#that's gonna be my fic tag at this point lmao
optiwashere · 5 months
Anotheropti's Femslash February 2024
OK, so I have something of a problem and apparently the only cure is writing for these monthlong fic challenges. This time it won't be every day, but it is a a fair bit of femslash. We as a fandom deserve far more F/F works, and I'm nothing if not dedicated to the task.
Most of the prompts are taken from the list by @doomedgirls in this post.
The prompt for the 14th is part of BG3 Valentine's Day! That one was taken from this list posted by @baldursgays3.
The prompts, ratings, and ships for each fic I'll be doing are under the break. I'll be posting on my AO3 as usual and I'll update this with links as I post the fics. All fics are for Baldur's Gate 3.
Asheera is my primary Tav. I write just an awful lot about my favorite trans fem half-orc paladin, and she's naturally taking up half the prompts. If you're interested, you can see some (spoilerish) screenshots of her here! And some art of her...
Here, here, and here! 💜
February 1: Morning after (Shadowheart/Asheera - Rated M)
February 4: Lipstick (Nocturne/Shadowheart - Rated T)
February 7: Letters (Aylin/Isobel - Rated T)
February 9: So close (Shadowheart/Asheera - Rated E)
February 10: Reckless (Shadowheart/Karlach - Rated M)
February 12: Meeting the family (Shadowheart/Asheera - Rated G)
February 14: Collars + Restraints (Shadowheart/Asheera - Rated E)
February 16: Rain (Allandra Grey/OC - Rated E)
February 18: Transformation (Araj/OC - Rated E)
February 19: Quid pro quo (Nine-Fingers/Amira - Rated E)
February 22: Hands (Shadowheart/Asheera - Rated E)
February 25: Everything (Shadowheart/Asheera - Rated E)
February 28: Freedom (Minthara/Lae'zel - Rated M)
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orcelito · 6 months
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: Trigun (Anime & Manga 1995-2008) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Millions Knives & Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Meryl Stryfe & Vash the Stampede, Milly Thompson & Vash the Stampede Characters: Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Millions Knives (Trigun), Midvalley the Hornfreak (Trigun), Meryl Stryfe, Milly Thompson Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It, Trigun Maximum Spoilers, like bigtime. as in up to chapter 94 spoilers. you have been warned., Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, Minor Character Death, previous major character death, (it's a time travel au. y'all know what happened in the original lol), Mental Health Issues, aka Vash's canon awful coping, Trans Male Character, it's both of them. t4t vashwood 5ever, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Timeline Fuckery, Implied/Referenced Sex, Smoking, Plants Shenanigans, reusing that tag lol, Alcohol, Slow Burn, so slow burn the burn isnt even starting for 6 years and 17 manga chapters, the vashwood will be here eventually lol, Background Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson, Suicidal Thoughts, Panic Attacks Summary:
With the power of a thousand souls, anything was possible.
Vash was determined to make this time count.
ITNL update !!!
someone Very Important is finally here B)
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easyaesthetics · 1 year
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Imitates human behaviors to an uncanny degree, Akira remembers from the lab notes. Mimic skill on par with any natural predator that imitates another animal to lure in prey.
