#but then i went ‘oh yeah obi-wan wouldn’t know that’
starchivist · 2 years
Baby Kenobi
i don’t know how to write serious summaries/synopses, so you get this: obi-wan gets ambushed with the daughter he didn’t know he fathered while she’s roaming the galaxy looking for mama in a sort of reverse finding nemo. shenanigans and accidental fix-its ensue.
warning for below the cut: none that i can think of, aside from an extremely confused narrator
Stitchup hates everything about this.
“Look, sir, we’re just travelers,” he insists to the trio of bounty hunters, simultaneously glad for and resenting that this mission required he be in civilian clothes and not his plastoid shell. Behind him, General Kenobi is calm and still, letting Stitchup be the focus of the standoff. After all, Stitchup might have a face that’s repeated by a few billion others, but that can be fixed with a bit of contouring — and the hunters are from a race of sentients that are wired more for overarching shapes than small details, meaning his voice is the thing most likely to give him away as a clone in this situation. Jedi High General Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand — his face is far more singular, and his accent is very distinct, which means he has a much higher chance of being recognized if he speaks up.
The hunters buzz, clearly unconvinced. “Sure,” the lead hunter says, the translator at their throat crackling faintly. “Listen, bucko, you can’t seriously think we’re that stupid. General Kenobi’s ship crashed here, and I can’t think of any other reason for a clone trooper to be here. Can you?”
Motherfucker. He’s been suppressing his accent, dammit! “I’m not a trooper,” he tries, knowing his General is about to do something idiotic if he can’t de-escalate and get them out of here. “I’m just a traveling doctor,” he says levelly. “That’s all.”
The lead hunter buzzes again, derision dripping from their stance. They take a step closer—
“Papa,” a young voice says, and only sheer professionalism save Stitchup from jumping about a mile in the air. He turns to see a small humanoid girl trotting up to General Kenobi with Great Purpose, going right up to him and tugging on his sleeve. “Papa,” she says again, a soft, chirping rumble beneath her voice. “I can’t find the right tools — they’re all for droids ‘n engines.”
To Stitchup’s utter shock, General Kenobi doesn’t miss a single beat before playing along, bending down to meet the girl and chirping back.
“That’s alright, Anate,” he says gently, his Coruscanti accent somehow completely gone and replaced with something else. “We’ll just keep looking, yes?” Then he makes this — crooning, trilling sound, and the girl responds in kind with a warbling purr.
“Okay,” the girl says, reaching out her arms when General Kenobi stands in the universal request to be picked up. Again, General Kenobi plays along as flawlessly as if the two of them had rehearsed this beforehand, scooping her into his arms and settling her against his chest with a quiet “Hup!” She makes another purring noise, shuffling as best as she can to get more comfortable, then finally turns her attention to Stitchup and the bounty hunters. “Hi,” she says, peering at the hunters past thick, feathery white hair that covers half her face. “Are you policemen?”
The droning buzz of the hunters is, this time, very clearly uncomfortable. “Policemen,” the hunter on the left echoes carefully, stepping forward and crouching, their blaster holstered in the same movement. “Sorry, kid, my translator doesn’t recognize that. Wanna tell me what that means?”
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padawansuggest · 6 months
Obi-Wan: *sitting at the table with a bunch of clones, noticing a couple shinies looking awkward* Oh, I guess I could just-
Cody: They’re not upset about you, they just think we’re not allowed to talk about hobbies while you’re around.
Obi-Wan: *perks up* oh? What kind of hobbies?
Shiny 1: I like to knit, but that’s not actually what we were talking about.
Obi-Wan: Oh that’s amazing, I picked up knitting from Master Tra Saa as a Padawan, she forced Tholme and me and Quin into the ugliest sweaters as kids. My own master crocheted blankets for the crechlings. I’ll have to introduce you to the other clones I know that knit.
Shiny 1: *perks up all cute and sweet* Oh, that would be nice!
Obi-Wan: :) and you?
Shiny 2: I wouldn’t really call it a /hobby/-
Waxer: Nah, it totally counts.
Boil: Yeah. Cody used to make a hobby out of seeing how much he could stress out the alphas before they put him in the corner.
Cody: We needed to know how much we could get away with! What went too far and we’d get in major trouble for!
Boil: Exactly. Our commander is a limit pushing brat. Yours totally counts as a hobby.
Shiny 2: I mean… *sees Obi-Wan’s encouraging look* I run a holoweb blog where I track the finances and voting habits of all senators who vote against giving clones right or safety measures.
Boil: See! His blog is famous and he’s even getting death threats over it! Which is funny cause he always just publishes them and three senators have been questioned publicly about it.
Waxer: If I had the tech skills for this, trust me, I’d make it my hobby too.
Shiny 2: *nervously looking at Obi-Wan*
Obi-Wan: …can I have the link to that blog? It sounds more than just a hobby, that sound useful…
Shiny 2: *perks up* Oh? Okay.
Obi-Wan: Besides, it’s more productive than I ever got up to as a kid. I went through a phase where I wore a Sparvard (Space Harvard) sweater everywhere to trick men into talking to me. I found them amusing. I always told them I thought it was a gay dating app. They didn’t like me much.
Cody: Oh, I love the antagonism of it!
Obi-Wan: I thought you might.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Beware The Thorns | Part 1
(a NSFW multi-part ficlet)
“Who was that Eds?”
“Mind your business, shithead” Eddie pocketed his phone, he recognised the number the moment it flashed up on his work phone, a device he always had on him regardless of where he was, he could be at a FUNERAL, and he’d have that phone on him.
In this instance however, it was merely a family dinner. Well… family and the Henderson’s, so yeah. Family. He’d excused himself upstairs and answered as soon as he was out of earshot.
Evidently, he’d been followed.
“I heard you say you loved them… are you seeing someone?” Eddie tried really hard to not be insulted by his tone, a weird mixture of disturbed amazement, with just a dash of disbelief for flavour. Was it that much of a stretch to see him dating someone?
Was it that unbelievable to the person he’d practically grown up with, that he could find someone who’d like him?
Maybe it was. Didn’t mean he had to like it; his job had kept him away from actually… dating anyone.
“Maybe I am, again, mind your damn business.” Of course they didn’t know what he was, what he did to earn his money, he’d spun some lie years ago about an online business because ‘rockstar’ had to… actually have evidence, he had an actual legitimate website to keep the lie going, nothing ever really went through it, but… it worked to keep the questions at bay.
Nobody asked, and he didn’t tell, he was a grown ass adult, he didn’t NEED to tell anyone.
Dustin sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat, good… he’d have never gotten anything out of him anyway “fine, fine don’t tell me… don’t tell meee, your only brother.”
“We’re not even relat—”
“The best man at your future wedding.”
“Since when was I getting marri—”
“The Wan Kenobi to your Obi.”
“What the—”
“I am happy for you though, the both of you! I hope you’ll bring him home someday, I’m sure we’d all like to meet him” Eddie’s eyes widened… he’d never… fuck … he’d never said anyth— “What, you think you’re all crafty? C’mon Eddie, you can’t even sit normally.”
“The fuck has that got to do with anything?!”
“Y’know… gay people… they can’t sit properly… in chairs…? Is that wrong?” at least that proved that Dustin could be uncertain about some things.
“You’ve been on that stupid app again, haven’t you?” He had the decency to look guilty at the very least. “The fuck have I told you?”
“It’s dumb and addictive and I should stop, BUT IT’S HELPING ME LEARN!”
“It’s filling your head with bullshit! Fine, I’m gay, what the fuck ever. Go back downstairs for the love of all that is holy, and just give me a minute to process that you’ve been theorising my sexuality based on how I sit, and don’t you DARE tell anyone.”
“Oh, c’mon Eddie! You’re old enough to come out now, you have your own place, your own business! Plus, we all love you, no judgement here, this is a judgy free zone.”
“I will rip out your larynx and shove it up your ass if you even THINK of telling them.”
“But… how will you know if i’m thi—okay I won’t say anything, i wouldn't say anything. Not my place.” Eddie had levelled him with a look, a single, rage squint look, a look which promised imminent pain if he did not take his nosy ass and remove it from his presence, and he’d accepted that look for what it was. A promise.
Not just a threat.
“I’m gonna have to go early, my… my boyfriend, will be home tonight, the ridiculous idiot never has food in so I’m gonna go sort that out.”
“You’re buying his food for him? Eddie… that’s… he’s not just using you for money is he cause that’s really bad.”
“No dumbass, he’ll give it me back.”
“Right away?”
“YES, right away.”
“Not just promises he doesn’t intend to keep?”
“Dustin, I will brutally murder each and every one of your characters in graphic detail within five minutes of every campaign for the next year if you do not—”
“Okay!” Hands up in surrender, Dustin took a step backwards, a threat to his precious characters was no laughing matter, even if Eddie would struggle to make that kind of threat happen, the risk was there! He still had to ask “is… is he good though?” Of course, Eddie could threaten all he liked.
Dustin was his little brother, or as good as! It was his job to be insufferable.
The question however, made him think, he could pick any of them, any one of his clients to mould this imaginary boyfriend from, maybe mix and match, bring him to life from attributes of all of them, that’d be fine right? Nobody but Dustin really knew he was dating so… he wouldn’t be introducing them to him.
Perfectly coiffed brown hair… a warm smile… big, strong hands, a constellation of pretty moles dotted in places Eddie knew far too well. There was no amalgamation of faces, no mixture of personalities to make the perfect one, just a soft smile, warm hands, broad shoulders, muscle, and perfectly soft, thick brown hair… his favourite.
“Yeah… he’s… he’s great, Dustin… you’d like him” big strong softie he was, and it was so easy falling into the role of his boyfriend too, he’d been paying for that package for what felt like forever, he felt like he knew the man inside and out, like the back of his own hand.
He was the only one to have paid for that package continuously for over more than a few months, even Hagan only paid for it every now and then, never continuously. He thought Steve would have gotten tired of him by now but… It’d been two years.
Some people expected MARRIAGE after two years in a relationship.
Steve Harrington seemed to want him more and more by the day and the surprising thing, was that the thought didn’t invoke the same level of panic that he were SURE it would if anyone else were to have those wants, those needs of him.
He felt… comfortable with Steve, safe with him. Like he could show hints of himself, the real himself without the fear of losing him, of putting him off.
“You look so dopey smiling like that, y’know? You must really like him, huh?” He’d been smiling? Fuck… “Well… anyone who can make you smile like that just thinking about him is alright by me, I’ll cover for you, you can go sort his food out if you want.”
This was fine… totally completely fine. Would be better if Dustin could actually keep his mouth shut but alas. Dustin had a history of foot in mouthisms that'd gotten them into trouble after trouble after trouble years on the trot.
Eddie probably shouldn't have continued to tell him stuff, but that was his little brother so. He had to.
“Uh… yeah… yeah I like him. Thanks, I’ll… grab my coat, just tell em I feel sick or somethin so I’m goin home” he didn’t say goodbye, Dustin probably did that for him, just grabbed his coat and snuck out like he used to do as a teenager when he simply couldn’t be bothered dealing with his fathers drunk ranting about queers being put in cages.
He did have to come to one very unfortunate conclusion after that conversation though. After seeing Steve instead of a mishmash of faces, after being unable to put a random face to the title and spin it as truth.
Feelings were there. Real feelings. The mushy shit. The wants for more that he couldn’t have. The Pretty Woman syndrome without the corny and frankly rushed happy ending.
It couldn’t continue anymore, what he had with Steve had to end. Feelings… real feelings… he couldn’t have real feelings for his clients. It put his whole career on the line, his way of life gone in an instant all because his heart had to go all gooey for someone who probably didn’t even give a real fuck about him.
This was fine.
After the evening was done… he’d end it, terminate their contract. It was for the best. Steve deserved better than him anyway.
Part 3
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bibiwrld · 11 months
Nerdy loser Anakin Skywalker!— Turned Bad Boy!
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Pairing: Nerdy loser Anakin! x Black fem oc!
Author’s note: I honestly thought this was a cute and funny idea. Kinda short, but I’m thinking of a part 2, idk.
Bad boy! Bad boy!
Whatcha gonna do?
Can’t run away from ‘em
They weren’t girlfriend and boyfriend, that’s what they agreed on until Sydnee was ready and he was fine with that. Anakin thought what they had was special and he wouldn’t want to ruin it, but he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous when he’d see Sydnee talking to other guys around campus. They didn’t look like Anakin, they looked cooler— wearing fashionable and darker clothes, messy dark hair, piercings, always had a cigarette between their lips and they spoke with such vulgars words.
Was that allowed? Talking to other people?
Even if he wanted to, Anakin couldn’t, no other girl caught his eyes quite like Sydnee did. She was the only one for him.
He paced his living room with his phone to his ear, listening to it ring. “Pick up, pick up—”
“Anakin, it’s late, this better be some type of emergency.” Obi-Wan, his older brother, groaned.
“I-it is!” Anakin interjected, standing in place. “I met a girl.” His voice now a little more hushed.
Obi-Wan almost choked. “A girl?!”
“Don’t sound so shocked.” He said with rolled eyes. “I just need..a–a little advice.”
“I’m your older brother, that’s what I’m here for.”
“Do you think girls like edgy bad boys?” He plopped down on his couch.
“Some girls do, yeah. Girls think they’re cooler, more attractive, assertive. They like laid back guys, very nonchalant, guys who just don’t give a shit, y’know?”
Anakin was none of those things.
“I should just fake it, huh?” He adjusted his glasses.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Little did Obi-Wan know what he told his younger brother, was the worst advice ever.
Right after that phone call, Anakin went on a shopping spree. Buying a new wardrobe that consisted of dark tees with cool graphics, dark long sleeved shirts and baggy jeans. He also stopped at Target and bought black and blue hair dye, fake piercings and contact lenses.
He stood in front of his mirror, listening to the audiobook of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, with a patch of blue in his hair.
He couldn’t believe he was going through with this. He looked at himself in the mirror, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling.
His arms grew tired as he dabbed a section of his hair with a hair dye brush coated in black hair dye. He prayed this came out good, finally putting a clear plastic cap on his head.
“I was thinking of hitting up this club tomorrow night, I heard they got male strippers.” Lilian slowly scrolled on her phone giggling.
“Wait for real?” Chloe leaned all the way into Lilian trying to look at her phone. “Oh my God, they’re hot.”
Sydnee didn’t really care to look, she had other things to worry about, like where Anakin was. He didn’t send a good morning text like he usually does every morning, as he’s always up before her, she hasn’t seen him around campus and it usually doesn’t take long for her to see him walking around.
“What’s your problem, Sydnee?” June asked with obvious attitude, chewing her gum obnoxiously as her nails clicked against her phone.
Sydnee doesn’t know why she still hung around this girl, she was so rude and annoying. “I’m just wondering where Anakin is, that’s all.”
“Now that you mention it, I didn’t see him in Physics today.” Chloe rested her chin into her palm, suddenly thinking about Anakin.
“Seriously girl?” June scoffed. “You’re still hung up on that guy? It was one thing to fuck him, but to actually give a shit about him is crazy.”
Sydnee’s fist balled up, slowly turning her head towards the obnoxious snob. Before Sydnee or Chloe could say something in defense of Anakin, Lilian cut them off.
“Is that..is that Anakin?” Her tone was a mix of surprised and a bit of disbelief.
Sydnee quickly turned around, searching the busy cafeteria for the boy with glasses, but she didn’t see him at all. She squinted, then noticed a tall guy in an army green tee, baggy ash jeans, grey converse and black, messy hair, sluggishly walking over to them.
She could only stare in awe, her eyes just following him as he got closer. She noticed he had on black eye shadow, messily smeared on his lids.
He dropped his bag on the floor, sitting beside Sydnee. “Hey doll face.” He removed the cigarette from his lips, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Doll face?” Sydnee silently muttered to herself. He’s never talked like that, ever.
