#that scene in s15 when carolina's like
sco07ut · 5 months
how did i feel about the way rvb19 treated iys female characters:
dylan: weird???? she felt so mischaracterised. between that and the new voice she fully felt like a new character ☹️ it also felt like she was forced in for like no reason. in s15 she seemed to be like a pretty esteemed journalist so idk why she would be stammering on stage in a nearly empty comic con. peculiar and i think they could’ve made the intro so much better if it had been a bit more like s15. dylan having some sort of interview maybe, talking about the disappearance of the rnbs and still getting cut off by the meta but in a way that like actually feels like her ? like she wasn’t particularly afraid of spencer porkinsensen (or whatever the fuck he was called)
kai: i was hoping she’d get a cameo but christ not that short. where in the name of god was my kai + grif interaction. i also think she could’ve killed the meta with sheer cunt force alone, my girl was held back !!!! also so disappointed that she never got to see tex again
sheila: i was not expecting you!!!! but it’s so good to see you again. did they rescue her from charon or something?? honestly quite sweet.
479er: Really wasn’t expecting you ! she contributed to the plot really nicely, it didn’t feel like she was forced in at all. it would’ve been nice to see more of her though, i feel like her scenes happened Very quickly. i also would’ve loved to see her interact with the other freelancers (particularly carolina and tex) but whatever i can’t complain too much about her
grey: what did they do to you!!!!!!! who are you!!!!! you are not the emily grey i know and love!! you would have so much more consideration for wash ☹️ another case of being mischaracterised so bad that i fully didn’t realise it was grey until wash said her name. this might also be because the infinite armour looks absolutely nothing like her but i don’t know jack abt infinite so i can’t really say anything
tex: I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I CANNOT BELIEVE RT ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED HER PAST ENDING WAS SO DIRTY. wish she had maybe had a small conversation with the rnbs but honestly her saying ‘and in their memories i always kicked their asses’ was enough. she knows she’s the woman ever. i wasn’t expecting her to get sucked into the unit though :( like i suppose it makes sense to let her finally rest with whatever iteration of church was created when the ais merged but man i was looking forward to her joining the rnbs again and like idk getting to know her daughter properly this time?? severely missing tex and carolina content
carolina: where did you even come from girl!! where were you before you dropped out of the sky!!!!! i also wish she had spoke to the others & had like an actual scene where she was told sarge was dead bc they had like a weird little friendship going on and he’s just gone !! i feel like she barely did anything. she just dropped into the fight, did fuck all, and then revealed that wash has apparently been hallucinating the dead body of doc. erm
bonus ct + south: ct’s speech was alr i guess it wasn’t particularly memorable but it was nice that she was included tbh. though i was surprised south was in the freelancer lineup given she lowk bullied wash idk
in conclusion: my girls deserved better
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arkhaline · 5 months
My Complete Thoughts on RvB: Restoration
Major spoilers for the entire season below the cut!
I think the biggest sin of this season was not clarifying when it takes place, as it cheapened a lot of the twists by genuinely confusing me or contrasting information that we had already been given in S15-S18. Keep this in mind for the rest of the review.
Maybe the allusion to Caboose’s voice being “misremembered” was confirmation that it was in fact a simulation post-S13, but it still wasn’t super clear to me. Especially since Dylan was talking about the Reds and Blues (even though I know they met post-S10), which kinda made it feel like Restoration could be post-S18 (unless that was the point). There was just enough ambiguity that it really could have gone either way for most of the movie.
I feel like the humor was a bit off?? Maybe it was a generational gap since the show was going back to someone who hasn’t written for it in a while and is older than the current writers (case in point: he used tropes that Gen Z makes fun of a lot, e.g. he’s right behind me isn’t he). The Zoom call bit also went on WAY too long. The metacommentary about the changing attitudes toward RT also felt a bit tone deaf. In general, a lot of the trademark RvB banter just felt stale, it was the more general dialogue that was stronger (though Church telling Caboose to shut up when Simmons was talking did make me laugh).
Also, Grif was so angry all the time at the beginning?? Felt out of character and took me out of those early scenes. Maybe it was a setup for the whole discharge subplot but it just felt… off
The writing was just a bit clunky at the beginning, felt very direct and exposition-y, but that might be because they had so much to cover in so little time. It resolved itself later, anyway (except for the rapid fire ending, there was so much to unpack there).
Alright enough complaining about the general format, here are my more detailed thoughts.
Sheila!!! That is all.
I can excuse Caboose secretly speaking Spanish the whole time because there was a bit in S16 (maybe 17? can’t remember) where he understands something that Lopez said.
I initially completely missed the fact that the Meta’s color scheme was an allusion to Felix, that is so fucked up. Tucker dressed in the colors of the man he hates the most about to kill his closest friends? Jesus.
The Director being Epsilon’s therapist in the YouTube video made me laugh really hard.
Speaking of therapists, Wash was patient 619-B and I think that was the Counselor’s voice. Is the implication that he survived in this timeline?? Because he died before Epsilon fractured himself, so that much should at least be set in stone. Not really clear on that.
The “Great Destroyer” thing felt a bit retcon-y, but I can get behind it well enough.
I got so excited when 479er showed up, glad that we got confirmation that she made it out of Recovery okay. Wish we could’ve seen her and Wash (and Carolina) interact though.
I wish they had done Sarge’s death a bit differently. Kinda wish he hadn’t been all “that worked out well!” only to be stabbed, it felt very “he’s right behind me isn’t he” and made the fact that he was about to be stabbed obvious from a million miles away. There’s definitely something to be said about him sacrificing himself for a blue, and the deathbed interactions he had with the others were really good, but it kinda just felt like shock value?? Like there wasn’t enough build up to the payoff, it just kinda seemed like he decided to save Caboose last minute without any major character motivations or development behind the decision.
Which is another thing, it felt like it relied a LOT on Red vs. Blue dynamics in the beginning, and I was fucking flabbergasted when they actually left Caboose behind. The same people who broke time to save Wash would just leave Caboose to die like that? No way.
Meta!Tucker felt like it wasn’t explored enough, mostly just “no I won’t do your bidding” and “yes you will” back and forth with no real depth. However, credit where credit is due, I LOVED how this gave us a new perspective to Maine’s descent into madness. That ten-years-of-torture-in-a-few-seconds thing? So fucked up. Can you imagine being tortured by the remnants of your best friend, who have zero regard for your well-being? If they did all of that to Tucker in the short time they were together, just imagine what they did to Maine to get him to the point he was at at the end of S10/by Recollection.
Bonus points for the fact that the fragments tortured Tucker without a second thought when they themselves are a result of torture. They seemed to spare no empathy for Tucker despite having been through this themselves. Then again, I suppose they are they are copies of the original Leonard Church, who had no such qualms.
Didn’t realize that Meta!Tucker was voiced by Miles Luna (aka Felix’s voice actor) until the credits, that was an extra layer of fucked up and I loved it.
I really enjoyed Wash’s plot for the most part. I was definitely super intrigued the whole time since so much of his subplot didn’t add up from his perspective. I mean, I think he deserved something more for a send-off since most of his arc wasn’t really related to his character as a whole (besides the freelancer thing at the end). However, I still enjoyed it for what it was worth.
Additionally, if this is post-S13, I wish they’d clarified because I assumed that Wash was suffering from cerebral hypoxia and not some other injury. They kept alluding to something that happened on Chorus, but I wasn’t clear on the fact that it was a separate timeline of events. The Doc plot twist threw me off a lot more as a result.
I could tell he was gonna launch himself off the cliff and it still made me laugh hysterically.
I’m glad that the final battle was in Blood Gulch. It’s cliché, but it felt full-circle. Plus, it was the best resting place for Sarge in canon and a good set-up for a “why were we here” moment.
I knew Simmons was gonna have his arm broken but I still gasped anyway. And when the shotgun was cut in half??? Bro my jaw was on the floor, it was like when John Wick’s dog was killed (probably, I’ve never seen that movie). But the way Simmons cocked the shotgun with one hand was badass as hell, good for him.
I’m glad we got something resembling a Simmons character arc? I think it relied a lot on setup from previous seasons of him becoming a leader, with little to no actual development in S19 itself, but it still felt at least decently satisfying.
“Best throw ever. Of all time” made me laugh, I love a good callback. Actually, there were a lot of fun callbacks to jokes, like the irony bit. They were greatly appreciated.
Tucker getting launched by a warthog actually made me laugh really hard, I love the “shotgun as a code word” bit so much.
The Tex plot twist was SO GOOD, I totally didn’t see it coming. Much better direction to go anyway, since we already put Church to rest in S15. So glad that Caboose was able to get his moment in the spotlight and have the smartest plan of all of them. Unless it was Church’s plan, in which case I find it so sweet that he wanted to bring Tex back instead of himself (even if it did cheapen the S9 “let her go” thing a bit). I also really loved the callback where her armor turned black because of the teleporter, that was really good.
I got so excited when they started playing Round One I’ll be honest. Also, I Say Ooh?? Was not expecting that one.
In all honesty, I didn’t love the soundtrack (kinda felt stock music-y and cliché in a lot of parts, plus it didn’t have the musical style that we’ve come to expect from RvB). It was fine, but nothing to write home about. The campfire song was good too. I know about the whole thing where Trocadero wouldn’t join on unless everyone was brought back on, and now that we know that RT is shutting down, it’s possible that this was because multiple musical artists just weren’t in the budget. That said, it’s a shame that there weren’t more original songs.
I called that Carolina was gonna be Recovery (though now I think about it, why was she doing Recovery?? was it even Recovery since Charon had been shut down??? What happened to her after Chorus???? Also her talking about how her and Wash would do everything together from now on meanwhile she left him behind in some hospital?????). Anyway, the fight with her and Tex was SO fan service-y but I ate it up anyway, good for them.
Tex winning because she was a collection of the Reds and Blues’ memories and she always won against them was so, so good, something to be said about the positive nature of the memories of your friends (I mean just look at how happy they had been when recounting everything they’d been through!)
Also if just talking about someone was enough to create a functional AI, it kinda makes the whole “torturing Alpha to make more AI” thing totally pointless and retcons the entire show but. Whatever.
TEX DESERVED THIS ENDING!! I like the S9 ending in a lot of ways, it was poetic that she was finally allowed to rest after being dragged back so many times against her will, but I think it also felt incomplete because I don’t know if being put to rest was what Tex herself would actually want. There is a significant difference between not electing to bring her back again and choosing to take her out of the fight. Tex was never allowed to make her own decisions, not even in S9. This ending was entirely on her terms, which I think was fantastic.
I loved the rockslide, it reminded me a lot of the ice fight from S8 was just generally very fun.
It’s established that Tucker became the Meta because he had several AI when just two was enough to almost kill Carolina. If this isn’t the canon timeline, then why didn’t Tucker become the Meta in that one? For a reason besides “the writers didn’t think of it”.
