in his studio so that he can keep an eye on you and work without worrying about you being home alone and having no one there to help you in case you need it 
𓆩♡𓆪 holds your hand at any given opportunity, it’s his little affectionate way of comforting you  
𓆩♡𓆪 watches your favourite movies and shows, no matter how stupid or bad they think they are, because it’s the least he can do to make you happy 
𓆩♡𓆪 nothing gives him more peace of mind than seeing you finally falling asleep after a rough day full of pain and cramps
𓆩♡𓆪 his baby is in pain HELLO IS THIS THE END OF THE WORLD??? (then you remind him that this is how every month looks like) 
𓆩♡𓆪 calls his mum for advice, but also spends some time doing his own research after you’ve finally fallen asleep 
𓆩♡𓆪 surprises you with flowers and your favourite food, because he’s just romantic like that 
𓆩♡𓆪 and it never fails to bring a smile onto your face, which is the most important thing for him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he doesn’t want you to move too much, so he helps you with all your house chores
𓆩♡𓆪 during your period you’re only allowed to wear his t-shirts and hoodies, because he insists that they are more comfortable than your own clothes
𓆩♡𓆪 makes you ramen and food he knows that you particularly enjoy (tries to spoon feed you, but you shush him aways, saying that menstruation isn’t a sickness)
𓆩♡𓆪 90% of the duration of your period is spent on the couch cuddling because the best heat  source is your boyfriend's arms 
𓆩♡𓆪 if at any point you leak, he quickly comes up behind you and wraps his jacket around your waist 
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you feel embarrassed or bad about it, he spends the entire night kissing your face, assuring you that it wasn’t a big deal and that he’d always be there to take care of you
𓆩♡𓆪 makes herbal teas for you, while you’re resting in bed 
𓆩♡𓆪 and runs you warm baths in the evening to relief you of any pain that you might have (he lights up some candles and plays music in the background to make the whole experience more soothing) 
𓆩♡𓆪 drawers in his apartment are filled with sanitary products for you
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you run out of anything, without even asking, he’s out the door on his way to the nearest convenience store 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you’re up for it, he tries doing yoga with you or any type of light exercise that might help with your cramps
𓆩♡𓆪 treats you like you're the most delicate thing in the world, because the sight of you in pain makes him so so sad
𓆩♡𓆪 he always has painkillers and a heating pad ready for you, along with your favourite food and snacks 
𓆩♡𓆪 whenever he sees you wince in pain from your cramps, he rushes to your side with wide eyes, asking a hundred (mostly unnecessary) questions (he’s just worried)
𓆩♡𓆪 glued to your side, because he claims that he’s the best source of comfort (he’s right)
𓆩♡𓆪 loves singing to you, because then he can physically see you relax and drift off to sleep
𓆩♡𓆪 a clueless baby 
𓆩♡𓆪 doesn’t quite know what to do, but is ready to do anything you ask him for 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you ask him to buy you pads, he comes home with six different brands because he got confused with the colourful packaging and the sizes 
𓆩♡𓆪 will make a fort in your living room to cuddle and watch your favourite movies
𓆩♡𓆪 and if when he sees you wince in pain because of your cramps, he pulls out a heating pad out of nowhere
𓆩♡𓆪 he hates seeing you in so much pain every month, it breaks his heart :(((
𓆩♡𓆪 does everything you ask him to do and probably scolds you for getting out of bed (no matter how much you reassure him that you’re okay and that your period isn’t a death sentence)
𓆩♡𓆪 gives you a lot of tummy and back rubs, along with kisses on your cheeks, because he know how happy they make you <3
𓆩♡𓆪 if your cramps aren’t that bad, he brings you to his dance practices because he knows how much you enjoy watching him dance 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wraps you up in one of his hoodies and a blanket, and in case you want to take a nap, he has a fluffy pillow ready
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could u pls write the brothers x a reader who dropped out of school/college? having a rly hard time rn and i could use the comfort, tysm <3
having a hard time in the human realm
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includes: brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list
warnings: crying, breakdowns, implied depression
a/n: i'm sorry you're having a hard time :(( i wish you all the best and lots of love and comfort. hope this helps! my inbox is open to chat, request, or leave feedback!
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mammon exchanges worried looks with asmo when there’s no response when he knocks on the door to your apartment. it had been nearly three months since you’d returned to the human realm and since you’d first separated, you hadn’t missed a single weekly call. until tonight, that is.
and combine that with the fact that you weren’t responding to anyone, weren’t active on any social media, and now weren’t answering your door… mammon’s getting seriously concerned.
“let’s break in,” belphie says, and it’s a testament to how worried lucifer is that he agrees.
“i can pick locks, hold on,” asmo says, dropping to his knees and pulling a bobby pin out of his pocket. man, lucifer must be really worried if he’s not even remarking on this!
a moment passes, and then asmo pushes the door open, rising back to his feet. he leads the way into your apartment, and mammon takes in the dark interior. it’s messy and cluttered, a far cry from the neat and tidy room you’d kept at the house of lamentation, and it’s also silent.
lucifer takes the helm then, moving through your living room. mammon can see a dim kitchen with piled-up dishes, and then gets distracted by another door. presumably the door to your room.
mammon knocks on that one, then opens it. like the rest of the apartment, the room is dark, with thick curtains pulled over the window. mammon steps over the clothes all over the floor, towards your bed, which is messy with sheets and blankets piled up.
but thankfully, there’s a person there too. mammon puts a hand on your shoulder, grateful he can see the rise and fall of your chest. so, at least you’re still alive?
shaking you gently, mammon waits for you to wake. his brothers crowd the bed around him, but stay quiet.
with a gasp, you sit up, looking around wildly. “w-what?”
“it’s just us, mc,” beel says soothingly, and you calm slightly, then squint, confused.
“what are you doing here?”
“we were worried,” levi volunteers. “you weren’t answering your ddd and missed dour call.”
“oh,” you say slowly, probably still waking up. “that was today? i’m sorry, i’ve just been really…busy. and wait, you guys decided to break into my apartment?”
“busy?” says lucifer, dodging the accusation question. “with school?”
you look to the side shiftily, and mammon’s glad his eyes can see well enough in the dark where a human would struggle. “something like that.”
“cut the crap,” asmo says suddenly. “what’s going on, mc?”
without warning, tears well up in your eyes. “i’m sorry,” you say miserably, scrubbing at your eyes with your sleeve. “i’m sorry. i’m just so tired.”
mammon wraps an arm around your shoulders (were they always this fragile feeling?), and pulls you to his chest. “what’s wrong?”
“it’s just so hard!” you say after a breath. “i miss you guys so much. every day. it feels like a piece of me is missing. and as hard as it was to adjust to the devildom it’s even harder re-adjusting now. i miss the house of lamentation and being at rad and all of you. i can’t do this.”
“i had no idea you were feeling this way,” lucifer says quietly, guiltily. mammon feels the same way. how had he not noticed you were hurting?
“i stopped going to my classes,” you continue, a sob ripping free. “there’s no way i can get any credits for this semester. i want to go home.”
mammon locks eyes with his brothers. there’s no way they’re leaving you here tonight.
“let’s take you home, then,” he says, and you blink up at him.
“wait, really?”
“there’s no rule saying you can’t come back,” lucifer says. “i thought that’s what you wanted. after all, you were only supposed to be an exchange student after all. but if we had had any idea of how much this would have hurt you, diavolo and i would have never let you leave. so yes, let’s go home.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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riptideripley · 1 year
Hi i have this idea..
Rhea goes on a several week work trip. Reader misses Rhea A LOT but through texting her it’s easy to fake just how much she misses her so she puts on a strong image and constantly assures Rhea that she’s doing just fine alone at home. When Rhea shows up at the house a week early to surprise the reader she finds reader in a really sad and miserable state, watching Rhea’s most recent fights and eating pints of ice cream. You can go wherever you want with this.. to maybe Rhea comforting reader or even further (SMUT?!!)
1st time requesting u don’t have to do it just wanted to ask <3
Red Velvet Kisses
gif creds: @rebecca-quin
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summary:Rhea is away on a work trip and you miss her A LOT,but assure her you’re ok. Until she comes home early to see otherwise,so she fixes that..
a/n:I decided to experiment with food play for the first time so please tell me how I did in the comments!!
Rhea had been away for 5 weeks now and you missed her. She would constantly text you asking if you’re ok and if you need anything,but you lied to her. Telling her you were ok and didn’t need anything,that you didn’t miss her as much. Rhea believed you since you enjoy your own personal space sometimes,so she never questioned you.
Rhea had another week left for her trip and you were sitting in bed,scrolling through old pictures of you two together. You sighed and threw your phone on the other side of the bed,her side. You sighed and scooted over to her side of the bed,grabbing your laptop. You got up and walked downstairs,walking to the kitchen and grabbing a pint of Red Velvet ice cream. You grabbed a spoon and walked upstairs,sitting on Rhea’s side of the bed wrapping her favorite blanket around you. You opened your laptop and opened YouTube,searching up her name. You sighed and scrolled through,clicking on your favorite match of hers,Wrestlemania 39.
You opened the ice cream as you continued watching,clicking through and watching other matches as well. You felt tears from in your eyes and wiped them,eating the ice cream.
Rhea,unannounced and unknowingly,was downstairs. She set her stuff down gently not to disturb you and went to the kitchen,grabbing a bottle of water. She opened it and drank a little,letting out a soft moan of relief from her dry mouth. She closed it back up and headed upstairs,tiptoeing to your shared bedroom. She froze when she heard soft cries,making her worry. She peeked into the door and could hear you watching one of her old NXT matches against Roxanne Perez.
“Baby..?” you heard her whisper softly,scaring you and making you yelp. You threw the blanket off of your head and calmed down a little once you realized who it was. “R-Rhea I thought you weren’t gonna be home till next week..?” you questioned her,opening your arms for a hug. She smiled and scooped you up,wrapping your legs around her waist. “I came home early for you baby,now tell me why you were crying?” she asked making you cover your face. She moved your hands and looked at you,staring into your eyes with a soft expression. “I-I just missed you..that’s all” you admitted softly,watching her expression change. “Baby if you missed me that much you should’ve said something,I would’ve booked an earlier flight” she said,kissing the sides of your face.
She placed you down gently on the bed,hovering over you. Something washed over her and she began kissing your neck. “Rhea..fuck” you threw your head back giving her more access,feeling her rub your thighs. She sat up and pulled her shirt above her head,doing the same with yours. She dove back into your neck,assisting you as you unbuckled her belt. She paused for a moment to look at you,a smile appearing on her face.
She shifted your positions so you were on top of you,sliding her hands behind your back to unclasp your bra. She tossed it off to the side and lifted you up,sliding her pants off revealing her strap. Your eyes widen slightly at the size,slowly taking your shorts off. She noticed the still frozen sitting on the nightstand,grabbing it along with the spoon. “I wanna try something tonight” she looked up at you holding the ice cream. You two had never tried food play,only talked about it. So when she suggested it you got excited and agreed,making her light up with excitement.
She lifted you up and placed you on the bed,scooping some ice cream onto her tongue as she began to lick your stomach down to your thighs. You shivered at the sudden coldness and arched your back slightly. Rhea smiled at this,working her mouth on your clit. She continued her actions,tapping the spoon in the ice cream then placing the cold spoon onto your thighs. You whined when she suddenly stopped,but gasped when you felt the tip of her strap slowly push inside of you. Rhea took more of the ice cream onto her tongue and pulled you into a deep kiss,thrusting inside of you.
The sweet taste of red velvet ice cream and the taste of her all at once tasted amazing. She pulled away smiling and grabbed some more of the ice cream,trailing it down your stomach. She leaned down,thrusts getting faster and deeper,licking the ice cream off of your stomach making you whine. She lifted both of your thighs up and placed your legs over her shoulder,making you let out a scream of pleasure. “O-Oh my god Rhea!” you yelled out as she continued,noticing the ice cream had about 2 scoops left meaning she had to think wisely of how she wanted to use them. She got an idea and suddenly pulled out,making you whine.
“You trust me right?” she spoke suddenly making you sit up and nod slowly. You glanced at her and saw her putting ice cream on her tongue,suddenly licking your clit. You gasped at the cold sensation letting out a soft moan,which made Rhea smile against your clit. You threw your head back moaning,feeling her tongue piercing glide over your clit repeatedly. “P-please mommy m’close!” you yelped out feeling your orgasm approaching,a tight knot in your stomach. She suddenly stopped and stood up,sliding back into you. You whimpered softly,feeling her thrust at a slow but deep pace.
She could sense that you were close and scooped the last bit of ice cream in her mouth,pulling you into a deep kiss. You let out a loud moan which was cut short with the kiss.feeling your orgasm wash over you. You whined when she continued thrusting,letting you ride out your orgasm. You were a panting mess,licking a bit of ice cream off your lip. Rhea chuckled,kissing your forehead. “I see how much you missed me hm” she hummed softly,pulling out and removing the strap from herself. You laid there for a moment until she lifted you up,carrying you to the bathroom. “I’m glad you’re home baby” you whispered softly,clinging onto her neck. “I can tell sweetheart,now lets take shower baby”
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naveries · 8 months
call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to
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Pairing: non-idol!beomgyu × f!reader
Synopsis: Within the walls of your academy, you unfortunately find yourself targeted by jealous peers due to your relationship with the campus' sweetheart, Choi Beomgyu. Enduring the harassment, you begin to struggle to shield yourself from the malicious rumours, harsh judgement and pranks being pulled by his fangirls. And worst of all, you couldn't even bring yourself Beomgyu about it either.
Word Count: 7,801
Warnings! petnames (baby, beomie bear, my love, sweet girl), mentions of relationships reader and Beomgyu are already in an established relationship, mentions of heavy bullying, mentions of violence, mentions of harassment, mentions of school (y/n is quite smart), mentions of hugging and a lot of physical affection, mentions of school, reader can be really sad, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of sensuality, mentions of kissing, actual kissing, beomgyu gets upset, a lot of hugging, crying, pretend that Beomgyu and Taehyun are the same age!
