#that preorder number is fucking crazy
woozi · 1 year
thoughts on the highlight medley ? <3 i missed u on here
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lostandbackagain · 2 years
not to be dramatic but I'm going to sob at my 8yo girl group with 30yo members continuing to demolish sales records and keep up with groups of teenagers in terms of popularity
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that-house · 25 days
My name is Invino Veritas, the greatest pop sensation to ever grace the radios of New Space City. What’s New Space City? It’s like Space City but in New Space instead of normal outer space. Try to keep up, idiot.
My incredibly normal and lame parents, Hal and Sarah Veritas, thought they were soooo funny giving their daughter a name like Invino, and then a traveling wish-god said “you think that’s funny? i’m about to be hilarious” and cursed me so that I have to always tell the truth as long as my blood alcohol content is above a .000000000000000000001. Yeah, you read the number of zeroes right. I can’t even breathe in the same room as a PBR without confessing that I do in fact think I’m smarter, hotter, and more talented than everyone else, which makes me fun at parties.
I was really pissed at that guy for ruining drinking for me forever, so I was majoring in homicide at NSCU to become a totally badass assassin and kill him, but my real passion was always music. When the EP I recorded in my dorm room, My Roommate Fucking Hates Me, caught the ear of a bigshot producer, I dropped out and sold out immediately. I bring an honest sort of grunginess to the New Space City music scene, by which I mean that I pay my stylist $700,000 an hour to make my hair look just a little bit messy before I step out on stage. Nothing too crazy of course, I have an image to maintain.
Smash cut to five years later and I’m six chart-topping albums into a seven-album deal with Lucifer the Lightbringer. Yes, that Lucifer, from the bible and, more famously, those really schlocky 3190s devilsploitation porn flicks. You know, Horns of Desire (3193) and the rest? Yeah, that Lucifer. He opened a record company with the money he made selling silicone casts of his film-festival-winning penis, and my blend of earnest naivety and raw ego was exactly what he was looking for in a star.
When he sent the paperwork, I said I’d have my lawyer look at it, but I didn’t have a lawyer and was too embarrassed to admit it, so I just waited a week and signed it without reading it. Turns out when my seven albums are done I go to Hell forever and so does everyone who’s ever listened to my music. Even on the radio. Or in an advertisement. Sorry. So yeah, I’ve really been procrastinating on this last one. To all my fans out there: make sure you preorder Always Read the Fine Print, because I don’t think I can cash those checks once I’m in Hell.
On the bright side, I think if I play my cards right I can convince him to greenlight a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the album, and that’s basically a free pass to do whatever I want for a year or two as long as it makes for good footage. Obviously if anyone kills me before the album is done, the apocalypse is averted and only I go to hell, but think about this from a utilitarian standpoint: sure, a few trillion immortal souls are on the line, but I think this is going to be some of my best work yet. Plus, I hate getting killed. So whoever’s sending assassins after me, could you please stop?
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someone-always-cares · 4 months
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chapter 5, page 78
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. rami locks the door behind him with a click. he turns, obscured by the blinding led light of the camera in the dark room, only left a silhouette with a glowing red eye. lewis looks afraid as he approaches while jade seems to look over out of the corner of her eye. "lewis?" rami asks, as lewis flinches when rami reaches his hand towards him, face scrunches up with tears in the corner of his eyes. "hey, it's okay. it's me, rami. i'm here to rescure you and your friend." "WHAT THE FUCK" lewis yells, somewhat, although his speech bubble is blurry as his speech is muffled. although the word fuck is more legible and bolder. lewis's pupils are wide and his expression, although hard to see in the low light, almost angry. "yeah, cane we just skip ahead to the rescue bit? preferably before that creepy lady finds the broken fuse box." end id]
of all the people you'd expect to suprise break you out of a murder basement, your odd but nice classmate would probably not be one of them. one the other hand, of all the ways you'd expect to spend your night after nearly getting murdered the night before, rescueing your weird grumpy classmate from also being murdered (or worse) would also not be that.
also, brief intrest check? penny for your thoughts? for those of you who have pledged to comic kickstarters, do you have a faveourite type of reward goodie? i'm mostly settled into what i want to do for sac printing (at least a couple exclusive prints, probably an add on option for previous sac prints i've done, stickers and maybe a stickersheet or two. if im feeling really ambitious a keychain would be fun but lets not get too crazy. i also want to include a section at the back of the book for making of/concept art/sketches because i love those. not reward related but still) but i feel like i want to hear yall's opinion
personally i'm a sucker for prints and stickers, my place is covered in them. i rarely stick the stickers though i just use masking tape to tape them to walls. from where i'm sitting at least 7 prints i can see in my bedroom are from kickstarters/preorders. i've changed that number twice halfway through typing because i noticed another. and there's more outside my room also because i've spent like a few hours over the past couple weeks looking into other campaigns to see how they do things, so the thoughts on my mind
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rengokugutspill · 1 month
merchandise discussion, brief life update + personal resale outlook/ ebay psa
I am waiting around for the comiket order to post on global >_> I thought it was preorder for the winter event since usually all their preorders are four to six months out, but it seems it's this weekend I think ? So my guess is they might do it “post mortem,” or whatever they had said before when they run Japanese event items on global after the original event closes. Either way I don't think USA will get the product for the typical long stretch of time... But I'm curious what the manufacture was if they apparently have enough items to hand over at the event ? It makes me wonder if there's a niche popularity or it they tend to be catering to roughly the same numbers per people per these types of items ? I'm just aggravated because I would really like to put in my order now & I feel a little frustrated to not know when the ordering is going to go live. Which really this does kind of influence when I make my beach shack order as well... I have severe ants in my pants.
Which it would also seem the official English version of the beach event was said to be “shack” as opposed to house, so I don't know if this does denote a vibe leaning more towards “cafe ad” ? Of course I can't really complain in any way, I was just definitely confused about the actual concept.
Anyway though I'm kinda hooting for Tokito's new birthday artwork. Judging from only Tanjiro & Tokito, boy am I fucking hyped & psyched to see Rengoku's, even if it is waiting about a year for reveal. I might just be made more & more excited with every character's reveal going forward !! ^_^
It make me think about how I'd just seen a post someone made about how much they hated anime due to the constant fan service, obviously referring moreso to catering to male otaku. Which I still think is odd considering it would seem women have always been the source of money behind anime & mangoes. Personally I feel some amount of relief to see the scales evening, especially because pandering to women is a lot more wholesome than catering to men. Which calls to mind the meme that was the difference between male & female gamers & the dude was lamenting how the polygons weren't fuckable enough because the women character didn't have big enough breasts to distinguish her from a male, meanwhile the female gamer was a women blushing & sweating saying she wanted to fuck Sans Undertale. I think any otaku is kinda crazy & deranged in a way, but women are far more respectable & respectful & honestly way cuter in their fascinations. I have a deep appreciation for the women who just want to love & be loved by an anime or video game character. It isn't the strictly take relationship of a man looks at a women with thoughts only of fuck & look at boobies. Much like the other Tumblr post about throwing the women a male character & the audience will give him depth & a backstory, yeah, a women is really out here about to devote years fleshing out an so character & making their every facet tangible & psychology a well plotted out map. I love women & they need to be dominating more than just anime merchandise sales.
But for now, every day I am going to be religiously checking email for the comiket sales launch date T^T though of course I already religiously check a number of Demon Slayer news sites for new information as it comes anyway... & yet I still miss things sometimes...
Outside of this I think it is worthwhile to mention the outlook for personal online resale. The updates being more recently Depop is trying to catch up with Mercari by removing seller fees, which is a fantastic decision ! Doing so means that sellers can lower item costs & hopefully stimulate market for both buyer & seller by making sales more viable for everyone. But it follows the same suit as the removal of the free shipping option. So although seller fees are removed, they aren't removed on any listing before July fifteenth of this year, & on top of this, free shipping is also apparently still available on the older listings made before the free shipping option was revoked. So I think I have a number of items still with free shipping applied & as a seller, there is nowhere for me to check this or not & no way for me to turn it off myself.. So it's really frustrating. Especially considering it's like I can have an item listed with twenty watchers from two years ago & if I were to directly change the price of the item & nothing else, watchers would still see the price change & be able to interact with the item, but I think it still has free shipping & seller fees applied. So it's like in order to get around this I basically have to relist all of my active listings... & I have like six hundred items listed. So it's super obnoxious. Obviously it's not a big deal to do with items that have no watchers, but to do so with items that have like sixty watchers is to completely abandon all the views & interactions the item had before... Which might not be a big deal because I guess if those people were passionate about buying the item then they would have already've done it... It's just a stressful idea to have to go & relist pretty much everything.
In the same field, Ebay has proven themselves to be a worse resale market than both Poshmark & Vinted. This is because for whatever reason Ebay removed seller protection completely & included a no refunds/ returns bypass to say “item in bad condition” with no check system. This is especially fucked because of what happened to me in June; a person can buy an item from you, hold the item for like two weeks & then say the seller shipped the item in bad condition & apply for a return, which you're allowed to deny, but doing so doesn't actually do anything because if you reject the return request, Ebay automatically rules it in the buyer's favor but just gives the seller a bad boy strike which lowers your views in search results. On top of this, the specific “item in bad condition” scam caused for the seller to have to pay the return shipping cost rather than in the event of a remorse purchase where the buyer has to pay the return shipping cost... & there is absolutely no way to argue this as a seller whatsoever. They make it so you cannot apply proof or evidence to prove the buyer is wrong or lying & according to the Ebay representatives I'd talked to, the representatives are literally not allowed to rule in the sellers favor at all because the current buyer protection policy bypasses seller protection completely. So not only do you get your time wasted having shipped an item only to have it sent back, but you're literally being made to pay for the entire scam on top of this. & why ? For what purpose other than to just fuck someone over ? Which the representatives were saying to me that they understand why all the sellers are outraged about it because they have every right to be but as just representatives, even if they know the policies are wrong & fucked up, there is nothing they can do about it. They basically told me sellers just need to keep complaining for something to actually change. Which makes me feel super scared to sell on Ebay at all honestly. I did have three successful sales so far following, but since the initial strike on my seller account, I went for a lull with no interactions for like the first half of July until the representatives removed the strike from my account since I was actually able to prove there was nothing wrong with the item that was sent & that the buyer was lying & abusing the ebay return policy.
It's especially annoying for me because none of my other sales resulted in any feedback, which is the whole thing that most people just don't realize how important it is as a buyer to leave feedback & I don't blame them because a lot of people just wanna come in & buy & receive the item they want & that's it for them. So I don't feel good begging people for feedback either, especially because I feel like when people do it to me, it stresses me out. I feel uncomfortable to chase people down & be like “please say something good about my service !!”
& weirdly enough the buyer that fucked me over still left me positive feedback ? I wanted to return the feedback with negative feedback, but Ebay also won't let sellers leave negative feedback for scam buyers ?? So there's literally no way for sellers to defend themselves or help to warn & protect others, on top of no seller protection. Like, it's truly lawless. You can only leave positive feedback for any buyer, so I just chose to do that & outlined the scam in my review because I would rather give someone a false positive if it meant I was able to fuck up their buyer feedback in some way. Though it probably doesn't even matter..
I'm just so disgusted & appalled by the whole thing. I truly can't believe it. I was telling my mom about it because she used to be an Ebay seller as well & got fucked over on there multiple times as well & she was saying how apparently they're increasing seller fees & apparently tried to say the government made them do it & I'm saying how would that remotely make any sense if Mercari doesn't need seller fees ? Like Depop I feel like it's difficult to compare since they aren't actually a US based platform, but like, Mercari doesn't charge seller fees so it really doesn't seem like the government is holding a gun to your head to force you to alienate your entire userbase.
& I thought it was weird too because whenever something like this happens, I end up leaving a bad review on the appstore & while I'm there, I will check other reviews to see what other people are saying. & although Ebay had a ton of bad reviews, most of them were like buyers who just didn't know how the platform worked tbh & it was few & far between to see sellers getting fucked but when they got fucked, they really got fucked hard & were all saying similar to me. Though honestly some people got fucked on return shipping a larger item that gouged them forty dollars or more for no reason & with the buyer refusing to send the item back & Ebay still siding with the buyer so then the seller is out an expensive sale & lost even more money on top of it. It's scary honestly. I feel like I don't understand how anyone could feel safe selling on there now. Which was kind of echoed in the reviews, people saying they've been selling on Ebay for twenty years & had to stop after Ebay all of a sudden started to constantly fuck them on scam return requests & just getting gouged on seller fees. Which I sold a pair of shorts for six dollars & never saw a cent for that sale.