“Sup girls?” He nodded to the 3 girls.
“Uh..hey?” Lilian rose a brow.
“What’s with the look?” Chloe asked.
He focused hard on every word, trying not to stutter.
“Can’t a guy express himself?” He snapped, slouching and spreading his legs.
“I think he looks better this way.” June gave small nods.
Of course she did.
Sydnee rolled her eyes at June, then brought her attention back to Anakin. She reached her hand out to fix his hair . “You have bed head, Ani—”
He corrected her, moving his head so she couldn’t touch it. “Anakin and that’s just how my hair is.”
“Well Anakin, you missed Physics class.” She narrowed her eyes at him, taken back by his actions. “And you didn’t text me, I was worried.” Her voice softened, a pout on her lips.
He took a small drag from his cigarette. “Woke up late.” It took everything in him not to choke.
“You never wake up late.” Her brows furrowed.
“Are you wearing eye makeup?” Chloe leaned over, examining him.
His voice was a bit shaky, trying to maintain that dominant tone. “No…?”
“Okay, liar.” Lilian chuckled.
Sydnee looked him over and over again, noticing every detail about him. She didn’t hate the look, but she was a bit confused.
“What’s with the cigarette? You don’t even smoke cigarettes.” Sydnee felt like she was losing her mind. “And your hair…did you dye this yourself? And when did you get all these piercings?”
Anakin shrugged. “I’ve found myself, y’know?”
Sydnee knew something was up, but she didn’t know what. “Where are your glasses?”
“Don’t need em.” Smoke escaped his pink lips.
“Can you stop with the smoking? We’re indoors.” She screwed up her face.
“Whatever.” He took the cigarette from his lips, smushing it at the heel of shoe, then flicked it off somewhere.
June then jumped in. “Why don’t you stop complaining and appreciate that your boy toy looks hot?”
That was it.
Sydnee grabbed her bag and abruptly stood up. “Go fuck each other.” Looking June and Anakin in the eyes before storming off.
Anakin internally panicked, this wasn’t going how he planned it was.
“What’s her deal?” June screwed up her face.
“You obviously don’t know what the deal is because there is no fucking deal.” He spat before grabbing his bag to chase after Sydnee.
Sydnee hustled down the hall, stepping harshly with arched brows.
“Sydnee!” His voice called out. “Sydnee!”
She rolled her eyes and stopped walking, leaning against the wall with crossed arms. “What is it, Anakin?”
“Y-you’re mad.” He frowned, standing in front of her.
“Well duh.”
“I-I’m sorry.” He breathed out. “I thought you’d like m-me..like this.”
“I don’t hate how you look, but the way you’re acting, why would I like that?” She looked away.
“B-Because I saw you talking t-to guys…that l-looked like this.” He breathed out. “I-I thought i-if I–uh— if I looked and acted like them, maybe you’d l-like me more.” He hung his head low.
Her arms gradually unfolded at his confession. “Anakin, what?”
“I-I know, it’s sooo em-embarrassing.” He groaned. “I-I hate cigarettes!” He then tugged off one of the fake earrings. “Th-these aren’t even real!”
Sydnee couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re too cute, Anakin.” She cupped his face, bringing it down to hers.
“Call me Ani, plea-please, I like it when you call m-me that.” He nuzzled his face into her hands.
She couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t ever change yourself, I like you just as you are.” She brought her lips to his, tasting the cigarette he smoked, but she didn’t care.
His hands found her waist, bringing her in closer.
The smacking of their lips were the only things heard in the empty halls. She softly tugged on his bottom lip, making him moan out.
“So cute.” She muttered before pulling away. “You do look really hot though.”
“Really?” He beamed.
“Yeah.” She bit her lip. “How about we go back to your place and fuck with your little bad boy cosplay on, hm?”
He covered his mouth in excitement. “Oh my God, y-you’re so insanely a-attractive.”
She giggled, holding his hand. “Come on, bad boy Anakin.”
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The Bond Between Us ~ 60
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,805ish
Summary: You and Obi-Wan travel with the others on the Millenium Falcon to Alderaan.
Notes: Please share your thoughts and I hate that I have to ask you to be kind. Also, a reminder that Obi-Wan is based on Ewan McGregor.
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“Chewie, get us out of here!” Han yelled as he ran through his ship. 
You could hear the firing going on outside. You were suspecting stormtroopers and they were either after you and Obi-Wan, or the droids. Or, even possibly, all of the above. The ship began shaking from the shots and from Chewie starting it up. Your group found yourselves in the large mid-room of the ship, where there was a small round table with a bench near it. Obi-Wan quickly ushered you to a seat on the bench, sliding in after you. Obi-Wan made sure that you were securely strapped in before strapping in himself.
“Oh, my,” C3PO exclaimed as he strapped in beside Luke. “I’d forgotten how much I hate space travel.”
You took hold of Obi-Wan’s hand as the ship lifted off and into space, away from Tatooine. Once the ship had smoothed out, you, Luke, and Obi-Wan made your way to the cockpit, where you could see Imperial cruisers heading your way.
“They’re gonna try and cut us off,” Han told Chewie.
“Why don’t you outrun ‘em?” Luke asked. “I thought you said this thing was fast!”
Han turned in his seat. “Watch your mouth, kid, or you’re gonna find yourself floating home.” He went back to focusing on the controls. “We’ll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyper speed. Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We’ll lose ‘em.” The cruisers started firing on the ship. “Here’s where the fun begins.”
“How long before you can make the jump to light speed?” Obi-Wan wondered.
“It’ll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navicomputer.” The ship shook as it was hit.
“Are you kidding?” Luke exclaimed. “At the rate they’re gaining—“
Han spun around. “Traveling through hyperspace isn’t like dusting crops, boy!” He turned back to the control panel. “Without precise calculations, we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that’d end your trip real quick, wouldn’t it?”
Luke quickly noticed a red light beginning to flash on the consul. “What’s that flashing?”
“We’re losing a deflector shield. Go strap yourself in, I’m going to make the jump to light speed.”
“Come on, little star,” Obi-Wan quietly said as he placed a hand on your back and guided you back to strap in.
Once the ship was in hyperspace and the ride was smoother, your group could unstrap and walk around. Obi-Wan was at the other end of the room, going through the bag he had packed. You were sitting at the table with Luke on the other end of the bench. You noticed that he was pulling down his sleeves and trying to get more.
“Here,” you stood up, took off your cloak, and handed it over to Luke.
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m fine.”
“You’re cold. Take it.”
“But then you’ll be cold.”
“No, I’ve grown used to space travel.”
Luke nodded, taking the cloak from you and putting it over his shoulders. “Thanks.”
You smiled softly as you were reminded of your and Anakin’s first time in space flight. It was another lifetime ago. A lifetime with the Jedi Order, where Padme and Qui-Gon were alive, and where Anakin was, well, Anakin.
“What are you thinking about?” Luke asked. He didn’t mean to pry, but he could tell you were getting lost in your thoughts.
“About my first time off of Tatooine,” you responded, almost wistfully.  “My first time in a spaceship.”
“You’re from Tatooine?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “My… my brother and I were born there.”
“How did you get found by the Jedi?”
You knew you needed to be careful of the answers you gave him. “Well, my mother, my brother, and I were slaves. Obi-Wan’s master found my brother and my brother brought him home. My brother and I were always… different. I could sense oncoming things and dangers and he had this foresight, in a way. Master Qui-Gon took us to Coruscant where we became a part of the Jedi Order.”
“You referred to your brother in the past tense.”
“Yes… he didn’t survive Order 66.”
“I’m sorry.”
You nodded, looking over to see that Obi-Wan was still pulling items from his bag and eyeing you. “I’m going to see if I can help Obi-Wan.” You stood up and walked over.
“You missed a part of the story,” Obi-Wan commented quietly, focused on the bag.
“I missed many parts,” you responded. “Which are you referring to?”
“Well,” he turned it to give you more of his attention, “I did give you the cloak that kept you warm that night.”
“Yes, that is true.”
“And it’s the first day we met.” His arms slowly wrapped around you and pulled you closer to him. “The day my life changed forever.”
“Is that a good thing?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you got lost in your husband’s blue eyes.
“A very good thing, my little star.” He leaned in and kissed you sweetly.
When the kiss broke, you looked down at the bag. “What have you got in there?” Obi-Wan dropped one of his arms from your waist to show you a helmet with a blinder—almost like a Jedi training helmet— and a small seeker robot. “You’re going to start his training now?”
“There is no better time than now.” Obi-Wan’s gaze focused on you, concerned about your emotions through all of this. “Are you alright?”
“I want to be…”
Your husband nodded and pressed a kiss to your temple. “In time. I have faith in you.”
You sat back and watched as Obi-Wan instructed Luke in his exercises. Chewie had come into the room and started a game with R2 at the table. You were now seated on the floor across the room. You were trying to convince yourself to meditate in the Force but was failing to do so. 
Suddenly, you gasped, surging forward. Thousands of pained voices cried out in your head before they were just as suddenly silenced. You glanced up to see that Obi-Wan had turned and faltered, almost faint.
“Are you alright?” Luke quickly asked, stopping his exercises to come to Obi-Wan’s side. “What’s wrong?”
Obi-Wan turned to rest against the wall. “I felt a great disturbance in the Force,” he responded. “As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.” He rubbed his forehead before fixing his gaze on you, knowing that you felt the same thing. “Luke, you’d better get on with your exercises.”
Obi-Wan headed over to you, sitting down beside you. Han then entered the room as Luke went back to his exercises.
“Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs,” Ham commented cockily. “I told you I’d outrun ‘em.” None of you went to say anything. “Don’t everyone thank me at once. Anyway, we should be at Alderaan about oh, two hundred hours.”
“What are you feeling, little star?” Obi-Wan asked quietly, ignoring Han.
“Something dark,” you responded honestly, hating how quickly you could go back into feeling things with the Force. “So terribly dark.”
“Can you push yourself to figure out what it is?”
You shook your head. “Even if I wanted to, I do not have the strength anymore to do that.”
“You always have the strength, little star. You just need to believe in yourself as I believe in you.”
“That would also require me to put more faith in the Force.”
“Try it. For me? I will be right here the whole time.”
You couldn’t say no to your husband when his eyes were pleading at you like that. With a sigh, you nodded. You took one of Obi-Wan’s hands to keep you grounded as you closed your eyes. Keeping your breathing leveled, you focused on feeling the Force around you. You had to try to ignore the bickering that was happening between the droids and Wookiee nearby.
As you lost yourself to the Force, you could feel the thick layer of darkness that covered the galaxy. There were few bright spots in the midst of the darkness. Though there weren’t many, those that were there were shining brightly.
“What are you feeling, little star?” Obi-Wan wondered, speaking to you through the Force. “Are you seeing something?”
You ignored your husband’s calm voice as you ventured further into the dark landscape unfolding before you. Moving forward, you tried to figure out what the Force was trying to tell you but you were unable to.
“There’s really just darkness,” you told Obi-Wan. “Some small spots of bright light… but then just, black.”
You could hear Obi-Wan sigh, having hoped that maybe you could find the answers to what you both had been feeling. Opening your eyes, you pulled yourself from the Force and looked over at your husband. Guilt started to eat away at you for being unable to give him the answers he wanted.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized.
Obi-Wan could hear the guilt in your tone. “No, no,” he quickly said, rushing to fully face you and cup your face in his hands. “It’s not your fault.” He kissed your lips briefly. “Thank you for trying.”
He gave you one last kiss before standing up and moving to go observe Luke’s exercises. From your respective places, you and Obi-Wan studied Luke’s movements.
“Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through them,” Obi-Wan advised.
“You mean it controls your actions?” Luke asked.
“Partially, but it also obeys your commands.”
Luke nodded, focusing back on the floating ball in front of him. The ball swiftly floated to one side of the young man and then to the other. Suddenly, it made a lightning-swift lunge and stopped close to Luke’s face. He didn’t move, using the Force to be undeterred. The ball moved behind Luke before making another lunge and emitting a red laser beam as it attacked. It hit Luke in the leg.
Han laughed at the sight. “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at our side, kid,” he commented.
“You don’t believe in the Force, do you?” Luke questioned.
“Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s one all-powerful force controlling everything. There’s no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.” Obi-Wan smiled quietly, like he knew something Han didn’t. “It’s all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.”
“You think that because you have limited knowledge outside your self absorbed thoughts,” you stated, standing up from where you had been on the ground. 
Obi-Wan smirked proudly at you before talking to Luke, “I suggest you try it again, Luke.” He grabbed the helmet with the blinder and placed it over the young man’s head. “This time, let go of your conscious self and act on instinct.”
“With the blast shield down, I can’t even see,” Luke complained. “How am I supposed to fight?”
“Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them.”
You watched as Han skeptically shook his head and Ben throw the ball back into the air. The ball shot straight up and then dropped quickly. Luke swung the lightsaber around blindly, missing the ball which fired at him. He let out a painful yelp, attempting to hit the ball again.
“Stretch out with your feelings,” Obi-Wan guided.
Luke stood frozen in one place as the ball circled around him. Quickly, the ball made a dive at Luke, shooting at him. Luke easily managed to deflect the laser.
“You see, you can do it,” congratulated Obi-Wan.
“I call it luck,” scoffed Han.
“In my experience, there’s no such thing as luck.
“Look, going against remotes is one thing. Going against the living, that’s something else.” A control panel nearby beeped. “Looks like we’re coming up on Alderaan.” He walked off to the cockpit with Chewie close behind.
“You know, I did feel something,” Luke said, going up to Obi-Wan. “I could almost see the ball.”
“That’s good,” Obi-Wan responded. “You have taken your first step into a larger world.”
You easily felt the ship pull out of lightspeed and immediately began making dodging-like maneuvers. With furrowed brows, you made your way to the cockpit.
“—a meteor shower!” you heard Han exclaim to Chewie. “Some kind of asteroid collision. It’s not on any of the charts.”
Chewie quickly flipped switches on the control panel as you entered the cockpit further. Your eyes were glued to the large rocks racing toward the ship. Something didn’t feel right about them.
“What’s going on?” Luke asked, appearing behind you with Obi-Wan at his tail.
“Our position is correct, except no Alderaan!” Han responded.
“What do you mean? Where is it?”
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you, kid. It ain’t there. It’s been totally blown away.”
“What? How?”
It wasn’t hard for you and Obi-Wan to put the pieces together. The pain and darkness you felt, and now the number of rocks coming at the ship. Alderaan had been destroyed.
“Destroyed,” Obi-Wan said aloud as he read your mind, “by the Empire.”
“The entire star fleet couldn’t destroy the whole planet,” argued Han. “It would take 1,000 ships with more firepower than—“ A portion of the panel beeped, pulling Han’s attention. “There’s another ship coming in.”
“Maybe they know what happened,” Luke suggested.
Chewie barked his concern before an Imperial TIE fighter raced past the cockpit window. Your stomach seemed to sink down to your feet.
“It’s an Imperial fighter,” Ben stated.
“It followed us!” Said Luke.
“No. It’s a short-range fighter.”
“There aren’t any bases around here,” Han responded. “Where did it come from?”
“It sure is leaving in a big hurry,” Luke noted. “If they identify us, we’re in big trouble.”
“Not if I can help it. Chewie, jam its transmissions.”
Obi-Wan noticed how you hadn’t let your eyes tear away from the cockpit window. Your heart was picking up speed and the Force around you was tense. He reached out his signature and hand, hoping you would accept both of them. You ignored his signature but eagerly took a hold of his hand.
“It’d be as well to let it go,” Obi-Wan tried to tell Han. “It’s too far out of range.”
“Not for long,” Han replied.
Han flew the ship in the direction of the Imperial TIE fighter. What you assumed to be a large, grey moon, became bigger as you grew closer to it. The TIE fighter was clearly heading for it.
