#that's fine. i kinda like how it gives off the vibe that it's messy an unkept
laugtherhyena · 3 months
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Proper holding
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shisui-shrine · 4 months
god, i LOVE your blog, thank you for writing for shisui 🥹 i’d like to ask shisui and any other characters you want and the moment they fell in love with their girl friend
Thank you for your kind words <3. Just as many other people, I was desperate for more Shisui content, and well, be the change you wanna see I guess.
Shisui X F!Reader
When he fell in love with you
When you didn't see him as an Uchiha, a prodigy, Shisui of Teleportation but just as Shisui
Almost everyone only sees him as a shinobi, a protector of Konoha
They see his abilities, what he does for them, but not what he is
So when he realised that he was a person in your life and not a ninja, his heart couldn't help but beat a little faster
He could barely believe his ears, others seeing him as a person was uncommon, unexpected, refreshing
"Do you want dessert?" Y/N asks her friend sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Sounds good. But how'd you know I have a sweet tooth? I never told you after all." "You just give off the vibes, is all" the female answers as she took out her wallet to pay for their shared meal.
"Is that so weird? You look a bit... surprised? Startled? Shocked even?", she chuckles a little, looking at Shisui's widened eyes.
"No, it's just that people usually assume nothing unhealthy has entered my mouth ever since I became Jonin. It's a refreshing change of pace", Shisui grins, taking one of the Dangos the waiter brought during their conversation.
"That's weird. I mean, yeah, sure, shinobi usually have a very healthy diet, but that doesn't mean we only eat vegetables and meat."
"So," Shisui begins, "any plans for the rest of the day?"
Y/N thinks about it for a few seconds and then shakes her head. "No, I honestly just wanted to go home and relax. I have a pretty long mission starting in a few days, so I wanted to enjoy my peace and quiet while it lasts"
"Yeah, I had something like that in mind too. Some hotsprings and then a calm evening with some tea and a good book"
"Makes sense. I hate doing anything before a tiring mission. Waking up sore or tired is not something you want before an A-Rank" Y/N comments, moving around her finger on the edge of her cup.
"Oh, you have something in your face by the way. Right there", she pointed at the corner of her mouth. Shisui grabbed his napkin and and wiped it away. "Wha- That's meat! How long has that been on my face?" "Quite some time, but you looked kinda cute with it so I didn't want to tell".
Y/N giggles at Shisui's face, distorted in disbelief and surprise.
"Thank you for the invitation, Y/N. I really needed this", Shisui looks down at the finished plate of Dango, the whole afternoon replaying in his mind. The fact you knew he liked sweets, how you understood that he needed a break, how you laughed about his messy face and his expression.
Why was his heart beating so fast? Why did his stomach feel so weird? He didn't eat anything bad the past few days. Could it be that...?
"Is everything alright? Your face is so red all of a sudden, not that you're dehydrated or have a fever" his friend say worried, bringing her hand to his forehead, but before she could touch him he stopped her hand by gently holding her wrist.
"No, no, I'm fine. Please don't worry about me." He doesn't want her to find out, not yet. First he needs to make sure she feels the same and choose a better timing.
"You always say that. You always shake my worries off, say that you're fine and move on. But I am worried, I know what it can do to people to bottle everything up and try to deal with it alone. You're not a superior being to us all, you still need help every once in a while. If not from me then at least from Itachi, but I know that you're not talking about it with him either. Shisui please, stop saying you're fine before your soul cracks."
Wow, he did not expect that. That you looked through him this easily, that you looked right past his walls right into his soul. Your expression one of fear and worry.
"Okay, I swear that the next time I have a problem I'll come to you, no matter what it is", he holds up his hand with his pinky outstretched.
Y/N follows the action and with that their promise is official.
"Thank you, Shisui. I care a lot about you and it'd kill me to know that you're suffering in silence."
Shisui's heart does a little jump. Perhaps she loves me too? Was the only thing his brain could think about. He was good at reading you, but then, how good were you at hiding feelings?
After that they say their goodbyes and head to their homes. The whole way home multiple thoughts were swirling through Shisui's head.
But all he knows is that he loves you, but telling you can still wait.
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
Cannon Danny, Danyal Au and CFAU met, waht does each other think of the other and do they get along?
Cfau Danny and Canon Danny get along, but Danyal and Canon abso-fucking-lutely do not. It's hillarious. Danyal is appalled that this fucking white boy is another version of him -- that Al Ghul arrogance and pride really shines through here, you can’t get rid of all of it.
Cfau Danny is a sleeper agent, honestly. I'm putting all three of them around the 15 age range because any younger and CFAU won't be as Sleeper Agent. Him and Canon get along pretty well because they’re both pretty similar to each other when CFAU's not in active grief. CFAU is a bit rough around the edges, and canon is surprised by his smoking habit and sharp tongue, but he’s a relatively friendly dude. Just snarky and no-nonsense at times, and intolerant of bullshit.
However the moment a ghost fight starts?? BAM. he shifts into a house of horrors who can and will rip out your throat with his teeth. Banshee boi haha. Canon is floating there all “???? HUH???” watching as Danyal and CFAU full on tackle the opposition.
Canon Danny watches in 4k as Danyal hunts Skulker down mercilessly and tears open the “damn poacher’s” suit with his bare hands. Vlad is only safe because he isn't showing his face (yet).
Frankly all of canon’s rogues are gonna have a blast meeting CFAU and Danyal. They’re both two different flavors of unhinged violence, and they’re on the opposite side of the spectrum. One is an elegant storm of blades with years of fine-tuned practice, and the other is the brutality of the backstreets and Gotham’s cruelty; messy, bloody, and merciless.
Canon and Danyal will eventually start getting along, but they’re pretty — well, correction, Danyal is pretty hostile to canon at first. Its a combination of tension, stress, and frustration with canon and what Danyal perceives as canon’s incompetence. Danyal struggles to understand how canon is anyway a version of him beyond the name and halfa status. He starts understanding better when he sees Phantom fighting and sees his resourcefulness and quick thinking.
I have this funny mental image of the three Dannys all in the quad at school (with Sam and Tucker). Danyal is sitting on the table giving off Major Gargoyle vibes, warding off Dash and other bullies through pure "Little Orphan Tom Riddle" Energy alone, while CFAU is standing off to the side with Canon showing him how to throw a proper punch. Sam and Tucker are staring at Danyal, or they're just casually eating their lunch.
Dash isn't going near Danyal with a ten foot pole, but he'll try his chances with Sleeper Agent CFAU who, despite the "edgy" smoking thing and more alternative style, acts and looks almost the same way "Fenturd" does. He gets socked in the jaw the moment he goes over and grabs CFAU's shirt, and CFAU releases the full verbal force of Crime Alley's fist down unto him.
To properly answer your question:
Canon Danny: Thinks CFAU is pretty cool, and views him as kind of like a cooler, terrifying version of him. He's off-put by the smoking thing and totally thrown off by CFAU being a banshee. He's only heard from word-of-mouth about them, and it sounds like a shitty existence to be in permanent grief. He's glad he's never had to fight one.
If this is purely canon Danny and not DPxDC adjacent-canon Canon Danny, then he's glad that Gotham doesn't exist in his world because holy fuck that place sounds like the home of nightmares. But he also kinda wishes there was a Jason in his world, the guy sounded like a really good friend if CFAU is to be believed, and Danny needs more of those in the world. He's infinitely more grateful that Dan is nothing like how Rath sounds. Because Rath sounds like something straight out of an apocalypse movie. (Granted, Dan could be argued to be the same, but he gives off more 'generic supervillain' vibes.)