I hope that Burnie came up with the idea for this season by reading Meta!Tucker fan fiction.
The Doc thing was so??? Why did they do a Sixth Sense. Like I think that twist would have worked a LOT better if they made it clearer when this took place (I kept flip flopping on whether this was an alternate timeline post-S13 or main timeline post-S18 up until this point, which made the whole Doc-died-on-Chorus thing feel like it came out of nowhere since, if it was post-S18, we knew that Doc survived Chorus. It also makes Epsilon’s sacrifice to get them all out of there feel a bit cheaper since they didn’t all get out of there, but maybe that suggests that S15-S18 are the main timeline).
How did Doc heal Wash’s leg?? Was it even broken in the first place??? Did they ever clarify that????
I GASPED when the Freelancers showed up. It was camp as hell and hard to take seriously but also I don’t even care. I’m glad he got some kind of goodbye, since he was always too late to do so as a Recovery agent.
Kinda funny that Wyoming wasn’t there but Florida was, and also South was there even though Wash murdered her in cold blood. Anyway.
When One showed up I felt every emotion I think
Bro where the hell was Donut? There was no good reason for him not to at least show up, maybe on the pelican with One or something. Especially since S16 and S17 were dedicated to an entire arc about how everyone should stop disrespecting Donut, like come on.
Edit: did a little research and it might be because there’s no pink armor in the game this season was filmed in? Which is so hard to believe, since Halo has so many references to RvB. I can’t believe they would just cut out the armor colors of one of the main characters and make it impossible for him to return in the way we know him, it’s messed up.
I know time was short, but I wish we had more time to explore Tucker’s feelings post-Meta. Especially since he killed Sarge, even though it definitely wasn’t his fault. There probably wasn’t enough time to get into all that, but still, he seemed remarkably fine after everything that had happened. I guess that kind of exploration is what AO3 is for lol.
I have mixed feelings about the end for Tex and Church. On one hand, Tex calling herself Allison Church was so sweet and I loved how caring she was, it reminded me of when she said goodbye to Alpha during the Freelancer saga. Also, the fact that there was finally a Church free of the memories of his predecessors felt very satisfying. However, I kind of wish that they could have just had their happily ever after and stayed in the memory unit. I understand the decision—destroying the remaining AI was really the best way to make sure Project Freelancer was put to rest forever—but I kinda feel like she and Church deserved better than simply being put down after everything they’d been through.
One final team kill for Caboose. Ow.
The animation was really, really good!! It looked much better than that plasticky look the trailer had. I didn’t love Epsilon’s animations (they felt a bit jerky and overacted), but otherwise I think they did a really great job. I especially loved how they animated the AI on Tucker’s visor, it looked cool as hell.
I think one of the things this season suffered from was the overall tonal shift in the writing. Burnie hadn’t written for, and Matt hadn’t solely directed, a season in a LONG time. We’ve come to expect more character-focused narratives that dive into the nuisances of the characters and their relationships, and we didn’t really get that here (unless you count Sarge’s deathbed confession to Grif that he was hard on him because he wanted him to be more, which still felt a bit shallow. Actually, there are lot of things which could be considered set-ups in retrospect, but their intended payoffs didn’t feel like payoffs). I think there was a consequential whiplash as compared to what we have come to expect from RvB, and while the writing style we got wasn’t inherently bad (again, I liked a lot of it), it was definitely different.
I really, really hated that Grif left at the end. That’s literally the antithesis of his S15 arc, which felt much more complete and true to the character than this one. It’s impossible not to compare these arcs because of how inherently similar they are, and because I believe the S15 arc is superior (Grif’s exhaustion was a more subtle and believable reaction than this Grif’s raw anger, and his realization of how much he relied on his team was much more powerful than this Grif just tapping out), it makes the S19 Grif arc feel poorly thought out.
Also, he wanted to be discharged, but I don’t think they worked for the UNSC or any other military organization after Chorus since they all retired, so was any of that really necessary? Maybe retirement is just a vessel, so to speak, to represent Grif leaving adventure behind him for good. Still, I liked the way S15 handled this arc a lot more.
Vale Deah. Ow.
The most we got was Grif leaving and asking Simmons to come with him but like. “not scared to take risks my ass”, Burnie.
Honestly, I think this season was a victim of its format. Eighty minutes isn’t a lot of time to properly send off these characters, especially when RvB as a format is based on multi-season arcs. There just wasn’t enough time to build up tension or explore the dynamics of something as extreme as Meta!Tucker in a way that would feel satisfying. That said, I think Burnie did a pretty good job fitting as many things as he did into this format. A part of me is almost glad that Grimmons wasn’t made canon? I feel like it might’ve felt rushed to give it a satisfying arc in just 80 minutes in addition to all of the other shit going on, and I think after 21 years they deserved at least a satisfying resolution. However, they did NOT deserve an ending which implied that they would never see each other again, what the fuck.
TL;DR? 7.5/10. Far from perfect, and there were a lot of creative decisions made that I heavily disagree with. However, they did a lot right, too, and it still seems heartfelt in a way that helps me overlook some of its flaws. Overall, I enjoyed this season for what it was worth. There are some qualities of S17 that I think made for a better final goodbye to these characters, and some qualities of S19 that I think made for a better goodbye (in all honesty I never finished S18, but it wasn’t really a “goodbye” season anyway). Wrapping up a 21-year-old series is very difficult, and I have a lot of respect for Burnie and the others who worked on Restoration for what they put together. Truthfully, I’m gonna pick and choose which segments of S17 and S19 are canon in my heart (S17 is still the overall canon ending for me), but I’m happy with what we got in the end.
Anyways, I’m happy to chat more in the replies, let me know your thoughts!
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Hi it's me (...again) to watch rvb, the early few seasons were SO bad of a quality (iirc it was first released in 2004) but the jokes god tier, an episode only lasted like 4 minutes? and then it got serious from season 6 iirc, Season 8 was emotional to me and since monty oum took over for animating the fighting scenes? Chef's kiss and this was around 2008 when it's released.
Definitely recommend watching rvb!! In the last few seasons (i dont watch s15-16 because...i simply dont like it) they used mocaps for fighting scenes and still use machinima for the non fighting scenes and since it's been quite so long i dont remember much of the plot but they took the series seriously w the plot! And the voice acting is spot on to me, lastly my fav characters are tucker, washington, locus, epsilon, grif, sarge, carolina!
It has comedy, angst, mpreg (implied, one of the guys got knocked up by an alien and got alien son), good actions! Just need a bit of patience until the story taken seriously, afterall it was started just for fun
And sorry for flooding your ask box w my submission 😅 😭, it's hard to resist the brainrot, rvb has a special place in my heart i got pissed when the last few seasons got hm unlikeable plot (to me but if u wanna watch it, go ahead!)
Oh man. I know. One day I do plan to get to RvB. I've actually had a couple conversations with someone much more knowledgeable than I about RvB, and got some suggestions about where to start and stuff.
Rooster Teeth is a whole other issue that I do not feel like touching with a ten foot pole, but is something I'm aware of nonetheless.
Maybe after life finally calms down again, after con is over and there are no more guests for a while, I can start watching it to see if I like it. I know I'll recognize some of the voices, which is always nice, but... I dunno. I just have to try it and see.
But I do appreciate the input! It's always nice knowing that other people here enjoy these things, so I have people I can rant to if needed 😂
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funsizedcrow · 4 years
rvb relationship dynamics i want to see more of
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redredredvsblue · 3 years
Sorry I've not started s17 yet but I've been rewatching bits of s15, and god the whole temple and biff story line just makes me so emotional
Like Temple being annoyed when Biff said he was leaving but still agreeing to help him anyway, but when when it came to it he just couldn't do it, and that moment of hesitation caused Biff to end up in the crossfire between Tex and Carolina, and Temple did everything he could to stop the fight but it wasnt enough??
It makes the scene where temple sees Grif for the first time and he says "biff" so softly hurt so much
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riathedreamer · 3 years
You asked for it: live thoughts from Ria and @creatrixanimi​ watching RvB Zero.
So, after having a movie night the day before (third movie night in a week, actually, we are very productive) watching Neil Breen movies and “Cool Cat”, it was now time to touch upon Zero. Sadly, Zero does not belong in the “so bad it’s good” category, but alas, Ria had to spoil Haley’s innocence.
This is not a proper edited review, but just snippets of our live reaction while watching the thing together. We are not drunk, but this continued way past midnight for Ria, so maybe her brain isn’t fully functioning. Also, Ria is a potty mouth because cursing is easy when it’s not your native language. Enjoy.
Episode 1:
Ria: I can’t figure out if they were trying to do a Grif and Simmons parallel with those two random guards talking outside, the ones with the Wash retconning.
Haley: Their armor doesn’t cover their noses. 
Ria: That’s gotta be cold. Frostbitten noses.
Haley: There is no exposition. Like, it feels like the writers had their idea and know what is going on, but we don’t so it just feels weird and random. It feels like a Marvel movie.
Ria: Is that a compliment? I haven’t watched Marvel.
Haley: Not a good one.
Ria: This episode isn’t that bad in itself. But it’s just there to establish that the OG characters can’t beat this new villain, but the new guys can, and, urgh.
Episode 2:
[The shot focuses on One’s behind.]
Ria’s dirty mind: Ass.
Ria: I like this character, but I don’t remember his name.
Haley: Raymond.
Ria: This is why we need a name system like with the Freelancers and states. Should’ve just been numbers all the way through. Except Eleven, you fucking whore.
Haley at the sight of Raymond’s phone: It’s so big.
Ria: It’s the future. I can believe it.
Ria: Here’s the thing driving me crazy. Axel is a normal name in Denmark. But like, only old people use it. I know two Axels and they are both older than eighty. So that’s when I think of when I see Axel.
[After the whole training montage where we are introduced to the characters, we are still confused.]
Ria: I can’t remember their names.
Haley: Well, they didn’t show all of them. They didn’t show One.
Ria: They did!
Haley: They did?
Ria: Wow. So we got all that tell and no show, and we are still confused.
Haley: When it comes to genre, it’s actually not that bad with the narrated tell and don’t show. If it wanted to be a cheesy/bad action movie, that’s a trope that’s used relatively frequently in the genre. It’s a bad action movie. But it’s not RvB. It’s kinda like a particularly bad Marvel movie.
Ria: You’re really not selling me on the Marvel movies tonight.
Ria: I know I’m just a sucker for Joe, but I keep thinking of s15. Like, here they just use the files as a cheap way to introduce the characters. But like, in s15, Dylan just read out loud Grif’s file, and it was not to introduce him, but like, to show the complexity of the characters and go against the files? I don’t know, it just seems way cooler now.
[After the whole “what’s East’s deal” scene, we were so confused. Literally paused for five minutes trying to figure who was whose dad and why and what. How many daughters did Axel have? And where are they? We were just lost. Future Haley: Him waxing poetic about his daughters while watching the two girls in his team train confused me like I thought he was talking about East and One and couldn’t count sdfghjk. Future Ria: I’d even watched the show before and I was still confused.]
