#that’s just one example of how my blog has helped me expand my viewpoints
stuckinapril · 1 year
How did you get so articulate with your opinions? It feels so difficult to me to have a brodaer understanding on a subject and be able to then also have an opinion on it that goes further than simply a few words
I went through a period of intense suppression of feelings and thoughts when I was younger. It was really hard to cope w my feelings in response to practically anything, so I would escape mainly through reading books. That was a lucky accident, bc anyone knows that reading allows you to expand both your writing capabilities and your empathy, especially if you do it on a frequent basis (which I did). I also practiced writing a lot when I was younger, so that covers the technical side of putting thought to words.
I became really intentional about understanding what my thoughts on matters were. It was suffocating feeling like I couldn’t think for myself. And so I started journaling on a daily basis to get everything down, even if it was messy. This blog is a major factor too. I don’t like the idea of having a “brand,” but anyone who’s followed me for a while knows I share my opinions & feelings on things a lot on here. I’ve been doing that for almost 2 years now. That has refined my ability to convey my opinions in a more articulate way. I also get a lot of thought-provoking asks, and I’ve been blessed w super intelligent followers who offer viewpoints I’ve never even thought of. Essentially this blog has been a big help when it comes to discussing opinions & understanding what I truly stand for.
The bottom line is you have to be intentional. Intentional about gauging your feelings, your views, your beliefs, and your values. Research topics and make sure to be exposed to opposing opinions. If you find that you can’t articulate in the technical sense—aka as far as writing them goes—I suggest reading more, whether it be reading more articles, thinkpieces, books, whatever. That has helped my articulation so much
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conservativetranny · 4 years
2020 blog update
Hello. No idea if any of you ‘remember’ me but I do seem to have a fair few followers on here. I managed to access the login information for this account and it is safe to say this blog is dead. I denounce everything I stood for on this stupid shit. 
I’m writing this because it’s what the blog deserves. Not looking to be dramatic, not looking for sympathy, in fact I think i’ll get a bit of backlash for this but bring it on. 
The past and the present- a summary
I had this blog when I was 14, unfortunately way too young to have a social media presence (one which carried any responsibility like this one anyway). No matter what age I said I was, no matter how I portrayed myself or how you, my followers interpreted me, I was a sad young trans guy desperately hoping to look big, cool, masculine and stoic, and that manifested in the most toxic way possible. 
I’m 17 now, still very very young, and after developments in my life, especially pursuing my medical transition and becoming happy within myself, I no longer hold such toxic beliefs as I once did. I am happier with myself and no longer feel the need to sacrifice others’ dignity, respect, and unfortunately sometimes on this blog, privacy, for my own. I was a very insecure, stubborn, and ignorant teenager, who dealt with a lot of denial. I’m not blaming the way I treated people online on other factors, but of course external factors came into play. I was dealing with bullying and insecurity, with parental problems, and with loneliness and depression. I seeked some sort of community, and I wanted to push myself away from the ‘weak’ trans community (the way I viewed it at the time). I wasn’t in denial personally, with the fact that I was trans (being gay is a different story- I was in complete denial with the fact that I’m gay), more just with the way other people viewed me (I will expand on this). I could elaborate on the way in which I viewed other people and the way that projected onto my conduction online, but it is a complex and confusing story. I have completely changed my viewpoint on trans ‘discourse’, I am open minded, I am close friends with people I would have turned my ignorant nose up at years ago. I am so proud to say that I am a completely different person now. I grow every day, it seems, and I can assure that I will never return to this ignorant mindset.
With experience, I have grown too. Obviously, from 14-17 i have become more mature. I have different experiences now as well, for example, I don’t bind often at all really anymore, because its more comfortable and can sometimes make me more dysphoric to know I am binding. I’m bringing this up because I bet you back when I was active on this blog, I would’ve laughed at the more mature, tolerant me, and probably went on a tyrade about how I was a fake trans guy or less of a man for not binding. I often wonder what ‘old me’ would think of ‘new me’. Now obviously, three years isn’t a hell of a big difference, but to a 17 come 18 year old it is. I understand I am not an adult yet, but I’ve always taken pride in conducting myself with a sense of maturity and articulacy, and for this post and platform especially I feel it is appropriate.
The Truscum Mindset
Back when I ran this blog, I was in an echo chamber of like minded people, which didn’t help my ideological development. I watched youtubers like Blaire White and Kalvin Garrah, who I thought gave me a balanced, moderate, and fair opinion which is clear is not the case. Back then I would’ve scoffed at the idea of Blaire and Kalvin and other similar people as being radical or a gateway, but I urge you, if you feel you are slipping to obsession with those ideologies, to seek to widen your opinions and associations. I understand it’s a fairly niche discourse topic, but for me it opened a wider rabbit hole into the alt right. From wanting to fit into the lgbt and wider communities as a masculine male, this opened up the black hole of the alt right, I browsed (now deleted) subreddits and 4chan boards, and forums that put me in a very negative and dangerous place. If you’d like me to make a post elaborating on this, I am more than happy to, but this post is to address conservativetranny.
Denial and owning up to responsibility
Back in 2017/18, I was very much in denial of certain aspects of myself, especially my sexuality. I am gay. I thought that this was, and especially as a trans guy, a demasculating quality. I still deal with those feelings sometimes, as a lot of young gay guys do, but thankfully it does not manifest itself as toxic as it once did. I just wanted to portray myself online as how I thought I wanted to be viewed-I didn’t want to be viewed like ‘any other trans guy’. I wanted to be different, but now I can appreciate individuality and I can also embrace being trans as well.
I used to think that having alt views was the coolest thing ever, which contributed to my slip into the alt right, something on which I’ll elaborate on in later posts. I am now an advocate for deradicalisation, and being rational, truly rational. I’m also an advocate for maturity and owning up to your mistakes.
I have hurt people, especially in my personal life, throughout my time as a stupid, thoughtless immature teenager and i am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, for that. I now respect the hell out of those people and unfortunately, but definitely rightfully so, they have lost their respect for me. I don’t blame them, because as I said, up until very recently I was a horrible, toxic person. With maturity, in the past half a year I have been able to own up to my mistakes and I am now taking responsibility for that. No excuses, because I was a shitty person. Of course there is a line between excuses and justification, and I hope those which are reading this can distinguish and appreciate this difference.
Self Hatred and Truscum
Back when I ran this blog, it was very easy to tell I was self hating. Everything I wrote on here, pretty much, was hateful except for the odd two posts that were about something unrelated to my ideology. I was extremely dysphoric and in a bad place when I wrote these things and certainly projected my insecurities onto others. I wanted to find a community of different thinking people that would accept me, and this community was certainly the wrong turn. I had a feeling that it was wrong at the time, but I was too naive and cowardly to own up to it and seek a way out. I kind of just naturally fell out of it, a a lot of things happened in my personal life in late 2018 that forced me out of trans discourse and into much more toxic places like the alt right and true crime fandoms, and I think I’ve only recently ‘found myself’ in the past year or so. I might make a post on self growth on the future as I intend to keep this blog to elaborate and voice my opinions on deradicalisation and highlight the importance of owning up and self awareness.
Don’t fall into the rabbithole
I’m not too acquainted with trans discourse anymore, so I’m out of the loop on this one, but I’d imagine that there’s still ‘transmed vs tucute’ ideas. Kalvin Garrah’s community comes to mind, I haven’t watched his videos ‘as a fan’, if that makes sense, for a while now but I am aware he has a large fanbase of young trans teens that were in a similar mindset to where I was back when I ran this blog. I would love for this post to reach his opposers and supporters for that matter, as a means to show them that they don’t have to fall into this cycle of hate which can be very damaging. I used to be an avid fan of Kalvin, and Blaire White, amongst others. I watched exclusively their content alone and formed my opinions around theirs. If you’re doing that now, I urge you to consider other people when you do. Think about the people like Brennan Beckwith, people who were severely impacted and hurt by hateful rhetoric. Those people are human too, and with maturity you will learn that people with different experiences and views are, at the end of the day, the same as you, and they have feelings as well .I’m going to make a post in the future about Kalvin Garrah, certainly, but maybe Blaire White as well.
Why now?
You may be wondering why this post is being made now of all times, and that is a question that has every right to be asked. I feel as if this timing is right because I finally possess the level of maturity needed to own up to my mistakes and tell you that I was wrong and it was certainly wrong to post those opinions and mistakes online for all to see, and put people in my real life on blast like I did.
I had completely forgotten about this blog, and forgot about the rude and ignorant words I had written towards the people in my real life, until chance had it that I was in contact with one of the people mentioned in this post. [https://conservativetranny.tumblr.com/post/169351517511/no-one-pretends-to-be-trans]
I’m not going to go into the nuances of the conversation we had, but it turns out they had, for a while and definitely rightfully so been hurt by the fact that I had mentioned them, by name, in this post. And while I’d of course still like to keep these people anonymous and will not sacrifice their anonymity in order to tell a story or ‘save myself’, this post is quite funny to read back on as I am good friends with the people referred to as ‘P’ and ‘Shadow’ now.
This is the end of this post, as I feel I have said everything I have wanted to say regarding my previous conduct on this blog. I’m going to change my name on this blog and my bio as I do intend on further posts in the future. I’m not sure how many people, if any, this post will reach, but I’m satisfied I have written this anyway. I certainly do plan on writing future posts but I’m not exactly sure how to formulate them. But thank you so much for reading this far, and if you have, I appreciate it.
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lamortexiii · 3 years
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Cryptic Mystic: Kindred Spirits
Do you believe that living beings have souls? If you believe in souls, chances are that you also possess the ability to feel strong emotions. On the opposite side of that coin, there are people who feel no emotion at all. What causes such a huge difference in the capability of our brains and the way that we process information? What do souls have to do with this anyway? Are we born this way or simply molded through our environment and experiences? Maybe it’s a little of both…
I’ll start by saying the words “soul” and “spirit” are often used interchangeably - just so there is no confusion with the title versus the term I am choosing to use within the text. Now onto the good stuff.
The term “soul” as we know it today in America was originally derived from the Old English word sáwol first quoted in the 8th Century poem Beowulf. However, this term and its meaning has been seen in other countries including East German Gothic (saiwala), Old High German (sêula), Old Saxon (sêola), Old Low Franconian (sêla), Old Norse (sála) and Lithuanian (siela). The Germanic definition of “soul” is said to mean “coming from/belonging to the sea (or lake)”, because of the Germanic and pre-Celtic belief in souls emerging from and returning to sacred lakes.
Various religions use the term “soul” within many forms of context. All share an abundance of differences within what the term means and how they choose to use it, but all define their beliefs/experiences within a similar concept. For example, ancient Egyptians believed that people were made up of a combination of both physical and spiritual elements that are of the soul/spirit. Shamanism posits that people are composed of two or more souls (termed soul dualism) often called the “body soul” and the “free soul.” The body soul is the vessel in which you live day to day while you are consciously aware of your surroundings, while the free soul wanders when you are sleeping, meditating, or in a trance-like state. While even different yet, Scientology doesn’t believe that people have souls, but that people are souls. Within this religion, people are viewed as being immortal and can choose to become reincarnated if they would like once their life is over within their current physical body. Lastly, Wiccans tend to believe in the eternal nature of the soul; that the soul is immortal and can never die. Most Wiccans believe in reincarnation and view physical death as part of the natural cycle of life/birth/death; that while the physical body may die, the soul can never die.
As you can tell, there are definitely mixed views on what constitutes a “soul.” Most beliefs in the soul are tied to various religions. These are just a few examples, however, there are MANY more religions that believe in the soul and just as many more definitions and viewpoints! For those who believe in the soul, strong emotional ties are present within their respective religions. Remember earlier when I suggested that if you believe in the soul you probably possess the ability to feel emotions on a strong level? Makes sense now doesn’t it? It’s all tied together and comes full circle when explained. Now, I will say there are just as many people who do not believe in the soul, and I do not discredit them in any way. It’s like I always say, you choose what you believe - all are respected here. Learning more about one another gives us all a better understanding of the differences we possess; what makes us unique. I encourage you to do your research on other cultures/religions/etc., but I also feel like that is part of my purpose here - to expand your mind. So... you can just keep reading my blogs to get that monthly dose of information if you’d like. Your choice.
I’ve always found this particular conversation interesting due to the many possibilities that surround us. There is so much that is truly unknown. We take the influences around us: environment, culture, religion, social influences, etc. and we form opinions. We form beliefs. It would be foolish to believe that we know everything, for we do not. However, we can imagine, dream, research, have a conversation about it - we can strive to learn.