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[Friday, 7:32PM]
@ my beomie bear🧸: heyy you 👀 you called? @ my beomie bear🧸: sorry baby, i was at soccer practice.
@ my love 💘: it’s okay, don’t worry about it. but can u come over?
@ my beomie bear 🧸: like... right now? 🤨
@ my love 💘: yes now. it's IMPORTANT!!! @ my love 💘: this isn’t a want it’s a NEED 🤧 @ my love 💘: …unless you’re busy which is FINE. just FINE.
@ my beomie bear 🧸: you're cute hehe. im there soon, count on it ❤️ @ my beomie bear 🧸: [Attachment: 1 image]
(photo of him outside and his hand is holding on the handle of his bike about to leave)
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For the past few weeks or so, you had been the target of multiple petty, jealous girls’s humiliating pranks because of the mere fact you were dating the campus sweetheart.
And that left you in a constant state of stress and anticipation, feeling as if everyone is staring at you, judging you, comparing your flaws that even you can’t seem to grace yourself for having them.
You were always greeted with either the cold glare from girls in your class or hallways, trying to figure why the hell Choi Beomgyu had chosen you over them.
Or maybe that he had no idea of who you actually were before you had been pulled into a secluded corner of the school being told that his heart found solace with you by the latter himself.
But people thought otherwise of you. This self entitled bland bitch. Someone who had no right holding his heart.
And while you were doing a good job at concealing your reaction, feelings from everyone else who would find satisfaction in your crumbling, today you just felt fed up.
You shouldn’t keep this from him, especially with how these girls claim to not stop until you stop seeing him all together.
And you didn't want that, not over any kind of pride you stood on.
Yet these girls were relentless, and took whatever chance to harass you and make you feel miserable as hell whenever they could. Despite the attempts you made to confront them and getting them to stop, it was almost comical how they acted as if you were the crazy one for asking such a thing as apparently, it’s entitled of you do so when you already have Beomgyu.
The shoving and tripping in the hallways, the nasty rumours about how Beomgyu is dating you on a bet or how he doesn’t even like you that much anyway. You knew that they weren’t true but it was still hard to walk around school for the past few weeks. Uncomfortable to around halls, classrooms, filled with these people who assumed the worst of the worst of you and your relationship with Beomgyu.
You were once so cheery, greeting friends with Hello’s and curious How are you doing today?’s, you found yourself now held down by the hate being expressed towards you daily.
You were torn, you imagined the moments you began noticing you had begun developing feelings for Beomgyu, and then the time Beomgyu had taken you to the music room to confess to you through a song he had been working on, and then the flashes of those girls holding you down against the sink as they laughed at your distress.
"Ha... you're really low. Can't even get me without cornering me. What? Safety in numbers?" You spat, trying to wringle your arms free but there was no use.
"Shut up" a girl from behind came in front of you and slapped you. Your cheek searing with pain from the slap, your expression was unrelenting to give in. But they laughed anyway "says the girl tied down to the sink."
You were unable to move anything as they pulled at your hair and mocked you for looking so helpless, not being able to defend yourself despite them holding you against your will. The words felt more like physical torture as they continued on. deserves better You couldn’t help but feel so disgusted in yourself as this whole thing dragged on for what felt like hours.
“Beomgyu deserves someone, anyone better than you.” The girl holding you down against the sink chuckles, you tried to say more but they held your face under the running cold water. “Look at you, you can’t even defend yourself, let alone him.”
And you believed them.
It was as soon as a Teacher walked in from all the noise inside the bathroom and caught the girls, you dashed out of there so fast and went straight home. Not caring about your bag you left behind, Taehyun who would probably wonder where you were or the fact that you were gonna be marked absent for your next class. You couldn’t take it anymore, it was as if your insides were being crushed and tormented and you can’t do anything about it even if you pleaded for things it to stop.
Your Mom saw the distress twisted into your usual smile and decided to not question why you were home until you’ve processed things for yourself.
You locked yourself in your room for about an hour or three, unable to move from your bed. It was only until your Mom carefully knocked on your door, asking you if you wanted to speak to Taehyun who had stopped by with your jacket and things.
You decided that getting up and saying a simple Thank you wouldn’t hurt, you didn’t want him to worry either. You’ve enough distress anyway. You just needed something different right now.
But what surprised you the most wasn’t that he was still here sitting on your couch waiting for you or that his expression changed as soon as he laid his eyes on your distraught eyes, but what he says next, “What did those girls do to you?”
You stood there facing him frozen and your eyes wide, “But… how did you know?” you asked, unable to process the shock that he knows.
Looking at you, he could tell that this had been weighing down on you for so long and that you had no idea what to do about things up until now. And so without a second thought, you watched Taehyun as he stood up and carefully walked over to your shaken figure. And without even hesitating he pulls you into an embrace.
You were expecting a lecture that would claw at your insides further on how you had dealt with everything so wrong and that the people around you deserved better than what you were making of the situation. You were mentally preparing yourself up until now. And right now, you felt as if you had been acknowledged for what you were feeling and who you are in this whole situation.
And instead of you trying to hold it together up until now, you finally let yourself break from everything you had withheld, tear after tear until they wouldn’t stop flowing and you let out a choked out sob. Taehyun’s arms held you tighter at the sound of that. “You’re pretty incredible for holding out this long you know,” he said as he patted your back. Still hugging you in the middle of your living room. “but I promise were not the type of people to not take in your feelings over other people’s opinions on our lives. Especially when they choose to take it out on someone else involved with us, especially you Y/N”, letting all the l guilt and shame that you had been drowning yourself in.
“Beomgyu would want to know.” he says his voice calm, you can hear the sense of urgency through his voice.
“I didn’t wanna bother him. This whole thing is—”
“This isn’t your fault Y/N.” he interrupts you, knowing you were about to blame yourself.
“I’m his girlfriend! I should’ve done something more than… this” you stress, struggling to get the words out but somehow he understands you. “I hate that I feel so useless throughout this whole thing.”
Taehyun isn’t as good with feelings in comparison to Beomgyu so it takes him a minute to catch up. But as he takes a moment to piece everything you’ve expressed to him from his perspective, he tries again.
“Our academy is highly populated, even 2000 students alone in out grade and only the best of the best can survive.” he says, you not knoeing where he’s taking this but you patiently wait for him to continue.
“Beomgyu is pretty well known to almost each and every student in the building. And from what I’m aware as well, you’ve also been part of the top highest grading students in our year since we started at the academy.” Still lost in what he’s trying to get at.
“So with a competition of a thousand girls, possibly even boys, he chose you from the many. And with good reason Ms. Top Student.” he teases you but from his confident, well thought out delivery, it makes your heartache from how he took the time to find the right words.
You stood silent for a second letting his words digest into your system and you exhale.
“It’s still not top in the whole school.” you’re perfectionist self reasoned before sniffling again. Taehyun in response, was that he dropped his forehead dramatically on your shoulder with an exaggerated sigh in exhaustion and you giggle.
“Thanks Tyunie.” you say with a light hearted tone, your mood better than what it had been before. You pat the top of his head and he lifts his head to face you. You can never tell why someone like him would be mistaken for someone cold and unapproachable when really, Kang Taehyun was just quiet.
But that didn’t mean he was cold-hearted, because once you got to know him, the way he displayed his affection towards you and his friends, through physical actions rather than words, was so raw and genuine that it never left you to doubt him for a second.
Even as someone who found it hard to break your shell around even your closest of friends.
“You should really tell him though, he deserves to know and I really think that this would help not just you but this whole thing as well.” Taehyun says and you’re able to match the seriousness he put the atmosphere comfortably, rather than if this was happening a few minutes before.
“But what if—”
“And no more ‘but what ifs’, you have to talk to him first.”
He’s looking at you with a look that says you know I’m right and not knowing what else to counteract with, you just sigh in admission.
A few minutes after your talk with Taehyun, your Mom finally came back out from the other room and into the kitchen where you had begun brewing tea for Taehyun and possibly some hot chocolate for him to bring on his way home.
Your Mom adored Taehyun and was happy to engage in some small talk with him about how his school had been and how he has been as well. Taehyun on the other hand really didn’t have much issues talking with your Mom either because just like you, and also from what your other friends have claimed in the past as well, your warmth and welcoming personality was definitely a trait you got from your Mom.
And soon enough, you bid Taehyun another Thank you to which he responded that he was happy to help you anytime.
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[Friday, 08:00 PM]
And so here you were, after mulling over your talk with Taehyun and what had you been doing the past week, the inability to complete any task because of the plague that had been burdening your peace of mind, and several panic attacks throughout the day.
You decided that over anything else, you wanted— no, needed to see Beomgyu. You needed to tell him everything.
And after a few miss calls on his end, you wait for what felt like forever (in reality was actually just 3 minutes), he sends you a message saying that he was in soccer practice, but was able to make it to you.
And with little to no patience today you couldn’t fight the urge to just sit there and wait until he got to you. So you went ahead to put on any kind of thick sweater and socks to keep you warm from the cold air and went outside to sit down and wait til Beomgyu got there. You watched as cars and people pass by until maybe the next would be him. You felt a bit silly making eye contact with unsuspecting strangers, but you couldn’t help the anticipation that was eating your heart away.
And in a grey hoodie you knew all too well, relief that took over your mind overwhelmingly, butterflies that came swarming around at the bottom of your stomach at the sight of the stature pedalling on his bike up to you.
You couldn’t see his entire reaction to you sitting there waiting for him, one reason because of the mask and the other being because your eye sight is shit from all those all-nighters you’ve pulled, to your mother’s dismay, watching those rom-com movies all night until the sun came up.
But that changed until after he parked his bike at the bike rack, and pulled his mask off to find your favourite sight in the world, Choi Beomgyu.
"Y/N." Beomgyu called out to you in a shaky breath, probably from biking from school all the way to your home, no doubt in a rush looking at his slightly disheveled sweater and uneven breaths. His tone was much different to his usual energetic personality, you can see the comfort that overtook his eyes seeing you there already waiting for him. Jogging up to you as he engulfed you in a tight hug, spinning you around. Both sighs of relief and laughter were what was exchanged between you two. Your hoodie falling off of your head from being spun by him and it took you a quick minute to go against the quick wind and wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face onto the crook of it and the sweet scent of his shampoo.
His spin slows and your words are muffled by his grey sweater. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
Putting you down, you pulled away thinking that he would just follow you back to the bench or inside where a heater is, but he immediately engulfs you in an unexpected hug.
You're standing on the tips of your shoes with your arms still hooked under his shoulders. If he were to let go right now then you would probably topple over on your bottom. But his arms are wrapped so tightly around you, your body is flush against his chest.
"Y/N… Taehyun mentioned that you went home early, Is something wrong?" he asks his voice is soft and quiet. You can hear both the curiosity and concern laced in his voice and your whole mood flips back into anxiousness.
With one arm still holding you, his hand goes up to the back of your head and threads through each strand of your hair. "There's been something bothering you all week and I didn’t wanna pry but-" Your muscles tense up and your body freezes, and that confirms his worry as he can feel you tensing up against him.
You slowly push yourself from his embrace and he helps steady you on your heels again. Your head is hanging low, unable to move yourself as you can't bring yourself to look him in the eye yet when tears are threatening to spill out from your eyes. Beomgyu frowns as he watches you shy away from him. He's holding onto you by your elbows and you're holding onto him for your body's support.
"I know we haven’t been dating for long," He speaks up, his low voice so calm but still enough that you could hear the seriousness in his tone. "but I can still tell the difference in how you’re feeling Y/N."
Beomgyu had figured out that you had been hiding something from him, before you can tell him. What was he gonna think now? That this won’t work between you two because you didn’t tell him?
Beomgyu picks up on the fact that you don’t know what else to do in this moment and gently places a finger beneath your chin, raising it up so that you could finally meet his eyes again. You expected him to be upset, a frown that didn’t belong on his lip. But instead you’re met with his endeared expression, an assuring smile that calms the turmoil inside of you. The worry dissipating from your features was all he needed to see before this look in his eyes, that you cant seem to read, watches as his hand cups your face and his thumb moves from beneath your chin to rub over your cheek gently. You flush in response to his sudden change in demeanour.
Still with his thumb gently caressing your flushed cheek, his eyes meets yours again. “I’m your boyfriend for a reason you know.” he says and you’re still frozen in place.
Your gaze subconsciously trickles down to his lips afor a split second and you scold yourself internally for not having any sense of decorum or decency during a time like this. The pink that was already staining your cheeks worsened to a crimson. You drop your forehead to his chest, shying away from the temptation that came along with his annoyingly beautiful features.
"L-let's go inside first…" You mumble, barely loud enough but he hears you anyway.
You rest the side of your head against his sweater where you could feel the beating of his heart, Ba-bump, ba-bump. You wanted to relish in the calm before the distressing, lengthy explanation you owed him came, better to talk about it in the comfort of your room.
He moves his head up, spacing out into the distance and rests his chin on your head. Nerves prickling over his skin by the thought of what it is you want to say to him. Had he done something he didn't realize he was doing? You usually tell him everything, what was so different now?
His hands running up and down over your arms for another moment until a strong wind gust pass the two of you and he feels your figure shiver in response. He gently pulls your bodies apart and takes ahold of your hand. "It's much more warmer inside, let's get my baby inside." Beomgyu says, flashing you a soft smile and you just watch as he turns his head around, your hand in his, leading you inside.
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[Friday, 08:13 PM]
Once inside your room, Beomgyu lets go of your hand and went to your dresser and opened the top drawer where he kept his own clothes if ever he stayed over.
You on the other hand quietly tip-toed into the room, cautiously closing the door behind you, a careful click, careful not to wake anyone up.
The last thing you would need was your famiky assuming that you and Beomgyu were up to anything else that could possibly result in the terror that would haunt your Mom and Dad, and quite possibly Beomgyu’s parents as well, to know that Beomgyu was sneaking into your bedroom in the middle of the night, doing something that would require little to no talking. It was hard enough to convince your parents to let him stay over, let alone in your room, in the middle of the night.