He thinks Danyal is an asshole at first who needs to get that stick out of his ass, along with his head. But once they start getting along, he finds him rather funny and enjoys his dry wit, along with CFAU's. He's unnerved by Danyal's willingness to kill if necessary, but he admires his dedication and love for his little brother (if Danyal brings him up). He knows he'd be in the same boat with Jazz or Ellie if he was in Danyal's shoes. He recognizes that their core fundamentals ring the same, even if the both of them tend to show it differently.
CFAU Danny: Thinks Canon is pretty cool too. Is thrown off and very unsettled by the idea that Jason might not exist in this world, and that he and this other Danny aren't friends. He genuinely just. cannot comprehend the idea that well, and if he thinks about it too hard he's going to go into a Banshee-Grade Level Grief Spiral and nobody is gonna wanna see that. Soothes his own nerves by telling himself that this other him will meet Jason eventually.
Kinda thinks Danyal is also a jerk, but he recognizes that it comes from a place of fear and general self-defense. He's seen other kids do similar stuff in crime alley where they completely close themselves off from other people -- hell, he does it. It's a safety mechanism, so he's more empathetic with him. They're not buddy-buddy with each other at first, but they're certainly not hostile like Danyal is with Canon. Is entirely baffled and thrown off by the fact that Danyal is related to Bruce fucking Wayne when Danyal tells them about his brother Damian. Can't help but ask about Jason and if he's alive, and is insanely jealous but so happy when Danyal confirms that he is.
Danyal Al Ghul: Homie hates this fucking white boy at first. Canon Danny's general playful behavior and inexperience drives him up a wall because he's incredibly tense and in an alternate dimension. He unintentionally slips back into a League Training mindset, and criticizes Danny's every move during a fight. He eventually apologizes, but just like his father, it's like pulling teeth because he's emotionally constipated. Canon asks Danyal if he was in pain while saying anything, Danyal readily admits to yes, he was. But not because he wasn't sincere about it. Afterwards, Canon still kinda annoys him, but once DAnyal reframes his mindset into viewing him more like a civilian and being more like Ella, rather than being an alternate version of himself, his mistakes become easier to bear.
likes CFAU! They both took one look at each other and thought "wow there is something Fucking Wrong With You" and instantly shared solidarity in that. CFAU is still a sloppy fighter in Danyal's eyes, but he recognizes his own bias, and at least CFAU is ruthless and swift with it compared to Canon. He silently.. mourns??? pays respects?? He Has Somber Emotions about CFAU being a banshee, and offers him basically the Danyal Equivalent of "that's rough, buddy". He's very weirded out about how neither of these Daniels are related to his father, and are not Damian's brother. Has no idea who this "Rath" and "Dan" are because he doesn't (to his knowledge) have an alternate evil self.
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shieldofiron · 1 month
Vibe Check Part 3: Quid Pro Bro
The Frat Boy Au, Part 3
Read Previous on Ao3 or tumblr.
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Steve wakes almost falling out of a chair.
He blinks, looking around the empty lecture hall and then finally looking up at the girl who’s still shaking him.
“Hey, yo, I’m up, I’m awake!” He wriggled out of her iron grip.
“You have to leave.”
“When did I pass out?”
The girl scoffs rolling her eyes hard, “Like halfway through the lecture, dingus. You snore, by the way.”
“I do not!” He snapped. Billy’s never said anything, and they’d roomed together all of last year.
“Oh yeah,” she nodded, crossing her arms. “Drool too.”
Steve just began to gather his books, “Why are you even here? Just let me drool.”
“I’m the TA,” She smirked. “And I didn’t want to be caught grading your absolutely half baked paper.”
“Yeah,” he smirked right back, giving her a little of the patented Harrington sparkle. “A likely excuse.”
She just huffs, heading back to the front of the room and gathering some papers, “you try to help a guy.”
“Want me to walk you home?” He glanced at his watch. “Kinda late.”
“I live off campus.”
“Your car, then.”
She blinks at him, “you’re not getting in my pants.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m gay.”
“And I’m just offering a walk home,” Steve shook his head, “you try to help a girl.”
She pauses, “you’re serious. You don’t have to do that.”
He nods, “yeah I am, dude, it’s like 9 pm. I’m not gonna let you walk home alone.”
She’s pretty, short hair sort of messy around her freckled face, which morphs slowly from a scowl into a more confused expression.
“Okay, I guess.”
“You thought I would just leave you in the lurch?”
“Not-“ She just laughs and shakes her head. “Fine, dingus. Prove to me that frat boys aren’t all the same.”
“We’re not!”
“Your taking a nap during the lecture non withstanding. Like it wasn’t even during a film day.”
Steve massaged the back of his neck, “My neighbor at the house has this girlfriend, she’s like a banshee. We didn’t sleep at all last night.”
She swung a multicolored patchwork tote bag onto her shoulder, “Can’t you just outbang him? Fight fire with fire?”
Steve’s brows rose as he scrambled to shove his notes into his backpack. “Whoah, I didn’t expect you to say that!”
She giggles, “I’m a TA not a nun.”
“Fair enough. How do you get to be a TA anyway?” He holds open the heavy metal door as she sails past, her tote bag hitting him hard in the solar plexus as she did.
“Sorry,” She says. “You take enough of Herman’s classes that he starts to remember your face. It’s a blessing and a curse, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. And the pay is dismal.”
“You get paid too?” He followed her down the hallway and out into the brisk fall air.
“I thought frat boys had all the money for keg parties and togas and house dues and lawsuits…”
“Not all of us,” He scoffs, as if he isn’t absolutely the exact type of guy she’s talking about. “It’s always good to let the brothers know about stuff like this.”
She rolls her eyes, “I can’t believe you actually talk like that.”
“What? Brothers?”
“Yeah,” she raises one shoulder. “Isn’t your boyfriend one of your brothers? Isn’t that a bit creepy?”
At first he thinks it’s the fall wind. That whooshing sound.
“What?” He realizes he’s frozen, locked to the spot in his adidas slides, staring at a tree rather than her.
“Oh,” She falters in her skipping. “Did you two break up?”
“Who are you talking about?”
“Uh, I don’t really know his name but he used to walk you to class last semester for Women in Film? Blonde guy with the curls? He has an embarrassing and frankly dated 80s thing going on?” She blinks at him. “God, you did break up. I’m so sorry, Steve.”
“How… wh… we’re not boyfriends,” he finally manages to stutter after a few seconds of autumn-chilled silence.
“Oh,” Her expression morphs into pity and it’s fucking awful. “I get it.”
“No, no I… we’re not like that at all. Billy and I are roommates. We’re…” he couldn’t bring himself to say brothers, his mind still scrambled. “Friends.”
“Oh.” She tips her chin down. “Sorry. My mistake.”
After another stilted second, they start to walk again with purpose towards the parking garage.
But she keeps sort of glancing over at him. Like she’s checking.
“We’re just friends,” He repeats after a moment.
“Got it.”
“Nothing going on there.”
“And we’re straight.”
“Interesting how that came up last.”
“I’m fucking serious. We’re just friends.”
“Got it. Broken gaydar. It happens,” She shrugs, and he tries to do it too. Just like… no big deal.
But he can’t seem to stop wanting to say it. They’re just friends. How could anyone read them as anything else.
The more he thinks about it the funnier it seems. Of course nothing is going on, it’s so crazy that she thought so. He’ll have to tell Billy, even though the idea makes him feel like he has a nest of angry scorpions in his stomach.
Finally, they turn sharply for the nearest dorm, just past the garage near the theatre building.
“I thought you said you lived off campus.”
“I thought you might be a serial killer. I don’t know which one of us is more disappointed.”
He laughed through his choked throat. “I’m Steve, by the way.”
“I know. You’re Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington. You’re the party chair for Theta House and you’re like,” she puts on a silly high voice, “so cute.”
“And straight.”
“And straight, that too,” she giggles a little nervously. “I’m Robin Buckley. We’ve had classes together for two years.”