The Shamanistic belief in the two souls is quite interesting to me in particular due to my own personal experiences with dreams and meditation. I am sure many of you have had those dreams that felt so real that whenever you woke up you weren’t sure where you were for a moment. I have experienced this several times. My dreams are always so vivid. When I am meditating I find that I experience almost the same intensity that I feel whenever I am sleeping. I have jokingly wondered to myself if the people we see in our dreams are actually there with us because they are sleeping too. Maybe we are all in another dimension together in our dreams or when we meditate? I don’t have the answers to why these instances occur, but I enjoy speculating over them. I have also wondered if the people in your dreams don’t remember being with you, maybe you were in the part of their dream that they didn’t remember. Have you ever awoke from a dream and for the life of you, couldn’t remember it at all? Or maybe you remembered bits and pieces, but were unable to put them all together because of the fragments that you had forgotten? Another thought - maybe the people that you don’t know that you see in your dreams/during meditation are people that you have unknowingly met or will meet in the near future? There are so many unanswered questions. Sure, we have labels that we throw onto these phenomena as we do with everything else, but do we actually know? I don’t believe so. As a matter of fact, I think we are further off than we even begin to realize because the human mind is not capable of understanding these things that we do not know or understand. Again, you be your own judge - that’s just my opinion.
The premonitions that I have had (as mentioned in one of my earlier blogs - go check it out for the backstory/context), have frightened me to my core. The pure emotion and accuracy in my dreams have baffled me for several years. I have learned to accept that I apparently possess some sort of gift and move forward with my life. When I have a premonition it is always random, but due to the repetitiveness of this phenomena, they don’t really come as much of a surprise anymore. There have been times I awoke and I was screaming, crying, and one time I even swung my fists at someone (yeah… whoops). I feel silly using the terms “soul” or “spirit” so I personally stay away from them. However, I do believe that we are composed of something magical that we have labeled and viewed in different ways. For me, to know the human anatomy inside and out, to know how the body functions, to specialize within my career in brain functioning, and knowing the complexities within both neuro, mental, and physical health; it completely blows my mind that we are just these living, walking, breathing, beings that are so powerful - and that there is nothing behind that. That’s it? It just is? We just are? I think not. There are things we don’t understand and may never understand. I believe that we all possess something special inside of us. Call it what you want: a soul, spirit, or any other combination of terms - we are more powerful that we give ourselves credit for. Whatever you believe in, just know that you are a strong being that can overcome any challenge in life. You possess the power to change your life and could possibly go on to change the lives of others if you so choose. Embrace yourself for who you are and what you believe, because regardless of anything I respect the hell out of each and every one of you for simply being your badass selves!
Now, let’s talk about something that lies on the opposite end of the mushy gushy emotional spectrum. The absence of emotion can technically happen to anybody at any given time. For me, I have had 2 memorable points in my life where I went through a several-month period where I felt nothing. There was an absence of emotion. I felt hardened. I couldn’t cry and I most certainly did not feel happiness. 
The first time this emotional numbness happened was during/after my divorce. For about a year after that train wreck was over I couldn’t emotionally feel anything. I tried to date (ew) and I couldn’t feel love or pleasure. I remember telling a very nice man that was absolutely wonderful to me in every way that I wanted to end things because I couldn’t feel - I didn’t love him. I didn’t want to lead him on, and after a month of dating and not feeling anything I couldn’t bear to see him so attached while I felt absolutely nothing. It was horrible, and I felt a sense of helplessness because I couldn’t just turn my emotions back on like a light switch. It took well over a year for me to bounce back and actually start to feel emotions again, but eventually, I was able to regain them. However, I do feel like I was forever changed in a way. I still carry that hardened exterior, I don’t trust easily, I have a permanent resting bitch face, in conversations, I am way too logical/realistic and cynical for people to even begin to handle, and I struggle with allowing myself to open up to others. Nobody is perfect, and I am sure at least a few of you can relate.
The second time this happened to me was recently. The emotional numbness lasted for a few months, beginning in September of last year to January of this year. For the first time in my life I decided to see a therapist. I didn’t want to, but a couple of people in my life who care about me said that I needed to seek help from someone other than myself (haha). I feel like it may have helped a bit, but I attribute my ability to bounce back to myself and work to change the way I was thinking. I also needed to engage in more self-care because I was extremely lacking in that department last year. So I began doing things on a daily basis that served myself, even if it was for only 15 minutes. Amidst my busy schedule, I needed to make that time for me and so I did. Both instances revolved around heavy stress times in my life - the heaviest I have experienced as an adult. For me, I think that in order to protect itself my the body just shut down and shut off everyone and everything around me. I couldn’t feel anything because feeling and experiencing emotion became seen as a threat. Funny - I still see it that way at times.
Similar to what I have experienced in my life, but much more severe, prominent, and chronic, is psychopathy. Psychopathy is defined as a mental (antisocial) personality disorder in which an individual may appear to hold no morals and exhibit antisocial behavior. These individuals also show a lack of ability to love, empathize, experience emotions, or establish meaningful personal relationships. Psychopaths are sometimes egocentric in their behavior and possess an inability to learn from experience and other behaviors associated with the condition. Take for example Ted Bundy: a calm, collected, calculated, suave serial killer. He appeared to be just like anyone else if you were to see him on the street. He engaged in relationships but did not possess the ability to truly love the individuals he was with (sound familiar?) Even in court he failed to empathize with the families of his victims and appeared to be unbothered - because he was. However, as one of the most well-known serial killers of the modern day, Bundy also had a fascination with murder and necrophelia - which, and I want to reiterate this very clearly, is NOT a common thread with those diagnosed with psychopathy. A lot of people use the term psychopath incorrectly and do not actually understand what constitutes psychopathy. Does being a psychopath mean that you’ll be a murderer? No. Does it mean you can never have a meaningful relationship? While questionable, the answer is no - there is no obsolete here. Does being a psychopath mean you are crazy? Hell no - and I don’t like to use the “C” word in a mental health context because (shocker) it’s fucking offensive. Interestingly enough, there is no written formal diagnosis in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Health Disorders-Version 5) specifically for psychopathy. Instead, the formal diagnosis for someone who meets the criteria of antisocial personality disorder is said to mimic what most characterize as psychopathy. However, some mental health conditions may have a specifier such as psychopathic features. For example: in the DSM-5, under "Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders", Antisocial Personality Disorder with psychopathic features is described as characterized by "a lack of anxiety or fear and by a bold interpersonal style that may mask maladaptive behaviors (e.g., fraudulence)."
While there is an ongoing argument on whether a psychopath is born or made, I say it is a little bit of both - and researchers agree. Children that show a lack of empathy, lack of guilt, and have shallow emotions, defined as callous-unemotional traits, are at increased risk of developing psychopathy in adulthood. These children are more likely to display antisocial behavior, such as bullying and aggression. Will every aggressive child develop psychopathy? No. Will every child who experiences some antisocial behavior develop psychopathy? No. There is a combination of factors that “when the stars align” create a predisposition for psychopathy to develop. It is truly a combination of individual genetics and the environment. So while the genetic factors are what is born within the individual, the environment further aids in shaping how this individual will develop. For example, a child who is aggressive, antisocial, and comes from a home where they are constantly physically and sexually abused is more likely to develop psychopathy, but may or may not depending on their specific genetic makeup. There are literally millions of combinations of neurons and other items that must connect and fail to connect to shape and form a psychopath. As time goes on these traits may become more dominant (indicating psychopathy) or may taper off and fall away (indicating that the person is likely not developing psychopathy and likely has just gone through “a phase”).
It is important to note that psychopathy can also be present and comorbid with other mental health conditions in any individual. The combinations here are endless. I have found that some individuals who experience psychopathy also experience delusions and hallucinations, while others who experience psychopathy have never had a delusion or hallucination in their life. The prognosis relies heavily on a special combination of genetics and environment. Genetics are a predisposition, while environment consists of direct exposures that can predispose but may also be manipulated. Each individual who experiences psychopathy experiences it in a different way and comes from their own unique background, therefore it is hard to pinpoint exactly what “type” of person truly defines a psychopath. Just like anything or anyone else - there are all kinds. We are all alike and the same but yet so very different. We are “kindred spirits” you might say. Whether or not you believe in souls, an afterlife, how we came to be, or what constitutes psychopathy - your opinion is still valid and you believe whatever you choose to believe. Open your mind before you open my blog. Sending you nothing but positivity and love. Until next time, creep it real ghouls and gals.
Cryptic Mystic Blog by PsychVVitch
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girlobsessed21 · 4 years
Thoughts on The 100 7x01
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Before I get into the episode, I felt the absence of Bellamy and Octavia, they are my favorites and a very core part of this show. I was worried about the lack of Bellamy in all the promotional material, but Jason explained in an article that he needed some time off and they gave that to him, but he still plays a vital role and we will see him again.  At the end of the day, we don’t know what happened, but the mystery around his disappearance into anomaly is quite intriguing.
For now, I’m holding out hope that he will return to my screen in full force, until proven wrong I’m going to be positive. Despite that, I enjoyed it. It wasn’t my favorite first episode, still a strong start spreading optimism for the rest of the season. Lots of surprises that made it worthwhile.
The anomaly colony
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Hope wakes up with memory loss while Gabriel examines her tattoos. She runs away and finds a note to herself that says, ‘Trust Bellamy’. Bellamy, not Octavia, who she clearly knows, which seems like Hope wasn’t aware she would find Octavia in Sanctum.
Now, why would Hope want to trust Bellamy and stab Octavia? Perhaps she needed his help finding her in return for Diyoza? This seems like a logical conclusion given that ‘He’ has her mother. The Blakes certainly hold some key to the anomaly, everything points me in that direction.
I can’t say all that much about Hope, due to the amnesia she has no personality yet, but it’s clear she’s smart and capable.
Gabriel being an anomaly-dork. Gosh, I love him too bits. The acting in the scene where they try to figure out what happened to Octavia and Bellamy is a little cringy, but I turned a blind eye and focused on the dialogue.
I’m getting to the good stuff…
Roan coming back to haunt Echo is probably my favorite part of the episode, I’ve missed the king so damn much. He asks her who she is without Bellamy or her queen. I’m so glad they’re delving into the subject. If you read my previous blogs, you’ll know I asked this question many times. She’s such a bad ass spy, she needs a purpose and story apart from him. Nonetheless, I like Echo and I would love to see her gain some of her own identity and build her own life. Being distanced by time and space could really do that for her. Scroll down for the shipping part of this story…
The more important thing is that there are people who control the anomaly and know exactly who they are. Like Echo predicted because of the bad shots they were sent to capture and not kill them except for Hope. I assume it’s because she knows how the anomaly works. Who are they and what do they want? My guess, Bellamy and Octavia. Perhaps Clarke as well?
Loved the three of them entering together because a few second difference could mean months. That means Diyoza and Octavia could have been months, maybe even years, apart.
Rising from and burning to ashes in one afternoon
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This new beautiful house with the dysfunctional family and Madi with Picasso is certainly heart-warming in a show that continues to push the bounds of darkness. How great is that little picnic in the yard? Now I’m curious, they drink to Abby, but have they forgotten Kane?
Also, good to see Raven and Clarke on better terms. They really spoiled her character in season 6 but it seems like she’s back on par. It’s clear that good things happen when they’re working towards the same goal, as family. That dynamic has been broken since season 2 and if there’s one lesson that can be learned from season 1 it’s that they’re outstanding on the same team. 
At first, I wondered why they weren’t questioning Octavia, Bellamy and Echo’s absence but then I realized they probably saved them a room like they did for Jordan and assumed they were exploring the anomaly. It’s still the same day as 6x13 since they were having lunch. Episode 6x13 ended at dawn and 7x01 starts at lunchtime.
I know Murphy did a lot of obscure things in season 6 but he’s not to blame for Abby’s death. Emori’s right, Russel killed her.
Why did Clarke choose the master suite, though? It seems a little out of character for her to do something so selfish.
On to other things, I must point out Indra’s line: “Someone needs to speak for the commander and I’m hungry.” She’s magnificent, hard and sharp, as always. Pair that with Miller being a dutiful, abiding shoulder and you have greatness.
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Raven makes a comment about mothers and daughters and Clarke says she’s fine. Later, Madi also asks her to open up about it, and she still claims to be fine. When I heard this the first time, I was instantly worried because they heap one set of PTSD on top of the other and never deal with it. The woman just lost her mother, how the hell can she be fine. The answer: She can’t.
And I’m really glad they expanded on that to show how utterly necessary it is to deal with your grief and trauma. Sure, Clarke is a powerhouse of a woman, but she’s human and clearly hurt, she can’t compartmentalize and continue on like nothing has happened – I hope she finds a way to actually deal with it instead of following in Jasper’s footsteps. She was already suicidal, give the damn woman a break.
Is civility an ability?
Faith is a powerful and dangerous thing. Interesting topic. While I don’t completely believe that faith is dangerous, when it comes to the point of blindly following charlatan’s into harms way, yes it becomes dangerous. My biggest thoughts on this narrative is whether peace can indeed exist in a world where different factions exist with various beliefs and opinions. I’d like to quote John Lennon:
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
Keyword being ‘Imagine’, this song is written about an unattainable Utopia which is still a reality several hundred years into the future.
“Too many people”
“Good thing ALIE’s not around.”
The humor is all around outstanding this episode even Clarke cracks a joke.
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We’re introduced to a few new characters and not much too say about them since we didn’t see much of them. I like Nelson, he is firm in his stance, logical and pragmatic. Trey is just annoying with his faith in the divinity of the primes. The only thing I got from Nikki is that she’s compulsive and lethal while Hatch has this Southern charm and charisma. He reminds me of Sawyer from Lost.
