#that's his out-loud knee-jerk reaction anyway
starchivist · 2 years
Baby Kenobi
i don’t know how to write serious summaries/synopses, so you get this: obi-wan gets ambushed with the daughter he didn’t know he fathered while she’s roaming the galaxy looking for mama in a sort of reverse finding nemo. shenanigans and accidental fix-its ensue.
warning for below the cut: none that i can think of, aside from an extremely confused narrator
Stitchup hates everything about this.
“Look, sir, we’re just travelers,” he insists to the trio of bounty hunters, simultaneously glad for and resenting that this mission required he be in civilian clothes and not his plastoid shell. Behind him, General Kenobi is calm and still, letting Stitchup be the focus of the standoff. After all, Stitchup might have a face that’s repeated by a few billion others, but that can be fixed with a bit of contouring — and the hunters are from a race of sentients that are wired more for overarching shapes than small details, meaning his voice is the thing most likely to give him away as a clone in this situation. Jedi High General Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand — his face is far more singular, and his accent is very distinct, which means he has a much higher chance of being recognized if he speaks up.
The hunters buzz, clearly unconvinced. “Sure,” the lead hunter says, the translator at their throat crackling faintly. “Listen, bucko, you can’t seriously think we’re that stupid. General Kenobi’s ship crashed here, and I can’t think of any other reason for a clone trooper to be here. Can you?”
Motherfucker. He’s been suppressing his accent, dammit! “I’m not a trooper,” he tries, knowing his General is about to do something idiotic if he can’t de-escalate and get them out of here. “I’m just a traveling doctor,” he says levelly. “That’s all.”
The lead hunter buzzes again, derision dripping from their stance. They take a step closer—
“Papa,” a young voice says, and only sheer professionalism save Stitchup from jumping about a mile in the air. He turns to see a small humanoid girl trotting up to General Kenobi with Great Purpose, going right up to him and tugging on his sleeve. “Papa,” she says again, a soft, chirping rumble beneath her voice. “I can’t find the right tools — they’re all for droids ‘n engines.”
To Stitchup’s utter shock, General Kenobi doesn’t miss a single beat before playing along, bending down to meet the girl and chirping back.
“That’s alright, Anate,” he says gently, his Coruscanti accent somehow completely gone and replaced with something else. “We’ll just keep looking, yes?” Then he makes this — crooning, trilling sound, and the girl responds in kind with a warbling purr.
“Okay,” the girl says, reaching out her arms when General Kenobi stands in the universal request to be picked up. Again, General Kenobi plays along as flawlessly as if the two of them had rehearsed this beforehand, scooping her into his arms and settling her against his chest with a quiet “Hup!” She makes another purring noise, shuffling as best as she can to get more comfortable, then finally turns her attention to Stitchup and the bounty hunters. “Hi,” she says, peering at the hunters past thick, feathery white hair that covers half her face. “Are you policemen?”
The droning buzz of the hunters is, this time, very clearly uncomfortable. “Policemen,” the hunter on the left echoes carefully, stepping forward and crouching, their blaster holstered in the same movement. “Sorry, kid, my translator doesn’t recognize that. Wanna tell me what that means?”
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k9wa · 3 months
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⠀ — “you get all excited for me to fix you up and call you a good boy.”
⠀ OR
⠀ — a sensitive spot during a repair leaves him melting into your callused little hands.
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⚠︎ mechanic!reader, so much flirting im kind of sick, he whimpers i have an agenda, this is like 90% dialogue sorry, he wants u sooo bad. wc 1k, from this req.
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“y’know darlin,” boothill managed to breathe out through a taut jaw and clenched teeth. “you bein’ this close ain’t exactly helpin’ me focus none.”
your fingers were slow, careful, precise as they pushed a few tiny wires apart, giving view deeper inside the little panel on boothill’s throat.
the position you two stood in was one all too familiar, boothill perched on your workbench with you between his thighs— the only new variables being your face way closer than he’s used to and your fingers proding around in his surprisingly sensitive wires.
it was an…odd sensation, to say the least. a small unpleasant stinging that simultaneously stimulated a rather pleasant shiver up his back with every small poke.
“time and place, cowboy.”
you responded quietly, tone a little flat with your tease from concentration.
“can’t help lettin’ my mind— wander, can i now?” his breath hitched a bit as you nicked a particularly touchy wire.
“if you let me finish this,” you lifted your head enough to meet his eyes, free hand gently smoothing out the crease in his brow. “i’ll let you show me just how wild your imagination can get.”
boothill bit back a scruff chuckle at that. 
“that enough incentive for you to sit still?”
“well, i reckon that’s plent— mmgh!”
a pair of mechanical hands tightly grab onto your hips as his shoulders tense, a knee-jerk result of your tweezers finding the out of place wire you’d been looking around for.
your hands paused, opting to ignore the way he audibly whimpered for raising your gaze a second time to check on him.
“you hangin’ in there?”
boothill’s fingers flexed as they held onto you, relaxing from squeezing your pants to a more gentle cradle of your hips.
“you know,” he swallowed thickly— as if his throat could even dry out, likely just a natural reflex— “you got a way of makin’ fixin’ me up feel real special.”
the slight waver to his voice isn’t lost on your ears— it was quite loud in them, actually.
“i’m hangin’ in fine, don’t worry your pretty head none.”
carefully retracting your tweezers, you stood up straight enough to lightly push his hat up, giving view to his face and cupping your hand over a blue-hued cheek.
“wanna take a break?” 
he nearly had to clutch his chest with the gentle concern that laced your tone.
boothill knew he was flushed, was purposefully avoiding looking you in the eye because a few pokes to some sensitive spots had him sliding his hands to your waist like a lifeline— not that what he could distantly feel of your skin against the synthesised nerves of his palms weren’t doing much to cool him off anyway. but he did…relax, somewhat. 
he always enjoyed when you’d touch his face, getting to feel all the unique little details of you; the gentle drum of your pulse and the little calluses from your tools. it somehow always manages to make the tension in his body ebb away, draining with an exhale that lightly fans against your wrist.
he shook his head with a quiet clear of his throat— another unnecessary function that served more as a tick than anything.
“nah, nah i’m alright.” he assured. it didn’t make him any less embarrassed to be having such a reaction. 
big bad criminal until you get a little too fudgin’ touchy, apparently.
“let’s just get this finished up, yeah? maybe we can move onto somethin’ more pleasant.”
your thumb gave two gentle taps to his cheekbone before it pulled away, reaching for your tweezers for the nth time.
“that’s my boy.”
oh how boothill’s chest bloomed at the simple praise, the endearing ‘my’ that slipped in with it licking up his ribs and curling to rest along where a drumming heart should have been.
“jus’ be gentle with me, will ya sugar plum?”
“you know i've always got ya.”
each plug or untangle of a little yellow or red cable had his systems humming, fingers occasionally curling into your hips every time a little surge left him biting his cheek a little harder.
“we’re almost done,” your voice is icing on an already cavity-inducing cake, though he’ll gladly take a toothache if it’s for you. “just a little longer.”
boothill was going fist to fist and losing with the urge to completely melt under your deft fingers.
“…keep talkin’ to me,” he requested with a murmurmurmur, cautious not to move too much. “helps me stay on t—” he had to bite back another whimper, cheek going between his teeth and eyes going to the ceiling. “—task.”
boothill didn’t miss the little tug of your lips.
“you know, you do this thing when you get shy.” you mused quietly, breath meeting the shell of his ear. “you bite your cheek ‘n look away. it’s cute.”
boothill couldn’t help but let out a breathy chuckle at your deduction. he tried to regain some of his composure, though the colour in his cheeks continued to betray him.
“i don’t know ‘bout shy,” he rumbled, keeping his voice steady as he could. “but i’ll take cute if it means i get to hear you keep sweet talkin’ me. keep this up and i might start enjoyin’ these repairs a lil too much.”
his voice was a little strained, though still held his usual humour.
“like you don’t love em already.” you teased back, gently closing the panel on his neck as it re-sealed with a small hiss. “you get all excited for me to fix you up, call you a good boy and send you on your merry way.”
“i’m still waitin’ on that last bit, y’know?”
you shook your head, popping his hat off his head and placing it on your own.
“good boy,” you pinched his cheek endearingly. “you’re all done. do you want a lolipop too?”
“think i deserve somethin’ a lil sweeter than a lolipop, don’t you sugar?” boothill’s face unknowingly deepens at the sight of you in his hat, brave words betrayed by a nervous tap in his finger and more blue to the apples of his cheeks.
“we’ll save it for when you’ve got a real booboo,” you took his hat off, using the brim to lightly tilt his chin up and give him a tender kiss on the cheek. for such a heavy hunk of metal, he nearly began to float.
“but there’s something to hold your sweet tooth for now.”
“y..yeah, sweet pea?”
“you’re overheating.”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 months
Bruce and experiment readers relationship is EVERYTHING. Loving this reverse, ur mind is just incredible Ari!
When you stepped out of the elevator, Jason couldn't breathe for a second. Everyone else he could make fun of. But- Jesus. The only concessions Steph gave to your personal style had been to your personal style had been letting you have sleeves and boots.
Everything else was short. Tight. Laces. And designed to make people look. He was looking. And he wasn't sure if his mouth was dry or watering.
Your head snapped his direction briefly, eyes narrowed and all he felt was ashamed of himself. Of course you knew.
And then it hit him how... gross that would feel. To ALWAYS know that. About everyone. All the time. Even when you were to young to understand. And he felt a chlll. And felt sick. There were a lot of sick people in the world. Tonight you'd be safe. There'd be people to help you. But when he tried to catch your eye again when you're pouting at Stephanie about why she gets shorts and you don't- he has to force himself not to think about times when you weren't.
"You okay?" Jason asked, proffering a jacket.
You nod wordlessly, waving it away, despite your shivering.
He took a deep breath and slung it over his shoulder instead of putting it on you anyway, "I'm sorry," he said carefully, "about earlier."
"It happens."
"It pissed you off," he pointed out. "And I appreciate you not making me piss myself for it."
"You didn't expect me to come down with my ass hanging out and-"
"Look-" Jason said, exhaling sharply, "I'm not going to pretend you're not a pretty girl. It was a knee-jerk reaction but I didn't need to be so... loud about it."
"I just- I usually try not to hear it. It just caught me off guard."
Jason nodded and wrapped his jacket around you when you shivered hard enough that your teeth chatted. "Well, it caught me off guard too, if that helps," he hummed.
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yabagofmilfs · 1 month
☕️the vibes of our 2024-25 lineup
genuinely who is even on our team anymore. i feel like we haven’t gotten rid of anyone and but we added ~10 mid bottom six guys. here are my thoughts as they occur to me:
i would like an entire in the room episode of geno and kevin hayes interacting. perhaps they can be omelette boys together.
will anthony beauvillier, fresh off his brat summer in europe, try to seduce sid mitchell marner style? i’d like to see it.
oh my god we lost pojo i just remembered. and for what. who will giggle with doc now. :(((((((((
jarry will have no choice but to pull off a shut out and score two goalie goals in the first game to win back the room after their allegiances shifted at the end of last season. ned will immediately score three by pure accident because the gods favor him.
our powerplay will continue to be so abysmal that finally the new coach with the scary husky eyes (dan….?) will bench everyone and do an oops all bottom six lineup and suddenly we’re at a 50% conversion rate
i have a knee jerk negative reaction to the name cody but he’s putting in the work to win me over. however just based on the vibes i made up in my head based on nothing i expected him to be a little guy and fit into the connor sheary shaped hole in sid’s heart. but he’s 6’3 so will have to revise and come back to you on this one.
it goes without saying he’s required to stand up straight and be photographed next to geno for evidentiary purposes.
since gary hasn’t answered his calls about getting bluetooth earpieces installed in helmets, sid has been working on his telepathy over the summer which has mostly involved him thinking very loudly at people and kathy asking if he’s constipated all the time. twice though nate has handed him his gatorade without sid asking out loud so that’s promising. geno has also facetimed him three times but that’s harder to measure because sid is pretty much always thinking very hard about geno. anyway the ultimate goal is for him to be able to direct his mid ass team from the bench when they’re being fucking idiots.
he’s also consulted with several scholars on how he can learn to project himself into someone else’s body for the purposes of goal scoring, but apparently you have to get consent for that. he’s been working on drafting a form in his windows 98 version of word. (it just says “can i come inside you circle yes or no”), but he tried to add a clipart image of a hockey stick which he was pretty proud of and now the formatting is all fucked up, so he’s not sure what to do. :(
kyle mysteriously disappears during their LA game and when he comes back days later he seems Off but he starts pulling off monster trades to bolster the roster so no one really questions it. we clinch a playoff spot in march.
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
from yesterdays poll i see that readers have no patience 😋
clearly😭😭😭 well, they ask and they shall receive but
i still like being evil. sorry ! this was written so fast it’s so BAD i promise i write better than this i swear check my masterlist <3
wordcount: 2k
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #13
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His anxious eyes continue to search for an answer in yours but your mind is blank. If you get caught, this could get really fucking messy. But if you don’t get caught… it’d still get really fucking messy, literally. In this tent, at least.
You contemplate the situation, numerous possible situations and outcomes flashing through your mind at a headache-inducing speed, making you more anxious by the second.
How the hell did you ever get yourself in this situation?
“Tell you what,” Jungkook says as he breaks the silence, tongue swiping along his swollen bottom lip, thinking about what he wants to say. “Let me just make you feel good.”