He rocks back on his heels, “you did the John Waters short for Dr Casey’s class. That shit was legit.”
“That’s me,” She smiled, “sorry about confusing you and you’re friend earlier. You’re just so… anyway. See you next time.”
“See you next time, Robin,” He says.
The whole way back to the house he can’t shake the feeling. Like a leaf blowing on the back of his leg he’s jumpy, sure he’s feeling spiders and skeletons.
He whips out his phone and dials the first number he can think of. Surely it will all just seem like a joke tomorrow. A harmless mistake.
“Hey,” Billy picks up on the second ring.
And it’s like all the words in the world have dried up in his throat and he can’t speak for the corpses. He just makes a little aborted wheeze.
“Stevie? What’s up?” Billy asks.
“D-do… do I snore?” He asks, not even sure where that came from.
“A little. But it’s cute. Why, is some girl giving you grief?”
Steve is so nervous he just up and disconnects the call. The wind blows at the name of his neck and his whole body breaks out in goosebumps.
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brandogenius · 4 months
lucy x sick reader? like her coming home early from the studio to take care of you vibes
BLURB - lucy x sick reader
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- lucy leaving early in the morning to go to the studio. you’re usually a morning person so it was a bit weird when she woke up but you still were asleep. she always makes sure to let you know when she’s leaving so while she was getting ready she let you sleep in for a bit longer. waking you up with a small tap on the shoulder to let you know she was going.
- she was a bit worried when you rolled over, your eyes glossy and bags dark under your eyes. beads of sweat coating your forehead. you kinda just staring up at her for a moment before nodding your head and turning back to go back to sleep.
- “are you doing alright, sweetheart? are you sick- do you need me to stay here” lucy was concerned, sitting on the edge of the bed, back of her hand against your forehead. you’re like “no i’m fine honey. i’ll be ok, you have fun at the studio”
- lucy knew there wasn’t any reason to push since you were quite stubborn, she just had to take your word. “call me if you need anything alright my love? i’ll be checking in” and she’s kissing your forehead and closing the door softly to not make loud noise.
- i can see lucy being very distracted during the day. checking her phone and waiting for any notifications from you to come in. she tries calling you a couple of hours later but you didn’t pick up so it got her pretty worried. she tried sending messages to you but they ended up not being read, your phone was probably turned off or on do not disturb.
- however it worries her even more considering both of you have each other as a contact that can bypass do not disturb so your calls and text messages can be heard even with dnd on. so it was worrying her why you aren’t picking up
- she voiced the concerns to phoebe who instantly telling bed to get the fuck out and make sure you’re ok. lucy not even having to be told twice, packing her stuff and dipping. getting in the car and zooming home.
- unlocking the door and calling out to you but you don’t reply. she’s worried with anxiety and fear. are you ok? you’re NEVER asleep for this long so it was worrying her.
- going upstairs to the bedroom to sigh in relief finding you asleep in the exact position she left you in. only thing lucy can see is the small poofs of hair sticking out as you bundle up in the blankets. lucy walking over to wake you up.
- “honey?” you’re rolling over like huh?? clearly out of it. lucy sighing to herself like “did you get up since i left?” and you shaking your head like no. so lucy’s like “alright alright, how about i make you some breakfast?“ you trying everything in your power to not fall back to sleep. headache raging, nose stuffy and blocked, eyes sore and stinging. it wasn’t a good day for you
- lucy making breakfast / lunch at this point, for you and bringing it up to your room. “why don’t you try eat as much as you can and have a quick shower. freshen up. i’ll give you some medicine and if you feel like going back to sleep you can. i’ll wake you up for dinner” lucy sitting at the bottom of the bed, patting your hand.
- you realising lucy came home from work and feeling really guilty about it. “i’m sorry you had to come home- i would’ve been able to take care of myself” but lucy is quick to deny and interrupt “you wouldn’t stayed asleep for the whole day if i hadn’t come home baby. i was worried. im just glad now you’re ok while i’m here. don’t worry about me.” but you’re stubborn and lucy is quick to shut you up by a small kiss on the lips
- “i can get you sick baby” “don’t worry about me, darling” she’s running her fingers through your messy hair and rubbing your back. “we take care of each other whilst we’re sick. lets just focus on getting you better now alright?”
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red-hibiscus · 4 months
Finally finished Playboyy and I still don't know what to think of it
I'll start by saying that I freely drop shows with no hesitation. The fact that I stuck with it shows that somehow it captured my attention.
I think Playboyy had a good concept in mind and I did like some of the characters and couple dynamics. It had some good reveals that left me going "OH!! So thats how it is". The cinematography at some points was honestly pretty damn good and there were some beautiful shots. So as much as people hate on it, Playboyy isn't devoid of some kind of quality. It's not the meaningless show some people imagine it being.
However, it felt unorganized/messy and there is the question of how many sex scenes and couples are too much. I'm down with chaotic shows and large casts that's chill. But it led the show to be difficult to follow for me. I'm absolutely shit with names and 7 ships is way too much for my brain to follow. I think the show did an alright job at giving everyone some kind of personality, but part of me wishes there was more space for learning more about the individual characters.
I'm 100% fine with sex scene, explicit sex scenes even. I knew going into the show that it'd be told through lots of sex scenes. But I think it could have flowed a touch better. Maybe have the plot embedded into the sex scenes better (no clue how). Instead it felt like 10 minutes of mystery solving to keep the plot going and suddenly they're fucking in cosplay like some kinky sex jumpscare. Hilarious to me, but it threw me off. Maybe they wanted the chaotic hard to follow vibes, but I do not have the concentration and memory.
I think it's really cool that they had separate storylines with all the couples and they had then interconnected the way that they did. Whether it be connecting individual characters to each other in ways you didn't think they'd be connected, or couples as a unit. Though I think if they had the first big reveal (after the plot really started kicking) around episode 8(??) a bit earlier.... or had the plot going hard a bit earlier that would've kept more people into the show. Cause by the time the plot got more obviously complex, most of the people who were eventually gonna drop the show had already dropped it. Largely because they weren't feeling the plot. They felt like the plot was going in and out of existence (and tbh that kinda was the vibe sometimes).
In conclusion: Definitely has potential and good ideas, but it ultimately fumbled them a bit.
I want to clarify that I DID like it. It's not a horrible show and did some things really well. I appreciate the stories they were trying to tell so much. My brain just lost focus some times... so certain aspects could've been done better.
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scrunkore · 6 months
Scrunkore Media "Thread" 2023: Part 6
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the scrunko core has burned out, rebooting
63) Cassette Beasts (PC, 2023)
This is a really cool monster tamer RPG, it came up with a really fun type interaction system and there are are excellent designs in it especially with the eldritch-style bosses, that's super fun. Big fan of the setting and its unique vibe too, if you've played the game you'll know what I mean about that. Great indie I enjoyed my time with, though the romance feels tacked on and I thought the ending was just Fine. [4★]
64) Doctor Who, Series 6-10 (TV, 2011-2017)
Moffat's entire tenure with the greatest TV show in Britain, knocked out within the year, and honestly I think it was quite good. Plenty of flaws, like his messy ambitions, how weird he is about women sometimes, and how some episodes just genuinely fucking suck, but you get that with every era of the show really. The highs are damn high, especially with Capaldi's Doctor in episodes like Heaven Sent and The Doctor Falls, and I think that's enough to outweigh the bad. And I feel like series 10 in particular is often overlooked more than it should be, pretty strong one that is. No rating, but I love Doctor Who when it's good.