Next, Jordan goes to check on Russel. I appreciate the way they build around the morality we saw withing Russel at the beginning of season 6. JR Bourne is a fantastic actor with the depth he plays into the grief and guilt of losing his family.
Also, the softness of Monty and Harper still shining through Jordan. I’m glad he’s not adjusted and simply trying to keep the peace. Not sure if that’ll change. Curious to know why they saw the anomaly in their visions…
I just need to add that Murphy sitting at a bar is perfect!! Another amazing episode for him and Emori. He questions himself with his own varied degrees of morality while Emori continues to grow by reading Kay Lee Prime’s journal. I guess the believers must be blind to continue following their orders, but hey, props to Raven for exploiting the opportunity and Murphy and Emori did an entertaining job with it. Emori has come such a long way and the ‘We are one’ line felt personal in the sense that she had also established herself as part of the family.
Losing my religion
Can you truly lose your religion? What is a fleimkeepa without a flame, what is Sanctum without the primes and what is Echo without Bellamy? Sometimes faith is stronger than truth. Bad thing, no! Because what is the truth really? Interesting subject to explore but I don’t have an answer on this. I’d rather focus on the fact that I’m glad we’ll get to explore these characters on new paths.
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Clarke’s composure vanishes. Boy oh boy, Eliza’s acting. When you compare s6 and 7 to s1, it just shows you the value of experience. The way that switch flipped when Russel handed her Abby’s clothes and wedding band. I looked at the fighting and her explosive rage in detail and I cannot help but compliment her on that perfect portrayal of the result of passive aggression.
Now, I don’t understand how Sheidheda uploaded himself into Russel’s mind drive when it was made clear that two consciousness cannot exist in the same mind.  When Clarke killed Josephine in the mind-space, she came back to life within seconds. Will this be another Clarke/Josephine battle and are the other commanders still subdued?
If he is going to be one of the main villains of the season, I would like to get under his skin. I’m not interested in a one-dimensional pure evil villain. I’m hoping JR Bourne will make something remarkable of him.
There’s a friendship blooming between Clarke and Gaia and I’m all for it. Could they be setting them up romantically? It’s a possibility and I’d take it as a consolation prize for Bellarke if it’s well-built. Focus on the well-built. If Clarke finds out that Bellamy is missing and goes through hell and beyond to save him, I will interpret that as Clarke still loves Bellamy. If they want me to fall in love with Claia, they should make me fall in love with Claia.
Although I’d always prefer Bellarke. From a storytelling or writing viewpoint, all loose ends should be tied with the conclusion. Bellarke is a complete loose shard. If romance is not their destiny, I hope they at least address the topic in full, because it has been building for seven years. If you haven’t read my post on Bellarke, please do so. I explain in the romantic elements of their story in detail.
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As for Echo’s vision of Roan. He questions her devotion to Bellamy and says she will even betray the man she now claims to love. I interpreted that as him referring to Mount Weather as well as secrets she’s obviously hidden from Bellamy. For example, her real name.  This could go two ways in my opinion. One, they’re trying to set Echo apart from Bellamy, separating them by time and space to break them up or they are trying to teach her how to be her own person as well as the other half of their relationship.
I’m not quite invested in their relationship, and they would have to rip one bigass hare out of the hat to get my attention. Love their characters individually, but season 6 showed me Bellamy still loves Clarke. If Becho’s relationship was built to last, the writers would have written it that way. When you compare it to Murphy and Emori or Monty and Harper, it’s clearly questionable.
That’s it, let me know if I got something wrong, if you agree or disagree, love to hear your opinions.
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umvx · 4 years
Bryce Dallas Howard Cosmetic Surgery
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Unlike, state, Kim Kardashian or Renée Zellweger, Bryce Dallas Howard isn't the very first celebrity that enters your mind when you assume, "I wish to see her Before & After!" I thought-- with her natural red hair and also delicate bone structure-- that she'd continuously looked this way. Cosmetic surgery is a wonderful thing for beauty! Visit blog about plastic and surgery celebrities!
Well, not precisely. The 35-year-old actress has not only trying out some dramatic hair modifications throughout the years. However, she additionally might have gone under the blade.
Allow's take a closer look:
The year 2003
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Kicking points off is Bryce at age 22, and also, it appears like-- by Hollywood criteria-- she was late to the nose job event. Not that I assume she "required" to have it done ... it's the baby bangs and also extreme eyeliner I have more of a problem with. Ha!
The year 2004
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The following year, Bryce looked far more grown-up. The shorter, shaggier hair with a darker tone makes her appearance more mature than her 23 years. The makeup is much better, with her waterline strategy much enhanced. Her nose is most definitely more extensive than it appears today.
The year 2005
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Currently, the haircut has changed right into a '00s interpretation of "The Rachel." Bryce likewise lightened up her makeup scheme; these soft, large, peachy tones look terrific on her.
The year 2006
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Shock! For a warm minute in 2006, Bryce went blonde-- yet only for her duty in Spider-Man 3. I assume we can all concur it's not comparable to the red and washes out her complexion. Everything looks like Holly Madison. And also, I'll never be a fan of cut-crease eye shadow. She still had the larger nose below.
The year 2007
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The list below year, it was back to auburn, and also, in case you're wondering, Bryce was pregnant here. Immediately, her skin looks much more glowy and fresh ... remarkable just how hair color can do that, huh? I enjoy the side-swept bangs as well as sizeable pink flush as well as lip gloss.
The year 2008
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Surprise second! In 2008, at age 27, Bryce abandoned the red hair entirely and also sported this dark redhead shade, in addition to brow-skimming bangs and lengthy waves. I'm even noticing a possible adjustment in the shape of her nose by this point; the bridge looks narrower.
The year 2009
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And currently, Bryce started to look a whole lot more polished-- such is the power of an A-list beauty team! A redhead once again, she highlighted her coloring (rather than battling it) with a vibrant red lip, much softer eye makeup, as well as no flush. Besides her new nose, her lips look fuller right here, although that may be over-lining.
The year 2010
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Bryce kept the red hair in 2010; her color is unbelievably fresh, glossy, and vivid. I like just how it makes her skin-pop, although possibly she cleaned on a tad way too much blush. Considering that she's grinning right here, her nostrils look more prominent but notice how the tip looks refined.
The year 2011
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By 2011, Bryce was 30 years old. I like this shot-- the somewhat blurry waves, visible freckles, and relatively foundation-free skin are so pretty (and also a significant modification of speed from the usual red carpet heaviness). She also excited her red to an even brighter tone and also threw on a set of false lashes; remarkably, I like both! Her nose looks extra-petite below.
The year 2013
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After that, in 2013, it was back to dark auburn-- as well as a paler skin appearance because of this. The electrical pink lipstick is fun; however, I prefer Bryce as a strawberry blonde with softer makeup.
The year 2014
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Another year, one more major hair change. This moment, Bryce chopped it off into a lengthy bob, used directly, with rough, lash-skimming bangs. I think the lined eyes and red lipstick make this appearance a little bit "extreme" and angular.
The year 2015
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I rejoice Bryce softened points up in 2015. The strawberry blonde is my outright much-loved hair color for her; I likewise like the soft, glam waves. Makeup is her most sophisticated ever: pinky-brown to sculpt the eyes, with peachy lips and cheeks, as well as chunky black mascara. I do ask yourself if she could've begun with a little Restylane in her lips and cheeks now-- her mouth is much poutier, as well as her face most definitely seems broader around eye degree.
The year 2016
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Which brings us to 2016! Bryce is 35 now and also (in my viewpoint) much more gorgeous than ever. The newness this year is the edge, put on here with large, brushed out waves. I love the shimmery great smoky eyes (although maybe not the falsies) and also soft pink flush as well as lipstick. Again, her nose is super-narrow contrasted to where we started ... as well, as I believe her lips, as well as cheeks, do look fuller.
The year 2017
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This is the most natural and unwinded we have seen Bryce search in a long time! She's currently 36 and also shows up to have acquired a little weight in her face, which softens her functions. I think she still has filler in her cheeks and top lip; however, it's refined and tastefully done.
Final thought
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Bryce is cute--, yet there's no question, like her Hollywood peers, she had the help of an excellent charm group as well as a beautiful specialist.
Below's what the pros have to claim. "It looks like she's had a rhinoplasty," Dr. Michelle Copeland, a New York cosmetic surgeon, informed Life & Style. "Bryce's nose is thinner, and also, the suggestion is much more improved. Her lips look fuller, recommending a filler such as Juvéderm or Restylane."
" Filler in the apples of her cheeks has given her a beautiful face shape," says skin doctor David E. Bank. "It has expanded her face at the cheekbones, offering her a vibrant appearance. Bryce [also] shows up to have had Botox, which has opened up as well as brightened her eyes and kept her forehead smooth."
So it's not a lot of improvement-- and only the nose surgery is permanent-- but it was all performed skillfully. I'm particularly thrilled with precisely how normally the filler widened her face, rather than offering her the feline look we have seen on a lot of Before & After subjects (like Courtney as well as Megan, for example). I think Bryce's beauty team did terrific work! Inform me if you agree ...
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Twisted Sister Aftermath Review Part 2
And we are back! Sorry the last part was a bit meaty; I couldn’t really cut bits out and most of the relationship stuff could be covered in the first part. And with this part we move onto the more plot relevant sections. So, seeing as we are going to start on a bad note (you will soon see what I mean by that) let’s hop right in!
Plotly Plot Stuff
Unfortunately, we cannot go one Arc without going back to Mr. Polarising himself, Yasuke. If A Student Out of Time ever gets its own TV Tropes page, Yasuke will definitely get the ‘Base-Breaking Character’ trope to him, because yikes has this guy been debated among Anons. Heck even my original review of Yasuke caused some tension! And to address some of the criticisms I’m been getting about Yasuke being nothing like Byakuya…what I meant was that he is a good ‘Rival/Antagonistic’ character. The villains aren’t going to challenge the Quantum Crew’s views, they know they are bad and they are going to get punished. Tsurugi despite being touted as Hajime’s rival isn’t going to challenge him from a moral standpoint, it’s basically like Sae towards the Phantom Thieves, when one riles up society, the law is going to oppose, and as we know the law is evil, it kinda dampens Tsurugi’s viewpoint. Yasuke though, can challenge Hajime as he’s made Hajime think whether going a Pacifist playthrough is really the best way forward. Given how irredeemable some of the villains are, and that simply imprisoning them might not be good enough, it’s going to be a real test to see if the Quantum Crew can go forward without spilling any blood. Granted Yasuke’s morality is twisted as his only friend is Junko…who isn’t the best of influences, and he is narrow minded in thinking that because his girlfriend is invincible, not helped by how much of a Villain Sue she was in Despair Arc, which is another among many reasons why the anime was a piling hot piece of crap. I used Byakuya as a comparison because really the other rival characters are nothing like Yasuke, and I needed something to get my point across. But the best part about his appearance was the savage beatdown Umeko gave him for thinking that the Many Worlds theory is valid. See this is what I love about this blog, the Mod could just go the lazy option when it comes to time travel, but no they take the time to research a plethora of topics and all the research into quantum physics is so good, it’s like reading a better version of Game Theory. Again, the whole Yasuke Multiverse thing could have easily been avoided if the Mod decided to take a break and not write when they were tried, as it seems to be when the most questionable story choices come from, and used their revised idea of having Umeko toss some ideas to Hajime, Hajime thinking about the Many Worlds Theory and heck even using the fact he played the Zero Escape franchise to get a better idea of time travel so he thought he was SHIFTing, and then when he found out he was wrong, for Umeko to chew him out. Anyway, that’s enough talking about Yasuke, I hope I don’t have to touch this jackarse again in a while, I don’t like him, you don’t like him, the Mod doesn’t like him and pretty sure 95% of Anons reading this don’t like him and just talking about him stresses me out.
Umeko wasn’t the only person to throw punches at Yasuke though because Chiaki had a few choice words to say to him as well. And while Umeko is more of ‘Your knowledge of quantum physics is BS’ Chiaki is more from a morality standpoint that she is very sus about Yasuke’s role in the mess. And think about it, he’s been sus of Hajime and co for a while now, we only have his word that Junko doesn’t know, and that ain’t good enough, and it seems the only reason why Yasuke wants to ‘help’ the Quantum Crew out is because they claim his original plan with Junko fails and he wants to ensure there is no chance that the Mindwipe process once he perfects it on Kanade can be done flawlessly with Junko. And again, Yasuke could be secretly involved in the whole plan because the one thing that for many of us is a concern regarding Kanade’s kit to start a school massacre is the BCI containing intel on Class 77-B. You can make an argument about Junko being involved with the other stuff, her analytic talent would have allowed her to create the complicated chemical formula for the addictive, as a model Junko is loaded so she has plenty of money to spend on stuff such as experimental armour on the black market, and her darling sister could have provided the combat data. Yasuke was in Hope’s Peak and would have known that Hibiki came to Hope’s Peak after Kanade was arrested and bonded with Class 77-B. Bear in mind as soon as Junko saw the news that Kanade was arrested, her first response was to call Juu and said she has plans for Kanade but they can wait for now. Obviously, Junko was waiting to see what was going on regarding Kasugano and wanted to test him by seeing how easy or hard he is to break. People often debate why Junko converted Class 77-B and not her own class but I think the reason why she went after them is because of how unified Class 77-B are. As we learn more about other Hope’s Peak classes it becomes clear just how much of an anomaly Class 77-B are in the regards that they are all friends with each other, and have a high level of hope, which of course Junko due to her desire of a challenge went to break them as sending that class into despair would give her the ultimate satisfaction, even more so than her own class. I think Yasuke isn’t going to be talked about for a while because his very presence stresses people out and after how much the Mod was savaged from their last usage of him, they are going to have to seriously rethink how to use Yasuke in a way that doesn’t cause a scrum debate among us Anons.