So now for me, on top of still working on cross listing which goes Depop to Mercari to Vinted to Poshmark to Ebay, I want to start dropping prices on Mercari & Vinted to move items that have sat for a long time as well as relisting old items on Depop for cheaper to hopefully amplify sale frequency. & if I can sell a bunch of shit cheaply, I'm hoping to amass more positive reviews, better frequency at showing in search results & then maybe hopefully more interactions with higher cost items.
Which this is to say that Depop is a majority of the items I have for sale but a couple prohibited items that are available on Mercari. Mercari is mostly up to date with Depop with only a few items yet to be posted. Vinted is the next most items, which I am putting slightly more work into Vinted because I really want to catch everyone up together but obviously crosslisting can be very time consuming & then become very exhausting & obnoxious. Even if I hate Vinted's shipping fees, I feel like since they don't have seller fees, they're more viable than Poshmark & Ebay. Then Poshmark because personally after using hashtags to sell on Depop for years, I feel a lot of confidence to sell items based on style genres. Vinted is still a couple hundred items behind, but I am catching up in fairly quick order.
Ebay is so frustrating because everyone felt like there was a larger userbase so that items would get more views but I don't see enough sales for it to feel viable, especially when compared to all the heartache from the non-existent seller protection, it makes it feel like it isn't even worth it to sell there at all. But another reason why I do want to sell there is because Depop & Poshmark are supposed to be strictly fashion based platforms & I do have a number of home goods I'm trying to sell so I want to get the proper eyes on those items... Ebay just feels especially underwhelming. & another thing I find very frustrating about my personal experience on Ebay is I have offers on for most of my items, so I list for a baseline price or like slightly more than what I think is reasonable with the offer cutoff as the lowest cost I would take on the item. I get people watching the items & watching for multiple month cycles, but no one bothers to send me offers ?
& the items that have sat up for sale for years I already start at a lower baseline price than what the item is really probably worth on resale because it hasn't sold in years so I'm just trying to get it to sell for something, & still nothing.
Pretty soon I am planning to start offering more bullshit items on low cost auctions. I don't think it will be profitable exactly, but it will move stock & maybe I will get some positive reviews finally...
Especially because apparently no one wants the items otherwise...
I'd also received my two other studio packages for the white day items & that other event now which title eludes me. I pulled Tokito on every single blind bag & got Rengoku on two of three. The only one where I didn't pull Rengoku was this year's white day coaster, which I was pretty steamed about. If I recall correctly, I got Genya, Tokito, Gyomei, & Zenitsu & I'm choosing to sell all of them but Genya because his is kind of cute. Tokito is difficult because I'm really fifty fifty with his merchandise. I genuinely love Tokito & some of his stuff is so cute that I'm like yeah I have room for that but he does also have some pieces I've seen that I hated. I feel for him like I feel for Shinobu, Genya, Kanao, Gyomei, & Tomioka; I love these characters but I kind of feel like I would rather resell their merchandise to someone who cares significantly more for them than I do. Like word, Genya & Tokito are definitely like if the item is cute I will absolutely keep it without a second thought, the issue starts to be when the item is something I don't feel strongly for. Because there's a difference between saying I love this & this one isn't for me to just not really having an opinion either way. I kinda feel like selling the ones I don't really care about. So right now I have things for Kanao & Genya but not enough to make lots for them. Next time I am looking, I might have enough to offer a Tokito lot.
I know of the items I got that will go up on resale, I got a couple Zenitsus & recently I posted my Inosuke lot with a second Uzui lot, so both of them will have items added to their lots & I have additions for Nezuko & Tanjiro.
I got the two sets for the Mugen Train commemorative artbook & I was really surprised because I'm sure the product measurements were included but both were honestly a lot bigger than I'd imagined !! The Rengoku for the commemorative artbook cover is so cute & handsome, it's very satisfying to see that specific full art as one of the larger scale acrylic stands; comparable to the amusement park acrylic stands but not quite as big as the key visual one.
I'm so excited every time I get a package from the studio !! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I do really like getting the blind bags too when it's feasible because I like seeing what I got & I do also like to be able to list ones that I don't want because I feel hopeful that someone in USA who doesn't realize they can order from Japan would be excited to get character merchandise from me that they feel really passionately about.
Outside of this, my life is a little difficult right now, but I really can't elaborate on it since I am worried about specific prying eyes. What I can say is I am being made very stressed out over things that I suppose really shouldn't concern me. So it's making me feel very frustrated & put up upon. To feel like I am being taken advantage of in an inconsiderate fashion. It makes me wish I didn't have a mental illness, but at the same time to look at the situation, the mental illness is not the actual problem but is only exasperating the negative way I feel.
It's like, to be bipolar two, you have more depressive episodes than mania. I don't know if the bipolar itself will make me feel more stressed out in situations that aren't typically stressful, but from what I understand, the bipolar will take the stress, exasperate it & turn it into psychosis. So I feel very trapped. I feel like I can't live my own life & feel guilty to do my normal every day activities.
Outside of this I am having a mixed episode. Because I want to do things & have the willpower to do things, but I feel like I have to hide all the time & play into negative aspects of my illness, but at the same time, the stress itself is flaring up negative attributes & a bad attitude. Resulting in getting stuck in bed, procrastination & otherwise not quite catatonic paralysis. It's like if I wasn't being stressed out, I would probably be drawing during the day, but it's almost like I feel like I have to fake an illness, which also isn't exactly true because feeling like it's a battle to get out of bed is actually a manifestation of the stress. & I feel like I can hide in the comfort of my bed, hide in mental illness & hide in my dreams.
But I also understand hiding is wrong. It's just a very difficult situation. I end up feeling guilty for things that have nothing to do with me & aren't my responsibility. I feel like even if I can understand myself there is nothing more for me to do in the position I am in, I feel like perhaps there is something I should be saying which will likely be taken with ire despite being helpful direction...
In a way I am happy. Because I understand the balance of misfortune to good & peaceful times. I am kind of thankful to be having a phase of unrest that in a way isn't that big of a deal, because I hope it means that once this is cleared, the length of peaceful times will be something to celebrate & relish...
My other matter of attention is I had considered the idea of making a fetlife account just because I did want to have a blog where I can make a sexual posts without worrying that if someone stumbles across it by accident that they will in turn feel sexually harassed. I am a bit confused about why they ask you for your location ? Moreso because I was reading about the platform's uses & purpose before making an account to understand whether or not I was using it properly to use it as a blog like I'd intended. & basically the results I got were all saying it's Facebook but you're allowed to talk about sex graphically, but they also said they promoted community in like minded individuals & therefore try to advertise relevant social events in your area... At the same time though, every article I read in regards to the website said it is not a dating or hook up website & that although you can do that there, it's not really suggested just for the fact you're likely not going to find someone who wants to meet up with you...
I admit to being uncomfortable by it because idk how their algorithm works but I already felt like too many people were viewing my page, which I did use a location that isn't associated with me & did not post any pictures, but I just felt really annoyed. Like of course I don't care that people read my blog because that's what a blog is for, I think it's moreso like the type of people trying to interact with me are to be expected but just piss me off. Like some dude begging to perform oral sex on me & some other dude being like “so you're only here to blog & not talk to anyone ?”
I feel like I'm a squirrel. If you approach me, I run away. But I have nothing in common with these people anyway. Even if I know it's to be expected & really such messages aren't bad because like I said, I didn't post any pictures at all, it still just makes me uncomfortable. I feel like read my posts if you want & if you think it's hot then that's cool but if too many people are going to be weird about it then I'm just going to delete the whole thing honestly. & I know either way is really fine.
Part of the reason why I think it's a relevant avenue is maybe people will want to buy picture from me at some point. From what I understand, both men & women can develop crushes on online personalities, so I'm half hoping someone will just randomly become really invested & endeared to me & just start sending me money lmao
I just felt especially disgusted that of course the two people who message me despite my bio saying not to message me just have profile picture of their wieners. Like, I know I'm on a graphic sex platform but like damn, I didn't want to see that. Also love how it's always men & not some throbbing lesbian in my area being disrespectful to me by showing me tit or spread beaver rip
Admittedly I did feel a bit spurred on by the women who get the really wild solicitation ads. Not me coming on fetlife to fight & degrade men rip
Though I made a point both here & there in regards to something I don't actually see people talking about on baseline Google. I was surprised to see someone directly asking about the information I'd posited on Facebook. I wanted to interact so badly with the post but the group moderators capped the post due to feeling like they were going to get shot for too many not family friendly words. Rip
Of course laws of assumption are very important to me for a number of reasons, I admit I still find it jarring to say something about “community” or a sex joke that caused a lot of controversy to in turn see people talking about these subjects everywhere. It's hard not to feel schizophrenic about it, but of course I remind myself not everyone is being a little weasel on my blog & though I don't see these directly dialogues beforehand, something about me bringing it up triggers other people to have new NPC dialogues lol we shape the world in the wildest ways. But of course I'm especially a pervert for in depth inspections of psychology & sociology- god bless !!
I can't wait to see what dumb thing I accidentally manifest next & I swear to god it better not be another hysterical pregnancy or I'm going to lose my fucking mind. Hopefully more hot Rengokus & that prequel anime I won't shut up about. Though I would say those aren't dumb desires for me to unleash on the world lol me holding up Rengoku on a podium to an audience like “you will love him !!”
Ten at night to like eight in the morning are the only times I'm allowed to feel at peace now. Pray for me.
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Different anon and I get what you’re trying to say but idk there’s a very clear difference in how things are happening.
LC reached #1 on the hot 100 against very difficult odds, and while normally with other artists, the label would try hard to further promote the song and increase its success, with LC, it wasn’t pushed much after the first week or two. Fans pushed it and made it trend on TikTok after weeks through hard work and constant edits, but that took time, and it was the fans’ work not the label.
And sure Slow Dancing received remixes but that was after tracking week was already over or it was too late to help much (which suggests it was done for fun and music and nothing else since it didn’t actually help the album at all or really promote it further and that’s totally fine because remixes ARE supposed to be fun, but yeah this is simply not the case with Jk)
Jungkook has received 2 albums worth of remixes for his two singles during tracking, and now the third album of remixes has been released for SNTY. He has more remixes/versions in the span of 5 months than RM’s entire discography on Spotify which includes two full length albums and several singles/features.
3D was also placed #1 on TTH playlist only a few hours after release, and SNTY was placed #1 less than 30 MINUTES after the album released. That is not a reasonable time to determine level of success.
And talking about sales, several hundred thousand sales were deleted from both Layover and Face (normally some sales get deleted in kpop, but that’s a crazy and unexpected amount) whereas absolutely zero sales were deleted from Golden, despite Golden getting a lesser number of preorders.
Like ofc Jungkook is crazy talented and was gonna be the most successful but the way albums are handled is very different and this idea that “it’s what they themselves wanted” is a little weird, because we’re not taking about promotions like interviews or performances (which they themselves would choose) we’re taking about how company promotes.
The American label, Geffen, made zero comments or noise about Layover throughout its release until after tracking week. During that same exact week, they made countless posts about and promoted New Jeans, Boy Next Door, TXT, and Jungkook’s Seven several times. All of whom had released new music at least a month (and more) before V’s album and yet during the main week, nothing for Layover.
That’s not normal.
Hybe itself let Weverse release an article shading Jimin and Like Crazy.
Members may not want remixes, or crazy promotional activities in the US, but certain members did still promote in the US, and everyone wants to be successful but the treatment was different and all we’re asking for is the bear minimum.
The amount of things that went wrong with all these albums but especially Face and Layover is crazy. People are saying it’s because they’re very popular and the xenophobic industry got in the way (which explains problems with charts, sales, links, etc) but then, Jungkook is arguably the most popular, yet hasn’t faced even slightly the amount of industry sabotage that they did (not saying I want him to because fuck no, but I do question WHY)
A lot of fans who preordered layover back in early August are just NOW receiving the album while many fans received a physical copy of Golden before even the official release. The amount of delayment with sales from the same company perfectly being able to ship other members’ music that were released months after is ridiculous.
V still doesn’t have a “this is V” playlist which the company has to request. The label clearly didn’t submit V or Jimin for awards they were eligible for. This is not normal.
Like none of this makes sense or seems fair.
LC reached #1 on the hot 100 against very difficult odds, and while normally with other artists, the label would try hard to further promote the song and increase its success, with LC, it wasn’t pushed much after the first week or two. Fans pushed it and made it trend on TikTok after weeks through hard work and constant edits, but that took time, and it was the fans’ work not the label.