You innocently blink at him a few times, irises drowning in anticipation and worry. Your pretty lashes flutter quickly, kissing your furrowed brows every time you blink and the silence is so loud that you’re convinced you can hear the sound of your eyelids coming together. His own eyes are flickering with the hope of permission, patiently waiting for confirmation.
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip and you squeeze your eyes shut at the thought. Should you really? Is this really a good idea?
Your mind is still trying to reason with you but the clench in your thighs and the goosebumps on your skin will not allow you to think straight, not even for a moment.
You’re already grinding into each other anyway. “Fuck, yes, okay,” you quietly say, your chest dramatically deflating when you let a shaky breath push past your lips.
He wastes absolutely no time rolling off of you and pulling you back up by your biceps, making you sit up straight. A soft gasp leaves your lips at the sudden strength he uses to pull you up, fingers tightly wrapping around your arms. Fuck, he’s hot.
You lean back on your hands and watch him intently, committing it all to memory – because who knows how long it’s going to take for Jungkook to fuck up – the way his toned body moves, the way his pretty lips twitch, the way his onyx eyes flicker with pure and utter lust.
He settles on his knees next to you, pushing you further back by your shoulders. Your hands continue to support your weight from behind your body as you lean further back, his firm yet gentle touch sends a jolt of electricity up your vertebrae and he’s not going any easier on you when he slowly starts spreading your thighs apart with his hand.
Your teeth start picking at the loose flesh on your bottom lip as he leans into your neck, lips softly grazing the sensitive skin. The world around you stops spinning when his hand slowly and gently starts moving down to your sex.
He places his hand flat over your clothed pussy, making a quiet gasp escape your lips at the sensation. He smiles against your neck, clearly satisfied with the reaction he’s getting out of you when he’s barely even touched you.
The tips of his middle and ring finger start rubbing circles directly onto your sex through your leggings whilst his lips leave a wet trail of sloppy kisses down your neck.
The breath of the cocky chuckles that he lets out every time you jerk your hips hit your sensitive neck and it’s driving you up the fucking wall.
“Stop teasing me,” you breathe out, reminding him of the time you don’t have, nodding at the blue tent surrounding him.
His chest rumbles against your shoulder as a low chuckle leaves his mouth but he wastes no time further when he brings his hand up to his mouth, placing his fingers onto his tongue and coating them in his saliva. He removes his fingers from his mouth with a pop and then tucks that hand under the hem of your leggings, fingertips grazing your pelvis.
Your legs slightly jerk once he finally reaches your clit. “Hm. No panties?” he mumbles against your neck, digits slowly diving in between your folds and spreading them slightly.
You merely grunt in response, eyes shutting on their own when he starts rubbing a specific pattern directly on your clit, a pattern that you seem to really like.
How is he so fucking good at this?
He has barely touched you but you’re ready to melt into those claws of him that Taehyung mentioned.
You continue to bite down on your lip to keep yourself quiet, eyes shut tightly as his wet fingers continue to rub and spread your folds apart, smearing your sticky arousal all over your sex.
“Damn. I wish I could see this pussy,” he says as he kisses back up your neck, lips softly grazing your earlobe. “It has to be the prettiest fucking thing on Earth.”
You mewl with your mouth closed, your hips jerking up into his hand. It makes him chuckle like the arrogant asshole he is but he doesn’t hesitate any further when he plunges his two fingers into you. Your eyes shoot open in surprise and your mouth falls agape at the intrusion.
He lifts his head off your neck to finally face you, black eyes staring you down as he starts fucking his fingers into you.
His palm slams down on your clit whilst his fingers ram into your pussy over and over again at a sickening pace, making your legs tremble beneath him and your throat dry with the way you’re constantly trying to swallow your moans down.
He continues to watch your face, committing every feature and expression to memory. The way your brows are scrunched together in pleasure, the way you struggle to keep your eyes open because of the sensitivity, the way your mouth is agape in disbelief at how quickly he’s got you putty in his hands.
His own brows scrunch together as he stares at you, eyes scanning your entire face. “Don’t look at me like that,” he quietly whispers, tongue playing with his lip rings after the words leave his mouth.
Quiet moans leave your lips as his hand never falter in speed and precision, continuously abusing your sex. “Like what?” you manage to say without sounding overly fucking pathetic.
“Like you want me to fuck the shit out of you.”
His words make another moan leave your lips but it might’ve been too loud, apparent by how quickly Jungkook has pressed his lips against yours to keep you quiet.
Because, yeah. You do want that.
You try to focus on kissing him back but with the way both your clit and walls are being stimulated by his slender fingers right now, your orgasm is inevitably approaching you rapidly and it’s taking over every nook and cranny of your messy mind.
“Fuck,” you mumble against his lips, eyes shut tightly as tears well up in them at the amount of pleasure that’s flowing through your body.
Your heart rate picks up, the blood in your veins pumping so fast that you’re convinced your blood has turned into lava.
His tongue forces its way into your mouth, another attempt at keeping you quiet. Another whimper leaves you as his tongue rubs against yours, salty tears rolling down your hot cheeks.
“Dinner’s ready!”
Jungkook’s hand comes to an abrupt halt, fingers still inside of you and you both pull away from each other’s lips once Isabella’s voice reaches both your ears. Fuck.
He stares into your wide eyes as the crunching of the branches becomes louder, indicating that she’s getting closer.
“Jungkook?” she calls out, seemingly making her way to his/your tent.
You drape your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from even breathing too loud.
“Yeah, I’m just quickly changing clothes. I’ll be right out,” Jungkook replies, loud enough for her to hear before he starts pumping his fingers back into you.
You keep your hand on top of your mouth, blocking whatever sound that may escape without your permission.
It doesn’t really serve any purpose because the squelching sounds of your wet pussy being abused by his fingers are nearly just as loud as your moans.
“What happened to your clothes?” she giggles, so very unaware of what’s going on in the tent that’s right in front of her.
His black eyes stare into your own, glimmering with something you can’t even put your finger on as he quietly fucks his fingers into you. “Some mud,” he replies, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he watches how you struggle to keep quiet.
She giggles again and God, you really have nothing against her but in this moment you wish she would fuck off.
“You’re so stupid,” she pokes the tent with her finger and you jerk under Jungkook as your orgasm starts approaching you again.
He gently kisses your tears away before he responds with, “Trust me, I know. I’ll be out in a bit.”
“Well, don’t make me wait too long!” And with that, you finally hear the scrunching of branches and whatnot as she retreats.
You can’t focus anymore when he picks up the pace of his hand without a warning, slamming his fingers into you and curling them inside of you at incomprehensible speed and precision.
“You’re always so fucking pretty but seeing you like this, it’s driving me crazy. Fuck,” he whispers as his eyes continue to drink in your facial expressions, his own bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he watches you break underneath him.
Fuck, the things he’s saying are pushing you even closer to that mindblowing orgasm you’re about to experience.
“That’s it, cum for me on my fingers, Y/N.”
Butterflies in your gut eat your stomach from the inside out, your thighs are clenching on their own and before you know it, your orgasm drops onto you like a pile of fucking bricks.
All your nerve endings are set alight, a jolt of electricity traveling down every single one, to the very tips of your fingers and toes.
He dives back into the crook of your neck, soft lips leaving paralyzing kisses all over the sensitive skin of your throat.
On the back of your eyelids, you see every celestial body in the universe that you know of and your body heats up like it’s been lathered in magma.
You cry into your hand, your other hand moving up to squeeze his shoulder as you clench around his wet fingers. You cum so hard that your body falls limp but his hold on you is solid, fingers still pumping into you to let you ride out your high.
Once your orgasm washes away, your hand lazily pushes against Jungkook’s shoulder to get him to stop and he gets the memo immediately. He slowly pulls his fingers out of you and glances down at his hand once he’s successfully pulled it out of your leggings without accidentally smearing it against your clothes.
He brings his sticky hand up and glances at you before placing his wet fingers onto his tongue and wrapping his lips close around them, sucking all of your arousal off his digits and cursing at the taste that hits his tongue. “You taste un-fucking-believable.”
The emphasis he places on the swear word has your body heating up like you’ve been lathered in oil under the scorching hot Sahara sun. Your pussy clenches around nothing at the sight in front of you, your eyes staring at him with desperation twinkling in them. Fuck, you really need him.
“Let’s go back,” he whispers as he reaches for the zipper of the tent and before you can even gather enough energy to stop him, he suddenly turns back to you.
You furrow your brows as he faces you again but he doesn’t let you think too much about it when he presses his lips to yours in a quick kiss.
And you absolutely hate that it makes your stomach clench that way.
You blink at him when he pulls away. “What was that for?”
He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly before turning back and reaching for the zipper again. “An apology in advance for what I’m gonna do to you tonight.”
And with that, he exits the tent.
To be continued.
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beefrobeefcal · 3 months
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No Words Needed feat. Marcus Pike & f!reader
a @iamasaddie challenge fic | Rated: PG | word count: 694 warnings: body insecurities, self esteem issues, loud music, internalized fatphobia, sweet fluff, no smut A/N: Thank you to @noxturnalpascal + @strang3lov3 for their eyes and minds 💜 also, darn you @iamasaddie for having me write more fluffy Marcus!
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Aries: Competitive but insecure
There is nothing an Aries cannot achieve once they set their mind to it—no mountain is too high. However, you will also find them nursing a hidden imposter syndrome that can chip away at their confidence if allowed free rein. 
The music was loud. Too loud. Marcus had made himself come to this music festival, desperate to spend more time with you, but he was getting close to his breaking point with the incessant drum beats and the bright, flashing lights.
He felt out of place. He was older than the majority of the people swarming around him, not to mention heavier - feeling the full effects of his weight with his tight clothes and sweating body, but it was the over stimulation of the sights and sounds that had him just-about ready to leave without seeing you.
A younger couple ran into him as they giddily moved to get closer to the stage, bumping into his distended belly. It made him feel even more insecure about his presence, but it also ignited a determination in him to find you. He’d made it this far, he needed to see it through. 
Wading through the sea of bodies, he kept his head up, eyes scanning over the crowd trying to find you. You’d told him you’d have pink glow stick bunny ears on, and it was all he had to go on, since all cellphones were confiscated at the door. Marcus disliked that immensely; his history in the FBI leaving him not feeling comforted by random people in security t-shirts while simultaneously being untethered from his contact to the real world. 
As his mind was just about to delve into how he could levy a complaint and prove that his thoughts were correct on the matter, he spotted your glowing pink ears, bopping up and down to the music a few rows away. He smiled as he got closer, admiring the view of your cute butt in pink and purple sequined hot pants, gyrating to the same beat your ears bobbed around to. 
The insecurities he had before were replaced with ones entirely focused on you; he silently prayed that he wouldn’t fuck this up by being too needy or not tough enough. He couldn’t help but compare himself to the younger, thinner guys dancing around in various states of undress, showing off their chiseled, lithe bodies. His own heavier form was covered in a pink t-shirt and a pair of bright beach shorts, both approaching the ‘too-small’ range of fit. But the moment you turned and your eyes met his, all of his fears melted away. 
He offered you his trademark sweet smile and you in turn scampered up to him excitedly, grabbing his hands in yours and placing a pair of ear plugs on a beaded cord in his hands. A crescendo of feeling swelled up inside that you’d thought about his comfort enough to bring these for him. There would be no way to hear what the other was saying over the loud music anyway, but the way you both looked at each other, no words were needed to start putting Marcus’ concerns and self esteem issues to rest.
Your hand moved up to the back of his neck and you pulled him into a hug, while the other subtly rested on his chubby love handle. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back, trying to push aside his knee-jerk reaction to pull your hand away from feeling how big he was. You felt him stiffen a bit at where your hand rested and you gave his slight overhang a gentle squeeze. 
He pulled apart from you, eyes searching yours for some insincerity or teasing, but all he saw was you smiling up at him with genuine affection. 
The hand that was behind his neck slid down his chest and landed on his belly, and your mouth moved. The loud music absorbed the sound of your voice, but Marcus could read your lips. 
“I like you, Marcus.”
He blushed and smiled bashfully, finally content in the knowledge that he had nothing to be insecure about with you.
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mrkerina · 3 months
Growing up ; na jaemin
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— (childhood friends au) in which he did everything for you growing up.
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Pairing — Na jaemin (nct) x fem!reader
Word count — 3067
Content — Five stages of your life where Jaemin’s acts of service came through, warming your heart and etched deeply in your memories.
Author’s note — Yums one month gap between this and my previous post, not bad. Anyways, this one has a combination of many scenes from books and dramas. Enjoyed writing this one ngl, acts of service is my second favourite love language.
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As a child, we all made many mistakes. We fell, we learned our first steps, our first words, all together with our parents that stayed by our sides. For y/n, however, her parents had never been there for her. It was always that one little boy with big eyes and a kind heart that stayed with her every step along the way.
The rain poured, every droplet hitting the ground with a loud thud. The strong winds blew with a powerful passion. “ Jaemin! Let’s go play in the rain!” The 6 year old girl squealed, pulling the other 7 year old along by his arm. He reluctantly followed along after her relentless whining, despite worrying about her getting sick later.
The two stepped outside to their backyard, the sound of rain drops thudding on the roof resonated through the atmosphere. Y/n giggled as she immediately took off into the pouring rain and jumped on puddles of water, watching how the water splashes surrounded her.
“Be careful, don’t get hurt!” Jaemin warned. He stayed back in the shade, not really wanting to get himself drenched but still keeping an eye on the girl who played excitedly. Her eyes sparkled in delight as she stuck her palms out to let the water drip on her palms.