Still Yasuke did raise a fair point that against someone with no morals like Junko, the Quatern Crew are going to be hard pressed to keep their ‘Thou shall not Kill’ policy. While Hajime claims he has beaten Junko before in the OG timeline and will do so again in the various times Junko has lost, she has played by her own rules and allows room for failure in her plans, because due to how much of a despair fetish she has, the prospect of losing and tasting the despair of losing is too tempting for her. But if Junko realises that Hajime is hell-bend on standing against her, and that the very laws of time are against her, Junko might just go ‘fuck it’ and forgo that prospect of failure and become, much, much more dangerous as a result. Chiaki’s response to this is simple, they just need to expand their ranks and hire more people. In other words, it’s time for the entirety of Class 77-B to know. To some this is a case of ‘about time!’ But there was a reason why Hajime didn’t want to involve the class. He wasn’t aware on how much history can be changed, and as soon as he discovered he can change the timeline, he also became aware that fate is actively working against him, and the more he fights against it, the bigger the backlash. The last thing Hajime wants is his only friends, Class 77-B, to be hurt due to ripple effects of the Ankle Effect. While half of Class 77-B knew, Hajime didn’t go out of his way to tell them, they either forced Hajime to tell them, or they got caught up in one of Hajime’s plans and he had no choice but to tell them. Chiaki got sus of Hajime when he saved Natsumi and Sato and thus he had to spill, Mikan overheard Hajime and Chiaki talking to Umeko about the future, and the only reason Hajime told her is because he knew there was a risk that Umeko could accidently expose Hajime. Sonia and Gundham went to the Melody Rhythm Concert on their own separate investigation because Koroko and Yoruko was talking about serial killers in order to help get intel into Kanade’s mindset, Sonia got sus about all the mysterious deaths around the Otonokoji Twins, and thus got caught up in Hajime’s plan to save Hibiki and stop Kanade. Mahiru and Hiyoko were investigating Kasugano when they got kidnapped by Junya and Haiji, and Fuyuhiko and Peko were the only ones brought in because Hajime needed extra muscle to deal with the traffickers. And it is becoming apparent that changing the future is a task too large for one person as without the help of his fellow time travellers, his classmates that know, Void, and other allies, Hajime wouldn’t have achieved all the victories that the Quantum Crew have enjoyed. And given that Kanade tried to kill them all, its something they cannot hide from their friends anymore and thus its time to spill the truth.
This of course means that the rest of Class 77-B (Teruteru, Imposter, Ibuki, Nekomaru, Nagito, Kazuichi and the Canon Akane) get to meet Void, Another Akane and Sora for the first time. The interactions between them are both sweet and bitter. Sweet because all the Class 77-B interactions are wholesome, Nekomaru and Maku are developing a bromance similar to what Maku enjoyed with Shinji in SDAR2, Akane is done to have a scrap with Maku, Kazuichi is simping for Emma, I hope that doesn’t last, Iroha is fawning over the Imposter, Taira and Teruteru dosed Pornhub, and Kazuichi and Chisa are amazed that Sora exists. But also, bitter because if you noticed, I didn’t mention Nikei. And that’s for a good reason as Nikei didn’t really interact with the rest of Class 77-B, his only interaction is helping Mahiru getting the two horny members (you know who they are) away from each other. We could have had at least an interaction between him and Ibuki as those two actually met before, but nope. This is a clear example on how the other Void members have become comfortable around Class 77-B and warmly welcomed the other class members with open arms and yet Nikei is still gated off. Clearly our Reporter friend here is going for a slow burn character development but one that hopefully will pay off in the end because I will cry rivers of joy when Nikei finally becomes comfortable around Class 77-B. Oh yeah forgot to mention, Chisa and Juzo are in the truth meeting as well. I was wondering if they would be told but it makes sense to tell them as they alongside Kyousuke are doing an internal investigation into the dark under dealings of Hope’s Peak and in Despair Arc came the closest to foiling Junko’s plans to despair bomb the planet. They failed because A) it’s a shitty prequel anime and Junko is a Villain Sue in this and B) she brainwashed Chisa and blackmailed Juzo with his feelings towards Kyousuke dosed with a lot of homophobia, because we didn’t need any more reasons to hate Junko already. Once all the fuzzy feelings are done, the truth is spilled and everyone is horrified, as you would if you found out that in a couple of years’ time the world would end, you are the reason the world ended and you were basically turned into some Anarchist Model’s mind slaves. Naturally some are a little hesitant to accept it, but at the end of the day, its their friends at the end of the day, they didn’t tell them not because they didn’t trust them but because they didn’t need to know and they didn’t want themselves to be hurt by the forces they are up against. Its unclear how many are official Quantum Crew members or just allies, as knowing the truth about the future and being a Quantum Crew member are two different things. Natsumi, Sato, Fuyuhiko, Peko and Mahiru were all offered the chance of membership and they refused for their own reasons, but they didn’t rule out helping the Quantum Crew out if they need their help. Koroko and Kyoji aren’t official Quantum Crew members and yet they pull some serious weight in regards to the various missions the Quantum Crew go on. Chisa and Juzo agree to help as well, and Kyousuke is being left in the dark because he would go and try to kill Junko and we know from experience how well THAT would go. Spoilers: Not very well, just ask OG Juzo and OG Nagito.
Speaking of Kanye West Sans from Undertale on the Nintendo DS, Iroha started to chat up to him as she’s dating Makoto and he’s going to be Class 78’s Lucky Student if nothing changes about his Worst Day Ever, and Nagito drops a bombshell that Kanata is being upgraded from Class 79 student, to Class 78 student! Ever since Toko was sent to the mental hospital and thus means she could never become a member of Class 78, which was already a small class, debate ranged on who would replace Toko, if it was going only be 15 students, or if someone like Hibiki or one of the Voids would replace Toko. Welp the answer is that Kanata is replacing Toko. That’s going to be interesting because I would love to see how Kanata interacts with the rest of Class 78, especially those like Chihiro and Aoi. Obviously, she would be at great risk because she would be in the same class as the Despair Twins but that cannot be helped. But Kanata moving to Class 78 means there is a gap in Class 79. Now this obviously depends if there ever IS a Class 79 because ideally the school will be open as long as Junko is at large but once she is caught and defeated, the next step would be to expose Hope’s Peak, which would be easy because here’s a hint, what did Hajime promise to Nikei to get him on board with helping him in the first place? But call me pessimistic but someone like Junko, the main villain of Danganronpa isn’t going to be caught in a year, and depending how long it takes to defeat Junko, Class 79 might get formed before Junko is defeated. We obviously have a gap, and it depends if say Hibiki goes back to high school and gets scouted for Class 79 because I doubt while all the Voids would be eligible then for Class 79 (Reason why not all would be eligible for Class 78 is because Iroha is a year younger then the other Voids. The Voids as a whole are the same age as the Trigger-Happy Havoc cast, so Iroha is basically similar age to Class 79) That’s something to be tackled another time though.
One last thing before the Arc concludes and it’s the biggest bombshell of them all. So, one might ask, what is bigger than Kanata being part of Class 78? Here’s a simple answer; how about that being a time traveller isn’t the only way to remember the future? Remember when Mikako came to visit her mother? Turned out it wasn’t just a curtsy visit as ever since Mikako had her brain surgery, she’s been having recurring nightmares and the worrying thing about those nightmares is…they are memories of the OG timeline. She drew a picture of Monokuma, which is something that shouldn’t be possible as Junko didn’t come up with the design of Monokuma until she arrived at Hope’s Peak, and the robot version of Monokuma was only made by Junko influencing Monaca, which given that Monaca is more under the influence of the Quantum Crew, means that the Dis Bear more or less is non-existent in this universe. The nightmares are only the start though as before Mikako had her surgery, she met Kanata because Kanata’s adoptive father is the one who did the surgery to remove Mikako’s brain implant, and Mikako noted that Kanata felt familiar, which if Mikako was getting memories of the OG timeline, she should as Kanata was a classmate of hers. Now that Kanata is part of Class 78, she would no longer be a classmate and Mikako also remembered the Massacre timeline as she thanked Koroko before leaving with Yamato for saving her life, which again she shouldn’t have known as that only happened in the Massacre timeline which no longer exists. Mikako didn’t recognize anyone in the nightmares expect for Yamato obviously, but when shown pictures of future Class 79 members like Akane Taira, she noted of them being familiar. So, WTF is going on? I’ll be clear, I don’t think Mikako is a time traveller or a time traveller in the making. If she was, Umeko would have detected that and she didn’t. But what is clear is somehow Mikako is getting memories of other timelines. My best theory is a few factors. Firstly, being the future Ultimate Exorcist, Mikako possesses spiritual powers and maybe said powers provide some immunity to resets, which means that if Hajime has to go up against an enemy who has supernatural abilities, he has to be careful with resetting as its not just time travellers who can remember. Secondly, in the OG timeline, Yamato managed to develop a solution to reserve the memory wiping that Junko and Yasuke invented, and he used it on himself and Mikako. Granted, said machine wasn’t perfect and it did have side effects, Mikako’s emotions got supressed and she had difficulty expressing them and Yamato’s speech patterns got fucked up, but Yamato isn’t experiencing the nightmares like Mikako is. This obviously requires some investigating and probably another goal for the QC to explore in the next arc, but if other characters aside from time travellers can remember the other timelines, it can be both a boon as it means more allies and a bane because all we need is one villainous character to have this ability and then shit will hit the fan. Bonus points if it happens to be Junko. My big worry for Mikako though is that in DRA Mikako gets framed for Yamato’s murder by Monokuma, and he rigged the trial so that Mikako would be executed, forcing her to take poison so that Monokuma won’t get the pleasure of killing her himself, didn’t stop a spiteful Monokuma from executing her corpse though. Her death was on her terms but still recalling being poisoned to death, as Hajime can tell you is very unpleasant and something that Mikako is going to not enjoy dreaming in the slightest.
And with that we have finished Twisted Sister Aftermath! It was lengthier than I wanted but coming off from a plot heavy arc and being basically the spill over from that, it cannot be helped. I will give this a C overall. Normally I would give it a B because it’s not as intense as the previous Arc but the mere presence of Yasuke and the fact that I could see that most of this Arc was the Mod try to remedy their terrible inclusion of him from the previous Arc knocked it down a few points. At least the Mod learnt that you do not write plot when sleep deprived or lacking in energy, as its when the worser aspects of the story tend to be manifested from. Next Arc should be much chiller in tone and I just hope I can cram everything into one submission there. Nikei’s bemoaning that his article about Kanade’s death being too long speaks to me on a personal level. I hope you enjoy this review everyone and see you next time when we hopefully finish with a chiller Arc, and happy Holidays because I believe by the time the next Arc finishes, Christmas would be behind us! -Review Anon
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SLO reflections.
Rhetorical Situation and Genre 
            This SLO has been really beneficial to me throughout this semester. It made me take notice of different writing conventions for my memoir project and subsequent writing assignments. I learned that these conventions are actually extremely important for reaching your target audience in a meaningful way and also achieving your intention as a writer. As someone majoring in two research-heavy fields I often times would disregard writing conventions of other genres because I have been primarily writing one type of paper for the last three years. This SLO, however, has helped me a lot in taking notice of this aspect of writing that I never utilized before this semester. The memoir project taught me a lot about this SLO actually because in analyzing and reflecting upon the conventions of the memoir genre, I found that my rough-rough draft was horrible! It was a narration, but it was too technical and impersonal, in a way I felt removed from the experience I was writing about. The memoir allowed me to see first-hand how different rhetorical situations and genre can completely change the feel of a piece of writing. It showed me that sometimes you need to include things you wouldn’t otherwise include or talk how you would not otherwise talk. I understand and appreciate now all that goes into writing other types of writings. 
Writing as a Social Act
This, I believe, is the most fundamental aspects of writing. The sole purpose of language, the reason we talk, is to communicate our ideas about the world that we experience. I think that the social nature of writing is inherent and really important, and something that I learned more about and used this semester. When doing my first project it was completely to share with others an experience that I had and cherished, this is one of the keyways that writing is a social act. Secondly, in my research project all the papers I read were simply different ways to think about a topic so that readers like myself could interact with the topic and ponder its nuances.  This is probably the other most common appropriation of writing as a social act, contributions to a discourse community at any level, local, national, or international. 
