#that one crane wives song that goes
melodyofthevoid · 6 months
A Deep Dive of The Crane Wives: Foxlore
(Lmao it rhymes) Alright folks! Last full album (for now), just the singles still left to go!
The most recent album not including the live release, Foxlore thrives on the lively and quick, trickery as devious on both ends as the fox itself. It’s about outsmarting your enemies, outsmarting your demons, and avoiding getting tricked yourself. There is a brighter quality to the music, even in the quiet moments. Biblical references are scattered throughout, often a rejection of common thought in favor of independence. 
Nothing At All
Warnings can take many forms, sometimes they’re haunting tales, voices in the dead of night crying their tale out into the mists. Other times they’re howled, bared teeth and claws displayed for all to hear. And sometimes, sometimes a warning can be gentle, a hand on a shoulder that guides you to sit for a moment and listen. A bright guitar that carries something heavy alongside it. 
The singer speaks of happiness first. Pursuing happiness, chasing that elusive dream, it’s what makes life happen, is it not? Day in day out there’s a never ending stream of options all claiming to help you be happy, to find happiness, bottle it, drink it, capture it. But true happiness, the man who wants nothing at all, well that’s a state that no one can keep forever. Distancing and letting that fire die, it’s easier than chasing after it. Isn’t it? 
The singer asks the one listening if they want nothing at all, replying that they do. They’re without desire and… perhaps without direction. 
A short confession, this is one of the songs where I for a long time misheard the lyrics, and this opening verse is no exception. Instead of “So long as the fire, getting weak, contained” I heard “So long as the fire can be contained”. A warning of temperament and realistic expectations for life. In keeping a level head, you can find happiness where you’re at, at least, in this version. 
The singer then speaks of the other end, of pursuing and end to pain. Longing to dull the ache that haunts them, longing to “feel nothing”. That endless void of distant emotion where nothing can hurt them ever again. But again, this is nothing more than a fallacy, feeling nothing means cutting out the joys in life too, never opening up. Pain does not define a person, to only be what hurts you is such a limited view of a person that reduces them, however the contrast of joy and pain, giving the highs a low to tower above. 
The misheard lyrics here change “handle pain, doesn’t define a man, it sure lends a hand getting measured in the sweeter parts of life” to “I know pain does indeed find a man, it sure lends a hand in measuring the sweeter parts of life”. Painting pain as an inevitable part of life but one that can be overcome and accentuating the blessings that life brings as well. 
Singing a new chorus, they ask if the listener feels nothing at all, again stating that they do. They feel nothing, and the anguish bleeds into every note until they break and say that they’d never wish that on the singer. Warning them to avoid their fate. 
Refrains of “Do you ever feel nothing at all” and “Do you ever want nothing at all” echo in a round, as though the singer is speaking more to themselves than to their audience, trailing off as they seemingly come to a quiet realization that they can’t continue like this. 
Now, normally I wouldn’t include misheard lyrics, as they’re not the author’s intent and this is no different, however I think they speak to the themes of this song on a personal level. To me, the song was a helpful and gentle guide, not a warning of a similar fate. But in the end, does that matter? If the message to not shy away from life, from all of its possibilities rings true, then isn’t that enough? 
I Talk In My Sleep 
Sleeping alongside another, finding that long sought after companionship, it can make the long nights softer, for having someone there to share it with. Unless, of course, there’s more between the two than simply pillows. The singer talks in their sleep into the darkness, the only one who’s listening to their plight as their partner sleeps beside them unaware. Dreaming of everything but them. Maybe their partner did dream of them once, maybe they were closer, but not now. Now they speak their troubles only to that which cannot respond. 
Trouble plagues the singer, demons of the past, twisting their words and leaving them haunted. Their partner has no clue, whenever they leave for whatever reason, the demons come in closer, grip them tighter. And they won’t tell their partner, out of fear, out of shame. It’ll be easier if they keep it to themselves… won’t it? 
Even if their partner did listen to the things that they said in their sleep, would they even understand? Would they understand their problems and worries? Or would they simply turn over and go back to sleep, ignoring the hurt and anguish that echoes in the room. A cloud of regrets that looms over the both of them as they try to pretend that everything is alright. 
But that won’t solve the issue, won’t make that dark cloud disappear, and in the end, it gets to be too much. And they finally confess that they’re not alright. That there’s so much weighing on their mind. Maybe it won’t fix everything, and the distance between them might win out, but it’s better than pretending that nothing’s wrong at all. 
Down the River 
Sometimes, you want to give second chances to those that hurt you, in spite of knowing better. Wanting to believe that the person you want, that you hope they could be will come through in the end. But that isn’t the case, is it? Because this isn’t the first time, or the second. 
The singer ruminates on the fact that they keep holding out for this person, waiting for evidence that they were wrong about them. That they’re going to own up to all of the damage and make amends. Then again, why would they? If they’ve still not changed their ways by now, they’re never going to. 
What fun is there in sticking around to see the results of the damage done? After all of the entertainment of the betrayal, there’s nothing else to do. They’ve lost the trust so, better to find a new fool to pull the wool over. 
Then that leaves the singer and all of the previous victims to handle the hurt on their own. The deceiver free to live and act as they please without the weight of guilt but them? They’re left with those scars to handle. They can’t run from that, they can’t simply shake off the years of trust shattered. 
The singer was, as they put it, sold down the river, an euphemism born of the American slave trade. The Mississippi and Ohio rivers were common routes of transporting slaves, and to be sold down that route, typically meant being sold to a cotton plantation in the deeper South. A deep betrayal, and one that came at a steep price. Over the years the saying has lost much of its deadly connotations over the centuries but is understood as a betrayal at its core. Selling out someone else for personal gain. 
The con-artist, the liar, the cheat, they’re going to skip town and find some new sucker to hurt because that’s the easier solution. Never content to let the dust settle around their feet lest the consequences catch up to them. They’ve got enemies after all, and those enemies probably want blood. With such a collection of names in their wake, one almost wonders if there’s somewhere that they hide away to keep their secrets safe, or if they leave it behind and never think about it again. It doesn’t look like it affects them in any way, doesn’t haunt their actions, so why assume that will change? 
In the end, when it comes to people like this, who use and discard as they please, there’s not going to be a cathartic ending. No ending confrontation that sees them getting their due. It’s no use waiting for them to come around and change, it’ll only drag you down. Better to curse their name and walk away, be better in spite of them. And maybe, privately, wish for their downfall. It’ll come by their own hands eventually. 
The biblical tale of Adam and Eve, the giving of a rib to create a perfect “companion”, is a familiar tale to many in the United States and in other Christian majority nations. God making woman second, making her, in some eyes, “lesser” because she’s born from man rather than her own being. This is a rejection of that premise, that the tales of old define who one is now. The narrator may not be so removed from the narrative, however. 
Marrow from Adam’s rib may have made Eve, made to be a companion and servant, but that isn’t the case for the singer. No man gave a piece of them to make her, not in the biblical sense anyhow, she is independent and free, of her own. Her heart may be battered by the elements, all of life’s hardships, but it is a burden she takes on herself. How lucky, she remarks, that all of her ugly and human organs are her own. No man dictates her actions, plays with her free will. She is the master of her own fate, however flawed or messy it may be.
Lilith is, in some texts, the first woman, crafted by God independent of Adam and expelled from Eden due to her refusal to submit to either of them. Building a life, a kingdom of her own both around her heart and away from the eyes of history. Her name has faded generally from public consciousness, untold by further translations of the Bible and being relegated to the role of a demon, a temptress by the sources that still mention her name. Her legacy today is a mixed one, for some a wicked morality tale, and for others a source of inspiration.
Yet this is no matter for the singer, be she Lilith or simply someone inspired by her story. Her empire, the world around her is untamed and unmoved by the words of liars and those who’d seek to chain her up. 
The dark, the night, forces that frighten others are embraced by the singer, she chose to close her eyes to the light, to live in the darkness. Often, God is portrayed as the light, and she shuns it, embracing a life without on her own terms. 
As time has gone on, the origin of humans has shifted (at least generally) from the dust of the ground, the forming by Godly hands to a more scientific origin. Views of women have changed (...somewhat) over time, and the singer implores that young girls not buy into any armor, any claims that she needs to change herself to be stronger, be tougher to survive. That she has to conform to someone else’s idea, her ribs are her own. Her body is her own. 
And that is all they need. 
