#that's in five hours 💀
the-deadlock-south · 2 years
It makes me so sad that the hanzo skin is $20 I’m not a fan of micro transactions but this is the first time I’ve ever been tempted 😭 it’s cheesy but so cute with lil sound effects. And I wonder if this will be a one and done skin or will it be back next year
i hope it's not like a Pink Mercy Skin situation where it's here only once, but i doubt it since that was for charity while this is just for the holiday: it'll prob be back next year
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crowleycringe · 4 months
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Samurai AND vampire? I never thought i’d hear those words in the same sentence
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tracybirds · 8 months
FFF entry for Scott, riff off the prompt "quiet" aka give Scott some!thank you @gumnut-logic for both the prompts and the readthrough :)
Scott massaged his forehead, fingers moving without thought to the pressure points that would relieve the building tension. It was already too late, the headache blooming behind his eyes, and he leaned back with an involuntary groan.
“It’s too early for this,” he whispered to himself, the words half an admonishment and half coaxing him upright. “Come on, Tracy, keep going. Only…”
A glance at his watch sent Scott’s heart sinking.
He slumped forward, cradling his head in his hands, wondering if it was too late to call off the company address.
A shadow fell across the desk.
It was all Scott could do not to flinch away from the sound.
There was a beat of blissful silence, before he heard the soft rustle of his brother crouching next to him.
“Scott, you don’t need to stay for this,” said John, his voice pitched low. “I was just coming to say goodbye, come back with us.”
Scott let loose a chuckle. “John, I think an eight hour flight with Gordon and Alan might actually kill me.”
“You could hide in the cockpit,” offered John, with a small smile.
Scott shook his head, closing his eyes against the wooziness.
“’M alright, Johnny,” he said. “Just need some quiet.”
“And a nap.”
“At nine in the morning?”
John shrugged. “Never stopped me. Are you saying you don’t want to go back to bed?”
“Yeah,” agreed Scott amiably. “I could sleep for a year still.”
His eyes stayed closed as John clasped his shoulder, the vibration shaking him down to his bones as John stood and moved into the other room.
Cupboards shut with muffled bangs and the tell-tale rattle of John rifling through the first-aid kit filled Scott’s ears and mind, too far gone to focus on anything other than immediate sensation.
With a great effort, Scott pulled himself to his feet, his muscles protesting their role in holding him upright against the immense weight of his own limbs.
“Here,” said John, handing him a glass of water and some pills. “Painkillers and anti-nausea. You’ll need it for the flight.”
“I’m not getting on the plane,” mumbled Scott. “I have to stay here.”
“They don’t need you,” said John.
The bluntness sent Scott reeling but before he could string together an objection John spoke again, his soft voice refusing all argument.
“You said you’d do it different to Dad.”
Scott’s gaze sharpened, the quick of his breath and the blood pumping waking his body faster than any medication.
“Dad did his best.”
“He did,” agreed John.
What John didn’t say meant almost as much as what he did say, but Scott didn’t have the capacity to puzzle out his meaning.
A vein pulsed in his temple, a dull pain echoing between his ears.
“Alright, I’ll come,” he said, reaching for John.
John slung Scott’s arm around his shoulder.
“Glad to have you."
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greenhammiee · 2 years
click for quality!!
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how iconic of them for being the writer and artist trope
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tenspontaneite · 1 year
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'From beyond the bitter expanse, I have come to your threshold...'