Writing as a Process 
This SLO is by far my most employed. Since I can remember my papers in grade school and now university have always passed through many stages and in front of many eyes before being completed. I think that that writing as a process is extremely useful so as to organize thoughts, critiques, and ideas into smaller stages that are less overwhelming. My favorite part of this SLO is revising after peer review, throughout this semester I found that peer review helped me stay coherent and on track as well as gave me new ideas and techniques that I probably would not have otherwise thought of myself. In almost every piece of writing I turned in I relied on this process to get me and my writing to the finish line. This semester it was most useful to me during my memoir project because it forced me to look more closely at the writing conventions of the memoir genre. I strongly believe that without this SLO it is impossible to perfect one’s writing abilities.
Grammar and Usage
I think this was a fun SLO to dabble in. Over this past year (spring and fall semesters) I have been utilizing all sorts of different grammar structures, vocabulary, and techniques in my writing both in English and other languages. I think that I probably still have some work to go in terms of document flow, but I think at the sentence and paragraph levels I can generally relay my thoughts and ideas eloquently and precisely. I have found that  the incorporation of other languages, dialects, and vocabulary can not only create stronger and more genuine connections with the audience, but it also allows the personality and even culture of the writer to come through in a positively genuine way. Using Nahuatl and Spanish in my memoir was on purpose to connect back to an identity that has existed outside of the Anglo frame of reference and subsequently the English language for most of history. I think that when done respectfully and appropriately incorporating these grammars, vocab etc. can be really enriching. 
I think that coming into this class in the beginning of the semester I definitely had strengths; I write well, use proper grammar, and express ideas thoroughly. That is not to say I did not struggle with some stuff. Firstly, I am, or was, horrible at writing papers that were not for research purposes, I noticed this first when completing the memoir project. I kept trying to describe my trip to Mexico, but it sounded like a script from a documentary, this was frustrating but with some peer reviews and determination I ultimately fixed it up. Also, I had little to no patience for the process, even though the writing process is something I have been for a while and was something that I appreciated for its usefulness, I would always try to rush papers and projects and I think that I have grown past that—at least a little. Lastly, I think I approved a lot when it comes to synthesizing different elements or rhetorical situation from other genres. For my blog project I learned a lot about blending different elements of different genre, I made a research blog which was really fun and interesting rhetorically. For the portfolio project I blended the blog medium and a memoir, which I suppose is more typical albeit fun. I think that I have grown a lot even in these past couple of months as a writer, just reflecting back on my memoir I see so much that would change since I have learned more of the SLOs as we have progressed. 
This SLO was the one that I was most comfortable with and most familiar with already. For me, research and writing research papers is so fun. I think it is really exciting to learn new ideas and analyze the world through other viewpoints which is why I had a lot of fun working with this SLO. I utilized this SLO most effectively when working on the blog project. I was able to synthesize research from other people, colleagues, and elaborate them into my own personal ideas to present to the class. Research is so cool to me because you get to learn from others but also get help from them by expanding your frame of reference for your own ideas and questions about the world. I also like that having scholarly backing for a claim make your stance stronger and less refutable, for example in my blog project I was able to talk precisely and accurately on queer identities in major religious traditions with little to no room for any undeserving critiques. 
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socialmedialearner · 4 years
Social Media & Participatory Culture
What is a participatory culture?
Social Media is not very social if there is a lack of participation. People posting new things, sharing creative ideas, and collaborating on issues makes Social Media interesting and productive for our culture. Jenkins et al. (2009) states that a participatory culture in social media is an area where creative expression is allowed with no limits, there is a strong focus on engagement, and where people feel that they are gaining meaningful social connections with one another. It is a culture where we become producers of online media instead of just viewing others content. The rise of a culture like this allows for us to become digital creators and encourage others to do the same. This is important because we can make meaningful connections with others who have the same vision as us when we create content. We also can learn new things when we decide to collaborate with someone who has been an inspiration for us. Many people scroll through social media, but without creators of content we wouldn’t be on social media at all. Supporting a culture where freedom of expression and creation is encouraged leads to more meaningful and diverse content on social media, and brings people together with common interests and ideas.
A producer vs consumer mindset: what is it? and how is it growing?
Consumers of social media content enjoy watching and sharing others' ideas, but producers of social media content drive our trends, leave lasting impressions on us, and help expand our learning. The article by Hinton and Hjorth (2013) states that producers all create content online and it can be anything from commenting on an article to uploading a video. They state that the real difference is that a producer intends to create content that will be shared and consumed by others. From this, we can look at producers as true contributors on social media platforms. Examples of contributors include podcast hosts, blog writers, and photographers. The list doesn’t stop there, and anyone who creates content to be shared and received by others can be looked at as a contributor on social media.
New contributions are happening everyday as I can see through many people creating podcasts. Younger people are creating content because they are inspired through seeing others have such a success in that role. The Ted talk by Jenkins (2010) shows that 65% of young people have created and shared digital content online, and that a third of them have shared it outside of their immediate community. This is fascinating because we can see that younger people have become huge contributors of social media. Personally, I can see it everyday on social media outlets. Famous You tubers who give out money to charity and Instagram influencers who bring new trends to us before corporate entities can create the trend themselves. However, I do hope to see more people contributing meaningful content on social media in the near future. Many of my followers like and retweet content but very few actually are contributing. I inspired my friend to start sharing fighting tutorials and videos because he is an MMA fighter and from him doing that he has inspired a couple people to actually start the sport. This shows that we need to become advocates of making this culture happen, because inspiring one person to share their passion can lead to others adopting that passion as well. 
My inspiration to create
I find inspiration to create based on the feedback I get from other people. I like to post short videos to my stories (Instagram and Snapchat) giving people tips on wellness, motivation, and fitness goals. I like to combine psychology and motivation to help people start their goals instead of just dreaming of them. My inspiration has come from people telling me that I made a difference for them. When I first started posting fitness and wellness tips I had a friend tell me that I motivated her to start getting active in her free time. For me that was a big inspiration to keep posting new things and made me realize that people are actually listening even if they don’t respond to you right away. I have continued to post things like this and have received feedback from people saying I helped them and they have shared my content with others. I have now been inspired to potentially create a podcast this summer with my friend where we discuss things related to psychology, relationships, fitness and how combining and using these concepts can help create a holistic viewpoint on wellness in your life. 
Creation of content during COVID-19
We have all seen new and interesting ways people are creating content during COVID-19. Celebrities are speaking to us through social media, Musicians are hosting live concerts from their living rooms, and people are starting new video blogs where they read to children. This is fascinating to me because during this situation people are becoming producers of social media and more importantly they are learning through social media now as well. I have seen teachers post on their Facebook about how they are using social media tools to engage with their students in a time where they are unable to gain a face to face connection with them. This is important because it can help the students regain a sense of meaning during this time where things do not feel quite right. This situation is not ideal and it has impacted almost everyone in a way that makes them either go to online learning, spend more time on social media, or use the internet to find updates about the situation. My hope is that this can lead to something great for the future of social media learning. What I mean by this is that I hope this can help shift thinking on how online learning can be greatly beneficial and that people can become more digitally literate during this time period. There are potentially going to be many changes to our society in which some may be negative, but I am hopeful that one of the long lasting positive changes is that people realize that online learning and digital creation will remain and become more prevalent after this situation. 
I would also like to share some ways that I have become a producer of new content during the COVID-19 situation. I have made a couple Facebook posts giving people tips on how to be less anxious or depressed if they are struggling in this time of isolation. A few people gave me good feedback and shared it with their friends. This made me feel good and has inspired me to continue to give some tips every week on how to stay well during this time period, mentally and physically. I have also been going outside and taking pictures again as well and sharing them with people too. Nature is the one thing we can experience alone that helps you gain more meaning in life rather than just sitting in the house all day. I hope that myself and all others can continue to share meaningful and inspiring content during this tough time, and that we continue to do so even after we go back to our normal lives. 
In closing, we must remember that even though we must be physically distant during this time does not mean we have to be socially distant. Social media still gives us a platform to connect, create, and share with our friends no matter the distance from one another. 
Hinton, S., & Hjorth, L. (2013). Understanding Social Media.
Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture. doi: 10.7551/mitpress/8435.001.0001
Jenkins, H. (2020, March). Participatory Culture TEDxNYED.
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chivublog · 4 years
#Blog Post 15
1. Nasser writes:
“Not surprisingly, decades of hostility and fighting have resulted in monolithic readings of the problem, whereby each group is uncompromising and unwilling to listen to the other side's point of view.”
What does this mean? Can you think of something in your life or American politics that is similar?
According to my understanding, that means monolithic readings and propaganda from one country are against those of the other. Each country defames or tries to ruin the other country’s reputation in order to reinforce its viewpoints, values, and rights without an effort to listen or resolve the problem, which results in misunderstandings and hostility between the two groups. 
2. How do each of the three religions claim Jerusalem as a central part of their religious traditions?
The article mentioned that each country had its own history and reasons to claim Jerusalem as a central part of its religious traditions. On page 42, Nasser showed readers that “for Jews, Jerusalem is the site of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, of remains of the Second Temple built by Jews following their exile in Babylon, and the holiest site to the Jewish people. To Christians, it was the scene of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, and the birthplace of the Christian faith. As for Muslims, Jerusalem (known in Arabic as al-Quds, 'the holy') is the home of Haram al-Sharif, or the 'Noble Sanctuary', which includes the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque, from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven”. 
3. Read the lyrics of the prayer sung by Fairuz and discuss how they change over the course of the stanzas.
Nasser gave the readers an insight perspective towards the change in lyrics of the prayer. The first theme was about the tragic situation in Jerusalem (p.44) with lots of punctuations and repetitive phrases such as “To you” and “I pray”, showing the severe struggle and instability within that location.  The second theme dug deeper into that struggle by the indication of war, terror, destructions, and the lack of peace in the “Land of Peace” (p. 44). The third theme was about prayers and aspiration for peace, which created a smooth transition to the fourth theme about the Christian Bible (Christianity’s biggest events). After that, “the lyrics shift
 to a narration of the historic events from the 1967 war, voicing criticism of the
 Israeli army as the violators of peace: Jerusalem became a warzone, giving way to injustice, intolerance, and terror” (p.44). The prayers ended by the confirmation that “Jerusalem is ours” (p.44) to call for peace, responsibility, and unity.
4. What elements of music should we listen for in Palestinian popular music and Israeli popular music? They will sound very different, but also very different from our popular music.
The volume and timbre, as well as the musical form, should be noticed when we listen to Palestinian popular and Israeli popular music. The volume is changing from time to time, for instance, the additional louder sound of brass or strings instruments and harmonic voices. There are also lots of different voices or the heroic chant with the changes in the pitch to create the vow and to show the strength of prayers (“the higher level of intensity” (p.47)). The form of music is also changed a lot within a song (“melodic flexibility” (p.47)). For example, it may slow and soft at the beginning, but it gets louder and faster with heavy instrumental background and drumbeats.
5. How is this music disseminated? What sort of censorship has been in place?
According to the article, popular music in this country is promoted and defined as “national’s identity” (p.49). Besides, “the emergence of the cassette industry helped popularise the songs of resistance, mostly based on folk tradition and mixed with Arab popular music” (p.48). Censorship can be sending artists underground, confiscating the musical products or videotapes, controlled by “the Israeli media, who had total control over the broadcasting networks” (pp.50-51)
6. Take a listen to the king of Rai Khaled and Noa singing John Lennon’s “Imagine.” What musical elements do you notice? Does this song “work” for this purpose?
What stood out to me is the harmony and the structure. The version of Khaled and Noa was harmonized by other instruments, which was different from the original version. The intro, middle 8, and break parts were played differently too. 
The song works for the purpose well because “Khaled and Noa affirm their vision of peace and their wish for a world with no boundaries and divisions” (p.56). The song was sung in both their mother tongue and English with the meaningful lyrics to spread love and peace.
7. “The role of popular music is not limited to raising awareness of social and political tensions, but to actively participate in offering tools for understanding the shifting dynamics within a disputed territory. As music soars above the temporal crossroads, it enables people to come together and reach better understandings of one another despite their political differences. To this end, music not only reflects our vision and understanding of history, but also expands our appreciation for the present, illuminating conflicts and paving the way toward a better future. The challenge remains, however, for each party to accept the other side's views in a way that would ensure a just peace, equality, and reconciliation for all.”
Do you agree with or disagree with the author’s final words?
I agree with the author’s final words because humans can easily have intuitive and emotional reactions to music, meaning that music can touch humans’ souls and maybe change someone’s perspectives. Take the song “Imagine” sung by Khaled and Noa for an example, that song connected two artists from different regions and widespread the meanings of peace and reconciliation. While making music or listening to music, people have a chance to reflect and think about the lyrics as well as the purpose of the song. They can also learn different languages or cultures through songs by singing or searching for information about those pieces. Therefore, I agree that music can be a bridge to connect people together.