Can’t Go Back 
Sometimes, we fuck up. Badly. We make mistakes that we can’t take back no matter what we do and have to live with the consequences. It haunts no matter what you try and do to mend it, regret pulling on your heart and imploring you to sink deeper into your misery. Because it’s comforting to sit in that hurt forever, isn’t it? To feel like a monster, or a failure, reliving that moment over and over again. There’s an element of self-flagellation to it, as if that suffering makes you more righteous, and yet. 
Sometimes someone comes in, wipes the tears from your face and tells you it’s okay. The singer guides you to try to forgive yourself. Yes, you might’ve sinned, but there’s a lesson to be learned in there, something to take away and move forward with. It’ll hurt, sure, but the rest can be left behind. It doesn’t serve a purpose to sit in self-loathing, there’s more life out there to live if you reach out. 
Because you can’t go back to fix it. What’s done, is done. It’s time to move on, stop trying to dig up the past. Bringing it back to the surface won’t bring catharsis or relief, only reveal the rot that's set in as time wears on. All there’s left to do is carry on living as best you can. There will be a whole life ahead of those moments, whether you move on or not, so better to try, right?
And it may not be fair, it may not be within your control, but when has life ever been fair? For anyone? Maybe it’s not alright now, maybe it won’t be for a while, but all things change, including this. All times end eventually, including the bad times. One day, this will all be a distant memory that maybe you can look back on with fondness, maybe not. It doesn’t matter, you’ll be different, for better or worse remains to be seen but it’s up to you. 
In the end, this is a soft lullaby, comfort at a low point, much needed. A hand through your hair as the last sobs leave your body. Ending in a sigh, and exhale of the weight on your back. 
Before going into the meat of this song, let it be known that from a musical standpoint I’m not sure how anything could be improved. The clarinet solo at the beginning took me out and it’s such a bright and cheeky lick that hints at a little mystery. It almost carries the same tone as the main singer really. It makes me smile hearing the warm wooden tones dance in and out throughout the song. Anyways, onto the content. 
In the midst of a crisis, there’s always some other crisis about to happen. All of it builds on itself, kindling on a wildfire blazing out of control. Each word compounds the panic, everything going wrong. So wrong in fact, that all methods of extinguishing the fire have failed. The well’s run dry, methods of fixing the problem exhausted. Leaving the walls to start to crumble under the weight of the damage. 
But then someone else comes, a breath of fresh air clearing away the haze of the smoke. Sure, the fire’s still smoldering, intensifying, but at least you’re not alone, right? The singer pleads for the other to stay with them in the rubble. 
When the house isn’t ablaze, it’s a testament to who they used to be. Giving an elegy for someone who no longer exists. Full of ghosts and cobwebs and regrets. Perfect fodder for another fire, especially when it’s no longer a home. Simply a place of residence. 
And like that prayer said at a funeral, all will return to nothing, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, spelling doom for the singer as they try to outrun their problems, their “devil”, with their lover in tow. They hope that maybe, if they run far enough, fast enough, that their lover can give them a sense of peace, put their curses to rest and grant them some small mercy. Make something beautiful out of them. 
Though this is a song and dance that they’ve done before. Many many times before, the well worn machine growing tired and sluggish as the singer tries to keep it from revealing her secrets. Too many details slipping through the cracks in their facade that they’re struggling to keep up. They’re on the verge of breaking down entirely. They just want someone to stay in spite of it. To say that there might be something worth saving amongst the wreckage. 
That this curse doesn’t define them, even as they struggle. The tragedy and cry for help almost unrecognizable beneath the lively music. It’s a wonderful contradiction, hiding in plain sight. As if making the call for help fun will lessen the sting. 
Turn Out the Lights 
A quick little tune for the anxious, stating upfront what it’s about. “You don’t have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head just ‘cause it sounds like you talking.” Sometimes (oftentimes) our minds are unreliable narrators for any number of reasons, jumping to conclusions, exaggerating fears and dangers, intruding on our lives with unwanted impulses or distractions. It can weigh down and make someone feel like they’re the problem, that they are their thoughts. Or someone can get trapped in that loop of negativity because well. It sounds like you.
There’s no quick fix to this, often those demons take many forms and constantly find new ways to badger and berate. All you can do sometimes is just… put them to sleep. Say “not right now” and find some other way to occupy yourself. “Turn out the lights” so to speak. 
Even during the daytime they’ll weigh on your shoulders. Occupying your mind as you try to go about your day, constantly distracting… and for what?
In the end, honestly what good comes of endlessly examining your own failures and faults, drowning in anxiety? It doesn’t fix them. It doesn’t make them go away. Worrying that you’re a bad person for this that or the other, regretting past decisions, what does it matter? Taking actions for the future will give you results, not this. Turn off those lights, the singer shrugs, and figure it out. 
Pretty Little Things 
What’s the saying, words are cheap? Any string of the right phrases and insinuations and you can promise just about anything. Construct a lovely artifice of grand romantic gestures if you add the right actions to it. A bouquet of flowers, some chocolate, etc. Then what happens though? What happens when those words turn sour? When the sweet words and promises ring hollow? When the cycles repeat? 
The singer’s first love gave his affections liberally, all lips and hands. Then those affections turned, with the cracks showing, turning to rough callused hands by the end. Implying that the hands that once held and caressed used their strength for… something else entirely. Leaving marks that she can still feel to this day. Touches against skin unseen but very much felt. A phantom limb. 
She gets straight to the point from there, telling the one currently wooing her that she doesn’t believe any of what they’re saying. She’s heard them before, and while they’re pretty, they don’t mean much in the long run. Flowers, that common romantic gesture, are compared to those “pretty little things”, it hurts to watch them wilt away into nothing, losing their color, their meaning, until they’re nothing but reminders of what used to be. A lovelier time now long past. 
The culmination of her previous relationship left a bitter taste, the trust she put in her partner betrayed and taken advantage of. Trust that she no longer simply allows others to have. It’s a right that is earned, and can be lost just as quickly. Just because someone is handsome with lovely eyes and a quick wit, it doesn’t mean that they deserve to be let in. Red flags often disguise themselves as roses, after all. 
At the bridge, she reveals how she pulls them out, by denying what a man wants and watching as he reacts. Is he calm and accepting of her feelings? Is he somewhat hurt but reproachful? Or do the pretty words turn to ash in his mouth? 
Now the tables turn, she concedes that perhaps she has been “ruined” as some put it by her previous relationship. Her better parts torn from her, her heart used up (although, not the only thing “used” in some eyes). Such that no one after can possibly enjoy a relationship with her. 
Or maybe, and hear me out, that’s all bullshit, and are talking points used to badger and belittle people dealing with trauma from previous relationships (or in some cases having any previous relationships at all) into feeling guilty enough to agree to sleep with them. Or simply as a means to make her feel like shit for turning them down. 
Well, in this case it’s not working. The hostile reaction only serving to prove why her distrust exists and why she keeps her barriers high. No pretty little thing is worth the costs, not long term. Even if there’s a lingering sense of loneliness as she repeats the chorus again, as if hoping that maybe next time, they’ll prove her wrong. 
Know How 
It’s easy to say that things will change, isn’t it? The logical part of the brain can come up with scenarios and plans all it wants, see the end goal at the end of the tunnel… but how to actually get there. How to gather the courage to go out and take that first step, to accept the risks and possible pitfalls that may come and do it. There’s so many questions that it can leave you paralyzed with indecision. 
Keeping themselves safe, that’s the priority. Bravery is for other folks, those who can take risks. The singer focuses on the present and the boundaries, keeping themselves sheltered from harm. But their partner is different. Something’s changed in their relationship, the rules redrawn and they’re left scrambling to pick up the pieces. Maybe the change is a move, an ask for separation and space, either way it redefines what they know and well. What now?
They know what they have to do, their heart is telling them in no uncertain terms what it wants, even in spite of them ignoring it in the past. It’s insistent, pushing for change, and they understand it. 
They know what they have to do.
They just don’t know how to do it. 
They’ve been pulling the wool over their own eyes and blinding themselves to the fact that their relationship is changing. A love once freely given is now retreating and they’re left picking up the pieces attempting to understand what they’re supposed to do now that their constant is gone. Trying to cut themselves free of the net that they wrapped themselves in thinking it’d never strangle them. 
Something needs to change. Complacency won’t save them at this point and it’s not as though things will simply go back the way they were. They may not be brave now, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be in the future. Fear is a constant in life, one has to act with it, in spite of it, and do what has to be done. 
Not that it’s always clear how. 