Scene from the amazing mermaid fic, I like to think I’m a good person by @relationshipcrimes (READ THE TAGS BEFORE BEGINNING)
#this fic has been driving me insane - every time I’ve seen my cat go near my bathtub for the last few days I’ve had a panic response LMAO#<- if u want to know why I did then read the fic but also check the tags bcuz it’s… FUCKED up#this little scene is near the start so it looks very cute and wholesome but um. it’s. not.#ANYWAY so sorry about the inaccurate backgrounds 😔 Akechi is in the containment tank at this point of the fic NOT the bathtub…#but unfortunately I can’t craft an entire military-grade fish tank from scratch bcuz I hv to study lol#which is a shame cuz I hv a really clear vision of it in my head lmao#anyway peep Akechi’s little braids and freckles heheheh. so sweet. so human…. (:#also tumblr butchered the quality so u can’t see his teeth very well in the first pic but they are. a little spiky. :)))#also I may or may not be making another sprite edit of Akechi & Akira at the END of the fic but those r gonna take a while bcuz [SPOILERS]#I like to think I’m a good person#persona#persona 5#p5#persona 5 royal#p5r#persona 5 fanfiction#goro akechi#akira kurusu#ren amamiya#shuake#akeshu#mine#anyway this fic slaps in a very haunting type of way so read it asap (if ur ok w the content warnings)#oh for the record the dots on his chest & shoulders aren’t freckles they’re scale texturing lol#I also messed w the portrait dimensions so u could see mermaid Akechi better… so I couldn’t standardise the sizing like usual 😭#so if it looks a little wonky that’s why 🙇‍♀️😭 apologies
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sydbarrettism · 1 month
🔥 pink floyd fanfiction
i have a lot of thoughts about pf fanfics so uhh sorry if this gets long and rant-y im just very opinionated #peaceandlove
idk if it's unpopular but a good chunk of the ones in ao3 are umm... not exactly the level of writing im used to compared to some my other fandoms. to put it nicely. (mainly talking about the slash fics) there are okay ones, but the best fic i read in ao3 was essentially a gen fic.. so... Yeah. anyway i've read a lot of good ones in livejournal but trying to navigate that site was like using a metal detector to find treasure and it's either i get a gold coin or some random piece of metal
also in the ao3 sphere i think that we need more fics about the guys being in messy unlabeled situationships rather than anything about them being loving boyfriends to each other (exceptions may apply in moderation). i don't think these guys have the emotional intelligence to say "i love you" to each other in a way that feels like they're in a normal romantic relationship do you get what i'm saying?
anyway that's all what i've thought of for now thank u for sending me this ask 🫶
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Random headcanon/au thing brought to you directly from my brain:
Swan hybrid Jack Rose
Like mans just straight up has wings (swan wings ofc, they're red with pink tips because i Do Not Care about realism but instead about color schemes and vibes). Little down feathers in his hair. Talons as nails. Perhaps even tail feathers? And definitely feathered ears
Like,,,, imagine the fluff potential y'all.
Or better yet... Imagine the angst potential
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noahtally-famous · 11 months
an irl told me two months ago that leonave is like the st ship steddie but in a more ‘unhinged, enemies to lovers, with theater kids’ way, and I’ve not been able to fully stop thinking abt that ever since, so here I am ready to see if she’s got a point or not by watching some steddie scenes
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xx-vergil-xx · 1 year
first lines/last fics x 10
the most wonderful @pellaaearien tagged me <3 
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway. 
im gonna cheat a little –– at the moment I only have four published fics/ WIPs (at least, four that survived the Great Purge when my hs deleted my school-affiliated google drive acct >:( ), so I'm gonna quietly count hounds’ latest chapter as a new thing (it may as well be with how goddamn long it’s taking me) and throw in a few starter lines from non-fandom poems/prose I’ve worked up lately :)
hounds ch. I –– There are parts of his life Hob Gadling sometimes wishes to forget.
hounds ch. XLII –– It feels too lonely, he decides, to be itinerant for the holidays –– and there is a new bounty of flora blooming between his ribs, a richness of petal-soft, fine-veined feeling, that makes him less jittery, less inclined to running.
sanctus dentes/canem dei –– “You don’t love me.”
l’enfer, le ciel –– April in Paris, 1934.
tidings of comfort and joy –– “Perfect weather for a ride,” says Squire Teleute de Morte Endelēas.
and here’s the non-fandom stuff <3
our lady of august –– August of ‘92 is like living in the mouth of a dog.