“Look Jaemin look!” She exclaimed while splashing the droplets of rain she had collected up in the air. She was so immersed in showing it off to her best friend, that with a small step to go closer to him ended up causing her to slip and lose her balance. It was an immediate instinct for a 6 year old to start crying, her knee had been scraped and there was a throbbing pain coming from it.
The boy jerked in reaction, springing into action. He immediately went up to the girl despite not wanting to get drenched before, but her cries were all he could focus on. He draped one of her arms around his shoulder, with the other around her waist, lifting her up on her feet. The boy had to drag the girl back inside with the limited amount of strength that he had.
He gently placed her on the couch before scrambling around to get the first aid he had seen his mother use on him before. He cleaned up her wound while she continued to let out painful wails. He gently blew on her scraped knee before placing a bandage over it.
Without a word, he went into his room and took a pair of shirt and shorts that she had left behind the last time she came. The crying girl only looked up when she noticed his outstretched hand, she could see the worry in his eyes through her tears. “Go change your clothes before you catch a cold,” he said.
That was one of the many times she vividly remembered, his soft and concerned gaze, his actions that spoke to her louder than the few words others ever could say. Not a single blame towards her or nag that he had “told her so”. Not a single sign that she was a waste of his time, just those pure eyes that looked at her caringly. That was only the beginning of many other instances. The soft and caring nature of the boy clashing with the clumsy and playful one of the girl.
You sat at your study table, focussing on your study materials. Your final examination is coming up, the one that determines which university you would go to. It was a dream of yours to follow Jaemin’s footsteps, to enter the same university as him albeit a different course. It was hard, considering you were lacking behind while he flourished and went to one of the top universities in the country.
You were under a lot of pressure, feeling so stupid as you tried to make sense of the basics. Mathematics had never been your strong suit, numbers had just never made sense to you.
Staring at one question for 30 minutes, not even knowing where to start much less what the question was even asking for. Your frustration was growing, one hand in your hair while the other gripped the pen tightly. Tears began to gather in your eyes which you rapidly blinked back.
You jumped in surprise when there was a sudden knock on your door, interrupting the quiet atmosphere of your room. Snapping out of your stress-induced daze, you quickly wiped the remaining wetness in your eyes before speaking. “Come in!”
Jaemin’s head was the first to peek through before he opened the door wider and stepped into the room. “How’s it going Luna?” He spoke as he walked in with a chocolate cupcake from your favourite bakery in hand.
Your eyes widened in shock – by the fact that he was right in front of you in your room and that he bought you the cupcake you love so much. Ever since university had started for him, the two of you had been seeing each other less since he had moved out to live in the dorms at his university.
“What are you doing here Jaem?” You questioned in shock, standing up to give him a hug. You were genuinely excited and happy to see him, but you couldn’t muster up enough energy amidst your solemn mood.
“I’m just here to check up on you.”
“Mhm, as you can see, I’m fine so you can leave…yeah you can go.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at her weird behavior. In any normal circumstance, she would be elated to see him, jumping around the room and all that. Definitely not kicking him out at the first moment he steps in.
Instead of leaving, he sat down on your bed beside your study table. “Oh for this question you should find the derivative then equate it,” he explained as he pointed towards the math question that you were stuck on. It was as if that one sentence cleared the mental fog in your head, understanding the question requirements better.
And that continued on for the next few hours, just with the 19 year old boy patiently teaching the girl without any complaints.
“Thanks Jaem, I think that was the most productive session I’ve had in a while,” you spoke as you munched on the cupcake. You felt better, really. You could understand the concept more and didn’t feel as stupid as before.
He simply nodded before grabbing a tissue from your bedside table. One hand came to grip your chin while the other gently cleaned off the chocolate stain at the corner of your lip. Your heart felt like it stopped for a moment, blood rushing up your neck and to your cheeks.
“W-what you could have let me do it myself.”
“But I like doing things for you.”
He threw the tissue away as he spoke with a neutral expression on his face. That was one thing you disliked about him — how he could make your heart flutter with the things he does and says and yet act like it's the smallest deal in the world. You shook off the feeling, knowing he probably doesn’t feel the same. Your lips stretched into a thankful smile, feeling really grateful that you had someone like him by your side.
“I’m really glad that we’re friends, Jaem.”
“Me too, Luna.”
“So why do you always call me Luna?”
The sun shined down incandescently in the middle of the clear blue sky. The two were walking together around the university during their 2 hour break with drinks from the cafe in hand.
After endless hardwork and sleepless nights, with the help of Jaemin’s guidance of course, you had actually managed to get into your dream university and course. It was fulfilling but tough nevertheless. All that matters to you now is the fact that you could spend more time with him — just like you have been doing ever since you came out of your mother’s womb.
Jaemin hummed at your question, not answering as he continued to sip on his coffee. “That’s a secret,” those were the only words he said which made you groan in frustration. You always brought up the same question every time you get reminded of it, yet you would get that same reply to no avail.
“Will you ever tell me why?”
You rolled your eyes, walking ahead of him. You didn’t get far before he pulled you back by your ponytail. “Are you showing me attitude now kiddo?” He shook his head and sighed. “I didn’t raise you to be like this.”
You stuck your tongue out at him before giggling at how ridiculous it was. “I’m only a year younger than you. Now can you let go of me?” You said as you tried to use your free hand to get his grip off your hair. “Hey that hurts,” you winced, using the only weakness of his that you knew — you being hurt in any way.
He immediately let go. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” He asked with a tinge of worry, raising a hand up to gently massage your head.
“I was just joking, catch me if you can!” You exclaimed, giggling as you ran off.
Jaemin could only sigh as he watched you running off in the distance with a bright smile lighting up your face. One of his own occupied his lips, looking at you endearingly. He chased after you, going along with your antics although rather begrudgingly.
That night, Jaemin had requested for you to meet him at the rooftop garden of your dorm. Stars lit the sky like snow-flakes in the night, the moon casting a glow down that added a spark to the normally ordinary garden. The boy looked at his feet, biting his lip nervously with the box grasped tightly in his hand.
Awaiting for your presence felt like minutes turned into centuries, Jaemin could barely breathe through the rapid beat of his heart. The moment you came in sight with the usual bright smile of yours, he calmed down slightly.
“What’s up Jaem? Why did you call me here?” You questioned once you reached him. You looked around the area, not really seeing anything special. Glancing at the boy, you noticed the slightly nervous expression on his face, his hair slightly messy from running his hand through it.
“Um I don’t really know how to go about this, I know you know I’m more of an actions over words type of person,” he started, looking into your eyes intently. “You ask me why I call you Luna all the time, it means my moon. Because no matter how dark the nights got, you were always there to light it up, guiding me through. Everything felt okay when you were with me, one smile and it felt like my entire day had been made.
His words warmed your heart, you felt tears welling up in your eyes listening to him.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I like you. I like that you’re clumsy so that I can take care of you. I like that you’re always smiling like I hung the moon up when to me, that’s what you do for me everyday,” he let out a breath, opening the box that he had gripped onto so tightly, revealing the moon shaped necklace inside. “Can I be your boyfriend?”
Your words got stuck in your throat, so instead you nodded profusely, wrapping your hands around his neck to hug him. Jaemin chuckled, wrapping his arms gently around your waist.
“The necklace is really pretty.”
“Let me put it on for you.”
He unclasped the necklace as you held your hair up. The warmth of his hands radiated on your neck, his breath fanning your earlobe which sent a shiver down your spine. He fastened the necklace tightly before you let go of your hair. He arranged it neatly in the middle, the silver jewelry sparkling in the night.
“Pretty,” he breathed out. “The necklace and you.”
It was your graduation day. You felt slightly moody that your family couldn’t make it. With both your parents being doctors, they rarely had time to come around for milestones in your life. It left a void in your heart, the lack of parental love from them.
What made it worse was the fact that your boyfriend had something on today so he couldn’t make it either. The one person who held a special place in your heart.
The day felt more draggy than usual, waiting for your name to be called as you watched everyone go up on stage to collect their certificates. A frown occupied your lips as you robotically clapped along with everyone else at the right time. “Next student is y/n,” the MC announced. You forced a smile on your lips as you walked up on stage.
It was all a blur. Grabbing the certificate, smiling for the camera before walking down from the stage. Did you seriously work your ass off just for this moment? It felt meaningless.
As everyone dispersed to take pictures with their respective families, you stood in a corner. A soft, longing smile stretched on your lips as you looked around. Despite the predicament with your own parents, it felt nice to watch others get to have the kind of love that you didn’t receive.
“Ding dong, a chocolate cupcake delivery for y/n?” A voice spoke from behind. You turned around so quickly as a gasp escaped your lips upon seeing the boy before you. You ran up to him and jumped with your hands wrapping around his neck. Jaemin managed to use his other free hand to hold you up, the other clutching the cake. “Happy graduation, my Luna,” he chuckled.
“I thought you weren’t gonna come,” you spoke into his neck, frowning slightly at the thought. Jaemin placed you back down on your feet, moving your loose strands of hair behind your ears to see your face clearly.
“Silly, how can I miss your graduation?”
“I don’t know. I j-just thought that..” you trailed off, feeling yourself choke on your own words. “I guess I’m used to my parents not showing up so I don’t expect anyone else to show up for me…”
He grasped your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. His eyes were filled with warmth, a softness painted in them that embraced you in a tight hug. “Don’t ever think that way because you have me. I’ll always be there for you, no matter what.”
Your heart warmed at his words, you felt such an overwhelming sense of endearment for the man in front of you. Standing on your toes, you placed your lips softly against his. The boy tilted his head slightly, deepening it as he leant down so that you felt more comfortable. One hand cupped your cheek while the other wrapped around your waist tightly.
The way you felt with him could only be described as one thing — home.
The next few years went by in bliss. The bond between you and Jaemin only grew stronger as the days passed by, your love for him felt so overpowering that you felt so alive.
You finished the last touch of decorations in the backyard of the house that the two of you lived in before heading back inside. You anxiously sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for Jaemin to come home from work. Counting every second that passes, you bit the inside of your cheek — a nervous habit that you had.
Your heart was racing so fast that it felt like you were having a heart attack. When the sound of keys clinging resonated throughout the house, you instantly jumped on your feet. Rushing to the main door, you greeted the boy who had just entered.
“How was your day?”
“Good. Why are you sweating so much? Are you feeling alright?” Jaemin asked, noticing the sweat beading down your forehead the moment he looked up.
“Y-yeah I’m fine. Can you follow me to the backyard for a while?” You requested as you helped him take off his coat and hang it at the rack. Jaemin raised an eyebrow in question but obliged and followed behind you.
Opening the door to the backyard, it revealed a series of fairy lights twirling around the bushes, shining on the trail towards an empty area in the middle. You continued to drag Jaemin down the aisle right till the middle.
“Wow you did a nice job decorating the place, love.”
“Thanks, but that’s not what I brought you out here for,” you started, breathing in and out three times to calm your nerves before looking up into his eyes. “I remember the first time when you helped me. I childishly played in the rain and fell while you were there to pick me up and care for me when no one else was there. I slept over at your house a lot and rarely went home, I think that was because I found my home in you,” you paused, catching your breath. “You’ve always been the one to do things for me growing up. I wouldn’t even have made it into my dream university without your help,” you chuckled.
“But for once I thought I would repay you by doing something for you instead,” your voice wavered slightly at the end. You got down on one knee, taking out the box from your pocket. You opened it, revealing the moon shaped diamond ring inside. “I know this might be against the typical stereotypes of the man proposing to the woman but,” you stopped, your palms sweating from nerves.
“Will you marry me, Na Jaemin?”
Tears fell from his eyes, the love he felt for you was suffocating, controlling his every breathing moment. “Yes! Of course I will, Luna.” He said before crouching down to your level and pulling you to him in a kiss.
The two broke off their kiss — only to put the ring on him of course. The delicate moon on his finger, a symbolism of the love that they shared.
“I love you, to the moon and back.”
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oceanbilly · 1 year
Sorrow's native son
hi, i've never posted a fic and what i wrote might seem strange and unusual, so i wanted to give an explanation beforehand. i happened to read that one page from the stranger things book, max's book to be exact, it was the scene where neil abused billy with a belt and something in me broke and what i wrote was like a knee-jerk reaction to that. it's not really a romantic setting, i think it ended up being gender neutral too (but not 100% sure), i just needed to find a way to make billy less lonely. anyways, i hope there's at least one person who will enjoy it and relate to it.
My finger slid across the different boxes on the shelf. My eyes eventually landed on the one with the sale sign hanging below it. The store was quiet except for the low buzzing of the fluorescent lights. It was getting late.
I heard a bell announcing someone’s arrival. The cold air wrapped around my body like a blanket and I shivered. As I entered another aisle, my eyes fell on Billy Hargrove.
Our paths rarely crossed, yet his sight was uncomfortably familiar. Back in high school, he always made sure to be obnoxious enough to be noticed by everyone. He was loud and bold. Liked showing off his body even in the most inappropriate places and despite the dreadful weather, as if he was rebelling against Hawkins for the sake of it. He liked being intimidating and feared. He liked being admired.
All of that used to make an impression, until the thin veil of bullshit dropped and I saw the nasty truth.
Not long after graduation, when I was walking down Cherry Lane, I saw him carrying a big box out of the back door of his house. I wouldn’t pay much attention if it wasn’t for his father, who was walking closely behind him, pushing him to go faster. When Billy tripped and the box fell with a loud clash, I stopped. I wasn’t planning on helping – it was sheer curiosity more than anything else.
