#that one woman i forgor the name of
jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 11 months
<+> The Ramirez Family <+>
CW/TW: workaholic(?), implied murder, mentions of blood, mentions of bladed weapons, That Fear of Eyes Or Whatever, mentions of chemicals(?), implications of death(?), implied abandonment, implied isolation.
(Note there’s more I may not have noticed or not been able to label, but uh- yeah. just be careful. (also (?) means i didn’t know if it was the right wording or something i had to warn for but did anyway))
Author’s note: Very vaguely inspired by Something to Hide by grandson? I dunno I got bored. It was originally meant to be poetry but I gave up. Uh- I also tried to organise them by age order! I eventually found the note that listed their ages so that’s cool.
His jaw is set and his word is final, yet his crown sits crooked on his head and there’s dark intentions that linger behind his eyes. Deceiving, vicious, cruel. He calls himself a ruler but he cowers behind his guards like a shield. If I were you, I wouldn’t consider even trusting him for or about anything.
Gentle voice and hands as soft as a Mother’s touch, she was a regalia of perfection and formality. A sweet bliss and an easy life. But if only people knew what she did once the curtains close. Oh, if only they knew.
A mess of bright green and inky black, limbs and eyes, things I can’t quite put the words to. A creature of Hell itself, sentient but terrifyingly savage. Misunderstood isn’t a label it falls under anymore, and in my honest opinion it never was in the first place.
A demon with a voice of gold and a tongue of silver. A frightening elegance and a distressing grace. It knows what it wants, and what it wants it gets. Unhindered, ethereal. Blood on it’s clawed hands and roses in it’s razor teeth. Charming and terrifying. It’s like there’s two personalities behind those glowing eyes that somehow work in harmony with each other.
Her retreat is sanitary halls, buzzing lights, whirring machinery and chemicals that probably weren’t verified by any branch of official. But her choice comes with a price. Isolation, a sense of guilt. A life of work and strain and fatigue and more work and more work and more work and-
Innocence and wide eyes, he sees the world like a small child. Colours and shapes and simplicity. A comfortable, easy lie. Sure, he has his moments, anybody at his age would, but his persistence breeds progress. He’s sort of like a puppy, really.
She’s just so… pure. And warm. She’s like a safe haven, a place to feel welcomed and protected and wanted. Hair like a cherry blossom and eyes like the sky they grow below. Her voice is soft, reassuring, and reminds me of a cup of hot chocolate after a long day.
A heavy blade but a heart of gold, he’s a picture of romance and charisma. Natural charm, sleek and beautiful. What else could you want from a man? He’s a sweetheart really, very kind hearted. If they could there’d be a whole lot of people bowing at his feet. Not that he’d ever want that flattery.
Everything just feels so new to him. He doesn’t quite understand anything that’s happening and he feels lost. He just wants guidance, someone to hear his desperate cries for help, but there’s always no response. There’s never anybody there to help him, to hold his hand and show him what to do. He’s scared, and he’s fully accepted it at this point.
Those that were forgotten? Or otherwise discarded? Oh, don’t you worry about them. I’m sure you’ll find them somewhere else. They’re around. Most of them at least.
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piduai · 1 year
godddd gintama syndrome in play, get the worst guy in the world do the most despicable shit imaginable for self-gratification but give him a sad, sad sobstory before sending him off. are you guys aware that you literally don't have to do that
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
HIIII Episode 10 (Dagger Of The Mind) time! I made it to ten! Now only… one.. seven… twenty… seventy four episodes to go!
Here’s the review:
- remember kids; when trying to beam something down to a penal colony they have to remove their shields first
- that is a whole ass man.. HOW DID YOU MISS THAT WHOLE ASS MAN
- no but seriously even airports can check for human tissue like- I forgot this was made in the 60s I’m stupid stfu t0ast
- “more like a resort colony” my ass, Kirk
- BONES!!! He just kinda stands on the bridge (for no reason) and stares at what’s happening (at Jim)
- wow two redshirts dead in five minutes
- okay Bones walks over to Spock FOR NO REASON and I’m pretty sure he just wants to bicker
- my name is WHAT my name is WHO my name CHICKACHICKA Van Gelder
- why would destroying one control panel kill the ship?!? Design flaw imo
- “that doesn’t ring true” what are you a truth detector? I thought he was a doctor
- I love Bones “going against” Kirk (he’s smiling the whole damn time) and Spock backing him up
- “oh yeah I’m sending down Dr. Noel” REVEAL SHES A WOMAN OH MY GOD
- why’d he need to bring Spock down to the transporter room? Emotional support? He’d miss his boyfriend?
- Lethe? Isn’t that the river of uhhh- ummm ugmmm… I forgor
- I like whatever was happening with the light in Lethe’s eyes
- awwwe Spock and Bones working together
- WHY WOULD YOU STAY THERE OVERNIGHT?!? Kirk would NOT survive a horror movie. He’d be first to die (comment down below)
- McCoy is like “Our boyfriend could be in danger, use your damn mind magic”
- OHHH OKAY I SEE WHY VULANS MEDITATE. The words he speaks to Van Gelder are a lot like being lead through meditation
- I LOBE THIS SCENE! The dialogue from Van Gelder, the movements and prompts from Spock, MCCOYS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS
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- Kirk catapulting into danger right after they TOLD HIM NOT TO
- “and now she’s gone” “helen” I thought he was gonna shout or smt so when he just said “helen” it got me
- you know how this would be so much more tragic? If (canonically) Kirk was dating someone else aboard the ship *cough* you know *cough cough* and then the evil doctor implanted the idea he was in love with Dr. Noel and then him having to deal with the idea of loving both her and the other… anyway
- “Kirk to enterprise.. ughhkghjkk”
- He is literally the worst.. girlfailure
- people are too good at hiding in plain sight
- she- she just killed a guy.. good for her
- THE FUCKIN- the sitcom ass look Spock gives Jim like “oh really dr Adams did this”
- MCCOY!!! yeah he’s around. HE’S DEAD JIM MOME- oh no “he’s dead, captain” goddamnit Bones
- “can you imagine the mind emptied by that thing. Without even a tormentor” was a line most definitely meant for Spock and Bones but Dr.Noel saying “I understand” reminds me that she is indeed there not just observing but participating
- Bones just causally leaning against the back of his chair
- does he know? Does he even know that most medical officers don’t normally lean like that against your chair?