You insisted he stayed over quite oftenly to the point it was easier for him to leave clothes at your place instead of bring a bag of his things. He even had his own toothbrush, his own brown slippers with bears on it.
You couldn’t hide the excitement and adrenaline rush that came the first time Beomgyu had been snowed in at your house. After spending the whole day with you, a bad storm came down on your town to the point where the snow had basically covered the entirety of the front door, also the only way for Beomgyu to leave. Both his and your parents agreed that it was fine as long as Beomgyu slept in a different room. Although much to their dismay, they found you dozing away, curled up, tucked in his embrace under the same blanket as him the next morning.
The kind of relief and fulfillment that over took your body when waking up next to him was a joy you never would get tired off. Him enveloped in your arms, or his arms hugging you close from behind every morning and doing mundane things by his side was why, tangled limbs under your silk mattress.
This was never for the sake of sex since you both were still virgins. But that could also change any time soon judging from how quick chaste kisses on your bed turned into you straddling his waist and his hands pulling you flush against him by your waist. Devouring your sweet whines with such fervency. Who was to tell? But that was a story for later.
Right now you needed to focus on calming your nerves before explaining the situation with these girls at school.
Turning around to face Beomgyu but your eyes widen as you stumbled backwards, a thud against your door loud enough to probably wake up everyone in the house. Leaving any attempt at being sneaky and quiet quite literally out the door. The culprit being the sight of Beomgyu’s bare chest as he is seemingly changing into a new shirt.
Beomgyu jumps at the loud thud of you hitting the door. “Holy shit Y/N, are you o—” He tries to make his way to you before you quickly raise your hand in protest.
“Put on your shirt first! Are you crazy? Why are you changing here when usually change in the bathroom?!” you quietly yell at him, loud enough that he can only hear.
“Calm down, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! You were doing your best to be really quiet earlier I didn’t think want to make anymore noise.” You’re astounded by genuinely confused he’s being and the fact that he thought you would have expected him to change here to save the noise. He had a point but still! “At least a warning Choi Beomgyu!”
“Here I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal anyway.” He says unbothered and aggravatingly calm. “You’ve seen me shirtless before haven’t you?”
“When have I seen you shirtless?” You exclaim quietly yet agitatedly. Getting up from the floor, covering your eyes with one hand while the other pushed you up.
He takes a moment putting on his shirt and lets you know that you can look now before he continues. “Those baby pictures you asked for that my Mom sent last week?” he says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Your eye twitched.
He’s not being serious now… “That’s so different! Baby Beomgyu then not wearing a shirt in contrast to teenager Beomgyu now is so freaking different!” you shrieked quietly, grabbing the sweater hanging by your door and you flail it in his decision. He catches it and chuckles at your fuming fury.
“Okay, okay I get it! My shirt is on now. Now c’mere so I can hug and kiss these silly nerves away.” he said, pulling you into his arms and wrapped one arm around your head and one around your waist. Obviously amused from how flustered you’ve become from simply seeing him shirtless. He hadn’t intended to be so bold with you, but your reaction was so adorable to him he couldn’t resist teasing you.
“You’re amazing.” you roll your eyes, you both know that you didn’t at all mean that in a good way but still he huffs proudly. You don’t see his face, but you can tell by his simple huff and tone that he has the most smug expression on his face. He’s honestly the worst.
You pull apart from Beomgyu as you went outside to wash up and also to give yourself a breather because you’re heart was still racing from the sight of Beomgyu’s bare chest. What the hell was he thinking you didn’t have an answer to them in the moment but he really does like getting you worked up just to get a reaction out of you.
You have to explain to your Mom that Beomgyu was just trying to tease you by scaring the crap out of you. And well, for some reason (your Mom knowing Beomgyu’s personality well enough) that was all she needed to hear and then after excusing herself back into her bedroom to sleep.
You could swear you can hear her holding back laughs from the other side of the door. You sigh and storm back to the bathroom to wash up as you were going to earlier.
You’re now just watching him as he moves around so comfortably in his home clothes, clad in a lazy oversized white shirt and some jogging pants, nothing special but you did love seeing him in white. He just looked so at home whilst manoeuvring around your bed and that made your heart skip a beat at the thought of it.
Patting down and airing out your sheets before flattening it again for you both to lie in.
Because to you, no matter how sad you were, where ever Beomgyu went, as long as he was there you. Your heart felt unbelievably full at the sight of him, the way you would simply just exist and how he would respond to it, it made you feel like you were really living your youth the way it was always suppose to be.
He turns around finished, taking a double take at the bed and plushies before he looks to you across the room. And you’re looking like a deer caught in headlights.
He gives you curious look, “What is it?” he breathes out a laugh. Wondering why you’re staring at him as if he’s still so far away when he’s finally beside you again.
You take a moment to take it in longer before your gaze wanders elsewhere. Your hands coming up to the sides of your arm to hold and ease the nerves.
“I just didn’t want anything else other than being with you right now.” you say, your eyebrows furrowed. You weren’t looking at him but to the left of his general direction.
You could tell that the atmosphere was building up to talk about what had been happening to you this past week and though you were still nervous, you know you needed to talk Beomgyu about this.
“I… didn’t wanna…” Tears already welling up in your eyes as you tried recounting each and every thing you’ve endured the past week. “I've just felt so disgusting this past week” your pride hanging low the moment you’re finally able to say something coherent you cant hold back whatever begins spilling out of your mouth at that moment.
“They were just rumours and a couple of mean girls... So what?! I thought. And here I foolishly thought it wouldn’t become worst from there.” You said, swallowing the lump that had been building up at the back of your throat.
“They cornered me in the bathroom," your vision blurring, you brought your hands to your elbows from how disgusting you felt.
"They pushed my body against the sink the whole time to the point where it was digging into my skin. They just kept pulling on my hair while they were telling me all these… things. I couldn’t… how terrified I felt in that moment and it was entertainment or something for them" your voice trembling, breaking into incoherent parts. Somehow he still understood what you meant, watching you attentively.
"How pathetic I looked in that moment, how someone like me... how we could ever belong together.” A deep breath steadied your composure but you were still dripping with guilt.
You look away blinking back the tears that were threatening to spill out "Fuck, I just feel so disgusting now. I let them get under my skin, and I began thinking that maybe they're right I-"
Your voice breaks in the middle of your sentence as a tear strays from your eyes, your expression searing with anger and frustration.
“Especially with everything being such a catastrophe I- it’s so petty and frustrating I just-” you press, “I really- I just need help.”
If it wasn't for the fucked up things you had just told him about, simply the sound of the word "help" leaving your mouth would have done enough for him to know that this is bad. He feels as if all movement in the world had stopped.
Beomgyu knows better than anyone else how much you hate asking for help. The only time you ever ask for help is when you feel like you can't twist and squeeze anymore energy out of you to cater to your own heart and well being.
But he also wishes to step in when he could, as your boyfriend he wants you to depend on him to pick up the slack not only to have the work out of the way for you but because he loves doing things like this. Especially when it's just for you.
Still looking at you, your eyes trail up his figure, your eyebrows in a knot, your eyes pulling at his strings. And his heart sinks at the thought of you carrying something so painful, so unfairly heavy on your own. Knowing how you never wanna be like other cruel people you've met in your life and blame others, probably blaming yourself for these people being mad at you when it isn't something you can control.
He walks up to your figure, and feverishly gently takes the side of your jaw in his palms and brings your lips to his. Eyebrows furrowed as his lips taste yours, he gently on your bottom so fervently and pull you closer to him. His hands snaking down to your waist as he pulls your body against his, your arms flying to the back his neck serving as your only means of stability.
You’re surprised by his sudden fervency, you kiss him back anyway. Tilt your head to the side, you deepen the kiss and he presses into you a little bit more, his lips move against yours so skillfully it makes your stomach swarm by how good he’s gotten since you stole his first kiss not too long ago.
“Beomgyu-” you say against his lips, trying to catch a breath but his lips chase yours a few more times, leaving you breathless.
You could tell you by whenever his lips attached to yours there was something different he was feeling inside. It wasn’t excitement exactly, it wasn’t lust either, but you could tell that something was stirring inside of that pretty head of his.
He then sudden breaks the kiss, his forehead resting on yours. You see how swollen his lips have gotten from the unusual aggression he put into the kiss, his lips plumped in a deep magenta. And the sight suddenly leaves your head feeling as light as a balloon.
He then rests his chin on your shoulder as he pulls you impossibly closer, your body arching as his hands pulls the small of your back flush against him.
The room is filled with the sound of your air conditioning and the sound of both you trying to catch your breaths again, you can feel how fast he’s breathing against your chest too.
“Y/N” His voice low resonates in your ears and you can hear the urgency tied in with his tone as well as the sounds of yours and his breathing being filling the loud silence in the room. You still feel a bit surprised to his sudden change in tone, first the kiss and now his seriousness.
Beomgyu gently pulls away at the sound of it and he quickly takes your face in his palm and wipes away the tear that escaped, "Don't keep things like this tp yourself," he reassures you.
He stares at eyes full of concern and his brows in knot. You place your hand onto his arm that's cupping your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. "You shouldn’t have to deal them, not anymore, I know and I'm here now." he reassured
Beomgyu's arms wrapped around you more, patting your back, a bitter frown etched on the corner of his lips. If on a normal day, you would've found it to be a bit too tight for your liking, but given that your nerves seemed to have a mind of its own poking at you, his embrace served as an anchor.
But much to your dismay, you watch him as he slowly pulls you away farther. You're about to ask what's wrong, but he hides his expression with his fingers pressed against his temples.
“I'm sorry, I just-" Beomgyu lets out a bitter laugh. His hand falling from his face and you're faced with an expression that was hard to read.
"When I heard some guys in the locker room chuckling about the rumours that had been going around you, I nearly lost my mind because I was so angry." he confessed, letting out an emotionless laugh, the words slipping out with a controlled restraint.
His voice, though measured, hinted at a seething frustration. You frowned at the sight of his frustration. He isn't the type to lose his genuine cool easily. He goes along with whatever and fixes what he can because he's the type who wants to keep moving forward. Even when he was overreacting with his loud nature, it was always humorous and he was always gentle under all that energy.
But right now, an uncharacteristic calmness settled over his features. A chilling intensity in his gaze, a strain was visible from the subtle twitch of his jaw.
Your heart panged in your chest at the sight of this side of him, the thought of his rare anger bubbling out all because of you made you feel an overwhelming amount of guilt.
“had' a ton things I wanted to say to those guys talking about you so crudely. Give em' a piece of my fucking mind-."
"Beomgyu." Your voice an anchor.
It was a quiet whisper but with weight behind it. You approach him and place a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, you can calm down. I'm here, see?"
Beomgyu sighed heavily, as he reached for your hand, taking it in his. "I just... I hate that you went through all that alone," he confesses, his voice sounding guilty, breaking through his previous frustration. "I can't control what people will say or do about me, but coming for my girlfriend is another story"
His words hang heavy, you gently took his shoulders as you turned him to face you.
"You couldn't have known. If anything, it's my fault for keeping this from you," you tried to reassure him as you searched for his eyes, eyes that were too ashamed to even look at you.
Beomgyu's face hardened at the sound you taking responsibility for everything that had happened to you, his brows furrowing in disapproval as if it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.
"None of this is your fault Princess." he says with resolute in his voice. "I can't control what people will say or do about me, but coming for my girlfriend is another story" he say with determination, his eyes meeting yours again with protectiveness in his gaze.
"You've done all that you can, I love that you wanted to keep up a fight but let me take it from here, okay? Both as your best friend and as your boyfriend I'll set things straight.”
You attempted to summon your usual bright smile in response, a testament to your resilience. However, the weight of the situation proved too heavy, and your expression faltering. "Thing is," you began, your voice carrying a hint of exhaustion, "I just knew something like this might happen because of your reputation around campus,"
Beomgyu listened attentively, his eyes filled with concern as he listened to how you had put so much pressure onto yourself when none of this wasn't even your fault. "but I wanted to handle this because I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing anyone, especially you, thought that I can't defend myself as your girlfriend."
"It makes me hate myself even more since I’ve only just made things worst for everyone.” your voice tinged with drain and a vulnerability that you rarely showed.
Beomgyu's heart ached at your confession. He cupped your face gently, guiding your gaze to meet his.
"Hey," his tone gentle yet firm. "You're not alone in this, you have me, remember? "Your well-being is my priority, hm?" leaning up to pressing a kiss to your forehead. An overwhelming sense of comfort and ease washing over you. Closing your eyes, a couple tears fall from your lashes.
He then moves down to kiss the wet skin under your eye and then pulls you into a comforting embrace. offering a tender smile. "And, love, you haven't made things worse for anyone. If anything, you've shown incredible strength in facing this head-on."
His face full of concern, you couldn't bring yourself to move feeling as if one small step would leave you falling through your carpet and into the core of the Earth.
Noticing this, his arms enveloped you in an embrace, a safe haven amidst the chaos of emotions.
You stood still for a moment but you slowly your head rested against his chest, the tension you had been holding onto slowly began to melt away in the warmth of his embrace.
You found a sense of security you hadn't realized you needed. The weight on your shoulders lifted. And for the first time that night, you let yourself relax, finding solace in the warmth his arms.
After a moment, it took everything in you to find the feeling, the words that carrying the weight of the emotions you were grappling with.
"Thank you," you say against his shirt. Yours glistened with unshed tears, but this time, they were tears of relief.
"My big crybaby," Beomgyu laughs softly, endearment in his voice. His laughter dives down and he pulls you away, taking a minute to examine your face for a moment, leaning forward as he presses two more kisses over your eyes, shutting your eyes tight before his lips meet your skin.
"You're okay baby, don’t be too hard on yourself. You have me for that”.
Your eyes widening as you processed his words. You pull away from him and slap his shoulder and he breaks out in a fit of giggles. You groan loudly, now of all times you think to yourself. Despite your glaring, it doesn't stop the sudden twist in your stomach that came at the sight of his gorgeous smile.
"Seriously?" you press, as he calms down and your own laughter mingling with a playful exasperation. "Can't we have a moment without your cheeky comments?"