65) Mad Rat Dead (Switch, 2020)
MAD RAT MONDAY!!!! I played this game because of the soundtrack, which totally bangs and of course you need that in a rhythm game like this one. Fun one it is too, it has options to make it less challenging and the story is unexpectedly pretty cool. I'm not very good at it, but I beat it and I had a fun time doing so. Rats rule. [4★]
66) Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins (Switch, 2021)
This is apparently the only good Doctor Who game still officially playable, and yeah, I can see it. Immersing yourself in a mystery contained within a smartphone featuring an iconic monster and fun appearances from existing characters is pretty cool, though it can be kinda janky and there's not that much to it in the end. Certainly an alright experience though. [3★]
67) F-Zero 99 (Switch, 2023)
My only experience with F-Zero so far, the surprise announcement that jumpscared fans of the series before turning out to be a battle royale type game that's actually... kinda good? Chaotic fun with decently engaging gameplay, it's something you pick up and play for a bit before doing something else but don't play for hours once the honeymoon phase wears off. Sure helps add something to NSO, sure hope it doesn't get taken down in a year. [3.5★]
68) Sonic Superstars (PC, 2023)
A good new Sonic game! From Sonic Team! The series really has been popping off lately, and though some people complained about this one, I genuinely think it stands at least close to the classic titles it's following up from. Levels are fun and creative with the only real bullshit being in the optional postgame (which does kind of suck if you're not good), and though the soundtrack has plenty of duds it's still pretty decent overall. Cool cast of playable characters too, and it's great seeing Fang come back, with the new character Trip also being a fun addition. I don't think this is peak Sonic, but for me it was a good time that I enjoyed for the most part. [4★]
69) Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch, 2023)
Oh 2D Mario is so fucking back, this takes the formula that the "New" series was running with and gives it a super aggressive shake-up and an injection of creativity that it really needed. It has a really nice visual look, actually cool level design that is great to run through, fun powers, and a large roster of playable characters including Daisy finally. Not to mention it sounds good, the music is a great important part of it and the talking flowers in every level are honestly just fun. One of the best platformers on Switch right now, I like it more than Odyssey honestly. [5★]
70) Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon (Movie, 2019)
Bit of a silly watch this was, but in all honesty I'll always be a fan of Aardman's work and this is a pretty fun movie that all ages can enjoy whether they like Shaun the Sheep or not. It's animated as well as you'd expect, does some cute stuff, and honestly I kinda like the music in it too. Just a funny little adventure with that silly sheep and his weird cute alien friend. [3.5★]
71) Suika Game (Switch, 2023)
Suika Game.
72) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Booster Course Pass (Switch DLC, 2022-2023)
Dropping a two-year DLC that doubles the track list and adds a bunch of new characters and balance updates to a Mario Kart game we thought was over was a fucking wild thing to do, but Nintendo did it and honestly it worked out quite well. Sure, it's clearly all Tour ports and a lot of them don't look too hot, but for the sheer quantity of it I don't think I can complain too much. They even chose pretty good tracks for the most part, with only a few favourites being left out that I can only assume will be remade in the next game and therefore end up better than ever. I think the game is actually done now, and I think it's probably the best Mario Kart at this point. Not bad at all. [4★]
73) PLUTO (Anime, 2023)
An anime that took ages to get made, and it shows all the polish that much time of production should have you expect (perhaps too much polish with all those unnecessary digital effects). It's a pretty complete adaptation of a much-praised manga about war, robots and consciousness, some strong science fiction with quite good writing based on an old arc from Tezuka's Astro Boy manga. It's pretty tragic how things turn out for most of the characters, but it's so good how it goes about things, and I think it was worth the wait. One of the best Netflix-distributed anime, I'd say. [4.5★]
74) Super Mario RPG (Switch, 2023)
Geno fans have not shut up for years, so how does his game hold up now that it's been polished up into HD? Not bad, honestly. It's a solid RPG experience with simple yet engaging battle gameplay that laid the foundations for other Mario RPG titles to come, and now it's all shiny and stuff. It's a fun journey through a whimsical Mario setting with the quirks you'd come to expect, apparently a pretty faithful remake with only a few new additions and script edits that it sort of needed. I don't think this game is really that special in 2023, but I liked it plenty. Funny that Geno is barely a character though. [4★]
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
beloved, could you please expand on poly krbk
ohhh man
i have A Lot of thoughts on krbk as a dynamic bc i take issue with how it is portrayed but i think the best way to describe your relationship to them is sooo very hot and cold. like dfjsksd it is so stressful in the sense that you NEVER know what your relationship standing is with them completely. every time you see them its something new.
tenatively you are definitely friends. but like. logistically? who fucking knows! not you and definitely not them. i think a lot of this has to do with how long krbk had been dating. until like other dynamics who i feel really don't date until well into adulthood, krbk has been dating since highschool. and they've known about each others feelings and tenatively explored them together since like... first year at least to me.
so in that way, krbk is the most inseparable of the poly dynamics. they grow as individuals sure - but they're so intertwined with each other it's hard to expect one without expecting the other. they've had the same friend group, same goals, same life for so long that it really is the hardest dynamic to snug yourself inbetween. they befriend you in complete earnest, though. like they both just happen to really vibe with you.
like i said, tentatively you are FRIENDS. they enjoy your company, and you hang out with the two of them. they're "the couple your friends with." and for a long time - there's no need to change that relationship. what makes it so difficult is that they both notice changes in each other, maybe far before you do and that inevitable disruption really fucks w their relationship.
krbk doesn't really know life without each other. for them, it was life before each other and life after with no real breaks in the middle. so something like a third person completely breaks the both of them for different reasons. it's all very messy and everything SEEMS fine and it is fine. in a way.
what happens is probably something along the lines of - you get into an accident or situation of some sort -> they disagree on how to handle it -> huge fight ensues. and sure it's about the situation but it isn't. not really, anyway. it's a very messy situation, lots of breaking down and anger but they realize they both want the same thing which is you and they have 0 clue on how to handle that. luckily for you, they have this big fight RIGHT in front of. so yk. you are right there to help mediate.
it's like a talk where you're going all night long and everyone is really getting to have a heart to heart even bkgs fussy ass. after you resolve, bkg is the one who rlly puts himself out there in terms of being your bf officially bc he really wants to show out and give room for the new dynamic. it's very different but not in a bad way, but you can tell they're not being as careful around you. kirishima is adorably nervous the whole entire time </3
he will at least ask for stuff like hugs and kisses but w bkg u just gotta spring it on him cause he's TOOO embarassed otherwise. they really struggle with how they're supposed to proceed now though like. if you have to inevitably return home and they're back to being w each other they suddenly realize how weird it is WITHOUT you around and are like "damn we're idiots" and they're antsy to see you again. dumb cute. kirishima is very clingy naturally and enjoys showing off how absolutely huge he is to you every single day. bkg is the same but with the size of his triceps lol they compete a lot for attention.
AND THEY'RE ATTENTION HOGS LMAOOO please. like they always leave first bc they are besties but you have like . other friends and that makes them so annoyed ESPECIALLY bkg like what do u mean u care about other ppl. they should die. so cute lol.
the sex is overwhelming to put it lightly. kirishima is unintentionally rough but bkgs commitment to pleasure kinda softens the blow a bit. a very switchy dynamic but bkg is a bit of a bossy bottom. kiri is LETTING him do that but sometimes when he's pissed at bkg he'll fuck the attitude out of him and let you do what you want. kirishima is much more lenient w u than he is w bkg and the inverse is true for bkg LMFAOO it's craziness. you are always worn out.