Before even a thought could pass my mind, his father’s booming voice rang in my ears. His mouth danced around the word ‘useless’ like he was used to it, like it was his favorite word and saying it caused him great pleasure. I wanted to scowl and move on, telling myself that it was none of my business, but a pained noise made me freeze. A heavy boot collided with Billy’s ribs once, twice, three times and I felt every kick in my own body. His father spat on him, yelled a few more offensive words and left. I saw Billy push himself up until he was on his hands and knees. His head hung low as he took a few deep breaths. I didn’t know what I should do, or if I should even do anything at all. Billy, however, decided for me, because when he raised his head, his cold eyes pierced through mine and I knew I shouldn’t get close.
In that position on the ground, he seemed like a wounded animal, glaring at me silently. I felt like an intruder. I looked away and forced my feet to start moving again. I walked, but it was harder now, slower, because of the heavy guilt that kept weighing on my shoulders.
After that day, I saw him everywhere. It was like I was being punished for what I did. Or didn’t do. His sight alone always brought back the shame and the guilt.
Right now he was browsing the medicine shelf. He picked up the aspirin and then put it back down. He pulled out a crumpled five dollar bill out of his pocket and looked at it like it was offending him. He also looked different. His hair was gathered in a bun, and instead of his usual showy outfit, he was clothed in sweatpants, a plain t-shirt and a red plaid shirt thrown on top of it. It hung loose on him, too, and it was dripping wet. I looked outside the window, where the heavy November rain was wreaking havoc. He eventually stuffed the money back into his pocket and put the bottle down. He huffed, irritated, and stormed out of the store.
I bit my lip nervously. I quickly grabbed the aspirin and made my way to the checkout. When I went outside, I saw him walking slowly down the street. He wasn’t in a hurry, like there was nowhere he was supposed to be in this nasty weather. His figure illuminated by the street lamps seemed small.
I chased him down and stopped in front of him, successfully cutting him off. I pushed the bottle of aspirin into his hand. He furrowed his brow and looked confused for a second, before his features were clouded by anger.
‘I don’t need fucking charity,’ he spat.
‘Take it or don’t, I don’t give a shit.’ Lies.
Billy has been all I could think about. Every time I saw him in public with his father, my heart sank. It was easy to miss – the light shoves, the way Billy never really looked him in the eye. Whenever I saw him, my mind immediately recalled the image of Billy on his lawn. It was burned into my brain and it paired well with the pang of guilt somewhere in my chest.
He also seemed to remember this moment well, because whenever he spotted me in town, his body tensed and he turned his head away. We never actually talked, but his posture was a warning in itself.
Billy clenched his jaw, but his hand tightened on the bottle. The dim orange light couldn’t hide his swollen eye and a bruised cheekbone. He opened the bottle and took out three pills. I dug in my shopping bag for a water bottle, which I passed it to him. This time he accepted it without any biting remarks. My gaze flickered down to his hands and one look at his clean knuckles told me everything I needed to know. He swallowed the pills.
‘C’mon, I’ll give you a lift,’ I said and pushed past him to go get into my car.
I half expected him to just leave and not look back, maybe flip me off as a goodbye, but to my surprise he slipped into the passenger seat next to me. I took in his face which scrunched up in pain for a second, but he schooled it very fast. The raindrops slid down his cheek.
Billy didn’t seem like the person who could simply accept help. It wasn’t taught to him. His pride got in the way too. His whole body was stiff, like he was ready to bolt any second. Like he was still on the verge of making his final decision. However, these last gruelling months have taught me that he also had a strong survival instinct. If he did something uncharacteristic – he did it out of pure need.
‘So what, you just pity me? Is that it?’ His voice was low and quiet. There was a layer of anger to it. This situation was taking away his control and he didn’t like that.
‘No,’ I replied, starting the engine and pulling out onto the road. ‘I pity your dad.’
‘For having a useless son?’ He asked louder now. The cool mask of anger was cracking, allowing the anxiety to seep through. From the corner of my eye I could see the end of his sleeve gripped tightly in his hand. I flinched at the word. It was now my least favorite word.
‘For being a braindead pissbucket.’ I spat. ‘I believe it’s incurable.’
I risked a quick glance at him and found him staring at me like I grew a second head. He snorted loudly and turned towards the window, a smile playing on his lips. I felt a bit lighter now that he was slightly less tense.
‘Do you want me to…’ I hesitated, knowing I was about to bring his mood down, ‘drop you off at home?’
He didn’t reply, but he shook his head, still looking out the window. I clenched my jaw, eyes fixed firmly on the road. He was out late in the pouring rain in the middle of November wearing these damn rags. He clearly walked for a while and he didn’t have his car. I wondered briefly if his father would be above kicking him out of the house for the night. I didn’t ask where to take him, because I had a feeling he didn’t have anywhere to go.
After ten minutes of silence I pulled up to my driveway.
I got out of the car and leaned down to look at Billy. ’C’mon.’ There was no point in asking. I let him make his decision based on what he really needed right now. He followed me without a word.
I opened the door and pushed him inside first. The pleasant warmth of the house made me sigh in relief. I took off my jacket and shoes, and looked at Billy, who was currently leaving a small puddle on the floor. I walked up to him and gently slid the dripping plaid shirt off of his shoulders. I was going to put it on the radiator in the kitchen, but something caught my eye. His white shirt had splashes of red all over his back. My heart stopped and the shirt slipped out of my hands. No. No, no, no.
‘Billy?’ My voice sounded weak and uncertain.
‘You’re… You’re hurt,’ I said, eyes glued to the blood stains.
He tensed immediately. He didn’t reply and I was worried I saw too much. The most he had hoped for was probably just the painkillers and a place to crash. He didn’t actually plan on letting me in and now I accidentally stepped into his personal space. I was too close to the issue and I knew it scared him.
‘It’s fine,’ he said in a defensive tone. ‘Don’t worry about it.’
I could just let it go. In fact that’s what I should’ve done.
But then I felt it again. It creeped upon my shoulders slowly just to crush me all at once. The guilt. It didn’t let me move. It didn’t let me breathe. After that the panic started to set in. I let him suffer for so long.
I grabbed his hand, led him into the kitchen and made him sit in a chair. I pulled the first aid kit out of the cabinet and I saw it in his eyes. The flash of anger and betrayal, but I have already made my decision.
‘Take your shirt off,’ I said in a serious tone. ‘Please,’ I added quietly.
I expected him to put up a fight or at least make a suggestive joke, but he didn’t. He knew there was no use. The curtain was ripped away a long time ago and he had to accept that. But it was clear that he had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that someone knew the truth.
He gripped the hem of his t-shirt and started pulling it up, but halfway through he made a pained noise and let out a frustrated sigh. I grabbed the shirt for him and gently pulled it off.
When my eyes landed on his back, I felt dizzy. His tan skin was littered with angry red welts. The bruises were slowly blooming all over his back and the skin was broken in places. My first instinct was to ask him if he was hit by a car, but I knew better. And then I saw a few deep red squares that made me sick. The belt buckle.
“Jesus,” I breathed, before I could stop myself. I reeled back horrified. I’ve never seen anyone hurt this badly. I tried not to overreact – I had a feeling he would just run if I did. I suppressed my rising panic and closed my eyes for a second. It didn’t help much, the image already burned behind my eyelids. “I’m gonna clean it up, is that okay?” I asked, full of hesitation. I wasn’t sure how to even approach this without making him upset or ashamed. He was in a very vulnerable position, which could trigger his fight or flight response.
He didn’t reply, but he did give me a quick nod.
Feeling slightly relieved, I took out a cloth, dampened it and gently pressed it against his skin, trying to clean the dried blood away to see the wounds clearly. He flinched, but stayed quiet. I had to resist the urge to just take my hand away, so that I wouldn’t cause him any more pain, but this had to be done.
I drenched a gauze in an antiseptic and with a light hand started to disinfect the injuries. That did get a hiss and a muted fuck out of him, which I tried my hardest to ignore. Looking at his massacred back up close was making me lightheaded.
How could someone do this to another person? To their own kid?
The shame I felt was shattering. I knew. I knew this whole time and I failed him. My mind was cruel enough to make me feel like I was the one holding the belt.
I tried to be quick with the antiseptic, because his body felt like a tightly wound up string, ready to snap at any moment. I looked at the pile of bloodied gauzes and felt nauseous.
I took a few clean ones and covered the wounds, and then secured them with some medical tape. It looked a bit ridiculous and not professional at all, but the aesthetics didn’t matter right now. After I was done, Billy didn’t say anything. He wasn’t really moving either. I could only imagine what was going through his head right now.
I sat down in front of him to check how he was doing and I was met with a very hard image to take. He wasn’t crying. His head was hanging low and he was staring at the floor. His eyes were eerily hollow. Emotionless. There was no dramatic reaction, no sobbing, no fighting. Just acceptance.
I put away the first aid kit and cleaned up the used supplies.
‘Any cracked ribs?’ I asked standing awkwardly next to him. He shook his head without looking at me.
I was conflicted. I didn’t feel like I had the right to act like his friend now, but leaving him alone was not even an option. I looked at him sitting there. His body wasn’t as muscular as it used to be, he looked thinner. When he was hunched over like that, his skin stretched over his ribs grotesquely. He seemed to be a shell of the Hawkins High king he once was. All of his friends who used to worship him left the town. He was alone.
I put the kettle on and prepared some hot tea to warm him up. He didn’t even move, didn’t speak. He was lost in thought. I put two mugs on the table and sat down in front of him.
I wasn’t certain if I should say anything, but when I looked at him my heart broke. I saw my hand reach out involuntarily and cover his. It was cold. His head snapped up and he looked at me surprised.
‘I… I’m sorry, Billy. I’m sorry for what I did.’
He seemed confused. ‘What did you do?’
‘I pretended like I didn’t see it. I acted like I didn’t know.’
He looked down again and shook his head. ‘It’s not your job to help. I manage on my own.’
I squeezed his hand lightly.
‘I know we’re not friends, but… I don’t want you to be on your own anymore. If you let me, I’ll be there for you. With you.’
The look he gave me was indescribable. His brows were drawn gently like he didn’t quite understand what I was saying.  The feeling of support was so alien to Billy he wasn’t sure how to react. I wanted him to know that if he shared this burden, it would get a bit lighter. He didn’t have carry it alone anymore.
He didn’t sob or open up immediately. He did not pour his feelings out to me. He sat there quietly for a long time, but I could see that there was no anger or fear darkening his beautiful face anymore. He was weighing his options, thinking carefully about the secret he has kept for so long. He was now forced to confront it, to look this monster in the eye and call it by its name. He had to acknowledge his pain, really feel it instead of burying it deep under his skin.
The yellow overhead light in my kitchen betrayed Billy and I caught the glimpse of how glassy his eyes were. He didn’t let the tears fall. He didn’t even let his voice break.
All he said was: ‘Okay.’
And I knew he was ready to let me in.
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jinnify · 2 years
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just say it — hwang hyunjin
pairing: hyunjin x y/n genre: hurt?? angst?? warnings: drug use, cursing, mentions of sex, one sexual line, id say hyunjin and yn are a little toxic for each other but im just going to look away and pretend it's not there anyway minors dni word count: 1.7k now playing: queen of disaster by lana del rey
— YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HYUNJIN has always been a rather unique one. You'd pretend not to know each other during the day, but have each other all over your personal Instagrams. Blurry pictures hiding his identity littered your feed. Meanwhile, you never even met eyes when you were in front of other people. You always knew what type of person he was, and it never bothered you. You'd meet up, you'd fuck, and you’d walk away from each other with no strings attached.
Until there were.
It hit you like a bus. The realization that you were starting to fall in love with someone with Hyunjin hurt you like no other. It was never something you intended to happen. In fact, you often wished you'd never fall in love with him! You didn't even understand how it could happen to you when you knew he'd never return the feelings.
You found yourself looking for him at a party Felix had thrown once, completely disregarding that he'd probably look at you like you were crazy and walk in the opposite direction. You had never regretted opening Felix's bedroom door more than at that moment. Hyunjin’s hands were tangled around a random girl with his tongue down her throat. You're guessing you let out a rather loud gasp by Hyunjin and the girl's reaction, you wouldn't know, the blood rushing past your ears, plus the booming music made it pretty hard to hear anything.
You were glad it was dark in the house you were in. Heavy, black, mascara-filled tears ran down your face as you made your way toward the front door, not even notifying your friends that you were leaving. You didn't understand why you were crying. You knew the type of person Hyunjin was. Walking home by yourself, in the dark, drunk, and with heavy platform heels on your feet proved to be a difficult task, nearly falling onto your hands and knees several times.
By the time you had made it to your shared flat, you had called Hyunjin five times. All unanswered. Jisung opened your front immediately, jerking you into his arms when you stepped foot into your home, “why the hell did you do that! Felix called me saying he saw you leave by yourself. Are you an idiot?” You knew Jisung’s words came from love and panic, but that didn't make them hurt any less. Upon seeing your smudged mascara and scuffed heels, Jisung brought you into your room. He cleaned your face and brushed your hair, leaving you in your party dress to not intrude on your privacy, “What happened?”
You told him most of what happened, switching out Hyunjin’s name as he had made it more than clear that he didn't care anyway. Plus, you didn't want Jisung to get upset for dating Hyunjin. The three had been a close group, but Jisung cared more about your feelings than Hyunjin's when it came to something like this. Jisung gave you a kiss on your forehead before leaving, muttering a sweet ‘sleep well.’ Why couldn't you fall in love with someone like him?