Ria: I can’t figure out if they’re too fast or if we’re just stupid.
Haley: It’s like I’m trying to remember the details but it all slips through my fingers.
Ria: The whole Zero experience is to feel too old for this shit.
One: This is how it’s done, grandma.
Ria: Fuck you.
Episode 3:
Haley: People would like it if they love dumb action shows. It works as a mindless action show.
Haley: So this is a temple?
Ria: I hate the worldbuilding. Is this the same planet as before? Like, Chorus had temples, but it also had lore about it. Is this the same sort of temples?
Haley: So shouldn’t this temple have its own key? Why do they need to include Tucker? It makes no sense for the temple to require a totally different sword from a different planet.
Ria: So they could beat him up ‘cause OG characters are weak now.
Haley: I don’t like the training scenes. They are so long and boring.
Ria: This is like the third episode where they are training. Holy shit.
Haley: It’s not that bad. But if you like Red vs. Blue, it’s not something for you. They aren’t really comparable.
Ria: I just don’t understand what they wanted to continue for Red vs. Blue. Like, it’s not the worldbuilding or the plot or the characters. I just don’t get it.
Haley: Raymond is the best character.
Ria: I like Raymond.
Haley: He’s RvB. He should be the main character.
Ria: Did East just use the “I’m not like the other (girls)” line?
Haley: I don’t like her. She’s a brat. Why did Carolina have to apologize? They were just training, this is something she’s gonna have to deal with on a daily basis lmao.
Ria: Didn’t Carolina have a cast on her arm? It’s gone now. I can’t keep up with the timeline. So, she’s healed, but how long was Wash gone? They are so vague about everything. Worldbuilding, timeline, motivations.
Ria: …Did Carolina just say she’d suit up? While wearing a full armor suit?
[And this is where the cursed part takes place. To talk, we’d often pause the thing. Here, I randomly paused during the introduction for Starlight Laboratories. There’s a desk in the shot. With a fucking marker on it.]
Tumblr media
Haley: That’s a Crayola marker. That’s a Crayola marker on the table.
Ria: Glad we can appreciate the details by pausing.
[Haley then missed the entire Axel flashback scene because she was too busy looking up pictures of Crayola markers. When this is revealed, Ria lost it for like, three minutes]
Haley: I had that marker as a kid. 
Ria: So 4/5 stars for the marker?
Haley: They were supposed to smell like blueberries or something but they just smelled like chemicals.
Ria: This is the most excited we’ve been about Zero so far.
[Future Haley: I was literally laugh-crying you dont understand. This was the best part of the show.]
Episode 4:
Ria: They all have super powers. It’s so weird.
Haley: I keep thinking they are gonna explain stuff. But they don’t. So I’m just confused.
[Haley has now brought forth all the markers in her room to find a Crayola one. She drops them all on the floor. Ria loses it again.] [Future Haley update: I found a yellow one it smells like lemons :)]
Ria: They are all glowing and have super powers. It’s weird. Like, I know we had super powered armor before but that was all connected to AIs. I don’t get how all of this works. They don’t have AIs.
[We both agree that we enjoy Raymond and Tiny. Bless them.]
Ria: It’s weird. The dialogue is so oblivious, it comments on its own mistakes. Like, Carolina just acknowledged Wash has had a computer in his head before. But they don’t acknowledge the whole canonical lore about his trauma regarding computers in his head and why he’d hate this. Same with the name David. They just noticed that it’s his first name and that’s how they’d show how close Carolina is with him, but they didn’t acknowledge the canon lore that Wash dislikes people using his first name.
Episode 5:
Haley: Why didn’t they use Locus’ sword instead. It’d make more sense. He’s the one travelling around planets and wanting to help people?? 
Ria: What’s the worldbuilding here? Is Tucker on the same planet? Is this Earth? Chorus?
Haley: Gotta love it when they make Tucker hit on teenagers.
Ria: Oh god why did they make East 18.
Haley: They should have done something with the Warthog song, even if that’s a Red Team thing.
Ria: I miss Red Team.
Ria: Wait, so if these three swords are connected, why can the two first ones move by themselves and they have like super powers connected to them? When Tucker’s sword is just boring? They didn’t even make a joke about how the two new swords are longer than Tucker’s.
Tucker: I’m fine, I have my sword.
Ria: That line is so tragic in hindsight.
One: It’s Tucker. He is dead.
Carolina: Oh my god.
Haley: *laughs her ass off*
Haley: I don’t understand why anyone is doing anything.
Ria: Your brain is still thinking about that fucking marker.
Episode 6:
Ria: The dialogue did it again! Wash just said “amazing medical tech”. Like, he points out a plot hole. Because that amazing tech can heal brain injuries and bring people back from death, but East had to be tortured for years to heal her vague illness? Like, why couldn’t their amazing tech fix that.
[While watching the design of the temple.]
Ria: It looks like those are just plates glued to the wall. Dinner is served.
Haley: There is no logical reason why they brought in Tucker. His sword isn’t even from this planet.
Ria: To lure in fans.
Haley in a very sad voice: The speech wasn’t good.
Episode 7:
Ria: Is all of this happening on the same planet? They keep driving. The worldbuilding is so weird. At least earlier RvB made a joke about how they could just drive everywhere. This is like a big desert, a training base, laboratory, city and temples and Tucker’s workplace, and I don’t know if it’s even on the same planet.
Ria: Diesel is just standing there waiting while they outfit Carolina.
Haley: It’s like a video game.
Ria: The temple’s walls are filled with runes.
Haley: It feels like a free/bought asset. It doesn’t even look like the temples on Chorus. It looks like something in WoW or something like that.
Ria: It’s driving me mad. I can read runes! Imagine a big boss fight and the freaking alphabet is plastered on the walls. That’s what I’m looking at.
Haley: Zero is such a boring villain. It’s not interesting when we don’t know what this “power” actually is or what he wants to do with it.
Ria: That’s the helmet Spencer wore.
Haley: Oh god I forgot about him.
Ria: So did the writers.
Haley: Spencer should have been the real villain.
Haley: *sees the random model of the temple guardian alien* I miss Santa.
Episode 8:
Ria: The aliens are just dancing in the background while Carolina is fighting Diesel.
Haley laughing: Oh my god, they are. They are just jumping up and down.
Ria: So, the villain just turned overpowered, and the solution is that Raymond just flicks a switch we haven’t heard about and now the heroes are overpowered too?
Haley: It just makes them shiny. And like... they don’t even use the “power”, they don’t fight him with their powers which only some of them have, they just shoot their ordinary guns at him while doing unnecessary flips.
Ria: I just remembered Church’s dick switch. That had more dramatic buildup.
Axel: You’re too cocky for that.
Ria’s dirty brain: Cock.
Post Zero thoughts:
[Ria returns from bathroom break and Haley is proudly showing off her marker over video cam.]
Haley: There was too much going on so I just focused on the marker.
Ria: So how many stars would you give it?
Haley: It’s really bad.
Ria: How many stars for marker representation?
Haley: Three out of five. It was only there for a second.
Haley: In the beginning, it wasn’t that bad. It was dumb, but also fun and sorta cool. But then it just went on for too long and they didn’t explain anything properly and it stopped being fun really fast. But I can see why some people might enjoy it. Like, you’d love it for its action but only that. Not for plot and/or the character writing.
Ria: I think my biggest problem is the worldbuilding. They kept everything so vague because they didn’t want to connect, not really. Like, where is this happening? When? Why are Carolina and Wash there? Like, the motivations for all the characters were so vague as well.
Haley: Raymond was great. He had personality and some good lines. And he felt like RvB. Like, he used his brain and actually got shit done, but he also wasn’t over-powered. He followed a similar character arc to what the Reds and Blues had. He sucks at fighting but he’s efficient and smart in a practical way with his rocket launcher. He does the most and he doesn’t stop being a goofball! Even Zero was focused on stopping him the most at the end. And he didn’t need to do any stupid flips.
Haley: The borrowed assets annoyed me. It ended up looking stupid, like, the temple felt more like fantasy than science fiction. And nothing like Chorus. And normally, RvB doesn’t have to worry about being cohesive because all of the designs are from Halo so it all makes sense and it’s connected. But this is just so random it feels distracting, I feel like this is a big reason people felt that Zero was so jarring… but on a subconscious level. It just felt off and there was no cohesive design. Also everything looked like it was made for video games and not modified at all for the show.
Haley: Honestly I was optimistic at first but then I got confused really fast and it kept getting worse because it was so fast. They didn’t explain stuff properly or at all. Like, they made it too big. Should have been smaller. I thought going with the “Starlight Labs is evil and needs to go down” plot would have been A LOT better and would have tied together multiple aspects of the story that the temple plot didn’t.
Ria: If I had the power which I don’t, I dunno, but I if the main point was to introduce new characters, I’d keep them tied to lore and worldbuilding we already know. So we don’t get so confused and it doesn’t feel so disconnected. Like, I’m still in love with the idea that it should have been Carolina on Chorus dealing with these soldiers who have been fighting all their lives and now don’t have to do that anymore. But maybe Chorus still needing an army, and that’s why she is training it. I don’t know, but like, familiar, build on what we know. And then they wouldn’t be superpowered, but like, just competent-ish but normal soldiers and we’d get to know them better, but I just think Zero just wanted them to be these super cool soldiers even better than Carolina so they could pull off all the fight scenes. ‘Cause it’s all Zero has going for it. The fight scenes. It’s its strength and weakness ‘cause they sacrificed everything else to look cool. And it does. But it’s boring and there is nothing else going on.
Ria: I’m still so annoyed about the temples. Why are they there? Like, on Chorus it was a big thing, also plotwise, but it had lore connected to it and the worldbuilding explained it. So, where are these temples? A different planet, right? Is it the same aliens? Are people just cool with the temples? Why haven’t they been explored before. Chorus made sure to explain all of that.
Haley: The West and East scene-
Ria: Feast.
Haley: Confused me. ‘cause West didn’t really regret anything. He just said why he did it. And then all of the sudden East forgave him and rejoined the team. It was so weird. He doubled down on the thing she hated him for so much I was like “Wow he’s kinda an asshole” and then all of a sudden she was on his side? What?
Haley: Zero does its job if you want action and nothing else. And it’s not RvB. Don’t watch it if you like RvB. And I just want to acknowledge that we are nitpicking. Quite a bit. I’ll admit that. But, I wouldn’t nitpick the other RvB seasons the same way because the old RvB never took itself seriously the way Zero did.
Ria: I agree. We are nitpicking. But like, that’s why we have the movie nights.
Haley: But we are also allowed to criticize it. You can do that with any season. And with the other seasons, you could nitpick it and you can find stuff you don’t like, but there are always stuff you do like or that other people like. I just can’t find anything about Zero that I like. Besides Raymond.