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gkt-tummyaches · 9 months
hii, im just kinda curious so sorry if this is kinda annoying 😭 but what are ur thoughts on blossom x boomer?
blossoomer is… fine. i don't have any strong positive opinions on it but it's honestly just cus of the fanon tropes i see for it. 'nerd x idiot' is a dynamic i hate, and the various 'autism x adhd' that's been shoved down my throat is getting a little tiring too.
it's all pretty stigmatizing, and centering a ship entirely around those two facets is enough to just make me lose interest. i don't hate blossoomer, but i've definitely been put off it more than once.
factor in that in [my] headcanon, they don't even share friend groups, so there's not a lot of reason for them to overlap or get together. blossom and boomer are both characters i struggle to really match with anybody romantically, so there's that too.
i don't really have a lot to say about them, though, so this post isn't going to be nearly as in-depth as i try to explore other ships. sorry !
all that being said, i do understand the appeal of blossoomer as well. looking at it without my personal biases against fanon and headcanons, they're kinda cute.
they kind of give me ice cream parlor vibes at first ? like boomer would try to impress blossom with more traditional/classic date locations; the slow-paced ones where you walk around the boardwalk or the park, stop for a coffee or a lunch. inoffensive, not overly romantic or grand gesturing.
he probably is hoping to show blossom that he's able to take things slow. maybe worries about scaring her away.
a total misread of who she is, as by the sixth date, she's probably decided that a monster fight is a way to ramp up the pace a little bit. covered in guts and detritus and questionable fluids by the end of it, a little out of breath, but triumphant and grinning - and if boomer wasn't already smitten, well now he's entirely head over heels because wow.
there's an allure to put-together blossom turning out to be something of a 'dynamite babe' ? you kind of forget she's capable of levelling a cityblock when she spends so much time behaving as a regular, powerless citizen; focusing on her studies, her career path, very normal things that belie just how dangerous she can be.
boomer's a moth to a lamp that way.
the other side of it i think is blossom thinks boomer's just generic retriever boyfriend material at the start. it's not exactly the type of person she'd be satisfied in settling for, so she jumps them into action to see how he'll do.
he's… still kind of a retriever boyfriend. but it seems like after the little spectacle, something's broken down the barrier that kept him passing the boundary into truly engaging. it's like he had kept himself tightly-wound so as not to scare her away - and there's probably history in that, probably been shut down a few times before for being 'too much' - only to spring to life with this newfound reassurance that blossom can take it.
still think they have a healthy dose of respect for their own personal time. they're a couple that, when together, are buzzing with excitement. always in motion. it's surprisingly energetic and social for the both of them given how low-energy and nonplussed they appear to the world independently. seems like it could be fun ! i don't think they'd be equals; lowkey i see blossom kind of envisioning herself as a little above boomer, in multiple aspects. i think if boomer ever caught on, it'd be one of their biggest points of contention: that blossom doesn't see them on the same level. blossoomer also isn't a ship that strikes me as particularly long-lasting because of this. kind of a whirlwind romance ? flying so high until they plummet. messy breakup, etc.
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toburnup · 1 year
okay i LOVED learning those most recent tidbits about your writing process, especially approx how long it can take you to write/edit! makes me feel so much better about my own wips lmao. especially with something as complex as iylo. i think it’s the easy-going kinda flow or vibe of your writing (though dgmw, you know how to make every line pack a serious punch) that made me assume you tend to bang this shit out hella quick… when in reality it sounds like it takes a pretty reasonable (“reasonable”) amt of time.
on this note i am so curious about your drafting process. like, how do you not get caught up fleshing out all the details in the moment? am i just terrible at writing outlines? feels like i’m always setting a hard goal to write short standalones but they always get out of hand
hahahah oh good, i'm glad it was interesting!!! i'd say my writing style on here is very casual, so. i like that that's the vibe i give off 😌
!! the drafting process! it's messy but it usually goes something like this (long post ahead!)
i start by writing dialogue or a specific moment from the scene i'm most excited to get to. i don't force myself to start at the beginning because who even knows where the beginning is.
dialogue can be a good place to start because it can lay out a whole dynamic in just a few exchanges (the best example i can think of this is when i wrote thirty days, because the first part i wrote was the "you should probably leave" - "why?" - "'cause i'm going to jerk off" - "i don't want to go" - "fine. stay." exchange which set up the whooole fic)
....and then i keep writing until i run out of steam lol. if i'm writing a scene and need to jump ahead because of an idea or whatnot, i just type // so i know i need to come back there (easy to search the doc for a symbol of some kind when it comes to editing). can't think of a specific word? i just pop a // in there as a placeholder.
once i've written out the meatier bit (ugh), i go back to the scene i started with, and then write backwards from there until i find a spot that feels like it could be the beginning (i mean i say that, but this is usually a lot of jumping around).
and that's the first draft!
i don't outline ahead of time, or write out plot points or anything. mostly because a) i have no idea what's gonna happen and b) i like character-driven stories and i find those motivations by writing them
that's the big reason i write dialogue without an end goal in mind - sometimes writing the lines or hearing them in my head takes the conversation in a different direction than i would've originally planned, and that can lead to some Good Moments
i’m always setting a hard goal to write short standalones but they always get out of hand
this happens to me too, for sure. i've found it's helpful to move away from the setup portions of a fic. and also being okay with things not being 100% clear (in terms of motivation, characters feelings, all that) and leaving some gaps for the reader to fill. and also being okay with your writing being misinterpreted.
idk if this is helpful at all!! my main thing is don't stop yourself from fleshing out the details. if there's a big scene you want to get to, don't force yourself to slog through the parts you don't want to write just to get there. i find it's almost easier to do it that way, because then you get to write the earlier parts with the question of: "what choices do they make to become the people in that scene?"
don't deprive yourself!! if you want to delve right into the details, do it.
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lickmeleclerc · 2 years
The anon saying that Charles and Charlotte will probably break up... I agree. Tbh I have the feeling that 2022/2023 will make them or break them. Like, she just graduated from college (I think?), so that in itself is a change in her life. Charles is getting more famous now that Ferrari is back competing, so his professional life is changing a lot and it will definitely affect his personal life... Their relationship give me an off vibe since the very first moment, because I've followed the whole drama in 2019. I decided to mostly not be judgemental with Charlotte due to the fact that wags always get a lot of hate and she was very young. But three years have come and gone, and I still get an off vibe from her. Especially because she's not that close to his family. She's part of his group of friends. That's quite different from when he dated Giada... Like, Canada? He brought his whole family and his family close friends there to support him? And she was having a spa day with her sister in Monaco? And he's always like "now I'll spent some time with my friends and girlfriend. Then I will spent some time with my family". They've been dating for three years now, it's just odd how she's not that close to his brothers and mom.
Besides that she's just very weird on social media. I don't even care that much about her ads on race weekends. The thing that irks me the most is her timing when it comes to post things about their relationship. Bad weekend? She's posting pics with him two days later, because she's such a supportive girlfriend. Gossip about him out and about in some party? Two days later she's posting pics with him, because look how in love they're with each other... I laughed when she posted that shirtless pic of him after the whole mess in Monaco. It's exhausting to watch really. I don't know what she's trying to prove with that. I guess I just don't understand why she needs to show people that their relationship is fine...