A ring rang through your room, and your phone screen lit up. A new message from Hyunjin.
you free rn? just left a party
He hadn't even known it was you. You didn't know if that was better or worse. Maybe better. At least that way he didn't know that you'd seen him with someone else after he told you it would only be you in his life. It was nice pretending those words were true, but maybe that's what put you in this situation in the first place. You had always pretended that the sweet nothings Hyunjin whispered into your skin were real.
You didn't bother replying. You'd do it tomorrow, pretending you were asleep when Hyunjin sent his message. 
If you didn't reply now he'd just drive you crazy.
y'know you have read receipts on, right?
you mad at me?
or just busy fucking someone else?
You couldn't help the scornful laugh that came out of you, a scoff really. You locked your phone, turning on do not disturb. What is wrong with him? You quickly fell asleep after that, the long walk home finally hitting you.
The next day you woke up to see your notification center filled with notifications of Hyunjin and others letting you know that he was looking for you. It wasn't so much the number of notifications that had left you surprised, but more so that Hyunjin had talked to others about you. Absolutely no one had known that you even knew each other's names. Unsurprisingly though, your day was spent without a lick of Hyunjin. Looks like he still didn't want others to know.
You started to wonder if maybe it was that he was embarrassed to be seen with you. Then you remembered that this is how most sneaky links worked in the first place. Hence the word “sneaky.” Whatever. Once evening came, you decided to go out for a smoke, sitting on your porch stairs. The sun had already set, blue hour giving your poor eyesight a fight for its life.
You squinted as you watched the lights of a car, completely closing them when whoever it was pulled into your driveway and blinded you in the process. You automatically assumed it was Felix. He and Jisung usually spent Sunday nights on his switch. A man taller than Felix came into focus as the headlight turned off, immediately putting you on high alert. You let out another puff as you made space for Hyunjin to pass you by.
“You weren't getting my messages,” he muttered, his words hanging up in the air for a beat before he continued, “what? Am I blocked now?” The scoff couldn't leave your mouth faster, “my phone's off. Don't have the energy to waste on that.” Hyunjin’s signature cologne engulfed you, making it hard to feel anything but sadness. Why was it that you felt comfortable in that scent? In his scent. Was that what other women felt around him?
You slightly shook your head as you let out a cloud of smoke, Hyunjin taking the blunt out of your fingers. You didn't move to retrieve it, letting him finish it off. “Can I ask you something?” you hadn't been expecting a question like that from him. “Sure.”
“Why'd you leave after what happened yesterday?”
You stared out into the dark sky, not a single star to be witnessed. You thought that maybe he'd leave after a while if you didn’t answer. When his fingers slipped in between yours, you contemplated telling him everything. How you cried on your way back home. How you had seen him making out with another woman. How you had been looking for him all night. How you'd started to have feelings for him. It was much better that you didn't though.
“Party was getting boring,” you muttered, looking in the opposite direction of him. “You're lying right now,” he stated as he pulled your face to look at him, “what actually happened?” His hands never left your face, forcing you to face him as you contemplated once again whether to tell him or not. “Don't lie to me. You've never been good at it,” his gaze slicing right through you. Another scoff came out, “what do you know about me?”
“I know plenty about you, y/n. I know that before you go to sleep you always take, at least, a sip of water. I know that you blink extra slowly when you're happy. Happens a lot around me,” he sneered, “I know that you have feelings for me now.” You sobered up immediately, wanting the earth to open up and swallow you whole at that moment. Your eyes were wide as Hyunjin squeezed your cheeks now, pulling you in for a kiss, “it's okay, I'm not going to hurt your feelings.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I know it was you last night. I know it doesn't fix what happened last night, but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it, but I had no idea what else to do. You had been in my head all day, and I couldn't get you out,” he tried to explain, but it did nothing but anger you. “There's something wrong with you. If you know I have feelings for you, why would you do something like that? Something like this! Why are you even here? Wanna rub it in my face that you fucked some other bitch and didn't even think twice about my feelings?” A look of panic washed over Hyunjin’s face, draining it of color. Before you got up and leave or cuss him out again, Hyunjin places his palm over your mouth, “Y/n! Shut up and let me explain! I didn't sleep with her! I fucking followed you home!”
Your expression morphed into one of confusion under his hand, along with your hands dropping to your sides. The anger suddenly boiled up inside you again, yanking his hand from your face, “what the fuck were those texts then?” He laughed, he fucking laughed, “just. Guess I was a little jealous of the way that it’s Jisung that you went home to.” You could feel a headache building in your temples, forcing you to rub your temples, “if you weren't sure if you had feelings for me or something, you could've just fucking talked to me!”
Hyunjin stared down at you with a smile on his face, “same thing can be said for you, don't you think?” You didn't want him to have that one, ignoring him as he let out a cute laugh. “Can I tell you something?” you whispered as he turned you, caging you in from behind. “Just say it, Hyunjin.”
“I really like you,” he mumbled into your ear, placing a kiss on your cheek, “c'mon, baby. Don’t be mad at me” Hyunjin knew you couldn't be mad at him when he called you that. He tilted your face by your chin again, kissing you on your cheek multiple times, “my baby isn't mad at me, is she? She can't be when I offer to eat her out tonight.” You swatted at his chest’ “shut up! Jisung might hear you!”
“Eh. Let Jisung hear. I told Felix anyway.”
“Why would you do that?” your eyes grew wide again, mouth slightly agape. Hyunjin chuckled, “why not? I don't wanna hide us anymore. Especially not when I’m trying to make you mine.”
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© jinnify — reblogs appreciated
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
Aaron gets reading glasses. Emily likes them. A lot.
This idea came from a recent conversation with @cloudlessly-light, who constantly encourages me to write more smut <3
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: Smut, 18 +
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily carefully pulls the door to her son's bedroom door closed behind her, making sure it’s as quiet as possible as it clicks shut. She waits for a moment, feeling relief spread through her as there is no sound, her two-year-old still fast asleep. Sleep regression had been worse than she’d anticipated and it felt, at times, like she had a newborn again. Only now he could call out ‘Mama’ again and again until she almost forgot the joy she felt the very first time she heard it. 
She smiles as she hears the sound of a video game through Jack’s door, and she checks her watch to make sure it wasn’t past the time he should put it away for the night. She goes in search of her husband, sure he would be in their home office. They took turns settling the boys down for the night, a routine they’d had for quite some time now. 
She walks into the office, hearing a loud shuffling, and a drawer being slammed shut, before her husband comes into view. 
“Hi sweetheart,” Aaron says, clearing his throat as he smiles at her, his attempt to be nonchalant piquing her interest further, “He went down quickly.”
She hums in response, looking at his desk, paperwork strewn everywhere, his laptop just in his eye line, and she raises an eyebrow, smiling slyly at him. She walks over and sits on the edge of his desk. 
“How many times do I have to tell you I don’t mind if you watch porn, honey,” she jokes, trying to peek at his computer screen, “Just maybe wait until both boys are-”
“I’m not watching porn, Em,” he says, his cheeks red and his eyebrows furrowed and she laughs at him, her smile teasing as he carries on, “I’m working.” 
Something about his tone of voice, the way his eyes shift to the desk drawer makes her smile slip from her face, her throat tightening, “What’s going on?” 
“Aaron,” she says firmly, her eyes fixed on his face, “What’s going on?” She repeats, more fiercely this time, raising an eyebrow at him in a challenge. He sighs and shakes his head at himself, closing his eyes briefly before he looks back at her. 
“Remember how I went to the doctor yesterday? Because of the headaches I’ve been having?” 
“Yes,” she replies, her throat suddenly dry. She swallows thickly, panic bitter on her tongue, “You told me everything was fine, that he said you’re just overtired.” 
“He did say that,” he says, placing his hand on her knee and squeezing it, something she barely feels as worst-case scenarios flood her mind, “He also told me I need to start wearing reading glasses.” 
He says it so quietly, it takes a moment for his words to register. She simply stares at him as they do, not blinking as she feels frozen on the spot. 
“Glasses?” she eventually chokes out, raising her eyebrows at him. He nods, and there's a beat of silence before she slaps his shoulder with her palm, her cheeks almost burning with relief, “You fucking jerk.” 
He catches her hand before she can do it again, holding her hand against his shoulder, “What?” he asks, his confusion at her reaction clear. 
“I thought you were going to tell me you were sick or something, Aaron,” she exclaims, leaning in to stamp a relieved kiss against his lips before she pulls back, “Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Sorry sweetheart,” he says, squeezing the hand he still has held against his shoulder. 
“You’d better be,” she mumbles, blowing out a slow breath, her heartbeat returning somewhat to normal, “So what’s the secrecy all about?” She asks, confusion replacing her fear, “Why would you hide that from me?” 
They didn’t have secrets. It was one of the cornerstones of their relationship, a rule forged by their pasts. She knew this wouldn’t have been done maliciously, that she would have found out about them within the next day or so anyway. That he was likely just getting used to the idea himself, and he likely saw it as another sign they were getting older. 
She remembered feeling much the same way when they first got together. When his physical closeness meant she was dying her hair even more often, a failed attempt to hide the grey hairs she’d been covering since her mid-30s. He’d found a box of dye in her medicine cabinet two months in, an amused, but loving, smile on his face as she stumbled over her words as she explained it to him. 
He’d taken her apart slowly that night. Methodically. Whispering that nothing could ever make her less beautiful to him into her ear as he fucked her into her mattress. He’d done the same thing throughout her pregnancy, and ever since, every change to her body something he revered. 
“I look…old in them,” he says, sighing at his own words, scrunching his nose up in embarrassment. 
She smiles at him, biting her lower lip before she stands, encouraging him to push his chair back just enough so she can climb into his lap. She straddles him, a knee on either side of his hips, and wraps her arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around her automatically, holding her against him. 
“Aaron, honey. Love of my life,” she says, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “We are getting old,” she jokes, her smile getting wider as he narrows his eyes at her, “Or at least, we are very firmly middle-aged,” she bites the inside of her cheek and looks at his face, at the laugh lines around his eyes, the crinkle between his brows. “Show me.” 
He laughs and shakes his head at her, “Em-”
“Come on, show me,” she says, shifting in his lap just enough to feel him squirm beneath her, “Please.” 
Aaron sighs, knowing he could never say no to her, and reaches past her to open the drawer he’d hidden the glasses in when he heard the door to the office open. He watches her watch him as he places them on his face, the cool metal of the frames pressing into his skin. 
She stares at him, her mouth opening slightly as she does. The frames were black metal, almost square in shape as the bottom of them rested against his skin. He’d chosen them perfectly, although she can imagine him putting very little thought into it, just grabbing the first pair he didn’t absolutely hate. 
He looked hot, and she feels her mouth go dry, her stomach flipping at the mere sight of him wearing them, “Aaron…”
“See, they look-”
She reaches out and stops him from taking them off, “You look…hot.” 
He sighs at her, “You’re teasing me.”
“No…I’m not,” she says, pushing his hair from his forehead, wondering how he could look simultaneously like a young hopeful college student and a grumpy professor at the same time. She feels familiar heat burning from her cheeks down to her toes. She shifts again, purposely rolling her hips against his, “You look really fucking hot,” she leans in to kiss him, making sure she nips at his lower lip before she pulls back, “Want me to prove it to you?” She kisses him again, and the way he chases her as she pulls back is the answer she needs. “Keep them on.” 
She kisses him, her tongue sweeping through his mouth, her fingers tight in his hair as she rolls her hips over his. He moans, and holds her close, kissing her back just as fiercely. She pulls back, gasping for air as she pushes herself off of him, pressing her hands into his chest as she stands up, winking before she kneels in front of him. As soon as her hands are on his belt, his brain kicks into gear, finally catching up with what’s happening, and he helps her, both of them working together to get his pants and boxers down to his knees. 
He groans as her hand grasps him, her skin hot against his as she pumps him, her eyes meeting his as she looks up at him. 
“Sweetheart-” his words are lost in a groan as she wraps her mouth around him, one of her hands at his base, still slowly pumping him, and the other on his thigh, “Fuck, you’re so good at that.” 
She moans at the praise, the sound vibrating around him, and he thrusts slightly, grasping the back of her head, his fingers buried deep in her hair as she bobs up and down, taking him deeper into her throat until releases him to breathe, a line of saliva trailing from her mouth to him, a thread of desire keeping them connected. Her eyes flick up to his face, and she sees the glasses, her desire ramping up again, and she leans in, intent on carrying on, on letting him come down her throat, but he stops her. 
He stands up, somehow still just aware enough of his pants around his knees as they fall to his ankles. He pulls her up with him, pressing her into his desk as he kisses her, tasting himself on her tongue. 
She’s grateful that she changed when she got home, her suit replaced by sweatpants and an old t-shirt of Aaron’s. One too many of her shirts had been ruined by trying to feed their son over the years, spaghetti and other foods staining expensive blouses, so she made it a habit to change. 
Aaron pushes her sweatpants down and he gives her just enough room so she can step out of them, before his hips are against hers again, trapping her between him and the wood of his desk. He reaches for her, groaning and pulling away from the kiss to bury his face in her neck. The juxtaposition between the heat of his skin, of his mouth, and the cool metal of his glasses set her nerves on fire. She grasps at his hair, holding him in place as he sucks a bruise into her neck, his fingers rough against her clit. 