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- OMG I SAW A POST ABOUT THE “it’s hard to believe a man could die of loneliness” “not when he’s sat in that room” AND THEN KIRK LOOKS OVER TO SPOCK AND SMILES
- he’s so surrounded by loved ones bro is beaming
Anyway all in all a good tenth episode!
I made a master list of all my Star Trek tos thought posts :D
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ps1snake · 8 months
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day 1 of @book-omens-week : character design!! commentary transcript is under the cut :)
from top to bottom, left to right, aziraphale's commentary reads as follows: - in the top left, some floating text reads "doesn't change his clothes enough (doesn't need to), so it tends to droop & mold to his body. he's worn his shoes for so long that the lace-ends have fallen off!" - an arrow points to the cartoon aziraphale's sideburns, and reads "cloud poof sideburns" - an arrow points to his fingers, and reads "manicured (duh)" - an arrow pointing to his thighs reads "STAIN CITY!!!!! (he miracles them all away. he knows it's there, but that doesn't stop him)" - an arrow pointing to his shins says "a little baggy" - an arrow pointing to his shoes says "popular with nurses & fast food workers" - an arrow points to the semi-realisitic aziraphale's hair, reading "hair tex based on a man from my local post office!" - an arrow points to his neck, reading "droopy bowtie" - detail drawings of his earrings, rings, finger braces, necklace, and bookshop key are blown up. each is labeled as such. the earrings and necklace are matching pearls. the rings are all simple silver bands, with the exception of the right pointer and middle fingers, which are simple silver finger braces, similar to the style used by people with ehlers-danlos syndrome. the bookshop key is the solo key on a large carabiner, hidden in the drawing by his sweater, but shown in the detail image. an arrow points to the key, and reads "just one key, but he wanted a "ring of keys" sooooo bad (he's not a lesbian* but he believes in their beliefs)." the asterisk on "lesbian" leads to a footnote reading "usually." - an arrow pointing to his shoe reads "woman's orthopedic"
from top to bottom, left to right, crowley's commentary reads as follows: - an arrow points to the semi-realistic crowley's head, and reads "F. mercury shades." the shades are mirrored aviators, similar to the style freddy mercury is known to have worn. - detail images of crowley's sunglasses, rings, and earring are blown up and labeled. the earring is a simple black hoop stud. the rings are a snake that wraps around your finger, and a simple dark band. the sunglasses are at an angle that obscures the style of the lens, but the arms are more visible then in the main drawings, revealing that they bend in a severe up-and-down wave pattern between the lens and the ear rest. - an arrow points to his nails, which are painted black, and reads "manifests pre-chipped" - in between the semi-realistic crowley and the cartoonish crowley's feet is text reading ""white" snakeskin shoes match belt and watch" - an arrow points to the cartoonish crowley's head, reading ""he looks like a bug" shades. the sunglasses this crowley is wearing are large circular lenses. - an arrow points to his left ear, reading "pretend this is the gay ear (i forgot)." forgot is misspelled as "forgor." - an arrow points to his chest, reading "this hot pink bitch is named breakfast" - floating text near his leg reads "magic pockets mean the line of his suit is never ruined (which he never rmbrs to take advantage of) - text below his feet reads "those are his hooves you bitch"
the shared commentary is as follows: - between aziraphale and crowley is a line with a starburst in the middle, showing that they are making eye contact. - above this, they are both thinking in a shared thought bubble "i should send him a spam email.*" the asterisk leads below the eye contact line; to a footnote, also in a shared thought bubble. it reads "*in a sex way" - on each character's detail image of thier rings, one ring for each has a asterisk. this leads to a footnote between them, centered in a large patch of negative space, reading "gay ass wedding rings"
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ch3rie-pop · 6 months
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Okay SCP-gang, whoever you are, how are we feeling about this design? Do we dig trans-masc Y/N or naw? I’m use to making non-binary coded viewers but I wanted to do smth different. If this fella’s too macho I’d be willing to dial it down with suggestions.
(Let’s be real here they look like the protag for an old school harem anime)
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cough cough, sorry about that. Anyways, I kinda forgor to put the SCP logo on her left chest area but ignore that, fem Y/N would look a lil smth like that.
So how bout it?