And let me share some tea about Giada. I get that many people try to turn her into a victim, and we'll never know for sure wtf happened between her, Charles and Charlotte (although Giada did say that there was no cheating involved in the whole situation), but after Charles and Charlotte were official, Giada started liking a lot of shit on Instagram and so did her family. Her cousin was shady af, basically said that all girlfriends of F1 drivers are sluts (kinda ironic if you ask me, cause hey, Giada dated a F1 driver??). It was not pretty, especially because they were slut-shaming the other girlies a lot, and of course that made people feel brave enough to harass Charlotte and Charles. After that most of the wags that used to follow her decided to unfollow her. I don't think many people know that, since it was mainly a thing in the italian side. But yeah, people try to make her look so classy and yada yada, but she's really not. That girl suffers from a somewhat embarrassing internalized misogyny...
ohhh the whole kettle of tea is here! 🫖🫖 thank you for the Giada insight I did not know that & that’s pretty unfortunate it go to that level after the break up, things always get messy when you’re heartbroken and start to post online. Charles’ birth chart break down and is really starting to make sense after all this lol!!! && i very very much agree with the relationship display on insta its very odd lol &&& the fuckin “yesssss babbbbyyyy” posts still make me laugh when I think of them lol, real talk tho i hope they are happy together in the long run
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gayspock · 1 year
so heres the thing yeah
ive been wanting more civilian content. however with this ep i feel like... whenever bsg does actually DO try to do it... i dont like it. LOL.
granted, its not often enough for me to really make a call on it ubt like- i dont know. im thinking of this instance, and the other instances they've involved civilian issues and like... i just have always kinda not vibed with it and..
honestly? you KNOW what i think it might be. i think it might be a case of like... i just feel like the show itself ironically has a bit of a disdain for them. do you know what i mean? i feel like when we do get to see the civilian side of things, its always as either as an a) aside to the main show or b) an inconvenience, and rarely an interesting one - not something it actually wants to explore in much depth. all the people that show up are kind of weird caricatures. the problems they bring up are kind of belittled - and not just by ppl like tigh, but kind of written off by the show itself.
which again- i call ironic because half the time theyre trying to emphasise the importance of the civilian fleet and their rights. but like... the show doesnt really take them that seriously? or present them as such???? like i think zarek is also kind of like the bigger example im thinking of here, and one of the weaker parts of the show. he's pretty much representative of all of the issues with them.
though granted OMG that- that fr sounds like im being negative as hell but gosh it might just be this episode because real talk i havent rlly actively disliked any (i found that one where ellen was introduced weird, but i didnt hate it) but oh this one sucks LOL
and again going back to that thing i said- its not even about the damn civilians. this is like.... all about apollo, really?? and going on a little side quest with him that hardly makes sense?? and can i be real? i dont HATE him i dont but like... i just dont give a shit about him. LOL. SORRY. i think i liked him in the miniseries but since then i havent really cared. he's boring me. and shit- i thought maybe, after he was vented into space, i might kind of develop an interest in him as he struggled with the fallout from that but like uhm
no ... sorry...... this is not how you endear me to him. LOL.
like what even is this... why are we giving him all these women to screw & screw over... i dont care.... and again this whole civilian plot is stupid as helllllll... like. i BELIEVE fully there's horrible shit going on in the civilian fleet- and i wanna see it properly, and explore that not like.. go on some weird murder mystery, involved with the mob... 😭and why did you kill the other pegasus bloke. i kinda liked him . THIS IS SUCH A SHAME I USUALLY LOVE IT WHEN A SHOW LIKE THIS TRIES TO GENREBEND . AND AGAIN WHY IS LEE EVEN THE ONE DOING THIS HELP THIS IS SO MESSY
especiaalllyyyy with the dodgy attempts at flash forward/flash backwards and the filters. sorry i HATE poorly used flash sequences like that - they for real give me the ick... theyre sooo clumsy even normally but here it's like 100x worse bc half of them are about nothinggggggggggg .... stop trying to be cleverrr come on you dont have to do that. kiss me instead?
bu tbh i feel like bsg might just not have the flexibility to genre bend like this. going back to that other episode i didnt like (tigh me up, tigh me down? i think?) i remember i felt like they were trying to be funny but it just came off as weird LOL and poorly done
and thats fine tbh it doesnt have to beit can just do what it does best and do it well but omg help... guyyssssss, get a grip!
anyway im gonna go finih the spidoe i just couldnt not say anything help. honestly. i cant even fault it though because like this is the first one i havent rlly liked at all . and tbh most other shows ive watched will have a load of clunkers so eh. shrug.
i will say i do hope they properly explore lee more after this bc like i said i was kinda interested in really honing in his mental state so we can get #real with the guy but i also hope we dont have to carry too much of whatever the hell else is going on here forward bc its like i dont careeee about his women why on earth
like also yeah why on earth has none of this ever come up like ok granted we dont just sit everyone down and chat like that but it just feels weird like im not talking abt his sudden shift in attitude like fuck.again i'd be ok with them exploring like. onset depression or whateber the issues are post being vented from the blackbird .BUT his girlies im so confused like if he has such a significant relationship whys it just never...... ok whatever....... ok
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fandomxo00 · 2 months
Tolerate it pt. 5 of reviewing the story of taylor and joe
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this song is about a women who is basically in a one sided relationship and is trying to do everything to get her lover's attention. she notices every little thing he does and doesnt do, she waits. when i first heard this song i didnt think it could correlate with their relationship bc when i first heard it i thought they were together and happy for all of these years even though her music proves the opposite
but its the perfect song because so far in this album its mostly been her fault for why they broken up or why things were messy. but she recognizes in this song that its not just her fault.
a theme throughout their relationship is Joe kinda not caring, or she tries so hard to keep them together to redeem their love, and he tolerates it. there is a theory going around that joe didnt like all the fame taylor had she wanted the cabin woodsy girl who did write music and had problems regulating herself but when it came to the eras tour it was the straw that broke the camel's back and he wanted to settle down, get married, have babies and start a non-public or less in his case, when in reality that isnt who taylor is. he wants her to be something she's not, or wants a part of her rather than the whole deal.
another part of me doubting it was about Joe was because she talks about this man being older, but i do get the vibe from joe that he comes off much wiser and sophisticated for his age and that could be the reason why she makes the parallel or...hear me out on this one, she's being a bit sarcastic with her lyrics, "he's so much older and wiser and ahhhh--" she says this more than once and almost in a way satire way but so much anguish, ecause i do feel that in a way he is being childish with how he acts and how he wants a certain version of her. Or that he takes things one dimensionally and can't see the full picture ---i believe that she and himself both think that he in someway is better than her
i wait by the door like im just a kid, or i greet you with a battle hero's welcome, we literally saw this in miss americana when she runs up to him after a show, running through the hallway like a child running up to their parent because they'd been apart so long...
but she does go back to the self blame when she says, "if its all in my head tell me now, tell me i got it wrong somehow." but she does have a stance knowing that she should be treated better but giving him the benefit of the doubt because someone you love shouldn't treat you poorly. so maybe something was going on with him or she was doing something wrong.
"i take your indiscrections all in good fun" going back to how he may ridicule her career, if i we're taylor swift and someone was telling me to give everything up for a guy---in the end she did the right thing in walking away when she did
"while you were out building other worlds, where was i?" feeling like she was no longer apart of his life in a way she once had, that she wasn't apart of his world, that he didnt want her to be in it. "wheres the man who'd throw blankets over my barb wire?" she doesnt regonsize this man anymore, he used to even protect her from herself and he no longer does that---she gave everything to this man and now she can barely get anything out of him, "now im begging (parallel to willow? she was begging him to come with her) for footnotes in the story of your life." she is begging him to share parts of his life when he's being closed off
he assumes everything is fine, that maybe she was reading about his success in his movies in articles rather than hearing it from him. she always felt like she was "always taking up too much space or time."
"you assume im fine but what you would do if i." is so powerful because he is content with things being one way in tis the damn season this is shown with, "if its okay with you, its okay with me." that if she can be with him and have things not be right and thats okay with joe and thats okay with her, but showing that its much more painful with, "break free and leave us in ruin, took this dagger in me and remove it, gain the weight of you to lose it. believe me i can do it" taking the pain she feels away by finally ending the relationship finally ending her misery. she's even threatening to him that im going to leave i can leave if i want to, trying to claim any power she can over him because earlier in the song she demonstrates that in someway he is superior than her, that takes her power away and now she's trying to find it again rather than keeling over and taking the abuse/neglect.
there is so much underlying anger in this song, because she knows the way she is being treated is wrong but she's taking it because she wants any part of him that she can have (shown in tis the damn season), even if its not 100 authentic and real
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howiwatchmooves · 2 years
Wednesday (2022)
   The story itself was a little bit messy at the beginning. There are too many plot lines, and there are definitely way too many characters. Some of them are useless throughout the whole series and play a bigger part in the whole action only in the end. Some of them could never exist, and we wouldn't lose anything.