Art for (probably) Chapter 9 of Assembly
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shays-shitposts · 2 years
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hijinxinprogress · 1 year
I like the Tim drake loves coffee thing but you’re telling me this unhinged maniac is drinking the same amount of caffeine as regular civilian college students?? I’ve made some weird shit with an espresso machine but Tim??? I don’t know what’s in that man’s cup but it’s not coffee are you seriously gonna tell me this kid was chasing after Batman at 3am when he was in elementary school after a couple cups of coffee?? I mean I’d believe you if you told me he was hopping rooftops after mixing energy drinks (my guy got sad, made an underground mad scientist lab, and then tried to recreate his dead friends a couple hundred times with a homemade cloning machine) and an entire coffee pot is too tame of a choice for the maniac who’s favorite pizza toppings include artichoke hearts so I promise you if that mf has a cup it’s not coffee, it’s a zesti and at least six different energy drinks because he’s a fucking weirdo like he probably carries a 76 oz travel mug full of that shit and one time Bart drank out of it and everyone else on young justice refuses to let Tim hand Bart any sort of beverage and he claims he doesn’t have a problem bc he drinks tea and it’s herbal tea that’s surprisingly not overly sweet bc he and Alfred are both tea snobs so there’s no tea that costs less than $3000 in either of their cabinets
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hyperactivewhore · 1 month
Can't let gang know the ending of TVD physically and emotionally destroyed me
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yoveronn · 10 months
Made two pfp of Matthew Lillard's characters for Christmas. Feel free to use, if you want to!!1!1!1!1!
Made with love, enjoyment and Picsart✨☃️🎄
Stu Macher (Scream(1996))
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Steve Raglan/William Afton (Five nights at Freddy's movie)
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Original pics(found them on Pinterest):
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etahk · 1 year
What if...
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welcome home x gravity falls!
A fun idea I had while thinking of Julie having Mabel's voice. It's kinda fitting, I think-
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skoulsons · 1 year
Eye To Eye Is All We Can See
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• gif by @azertyrobaz
Pairing: Ezra & Cee (Prospect 2018)
Word count: ~2900
Summary: Ezra says something stupid and Cee tries to convince him that he’s wrong
A/N: Nothing except I wrote this until sunrise , so I apologize if it is absolutely terrible, downright ooc, or horribly grammatically. I have not rewatched the movie quite yet 💀 Just a bit of fluff and a tiny hurt/comfort?? Don’t ship them!!
Tagging my favorite people who I get to talk about this movie with: @sotvtaughtmehowtofeel @not-so-mundane-after-all @orangechickenpillow @jessahmewren @alternatewriter @starchild0985
“Thank you,” she said.
They’ve been together a few cycles, the Green Moon left far behind them.
The cycles have been nothing short of eventful in a small spacecraft and two strangers in a very complicated relationship. Cee has had to keep an extra keen eye on Ezra. Not because of distrust, but to make sure his arm is healing well. Or, as well as a cut-off limb could heal with limited medical supplies and a kid, though capable, having done the operation.
Also because Ezra keeps forgetting he’s lost an arm and continuously reaches out for support along the walls of the ship when he moved from their sleeping quarters to the cockpit and he has fallen every single time. He fell out of his bed the first night they were in it; Cee spent five minutes trying to pull him back into the bed and then another fifteen having a verbal battle with him to try and convince him to get back in bed.
There have been moments of frustration where things catch up with Cee, her irritations coming out verbally to Ezra. He never fights back. He always sits, patient and understanding as Cee rehashes the things she’s kept bottled up and taped down for years with all the strength of scotch tape that’s lost all its grip.
They were also navigating their route off the Green to somewhere safe and figuring out… what exactly they were. Strangers? Partners? Friends? Family? Ezra has treated Cee as a real person, a girl with agency and deserving of a fruitful life since the second he met her; it’d be difficult to walk away from someone who gave you something you missed out on all your life. In that same way, it’d be hard to walk away from a kid that saved your life—twice.
Cee also had nightmares about the Green. The Saters, the mercs, the music, even her own father. Ones of Ezra, too. Him dying, abandoning her. Him using her, just like Damon seemed to do. On the worst night, the night when Damon and Ezra’s lifeless eyes were all she could see and their cold, torn open skin were all she could feel, she woke up crying.