“So wet already, Em,” he grunts against her skin, and she widens her stance, giving him more room so he can push two fingers inside of her. 
“Fuck,” she groans, her hips twitching in a way she can’t control, the desk digging into her back she’s sure would leave a bruise she’d find in the morning, “I told you- fuck,” she cuts herself off as he curls his fingers inside of her, “I told you the glasses are hot.” 
He smirks at her, overwhelmed with confidence he wasn’t expecting when he bought the glasses the day before, frowning at his reflection in the tiny mirror above the display. 
“You want me to fuck you whilst I’m wearing them, sweetheart?” He asks, his breath skipping over her ear before he presses a kiss to her cheek, the action so delicate in comparison to his words it makes her shudder. 
“Yes,” she replies, thrusting her hips against his hand, his fingers still inside of her, building her up quickly, “Yes I do.” 
She grasps tightly at his shoulder, not caring if she rips the shirt he’s still wearing, as he tips her over the edge. He kisses her to swallow her moan, both of them aware that the boys were upstairs in bed. He keeps moving his fingers inside of her, his thumb against her clit, as she comes down, warmth spreading through her body. As soon as she opens her eyes she smiles at him, her chest still heaving as she wraps a leg around him, pulling him towards her wordlessly, both of them groaning as he bumps against her. 
He pushes inside of her, and they both moan simultaneously at the stretch. She buries her face in his shoulder and her hand in his hair, her blunt nails scratching at his scalp. 
“Fuck, Aaron,” she grits out, shifting her hips in a silent plea for him to move. 
He doesn’t need any further encouragement, thrusting hard enough that it disturbs the papers behind her on his desk, paperwork fluttering to the floor. He can’t bring himself to care, only focused on how she feels around him, her stuttered breaths against his throat. They find their rhythm quickly, just like they always did, both giving and taking in tandem. 
“You feel so fucking good, Em,” he mutters, one of his hands finding its way under the t-shirt she’s wearing to cup her breast, playing with her nipple in a way that makes her gasp. She pulls her face away from his neck and looks at him, her eyes glazed over with desire, pupils blown so her eyes looked black. 
“Kiss me,” she says, feeling herself getting closer, clenching tightly around him as he leans in, his lips firm against hers. As he kisses her he reaches between them, gently circling her clit, groaning into her mouth as she clenches around him again. She pulls away from the kiss, resting her forehead against his, “Shit, I’m going to-”
“Come for me,” he demands, and it's the last thing she needs. She tips over the edge, taking her with him, his hips stuttering as he comes inside of her. 
For a second the only sound in the room is their heavy breathing. She pulls back to look at him, chuckling at the sight of his steamed-up glasses. 
“I think I’ve changed my mind about the glasses,” he says, stamping a quick kiss against her lips, “I quite like them now.” 
She laughs, “Only like?” She asks, raising an eyebrow at him, and he nods “I think we should carry on until you love them.” 
He leans in to kiss her but they are interrupted by a cry from upstairs.
She groans and rests her forehead against her husband’s, “Duty calls,” she says, before she calls over her shoulder, loud enough that she’d be heard through the closed door, “Go back to bed sweet boy, I’ll be up in a second.” 
Aaron steps back from her, and passes her a couple of tissues from the box on his desk so she can clean herself up. She deposits them in the bin before she pulls her sweatpants back up. She looks at him, smiling at the sight of him, the glasses still on and his clothing rumbled even though he’d pulled his pants back up. 
“Meet you in our room?” She asks hopefully, leaning in to kiss him once more. 
“I’ll see you there, sweetheart.” 
She smiles before she heads towards the door, pulling it open before she turns back to look at him. “Aaron?” He looks up at her, his hands already holding the paperwork they’d knocked over. 
“Yes, Em?” 
“Make sure you bring the glasses.” 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation
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haunted-homes · 1 year
CW !! W1lbur / Fr1end , Gh0stbvr / Fr1end
Revenge Sex, Angst
For 13 years Rev watched the world through Ghostburs eyes. And that means that for 13 years, the only access to porn he had was Ghostbur and his little sheep 'Friend'. Well, it was either that or watch Schlatt jerk it and considering the hybrid was half Ram himself it didn't feel much different if not more Grotesque with how he was always a mess and shitfaced.
So he sat, watching agonizing over the things he'd watch his Ghost do with the little lamb. At first he tried not to watch, holding onto what little morals he tries to pretend he has. But eventually there was no looking away. There was no biting his lip, turning his head and denying the hard on in his pants. It was all he had to watch or think about if he wanted to get off. So he started paying more attention.
Ghostbur seemed to bottom the most, and Rev hated when he did it face down because all he could see was the grass or snow they decided to do it in. Well, 'Decided'. It was more just Ghostbur getting on his knees whenever and wherever he noticed Friend was needy, which only seemed to increase after the first time he presented himself for the Ram.
All of the details that Rev would hold onto though, were the ways the sheep would nuzzle into Ghostbur's neck and chest while rocking its hips quickly, desperate. And how sometimes the cloven hooves on his front legs would stand on Ghostbur's arms as if holding him down like a human would. The sheep would also often lick Ghostbur all over and it tended to make him giggle a lot. Sometimes Rev was jealous of Friend, and sometimes he was jealous of his Ghost. He'd relentlessly fuck his hand to no avail of recreating the real thing.
Imagine his surprise then, when he comes back? When he sees that cute little lamb in person for the first time? Sniffling up on his coat curiously, looking for hints of blue or grey skin. Alas all he found was big, warm hands. He pet the sheep gently but firm as he told Tommy he remembered the Sheep, but pretended to be annoyed and apathetic to its existence. Of course when he parted ways with the young man though, he didn't allow him to take Friend. He argued that he was more of a free reign sheep and seemed happier with him anyways (it was true. He couldn't stop his eyes from traveling down sometimes, and of course halfway through their first meeting Friend was hard and excited for all of Rev's nice warm pets)
So Rev took Friend somewhere secluded, as the sun was setting. It seemed the sheep was trying to get Revivebur down on the ground, so that he could mount him. But instead the man grabbed him, gently coaxing the sheep down instead. He knew Ghostbur was watching, knew he'd see this. See his pretty Lamb get fucked by someone else. He relished the way Friend would Baa so pretty, soft and confused and trying to rut on the ground. And so he took off his pants, sliding his large cock out of his underwear and spitting into his hand. He couldn't bare to sit there forever touching himself though, and was more quick to hold up Friend's tail and spit on his entrance. Lining up and quickly starting to shove himself inside, Friend letting out loud surprised noises and dragging his hooves on the ground. It was hard to tell if it was just a physical reaction or if the sheep was trying to get away, but Rev just leaned over him and hugged him close as he buried himself deeper into the tight, warm hole of his new Little Friend~
The physical affection helped ease Friend's worry or panic but he kept Baaing and making noises and it only got louder as Revivebur began to pull out, and push back in, and really start to fuck him. The man spoke outloud, letting the Ghost in Limbo hear all he had to say.
"It's okay friend, I'll make you feel so good~ you must have felt so needy and neglected all the time, the way no one ever did this for you." He had a devilish smirk on his face as he pounded into the loud drooling sheep, leading his Ghost counterpart on to feel he had spent all those months having sex wrong with his lover.
It didn't help when Friend eventually did cum, a big puddle under her fluff as Rev buried himself deep inside and flooded his stomach with his own seed, so so much of it. He did spend a lot of time pent up, what can he say.
He made sure to satisfy All of Friend's needs from there on~
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snippet 'cyber sex' on wattpad deku x reader
"Why are you wearing that?" He asked he looked away from you, he felt like the air had become heavier.
"Guys have a thing for lingerie and costumes, more views equals more money." You simply said, standing up to pull him to the bed. 
He squeaked out in response.
"If you think this is too much how are you gonna top me today?" You teased, laughing at his face when it became brighter.
If only you knew the vulgar thoughts dirtying his brain.
" Just give me one second." He mumbled before leaving the room. Before the door shut, he was screaming into his shirt, jumping up and down and biting his fingers.
He slapped his face, twice. Trying to calm the beating of his heart, he wouldn't be able to survive if he came immediately like he did last week, that was so embarrassing for him.
"Get a hold of yourself Izuku." He whispered, feeling the need to jump out of your apartment window just to escape the overwhelming emotions bubbling inside his chest.
"Midoriya, if you're scared I can take charge I don't mind." You peeked your head out of the recording room, cheeks puffed up from laughing at his freak before checking on him.
He nodded his head meekly, knowing damn well that he'd probably collapse on top of you and lose control of his body if he had to take charge.
You held his hand, so tenderly, as you walked him back into the room, standing in front of him and kissing his collar.
He was stiff, feeling your hands go under his shirt, thumbs feeling every crevice his chest offered, pecking his nape while doing so.
" Touch me too." You whispered, feeling his shaky hands caress your breasts. For a short guy, he had quite big hands.
Your fingers graced his pecs with gentle touches. Loving how hard they were, before tugging on the bottom of his shirt to prompt him to take it off. He complied his hands once again sticking to his sides as he stared at your body.
Your lips licked at his chest, tongue circling his nipples to get some sort of response, just to get him to touch you back instead of standing there like a frigid bitch. Your hand slipped into his trousers grabbing hold of his heavy dick and stocking it.
His nails pressed into your shoulders watching you as you stared at him with a wicked smile, giggling at his reaction.
You removed your hand from his pants, spinning him and pushing him onto your bed. You sat him up so that he could watch you sinking to your knees in front of him. You spread his legs to give yourself room pulling his length out to examine and hold.
" I didn't notice how big you were before, it's different when it's in your face."
He stared at you curiously.
" What are you going do?" He asked, gripping the bedsheets as he twitched in your hand.
" Suck you off." You said simply, stroking him with your hand and staring at him with a carnal gaze which he returned.
You stare at it, tapping it against your cheeks feeling sticky pre attach to your cheek, was he always so pent up or was that the virgin in him? You open your mouth wide, attempting to get it all in your mouth at once not getting far because of how thick he was.
Your hand went to jerk the untouched part of him, the other massaging his balls. You noticed how his thighs tensed as if about to clench and trap your head on his cock for life.
He was loud, groaning every time your tight throat convulsed around his stocky tip. Resisting the urge to buck up or move too much so he wouldn't hurt you, not like he would enjoy this pleasure for long anyway.
He cums too quickly, with no warning, throbbing in your throat, thighs clenching around your head and hands going to your hair, a high-pitched moan or whine as you had thought leaving his mouth as the sticky white discharge shot down your throat.
You wiped your mouth, swallowing whatever leaked out and cocking your eyebrow.
"Can you top me now?"
He isn't as nervous anymore, his mass getting hard again, liking how you looked in your little bunny costume on your knees for him. The bunny costume that was untouched by him, that he could ruin with the consent that you had given him.
He pulled you up into him pushing you down so you laid on the bed. You were quiet just staring and waiting to see what he would do.
Scared hands reach for your covered breasts, playing with them as if they were putty, squeezing your erect nipples through the fabric. His other hand went to the damped panties covering your cunt, thumb rubbing the nerves he would watch you circle with your smaller finger as you brought yourself to orgasm.
He watched your face, waiting for any correction or indication that he wasn't doing anything correctly, but no protest came. Just your squinted eyes begging him for more as your chest heaved in pleasure.
His hand slides behind your back, reaching for the hook of your bra and successfully removing it. His tongue now glides across the peaks of your breasts circling and nibbling getting small moans from you.
He sits up, bending you while his hands go to your panties. He takes a deep breath remembering that he saw your pussy last week and it is not that big of a deal. He tells himself that he won't become a sex-crazed maniac just because he sees your cunt. He tells himself to calm down as he pulls them off seeing how wet you are. He stops himself from freezing and staring at it like some kind of pervert.
He places himself over your body hands beside your head, avoiding eye contact, missing the way you bit your lip in anticipation giving him a look only a nympho can muster.
You spread your legs for him, inviting him in, your hands reaching for his locs tugging so he would look at you and not the headboard of the bed.
" Stop being shy and fuck me."
It strained against your walls, pushing in slowly remembering how you did it in your videos. Having self-control and not fucking another hole in your vagina. You were just shocked he didn't prod you, liking the way he moulds into your body perfectly.
Your nails grip his nape for stability against his growing erection, a dull ache spreading between your legs as he welcomed himself in, you wondered if your body would ever get used to his size or if he would always have to take his time when entering you.
" Why've you got such a big penis, is it part of your quirk or sommat?" You seethed through gritted teeth, your hands moving to his back and clawing the thick muscle, wanting something to grip.
" I don't know." He panted, self-control soon leaving as he moved his hips into your body.
Midoriya's forte was analysis so watching you cum a few times was enough for him to know where your spot was and how to get you to make those pretty noises as you came, of course, there was more to be learnt but he was sure what he had so far was enough.
He liked how your diamond-tipped nails scared his back, the way your salacious mewls filled the room, and the embarrassing noises your drooling cunt made as it rippled around the stretch of his cock.
His pace was nearly perfect to you, his pelvis grinding against your puffy clit and mass-prodding your spot. His noises muffled as his lips sucked on the skin of your collar.
" Harder please." You gasped, whining when he complied, your pussy quivering around him when you felt yourself getting closer to an orgasm.
Your walls squeezed him prompting him to get close, his dick twitching in you, his thrusts brazen seeking an endpoint to his pleasure.
" M'there fuck I'm there m' cumming." You cried pussy gripping him and milking him as hot pleasure spread through your nerves ending at your pussy releasing an opaque sticky liquid around Midoriya's dick.