He couldn't help but chuckle again at your reaction, his laughter a welcome relief amidst the heavy atmosphere. "Hey, I had to lighten the mood somehow," he teased, "Besides, I can't let you drown in all this seriousness. Gotta keep you on your toes."
You barely suppress a scoff as he's coaxing you back into his arms again, he hums despite your annoyance and squeezes you gently.
You shake head, but a small smile plays on your lips. "You're insufferable, are you aware of that?" you say. Your tone a mix of annoyance and affection.
He winks at you, his tone still light. "But you love me anyway."
"Unfortunately" you let out a soft sigh, leaning into Beomgyu's embrace, appreciating the lightheartedness he brought to the heavy situation.
Beomgyu chuckles, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
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[Friday, 12:53 AM]
After your breakdown, you and Beomgyu layed curled up in each others arms between your silk sheets for hours, as the rest of the world slipped away. A tranquil refuge from the cruel reality you had been fighting, laid to rest.
Beomgyu gently traced circles on your back, his touch a soothing balm to your emotional recovery. In the quiet intimacy of the moment, his arms a gentle touch that was so comforting you can almost hear it echo through the room.
"How are you feeling?” he hums, swiping away the hair fallen onto your face. You feel like swooning with how gentle his skin is against your features.
“I mean, the stress is still there, like what might happen on when we get back to school but…” You drawl.
“But I just want to stay here now, my body wants to stay close to you” You say looking up to him. You notice a look in his eyes, his eyes that seem to have been focused on you.
You thought back to that bitter feeling of fore-lonely-ness lingering inside of you earlier today, it was when you dragged your eyes back up to his eyes you realized, Not anymore.
"I'm right here" his voice as soft as linen, he smiles so gentle, yet sweet, the whisker under his eyes appear.
A soft smile played on your lips as your heart swelled with devastating affection towards the boy in your bed.
“You are” you say, your fingers brushing against his cheek, his left eye closest to your hand squinting a bit and your heart twinges at the sight of him doing that.
You felt incredibly vulnerable yet comfortable as he left himself entirely open to you as well. Your body felt as if it was floating,.
“I really am lucky that it was you that I ended up with” your voice a whisper and muffled, your eyes closing as you nestle into the curve of his neck
"I think I'm the lucky one baby," he replied with a casual nonchalance, as if trying to one-up you. The sound of him failing to suppress his laughter reverberated through his chest.
You pulled away slightly, looking him dead in the eye. His laughter only intensified as your eyes met, his eyes tightly shut he looked like that one laughing emoji.
"Really?" you question, an annoyed glint in your eyes.
His laughter subsided as he leans down to rest his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed before relaxing again. "Yeah, really. You're everything to me, Y/N." he confessed, his eyes opening to look at you with a tantalizing gaze, unwavering.
Your heart sank to your stomach at his words as you stared at him in awe, not being able to move, not even inch away from his gaze.
You think back to how earlier, you were in the same bed except you felt like you were falling so painfully slowly into a grey void. And now, you've found yourself home again. Beomgyu’s arms around you being the only thing you need.
A voice inside you spoke to your heart, it was from realization on who your heart really belonged to.
Sorry honey, but I'm no longer yours, you're his.
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BONUS I [Monday, 07:51 AM]
The following Monday, you were walking through the halls that morning towards your locker, the weight of the previous week's events still lingering in the air. Hushed whispers and stifled laughter echoing from the students around you, the same hurtful rumours circulating like wildfire. Everyone seemingly taking a more malicious pleasure in the whispers that followed you.
As you passed by the groups of gossiping students, you couldn't escape the feeling of judgment piercing through your back, no doubt reminiscent of the scene that had taken place in the bathroom last Friday.
Your nerves tensed even more as you spotted those same girls down the hall, their nasty smiles perhaps signalling another potential scene.
Your heart was beating loud inside of your ears and your anxiety reaching another high when a familiar voice called out your name from behind. And before you could turn around to see who it was, a familiar hand slipped into yours.
Your heart skipped a beat as you glanced up to see your boyfriend.
He had a serious expression on his face. He shot an intimidating look at, quite literally, anyone who dared to glance in your direction. The hallway, once filled with judgmental gazes, now held a palpable weight of authority that radiated from him.
Dare even say you found this side of him a bit hot.
You notice Beomgyu stare holding in place at a specific place in front of the two of you and it wasn't hard to figure out who he was eyeing down as you looked toward the culprits.
Their once confident smiles were now unsure glances between each other, his presence alone seemed to have cast a shadow over their intentions. Beomgyu his gaze was enough to let them know that you are, and always has been, his choice.
And without a moment longer, they quickly dispersed into different ways except for the path that led to you and Beomgyu.
Letting out a heavy sigh, the tensity in posture relaxing as his shoulders fall down.
"May I walk you to class fair maiden?" he teased, wagging his eyebrows and offering you a knowing smile.
A genuine smile broke across your face. "You may, fair knight."
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BONUS II [Monday, 8:00 AM]
As you both reached your locker, Beomgyu continued the banter. "So, my princes, any quests or dragons that need slaying with today?"
Your giggles resonates through the room and Beomgyu can't help but fall smitten at the sight of your beautiful smile. "Not today, fair knight. Your presence alone is enough."
He hums and smiles, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
Taking the last of your books out of your locker and slamming it shut, he walks you to your first class. The hallways seemed to part as you walked with Beomgyu hand in hand, the whispers of gossip shied away into the background.
Reaching your class, you're about to bid him a Thank you and Goodbye when he leaves a chaste kiss on your cheek, catching you by surprise.
And as if that wasn't enough, he tells you an, I love you Y/N!, loud enough for everyone around you the two of you to hear. You watch his back he runs down the hall to his next class, in no doubt he's late for, as a smitten smile makes its way onto your lips.
You sit down beside Taehyun, a teasing smile on his face. You purse your lips and narrow your eyes in annoyance and he gets back to what he's doing.
Throughout class you think about everything Beomgyu has done for you since last night till this morning in the hall, confidently showing you off and defending you. And thinking back to what he had said before he sauntered off to his own class, you're whispering what you wish you had said before he turned the corner, a reply,
an I love you too.
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ALSO. HEYHEYHEY. probably u will have to wait until after i finish 39 to answer this but holy shit dude. how does this translate to new haven wards??? i KNOW youve thought about it man. oh my fucking god. what r we doing to wibby. wraith. <- i really like this for him btw. haven't they been through enough!!!!!! also is this related 2 the second trigger situation it HAS to be right??
when i say thoughts i mean this is less going to be an essay like my other nhw posts and more just. me throwing spaghetti at the wall and then turning to you like :D!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK etc etc. i havent rlly thought about this like... plot wise??? or tried to make it make sense yet. so dont be disappointed when this is sort of short in comparison
anyway. for the LONGEST time i thought we were going to make the "absorbing kemuri's soul" thing his trigger event so that he could have the smoke powers, but.... honestly in comparison to everything else that moment was not NEARLY traumatizing enough
the reason i like this specific event as his second trigger is like. its SO fucking similar to his first. in his first trigger event, he fell off the cliff. he was still alive at the bottom, but unable to move or speak or call for help. he was stuck there for [x amount of time] but never actually triggered until someone found him and took him back. in this.... he literally gets torn in fucking half. but hes still alive. he can feel it, he knows whats happening, its the most terrifying and painful and miserable thing hes ever been through. again, he cant move. he cant talk. he cant call for help. the others dont even realize hes still alive at first, so he can hear them screaming. he still doesnt trigger until.. dakota. dakota, who can Feel it. dakota, who rushes into the danger zone as soon as he's able to and knows hes alive and desperately tries to push him back together, the whole time crying about "its gonna be okay, we'll fix it, you're gonna be okay" and just. desperately trying to do anything. THATS when he triggers.
the thing is thoughhhh. i dont think the second trigger is what actually heals him. i think he triggers and every single one of the capes in that clearing goes down for the vision, INCLUDING muse. wraith is one of the first ones to come back to consciousness but. hes still fucking torn in half! he can feel this horrible new power but he cant do anything about it because hes still got his guts all over the forest floor! uhhhh for the way he gets healed theres maybe a couple options,,, either trickster also gets the vision and thinks its hilarious that he caused a trigger event and has muse stitch wibby up himself or likee... he has to stay like that until they beat trickster and get ashe back and then they have to keep ashe in his breaker state until he fixes william. or theres some sort of.. before they beat trickster or whatever they force him to control muse into fixing him. IDK. something along those lines.
AS FOR HIS POWERS...... IDK. i dont know what they would be. i want them to be sort of like. functionally similar to the smoke powers i guess???? but maybe not explicitly the same. i still want him to be able to give xavier and david fucking awful horrible nightmare visions. i think that would probably fall under either master or shaker category????? IDK help me out with this one. also like u said before we're gonna have to fuck with the timeline and have at least the belltech part of greyscale happen after the muse final battle. which. ohhh my god i have a lot of feelings about that for the freedom city wards especially. oaugh.
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btsqualityy · 7 months
TW: ED/ lost loved ones.
hi my love. my life has been so hectic & i’ve went through sooo much shit in the past few months, good & bad. i lost my grandma, bought a car, working non stop, & im changing a few lifestyle habits to cater to my health since i lost a shit ton of weight due to stress & my ED flare ups 🙏🏾 but i just wanted to let u know that i love you 🤎 i’ve been in a creative rut when it comes to my makeup, i used to do a makeup look everytime i had a day off, but now i just rest on those days whenever i can. i learned that being patient with myself, & not rushing the process helps me come up with my best work & i feel like my most authentic self. (no shade to anon at all!!) but i noticed the ask “did you give up” & it prompted me to send this, bc one of my followers asked me the other day on insta if i “gave up on makeup,” & i told her i didn’t give up, but life just be life-ing 😭 so in a general sense, sometimes you can love what you do so much, you end up having to take lil breaks here & there in order to give it your all. & sometimes, you don’t even mean to take a break but LIFE be LIFE- ING 😂😂😂 i don’t wanna make it seem like im speaking for you at all! just thought that any other creator who may be just as busy as we are could see this & relate 🫶🏾 p.s. “love a black woman from infinity to infinity” HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH QUEEN 🤎✨
My girl! Im sorry for your loss and I’m happy to hear that you’re prioritizing your health and happiness!
But I completely agree! I literally never meant to take as long of a break as I have and I’ve been going back and forth so much about lately. Like, I miss writing and still love it as much as I did when I started this blog and I still have so many ideas. But also, working full time and trying to maintain a life where I’m not miserable everyday and maintaining relationships with my family and friends and this guy, it’s hard to balance all that with this blog. I have so many moments where I’m like “dang, I should write something today” but I literally can’t find the energy to most times. I’ll literally open my drafts, write a sentence, and close the draft 😭🤦🏽‍♀️
This blog feels like such a part of me now and it’s been weird to not post something everyday. Like, if you’re an OG, you know the blog has NEVER been this quiet 🤣but I don’t know. I’m about to be 25 in May and life is just so different than it was when I was 19 and starting this blog. I think that’s also something that’s been bothering me, that life is different now and trying to figure out how to still make time for the things I’ve enjoyed for years
ANYWAYS, that was a lot of rambling but yeah. I love you more and thank you for always being so supportive! 🫶🏽❤️
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afreakingdork · 1 year
how do i even start.
Miss Dork, do you realize you make me miserable? how am i supposed to wake up everyday and deal with the fact that i'm deeply in love with a man that doesn't exist.
How am i supposed to cope with the fact I will never hold him on my arms or hear his voice say my name? I will never be able to ask him how his day is and ask wtf he meant when he uses his nerd words.
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Having said that
3. THAT FUCKING BITCH HID HIS IMPLANTS!!!!! MAKES SO MUCH MUCH SENSE OMG!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO HUG HIM SO BADLY (had to look up for that on the google, i've been reading the chapter with the browser and traductor open as always lmao)
5. Reader: "didn't u said u named urself?"
donnie: *ptsd*
(splinter splinter splinter splinter??????????????? i can smell daddy issues, I KNOW THAT SMELL SO WELL)
6. tbh donnie is so lucky to have reader. can a person fall in love with the reader? well, seem like it's possible, look at me. Theyre so sweet.
7. "If all of this hasn't finally cemented your decision otherwise..." YOU WISHED BITCH UR NEVER GETTING RID OF US
8. "it will aide my explanation and give me achance to itemize all the individual apologies necesary" fucking nerd i love u so fucking much for that you have no idea i will kill for you.
9. I love mikey but "orange oaf" sound really fitting. At least coming for someone who doesn't entirely understand the weight of the insult sdgjh´guj.
10.All of the conversation about the bastard's three (i'm starting to have question about this name) is just so sdhgusdghhsfhdfhusg
12. Donnie: "fucking botched bullshit rescue attemnt. He's utter scum. I'll"
Me: u///u
13. "Sort of.. kicked him off the roof?" "Oh and I called him carrot cake and told him to get lost"
"kiss me"
17. Donnie being seduced by reader insulting his (not) brothers
18. "I had made it to 30" the exact moment I started to cry.
19. "I will never be more than a deplorable villain." YESYESYESYESYES IT'S HAPPENING
20. "Your blind eye will get you killed and I will decimate this planet for even considering bringing harm to you" THIS EXACT MOMENT FREAKING DORK, THIS EXACT MOMENT MADE MY BRAIN STOP FUNCTIONING.
21. the final scene is so touching. I really love those two and I know they'll be together again but part of me feels so bad for them for having to be apart for so much time ("at least a few weeks" it's a fvcking lot). I wonder how will reader process al this information when she's away from all of this. I wonder what will happen with dispute of donnie and his (not) brothers.
My asks are getting longer and longer BUT THERE WAS SO MUCH I NEEDED TO YELL ABOUT I SWEAR TO GOD
i hope you have a good day bye!!!!!!!
You miserable? I'm the same way! It's excruciating to be in love with a purple turtle. He is both everything and some how nothing when he is so real in my dreams 😩😩😩😩
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. is the best white noise machine. There, i said it.