Ezra was at her side before she even woke, unsure what exactly to do. He waited, and when she finally did wake, with a tear-stained face and a burning throat, Ezra’s compassion was overwhelming. His eyes were gentle, concerned. He kept his only arm hovering over her shoulder, waiting for permission. She let him hold it, for both their sakes, wishing she’d hugged him instead. Wishing she met him on the floor, their legs a conglomeration of limbs as he held her tight against his side. Instead, he stayed beside her until she calmed, quiet and reserved affirmations in It’s okay, little bird and You’re safe, Cee. Damon's cold, almost robotic responses to her harsher dreams were always Quit your crying or It’s a dream, calm down, so when Ezra keeps a firm, reassuring hold on her shoulder, talks her through it, and wears a soft smile Cee thinks she got to see even before Kevva knew of it—one that is only heightened when the stars of the Black shine enough light in to highlight his strands, making him look less intimidating than he makes himself out to be—Cee relaxes. How a stranger, of all people, can sit beside her and walk her through something so small compared to what all the Black has to offer is beyond her. How Ezra, literally, stooped down to her level to comfort her.
It doesn’t make sense. Nothing that has happened the last seven cycles makes sense. The Green and the people, if they could even be called such a thing, that the pair encountered still seemed so far away from Cee. That they were things that seemed only to be written in fictional novels and included in stories of old.
Except for one thing. One thing that makes sense. One thing that Cee is becoming more clear on with each passing cycle. Perhaps the clearest thing to come out of their time together.
He cares.
She cares, too.
And now they were in the Black, and had been for six cycles. The vastness and eternity of the growing darkness offered a strange comfort to both of them. Despite their care for each other, freedom was out there. Freedom awaited the both of them out there. Separate freedom.
Cee was always confined to Damon. She was always just another pair of hands to mine or hold something Damon couldn’t. An extra pair of eyes to search for Aurelac or an extra pair of ears to listen for any harm or to protect him, completely selfishly. Damon never acted selflessly, not even for his own daughter.
She hadn’t much freedom apart from him. She was always tied to him and his work. She was never given opportunities away from him. No chances for her to explore on her own. To see what was so great about this life that Kevva gifted her. She never had the chance to meet other people and form lasting friendships. She wasn’t given time to… live.
The Black offered that to her—Opportunities. Planets to stop at, to lay low on. Places to settle down. A life to live.
Ezra had freedom ever since he was a kid. He was free, encouraged even, to explore. To get to know the world around him. The vastness of the growing creation. He had the freedom, the opportunities, to explore all of it. But as he grew, there was a hunger for earning. A hunger for points and mining. Anything that could offer him a more than satisfactory life. Aurelac, specifically. An attachment to the work, the hunt, also selfishly. He did what he had to to get what he wanted, similar to Damon. Only Ezra, despite being on his own for most of his adulthood and being separated from his family for longer, cared. He cared enough to listen and pay attention to a little girl he didn’t even know.
He cared enough to be fair. Even split.
Being free from his work wasn’t too far-fetched for Ezra, but it happening because of a child was definitely not his expectation.
Especially someone like Cee. She had a fire in her. She was capable, he knew first hand she was. She was strong, threatening when she needed to be. She was skilled, intelligent, able.
But she was just a kid. He saw how scared she was, even with Damon. But in their time on the Green, he’s gotten to know her. Cee was kind, careful. Ezra noticed the way the inflection in her voice changed when she got excited about Streamer Girl. She cared and she protected. Her heart was big, willing to risk her life to go back for him, even after he specifically told her to go.
Cee was good. All she did was help. Love. She wasn’t a killer. She wasn’t selfish. She wasn’t ruthless or hungry for points. She wasn’t bad.
Ezra believed himself to be. He killed. He was willing, ready, to kill. Someone who has that reputation isn’t good, especially when killing a little girl’s dad gets added to the list, despite what he thought of the man.
He doesn’t believe he’s worthy to be thanked. That anything he’s done, especially to her, is any reason for thanks.
“Oh, no, nothing to thank me for, birdie. I have left you barren and deem your gratitude inappropriate for such a time. Ever since you touched down on the Green Moon, your conditions have been less than unacceptable…”
“...and I have been present in all the things that have troubled you so greatly these last few cycles. You have been burdened with dragging my weakened bag of bones across the Green.” “Even as we venture into the Black, you have continually endured my long-winded communication and idle, though I believe fascinating, narrative.”