Alr! That’s it, stay tuned for more SCP nonsense 💅💅
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calebwittebane · 10 days
also, finished my new vegas campaign. Leigh Has Achieved Her Mission or at least the closest approximation of it that the game let me achieve, which of course is the independent ending with a full securitron army and the support of the followers of the apocalypse. the only thing is i Fackin Forgor to deal with the fiends so they caused some problems but well the trouble they caused was to the ncr so i kinda dgaf. also i was surprised some khans showed up to help me at hoover dam! i actually felt kinda bad about it like no no... ive got this... you guys have been thru enough... you shouldnt have to protect the ncr from Anyone even the legion... please oomfies stay safe....
i think some of the remnants died??? idk only cannibal johnson was still with me at the legates camp. did they die?? im so sorry arcade i think theyve died. idk how. they were in power armor shooting gods lightning at enemies. whyd they die but boone didnt. boone was with me the whole time partially because earlier he was helping me with the kimball speech mission (which btw was the most awkward thing ever. love the uncoordinated animations and the crowd of 5 people. the speech that was impossible to understand like wtf is that guy saying. topped off with every npc involved getting locked in combat/fleeing at the end. love it) and i thought hed have fun with this too. well he did and he also had fun picking up rifles off of every legionnaire corpse. why does he do that. i check on him see his carrying capacity looks weird and there he is holding 8 rifles. boy drop it. drop it. now.
anyway. i kind of dont understand what happened with the brotherhood of steel, i think i had confused the game badly. i became besties with them rather early on, i even convinced mcnamara to let me join them (which like. youd think thatd have some curious implications but again, Unfinished Game) but i never talked them into making a truce with the ncr or anything. but for some reason i told mr house i did? like right before i decided i would Not be Trying The Mr House Route after all, a decision i made specifically over his insistence that i eliminate the brotherhood actually. and then yes man also acted like the bos were gonna help the ncr at hoover dam. and mcnamara kept saying he couldnt believe he would be helping the ncr even though again the subject had not once been breached. i was like ok. and then they did not in fact help the ncr. they didnt show up. wtf was that about. lies and treachery. after all i did for you. after i fixed your air conditioning. oh im sorry, was it the robots. did you not like the robots? scared of them?
and not only that, the boomers also didnt show up even though they were supposed to. motherfucker... what did i get you bastards that airplane for... you people were so annoying and unkind and i still helped you. because i thought i could count on you. for everything i did for you. loyal i hope your solar arrays break immediately. that guy who works with loyal idr your name i hope your gf breaks up with you and then you explode. i hope all of you explode. i shouldve known. i shouldve known better.
like thats so funny. of all the factions that i had recruited the ones that actually showed up to help were 1. The Elderly Ex-Soldiers Of The Horrid American Regime 2. the great khans, Unexpected And Unannounced. oh well. we still mowed through those bastards. thats right. thats right. all you centurions and other creeps, you stood no chonce. no chonce against this hungry hungry woman. she ate caesar, shes gonna eat all of you. thats how you deal with enemies and opponents and adversaries.
as for legate lanius i fully buy into the Legate Lanius Isnt Real theory. i mean yes ostensibly theres a guy, whose name Allegedly is lanius, and hes a legate. but hes just a propaganda figure. legate lanius The Cruel Merciless Force Of Destiny Itself, The Devil, Unpredictable, Cares For Naught But Victory, with all those crazy stories of how he became part of the legion. well thats not real. hes just a tall guy in a scary mask and he doesnt really wanna be here. like the fact that you can just talk him into retreating. like hey man this campaign has already cost you your leader and youre gonna keep having a bad time around these parts. take that taste the pain. and hes just like Yeah ok Theres wisdom in what you say Youre a worthy opponent indeed. Goo Bye Bye. and sprints away. ok. scariest guy east of the colorado river you guys. had to stay holed up in the little baby camp away from any fighting until the last big battle and even then he didnt leave the aforementioned little baby camp. he wasnt leading anything or anyone. he was in his tent scared and fingering himself. scram.
felt kinda bad throwing general oliver off the dam. it was an impulsive decision and i was like man i shouldnt have done that. i barely knew the guy. kind of a gruesome way to go. sure he pissed me off and was overall a bad person but i shouldnt be doing shit like that. doesnt inspire others' confidence in my Collected Trustworthy Nature. i think.
im really glad about the good endings i got for all my companions. they just all got really chill ending slides. theyre all just kinda hanging around the mojave helping people and being cool. arcade status: chillinnnng 👍 boone status: chillinnnng 👍 cass status: chillinnnng 👍 lily status: chillinnnng 👍 raul status: ghost cowboy. veronica status: chillinnnng 👍
anyway. i had fun. and so, this concludes the epic tale of Leigh The Hungry... Leigh The Water Drinker... Leigh The Devourer Of Armies.... Leigh The Hacker.... Leigh The Dubious... Leigh The Thief.... Leigh The Sleeper, The Taker Of Naps. and what a journey it was. in a perfect world women like her would not exist. but this is not a perfect world.
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rxttenfish · 7 months
PLEASE tell us more about virina mishra im such a sucker for nextgens
virina!!! my beloved virina!!!! littlest froggy!!!
aaravi and miranda very much both wanted to actually, you know, have a family. its one of those things where you come from someplace so shitty and so terrible, that you just cannot imagine someone else going through that same thing, and you cannot bear the thought of making someone else go through the same thing. to be fair, they are both TERRIFIED of just repeating the past and ending up in the exact same loop that their parents did, terrified of just heaving back on the same generational trauma and wreck of a childhood, but there comes a point in being afraid of something where you just need to get rid of this fear. its too constant, its too forever, its too eternal. sitting through it and avoiding it isn't making it go away, and they already fucked up avoiding it by finding each other and loving each other, so dancing around the issue isn't helping. instead, what they mutually land on is just... a want to prove that fear wrong. a want to prove that fear wrong, to prove that they aren't doomed to be just a weapon and just a source of death in all its forms, that they can hold something in their hands and make it grow. best way to avoid repeating the past is to take responsibility by the leash, after all. they want to go back in time, to give themselves the childhood that they always missed, and the best way they figured to do that is to give that to someone else.