Daddy issues, huh? 👀👀👀
Mr. Alliteration over here has a color insult for each brother. Oaf is a little lighthearted overall, but from Donnie it's straight hate.
Ahhhh!! I'm not commenting on every item, but you highlighting them makes my heart swell!!! I can't thank you enough! This really made me smile!! You have a wonderful day as well!!!
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send me an "🖊️" for me to talk about my ocs
OKAY SO TEEHEE. doing three topics since u sent three pens :3c
Klara looooooves picnics or brunches, especially if it's with her close friends. Most of them use a digital calendar that can be shared w others (one where u can write where you probably are at that point, and events stay private and only visible to you, but it will show the others that you aren't free at that moment), and tries to plan a brunch/picnic meetup at least once in two months hehe <3 She also loved to take charge of all the food prep and shopping for different events they hosted in their sustainability student organization thing. Klara's also often taking care of the food side of events at her work, too. Her "must haves" at events like these r fruits and vegetables (she's a fan of apples, oranges and grapes but also loves to have cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes. also allows others to bring their own), different kinds of bread, some candy, crackers and hummus. If it's a work event, she'll also add some kind of fancy cake thing. If it's a friend event she'll also have cereal, cinnamon rolls or french toast and pierogi. I think being good at brunches kinda creates balance w the fact that she can't cook very well skfkkfkfkxkxkfkfkkfk
Toby sucks at hugging anyone who's not Klara bc he allows someone to hug him v rarely (for example, after not seeing his friends for a very long time or if someone's feeling sad) and it just looks somewhat clumsy? Like he doesn't notice the person's position on time so he enfs up on the "wrong side", doesn't really ever squeeze during a hug & honestly looks a bit uncomfortable. But he does enjoy them a lot!!
Continuing with these both bc they're in my head most of the time NFNNFBXKFXKXK I think it's funny how back when they met, Tobias basically was invited by their mutual friend Leon to come help out with this one event thing and maybe stay as an admin in that student organization/club bc he seems to have skills for that. So Leon basically takes Toby to their meeting where they're talking about things, and then Klara comes a bit late bc of her work, sees Toby and goes "who tf is this", which is funny bc she Did know who it is, clearly meaning to ask what he's doing here. How did she know him already? There was this one skincare startup she loved very much bc their products were sensitive skin friendly and didn't have any strong scents. (A bit miserable and "doing this bc i'm a people pleaser") co-founder of that start up? Toby. Back when he was finishing his bachelors (when he was 17) he and his friends were attending this specific skincare chemistry workshop course and got an idea for different products. Fast forward four and a half years later, his friends r inviting him to join their start up idea centering around these products. He had a quite miserable time there let's be honest and left after 6 months, paying off his university debt and donating tons of money to charity, and also saving for the master's degree he was going to finally get. Klara didn't mention this to anyone though, and two days later when she accidentally met him in a cafe she's like "Hey were you that..." and at that moment Toby basically freezes and goes "yes i am that figure skater no i don't want to talk about it, to which Klara's like "The What. No I meant a co founder of that skincare thing," which made Toby relax a bit and he says "oh yeah that's me, you're like the first one who noticed. how cool". They didn't really talk that much for the first weeks of knowing each other tho, until Klara got this one job task and after asking Leon to help with this one thing he's like, "well idk about this but i heard that's toby's speciality" so she kinda had to go and ask him for help. And then something happens and now they're both helping each other out. yay. i need to plan out that part more teehee.
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evamoere · 9 months
A confession - after years
hey ovra, how you doing lately? havent heard from you for long and im sure im missing out a lottt
i think weve talked about our past a lot right bhahah and everytime we done that i felt extremely warmth so today tonight let me enjoy that for a moment, i wanted to get back to the past for just a bit more :)
we meet on a random quite night at engrp that time, i clearly remember i was just get into this world and trying to fit in badly i started sending bio a couple times and somehow somewhat i cant recall the memories about who reach one of us frist but im sure the thing that we talked about was music all the time. things were going smoothly we getting close we glued to each other so bad we goin thru downhill for years but here we are, we make it. even though it isnt that easy even though at the end we were nothing, just kind of accept each other the way we are.
but today perhaps id break your heart in the most painful way. all these time i wonder will i ever find a language to speak of the things that haunt me the most..now i have, i have found it. you remember when we decided to exchange each others real life identity? at that time i was really really excited and scared. im happy that id finally got to know you more and yeah im scared worried and anxious. idek what should i say to you about me, i clearly know that lying was not a good solution to make you stay but what can i do? im to scared to lose you im afraid id lose everything just because im trying to be my self. so then i decided to told you that yes i am the man that u wanted all along.
not a single word can explain my heart without yours. i go to bed and fall asleep wishing you were here all the time. yet i know u can only appear in my dreams. we’re happy in them. we can dance in the kitchen as much as we can we can read book together in the floor we can watch the show together we can stare to eachother’s eyes as much as we wanted too. my heart physically aches without your soul and my mind is full of the words i never got to say. the words i wish i can kiss onto your lips and engrave into your skin. i love you more than my body can take, for everytime i hear your name my heart breaks all over again. i think of you hundred and hundred times in a day. I suffer in my loving i hope you understand.
"My greatest pain is that you never got to know me and never wanted to know me."
what is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. i feel miserable ever since it takes me a while to gave you my ‘own’ picture, name and things cause i think about it more and more and yeah i told you that i was the boy from jogja who happened to live with her grand mother. i mean its all true the lies is that i was a boy and i ride a big big motorcycle daily. honestly i only use it a couple times cause it was my bff’s thing. remember the boy who i send it picture to you? it also was my bestfriend. the same damned person. cause you know i had no idea of who other person i should be.
pretending to be a guy was never easy for me, i feel like i was hurting my own pride and it breaks my heart in many ways cause man i swore i to you i wanted to be free free to tell you how my days really went thru how my friendships was really like i want you to know all of me but theres a wall that i made it self wich prevent me to be myself. i loved you like no other so i dont know where i went wrong my heart still yearns for you, the place that i belong.
for a long time i wanted you to know about me, and today the day has come.. i dont know how to feel about it. but the only thing i surely feel is relived. to be free is often to be lonely, this haunted me all the time.
i may not be that expressive, but i want to thank u for being my comfort person. you've been there for me when no one else was. you became more than everything that I've ever asked for, there is no one better than you because you bring the best in me, you became my home, my rest, my solace. you've helped me get through some tough times without u knowing it. you've been there listening to my rants and struggles without you invalidating my feelings. I really value and appreciate you more than u'll ever know. and if at some point, I'm gonna lose you, i will still be grateful.
because once upon a time, i had u by my side. and that's all that matters.
letting you ‘go’ was probably the hardest decision i ever made knowing well how much I still love you and how much i want "us" to work.
i know that i am ruined and that im ruining others.…. i am i am a bad person. please hate me i would like that more than being left in silent.
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threeletterslife · 1 year
hi just had a recent nostalgic moment to when i was an active bts fan cuz i watched a tiktok video (its this one 🥲: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLVVNqTQ/) and just remembered how miserable my life was during the pandemic but the only thing that got me through it was reading fanfics 😅
and your society series was just THE BEST *chefs kiss* like seriously i was INVESTED in all 7 plots and thought how it was a genuis move for you to make seokjin's story to combine all previous stories into one. and every single time, without fail, im left SOBBING after reading your fics!! 😭😭
it was a gut and heart-wrenching moments, but still, it was a bliss to experience ☺️🩷
so i guess im saying that im thankful that u published all ur stories FOR FREE for any army to read 🥹 hope ur having the best days of ur lifee!! u helped me and a lot of people soo much!! *mwah* 😚🩷
ohmygod. i also haven't been the most active fan for years and that tiktok really brought me back!! i'm surprised at how many of those photos/videos i recognized
on another note, i'm glad to hear you're through the hard times (and that reading fanfics helped you get through it!)
i write mainly because i want to give others something to read, and it makes me really happy to hear how invested you were in my society series!! it'll probably be the last ot7 series i write, to be quite honest, and sometimes i wish i took more time writing them because i swear i could've probably executed those ideas better since inevitably, my skills have developed since then LOL
it's funny though, because i subconsciously ordered the society series (the exam -> for everland -> all you see is blue -> it runs wild -> true love at first sight -> fleeting forevers -> across the madness) so that as the series progressed, the stories got fluffier and fluffier! i didn't even notice i did that until i nearly finished writing the series LMAO. and thank you! i was also a bit proud of myself for coming up with the whole seokjin's-story-will-encompass-the-6-other-societies idea haha, although i wish i could've developed it much better and added more nuance to it :') oh well
i'm honestly so grateful to even have people read my stories, so thank you for taking the time to read my verbose, fictional spiels! and i also feel so honored to have become a part of your life in the sense that my stories have uplifted you some time, somewhere in the past :) writing is also my solace, and when kind people like you message me about it, it really makes my entire day <3 so again, thank you!
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alternianative · 2 years
[actually i did finish the dei thing - still unsure if i like it but it does the job @ u @ CW for gaslighting and medical trauma]
The orderly flipped the lights on in the room Deimos had been put in for the duration of his stay at the CRCC, earning a groan from the tealblood. He’d only been asleep for a few hours - uncomfortable hours, but hours nonetheless. The troll charged with getting him up on time did not seem to care about that, though. None of them really did. He’d learned after the first two evenings that it was generally a bad idea to resist being forced out of the recouperacoon. They did not take kindly to disobedience here, even if it was disobedience in the interest of self-care.
So, he pulled himself from the ‘coon, groggy and unhappy, but bit back any biting remarks he might have for the orderly who was still standing there, watching him. He hated that, hated that the feeling of eyes on him at all times never stopped. If it wasn’t actual, literal eyes like it was at the moment, it was cameras. There was no such thing as privacy at the rehab clinic, and to suggest that one might be granted even a modicum of it was out of the question. He’d seen someone else make that mistake on night… three? He was losing track of how much time he’d been confined here.
He dressed, still under the watchful gaze of his babysitter, then filed out of his room to join the rest of the unfortunate fucks that had ended up here in the cafeteria for another evening of bland breakfast. The schedule for that night had him participating in another arts and crafts activity, a P.E. exercise, and then a one-on-one therapy session. It didn’t seem like a lot on paper, but these activities were long and each one was its own unique form of torture.
After eating, he and the other patients were all herded out of the cafeteria and to their respective first activities. Deimos entered the arts room and nearly keeled over upon reading the instructions. Draw a map of a place you used to gather for a sense of community that may have led you to making the bad choices that brought you here tonight. His heart quickened as an edge of panic began to settle over his mind. Faking things had been mostly easy thus far, they’d never asked him to do anything he was particularly good at or known to be good at.
But he was good at making maps.
And he knew that they knew that. They’d told him so many things about himself that he wondered if he’d been watched his entire life, but no, it was probably just that fucking traitor that had told them everything he knew about Dei’s life. Every little thing that wasn’t quite right about him, or could be used to make him do what they wanted.
He settled into a chair - needlessly plush, soft and not at all useful as a weapon. All of the furniture here was like that. There was no way to fight back, except with your own hands, but even if there was it’d be foolish. Everyone could see that the security guards were armed. No one who started anything was going to get out of it unscathed.
He picked up his pen, mind racing. What could he draw? What could he fake..? What place would he not mind throwing under the bus? The sensation of eyes on the back of his head did not help him think. He couldn’t refuse to cooperate, doing so would just make his life in this hellhole more miserable. He’d tried denying that he’d done anything wrong in the first place when he’d first arrived– no, he didn’t want to think about what had happened. So he pressed the pencil to the paper and began to scribble.. Something, anything, eventually it took on the shape of a museum he’d frequented in Marropolis. He’d been there so many times he had the displays he liked best memorized, it would be no loss to him if he couldn’t go back there any more. Wouldn’t go back there any more.
The rest of the activity was much the same. A doctor wandering by to ask him questions that were too pointed to not have ulterior motives, pressure to draw more, the constant feeling of an orderly staring at the back of his head. When the bell finally rang to signal that it was time to move on, he had to force himself to wait until others began to stand up - if he bolted for the exit like he so desperately wanted to do, it would look bad.
The recreational area outside was decent, if he ignored the high fences and barbed wire that kept the patients confined within its borders. His heart was still pounding in his ears, making it hard to listen to the instructions for what they were supposed to do. Something about dodgeball? He wound up on some redblood’s team, not that he cared much. All he had to do was dodge, right? That or potentially get sent to the nurse’s office. The other patients were not shy about causing actual harm if or when they could get away with it. Deimos preferred to just not make any excuses for them to notice him.
But perhaps it was because he was trying so hard not to be noticed, that they seemed to notice him more anyway?
They were fucking with his head in more ways than he could keep track with. Whatever choices he made always seemed to backfire in some way. He could feel them corral him into behaving exactly how they wanted, and it made him sick. Made him want to explode, to tear into the next troll that looked at him, that spoke to him, that made a noise he didn’t like in his vicinity.
The rehab clinic was everything that he hated about Alternian society wrapped up into one perfectly crafted personal hell.
The dodgeball game went about as expected - some of the higher blooded patients got way too into it, and the lowbloods were more or less expected to take it, even though they vastly outnumbered them. The disparity of color placed Dei himself among the higher hues, leaving him floundering for whether that meant he was supposed to blend in by being an asshole to people who didn’t deserve it, or not. He wasn’t one of them, rebellion or no.
The signal that the activity was over came after what felt like another eternity. They were all permitted to go shower and change into fresh clothes, though this too was its own special form of discomfort. He showered and changed in a hurry, eager to escape as quickly as possible. The less time he spent in the locker rooms, the better. Not because he feared anything from the other patients - no, they were mostly docile when not playing sports…
He just hated being in an even more vulnerable state knowing that the orderlies were just outside, knowing that any sound they didn’t like coming from within the locker room would bring them barging right in. Privacy was a luxury that his hue did not afford him here. Was he high enough to have to play along with highbloods in the recreation area? Probably. But when it came down to individual privileges, he wasn’t one of them and that was made abundantly clear.