Not the Ghost 
What makes a haunting, really? What is it? A presence lingering in a place after the resident is long gone? A collection of memories that refuse to leave, infused into the very wood of a home? Or perhaps, not a home, a person. Who isn’t haunted by something, or someone. A lover, an ex friend, a family member, whose physical impact on your life has ended but remains regardless. Maybe it’s not even a single person, but a collective. Decisions, events, accumulating over the years. A haunting presence. 
The singer beseeches their lover to turn the lamps down low, to dim the lights so only the two of them are visible. Focus only on them, and not the endless dark that surrounds. Not on the future, never to the future. For a moment, they can exist together without any fear… ideally. They warn that there are demons here, that they’ll carry them home. Whether that means alone, bearing the full weight of their mental problems on their back, or that the demons will make themselves known within their home, it’s unclear. 
It then shifts into a lament, like the ghosts of many a work of fiction, wishing to break the chains that bind them tight to their burdens. Not of an unfair or unjust death, but of disappointment and of self doubt. Whispers of warnings when their lover is gone, false omens of future woes. They want for more, and that in and of itself does not scare them. All of their burdens, all of what they carry keeps them afraid, though not of the past itself. It’s the fact that it’s still there that haunts them. The fact that it trails after their steps like a shadow that they cannot shake. 
That fear that they’ll always be like this. No matter what they do. 
Taking a step back, they look at the life they’re living, tied down to their regrets. An anchor forged in anguish and harboring guilt. So long as they sit there, so too will their past, tied and never able to move along. Collecting more mistakes as life continues on, bringing them home to sit and linger. 
And maybe one day it'll change, but for now, they sit in that fear until the break of day, hoping their lover stays beside them.
The Garden
Relationships can be a beautiful thing. Trust, companionship built between two people, a life no longer lived alone. However, not every form of love is smiled upon by society. In fact, there’re those who are quite adamant that there is only one true way that love can exist, and anything else is blasphemy. Is sin. Disgusting, a crime, something to be shamed and any who deviate shunned and mocked. Or worse, depending on the community. This leaves any person living in these societies to walk along an eternal tightrope, both trying to stay true to themselves while staying safe. 
But that balance can’t last forever. 
The singer is frantic as they tell their lover to tear down all the evidence of their love. To bury it beneath their bed in shame. Hide it away, try to keep it hidden. The Crows, they say, are laughing at their expense. Carrion birds that pick at the decaying rot, at the easy victim. They sit within the Garden of Eden, on their high perch. Drowning out any possible excuse the singer could give in mockery. 
Despite this, the singer pleads with their lover, their better half. Calling them their shield, their stone, their steady hand. They seek protection from the mockery even as they attempt to hide away. Their lover is their better half, the light in their darkness. It’s closing in as the potential repercussions creep closer too, and there’s nothing that they can do. Feelings torn between wanting to indulge in comfort, or let their lover take them out. The thin line of passion and vulnerability that could be so easily taken advantage of. Still, it’s something beautiful to them. 
Something they can hold even as others scorn them, seeing only the bloodstained clothes, the sinner’s garb on the outside. The devil knows their name, they’ve transgressed against God, and it’s only a matter of time. 
After their previous indecision, they resolve to remain true to themselves, and their love, laying down in the bed they made together, content to go, let the crows have their way if it means that they’re not separated. The persecution they’ll face, the hammers and nails that will be driven into their skin, they’ll have each other. 
Then the mood turns, that quiet acceptance turning to rage as they decide no. They’re not going to simply lay down and let the crows do as they please. This garden is not paradise if there’s so many rules in place. They deserve better, and this place does not deserve to be. They get on their knees and start to tear into the garden, rejecting its promises, its so-called safety and welcome. Cutting down the apple tree. If this is a sin? Then they’ll accept it.
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koreyeet · 8 months
Tumblr media
Easier - the crane wives
Having brain rot rn
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solsays · 6 months
Lifers x Crane Wives
I saw someone comment on a life series TikTok or something to try and pair all of the lifers to a crane wives song, without repeating songs. so obviously I spent an hour doing it
Grian—Tongues & Teeth (self explanatory if you’ve EVER heard this song)
Scar—Steady, Steady (this whole song is about how their partner is walking out but they still want to be “wild and free” which is just SO Scar coded)
Tango—Ancient History (he keeps teaming up with Skizz and I feel like this song vibes with that, it also just feels very Tango)
Skizz—Icarus (this man always gives himself up for his teammates I swear, and he fuels them to keep going. It also says “oh brother, brother” which feels like Skizz talking to any of his teammates to me)
Impulse—Allies or Enemies (Impulse has been very iffy on a lot of his alliances throughout the seasons, especially in third life and with the amount of playing all sides that man has done this songs feels right)
Cleo—The Glacier House (this. this is literally just her leaving Fairy Fort. The song is talking to/about her from probably Lizzie’s perspective, but like the last line is 100% as if Cleo was speaking)
Bdubs—Unraveling (Bdubs relies so heavily on his teammates, and when he doesn’t have that stability *cough* Etho *cough* he just kinda doesn’t know what to do so this song fits)
Mumbo—Keep You Safe (this man is by no means an aggressive/reckless player [see: Joel or Martyn] and he feels like he’s just here for the vibes and honestly? Love that for him. This song is about fear not keeping you safe and watching your friends run high risks, which just is very accurate to how Mumbo plays this series. I also feel like he could fit Rockslide when he goes red cause he goes from standstill to “drop dead sprint” in terms of aggression)
Lizzie—Shallow River/New Colors (Lizzie is the only one I put as two because both of these songs are just so fitting. Shallow river—“wasted all for the title, wasted all for the crown” reminds me of Lizzie trying to kill Scott and ending up dying herself instead. I also feel like parts of it could be dead Lizzie talking to Joel, the only person who is really mourning her. New Colors—“don't tell me that I can't, I need this“ and “I give up my air, to breathe” also feel very accurate with how she is trying so hard and just keeps failing )
Jimmy—Canary in a Coal Mine (no further context needed, we all know Timmy)
Scott—Little Soldiers (this is very flower husbands, but also just feels like Scott looking back on the last seasons including Pearl, Jimmy, Martyn, all his reluctant exes. Also this man is the watchers’ like least favorite person ever and this gives that vibe)
Pearl—Ribs (i changed this from New Discovery because Ribs is entirely about somewhat angrily protecting and helping yourself because nobody else would, and it really strikes me as Pearl with the some things having been good (Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss) and some being bad (divorce quartet))
BigB—Not the Ghost (this man is so incredibly odd, he just constantly feels like he is being haunted by the watchers and just going about his life, he is the human personification of gaslight and we love that for him)
Martyn—The Hand That Feeds (he HATES the watchers with every ounce of his being, and with Ren gone I think this guy’s only purpose is just to spite them)
Joel—Sleeping Giants (go listen to it. That’s all there is to it, it just feels very Joel-ish, this lad is absolutely fucking mental)
Ren—Once & for All (this song feels like war and being betrayed, and Ren has been betrayed so much so it just fits. I mean come on “my blood’s forever on your hands” tell me that isn’t 100% something Ren would say)
Gem—Show Your Fangs (Girlboss moment, we love Geminislay. This woman is not someone to be underestimated and this song very clearly says that so it’s very Gem in my head. She doesn’t have enough lore yet to make it angsty but ONE DAY)
Etho—Never Love An Anchor (I can’t explain it, this song just has Etho vibes. I mean “It’s a secret I keep tucked inside my chest” just seems very him, I can’t really tell you why)
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curtwen-week · 1 month
Curtwen Week prompts
Hello again! I've sifted through the prompts left on the form, and I have returned with the official prompt list for the week!
June 10 - Pre-Canon | London | This Is How I Disappear - My Chemical Romance
June 11 - Chimera | Accents | I'm your man - Mitski
June 12 - Scars | Roleswap | Memories - Conan Gray
June 13 - Confessions | Haunted | For No One - The Beatles
June 14 - Disguise | Letters | Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers
June 15 - Happy Ending | Liar | Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives
June 16 - First Meeting | Last Words | Laplace's Angel - Will Wood
There are multiple prompts for each day, so feel free to pick between them, or have a mix if you think they fit together well enough. The song is a prompt in itself, and you're free to use it as you see fit!
I'm also offering a set of alternatives, which are:
Bandages | Accidents | First Kiss
And the song Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy
What are alternatives?
They are prompts you can slot into any day in the place of the regular prompts, just in case none of them take your interest
Do I have to do all seven days?
Not at all! Do as much or as little as you like, there's no pressure
What can I post?
Anything goes! Writing, art, edits, gifsets... Whatever you like, it's all fair game!