Ria: Yeah. Like, I really love 15. And it had so many flaws people pointed out. And when it comes to criticism and Zero, I just don’t see many points about why people like it. They are allowed to do that though. But, like, we could have a movie night where we watch the Chorus seasons and we’d nitpick so much because we both have issues with it, but there is still so much stuff we’d still like.
Haley: I like Raymond though. He’s like Grimmons lovechild.
Ria: No. Fuck you. Don’t put that in my brain.
Haley: Raymond being in this… I want to say it feels like the Freelancers seasons but if Grif was part of the team or something. But that’s just “Hit and Run”. *laughs*
Ria: NO! That’s cursed. Shut up. Also, the Freelancers were way better written.
Haley: And those seasons made better sense.
Ria: And like, the Freelancer seasons did the thing with change of tone and have these new and super cool characters and fight scenes. But they kept half of the seasons to be around the Reds and Blues so we still had the humor and the dumbasses, and Zero just, it didn’t connect.
Haley: So, I have some thoughts on Zero.
Ria: I know, you fuck, I had to write them all down by hand.
Haley: I like bad movies, actually, but Zero didn’t stay fun, so no, I didn’t enjoy it.
Ria: Do you forgive me for making you watch Zero?
Haley: Yeah.
Ria: What should we watch next?
Also, Haley dressed up her dog for the event and you all deserve to see her:
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kordbot · 3 years
tucker for the character ask meme
everybody here knows about tucker, they say im a bad mothershutyourmouth-
ask game
thank you for the ask, @shortforesmerelda <3
again, i haven't watched rvb in a while so i apologize if anything is inaccurate!
like before, everything under the cut. this one is gonna be shorter than the last one, i promise
Why I like them: he's a badass and the king of character development. also best dad 10/10 would watch canon alien mpreg in a show again. i liked a lot of jokes involving him, too, he's one of the funniest characters in the series i think (even though he's a dirty blue)
Why I don’t: he was kind of a disrespecting-women asshole in bgc i guess?? but that's just bgc humor right there and i can't really hate him for it
Favorite episode (scene if movie): him comforting caboose in temple's 'prison' in s15, becoming king of england in s16, his labyrinth in s17, when they got all those boxes of mayo in bgc, s1ep1, the fight with tex in s8, the desert eps in s7 and reuniting with epsilon in the chorus trilogy
Favorite season/movie: the chorus trilogy!! obviously hehe. i like him in s7 a lot too
Favorite line: i quote this one constantly. it's my favorite fucking line in the entire show: "I have glamorous calves and a miserable fucking life" other honorable mentions: "Oh my god! I must have gone back in time!" "Does 'swoosh' count as a sound? Then it goes like 'swoosh'!" "For the record, I want you to know rocks aren't people"
Favorite outfit: i like his armor from halo ce because it looks like the diamond armor from minecraft. i even made a meme about it once!! also i love his armor from halo 5 because it's such a nice light color (confuses me with church all the time tho)
OTP: im rarepair hell. i like chucker!! tuckington is pretty cool too i guess
Brotp: tucker and grif, definitely. him and kai also have a cool dynamic! him and sarge have an interesting kind of friendship, too (like in the sarge 2 movie) other than that, all blue team + carolina
Head Canon: hmm... trans.. gener..... also he has a really good memory, but only when it comes to very obscure pieces of lore from movies/series/comics/video games
Unpopular opinion: i actually liked him in s16-17. feel free to hate me but it's true
A wish: i want to see junior again and these two go on all kinds of father/son bonding adventures together
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i can't think of anything that could be worse than zero
5 words to best describe them: never gets the sniper rifle
My nickname for them: i call him 'tuckboy' sometimes because it's funny and it rhymes with 'fuckboy'
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List of things I like in the shisno arc (seasons 15-17, this list could get long)
Edit: it is long
All the grimmons scenes in s15 were *chefs kiss*
There was the temple thing, the focus on simmons while Grif walked off, simmons constantly thinking about grif when he wasn't there, grif repeatedly asking specifically how simmons was when locus and lopez arrived, them immediately yelling each others names when they reunited, and of course the "why are we here?!" Scene
Speaking of said scene, Simmons' knife was obviously also a highlight
Also hyper grif. Was so good
The entire episode Previously On, I rewatch it so much, i love it
Previously On also gave us Carolina/Grif interactions and that deserves its own mention
Locus was also so good in s15 and s17, I loved how he was trying so hard to stay chill but was so obviously losing his mind trying to work with the reds and blues
Caboose hugging Locus was also a highlight
LOOPY WASH. He's just so funny okay, all the scenes with him in s15 and then in s16 when he sees the others in the corridor and stops to talk to them, it always kills me
The conversation between tucker and wash in s15 when they finish it with "smartass" "buzzkill"
Loco. I just really love him. I'm still so sad he died :')
I also hate-love Temple so he gets a mention too, that evil bastard <3
The beach scene where Wash and Lina talk about Illinois and then about York and then hold hands is rlly sweet
I always love wash's line "you don't have to destroy the past to have a future", it reminded me of Carolina's line to Epsilon about how the past doesn't define who you are
I loved the scenes in s15 with simmons and caboose, especially because Simmons actually treated Caboose like a person, he didn't immediately dismiss everything caboose said as stupid, he said it was an "interesting theory" but he wasn't sure it was right
The scene where Caboose talks to church through the portal. It makes me so emotional :') I love caboose so much
Tucker being protective of caboose was also really nice to see
The Spencer porkensonsen story line was ridiculous and I loved it.
I actually really liked Jax in s15, he was so dumb but loveable (unfortunately I really didn't like him in s16 :/)
The griflings hug was so so good
Doctor grey.
Now onto s16 xD
Grif's. Sword. Puns. Best thing ever
Huggins owns my entire heart and her friendship with Grif was so sweet
Sister actually getting proper development and character interactions and not just being a throwaway character
Tucker killing Flowers again lmao
Caboose's Travel presentation was brilliant and I loved his interactions with Lopez
Special shout out to caboose asking the guy at bjorndal for two cups of coffee
The scene where tucker asks for a 200ft dong and Atlus responds with "oOh a man after my own heart"
Sarge wanting to marry Kalirama was a mood
I fucking love genkins okay, he's a bastard and I find everything he says hilarious, I'm sad we didn't get more interactions between him and O'malley
Speaking of, the O'malley vs Donut fight?!?!? Was so good?!?!
I was so proud of Donut
Season 16 had another scene where Grif goes off alone somewhere and it focuses on simmons' face (/helmet)
Also just before this scene, after grif suggests that he goes off alone, simmons says "i don't like this plan", he was worried! And I live for it
Doc's super sad backstory with Deke :( it was sad but I loved hearing more about Doc
Season 17!
Donut finally got to shine and he deserved it so much
The scenes where Donut gets shot by Wash like 7 times kills me dbjds
The Wash and Donut interactions were just amazing
Wash shooting Donut deliberately and then saying "i admire your commitment to time travel"
When they travel to just before he shoots donut and wash says sorry and Donut says "what's a donut without a hole in it" HFJFKD DONUT
Donut tells Carolina to shut up in this season. The bravery.
The whole episode 'the not-so-good ol' days' tbh
When Wash says York and Carolina are close and York is like "Woah thats ridiculous, carolina is our boss, we're not close at all, the audacity, I've never even looked at her face or talked to her in any way not professional"
Wash's "oh right it kinda was" about pfl being like high-school
The entire montage where he's trying to find out where carolina was, its all good
Also wash screaming in his helmet and then saying "I'm great!" when Carolina asked if he was okay
Caboose being a genius
The scene where church is confused and caboose just tells him to go back to bed
Huggins coming back!!
Sister tricking Tucker into telling people the bad things he did lmao
Doc being about to set Tucker straight but then getting annoyed and telling him he should tell everyone else his "unfinished business" too
Doc telling off O'malley and then fighting in the labyrinth, I'm so so proud of him 💜💜
Grif and Sisters interactions in the labyrinth
Almost forgot about this but genkins possessing Santa! And telling Locus that Felix was afraid of knives fndhsjl
Also Genkins possessing Tex and saying that church is basically the clone of a guy who made the robot equivalent of a body pillow kills me
Grif: my balls send their regards, Tex
The scene where Tucker compliments Donut and then calls him an angsty bitch
Okay so I've definitely forgot stuff but this list is already really long so I'll cut it off here, feel free to add things!
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vacation-grif · 4 years
What kinda feelings?
A LOT, ACTUALLY. Like I said before, the RTNY group was telling me to skip it because it wasn’t a good season, and I want to express how much I wanted to just form my own opinion, only to end up agreeing with them in the end. Let me break this down as best as I can now that I am on my PC. I mean no disrespect to the director and writer, as well as the cast and crew. Honestly, I’m worried that my opinion makes me feel like a boomer at this point.
First off, if anyone was going to tell me that I’m going to have headaches over bright flashing lights and colors over a Red vs Blue series, I wouldn’t have believed you. As I said before, they should’ve just called this “Red vs Blue: Epilepsy Warning THE M0VIE”. I understand that they are using the Unreal Engine, because my god the graphics on this is INSANE. But everything is...too bright. TOO. BRIGHT. Everything has a lens flare no matter where the camera turns, and with the high paced action, all the lights and colors, it HURTS.
Next, this is a fully CG-animated season. We haven’t had one like that in SUCH a long time, and this is the first in the 20-ish years of Red vs BLue. When I was a kid who didn’t have a cellphone, I could only imagine what Red vs Blue was like when my best friend would play it over our landline on a weeknight before we would go to school the next day. And I would come over and be like, HOLY SHIT. IS THIS FUCKING HALO?! So imagine my excitement when after 8 years of Red vs Blue using Halo 1 to Halo 3 assets, you see a Warthog just crash through the walls of Valhalla, something you’d never see in a Halo game. A fully animated scene of Grif running over Washington (hell yeah), and an angry Washington outside of his game model just climbing onto the hood of the car and shooting at Grif through the windshield at pointblank range. Then cut to episode 10 of the same season, Tex makes her triumphant return, fully animated instead of her Halo 3 game model. And in the last two episodes of the season, you get OUR VERY FIRST FREELANCER VS FREELANCER FIGHT. You find out this was the work of the late Monty Oum (rest in peace), and until Season 10, Red vs Blue was THE HIGHEST POINT OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE.
Then we go to Season 12 where the animation post Oum (he was working on RWBY at this point but iirc this was just before he died) was choppy at best and didn’t feel right until Season 13, where within the one year the animation team REALLY stepped up. And this actually carries over into Season 17, Singularity, where it became more animation and less game effects, or rather it was balanced. It wasn’t extravegant like Oum’s works, but given that these are the Simtroopers, some Freelancers, some Mercs, and time gods, it felt par for the course. It felt right.