The line between blue and teal was thin, but it was obvious to everyone else.
Dressed, dried, and ready to go, he was led down one of the corridors toward the therapy wing. This was probably the worst “activity” they had here. Mental gymnastics was not his strong suit, he’d never had the patience for it and never enjoyed dealing with it in his personal life. It was simpler just to take things at face value, and leave no room for paranoia. But here? Paranoia was the ruler here, and he hadn’t built the right mental scaffolding for himself to keep his mind from falling right into an endless pit of it. One misstep and his friends would be in danger. One misstep and he might never, ever get out of here.
If that were the case he’d–
He shut that train of thought down as the door to the therapy room was opened for him. Deimos shuffled inside, reluctant, but settled onto the plush chair across from the doctor.
Dr. Phamen looked up from his desk and flashed Deimos what was probably supposed to be a friendly smile, but with the way the light glinting off of his glasses hid his eyes, it just came off as creepy. Deimos shifted in his seat, settling his right leg over his left knee, and threaded his fingers together in his lap. Attempt to look calm.
“Deimos, good to see you. How was your week?” Dr. Phamen asked. The tealblood began to shuffle some papers about on his desk until he uncovered his notepad, which he placed in front of him. He then picked up a pen and waited for Dei to answer.
Dei hated that. He didn’t know what notes the doctor was taking, and probably never would. “Has it been a week already?” He asked, head tilting to one side. The nights really had blurred together.
“Oh yes, I suppose you’re just having so much fun it’s hard to keep track of time.” Dr. Phamen offered the attempt of humor but it really just fell flat.
Deimos forced his expression into a half smile nonetheless, despite wanting very much instead to launch across the desk and choke the man to death with his own bare hands. He knew nothing here was fun. He should answer, but he couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t come out tinged with aggression. Dr. Phamen cleared his throat.
“I noticed that you seem to be having trouble getting along with the other patients. Notes from the other doctors indicate that you tend to avoid group activities and don’t seem to have any friends here… could you tell me more about that?” He tilted his head downward just enough to gaze over the top of his glasses at Deimos. A direct enough question, though Dei struggled to think of all the ways it could end badly if he didn’t supply a good enough answer.
“I…” he hesitated, eyes flicking to the side - oh, that was bad. “I don’t feel like I really belong here with them.” Dei finished slowly. It wasn’t a lie, he didn’t feel like he belonged there at all.
“Why is that?” Dr. Phamen asked as he scribbled something on his notepad.
“Well I’m still not really sure what I did to come here in the first place. They’re all here because they’re defective or somethin’, right?” He didn’t really want to say such things but it had been the story he’d been running with. Mostly because it was true. He had no idea what he’d done to give that coward any ideas about his true stance on the hemospectrum. He’d kept his mouth shut about anything rebellion related.
“Defective is such a strong word, Deimos. Misguided, made poor choices, were led astray… all those things, but they can be fixed and reintroduced to society in a way that will ensure they don’t hurt themselves or anyone else again.” Dr. Phamen mused. He glanced up at Deimos and pursed his lips for a moment before speaking again, “you checked yourself in, remember?”
Deimos felt his heart sink. A cool sensation tingled at the back of his head, running down his spine until it too sank into his core. “I don’t remember, no,” he answered automatically.
“Yes… you checked yourself in for…” Dr. Phamen paused to flip back in his notepad to older notes. There were so many pages, Dei could not remember there being so many pages last time they’d spoken. “Ah, here it is. Rebellious ideations. You’d made some contact with some unfortunate propaganda and were having doubts but did the right thing and came to us for help.” Dr. Phamen flipped back to his current page, then looked back to Deimos with a smile. “Isn’t that right?”
The wheels in Dei’s mind picked up again, churning into high speed as he tried to figure out just what the game was here. Was he supposed to play along? Reiterate the truth? He’d been brought in here against his will— no, he couldn’t play along.
“I remember a different reason for my being here, actually.” He said softly, but firmly. “A potential kismesis apparently took issue with our courting, and instead of talking to me, he brought me here. There’s a lot of notes there, maybe you’ve gotten me mixed up with someone else?” Dei nodded at the notepad. He was certain he remembered the events clearly. His mind was not that broken yet.
Dr. Phamen clicked his tongue, giving Deimos a disappointed head shake before flipping back to the page he’d just been on. He then held the notepad up for Dei to look at. Clear as day, inserted into the pad, was an intake sheet filled out in Deimos’ own handwriting listing the exact reason Phamen had just given.
“Deimos, I’m not sure where you’re getting that from but the reason you gave us when you checked yourself in was this, as you can see.” He leaned forward to let Dei get a better look for all of half a second, then settled back into his chair.
Deimos was at a loss for words. He remembered the capture. They were on a date. He’d said he’d wanted to show Dei something, they had to cut through the alleyway - drones blocked them in, he’d had to be treated for pepper gas because they’d used that to keep him from running away. He knew all of this had happened, yet he’d also filled out that intake form…?
“Deimos?” Dr. Phamen prompted.
“Sorry, I…” Dei shook his head, and cleared his throat. “I really don’t remember filling that out. I must be… tired, I think.” He felt clammy, and too hot at the same time. How long had he been here?
“Understandable, you’ve had a long night haven’t you? How is your insomnia?” Dr. Phamen settled his notepad and jotted a few more notes down. Dei watched, without really taking it in. Not that he could see what was being written anyway. He wanted out of here. Needed out of here. Needed to be with people he could trust to correct him if he really was wrong.
“Not good.” He answered.
“Still not responding to treatment? We’ll have to up the dose again, I suppose.” Dr. Phamen frowned, “it’s for the better. You’ll be less easily led astray if we can get that head of yours working right. This memory problem is a new one, very concerning…” He hummed, writing a few more things down.
The panic won out. “Will I be able to go home soon?” He blurted the question, too full of hope an desperation, before his brain-to-mouth filter could stop himself.
Dr. Phamen looked up over his glasses, expression melding into a sickening kind pity. “Oh Deimos, you’re still struggling I’m afraid. Do better in your activities and make some progress with your insomnia and I’ll feel more comfortable sending you home again.” Dr. Phamen sighed, as if this truly was a shame. “Can you do that for me? Can you behave and get along with your peers?”
Deimos nodded once, then twice, a stiff and forced gesture. “I… I can do that.”
Dr. Phamen’s gaze turned slightly critical for a moment, but eventually he nodded. “Very well, let’s work out a new plan then since it seems you’ve lost sight of the original reason you came here.” He flipped the notepad to a new page and began to write again.
“Now then, I believe it was a brownblood that introduced you to these rebellious ideations… can you tell me more about that?” Dr. Phamen glanced up briefly, to see his reaction, Dei was sure of that.
He’d made sure that his moirail had gotten away. Yes. Right. It was a triple date. He needed to remind himself of the true facts of the situation. His moirail had gotten away, but was it safe to disclose any information? What if they caught him later?
What if this was the only way he could get out of this place?
The rest of the appointment dragged on, though in reality it had only lasted an hour and a half. The rest of the night was supposed to be free time to socialize with the other patients, but Deimos wanted nothing more than to return to his room and just curl up in a corner or something. Weakness like that was not permitted here. He would be watched. They would know.
So instead he made his way to the community room, where several other trolls were playing games together or holding some sort of club. He couldn’t bring himself to talk to any of them. Maybe he didn’t need to just yet, maybe all he had to do was just exist around them for the first night. He made his way over to a collection of plush bean chairs and fell into one, exhausted mentally and physically. Dr. Phamen’s words kept echoing in his mind - he’d turned himself in. There had been no date.
He stared blankly at the wall across from him, letting the words repeat over and over until an orderly declared it was time for lights out. No other patients had come to talk to him, or at least if they had, he hadn’t noticed. How long had he been sitting there, staring at nothing?
He pushed himself up and made his way back to his room, robotic and disconnected from his own body. The route was memorized (when had he memorized it?) so it wasn’t like he had to think that hard about finding his way back. He went through the motions of preparing to sleep mechanically. Floss. Brush teeth. Take sleep medication, three pills now instead of two. Crawl into the recouperacoon. Wait until he heard the door lock from the outside.
Despair settled over him the moment he felt it was safe to let it do so. Inside the recouperacoon, they couldn’t see his face on any cameras. At least, he had to tell himself they couldn’t, or he really might lose his mind. Dr. Phamen’s words echoed again in his brain, but no.
No no, he needed to reassure himself.
Deimos Somnus had not turned himself in for cognitive reconditioning. He’d been betrayed by someone he’d almost fallen for, for no reason that he could conceive of. He’d been set up, ambushed, taken in violently and forced into this program.
He wasn’t crazy. His memory wasn’t wrong. He wasn’t crazy.
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obeythebutler · 2 years
okay so. idea tiem. i am simply yelling my brainwyrms at u here pls enjoy or ingore at ur leisure, rlly is fine either way~
cowardly mc. mc who feels genuinely relatable to like. regular real world people. they are not brave and not dumb and not doing any kind of "standing up" to demons that could kill them. imagine being this mc
you're kinda a loser. you flunk every class at RAD bc of course you do, this is a goddamn Devildom curriculum. satan has to tutor you a LOT (he's testy bc lucifer forced him to do it, and you can tell, which has you scared shitless)
nobody likes you except probably mammon who will simp for any MC no matter what (plus,,, fellow loser energy). but the demons are hot and after being in the HoL for a while, having okay interactions with them, you start. crushing on lucifer.
and hey. lucifer doesn't respect you because you're a coward. okay. you're not stupid, you can understand that. so what if... you COULD be brave? what if you could do something impressive, what if you actually TRIED to demonstrate to him that you're capable of more?
you confess to him that you have feelings for him, and you'd like to go out for coffee or something sometime and - SHUT DOWN. lucifer is distantly polite about it and you are crushed, but accept his rejection as gracefully as you can and run away to cry and nurse your wounds.
because lucifer isn't... being his best self in season 1. he used to be better at connecting to people, listening to them, seeing their potential past their flaws, and trusting them. that's the person his brothers love him for being. bitch used to communicate.
and then the rest of season 1 happens. and things don't go down exactly the same but you have your moments.
lucifer doesn't want you, sure, but there's other hotties, an actual cause of peace between the realms to support, you've made friends, and you're still so so scared but you have a reason to fight past your fears.
and then lucifer realizes he's got a couple weeks to tell you that he loves you, actually.
that watching you grow, watching your cowardly, tearful self trembling with fright and still trying, it feels like Falling in reverse, as if he could rise up to the heavens and higher still
then he sees that look that satan gives you. then mammon catches his eyes, drags him out back where no one can hear.
and tells him in no uncertain terms just how wretched and miserable you felt, just how hard mammon heard you cry when lucifer turned you down.
just how hard it was for you to even approach lucifer in the first place. and mammon's pretty sure you have feelings for satan, but you're too scared to say them now because of someone-
lucifer doesn't want to hear this anymore, but it's too late - and now he has to decide if it really is too late.
Your Courage, My Love
I got carried away with the idea, and here is the result....I really hope I didn't get anything wrong or flew off tangent, but I have acquired the brainworms and they told me to write.
Coward MC and Lesson 16 here! Part 2!
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The voice from the attic hasn't stopped bothering you.
It's been three whole months since your stay in the Devildom, and apart from random demons trying to eat you, the mysterious voice from the top of the stairs has not been letting you fall asleep.
You suppose it's tempting.
And yet, you don't want to investigate.
You're wary of many things here—from the food—to the environment. Being thrust into another realm has not been easy, and you find yourself on the verge of crying. The cuisine is strange, to say the least, and Hell Beetle sauce isn't exactly your favourite condiment. Demons in the streets have attempted to "taste your soul," and that is why one of the brothers has to accompany you wherever you go, so that the human exchange studen is kep out of harm. You wanted to scoff, for this is ridiculous that you have to follow one of the brothers like a child, but it is necessary, and you would rather be roped into Mammon's schemes than run for your life. Studies are another chore to be fulfilled, albeit grudgingly.
You can't make sense of the curriculum, for starters.
What you learnt in the human realm is not at all applicable here in this realm. Languages are a pain, even more so when demons around you sneer in their native language, leaving you scared; for you know they are talking about you. And so you stick to the brothers, and try staying out of trouble.
Mammon throws you off tangent sometimes. With his tsundere ways and half-hearted digs at you, you're left confused as to whether he even finds your company enjoyable. But he's not cold at least, unlike Lucifer.
After the introduction to the Devildom by the Prince, you locked eyes with the Avatar of Pride, as you came to know later. A man with a gaze so intense that it made you want to hide from his intimidating form.
And the demon for whom you developed a crush on.
Morningstar, once the most loved by his Father. A being so beautiful and yet so intimidating, who chooses the best for himself. Someone who will be on par with him, with courage and determination that the strongest possess.
You're not brave.
Just a human in the Devildom. Powerless, for most matters, and fearful.
You don't have the courage to stand your ground. You never did, instead choosing to run away from danger at first sight.
When the giant snake was chasing you, or whether when in the underground tomb Lucifer threatened you. Your throat tightens when you think of Luke, utterly terrified, and yet standing with Beel—tall and powerful—who was equally wary of his brother's anger.
And what did you do at the first sign of danger?
Ran away.
Like a fucking coward.
You were so scared, you reminisce, hand underneath your chin. Your knees were trembling, eyes widened and adrenaline rushing through your veins, dreading the prospect of being killed. The humiliation to you was not spared, either, for you could have intervened, and pleaded, the very least, for the demon to think rationally.
You are just a human.
You don't possess magical powers like Solomon, or have the knowledge of any spells or incantations yet.
Your hand still hurts from the time when Lucifer grabbed and squeezed it as a warning, that he would do harm if his brothers were threatened.
You can't even bring harm, let alone try.
You don't even have the courage or the admirable streak of defiance.
All the qualities which the Morningstar possesses.
You wish you had those very qualities in you—confidence and courage—to name a few. All of which the demon has. His virtues had you enraptured, and you found yourself crushing hard.
And again, you can't even talk to the man while looking him in the eye.