He held you tight one hand holding a bruising grip on your waist the other gripped the pillow beneath your head grounding himself as his cock twitched inside you, thick ropes of cum secreting into your womb as he released a whine.
He pulled out with a hiss keeping an eye on your cunt as his cum seeped out of you.
He rolled off you, laying next to you as you stared at the ceiling. The two of you catching your breath silently telling each other that the sex was good.
You turned to your side smiling at him, slightly cringing as you felt his cum slosh inside you.
" You did good virgin."
" How can I be a virgin we've had sex twice?" He defended his head cocking sideways as he looked at you, his face going red once he admitted having sex with you.
Sex with his crush.
" Whatever virgin," you rolled your eyes. " I'm too tired to walk you out so can you leave by yourself."
Wattpad - aiysan2
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
(day 1) fandom prompt #18 for khr please? ^^
Ah, thank you so much for sending in an ask for the event! This made me so, so happy!! Anyway, because KHR has a huge cast of characters and I only tend to write for a handful of them and because I got so few requests for this first day of the event, I really wanted to go above and beyond for this ask! So I challenged myself! Instead of going with just the first knee-jerk reactions and using the same characters over and over, I made myself a rule that I couldn’t repeat a character while answering this, which made it super fun and interesting to do! I hope you’ll enjoy!
Send me a Fandom and I’ll Tell What I Associate With Each Character:
Likes their music loud
I think a large part of why you see Irie with headphones is exactly this. He loves music and he tends to like to play it really loud and it really annoys his family and his neighbours, who complain to his mother, who then lectures Shoichi…I think it was his sister who bought him his first really good pair of headphones so that he could listen to his music without her having to hear it, because she thinks his taste in music is trash and vice versa.
Would poison someone if given the chance
So, I feel like I’m kind of cheating here, but I’m giving the really obvious answer. This is Bianchi’s shtick. Yes, it’s her main weapon of choice but she’s also been shown several times, especially in the Daily Life Arc, to do so just very casually and with no hesitancy.
Always happy
I feel like the overly obvious answer is Yamamoto here, but I actually don’t think he fits. So, my final answer on this one is a character a lot of people hated or wanted to forget about, Longchamp Naito! I feel like Longchamp, outside of the times he gets hit with the Desolation Bullet, is just very naïvely optimistic about everything and tries to be as positive as he can so that he can enjoy his life to it’s fullest, especially since I’ve always headcanoned him as someone who expects to die young, like most of his Family’s bosses do.
Afraid of spiders
Okay, so this is actually a really long-held, cute but meaningless headcanon I have for Iemitsu. I’ve always headcanoned him as really hating spiders or any kind of bug. They just gross him out and he’s low-key afraid of them. I think that, while Iemitsu tries to be the ‘man around the house’ whenever him and Nana are together, she’s the one having to kill all the bugs. He’ll be in the shower or puttering around and then there’s a spider right in front of his face and he starts yelling for Nana to come kill this itty-bitty bug.
Would jump out of a plane
While boxing will always be his true-blue love, I feel like Ryohei is interested in and later actively gets involved in extreme sports and he’d take up sky-diving as a hobby.
Calls people ‘Dude’
In a headcanon I have for a character nobody ever remembers exists, Bono. From Dino’s family? Anyone remember him? I don’t know why but I definitely headcanon him as saying dude a lot and just kind of sounding like an 80’s-90’s movie stoner.
Wants to just lay down and not move
For the most part, this is Rasiel. While he’s happy to get up and do murder the things he’s interested in, he’s really, really fucking lazy and he’d have no problem just spending the day in bed or sitting in his chair all day not doing anything at all. If things need to be done or if he’s in one of those moods and he needs something, he expects people to do everything for him and cater to his needs.
Has the perfect come backs
It’s Fran because he’s a perfect, sassy little bitch and I love him so much.
Can punch someone and the person they punched would thank them
I think there’s a lot of evidence in canon of just how revered Reborn is within the mafia world and even outside of it in one of his many alternate personas. He’s been shown to be this almost larger than life, greatly admired person for a lot of unnamed characters and I really think he could get away with this and the person would thank him for injuring them because, oh my god, the Reborn touched me and acknowledged me in some way, like this is a story I can tell my boys and they’ll think it’s so cool.
Listens to everything but common sense
Lambo does this because he is so young; he’s very naïve and very gullible. And, on top of that, he’s got this childish arrogance, no matter how old he gets, that he’s almost invincible and that he kind of knows everything and nothing bad could happen to him, leading him to disregard a lot of common-sense advice people try to give him.
Gives nicknames to others
While there’s a couple examples that do this somewhat canonically, I want to go a little off-board here and give a headcanon I have for one of the lesser known characters! I really feel like this is something that Ganauche does. He’s learned through the years not to use them at public family events, though he sometimes slips, but he has nicknames he uses for his boss and all of Timoteo’s Guardians and he tends to give nicknames to people he meets pretty quickly. He remembers the nicknames he gives people way easier than he remembers their actual names, which is why he does it.
Likes to talk to code
I really don’t get what this means…but Byakuran likes to talk and, in something I don’t think a lot of people think about, considering the hints of his school past with Irie, he’s actually quite the brilliant coder. I actually think that writing and reading code comes easily to him and that, if he wanted or had the time to, he’d be a tech genius on par with characters like Shoichi and Spanner.
Doesn’t open up to others very easily
Hibari. Not only does he not have much need for companionship and a misanthropic viewpoint at times, but he is such a very private person that even those who he does allow in his presence know very little about him. I don’t think even Kusakabe, who is arguably the closest to him, knew Kyoya’s home address until three years after meeting him because Hibari is so crazily private.
Is painfully obvious on who they like
Haru lives so very openly. She doesn’t hide who she is, what she’s interested in, her hopes and dreams…is it no wonder that she doesn’t try to hide it when she has a crush on someone? She just doesn’t get the point of hiding away any of that kind of stuff or why it would be considered embarrassing and I envy her confidence.
Would get a tattoo on a whim
I don’t know if this is cheating as he has at least one tattoo canonically but it’s Skull. I have such a strong headcanon that Skull has multiple tattoos and constantly wants to add to them, so strong that I don’t think even canon stating otherwise would make me accept it. And some of his tattoos are well-thought out and he’s met with the artists and put the design together and spent hours putting the thought into it. But others are just spur of the moment or predesigned tattoos that he gets just to scratch that itch of needing a new one or because he thought it looked cool.
Has a strong eyebrow game
FUCKING GENKISHI. Oh my god, it was the first thing that popped into my head reading the question because those are a choice.
Would jump off a building
I don’t know why but I kind of feel like Wonomichi would be strangely skilled in parkour and, just a strange headcanon, but I believe he’s pretty close to being as long-lived and robust as Kawahira is…almost immortal. So, I feel like this fits him best in my personal headcanons.
Likes to travel
I actually think that Nana had always wanted to travel, had wanted to see the world and it was something that Iemitsu promised her that the two of them would do. But life happened and they started a family and settled into Namimori and she puts aside a lot of her desire to go explore the world until after Tsuna is out of the house and I do feel like, when Iemitsu is able to turn CEDEF over to its successor or even just take an extended break, him and Nana do get to finally live that promise he made her.
Likes roses
Pantera really likes roses and though he’s largely oblivious to everything, Longchamp actually does make sure she always has fresh roses in her room because he’s gotta take care of his family!
Talks in song lyrics
Nosaru does this sometimes. A lot of the time, when he does it, it’s because he thinks it makes him look cool while other times it’s just force of habit.
Is tol
I know this is a cheat but he is technically a character! Gola Mosca…I think a lot of the time, people really don’t appreciate just how absolutely humungous and imposing and powerful those machines are (except for Mini-Mosca, of course). So the fact that Hibari pretty much single-handedly is just really a badass moment.
Is smol
So, all the Arcobaleno are small in their cursed forms but going a step further to a former Arcobaleno…I feel like, even in his grown-up form, Bermuda was a very short man, absolutely no more than 5’5 and probably closer, in my own headcanons, to being around 5’2.
Would murder someone if given the opportunity
Bel actually canonically does this. It’s mentioned that, whenever he’s in a new area, he goes out of his way to straight up murder the local killers in the area. It’s not out of any sense of justice or anything; Bel’s just looking for a good fight and some fun slicing and dicing of people who the police and townspeople won’t be too upset to find dead.
Had a sad childhood
Okay, I could go with any of the Kokuyo Gang. I could go with Xanxus or Gokudera...but I feel like these points have been discussed quite a bit more in fandom than the one I want to answer with. Because can we all just talk about Tsuna’s childhood for a second? Like, he’s bullied throughout his entire school career, doesn’t really have any friends to speak of, his father straight up abandons his family, and while Nana does try hard, she ends up being innocently insensitive and actively calls him no-good at times and destroys his self-confidence even more and doesn’t really help him with the bullying issues he faces or with dealing with Iemitsu’s leaving or any of it. And then a baby just shows up one day and starts telling him he’s going to put him through hellish training to become a Mafia Boss, even if Tsuna refuses. Yes, Tsuna grows and his life improves throughout the manga but can we please just all agree that the boy has been through some serious shit?
Loves their parents
Now here’s my Yamamoto answer!!! I really, really, REALLY love the obvious bond, trust, and love there is in Tsuyoshi and Takeshi’s relationship with each other.
Hates fish
I think Basil doesn’t really like fish if they still have the head on. He likes the taste of fish but absolutely can’t eat it in that case because it’s looking at him and now he feels horrifically guilty about every fish related food he has ever had in his whole entire life.
Questions everything
I think Ken was a really curious child that learned to shut up during his childhood with the Estraneo’s…but that, once the Kokuyo Gang settles into each other and once Ken realizes that he’s safe to show that curiosity again, that he asks so many questions. Some of them are really, really dumb or mindless or nonsensical but no matter how many he asks, Chikusa never gets too annoyed with him and Mukuro always seems to have some retort, even if he gets annoyed a bit easier.
Would keep up with celebrity gossip
I don’t know why but I can’t get rid of this headcanon that it would be Julie. He’s up on all the gossip about his favourite celebrities, along with all the gossip going on in town. He always seems to have some dirt or dish on everyone, whether he personally knows them or not.
Would make it rain in the club
It’s Aoba because he is the worst person for managing money. He’s always fucking broke because he does stuff like this. He can’t seem to hold onto his cash because it’s almost an impulse for him – if he has money, the money absolutely must be spent.
Likes hugs
Everyone please, please give Timoteo hugs. All the hugs. He doesn’t care if he doesn’t know you well, he’ll still hug you. I just really do headcanon him as being physically affectionate to those around him, especially as he ages and he becomes that cuddly grandpa-esque type of figure where he’s always going to be up for a hug and will probably give you a mint he keeps in his pockets.
Kisses their partner good night
Okay, but when he has a lover and they’re living together, this is definitely a Spanner thing. It’s very much a thing he does so much that it becomes just a part of the routine for him and his partner at night and he won’t be able to sleep well at all without that good-night kiss.
Likes to give piggybacks
I think Lancia really likes children and he gets along with them better than he does most adults. He doesn’t mind them crawling all over him and will happily piggyback them…he’s not above piggybacking a grown adult either, if the situation calls for it. He’s really strong and most people won’t seem to weigh much at all to him.
Likes to sing in the vehicle
Lussuria absolutely jams out to whatever’s on the radio, though he tends to carry around a lot of CDs to listen to in the car as well, all of his favourites. Xanxus refuses to ride in the same vehicle as him for this very reason and all the Varia members threaten to kill him, but he just gets louder every time they do.
Would join the circus
I actually think a big childhood dream of Shitt P.’s was running away and joining the circus to become an acrobat or a tight-rope walker. I feel like she would probably do that too, when she’s a little older and ready to get some distance from the family.
Could be a stand-up comedian
I actually think, despite his imposing looks, that Coyote can tell one hell of a joke. He’s more about situational comedy, telling people funny stories of all the crazy shit he’s seen in his life or all the insane situations he’s gotten himself into.
Has bad luck
Poor Levi. He faces bad luck in universe and in fandom because everyone, including Lady Luck, seems to hate him.
Likes pretzels
I think I-Pin likes the big, soft, fresh-baked pretzels you can get from stalls and such, with extra salt. It’s not something she gets to eat a lot but it’s a huge treat and she likes mixing it up with the dipping sauces they give you for the pretzels, though she doesn’t try the different flavoured pretzels.
Loves the rain
I think I have mentioned this before, but Squalo really loves the rain. It energizes him, provides trickier ground for training, and also soothes and relaxes him depending on the type of rain it is (like a thunderstorm, light mist, downpour, etc.)
Can knock out someone’s tooth in one punch
If Xanxus seriously resorts to throwing hands against you instead of using his weapons or just throwing whatever’s close at hand, you’re walking away with a broken jaw at the very least.
Will kiss someone to steal their wallet
It’s mostly just an AU I have for a universe where the girls get to actually be bad-ass and part of the Mafia world, but that’s actually something Kyoko does in that AU! of mine because she learns to take advantage of that cute, innocent feminine charm of hers to manipulate others.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Now Wilbur, of course, panics at the idea of going out into the city. The main reason is that he’ll then have a chance to run, any actual chance and he’ll be confronted with the fact that he doesn’t want to run once more. But this time, he’ll have no excuse. But what frustrates him more, is how much Tommy trusts him with this. Not because he trusts him, he likes that Tommy trusts him, but because of what that trust implies. Or rather, it force Wilbur to face the implications of not running while he’s been trying his hardest to ignore them.