“A fighter that size couldn’t get this deep into space on its own,” Obi-Wan stated.
“It must have gotten lost, been part of a convoy or something,” Luke guessed.
“Well, he ain’t going to be around long enough to tell anyone about us,” Han said, speeding the ship up.
“Look at him. He’s headed for that small moon.”
“That’s no moon,” you whispered, only Obi-Wan hearing you. His brows pinched together as his eyes went to you then back to the window.
“I think I can get him before he gets there,” Han said. “He’s almost in range.”
As Han closed the distance between the ship and the TIE fighter, it meant you got closer to what the fighter was heading towards. The closer you got, the more you dreaded being right.
“That’s no moon,” Obi-Wan said. “It’s a space station.”
“It’s too big to be a space station,” Han argued.
The darkness thickened around you the closer you got to the space station. “I have a very bad feeling about this,” you said. “Turn the ship around."
“Yeah, I think you’re right. Full reverse! Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power.”
Han and Chewie pressed buttons and moved levers around the control panel, but the ship was still moving toward the station.
“Why are we still moving toward it?” Luke questioned.
“We’re caught in a tractor beam!” Han answered. “It’s pulling us in!”
“But there’s gotta be something you can do.”
“There’s nothin’ I can do about it, kid. I’m in full power. I’m going to have to shut down. But they’re not going to get me without a fight.”
Obi-Wan and you shared a look, both of you could sense the darkness and the familiar presence on board the space station. He gave your hand a squeeze before setting his free hand on Han’s shoulder.
“You can’t win,” he told the younger man. “But there are alternatives to fighting.”
next chapter >
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saber-slutt · 1 year
Writing practice: Obi-wan confessions - pt 2
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☆ Idk guys sometimes I lie and say I’m gonna post smut next but then I don’t because I’m like “hm I should split this up into the lead-in and actual smut”
☆ anyways enjoy! WARNINGS: None, this time. I’m like 99% it’s Gn!reader
☆ it’s writing practice so this SUCKS but that’s why we practice
☆link to pt 1 (if u want it’s not necessary at all to read) https://www.tumblr.com/saber-slutt/721080873884221440/writing-practice-obi-wan-confessions-pt-1
You dropped your kettle as the words left his mouth. He was waiting for you to say something. Neither of you knew what exactly. He sat cross-legged on your bed facing you, while you stood across your dorm at your mini stove. Obi-wan kept staring right at you, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. After what seemed to be an eternity of strained silence, you found a singular word, “What?”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Obi-wan breathed out, clasping and rubbing his hands around his mouth.
“Seriously, what?” you replied. Your stomach dropped. You couldn’t understand, let alone believe what you were hearing. Love? Love? He was being insane.
“Satine and I had a disagreement, and-”
“You came here to tell me you love me?” you said quizzically. A part of you was reeling now. Your heart raced, and you felt a tiny bit nauseous. This part of you had always wanted to hear these words, since the day you met him. But, another part of you was pissed. Obviously, he was upset from his fight with Satine, and was grasping at straws to make himself feel better, and that the fight was okay because he was ‘actually in love with you’. Love. He was playing with your feelings. And you didn’t know which was worse, that he did not notice or he did not care. “Obi-wan, you need to leave. I get that you're upset, but you don’t know what you're talking about. This fight’ll blow over, okay? We’ll talk tomorrow,”
“Please, hear me out.”
“No, not right now. Not tonight,” you said, gesturing to the door.
“We fought because of you!”
You choked, “What?!”
Obi-wan looked at you, deeply, before gesturing you to sit beside him. You did so, tentatively. He began, “That came out wrong. I was talking about you, with her, and she claimed that I can’t go a measly night without mentioning you. It evolved from there, I’ll spare you the details, but it ended with her suggesting that if I need you so much, I should be here with you. Permanently.”
“She meant it spitefully, but she’s right,” he said, moving his hand to hold yours on top of your thigh.
Your heart zoomed and your hands were clammy. You stammered for a moment, “Sorry, I’m just trying to, you know, understand what’s going on.”
“That’s okay.”
“But, we’re, y’know, Jedi,” while it was true you were worried about that fact, you were more scared that this was actually happening, that he might feel the same as you knew deep down you did. “We can’t. We shouldn’t.”
“I believe I’m my best self when we’re together. And that makes me a good Jedi,” he reasoned.
“Even so, you were just in love with Satine. How do I know you actually like me, and I’m not some rebound you want to use to deal with heartbreak?”
Obi-wan sighed, “I would never use you. I think I liked her because of our past, and the memory, but it truly wasn’t the same. When I found out that you liked me, it almost killed me not to say anything. I also wanted to protect you, we both know what would happen if the Council found out we were in a relationship. So I went to Satine. In a way, if I was with Satine, I thought it would sate the feelings I had for you.”
“And you just figured this all out?” you whispered.
“More like came to terms with it.”
“Wait, so, you knew I liked you? How? I didn’t show it, did I??”
Obi-wan laughed breathlessly, “No, darling. Anakin heavily hinted at it.”
“I am going to kill him! He said he wouldn’t say anything!” you groaned.
Obi-wan scoffed, “Yeah, king-of-subtlety Anakin Skywalker hid it very well.”
“I hate him,” you giggled.
“I don’t,” Obi-wan moved to hold you cheek, and leaned in for a kiss.
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xinambercladx · 2 years
"Figment" CH2: Self Sabotage.
Rating: T Characters: Cad Bane, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu Summary: The job went down hill, fast. Perhaps he lost his footing. Perhaps he had wanted to get caught. The difference between laying a trap and laying breadcrumbs was negligible. He was playing a dangerous game. Chapter warnings: child death (Full fic tags in the # section). ----------------------------------------------------
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Apathy is the death of the heart . Guilt is the proof of a conscience.
Green blood dripped on the metal floor. Bane was surrounded by Clone Troopers and two Jedi. He did his best to act calm, but the adrenaline was threatening to spike.
Calm down, Bane told himself. De gig ain’t up yet.
Cad Bane hid his alien visage within the shell of a dead clone trooper. The clones and Jedi were none the wiser. Bane had staged his demise, swapping his attire with that of the clone, Denal. Lucky for him he was only a couple centimeters taller than the clone so the suit fit over him, if a bit loose. He stayed quiet. Unless he spoke, unless his numerous enemies looked down and saw the blood, he’d be fine.
“Well, it looks like the Holocron was destroyed,” Padawan Ahsoka Tano said. “But at least the Separatists didn’t get it.”
Skywalker concentrated, “Bane’s dead but… I can still feel him.”
Just don’ look down, boy, Bane thought.
“That was close, Master,” Ahsoka Tano said.
Skywalker replied testily, “And if we had jumped off to retrieve the Holocron, we wouldn’t have made it."
“I know, but I didn’t! And you wanted to go after the bounty hunter,” Tano pouted, “I just wish we could have at least gotten the Holocron back. Master Ropal deserved that much.”
“It’s out of Bane’s hands, and the hands of whoever hired him.”
Dock already, Bane thought. The momentum of the Sheathepede transport shuttle shifted. ‘Bout time. The shuttle landed on its four extended, stilt like legs. The door lowered and the two Jedi exited alongside an astro mech.
“… now that he made it off this time,” said a clone to another clone. “Hey, Denal,” the clone said, slapping a gloved hand on Bane’s shoulder. Bane tried not to wince. “Good job frying that bounty hunter.” The clone left down the ramp.
“Yeah!” agreed another who followed and said as he passed Bane, “Let’s get some grub. You hungry?”
Grub? Bane thought, confused. Oh. Food. He means food.
One of the clones in the back, who had removed his helmet, waved him off, “Yeah, I’ll catch up.”
Bane followed them off the ramp but turned left. He made it maybe ten meters before he heard, one of the clones call out to Skywalker, “General! Something I think you should see.”
Not good, Bane thought. He resisted the urge to quicken his pace. He squeezed his arm tightly, trying to stop the blood from trailing more. He was feeling lightheaded, not only from blood loss, but also the entire ordeal. He heard little footsteps behind him.
“Hey, trooper!” Tano called, “Are you alright?”
Not good, Bane thought, still walking.
He heard the girl mutter, “Must have been hit in the head…”
In de arm. By you, Bane thought. I’ll be sure to not let you deflect blaster bolts at me next time, kid. Suddenly the girl was in front of him, blocking his path.
“Wait! Your injured!” she exclaimed.
Not good, Bane thought, hesitating.
“That might be serious,” Tano said with concern, taking his arm for a better look. He would have felt touched by that concern, if not for his own deception, and the fact she was the one who caused the injury. The green blood she found quickly changed her tune. “You’re no clone…” she realized, looking at his stolen helmet in shock.
“AHSOKA!” Skywalker called out, running from the shuttle.
Gig’s up, Bane thought. He didn’t have time to fight two Jedi, especially in his current state. He slammed his knee into her stomach, knocking the wind out of the Padawan. She collapsed, clutching her middle, gasping for air. He went to an all out sprint across the docking bay of the Venator starship. The damn shoes pinched his toes with every step, and the older Jedi was hot on his heels. He headed straight for the star fighters, lined in a perfect row. Two yellow vested crewmen attempted to thwart him boarding. Bane removed his backpack and swung it. The hefty durasteel pack knocked the first clean upside the head and the clone went down. Continuing the momentum, Bane swung a right hook into the other, which also fell. He climbed aboard and hopped into the cockpit. Just as he switched on the engine, Skywalker jumped aboard the wing during take off. Bane flew and turned the fighter toward the docking bay exit. He saw movement and suddenly Skywalker tore his helmet off, unmasking him.
Picking up speed, Bane jostled the stick. The fighter obeyed, jostling the Jedi. Skywalker did not falter, but merely flipped over the cockpit and landed on the other wing with ease. Bane flew the fighter out past the energy shield. Skywalker wisely jumped off as not to wind up getting spaced. Free of the Jedi, Bane looked for the hyperspace controls as the wings lowered into flight position. They were inactive. This type of fighter required a docking ring, he remembered, and quickly punched in the activation command. He followed Venator’s causeway to a cluster of rings ahead. The first ring was released and launched upward, readying departure. The lights blinked on and the fighter’s tail rose and locked into place, just as the fighter connected with the ring. The engines hummed. Stars stretched.
So long, Jedi, Bane thought, now safely away in hyperspace.
Cad Bane guided his stolen ship to a nearby moon. The stop was only brief enough to disable the tracking beacon, which was much easier to find than it should have been. Following a suspicion, he searched a bit more and found a secondary tracker. He disabled that too. Once back in orbit, he considered places in which to store the Holocron and contact his employer. The hideout on Tatooine was too far out his way, however the Rogue Antar System was half the distance, and he had a hidden base of operations there he hadn’t used in a while. He punched in the coordinates. It would be hours before he would arrive. While deactivating the tracker, he had found a medical kit. He reached below the seat and pulled it out. He set the box on his knees with relief. Bane let his head hit the back of the chair and he took a long breath, blinking. He didn’t let himself close his eyes.
The stolen armor of the clone, Denal he had been called, made Bane look more muscular than he was. It was roomy for the thin Duros and was easy to slip on in time for the escape. He slipped the bracer off and grimaced. The Padawan named Ahsoka Tano had deflected a bolt from his own blaster and hit his arm. It had stopped bleeding, but his tussle with Denal and the other clone trooper had reopened it. The dripping blood had nearly given him away. Humans have red blood, he reminded himself. He rolled up the black under suit sleeve. The wound had stopped bleeding again. It wasn’t as bad as he thought it might have been. His own bracer mostly protected him. He was thankful for this given that his custom LL-38 pistols were more powerful than most and could have done more damage. Bane soaked gauze in a cleaning solution and wiped away the dried blood from his blue skin, which was already bruising. Once clean, he looked for ointment. To his surprise he found a small canister of bacta spray.
“Dey actually spend money on bacta for common pilots? No wonder dey’re always complainin’ about funding issues in de Senate…” Bane shook his head. He popped the cap and made a test spray onto the wound. It was cold, but had a nice tingle. He sprayed again more generously. More cold, more tingles. He waited for the microorganisms to soak in and work their magic. The cold and tingles dissipated and the pain slowly lifted. He raised a brow. He had forgotten how wonderful bacta was. He had used it before, of course, but lately he had reasoned against the expense. Bacta was rare and expensive even before the War, but now it was being hoarded by both sides. Access outside of armed forces was limited to hospitals and the rich and powerful. Zaltin Corp and Xucphra Corp were the sole manufacturers of the miracle substance on the planet Thyferra. With rising demand, a neutral political stance, and a monopoly on the outsourcing, the two corporations increased the prices tenfold. Bane capped the bottle and grabbed bandages. The bacta would heal the wound in no time, but a lifetime of treating wounds forced him to finish the process. He wrapped fresh gauze around his forearm. Half an hour later, the pain had ceased entirely.
No longer in pain, his exhaustion took over. The venture on and above the planet Devaro had been a long twenty seven hours. He had orchestrated the largest task force of his entire career. The Sith Lord had given him access to a battalion of battle droids and even a battle cruiser, and Bane had even hired more bounty hunters for extra help taking the surface. The bumps and bruises were numerous from fights with not one, but four Jedi. The blurred starlight lulled his eyelids to drooping. The tired Duros drifted off to sleep, dreaming of fields of grass waving in the wind...
Several Weeks Later.
Bane was surrounded. For once, the Jedi had outmatched him. Two of them questioned him for hours. One was Obi-Wan Kenobi, a bearded man he had outrun once before earlier in the assignment. He seemed prim and proper like a stuck up nobleman. The other was Mace Windu, whom he hadn’t tangoed with before. He seemed even more high and mighty with self righteous arrogance. Both of them were furious, despite their precious code. They hid it well, but Bane could tell it was only boiling under the surface. Force sensitive types were always unhinged, emotionally stunted, prideful.
He tapped his finger pads together, reviewing his capture in his head.
The job had quickly turned from bombastic to sneaky. He went from laying siege to fortresses to kidnapping innocent children. When Sidious had told him that, Bane was almost flabbergasted.
“Kidnapping innocent children? Dat seems like a small time crime for the likes of you,” He had told the Sith Lord.
“Amongst the Jedi, there are no innocents,” Sidious defended, as if he truly believed that.
“Sure, sure,” Bane replied, withholding the disgust and disappointment from his voice. “As long as I get paid, makes no difference to me.”
Bane himself had never hurt the children, only delivered them to Mustafar on Sidious’ instruction. There they would become test subjects for the Sith Lord. Bane had chosen the children at random upon activating the Holocron. The first two children were easy enough to kidnap. He had simply walked in wearing a cloak from one of the Jedi he had killed on his first assignment for Sidious. The first child was a Human baby girl from Antilles, less than a year old. The second child was a Durosian grub, maybe less than two. He delivered the girl first. Then the Duros grub was delivered to Mustafar later. The place stank of sulfur and made the eyes sting. He didn’t blame the Duros grub for crying, but was glad to be rid of it.
Cad Bane was met at the entrance by a femme programmed service droid. The droid beckoned him inside this time. It rolled ahead and led him further into the dimly lit facility. The unsettling feeling was everywhere. It made his hackles go up. The pyramid walls bent inward as it reached the ceiling, pressing down on him. Even indoors the scent of ash and sulfur hung in the air. Leave it to a lava planet to smell like hell itself. His lip twitched above his fangs. He couldn’t help but feel … watched. It seemed every shadow could contain the cloaked Sith Lord. He half expected Sidious to appear out of one, puppet master hands ready to take the child from him. Instead, it was the droid who reached out. He handed the kid off and the droid placed it into a poor excuse for a crib. Made of metal and thin cushion, it did little but confuse the child. Its little blue hands pulled at the blanket.
“Ahhh… another test subject. Excellent.”