Tbh, isn't that what Hybe always does? Nothing? Aside from a simple congratulatory post and remixes, there's nothing from Hybe. The same thing happened with Seven, I think? Everything was already scheduled and planned, including the remixes, before Seven hit no.1. Hybe didn't do anything special after that. Did they? LC had remixes, right? Wasn't that a week after it went no. 1? Jimin would've had to agree with them I guess. With Seven there were immediately remixes but that has become a company policy. Hybe did that with LSF and TXT because they're trying to reach the US market. But I think Hybe wasn't trying to do that with Face, because Jimin wasn't either, whilst JK explicitly said Golden was in English because the goal was to reach the foreign market, and that was Bang PD's strategy.
3D was also placed #1 on TTH playlist only a few hours after release, and SNTY was placed #1 less than 30 MINUTES after the album released. That is not a reasonable time to determine level of success.
Seven wasn't though no.1 when it came out though, despite being an English single with backing from SB. But after Seven did so well why wouldn't 3D (feat. Jack Harlow too) and SNTY be placed at no. 1? A song doesn't have to prove its success when it just came out. If the artist is big, you know the song will be too. Would you find it weird if a TS song was no.1 on TTH right after release? No, because she's TS.
And talking about sales, several hundred thousand sales were deleted from both Layover and Face (normally some sales get deleted in kpop, but that’s a crazy and unexpected amount) whereas absolutely zero sales were deleted from Golden, despite Golden getting a lesser number of preorders.
Can you explain? I keep seeing stuff like this everywhere, but I really don't understand what it means...
The American label, Geffen, made zero comments or noise about Layover throughout its release until after tracking week. During that same exact week, they made countless posts about and promoted New Jeans, Boy Next Door, TXT, and Jungkook’s Seven several times. All of whom had released new music at least a month (and more) before V’s album and yet during the main week, nothing for Layover.
Yeah... Because those other songs are GP friendly and with the right promotion can expand the artists' fanbase, especially when some of those groups are so young. In TXT's case, they have a solid fanbase abroad but the goal is to promote them in the US - hence DILT and Back for More. Likewise, Jungkook was meant to do well in the US. That was the entire point of Seven. Jungkook didn't even ask to release an album, but Bang PD convinced him and Jungkook was clear about the agenda behind it. Layover wasn't targeting the US and would never have broken records or grown V's fanbase by much because he's already huge and the GP wouldn't be that interested in a jazzy Korean song. I'm sure Geffen could've done more, but it also makes sense that they didn't.
Hybe itself let Weverse release an article shading Jimin and Like Crazy.
Bang PD literally said Seven's success was in large part because of SB and used Jungkook's success to praise himself and SB for being great masterminds. That was even worse. Hybe loves itself more than their artists.
A lot of fans who preordered layover back in early August are just NOW receiving the album while many fans received a physical copy of Golden before even the official release. The amount of delayment with sales from the same company perfectly being able to ship other members’ music that were released months after is ridiculous. V still doesn’t have a “this is V” playlist which the company has to request. The label clearly didn’t submit V or Jimin for awards they were eligible for. This is not normal.
It's good that they did better with Golden, right? Maybe they had better motivation.
What awards?
0 notes
When Life Gives You Lemons-- Part 5
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Warnings: Mature content, abuse, rape, eating disorders, OCD, supercarsetc. Some of these things go into a bit of detail. These warnings are relevant to the whole fic, not just particular chapters.
Word Count Chapter: 3824
Word Count Total: 18,022
Author’s Note: Barbs and Lemon are back by popular demand! Thank you SO much to @hockeylvr59, @newlibrary, @itisawitchesworld, and Nora, who I can’t seem to tag. The rewrite of this fic wouldn’t have happened without all of you. Thank you for indulging my impulsivity. All of you can see Mark in action during the upcoming Olympics! Reminder, that this fic starts during the summer of 2019. I will be tagging the Avs and Lausanne HC. Also *~*~*~*~* means a POV change. Flipping between Mark and Clementine. Today we are beginning with Mark.
Part Five
As I watched her drive away in a car that was seriously cooler than anything my teammates drove with their European super cars and specialty SUVs, I knew I was 100% fucked.
Tine was interesting and unique and gorgeous but she had no idea she was any of those things. When she had those brief moments of confidence she was just radiant. If I told her any of this she would be the one calling me a crazy pants, but it was the truth and I hoped someday she would learn to see it. Based on what she’d shared with me during our coffee date, I could tell a number was done on her and it make me mad at mankind as a species that some obnoxious dickhead could stifle her charm and creative spirit and for whatever reason, I wanted to be the one to show her how special she was.
When she turned the corner and drove out of sight, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. The thing had been going crazy before I had just stuck my hand in my pocket and turned the damn thing off midway through coffee. I turned it back on and sure enough the team group text had blown up and a cursory swipe showed that Clementine was the main topic of conversation.
I sent a curt Fuck you guys, muted the thread, and checked my other messages. There were some from just Landy so I opened his thread to see what was so scandalous it couldn’t be in the group.
Landy: Hey, can u bring flowers on Sat?
What the fuck for?
Landy: Mel wants them for the centerpiece.
“Mel” lol ok yeah sure dot gif
Landy: The disrespect. I am your team captain and I will make you skate laps until your legs fall off.
I sighed. I honestly didn’t know how the man went from rocking someone’s shit with a cheap hit one minute to flower arranging the next. Why am I on flower duty?
Landy: Because EJ would bring like some sticks and a bird’s nest from his yard and Josty is color blind.
And out of the 40 dudes still in camp, the three of us are your only options?
Landy: No, you are my only option because you owe me for Tine’s number. Now, I preordered something at that place around the corner from you, just pick it up on the fucking way, is that too much to ask?
Fine. He was being dramatic because he was Gabe and that’s who he is, I just slid the phone back in my pocket instead of engaging, my mind turning from Gabe’s flower drama back to Clementine.
Turning off the treadmill, I put my hands on my knees and panted. Clementine was all I could think about. Working out usually did the trick to wipe my mind blank and exhaust me enough to stop the hamster wheel from spinning, but after an hour and a half on the stationary bike and an hour and a half on the treadmill, my body had nothing left to give and I was still thinking about Tine.
I thought about her in the shower, I thought about her making dinner, I paced around my condo unable to think of anything else. I picked up my phone a dozen times, tempted to text her, but I didn’t know what to say. The evening dragged on, I surfed Netflix for an hour before turning off the TV and staring at the black screen. The more I tried to avoid looking at my phone the more my fingers itched to pick it up, to text her, find out what she was doing. Was she walking Daze? Settled into her bed for the evening watching a show?
Finally, I gave up and left my phone on the coffee table when I went to bed. After several hours of tossing and turning, haunted by a witch with blue hair, I fell asleep.
The next day, I spent more time glancing up, looking for Clementine in the stands, than I did looking for the puck on the ice and it showed. I was missing easy passes, I couldn’t hit the net to save my life and I couldn’t defend for shit. I was in a foul mood after camp and only part of it was how I played. I didn’t see Clementine at all. Did she quit? Was she sick? Was she stuck somewhere on the side of the road because her 50 year old car died?
I was sitting in my stall, half undressed and still in my gaiters, stewing in my own sweat, when Landy started walking out of the locker room, looking like he stepped right off the page of a Swedish fashion magazine. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. He tossed me a look that said everything I already was thinking about myself, including: “I’m disappointed,” “You can do better,” “What the fuck is your problem?” “Get your head in the game, man.”
The door swung closed behind him, and it might as well have been the lid of my coffin. I was now alone in the room, and thus, like an adult, I sat wallowing in self-pity for a little while longer. My phone sat next to me on the bench and I desperately wanted to text Tine, see where she was. Instead, I dragged my tired carcass off the pine and went to shower.
The thoughts ran through my head and no matter how hot I turned up the water, I couldn’t seem to wash them away. At 30, I was considered a moderately old fart by NHL standards. There were definitely the veterans of the league, but I didn’t feel like them. Well, today I did. My legs felt like I was wearing 20lb weights on my skates, I kept squinting to see the puck, and my brain felt like it was telling my body to do things it simply couldn't do. Plenty of guys hung up their skates before even turning 30 and maybe I should have followed suit. I usually figured that existential crises were limited to those who were much smarter than I am, but maybe I was wrong about that, too.
As I walked out of the arena, I slid my sunglasses on. I will say, one of the great things about Denver is all the sunshine. It was a clear afternoon, and the sun was far in the west-- , in that hour or two before it really started to dip to the horizon and the world was covered by long shadows and golden haze. There were only a smattering of cars in the lot: a couple of them I recognized as belonging to management, but there was one that really stood out. A pink-- no, evening orchid, convertible with a white vinyl top. It took me a minute to realize my feet had stopped and were pointing back the way I came. I stood there for a long minute, trying to come up with some sort of feasible reason to go back inside. However, I hadn’t come up with anything by the time the person at the root of my obsession pushed through the doors, her trusted companion by her knee.
I couldn’t help my smile, “Hey, Lemon.”
She stopped when she was just a few feet away from me and I couldn’t read her expression, “Out of all the citrus fruits in the world you could have chosen, you couldn’t just pick the one that is actually my name?”
I offered a shrug and a scoff, chiding, “Where’s the fun in that? Plus, when you’re irritated you look like you’re sucking on lemons.”
She made a face, one that I was quite familiar with at this point, because she almost always was wearing it whenever she saw me. As if she read my mind, she threw back, “So I always look like I’m sucking on lemons when talking to you, then?”
It took everything I had not to blurt out “I’ll give you something to suck on.” Boys never grow up, we just get better at knowing our audience… sometimes. Instead I nodded, “Yes, a look I’m becoming very fond of.”
She smiled, genuinely and the world as I knew it jerked to a halt. The roaring of my pulse in my ears was making it hard to hear her and suddenly, I felt like I was in my first NHL game again and my heart was racing. Everything was simultaneously too fast and too slow.
“Barbs?” Her voice was echoey and far away from my vantage point, trapped inside my own head.
“Yeah,” I heard myself say.
She stepped into me, a cool hand lifted to press against my forehead, “Are you getting sick? You’re being weird and you played like crap today.”
Her admission that she had been there snapped me out of whatever trance I had been in. “Wait,” I stammered, “you were there?”
She dropped her hand, “Uh, yeah. I was in the rafters getting overhead shots. Even from there I could tell that you looked like you were distracted.”
Yeah, I was, looking for you was what I wanted to say, instead I just shrugged, in a manly way, I’m pretty sure, and muttered, “Lots of pressure, you know.”
She didn’t reply right away; She looked like she was turning a thought over in her head, and when she finally spoke, it was measured but genuine. “You know,” she said, “if you need to talk, I’m here for you, okay? I know a thing or two about negative self talk and having crises of confidence. It’s like… my life. And I’m not qualified to help, but I can listen AND have a whole Rolodex of people who ARE qualified to help. In fact, I’m sure the org has someone they work with, if you need it.”
I knew basically nothing about her, but I had a feeling she had suffered more in her 30 years on Earth than most people suffer in multiple lifetimes. And I thought it was beyond adorable that she mentioned a Rolodex and was talking to me like one would speak to a skittish animal - softly, and with reassurance and compassion. In that moment, her desire and willingness to help me, despite all of the shit that she herself had been through, did something to me - it was so real and pure and thoughtful and I was moved and I hoped she couldn’t read it on my face cuz I’m pretty sure I looked like the human version of the heart eyes emoji and I just couldn’t take all of the shit she’d give me for it. Instead, I took her hand and set it on my forearm, grabbing her huge suitcase she was calling a purse. “You know, I think I will be fine. I just need to know you’re watching and where you’re watching from. See? Easy peasy.”
She gave a bark of disbelieving laughter as she teased, “Ok and why is that?”
Because what you think matters to me kept running through my head in large, neon lights but I couldn’t say that so I went with, “I have to make sure you’re getting my good angles. Someone in that dressing room has to give Landy a run for his money for Most Handsome.”
Her answer this time was quick, almost as if she didn't think about what she was saying before she blurted out, “You don’t have bad angles, Barbs, I couldn’t possibly take a bad photo of you. Like, even if I tried. Besides, you have those beautiful expressive eyebrows and Landy’s ran away from his face.”