   On the other hand, I liked the way all the details about the main mystery linked in the last episode, and the ending was... logical, I guess. It just was making sense, and it wasn't stupid. An antagonist had a reasonable motivation. They weren't doing all the evil stuff because they are just evil. Of course, we've got a bunch o plot twists, which I wasn't expecting as always. It was nice to be caught off guard by the show.
   Overall the plot was kinda stuffed with everything and everyone, luckily the ending set things straight and we’ve got a decent story at the end, tho I’d not say it’s extraordinary or breathtaking.
   Well... Let's start with Wednesday herself. First of all... I should've said that earlier, but the thing is, as almost 20 y.o. respectable old lady, I feel a bit too old to watch the show. And it's absolutely okay, it’s a teenage show, it wasn't made for me in the first place. I guess at 15-16 I’d would be amused by the main character, who's not like other girls, have soooooo many abilities, who's the outsider amongst the outsiders, and doesn’t give a fOck about people around, but at the same time, they are still super nice to her and would LITERALLY DIE FOR HER. Likeee... I've lived a little. I just know if someone would act that way irl, they'd probably be bullied or ignored by everyone. So why are you like that? Why are you trying so hard for her? It isn't worth it. She doesn’t send you any signals, the signals are literally -_-. Just find yourself a less toxic friend/love interest.
   I'm not saying Wednesday should be a nice, polite extrovert. Like, no, she's Wednesday Addams after all (although I’ve never watched other Adams family film adaptations, here am I, reviewing that bloody show, only because Ima a cool TikTok girl). The ugly truth is, It doesn’t make her a complex, multifaceted character, she’s just cold and rude all the time. She BARELY changes in the end, but I was hoping for more improvement. And to be completely honest pretty much everyone in this show is like that. I can’t even pick a favorite character, they’re all so... empty ig. Of course, such characters have the right to exist, I have nothing against them. I’m just more into character development, complexity, and controversy of actions (like the actions that are controversial toward the character’s belief system, not society's morals controversial, because you’ll find plenty of the last one in that show). 
Moving on to the Visuals:
   Omg, Hyde is just a big fucking joke, like how much money they had for that show? Not so much ig.
   Alright, I’m just mocking the poor kids’ show.
   I usually don’t talk about CGI in that category. The visual part of the show was fine. Colors, character design and scenography were consistent and created the right atmosphere (they should have released the show around Halloween tbh). I liked some of the Wednesday outfits, it’s classy but modern at the same time. Enid’s looks were fun too, I think I just want to dress like both of them, depending on my mood. 
   Welp, it was ok ig. Like again, I wish they should have released the show around Halloween, that would be so on point. I liked the whole mystery detective vibes, I just wish the plot would be more concentrated on that.
   There was also one really annoying thing I should mention. Like all these funny quirky things for GenZ, like mentioning Instagram and TikTok or talking about mansplaining and misogyny that doesn’t make any sense. As an official GenZ delegate, I assure you: it’s cringy, we don’t want that, don’t do that ever again pleaseee. 
The soundtrack was fine, but nothing special. 
Soooo that’s pretty much it. The show’s okay overall, I don’t regret spending some time on it, but If you won’t watch it you won’t lose much.
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absintheancandle · 2 years
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takes your gacha game sexymen and doesnt even realize theyre sexymen until its too late. like unironically i dont interact with fandom that much so i kinda just went 👀 and then i go on tumblr and go. ah. so they’re sexymen. that would make sense. not negatively tho. i still like em :)
yeah though heres some characterization ideas for my own personal use or somethin. au where i ignore how the games work and also they all survived and met up later for whatever reason. like a post-game au. or maybe no-game au? i havent thought aboutt it much yet.
these aren’t really supposed to be redesigns and moreso just. like. afterwards???? change up their looks a little to different amounts :)
more info under the cut + joseph’s design too that didnt really fit with the main post
okay sorry i don’t have much information that’s coherent but heres a lot of messy info dumping hehe i do personally think that aesol and andrew probably end up owning and working at a funeral home-type thing together. someone else has probably had this idea but i wouldn’t know. i think it’s cute either way.   aesol and edgars relationship is they’d fight each other in an alleyway at midnight and then go out and get 1900s mcdonalds afterwards.   luca actively collects people around him for fun i think. luca and edgar DO love each other but i honestly think edgar has difficulty properly attaching to people and having his feelings towards others actually consistent.   luca’s changed a lot mostly off of vibes. like i think he would’ve went yknow what this prison shirt actually kinda fucks. and just ends up looking like a guy that doesn’t 100% belong in his era but he literally has the same clothes that would be available at the time? not sure what to say there. ALSO i made his braces look a bit more like braces i think. looking at vintage leg braces is very fun :)!   andrew’s is mostly the same except more pink-based because it fits better i think?? instead of a purple flower he just gets to have flower patterning on his coat. also his coat is actually worn open now   aesol’s outfit is honestly inspired by his trickster costume only because like. jackets worn as capes FUCK like all hell dude come ON don’t even lie about that. also more flower patterning bc hehe yellow roses :) andrew and him are supposed to somewhat match edgar and victor have barely changed but i like the small changes i made :)   ALSO JOSEPH IS THERE . i didnt put him on the lineup bc the art style didn’t match 100% and made it look weird but here:  
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giving joseph more updated clothing too? i might end up changing it more later on but. im obsessed with the idea of people from The Past getting accustomed to “modern day” (even if that modern day is. 1900). THINKS ABOUT HOW DELIGHTED HE’D BE TO SEE 1900S-MODERN CAMERA TECHNOLOGY. take your local 1830s weirdly tall debatably immortal man with no social skills clothes shopping! this will not go bad.
au where your guys weren’t in their proper dedicated games, all survived, and also decided to steal a hunter along the way. he is mildly disgruntled and upset about it but one (1) guy showed him a little bit of kindness (sat next to him and said nothing) and he went. i am following you now, actually. and aesols like. okay. sure i guess. everyone else is like WHY . WHERE DID YOU FIND HIM WAIT. WHY IS HE HERE   WH.    WHY
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i don’t think it’d be like a “ohhh redemption he’s a soft guy now” because honestly like except for victor and somewhat luca, all these people are incredibly fucked up. why would He become more ~nice~ or whatever. theyre all just like “okay dont trap ME in a photograph and we’ll be fine.” and he’s like. fucking whatever. killjoy. what if you LIKED being in the photograph, huh? what then? bitch. except said in fancy 1830s words. mm also im making them all lgbt. bites you
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(edit: apparently you cannot click to see a bigger version of this image. I DONT KNOW WHY?? i’ll probably post it individually later) victor: transmasc, gay, asexual (sex favourable) luca: polyam, omniro/sexual (masc-leaning) andrew: polyam, bi(?), aceflux, greyromantic. however i think these might change im not 100% sure on them mostly because like. he’s got issues that results in him just. Not Knowing Much. simply never thought about it aesol: polyam, nonbinary, transmasc, bi, asexual (sex neutral). edgar: transmasc, gay joseph is transmasc but i think it’s in a way where he simply never thought about it. like hes from the 1830s or something like. there was no Trans there was just simply going yknow what. actually. call me something else or i will Kill you because i have a sickass sword and am also part of nobility. like him and his twin are both trans and it was literally just like “you can’t do that, what about your image as nobility!” “okay but what about this sword i could stab you with.” also he’s definitely mlm but what kind? guess we’ll never know. that’s okay. he has a sword also giving andrew elhers danlos syndrome. he uses his shovel as a mobility aid sometimes without really realizing that’s what it is. he just leans on it a lot bc it makes him hurt less. they’re all mentally ill in different ways and some physically disabled and i love it!!