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scriptmyth · 7 years
I know you may have gotten this before or get this a lot anyway but how hard is it to create a myth/new religion/god(s)? What is the basis for a religion with mythical beasts and the like? I'm trying to write a story centered around a fictional small religion and am kind of confused when referencing other small religions. Thanks for running this blog btw! It's been an extremely helpful reference~!
Hello Nonnie, 
Our answer for this one is courtesy of Dave, a writer and a friend of one of our chorus members:
I’m going to give you an answer that sounds like a complete and utter cop-out, and it sort of is but bear with me. It Depends. And it does. It depends on quite a few things. But it mainly depends on how…let’s say “realistic” you want this religion or mythology to be.
What you can do is just toss out ideas and string them together: the names of gods, what they’re the gods of, whether or not a particular god is a complete dick or not. Boom. Easy. Simple. Boring. Bland. You want to make a fictitious religion or mythology that isn’t that? You’re going to need to ask yourself a few questions.
The first question is “what is the purpose of this mythology?” Back when I was in college (just over a year ago, now; how time flies), I took an elective my final semester: the Anthropology of Religion. It was not quite what I was expecting (I was hoping for more discussion on world religions, an analysis of their tenets and how they relate to the modern world, that sort of thing), but I still found it fascinating. And the one thing that I really took away from it was what the purpose of religion is, anthropologically-speaking: religions exist to make sense of a world that probably doesn’t have any sense to it. That is the purpose of religion, in broad strokes: making a crazy world a little more sane.
But I’m rambling.
I’m not talking about why this mythology exists in-context; when you ask yourself “what is the purpose of this mythology,” you need to think about the meta-context, the context you’ll be using it in. Is it for your tumblr roleplay blog? Are you writing a novel? Coming up with a setting for your D&D campaign you DM on Saturday nights? The reason you’re creating this mythology is going to, in part, determine how much detail (and thusly how much work) you need to put into it. Let’s look at each of the possibilities I mentioned above.
Let’s say you’re creating a tumblr roleplay blog for a character who is, oh… a generic fantasy dwarf. Short, taciturn, unhealthy lust for gold and gems, The Beard, whole nine yards; you want to detail your dwarf’s religious beliefs. In this case, broad strokes might be best; there’s little need to sit down and write out the entire mythology beyond the most general details, at least at first. In this case, you’d have the luxury of time, and you can expand on your basic foundation as you roleplay, adding new elements as time goes on.
If you’re DMing a D&D campaign, you might need to do a little more work. Here, detailing each god in a pantheon and their relationships to each other (and deities outside of that pantheon) are probably more important than in the prior example. You might want to detail the more temporal side of things: how religious rites and ceremonies are conducted, church hierarchies, etc. You still don’t need to write an entire holy text yourself (unless that’s your thing; more power to you if it is), but you should keep in mind that while the broad strokes are fine at first, your players WILL want to know more details, especially if they happen to have a character who is a cleric or a paladin or otherwise has important and deeply-held religious beliefs. I speak from experience here. Luckily, you can get your players to do some of the work for you. Have them make up details, scripture, customs, etc. They’ll get more invested in their character, in your campaign, and in your world.
But suppose you’re an aspiring novelist trying to crank out a best-selling fantasy novel about dwarves and their gods. Well, this is where you really have your work cut out for you. Broad strokes may work best at first, but like the players of a D&D campaign, your readers will want to know more, and unlike in a D&D campaign you can’t get them to fill in the blanks for you. You’re going to need to do all the explaining, all of the details, all of the work here.
The next question you should consider is that of your setting. What sort of world are you creating this mythology for? If it’s a fantasy setting, chances are you’re going to want a detailed mythology as religion is a prominent element of many fantasy settings (even the lower-fantasy ones; look at how important religion is the George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire”).
Is it Earth, perhaps a modern-fantasy setting akin to “The Dresden Files” or “American Gods”? You may want to be careful with creating a new mythology with a setting like that, as you’ll have to account for why all these other religious beliefs are (presumably) false and yours is (presumably) correct (unless they’re ALL true, but that’s a different matter entirely). Not to mention you have to consider why your mythology is (probably) not the dominant one on Earth.
Is it a science-fiction setting? That seems like a curious choice, but consider Frank Herbert’s “Dune”. It is, at its heart, a sci-fi epic, and religion plays a major part in it. Indeed, I would say that “Dune” is probably the best example as to how to write a believable fictional religion.
The setting you’re writing a mythology for and the purpose behind your creation of this mythology are both important factors that decide the level of detail you’re going to want to use. And you get these details by adding myths to that mythology. Mythologies are made up of myths. Crazy, right? And all myths really are, are stories. Lemminkäinen drowning in the river of Tuonela. God parting the Red Sea so the children of Israel could cross it. Zeus turning himself into a swan and seducing Leda (as a swan; I swear I’m not making this up). That one time that Mjölnir was stolen by the giant Þrymr, so Thor had to disguise himself as Freyja to recover it and almost married Þrymr (I’m not making this up either). Brahma beginning in nothingness and, by thought alone, creating waters, into which he deposited his semen, which created a golden egg which Brahma was born from (This one takes the freakin’ cake).
Myths are stories that explain the world from a culture’s viewpoint, stories that explain a culture’s customs and beliefs. Consider the Þrymskviða, that aforementioned story about Thor crossdressing and reclaiming his stolen hammer. It reveals that Norse culture was violent (the story ends with Thor getting his hands on Mjölnir and killing Þrymr and everyone else at the wedding), their sense of humor (nobody realizes that “Freyja” is obviously a man), their value of community and cooperation (the entire plan is Loki’s idea in the first place and his continued aid is the only thing that allows it to succeed) and the Norse idea of justice (Þrymr stole Mjölnir, so he has to die). It is not enough to simply know that two gods in a pantheon hate each other; there has to be a reason why, a reason that reveals something about the people who believe this mythology to be true.
This is a fairly nuanced and intricate topic, but that’s the long and short of it. Is it hard to create a mythology? Not particularly, really. But creating one that is believable, one that makes sense no matter how outlandish or bizarre it might be? That takes thought and effort. Like so many other things in life, what you get out of such a project is what you put into it.
But hey, that’s just my opinion.
-Super Special Guest Dave
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gianagonzalez · 5 years
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On this blog, we will mention a percentage of the numerous specialised ability and abilities to develop into a specialist Accountant now and persistently:
Simple Contemplating
Source: magnapubs.com
At the point once we talk about the bookkeeping contacting, we should give thought to basic qualities, as an example, obtaining the essential information on the bookkeeping contacting. In almost any case, presently your situation has actually been transformed and people today are alluding applicants being able to burrow even further to take a gander in the slightest degree viewpoints on the numbers and the information just as spotting patterns and examples to be aware of the Tale within. Be that as it could, this potential can't be developed medium-expression. It is a type of fragile aptitudes that one can study around a timespan, by proficiently on the lookout for facts Using the perform. Instead of doing things that ring a bell, try to think of ingenious and out on the container preparations. Examine, assess, and Feel once you knowledge a problem to concoct quite possibly the most achievable and innovative preparations.
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Obtain Specialized Capabilities
Supply: Domain.me
As indicated by Entrepreneur.com, cloud bookkeeping will be introduced in more than ninety% businesses. Mechanization has gotten inalienably fundamental to guidance inside the enterprise. With innovation, one example is, the cloud, it is actually now quite simple to understand the unpredictable details and to get to them from anyplace in the world with scarcely any snaps. The cloud has become the most recent pattern for your bookkeeping organization.
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Info on Govt Guidelines
Source: Monetary Convey
Because of differed new and reconsidered tips, the job of bookkeepers has In addition changed. Within the yr 2020, realizing the stray pieces of those progressions can get principal for bookkeepers. As indicated by experts during the bookkeeping company, new governing administration policies and compliances will likely be continuously actualized to advance straightforwardness in business enterprise. In this manner It'll be much more simple with the bookkeepers to obtain the data on new and existing government regulations and tips. Consequently, it is usually recommended to makeover your present mastery time permitting, and to improve a important most popular placement above Some others.
Relational Abilities
Supply: Jarvee
You ought to have the choice to liaise with unique divisions, investors and The shoppers. For this, bookkeepers are envisioned to possess strong relational capabilities, such as, consumer the executives, arrangement aptitudes, compassion, and so on.
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Facts Analytics
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Delighted MOOCing!
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annabartollo · 5 years
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How are they performing this?
They may be accessing MOOCs, or Substantial Open On line Programs. When platforms have been readily available from elite colleges like MIT and Stanford for approximately a decade, open up-resource courses continue on to develop in selection and popularity. Now, even some local people colleges like Wake Technical College,Positioned outdoors Raleigh, NC, gives MOOCs to a world audience. This growing availability signifies You can find now an unbelievable selection of courses available to anyone using an Connection to the internet, despite site.
Subject areas MOOCs deal with can vary from contemporary robotics and astronomy to Roman architecture as well as the American Novel Given that 1945. MIT, such as, has lessons centered close to Mathematics, Engineering, Energy and Science, in addition to a surprising number of classes focusing on the Humanities and Wonderful Arts. The College of Michigan features courses ranging from "Storytelling for Social Transform" to Python, info analytics, and machine Studying. You can also just take Management courses from HEC Paris by using MOOC, rated by The Economist as getting the second most powerful business faculty alumni community in the world.
Some MOOCs are designed to be taken for information gained, but quite a few programs also give you a certificate of completion by web sites like Coursera.org. Certificates of completion--which happen to be distinctive from training course credits--ordinarily Value all over $fifty. Monetary help is out there for those who qualify.
Motives to look at a MOOC
There are plenty of reasons why a MOOC course may be right for you over and above time administration, While most MOOCs permit students to operate at their own personal rate, meaning they easily in good shape into most schedules, Regardless of how fast paced. Other advantages include:
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Just take courses not offered locally. You can find actually thousands of MOOC lessons readily available on the web. Even if you reside in Boston (the place Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Boston College or university and Boston College are all Found) or Another related College-dense area, you are able to in all probability come across a class or two through MOOC choices not available to you regionally.
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If Discovering A different language isn't substantial with your to-do checklist, it's possible it ought to be: In 2017, New American Economic system reported employer need for bilingual employees a lot more than doubled due to the fact 2010. This demand continues to expand. Most effective languages to review? Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
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One example is, if I enter web-site:edu MOOC robotics, I get about seven,000 results, together with this Introduction to Robotics Specialization from Penn Engineering. Through the use of this syntax, it is possible to frequently bypass the clearinghouses and obtain precisely what You are looking for on College websites, even courses the clearinghouses may well not present.
Delighted MOOCing!
While using the progression of innovation, it's gotten vital that you persistently discover, unlearn, and relearn to extinguish the thirst of grave challenge. In distinction to customary time, the action of bookkeepers just isn't constrained to keeping up thick registers. With robotization, the thought of handbook bookkeeping is becoming an outsider time period and now, an infinite bit of bookkeeping function is usually handled bookkeeping programming, for instance, QuickBooks programming.
Within this blog, We're going to discuss a portion of the significant specialised capability and talents to change into a specialist Accountant now and consistently:
Essential Considering
Supply: magnapubs.com
At the point once we talk about the bookkeeping contacting, we should always give thought to elementary skills, by way of example, owning the crucial information on the bookkeeping calling. In any circumstance, presently the situation is modified and men and women are alluding applicants having the ability to burrow further more to have a gander in any respect viewpoints from the quantities and the knowledge equally as spotting patterns and illustrations to find out the Tale inside. Be that as it might, this skill can't be grown medium-phrase. This is the kind of sensitive aptitudes that you can find out above a timespan, by effectively trying to find knowledge Together with the operate. In contrast to executing things that ring a bell, endeavor to consider creative and out of your container preparations. Look into, evaluate, and Believe if you experience a concern to concoct probably the most achievable and modern arrangements.
Attain Complex Expertise
Source: Domain.me
As indicated by Entrepreneur.com, cloud bookkeeping will likely be introduced in about 90% businesses. Mechanization has gotten inalienably essential to assist while in the company. With innovation, such as, the cloud, it truly is at the moment very simple to understand the unpredictable details and also to reach them from anyplace on the planet with hardly any snaps. The cloud is now The latest pattern for the bookkeeping business.
With cloud facilitating it has grown to be A great deal easier for the corporations to work cooperatively without trading off the security element. In addition, working with the cloud give nonstop accessibility of the data from any distant corner of the whole world. Appropriately, the interest to get a bookkeeper obtaining specialized abilities would be the perfect option more than the team.
Information on Authorities Guidelines
Resource: Money Specific
Because of differed new and reconsidered pointers, the job of bookkeepers has Also adjusted. Inside the 12 months 2020, recognizing the stray parts of those progressions will get principal for bookkeepers. As indicated by experts while in the bookkeeping business, new govt regulations and compliances will likely be consistently actualized to advance straightforwardness in company. In this manner Will probably be much simpler to the bookkeepers to obtain the data on new and current governing administration regulations and guidelines. Consequently, it is usually recommended to makeover your current mastery time permitting, and to boost a vital favored place about Other folks.