The door is the final hurdle to catching Lucifer alone—not the last of many challenges but a beginning.
You'll confess today.
After having gathered up courage from weeks of coaching yourself and nitpicking your appearance, finally having deemed yourself presentable in front of the Avatar of Pride you stand here, in the hallway.
Your heart beats wildly in your chest.
And the familiar tendrils of fear find their way, again.
The urge to run away back to your room and slam the door shut is strong, nearly overpowering your desire to confess. But you persevere, grounding yourself with the knowledge that it is better to take confess here and now than wallow in your feelings, that there is a chance that Lucifer might want you, small if it may be.
You take a deep breath, albeit shaky, and knock sharply on the wood thrice.
The silence that follows is of no help, either.
You stand, waiting, fiddling with your fingers. The worst of assumptions creep into your mind: that he did not hear you or chose not to, that Lucifer might have been asleep and may storm out of the room in a fury as to why you disturbed his rest. Maybe one of the brothers might witness the sight and admonish you for staying up late. Maybe you should retreat back to your room—
"Come in."
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"I'm sorry," He says, voice loud and clear. "I'm not interested."
Words die down in your throat. Maybe we could go out for coffee sometime? Whenever you're free?
Cold dismissal fills the room.
It feels like the strength has left your body, your heart sinking into your chest, dampening the courage you had gathered to even step into his room. It shatters the moment he speaks those dreaded words.
The demon looks at you with an unreadable expression, and even in such a situation you admire his ability to appear composed, which you can't muster. Perfection is the normal for Lucifer, who maintains himself to the highest standards, and would desire the same in a partner.
Which you don't have.
You're sure if you open your mouth, what will spill past your lips will be sobs.
"That's alright," You mumble, voice flat and tiny.
It's not alright.
Forcing yourself to swallow the lump in your throat, you clench your fist behind your back. "That's alright. I understand, and I-I," Your gaze falls on Lucifer, who is still eyeing you with cold apathy. "I'll be taking my leave now. See you at breakfast tomorrow."
As soon as the door closes, the first of many sobs spill past your lips.
Small, muffled, insignificant, you slap a hand over your mouth and rush to your room near the kitchen, praying Beel isn't there. Your vision is blurred by tears, and your trembling fingers grab the handle of the door and push, stepping in until the door quietly locks behind you.
This time, the whimpers that spill past your lips are not muffled.
This time, your heart is crushed in the Devildom.
This time, a demon outside the hallway hears your cries.
But the world around you is blurry. You cry and weep, slapping a hand over your mouth to muffle any noise, lest anyone hear. You're sure you'll be taunted, looked down upon.
You were foolish to think you could be loved by Lucifer. It was stupid to even try and gather strength. He deserves and requires the best, which you are not.
You never are. Not here, not on earth.
Your cries continue well into the darkest hour of the night.
You wake up in your bed the next day, tucked under the blankets with your head resting comfortably on the pillow. Groggily, you open your swollen eyes, and realise that your throat is parched.
You don't remember falling asleep in your bed.
And when you finally stand up, thankful for the carpet on the floor that prevents the cold from shocking you first thing in the morning—you squint and stare at the jug of water on the table.
That wasn't there before.
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The days are passing by smoothly.
Smoother than before, for time has dulled the pain of the wounds that you acquired on that night. A lot happened, and currently you're in your room with Satan, perched on the bed with a notebook as the blonde demon questions you on Curses and Hexes, sitting besides you.
"There is a relief sculpture at the entrance to the Devildom royal tomb, where demon royalty are laid to rest. What is the sculpture called?"
"Three-legged crow."
"Correct," Satan says, a smile on his face as he nods and turns the page. You wait in anticipation, confident that you will answer correctly whatever he throws at you.
"What was on the Devildom at the time of its existence?"
You frown, trying to recollect the information you're pretty sure you had reviewed the night before. There was a ocean, countless miles of water before—
"I've mixed Devildom history and human-world geography," You groan, settling your hand under your chin. "Ugh, this is confusing." Besides you, the demon nods in understanding.
"It can be confusing, but you're learning. See, you even pointed out that your answer was incorrect." Satan soothes, showing you the textbook page, pointed by his index finger to the line where it is clearly mentioned that forests were spread all over the Devildom during the time of its existence. "You've improved. I'm proud."
You smile. "Thanks," You mutter, suddenly wanting to shy away from his gentle gaze. "It couldn't be without you tutoring me."
"I don't mind," Satan says, a twinkle in his eyes.
Some time ago, the blonde demon would have crinkled the page in irritation, fueled by your failure at answering even the most simplest of questions in RAD subjects.
Underneath his calm veneer, you noticed how he would grip the book, sharp nails threatening to reveal themselves. You would tremble; afraid of getting another one wrong in fear of provoking the demon even further, leading to nothing but panic, which has never borne good results. You would attempt to sit as far away as you could from Satan, heart pounding in your ears, studying with the invisible sword of his wrath in front of your neck.
Some days, you would avoid those sessions, leading to extra classes to make up for syllabus lagging behind, and sleepless nights tainted with fear.
But things improved, slowly but steadily.
"Would you mind going to this new cat cafe that opened up recently tomorrow?" Satan asks, voice nearly a whisper. "You've been working really hard, and I'm sure that you will do well on your mid-terms."
"You put too much faith in me," You respond, but agree all the same, excitement thrumming in your veins for the day to come.
"You will perform excellently," The demon affirms, getting up from his spot to place the book on the table. "Sleep well," He says, placing a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "Goodnight, MC."
"Goodnight!" You respond, letting yourself fall on the bed.
You close your eyes, the exhaustion of the day sinking into your bones. A three-hour study session has thoroughly drained you, but brought along with it satisfaction. Apart from that, you did not miss any due dates for assignments this week, which would have resulted in staying back, a common occurence for you earlier.
But you have progressed. Slowly but steadily.
It was hard to face Lucifer the morning after. The memory brings a sour taste in your mouth. You could barely look him in the eye, and did not speak much, keeping your eyes trained on your plate. Mammon kept staring at you, though, but you had ignored in favor of not breaking down in front of everyone.
A humiliation you did not want to endure. A weakness you did not want to display.
And some time after, you met the demon in the attic. Who told you stories weaved with pity, and urged you to make pacts. Killed you.
And dealing with the fallout after wasn't easy. Though you suppose that you're an exception, merely because of the fact your survived your own death.
You trembled, hands calmly and adrenaline running through your veins at the mere sight of the seventh-born. You eyed his hands, which he would flex lazily in front of his face, still in the haze of sleep. Those same hands that he wrapped around your neck and choked you.
But you worked through it all.
And these were just some of the many events that you witnessed and partook in, and there are many more to come in the Devildom.
But the only event you're interested is the one tomorrow with Satan.
After weeks of pondering, you've come to the realisation: that you have fallen again for the blonde demon. Satan reminds you of Lucifer, with his body language and mannerism, but he is not him. No, he is Satan, Avatar of Wrath, your tutor and your dear friend.
A lover?
You hesitate, turning over so that you face the wall. The memory brings stinging tears to your eyes, but you blink them away.
You dream of cats and green nail polish.
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Lucifer remembers his first flight.
When he was a young angel, still learning the ways of the Celestial realm. With the three pairs of wings gifted to him by Father, it was imperative that his most beloved creation was to learn to fly.
And he did, jumping off from the top of the Celestial Palace, when angels were supposed to sleep. It took time and courage—the former to muster the strength to simply get to the apex of the structure and stand with trembling knees, and the latter to take the plunge.
The wind rushed past his ears, the Sun's rays radiating off his wings.
A mighty flap—moving upwards—against gravity, and Lucifer's laugh could be heard by all.
And this time, it feels as if he could fly higher and higher, closer to the warmth of the Sun that the Devildom can't offer, closer and closer to the salvation he lost.
Lucifer reminisces, hands crossed behind his back as he idly gazes at the scene before him. Belphegor and Beelzebub on either side of you, with Satan behind your shoulder, nearly breathing into your neck, the position which has irritation brewing in the demon. Asmodeus perched on your knee and Mammon nearly hanging off the couch.
A DDD in your hand, a unknown video playing.
It's perhaps the first in a long time that his brothers are able to sit together without squabbling. It's also the first instance where you truly look at peace.
You didn't use to come out of your room. He could hear your footsteps late at night as you creeped into the kitchen to get a glass of water or to grab a book from the library. When he had fetched a book for you from a tall shelf, you had cowered under his gaze, meekly stammering out words of gratitude before rushing back to your room. Like a little lamb.
That time when you had run away from him in the underground tomb, leaving Luke and Beel behind. "Pathetic," He had sneered, wings bristling in anger. Someone who had no courage deserved no respect, and so your value deteriorated in Lucifer's eyes.
And he had rejected you, cold dismissal on his tongue as he watched your expression falter.
He had no feelings for you, back then.
The demon sighs, his shoulders sinking. He walks away from the cacophony of laughter in the room, instead opting to open a bottle of Demonus.
As he pours the beverage, he remembers how he had threatened you. The stairway to the attic was not to be climbed, and the demon was confident enough that magic would have sufficed in hiding his shame.
You had, of course, gone back to your room with the offer of a tea that could make you sleep forever.
He takes a sip of the drink, and finding it to his liking, ever the same as before, settles down on the plush couch, faint chatter a background noise.
But then you revealed that you had seen Belphegor.
Turning into his demon form, brows scrunched together, he had growled, angry and furious.
Lucifer remembers you cowering.
But you did not run away.
You stood there, fists clenched and heart beating wildly, still standing despite his expectation of you running away.
And then you were sent to another timeline.
You were scared, that much Lucifer knew. He takes another swing, each one more longer than the last. Hesitant, but ready to do what was necessary to free his brother.
It was dangerous.
(He had expected you to run, like you always did)
But you said yes, and the last of you he saw back then was the uncertain smile you gave everyone. Lucifer assured himself with the fact that you would return, not questioning why the idea of your absence sent a sinking feeling in his chest.
And, in another timeline, Belphegor threw you down the stairs.
Lucifer's chest tightens at the memory, and he gets up to pour himself another drink. The bruises on your neck, and the harrowing laughter of Belphegor, and the way Mammon cried and begged you to stay awake.
You must have been so scared, he thinks, settling down again. But so would have been Lucifer, if he was in your place. He imagines your panicked expression and grimaces as the demon realises that he was the reason for your fear, most of the time.
How did you even find the courage to forgive? He questions, downing the drink in an action that does not suit the demon's impeccable manners. And, did you even forgive him?
The demon takes another swing, and curses. The glass is empty.
He strides over and picks up an unopened bottle. This time, Lucifer doesn't bother with the glass, merely opening and downing the beverage.
The only time that you and him sat down and talked without any condescending tone or cold contempt from the demon was when he had lost his memories.
You looked so happy, with the smile that only his brothers caused, this time the reason being Lucifer. He remembers joking and laughing together, as if you both were old friends.
His throat tightens as he remembers falling asleep with you and Belphegor in the attic.
You've had enough to drink, He admonishes himself, and sets down the bottle, finding the stinging of tears to sober him up better than any pill. The shine of the dagger flashes in his mind, and brings back the memory of your expression, as you had angled the dagger at your chest with shaky hands
"Stop," He had uttered, dumbfounded and yet in awe.
After regaining his memories, he found you to close off from him again.
His angelic self saw the courage that you had grown to harbor, the way you trembled and shook and still stood your ground—and tried, even if you failed.
The demon saw himself in you.
Fearful, afraid, and yet gathering the courage to rebel. The way his hands shook as he handled the sword, clutching it tightly, and yet trembling, for it was to be used to cause harm to those he knew.
Courage is not the absence of fear.
His past self saw the good in you—that despite your cowardice, you were still trying, still learning, still growing.
That watching your teary eyes gaze at him in fear, when he roared and shouted at you for meeting Belphegor, Lucifer saw that you stood up to him. That you were not what he thought.
But why did he notice it only now?
What was it that he had left behind with his white wings and halo?
Was it empathy?
The demon snarls, and yet he is unable to ignore what is in front of him. Pride blindens.
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"No fair! This would have made for the perfect Devilgram post for my blog!"
Asmodeus pouts, in his hands his DDD with a picture of you and Satan, surrounded by cats and tea. There's a cat attempting to squish your cheeks with its paws, and with one arm around the feline and the other around the blonde demon, you both posed for the photo.
"I heard the cakes there were good too," Beel laments, a hand on his stomach despite the fact that he is eating one of Luke's pastries right now.
"We'll go along next time," Satan says, still smiling at the picture on Asmo's phone. "Besides, the kitties there are adorable."
You smile, eyes fixated on the photo as you sit besides Asmodeus. There's a serenity in your expression that Lucifer wishes he could see more, but the scribble of the pen brings him back.
"You've left the previous page blank, haven't you?" Lucifer questions, a stern brow raised at the white-haired demon besides him, who has indeed, skipped the page in favor of getting off earlier.
"I just—I just wanted to see what more was to be left! That's it!" Mammon gulps, turning the page swiftly and putting all attention on the face, which Lucifer knows he is only making a show of.
Leviathan is immersed in his game, with Belphegor asleep in his lap, the soft bleep-bloop noises not as much of a hinderance as the demon had assumed.
It's comforting, even.
But then his catch the expression that Satan has while gazing at you, ignorant to Asmo's comments on the photos in his DDD.
Lucifer's eyes widen.
That same look—the one he had seen in many books and stories. The one which—
"Oi, Lucifer?"
"Need you to come outside."
"Just come!"
The urgency in Mammon's voice does not allow Lucifer room to question his intentions, and it's also unnerving to hear the serious tone of his brother's voice, usually so carefree.
He walks along with Mammon, to the balcony. The latter leads on, but Lucifer steals one look at the scene that he's leaving: of Satan's gaze at you, and his bantering brothers.
"Why did you bring me—"
"Cut the crap, Lucifer."
The demon's expression is one of surprise, and then his brows furrow in acceptance.
