#that‘s it that‘s basically my personality actually
silverysnake · 1 year
thanks for the tag @daency :)
My 9 favourite shows:
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These are in no particular order but if I had to name my top three it would be Moon Knight, Good Omens and Forever simply for the insane amount of times I‘ve watched each of them (at least four times)
Moon Knight: just the superior mcu show like ever and Moon Knight is such a great character in general I‘m incredibly obsessed (let‘s not talk about my two (2) moon knight cosplays)
Good Omens: do I even need to explain this one?! I don‘t even know how many times I‘ve read the book, but definitely more than I‘ve watched the series
Forever: this show is so underrated and it‘s been nearly ten years and I‘m still mad that it never got more than one season
Avatar:The Last Airbender: this whole show is just a masterpiece
Supernatural: Definitely watched it earlier than I should have and traumatised me for life but it‘s still great (let‘s not talk about the later seasons tho)
Legends of Tomorrow: I just love this bunch of time traveling idiots who just keep messing everything up even more instead of actually fixing things
Young Justice: Can you tell by now that I like superhero shows? Nah just kidding, I just really like this combination of characters and like, dc is actually pretty good at animated shows/movies
Raganrok (the norwegian show on netflix): Norse mythology but translated into a modern day setting?! hell yeah
Umbrella Academy: Uh, superheroes?! I‘m just obsessed with Klaus and with how different this is from any other superhero media (i mean it‘s based on comics by gerard way what do we expect?!)
Tagging: @shadow-of-a-cloud and @neverland-in-space (no pressure of course) and whoever else wants to do this i have no idea who was tagged already :)
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beep-beep-robin · 5 months
some notes on the „no more masking“ arc quinni goes through in s2 of hbh because i imagine a lot of allistic viewers might not have really gotten the point of that storyline:
first of all i think it‘s important to mention that everyone experiences masking in different ways and these are just my thoughts on the matter as an autistic person myself, if you don‘t agree or this doesn‘t apply to you i‘m of course not saying otherwise!
i don‘t believe what quinni was doing was her genuinely unmasking. unmasking is a thing that is really hard to do on command, because it takes a lot of getting to know your own brain and mask, it’s most often a long process.
quinni states in the last episode that she „doesn‘t really know who she is“ and that really struck a nerve with me - a lot of autistic people spend their whole lives stuck in their mask, often without even realizing that‘s what‘s going on. i would argue this especially applies to late diagnosed autistics.
what quinni was actually doing was attempting to unmask, in the way she thought made the most sense. in this case, it‘s making a complete 180, pretending to not care at all about others anymore. which is basically just a very intense form of stopping her people pleasing. but she went a bit too far into the other direction - her statement in the last episode makes it clear that she didn‘t necessarily identify with who she was presenting as while „unmasked“ (and while masked).
i believe quinni does genuinely care about her friends, but there‘s a very thin line between caring about others and giving too much of yourself. this is a thing i also struggle with a lot myself, and as i‘ve mentioned before, it‘s a long journey to finding that line.
i also want to mention that the whole people pleasing aspect is only one aspect of masking, masking affects so many more areas than that, without going into too much detail because like i’ve mentioned, it can be different for everyone.
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Day 5
I successfully made contact with the human today. As per usual, I completed my cyclic meal intake, but did not come across the human. When I arrived at my work station, the human was already present. She turned around to me and once again, her face warped into a horrifying grimace similar to the one on the second day, baring her teeth and raising the corners of her mouth in a rather threatening manner. I recoiled, although fortunately, the grimace was gone as soon as it had appeared. The human did not seem to notice my discomfort, and simply turned back to her work station.
After a moment, I felt secure enough to approach my own work station. As we worked in silence, I pondered if this was perhaps not a sign of aggression, but rather a way of greeting among humans. Although this thesis could not be supported by any real evidence, as baring ones teeth was a universal sign of aggression among most species.
The human, suddenly, seemingly without any indicator, spoke up: "Y‘know, I just realized that I never asked your name. That must‘ve seemed terribly rude of me." "I was not upset by your behaviour", I decided on after a moment.
"So what is your name?" "My species does not participate in the gifting of individual names.", I explained. "We simply address each other by their titles or their profession. I am addressed as 'mechanic'." 
"But that‘s…boring and sad." My front pliers uttered a rattling sound. "I have never known anything else." Her vocal cords vibrated, producing a barely detectable humming sound. 
The silence did not last long. "Can I ask you a kind of personal question? You don‘t have to answer, obviously…I was just wondering: Do…all of your species look like you? Kind of like, insect-looking, six legs, pliers, compound eyes type?"
"The anatomy of my species does not wary greatly. We all look quite similar, yes." "Oh, cool"
I tried to word my own following question as polite as possible: "What…about your species? Do your individuals vary greatly from each other in terms of physique?" 
"Well…kind of. I mean, we all have, like, the same 'ground structure', I guess you‘d call it? Like, anatomy-wise? But we like, can vary in, for example skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, height, weight, so shape, basically. Uuh yeah, that‘s what‘s coming into my head right now." She had started 'counting' with her fingers while she spoke, taking one finger for every thing she listed.
"That is quite astounding, compared to my species.", I informed her. "Yeah, I guess you could say so…", she opened and closed her mouth, producing a clicking sound as her teeth clashed together. Seemingly, she had wanted to say another thing, but decided against it.
Before I was able to strike up another conversation, Wrin walked, or rather, stumbled into the main control room, a bottle in their gloved hand. They informed me that, apparently, there was another leak in one of the machinery rooms that they wanted me to have a look at. Although I doubted their words, I followed them nonetheless, even if it was solely to reassure them. 
As it transpired, there was an actual leak, which I had to spend the rest of the cycle repairing and checking that there was further damage or similar leaks, since there had been two in a row in a rather short matter of cycles.
When I eventually finished the task at hand, the cycle had almost come to an end and the human had left the premises to indulge in her (now dark) recharging time session.
As I stated in the report prior to this one, I do not draw conclusions, but I have a slight presentiment that the human may like me.
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idiswhadidis · 2 years
pizza delivery guy
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✩ pairing jungwon x f!reader
✩ genre fluff, strangers to lovers
✩ warning mention of food
a/n: a little bit late but happy birthday jungwon<3
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getting home from work changing into your comfortable clothes which contains of a basic oversized shirt, shorts and some fluffy socks.
today is the day.
the pizza thursday.
since 2 years you made it to a tradition to order your favorite pizza from your favorite pizza place on every thursday, you could count it as a national holiday.<3
but that might be not the only reason why you’re excited about pizza thursday’s, it could be also because of the pizza delivery guy¿
two months ago the pizza delivery guy you used to know didn’t show up at your door but someone else, a bit surprised that Fred the old pizza delivery guy aka your pizza homie you knew for 2 years didn’t tell you he quitted, seems the pizza friendship wasn’t two-sided but hey, the new delivery guy? god dayum.