That voice. It grated his ears. Bane turned behind him, not surprised after all to see a full sized hologram of Darth Sidious projected from an R4 type astro mech.
“Two more remain, Bounty Hunter. You have served me well. Perhaps this one will fair better. I have high hopes with this one.”
Cad Bane crossed his arms, “I’ll be treadin’ more careful now. The Jedi will catch on soon enough. Don’ wanna push my luck.”
“There is no such thing as luck,” Sidious replied flatly. “There is only the Force.”
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“Dispose of the failure. Begin preparation for the procedure on the new child.”
Bane stopped. Dispose of the failure? One of the droids spoke words of obedience. The hum of the holoprojector ceased. His mouth went dry. He had done his job. He delivered the kid. Sidious had said they were to be test subjects, but he didn’t think… he wasn’t paid to think, not about the outcome of assets. He wasn’t paid to care. Among the Jedi, there are no innocents. The words crawled across his eardrums.
“Excuse me, Bounty Hunter Bane,” said a droid behind him. Bane moved out of it’s way, and froze. In the droid’s cold, robotic arms was a tiny bundle, about the size of the little girl.
He stopped a gasp. He heard the motors of the R4 unit behind him. He was being watched. He knew it. This was the Sith Lord’s lair. The man only trusted him so far. The shadows in the corridor held countless horrors here. That unsettled feeling had been his gut warning him, his skin crawling with the knowledge of danger in the air. Cad Bane forced himself to follow the service droid. The R4 followed him in turn.
Tiny screams echoed from behind him. Duros screams. The procedure had begun. The test subject being subjected to pain. His legs screamed to run. The bounty hunter kept walking. The grub screamed again. He kept walking. The screams faded behind him. The corridor stretched in front of him. The droid ahead of him exited the hatch. He followed. The R4 unit followed him. The door closed behind them with a hiss and a lock slammed down. He forced himself not to jump. He wasn’t out of the lava pits yet. He headed for the Xanadu Blood, the custom Rogue Class Starfighter he had requested as payment for this very job. Bane headed for the ship, trying to ignore the droid that headed for the edge of the platform. He tried to ignore the robotic eye watching his every move. He tried to ignore seeing from the corner of his eye that the droid callously dropped the tiny bundle over the edge.
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The calm, yet angry voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi snapped him to the present. He sat at a cold table, handcuffed and bombarded with questions and accusations.
“We know you’ve taken at least two children. Where are they?”
“Beyond your reach,” Bane replied, telling a truth. Two children would never be found. The other two however…
“Who are you working for?” Mace Windu demanded for the eighth time.
A madman, Bane thought. “I work alone,” Bane telling a truth. The contract had been completed. He was for-hire again.
“It’s only a matter of time before we locate the Holocron,” Kenobi said. He leaned forward for emphasis, “Make it easier on yourself.”
The way his human eyes narrowed wasn’t a very good veiled threat. The Duros would have laughed, instead he mocked the man, “What are you goin’ to do, Jedi? Torture me?” Den you’d be just like dat no good Sith Lord. Just as low as me, torturing your Jedi friend, Ropal.
The bald human, Windu, stood in a dramatic fashion in front of the exit of the holding cell, a dark silhouette in front of a golden energy shield. He said gravely over his shoulder at the bounty hunter, words slow and careful, “I think the fear of whoever you work for outweighs your fear of us.”
The Jedi hit that right on Bane’s nonexistent nose. The screams of the Duros child echoed in his mind. If the Sith had been willing to torture innocent children…
“This conversation is over,” Bane said, sitting back in his chair. The Jedi left him.
The clues were all there. They just had to use their brains instead of relying on the Force. Or was Bane overestimating their competence? Perhaps Skywalker would figure it out. He was a clever one, bold, and had pursued Bane in unprecedented ways. All the young man had to do was look closely over his fighter jet.
‘Xanadu Blood’ he had named it, not knowing he would have the blood of children on his hands. No. He did know. He had just never seen the results of his captures, no, kidnappings before. Nearly thirty years of bloody work. After his third trip to Mustafar he fired up the engines and had returned to the Black Stall Station, eager to rid himself of the sulfur smell from himself and the star fighter. As if it would wash those sins away. The Duros child was nowhere to be seen in the room of four cribs.
“Another failed test subject,” the Sith Lord had lamented.
The last two children were delivered. The job was completed. Cad Bane had fully intended giving his ship a thorough cleaning, wax job and all. Unexpectedly, Sidious contacted him again before he could do so. He offered extra pay for an additional child. Bane wanted to be rid of this client. Kidnapping children was beneath his skill set. He was insulted. He was disappointed. He was angry. He was tired of not being able to sleep at night… But he had accepted the assignment because that was his motto. Once paid his fee, he’d take any job, right? At least, that’s what he led Sidious to believe. That’s what he had fooled himself to believe. After wiping his nav computer he moved to his fuel computer and his hands merely hovered above the deletion routine. The monitor prompted two options.
Fuel Records. Deletion confirmation required:
He considered the question. He considered his options. Bane moved his padded forefinger from above CONFIRM and pressed CANCEL. The monitor lit green and returned to the normal menu, fuel records intact. Bane closed the fuel system back up and left it untouched. He left the ash and sulfur untouched. He put both hands on the fuselage and breathed out. His ship was as a pile of filth, just like himself.
When he went to Naboo, he fully expected the Jedi to be there waiting. He sneaked into the Gungan household, a giant plasma bubble construct. He sprung the trap. The Padawan Ahsoka Tano popped out from her hiding place. Just as he had sworn to himself, he disarmed her before she could deflect another blaster bolt at him. He made for an escape, ran into Skywalker and fought him too and rocketed away. The Jedi caught him. His boots failed and they both fell to the ground. He was captured. He was led away in handcuffs, just as he intended.
“You’re daughter is safe now,” Ahsoka had told the Gungan mother.
Cad Bane snarled, furious, “Do you really believe that?!” Those Jedi fools had no idea. If they didn’t act fast the last two children would be dead too.
And he was still here sitting at a cold table being interrogated, and waiting for them to figure it out. Bane couldn’t give the answers away easily. He had his pride. Also, the Sith Lord would suspect betrayal. He was playing both sides. The difference between laying a trap verses laying breadcrumbs was negligible. The bounty hunter tapped his fingers again, his mouth absent a toothpick to chew. The golden energy door opened and four grim-faced Jedi stepped down into the cell. The unsettling feeling returned. The Duros’ skin prickled. The sense of danger returned and there was nowhere to run. ----------------------------------------- Chapter Links: Chapter 1 Next Chapter
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greanbean88 · 13 days
Chapter 3: Altered Outlooks
The young jedi knight groaned as he woke up the next day with a loud pounding at his door from Obi-Wan.
“Anakin you need to wake up! If I don’t hear any movement in a few minutes I’m coming in!” Anakin wanted to respond with a witty remark but shot his eyes open and realized there was blood all over his bedroom. The floor was stained in crimson which wouldn’t be too difficult to get out, but his bed had a large stain where his arm was laying. He stood still for a few moments rubbing his hand in his hair not sure what to do.
He went in the bathroom to refresh himself. When he looked into the mirror he saw Purplish markings covered from the middle of his neck down to who knows where. He lifted up his shirt slowly to see what was damage was done but was too afraid and pulled his shirt down quickly. He knew he needed to change his clothes and freshen up but he was so scared at what he would see. What Palpatine did to him.
As he was lost in his thoughts his breathing started to hitch and he felt a little light headed. Anakin didn’t want Obi-Wan to sense uneasiness within the force so he leaned on the bathroom sink to ground him. He should be able to control his emotions and keep this deep inside of him. He was sure other Jedi have been through worse. Why was he being so dramatic? Anakin wondered if this is why Obi-Wan always tells him to meditate.
Scarlet liquid clashed with the white sink and swirled around into the emptiness of the drain. Anakin didn’t realize he was bleeding, for he must have opened up his wound when he abruptly leaned for the sink. He didn’t even feel it drip down his arm. He was so lost in thought, so numb in the brain that his body moved on auto pilot. One moment he’s in the bathrooms and the next he’s walking out his bedroom door trying to mask his feelings.
“Ah, finally! You came out of your cave! Now go get some food on the table. We need to go to the Jedi council so you can explain yourself.” Obi-Wan stated bluntly. He never was one to dance around in conversation.
Anakin paused as Obi-Wan said that. He did not want to explain anything whatsoever to the council. He wondered if he could somehow make up an excuse but he knew it was impossible.
The younger jedi turned around slowly to look at Obi-Wan. “Why do I have to go to the jedi council?” It was better to just act dumb Anakin reasoned with himself. It’s not like he was exceptionally smart.
“So you can explain yourself? I’m not letting you off that easy and the council wants an explanation.” Obi-Wan deadpanned as if it was obvious. Crossing his arms over his chest.
“No buts Anakin, just because you are the chosen one doesn’t mean rules don’t apply to you.” Obi-Wan said harshly, eyes cold.
Anakin’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh.” Was all he could say. How could his own master say that to him. When had he ever acted like rules didn’t apply to him? He wondered. But as he thought he realized there were a multitude of times when he broke the rules and got away with it. Maybe all of it was catching up to him.
“Yeah so go get some food and let’s go.”
Obi-Wan kept eyeing Anakin suspiciously as they were walking to the council. He was all jerky with his movements and he was extremely quiet.
“Are you okay young one?” Obi-Wan questioned. “I am fine.” Anakin said. But he really wasn’t. He was so focused on masking his emotions he didn’t realize how skeptical he looked and was acting.
Obi-Wan just accepted that statement as they both walked into the room that decided Anakin’s fate.
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Sith Obi-Wan Fic Rec List
Been feeling a certain kind of way lately and I can’t remember if I ever made a Sith Obi-Wan rec list, so, even if I have, there’s been more since I made it. Yeah. Oh! Some of these contain spice, and I will let you know which ones do lol (indicated by the ***) and they will be different pairings
I’ve got a few fics that I need to re-read that aren’t recced here so...yeah. Also, this isn’t the longest post, but I’ll still put everything under a “read more”
I Got My Head Checked by @frostbitebakery - Below the observation deck, the Marshal Commander of the Third Systems Army is being divested of his armor and weapons, shackles heavy on his wrists. He doesn’t struggle, only a mulish stubborn twist to his jaw showing his displeasure at the situation. Obi-Wan opens his eyes, steps back from the observation window. “I need a week.” OR: In which Cody wasn’t trained for a Sith sliding into a moral dilemma because of him. ***
veil of shadows by amidnightlove - Raised as Sith, Obi-Wan knows all about the Rule of Two: one Force bond, two Sith.Expecting to bond with his Master -and then overthrow him- he never expects to be ordered to bond with the new and mysterious Darth Vader. ***
Ghost at the back of your closet  by @other-peoples-coats - Bail first meets Ben in less than ideal circumstances, which he should have taken as a warning sign but failed to until it was far, far too late to admit he'd missed it. (Things go much worse for Initiate Kenobi, on Bandomeer. Years later, Bail Organa meets a young man in a cell who calls himself Ben, and then proceeds to discover that the Republic he values is nothing but a thin veneer over creeping rot. There's only one way to deal with rot — cut it out, down to the last inch. It's hard work, long work, but no one has ever accused Alderaan of lacking in commitment.)
You Shall Become (Me)  by jedipati - The Guardian of the Sith Temple doesn’t particularly care for the new breed of Sith, for all that they’ve been around for 1,000 years.  But they’re the only Sith the Guardian knows about.  Until one day… Alternately, "How to accidentally join the Sith without really trying."
What came after by @galateagalvanized - “Are you all the Council sent, then?” Bo-Katan asks, swinging one leg over the speeder’s seat. Her voice is raspy, and Cody wonders if it’s from smoke inhalation. “Considering they wouldn’t help with the first Sith, I guess I should be glad for any help at all with the second.” It's the first time he's heard someone use that word to describe Kenobi, and he bristles. “We’re not here on behalf of the Council, Miss Kryze. We're here for our general.” Or: Everyone has a breaking point. That includes Obi-Wan. That includes Cody. ***
Fallen (Series) by @thebisexualmandalorian - How did Obi-Wan fall? (Summary from first fic in series)
A Beast Among Bookends; or, How to Domesticate Your Feral Librarian by @the-writing-mill - A separation and a tumble on a mission leads Obi-Wan Kenobi down a different path in life. Years later, during the clone wars, the 212th is sent to take out Darth Libri after failed attempts by both the CIS and Republic to sway him to their sides. The mission does not go well. But if Cody choosing to stay with the vode's nightmare for a bit can spare his brothers, well... that's not really a choice, is it?
Polaris (Series) by @bluemaskedkarma - What if Obi-Wan Kenobi never went to Bandomeer? What if, instead, he got on a different ship? Those steps set into motion an entirely different future, one where he takes on different names until an unlikely friend gives him one that sticks--Red. All he wanted was to help those in need, but somewhere along the way he became the one who needs. Who will help him?
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (Obi-Wan x Reader): Part 2
Summary: After Obi-wan’s accident, and Anakin’s brutal words, you left the Jedi Temple to try and let you both move on. However, you soon realise that forgetting your fellow Jedi is harder than you thought...
Part 1 - Part 2
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A/N: Well, it’s been a hot minute since I wrote the first part of this and I know people were keen for a follow-up but I always struggled to get the words out. However, I blame the new Kenobi series for utterly re-igniting the flame I have for this character and this came out - finally! That and the fact the third episode has RUINED me today... 
Warnings: Angst, mention of injury, implied smut / start of smut
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It had been two weeks since the night you’d left - or, run away, if you were being more accurate. 
In fact, despite remaining with Padmé at the embassy for the duration of her stay, you couldn’t help but feel like you were still running. Every time you ignored a message, or a call, or even the very mention of anything to do with Obi-wan Kenobi you felt your heart ache worsen. 
Just because leaving was the right thing didn’t make it the easy thing. 
You couldn’t just magically forget the past fifteen years or so, no matter how much you wanted to. Maybe then you could find some kind of peace. 
Maybe then you wouldn’t be up all night imaging the pain and confusion he must have been feeling, waking up and finding out that he had saved your life, only for you to have left and ended things without a word to his face.
Yeah. You pretty much hated yourself too at this point. 
You could only hope it got easier with time. 
Until then, however, you were content to bury yourself in your work and the reason you were actually here on this planet - to watch over the woman sat next to you, strapping herself into your ship as you prepared to escort her to the latest in a long line of meetings. 
How Padmé could do it day after day, never complaining or showing her exhaustion publicly, was beyond you. In private, though, it was a whole other story. In fact, her tales about some of the long and dreary meetings she’d been stuck in were the highlight of your evenings. Last night had been particularly amusing, with Padmé sharing how one senator had actually fallen asleep during the ten minute rant another had given at the proposal of increasing taxes in the area. 
You’d snorted into your tea, trying and failing not to picture it. It was the kind of thing you’d have normally passed on to Obi-wan. For, despite his sometimes sensible exterior, he had a sense of humour like yours and irritating senators, in particular, always made him chuckle. 
You’d reached for your comms device, force of habit taking over as you went to message him. However, the sight of the numerous unopened messages already waiting for you on the screen were enough of a reminder for you to put it down. 
The soft sigh that had escaped your lips didn’t go unnoticed by Padmé, but she hadn’t said a word. Not until now, anyway.    
“You know Anakin called earlier.”
You blinked, tensing for just a moment as you focused on programming your flight plan into the ship’s mainframe. “Oh?”
“Yes. He wanted to know how we were getting along.” Padmé smiled. “Don’t worry, I said we were making progress even if things have been running a bit behind schedule since that storm the other day. He also said Obi-wan is back on his feet again… just, you know, in case you were wondering.” 
You paused. You could sense the question in her tone, as if she could see straight through you and the nonchalant way you nodded. “Well… good. I’m glad to hear it.” 