"What did you want to tell me?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest, a familiar pose for the demon. Besides him, Mammon leans on the railing, the structure strong enough to withstand. Usually, he would have reprimanded him to not slouch, but he knows that Mammon can fly. And besides, demonic strength is impeccable.
"Did ya even realize how wretched MC felt that night?" Mammon's tone is flat, not even the barest of emotions revealing themselves in his tone. Usually, he would be stammering. But this time, his brother is completely serious. Lucifer gives no reply, instead choosing to stare at the Castle in the distance, refusing to meet his brother's eyes. "They had been mustering up the courage to confess to you for weeks," He continues, staring at his brother. "They barely slept, and I thought you knew, Lucifer."
"Do not taunt me."
"Seriously?" Mammon's expression weaves into one of disbelief. "You're going to just sit there and ignore your mistakes?"
"I am aware," Lucifer snaps, teeth bared in a display of frustration. "I know what I did, and I had a reason."
"Were ya even aware of what it caused?" He questions, disappointed at the sheer ignorance on his brother's behalf. "I thought you knew better, big brother. I thought you knew how hard they cried after you dismissed them that night. I thought you knew how crushed they were."
"How scared they were."
Lucifer's lips form into a thin line. "They fell asleep crying, and it was hard for MC to piece themselves together after you destroyed whatever confidence they had gathered."
"You're blaming me?"
"I am blaming ya, Lucifer, but not for rejecting," Mammon responds, gazing coldly at his brother. "I'm blamin' you for how cold you were."
"I know I was harsh," The Avatar of Pride admits, his shoulders sinking with an invisible weight.
"I'm pretty sure MC has feelings for Satan," He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at Lucifer. "But they won't confess now because of what ya did...."
Any words Lucifer had to speak die down in his throat.
He should be happy that his brother found love. He should be happy that you found love in his brother. He should be happy at his family's happiness, he should—
But Lucifer loves you too.
"What even happened to you, Lucifer?," Mammon says, but his brother isn't listening. "You didn't—Lucifer?"
It is all that the demon says.
And all that comes to mind.
"I've fucked everything," Lucifer says, running a hand through his hair. "I've ruined everything."
"I know," Mammon says, placing a hand on his shoulder. "But ya can make up for it. Apologise, let—"
"I love MC."
In that moment, Lucifer feels that his heart might burst from his throat.
"I do, and that's all I know."
The look Mammon offers him is one of despair.
"You know that MC might love Satan," He begins, and Lucifer closes his eyes in frustration. "And he might love them too."
The demon's eyes shoot wide open, and he grabs Mammon's shoulder with such tenacity that the white-haired demon nearly shrieks.
"Is it too late?" He nearly screams in despair, the words spilling past his lips in a rush. "Or is there time?"
Mammon sighs.
"I don't know, Lucifer, I really don't know." He admits, gently unfurling his brother's fingers from around his shoulder, and giving them a squeeze. "Maybe it is too late."
"But—" Lucifer's voice cracks, the weight of the situation finally dawning on him. That Satan might love you. That you might love him. That Lucifer knows he loves you.
And that your courage gave him the courage to love, without which Lucifer doesn't know what he will do.
Behind them both, laughter still rings out, and the demon can make out your and Satan's laugh.
And in front of him, Mammon is wiping away a stray tear that fell from the Morningstar's eyes.
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bajisbabe · 3 years
[author’s note] I rewrote this post THREE times...
“I don’t trust nobody, not even her.”
they accidentally hit you | Yandere!Mikey, Ran, Wakasa
warnings: accidental violence, brief mention of actual violence, implied kidnap, yandere, Mikey kicking reader, Ran hitting reader, Wakasa kicking reader.
anon said: “Request for a Yandere ran, Mickey and Wakasa where they accidentally hit you? Like they accidentally slap or kicked u too hard for any reason”
song: trust nobody, love nobody the same by sagun (feat. shiloh dynasty)
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— is probably beating tf out of someone who thought they could get between you two; maybe someone who came to rescue you or tried to help you escape.
— he is about to end them with that legendary kick of his, but his foot catches your jaw because you thought it would be a great idea to jump in front of whoever Mikey is beefing with in a pathetic attempt to save their miserable life.
— and Mikey is able to slow the kick just enough so that you don’t get the full force, but you still get hit as it was far too late for him to stop when you suddenly jump in front of him like that.
— and you go flying.
— like you’re literally knocked off of your fucking feet.
— and he watches your body crumple on the floor as you land.
— you let out a lil’ yelp as you hit the ground.
— suddenly, he forgets all about the loser he’s beaten bloody and runs over to check on you.
— he kneels over you, tugging your limp body into his lap.
— he smooths back your hair, rubbing his thumbs over your temples as he softly calls your name.
— and when you don’t respond, he gets panicked and begins calling your name louder and louder until you answer with a groggy, “what?”
— he gets so angry at himself that he has to take it out on something, or rather someone.
— so he moves as though he is going to go back to kicking ass, but you weakly tug at his wrist and beg him not to.
— and he sees how weak and vulnerable you are at the moment, and how you’re begging him so sweetly for someone else’s life.
— he hesitates, but in the end, he gives up and leaves that person alone. even though he has already given them the beating of a lifetime.
— and he does his best to help you get somewhere safe where you can be treated without alerting the authorities of course.
— he feels really guilty about it and keeps apologizing.
— and if you ask him not to go after that person again, in this moment, when the guilt is eating him alive, he won’t.
— but only if you ask him now, while he still feels like shit about how things ended up.
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— he’s not as smart as people give him credit for.
— he really is quite a brute.
— he swings on kids with bricks and batons in parking lots for fun.
— he is most likely testing out his new weapon, whatever it may be.
— maybe a brand new shiny, steel bat that’s sole purpose is to beat in the faces of anyone who tries to take you away from him.
— he had it custom made to ensure that it’s got the right weight to it.
— and he is just swinging it about when you happen to pop up out of nowhere.
— maybe you had heard all the swooshing and just wanted to see what was up.
— but you happen to come too close and Ran doesn’t even see you, having way too much fun testing out his new weapon.
— and Ran is just swinging, swinging, swinging.
— and then he turns and you’re right fucking there. but it’s too late to stop it.
— luckily enough for you, he is able to lift his hand just enough so that his fist hits you rather than the bat.
— but it still hurts.
— you’re not necessarily knocked off your feet, but you get hit and become dizzy.
— your legs give out and you fall to your knees, cheek aching.
— he immediately collapses to kneel in front of you, hands hovering in front of you.
— he’s too afraid to touch you. he thinks he might hurt you again.
— “sorry.” he blurts, mouth dry.
— this means a lot because Ran never apologizes.
— but he feels so fucking sorry.
— your eyes are glossy, your lower lip pulled between your teeth as you fight back tears.
— I don’t blame you. I KNOW that shit hurt 🤕
— “I’m sorry,” he blurts again. “Can I—is it okay if I—uhm, what do you want me to…?”
— He can’t figure out what to do or how to help you.
— he feels like shit, and he thinks you’re gonna hate him even more now.
— you just sniffle, taking a deep breath as you blink back tears.
— “can I… Is it okay if I…?” His hands jolt as though he’s trying to stop himself from touching you.
— he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to see you scared, or see you flinch.
— and you don’t really have much of a choice because he might have broken something in your face and you need some kind of help, so you take him up on his unsaid offer.
— you nod softly, swallowing a sob as your cheek aches painfully.
— he slowly tugs you into his arms, soothing his large hands over your back.
— he cups your face gently in his hands and tilts your face to get a better look.
— your eyes are stinging as he asks you where exactly it hurts.
— “Sorry,” he murmurs again. “I’ll get Rindou to check on you,” he says. “He’s good with medical shit.”
— actually thinks you look rather nice when crying but won’t mention it because he can read the room.
— coddles you and calls you all kinds of nicknames.
— “baby, I’m sorry.” / “it won’t happen again, sweetheart.” / “I didn’t mean to, honey.”
— sits there while Rindou patches you up, holding your hand (if you let him) and telling you that you’re doing so good whenever you clutch his hand hard or when you squeeze your eyes shut in pain.
— promises to buy you whatever you want to fix it.
— even if you insist that you don’t want anything, he’ll still get you something.
— probably still tells you that he’s sorry under his breath.
— he is so pressed about the situation that he doesn’t even use the shiny, steel bat he bought.
— it’s expensive and custom made, and he’s not gonna use it at all solely because he almost hit you with it.
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— he thought you were someone else.
— when he heard someone creeping out of the hideout, he assumed it was an outsider who stumbled across the place and was trying to escape.
— and his reflexes are fast.
— so without thinking, he clocks you upside the head from behind.
— he most likely noticed that it was you he was about to hit but by then, it was too late to stop.
— but he doesn’t even try to hold back or slow the punch at all.
— he lets you take it full force.
— you are quite literally knocked off your fucking feet.
— and when you hit the ground, you’re gasping for air because you’re winded thanks to the impact of the fall.
— and he just peers over you, watching you with that resting bitch face of his.
— he doesn’t even apologize.
— he quietly asks you where you were going, knowing damn well you can’t respond because you cannot breathe.
— and he doesn’t help either.
— he just watches you sputter for air.
— your ribs could be broken.
— and if you get upset and scream about how he could have hurt you, he’ll just shrug and say that he pulled the kick so that you wouldn’t get hurt as bad.
— liar. 😔
— if you need any kind of patching up, he will help.
— but he will probably have something backhanded to say about how if you didn’t try to escape then this wouldn’t have happened.
— is a lil’ insensitive.
— your body is probably sore and aching and he doesn’t even care.
— might purposefully run his hands over the place where he knows it’ll hurt most just to watch your pretty face contort with subtle pain.
— might even take his fingers and dig them into the sensitive skin that suffered from the impact just to see if you’ll yell or cry.
— he finds you interesting and wants to see you make as many expressions as possible.
— expressions of pain are not excluded.
— would be a lil’ hurt if you flinched away from him after the whole ordeal.
— but he isn’t stupid, he could understand why you’d fear him. he just can’t find it in himself to care.
— not that he would intentionally hurt you.
— but if it happens, if happens 🤷🏾‍♀️
— might feel guilty if you show that you’re genuinely upset.
— if you want him to stop poking and prodding at your bruises, you’re gonna have to cry.
— he might go easy on you then, but that’s a might, not a will.
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goodboyriddler · 2 years
Alright I promise this is the last one maybe This is a riddler one do u remember how Eddie was basically straddling the dude just imagine that but instead of the died dude it’s u he’s straddling 👀👀👀 I have two ideas for this scenario….
1- u saw eddie kill the dude and he catches u by doing the same thing and of course ur crazy so u think it’s lowkey hot and u start flirting with him he’s like 🧍and u flip him over
2- Eddie trying to be a hard dom but is failing miserably so u hold his hips and start to rock him back and forth….u know the rest 😏
Btw besite u dont have to do these ideas I just wanna give u some inspiration, Love ya too mwah mwah 😌
I love sub eddie
Teasing sub Edward in his riddler costume... thinking . Why not both<3 a little something w gn dubious vigilante reader teaching him how really it's done.
"I thought you were supposed to be a serial killer." You smirk as you gaze up to the breathing masked man above you. His grip pinning your wrists down the floor tightens at your words. "Make me tremble in fear?"
You can see him trembling, those eyes behind the clear glasses watching you as he has you underneath you. His weight keeps you down but he's still rattled up by you interrupting him.
You certainly didn't appreciate someone else getting to the mayor first but the show he had put on for you- blissed body as he moaned, throwing his head back, shivering in ecstasy- made you forgive him. You could practically see his body drip with excitement. You weren't sure if he was going to take himself out and jerk off when his hand had gone to his belt, actually. Inexperienced, sloppy, almost erratic, driven by lust. Aw. Baby's first kill.
First time? You had hummed when he had finished and his body had gone tense. He had turned to you, almost in fear being caught red handed. You knew he used the element of surprise instead of strength. And now somebody had been watching him all this time sitting on the armchair on the corner of the room.
You laugh at his face, testing his gloved hands digging into your wrists. Hm, seems it's your turn to be underneath him, to be strandled down into the wooden floor. And he knows you are not taking him seriously, not even with that outfit. It did made him hotter, sure, you weren't going to deny you liked a challenge. You like pretending he had control on you. Let him have this for a little while longer, it's his first time after all.
"Shut up!" He says, and you love how his high-pitch voice waivers.
You smirk, before thrusting your hips into him. Oh, so he was hard underneath those heavy clothes. You hear his breath hitchening, a small moan escaping him as his grip in your wrists lessens to steady himself instead to not fall on top of you.
"S-stop moving!" His grip falters as he lets go off you just to get away from you like you had burned him. Like he's afraid of the touch. "Or I'm going to kill you."
You snort.
"Let me show you how it's done." You said, your hands go to grip his shoulders, he tenses, before you're flipping him over with all your force.
He goes down the floor with a loud thud, lightly hitting his head and disorienting him. Your thighs pinning him down. You can feel his chest heaving underneath your hands and you sit on his lap, looking down at him. And you laugh. God, this is so much fucking fun.
"Lesson number one. Restrain your victim-" You grab his duc tape from his belt, you pin his hands above him while binding him up. You give him a little grin." Properly, of course."
He begins to struggle against his restrains but you just grind down on him, shushing him up. Maybe tonight it is his first time in a lot of things if he's that affected this easily. You see the eyes behind the clear glasses fluttering while he trashes away. You wait a moment as you watch him before speaking again.
"You looked so good back there, moaning." You giggle, your hands going to undo his heavy green jacket, and unbuckle his utility belt, while you're still moving against him. "Let me see if I can do something better."
"A-ah! What are you-?" He whines, the mask his wearing making him pant and you can feel his hard cock straining his baggy clothes.
"Lesson two. Put them on their place."
You smirk, your hand finally finding skin and your palm goes underneath his clothes. He arches his back and whines when it goes down past his waistband and into his boxers.
You hum as you start to stroke his already leaking hard cock in your fist. His legs slide in the wooden floor, heavy boots resounding in the room. He groans behind that mask, his clear glasses fogging up and his entire body is shaking.
"And lesson three. Make them beg for their lives."
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