*ding dong*
opening the door „hi Fred-, oh you’re not Fred“ expecting a middle aged man as usual but getting greeted by a really handsome man at the same age like yourself „oh uhm hi, Fred quitted so i’m taking his thursday shift from now on, which means i will be your new thursday pizza delivery guy. Jungwon my name.“ he introduced himself with a chuckle.
you stand there for few seconds thinking about the fact how he could know about your national holiday? seeing your confused state „..you‘re kinda popular in the pizzeria, you order every thursday the same thing and Fred told me about you soo yeah, here’s your pizza.“ he smiled at you and handed you the pizza, „well then hi my name is Y/n nice to meet you, new delivery guy.“ you returned the smile and took the pizza.
-end of flashback-
now sitting on the couch watching physical:100 waiting for Jungwon more then your pizza.. since the last 3 weeks you both started to talk more, he just didn’t hand you over your pizza and leave, he started to ask about your day or some some personal questions about how old you are? where you’re coming from? your favorite thing to do? your favorite color? even if you prefer cats over dogs?¿ it was kinda clear that he wanted to get to know you, and you could only say ditto!
getting up with your little happy dance once you heard the door bell ring.
„howdyyyy“ greeting him with a cheerful expression, „hey pretty girl, how ya doing?“ he greets you back with a joyful expression.
pretty girl? that‘s new, your heart beats a little faster. „i‘m all good, happy that you‘re here“, „happy about me or the pizza?“ he asks with a slight smirk shaking the pizza box in his hand, „50/50“ you answered with a laugh taking the pizza from him. „well then bon appetit, see you soon“, „soon?“ you ask, „i meant like next week as always yeah..“ he coughs „okay yeah till next week“ smiling at him you bid your good bye , closing the door and putting the pizza on the couch table ready to eat.
opening the pizza box, greeted by the so god damn good smell and a… sticky note? looking at it confused ripping it off turning it around to see what was written on it?
„hi there pizza junkie :D
may come a little sudden but i really wanna get to know you more, so would you like to go on a date with me? (:
i‘m gonna wait outside for another 15 minutes after you get inside, so if it‘s a yes come out again and if it‘s a no just ignore this, which means the next thursday‘s are going to be awkward :D
oh by the way this is Jungwon i forgot to mention“
smiling like an idiot as if you wouldn’t know it would be him, you instantly got up and speed walk outside your apartment.
and there he was leaning against the pizza delivery car staring at your door as if he would know you will come out. which now explains the words he said earlier „see you soon“ that sly mf-
„i‘ve been actually waiting for this not gonna lie“ you say excited jogging your way towards him with open arms to hug him.
he welcomed you with a wide smile slinging his arms around your waist, „so it‘s a yes?“, „definitely mister“ leaning your chin onto his chest looking up at him with your shinny eyes he adored so much.
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dreamyyesenia · 6 days
~If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!~
I also got this by @plasmafruittree and @lostinsixam thank you 💕 I‘ll give you guys 9 facts 😄
1. I‘m a huuge disney fan, not so much these days (just didn’t have time to watch the newer movies but will get to it eventually) but I grew up with Disney. I hope that one day my children will grow up like that too 🫶🏻
2. My favorite plant is white jasmine
3. I don’t drink much alcohol, usually only at social gatherings. Then, I prefer sweet white wine
4. I like the dark. It feels cozy. I only light my lights when it’s absolutely necessary.
5. I have curly hair / sometimes wavy (2b). I never knew what to do with my hair in school and looking back, I was basically female Hagrid 😅 Anyways, I got my whole routine perfected now, never again 🧟‍♀️
6. I love coffee. Only have one cup per day, but that cup is a MUST. Otherwise the day can’t start yet 😅
7. I think I already mentioned I‘m obsessed with cats. I mean all my sim families have cats 😂 but soon I‘ll be able to adobt a little kitten and I‘m soooo happy I‘m giddy🙈
8. I have several nutritional allergies and can’t eat much when I‘m out. I enjoy cooking though so it’s not a huge deal!
9. I‘m a very calm person, I crave peace and a harmonious atmosphere. But, if I witness a person disrespecting another, especially if it’s racism or discrimination, I’ll spit fire. I definitely have a temper and it only comes out in moments like that 🧚🏼‍♀️
10. I‘m a yogi 🧘🏻‍♀️ used to do more fitness and swimming but since my illness I‘ve been incredibly exhausted but Yoga feels good and actually helps getting some toned muscles!
That‘s it! I promise I‘ll look into my inbox more often 🩷
Edit: It ended up being 10 my brain is literally mushed 😂👵🏻
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(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Last Boss, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: making out
My Name
Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ
Your original plan used to be to focus on your survival. You had thought that it would be a good strategy to join The Beach and work together with the other members there. That was until you met him.
Last Boss, that’s what everyone calls him. He is for sure a person you would call a freak back in the old world, but maybe this did wake your interest in him. He has shaved his head bald and his body is full with tattoos that seem to have no meaning at all. Since he is part of the militants, he’s allowed to carry a weapon with him but instead of a gun like all the others usually use, he always has a katana with him.
You feel weirdly drawn to him and even though you have tried to hide it, your interest in him got noticed soon.
„She’s around you again“, Niragi whispered to Last Boss who leaned on his katana. „I bet the next card that she’s into you.“
Last Boss shot an annoyed glance at him, before he looked into your direction. Your eyes met and he quickly looked away again.
„What did I say?“, Niragi cooed, eyeing the way you blushed. „Talk to her before someone else does it.“
„Why should I?“ Last Boss asked annoyed. Usually he and Niragi went along pretty good, under different circumstances he maybe would have even saw him as a friend, but now was one of the times where Niragi was going on his last nerves.
„You can’t tell me that you don’t think she‘s hot.“ Last Boss just shrugged. „It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters.“ Niragi threw his arms in the air and sighed dramatically. „That‘s the point! Just fuck her or whatever you wanna do. You could die any second, literally. Just have some fun as long as you can dude.“
Truth be told, Last Boss actually had you in his sight for quite some time. Something about you caught his eye but he couldn’t really say what exactly.
Again Niragi sighed theatrical and then suddenly walked away. „What are you doing?“ Last Boss asked, even though he exactly know what Niragis plan was. And he definitely wasn’t up to any good. „You basically fuck her with your eyes, if you don’t talk to her, I will. Maybe you get a bit more chill when you finally get some.“
With that Niragi turned around and walked up to you. „Hey! You!“ You looked up, more afraid of his gun than himself. „My friend over there thinks you’re hot but he is a pussy so he won’t ever shoot his shot. You’re coming with me.“
You wanted to reply something but Niragi was already aiming at you, so you swallowed your comment and followed him. As you two approached Last Boss you became a bit slower. You were nervous because it was the first time you would actually be around him. But it seemed that Niragi didn’t like the fact that you walked slower, because he suddenly grabbed your wrist harshly and pushed you into Last Boss‘ direction.