“He asked after you.”
“Anakin did?”
“Yes, but on behalf of Master Obi-wan, who says he still hasn’t heard from you since we left.”
“Yes, oh. I don’t know why you’re surprised. He’s your friend, Y/N,” Padmé scoffed, rolling her eyes at you. 
She sounded surprised and a little confused as she looked away from her harness, and turned her chair to face you. To be fair, apathy at the news that Obi-wan was alive and well was not exactly your style. 
You might have well as just come out and said that something was wrong. Why else weren’t you dancing with joy? 
“I don’t know what happened between you but I know you both. You can work it out. You can only spend so long hiding from your problems, staying with me on this planet and ignoring his messages. He’ll still be there when you get back and he clearly misses you.” 
It took everything in you not to break. As it was, you gripped the controls a little tighter than necessary as you chose to prepare the ship for flight rather than meet the Senator’s gaze. “That’s the problem.” 
“Forget I said anything.” 
“But Y/N-“
“Padmé. Please.” You hated how your voice cracked. “Drop it.” 
Padmé sighed but honoured your request. She didn’t say another word about it, even if you did catch her shooting you pitying looks throughout the rest of the day. Maker knows what she thought was going on between the pair of you. 
You didn’t even know how to explain it to yourself. How were you supposed to explain it to Obi-wan? After all, he deserved an explanation and you knew he’d be asking for one the moment he was back on the same planet as you were.
At least he was well enough to do so. That was the thought that gave you comfort as you tried to suppress your pain and focus on the task at hand. You were supposed to be working, after all. 
So, you held your head high, doing your best to look the part of a Jedi. 
Standing guard as you chaperoned Padmé through her various meetings was a good distraction, as was making sure that there were no possible threats to the proceedings in general; It was hard to think about anything else when you were busy thinking about how many possible weak spots there were in the room for a brave assassin to target. 
The answer - as you determined - was 34. 35 if they happened to be under 4 feet tall…
Needless to say, you were glad to make it back to the embassy in one piece as the day drew to a close. A hot bath and a tall glass of whatever alcohol you could get your hands on sounded divine right about then to help ease the pain of listening into hours and hours of diplomatic jargon that made no sense to you. 
With a smile, you bid Padmé a goodnight, watching as she went into her rooms across the hall, before you turned to do the same. 
However, you’d barely stepped over the threshold before you heard it. 
“So, this is where you’ve been hiding.” 
The voice made you jump as did the sight of the man sat, waiting for you, on the sofa in your room. Without looking up you knew who it was; you knew that voice anywhere.
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“Obi-wan… what? What are you doing here? I thought you were back at the temple resting. Should you even be up?”
“Hello to you too,” he smirked, his usual sarcastic tone oddly comforting. “I’m alive and in one piece, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
Thank the Maker for that. 
Given the condition you’d last seen him in, battered, bruised, and bandaged within an inch of his life, you couldn’t believe how normal he appeared (most likely the result of Anakin’s diligent care and an impressive amount of time in a Bacta tank). He barely had a hair out of place. 
It took everything in you to fight the sudden urge to throw yourself into his arms and prove to yourself that he was indeed alright. 
Instead, you took a step closer, trying your best to compose yourself so that he wouldn’t feel the way your heart threatened to burst out of your chest. Then again, it was most likely too late. He’d probably sensed it the moment you’d entered the room. 
He’d caught you off guard and he knew it - it had most likely been his plan all along. 
“Anakin said as much to Padmé. We were both relieved to hear you were out of the med bay.” 
“Were you? I must have missed that message. Then again, something must be wrong with your comms,” Obi continued, his meaning clear as he gestured to your traitorous data padd lying on the caff table in front of him. “After all, I’ve left several messages the past few weeks which have gone unanswered. Needless to say, I was surprised to arrive to find your communicator is, in fact, working.” 
“Well, I...” you stammered, feeling the heat rising in your cheeks at his accusation. 
Nervousness seemed to have crept up on you, because all you could do was stand there like an idiot, your breath caught in your throat. It felt like you were a youngling again, standing before Master Yoda as he scolded you for whatever mischief you and Obi-wan had got yourselves into. 
“I left a note-“
“Ah, yes,” Obi hummed, rising to his feet. “I was wondering when you would mention that. Would you care to enlighten me as to why you left the temple without a word, other than that note?” 
You gulped. “Because Padmé needed an escort and there wasn’t time for me to wait, to tell you in person. I said all I needed to in that note.”
“We both know that isn’t the truth, Y/N. Please. I came here because clearly this is the only way to get you to talk to me-”
“Well, you should have saved yourself a trip because there’s nothing to talk about.” Your voice cracked as you turned around, feeling a wave of guilt wash over your body at the sight of him. He looked so tired, so distraught, and you knew it wasn’t just the accident that was to blame. Yet again, you left nothing but pain in your wake. “Please, Obi. You shouldn’t have come. Just… leave me alone.” 
“You know I can’t do that.”
His tone almost broke you. 
You never had been able to deny him. He had somehow rooted himself deep within you, tethering himself to you with an invisible string that somehow always drew you back to one another. Even now, it felt like he was tugging on your heart, causing a deep ache at the thought of banishing him from your side.  
You let out a sigh of reluctance. “Fine, but only because we both know Anakin learned his stubbornness from having you as a Master and I don’t need you following me around until I give in.”
“Thank you.” Obi-wan was quick to nod his head in gratitude (even if he didn’t refute your point).
Somethings hadn’t changed. 
You remembered the first time he had tried that tactic on you, constantly shadowing you around the halls of the temple until you agreed to help him steal Qui-Gon’s ship on a dare. You were only ten at the time, but it felt like you had known each other for a whole lifetime - it had been that way since the moment you’d first laid eyes on one another as younglings. 
Despite fearing the consequences of what would happen if you two were caught, you had eventually agreed to help, unable to resist him for long. 
How simple things had been back then… 
You sighed. 
“You know, you didn’t exactly answer my question before. What are you doing here? And why do I feel as if Padmé is somehow involved in this?”
“Because you always were rather perceptive,” Obi-wan chuckled, reclaiming his spot on the couch behind him. 
He gestured to the seat opposite in clear invitation - one you decided to accept, despite the fact that this was technically your room. After all, it had been a long day and if you were to open this particular wound then you would at least be seated whilst doing it. 
You were also relieved, but not surprised, to see he had already helped himself to your tea collection too. At least he’d had the decency to pour you a cup. 
“That, and we both know our friend, Senator Amidala, all too well. She simply cannot stand not being able to fix something, including us it seems.” 
That sounded like Padmé. Hell, you’d been in that meeting room long enough today to know the true extent of his words. Padmé saw every problem as a puzzle to solve, and nearly every time, she did - even if it meant sticking her nose where it didn’t belong, or getting herself in the middle of trouble along the way. 
No wonder she and Anakin were close. They were practically the same person, in that regard, and were more than likely responsible for the few grey hairs both you and Obi-Wan had discovered over the years. 
“Us? What - but I - I haven’t told anyone anything -”
“You may not have, but I cannot say the same for Anakin,” Obi smirked, sipping his tea as if to hide the expression. “Nor, his eager apprentice, either. Apparently they may have mentioned to Padmé about our… lack of communication, amongst other things.”  
Why were you not surprised? 
“Of course they did.”    
Maker, you hated this. 
You hated that you had acted as judge, jury, and executioner without letting him plead his case.
You hated the echoing chasm that now existed between the both of you.
But most of all? You hated that you left and stayed away for so long. 
It shouldn't have been this way; you should have been at his bedside when he awoke, ready to thank him, and celebrate his recovery in person. You should have been helping him heal his wounds, rather than hiding away and licking your own. 
“I was a coward.” 
Saying the words aloud somehow made you feel lighter, even if you knew it would take more than words to fix this. The guilt was enough to cause your eyes to water, while you tried your best not to look at him. 
However, admitting the truth was the first step on a long road to enlightenment, as Master Yoda had once said. 
“I was a coward and I ran. I ran from you and the feelings I had for you - the feelings that I know you feel for me too. That crash was too close, Obi. I almost lost you and what’s worse is that it was because of me. I hurt you. Even Anakin knew it. You would never have done something so dangerous and stupid otherwise. You took out that fighter, at cost to yourself, because of me.”  
The confession came pouring out of you. 
“So, I ran and I left that note because I wasn’t strong enough. I couldn’t say those things to your face without you knowing that I didn’t mean them, because I don’t - and I’m trying so hard, Obi. I want to honour you and the promise you made to the order, to Master Qui-Gon and Anakin… I don’t want to put you in that position.” 
“So you left?”
“You made that decision for me, on my behalf?” 
You blinked, sensing the hurt behind his words. “Yes. I did, and I’m sorry... I love you too much to do this to us anymore. I thought by making the choice for you I was sparing you pain in the long run.” 
“Well, you thought wrong. I need you to hear me when I say this, Y/N. I choose you. I choose you, no matter what it means for us or whatever our future may look like. I choose you because I love you and I have for as long as I can remember.”
You knew how much he meant what he said when he used that tone. It's the one he used often when addressing the council or when there was some sort of important threat that needed to be dealt with. It was resolute, and left no room for misunderstanding. 
“These feelings came to be all on their own, and I could never resent you for them. You didn’t force me to feel this way, nor do you force me to act in any way I would not choose to do myself. Do you understand?” 
“Obi-wan… I-" you choked, unable to convince yourself that he was not still angry with you. However, he seemed to know exactly what intrusive thoughts were plaguing you - the same ones that had caused you to flee in the first place. The ones that told you deep down you weren’t enough, that this was a mistake, that he couldn’t possibly be here saying these things to you. 
"Tell me that you understand that. Please." 
You gnawed at your bottom lip. "I... understand."
Relief flooded in his eyes at your words.
Finally, both of you seemed to be on the same page, but it still didn't erase the shame you felt. Tears rolled down your cheeks as your lips trembled.
“Obi, I'm so sorry... you were hurt and I abandoned you. Seeing you like that, and knowing my part in it all, I let my emotions take over and you didn’t deserve that. I left and I should've stayed. I messed things up-" 
The words died on your lips as he took your face in his scarred hands, passionately pressing his lips against yours.
Your mind was reeling but all you could do was hum in the kiss, fighting the urge to pull away. 
No more running from this. 
On that point, he was right; whatever steps you took next you would take together, and denying this connection was clearly not possible. Not when it consumed you so entirely, your soul crying out for his and causing your knees to go weak. 
His lips clashed with yours, his fingers threaded through your hair, tilting your face up. That devious smile grew, and your toes curled in your boots as you saw the smile you’d spent the last few weeks dreaming about. “There’s my darling, Y/N.”
“Obi,” you sighed. 
It was odd how much you’d missed this… missed him… even the way his beard lightly scratched your chin as you kissed him made your heart skip a beat. You felt as if you were somehow complete, like a piece of you had been missing but now returned as he took you in his arms, pulling you roughly against him. 
You were his and he was yours. 
"I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again, you understand me?"
“I’m never leaving you again,” you whined earnestly, a smile of your own escaping your lips as he began to trail his kisses against your jawline and neck. He knew you all too well and was clearly not above playing dirty when it came to reminding you. 
Hence his choice of tactic, tilting you both backwards until you lay against the sofa cushion - penned in, with no escape, you were forced to listen as he pulled back long enough to meet your watery gaze once more. 
“I need you to remember, it's ok to get scared. It's human. You're afraid of losing me the same way I'm afraid of losing you, Y/N,” Obi stated firmly. "I love you and I'm not going anywhere. Not unless you’re beside me, wherever that may be.”  
You stared up at him with a hesitant, watery smile. 
His throat bobbed. “I missed you. Every second, every breath. Not just this,” he said, shifting his hips for emphasis and dragging a groan from deep in your throat, “but … talking to you. Being with you. Having you beside me. I missed having you as my friend even more.”
Your eyes burned. “I know.” 
As soon as the words left your lips, his arms tightened around you in reply, his forehead lowering to press to your shoulder. 
You stroked a hand through his silken hair.
“I know. Never again,” you promised him, and whispered it over and over.
Taglist (people who asked about part 2):
@obiwanownsmyass​ @tommysparker​ @graniairish​ @itscheybaby @blondekel77 
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acersthings · 2 years
Let Me Help You - 2
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
< previous next >
Summary: It has been a week since you had went to the medical droids. It also has been a week since Obi-Wan had found out how you felt about him. He decides to talk to you about it….or does he?
Word Count: 1,630
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“One step at a time, Y/n,” Obi-Wan held on tightly to your arm, securing that you wouldn’t fall.
You had been recently taking part in physical therapy to train your leg to walk again. The gash had really done its damage to your thigh. It was bandaged and stitched, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt like kriffing hell.
“Okay, I got it,” you let go of Obi-Wan and tried to walk on your own. Your steps were unbalanced, for sure, but you had managed to make it far down the hallway with no support.
“There you go,” Obi-Wan smiled, “you just have to get out of those negative thoughts of yours.”
Obi-Wan rested his hands on his hips as he watched you travel down the hallway.
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved him off, “are we done? I’m tired and I want to lay down.”
The auburn haired Jedi chuckled softly and walked back to your side. He held out his elbow so you could join elbows with him.
“I’ll take you to your quarters, princess,” he jokes, watching you smile in amusement.
He loved seeing you smile. It was his favorite thing. Or, your laugh. The melodic vibration waves that came throughout your throat ever so often made him pleased. He loved a lot a things about you. Speaking of loving you, he hasn't spoken to you about...your thoughts....yet. He never found the right time to. He believed you would instantly get mad that he was reading your thoughts without your consent. I mean, you had every reason to get upset with him.
"You don't have to stay with me," you arrived at your room's doors.
Your door recognized your Force presence and allowed it to open. You looked at Obi-Wan, who was just looking forward, in a dazed state.
"Hey. Hello. Coruscant to Obi-Wan. Master Jedi," you waved your hand at the Jedi.
He blinked out of his trance and saw that you were trying to get his attention.
"Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize we have arrived," he rubbed the back of his neck, like he was embarrassed.
"Yeah," you skeptically looked at him, "I saw."
You glared at him, trying to decipher his thoughts. You would never go through his private mind without him knowing. That's just a invasion of privacy.
"I feel you trying to read my thoughts," he smirked and you shrugged, giving up.
"What did you say, earlier?" He rested a hand on your back, leading you to the mini couch. The simple touch of his hand made you imagine things....things that a Jedi shouldn't...typically imagine.
"I said," you sat on the couch, "you don't have to stay with me. Go train Anakin...or get something to eat. I can manage."
"Says the person who thought a Bacta patch would cover a tear in their thigh."
You scoffed while he softly chuckled. He was setting up the kettle for tea in the mini kitchenette area. Being a Jedi Master had its perks. You had a miniature sized apartment for living, which including a small kitchen and living room, bathroom, bedroom, and balcony. It was a big step up from the dorm sized room you had when you were a Padawan.
"May I ask you something?" Obi-Wan rested the kettle, allowing the water to simmer.
"Anything," you leaned back and rested your back on the couch.
Obi-Wan stuttered, not knowing how to start his confession of what he knew. He looked at you, down, at you, and down again. He sighed and walked towards you, sitting down next to you.
"You're worrying me," you saw how nervous he was, "did Anakin break something of mine again? Please don't tell me it was my blaster, again. He knows my blaster isn't stable enough for fake shooting it at you and I-"
Obi-Wan blurted it out so fast, that he hadn't heard what he actually said. Your eyes widened as he took you for surprise. You blinked rapidly, confused if he just had a stroke or not.
"What?" You titled your head slightly.
"You know what," the kettle started whistling, "nevermind."
He stood up and walked towards the kettle, pouring the steaming water into a mug. You were still staring into his soul, which scared him. Your eyes were widened in a state of confusion.