Because Wilbur would be trying to run. He should be trying to get back to the palace so he can serve his goddess the way he was taught to. He should be loyal. But Wilbur doesn’t want to leave and he finally accepts that and let's that be a good enough reason to stay this chapter. He doesn’t want to go back to Schlatt, who never listens to him. He doesn’t want to go back to having no friends.
Because even if Wilbur can’t admit it he likes having friends, he likes being treated as a person, he likes hear (his) that name. He just can’t admit it to himself because that would be bad faith. That would be breaking every rule. That would be turning his back on a Goddess he never wanted but it’s ready to rid himself of because he hasn’t known any different for the past decade.
It’s also why he hates being known. Not because he doesn’t want anyone to understand him, but because Tommy does (to some level) and it forces Wilbur to confront the things he’d rather ignore. That he is a person when he’s trying very hard not to be. That he’s not empty when all he tries to do is repress his own emotions. That he won’t run, even when he knows he should. Side note: I think that part of why Wilbur doubles down on being and empty shell of a vessel, is because he has no idea how to be human. Not all the time at least. It’s rarely a conscious decision.
Anyway, all these emotions and implications bubbling under the surface eventually lead us to [”I haven’t given up on Clara, you know.”] because that’s what Tommy wants Wilbur to do and Wilbur knows it. But he’s not ready. It also seems to be a knee-jerk reaction rather than something he actually believes and means. And that automated respond at the idea that Tommy doubts his loyalty is what sets Tommy off.
yup exactly this!! wilbur doesn't want to be confronted with all that, and that's a huge reason why tommy is doing this in the first place. again, he forces wilbur out of his comfort zone.
and it works. wilbur accepts he doesn't want to leave even though it's his duty. he doesn't want to leave when all that's waiting for him is a cold palace and schlatt's disregard. but mostly it's that he doesn't want to go back to being treated like a vessel instead of a person. he's come to accept it more than he's let himself realize, and if he were to find himself in the palace again only being thought of as a vessel and never called by his name again, he'd be struggling a LOT.
you've nailed the why he doesn't want to be known thing. tommy understanding him better than he understands himself is what gives tommy an edge over him, and lets him push him in just the right ways to make him question things he doesn't want to.
(he doesn't know how to be a person, but he's so bad at not being a person at the same time. it's a double-edged sword for him.)
it was definitely a knee-jerk reaction that made wilbur say that. he wasn't speaking from his own unshakable beliefs bc he HAS been questioning stuff. but he can't admit that out loud. and if he says the opposite, maybe that will make it true. if he says he's still loyal to clara, maybe he can pretend hard enough to get his head right again.
but it probably won't work.
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kitausuret · 1 year
6 and 8 for the ask game!
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
So, my knee-jerk reaction answer for this was "spideypool", but you know what? There are a lot of annoying symbrock fans out there for reasons I already addressed in #3 right here and it honestly doesn't have anything to do with the ship. Obviously I love the ship itself, both in its Marvel 616 and SPUMC iterations. But it's the complete and utter inability of some fans to grasp the concept of like, multishipping and polyshipping even when there's precedent for it in both canons. I will say it's a minority of fans but the loud ones have tended to be real loud and it annoys me. A lot of them who jumped on board in 2018 also latched onto a Particular Character in Venom Lore That I Really Fucking Hate and it's absolutely inescapable. I'm suffering.
also i think people are too harsh on the jenkins/ramos spectacular spider-man #1-5 i said what i said
Anyways. Eddie dropping his daddy issues on Beck and she kisses him anyways! Wow. What a woman. She can't help but be attracted to a divorced man with a mullet and problems and his alien (Venom: The Madness #1, because writer Ann Nocenti knew what was UP)
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8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I haven't seen it a LOT in my own circles but I have seen more than a handful of "MJ hates Flash" like no!!! Stop!!! You are WRONG and it's bad and you should feel bad. They are friends they are kindred spirits she literally sees Flash as the male version of herself. Stop it stop it stop it they love each other! Similarly hate the mostly-uncommon but sometimes-still-there "Flash bullying Harry". Don't make me get out the HarryFlash post. I'll fucking do it.
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(Webspinners #1, JM DeMatteis, Romita Sr.)
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folliesandfolderols · 9 months
Writing prompts day 2
From this prompt list. I set a goal of writing at least 150 words per day in 2024, which sounds pretty pathetic but if you take into account the fact that I haven't written any fiction since 2019 it felt like a feasible target. Anyway I completed the first draft (it reached 88k words) and will be unlocking the original posts as I edit.
day one here
5. "Let me take care of you, yeah? I'll do the work."
12. "You sound/taste/feel/look so fucking good."
(nsfw under the cut)
Tim wasn't sure what it said about him that the thing that had persuaded him not to back out tonight was the thought of getting Damian's cock in his mouth. He decided to not follow that thought trail to whatever inevitably horrifying conclusion it would yield and instead gave the purpled head an experimental lick. He tilted his gaze up from under his lashes to check Damian's reaction.
Damian rewarded him with a pleading look and an actual whimper, which surprised Tim so much he nearly commented on it before realizing that would practically guarantee the phenomenon wouldn't repeat itself. Instead, he licked his way down to the base and back up. He kissed the tip and checked Damian's face again while Damian's fingers dug into the sheet.
"Okay?" he asked.
Damian nodded, eyes hooded and mouth hanging open as he panted. Damn he was pretty. So, so pretty.
Tim slid down as much of Damian's length as he could fit into his throat. He'd never been able to entirely train himself out of his gag reflex, but he was able to get pretty far down before it triggered now, and anyway his fingers made up the difference. Damian certainly didn't seem inclined to complain. One trembling hand freed itself from its death grip on the sheet and delicately combed through Tim's hair as he closed his eyes, enjoying the musky scent and tinge of salt, the weight of Damian on his tongue. He'd kind of missed sucking cock. Or, at least, he'd missed using the power it gave him to make someone else lose their mind. Not to mention how vanishingly rare any sort of gentleness from Damian directed his way was. The novelty of that soft caress made his stomach flutter.
True to his expectations, he'd only worked a minute or two when precome spurted onto his tongue. Damian's thighs shook and he hunched over a bit. To Tim's vague surprise, he still maintained enough self-control to groan, "I'm going to—"
Tim hummed in encouragement, and that was all it took before Damian whined and came down his throat. And he was loud about it, too, which Tim never would've expected but found incredibly hot. Every time Tim swallowed around him, Damian moaned and jerked in response until he gasped out, "I can't, I can't, it's too much," and eased himself out from between Tim's lips.
One of the most stoic people Tim knew, and he'd been overwhelmed by Tim's mouth. Tim's touch. Tim was pretty sure he was going to combust. Dizzy and fighting for control, he leaned his forehead on Damian's knee and squeezed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath. Once again, that hungry, pleading thing he tried to ignore churned with longing in the back of his mind.
When he was sure he'd be able to stay focused, he raised his head again. "What do you think? Worth the trip?"
Damian scoffed, gracing Tim with his real smile—a rare privilege. "I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to that, but yes."
Finally. He was using contractions again. Mission Help Damian Get Comfortable with Sex with Tim partially accomplished. Tim gave himself a mental pat on the back. "Let's get out of our clothes, yeah?"
Damian nodded, and waited for Tim to stand before mirroring the motion. Tim let his clothes just fall to the floor next to him, but Damian folded his and put them on a nearby chair.
"Wow," Tim muttered, appreciating the rear view as Damian fussed with his socks on top of the pile. The play of the dim light across the muscles of his back, his ass, his thighs, his everything, made his palms ache to run across that lovely brown skin and its darker scars.
Damian glanced over his shoulder and lifted one eyebrow. "Am I up to standard?"
Shit. Tim hadn't meant to voice his appreciation, but now that he had . . . well. "I'd say you exceed expectations."
Damian walked back to the bedside to stand before him. "Tt. Flattery is unnecessary. You've already got me undressed."
Deciding to leave that alone, Tim hopped up on the bed, knelt, and scooted back. "C'mere. I wanna touch you."
Damian obediently crawled across the bed, lying on his back at the unvoiced direction of Tim's hands. "Can I—" But he stopped, folding his lips together with an irritated quirk of his eyebrows.
Tim knew him well enough by now to recognize the signs of insecurity. "It's okay. Ask me. The worst I could say is that I don't want to." He ran his fingertips down the center of Damian's chest. "But honestly, there isn't much I can think of that I wouldn't want to do with you."
Damian still had to visibly brace himself before he spoke again. "Can I kiss you? Is that too intimate?"
Oh, shit. Tim always did this and he never knew he was doing it until it was too late. It wasn't like he wanted to make his interactions with other people, even the people he cared about the most, impersonal. It was just what came naturally, and then he always ended up being an asshole without even wanting to be one. Which was annoying, because there were plenty of times he did want to be one, and couldn't, so doing it accidentally wasn't even rewarding.
His pause for some light self-flagellation must have taken too long, because red flooded Damian's chest and neck. "I am sorry—"
"No!" Tim moderated his tone at Damian's barely perceptible inhale, which was the equivalent of a flinch and scream from anyone else. "No, Damian. It's really okay." Shit, shit, he kept fucking up. Damian had offered him the vulnerability of honesty at the beginning of this, so he could do the same. "I'm just mad at myself because I made you think that wasn't a thing I want to do with you. I'd really like to kiss you."
Damian nodded, slowly, and just as slowly reached to hook his hand over the back of Tim's neck. "So, I can—"
Tim cut him off with a kiss. On some level, he'd expected Damian to be an inexperienced kisser, a preconception he didn't realize he had until it was banished by the confident movement of the soft lips against his. Damian kissed with his whole body, arms tight around Tim's torso, hands roaming to every place he could reach and gripping eagerly, hips tilting to rub his cock against Tim's thigh, legs wrapping around Tim's calves to hold him close. And the noises he made—tiny moans and whimpers, every single one a wordless plea for more more more. Tim hummed with delight and let himself relax into the embrace. He knew a person's behavior out of bed wasn't always a clue to how they would act in it, but he never would've guessed Damian would be sweet.
"So good," he managed to gasp out when Damian let him breathe, if only to kiss his way across his face and neck. "You feel so fucking good." Damian fastened his mouth to the muscle at the join of Tim's neck and shoulder, licking and biting softly, and Tim sucked in air between his teeth, liquid heat rushing straight from the point of contact to his dick. "Oh, fuck. Okay, wait wait wait, I know you—unh," as one of Damian's hands slid around to the front to touch his erection, "Damian wait, that feels so good but I know you wanted to do more than this and I still need to prep a little bit if I'm gonna ride you tonight, okay?"
Damian shook against him, one full-body shudder. For a second, Tim wondered if he'd come again, but instead Damian loosened his embrace and let his head fall back to the mattress, chest heaving in search of air and eyes gone hazy. 
"All right," he said, low-voiced.
Surrender looked good on him. Another brutal wave of arousal made Tim's breath catch and his dick twitch. "Yeah," he managed to choke out. "Yeah, just let me—" He reached for the lube he always left shamelessly on the nightstand and flipped the cap open. Even though it had been a while since he'd bottomed for a person, he'd still kept in practice with toys, but Damian was slightly wider than most of them. Tim took some deep breaths as he slid two fingers inside himself, and watched Damian's hands where they restlessly moved across his thighs, avoiding his own dick while he waited.
After the fastest stretching job of his life, Tim gently pushed Damian to lie flat on his back again and straddled his waist.
Damian stared up at him, a flash of uncertainty moving so quickly across his expression that Tim almost missed it.
"What's wrong? I can still grab a condom if you'd rather. You can always change your mind. I won't be upset."
Tim moved to open his nightstand drawer, but Damian's hands clamped on Tim's hips and held him still. "It's not that. I'm not sure what to do. I've researched, of course, but there’s a slim chance my remaining ignorance will lead to your injury."
"Hey, hey," Tim soothed, cradling Damian's face in the palm that didn't have lube all over it. "I've got this. Let me take care of you, yeah? I'll do the work. You won't hurt me because I won't let you." He was a little worried Damian would psych himself out of going through with it if Tim let him think too much about his inexperience, so he reached behind him to stabilize Damian's erection and sank down on it all in one smooth, practiced move.
Damian exhaled on a shout like he'd been punched in the gut, and Tim echoed the sound while his body adjusted. When he could focus again, Damian's eyes were squeezed shut. Tim overlaid his heart with one hand, feeling its frantic thudding mirroring the pulse now buried deep inside Tim's body. The last of the sting faded, and Tim leaned forward to place a tiny kiss on Damian's jaw, which was flexing as he held the rest of his body still with the sort of discipline few could have managed.
"Don't worry about trying to keep yourself from coming, okay? I won't be disappointed no matter what," he said, letting his hips make an experimental swivel. Damian nodded, a single jerk of his head, before stilling once more. "Good. Can you do one thing for me?"
"I'll try," Damian said, voice just as quiet as Tim's.
"Let yourself make noise? It helps me know I'm making you feel good. Is that okay?"
Another quick nod. Tim let himself smile since Damian's eyes were still closed. There. Now he'd feel like he was doing Tim a favor by allowing himself to do what was already natural. Not that what Tim had said wasn't true.
Tim allowed himself the indulgence of a quick lick on Damian's closest nipple—which garnered a flinch and wide-opened eyes as a reward—before setting both hands on Damian's chest and getting to work.
day three here
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