Can I post to another platform?
Sure thing! Just make sure to link it back here so I can see it and it can go on this blog
Speaking of, there's an AO3 collection for this event, and you can find that here if you want a place to put your fics
How do I make sure you see the posts?
You can tag this blog, or you can tag me @starpirateee . Either way I'll be sure to see it! Also I'll be keeping track of the #curtwen week tag for the duration, so make sure that appears in the first five tags of your post
Can I post late?
Absolutely! I'll be following the tag until the 21st, so if you want to post late that's absolutely fine
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
ive been hesitating to ask this bc youve been on a roll with the clone^2au (which i am frothing over) but could i poke you for some childhood friend au? bc GOD i wanna see how danny reacts to reuniting w jason or how the rest of the batfam react to learning jason never told danny of his resurrection or wondering if dannys gonna put jokers dead body on a display/offering to jasons grave. i havent been normal about this since i first read it and was wondering. thank you for your writing.
RAAAAHHHH DON'T BE HESITANT I AM JUST AS FERAL OVER MY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AU AS I AM WITH CLONE^2 I AM DELIGHTED BY THIS. Like.,,,, i literally love them,,, so much. I can't listen to The Crane Wives without thinking of them.
(which is my fault - the ao3 fic of them has literally only crane wives lyrics for each chapter title and summary (posted AND the ones not written) so of course im gonna associate with them.)
(if you wanna listen to some of their songs while thinking of cfau here are my recommendations: "Once & for All", "Here I Am", "Hollow Moon" is a Danny AND Jason song to me, this would be my go-to song for an animatic of CFAU if i had the skills for it. "Tongues and Teeth", "Curses" and "take me to war" is a heavy cfau danny song to me, and of course, "the moon will sing")
Like they're BEST friends dude, they're two sides of the same coin and when they were kids they would do this thing where their 'fingers crossed'/'double-crossed' was them hooking their index fingers in the fingers crossed gesture.
and i'm actually currently rewriting my original post into a more fic-like format, and when I'm done I'll post it on here under the cfau tag - with the original post still in tact. But its,,, gonna be so long dude,,,, the original behemoth was just over 9000 words,,, and I've written 3k words already of the new one and we haven't even reached Jason and Danny reuniting at the gala yet,,, i need to get back to that,,,
and then to answer your questions!! god im almost hesitant to answer because i dont wanna spoil the little fic i had planned for it but also like,, its not like im gonna spoil everything, right? and answering the questions isnt the same as writing the scene down so!!
i love danny and jason's reuniting, like i've thought about it SO much and I've thought about it happening after Danny kills the Joker. I know the reveal could have been before that, and it could have been equally just as dramatic but like??? Thematically, doing it after danny kills the joker is SO good. To me at least.
Because like?? Jason's been in somewhat denial about danny's plan to kill the joker for months. ever since danny told him that he wanted to at the gala. And from Jason's pov its not even technically a plan. He sees his best friend for the first time after five years and his best friend still isn't over his death. He hasn't stepped foot in Gotham since his funeral and now suddenly he's here.
And he's still so full of grief over his death that he tells a masked vigilante that he's going to kill the guy that did it, who lives in said masked vigilante's city. And danny's got that look in his eyes that Jason knows so well that means he's being serious. And yet he still doesn't know if he should believe him or not.
And then he does. Danny kills him. And Jason can't fucking believe it. And when he goes and sees Danny, Danny's hands are still covered in blood. And that reunion? God like a fucking firework show. Danny's so fucking angry, and pissed, and hurt, and so goddamn overjoyed that he's alive and here that he sends them both to the ground, and if he doesn't calm down he's gonna take out the power in a five block radius.
there's just so, so much yelling on Danny's end. And then so much crying, first from Danny and then them both. because god, you're alive. you're here. i've missed you so much. i'm never letting you out of my sights again.
and Joker's death! God I don't want to actually say too much about that, but the way I have it set up thematically makes me actually not want danny to take any part of the joker with him as an offering. and he may actually forego that particular ghost etiquette and offer something else as an offering to Jason in substitute to not bringing him the Joker's heart/head/ritualistic body part.
Because you know what the last thing a man whose been spending the last two decades of his life building himself up to be larger than life would want? A death that's unremarkable. :) and that's all i'll put on the matter for now.
and the batfam!! they technically already know that jason hasn't told danny he was resurrected, and plenty of them have mixed feelings on them. largely bruce and dick i think, considering they saw firsthand how close jason and danny were when they were kids.
Dick was honestly surprised at first when he found out that Jason hadn't told Danny he was alive - and on one hand he understands the reasoning for it, and on the other hand he isn't sure if it was such a good idea. Especially after he sees Danny again after he arrives back in Gotham and sees just how badly Jason's death was still affecting him. But it's not like he's going to try and convince Jason to tell him - he can make his own choices, even if Dick has questions about them.
Bruce has much the same thoughts as Dick, so there's not really much to add here other than he might bring it up once or twice to Jason like, vaguely. And then immediately drops it when Jason shuts him down. He might actually somewhat...?? prefer that Jason hasn't told Danny because that raises a lot of questions and could jeopardize their identities. However, again, Jason can make his own choices and there's not much Bruce can do about it other than disapprove from afar.
Tim who knew of Danny from stalking the Wayne family shares similars sentiments of being surprised that Jason didn't tell Danny, but again, yeah, understands the thought process to some extent. Doesn't bring it up ever.
Everyone else who hadn't seen firsthand how close Danny and Jason are don't really have much opinion on it -- Jason didn't tell his best friend he was alive, great, he also didn't tell them either so it's not like its that much of a surprise. It would've been more of a surprise to them if Jason had told Danny before he told Bruce and co. Damian may make a comment or two about Jason not telling Danny, but its not about how he can't believe he didn't tell him or anything like it.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#cfau#childhood friends au#danny and jason are such best friends i love them so much#BUT YEAH ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT CFAU I'LL SCREAM#AND THEN TRY AND ANSWER THEM TO MY BEST ABILITY#like i could go on RANTS almost SPECIFICALLY about rath (dan) and then about jason and danny#and their friendship like i've thought about this au with a combined soulmate au and immediately hated the idea because no!#no! i can't call them soulmates. i can't it doesnt fit. their bond goes DEEPER than that. its *better* than that#this wasn't written in the stars it was forged in the back alley streets of gotham with all the broken glass under their feet#and the smell of nicotine weaving itself into the fabrics of their shirts. their souls aren't intertwined because the universe said so#they're two balls of yarn tangled together because they batted it at each other and decided to play cats cradle. and then never bothered#to untangle the string from one another. you'll never know where one ends and the other begins#i actually have a cfau miscellaneous facts post in my drafts that i need to finish too and i might do that today because of this ask <33#the fastest way to starry's heart is through her ask box#asking me questions about my aus is the fastest way to make me make more content about them ajshld#see: clone^2 (i've been coasting off the fanart i got from them for the last two days) and now this#i need to stop more before i start waxing more poetic about jason and danny's bond with one another.#also also jason is equally as feral about danny as danny is about him (see: him plotting joker's demise since he was 14) its just not#showing as much since a lot of this is from danny's pov. like dw this isn't one-sided obsession its mutual.#see: jason seeing danny's scars and immediately wanting to find out who caused it and getting murderously angry about it#its not a starry post unless its long#idk maybe im just obsessed with the idea that relationships are chosen and forged with time and that the bonds we have arent because they#were predetermined but because we made them to be. Like how clone^2 said 'i choose to be brothers' and how danny and jason said#'i choose you. i will always choose you. you're my other half. the one who watches my back. i choose you.'
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP Wednesday, Song Edition (will this be my last one? Unlikely.)
WIP: Jason Goes Home
Artist: The Crane Wives
Song: Not the Ghost
Pup Brother doesn’t relax, exactly, but warily untenses, at least. 
“Todd, this is your nest,” he says with a frown. “Why am I in it?” 
“Because I want you in it,” Jason hums, rubbing his wrists along Pup Brother’s throat with more safe-safe-safe. Pup Brother wrinkles his nose, looking bewildered. 
Dumb kid. Why else?
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piece-of-hweat · 7 months
I'd just like to say that- Six and Mono? Definitely neurodivergent
SERIOUSLY-- There is literally NO WAY IN HELL OR THE NOWHERE that these two kids are neurotypical.