"Here you go," he rested the mug on the nearest table, "I'm going to take up your offer and see if Anakin needs help with anything. Beep me if you need any help. Farewell, Master L/n."
He stepped out of your living quarter and closed the door. You jaw was dropped.
What in the bantha fodder hell just happened?
No, you thought. That can't end there.
You stood up as fast as you could with your injured leg. You limped to the door and walked out. You looked down each way to see if you could catch him up to him. He was already so far away.
Obi-Wan wanted to stop walking, but he couldn't. He was a coward. He was so close to tell you but was too far. He wanted to tell you. He wanted to apologize over and over again. He was too afraid that his simple action might've ruined your relationship.
"Obi-Wan Ben Kenobi!"
He stopped and ran his hand through his mullet. Sighing, he turned around slowly to see you limping towards him.
"I realized I had an important meeting to attend to," he whispered, looking down.
"Yeah, and Anakin isn't a troublemaker. Really, Obi-Wan? You run out on me after you literally had a stroke! And then, you lie to me, expecting me to believe you?! What is going on in that head of yours?" You let out a breath you didn't realizing you were holding in.
"If there is something bothering you," you took a step closer to him, "you can always talk to me. Remember, our Padawan days. You would come to my comfort for everything. This shouldn't be any different."
He felt your hand rest upon his cheek and leaned into your touch, "Trust me, this is very different."
You let go of his face and rested your arms across your chest, "Then tell me. How so?"
He looked deep into your eyes, which they held so many emotions. Anger. Confusion. Everything a Jedi shouldn't be showing. He cursed to himself and looked around nervously.
"Last week, when I was helping you to your room," he looked down in shame, "I accidentally heard your thoughts. Curiosity killed the Ewok and I...looked into your mind. I heard that you had certain feelings...for me. I never meant to and I'm so truly sorry for invading your privacy. I understand if you're upset," he admitted, watching your face for a reaction.
Your tongue was poking at your cheek as you looked down at your feet.
"Say something. Say anything," he begged, grabbing your face so you could look back up at him.
You slowly started smiling which turned into a fit of laughter.
"I don't get it, why are you laughing?"
You started laughing hysterically, tearing up. Obi-Wan's face of confusion and worry made you laugh even harder. You started laughing way too hard but calmed yourself down.
"Woo," you breathed out deeply, "you...wow."
Obi-Wan was acting just how you were acting in the room. Confused and almost angry. He wanted to get to the point but you weren't allowing him to.
"Do you remember earlier when I was trying to read your thoughts?"
Obi-Wan simply nodded his head.
"And do you remember what you said?"
"Yeah, I said I felt you trying to read my thoughts," he answered, still way too confused.
"Obi-Wan," your shoulders dropped and you mentally face palmed.
"Yes?" He answered, starting to get very annoyed at the fellow Jedi Master.
You raised your eyebrows and opened up your arms, as if you were saying, "Really?"
Obi-Wan realized what you meant and his heart dropped. His eyes widened and his face turned redder than a Sith's lightsaber.
You had known, the whole....entire....time.
"You...knew?" Obi-Wan's whispered in shock.
"Yeah, I was waiting for you to bring it up," you laughed.
Obi-Wan was suddenly filled with immediate anger. He had never been so angry before. Sure, maybe he was angry at Anakin sometimes. But, not this angry.
"That's not fair," he growled.
"How is it-"
"I was so worried that you would hate me after I told you that," he stepped towards you as you took a step back, "but, you laughed in my face and told me you already knew?"
"Obi-Wan, I-"
You hadn't realized he backed you into a wall, letting the cold metal hit you in the back. His eyes had narrowed and his face had turned red out of anger.
"No, don't say anything. I was angry at myself, Maker, I thought it would ruin our relationship. Did you know that too? I'm willing to bet with a bounty hunter that you just know everything, huh?"
His voice had gotten darker, too. This scared you. He never got this angry at you. You suddenly felt really guilty about not telling him. But, you couldn't help but love yourself for not telling him. If you told him earlier, you two wouldn't be right in each other's spaces. You two wouldn't be so close to kissing.
"I'm sorry."
Were you really sorry? Your faces were inches apart. You could feel his hot breath fanning your face. His heavy breathing and your eyes looking straight at his lips would be a very weird sight to come upon.
"You led me to believe my feelings weren't mutual and that we never would have a chance."
"I really wish I didn't come down here."
Your and Obi-Wan's heads snapped to the right, where a shocked Anakin stood.
"Hi, Master," he looked at Obi-Wan, "hi, other Master."
You slowly looked back at Obi-Wan, who was already pushing himself off of you. He just admitted his feelings for you. You were internally freaking out but decided to bottle the cheers of excitement inside.
"What did you need, Anakin?" He said, bothered.
"I just wanted to see if Master L/n wanted to grab a bite to eat with me?" Anakin sounded like he was scarred for life.
Brushing your hair out of your face, you looked directly at Obi-Wan and shared, "I would love to, Anakin."
You decided it was best that the two of you had spilt up before the argument, if you would even call it that, got more intense.
Watching as you walked off with Anakin, Obi-Wan ran his hand over his face and beard.
If his feelings for you weren't clear before, they sure were Kyber crystal clear now.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
I like the fact that Master Mundi got to marry for Pre-Approved Reasons because it means that there is room for characters to get married for 'saving a world' reasons which means hell yeah political marriage plots are a go.
(Not Anakin and Padme, they have no valid excuses unless the Force shows up like 'I want grandbabies.')
But the "someone marries a Mandalorian for a truce" stuff? That's Good.
"Marries a clone to secure their citizenship" could be approved.
"Marries a Mandalorian to prevent a war" could be approved.
"Marries a darksider because [flips through excuses book] Ventress is willing to defect but Mother Talzin insists on Nightsister magicks to prevent the Jedi from backstabbing her girl and for some reason this requires a marriage, but those magicks will extend to Dooku not being able to harm the Jedi anymore because he's thematically Ventress's grandfather" could be approved. Heavily questioned and side-eyed, but approved.
So discord went wild with that last one and I'm going to transcribe it below. (I've excluded some tangents that I felt didn't fit the concept I initially presented, but it's otherwise word for word.)
purreve (on tumblr as @purronronner) oh my gd I love that last one
Fix Fic Craving Personified (on tumblr as @lizasweetling) the last one is extremely funny
purreve especially if Dooku doesn’t find out until the next time he has a showdown with the Jedi
Fix Fic Craving Personified god, he'd be so lucky that the jedi probably wouldn't kill him for just talking I wonder if it would let them attack him if it came to that?
purreve they get into a fight and Dooku just keeps missing
Fix Fic Craving Personified if he's stuck because he's in the magic catagory with Ventress- it's possible they just can't the missing option has great comedy potention
Evaar'la Alii'striil (13RS) (on tumblr as @dracothulhu) okay but you know Obi-Wan would be a little shit and just stand still and smirk at him
purreve one of them stops fighting just to be a dick and deliberately lets him get his saber right up against them but he can’t push it that last inch oh yes it’s absolutely obi wan you’re right
Fix Fic Craving Personified deeply frustrating and confusing he doesn't get why he's not this hesitant is he??? He doesn't think so??
purreve and then he goes “what the fuck” and then they go “Ventress married a Jedi” and then he still goes “what the fuck” because what kind of non sequitur??? it’s not a non sequitur get fucked :)
Evaar'la Alii'striil (13RS) it's a special kind of Nightsister magick designed to enforce peace-making/feud-ending political marriages not very feud-ending if the in-laws murder each other anyway
purreve ....in that case, does this extend to everyone under dooku’s authority
Evaar'la Alii'striil (13RS) I'd say "only the family" which also doesn't include Palpatine because get fucked Sheev
purreve as some unintended consequence of like. well we don’t want them to murder each other so we can’t let them hire assassins or whateverthefuck either
𝙰𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚔 𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚐𝚜 (on tumblr as @atagotiak) Anakin is probably kinda disappointed he can’t kill Dooku I feel like you def couldn’t say, order someone to kill people under this nightsister thing.
Evaar'la Alii'striil (13RS) my reasoning is there needs to be enough of a connection to count - broadly speaking the Jedi all care for each other and Dooku and Ventress have some kind of emotional connection, but Palps is a weasel who doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself not to say that there's not potential for hilarity either way, though!
phoenixyfriend "Wait I can't kill any of the Jedi? Guess I'll just kill your soldiers, then." "NOT IF A JEDI DECIDES TO BE A LIVING SHIELD." "For pity's sake, Skywalker." Dooku: What happens if I just... disown Ventress? Mother Talzin: [worrying laughter that heavily implies awful consequences] You wouldn't be the first to try that route. Dooku: ...ah.
phoenixyfriend Who does Ventress even marry Like my first thought is usually Quin, but.
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syndullqs · 2 years
pining — codywan
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SUMMARY — as obi-wan’s padawan, it is your duty to see to his love life. so, you do.
WARNINGS — pining, gn!padawan!reader, i am gonna have way too much fun with this
REQUESTED BY — @starlit-epiphany
YOU DID NOT KNOW HOW you were the only one to see the chemistry between obi-wan and commander cody. it was not like captain rex and anakin skywalker, their relationship being strictly professional. no, obi-wan and cody’s relationship was spiced up with chemistry. as obi-wan’s padawan, you sought out to bring these two lovebirds together. one way or another.
you recruited ahsoka, anakin’s padawan, and she was all into it. you also asked some men of the 212th, specifically waxer and boil. the two clones scurried off to inform cody there was something urgent in the mess general kenobi needed to talk to him about while ahsoka, meanwhile, would set your plan into motion. your plan was going to come through.
you found your master in the archives, talking with madame jocasta.
“padawan l/n, how can i help you?” obi-wan asked as he caught view of his padawan. based on the smile on his padawan’s face, he didn’t think anything good was forming in your brain.
“i have something to show you! ahsoka and i were working on a project and we wanted to show you,” you proudly stated. now, you did want to show him something, someone rather, but he didn’t have to know that until they wanted him to.
“show me something?” he was highly skeptical.
“yeah!” you skipped out of the room, but not without bowing respectfully bowing to madame jocasta.
obi-wan reluctantly followed his padawan, who he regretfully admitted acted like his former padawan, anakin skywalker. why did he always get the reckless ones?
obi-wan lost you on the way to the mess, but he wasn’t exactly complaining. he knew you were planning something, and he was honestly afraid to find out what.
before he walked into the mess hall, he saw someone coming from the other side, and just any someone, it was commander cody. obi-wan’s heart jolted inside of his chest, reminding him of the feelings that were buried deep down. it was wrong to have such feelings, especially for his commander, but at the same time he wasn’t going to do anything to stop it.
“commander cody,” obi-wan greeted.
“general,” cody returned, “waxer and boil said that there was something urgent for me in the mess hall,”
“y/n said something similar to me, i wonder what they’re planning,” obi-wan knew how padawan was up to something, but when he walked into the mess hall, he didn’t find anyone. the place had been cleared out. a singular light was on, illuminating one side of the table. two cups sat there, a hot liquid in them given the steam rising from the cups.
“i think i’ve figured out what your padawan was planning, sir,” cody spoke as he removed his helmet, giving his general a soft look. cody always believed in keeping personal feelings to himself and out of war, so when it came to his general, he shoved down the feelings that bubbled inside of his chest.
“oh really, and what is that?” obi-wan asked as they walked further into the mess hall. his nerves went wild as he awaited his answer.
“a date…sir,” cody was nervous to accept this, but that’s what it looked like. cody didn’t know much about the dating world, but he wasn’t stupid either.
obi-wan felt his cheeks heat up to a bright shade of red, words failing him. he turned his eyes away from cody as he sat down, placing his hands in his lap.
“i suppose this is a date then, commander,” obi-wan stated awkwardly. cody chuckled.
“i guess it is,”
in the vents, you and ahsoka watched as the two men talked, even laughed together. the both of you high fived, knowing you wouldn’t be seeing your master for training in the morning.
waxer and boil heard the conversation from the kitchen, which was risky, but they quietly high fived as they scrambled out. they wouldn’t be seeing their commander in the morning, and probably not until the afternoon.
i’m so so sorry this took me so long! this week has been insane but i wanted to get it done before it gets crazier, and i also apologize if it’s bad; i think i rushed it a bit. anyways! thank you raven for your lovely request and i hope it meets your expectations!
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Leg Injury
Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: injuries, shooting, insinuation to smut 
Author’s Note: does the end to this suck? Kinda. But its all i got for you
Summary: You and Anakin are sent on your first mission alone. 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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You didn’t like parties at the best of times. You didn’t hate most of them but when all the Jedi got together, the masters and the padawans and everyone somewhere in between got together for a party it was mostly a buzz.
In fact, you wouldn’t even call it a party. You would be more inclined to call it a meeting with a lot of people that had no itinerary. Work meeting. Yeah, that was probably it. 
Today was even worse. You had a headache and you hadn’t been told when your next flight would be. You hated that, the not knowing. They could send you off the next day or just after the party was over. You liked them telling you, so you could prepare, pack, eat. 
You leaned against a wall with a glass of water in your hand. Everyone else was drinking something else, trying to enjoy the time off. But your headache persisted anyway. You took a sip of your water and leaned your head against the wall. 
Perhaps you could sneak out quietly, try and get a few hours of sleep. Maybe you could even just try and enjoy your time off. 
“You look like you’re enjoying this party.” You lowered your head to eye level to find that Anakin Skywalker had walked up beside you. You smiled a tad, sloshing your drink in it’s cup to show your obvious distaste for the place.
“It’s my favorite place to be when we have a second to breath,” you muttered. Anakin leaned against the wall beside you and looked out at the group of people. He knew most of them and didn’t mind the actual talking. But for the most part, he agreed with you.
“At least they aren’t trying to get you to mingle. Obi-Wan has been getting me to talk to everyone here,” he said lazily.
“Well then it’s only your due diligence to talk to me as well.” 
“You wanna sneak away?” he asked. You smiled.
“I do. Yes.” He gestured to the door not far away and it looked very tempting. 
You and Anakin had been padawans together. You grew up in the same classes and when your master had died unexpectedly in battle Obi-Wan had taught you the last of your training. You were each other's closest companions. You had always felt a little bit more. You weren’t sure what he felt but you had always felt a pull to him. 
“Oh God. Look at this, we’ve waited too long and Obi-Wan is coming to whisk us away. Quickly Anakin.” You grabbed Anakin's arm to put him in front of you. You peaked over his shoulder as Obi-Wan approached, laughing a little bit. 
“I think he saw you,” Anakin whispered. 
“Cover for me.” 
“Anakin, Y/N, your newest assignment has been detailed,” Obi-Wan said. Anakin shook his head. 
“There’s no Y/N here,” he said playfully. Obi-Wan laughed a bit as you peeked over your friends shoulder and then rested your chin there. 
“What is it Kenobi?” you asked evenly. 
“The two of you are going to go and gather some intel from a base not far from here.” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Alone?” you questioned. 
“Yes,” Obi-Wan concurred. You and Anakin usually went with Obi-Wan. You either went separately with Obi or you went together with Obi. You had never gone just by yourselves. Anakin glanced behind him at you. 
“You hear that?”
“Yes I did Ani, yes I did.” You smiled a little bit. This was good. Well, it was semi good. You still had to prove yourselves to the counsel that you were capable of going without Obi-Wan but you didn’t feel like you would mess it up. “When do we leave?” 
“Tomorrow morning.” Your face fell and you put your forehead on Anakin's shoulder. 
“So soon?” Anakin asked.
“You should both probably get a good night's rest. You’ll need it for tomorrow,” Obi-Wan said. You nodded, backing away from Anakin and raising your water glass. 
“You’re likely right,” you muttered. Obi-Wan put his hand on your shoulder.
“You’ll both do fine. I promise.” 