this is something that very much existed since their relationship started to get serious with each other, and something that's been in the background the entire time since, so its not like its a mystery or anything. if anything, they've been using this want as a motivation, as a need to keep going even at the worst of times. they will have this happy future. they will make it through this together. they will make it work. no more ifs, no more buts, no more doubt. stop living in the doubt and start acting as though their happy end is a foregone conclusion and something that they are going to have no matter what, give no room for fear or guilt or shame or depression or self hatred to sneak in. they will be happy. they will make someone else happy. they will be someplace safe, not just for themselves, but for their loved ones too. they will be good. they will be.
even after everything blows over (mainly from miranda's family, she is still crown princess and stepping away from that was never going to be an option they gave her), it still takes a few years for them to broach the topic of having a kid for-real. just to make sure everything's settled. just to make sure everything's safe.
they have virina later in life than some of their other friends or just in general, but they were planned and wanted for so long that the wait is worth it. the name, as i've mentioned, comes from aaravi. she knows her mom was a... complicated woman, she knows her own raising wasn't perfect and that there were things that she still cant fully forgive her mother for, but she had a hard life too. she too deserved better. despite it all, aaravi still loves her mom, despite despite despite. and so she does the best thing that she can to honor her mom, to honor her memory, to give her the life that she never had the same as aaravi herself, and gives it to virina. the mishra last name was a no-brainer already, miranda already look aaravi's last name and preferred being a mishra over a vanderbilt anyday.
years later, virina also earns the nickname of "froggy" - primarily because of their own love for the animal, constantly finding them and bringing them in from outside. likewise, miranda and aaravi decide to raise them genderless, and to let them decide for themselves how they want to be referred to when they're older.
virina doesn't really take much after either of their moms, though. mostly they're quiet, shy, keep to themselves. where both of their moms are brash and dominant, very confident in themselves and willing to bowl over quieter personalities, virina seldom speaks, and when they do, its soft-spoken. they get easily spooked and cry easily, especially when it comes to other people. they cling to their moms legs, hide behind them when other people come around, prefer the company of animals over other people, tend not to like new things or new people and greatly prefer sticking to their simple, easy routine. they just can't figure out other people, seemingly, not understanding them or how to make friends or even what's appropriate or not to say in a conversation.
this isn't to say they aren't deeply intelligent and curious. they quickly learn to love venturing outside with their moms, playing in the garden or chasing bugs and frogs. they come in with sticks and rocks, make mud potions, try to build things out of sticks and befriend birds. they prefer books over people, ending up much more of a bookworm than either of their moms ever were, and ends up a very big nerd as they get older. theyre close and affectionate with the friends they do make, but this is a small handful of their very most trusted, and they never get much better at figuring out social norms.
in time, they lean a little bit more towards the femme side of things, growing their hair out long and liking long, swishy skirts that they can spin and sway over and over, that doesnt cling too tight to their legs. they end up needing glasses, and end up picking a pair thats large and circular, making their eyes seem all the more owlish. they settle on they/she, but never have particularly strong opinions about gender regardless. they can be blunt and quick to frustration, especially if they feel people arent understanding them, and are forever going to be deeply embarrassed over how their moms dote on them. i very much see them getting intensely interested and starting to study either linguistics, literature, history, geology, or any biology that takes them closer to the marshes and wetlands that they love.
they never think very much about how one of their moms used to be a princess, heir to a kingdom. beyond an instance as a kid that ended with them dropping a training sword repeatedly and crying, they never get very interested in following the slayer line of work. they fuss over small stakes, have their moms grate on them sometimes in both of their old ways, and they live a normal life.
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#monster prom#asks#Anonymous#anon#you might notice this as a theme with my fankids#in that i very much LOVE making them be the opposite of their parents#or otherwise be a personality that would have - if it were one of their peers - have annoyed their parents#because thats just the nature of kids! you have no promise that theyll be just like you!#theyre just their own little people! and you cant control that!#and hopefully. you come to accept that and love them regardless.#because theyre still just little people. they have no control over this. they need you to take care of them.#and thats okay actually.#...... also yeah it annoys me to no end when people make fankids and just. fuse the parents.#instead of having them be their own character with their own feelings and personality....#like! nah thats a whole ass other person! they came from these other two people but that doesnt mean shit!#also tbf i think miri and ravi would be THRILLED that virina would get annoyed by them sometimes#specifically in the sense of FUCK YES LOOK AT HOW FAR THEY'VE COME#they have reached the point where the habits that they developed out of necessity and a need to survive#are now just annoyances and no longer appropriate for the world they created together#THEY MADE IT. LOOK AT HOW GOOD THEY'VE DONE!!!#fully the type of moms to kiss all over virina's head and hug them to death while they squirm and whine that#MOOOOMS. YOU EMBARRASSING THEM.#what bliss to be embarrassing!!!
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elizabethrobertajones · 2 months
Frog Time
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I'm so bad at tagging people so consider yourself tagged if you want to be :)
Name: Bounding Frog (redacted roe language name because I forgor)
Nicknames: Frog
Age: 18-22 (ARR-EW)
Nameday: 23rd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: Bi
Profession: She has a summer job working with the hippo riders, although that doesn't pay as well as adventuring, so she's looking forward to Dawntrail and doing more than delivery runs.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: maroon and light pink
Eyes: maroon and light pink
Skin: brown
Tattoos/scars: I headcanon the single choice of tattoos per face for roes are meaningful somehow - I chose coming of age, getting her Adventurer Name, and leaving home, so those were fresh porple swoops over her cheekbones in ARR :D I've only known her as long as she's been Frog and looked like this.
The scar on her nose is from being underhand punted like a rugby ball by an older brother back when she was an orb shaped child. Since adventuring the regular healing has stopped her getting too scarred up from any misadventures.