I personally see Six as autistic. She probably looks over every single social cue ever. Mono makes a joke? It flies straight over her head. Best case scenario? It takes her a solid 5 seconds to absorb the joke and snicker at it. She probably hyperfixiates on ducks or turtles. (ALSO SIX IS COMMONLY HEADCANONED TO BE A BITER THAT IS JUST-- THAT. I. HOW IS THAT NOT NEURODIVERGENT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND)
Mono? Like... come on, guys. It's Mono. He is the literal definition of neurodivergence. He wears a mask, he probably walks on his tippy toes simply because, he also probably has a fixation on hats (I personally imagine him to adore music but argarhagrgagrhh). Mono also probably does the flappy-hand thing every time he sees a silly goofy animal or hears a song he really likes (COUGH COUGH Lovejoy COUGH COUGH Crane Wives and Wilbur Soot COUGH COUGH). Mono also, probably, totally, definitely, goes on rambles about funky things. Six listens because... hey. Sometimes hearing Mono ramble about the meaning behind the lyrics of a goofy song is pretty cool. *(Note: I also feel like Mono would just hold just as much obscure knowledge as Six. Mono would just know about the acidity of llama spit while Six just knows that hydrogen peroxide can get rid of blood stains. Six also probably knows the ingredients to poison or something.) ALSO I can definitely see Mono or Six going non-verbal. The two also, no doubt, screech random noises at each other. Just imagine that. That one part of the game where Mono has to make a box go up so Six can catch him on the other side. They just screech at each other.
Mono: peers over the edge Six: looks up at him and screeches Mono: makes that lil squeaky "AAAH" noise Six: responds with a "MAH!" Mono: screeches
I am sorry but- the two are just simply neurodivergent. I do not know what else to say.
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verdantglow · 1 month
Fuck it, posts my SmallEtho playlist.
Part-Time Soulmate, Full-Time Problem: A SmallEtho/Boat Boys Playlist
(Best listened to on shuffle.)
This is a kinda long playlist (28 tracks), so if you only have time for a few songs, check out: ‘Pyrokenesis’; ‘I Am Fred Astaire’; & ‘Built To Burn.’
Full track list & selected lyrics under cut.
1. Son of a Gun - Motion City Soundtrack
Have you had enough? Are you tough? Are you broken?/Hit me where it hurts, don’t just curtsey & sulk/I know I deserve every elegant word that you’re hurling at me
2. Pyrokenesis - 7chariot
When you say the things you say, they start a little spark/Ignite this small but also highly flammable heart
You’re setting me on fire, I don’t wanna fight it/You don’t need a lighter, you’re a flame/Drowning myself in water only makes it harder/Hard for me to keep myself away
3. Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy
I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way/Still I’d trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday
4. Violently Alive - I Hate Kate
I hate that you’re there/And I’m here/In the same room/Miles from me to you/We’re so distant/But close enough to touch
5. Tiger Teeth - Walk The Moon
Give in, give in, I want you back/One heart, one too many to stomach/Love bites so deep and we got tiger teeth
6. It’s Not A Fashion Statement, It’s A Deathwish - My Chemical Romance
Hip-hip-hooray for me, you talk to me/But would you kill me in my sleep?/Lay still like the dead/From the razor to the rosary, we could lose ourselves/And paint these walls in pitchfork red
7. True Romance - Motion City Soundtrack
I’m a screwup of epic proportions/A walking hand grenade/Hyper-manic, a dime store dramatic/A conduit for pain
She said “Don’t speak, don’t think,/Just take it off, take it off”/I said “Don’t speak, don’t think,/Just mess me up, mess me up”
8. Violence - blink-182
Like violence, you have me, forever and after/Like violence, you kill me, forever and after
9. I Am Fred Astaire - Taking Back Sunday
I’m under the assumption that I’m gonna be the one that’s leaving you/Tonight, oh, tonight/Well I flipped every switch that I could find on my way out/Just to upset you more/Just to keep you busy/Just to make you angry/Just because you were right
I’m stuttering through it, but I hear it/Well I-I I hear it’s good t-t-to stick to what you know
10. The Wolf - The Crane Wives
I am not a tempest/I light torches in my sleep/I have gasoline in my veins/I am always burning, burning burning
11. Crave - Waterparks
I’m cravin’ a getaway from the/Smooth talk that’s keeping me grounded/To the carpet in my room/My quiet blue tomb of you
I wish I could forget you
12. Hold Me Like A Grudge - Fall Out Boy
Hold me, hold me like a grudge/The world is always spinning and I can’t keep up/Faster and faster, can’t do it on my own/Part-time soulmate, full-time problem yeah/Hold me like a grudge
13. Formidable - Twenty One Pilots
You are formidable to me/‘Cause you seem to know it, where you wanna go/Yeah yeah yeah I’ll follow you/But you should know/I might be cynical towards you/But I just can’t believe that I’m for you/Yeah yeah yeah I can die with you/Just let me know
14. Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz feat Yacht Money
I ride the edge/My speed goes in the red/Hot blood, these veins/My pleasure is their pain/I love to watch the castles burn/These golden ashes turn to dirt/I’ve always liked to play with fire
15. Bulletproof Heart - My Chemical Romance
I’ve got a bulletproof heart/You’ve got a hollow point smile/Me and your runaway scars/Got photographed dream on the getaway mile/Let’s blow a hole in this town/And do our talking with a laser beam/Gunnin’ out of this place in a bullet’s embrace/Then we’ll do it again
16. The Truth Is, You Should Lie With Me - Say Anything
You’re a pretty face, you should like me/I want to get used by you/‘Cause I’m full of hate, just excite me/I want to get bruised by you
17. Red - Pale Waves
Oh no baby, are we gonna make it this time?/I always take hearts that shouldn’t be mine, be mine/Slow down baby, are we gonna make it alive?/You’ve got a face that I always recognize/Always recognize
18. Kill V. Maim - Grimes
I did something bad, maybe I was wrong/Sometimes people says that I’m a big time bomb/But I’m only a man/And I do what I can
19. FUNERAL GREY - Waterparks
I said that you can call me, beep me/If you want my skin/She rolled her eyes and then she said/“I know your dying wish is to be baptized in my spit”
20. Shiver - Motion City Soundtrack
Shiver away, I thought the action was real/Somewhere I know that’s just the way you are/it’s hard to believe that you’re a part of me/And I can’t believe when you carry on and on
21. Kiss With A Fist - Florence + The Machine
My black eye casts no shadow/Your red eye sees nothing/Your slaps don’t stick, your kicks don’t hit/So we remain the same/Love sticks, sweat drips/Break the lock if it don’t fit/A kick to the teeth is good for some/A kiss with a fist is better than none
22. Mr. Brightside- The Killers
It started out with a kiss/How did it end up like this/It was only a kiss/It was only a kiss
23. Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge
Escape was just a nod and a casual wave/Obsess about it heavy for the next two days/It’s only just a crush, it’ll go away/It’s just like all the others, it’ll go away/Or maybe this is danger and he just don’t know/You pray it all away, but it continues to grow
24. Can You Feel My Heart (Remix) - Bring Me The Horizon, Jeris Johnson
I’m scared to get close/And I hate being alone/I long for that feeling to not feel at all
Holding on, bring me close, feel my heart/Can you feel my heart?
25. Built To Burn - Shaffer James
We’ll build a world/And burn it down/Everything is pretty/When we burn it to the ground
26. Hatef—k - The Bravery
There will be no tenderness, no tenderness/I will show no mercy for you/You had no mercy for me/The only thing that I ask/Love me mercilessly
27. Stupid For You - Waterparks
You’re playing ring around my head/I’ll wear you like a halo/You’re a symphony/I’m just a sour note/I’ll take what I can get/The best is hard to grip when everybody wants you/And everybody wants you
28. My Obsession - Pale Waves
I’m stood still, I can barely breathe/You’re such a mess but you’re always beautiful to me/Run your fingers across my mouth/I’m not prepared to stay here without you
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catmaidetho · 3 months
bands to listen to that arent lovejoy
hi, i just wanted to make this list for anyone who might be looking for something to replace any sudden voids in their music taste that lovejoy has left if they no longer wish to listen to the band.
the front bottoms - a classic, midwest emo staple. you already know "twin size mattress" and "lone star," i also recommend "lonely eyes," "camouflage," and "flashlight"
pinkshift - a fantastic band that leans way into punk and riot grrl. my favorite songs of theirs are "mars" and "burn the witch" :)
lincoln - another midwest emo/indie artist, his songs deal more heavily with mental health. (i cannot speak for "everything is wrong" as i've only heard the singles off it, but "a constant state of ohio" definitely touches on some dark shit.) "banks" goes hard
the toxhards - a bit more rock and roll, and also a bit goofier! you've heard aengus the prize winning hog, i also recommend "the coffee song," and "doombop!" but they have so few songs out that you can listen to everything at once
i dont know how but they found me (idkhow) - DO YOU LIKE WELL-CRAFTED LINES THAT ROLL OFF THE TONGUE WELL AND/OR HAVE A SATISFYINGLY SHARP BITE. DO YOU LIKE FUNKY BASSLINES. ARE YOU A HATER AND A LOVER AND ALSO A HATER. listen to idkhow. they just released an album last week and as one of their top 0.05% of listeners i cannot make a recommendation list without them. dallon weekes is my 42 y/o wife. listen to "do it all the time," "new invention," and "downside" to start, but i literally recommend their entire discography.