We cut now to these upgraded graphics, which felt like when you were playing on your Xbox 360 and you jsut FUCKING SHOT into the Xbox One. It was, as you would say, unreal (lol). But it felt...off. The first two episodes, the entire action didn’t feel like what you spent 16 seasons watching. It felt like a whole another beast entirely. With the use of super powers, you would think oh the Freelancers had that! Yes, but those were all suit enhancements. These...didn’t feel like it. Zero’s and Phase’s teleportation didn’t feel like something that Fragmented AI can control. Shatter Squad’s at least felt more at home. 
The models themselves were a bit off too. Choppy at best, but understandable given that they were using the Unreal Engine. But you notice that they do a lot of hand on hip pushed out to the side type of thing a lot? Everyone does it. Except Raymond, West, and the big dude. Like the SASSY STANCE. Also, there was way too much power stance. Where if your feet were shoulder width apart, it was a bit wider, and also the pelvis was out a little more. A bit weird. Finally, everyone has an ass. Everyone. Even West. West has an ass, it was like, everyone was dummy thicc and the clap of their ass cheeks was alerting Viper.
Next, voice acting. I...absoultely could not stand the voice acting. It was completely over the top, overdramatic, over exaggerated. Granted, I’m a singer, a perform, but I’m not exactly a good actor myself in the few shows I’ve actually done. It felt like watching an anime. When you wtach something with dialogue of your own language, you can tell when you feel something is to over the top. If you watch something of a language you don’t speak, it’ll go over your head, unless you start to speak that language, and you speak to people who speak that language, then you start to pick up what is regular speaking and what is acting. When an anime gets dubbed, most times, the voice actors tend to over dramatacize in the same way the Japanese due, and some times it works, most times it doesn’t. This is because the Japanese way of acting comes from kabuki theater. When English dubbers do that with this weird over emphasized emotions, it is extremely offputting.
In some places, the voice acting is poorly done. Jen Brown’s performance from just getting out of a hospital to giving an expositional lecture about the new cast in literally 5 seconds of time was...off. Carolina should’ve had more time to recover, especailly after losing Washington, one of her closest surrogate family, she felt...a little too calm and normal. Not like the Carolina who was hesitant but trying her best to be a whole better person (see the Paradox Arc, S15-17). It was jsut quick shift, and now she’s making snarky remarks in that Jen Brown voice she does (my god step on me please) and also being a mother hen. Also, she really calls Washington David way more this season than she ever did before that.
Fiona’s performance was shaky at best in my opinion, I don’t know her very well outside of what everyone says. All I know is that sometimes, the way she emphasizes some of her lines don’t fit the situation very well. I think East/Phase was a lot better done than One imo. But she was mostly angry and competitive.
Raymond is the textbook definition of what I hate about taking a character’s role and making it their entire personality. Think of it like watching Power Rangers, and all of their roles is just defined by the shit they say. Jason is the jock, Kimberly is the pretty girl, Trini is......I’m not gonna lie, I don’t...know what to classify Trini, Zack was the cool guy, and Billy was the nerd (Tommy was Jock II also the rebel/loner). Raymond reminded me a lot like Billy, where Billy was defined by being so smart, half of his dialogue was just look at me, i’m fucking smart, let me use all of these big words. Half of Raymond’s dialogue was, look at me, i’m the tech guy, I’m nerdy and loveable, it felt like it was too over the top of trying to stand out. By the end of the season, after East’s big reveal, I started to like him a lot more because he knew what was more at stake. I want to say that my initial impression of him was immature at best.
West was too stiff. Just.. Too stiff. I get he’s old. But show some emotion, please.
Why am I emphasizing on this more? When you listen to the dialogue of RvB, and then you listen at this, even with the return cast of Carolina, Washington, and Tucker, the direction was different. I think it’s because of the new medium with Zero being all super animated like an action, where RvB was just a bunch of net videos that you’re gonna laugh at with well timed jokes. It was super casual, but also super real. Geoff and Gus and everyone else aren’t big actors or anything, but that’s what made it feel real. That’s what made RvB feel like its own thing.
In terms of writing, I get that this is RvB meets FnF (Fast and Furious). But I honestly feel that it doens’t belong. The story of Shatter Squad vs Viper would have been a lot better if it didn’t have the RvB name tacked on. It’s such a cool concept, but given what RvB was before, the tonal shift is jsut too great, especially when you only have 3 of the previous cast returning.
Speaking of, what happened to Tucker?! What happened to the guy who became a leader? Responsible? Not as arrogant? Maybe playfully arrogant at best, but not stroking his ego? What happened to HIS SWORD? Did they forget how Tucker’s sword works? That it only works IF HE DIES? Tucker didn’t die, and yet Phase was able to use his sword (which by the way is now hers). One of the earliest stories/gags of RvB and they just...retconned it and threw it away! Also, Tucker’s voice acting did NOT match the scene at all. It’s like watching a video game that was localized from Japanese, and the dubbers spoke too fast before the character could finish. Tucker moves outside of his dialogue and there is this weird seconds of silence. That...that was just a BAD return for him.
My final thought is that, if RvB Zero is not...the RvB I grew up with. Maybe the jokes are dated, but the memories of what RvB was is still real. This just...doesn’t feel like RvB anymore. This should have just been it’s own show, it’s own story, replace Wash and Carolina and Tucker with new characters, it just wasn’t their place to be in this.
The only thing I liked about this? I’m glad Danielle (I’m assuming this is how you would spell her name) didn’t go AWOL and returned to the team. I actually really liked her the most next to Axel. She was done dirty, but she still held on to that one bond she had as East that Zero didn’t give her as Phase.
I know this is probably not a great opinion, and I really hope that Rooster Teeth finds the ground they want this series to go in. Sometimes, you have to try new things, or else staying stagnant will make it go stale. It’s all about trial and error. I don’t know how everyone else feels about Zero, how the new audience and the old audience feels. RvB as a whole wasn’t perfect. They had their down moments. But when you feel that way for an entire season...it’s a problem.
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agent-murica · 4 years
Is there a magic phrase I can send you to ask your updated thoughts about season 15? I read through all of your season 15 tags and I wanna know more of your thoughts on it? If it’s too much trouble for you I completely understand season 15 was a long time ago and if you don’t want to do it I don’t want to make you. I just really like heading your thoughts. Thank you!
Oh man, my updated thoughts? I’m always down to talk about s15 no worries!
Well for starters, I can still confidently say that it’s still one of my favorite seasons. I just really loved the new characters introduced. Dylan Andrews is, I think, in my Top 3 of my favorite woman in RvB, right behind Kaikaina and Shiela. I also still like Jax, since I know people didn’t really like him cause he was constantly making movie references and was annoying, but I liked him! I thought he was funny. And of course, my favorite villain in all of RvB- Temple.
I have many, many thoughts about Temple as a character. For starters, I love Joe for even attempting to address the fact that SIM Troopers and the SIM Trooper program was a MASSIVE unethical operation and was very fucked up. Since RvB is a comedy driven show, I never thought that it would get pointed out, so since Temple did that, I automatically loved him. Plus, I like that they didn’t change that he was a SIM- he’s stupid, he looks up quotes and monologues to sound more intimidating, he has no strength to go against Freelancers so he circumvents that by freezing them. He’s so creative! And I know a lot of people are skeptical about the validity of the cause of Biff’s death, and I personally flip-flop depending on the AU or fic that I’m writing, mainly because this is RvB. I didn’t even think twice about a SIM dying by a flagpole, I just went ‘yeah that checks.’ But I can also vibe with other interpretations of Biff’s death.
Now, I’m not above having some criticisms of the season. For one, my biggest gripe has GOT to be the fact that in the last few episodes when they’re on their way to stop Temple, they made the other Red and Blue SIMs like... that. Seriously, I hated that when it first aired and I hate it now. Like, I’m not even going to get into the implications of when writers have a villain with a reasonable and justifiable ideology but then go forward to make it impossible to sympathize with said villain by making them do a bunch of evil shit, there’s a really good post I saw earlier that discussed this in a broader sense. Like, the Blues and Reds were used for human testing unknowingly and thus without their consent, and thus have had their rights violated. Also, they apparently club baby seals so you definitely shouldn’t feel bad when the Reds and Blues kick their asses. Like, I get that you’re supposed to root for the BGC, but they could have done that in literally any other way.
Also, quite a few of the jokes were distasteful. I won’t go into which ones, because I’m pretty sure we all know which ones by now (the ones with Tucker and Kai...). In a similar sense, I feel like it had the build-up to be a somewhat Red Team focus, with Grif leaving, Simmons dealing with this, Sarge switching sides, and then Lopez being the one to get help. But after Wash, it switches focuses kinda jarringly. And I think both Red and Blue fans can agree that Wash has been hurt enough by now, let the man rest he deserves it.
On a more positive note, I know the fight scene between Carolina and Texas was weirdly paced, yeah whatever who cares about fighting when the character emotes were so GOOD!! I would gladly give up all fight scenes in favor of having the characters move around casually more. Any day. It just added so much character and more emotion than the fight scenes do. (I am ALWAYS thinking about Caboose hugging Locus).
Uhm, I think this is everything at the top of my head right now. I’m sure if I go back and rewatch the season (I’m due for a rewatch anyhow) I could say so much more.
TL,DR; I love s15, and can also recognize it’s flawed, and it still holds up as my favorite season of RvB so far!