“I am a bit crestfallen that you’ve been subjected to a multitude of predicaments in the time we’ve been together and that I have imparted insignificant salutary to your current expedition.”
“The Saters, the mercenaries… I’ve only brought you hindrance after hindrance, little bird. Allow me to implement points in to your care so that you may persevere in your journey and-”
“Ezra!” she shouted, grabbing at his face. Her hands reached his neck first, fingers stretching to the back of his neck, tickling his hairline.
She doesn’t know what this is like. Damon was never really gentle with her. Not physically, at least. She thinks, maybe, he was gentle with her when she was born. Holding her in the crook of his arm, her small, fragile head resting in the safety of his hold. Her skin held against his, breathing in tune with his, eyes fluttering open to catch her first glimpse of the world; her father, a tight-lipped smile strung across his face as tears well in his eyes, his thumb gently rubbing back and forth over the blanket she’s wrapped tightly in, occasionally bringing his thumb up to her red cheeks, a quiet hi to greet her.
Something she thinks Ezra could’ve done.
Something she suspects Damon didn’t do.
Something she knows Ezra would’ve done.
Cee pulled her hands away from his neck and brought them to his face instead, her palms too small to hold him the way she wanted to. She tried, letting them rest against his cheeks and feeling the scratch of his beard beneath her fingers. She kept her fingers outstretched, her pointer and middle threading lightly through the hair above his ears as her last two sit beneath his ear. She kept her thumbs in place on both his cheeks.
If there’s something to say, Cee can't say it.
She’s used to apologizing. She’s used to apologizing over taking up too much space. She’s used to apologizing over getting excited over Streamer Girl. She’s used to apologizing for eating too much of their rations, even when it was the amount she and Damon agreed on. She’s used to apologizing over resting, even when there was nothing to do. She’s used to apologizing over… being around him. Her breath was enough to apologize for.
But this wasn’t for apologizing. Ezra said something stupid and she needs to convince him that he’s wrong.
But the words can’t come to her. They don't. A contrast to how Ezra seemingly has an eleven page research paper of words on hand at all times, no matter the situation, Cee comes up short on correcting him. On affirming him that he’s wrong. On reassuring him that he has helped her.
He’s a grown man. A grown man who killed her father doesn’t need affirmation. Doesn’t need reassurance. And he surely does not need his face held because some kid thought he said something stupid.
Definitely not.
She holds his face firmly, the skin of his cheeks forming at her hold. “Don’t… say that, please. You’ve…” she pauses, inhaling and exhaling through her nose, forcing herself to catch his eyes and to make sure he hears her. “You’ve done a lot. You have. I know it’s… it’s only been a few cycles, but…”
You saved me. You protected me. You kept me. You came after me. You encouraged me. You made me feel safe. You tried to sacrifice yourself for me. You killed for me, more than once.
You loved me. You love me.
Her mind races with all of it, every word holding an unimaginable weight she had never experienced prior. Every word holding truth and passion behind them. Honesty covered every single one, Cee knowing in her soul that that was the man Ezra is. Those things he has done for her, how he’s treated her—that is who he is.
She watches him, wondering if, somehow, the look in her eyes could say the words for her. And if the glimmer in his eye is any indication, she thinks the burning it has left in her heart has found its way to his, too.
She could never say any of that about Damon. He wasn’t an encouragement and any dreams she had and wanted to pursue were shut down by him. She didn’t feel safe with him—not the kind of safe where she’d hide behind him if they were approached. There wasn’t any confidence that he’d care to protect her with his life. And if it came down to the Saters, Damon wouldn’t have kept her.
Ezra was different. Ezra was new, fresh. Real. He showed her more in seven cycles than Damon showed her in sixteen years.
That, to Cee, was enough.
She was wanted now. She could tell. Ezra’s attempt at telling her he was no good for her and saying he offered her nothing was the furthest thing from the truth.
Cee has sought connections all her life and was always denied or taken too soon to form a new one. It was always just Damon. Ezra went through so many partners in his life that he became numb to anyone who would stick around permanently. Numb to anyone who would ever be with him—his other half. And when a child entered his life and created and filled the hole in his heart that wasn’t there before, it became something supernatural. A longing he had immediately, and also a resisting. He was dangerous and he managed to put Cee in some of the most risky situations in under a day.