I couldn’t respond because I was pretty sure my grin was going to crack my face in two. My eyes were glued to her and, as we walked, I almost ran into a light pole. I dodged it at the last second, but the smile on her lips and the laughter shaking her chest said she caught my moment of clumsiness. “Okay,” she said, as she struggled to breathe between giggles, “You walking into a lamppost would make a terrible picture. A terribly hilarious picture. I’ll give you that.”
I was mortified, but was trying to walk it off. On a hockey team you learned to brush off the embarrassing things. If you didn’t react the boys would become bored, but if you reacted it was the new locker room game. We ambled slowly through the parking lot before I grabbed her by the hand, swinging our entwined fingers slowly between us.
She turned to face me while we walked (after checking for upcoming lampposts, to her credit) before she asked, “Are you walking me to my car, Mr. Barberio?”
My American Southern accent was admittedly awful and she’d said as much before but I wanted to see the look on her face anyway so I drawled, “Why yes, ma’am, that’s how my momma raised me.”
True to form, she blanched like she had just sucked on a lemon, groaning, “Oh my god, stop.”
I shrugged, “I can’t stop, I was born this way.”
“Born making horrible jokes and badly flirting with women?” she chirped back.
“Uh, no.” I retorted, “Born being awesome.”
She rolled her eyes, and that cute look of exasperation she got when I said something stupid or corny came over her face.
It bothered me how invested I was in this one woman. I wasn’t a player, per-se; ok, I was totally a player and never ever had any woman fucked me up this badly. Every minute of every day it felt like I was thinking about her; I wanted to know where she was and what she was doing, what her favorite foods were, the movies that made her laugh and what her middle name was and all that other shit. It was infuriating, and the cure was obviously going out and grabbing something random, but that seemed insufficient. It was the same as craving good homemade freshly-churned ice cream and only having nearly expired non-dairy sour cream in the fridge; Yeah, I could add sugar and stir it up but it wouldn’t be what I wanted, and I’d still have a craving for some fucking ice cream.
Mark looked like he was far away in his thoughts and I reluctantly released his hand. I loved the texture of his arm hair, the softness of his skin and the way his muscles moved beneath my fingers. I could easily see myself stroking his arm as a stim.
I reached for my bag and that seemed to bring him out of his thoughts, “Thanks for walking me to my car.” My entire arm up to my shoulder disappeared in my bag looking for my keys. I had a little hook to hang them on top, did I use it? No. I always locked my car and threw them in the Mary Poppins bag I called a purse where they disappeared into another dimension.
His dark brown arched, and by now, I knew that it was one of his tells that he was about to say something stupid. “You know, as a woman, you should probably have your keys in your hand before you leave the building.”
As usual, my mouth was quicker than my brain and I instantly regretted it as I quipped nonchalantly, “Why? I feel safer in a dark poorly lit parking lot than I ever did at home with my ex-husband.”
I could tell that Mark was struggling to process what I’d said; he swallowed hard and I could tell he wanted to ask but he went a different route as my fingers wrapped around my keys and I fumbled to unlock my door, “But you could be attacked or raped or something.”
I held my tongue as Daze hopped into the car and I tossed my bag in after her. I slid into the driver’s seat and Mark held my door, eyes searching mine as he continued, “Seriously, Lemon.”
Sometimes, after living in trauma for a while, you forget everyone else hasn’t been and that your normal is incredibly disturbing to other people. After scads of therapy and my insular bubble of those who understand, the god’s honest truth about my shitty ex-husband is truly shitty, and it’s troubling, but it doesn’t have shock value to me anymore. You learn to detach, to make light of what you can however you can. It was real and it really happened and what happened happened, and calling it anything other than what it was is doing me a disservice. Most of the people I spend time with know that, and tolerate my moments of insanity, no matter how off color they may be. With each day that goes by I try to remember that it’s a part of my past, and no longer my present; now that I’ve acknowledged that as my truth, I’m free of it, in a way, sometimes. There’s still a lot of work to do, but a lot of coping and healing can be found in learning to laugh so you don’t cry. It might sound super fucked up, but it does help you cope. But, I forget that, especially when I’m around Earth People, I have to be a little bit more measured. Not everybody knows how to take what used to be my daily horrors in stride. Because they haven’t had to. What doesn’t kill you gives you a fucked up sense of humor.
This time, I saw the words forming in my brain but I had no way of stopping them. “Seriously, Mark,” I parroted, staring out the windshield, “that sounds like a standard Friday night for me. Or at least what my Friday nights used to be.” I didn’t risk a look up at him before I pulled the door shut. Or attempted to, he was still gripping the edge of the window.
“Clementine--” he started hesitantly, an unfamiliar tone present in his voice; it wasn’t the faux sympathy or indignant outrage or surprise or utter shock that most people responded with when they didn’t know how to handle My Shit. I didn’t know what it was at all and that was almost worse. I felt cold and my breath caught in my chest. The inches between us might have been miles. It felt like a hundred years had passed since we’d walked hand-in-hand through the parking lot, a million years since we’d laughed when he almost walked into that light post, an unfathomable number of lifetimes in a galaxy hundreds of thousands of lightyears away that we’d shared a cup of coffee and pleasant, lighthearted chitchat. Two sentences had changed everything and I could tell with every fiber of my being. I was a stranger to this person again, as he was to me. I couldn’t yet ponder the further implications of what that meant but all of a sudden everything in my immediate vicinity felt vast and scant and empty and I felt totally and utterly alone.
I pulled harder, needing to get Away From Here Immediately, and he released the door. It slammed shut and I swear I could hear it echo through what felt like the immense chasm that now existed between us. It wasn’t until I had started the car and started to pull away that I risked a glance at him in the rearview mirror. What I saw gave my inner voice a megaphone for the rest of the evening and I knew I had no hope whatsoever of getting her to shut up. Blinded by my tears, I ended up pulling into an alley between skyscrapers and Daze crawled into my lap. I hugged her and rocked until I wasn’t shaking anymore, until my bleary eyes could tell up from down and I could breathe easily enough to make the trip home.
Regardless of how much better some days are, I forget that just because that part of my life is over doesn’t mean I’m entirely done with it, or that it’s entirely done with me. I could feel its pull dragging me back down, and that night, I had no fight left in me to put up any kind of defense. Robotically, I went through my numb-out routine: sleeping pill, heavy metal, hot water, and then, hopefully, oblivion. I let the despair and the grief and the shame and the sadness suck me down and hold me under and part of me wished I could just wash away down the drain along with the scalding, soapy water that poured over me. That night, the water was ice cold by the time I was too tired to keep trying to wash away my imperfections and the voice wouldn’t shut up this time and she was still nagging me when I finally fell into a fitful sleep.
The rose-colored glasses I’d seen Clementine through? With those words, I physically felt them crack. As the minutes went by, the feeling settled deep in my chest and I wasn’t exactly sure how to handle it, but I was scared and angry all at once and none of those shitty things happened to me so I didn’t know why it felt like they did.
Part of me mourned the loss of her; with just a few words, she now had a metaphorical mine field around her that made her completely unattainable. She was damaged goods, and I didn’t know how to navigate around the landmines. Nothing in my life could have prepared me for that bomb drop, and I wanted to find out who this guy was and beat him into a bloody pulp. I wanted to hug her and hold her and tell her it was ok, that she wasn’t broken, but I couldn’t because she had shattered into a thousand pieces and she was still putting parts of herself back together.
It was way more than I knew how to deal with, or, sick as it made me feel to think, even wanted to. It probably made me a rat bastard, but I wasn’t qualified to deal with a woman who had been torn down to the studs and had to rebuild herself.
As she drove away, the look in her eyes haunted me when I caught a glance in the rearview mirror. Not sure what to do, I kicked a stray pebble in the empty parking lot and turned toward my truck. I took out my phone but I didn’t know who to text. Landy would know exactly who I was talking about and it sure as fuck wasn’t my place to share that information, my sister would ask 1000 questions, and so would my mom. In the end, I tossed my phone on the center console and drove home.
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Blackpink The Album Review~
I love this album! All of the songs are bops, and the packaging is so cute! So the way this is gonna work is I’m gonna give a number ranking to the songs, rank then in order from my favorite to least favorite, talk about the physical albums, give my final thoughts, and then do an overall ranking 🙈✨
Number ranking for songs~
How you like that~10/10
So the first time I heard this so I instantly fell in love with it. I don’t care what anybody says, this song is a fucking bop.
Ice cream~10/10
I think the first time I heard it I liked it but it wasn’t an “I LOVE THIS SONG” as soon as I heard it. Buuuuuut, the more I heard it the more it grew on me and now I really really love this song. It makes me super happy to listen to and makes my mood rise whenever I hear it.
Pretty savage~ 10000/10
Pretty Savage is that bitch and you’re lying to yourself if you say you hate this song. The beat, the vocals, the raps 🙈✨ Oh and then when Jennie is like “saaaaavvvvvaaaagggggeeeee” and Jisoo saying “you better run run run” 🥵 Rosé saying “pretty girl” and everytime Lisa says “all my diamonds blah blah” oh my god. This song is my sexuality now.
Bet you wanna~8/10
So I had a lot of hopes for this song because of Cardi B but it kind of fell through. To clarify I really do like this song, when it comes on I don’t skip it because I still enjoy it but it isn’t my favorite off the album. Rosé’s vocals saved this song and it shows lmao. Like I said, still like the song but it’s not my favorite.
Lovesick girls~1000/10
Okay so when I first heard this I thought it was super cute and I liked it but it was just 🤷‍♀️ for me. But for some reason I just kept rewatching the MV (I don’t stream cause I ain’t got time for all that) and I would replay it everytime it came on. There are lyrics that really hit home. To be specific: “we were born to be alone but why we still looking for love” , “Everyone eventually leaves, I’ve become numb to crying, Hurt over and over again”. There were more but those are the ones that stuck out to me the most. I feel like this song applies a lot to things and relationships (like friendships and other relationships) I’ve had or have so it just hits a little different. Of course there also is Jennie’s iconic rap and then the MV! Lisa’s jacket that has flashing lights hits different, Rosé with pink hair in the bathtub, Jisoo in water 😭😭 Oh my god I can’t! I really love this song and music video.
Crazy over you~ 10000/10
Once again, this song is that bitch. It’s the beat for me and when they say “sound the alarm”, “I’m crazy over you” oh gosh it’s perfect 🥴😭 And the vocals right before the “I am crazy over you”!!!!! Don’t even get me started on Rosé and Jisoo 😭 JeSuS this song lives in my head rent free. I LOVE this song. The way I walk around the house just repeating “I am crazy over you” and dance is embarrassing. That song makes me feel like a bad bitch for some reason. Everything about it is perfect. Pretty Savage was my fafavorite song but I think this has replaced it honestly. I could go on and on as to why this song is THAT song but I’ll save y’all the headache lmao.
Love to hate me~9/10
So I don’t hate this song but it was pretty forgettable for me. The first time I heard it, it was my least favorite. It’s not that I hate it because it’s constantly stuck in my head but it just doesn’t stick out to me as much as the other songs do. However, this song hits a little different. Like the lyrics 🙈✨ Oh and I really love the part where they’re lowkey whispering. Like the “wake up, yeah, make up, maybe” that part and then Lisa’s rap....those parts hit a little different. So yeah, not my favorite but still a good song.
You never know~ 1000/10
This was the perfect way to end the album. A softer song that has that raw emotion...absolutely beautiful. This song really really hits home. A lot of people think I’m this perfect person because I’m pretty smart, I have good friends, I get the leads in the plays and musicals, im nice to everyone, I go to an art school and it basically just seems like im thriving but the truth is I do be struggling. I have a lot of hardships I’ve had to overcome and that I’m still overcoming yet a lot of people don’t know that. I’ve gone through a lot to be where I am today and people like to think I have this perfect life because that’s the front I put up. So this song just hits a little different. When Jennie sings the chorus that really hit different because it just made me think of how much hate and bullshit she has to go through. Obviously I also thought about all the hate every single one of them has to put up with. We think their lives are perfect yet we’ll never truly know how much they struggle unless we’re in their shoes. This song is so beautiful and the vocals just....wow. Idk what it is about how Jisoo starts the song but there is something so pretty about how she sings. Anyway, love this song so much. I saw some people say this was forgettable but I completely disagree. The lyrics hit different. Even if you haven’t gone through what the girls are singing about, you’ve experienced someone who has and I feel like thinking about that person while listening to the song just makes your heart hurt a little. Idk, this song is so perfect to me.