The way Niragi touched you made him see red. He could do that with anyone else but the moment Last Boss saw you he knew that he would chop off every hand that was layed on you. So he pushed Niragi off of you and as he was sure there would be a safe distance between you and his katana he swung his weapon, stopping his motions right un front of Niragis face, blade being incredibly close to his nose.
„Finally“, Niragi laughed not being worried about getting his face cut open. Then he turned around and left.
Needless to say your first real interaction with each other was kind of chaotic, but Niragis plan worked. You two became inseparable over the time and Last Boss was soon more around you than he was around Niragi or the other militants.
And the more time you two spent, the harder he fell for you. It was so obvious too. He threatened anyone who would just look at you, he talked a lot with you and he even let’s you touch him when you two were in private.
Like that one rainy day. You two have just come from a game and decided to just stay inside for the rest of the day.
„I can hang up your hoodie so it can dry“, you suggested and with a simple nod Last Boss agreed to your offer, taking off his hoodie and handing it to you. Together with your sweater you threw the clothes over the shower wall. As you turned around, walking out of the small bathroom, Last Boss already sat down on his bed, katana leaned against the wall.
You sat beside him, smiling as he looked down to you. „You okay?“, he asks, searching for injuries on your torso. „I’m fine“, you reassured him but his eyes continued to scan your breasts and belly. „Do you like what you’re seeing?“, you mocked him with a giggle. Within seconds his face is burning red and he looks away. „I’m sorry“, he mumbles. „I just wanted to make sure-“ He cut himself of as he felt your hand on his cheek, guiding his face back to look at you. „It’s okay“, you cooed. „I think you’re hot too.“
A shocked expression appeared on the mans face and at first he thought he misunderstood. But when your thumb rubbed softly over the tattoos on his cheek, he realized he understood you perfectly fine. „I really like you“, you whispered again. „And I would really like to kiss you right now. May I?“
Your honesty surprised both of you, but damn you just couldn’t hold it to yourself any longer. The way he just looked at you gave you the last little push.
At first he continued to just look at you, speechless, but then he took the lead and pressed a soft kiss on your lips. Then another. And another. And another.
Soon you moved on his lap and took his face in your hands, almost as if you were afraid he could just disappear at any moment. But after ten minutes he was still there, right in front of you, with his hands on your hips and his lips on yours.
Suddenly he mumbled something in the kiss, but you didn’t understand him, to focused on his lips. So you broke the kiss for a second and asked him to repeat himself.
„Takatora Samura“, he whispered again. „My name.“ You breathing stopped. No one knew his name. That was something he kept to himself and himself only. „Takatora Samura“, you repeat quietly. His name tasted just as sweet as his kisses on your lips, which you caught right after you spoke again.
The idea was much better in my head but I hope you liked it anyways <3
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atalienart · 4 months
that sounds like a shit situation ❤️❤️ i don‘t think you‘re unlikeable though. it can be tough to keep in contact with people, and i think it‘s gotten harder over the last couple years for everyone (don‘t mean to minimize your specific situation). i think it could just be shit luck, but if it isn‘t, i don‘t think the problem lies deep within you or anything. i know it can feel like that though. there‘s nothing wrong with you as a person, you‘re not somehow fucked up. you‘re fine, i promise. people who talk like that (“you’re unlikeable”) are just mean because for some reason they either don‘t want to be better or they just don‘t know how to. either way, it doesn‘t sound like they put a lot of effort into building that opinion, so personally, i would dismiss it (i know that can be really hard to do though). it’s not exactly constructive. it sounds like plain petty and bitter bullshit tbh lol.
even though i found some friends for life during school, after moving away from each other, it‘s been hard to keep in touch. two of them are just dogshit at texting lmao, and one is great but doesn‘t have much time for actually substantial contact, like phone calls or visits. what i‘ve found to be integral is all of it, sadly lmao. it‘s rly hard when life is happening for everyone and bigger projects take up time and energy, it‘s been a struggle to trust that we‘re still friends despite little active friendship happening, but it‘s worth it. i don‘t know anything about your specific situation, but open communication is always a banger. if you have people you want to keep in your life, you gotta tell em. again, i don‘t know if you have and it just wasn‘t mutual. i just wanna help somehow because you seem hurt and i know that and it sucks but it‘s hard to go off of so little info. anyway. baring your soul be scary as hell but everyone has one, and usually being brave enough to do it first makes people feel safe to do it back. i recommend trying it. i also highly recommend not declaring a friendship / any relationship lost because of a potentially temporary loss of contact. people withdraw from their social circles all the time bc something in their life is stressing them out, and a lot of the time people aren‘t opposed to contact with someone, they just don‘t know how to approach them because maybe they thought they‘re sending signals that they‘re not that interested, or they‘re just plain anxious. shy. if you want a relationship to grow and develop and become stronger, if you want to build a bond, i recommend getting into the habit of making the first step. i KNOW that can be really hard lmao, the first time i tried to meaningfully reach out to someone i wasn‘t already close with it took me literal months lmfao. but i did it! and you can do it too. you really absolutely can.
idk. i think the most important thing is to be openly affectionate and let people know, even just in small ways! in can be said so so casually, you can just mention that sitting down for coffee or smth is such a nice calm moment in your otherwise busy day. or customize that to fit you however you want! just let people know that it‘s fun to spend time with them. they‘re probably just as shy and insecure as you. just small things to make them feel valuable and appreciated, so that they can understand that they really are, yknow? basically just— everything you‘d want them to do for you, you gotta do for them! and they‘ll likely happily return the favor :‘) if not, that‘s tough, but you guys not being a match doesn‘t mean other people won‘t be!
i find it hard to make new friends too. i moved away from my school friends and sttttruuuuggglllleeed for a while to make new friends here, i‘m just coming out of a shit shit fucking shit period in my life so i still don‘t have any, despite having talked with and sort of started the process of building a friendship with a few. nothing lasted for me either, and i thought it was because there‘s something wrong with me too. that‘s bullshit though, for me as for you, and i gotta try again and be calm and trust that it‘s gonna work eventually, because people do want to be friends, and if you can manage not to make yourself crazy with worry about it, then it‘s just gonna go along rather smoothly and just be fun.