“I know,” Anakin said. Obi-Wan laughed a bit and then turned back around to the crowd to go and talk some more. You turned to Anakin and let out a sigh. 
“Well then we really have to get out of here and go to sleep.” He nodded. You looked him in the eye. “You really think we can do this on our own?” 
“I think we could do a lot of things on our own.” 
“Not sure what that means Ani.” You put your hand on his shoulder as you started to pass him. “But I will see you tomorrow morning. Try and get some sleep.”
“How was your morning?” Anakin asked. You rolled your eyes. You were both flying your own separate ships, preparing to land on a base to get some intel. You would have to be quick, otherwise they would recognize your presence. 
Anakin flew in front of you, quite expertly, not that you would tell him that. 
“Dragged myself out of bed. How about you?” you spoke into your helmet. You tipped your ship a bit to the side, flying up beside him. 
“Perfectly fine actually. We landing here?” 
“Yeah yeah. You go in first, I’ll follow.” 
“What, you nervous?” he teased. You scoffed and quickly flew past him into where you were landing. He chuckled a little bit as you shut your engines off, landing perfectly where you planned. He landed beside you. 
You both got out, lightsabers safely by your side. 
“It’s up that way, at a bar,” he said, already walking. You walked up behind him swiftly and kept pace.  You were starting to get a little nervous. You always had Obi-Wan as a backbone. You knew that Anakin was talented but he was rash. You could be clumsy. Sometimes the two of you made for bad choices that you made too quickly. 
You pushed the thoughts out of your mind and walked even quicker. Anakin had to keep pace with you. 
“Just a quick conversation and then we’re gone,” you said out loud, more for your sake than his. He nodded, grabbing the hilt of his lightsaber and then tossing it in the air. You almost made a move to catch it out of habit. 
“And if anything goes wrong-”
“Don’t say anything is going to go wrong. Then it will go wrong and then we’ll have to deal with it.” 
He didn’t answer you and stayed silent as you walked into the bar. You held your head low, trying to make sure that no one would ever see or recognize you. Anakin led the walk, always the egotistical one of the two of you. You came to a slow stop in front of a table.
There was a man sitting there. He was green and had long ears that went down to his chest. He was a round man and you recognized him as the man you were here to see. 
“Kinabula,” Anakin said evenly. “Nice to see you.”
“Hush boy,” Kinabula spoke. You hadn’t even thought that he was speaking loudly but you didn’t say anything. You slid into the seats beside him and leaned over the table. 
“We have to talk,” you muttered. Anakin stayed standing. 
“I don’t recognize you Jedi. I was promised familiar faces,” he complained. 
“We’re the best you’re going to get for the lack of proof you promised,” Anakin said and this time, his voice was as low as he could get it and still be understood in the crowded space. Kinabula cursed under his breath and you didn’t recognize the language. 
“We just need what was promised. Then any further dealings, you could do with others,” you said carefully. He thought about it for a moment longer and then finally decided to cave. 
“It’s information about Sith dealings…” he started and you listened to him as he spoke. He was very concise and you listened to it with intent ears. Anakin sat down after a while and after just a few minutes more, you were able to gather everything you needed. 
“Thank you,” Anakin said. “We’ll tell the Jedi about your helpfulness.” Kinabula nodded and looked around, making sure no one had seen him. You were careful as you stood up to leave. 
You and Anakin started to walk out together. You were just about out, you were doing so well. You had the information and you had been so quiet. You were leaving the bar, just close enough to leave the place completely.
That was when Anakin got shot at.
You hadn’t even seen it but you heard the shot be fired. You had your lightsaber out in record timing but you saw that the shot had hit Anakin. There was a whole in his clothes on his right pant leg. 
You fended off the shooting, standing in front of him. You had started to run and he was starting to limp away. You didn’t leave him behind. You left his ship behind but you made him get into the tight confinements of your ship and you were leaving as quick as you had come. 
“How are you doing?” you asked, breathing heavy. He was sitting behind you, bleeding. You don't’ look behind him, you couldn’t, you were flying. 
“Bleeding, but alive.” 
There was a moment of silence, nothing in the air but your breathing. Then Anakin spoke. 
“I’m never going to hear the end of this from Obi-Wan.” You laughed dryly. 
“I wish I could say you’re wrong.” You shut your eyes tight for just a second, trying to regain your balance and then opened them again. “I’m sorry.” Your voice was low and quiet.
“Don’t be sorry. I was being cocky.” You laughed just a tad.
“When are you not cocky?” You shook your head, steading the ship. “I should have accounted for it.”
You arrived back at home and started to land. Anakin put his hand on your shoulder and squeezed. 
“This was not your fault.” 
You landed and people came rushing to you at the sight of only one ship. You hopped out quickly. 
“He’s hurt!” you called and someone was at your side before you could say anything mre. Obi-Wan rushed over and you grabbed his arm. “It’s nothing serious. He’ll be okay,” you promised. Anakin was helped out of the ship and hauled away. 
You quickly ran over to him, following as people rushed him away. He grabbed your hand and you had to walk quickly to keep up the pace of the people holding his stretcher. 
“It’s not that serious,” he muttered. You laughed a bit and let his hand go, letting them tend to his wound. 
You waited for him to be let out, which he was, very quickly. He limped over to you, parading his new baggage with a shake of his head. You were waiting in the empty sparring rooms.
“Did Obi-Wan give you the talk?” he asked as he approached.
“Yes. You?”
“More than once. I had to pry to get myself out of there,” he said laughing. He sat down beside you on the ground with some effort. 
“I have no doubt. He loves a good stern talk.” You looked over at him and gestured to the leg. “They gonna have to amputate?” He chuckled.
“No. I’ll be back on my feet in a couple weeks then they’re sending me out with you again because the Jedi never learn.” 
“Hey, you love the Jedi.” He nodded.
“You’re right.” You put your head against the wall and looked at his face. He was so handsome. Hair perfect, lips always in some sort of smug smile. He looked over at you and admired your face even more. 
“We were so close,” you whispered. Anakin nodded, still looking into your eyes. You had to look away. 
“Next time,” he promised. “That’s an optimistic take if there ever was one. Wasn’t expecting that from you Anakin Skywalker.” Anakin scoffed and leaned against your side. You didn’t even shove him. 
“I trust us.” You looked into his eyes again and you couldn’t help the urge. You wanted to kiss him so badly. You needed to kiss him. Your eyes flicked to his lips and you didn’t notice him flick to yours until his lips were on yours. 
He had kissed you. 
It was a perfect kiss and you didn’t think about the repercussions. You felt amazing. Cloud 9 amazing. When you pulled away he had to force himself to stop kissing you. He looked into your eyes for a sign. 
You kissed him again but quicker this time. 
“Public place,” you whispered. He smiled smugly. You pulled away from him completely and stood up. You offered your hand. 
“Where are we going?” he asked.
“That my friend, is up to you.” He looked at you and grabbed your hand, letting you help him up. 
“You know this is against the ru-”
“Shush Anakin. You’ll ruin a good moment. Plus, who are you to tell me the rules shouldn’t be broken mister breaks every rule in the book.”
“That was clever.”
“No it wasn’t.”
He used you as a crutch as you walked out of the sparring room and you bickered all the way to his room.
Tag List: @karasong , @elisaa-shelby
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Okay, so I’ve only watche dthe first two, but I think I can pinpoint where the Jedi went wrong, yeah? It was the part where none of them listened to each other! Yoda says “I don’t think we should train this young child” and the council is like “Train the child, Obi-Wan!” Obi-Wan says “I don’t think we should leave Padme and Anakin alone with each other” and the council is like “Have fun alone with a girl for three weeks, young hormonal barely-adult.” Dooku says “Darth Sidious is controlling the senate right beneath everyone’s nose” and the council is like “Nah, that wouldn’t happen. It isn’t as though we said ourselves that our ability to use the Force has gotten weaker and that the Dark Side is clouding everything.”
How many times did Padme say “No, I don’t think we should do this, this is dumb and reckless” only for Anakin to be like “Or, or, we could do it more.” And who decided to put the two most reckless, impulsive people on a ship together??? Who sat down and thought “hm, yes, surely nothing bad will come of Anakin, who never listens to anything we say, and Padme, who never listens to anything we say, spending large quantities of alone time together. After all, we told them not to do something, surely they’ll listen.” There’s that scene where Obi-Wan is like “I hope Anakin doesn’t make them do anything reckless” and Padme’s guard is like “I hope Padme doesn’t make them do anything reckless” and I feel like they should’ve decided to turn the ship around right then and there. They should have said “oh, no, wait, yeah, you’re right, we shouldn’t leave them alone together.”
Like, I suggested to my brother that they need to add sex ed. to padawan training. But, I’m beginning to think that what they really need is a course on active listening.
No one in these movies is thinking with their heads, are they? Is that the point? Are we supposed to be thinking “God, everyone is such a dumbass” and “Why are you staying on the planet, Obi-Wan, when you could leave????” Steal a ship, Obi-Wan. Steal two ships. Steal eleven ships. Why are you staying on the dangerous murder planet, Obi-Wan? Leave the dangerous murder planet, Obi-Wan! Make the message on the way out!
Things I actively enjoyed:
Pod racing was cool. It’s fun.
The fight scenes are very nice, very good, very many flips and spins, 10/10.
Obi-Wan’s hair in the second film is very pretty, what conditioner do you think he uses?
Jango Fett, very cool, very fun, has a jet-pack, asked for a child and just about nothing else, I liked when the Kaminoans or whatever were like “We keep Jango here” it made me think of a kid being like “I keep Jango riiiight here so that I always know where he is and how he’s doing :D” The film could have used way more Jango Fett, that guy is so cool. I liked the scenes with him and Obi-Wan. They had a stare off in front of a child, and Boba’s looking at them like “Why am I in this scene?” I especially like the scene where one of the guys is like “Jango, do something!” and Jango looks at him like “What the fuck do you expect me to do?” That was very fun.
I have a few questions, a few concerns, if you will. How many versions of his dad does Boba Fett have to watch die? Who let a child watch an execution? Was it Jango’s idea? It doesn’t feel like an idea Jango would come up with, saying as at every other point in the movie, his primary concern seems to be keeping his kid safe, and there’s no way Jango Fett, who fought with Obi-Wan twenty minutes ago, thought that everything would go just dandy.
Are we not supposed to know who Palpatine is? Like, is that supposed to be a twist? The hiding of it is really very sloppy, but like, are they hiding it? Or, like, what? The characters obviously don’t know who Palpatine is, but are we supposed to know as much as, say, Obi-Wan does, or are we supposed to be omniscient in this case and know everything?
I’m concerned about the Clones. You know the ones. Specifically, is that really humane? To make them less independent and force them to follow orders and force them to grow up faster, I mean. Like, okay, they would only be as old as Boba, who I don’t know the age of and I’m bad at guessing ages so I’ll just say is young and leave it at that, but won’t making them grow older faster accelerate their aging process for the entirety of their lives? What if the war lasts longer than a few years? What if it lasts decades? What if, say, the war lasted for a really long time and Jango died and your DNA sample, whatever you used for it, ran out like they claim it does later on (a lot later on, but still)? What would they do then? What’s the contingency plan? Is there a contingency plan? Are you going to make people with arthritis fight against Jedi and droids? Seriously, people.
But also, where does Boba go? I know he becomes a bounty hunter and eventually ends up on Tatooine, but how does he get there? I mean, Padme did say it was only a parsec over, so maybe it makes sense that Boba lands there, but what does he do? Is he old enough to take care of himself? How does he end up being a bounty hunter? What happened to him at the end of the film? The last we see of him is him holding his dad’s helmet, and it’s very sad and made me a bit concerned, where is this child during this war? Did he stay there, in that little arena place? Has he been there this whole time?
How weird do you think it would’ve been, for Jango? Like, if he didn’t die here. He would’ve had to fight himself! Multiple times over! Would he have won? Would it have been a tie? Is he really cool with himself being an entire army? Does he know the scope of the operation? He didn’t even know who the Kaminoans said hired him, unless we’re supposed to assume he was lying. Was he lying?
I guess, long story short, I don’t understand things unless they’re very clear, especially in terms of lying especially in television and film. But also, language in general. It flies right over my head. I have to have a clear subject! Was Jar Jar saying that Padme was “pitty hot”??? Was he saying the temperature was “pitty hot”??? Was he saying the vehicle was “pitty hot”??? What was that supposed to be referring to?? Is he stating temperature or attractiveness??? I’m confused, goshdammit. What is the subject of the sentence, Jar Jar? What is the subject???
Can a stand-in make requests for a senator on an intergalactic scale? That doesn’t sound reasonable.
Anakin is taller than Obi-Wan, who is taller than Jango. The height difference between Jango and Anakin must be pretty wide. Jango Fett is so tiny. Like, Obi-Wan is one of the shortest Jedi we see (standing next to other Jedi so that their heights are easy to compare) and Jango is shorter than him! No wonder Boba is tiny. He was doomed. Jango should’ve requested that they make his clones a bit taller.
I have a lot of questions on the cloning front, admittedly. Probably too many. Where do the people on Kamino get food? It’s constantly raining! The ground must be flooded! What is supplying them with enough food to feed hundreds of growing young men? Accelerated growing, no less! They must eat a lot of food! Where do they get it? Kamino was purposefully erased on the map, so who’s supplying the food? Do they clone food too?
Why does no one ever listen to Padme? She says “I think Count Dooku is behind my assassination attempts” and they say “nah.” She says “Anakin this is a dumb idea” and he says “nah.” Even Padme doesn’t listen to Padme! She says “I should not fall in love with Anakin nor should I tell him I love him” and she tells herself “nah.” Like, come on.
Also, was the best plan really to move her back to Naboo? Like, yes, the enemy wasn’t supposed to know she left in the first place, but wouldn’t that be the first place they check? Why wasn’t the plan to pretend to leave planet but really keep her on Coruscant? She has so many body doubles! And, they could’ve used multiple! Have them go in different directions, on different transport systems, to different planets! You know, in case there was a spy or someone stalking her? Or even a droid stalking her. Droids are stalking everyone in this movie, people, there is no way that taking Padme to Naboo was the best plan you could come up with!
Why does Jango Fett outsource his work? Why did he give the other bounty hunter multiple tries? Like, it was only two, but why trust them after the first fuck up? Why did he hire a bounty hunter? Was he hired and told to hire a bounty hunter? Maybe it was supposed to be a long chain? Like, Jango hired a bounty hunter to hire a bounty hunter to hire a bounty hunter to hire a bounty hunter to hire a bounty hunter to hire a bounty hunter to hire a-
Anyway, great time. Great movies. All my questions are definitely answered in the third film, definitely. I have absolutely NO doubt that every single question WILL be answered. All of them! All. Of. Them. These films are. Very. Good. I found them. Enjoyable. Definitely. No sarcasm here (much sarcasm here)
No but in all hoensty, I’m just kind of bored. And, the fight scene between Dooku and Anakin or Yoda or someone had too many flashing lights and now I feel sick to my stomach. I barely even remember the first film, and I watched it directly before the second one. I can barely remember the second film, and I watched it twenty minutes ago! The scenes seem to drag on forever, even the fight scenes, and even Obi-Wan’s obvious flirting with everything can’t distract me from that! (During the scene where Obi-Wan is talking to the guy who tells him about Kamino, there a part near the end of the scene where the guy says that the people on Kamino judge peopel on their manners and their (laugh) big (anotherlaugh) wallets. I really did not know where he was going with that, and his laughter didn’t help matters. I really thought he was going to make a sex joke. It would’ve fit in with the uncomfortable amount of Anakin having boners, you know?)