the saint of the mouth and the 32 teeth –– And on the 1st day, my Lord-God furnished his mouth-saint / with the fruit-cutters, the castanets and rabbit-chatterers, / and he speaketh thus ––
hagiography of st. mawr –– Arise, you cant’ring colt –– you foam-mouthed maw, / bedecked in jockey’s blood.
james dean –– You Speedster slugger, ye of turned-up collar, eyes / retaining stares all soft and swoony –– pass the crown / –– or sanguine jacket –– like a sainted relic down / for us, not quite so suave (misangled grins) our guise / a touch disjoint.
shame and country hunting –– Oh my chosen pillar, I loved and love you like a dog, / all fine incisors. 
tagging the homies, the loves, the lights of souls!!  as ever, not a jot of obligation –– we are neighbors in an indie coming-of-age film where our bedroom windows face each other and this is a wave from my window to yours @fishfingersandscarves, @dancinbutterfly, @wordsinhaled, @menthol-drops, @wizardofgoodfortune, @ghostboyjules, @moorishflower, @aberfaeth, @teejaystumbles, @mandolinearts <3 <3 <3
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bonestrouslingbones · 7 months
sigh. ebony's birthday is at some point this month isnt it.
sigh. i'm not gonna be able to get this idea to combine that with a sort of last hurrah to finally kill off the ask blog format for atbb out of my head am i.
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ivorydice · 1 year
heads up 7 up
Tagged by: @oftincturedwords (thank you!! <333)
Rules: post the last seven sentences from one of your WIPs! i’m not going to say it has to be the absolute last seven sentences you’ve written - just from something you’re still working on.
Note: I literally just started this on Friday night because I need a break from my main fics which all seem big and super angsty and are ganging up on me, and this fic is the dumbest thing I've ever written and I'm having such a blast with it lmaoooo here's a bit that keeps making me cackle
Good boy! Umbra’s tail thumps against the dock and he pants, enjoying the petting along his fur. It’s nice, it’s wonderful even, but it can’t last forever, and, sure enough, Lunafreya pulls away, getting to her feet with a soft sigh.
There's a sly glint in Pryna's eyes as she comes closer and sits, and her happy panting is a little too smug as Lunafreya approaches her. Umbra can see her tactics already, the way she’ll take advantage of his absence. Extra pets, extra treats! Opportunist! Scoundrel!
Tagging (with zero pressure): @promptos-barcode, @avianscribe, @kaelinaloveslomaris, @every-lemon, @quartzguts, @amiyade @breakfastteatime, @marmolita and anyone else who wants to do this *bonk* you're tagged!
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batmoniker · 1 year
Bestie: Yeah my boyfriend doesn't do fandom. He's pretty disconnected from nerdy stuff and social media
His boyfriend, messaging me directly about 911: I just think Buck and Eddie should be together!! It's killing me!! Why can't they be gay??
Me, finally replying at midnight: *sends seven tumblr links of gifsets and talks about fanfiction*
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andorerso · 2 years
tagged by @captastra and @fulcrumstardust
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.  
haha well... I have a few
RO Crew Exchange
RC Secret Santa
Blood Red Rose
Practical Magic AU
Jyn on Ferrix
Orion’s Belt
Forced marriage
Regency AU
Good Behavior AU
Divorced zombie AU
Love in the Villa
The Krennics
tagging whoever wants to be tagged, idk, I’m too lazy
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OH about the finale at the shrine, this completely slipped my notice when we were talking about it, but Ichi says he's "reporting" Jo's verdict to both Arakawa and Masato. It's just not translated that way.
Not too big of a difference (well, it is to me, but I'm insane), but if it was highlighting anything, I'd guess it's probably Masato's change of heart. It would've been fair for Ichi to assume Masato wouldn't care and only "report" to Arakawa, but in the context of Ichi doing his damnedest to show Masato they all love him, it works in terms of, "Maybe I made him reconsider, and maybe now he would care."