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bell4donn4 · 2 years
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Author note: I can finally post this 😩Honestly I’m very happy of how it turned out ehehe.Anyways as usually I want to say that English is not my first language so I’m sorry for the mistakes.
Tw: swearing (?) and nothing else I think. There are not any nsfw part, but mention of kissing ofc.
(I used fem! pronouns for the reader)
── ──── ──── JOOYEON ──── ──── ──
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Where do I even start
You would be the center of his world.
This man would wake up in the morning just to make you smile
He would show his affection by annoying you 24/7
Alwasy so excited to see you, would became immediately happy every time you’re around.
Your phone gallery would be filled by stupid photos of him, like the one with the beard filter.
Would show you around like a trophy cause you’re just too pretty and he has to slap other people in the face with the “yup I’m her boyfriend” expression.
And so because of that he would love pda, for him is just another way to let people know that you’re his, and also cause he just needs physical touch. He just cannot let you go even for two seconds.
He needs a lot of attention, and would start pouting like a child if you don’t hug him or kiss him enough.
Kissing him is a mess (just like him), and long messy make out section are a everyday thing^^
The kiss would probably start off as normal, and then he’ll lead the whole thing into a make out session.
Smirks while kissing you.
Like whenever you take pause from the kiss he pulls away and look at you smirking.
Also eye contact^^ and if you’re not able to keep it it’s even better for him, cause he can tease you about it.
teasing is also another way he shows his love for you. He likes to make you go crazy, or to see you mad.
(Tho he would never do something that could make you actually mad. He would never hurt you <3)
── ──── ──── JUN HAN ──── ──── ──
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I feel like being in a relationship with him would be something incredibly unique
Everything would be so delicate, and soft.
He laughs a lot, a sometimes he’ll be so energetic, that It’d kinda surprise you.
You couldn’t help but smile softly at him while he does random things, because he’s just so effortlessly adorable.
We know that he has problems expressing himself, so I feel like he would be scared to not show that he loves you enough, so he would randomly say it, in the most precious and innocent way, just needing you to know.
Like you’re chilling in your room doing whatever and you randomly get a text from him “ i love you”
Long late night talks^^ where the two of you just sit next to each other, talking about everything and anything, going through deep subjects and sharing thoughts, feelings and doubts, not about your relationship, but about life.
So because of that I think that he’ll take you on star gazing dates. Maybe on a roof, or at the beach. Any place it’s fine as longs as it is very quiet and isolated, so that the two of you can be together in peace.
Soft kisses. That’s it.
He would give little pecks, or really short, soft and gentle kisses, but they would be so full of love, and he would look at you with a puppy face after every kiss, and you’d just smile, because he’s just the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
He is kinda shy about pda, and would probably only do little things like holding your hand in public, but loves to cuddles when the two of you are alone.
I feel like at one point he would start acting very clingy, and probably loves physical touch. He just very affectionate with you and needs to be cuddled up.
Also long hugs^^ where he would bury his head in your neck, and would just stay like that, hiding his face in your neck, inhaling your perfume.
── ──── ──── GUNIL ──── ──── ──
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Ok so first of all, everything with him would be so passionate
He gives off passionate but kinda timid vibe
Would be down for everything you ask him, he would always try to do everything to make you happy.
He would always try to make you smile, even if that means making himself ridiculous.
Would legit do the most embarrassing shit just to see you laugh you laughs, and he’s so adorable while doing it.
Your relationship would be private, but not secret.
People knows you’re together but don’t know almost anything about your business.
Also cause there’s almost nothing to know, no drama or anything of that kinda between the two of you.
There’s such an intellectual connection between you, that leads in plainly healthy relationships.
You guys have like the married couple kinda of thing, even if sometimes he still act like a child, but then again, he does it not in bad or immature way, but in the most adorable and cute way possible, just killing you with his innocents and cuteness.
I feel like he never had his first kiss before you, and he tries his best to match your pace; but sometimes he would mess up, and would probably apologise in a whisper right after.
His kisses are kinda messy (cause yk he still trying to improve) but overall full of passion (yes I’m using this word and this word only for him)
When it comes to pda he does the normal stuff only, like hugging, holding hands and arm over the shoulder. When it comes to kisses, only little pecks and nothing more in public cause he gets shy.
── ──── ──── ODE ──── ──── ──
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I saw someone say this once and it stuck with me, Pinterest couple bitches.
Matching outfits, matching pfp, matching jewelry, MATCHING EVERYTHING.
His Instagram (just like yours) would be full of pictures together, that literally look downloaded from Pinterest.
You are the IT couple of the city, and would probably have like a yt channel together or something like that.
He would take you and the cutest dates/trips and make a vlog out of it.
Everyone knows about you and everybody is envious, cause cute photos and videos aside you are the most lovely couple ever.
Your energy is unmatchable and literally everybody would die to have something like that.
I’m gonna have to say it again he would take you on the cutest dates ever; coffe shop date, amusement park, trips in a big foreign city, going shopping at the mall, trying new restaurants together. ALL OF THAT GOOD STUFF YK.
When it comes to pda, he’s okay with it, very ok I would say. He would kiss you, hug you or whatever, also cause yk going always on those dates mean having to get used to people watching you or in general just being around you. But again he’s okay with showing off to the whole world, just would get a bit shy infront of his friends.
── ──── ──── GAON ──── ──── ──
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This man would die for you.
That’s literally the first thing that came into my mind.
He tries to show off but he’s actually pretty insicure, and doesn’t realise how amazing he is, so you would be the one who would always remind him of that.
He would be very affectionate, and honestly even if maybe it doesn’t exactly seem like (even tho he tries his best to show it) you are his whole entire world, and he would die for you.
His feelings would be really deep, and pure.
He would have heart in his eyes whenever he looks at you.
Idk he’s just the purest angel.
I feel like he would take you on like skating dates, and the straight to Mc Donald’s right after.
You would make and absolute mess together, just pure chaos.
The kinda of couple that would go to the children playground really late at night just to go on the swings and all the other things together; and maybe even accidentally break something.
His Christmas gift would be matching meme t-shirts, literally the most horrible but hilarious shit ever. and you guys would wear it all the times.
The kisses with him start off pretty normal, but then would lead into a messy little make out sessions, but honestly I feel like he would follow your pace so that is up to you.
If you ever asked him to put on a maid costume for you, he would say yes without thinking about it twice. Just cause you asked.
And this is just an example to say that he’ll do whatever you ask him.
Se yeah he would definitely follow your lead, especially during kissing.
── ──── ──── JUNGSU ──── ──── ──
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He would be a soft baby.
I know he has a lot of times where he looks confident and kinda cold (that was the first impression that I got from him) but he’s actually a sweet heart
He loves physical touch, and that is probably also how he shows love.
I feel like sometimes he would get shy about pda, especially in front of his friends, and then other times where he wouldn’t give a shit and just needs to be held in long, lovely hugs.
Soft gentle make out session^^ Where you would be sitting in front of each other, his hands on your cheek and the other holding yours.
Sometimes he would pull away and look at your puffy lips, and then immediately smile.
I feel like the best things for him is to cuddle up with you in the couch while watching kdramas.
Whenever he takes you and dates etc he would always take random photos or videos of you doing the most random things. Not to post them anywhere or anything like that, but just to keep them to himself.
He likes to go through them whenever he’s feeling sad, or stressed.
You make him feel better all the time, he feels immediately relieved whenever he’s with you.
He would be very affectionate, and would need a lot of attention.
He constantly needs to be reassured, and supported. He thinks he’s not enough, especially when it comes to singing, playing etc. so he really needs to be showered with compliments to feel better, or else he would start to doubt about himself even more than he usually do.
Your opinion for him is what counts the most.
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