Ranking the songs in order from favorite to least favorite~
1.) Crazy over you
2.) Pretty Savage
3.) You never know
4.) Lovesick Girls
5.) How you like that
6.) Ice Cream
7.) Love to hate me
8.) Bet You Wanna
Physical Album Thoughts~
So, the physical album is super cute! So for version 3 I had the impression that it was going to have a smoky look but it ended up just being shinny so that was lowkey weird lmao. I got version 2 because pink is my favorite color but I almost got the 3rd version (version 4 was sold out when I went to preorder) so I’m glad I got the 2nd version. I love the cover of the photo book, it’s so beautiful and it was a nice little surprise that the picture changes. All of the pictures in each of the photo books are so so cute! The girls look absolutely stunning. I personally perfer their past photo books only because I’m a sucker for the concept photos and seeing pics from the music video buuut like I said all of the pictures are beautiful and I’m so happy with the quality and how many pictures are in the photo book. The only other problem I had with the photo book is I wish they did it like the past ones where all of the pink versions had color with the black stuck to the darker gray, white, and black themes. Version 2 is kind of like both of the black versions but still, the pictures are great so I cant complain at all! Love the postcards and they feel very smooth. Great pictures, could look at them all day. Love the size of the poster, very cute! I saw pictures of the group PCs and I wish they were different cause they kind of looked the same but maybe they look different in person. The sticker is so cute, love the black and white picture you get, and I LOVE the random postcards and random photo cards. Overall, you get a lot and I’m in love with the packaging. Some little things that bothered me but the quality was great so I can’t complain 🤷‍♀️
Final thoughts~
Everything about this album is perfect. There are no songs that I hate or dislike. None that I skip and none I wouldn’t listen to by itself. I disagree with people saying pretty savsavage should have been the title track instead of lovesick girls. We got the black with how you like that, we got the pink with ice cream, and lovesick girls was a mix of the two. Obviously that song meant something to the girls since Jisoo and Jennie wrote some of the lyrics and helped produce it. I think people would have complained if Pretty Savage was the title track because they always want the girls to do “something different” and lovesick girls was something different. At first I was a little sad by the fact that there were only 8 songs but honestly I’d rather have quality over quantity. Each song felt like they spent a lot of time on it and if there were more songs I feel like there would have been some filler songs so the quality wouldn’t have been as good as it is now. Like I said, packaging was cute and you get a lot. The issues I had are more personal issues and they don’t really bother me all that much so the positives out way the negatives by a LOT!
Overall ranking:
1000000/10....this album was that bitch and will forever be that bitch 🤷‍♀️
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doraspenlow · 5 years
ok it’s clown movie fanfic time
We Go On
(you can read on ao3 here)
It’s been three years now and Derry, Maine is a nice town, anybody will tell you that. There’s been a little boom of people moving in, who knows why– getting away from the city, enjoy the suburbs, commuting in to work. It’s a nice town. The people are nice too. There were some… incidents, quite recently actually, but who wants to talk about that. So some madman who once killed his father busted out and killed some kids. Well, he died. (The cops never found out what happened to Henry Bowers, his skull split open, but they weren’t investigating too hard). So that one poor man got thrown off a bridge. The town had a nice little candlelight vigil. It made the local news, and those boys all went to juvie. Nobody talks about these things anymore. Sometimes it’s as if they’ve forgotten entirely. It’s a nice town. Sure thing.
(The five of them will never, ever go back.)
Bill’s new book is coming out, finally, and the preorder numbers are higher than they’ve ever been. The New York Times gave the ARC the best review they’ve ever bestowed upon him. Something about “fundamental humanity in the face of terror”. Something about “the agonies and joys of growing up and facing your childhood”. They still think the ending is shit. That’s alright. Can’t win ‘em all. Anyways, he doesn’t love the ending either.
He and Audra got divorced– a month after the movie project he’d split from came out. The critics loved the movie. (Loved the ending especially, though it’s not his ending, it’s the work of some guy they yanked out of nowhere to ‘fix things up’). Everybody said the director’s an auteur, Audra’s a genius, that if the academy didn’t hate horror it’d get nominations for sure. All the buzz drove him crazy while he meddled around in his office. He screamed once too often. She left him. It’s probably a good thing– he didn’t know how to cut the chain. Three years later and she’s doing prestige stuff now, she’s engaged to that pretty boy actor boyfriend of hers. He’s happy for her. He really is.
He’s left California for Oregon. It’s cool, northern, but with a touch of that west coast freshness. Everything back east is so old. He doesn’t date, he’s taking time to “work on Bill” as he tells any interviewer who asks. One day he might try again– find some nice woman. A blonde or a brunette. Somebody who doesn’t remind him of anybody.
Richie’s still in LA, and he’s started dating, really dating, for the first time in his life. There were some half hearted attempts at having girlfriends in college, and a few hookups with men here and there, but he’s never done the whole romance thing. He feels awful pathetic, dating for the first time in his life at over forty, but it’s alright. The men he’s gone out with have been very understanding. This latest one’s real nice– a clever, tidy sort of guy, doesn’t care for stand up and had never heard of him before a mutual friend introduced them. They’ve been going for a month maybe. He doesn’t think the guy’ll last, but he’s hopeful someday someone will.
He took a long break, after Derry. An unexpected and abrupt hiatus. There were a few months were he wanted to die, a few months after that where he went to a lot of parties and snorted a lot of coke. That ended, and he started visiting this therapist– some beaky little woman his manager recommended. He still wanted to die a little bit, but he decided it was probably better to live. The tour after that crisis was the “Come Out Comeback Tour”– he wrote some of his own jokes for the first time in a long time. He told funny stories from when he was a kid. It was strange, he reflected, that he had funny stories to tell. Rooting around through his memory was like running his tongue along a line of rotten teeth. It ached, almost unbearably. But there were pleasant moments, and he was glad he hadn’t forgotten them.
“I guess my first real crush was this kid in middle school– he’d been one of my best friends forever, but about seventh grade I started having all of these feelings– and I decided to do something nice for him, something discreet– I was going to give him a popsicle. Like a literal popsicle, you perverts! C’mon! Anyways, at lunch one day I bought a bomb pop, I went to our lunch table and… I chickened out. I stuck the popsicle in my pants pocket, because I was 12 and a fucking idiot, and I went on my merry way. It was only after my next class was over that I realized the popsicle had melted through my jeans. It looked like I pissed my pants. But I pissed my pants for love, and how many seventh graders can say that?”
The divorce was a mess– Bev had expected it to be, but it still made her panicky. She didn’t so much as want to see Tom again, much less have a legal battle. For months, she’d wake up crying, miserable dreams dripping out of her mind like water. She won, in court, testified and showed pictures of bruises and witness reports and described how it was all her work, and wound up getting a restraining order against Tom and full ownership over Rogan and Marsh fashion– now just Beverly Marsh fashion. She thinks about changing the name to something modern, anonymous– but she doesn’t. It’s nice to know she has something hers. That she can be just her, and be alright. “You’ll be nothing without me––” well haha, she is something. She’s Beverly fucking Marsh, and that’s something.
It’s nice to be loved, though. Divorce is as sweet as a summer's day, and remarriage is as sweet as honey. She and Ben got married less than a week after it’s all finalized, in a courthouse, in their everyday clothes, a couple of her friends as witnesses. They bought rings on the way home, simple little bands. They split their time between Chicago and Nebraska– Ben’s used to working remotely, and she doesn’t mind it. He’s started talking about maybe building them a house of their own– she says maybe New Mexico? It’s so warm and dry and safe in New Mexico– and all the artists love Santa Fe.
So maybe they’ll move to New Mexico, or maybe they’ll stay here. It doesn’t really matter where they go. They’ll be together. It feels so good to be loved like a person. It feels so good to know she’s a person. She still has bad dreams, but she has nice ones too. Lovely ones– a boat on the ocean with the sky clear and blue. A litter of puppies she can hold. Her husband kissing her. A group of children, laughing children, playing little kid games. There’s seven of them, the children, all splashing each other in a lake, like they’ve never suffered and they never will. She wants to have children, though she’s getting older now. She wants two or three of them. She likes to think she’d be a good mother.
Ben thinks she’d be a good one too. He adds plans for children’s bedrooms to his favorite piece of mental drawing paper– a building titled “the dream home”. He’s been working on it for a decade– the dream home had a double bedroom before he had anybody to share it with. He was so used to loneliness it took him a while to get used to another person’s rhythms– how she’ll get into bed and just then remember to brush her teeth, hopping back out again, how she sings in the shower and refuses to acknowledge it.
He’d once thought he’d be lonely forever. Now, at 43, he’s trying once more to make friends. He goes to dinner parties and makes meaningful conversation, he takes up fishing with a man from work. You might never love your friends as brilliantly, as totally as you do at 11, but there's a comfort in the easy, mild talks about the weather, about work. He lets himself eat ice cream, now and then, and a social life means less time for working out. Nobody really notices– Bev says he’s still hot. But of course she’d say that, she loves him– And oh, it rushes over him sometimes, she loves him, she loves him, she loves him.
He used to write poems, but he hasn’t since college. He feels like he’s getting rusty with words somehow, and he’s always been better with his hands. He’s fixing to unveil this stunner of a municipal building in Chicago– it’s maybe the best thing he’s ever designed. He takes Beverly on a private tour a few days before the ribbon cutting– there’s some last minute things being put together, furniture and lighting, but she still tears up when she looks around. “It’s so lovely,” she says, “this is the most wonderful–” and cuts off, moved. He thinks, looking at the light caught in her hair ‘I’ll build you something even better, darling. I’ll build you a future.”
Mike heads down to Florida, like he used to dream about. On the way there he made a stop in Atlanta to see Patty Uris. She was very polite, pleased to meet one of her dead husband’s old friends– hungry for stories of a childhood he never spoke of. The mirrors were still covered, and she tangled her hands in and out of knots. Mike still felt guilty. He’s been trying to not feel guilty. He told her anecdotes about Stan as a child– he didn’t know him as long as some of the others, but he knew him enough. He knew him when it was important. “Your husband was a brave man.” He told Patty, who closed her eyes. “He was, he really was.”
He contemplated, for a moment, staying in Atlanta– befriending Patty, telling more stories. But he’s a little sick of playing historian, of being a keeper of ghosts. He heads down to Florida. He gets a job in a small town library, makes acquaintances, meets a woman. If he wants, he can go anywhere in the world. The freedom shocks him, the lightness. Anywhere in the world– Rome, Tokyo, Sydney, Helsinki, Cairo. Places where it never rains, places where it rains all the time. He keeps a framed photo of his parents on the counter– his parents as he never knew them– young and just married and laughing to each other. He likes to think they’d be proud of him for leaving. For having the world at his feet.
He has two dogs and a cat, eats vegan, takes up biking. The children at the library call him ‘Mr Mike’ and climb over his arms like a jungle gym. Eventually, his neighbors start calling him Mr Mike too, which is funny. Most people don’t look at him like an intruder, and when they do it’s easier to shake off their stares. His hair starts greying at the temples and he relishes it. He’s made it this far. He hopes to keep making it.
It’s almost always Mike who send the emails, a tradition at this point– “Hey everybody!! Want to meet up? Where, this time? Kansas? Colorado?” And the others will reply– yes-yes-of course-yes-let’s go to Denver-lets get Greek food-I know this really great spot-how about Mexican-July-maybe August?– And he amalgamates their suggestions into plans, sends off the group message, mark his calendar. He sits back and smile, types out “I can’t wait to see you all again”. Presses send.
So it’s been three years now. And here they are, in a Mexican restaurant in Denver (they never get Chinese). They’re chattering about their lives, the five of them– Mike’s girlfriend, Richie’s boyfriend, Bev and Ben’s fertility treatments. Bill’s a little quiet. They look at him. He pulls the new book out of his bag– four copies. They coo dutifully over the cover, flip through the pages. Get to the dedication. Stop. To six that made my lucky seven– Stan, Eddie, Richie, Beverly, Ben, Mike. All my love. The loser’s club rides forever.
“The ending’s still awful.” Bill says, to stop their tears with laughter. They shake their heads and say they’re sure they’ll love it. He thinks they probably won’t– even he thinks the ending isn’t great. He’s bad with endings, he’ll admit that now.
The friends in the book, they all go off. They kill the bad guy, get their tidy endings, resolve their trauma, end up with their sweethearts or happily alone. He wrote it, and yet it still rings half hollow to him. No one can walk off the page happily ever after. They’ll still have nightmares. They’ll ruin relationships, try to pick up the pieces. Things are always going to be difficult. But they’ll keep going. And that’s the other thing he’s always hated about endings– the finality, the never-see-you-again. That’s the worst thing of all. He’s lucky, he thinks as he looks at his laughing friends, his best friends, the loves of his life, he’s lucky that life isn’t a story. That it goes on. That they’ll keep going on.