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... And me against You. Hello random people of the internet, and the select RvB audience I’m intending to talk to. Time for millions to ignore my existence, while a select few look at my fancy garbage. Now, with no sense of decorum, or tact... I present to you. That Red vs Blue seasons 15 through 17 are continuity breaking and noncanon. To be honest, I’m not overly fond of the over all plotlines and more than a few handfuls of episodes were just... dull. And that’s saying something for a series I’ve been attached to for the last decade. That isn’t to say there weren’t parts I didn’t like. There were plenty of things that were just fantastic and launched perfectly. But let’s get to the whys and hows. Let’s set out the point system: First point. The Blues and Reds, our blue visor assmonkeys... were unnecessarily stupid. They were a copypasta team, with a poor excuse to be there, that not only doesn’t fit what is already established but breaks continuity by being there. If we were to take the rest of the 15-17 series, it’d be easier to make them into alternative universe counter parts or what-ifs, from different timelines caused by the series later use of Time travel. Rather than this blessed mess. They spit in the face of Agent Florida’s workhistory. And while you can see where the idea came from, the execution and establishment was lacking. The very fact that it includes Doc already tells you that we’re not with Agent Kansas anymore, and that it utterly destroyed Doc’s history prior to coming to Blood Gulch. Second Point. The Time Travel. [frustrated exhausted ugh-ing] The best I can say is that the series analysis of Time Travel was fantastic. It acknowledged that the inclusion of Time Travel is meant to break continuity and reshape it. The difference here, is that it only broke continuity. In fact it shattered it so badly that we’d have to ask the Homestuck Fandom to pick the remaining pieces back up, and classpect it for good measure. The fact that Human History was so severely fusterclucked by our Teams already shows you how much respect Continuity got in these last seasons, as well as how much respect to Canon. And then there were the “Gods”. Just... Introducing someone for the funny designs and the fantastic graphic and digital movements is nice, but it doesn’t do anything. See every pitfall CGI and 3D ran into for the last few decades. See, RvB is meant to run along side Halo without destroying one another in an “Upstoppable Force meets Immovable Object” sort of way. And if nothing else, its already established that RvB also has ties to Marathon too (which, while muddled up, still works). And while plenty of the shenanigans were fantastic (Loved that Cyclops scene), the reason they got there was Weak, and it just utterly detonates itself like Church and his stomach bomb... Surrounded by people you hate, and being hunted down by the world’s worst player at a knock-knock jokes. The Third Point I despise Jax. ... I kid, that isn’t the third point. But I still don’t like the Jax. His growth into a terrible director was funny, but it doesn’t really save him or his purpose in the series. I digress. Its what I dub the “Super Hero Ex Machina”. In a “Super Hero Ex Machina” situation, reality crashes in, breaks both Narrative flow and rules, for drama. And example is with Spiderman and his web shooting. In his narrative, he can save someone easily from falling with his web shot. But if the Drama Machina Maker is introduced, then the reality of the situation crashes down as the force of the fall would completely shatter the victim’s skeleton if Spiderman caught them. As this is not already established as happening before, its only there to cause drama and not meant for any serious development or character arc. Or if a show adheres to keeping the status quo at all costs. Things that would realistically and permanently mess up the status quo are solved in 1 or 2 episodes. But if Reality crashes because Plot said so, it breaks the established rules of the Narrative (and pacing). Especially if said plotpoint could have already been solved in prior episodes easily. And that’s what they pulled on Agent Washington and his throat injury. Washington is an established survivor. He has survived some pretty messed up stuff, both mentally and physically, and he’s come so far as a character. To a point where he’s almost unrecognizable from when he was first established as the “Noir Detective Soldier Mercenary Man who plays by corrupt rules but still shines that hurting heart of gold once in a while”. Some of the stuff he’s had to survive, and potentially had to survive would’ve killed normal people. Even his writers had to take a step back and say, “No he can’t survive getting cut in half by a car”. RvB is good about changing status quo, and keeping to a rule of “actions have consequences” in order to both forward character and story. So it isn’t like they’re above permanently messing someone up (... Church.) But there are Rules on how its Handled. Story will establish and evolve said rules over time, this is true, but its a “more things change, more they stay the same” situation. And Washington’s injury... breaks that. For easy reason; For one thing, we already have a Freelancer with throat injuries, and he got them in a far worse scenario. Agent Maine was bloody machine gunned in the throat, then tossed off a freeway stories up from a ground we never even saw. And all he got was a messed up voice. There isn’t a good reason to give Wash that injury, realistic as it may be, besides playing it for Drama. And while such a circumstance should be given both the realism and seriousness it deserves, this only works if, you know, don’t play it to make a person or people suffer for Drama. Does this forward Character? No. No it doesn’t. The seasons retreat everyone’s character arcs. What little it does show is how far everyone has come... By making them take 20 steps back, and 5 steps forward. An ultimately useless gesture that neither show cases the human condition of “repeat until you finally get the lesson” or “sometimes shit happens”. Does it move the story? Only for drama. Which is a very weak reason. Even worse, as the series has already established that it can think deeply and use drama as a tool and not a plot point. If not for character or story, is it meant to be a metaphor? Metaphor for what. RvB doesn’t do metaphors. If not metaphor, is it supposed to be informative of the condition itself? RvB has bloody PSAs. No. A story is decent enough if it can mix those questions up without one consuming the other. But there wasn’t a point to do it. Just to see Wash or Carolina or the guys to suffer? To show that sometimes people get injuries they don’t bounce back from? Are you Kidding? We just permanently lost Church, and they set out to find the possibility of his existence again! That right there already Tells you that sometimes folks don’t Bounce Back. There was an entire Arc for Caboose, fer the gods’ sake, talking about it. CABOOSE. What the flyin Fu-- Ahem. There was already a ruling about Actions have Consequences. It was apart of the status quo that went as far back as the Blood Gulch Chronicles. Its filed under “The More things change, the more they stay the same”, and even throughout the Reconstruction series, there were plenty of characters pulling permanently changing stunts that affected them through the rest of their lives, or caused their death for it. [deep breath, lets it out] So. Inspite of my many problems with S15-17, there are things I adored about it. - Donut and Caboose’s arcs. Fantastically done. Caboose getting to the understanding he got in S14 about losing friends was heart breaking and beautiful. Donut’s may seem like retread and flanderization, but that is actually easily explained. When you’re under sufficient stress, your coping mechanisms will boost out from 10 to 100, and just because you’re now fully aware of it doesn’t mean you have the power or development yet to stop. It was a fantastic look into his character. - Sister. They made her into more than just a gimick and Grif’s Sister, which was a problem I had with her in Blood Gulch. Good patch up there. - The Background info and the details in Background Info with our main characters. Ye Gods, we got some backstory! The humor works, the seriousness works, its a beautiful set of puzzle pieces that fit snuggly into both canon and continuity. - Chrovos. Inspite of the time travel plot pitfalls, I actually really liked Chrovos. Wish they did more with them (Him? Her? I don’t remember if they established their pronouns). Did not like Jenkins, inspite of him being created out of a cut character. The Gods didn’t work very much either, and would’ve been better suited as characters that weren’t “gods”. It doesn’t help that they just... had inconsistant rules. - The Freelancers. I love the introduction to the Freelancers and all their nice armor designs. Too bad they’re all feckin’ dead. - Temple. I actually really liked Temple and the idea behind him. However, instead of the malakey we got, and the Time Travel Nonsense that could be theorized afterwards. It would’ve worked better if he had been the leader of a Cult of Personality or sorts, purposely and badly mimicking the hype of the RvB teams’ fame and gathering surviving former stim troopers. The terrorist thing could work, and so could the Church plot. Everything else was stupid. Remove the Time Travel, this isn’t Homestuck Hour. Thanks for you for your continued reading. ... oh Right, I forgot. As awesome as it was to see Locus again, the uselessness of Wash’s throat injury and how he was reintroduced makes him more into a Deus ex Machina (and not that Halo 3 Machinima from way back). Its like fitting a circle peg into a square hole... But getting it stuck halfway and ruining the children’s puzzle toy. ADDENDUM (edited) I hate Hate HATED how Vic parodied Church’s epilogue speech, and I just about wish Church would come back just to beat the shiznet out of him for it.
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tvckerwash · 4 years
Hi mod of infinitycrewshenanigans just wanted to ask what the racist crap was??? This is the first I've heard of it. (Haven't watched the show after chorus trilogy)
yeah a lot of the “big” fandom people dont talk about just how bad s15-s17 were, and a big chunk of them actually refuse to accept any criticism regarding s15-s17 at all and get extremely defensive of joe (the writer of s15 and s16) and jason (co writer of s16 and writer of s17)
i don’t really have the energy to explain it in depth myself rn, but here is a post i rbed on one of my old rvb blogs that i feel explains the racist writing of tucker in s15-17 very well.  though s15-17 had a lot of other problems in terms of writing too, including ableism towards and about wash, who-
-was shot through the neck at the end of s15 and developed cerebral hypoxia from a lack of oxygen to his brain, and carolina not telling him about said cerebral hypoxia, hampering his recovery, causing him to be angry and frustrated bc he didnt understand what was wrong with himself, and after eventually being told felt as though he had had his trust broken and as if he had been betrayed. 
in a 100% guilt fueled effort to “fix” wash, tucker and carolina go back in time with the bgc + kai and create a paradox that broke the universe by stopping him from being shot (all without telling wash AGAIN). in s17 due to the paradox wash both has and doesnt have cerebral hypoxia, and when his cerebral hypoxia is in effect i guess? its significantly worse than it was previous to the paradox and theres an extremely ableist joke about dr grey talking advantage of wash being mentally incompetent by getting the unsc to send him compensation money and using it to create a new hospital wing without wash obviously knowing, which is immediately followed by a joke about some sort of canon and a bunch of early 2010s air horn sound effects used in like cod 360 no scope kill compilations or smthn
and of course the queerbaiting of grimmons which joe said himself at the start of s15, one of the seasons he wrote, would be canon by the end of that season. of which it wasn’t, and still isnt. (there have been a few scenes for washalina tho, of which in my opinion, shouldn’t and i hope doesnt happen bc rt has a history of awful attempts at romance in rvb)
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Red vs Blue RTX 2019 Panel Masterpost
As many of you know, due to RT being unable to sign on a streaming partner, they couldn’t stream RTX. We weren’t sure if the RvB panel would be recorded or not, and so far no word on their end… but there is good news! Someone at the panel went and recorded it themselves, so we are able to see it! And as such, as I did last year, I can do a masterpost for it! Now they didn’t really reveal any major news, which is expected since the season just wrapped up a month ago. But some cool stuff did come up! So let's talk about it!
Panelists: Miles Luna (showrunner/writer/director for Chorus, co-writer for SIngularity, voice of Felix) Jason Weight (head writer for SIngularity)  Josh Ornelas (co-director) Austin Clark (co-director) Greg Slagel (show producer)  Matt Hullum (CEO of RT, executive producer, voice of Sarge, Doc/O’Malley, and Wyoming) Burnie Burns (series creator and the original showrunner/writer/director, CCO of RT, executive producer, voice of Church and Lopez)
“I’m Burnie Burns, and my character is dead.” Starting on a happy note clearly!
For questions this year, they had people submit them on Twitter with the hashtag #rtxrvb that Burnie will read off throughout the panel.
Jason found being handed the reigns of finishing the current arc super intense, but he was happy since after becoming attached to certain characters when acting as an assistant writer for S16, eh got to treat them how he wanted to treat them! He especially wanted to spoil Donut throughout this season. Miles felt the same way about Tucker when doing Chorus.
One moment that Jason beings up that stuck out to him is in S5, when the Reds see Kai nude… but Donut was more concerned about how the Blue Base had better lighting than they did. It felt like there was depth there that he wanted to look into.
There had been concerns from Miles and some of the others about if Donut could pull off being the lead… and clearly, the answer is that he absolutely can!
This was the first time that Josh and Austin were put into full-blown director positions for an entire season. Austin, in particular, went from an assistant machinimator to a main machinmator, to a machinima director within a few years (he began at S14). They both found it scary, especially with how much power they now had, but having the direction from Jason’s writing greatly helped.
Miles brings up how usually the writer and director for RvB are the same people, this being the first regular season where that wasn’t the case. As such, Jason had to wait like everyone else to see the final product, but he was very pleased with the results. He mentions the scene in Episode 9 with Wash and Carolina as an example of how much he loved the direction done with the episodes.
They talk about some of the things that you can and can’t do in machinima and how certain Halo titles have certain quirks that make filming more difficult than it at first looks. For example, in Halo 4 they always raised their guns when moving and they had to figure out how to work with that.