i hope you can believe that, but i know i would have found it hard a year ago. it‘s true though. it could be that you‘re a rarer personality hehe, i still feel like that myself lol. but that doesn‘t mean you won‘t find your people. and if you meet someone you like, i hope you can have the courage to take the first step whenever it‘s needed. if you start like that, they‘ll likely follow and take the first step towards you when you can‘t :‘)
people generally like friendship and want to make friends. you‘re not any less suited for the job than anybody else. it takes a bit of effort though, sometimes a lot. but you can do it :‘)
i hope you feel better soon, and i really hope this isn‘t preachy and obnoxious. :|
Hey, thanks for the message. I'm sorry to hear you struggle with finding your people. But even if it's hard, I'm happy to hear that you still have someone you keep in touch with. Also, I think you're really amazing being so active in building relationships, hope it turns into something great for you one day and you find many valuable friendships. You sound like really cool, smart person ❤️
You're very kind but I think my situation really is my fault. I try, but I believe I'm just tiresome after a while. Besides, even when I do my best to communicate clearly (I really do) it seems I always end up saying or doing something wrong. I guess the braver people choose to look past my weirdness but at some point they realise it's not worth it. And I'm not saying that to sound quirky, it's just that when people constantly look at you like you're a different species and tell you you're weird you start to notice you're the odd one out xD I really don't expect people to always be there for me, I just hope for some conversation from time to time, some texting, nothing more. (And I think unless something really serious is going on in your life you can find time to answer a text from someone you say you like/see as a friend.) I really admire you for reaching out to others just like that, I always have a feeling I'm a bother. It doesn't help that initial small talk is extremely hard form me, it takes a lot of energy and brain power from me Anyway, at this point I think I'm the one who doesn't want to make friends anymore. I already gave up on trying to do that irl, it's like "level impossible" because apart from horrible personality I'm additionally very visually unappealing xD But in general, I think it would be safer to not expect anything from anyone. It's always like "hey, maybe they really do enjoy talking to me" and then it's like "nope, never mind, you really do suck". I don't need that reminder every couple years xD I'm old and tired. Anyway, don't worry, I'll be fine. I just haven't got enough sleep and I've been stressed lately, that's why I'm whining. I know I shouldn't do that on social media but here we go lol. Hugs for you!
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wachtelspinat · 1 year
Hey Wachtel! Please take your time to respond to this and also maybe don't respond to this at all but if it's not too personal or something you would like to not think about at all, can I ask what discipline you decided to go for? People are right to admire you for your art skills but personally you were also always a huge inspiration to me when it comes to studying medicine (especially at an older age) and deciding to forego the artist professional career path. Did you choose surgery after all?
hey! no worries, this is not too personal, also my brief episode of extreme denial after my last exam has passed and i have to get in shape again anyways since i‘m starting as a resident in radiology at the beginning of april 🕺 which was my goal tbh for a long time, at least ever since i took an internship in the field a few years ago. this or nuclear medicine. because not only have these two disciplines a better (not a good, but better) work-life-balance than a lot of others in the medical field, the prospect of getting out of the hospital at one point in the future and working in the ambulant sector (i don‘t think this is a wildly known concept outside of germany and a few other countries, but basically medical care that‘s not provided in hospitals) is more likely achievable than in, for example, surgery. PLUS… i really love working in fields that use medical imaging. and radiation. i‘m massively fascinated by radiation and its effects.
so yeah… i know i once stated that i considered choosing surgery once i became a doctor but my experience as a surgical nurse and on top of that my time there in my elective showed me that this is just something that‘s not going to happen. and i‘m glad i realized that at some point, but on the other hand it wasn‘t that hard of an insight. i‘m done with cutting people open in my life.
thanks for your words and your interest in this, i know it‘s becoming more uncommon with the years to study medicine when you‘re not fresh out of school, esp. in germany with the new entry requirements they implemented a few years ago. i have to be honest, i would not choose to study medicine again if i had the choice now. but i made it, i got through it, and i know the first months will be hard, but i‘m actually really looking forward to working in radiology (and moving, and a bit of change in life)
that‘s it! hope you have a nice day
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senshis-tenshi · 3 months
BACK AGAIN FOR MORE PF AND NUX FOOD I NEED MY SUSTENANCE !!!! between the two of them, who 'falls' first? is there a specific moment when one of them realizes OH GEEZ OKAY I am. IN LOVE LOVE!?!!!
Ellie thank you for blessing me with this beautiful otp I SWEAR TO GOD
I like to think that while Nux basically worships the ground she walks on because she’s the Immortan’s daughter, Passion Fingers is the one who actually falls first. Maybe in a more platonic way at the beginning. Like, all of a sudden there is a person who genuinely gives a shit about her. Even her own mother only had a very surface level motherly relationship with her, simply because she birthed her, and not because she was actually wanted. Or even loved. Even after his near blind devotion to the Immortan begins to crumble, he still treats her like a human being with feelings, and not just a future breeding cow. The other War Boys in the barracks only ever mocked her when she secretly visited. Told her that a brood mare had no business being here. Threatened to report a missing wife to the Immortan to gain his favor (they didn’t know she was actually his daughter and that‘s even worse). Some even tried to overpower her. Or assault her.
Not Nux.
She fell for the humanity in him, the soft person underneath that War Boy shell. The kindness he had given her even when he didn’t know who she was yet. She doesn’t ever properly realize it I think. She can’t really tell how to name her feelings because she hardly allows herself to feel them. But there is a moment (or rather several moments) where Nux gets dangerously close to being fatally injured and her first reaction is NOT MY BABY!!! and while she gets between him and the attacker she’s like wait. Did I seriously just put myself into a dangerous situation without thinking it through first out of impulse. What the hell?
I think he realizes it when he sees her smile tbh. It’s so silly and so basic but OOF she hardly smiles, she barely has any reasons to smile at all, but they sit in the back of the war rig together at some point and she says that this is the most fun she’s ever had in her life. Furiosa is like ??? We‘re on a life and death chase. And Passion Fingers clarifies that watching the cars from the windows in the vault has always been the best part of her day, that sneaking out to see the War Boys was the most exciting thing she ever got to do, so this, being outside, among people who treat her as an equal, feels like she’s finally living. And Nux watches as her eyes finally aren’t dull and lifeless anymore. The tiny smile on her lips. And he thinks wow. She’s actually really pretty when she’s… you know, not a robot in a human body.
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drelldreams · 10 months
Mass Effect Lore: Common technologies in the 2180's (Part 1: Omnitool)
This post is both a collection of canon technologies in the Mass Effect universe, and personal headcanon which may be borrowing common concepts from sci fi.
Part 1 will be dedicated to solely the omnitool, because omnitools provide the user with such a huge amount of features that they deserve their own post.
What is an omnitool?
The omnitool is a microchip implanted underneath the skin which upon activation, can project a holographic screen as well as a holographic keyboard to navigate said screen. However, omnitools can also be navigated via voice demands. Omnitools provide a variety of functions and can do pretty much anything that a computer, smart watch, phone, calculator or tablet could do.
Omnitool activation could be done vocally via a spoken password or in a tactile manner such as touching one‘s forearm in a certain rhythm and pattern.
Microfabricators can generate objects out of microplastic particles, but it isn‘t possible for an object to generate if the omnitool consists merely an implant under the skin. (I don‘t see how that‘s possible without space magic..)
Therefore an additional bracelet has to be worn, which contains the microparticles out of which an object can be forged.
The omnitool can be synced with the translator implant, updating the translator with new translation software.
What can the omnitool do?
Allows communication via voice calls, video calls, voice messages and text messages
Provides intranet, internet and extranet access
Allows upload and download of data
Can be used for videography and photography
Can be used to play music
Can provide a flashlight
Provides a wide array of general programs, calendars, navigation programs and maps, note apps, alarms, games and more
Can be used for hacking, coding and decryption
Special programs can be used to utilize the microfabricator to form objects; if the bracelet is charged with certain particles it can also be used to fire particles which are commonly used for combat (incinerate or cryo blast function, for instance)
But that‘s the boring shit. That‘s what phones, tablets and computers can do nowadays, and the combat stuff is covered in the game.