The loser’s club rides forever.
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mirtzuuu · 6 years
BTS Fic Rec Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
One fic per pairing!
soft melodies and softer touches
Author: strangedesires
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: None
Summary: 22:39;I see the way you look at me, hyung. Yoongi's world stands still, and in that moment, he wants nothing more than to wring Jimin's neck. It's Jeongguk, it has to be Jeongguk, who else would it be? Yoongi knows many dancers--unfortunately Jimin's one of them--but there's only one that he's on close terms with, and whose number he doesn't have.Jeongguk. It's Jeongguk. It's fucking Jeongguk.(OR: Jeongguk's a contemporary dancer, and Yoongi is his academy's pianist).
Words: 11045
with a taste of your lips (I'm on a ride)
Author:  ascendare
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: None
Summary: Jeongguk is sure of three things in his life: a) he's straight, b) he sucks at math, and c) glossypjm is the hottest girl he's ever seen. But when he meets Jimin, he isn't so sure of anything anymore.
Words: 22184
preorder bonus
Author:  abdicar
Rating: General Audiences
Other pairings: None
Summary: Jimin is a lesser known streamer who works at a video game store during the day. He’s pretty happy with his routine and his small audience, at least until famous youtuber AgustD decides to take an interest in his channel.Thankfully, he’s too busy developing a crush on Yoongi, one of the store’s new regulars, to worry about it.[aka the gamer and streamer/youtuber au nobody asked for]
Words: 14535
to be alone with you
Author:  knth
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: None
Summary: The last thing Taehyung expects is catching a dude jacking it in the backseat of his car. The last, last thing he expects is running into him again at work. But like he does with most things, he just goes for it.
Words: 10475
Take It With A Swallow
Author:  seikou
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: V/others, Jungkook/others
Summary: Perverted minds do think alike. (or, alternatively: the fuckboys!au)
Words: 60034
Take A Shot
Author:  TheHalesNyx
Rating: Mature
Other pairings: J-Hope/Jimin/Suga
Summary: It’s crazy to think that a twenty-year old can even have a son who’s three - Seokjin still finds it hard to believe, if he’s honest. Hell, he hadn’t even known about Jungkook’s son until three months after the other began working as his assistant.In which Seokjin gives a helping hand, a comforting shoulder, and his heart, to Jungkook, a single father who is just trying to do his best to make his son, and himself, happy; it’s just a little hard to do all on his own.
Words: 44493
Vending Machines and Bad Ideas
Author:  smiles
Rating: General Audiences
Other pairings: None
Summary: Hoseok needed to focus, regroup. He needed to evaluate the situation, weigh his options, and find a solution. He needed to work through this like the capable adult he was. He needed to get his hand out of this stupid vending machine.Alternatively: Hoseok gets his hand stuck up a vending machine and stands up his blind date by accident. For the third time.
Words: 5205
Author:  imasinner
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Other pairings: None
Summary: College AU - Hoseok's roommate keeps drawing dicks on his face, and Yoongi is the only guy on the hall with makeup wipes and foundation. Hoseok is the cute lab partner that Yoongi has had a crush on all semester. Makeup doesn't usually feel this intimate, does it?Basically: Yoongi touches Hoseok's face a lot, and Hoseok starts to like it.
Words: 6798
Never Be The Same
Author:  dawnstruck
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: None
Summary: “It’s unusual, certainly,” the doctor muses aloud. “Not unheard of, of course, just unlikely. But not impossible.”Or, Namjoon and Yoongi develop an accidental bond.
Words:  61982
if it bleeds
Author:  wertstoffhof (roachprince)
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: Suga/Jin
Summary: If inventing a boyfriend was a bad idea, staging a breakup with said non-existent boyfriend was even worse. Thankfully, Namjoon finds a very open-minded young actor willing to help him with that.(Namjoon wants to be seen as more than brains, and Taehyung is more than a pretty face. They see each other in the chaos they created.)
Words: 29076
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Author:  mucha
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: None
Summary: Taehyung accidentally tries to befriend a vampire.
Words:  12750
Scavenger Hunt
Author:  taetertot
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Other pairings: None
Summary: When Hoseok is asked by his aunt to help work at her foster home, he didn't expect to encounter a 17 year old with a tattered sweatshirt and a bruised face who gazed at him like he was a shooting star.
Words: 21656
but i want it anyway
Author:  ameliabedelias
Rating: Explicit
Other pairings: None
Summary: Park Jimin’s roommate goes to study abroad for a semester. Kim Namjoon takes over the lease.
Words: 55429
Black Apples
Author:  resonae
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Other pairings: RM/Jin
Summary: Yoongi is the angel general and Seokjin is the demon's gatekeeper, but Seokjin isn't like any demon he's met before.
Words: 23340
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taengerinee · 6 years
The preorder number is already 2.68 million??????!!!! What the fuck that's crazy
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silhouetted-beauty · 6 years
My BTS Concert Experiences!!🎇🎆
Hello fellow readers! I just wanted to shared my concert experiences as well as my favorite highlights of the night. I ended up going to both Chicago concerts (Oct. 02/03) and let me just say... IT WAS LIT!!! The boys really put on a show and all their hard work definitely was shown. FYI: This post will be LONG so I will install a ‘keep reading’ tab.
But anyways, let me start off saying how I was a nervous wreck knowing I was going both days because I didn’t know what to expect. This was my first BTS concert and I’ve been dying (not literally lol) to see them since 2015. I pretty much followed other people’s experiences from earlier tour dates and went off that and honestly, it didn’t help. It ended up kicking my anxiety into overdrive because lot of people were talking about post concert depression lol. In my mind, I was thinking, “holy shit! If they are THAT good live, would I even be able to walk out of the arena with a sane mind?!” To put it short, I was spooked. Even as I type this out, my hands are shaking lol. Oh! and excuse my crappy video footage, I was kinda zoned out watching them, people were knocking into me, and I was low key dancing lol
October 2nd...
-The Merchandise-
Thanks to my bf (you know who you are HOE!!!😂😂), she had bought us both tickets for this day as a birthday present to me. Since she bought tickets, I felt the least I could do was buy us merch. So I arrived that morning at the venue only to find the line for merchandise wrapped around two corners. So I began the dreadful task of waiting in line. Thankfully, I met two other girls who I quickly connected with and made the process, somehow, quicker. The line moved faster then I thought but as we gotten closer, we noticed items were selling out due to people buying bags of shit! The ‘Love Yourself’ shirts, both white and black, were the first to sell out. I was in shock because that was the shirt I was getting us so I had to call her up and decide on either another shirt or another item. Thankfully, none of the other merch I wanted sold out so I was able to purchase what we wanted without any problems. So in total, I was in line at 9:40 and didn’t leave until 12:50. My advice to anyone trying to get merch for a concert... order online! I believe it’s more convenient, especially if you may not have the time to wait in line. Preordering or ordering ahead of time is definitely less stressful.
-The Concert-
After I left merch met up with my best friend and we went back to my place to get ready. Lol I’m gonna be honest and say that even though I was going to see BTS, the main highlight of the day was my blue hair. I had recently dyed it and was ready to show it off. Thanks to her, I ended up wearing a pink dress, my black leather jacket, and black Killstar ‘vendetta’ boots, which I bought specifically for the concert for the next day. We kept cracking jokes because it looked like I was dressed to “kick somebody’s ass” (her words not mines😂😂).
So we get to the arena, paid for parking, then waited in line, which was pretty short. Our seats were in section 103 and we had the perfect view of the stage and audience. While we waited in our seats, my best friend turns to me and suggests we get some drinks lol (Note: I’m starting to believe that is the norm when we go to concerts). Hell! I was down for drinking but then I remembered how I didn’t eat all day so I was worried about getting drunk especially since we were drinking Bacardi rum. It wasn’t that I intentionally didn’t eat, I was just too hyped to do so. BONUS!! We both thought I’d be the one to cry since I’m the bigger fan than she is but guess what? Yo gurl held strong!😆 In fact, SHE was the one who cried and I’m never letting her forget it. Lmao! Anyways we were drinking, cracking jokes, sitting back and looking pretty while waiting on the show to start. And when it did... when it did... it was a fucking PARTY!!!!
We stood the entire time, and I basically sang/screamed my heart out. Made sure to capture her on video while ‘Singularity’ played because that is her shit lol (Great job, Tae!😘). They performed Setlist A (I believe) which was LIT. We danced to every song. I REALLY loved the vcr footages as they changed for the next song. It was really unique and some were playful, sexy, and bold. But as the concert came to an end, each member said a solo goodbye. All of them were nice especially considering how they tried to speak English to the best of their ability. What they couldn’t say, they spoke in Korean and the translator did a great job relaying the message. The speech I remembered the most was Yoongi’s because I low key feel like he tried to go in on us. Like tried to straight clown us lol. Here’s what I mean...
Yoongi: “I have one question.”
Us: *screams* “yes” or “what”
Yoongi: “this is Chicago. The Windy City, right?”
At this point, I’m thinking what is he getting at?
Us: “Yes.”
Yoongi: “Then why is it so hot?”
My reaction:
Tumblr media
Anyways, It was so beautiful! Seeing all of the lights from the lightsticks and seeing people bond together; no wonder the boys get all teary eyed at each concert. It really is a beautiful sight. Later on, we left the arena at around 11:00, kinda danced to the street drummers before headed back to the car. As we drove away, I felt this overwhelming sense of calming sadness. You know, when you go out and have fun, literally the time of your life, you don’t want that feeling to end but you know it has to. It felt weird and we ended up having like this deep conversation, it was mostly me rambling lol.
October 3rd...
-Earlier in the day-
I woke up, quickly showered and got dressed because I knew I was going to be at the arena all day because I had GA standing...
Quick note, I did give my Uber driver a lesson on BTS and his reactions were priceless especially when I informed him of all their hard work and achievements. It was full of “shit!”’s And “aw damn!”’s Because he couldn’t believe it lol. The more I thought about it, the more I smiled to myself. I felt proud for stanning such an amazing group.😭😭
Anyways, I made it back up to the arena at around 9:40 and this time I had to stand in the GA line, which also wrapped around two corners. Fucking A!!!! It didn’t seem like it was that many people and I guess my number would be between 500-700 but I was hella wrong because I was number 1,019 in line by the time I got my wristband. Lmao! FUCK!
I was supposed to meet up with people I had met the previous day but didn’t and it was all good because I met people not only in line but also once I gotten my wristband. Shoutout to y’all! ✌🏾✌🏾
Crazy enough, there was someone in line who gave away two extra GA tickets for free! I should have taken it and gave it away to one of the girls I met who didn’t have a ticket. (My first regret of the day).
While waiting until lineup time, which was at 4, I hung out with two other girls who were really sweet and kind, SUPER funny, and multi fandom. They shared concert experiences and are even planning on traveling to New York for their final U.S tour date. If one of you see this post, HAVE FUN, GURLS! I HOPED Y’ALL TURNED THE FUCK UP!!! ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾
The weather was beautiful. It was around 86/87 and the WIND WAS BLOWING! WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU, MIN YOONGI?! WAS IT STILL HOT THEN?! (Actually it was but at least we had a breeze, which technically was blowing everyone and everything away lmao.)
We even spotted video crew, interviewing fans about an upcoming “documentary”. 😏🤫 I have my own theory as to what this footage is going to be used for and I’m gonna wait until it drops to prove it. Word on the street, they were asking the arena staff members for more people to interview.😁
I met a lot of people and it brought me so much joy hearing how excited they were especially if it was their first time seeing them. I ended up waiting inside the arena while charging a friend’s phone and we heard BTS rehearsing! We assumed it was soundcheck but it wasn’t because the soundcheck line was still outside so that was a bonus. We even kept spotting BTS crew members walking in and out of the area where they were singing😫.
-The Concert-
When the time came, I had to get back in line in the order of the wristband to enter inside the arena. Idk if this applies at future concerts but if you get a large number, don’t assume you will get in line to enter the arena early. Security was strict to tell people to either get in their numerical spots or go to the end of the line. I was told this was because of the Wings Concert lineup was a mess last year so they’re trying to be fair and restore order. We lined up at about 4/4:30 but the doors didn’t open until 5:30 (at least for us, i think). We all tried to keep ourselves busy while we waited and everyone at least got some free shit in the process. Someone handed me Hoseok photo cards of him and his hands.😁
I had my boots in hand because I wasn’t gonna put those bad boys on and have my feet hurting all day (good thing too because I didn’t get into the arena until 6:40). In fact, I planned on putting them on just before going inside because I wanted to annoy security and set off the metal detectors like I did the previous day. It brought my trifling ass great joy watching three officers trying to figure out what it was until I told them it was the boots, thus them giving me the name “boots”. Lmao!