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Relational Capabilities
Supply: Jarvee
You should have the choice to liaise with distinct divisions, buyers and the customers. For this, bookkeepers are envisioned to own good relational skills, one example is, client the executives, arrangement aptitudes, compassion, and so on.
Presently, the activity on the bookkeepers aren't restricted to your calculating, it involves customary gatherings with professionals, prospects, and partners to fit their Choices. In this way, owning Each one of those abilities will contain within the operate effectiveness and accomplishment of a bookkeeper. As an example, it truly is prescribed not to make use of inside abbreviations or specialised language although responding to inquiries of The purchasers. Acquiring terrific relational aptitudes will construct sound connections and to carry consumers and to draw in new clients. This can be a significant aptitude to possess.
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Data Analytics
Source: outstanding info mixture
Smarts are the individuals who can fathom the information, nevertheless additional astute are those who might make it getting used. To research the data and to think of a plausible arrangement, it is significant with the bookkeepers to learn the intricate aspects of the data. Obtaining every one of such aptitudes can make you conscious of the existing interest of the clients and prospects. Grasping the innovation and embellishment of our arrangement of capabilities as per the need of time will enable.
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chrismalcolmhnd1d · 5 years
Project: Artisan #artisan
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“If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million.”
Modern SLR cameras shoot very high quality video. In today’s world Photographers are often expected to be able to shoot both stills and moving images.
This project will help you develop many key photographic skills.
Make a blog entry (tumblr) identifying a minimum of 5 short movie clips that are visually interesting, diverse and employ a variety of camera techniques to help you develop a creative approach and methodology for your own work.
At least one of the clips should have an ‘Artisan’ subject.
Create a storyboard for your project. Include as much detail as possible. Regarding not only your choice of subject but also your planned use of camera techniques and movements, lenses and viewpoint, lighting techniques, use of props and locations etc.
Your Storyboard has to be approved by your tutor before you start shooting and is fundamental to a successful outcome.
1. Evidence of research and project development.
2. A detailed storyboard document uploaded to MYCITY
3. Shoot using a minimum of 3 camera angles and a variety of movement capture techniques.
4. Effectively Edit footage using Adobe Premiere Pro.
5. Upload One 90sec H.264, Vimeo 1080p, ‘stand-alone’ video mp4 file to Moodle submission area.
6. Evaluate your project on the #Artisan blog page
Artisan Research
“Artisan Blacksmith” Short Film
I love the opening shot of this video – It starts in complete blackness and the door of the workshop is opened to the left of the frame, revealing the blacksmith (in the style of a “wipe” transition), while the camera gently tracks to the right of the frame. The shot at 00’45” is also really effective as we are introduced to the artisan with a very tight shot on his face, showing him intently looking into the camera.
Otium - The Artisan Story
The 20 seconds from 00’10” onwards works really well at setting the tone for the video and shows really dynamic shots of close ups of the different artisans who will feature in the video. There is only slight movement in the camera as there is so much happening visually in the shots.
Handcrafted Artisan Pizza
From the outset, this video is extremely visually engaging, using slow motion techniques to capture water movement and flour being thrown in preparation of making the pizza base. The soundtrack also works particularly well with the visuals on screen and set an upbeat mood for the video. The tracking shot over the ingredients works extremely well and takes the viewer on a journey setting the stage for the preparation of the pizza.
Searching for the Perfect Loaf — Babettes Artisan Breads
As with the previous video, this one starts out with very close up tracking shots of the food that will appear in the video. There are lots of cuts and movement in the shots that keep the viewer interested. This is followed by a really nicely composed exterior shot, establishing where the rest of the video will take place. This video employs both slow motion techniques, to give sense of grace to the processes of preparation and speeded up sections to show the latter, more automated stages of production. Most of the video is shot with a really shallow depth of field which has the effect of bringing the subject into clear and central focus and creating interesting, out of focus backgrounds for the shots.
Artisan Made
This one minute video is incredibly colourful and utilises a variety of close-up shots with a very shallow depth of file while the camera is constantly tracking, retaining the viewers interest. The story is very well told from the outset, establishing shots showing the location the video will be in through to the close-up shots showing the really delicate work that goes into making the bracelets.
Snowdrift - Artisan Hard Ciders
As with the previous examples, this video employs a lot of extreme close-ups with a very shallow depth of field. There is a very effective scene at 00’20” where the shadow of the worker is shown on a white wall performing the task and is much more visually interesting than just seeing him in person, quickly followed by his reflection in the bottle, having the same effect. The video also employs several focus pulls which are very effective at taking the viewer’s eye in to the subject the film maker wants to concentrate you on. The next section uses some very effective tracking shots to pull away and up from the subjects and give a wider viewpoint of the subject and help put it in context and situ.
The video
Initially, I had planned on using my friends wife who has a jewellery making business as the subject for the video, however, when I approached her, she wasn’t keen to be filmed. I have decided to use Linsey as the subject as she writes and records music in our home studio. I think the kit would work well visually and will now start writing the scoreboard for the shoot (along with a piece of bespoke music for the project). In order to produce enough footage, I think I will need a minimum of 40 shots to give me enough useable material for creating a 90 sec video. I found the use of sliders really effective at keeping movement in the shots and the viewer’s attention, so managed to find a basic one with really good reviews on Amazon for £19, so have ordered this.
Adobe Premier Pro Notes
How do you import files into Premier Pro?
To import files you can either select them via the media browser or use “File”, “Import” to locate the files you wish to import.
To review each imported clip before adding it to the timeline you hover your mouse over the clip to play by moving right or rewind by moving left or double click the clip and it will open in the window above and you can preview using full transport controls.
Then, once you have established which clips you want to use, you drag the clip over to the timeline in the preview window on the bottom left of the screen (assuming standard layout settings haven’t been modified) to add the clip to the timeline.
If you need to shorten or lengthen a section of the clip, you can do this by left clicking and holding your mouse at the end or beginning of the sequence and contacting or expanding the clip.
To adapt light levels, colour balance and other general optimisations, you can do this in the colour panel.
To create a transition between two clips you can do this in the effects panel.
To add a title to the beginning or the end of your video, you would do this in the graphics panel. In this section there are multiple pre-set titles.  
The settings for the Artisan Video are:
Codec: H.264
Preset: Vimeo 1080p
File type: *.mp4
To export a finished video in Premier Pro you go to “File” > “Export” > “Media” and use the Export Settings dialogue box to set parameters for your file.
To package a file that you are working on, including links, sequences, files etc. you go to “File” > “Project Manager” and use the Project Manager dialogue box to save your files.
Uses for DSLR video
There are a variety of reasons for using a DSLR to capture video which include:
The sensor in a DSLR is naturally much larger than the small light sensors in more traditional video cameras. The sensor processes the images into digital information, and so the bigger the sensor, the more information can be processed, resulting in sharp and detailed images.
A large sensor also means much better control of depth of field. A Canon 5D is capable of shooting the foreground crisply in focus and the background entirely soft and blurred, creating a cinematic and polished shot.
The other important benefit of a large sensor is the capability in low light. This means you can shoot natural shots at night or in poor lighting conditions to create a natural feel and to remove the need for artificial lighting in some cases.
DSLRs do get heavy with a big lens and battery pack, but on the whole they are much smaller and lighter than equivalent video cameras. Additionally, they can be broken down into smaller components and this means their portability both in transit, and whilst filming is much more flexible than a standard broadcast rig.
Interchangeable lenses
As the still camera market is well established there are a lot of different lenses available, which means we can select from a wide range to pick the right one for the job. As there are many manufacturers offering different price points the lenses can be quite affordable, meaning filmmaking on a DSLR is much more accessible than ever before.
Less intimidating appearance
As the shape and size of a DSLR is associated with photography for most people, a lot of the time no-one actually realises you’re filming. This is beneficial for shooting natural shots of people in a public space and helpful for blending into the background to get the shot you want.
Even filming interviews or a piece to camera is a lot easier with a DSLR, especially with those who are camera shy or inexperienced. People are less intimated by the unassuming appearance, and generally relax and deliver a more natural performance.
Filming techniques
Camera Angles
Eye level – camera points straight ahead. Intention is to be objective.
Low angle – camera points up from a lower angle. It makes the subject dominating.
High angle – camera points down from a higher angle. It makes the subject diminutive. A variation: Top angle or bird’s eye view – special case when you want to show the topography of a location. Aerial shots fall under this.
Dutch – tilted angle. It draws attention to the fact it’s not a balanced frame. Something is literally off kilter.
Over the shoulder (OTS) – not strictly an angle, but it’s a specialized shot that deserves its own place. Confrontational by nature.
Shot Sizes
Close up – facial features and expression is more important than anything else. Variation: Extreme close up – you probably want to chop something off for an even closer look.
Long shot – When you want to add action and location along with the subject. Variation: Extreme long shot – when the location is more important than the character at that moment.
Medium shot or Mid shot – half of a person, roughly, where body language is important while eliminating distracting elements of the background.
Single, two shot, three shot. etc. – Number of people in frame decide this. You can combine this with a CU, MS or LS.
POV – as if the audience were the subject.
Camera Movement
360 degree – showcase the subject by moving around it.
Zoom – when you want to get closer or further away without making an emotional statement.
Pan and tilt – when you want to observe the space from a single vantage point, follow the subject so you feel like you’re a spectator observing. The movement happens on a pivot.
Tracking shot, crane, dolly – when you want to follow the subject and be more involved with the space and location. The audience is drawn into the world.
Random – camera shake or motion to provide energy.
Compound Motion
You can combine motion into more complex shots. The two most popular examples are:
Dolly Zoom or Vertigo Shot – where the camera dollies in/our and zooms in/out (the opposite direction to the dolly movement) at the same time.
Single take shot – where the action is a complex choreography of different camera angles, shot sizes and motion. The toughest and most time consuming to pull off.
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First practice edit using stock clips
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This is my final storyboard that was approved by my lecturer prior to shooting.
The shoot
I set everything up in the studio, as per my plan, using a soft box to provide constant light, however, this made the lighting too harsh and wasn’t conducive to the mood I was trying to create, so I filmed all the shots using the available lighting in the studio which I feel gave the shots a warmer and more atmospheric feel which I was trying to achieve. I managed to get the majority of the shots I had planned for in my storyboard with the exception of the shots I had planned for the train window as I had enough footage in the studio to use that would be more relevant and hopefully cut together well in the edit.
The edit
I decided to cut together a rough draft of the edit using iMovie, to gauge how well the shots would work together and experiment with some of the transitions.
I don’t have Premier Pro on my Mac at home so downloaded a 7 day trial to allow me to start the edit. Some of the transitions (focus morphing between clips) I had used for my draft edit weren’t available in Premier Pro, so I used a film dissolve between the cuts, which I think was more effective and gave more of a feeling of movement in the final edit. Below are some stills from the transitions I feel worked well.
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Screen shots of the edit below
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Conclusion and reflection
I enjoyed this project, although there was a very steep learning curve with using the software, I am reasonably happy with the final video. My first edits were much closer to the 2 minute mark, so began to drag a little and become quite repetitive, so I cut down some of the less visually interesting scenes and feel it flows much better with the final edit at 1 min 31 sec. I think investing in my budget slider was a really good investment, as it added movement to all the shots I used it for, which keeps the viewer more engaged and looks more professional in my opinion. I colour graded the sequences but wasn’t happy with the results, as the footage became too grainy with noise when I lightened it up and lost the atmosphere and mood I liked with the initial clips. I really appreciate the value of the storyboard, as it is a great starting point for your shoot and let’s you pre-visualise how the edit will look which really helps you shoot the footage which should work best.
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simplemlmsponsoring · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://simplemlmsponsoring.com/attraction-marketing-formula/internet-marketing/marketing-psychology-in-2019-make-your-mark-digitally/
Marketing Psychology in 2019: Make Your Mark Digitally
As marketing professionals, we do market research, develop buyer personas, conduct thorough keyword research, and track user behavior on and off our websites through automation and technology. One skill set that separates great marketers from good ones is the ability to understand how and the why behind people’s thought processes, which leads to their consuming behavior and habits.
There are numerous articles on this topic explaining how to leverage psychology in marketing. However, consumers, especially millennials coined ‘digital natives,’ are on the cusp of surpassing baby boomers as the nation’s largest living adult generation, according to population projections from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Millennials are becoming increasingly desensitized to classic psychological marketing strategies, requiring us to head back to the drawing board and focus on fundamentals.
Psychological Marketing Strategies 101: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The internet has revolutionized our lives and impacted nearly every aspect of marketing. It deeply impacts how we as marketers approach and interact with consumers today.
With this, a whole new industry was born: digital and search marketing.
While we embrace the new, a couple of theories have stood the test of time. These are the foundation on which psychological marketing strategies are built. One of those is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This motivational theory of psychology was developed by Abraham Maslow, a specialist in human behavioral psychology in 1943.
It is a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are physiological, safety, belonging and love, esteem, and self-actualization.
  It is easy to get caught up with the latest trends. Don’t forget the great deal of research it took to segment, target, position, and define your ideal prospect. Always keep genuine human motivation at the forefront when you’re putting together a marketing campaign, and build a sturdy foundation for your success to build upon.