Parents: Notable members of their remote mountain community, maintaining an important set of Arcanima wards around an aetherically dangerous geological fault. Of course, they're good at their jobs so this wasn't very scary as an upbringing. They're a lovely couple and make a hell of a bowl of soup. All else I know about them is they're very supportive and Frog writes to them regularly.
Siblings: like six rowdy older brothers. She was very spoiled by this squad of bodyguards tbh. (Ignore the previous comment about one of them maiming her, they DO love her even if they saw her as a cannonball under other circumstances.) A couple of them left to be mercenaries, uncertain if for Garlemald - they don't write home as thoroughly.
Grandparents: Probably, tbh. We're getting out of my limited perception of Hellguard culture and history but I think I can say the remoteness of their village is an excuse for nothing too terrible to have happened to any of them :P
In-laws and other: She was sort of starting to think of Edmont as a potential in-law and he began acting like it after Events so she's acquired some without marrying. He DID also adopt Aymeric informally, so now she's courting him it's coming back around!
Pets: Multiple, even not counting animal sanctuary beasties. Some she drops by to visit where they're being looked after once she'd raised them or sheltered them for a while (the baby hippo was donated to the hippo riders thankfully before he got too large and hungry for example). Others live at the free company house getting spoiled by the staff. The free company is named after the baby tapir who is the best and cutest. :)
Abilities: In character, she has yet to find something she isn't good at after a couple of false starts. (ooc is much more of a mess depending on my ability) As an all-jobs all-crafts all-gatherers weirdo she's genuinely alarming to contemplate.
Hobbies: crafting/gathering/fishing is more of a wind down respite than a career calling for her. Canonically she's finished the fishing log... ooc I haven't by a long shot :P She also loves visiting bars and pubs across the world that she's visited to drop in on old friends, or go on foodie tours of places she's liberated. They stole G'raha being a foodie traveller in the dawntrail trailer from her actually.
Kinda always wanted to do a in character review of all the drinking establishments in game.
Most positive trait: determination and everything that went into being strong enough to do the end walk, which did feel like a culmination of all the positive things they ascribe to the WoL. Since she's living the life of box art Meteor with no plot deviations or alterations except what I can put into the downtime and spaces between cutscenes, I can't argue with times when they REALLY show the admirable heart of the WoL.
Most negative trait: She's not going to say no, so if you need a favour just stand near where she wanders by routinely and look forlorn and you WILL get helped to within an inch of your life.
Colors: royal purple, dark reds and deep blues
Smells: fresh baked anything. Probably also the fresh morning smell when she gets up at ass o'clock to do stretches or whatever gross things morning people do.
Textures: G'raha ears >:)
Drinks: black coffee, red wine, milky tea
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: tried it with the Vath and hated it. Still has no idea if Fogweed is a drug or not.
Drinks: socially and merrily with a bottomless liver.
Drugs: nothing harder than caffeine and alcohol.
Mount Issuance: her sweet blue chocobo is called Turbulence and threw off everyone who attempted to ride him before that.
Been Arrested: not outside MSQ run ins with the law
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iminurwallsowo · 1 year
Uzui Tengen + Wives x Reader
Sfw fluff, suggestive themes Forgor that engagement existed help Gender Neutral/Male Reader (ur called husband once)
You groaned slightly as you drifted in and out of consciousness. You never were one for physical touch, and now, with warm bodies all around you, to your left and right and….under you? Well, whatever the case, you weren't really comfortable with this situation, especially as you currently had no clue who they were.
You groggily opened your eyes, blinking several times before everything came into focus. You saw beautiful people all around you and wondered to yourself if you were dreaming.
But alas, you were not, you realized as one of their hands clasped your own. A cool ring they were wearing (or was it two? three?) pressed into your palm. You bent your neck at an uncomfortable angle to look at the one who was gently holding your hand.
You saw…..a beautiful woman with long, dark hair fanning underneath her head. Your sleep addled brain took much longer than usual to process who it was.
A name drifted into your head. Hinasturu… SHIT you realized belatedly realized, Thats Uzui's wife…. But then you took a little more time to think and wondered, Why am I in bed with Uzui's wife…….You looked around you some more and realized that the rest of his wives were laying around you as well.
You pushed yourself up, careful to not wake anyone. You sat up and looked around you some more. The current blocked most of the windows, but by the sunlight seeping through it was most likely around noon. You looked under you, seeing if you were actually laying on someone, or if your lethargic brain was making things up again.
You looked under you and …..oh. Oh shit. That was Uzui. Uzui Tengen, the Hashira. And….oh fucking god he was in just his boxers. Your face blushed a bright red and you nearly jumped out of the bed from the shock. What did I do last night?
You slowly opened the door and sat in a poufy chair you found in the other room. You nearly stumbled as you got up, but just passed it off as being tired. You sank into the cushions and thought as hard as you possibly could back to last night.The memories came rushing back. Suma, inviting you to dinner with her, Makio, Hinasturu, and Uzui. Accepting her invitation becuase you may or may not have feelings for them. Uzui cracking jokes and bringing out drinks for you three. Drunkenly confessing your love to them under the starlight. Light kisses, that soon turned into deeper and more passionate ones, lips on your cheek, your neck, your-
A voice interrupted your flashbacks. "Aw, is somthing troubling my wonderfully flashy husband?"
You flinch at the voice. "W-what…..no…."
You sighed, "wait husband?!?" you twisted around in the chair to look at Uzui.
"Do you not remember that? You pulled out matching rings for me and my wives and proposed. While yes, you were drunk, the fact that you just happened to have those four rings is very unlikely. Those rings are brilliant though, perfect for me and my flashy family." You looked down and saw one of your hands had a ring on it. The same rings you remember shoving in your pockets before dinner with Uzui, "just in case".