Here‘s my headcanons added to it.
What special functions can an omnitool have?
It can fire fire extinguishing particles. (No pun intended) Meaning that little bracelet actually could serve as a fire extinguisher, using microparticles to extinguish fire.
The microfabricator should be able to forge any tool, such as a screwdiver out of microplastic. That explains why quarians seem to be able to fix things with just their omnitool. No need to take a toolbox with you when you‘ve got your omnitool.
Omnitools should be able to do anything that an advanced calculator can, meaning omnitool calculators provide more functions than a regular phone or tablet calculator. Basically that chip has a build in college level calculator.
Communication aid programs coupled with visors or smart lenses can scan and analyze the body language and facial expressions of conversation partners, listing likely interpretations for those who struggle to read other species.
More advanced omnitool models should be able to aid you with repairs, as well. Take a scan of a broken piece of tech and the omnitool might come up with a diagnostic of it and giving suggestions how to fix it. That would explain why everyone in ME seems so tech savvy - actually the omnitool just provides a ton of help.
Omnitools are capable of measuring pulse, heart rate, blood oxygen, blood sugar levels and blood pressure. They also can monitor sleep quality and duration. Steps taken during the day and stability of walking. Basically they have all the functions of a smart watch.
Just like you can fire a neural shock to disable someone, you can fire a targeted shock in form of a heart defibrillator to revive someone.
Other medical programs provide build in fever thermometer scanners.
Omnitool scans using medical scanners can also provide diagnostic aid, scanning for abnormalities and injuries. The most advanced models are capable of scanning broken bones, essentially having the function of x ray scans.
Certain programs give the user the ability to stimulate the vagus nerve to aid against stress or depression. If nerve stim programs for sexual stimulation are a thing, then this should be within the realms of possibility too. It is possible that this might require a piece of hardware to be synced to, however.
Omnitools also make great morning alarm clocks, being capable of emitting light that emulates a sunrise filling the entire room to wake up a person. The vital scanner takes note of your awakening, which causes the alarm to slowly stop, dimming the lightning and turning down the music volume (if you’ve set a music alarm) slowly.
Some people also like receiving comfortable vibrations through their body through their omnitool to wake up from their sleep.
Other handy stuff that you could fabricate using the microplastic fabricator (aside from blades and tools): cutlery, bowls and cups, razor blades, hair brushes and combs, scissors. Yeah, you‘re gonna have kids in class who forgot to bring their scissors and cut out stuff with omnitool fabricated scissors.
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lunavagans · 4 months
In celebration of my upcoming graduation I‘ve been replaying A Link between Worlds as the first loz title I ever finished, and like. Y‘all this game is really good. Some things I‘ve noticed, now that I‘m playing it as someone who has been to school and learnt about characters, story analysis, and as someone who just wants to rant about it (naturally, spoilers abound below, though I can‘t imagine anyone not knowing about the gist? It‘s an old game, after all):
In Zelda‘s office, there are hearts in the corners of the room. In Hilda‘s, there aren‘t. However, once you reach Zelda‘s office, there‘s not really an urgent need for you to heal up anymore, especially since you can get hearts out of pots shortly before. As such, they most likely hold metaphorical value (aka the developers ship Zelink).
Perhaps a bit obvious, but maybe one of the most jarring things to notice as a first-time player is the contrast between the symbol of the triforce on the pink carpet in Zelda‘s office and the upside down triforce on Hilda‘s purple one. I still think that‘s an awesome choice storytelling-wise.
Immediately outside of Hilda‘s office, there are torches with the same kind of colorful fire that Yuga‘s staff has in his second boss fight.
Speaking of his second boss fight, why the fuck are the two walls that go down/up with his defeat so colorful? Just why? It looks like lego.
The first time when the little witch‘s broom gets me without her and it just goes „…“ still hurts just as much. I love Irene.
DAMN, Impa has a big nose in her portrait.
Wow, that little bit with fatphobia and Oreen really went over my head as a child.
Ganny doesn‘t even get to say one word in his first scene, huh? Goes to show who‘s really the boss.
Love how we see Link being woken up twice and both times have to do with the forge.
That place where we find Gully‘s bag has birds and squirrels and the place with the master sword also does… foreshadowing? Probably.
The wife of Lorule‘s blacksmith can talk all she wants about hating children, but she did pick me up from the road and lay me on the table instead of the ground.
Why does Hilda get to be Queen and Zelda doesn‘t? The latter part of the question is only I pose everyday about every game.
That bit where Yuga says he dislikes Zelda‘s haircolor but still finds the portrait beautiful shows how he really doesn‘t care about the actual looks of the people he hunts down, only who they are and if he needs them/if they pose a threat or annoyance to him. This is also why he finds Link himself ugly; Yuga attributes beauty to character as he subjectively perceives it. (I really don’t know if that sentence works?? English isn’t my first language; but I’m also not gonna look up the words). HOWEVER,Yuga also compliments Zelda‘s facial features. As we‘ve established, he doesn‘t care about the looks themselves, so maybe there‘s a correlation with Zelda and Hilda being counterparts. Yuga knows Hilda and might think of her positively, which is why he finds the superficial features they share beautiful.
From Ravio‘s identity reveal, we learn that he somewhat knows how to do the Basic Human Interaction Thing. So why‘s he so obnoxious when he‘s literally asking to live in my house because he‘s a fugitive back home or something??? Is he trying to be quirky? To seem like a non-scammer so I‘ll take his items? Those items are the only thin in Hyrule that‘ll get me through the dungeons, why does he think he has to kiss my feet to endear himself to me??
I choose to believe that, since no other person even shows knowledge of the existence of Ravio‘s items save for Osfala, that they do not exist anywhere else. So where did he acquire them? In the diary in his house, he mentions having magic, and magic runs in the items as well, in form of the meter that runs out to the side. Maybe he invented them. He does mention not being brave, but being smart in the ending when he reveals himself.
That stinky armband. What‘s the trigger for its use? In the game, Link gets put into time-out (the wall). Is the trigger just being put in there by someone else?
I love how some characters just tend to break the fourth wall. Gully and his dad with the saving, Ravio with the quick switch for the items, Mother Maiamai (her name‘s Mama Maimai in german, btw, thus she will be henceforth referred to as Mama) with the maimai map… also the old man introducing you to streetpass. The latter is also referenced by the rumor guy in the woods as extremely dangerous and keen on keeping his secrets.
Skulls sure are a choice of decoration for Ravio‘s little yard. Makes me wonder if he maybe used those as intimidation tactic, or maybe, judging by just how many there are in Lorule, they‘re just plants that evolved to look that way for the exact same purpose. (There’s probably some parallels between Ravio and the plants with mimicry here.) But then again, why would so many be in the dungeons?