They scanned my ticket, gave me another wristband, and I entered into the arena listening to thousands of fans scream and cheer for our boys. It was really a sight. Turns out, despite my number being so high, I was still pretty close to the end of the stage. But the bad part was that, while standing there, my feet were starting to hurt. On top of that, people started fainting left and right and the concert didn’t even start. I was beginning to worry because being in GA isn’t ideal as people think. You are jam packed in a crowd. It’s hot, people are screaming, some are angry, you will get shoved and pushed around; all while trying to get closer to stage.
But once the lights went out and the opening started, everything turned around. Some of my time was spent trying to free up storage on my phone which I hated😤😤. My phone made my videos appear farther than what it actually was. Thanks Apple.
OH! Let me just warn you guys! Even though we watch them on our phones, televisions, and computers; nothing compares to seeing them up close and personal. I was shock to how close I was to them and couldn’t help up stare up at them with my mouth open. THEY ARE BREATHTAKING!! But the two members who really caught my eye were Namjoon and Hoseok! FUCK! They look 1000 times better in person. I couldn’t even think for a period of time. I kinda zoned out lol. Yoongi mostly stayed over by our side of the stage with his fine ass which was fine by me and Tae, Jungkook, Jimin and Jin!... my god! They all look so good!😩😩😩
You know, I’m not a fan of musicians jumping into the crowd of audience members. But after that night, I was counting on them to. Lmao! In fact, I’m disappointed that they didn’t.🤣😂🤣😂 jk... maybe😏
The boys performed effortlessly and PUT ON A SHOW (*hinting at all the other fan videos lol*). The solos, rap line, and vocal line performances were, hands down, memorable. I loved for Trivia: Love, Namjoon brought the other members back out to dance with him.😍😍 This time go round, they performed Setlist B! So you know what this means?! They performed bapsae and YALL KNOW I HAD TO GET IT ON VIDEO!!!!
And of course, the moment everyone dreaded... the ending.
*Sigh* it was an amazing experience overall and I was glad I was able to experience it. It gave me insight on what to do differently and plan for next time; and they did said that they would come back next year and I plan on holding them to that lol.
Message to the boys:
I want to say thank you. Thank you for being who you are and being open to sharing a part of your life with us. I know being an idol, especially international superstars, is difficult at times but you guys never complain. In fact, you push through and your determination is front and center. Even while you performed both days, I couldn’t help but take the time to look around at all the people you’ve brought together. People from all walks of life, different cultural backgrounds, people of different age groups; all brought together because of you. Together we are here to support you! “We are the same.” Thank you! And thank you for the experience! I am thankful and grateful I was able to see the love a group shares with their fandom. Keep up the great work and I look forward to your return and seeing you all again. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💜💜💜💜
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verytamenow · 7 years
I don't get it. She's been all "no explanation just reputation" and she pulls this bs? Like I've been DYING over her "idgaf about the media" attitude ever since reputation was announced because we're not getting /anything/ from her, but I respected it because i thought "damn, she got so much hate by the media over the years, no wonder she's done with them" but then she just...?? So much for the "new era". It's not only team klossy who can't seem to get their shit together after all lmao
Funnily enough @princessandsunshine and I were just discussing this while I was bored at work.Note: the following is a truly reaching theory and you probably shouldn’t put much stock in it.reputation has meant we’ve all been focusing on the media and Taylor’s relationship with them as she addresses the narrative assigned to the name Taylor Swift. Even as we watch Taylor address the headlines of the last decade through lyrics and video, we tend to overlook another critical relationship Taylor has and might be clapping back at: her relationship with her label.
It’s been long known that Taylor isn’t the only one with access to her social media accounts. An infamous response of “but y'all cast Lena Dunham” to TaylorNation when the cast list for the Bad Blood music video was leaked pulled back the veil fully, and should have allowed the fandom to acknowledge not every like is Taylor herself. And yet in an era where Taylor has implied there will not be any interviews, more weight has been placed on them than ever as it remains Taylor’s only method of reaching out to us in a social and traditional media blackout.This leads to a few questions. Why the blackout in the first place? Who has the ultimate control? And is everyone on the same team?So far this era has seemed to have a clear path. Taylor reasserting her control of her story, acknowledging all that has been said through clever lyrics and film, and giving hints to the truth for those who care enough to look while saying nothing. “There will be no explanation, only reputation.” Earlier in a truly uncharacteristic move, likes were made from Taylor’s account not only acknowledging her supposed boyfriend, but blatantly confirming someone as the inspiration behind a song for the first time since a snarky 18 year old did an interview with Ellen, telling the story of the last track of her soon to be AOTY winning sophmore LP. The catch? Hours later gossip cop, the well known mouth piece of Tree, shot down any claims that Taylor and Joe Alwyn were in love. This lead to instant questions about what was the truth of the narrative.Cue Kristen and I coming up with a plausible but impossible to prove theory while I sat at my work desk, bored out of my mind. What if what we’re seeing is a battle for control of Taylor Swift™ between Taylor herself and her label.Taylor’s always had unique control for an artist. A benefit of joining a fledgling label her parents could afford to invest in even slightly, and shortly thereafter exploding to superstardom, becoming the crown jewel in their lineup. We’ve all heard the stories: Taylor fought for her first ever single against the advice of experienced label personnel. Taylor doesn’t work with cowriters who try and control her, instead preferring editors to help guide and hone her natural abilities as multiple writing partners have professed in interviews. Taylor is in control of her own touring and merchandise and has access to her social media in a time when many artists do not for reasons of maintaining an image and narrative. Taylor fired her prior PR consultant who had been with her and the label from the beginning and hired her own red haired not-monster outside of the label. Taylor is able to add tracks last minute after the album has been signed off as complete, even from the time of her second album. Her label gives her the time she needs and wants to produce an album, being kept in the dark until she feels it’s time. There are clearly benefits to being the biggest pop star in the world and biggest name on the label roster.But she is still signed to a label and not in complete control. Her fiddle payer was allegedly fired when she proved a threat to Taylor’s heterosexual all-American sweetheart image. She was advised Enchanted sent the wrong image, not signalling a change from adolescent fairytales to a young woman making her voice heard, and so it became Speak Now. She had to fight hard for 1989 to exist as a pop album. A team is known to have access to all her social media. Clearly Taylor isn’t the only one pulling the strings or having a say.So what happens when Taylor presents a plan her label doesn’t like?It’s been long claimed this is Taylor’s last album under her current contract with BMG, with rumored rights to a greatest hits album if they choose. So far there have been no headlines that Taylor has signed another album contract with them. Could this be the last album under the Big Machine label? Surely record companies would be willing to fight for the chance to sign Taylor Swift, an artist projected to sell over three million copies of her sixth album with zero traditional promotion, and offer lucrative terms. Add in a seeming shortage off two fucks to rub together, financial freedom on a scale few can imagine, and you seem to have an ideal situation if the long-rumored closeted pop star wanted to reveal the truth of her sexuality and partners.Big Machine, despite having Taylor Swift in their roster, is firmly rooted in country music and its conservative world. For all the freedom they give Taylor, that doesn’t mean a coming out is something they would support. So we’re left with a dilemma: a pop star wanting to come out with her contract about to expire and a label still pulling the strings for the album release and tour who may not approve. Could we be witnessing a battle between Taylor and her label for control?This era opened with an ending. Taylor wiped out her social media entirely. Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Her website? Even MySpace? All blacked out and wiped clean of any past narrative. This was followed by a statement implying there would be no promotional interviews for this album. As it currently stands, it appears the only new information will be coming from two magazines available for preorder. This has two effects: Firstly it means the music can speak for itself. So far it has had a lot to say about the media and her so called relationships, along with Taylor herself and just maybe her label too. In only two tracks Taylor has addressed many parts of the public facets of her life. From the various criticisms of her mannerisms to veiled acknowledgements of so called feuds, there is little that even the first releases have not touched on.Second, it cuts off two possible avenues of image manipulation and narrative management. No media interviews cuts off any attempt to allow for questions and topics Taylor is done with and keeps her words from being misinterpreted. The lack of social media provides similar protection for whatever Taylor intends this era to be. After all if she isn’t using her social media then no one else with access can either to promote any other image than what she intends.There is one catch however. Taylor’s tumblr, while also wiped clean, is still in use. What seems to be a generous attempt to keep her fans feeling connected as we adjust to seeing and hearing less from Taylor than we are used to at the beginning of an era might have also become a battleground.More than one tumblr user has noticed the erratic behaviour of the last few days concerning Taylor’s likes. As mentioned previously, we have likes confirming her and Joe as an item and very much in love, reaching nearly a year as a couple and with the actor even confirmed as the inspiration behind the second track. Shortly thereafter we have Tree via Gossip Cop stating that Joe and Taylor are not “crazy in love” and stating no legitimate source is speaking on their relationship, possibly leaving the door open for a full denial of any such romance. It’s possible this is a case of dueling narratives, with parts of Taylor’s team under her label pushing the Jaylor (or jailer, if you will) relationship to keep a heterosexual image and delay or prevent a coming out while Tree, who works directly for Taylor, tries to do damage control.Additionally there was also the matter of there being a number of likes from Taylor’s account during Abigail’s wedding. If anyone expects Swifties to believe that during the wedding of her best friend of over ten years, Taylor decided to pull out her phone and start scrolling through Tumblr……well, we’re mostly not that dim. If this is a case of battle for control, it’s possible this was intentional. A reminder by Taylor that she’s not the only one with access. Perhaps there was a little more truth to the bird in a gilded cage suggested by her first music video of the era.It also draws into question another dueling narrative: PGB. Despite her frankly appalling judgement and tracking of Taylor’s every move she has been the recipient of remarkable attention from Taylor in last era and even now at the beginning of this one. This is quite the contrast to the “END PGB” hidden within the website code while blacked out and Taylor cutting the wing off her own plane in the video. This one user, the mouthpiece of the ultra conservative portion of Taylor’s fan base, seems to have hit the Swiftie lottery. Presents, a personal invite and backstage tour for the 1989 concert at MetLife, and an introduction to fellow scumbag Perez. Perhaps they too were tools used by the label to keep the bird in her cage?After all they seem to be supportive when Taylor stays on brand. However, the moment she removes herself from a certain path, they turn on her to tear her down and bring her back into line. I doubt it’s a coincidence two of the biggest voices of the “Taylor is the ultimate heterosexual” squad happened to get invited to the concert Karlie was attending. Especially when it was the first one after a fan speculated fight in London and featured the gayest speech given during the entire tour, featuring a public and heartfelt “I love you”. In the greatest irony, it was PGB herself who revealed Karlie was going to be there and Taylor was anxiously awaiting her arrival in the “I came straight from Rome” video. I can’t be the only one who remembers the whispers that she’d gotten in trouble for sharing it. But from who? Taylor has always encourage her fans to adore Karlie as much as she does and promote their close bond. Perhaps other parties weren’t as happy to see a reminder of how special Karlie is and to invite speculation as to why her little sister, who Tree should have had no interaction, with was comfortable enough to share a hug with her. More recently, PGB was very quick to reblog the post linking Joe to …Ready For It?, preventing Taylor from unliking it or burying it deeply enough to go unnoticed.While there may be some who would like to keep a certain bird caged and singing, the music video clearly shows she’s out now and judging by her place in the press lineup at the end of the video, she’s got her story to tell.According to one popular and seemingly plausible fan theory, each of the Taylors at the end of the music video represents a track on the album. The first track is represented by birdcage Taylor, who looks done at the end of the video in the face in the face of the pressline. …Ready For It?, the first track on the album, seems to again address her bearding and shade it (but the analysis of it is another post). It clearly defines the roles each of them are forced into and the intention of the bearding, keeping her jailed and tamed.Whether or not there’s any truth to this will depend on what’s to come in the future. Will Taylor speak about her label once the contract is up? I suspect we won’t know the truth of the matter until the album is out and the tour is booked to minimize the possibility of interference. If this is the case though, Big Machine is playing with fire. After all, if Taylor does not sign with them again, there’s nothing to stop Taylor from exposing them along with her sexuality. Firstly, it would it help build sympathy and understanding amongst the general public and her more conservative fans, dodging claims of her lying by giving them another target to blame. After all how could they blame Taylor when she wanted to be honest so badly but wasn’t allowed? Second, it would paint a target on them that might be hard to recover from. Like it or not, when Taylor speaks the world listens. Few who have gone up against her have come out without scars, where as Taylor is well practiced in rising up from the dead. After all, she does it all the time.