You slowly get up, almost falling and your unsteady legs, but Uzui, no, your husband, caught you and held you upright. You held his face in your hands and gently kissed him. Uzui seemed suprised at first, but then melted into the kiss.
Loud voices interrupted your intimate moment with your husband. Suma ran to hide behind you and Tengen and then whispered, "Help! Makio can't find her favorite shirt! She'll tear the whole house down!" You smiled and put your hand over Suma's, gently rubbing your thumb over her palm reassuringly.
You might now have a husband and three wives, but it was all the same as it was. Suma cowering behind Tengen, who's trying to calm Makio down, and Hinasturu, attempt to find her shirt before the house is destroyed. You could not have wished for a better family to spend your life with, and all was right with the world.
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Hi, thanks for answering my ask, If it's not too hard can you tell me your race head canons for all the Mercs?
You're the best.
Engie: BLACK. He is not white. no. no don't look at the game. or the comics. or anything else related to engineer tf2. you cannot see that man at night. he's too much of a southern-black-mother-haver to be white. who cares about his dad, his MOM was BLACK. Polite, mildly violent when he needs to be, intelligent? His momma not white you can't change me.
Soldier: Native/Black. Mother Inuit and father African, OG last name Domoraud, got shortened to Doe through Immigration; OG first name was Amaqjuaq, but his parents had to choose a name on the spot. He has many identity issues, don't ask. Never takes off his helmet 'cause he doesn't like his monolids.Very touchy about the subject of race because where he lived was probably nearly as bad as Texas in terms of racism, feels he needs to devote every waking second to America or else he doesn't belong there. Yeah. He needs a bit of help. Has a weird accent but he hides it pretty well. Wow I rambled there...
Spy: Black/asian. Wow I really just dipped Tf2 into charcoal, didn't I? Didn't realize how many of them I Poc-ified until I put it down on paper. His mom was an asian woman, very stern, but she had a soft spot for her gender-weird kid. Dad was a black man, sweetheart, but he wasn't good at caring for people. Mother was a ballet star and taught him, he fucking mastered it. Broke his hip and disabled himself for life, but mastered it. Somehow he dramatizes it even more that it already was, and what actually happened was already halfway out a soap opera.
Sniper: Native. Māroi biological and Aboriginal Aussie Adoptive. He's Native on top of Native. Family spoke Antakarinya at home and he taught himself Māroi. Like Soldier, he has identity issues because languages and cultures get jumbled up in his head sometimes. Hates getting told he can't participate in Aboriginal activities because he isn't actually related to his parents. "BITCH? I WAS RAISED DOING THIS SHIT?" Is very passionate about his culture, especially his Antakarinya, because that is a language two breaths from death.
Scout: Black/white. LIGHTSKIN. CHEERIO-LOOKIN' MOTHERFUCKER. LITTLE E-FUCK-FEMBOY ASS. Soon as he pull out that fried chicken he's in a chick's panties. No explanation because you don't need one.
Pyro: Black. Heavy Nigerian accent, even when their speech isn't muffled people can barely understand them at times. Doesn't have the best english pronunciation, but their voice is jacked up anyways, so it doesn't matter. Fluent in American and British ASL despite this. Big person, bigger heart. 6'7'' 265 LB person with a voice deep enough to hit the Earth's core skipping around in Kidcore Aesthetic™️ and putting stickers on everything.
Demo: Black. we all know buddy. Although I feel like the Scottish are so on a different plane of being that they should be their own race. Black/Scottish. Very smart and has multiple degrees in chemistry and he drinks so much his blood has turned into pure alcohol. Scottish behavior. He wears kilts often, but sadly wears pants under his most times because they're. yknow. on a battle ground. But I think it's a shame. Can you tell I am getting tired.
Medic: I don't fuckin know. German. His race is Germany. The whole country. You ask him his race because his skin is very swarthy so you can't tell whether he's a really tan white guy or a weirdly light black guy. He's a pacific islander/white mix, but he actually barely knows. He'll remember his mother was Polynesian and go Oh. I forgor [Insert skull emoji and a facebook minion meme about mortality}.
Heavy: Black/white mix. He got his mother's beauty marks and his dad's bulkiness. Weird genes, very light but he has very pronounced black facial features. Big nose, big lips, high cheekbones. He gets asked if he's albino more than you would think. People actually don't expect him to have such a heavy Siberian accent because you expect white Vodka twink or white vodka dad that sneezes real fucking hard to have that much of a accent, not the guy that looks like he came out of a Nella Larsen book.
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charmspoint · 24 days
Sanguine Friday 9
(technically a saturday cuz i forgor)
Name: Irinia
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Since the early days of time
Height: 167cm
Orientation: ???
Affiliation: Lurza
Belief faction: Lurza
Personality: Personality? Even more so than Coretha, Irinia is a blank slate, a nonexistent thing. She exists in the way Lurza made her and does what Lurza tells her to do. She acts like a high priestesses because that was what was ordained and never so much as raises a voice in rejection of the rule that makes her lifeblood. But every now and then, in small, hidden moments that not even she is properly aware of, something stirs within her. Something like pain, something like rebellion. Something like recognition of all the wrong she is forced to do. Something like a desperate wish to set it right.
Appearance: Irinia is a beautiful woman with long, brown curly hair and warm brown skin, her eyes a deep black. Whenever she goes she brings a sense of ethereal elegance with her, peaceful and dignified despite her cruel master. She is one of the last true angels and therefor one of the last angles whose runes are still intact. They flow across her skin like honey, enchanting to look at. When she spreads her wings they are rather fluffy and soft, more fit for showing off than flying and usually appear as if composed of sunlight. She dresses very femininely and usually in warm pastel colors. 