Irene and Mama know each other?? Over her grandmother maybe?
The merchant at Lake Hylia proves that Lorule has more than one language, which is more than Hyrule can say of itself. But like, if Lorule is supposedly a mirrored image of Hyrule, then this means that that is only in the landscape and some characteristics of the people born there, p.e. Ravio and Link being similar in terms of looks, but not in character. They do not have a similar development in (I would bet on) anything else, also as proven by Boris‘ counterpart, or rather his death decades before the hyrulean version‘s.
Thee are speaking animals in Lorule. There are giant speaking turtles in Lorule. Nobody questions this. Speaking animals are normal. The only speaking animal in Hyrule is Mama, and she is hidden away in a cave. What the fuck?
(They also have tiny dragons as ravens. This is so important, personally.)
Why is the hylian shield in a Lorule dungeon?
The great fairies look like they could have been Kokiri once upon a time. At least now we know what happened to them in this time line.
Are those dragon statues on the outside of the palace of darkness??? (Okay, maybe that‘s just because these guys worship monsters, but dragons are cool as hell in every situation. At the very least, they‘ve got taste.(They kinda look like Toothless-))
Once you free the fourth sage, you get a cutscene with Hilda telling you about a Hero of Lorule long ago. I get that Ravio is supposed to be the present Hero of Lorule, but like……… I wanna know about that former hero. New game with that hero?? Pls?
Okay, the priest in Lorule‘s church basically tells us the silver triforce was destroyed three years ago. What happened between then and before Ravio‘s appearance at our doorstep??
Where do the monster cult members go after the dark palace???
I LOVE THE BOMB FLOWER MERCHANT!!! Also, does he call Link Thunder Flower Kid/Bomb Flower Kid in the english version, too? I probably won‘t bother to google that.
You know that cellar you need to go through the enter the church for the first time? Yeah, in the lorulean version, there are bats whose body consists of only a giant eyeball. I can‘t help but wonder if perhaps Vaati somehow caught a glimpse of them before he stole the minish cap… But for that to be possible, it has to exist in that same timeline, so idk.
The fortune teller and the witch should‘ve had a happy ending. I don‘t care about Zelda, let me play matchmaker, Nintendo.
Mama has one hundred children. The fact that her species seems to thrive on the principle of „get many children, be happy if only a few survive“ tells us that barely any of them will live much longer. On that account, where are the other Parent Maimais? I propose that she has eaten her mate like praying mantises (what‘s the plural?) do.
I really like the floor pattern of the skull wood dungeon.
Going by the sound those eyeballs make when you throw them, they‘ve got to have a jelly consistency. I think they‘d be tasty, like those sour halloween eyeballs. Do they have those outside of Germany? I don‘t know, I never hear about them anywhere else.
When I played through the skull wood dungeon, my cat was laying on the bed with me, and the mattress vibrated from his purring. Very important info.
Wait wait wait. There are not lorulean counterparts for any of the sages, except for Zelda (Hilda). Why?? Did Yuga get rid of them all for some reason and nobody tells us? If they existed at all, then it would somewhat explain why Hilda vaguely knows the sages themselves? (I know I‘m contradicting that one point from earlier that there‘s no correlation between counterparts except for sheer existence, but eh.)
If I could be bothered to, this would be a ALbW hinox hate account, okay? But get this… the hinoxen on the ice mountain wear sweaters to not freeze.
The signs up to the ice dungeon sure are a mood. It feels like I‘m in a movie, together with the music that slaps unreasonably hard.
I hate the ice dungeon.
Okay, in the North American French localization, it‘s implied that Ravio made up his name when he met Link and like??? Why?? Did he also make up Sheerow‘s name??
Who the hell even is Yuga? Why can he go 2d?
Okay, so Lorule‘s triforce was destroyed in a civil war to avoid constant conflict. Cool. The fact that they even had a triforce means that they were visited by the goddesses, so some form of their counterparts. After the triforce - evidence of those godesses‘ favor - was destroyed, the kingdom fell into ruin. That‘s so much pettier than greek tragedies where only a bloodline is cursed at most.
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
i know no one asked for this but i really don’t get why people have been saying you did CH dirty or that you‘re lazy.
i really don‘t think people understand that you are as a women with a job/occupation spending your free time writing for FREE on an app for everyone to read. like you don‘t even have to do this but still here you are with many works that i personally and a lot of other people really enjoyed.
i don‘t think they get that them thinking you did bad is relevant. like everyone has different tastes and that‘s ok if you didn‘t like it which you don‘t have to then don‘t.
but telling someone who obviously struggles with people telling them that their work, they put a lot of effort in, is bad (which i completely understand since it seem ppl don‘t know how to give proper constructive criticism) will just make everything worse.
if you have proper criticism you could nicely tell that person and that‘s it. actually considering that you post here on tumblr again for FREE and are not selling any books or wtv people have no right to criticise you at all.
i really need everyone to understand that you‘re doing this in your free time as a hobby(?) and that you have more important things in your life to do than trying to satisfy random people on the internet.
and for you babe please really don‘t get demotivated by comments like this. i can see from everything you‘ve put out that you enjoy writing and you‘re very good at it. but sometimes in situations like these it‘s better to take a break from things. i don‘t know you personally so obviously i cant and wont tell you to just stop writing but dont EVER feel bad for taking breaks or needing a few more days to post a new chapter. getting negative comments on something you genuinely enjoy doing can be the worst for someone and their mental health.
i love you baby take care <3
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!🤍 you basically wrote my thoughts down i cant lie, i could have not worded it better and agree 100%. i think a lot of readers nowadays (cough cough, younger ones) are so used to things being produced fast and in mass that they get super frustrated when you don't do something their way or to their liking and i'm like..you dont pay me a dime..you don't appreciate me at all..you see me as my content and not a regular human being with a life..go fuck yourself 😭😭
im so so so glad most of you guys arent as entitled and arrogant and demanding and rude, it's definitely so much easier when surrounef by all this love and support than this negative energy and i hope you know i appreciate you so much. thank you for your words baby i gope you have a great day 🥺🤍
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bikelock28 · 1 year
What kind of parents to Ted do you think Remus and Tonks would've been if they survived?
I don't know why but I imagine that Tonks would be the 'easy one', the one who Ted could tell some juicy details from his teenage life and Tonks would be like 'ooh yeah I understand, tell me more!' and would sometimes behave like she's his friend rather than a mum (which sounds good but could be bad xD) I also imagine lots of cringe nicknames that would embarrass Teddy and lots of hugs and kisses, basically very affectionate and warm, like she was in books.
For Remus... I can't help but imagine him being loving but also strict and a bit cold. He would LOVE Tonks and Teddy obviously, but Remus is not naturally affectionate or open about his feelings and I don't think he would be a natural Family Man (like Arthur Weasley), so he would be reserved. He would express his love towards Teddy by saying how proud he was of Ted's Head Boy badge and ruffle his hair and clap him on the back. I also think his lycanthropy might affect their relationship - Remus would get grumpy, in turn Ted might also get sarcastic and grumpy if he's in a bad mood, which could result in a fight. Also, Remus gives me the ~old fashioned father~ vibes when it comes to discipline, if you know what I mean. BUT in spite of all this, Teddy would be a complete daddy's boy! Especially if he's more like Remus in personality and looks, and he and Remus could talk endlessly and understand each other.