(if you like idkhow, also check out the brobecks, dallon weekes' band before idkhow from which he's taken at least two songs.)
the crane wives - do i need to tell you about the crane wives? this is an mcyt fandom. their songs deal with topics ranging from abuse (from both parties, the abuser and the abusee), adoption, getting mad at people on the internet, feeling like you're bad at life, and so much more, and it's all very beautifully written and sung. "the moon will sing" rips me to shreds every time, but also check out "volta," "nobody," "ancient history," and their latest single "the well"
some other bands i cannot reccomend any specifics from because im not big on them are los campensinos!, good kid, two door cinema club, and the hoosiers. they're very similar sonically, but beyond that i can't tell you more because i dont care that much.
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creator-savannah · 2 months
Clover is such an interesting character and silent protagonist. They are selfless, compassionate, kind, brave, and most importantly they are just. All of this is shown through the actions they take throughout all the routes and the little bits of dialogue we get. That being said, I want to put them under a microscope and analyze their whole being, dissecting them one by one till I understand how we can get so much personality from this little guy.
For today's analysis, I'm going to be using Canary in a Coal Mine by The Crane Wives (one of my favorite songs) to help put my thoughts in a coherent way and because I personally think that it suits Clover well. The song is rather short since it mostly comprises of instrumental sections with little bits of lyrics in between them which honestly does remind me of Clover and their very few sections of dialogue.
Right off the bat, the second verse of the song hits us with,
"But I still hold out hope that maybe someday,
I'll be worth more than all the silence left in my way".
Before I get into how that relates to Clover, I'm going to first explain how I interpret Clover's past. During the game, little hints of Clover's past are given when interacting with certain objects, such as the couch and TV in the Feisty Five's house and the sink at the Ketsukane mansion. When interacting with the TV and couch, we can infer that Clover's living conditions were not the greatest with them being reminded of cramped living spaces and having their favorite channel be static. On the other hand, when interacting with the sink, they are reminded of the duties they used to have back on the surface and the people they used to live with. All of these small hints lead me to believe that Clover came from a dysfunctional family who did not have the proper capabilities to support a child, this could have resulted in Clover being neglected and having to grow up to be independent.
This conclusion is supported by the fact that Clover when given the opportunity to, chooses to stay in the Underground with the exception of Pacifist. The two monsters who ask them to stay are Toriel, as shown by Flowey during the Neutral route and the secret ending that you can get if you stay for more then 5 minutes in the room you fell down in after pulling the lever, and Martlet in the Neutral route and Pacifist route. These are both characters who show and give Clover positive attention. I find it hard to believe that a child who climbed Mt. Ebott to find the five missing children and has the soul of justice would give up their mission that easily if they weren't starved from affection and attention.
This verse easily relates to Clover going to the Underground not only to seek justice for the fallen humans but also to be recognized and be given the attention they crave, whether it's by returning the missing children or by the monsters that lay below.
"Feed me promises, keep my heart well,
I'll sing you songs until the darkness does recede"
Can easily be connected to Clover just by playing the game. "Feed me promises, keep my heart well," can be seen through the way most of the main UTY cast promises or tells Clover that they'll help them to get back on the surface such as Martlet, but I relate this particular lyric to Ceroba, especially during the Steamworks.
Ceroba throughout the Steamworks tells Clover of Kanako, Chujin, and her supposed plan of rescuing Kanako from the lab which is the reason Clover even goes through Steamworks during Pacifist (and Neutral if you kill Axis) aside from the fact that it's the only way to get to New Home. She tells all of this to Clover when in truth her actual plan was to steal their soul to hopefully heal Kanako after she fell down and got sent to the lab. Clover has no clue of this and during the trip, Ceroba keeps them safe and even helps them on several occasions such as fending off Axis.
"I'll sing you songs until the darkness does recede" connects to Clover constantly assisting Ceroba in puzzles, exploration, and in battle (Guardener's fight). Additionally, this also applies to the other events before this where Clover helps other monsters in their problems in the mines and around the Honeydew Resort (if you did the side quest of getting the silver bandana).
"But if in the end I lose my voice
Will you forget about your love for me?"
This hurts me to think about since it's so angsty but let's get on with it. This very obviously can be applied to Clover thinking that without their supposed 'usefulness' they would be discarded and returned to being ignored. This especially when they find out about Ceroba's true plan and Chujin's tape, all regarding their soul and how it could save Kanako and help monsterkind regain their freedom. During this, Clover is hurt but at this point they've made up their mind. At this point of the game, I believe Clover already knows what the end of their journey holds and what they're going to do.
After Ceroba's fight and in the True Pacifist ending as the cast is arguing on how they can keep Clover, Clover decides to sacrifice their soul, their very being, their use. To bring justice to monsterkind and help in bringing them closer to the surface, they give up their soul. This was their purpose and if they didn't do this, they would've been useless. After all, this was the reason why Ceroba befriended them and why Martlet tried to capture them. Seven human souls are needed and they are the sixth. They most likely think that if they weren't human, Starlo wouldn't be interested in them.
"And when you break the surface, oh, without me
Please don't return me to the dark of all the memories, yeah"
This one is self explanatory and the lyric that hurts me the most when I think about Clover with this song. Clover's sacrifice is essential to freeing the monsters and that means they would not be able to join the rest of the cast. Despite this, they still choose to give up their soul, giving them the chance to see the rising sun that has been stolen away from them all those centuries ago. I don't think any of the UTY cast would forget about their selfless sacrifice post UT True Pacifist when the barrier is broken.
"Know that all my love will be your breath
I will save you when your lights go out"
Again, this could apply to the UTY cast but I raise another scenario. It could be aimed towards Frisk calling for help and Clover answering the call, saving Frisk from Flowey when they had no one to turn to. This is canon in both UT and UTY seen in the post end credits scene of the True Pacifist route.
Thank you for reading me yap about Clover and one of my favorite songs for like 1.2k words and I hope you understand where I'm coming from when I say this song is so Clover-coded. Also @loud-whistling-yes I hope you enjoy this analysis and I once again repeat, YOU ARE SO RIGHT AND YOU GET ME!!
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ladybugkisses · 18 days
May we please know more about Eleanor? I'm quite curious!
you may!
🌼 the main inspirations for her character consisted of Flapper Fanny Says, La Vie Parisienne magazine covers and.. ...♦️ this song ♦️
🌼 i don't know why but she sounds like Paige O'Hara in my head, with a hint of a southern accent (that goes up to 100% only in certain scenarios)
🌼 after being kicked out and wandering around for a couple months, she eventually arrived in St. Louis and was taken in by a tailor (that i've actually ♦️ named ♦️ before) until she could find her bearings. his boyfriend business partner gave her the job at the boutique!
🌼 currently in her late 20s, slutty and proud- focuses on men but isn't at all opposed to getting with women. not interested in romance, nobody's allowed in her apartment for longer than one night lmao
🌼 despite not being interested in romance for herself, she does love reading about it, listening to love songs, seeing others be in love, etc- and she'll give you great advice on the topic! Rocky and Ari are simultaneously her favorite and most frustrating real life romcom at the moment gdskgds
🌼 her favorite flowers are magnolias
🌼 loves jewelry, designing hats and dressing herself and other people up, always bugging Ari to let her put makeup on or style her hair- she's the one who picked her outfit for ♦️ that one night ♦️ (and as you can see she only allowed a few accessories 🙄 maybe on her wedding day she'll let her doll her up more... ..)
🌼 she's really nosy and can read people so well it's a little scary, but whatever secrets you might have are safe with her! not very appreciative if you try being nosy right back though..