Goals: Execute Lurza’s will
Nightmare of the body: Her body is not her own. She is not a person, she is a device, a tool. And with her god the last one standing, with no one left that is powerful enough to defeat her god, she might always remain so.
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darisprites · 2 months
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Another upload a day late because I forgor, final one of the bunch(for now) The Professor for my Pokemon art project, Pokemon Fragments. Her name is Wisteria and she's an eccentric older woman. I imagine she enjoys camping and eats weeds. c:
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no way i forgor to post my red army oc, vemirra/kuzya
name that was given to her by her parents is anna btw. she took the name vemirra when she joined the red army. this name is a combination of words великая мировая революционная армия, the great world revolutionary army.
her stereotypical characterization is a commentary on the typical portrayal of a russian person by media. russians are often portrayed as gloomy and uncaring heavy drinkers and often as downright evil people. a typical russian man in media is either a gopnik/bandit, a kgb agent, or a guy from the military. a typical russian woman in media is either a prostitute or a femme fatale. and this is SAD.
because vemirra is perceived through this lens. things she does are either misinterpreted because of different cultural backgrounds or attributed to the same stereotypes. why is she so passionate about the world revolution? she's russian, that's why. (her country is controlled by an evil dictator) why does she drink so much? she's just russian. (she saw some things while serving the army) why is she so compliant and submissive? she's a typical russian woman. (she was taught not to argue or think both in the military and by the government) (as my father, who served in the army, said, "if a colonel says that a chipmunk is a bird, then it must fly")
also the different cultural backgrounds. feels isolating when no one in the world really gets you. and some things are just perceived differently. my favourite pieces of military folklore, for example. "if this guy's a revolutionary, then i'm a spanish pilot" or "japanese mother" (япона мать) (usually used in place of a swear word). these sound pretty outrageous, don't they? lol
anyways i'm rambling. i do feel like that a lot of time. isolated and misunderstood, that is. but that's just me playing the victim card
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wildtornado-o · 4 months
Forthing and Ferris for the character asks! :D
Ask Meme!!
First Impressions - Unfortunately I don't remember too much of my initial impressions of him bcs they were so long ago BUT Vaguely. I can remember being like "Oh this poor new guy is probably not going to last long..." and then "They need to stop bullying this poor guy just because he's ugly." Basically just me thinking he was going to have something unfortunate happen to him like Laurence's other lieutenants had, and not wanting to get too attached jic despite liking him. I think I doodled him once but it didn't rlly look like him.
Opinion Now - I love him SO MUCH he's my dirty little alley cat my best friend who gets pushed in lockers my beloved slug that people keep stepping on <3 <3 He really deserves so much more love from the fandom methinks shfks he's so silly. I love how salty he is about his relationship with Tem when compared to Ferris' because like, it's so valid of him to feel like that but also you WERE rude to Laurence so like. Deserved but not for as long as it went on.
Favourite Moment - Either the scene where Laurence feels bad so he sends him off to search the island with Temeraire and finds turtle eggs and gets very happy about them and Tem is like "I cannot believe he is Talking to me EWWW" or the scene where he gets proposed to the Russian girl (I forgor her name) and She looks away like... erm... while her mom is amused and the other guy is laughing because everyone does Not think he is suitable. It's so sad tbh :(( this poor man. Always going through it.
Idea for a Story - Ok I'm not an author but I would love absolutely anything to include his son, this man is a Father I would love to see more content including that sdhfks
Unpopular Opinion - I don't know if I have any?? I just really really love him and (possibly?) think about him more than other people might. Also I think he is attractive. Sorry.
Favourite Relationship - His relationship with Ferris of course <3 <3 they're so kismesis coded LOL. I just think there are so many good antics that can come from them as enemies, friends, or lovers. Pretty boy Ferris and his mangy boyfriend. So O'Malley and Duchess coded to me.
Favourite Headcanon - I like giving him heterochromia sometimes. I also like the idea that he and Ferris are together but hide it under a guise of hating each other.
First Impressions - I didn't think too much of him other than wanting to see more of him and Granby interacting because I'm a sucker for Lieutenants being friends. And then when he got dismissed the service I was like "Oh no!! Anyways-" and when he appeared again I literally forgot who he was UM. I am so bad at keeping track of characters I'm so sorry Ferris :((
Opinion Now - I love him and I feel so bad for him this poor poor boy. Congrats on the depressed dragon tho! I can't believe I forgot about his existence. If it helps make up my sins when I first read his name in my reread I was like "Omg!! Ferris!! Can't wait to see the horrors persist!" He's one of the characters who I just enjoy doodling thoughtlessly, much like Granby is.
Favourite Moment - UM either when he finds Laurence in Australia in hopes of working with him again (All of Laurence's crew are so loyal I love it sm (execpt for Martin. wtf Martin. And Dunne and Hackley ig)) or when Dyhern marries the woman he was into.
Idea for a Story - I'd love to see more of him and his family, maybe their reactions to him being dismissed. I know they were disappointed in him but I would like to see what exactly went down.
Unpopular Opinion - I also don't think I have any for this. Idk if it's unpopular but something about his ending was a little unsatisfactory to me tho.
Favourite Relationship - His relationship with Laurence, I love it so much. Guy who has no hopes of being brought back in to the service because of the reasons he was dismissed, yet chooses to be with his Former Captain anyways, because he was that much of a wonderful captain to him. His relationship with Forthing is a close second.