But Cee didn’t focus on that. She saw through that. She saw his passion and interest in the things he talked about. While it has only been with her, she’s seen the way he cares. The way he went to walk her through the operation on his arm. How he smiled at her and had an immediate pet name off hand to call her by, which, surprisingly, has stuck around—not that she would ask for him to stop using it. How he indulged her interest in Streamer Girl, saying he must now read it after hearing her praise it so well. She’s seen his gentleness in how he’s treated her, spoken to her, but also his violence in how he’d protected her from the mercenaries.
He’s done more than enough, as much as he may try and convince her, or himself, that he has not.
She smiles at him, her hands still on the sides of his face. Before she has a moment to really think, she brought her hands around his neck more, tilting his head down and his forehead towards her. She goes to the side a bit, kissing the skin right at the hairline of his blonde section of hair. She takes a moment to breathe in while her lips are still pressed to his forehead and her fingers lay by his ears, gently holding his head in place.
If she can’t find words, she hopes this works in their place.
She pulls away from him, keeping her hands still on his face as she settles their glances back. Ezra smiles as he shyly drops his head, breathing out a light laugh. Cee smiles, too. A wide, happy smile. One almost unfit after all she’s been dealt.
Cee drops her left hand to his shoulder and takes her right hand away from his face and brings it to the blonde section of his hair. “So…” she starts, rubbing some strands back and forth between her thumb and pointer finger, “how did this even happen?”
Ezra lifts his head, trying to move his head out of Cee’s grasp, but she just laughs, continuing to rub the strands together. He stops moving his head and looks back at her, a more serious expression on his face. “Quite the story there, little bird.”
She makes a face. “...And? We’re not in a rush.”
“That we aren’t, birdie. That we aren’t. Still, it’s a bit of a lengthy tale that I don’t believe to be worthwhile taking up any cherished time we have on our trek-”
“Are you avoiding my question because it’s an embarrassing story?”
Ezra looks offended and starts backing up his claim with no’s and some long and winding explanation as to how, after inhaling alarming amounts of Dust in the Green, he was brought to Central to be fixed up. A few cycles in, Ezra, prematurely, got out of bed and tripped over himself, hitting the small guard rail on the other side of the bed, knocking himself unconscious. The incident gave him nine extra cycles at medical bay and, within a few weeks, after his wound had healed, his hair was growing back blonde.
They laugh together in the ship, the joyous noise echoing off the walls as they continue to pile on jokes and more stories as the conversation flows. By the end of it, Cee’s face is red and Ezra is breathing heavily, both of them slumped against separate walls, holding their stomachs.
It’s true, there are opportunities out there in the Black. Places to settle down and figure things out. And with each new passing cycle, their decision becomes more clear: they’re figuring it out together.
post-fic note: I can’t remember exactly, but Ezra’s hair growing back blonde after an incident I think comes from another prospect fic out there, I think we violent ones, but I’m 100% sure if it was that one or another one. All that to say it is not an original idea and I don’t take credit for using it for Ezra’s character. I liked the idea of it when I first read it and wanted to use it similarly
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flowersforvax · 6 months
finishing my Joker Out patch on the train to Köln on the morning of the concert like the gods intended
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tennis-kittens · 8 months
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AO 2024 • Doubles • R1 • Miscellaneous
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
*blows ten layers of dust off my DAI mod folder*
Oh, my dear old friend flycam, how long has it been? <3 Let’s see if I still know how to use it.....
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fruitybashir · 4 months
Tumblr: Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo your drafted post went *poof*!
(this will take a while)
noooooo okay apologies beforehand then, i will probably only see it tomorrow 🥲🙏🏼
ive got work in uhhhhh six hours oops so i shouldve been asleep a while ago actually and i really need to just log off and put my phone away aaaaa
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todayisafridaynight · 5 months
where the fuck that aoki post where op was drunk and was like 'i always wanted him' or somethn
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