Also... I'm looking at it in a "measured" way, since the chapter trophies are always just standard "Nth Chapter Cleared" messages that the localization team just spices up for us, but there's something I find really poignant about the Chapter 13 trophy being worded as "Fate of Our Fathers." The pluralization of both the noun and pronoun. Realizations that come too late.
Of course, Masato definitely didn't "know" and had no real reason to suspect it, but the Arakawas have this bizarre subconscious almost-psychic link. So even if he doesn't really think so, there's this sense that Ichi "might as well" be Arakawa's "real" son because they're so much more alike. And maaaybe he felt that way about Jo and himself at one point, because (as we've discussed) there has to be a reason Jo was Masato's "favorite."
[Follow up to this ask]
#snap chats#yeah i have no real notes sorry LMAO LIKE THIS IS GOOD ON ITS OWN YK. every base is covered#LIKE nothing i could say could really enhance anything or add much. god im so bad at words i should drop dead right now#i can reaffirm that masato definitely sees ichi as arakawass 'real' son if his whole 'you remind me of dad' bit is anything to go off of#thats a weird line/sentiment now aint it#masato didnt consider him and ichi as family and ergo he's angry at how similar ichi and arakawa are#i guess that's more of a deep-dive into that hypothetical masato essay ill probably never get to- why masato hates arakawa like he does#about 'fate of /our/ /fathers/' tho thats def an interesting point no matter how you slice it#'our fathers' could refer to arakawa and sawashiro and ichi and masato respectively#i.e. masumi- ichi's bio father and sawashiro- masato's bio father- and what happens to them by the end of the game yk#there's an alt way to see if as both arakawa and sawashiro as both ichi and masato's fathers#though im gonna chewing my cheek on that one. sure we've compared sawashiro to an abusive stepparent#idk... i think it's just cause ichi shows up well into his teens that it doesnt register in my brain that sawashiro could be a father figur#but thats MY personal dumb ass rambling im just here to vaguely try to interpret the title in multiple ways to cover everything#moving on tho... the use of 'our' prevents 'fathers' referring to only one of them . so. Aforementioned Possibilities have been listed#making it sound like i have anything else to say I DONT I ALREADY SAID EVERYTHING dummy. putting myself in the dunce corner#on that note. hopefully it finally got through to masato how much people loved him before he got ganked#i mean for sure it did but yk. still mad about y7 ending im gonna kill someone In Minecraft#'i have nothing else to say' LIAR YOU ARE A LIAR !!!!! THE FUCK ARE THESE TAGS STUPID ASS#anyway im going back to my google doc. im almost done with another cringe fic. sorry#BYE
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kaluawoo · 2 years
What is it about Servamp in particular that keeps giving me new rarepairs?? Like I have some in other fandoms but Servamp is unique in just how many.
#I keep waiting for the point in my Nart rewatch where I end up rotating a character the wrong way and ending with a new ship but nada#Like maybe one or two but but meanwhile in Servamp they just Keep On Coming like. why where are u coming from.#i just finished Jun x Tsubaki and now I added Jeje x Gear and Yumi x Youtarou to my list I'm???#I know we on Tumblr like to say ''I want to study/dissect this person's brain'' but at this point#The one whose brain I wanna dissect is me WHERE ARE THESE IDEAS COMING FROM WHY ARE THERE SO MANY??#Guess these characters will have to smooch each other in increasingly unlikely combinations. For some reason.#Also why do I end up with so many Jeje ships. Why is my brain so determined to make people smooch Jeje.#I've written him with... Mikuni Tsurugi Belkia Shamrock... Started one with him and Nicco... Aforementioned Gear in my Todos...#I may only have one brain cell but it is a very determined brain cell#It just aims its determination in weird directions#Welp I didn't mean for this to end up in the tag/search but I'm too lazy to go back and censor all that so uh. So be it I guess.#At least I remembered censoring Nart that fandom is somehow still intimidating#Maybe my brain cell is gonna get Activated by that show once Akatsooki shows up. I do remember being very obsessed with them lmao#And they do have what was it? 12? members that are all about the same-ish age range iirc. give or take one-two. So lots of possible combos#Maybe after that the Nart fandom also turns less intimidating lmao#But I need more Characterization Refreshers before I start writing Fic