🌼 that friend who's always optimistic and seems to know you like the back of her hand, until you sit down and realize you don't actually know her that well
🌼 ...SPEAKING OF HANDS, hers are never still- unless they're posed somewhere or holding something she's always fidgeting with her jewelry, hair, whatever they can comfortably reach
🌼 and speaking of friends, she became good friends with Zib, Mitzi and most of the band after becoming a Lackadaisy regular somewhere in 1924! unfortunately she hasn't been visiting as much since Atlas' death
🌼 used to do choir and has a nice singing voice that nobody ever must know about
🌼 catholic guilt still eats at her insides sometimes
🌼 other songs i associate with her are The Crane Wives' "Never Love an Anchor" and Dirt Poor Robins' "Enchanté"
🌼 every kid deserves a fun, bougie aunt and she's gonna take that role once Rocky and Ari have kids so help her God
i might've gotten a bit carried away but you have no idea how much i've wanted to share more about her gdskgds thank you for asking!! i hope these are a good read :'^) 💕🩷💕
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life-winners-liveblog · 5 months
Ok, for the song thing (if you’re still doing it), I’ve got quite a few:
Bang! By AJR
How far we’ve come by Matchbox twenty
Little lion man by Mumford & Sons
Lotta true crime by Penelope scott
Rät by Penelope Scott
Take me to war by The Crane Wives
Villain by Stella Jang
Touchy feely fool by AJR
Room where it happens from Hamilton
(You don’t have to do all these I just wanted to give as many options as possible)
(Good thing for you is that I know almost all of these, so I am going to do those... it might take a while XD)
Scott: Ok nice start, very rythmey.
Grian: Those lyrics "come hang" "let's go out with a bang"... is this one of those songs that have a cheery tune but have like deep stuff in the lyrics?
LimL!Jimmy: Oh I wasn't feeling it at first but that electric oh-dee-la-de-do just hit and wow.
Pearl:... Let's go out with a bang... thats a bit of an on the nose reference to Double Life.
Grian: What-
Pearl: You'll see when we watch Double Life.
(How far we have come)
Pearl: Another fast one, nice!
LimL!Jimmy: 🎶Let's see how far we've come, 🎵let's see how far we've come🎶. It's catchy.
Scott: I feel kinda sad? It gives the vibe of an ending song... An end in general... But endings don't exist do they? we know now that even death isn't one... Everything just goes on wether or not you are there to experience it...
Grian: Though...At the same time everything ends doesn't it? Everything dies, everything is eventually destroyed, mountains erode away and stars die and black holes evaporate...
LimL!Jimmy:... Why are you guys getting philosophical... It's a song... Don't take it so seriously....
(Little Lion Man)
Scott: Oh this one is slower...
Pearl: I don't need a song telling me to weep and what's with the lion man thing?
Grian: Oh ... That... Oh... (The "It was not your fault but mine, i really fucked it up this time didn't I my dear" really hit Grian in the feels)
LimL!Jimmy:... I mean, if you mess up enough times you eventually get used to being a failure, speaking from experience eventually you just accept it.
Scott: You are not a failure... Jimmy. No matter what mistakes you might have done.
Grian: Like a daddy should? My parents litterally left me so yeah, thats not true, think again... Did...I say that out loud?
Scott:... Uhhhh...this is akward... Do you want an hug?
Grian:... Kinda.
Pearl: ... ... ... Anyway.
LimL!Jimmy: *alward hum* 🎶Take me to the moo-oo-on🎵
(Villain- english ver)
LimL!Jimmy: What do you mean pretend? I am the hero!
Scott: Oh the way "so many shades of gray" is sung is just so suave... This is very nice.
Pearl: 🎵I am villain why pretend🎶 that it isn't true? 🎶Didn't realize what an awful little devil I could be.🎵
I am going to have this in my head for a while.
Grian:... It's alright I guess...
(The room where it happened)
Scott: Good start already has a beat.
LimL!Jimmy: All you had to do was to die? Aha we are already dead!
Pearl: Are they just gonna keep calling him the immigrant, did we miss something?
Scott: It's from a musical I think so probably context we don't have.
Grian: *humming at "no one else was in the room where it happened"*
LimL!Jimmy: ...I know none of these names... (Logical result of making 2 British people, a Scottish man and an Australian listen to a song about people from the American Revolution).
Pearl: Me neither.
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fishcarton · 5 months
love when songs do that thing, yk like crane wives with “i am always burning up”
in take me to war it’s repeated twice, first after “all of the sparks that went dark in my gut” and then after “all of the coals that still sit in my gut”
(while writing this i realised that both of the lines before it have gut. that’s pretty cool)
and then it’s repeated in the wolf “i am always burning, burning, burning” listening to wolf for the first time and noticing this had me jumping around i love stuff like this
ANOTHER example is a less broad one with penelope scott, in cigarette ahegao
at the end of the song it has the lines “I have a soft small body, strawberries make it happy” etc etc
THESE SAME LINES ARE SUNG AGAIN IN SHUFFLE!!! (except slightly shortened bcuz with cigarette ahegao it plays until “i’ll leave this all behind” but in shuffle it only goes up to “i hope to have you with me”)
i know this is probably a very niche and normal thing in music but oh my god the absolute autisifc joy hearing ur fav artists repeat the same lines from one of their older songs in their newer songs does something to a person
also just putting it out there i swear crane wives actually has 3 songs with the “i am always burning” line but i couldn’t find the third one :(( will update if found
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cinnamonic-thoughts · 1 month
@ crane wives and marauders fans:
The parallel between Tongues and Teeth
and Never Love An Anchor
feels so significant when applied to the Black brothers' situation. Both Sirius and Regulus came out of their ancestral home with the feeling that everything they touched would rot just because of the exposure to their darkness, approaching relationships the same way. That's the same mindset that the singers of both Tongues And Teeth and Never Love An Anchor possess.
The singer of Tongues And Teeth goes into detail about what they think will happen with their potential lover with them from the start, warning them of the danger of just Existing near them. The song is from the present tense of the situation, as they're in the middle of making the decision to give in to indulgence. They jump into things, impulsively and headfirst. They can't hold back, even though they know the consequences. If it's okay with their new lover, it's okay with them.
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Meanwhile, in Never Love An Anchor, the singer talks about the situation from far in the future, if they had instead decided to stay away. If the singer had never given in to the temptation, and had let their "rotting" mindset keep them on that track. It talks about the grief you feel over the knowledge that loving you only brings awful things, and that staying away is the kindest thing to do even though it hurts so much. The situation is long over, and the singer is left wondering if they're hated, or even remembered.
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Tongues and Teeth is written about the same kind of experience that Sirius has in every goddamn Wolfstar fic, and there are so many unrequited and avoiding love Regulus Black fics that Never Love An Anchor feels like an obvious fit, especially with Jegulus. Tongues and Teeth represents Sirius in that he lives his Life like this song. He can't hold back how much he wants and feels, so he talks back to his parents, gets sorted into the house his parents absolutely Hated, he constantly verbalizes his hatred for his family and all of the darkness they represent, I could go on and on. At the same time, he feels that he is stained by that same darkness and that he can't ever escape its presence in the lives of those he loves. He just doesn't want to have to hold everything back, so, just like the song, "if you're fine with that, can be mine like that," he'd want to have it like That. Him and Remus are so often characterized in fanon as being so magnetic to each other, causing them to clash just as often as they come together. They think they'll ruin each other because of the darkness they possess, but Sirius especially tends to put Remus on a pedestal of goodness, like the singer does to their potential lover.
Regulus Black's name is somewhat synonymous with tragedy in fanon. Whether it's the "no beta we die like regulus black in the cave" tags for shock value, the black brothers angst in everything from major fics to tiny headcanons, or the unrequited love for either James or Barty that permeates most Regulus Black media, he's a character that doesn't ever really get a break. Never Love An Anchor and the grief it represents feels relevant to him when the subject is Sirius or James, but I'll stick to James (keeping it romantic with the Wolfstar/Tongues and Teeth comparison). I'm a Choices coward (couldn't make myself finish it, I got too sad), but the "person on the dark side can't leave it but can't stop loving someone they have to protect from it" trope is still pretty common amongst Jegulus fics. Whether or not the love is requited, it doesn't change the mentality that Regulus always uses to approach it. "I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel." His darkness is the reason he never lets himself get close. In the cases where he does get close, he cuts it off to avoid inevitably hurting the one he loves, the epitome of Light and happiness that he thinks he doesn't deserve, James Potter. Honestly, thinking about the two of them while listening to the last bit in the lyrics (scroll back up to read) is a painful experience but it just fits so well.