Social Psychology Marketing: How to Interest People
Classic marketing stimuli (you remember the 4Ps?) that were engraved into us didn’t approach the effect, cognition, and behavior of customers, of people, based off of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. What I am getting at here is, regardless of your product or service, your ideal customer or prospect doesn’t care about you.
What they care about is the added benefit you provide them. Once you convert them, then it’s client successes job to retain them. They do care as they invested money and usually their professional name on you.
Economics & Psychology
This leads me to the Fourth Principle of Economics: People Respond To Incentives, which is the basis of economists’ understanding of human nature that people respond to money and not much else.
One of my favorite lines from Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends & Influence People is:
“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.”
This applies to marketers. In order for us to resonate and connect with our audience, we need to constantly reevaluate our messaging associated with our products and services, and keep it aligned with their emotions.
Driving with Emotion
The emotional component is frequently overlooked in the realm of digital. If this continues, as many of our budgets are steadily being increased for this channel, it will inevitably lead to an enormous amount of wasted spend with little actionable insight to build on.
As marketers, we have traditionally defaulted to targeting demographics that look like this:
The ideal client is a woman between the ages of 35-50, holds decision making power within the marketing department (senior manager, director, VP,  or the CMO-if you’re lucky) at a SaaS company with 200+ employees and a minimum of $50M in revenue.
While these characteristics are important, they are only attributes but not the person. People are multifaceted and the use of such demographics alone is limited at best in the digital world.
Digital Doesn’t Mean Less Human
Today, we as marketers are able to tap into psychology to positively impact our audiences through digital marketing channels. An example of this in action is Instagram’s introduction of numerous features to help promote a positive virtual community.
The social platform has teams that review anonymous reports of posts by individuals who seem to need mental health support. After, they are connected by Instagram to organizations that offer aid. The same resources are displayed when a user visits a hashtag page for a sensitive topic.
As the number of channels grows, potential touchpoints where marketers can engage their audiences and understand behaviors is rapidly expanding.
In our world of automation and personalization, real connections are critical. At the end of the day, technology is only as good as the user. Customers are becoming more powerful in making their own purchasing decisions.
As a marketer, this is either an exhilarating and exciting opportunity or just another channel we are reactively responding to.
Marketing Psychology in 2019: Back to Basics
Referencing Dale Carnegie yet again:
“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”
If you can add this viewpoint, develop strategies, and assets with this as the core, and stay within your budget, you’ve made it. Welcome to “great,” marketer. Welcome to great!
The post Marketing Psychology in 2019: Make Your Mark Digitally appeared first on Marketo Marketing Blog – Best Practices and Thought Leadership.
Read more: blog.marketo.com
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thelowercasegimmick · 7 years
YA Review, 10/7/16: The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
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Sometimes, I think I should talk about politics more on this blog.  It’s not like I don’t have strong political opinions.  I think part of the problem is that, much as I’d like to pretend otherwise, I am on Tumblr, which is not exactly known as a forum for rational discussions.  I guess that’s a way of saying that I’m afraid of getting into an argument I can’t win, or saying something ignorant that ends up hurting people.  But the truth is, everything is political, and YA books aren’t exempt from that.  I do generally believe that a book’s artistry can be evaluated separately from its politics, but that only works to a certain extent, and only with certain books.  When a book’s aims are explicitly political, there’s really no way to evaluate whether the book succeeds or not without talking about its politics.
This book gives me plenty to talk about besides its politics, and I’ll talk about that as well.  But given that this book is about ex-gay therapy, and Danforth was inspired by the Zack Stark controversy, it seems important to me to talk about Danforth’s political agenda, and how that affects the reading experience of this book.  Because part of what made this such a powerful read for me was the fact that yes, this book does speak to my own politics - my experience was strongly affected by the fact that Danforth is writing about something deeply important to me.
I’ll be honest: I don’t generally like books that directly address politics.  Books like The Hunger Games (2008) and The Adoration of Jenna Fox (2011) are very political books, but they use allegory rather than directly addressing their issues.  While this does make it more likely that readers will miss the point (I honestly doubt that most fans of The Hunger Games actually got the allegory), it also lets the authors write with a defter hand, so that the books are rarely preachy or overdone.  The futuristic settings and sci-fi stories force the authors to focus on other things besides the message, and as a result, those books tend to have much stronger characters and plots than books that address politics directly.  Books like Luna (2004) and Wide Awake (2006) that address political issues directly and structure everything around those issues are generally badly-plotted with boring characters.  You get the impression that the authors weren’t actually interested in telling a story - they just wanted to talk about politics, and the plot and characters are just an excuse to do so.  They’re the kind of books that get called ‘preachy’, and there’s a reason people hate preachy works so much.  It’s hard to think of a bigger disappointment than being promised a story and being given a political rant in exchange.
Because of all that, I can’t praise Danforth enough for her restraint in how she wrote this novel.  It would’ve been so easy for her to make this novel nothing but an excuse to show various ways that ex-gay therapy is bad.  But that’s not what this novel does.  This novel is just as much about Cameron as it is about ex-gay therapy - perhaps even more about Cameron, given that she isn’t even institutionalized until halfway through the novel.  This feels like a perfect blend of a political message and a character-oriented one - this is a story about how very personal politics can be.  Cameron’s story couldn’t be told without this political message, and the political message would be very different with a different viewpoint character.  And, as a bisexual person myself, the knowledge that I could have ended up in Cameron’s situation had I been born into a different family made the reading experience all the more visceral for me.  That won’t be everyone’s reading experience, obviously, but I related to Cameron a lot, and that made the character arc all the more powerful for me.  And it helps just how on-point Danforth’s political message is, in relation to that arc.  Danforth clearly knows a lot about corrective therapy, and in the minor characters, she incorporates a lot of different aspects of how the therapy affects people.  Apart from this helping to provide a lot of good development for the side characters, it paints a very complete picture of just why most gay people find this therapy so objectionable.  This could’ve easily been an angry, bitter book, but Danforth is a more subtle author than that.  Instead, the dominant emotion is sorrow - she emphasizes all the loss that occurs, and the lasting consequences of the trauma for these characters.  I couldn’t ask for a better character arc centering around a political issue.
Moving away from politics a bit, I want to expand a bit more on how surprisingly subtle this book is.  Danforth opens the novel when Cameron is twelve and her parents die, and slowly works her way to when Cameron is fifteen or sixteen.  This is an incredibly risky choice - I almost always hate novels that try to incorporate such a large time scale.  But Danforth uses this to excellent effect.  She’s smart enough to leave very little to summary - almost everything we learn comes from a scene.  This extended opening essentially serves to set up (and even begin) Cameron’s character arc, in a way that just wouldn’t work as well in a set of flashbacks.  I might not have even missed this information if it wasn’t there, but I’m so glad that Danforth had the sense to realize that it was necessary - it adds to the character arc in a lot of subtle ways.  This novel is an excellent example of showing rather than telling.  Part of the reason I felt Cameron’s character arc so strongly is that I felt it - Danforth never beats us over the head with it.  This is not an intense book; the emotional high points are few and far between.  But the parts between those high points flow very naturally and always stay interesting, and when the emotional high points do come, they’re all the more poignant as a result.
Unfortunately, the prose was the only thing that prevented this novel from being truly excellent.  This book was written in first-person, which was a huge mistake, because Danforth isn’t even trying to write a convincing voice for a teenager.  Danforth has a PhD in creative writing, and while that’s not usually a bad thing, it’s certainly a problem when your teenager talks like a thirty-something who majored in creative writing in college.  This prose would’ve been fine if it was third-person - Danforth definitely writes with the skill of a creative writing PhD.  But writing a teenager this way was just the wrong artistic choice, and it distanced me from the story quite a bit.  Skilled as Cameron’s character arc is, it’s easy to feel a bit at an arm’s length from her at times, mostly because she doesn’t talk like any teenager I’ve ever known.
But I still highly recommend this novel.  I honestly can’t think of another YA book that directly talks about politics this well.  This is subtle, well-structured, and with a wonderful character arc.  There’s simply nothing like this in YA, and it’s a shame that Danforth doesn’t seem to be releasing another novel.  I’d hate for such a talented author to only release a single book.
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soonerwolf · 8 years
On the "Democratization of Information"
I recently had a discussion with a friend regarding how trust in science is falling.  He pointed me towards a Daily Caller article about someone known as "Real_PeerReview" who posted peer-reviewed papers from the social sciences and humanities that focused on subjects such as social justice, "critical race theory," and feminism.
While I agreed that there are some "peer reviewed" papers that have subject matter that might be questionable, it should not be used to attack science as a whole.  Nor should all sciences be lumped together.  For example, the social sciences are more speculative in nature (i.e. what history is relevant to the topic, or how the author or subjects "feel" about the topic), while the physical sciences which are more empirical (i.e. here's the raw data, and here's the conclusion backed by said data).
My friend mentioned that "harder sciences" get a "bad reputation" when they are "polluted by politics."  I must admit my mind went straight to climate change.  I paused in my response, then pointed out "it only takes one bad apple for the opposition to throw out the entire barrel," meaning that if one study is contradicted, people opposed to the consensus conclusion in that topic use it as evidence that all studies in that field must be flawed.  That is a false assumption.
I went on to point out that the internet has allowed anyone to consider themselves an "expert" on almost any subject on whim.  Anyone can find some web page or blog that has "evidence" that comports with their views on the subject.  Most of the time, that "evidence" aligns with a certain political view (e.g. climate change). I pointed out Anthony Watts, a noted climate change skeptic who does not have a degree in meteorology.  He runs a popular blog often quoted by people in an attempt to debunk scientific articles from actual scientists at NASA, NOAA, and other scientific organizations.
It was at this point that this claim was made:
>Sure, but the democratization of information also means that it's possible for someone to poke legitimate holes in a body of work.
My response: “Possible, yes.  Probable, not likely.”
Let me expand on that.
The normal process of scientific research usually goes as follows: a scientist, who usually has 8+ years of education and a PhD in his field (i.e. an expert), has a hypothesis on a particular subject within that field.  The scientist and his colleagues (fellow experts and/or students studying to be experts) go out into the field and gather data.  This data is then analyzed.  The results are then presented by said scientists, reviewed by other scientists (other experts in the same field), and subsequently published in a journal run by scientists (even more experts). Said journals used to be only available to subscribers to that publication (usually experts and/or people with education in that field), or at a public library that had a subscription.  In other words, a somewhat concerted effort had to be made to seek out these published findings.
This information is now publicly available on the internet for everyone, experts and non-experts alike, to review.  This is a good thing, as it helps to show how the scientific process works and allow students and enthusiasts to explore and research for themselves.  It has also, as we have seen, led to some really wild interpretations by non-experts, especially by the media (this comic summarizes it pretty well).  Then there are the multitude of blog and political opinion sites which sometimes publish their own misguided interpretations of the data on the internet for everyone to read.  Sometimes these interpretations favor a political viewpoint which runs counter to the scientific findings of the original study.
We are currently in the age of "Let me Google that for you," where anyone and everyone can just do a quick search and find articles, true or not, that favor their view on a subject, thus reinforcing their confirmation biases.  It's sometimes useless to debate with someone today because they are often armed with quotes from an echo chamber of Facebook and internet blog sites.  Even when presented with factual information that counters their flawed beliefs, they often double-down on their belief (a.k.a. "the backfire effect").
I believe we should trust the experts.  However, "trust" doesn't mean we should take their word from on high and bow to them like they are some "priests of the Temple of Syrinx."  I believe Tom Nichols (Professor of National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval War College) put it best in his article (and soon to be book) “The Death of Expertise:”
Personally, I don’t think technocrats and intellectuals should rule the world: we had quite enough of that in the late 20th century, thank you, and it should be clear now that intellectualism makes for lousy policy without some sort of political common sense. Indeed, in an ideal world, experts are the servants, not the masters, of a democracy.
We should recognize that we don't know what we don't know (look up the "Dunning-Kruger effect) and ask those that do have education and experience in their fields.  More often than not they are more than willing to share their views and even acknowledge countering views.  For example, I would consider my friend much more of an expert on working out and fitness than anyone else I personally knew primarily because he has successfully executed a fitness plan for the past 10 years.  I also know he, like other experts I know on various subjects, welcomes questions and encourages participation.
Scientists should be considered as experts in their field.  Sure, some scientists may post oddball papers, but more often than not they are presented with evidence to back up the scientists' hypotheses and observations. With the physical sciences, that includes hard, measured data, information on how they were gathered, and conclusions whose methods can be reproduced.  People are free to disagree with a paper's conclusions. That's their right. But if you want make a counter-claim, it's best to have actual, concrete data behind it.  And some blog on the internet run by a TV personality doesn't count... unless we're talking about broadcast journalism.
On that, I'll conclude with another point by Tom Nichols:
Experts come in many flavors. Education enables it, but practitioners in a field acquire expertise through experience; usually the combination of the two is the mark of a true expert in a field. But if you have neither education nor experience, you might want to consider exactly what it is you’re bringing to the argument.
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