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imwritesometimes · 2 years
looking at the dono.linc a03 tag like 'hmmm wish there was new stuff to read here' yet being completely unable to make any new stuff
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halorocks1214 · 2 years
me deleting the tumblr bookmark on my computer and the app on my homescreen the night before bcuz i wanted to force myself into a break since i wasn’t feel great about Other Things getting back online One Time to check my notifs before i go to bed
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#so. ive been pretty detatched from m/c/y/t as a whole recently. not to the point that ill abandon fics#but enough that i only engage with content directly on my dash (no going into the tags is what im saying)#for now im just gonna chill. maybe write those other fandom fics i mentioned on my writing blog since the hobbies taking up most of my time#have been wrung a little dry lol#mostly im just gonna wait and see how this plays out. i plan to start writing for m/c/y/t again eventually of course#as for d/s/m/p related stuff that could be Officially Done Finally.#any completed fic will stay up. the WIPS will at the very least be orphaned (if not outright deleted)#this is worse case scenario Everything Plays Out Badly tho (i guess if you can say it hasnt already)#i think im gonna fully uninstall/logout. i didnt want to logout bcuz resigning in is annoying but that looks like what its gonna take F#mutuals feel free to ask for my discord over a tumblr ask in case any of yall wanna talk while im Offline and Touching Grass For Once#regardless of mutual status if you wanna send in an ask i might pop in to answer it and then pop back out#mainly because i rarely get asks anyway LMAO i highly doubt ill get any now#i say use an ask bcuz i get emails for those. comments and/or dms dont reach me outside of tumblr#i think what will bring me back the soonest is if i actually sit down and watch cour 2 of season two for t/&/b YES I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET#cringefail moment i know#otherwise thats basically where ive been. i have a bunch of funny videos saved in my likes that ill queue for yall#as well as some fandom posts in my drafts ill sprinkle in there#drink water stay safe etc etc#i will see yall on the flipside <3#oh also b4 i forget VOTE SNIFFER
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soft-spooks · 2 years
LAYING on the floor staring at the ceiling etc etc
#im thinking abt anti again but i have no coherent ideas im just. rotating him in my mind . hes in the michaelwave#ive watched so many clips im out of clips to watch so now i just have. all the ideas in my brain hut#i cant writeee and i cant draw rn so im just. lays here#i want. to kiss him on the forehead.#i want him to kiss ME on the forehead. give me a hug i am touch starved and need attention or i am going to die#<< i am being dramatic for attention. hangs upside down off thr couch like im sufferingggggggg pay attention to meeeeee#i need ideas i need. words to write with. im like halfway through two fics and i dont wanna work on either one#but also if i start a new one thats not gonna get done weither!!!!!!!#and im hyperfixed on a limited time mobile game event rn so i cant executive my functions enough to draw until thats over#sighhhhhhh#i think he shouldddddd play with my hair my hair is soooo soft today#AND there was another snap.c.ub/e g/o.wstream so im watching that vod and its soo comfy its a CRIME that i am here in mydumb apt by myself#<< gonna start sensoring like everything in my tags now bc ive been having problems wirh.#random non selfship blogs interacting w these posts and it makes me. so very paranoid considering. the first time#hdhfjdhsjdndj#<< was sent a bunch of suibaiting asks when i first started my original blog a few years ago bc of my 🔪posting#that fandom suck s so much . heart emoji. makes looking up cute pictures of him so very hard i am THRIVING#off of the collection ive got saved on my phone from like 2018 lmao#anyway. i have reached the point of just. rambling now. hi im soo bored#gnawing @ the bars of my enclosure i need ENRICHMENT
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