One thing that Jason wishes that the characters could do would be to sit or lay down, which is impossible to do within machinima. Burnie talks about how there were certain verbs that they couldn't use, like ‘sit’, and one thing that he wished that they could do was to point at things instead of having to say ‘look over in that direction’.
Question: what’s it like to take over RvB and pick up form different storylines. Burnie talks about how he likes that with the show, there are certain points where they tell a complete story. So if you want to top after Blood Gulch or Freelancer or whatever, there is a point where the story complete’s itself, and you can jump off. Though there is quite a bit of a back catalog for those who have to pick it up next…
Jason, unlike others, had to jump on during an in-progress story. As such, he didn’t make many new characters due to the size of the cast already and the need to wrap up Joe’s story. 
Early on, Miles, Jason, and Joe worked on planning the season out and figuring out the time travel stuff. Due to a slightly slimmer done, they couldn’t go as hard with animation as last time, so there was a lot of discussion on what could and couldn’t be done. It is why they decided to go back through the older Halo iterations since going form say Halo 2 to 4 would make it more visually striking.
Miles recounts one point when planning where Jason and Joe were arguing over how they wanted a certain moment to go. Miles had to step in and remind them that it was a paradox, so they were both right and wrong so they needed to just pick something. In general, figuring out timelines and recounting where every character was and what they were doing was very difficult and stressful and while it was fun, no one wants to do it ever again.
They dubbed the paradox timeline where Wash was and wasn’t shot ‘Schrodinger’s Asshole’ They had to label the timeline in order to figure out where everyone kept going, and Greg, as the producer, had to keep track of it.
Jason tells the story behind Wash’s “Goddamnit!” moment. That episode was written by Miles, who was trying to figure out how Wash would get the info that he needed during the Freelancer shenanigans. Jason asked, “why doesn't he just go to a time period where he and Carolina are already friends and get it there?”. Cue Miles screaming the Wash way!
There was a lot of figuring things out. For example, Jason originally had Locus shooting/killing mooks during the S15 scene… until after it got to machinima, Josh pointed out that Locus didn’t kill anymore at that point. So they went with him shooting people in the kneecaps!
One of the scenes that Austin found difficult was in Episode 9 during the shootout in Halo 4. Austin had never done machinima in Halo 4, so that was a bit of a learning curve. Miles talks about the original S11 version of that scene and he had to constantly change the set for three weeks due to various things getting broken and destroyed during the fight. When writing for Episode 9, he just went ‘Josh, Austin please forgive me’
Miles talks about Greg’s role as a producer and how big of a relief it was to have him scheduling things and keeping them on track, especially during the more stressful days where he’d suggest doing some less intense scenes of characters just talking. There were a lot of times where Greg had to tell them that they couldn’t do a certain thing and they had to go and come up with something again, but it was ultimately necessary to have had happen.
There were a LOT of times where Jason wrote something that they really liked… and then had to tell him that they couldn't do it, especially due to the budget and the schedule. It was hard, but Jason was very happy with how things came out in the end. And there were times where they were able to make it work, like having black holes.
Another question from the audience was if Locus’ Sword Quest would mean that he’d get an alien baby. Miles, in his opinion, thought that Crunchbite was just super fucked up and a big fat liar. Burnie is all for Locus having a baby, however. Greg even brings up the alien pregnancy poster shown in the finale, so it can’t be that rare, right?
As far as if Locus would be a good parent, Miles says maybe and ‘he needs therapy’.
Regarding the changes done to Chrovos, Jason (like the rest of us) saw Kalirama and got excited about a female villain, so when that ultimately petered out he came up with Lady Chrovos. How he cast Lee Eddy is that he saw her at the Camp Camp panel the previous year and really wanted to give her a role somehow.
He described Chrovos in the notes as a ‘predatory Glenn Close crossed with Maria from The Sound of Music’. There were also many takes done of Lee’s voice since, due to her expositing a lot, they wanted to make her fun to listen to so that it wouldn’t be boring. The directors eventually brought Jason in to direct via Skype (Jaosn liked int he UK) in order to get the performance that they were looking for, and luckily Lee nailed it.
Jason tended to put a lot of British slang in his scrips, and they had to be cut because no one knew any of them meant.
There were a lot of questions about RvB’s future and where it’s going next. This leads to Burnie asking the panel about how they feel about Halo Infinite and having to switch to that. He talks about his experience with switching engines since it happened several times during his run, such as thinking that they went to Halo 2 too early due to doing it because it was newly released and wanting to go ahead and rush into it. They learned their lesson when switching to Halo 3.
When it came to learning to fit the story into a new engine, Burnie would load whatever iteration he was going to be working with, wonder through Blood Gulch, and look at stuff to figure out what was there and how they can and can't work with things within the limitations that they had.
As for Halo Infinite, Burnie’s looking forward to seeing what can do within it. Miles is super happy to see the classic armor return due to it being much more simplistic. Greg jokes about how they just did a time travel arc, and Halo just so happened to go back to the more retro look. Coincidence?!
Everyone, including the audience, agree that Halo 3 is the one they liked working in best.
Another audience question is what the crew thinks that Caboose’s Starter Pokemon would be.Miles says Miltank due to Caboose misunderstanding what the Pokemon would look like cause… well, ‘tank’. Burnie says Yoshi. Wrong series Burnie! Someone also says Mr. Mine cause then Caboose could play Charades all day.
On the topic of Pokemon, Burnie talks about video game movies like Detective Pikachu, and movies more inspired by video games like the Resident Evil series. RvB has been around during the era where it looked like a video game movie was going to be a blockbuster… and those failed. But now there seems to be some kind of footing forming for video game films that aren't quite like the game, but still works like RvB is for Halo.
Going back to S17, there was a point where they considered re-using old footage from previous seasons to make the workload easier, but aside from a few shots in montages, that didn’t work. Everything had to be re-shot, re-recorded, and they had to get back all the original voices that weren’t on the show anymore for a job they did years ago. A big reason why is because of how the quality has evolved much higher quality things look now, so putting together old Halo footage with new would have been very noticeable.
Speaking of things evolving, Miles talks about how he feels that all the characters, in some form, have changed a lot over the years. Characters like Caboose are nothing like they were in the beginning. They actually did talk for quite a while about if they should have past!Caboose sounds more like he did then or just stick with the current voice. They kept it the same since Sarge had a similar case where the voice sounded nothing like now (cue everyone staring at Matt) but they didn’t change it there, so they didn’t do it for Caboose.
On that though, when everyone turns to look at him, Matt (who had been quiet throughout at this point) reveals that he wanted to do a little game. He often gets asked about Sarge quotes, but he can never remember them. So he wrote down a whole bunch, and so whenever anyone talks to him/asks him something for the rest of the panel, he’ll respond with a random Sarge quote (in this case, he does the Angelina Jolie lines from the Internet vs Real Life PSA). It is absolutely glorious. If you watch the video for any reason, do it for this!
Back on the topic of character evolution though, Miles got obsessed with the idea of Freelancer essentially being like high school when writing the Wash episode and liked the idea of having a character confront who and where they were then and recognizing who you are now.
Speaking of Wash, Jason talks about his and Carolina’s relationship as well as about Wash’s disability. To him, he found it weird how a show about war very rarely had the cast get hurt and how they’re usually killed off instead ( Jason: “Or they’ll die temporarily and come back, like Donut” Miles: “And Church, and Lopez…” Burnie: Lopez had so many lines this season). So he likes this new avenue with Wash.
Burnie, after pointing out how he’s been doing Lopez for so long after it was just supposed to be a dumb joke and he STILL hasn’t learned any Spanish, brings up having to record early Church again, who was very shouty. At this point, Burnie cannot do that for very long before he gives out. I guess that might explain why he sounded somewhat off. Miles has similar problems with other roles, only being able to do David in Camp Camp for so long due to the energy levels and he can no longer use his early!Jaune voice due to his vocal cords no longer being able to hit that range.
The directors threw in some Easter Eggs during the black hole, such as Genkins golf ball form when he knocked one into a black hole in S6. Which… guess I’ll have to rewatch cause I didn’t notice any Easter Eggs at all, but apparently a lot of others did.
They announce some new merch coming up. This includes some new shirts for the Grif Collection line, some shirts like that one released on RT’s Anniversary), and a second wave for the RvB Rivals line.
They also aired the RvB17 Blooper Reel… but due to copyright, this was cut from the video. Apparently, there was some kind of montage of Caboose saying ‘hello’ though. Still, gotta wait for the DVD for that one.
The last few minutes are more audience questions. One is about asking if the machinima team will do anything with the PC version of the Master Chief Collection. Austin says that, if there’s mod support, there could be the possibility of mashing up some of the Halo games. Burnie also talks about Theater Mode and how much of a relief it was to have added to the console versions, so with it coming to all iterations, this is very beneficial to them.
They also talk about how whenever there’s a big Halo-related announcement, they get a lot of questions. Like if they’ll switch to PC after the recent announcement about the Master Chief Collection… while they were already in the middle of filming S17. Whether they will or not they don’t know since they need to look it over first and figure out all the quirks and limitations of the game mechanics first.
Burnie: Does Sarge know any Caboose lines? 
Matt (as Sarge): Quiet Bluetard.”
Question about crossing over RvB with any other RT show. The popular answer is Camp Camp due to their comedic tones. Miles does change his answer to Day 5 just to see how they'd survive without sleep and jokes about how Grif would give in and be a goner within 30 seconds. Other shows thrown out are On the Spot and The Chip Show. Burnie brings up how there’s this in-universe show in Lazer Team and he’d like to see them appear on that.
There was a question about if there would ever be an RvB movie. Burnie asks the audience if they would be interested after this many years, and there is a LOOOOT of cheering. Burnie and Matt have very ominous looks throughout. No answer on if it would ever happen or not, but maybe one day.
“What was your favorite running gag in S17, and why was it shooting Donut?” Give the guy who asked that a medal.
So there was some kind of cut there, so moving on…
Miles talks about (I think) bringing back characters like O’Malley and Kai at the end of Chorus as a way to say goodbye to them. But after Joe and Jason came in, they decided to use those characters more. They especially grew to love Kai, Jason especially due to her filthy humor and absolutely owning it.
They talk about how Tucker and Kai seem similar due to their sexually charged humor… but they are quite different. Tucker’s is essentially a front that he uses to hide his insecurities and build himself up. Kai knows who she is, owns who she is, and you can either accept her or get the Hell out of her way. 
Someone asks for them to recap RvB. Matt takes care of that with the following Sarge quote: “A priest, rabbi, and Grif walk into a bar… and then I kill ‘em!”. Best. Recap. EVER. 
The final question is if they’d ever consider making RvB, or any other machinima series, outside of Halo. They talk about one they did long ago called Panics, which they didn’t continue due to split from the company, and since they have to license the video game footage to do machinima, they couldn’t do more. 