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sunsetsugar · 7 years
30 questions tag!
Tagged by @lostmyseokjin and @9yoong tyvm for tagging me dkjfsnkdsjsdk
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname: Kate, KT , Nikia calls me witch a lot i guess lmao Gender: Female Star sign: SCORPIO Height: fuck idk i think im 170cm dead  Time:  7:42 pm  Birthday: 10th November  Favourite band/s:  BIGBANG BTS EXO CLC 9MUSES TOPPDOGG FANXY CHILD KARD Favourite solo artist/s: G Dragon, Hyuna, Jessi , Dua Lipa, SURAN , zico , Jonghyun’s solo stuff Song stuck in my head: My walk by Jessi  Last movie watched: some shitty western movie my dad was watching at like 1am  Last show watched: RIVERDALE, YALL THAT SHIT IS CRAZY  When did i create my blog: I’ve had this blog since July 2013 YIKES  What do i post: Mostly BTS n Min Yoongi, but tbh i post loads of other kpop as well like exo n hyuna. Also cats n sunsets :’(  Last thing i googled: ‘Kpoptown preorder HER ‘ lmaoooooo Do you have other blogs: MY SIDEBLOG @4hyungs lmao its like a 10x more chill blog than this n its dedicated to the hyung line Do you get asks: Sometimes, but not very often  Why did you choose your url: minsugageniusjjangjjangmanboongboong was taken LMAO Following: 473 dskfjnjkfs Followers:341
Favourite colours: it changes all the time but atm its definitely pastel colours like PINK N PASTEL ORANGE
Average hours of sleep: 6-9 hours lol take ur pick Lucky number: the first number that came to my mind was 7  Instruments: sdfjknfkdjfn i have a certificate that means im supposed to be able to play the piano but... What am i wearing: an oversized hoody n pajama bottoms How many blankets i sleep with: a big duvet  Dream job: Horse Trainer or a Psychologist lmao either or  Dream trip: I want to travel the continent more ive barely seen any of europe gdi Favourite food: Cheesy Chips omg Nationality: British Favourite song now: Babe- Hyuna and Water- Dumbfoundead 
Tagging: @bts-veins @yoongisnugget @blumiin @oh-no-its-mo @minyoongislaysme @95s but you dont have to do it if you dont want 
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alexanicholsauthor · 5 years
So I’m laying here naked…
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So, I’m laying here in the bath (I’d post pics but since this entry is also going on my public Patreon feed I can’t 😭) thinking about my brother. Bet that got your attention. See, we had a conversation a few hours ago about problems that I’ve been having with a certain phallus-wielding biped I’ll just name “Dante,” and it got kind of interesting. Relationships can be bittersweet, especially when both of you want the same thing but Life keeps getting in the way. It’s what caused the breakup with my last partner (Rebecca) and what’s always driven a divide between the people I hold most dear and me.
See, my problem is my work ethic.
It’s a bit extreme.
Whether it be my real job, my writing, or my side projects, I like to keep myself occupied. I enjoy so many things that don’t really require other people: games (mainly computer, though recently that has been shot in the foot until I get my new tower), anime, manga, movies, (obviously) writing, reading, audiobooks, Netflix, Hulu, etc. Etc. Etc…
If I try not doing any of these things for too long (especially writing) I get testy, antsy, and eventually hostile. And then I start having nightmares. It’s like a strange creative buildup that begins to turn acidic if it isn’t released. Does that make any sense? Anyway, my big brother unit told me that most of my problems are mental (shocker there 😅) and that most of these are a matter of perspective. I told him he was full of shit (as a baby sister is legally obligated to do) and he responded by digging out a copy of We’re All Doing Time by Bo Lozoff, with a foreword by the Dalai Lama.
You should have seen the stink-eye I gave him when he handed it to me. I am highly skeptical of religious books and was stunned that my brother (who is about as Deist as they come) even had a copy. But, as many of you know, my brother is pretty much the love of my life, so I decided to trust his judgment and crack the book open.
My mind was fucking blown. I had to tear myself away from it.
And it really made me think.
Life is so short, and it’s filled with so much pain and drama – on the flip side, of course, it’s also filled with love and happiness. I was thinking about this when a simple, yet profound thought invaded my mind: Life isn’t filled with anything, all those feelings and experiences come from people.
And then something else dawned on me: I hate mustard. With a fiery passion you would probably be shocked to witness. I dislike the taste so much that it literally angers me when it’s offered. 😅 Silly, I know, but true. What does mustard have to do with anything? Well. See, since I hate mustard so much, I don’t use it in my food. Following me so far? Life is a lot like a recipe, an organic, constantly changing recipe. And people are the ingredients. How your recipe (Life) tastes (feels) is almost entirely dictated by the ingredients (people) you allow in it.
So, in conclusion, just like when you cook, if something tastes off, check your ingredients and see what’s making it taste that way – and then correct your recipe. This revelation was a bit of a paradigm shift for me, and it’s given me a lot to think about. What people do I need to let go of in my life to make it better? What people shouldn’t have even been there to begin with?
As I wrote, I have a lot to think about…
Anyway, writing-wise, everything is going fantastic. I just finished Sera, the fourth entry in the seven-part Exitium Mundi series, and have already started drafting the fifth book, Mike. I’m actually thinking of maybe stepping away from the Exitium Mundi universe for one quick light-hearted story, because Sera kind of did a number on me. I dunno. Another part of me doesn’t want to give up my momentum…
I also approved the audiobook version of Erotic Urban Legends: Broken Wings for its final production – which means it should be publicly available soon!
And then there’s The Siren’s Song, which is now officially available for September 1, 2019 preorder! Of course, if you want to read it immediately, you can snag the paperback and have it within days. It’s a crazy kinky story that you should definitely check out. It has heavy Wiccan themes and is drenched in sex and romance. Mainly sex. 😅
Anyway, that’s all I have to report for now.
Be good to yourself.
And thank you for reading!
0 notes
chorusfm · 6 years
Typesetter recently signed to 6131 Records and announced their sophomore record – it’s called Nothing Blues and it’s a masterclass in anthemic punk rock. I spoke to Alex Palermo, bassist/vocalist, and Marc Bannes, guitarist/vocalist, about writing the album and what the band did in the four years since their debut. Nothing Blues is out October 26 and is available for preorder through 6131’s store. You just got off a tour with Against Me!, right? How was that? Sounds awesome. Marc: Very, very awesome. Alex: It was very cool. We actually toured with them last year for a short run too, and they’re just the best. We’re very grateful. Just the fucking best. Marc: Pretty much any chance we get to play shows with them is some of the most fun shows we get to play. Your last full-length release was Wild’s End in 2014. What has Typesetter been up to in the four years since? Marc: Well, that was our last full-length, but we put out a split with a band called Living Room from Brooklyn and we put out an EP. Since that time, we’ve gone through a couple member changes. We have a different drummer than we had on the Wild’s End LP and we had a multi-instrumentalist for a time as well. We’ve gone through a lot of changes and honestly it’s kind of a different band now than the one that put out Wild’s End. The core three of us – me, Alex, and Kyle – have remained the same throughout the whole run of the band. Why’d you decide to jump from Black Numbers to 6131? Marc: Black Numbers was super awesome and Dave from Black Numbers remains a good friend of ours, he’s always been super supportive, but it just made sense. They were winding down their operations as far as signing new bands and putting out new releases, stuff like that, and moving towards being a legacy label. We didn’t have any contractual obligations, so we decided to look around for other options and see if there were any other labels that would be a good fit for this record. We reached out to a variety, but 6131 was at the top of our list, and I was pretty excited when they got back to us and we started talking about working together. I feel like both Black Number and 6131 are two of the most under-appreciated labels around. Marc: Yeah, Black Numbers had some really awesome bands. There was a while there when they were pretty aggressively signing new bands and doing a really awesome job. Some things happened that were totally out of their control, caused them to slow down a little bit. 6131, too, they’ve just never put out a bad record. Their whole catalog is really cool. I wanted to ask about the Typesetter #5 EP you put out a few years ago, because “Monogamy II” was on that, and it sounds like you re-recorded it for Nothing Blues. Alex: Yeah, we did. I’m curious why you chose to include that on here after you’d already released it. Marc: It’s one of my favorite songs we’ve written to play live. We’ve played it at probably every show since it was written. It’s usually the first song we play, and it’s super fun. I really like playing it, singing it, and I felt like the song deserved a better recording. I just thought that it deserved more attention, that we could revisit and re-record it to give it the treatment it deserves. That’s the only song we’ve ever re-recorded. Knowing that song’s been around for two or so years, how long’ve you been writing Nothing Blues for? Marc: Oh, that song’s gotta be the oldest on the record. Some of the others – “Real Conversations with Imaginary Friends,” for example – some have been kicking around for a couple years. You know, just due to member changes and other life changes we didn’t have a chance to record an LP any sooner than we recorded this one [laughs]. A couple others are a couple years old, I think the song “Viva” we finished a couple weeks before we went to record. We wrote between fifteen and twenty songs over a three-year period and all of those contributed to what ended up being on the record. Last question about “Monogamy II” – what’s the relationship between that song and “Monogamy I”? And don’t say the relationship is monogamous. Marc: I would say that I think the two are about very similar things. I enjoy playing both live because they’re positive and hopeful songs. They’re not directly about the same thing or feeling or circumstances or anything, but it goes hand in hand to me. I don’t know. I can’t thematically separate the two. Both sets of lyrics were borne out of the same page of notes at the beginning of the writing process. I think they’ve always been linked. It seems like “White Noise” is about Don Delillo’s novel White Noise. Alex: Yeah, Kyle, our other guitarist who isn’t on the phone right now, he wrote that song. I’m pretty sure that yeah the title is lifted from that book.Kyle’s done that in the past, based songs off books. He’s kind of a bookworm. Marc: I think there’s a lyric in the song that’s a callback to the book, but I don’t wanna say for sure. Alex: I think I recall him saying that, yeah. I think the bridge of the song. There’s a line in “Real Conversations with Imaginary Friends” I was curious about, where you say, “I meant to call you Mary Lee.” I was curious who that refers to. Marc: That’s my mom. Hi mom. And then the last line of “Viva” – “you can all fuck off in the air” – is either a Violent Femmes or National reference, yeah? Marc: Yeah, the National, yeah. Why’d you decide to put that in there? Alex: ‘Cause the National rules. Marc: Yeah [laughs] it’s because they’re awesome. Nah, I don’t know. Wasn’t a conscious decision or something I thought about intentionally doing. Not even something I thought about intentionally at all. That lyric just really made sense at the end of that song, in context and with everything else that song is about. The National does rule, though. We listen to them a lot. You two have any favorite songs on the record, or anything else you’re particularly proud of on here? Alex: Three tracks, in my personal view, that really stand out are “Technicolor,” which has my friend Lydia Loveless on it, who’s been my friend for a really long time, and it’s one of our most diverse moments as a band – challenging us as more than a punk band – and then I think “Monogamy I” is cool and my favorite song to play live, and then “Viva,” which is cool live because we extend the ending to really go crazy. I song I think is probably going to go under the radar a bit, buried at the back of the record, is “Marigold.” Kinda shows our punk roots but is still cool and refreshing. Marc: Yeah, for me, “Technicolor” is the one that pops out. I really like everything on the record, but that song from its very beginning, I knew was really different from our other stuff – more poppy, but more brooding. It’s a slow burn. The production is fucking awesome. Our drummer Matt played his drum parts twice and for most of the song there’s a drum kit pan hard left and a drum kit pan hard right so he’ll start a fill on one kit and finish it on the other. It has by far the most tracks of any other song on the record, like double the tracks [laughs]. Alex: Which is funny, ’cause it doesn’t sound like it does, which I love. Marc: I mixed the record, and me and Matt talked about percussion ideas and I had a clear idea how I wanted that song to turn out and I’m really happy with it. If there’s anything else you wanna say, go for it. Marc: This record’s been a long time in the making and I’m stoked for everybody to listen to it. Hope you enjoy. Alex: Thanks for talking to us, we really appreciate it. --- Please consider supporting us so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/interviews/typesetter/
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