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secretsolarsystem · 2 years
❛ truth is, i didn’t expect to get this attached to you. ❜ -> Obi-Wan in probably every story. But don't we love him, anyway.
we do, we do love him!!! but umm. idk if we love him in this. bc in this fic he’s kinda fucked up. but so am I so I do still love him in this :]
and remember how I said I was gonna try to keep these shorter??? yeah this one is 3.2k :| sorry it's long LOLOL
modern au, established relationship, college student!Anakin, photographer!Obi-Wan, serial killer!Obi-Wan (yeah did I mention he’s kinda fucked up), depictions of a dead body (not very graphic), discussion of murder (also not very graphic), NSFW (dry humping), and I think that's it but if I should add any warnings lmk!!!
enjoyyyyy :)
Of course. Of course Anakin couldn’t date just one nice guy. Well, he was actually very nice, to Anakin and to Anakin’s mom and Anakin’s friends and to waitresses and-
So, okay. Maybe Obi-Wan was nice. And very nice to look at. And financially stable. And independent. And a caring partner. And a caring lover – Anakin had never been with someone so attentive in all aspect of the relationship until Obi-Wan. He just knew what made Anakin tick, it seemed.
So can Anakin really be blamed here? Anakin didn’t think so. Anakin thought that he was justified for falling head over heels for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
And it was almost entirely ruined just because Anakin was trying to do something kind and sweet and thoughtful for the other man. Not because of Anakin period, which he felt was important to point out. Also the almost part, that was important, too.
His amazing boyfriend was also an amazing photographer, and was also turning thirty-eight at the end of the week. Anakin had been racking his brain for the perfect gift for his perfect partner, and then he remembered something Obi-Wan had said that one time Anakin had asked to see what he was developing in his in-home darkroom.
“I would love to show you, darling, but…I’m lucky if even five of the thirty-six frames turn out being anything of worth. I don’t want you seeing how bad I really am at my job and have you leave me for someone who’s more consistent with his success,” he’d said, all shy and self-deprecating like he always got when he talked about his work.
“Oh, but Obi-Wan,” Anakin had said with a smirk, gesturing to himself, “you clearly have an eye for beauty. Surely your work shows that.”
Obi-Wan had smiled and pulled him away from the door, towards his bedroom. Anakin went easily, always happy to be distracted by Obi-Wan’s roaming hands and searing kisses. Anakin was only human, after all.
But Obi-Wan currently was gone for a shoot, and Anakin figured that he wouldn’t mind him going through the darkroom for this very nice thing he was doing. Obi-Wan said he’d probably be gone most of the day, going so far as to saying he’d bring them home dinner on his way back, so Anakin knew he’d have time.
His great idea was he’d go in and find all the developed pictures Obi-Wan didn’t like, and he’d put them together in a sort of collage. He was sure his skills as an architect-to-be gave him a good idea of lines and composition, and if he could place the photos just so, Obi-Wan would see them as the masterpieces Anakin knew they were. (He would have loved to work with the undeveloped negatives, too, but he didn’t know jack about how to do that. Maybe after this Obi-Wan would teach him, even let Anakin help him with the development stages of his work.)
Stepping into the room and closing the door, Anakin flicked on the lights, washing the room in a dim red glow. He was overwhelmed at first by the smell of chemicals that often diluted on Obi-Wan’s fingers no matter how much he washed his hands, but potent in the small room. Then he was overwhelmed by the photographs that seemed to cover every corner of the room. Some were framed on the walls, some were scattered on the tables, some drying as they hung from strings criss-crossing the room.
Smiling, Anakin made his way further in. Obi-Wan wasn’t kidding: he really kept the majority of his photographs from seeing the light of day. Looking at the ones on the table, Anakin’s smile grew softer, seeing several of himself from a picnic they’d had in the park the other day. They had found a nice patch of shade, but the sunlight managed to trickle through the branches of the tree they’d sat under. Obi-Wan had loved the way the light played on Anakin’s face, Anakin remembered, and he stood with his camera, snapping pictures of Anakin lazing on the blanket and eating strawberries.
Don’t be vain, Anakin reminded himself, moving on to the next pile of photographs. This is for Obi-Wan. He thumbed through a stack of several photos of houses. It looked like a series, for the composition was the same for all of the photos: the house taking up the upper two-thirds of the frame while the lawn filled the bottom. Anakin smiled again to himself, picturing him and Obi-Wan living together in a house like these one day.
He set a few of them to the side, choosing the ones with the most appealing architecture and the most harmonious colors. For a while he went on like that, going through endless photos and putting aside the ones that worked best together. It was going to be incredibly easy to make this display beautiful, Anakin thought to himself. Obi-Wan was amazing at what he did.
After making his way around the tables, Anakin looked up at the strings hovering over the middle of the room. The only areas that did not have drying photos hanging over them were the tables around the perimeter that Anakin had just perused, and the large table in the very center, atop of which sat the bins for the chemicals.
When Anakin looked at the first hanging photograph, he frowned. At first glance he had thought it was him, but it was a picture of a man he did not recognize. It was in black and white, but the man seemed to have these piercing eyes that must have been some shade of blue or green. His hair laid in a mop of curls, shorter and tighter than Anakin’s own, and he had strong facial features. His sharp jaw and cheekbones were softened by his shy smile, a stark contrast that shouldn’t have looked as natural as it did.
A sharp pang of jealousy hit Anakin, and he tried to push the feeling down. The man must have been a client; Obi-Wan did private shoots all the time, albeit less frequently than when they first started dating Although, while he often brought Anakin along to his busier shoots, he never invited Anakin to those. Were his private shoots actually a cover for an affair? Were they all with this man, or did he have a string of lovers?
With a great and sudden need, Anakin moved along the line of photos, eyes frantic. The next few were harmless; the man posing by a bridge, then by the mouth of an alley, then up a fire escape, then on a roof.
Anakin had assumed his worst fears for these photos would be that he’d get to the end of the line and see several of the man naked, posing sensuously for Obi-Wan and giving him a look with sultry eyes and parted lips. Obi-Wan had taken such photos of Anakin several times, but if he had to see this other man doing it for his Obi-Wan, Anakin would rip them all to shreds and destroy Obi-Wan’s precious darkroom.
But it seemed Anakin could not even conjure up himself what his worst fear would be. And that was the thing, wasn’t it? One’s worst fear is just that because they dread it, waiting anxiously for the day it comes and they have to deal with the pain, the consequences. But the worst fears Anakin had experienced were those that not even his worst downward spirals could imagine. His mom dying, for example, had never seemed a possibility; it was a fear he didn’t know to have until it happened and he was suddenly and very afraid.
And now, he knew that what he really should have been afraid to see was pictures of that young man’s bright eyes open but unseeing, his lips not pulled into a shy smile but parted around a final breath. It was like a car wreck: Anakin wanted to tear his eyes away out of horror and respect, but his morbid curiosity and fear kept him staring at the images. The man – he had to have been Anakin’s age, which was so young – appeared to have hand-shaped bruises around his neck, which led Anakin to assume that he’d been choked to death. 
In the first photo where the man was- was dead, he was laying on his back, head limp and facing the camera, probably having died just moments before. But in the rest of the photos, he was in various places around the roof, as if he- as if he’d been posed.
Retching, Anakin made for the door. He didn’t know what was worse: the very real images of a dead man, or the images his mind supplied of Obi-Wan squeezing the life out of him, photographing his work, and posing the man’s dead body for a continuation of their photoshoot-
In all of these imagined images, Obi-Wan was smiling.
When he got out of the room, he turned towards the door, successfully closing it in his dazed adrenaline rush. Before he even knew what was happening, a hand grabbed his wrist and snatched his hand from the doorknob, pressing his open palm against the door. Another grabbed his other wrist and twisted it until it was held against his lower back, and a body crushed him to the door. He managed to turn his head quick enough that his cheek hit the door, his wide eyes looking at the hand wrapped around his wrist.
Is this was it looked like, when it was wrapped around that man’s neck?
“I had asked you so kindly not to go in there, love,” Obi-Wan’s low voice spoke right into Anakin’s ear. It sent shivers down his spine and, both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, made heat build low in his stomach. He’d always had a thing for Obi-Wan’s voice.
This is a murderer, his mind tried to remind him. Although, simultaneously, his mind reminded him that this is Obi-Wan, our Obi-Wan.
“I was just- I wanted to do something nice for your birthday,” Anakin whimpered, testing the man’s grip on his wrists. It was secure, but of course the movement made Obi-Wan tighten his hold, surely enough to leave bruises in the shape of his fingers on Anakin’s skin.
Obi-Wan had bruised him before. Not from any sort of abuse; no, he’d bruised him with desperate kisses all over his skin and possessive hands holding Anakin through the onslaught of his hard, sure thrusts. They were markings of possession, and Anakin loved them, loved pressing on them and remembering that he was Obi-Wan’s. 
Looking at his wrist that was held next to his head, he wondered if he’d still feel that way, if he lived long enough to see them.
(A part of him knew he would. Still feel that way.)
“Oh, aren’t you sweet?” Obi-Wan murmured, and Anakin could feel the man smile on his ear. Anakin nodded, cheek rubbing against the door. “But you saw something ugly in there, didn’t you, darling? I tried to tell you that not all of my pictures deserved to be seen. I told you.” The last part came out as a growl, his tone reprimanding as he tightened his grip even more in frustration.
It made Anakin whine, hearing Obi-Wan be upset with him. It shouldn’t make him so distraught; the fact that Obi-Wan had murdered that man should have had him wriggling to escape. But he was immobilized, unwilling to struggle against his Obi-Wan.
Anakin opened and closed his mouth, trying to speak, and he felt Obi-Wan nose against his temple. “Do you have a question, Anakin?” Anakin nodded again. “Go on, you can ask it.”
Taking a moment to get his thoughts together, Anakin asked, “S-So, all those private shoots…” He didn’t want to finish the sentence, and he knew he didn’t need to for Obi-Wan to understand. Obi-Wan always understood.
Obi-Wan hummed, still nosing affectionately at the side of Anakin’s face. “Are you sure you want me to answer that?” Anakin nodded. “Yes, darling, my private shoots typically end up the same. I never did understand separating business from pleasure.”
Anakin thought about how they had met. He’d been sitting in the coffee shop he always did, doing his homework, when Obi-Wan had approached his table. “I’m sorry to bother you, but you have an amazing face.” Then he’d laughed, all flustered. “Sorry, I should mention that I’m a photographer. But I do mean it – the way that shadows fall on your face is stunning.”
Anakin had laughed his thanks. No one had ever hit on him so endearingly and so nicely. And the man doing it was extremely hot, what with his black frame glasses and well-kept beard. “Have you ever had your photo taken?” Anakin shook his head no, blushing. “That’s criminal. I would love to do so – for free, of course.”
Smiling, Anakin had looked the man up and down one more time. “I could never let you waste your film on me for free,” he’d drawled. “Let me buy you dinner, tonight?”
Obi-Wan had agreed with a toothy smile of his own. They’d gone to dinner, then to this pretty river for the shoot. Obi-Wan had been looking at Anakin with a dark, intense gaze the whole night, and Anakin had bit his lip as he posed by the water. “Do you ever do nude portraits, Obi-Wan?”
The look in Obi-Wan’s eyes had changed, and he’d taken Anakin home, giving him the fuck of Anakin’s life. And then in the morning, he was still gorgeous and charming. Of course Anakin came back, of course Anakin stayed.
“My shoot,” he said, barely about a whisper. “The river-”
“Ah, yes,” Obi-Wan hummed knowingly. “As you can probably tell from the photographs you saw – which I still am quite disappointed about, Anakin – I do have a type. Pretty eyes, curly hair, good bone structure, young, nice lips. I suppose the photographer in me is drawn to photogenic faces. But yours, my dear…Yours is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Your cheekbones,” Obi-Wan pressed a kiss there, “your jaw,” and there, “your mouth,” and there – well, the corner of Anakin’s mouth, where he could reach. 
Anakin tried to lift his head and chase Obi-Wan’s lips, to get more sweet kisses, but Obi-Wan nosed at his temple again, shushing him until he settled against the door again. “I knew I was going to be sad to see such beauty go to waste. But I also knew that you were going to look otherworldly, struggling against my hands as you breathed in nothing but water. The way the water would ripple over your face, bubble out of your mouth, the way your hair would splay around you like a halo…
“But you had just taken me to dinner, and you charmed me, darling. You were so funny and confident and an artist, just like me. And then you’d looked at me with such obvious want in your eyes and asked me if I did nude portraits. You were alone with a stranger at a secluded river in the middle of the night, and all you could think of was sex. I was flattered and enamored, to say the least.
And the truth is, I didn’t expect to get this attached to you. I had thought, ‘oh, why not, I’ll have some fun with him first.’ But you were such a good fuck, and still so lovely throughout the night and into the morning, and you make me laugh and you make me think and you make me…You make me better, Anakin, you do.”
Anakin had listened to each word with fierce intensity, his heart beating so quickly. Obi-Wan really was going to murder him, he was going to drown him in that river. Anakin’s horniness saved his life – well, no. According to Obi-Wan, his horniness and beauty and personality saved his life. And that was basically all of him. Obi-Wan liked all of him so much he didn’t kill him.
It shouldn’t have made Anakin feel so flattered, and it shouldn’t have made his cock thicken in his pants, but it did.
“Better?” he parroted, breathing heavily.
Obi-Wan must have noticed his arousal, because he hummed and pressed himself closer, pressed his own hardening cock onto Anakin’s ass. A broken moan left Anakin’s lips and he pushed back, earning a pleased growl from Obi-Wan. “Yes, Anakin, you make me better,” he confirmed, rolling his own hips and practically humping Anakin against the door. Each thrust made Anakin’s erection brush against the hard surface, and he was biting back little moans and whimpers from the friction. “Those photos you saw? I took them last week. My first kill in three months. I used to kill almost every week, Anakin, my darling. Three months.” The last two words were punctuated by particularly hard thrusts and Anakin’s eyes rolled back in pleasure.
Three months. He and Obi-Wan had been together for almost five. So when Anakin thought about it, Obi-Wan had not been an active murderer for the majority of their relationship. That had to count for something.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin moaned, rolling his hips in time with Obi-Wan’s. It felt so good, it always felt so good with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was going to kill him that night, but he didn’t. He didn’t because he liked Anakin, loved him even. Maybe Anakin could keep helping him be better.
Anakin should be running for the hills, should be calling the police, but he knew that even if Obi-Wan had let go of his wrists, Anakin would have stayed right where he was. 
Answering Anakin with a groan, Obi-Wan sped up his thrusts until they were both panting messes, both spilling into their pants with Obi-Wan still plastered to Anakin’s back. As they caught their breaths there against the door, Anakin’s brain cleared enough for him to form proper sentences again. “You’re too hard on yourself, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan made a noise of surprise, pressing kisses all over the side of Anakin’s face. “How so?”
“Your pictures are really well done. You’ve mastered the rule of thirds.”
Obi-Wan froze against his cheek for a moment before pulling his head back to laugh, loud and happy. The sound made Anakin smile, and he leaned into the feeling when Obi-Wan let his wrists go to wrap his arms around Anakin’s waist. “Oh, Anakin,” Obi-Wan hummed, pressing a kiss to Anakin’s neck before resting his chin on his shoulder. “I always knew you were special. Like you were made just for me.”
Turning his head, Anakin pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s jaw, nuzzling against the coarse hair there. Anakin felt it too, his being made for Obi-Wan. Clearly he had to be, if he was still here, and would be here tomorrow and every day after that, all of his own will. 
And it was particularly nice that he didn’t suddenly feel the need to prove anything to Obi-Wan. If Obi-Wan had forgotten what it was about Anakin that kept him from killing him, he probably would have done so by now. No, Anakin did not feel scared or threatened. If anything, he felt more wanted than he ever had in his life. He felt- he felt secure.
So maybe Anakin wasn’t dating a nice guy – but Obi-Wan was awfully nice to him, and that’s all that really mattered, in the grand scheme of things.
from this prompt list
prompted fic collection on ao3
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