Sorry for long post 🤡 what are your headcanons?
Thank you for your question. Don’t apologise for a long post- I love long posts:) and this reply has turned out v long also.
I touched on the answer a bit here: https://bikelock28.tumblr.com/post/624514058632232960/i-lobed-the-chapters-about-what-happened-to.
I don’t think either Tonks or Lupin would be very strict parents, but I also don’t think either would be the “friends with the kids” type. I don’t think either would be the Cool Parent, because frankly by the time children are old enough to fully understand/appreciate coolness, they’re too old to reckon it applies to their parents.
I think Lupin does most of the childcare. This means he and Teddy are close. Being a dad makes lupin happier than anything. He has a lovely relationship with Teddy: loves teaching Teddy stuff and is also good at being silly with him (remember this is a man who dressed Snape as Neville’s gran and who laughs at James’ jokes 20 years later! Do not underestimate the daftness Remus Lupin is capable of). I think Tonks would absolutely love all of the above.
I write Lupin as allergic to PDA with Tonks, and I think it would largely remain that way. But I don’t think he can keep his hands off Teddy, he is always hugging, tickling, kissing, ruffling hair, having Teddy climb on him, etc. It feels natural to him, he doesn’t even notice that he’s doing it in front of others.
If you grew up in a family where one parent was stay-at-home and the other went to work, you’ll remember that the latter coming home was a bit of a big daily occasion. I think that defo happens with Tonks- “MUMMY IS HOME! Mummy let me show you my drawing, mummy I scored a goal today” etc, hurling himself at her when she comes through the door. Plus it allows her to be Fun Mummy. 
However, Aurors presumably work many evenings, weekends, early mornings. If you grow up with a parent who works shifts like that then as the child it’s normal to you. But for many mums that‘s guilt-inducing. I think Tonks would really struggle with that, which makes me sad. Though I suppose the good thing about being married to Lupin is that you’d always have someone to talk to about guilt lol! I reckon she’d buy Teddy all sort of daft and unnecessary toys to make up for missing bedtimes etc. These presents would largely be junk Teddy didn't actually want or need. Lupin would find this habit extremely irritating and it would probably be something they'd argue about: "It's just a silly plastic frog, it was ten knuts," "So why did you bother getting it?" "It's just a little token to say sorry for being away so much this week," "It's clutter we don't need, like that whistle you got him in the Summer. He knows you wish you were home more, Tonks- you don't need to spoil him with junk to prove it," etc etc.
BUT I also reckon Lupin would also be indulgent of Teddy in a different way, e.g:
I bet he’d hate leaving him to cry as a baby. 
He’d have phases of extreme anxiety about Teddy’s safety. 
Because Lupin’s self-loathing means that he believes he Is Bad, and because he carries a lot of shame, he would be weird and paranoid about Teddy growing up with similar problems. This would lead to him struggling with if an how to punish Teddy when he’s naughty, and with even the idea/wording of “naughty”/“good”/“you’re in trouble” etc.
Tonks, like many people, would find all the above bemusing and infuriating. I headcanon that Andromeda was quite a strict parent to her, and as far as Tonks is concerned she (Tonks) turned out OK. Therefore i think Tonks would have a more normal and healthy approach to punishment: “sending Teddy to bed without his pudding will teach him not to steal biscuits from the tin again”, “telling him he’s been naughty isn’t shaming him”, “he knows we love him even if we get cross sometimes”. Whereas Lupin, with his aforementioned shame and self-loathing would be troubled by all that. I think he would defo argue with Tonks about it. E.g a battleground would be if Teddy can/should sleep in his parents’ bed: "It helps him sleep," "No, Remus, it helps you sleep, but not me, and I'm the one who has to be up at five to go to work," "I'll have him on my side, then" "It doesn't matter, he'll still end up keeping us awake. You've got to get over this clinginess," "He isn't clingy," "He's going to be because of you, and you are because of him. Look, I know you get anxious sometimes about him being alone at night, but he's safe here. He's in the room nextdoor. Nobody is going to hurt him," "That's not what I'm worried about," "Remus, that's exactly what you're worried about. We both know it. It's OK, I understand, but you can't let it effect how we are with Teddy," etc etc.
As for their family relationships when Teddy’s older:
I don’t agree with you about Tonks being keen to hear the juicy details of teddy’s teen life, or him being keen to tell her- remember this is his mum! Plus, if Teddy’s anything like his dad, he’s a closed book. And Tonks has enough experience of Remus by then to respect that in Teddy.
I also disagree with you about Lupin getting grumpy around the full moon. In canon he gets ill, not bad-tempered, so there’s nothing there to cause arguments with Teddy. I don’t think having a werewolf dad would make school easy for Teddy (even though said dad is also a war hero). But I don’t believe Teddy would ever directly blame Lupin for that, because Teddy’s grown up seeing first-hand how being a werewolf is an illness.
Overall I think Teddy’s Hogwarts years would be a happy time for the family (as much as they can be when you have a teenager in the house!). I headcanon Teddy as always pretty independent, so him growing up and making choices would be cool for his parents to watch. Especially as he’s a bright lad, and I don’t head cannon him as having any interest in being an Auror or going into politics. Probably a relief for his parents on a personal level, but also a big signifier for them (and their Order friends) that the war’s over, and they won it so Teddy didn’t have to fight or campaign or be afraid. He can live the life he chooses. He can be normal. Well, as normal as you can be when you have turquoise hair ;)
However, by the time Teddy’s in 4th/5th year I headcanon that Lupin would be getting increasingly unwell. Probably walking with a stick and tiring easily. Of course that’s a difficult thing for a parent to experience, and a child to witness. I think Tonks would try to make this all seem OK and fail, and everyone would be miserable about it. But being a loving family makes even a miserable time a little better.
Hope you enjoyed this long answer. As always, feel free to weigh in or send Asks or Messages.