I think both songs apply to their respective Black brothers very well individually, but it's also such a good comparison to see how their upbringing affected them. Sirius was always the impulsive, headstrong one so Regulus wouldn't have to be, and this is a direct result. They have the same beliefs about themselves but it manifests so differently because of how their environment shaped them.
I've been having brainrot about these two songs and how they relate to the Black Brothers for over a month at this point, so I hope somebody else appreciates how much I've thought about this thank you <333
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crystaljellie · 2 months
An Analysis of My Scott Playlist
Big long post as promised <33 roughly 40 songs
I've Had Enough by Melina KB
This song in the context of double life is very interesting to me, but I also like to see it in Scott talking to Jimmy (Sorry flower husbands truthers I love soft and kind flower husbands too but we have all seen what happened in limited life they do have some slight issues)
"Cause you miss the way I let you walk all over me" | Again could work in both contexts, Scott never really went out of his way to stop Pearl from doing what she does with the powdered snow, sure he did retaliate but you can tell at some point he just gets used to it. And then in the context of Jimmy I'm thinking very especially about limited life flower husbands and Scott giving up time for Jimmy.
"I'm done with shutting up I've learned a lot better" | Maybe in this of Scott thinking he's learnt to stand up for himself? And I say think because I'm talking about how he thought he was in the right in double life (None of them were) It's also funny because he has the confidence so strongly in double life where he makes his feelings known and then it's just like... 'Oh yeah you can kill me!!' And I know it's part of his whole making everything fair thing, but still
"Admit you did it we all know you did it" | We all know you're the one who left me when you went to the nether, tormented me, screwed me over repeatedly. Both Pearl and Scott do not understand each others perspectives of the situation and villanize the other for it.
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
"I know who you pretend I am" | Limited life Scott and Martyn, Martyn pretending he's serving his king again, Scott being alright with it because he knows Martyn is by his side for more than just that reason, and he's right Martyn is.
It's a pretty short analysis here but it's mainly I guess about Scott wanting allies and wanting to be loved by them but they always have someone else more important to them than he is
The Moon Will Sign by the Crane Wives
"All those empty rooms" | Something about Scott being alone after Jimmy died in 3rd life, empty rooms with no noise to fill them
"We made our peace with weariness and let it be" | The weariness oof being forced into death games over and over, the blood brings chaos the familiarity of death brings peace
"I shine only with the light you gave me" | OKAY NOW HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE You might be saying "But Scott was the one who lived longer in that relationship and is literally seen as the stars" But have you ever considered Jimmy was the one everyone loved more, jimmy was the one to make strong alliances, Jimmy was the one there was fuss over when he died. Scott was only able to be strong because he had Jimmy by his side and without that 'light' he was simply a tool of vengence
"Instead you hoarded all thats left of me" | In the sense that Jimmy unknowingly kept Scott's ability to love another other than him, and all his courage and faith in the world. Not that Jimmy was doing it on purpose but it still happened anyways
Two Slow Dancers by Mitski
Another double life-coded song
Very much Scott and Pearl
"And We've both done it all a hundred times before" | More so in reference to last life, they've played the death game before they know how it goes
"it would be a hundred times, easier if we were young again" | If they were young and still filled with faith, if Scott hadn't won last life and learnt the pain of winning and become bitter in the season following
"We get a few years and then it want's us back" | Not necessarily a few years but more so like the gaps between the games, a bit of freedom and then the watchers want them all at each others throats
Evelyn Evelyn by Evelyn Evelyn
Surprise surprise another Pearl and Scott one
"Why do we bother to stay? Why are you running away" | Scott and Pearl with their conflicting feelings at the start of double life, with Scott wondering why he should stay and Pearl not wanting him to leave her
"We grew up closer than most, closer than anything, closer than anything" | In either they grew up close in last life or their soulbound in double life, either way their fates are intertwined
"What if they find us? They're not looking anyways" and it's counter part line "I want to be famous, they're watching us anyways" | WATCHERS WATCHERS WATCHERS!! There's so much about this that just gives, hiding away from the watchers or giving into their whims
"At your side I feel like a ghost" | It can go either way in my mind, Pearl not feeling adequate enough to be seen and Scott feeling like she's killing him
"A parasite needs a host- I'm only trying to do what is best for us!" | because Pearl only wanted to help her soulmate, not that Scott didn't but he felt so betrayed and then it turned to a feeling of her leeching onto him
"You're always trying to be somebody else" | THIS!! Because Pearl wasn't acting like who she used to be and who Scott became friends with, she became 'somebody else' in an attempt to bring him back.
Little Soldiers by the Crane Wives
"Beneath the table you would offer up my bones And all the dogs would lick your fingers" | As in how Jimmy does things at Scott’s expense to get people to trust him or to get time and hearts and such
"And I dragged you through every room inside our home" | Scott struggling to get Jimmy to do anything with him anymore and feeling like the effort he puts in is not enough
November by Sparkbird
"Admit it, you were never going to get it I was always going to get it" | Can't explain why but this gives last life Scott killing Ren
"Maybe that's relevant somehow, can I explode now" | ....boom boom at the end of double life :3
Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives
"And I swear I didn't mean what I said" ...I live by the belief that Scott didn't actually mean to tell Pearl he was 'breaking up' with her, guys trust me it was the watchers. But also apart from that it could be anything
"Are we allies or enemies this will be the death of me" | Scott in secret life, not understanding what his teammates actually think of him
"All is fair in love and war but I can't fight with you anymore" | FLOWER HUSBANDS LIMITED LIFE GUYS!!
Canary in a coal mine
"Am I the only thing that keeps you safe when the light is gone?" | Scott being the only person to protect Jimmy in third life and protecting his memory even after he’s dead
"I’ll be worth more than all the silence left in my way" | The silence referring to how Jimmy doesn’t really interact or talk to Scott outside of third life, he is silent towards him, and Scott is hoping that he’ll be more than that to Jimmy if he tries hard enough
"I’ll sing you songs until the darkness does recede" | Scott calming Jimmy down when he needs it always being there to reassure him, keeping his hearts safe and him armoured in 3rd life
"Will you forget about your love for me?" | If Scott is no longer able to keep chasing after someone that won’t come back from him will that love that they once had in 3rd life be forgotten for good?
"And when you break the surface, oh, without me" | When Jimmy meets new people achieves new things and finally manages to break the curses all without Scott because no matter how much Scott tries Jimmy won’t let him help
"Please don’t return me to the dark of all the memories, yeah" | The dark actually being hope don’t give him any more hope that those memories could be recreated
"I will save you when your lights go out" | Scott is giving him time which continues to live being his breath, Scott’s love for him keeps him alive and that act of love is letting Jimmy kill him for time, saving him when he needs it most
This song is so so Scott coded most if not all the lyrics fit his perspective of things, the song is associated with Jimmy mainly because he is the Canary in the coal mine which sure fair enough but the lyrics themselves don’t fit his personality or his view of things, I guess some things could refer to how the winners and others have left him behind and he is weighed down by the curse but nothing else really fits him. 
Misery Meat by Sodikken
"You want a taste of my brain? Okay, it's yours anyway, A bite of my eye alright I won't put up a fight" | Scott giving his time away and hearts away for other people with little complaint
This is going to be part 1, and I will reblog this later with part two
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qtubbo-is-not-fine · 3 months
Okay, I got inspired again, I'm doing another playlist, this time about villain/resurrected tubbo, you can send me any song that you think will fit, and after going through my songs this is what I bring to the table, yes, there's a four Surface Pressure, and YES, I put half of The Bifrost Incident album, it's my playlist and I think they very good.
Here's a list:
Full Moon Full Life - Persona 3 Reload
We got the moves - Electric callboy
I'm sorry my songs alarmingly begin with a bang - Daniel Kendall
Encanto - Surface Pressure
Encanto - Surface Pressure (Epic Metal Cover by Skar Productions)
Surface Pressure GOES ROCK ("Encanto" Cover by NO RESOLVE)
Surface Pressure from Encanto but it's cursed - Jonathan Young
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
Death Note: The Musical - Hurricane
Panic at the disco - death of a bachelor
Panic at the disco - emperor's new clothes
Panic at the disco - crazy=genius
Malinda - don't make me
Pitiful children - Be more chill
AJR - Bang
The crane wives - curses
Devon Cole - W.I.T.C.H.
Mean girls - world burn
The Mechanisms - My Name Is No-One
The Mechanisms - Odin
The Mechanisms - Loki
The Mechanisms - Thor
The Mechanisms - Sigyn
The Mechanisms - Losing Track
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