Favourite Headcanon - He and Granby are close friends and like to hang out together. I just really love the idea of them being besties.
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Can you do the bf audios thing but with Gwen and Rhys
Of course!
Forgotten Lives (Gwen and Rhys): this one is so weird, Jack’s here technically, Anwen’s here technically, they’re both old people but not really, I wouldn’t recommend it per se but it’s not Bad
More Than This (Gwen): a very solid audio! Torchwood vs mr. public administrator, very good for Gwen’s character. It wasn’t my favorite, but that’s more of a personal taste than actual quality thing
Made You Look (Gwen): SPOOKY FUN, one of the only audios I’ve actually relistened to, which I think is a stunning endorsement (I just like Matthew Gravelle’s voice okay)
Visiting Hours (Rhys): honestly I remember almost nothing of this one. It’s fine? Rhys is nyooming his mum around in a wheelchair
We Always Get Out Alive (Gwen and Rhys): excellent spooky little bottle episode! definitely merits an unreality warning I’d say, but like, very good
Night of the Fendahl (Gwen): wow I guess they give her a lot of spooky stories, anyway it’s very good, one to check the warnings on, but she’s great
Sargasso (Rhys): meh. The things I remember most about this audio is that the side character woman had the same name as Owen’s fiancée and that the author didn’t get how to write action for audio without pulling a “the gun in my right hand is loaded”
Smashed (Gwen): it’s a solid audio up until she gets smashed and then it’s just terrible to listen to and also they established this one good guy OC was the only person of color in the town and then killed him off and I have never gotten over that, don’t fucking bother
Dissected (Gwen): Martha beloved, it’s a solid audio, the characterization of their dynamic is a little strange when compared to the radio play with them, but it’s nothing unforgivable, worth it
Sonny (Rhys): better than visiting hours? but also sort of similar premise with his mum and stuff, idk I think the take on humanity wasn’t my favorite but also I forgor
The Torchwood Archive (Rhys and Gwen): I blanked on what their part was but it’s good I prommy
Believe (Gwen): her plot is the second best but also the audio is still mostly trash, so
I’m too lazy to go over the series continuation audios but there is some good them in there sometimes
TLDR: uh just don’t do smashed and rhys is best when he’s with someone who isn’t his mum
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ansu-gurleht · 4 months
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okay here's my first rough draft of the family tree from uriel vii to uriel ix! (please ignore that i accidentally wrote "uriel viii" as "uriel vii".) some points of interest below:
so martin never had any children of his own, despite ocato pressing him very hard to produce one. he did near the end of his life (about 10ish years before he passed) adopt a young boy whom he named vaseius (i'm not sure what race the boy was actually haven't decided), the name being both a more imperial sounding name than whatever the boy originally had, and also a sly little reference to martin's strong ally and friend ku-vastei of the ebonheart pact. vaseius wasn't a bad emperor, but due to being not of the septim blood he wasn't popular. but somehow he kept the dragonfires lit, and could wear the amulet of kings, so most people didn't worry about it.
ariella is a canon character, before geldall was retconned to be the crown prince in oblivion she was the crown princess, but you don't really ever hear about her past arena afaik? apparently jagar tharn didn't imprison her like he did uriel vii and the other heirs so that he could use her to inject himself into the septim dynasty by blood. she was 15 when jagar took power so i made sure she was at least 18-19 (i forgor which) before she had her child with him, pelagiad v. but she somehow pissed jagar off and so he imprisoned both her and pelagiad v in a time-stretched oblivion plane like he did uriel vii and his other heirs. idk if it was the same plane or a different one. if it was the same one and when uriel vii got out he just didn't let her out too, that's pretty evil but ig par for the course for uriel vii. but it was probably just a separate plane and everybody forgot about her/were unable to free her with the others
anyways she finds a way back with her son around 3e463 and contests vaseius for the throne, since he's not technically a septim by blood. she starts a lot of unrest about the whole situation and eventually vaseius "dies mysteriously" (see: assassinated secretly) and ariella takes the throne for a while, followed after her death by her son pelagiad v. his son, abnur (named after an ancestor of his on the tharn side, ofc), follows pelagiad v after his death.
worth noting is that ariella and to a lesser extent pelagiad v strongly smeared vaseius and even martin, who had actually been a very popular emperor. so people didn't really like either of them, especially not vaseius. but by abnur's time most people had forgotten what they were mad at martin for, and so his son was named martin ii. i wrote down that martin ii died in battle but idk what battle or anything yet. his sister morihatha took over from him since he had no other heirs, and she kind of finished the war he started, and was known as a stern but kind ruler. her son uriel viii (accidentally put vii on that chart just ignore that) was fairly long-ruling emperor, and mostly popular the entire time, but due to reasons i haven't worked out yet, he became unpopular near the end of his reign as is believed to have been assassinated.
now, uriel's son "tiber ii" took over. tiber ii was only 13 when he was coronated, and he insisted on giving himself that particular imperial name, despite it being considered kind of sacrilege to put yourself on the same level as tiber septim like that. he was a particularly mean and cruel emperor, very unpopular, probably got a lot of people killed. he was deposed by his half-brother, martin iii, just a year after he was coronated, and due to his young age, was exiled to akavir instead of executed for his crimes. although some say he got lost in the ebonheart pact on his way to akavir...
martin iii's daughter and successor, eloisa, was beloved by the empire, but she was a sickly woman by the time she was coronated. the elder council tried to cover up that fact, but she unfortunately died three years later due to her various illnesses. she was succeeded by her younger brother uriel ix in 3e633, who is still the emperor as of 3e634! he's gonna come up in this story, probably sooner than you expect!
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