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anantaru · 2 years
something that gives me the biggest turn off is when someone can‘t stop complaining about genshin:
"this quest is too long it‘s annoying"
"this quest is too short i hate it"
"this story quest is boring and the character too"
"this character sucks and their ult isn‘t like i wanted it to be their animation is laggy",
ofc you can say ur honest opinion but at least be nice about it, don‘t hate about every little thing that doesn‘t apply to you. 😭😭😭 sorry for venting yoru but its hell of annoying and got a lot of people act this way ever since kuni drip
oh don’t worry love, i totally agree with you! 💗 i think if you can‘t stop being a dick and pick on every detail you don‘t like (in a disrespectful way, i’m not saying you can’t voice your own opinion, just be respectful, being mean is not a personality) in a free game (i think lots of people tend to forget genshin is free and no one forces you to spend money on it) you should honestly just quit instead of ruining it for others. 🙇🏻‍♀️ in my opinion it‘s completely alright to say you don‘t like how a character looks though, that‘s just having a different taste but you shouldn‘t piss off people who actually do like the character + ruin it for them! but yeah, anyways, there‘ll always be people who don’t have basic respect or are projecting their sad reallife onto those topics. Try to ignore them babe, you truly can‘t change it! 💗
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galimation · 1 year
Something I noticed;
I always struggle imagining my DnD OC's interacting outside their campaigns. To combat that I placed all of them in an imaginary mansion where everyone has their own room, with a common area and shared kitchen. I wanted to call this "the White Space" originally, but considering Omori already has that I'll just call it "the Mind Space".
And I somehow managed to write existential horror the first time I explored that idea further x'D
„Wasn‘t I just in an airship?“, these are the thoughts that raced through Flufflebite as he found himself in an unfamiliar place. He recognices the smell of leather and fur, but not the objects belonging to them. He recognices the cloth under his paws, but not the pattern. He even recognices specific furniture around him, but not the room itself. He finds himself in a highly familiar unfamiliar place. Flufflebite ears perk up at the sudden knock on the door and he readies his Scythe. Snarling, he waits for whatever might come through. What actually comes through the door is something he did not expect; a halfling. The unfamiliar person places two cups of tea on the table and then turns to Flufflebite: „I bet you are the new Character of him, aren‘tcha“ Bewildered Flufflebite keeps his weapon up but doesn‘t answer. Who knows what this small figure could want of him, and what was it even talking about; „Character of him“? „I‘m sure ya must be confused, but don‘t worry. No one here will pose you a threat“ „Who am I speaking to?“ „Right, right, I completely forgot to introduce myself“, the small halfling straightens his back and takes a deep breath, „I am Gilban Tombubble, pleased to make your aquaintance!“ Flufflebite looks at the small hand the halfling is reaching towards him and shakes it: „Flufflebite“ „‚Flufflebite‘, huh? Haven‘t heard a name like yours here before. Haven‘t seen anyone like you here either“, Gilban moves some furniture around to allow for a comfortable talk over tea, „Sit down and I‘ll explain“ The large lupin sits down on what must be his bed and eyes the halfling suspiciously. Gilban asks if Flufflebite needs anything for his tea, before starting his explanation: „Ya see, this place I call ‚the Mind Space‘. It‘s a realm for all fictional characters made by humans. Not the humans you know, actual humans in a very boring reality. They make up stories and worlds to light up their sad lives and people like us happen to inhabit them.“ Slow to process, Flufflebite takes a minute before he speaks up: „Wait, you mean I‘m not real? That doesn‘t make sense. I can feel my fur, I can speak my mind. How-“ „That‘s true, but we still aren‘t real. Everything we experience is real to us, but not to them. For them we are a way to live more interesting lives, while also spending time with friends.“ Flufflebite lies on the bed, baffled. Did the halfling really just say that? Is all he does and think just someone elses idea? It takes a few seconds, then he bolts back up: „And you‘re okay with that?!“ „Basically, yes.“ „How?!“ Gilban sighs and takes another sip of his tea: „We don‘t really have another option. We just happen to exist and that‘s it. Everyone here learns to live with that fact some way or another.“ Finishing his cup, Gilban stands up again: „If you wanna see where you have arrived, I‘m outside the door; ready to show you around.“ With that, Gilban leaves Flufflebite alone in the room. Alone in the room that seems to be made perfectly for him.
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what's your stance on separation of the art from the artist / creator when it comes to the artist / creator being of a questionable person?
Ohhh dear nuanced topics. Ok. Oof. Umm.
on a pure technical level: always possible and SHOULD always be done actually
if the creator isn’t riding off their art/their questionable things aren’t linked to the art: maybe stop giving it money but otherwise it’s cool.
If they ARE riding off their art: stop giving it money and publicly TALKING about it. Just vibe for yourself and maybe some friends, but otherwise keeping them relevant is giving them a platform, which enables them to hurt others
Also engaging with art without knowing an asshole made it doesn’t suddenly make you evil and I am not sure why people seem to think so or if that is actually a real thing and not just some myth people think happens
Regarding just the quality of a piece of art, on a pure technical level: always separate them. A person who does nice things can bake a cake that tastes like crap, but a piece of shit can also bake the most delicious food you’ve ever eaten. (That also goes for whenever someone tries to say they’re a nice person for donating to charities. Two actions can exist separately.)
It’s kinda weird how people always go "oh their stuff wasn’t as good as we thought anyways“ like. Bro. The stuff in question literally hasn’t changed stop pretending like some supernatural force travelled back in time to alter your memories.
Then situation 1: it’s made by a pos but their shitty actions/opinions aren’t reflected in their creation. The cake is perfectly normal and even tastes good, but the hand that made it happens to belong to ass.
In that case: grab your pirate hat and library cards, we’re going sailing and taking the treasure with us. Aka: Separate the art from the artist and the artist from the money. Just buy it second-hand or pirate it. Since the opinions/actions of the person aren’t connected to the art itself, the relevancy of the art doesn’t uphold their opinions on their platform.
Like. Watching a fnaf stream doesn’t somehow help in spreading right-wing hatespeak, because there’s nothing connected to fnaf that reflects the political opinions of the dude who made it. Liking fnaf won’t lead to you reading braindead rants on Twitter.
On the other hand you’ve got minecraft (or every broken-up band ever) where the dude stopped having any connections to it like a decade ago so heck yeah let’s go enjoy it, because the art has LITERALLY been separated from the artist
Situation 2: the piece of shit is actively using the platform they gained through their art to hurt others.
Aka pulling a Kanye Rowling. As long as their platform exists in any way, they WILL continue hurting people. That is simply the truth of the matter. No buts. It sucks, but that’s how it is.
It is not separate anymore, because they have inserted themselves into the art, and using it - directly or indirectly - as a mouthpiece.
Do not give money, and do not engage online. If you engage online, you’re giving a platform. Doesn’t mean you have to burn every cd or book or whatever you own. Just vibe for yourself. Not everything needs to be a fandom ffs.
"I like Kanye‘s music“: totally cool, if you like the sound, you like the sound. There’s nothing more to it.
"I like his music and listen to the tracks I already bought/pirated it/listened to a cover/etc“: also cool, you’re just vibin by yourself. It’s not doing anything.
"I‘m paying for new tracks/watching his videos/telling others to check him out/etc“: unfortunately you’re keeping him relevant that way, giving others a reason to bring them to his platform where he can then go spout literal Nazi propaganda, because the dude IS one. Straight up. I know US-ians like to call everyone they mildly disagree with that but in this case it’s actually true. What are people doing actively supporting the dude.
That‘s my stance anyways. Prone to change if confronted with logical arguments, as any opinion or stance should, really, but I like to believe this is a decently thought-out and realistic stance to take as it is rn lol
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