As for RvB switching, that is unlikely to happen since it’s so ingrained into Halo now.
They have considered other machinima shows in the past. Miles would like to do one with Apex Legends… but since it has stuff like lip flaps and all, it wouldn’t work. Austin would like to do something with Call of Duty.
The panel ends with Miles asking the crew in the audience to stand up and everyone gives them applause.
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hemaris · 5 years
So, is rvb like, over? the last season was in 2015 but when I was watching it didn't feel terribly conclusive to me, like they were gonna wait and wrap up with something else, but they haven't yet. Maybe I was wasn't watching/listening carefully?
rvb has been steadily carrying on after the s13 finale in 2015! they never directly showed how things were resolved after the finale (i think i remember miles talking about this being a deliberate choice & i'm okay with that) and after s14 which was an anthology season, the story picked up a little while later in s15.
disclaimer i'm about to voice An Opinion here that is purely my own and no one has to agree with me but here we gooo
rvb feels like a fundamentally different show post-s13, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but i haven't been able to get into it as much as with earlier seasons. s15 especially felt weirdly paced and had one carolina-related plot thread in particular that i'm still fuming about (no spoilers but do not bring up the episode where The Thing With The Flag happens to me because i don't ever wanna waste a thought on it again, god, the DISRESPECT). 16 and 17 have not particularly been my cup of tea, though i know others have enjoyed them and there are a few scenes sprinkled in that i really like. s18 was announced yesterday i think? but we know practically nothing about it yet
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colourpatternist · 5 years
Ways I think the rvb17 labyrinth sceness could have gone better: A compilation.
As good as the labyrinth episodes were, they either felt (at least in my opinion) very lacking, in various ways. Heres my ideas on how they could have been improved
Simmons! His scene was clearly meant to be humorous. And as humorous as the aliens were, it didnt feel very supported and almost OOC. I feel they could have done better with a callback of sorts. Like
Simmons OCD. He absolutely loves being organized! They could have easily made him organize something completely ridiculous, or have to organize more things than he could ever handle
Simmons cyborg parts going awary. Callback to the Blood Gulch Chronicles. His fax machine ass. Thats all i gotta say
His habit of brown nosing? Having him do extremely ridiculous stuff to please superiors? A++ humor
Grif! As good as the "you made me hate effort itself" line was, the whole scene felt like a complete erasure to all of grifs developement since s15. While keeping the theme of "i hate effort" heres my takes:
Him not being able to run fast enough to prevent the paradox, because he hated putting the effort into exercising.
The time he spent alone on the moon because he was done putting effort in for church.
Literally any time hes been shot by Sarge for being lazy?
Tucker! He didnt get a scene necessarily, but rather a description. His was short, and much like Grifs, felt like it took out a lot of his character developement, even from the chorus triology. It felt really lacking with the "you guys were just dead and telling me to jump". While keeping the theme of "dead friends haunting me" this ccould have been more expanded upon
Any time he felt like he failed to protect his friends/squad as a leader
Any time Junior has been forcibly separated (and having it go all wrong). Its shown (rarely tho) that Tucker loves his kid.
Caboose! Much like Tuckers, it was lacking and almost like it erased some of the more complex emotions and thoughts he has had lately in the past 3 seasons. I really dont have much beyond 1 thing.
Church. They could have easily messed with cabooses healing process from Church being gone. It is very clear that he still struggles with Church being gone, even tho he has accepted that Church is no longer going to be there.
Washington. His scene was handled fairly well in my opinion? This is actually one where i like that they didn't bring up any mistakes he may have made as a Freelancer or a recovery agent. The whole conflict with Locus during the chrous triology made it fairly clear that he has accepted what happened, but he has moved on from those mistakes. There isnt much to improve from this other than 1 thing
Altering the ending of s13 to where no one left the room. Keeping the theme of getting revenge for his fallen friends, seeing as the labyrinth can alter memories, this would have been a great scene
Carolina! I actually have no critique for this one because where her fear/hatred came from was actually very supported, especially when you think back to s10 finale where she mini monologues "i dont know if we can ever go back to being good."
Kaikaina! Once again, not much critique for this? It was a very nice call back, going all the way back to the Blood Gulch Chronicles even. The only way they could have made this better is would have been animating her interacting with the burning/burnt down house.
Lopez! Yet another one that doesnt need much improvement? The fact that he found pain in finally being able to be understood rather than relief was a great move.
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leafyfiddle13 · 5 years
RvB Season 17 Review
Red vs Blue: Singularity has ended, and with it, so has the arc that started with Season 15. So, what did I think? This is my first formal review, so forgive me if it's a little sloppy.
I'm going to look at this season from multiple angles:
How did it look and sound?
How did it treat its heroes?
How did it treat its villains?
How good was its story?
How well did it conclude the Shisno Paradox arc?
Sound and Visuals
First off, this season has a great soundtrack. Aside from the synth rhythms that have been a staple of this arc continuong to be really fun, the new songs by Trocadero are really amazing. Seriously, if you haven't heard Enemy and Blood Gulch Blue, go listen to them right now.
SFX are still good, not much to talk about there. The portally noises and Huggins zooming and such still sounds cool.
I want to take some time to talk about the visuals though. One thing that this arc has done particularly well (S16 and S17 especially), is aesthetic. The cosmic elements here are really unique to the series, and I love the look. From the majestic, mythological armor choices of the Cosmic Powers (Labyrinth this season in particular looks like a Spartan Cyclops and it's great), to the structures, like Chrovos' Prison, Starseeds, the Labyrinth, I just love their aesthetic. The black holes in the Labyrinth look truly terrifying, and the "big bang pre-bang" we see in episodes 6, 7, and 12 is also just breathtaking.
In terms of animation, I love this season. We didn't get a whole ton, but what we got was amazing. The highlights to me were Wash pulling a gun on Genkins, Genkins getting impaled (ANIMATION IN CE YEEEEET) Carolina v Carolina, and The very short Genkins v Labyrinth. I especially love the latter because of how Genkins' holographic body glithces and reverts to his true form a bit every time he gets hit. It just looks great. I also think the Carolina fight was the best fight scene in terms of choreography this entire arc! I think Donut vs O'Malley still wins in terms of sheer spectacle, but tjis fight was really well done. Kudos to the animation team!
Singularity took a huge risk by making Donut, who up until this point was little more than a running gag, into its protagonist. And it worked amazingly! In just 12 short episodes, Jason took the development he and Joe started in S16 and brought Donut into the limelight as a fully fleshed out, three dimensional character. And it felt totally believeable! Dan Godwin did amd amazing job this year as Donut, and this season really gave him a chance to show off his talents.
The next most major character is Washington. Wash has been my favorite charavter since I first met him in Recovery One all those years ago. I loved his arc last season, and this arc really did well by him. Having this season to be like the fandom's goodbye to the badass, tough-as-nails Wash we know and allowing us to ease ourselves into the idea that he's going to need some help from now on was really great. And I love how he and Carolina had their reconciliation, it was all beautifully done. Hats off to Shannon and Jen, they did and incredible job this season.
As for the other Reds and Blues, they didn't get a whole lot to do, but most of them at least had a few good moments:
Caboose talking about grief and beating up Genkins/Church was an unexpectedly powerful scene.
Tucker's scene in episode 9 where he had his revelation about leadership was also awesome. I'm one of those people who wasn't the greatest fan of how his character was treated in season 16, and I think this scene not only "fixes" that, but it also turned it into a cool part of his arc.
Sarge's whole labyrinth experience was a really cool moment for his character and the arc he's sort of had in the backround the last few seasons (I wrote more about it in another post)
Grif had some great moments. After being the main man in S16, he's taking more of a backseat, but his development is still very much intact. He's fully onboard with the plan once he's woken up. His conversation with Huggins was great (although it does suck they never met again to have resolution), his talk with Kai in the finale was really emotional, and getting the Grif sibs backstory was a welcome touch. Geoff and Becca really nailed it in that episode.
Lopez and Simmons really had nothing to do this season, unfortunately, but oh well, and least Lopez is literally older than time now lol
So in Singularity, we start out with Chrovos as our main villain, with Genkins as their lackey. I must admit, while Lee Eddy gave a fun performance as Chrovos, I still prefer Ray Schilens' take on the character. Chrovos was not my favorite villain, but they were serviceable enough for the first half of the season, and they had some fun monologues.
Genkins, however, really surprised me. When he was revealed to be evil last season, I was kinda ambivalent. I didn't really care about him, and he seemed just a tad too ridiculous. This season, especially in the back half, really changed my mind. Jason leaned into the ridiculousness of Genkins and made him full on maniacally insane. And I loved it. His insane twitches and cackles were a delight to watch and hear. I loved it when he betrayed Chrovos, because he was the more present and charismatic threat anyway, and it was exactly the kind of thing the "god of tricks" would do. Ricco Fajardo did an amazing job, one of the best performances of the season.
In terms of story, I think Singularity is a vast improvement of The Shisno Paradox. That season started strong, then felt like it treaded water for 10 episodes, then quickly rushed to a finish. Singularity, on the other hand, moves very quickly. A bit too quickly in some cases. The first half of the season is extremely tight. The very first episode sets up the plot, with the introduction of the Everwhen, and Chrovos explaining time travel. I loved this explanation, and wrote a whole post about it here. Suffice it to say, time travel really confused me in S16, but S17 made it make sense in my mind. Donut find Wash, Wash visiting the Freelancers, and the two of them waking the Reds and Blues, all felt natural and felt like no time was wasted without feeling rushed.
Episodes 7 and 8, 7 especially, however, start to get a bit dull. The majority of both episodes is just spent explaining time travel again to the reds and blues. Not much happens. Which is a real shame, because SO MUCH happens in the last three episodes that it feels like it could have benefitted from adding in another episode to more fully flesh out the Labyrinth and the ending.
However, I do love the ending. Everyone's Labyrinth scenarios (except Simmons', which was really lame) were really good and offered neat insight into their characters. And the final twist with Genkins becoming Chrovos after going back to the beginning of time was incredible. Over all, I really like the story this season.
As an arc ending
I think Singularity did a great job. The Shisno Paradox ended on quite a crazy cliffhanger, with so many loose story threads and gods and such high stakes that it felt impossible to wrap up in just one more season, let alone a 12-episode season. But Singularity took all of that and made it work by bringing it to a smaller, more personal level. Tons of gods? Singularity just focuses one two, Genkins and Chrovos. Time travel through all of time? Singularity just focuses on the timeline of the show. It all makes the sotry feel more personal amd grounded, even with all these cosmic events happening. Amd I think it wrapped up the story that started in S15 and ramped up in S16 extremely well!
Final Thoughts
Over all, I think that Season 17 is my favorite season since Season 13 (my personal favorite). It was a really strong season, and I can't wait to see what happens next. I do hope Jason Weight stays on to write, as he has done an incredible job this season and the episodes he worled on last season.
I give Red vs Blue: Singularity an 8.75/10!
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