#that's it for card redraws now i promise
very-small-giant · 2 years
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i never ended up finishing this but i like it a little too much not to post
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wqnwoos · 1 year
minghao knows he’s in a mood again, but frankly, he couldn’t care less.
his whole day had just been wrong, and he’d set about it with a frown marring his features and a biting undertone to everything he’d said. it just happened sometimes — one of those bad, awful days where nothing goes right and it feels like everything’s against you.
it was when he snapped at jun that he finally gave in, retired to moping in his bedroom. his roommate had said he understood — jun had plenty of his own bad days, after all — but minghao still feels awful about it. he’s still too irritated to apologise — he will do it, though, he promises himself.
for now, he’s thrown himself on the covers of his bed, staring at the ceiling listlessly, and blasting music through his earphones — loud, but not so loud that he doesn’t catch the soft sound of the doorknob when you twist it, and slide yourself into the room.
you do it almost apologetically, a regretful smile directed towards him. you don’t even speak, just make your way over to his side.
minghao wishes he could be annoyed, but he never can be, at you. you’re his best friend, and maybe something more that he’s not quite willing to accept yet. it’s lurking, though, at the bottom of his chest, and it pushes up every so often — like now, as you take a seat on the edge of the bed, almost as if you’re unsure; uncertain if you’re welcome here or not.
you always are, but he doesn’t quite know how to say that yet.
instead he thinks about how he knows jun must have called you, just as he knows you, too good for this world, dropped whatever you were doing to come and talk to him.
not that you’re doing much of that — talking, he means. you’ve only flopped beside him on the white duvet; and yet it’s enough to relax a little of the tension in his limbs.
it’s so easy to be around you.
it’s so easy to offer you an earbud without even looking. it’s so easy to close his eyes, slip his hand into yours. it’s so easy to interlace his fingers with yours too, squeeze gently, keep his eyes shut, pretend.
and then suddenly it gets hard. when you shift slightly, card a hand through his dark hair like you’ve always been doing it — you’ve never done it before, he hopes you do it forever — and you blur the lines even more. that makes it harder, harder to breathe with your careful hand against his cheek, the smell of your conditioner against his lips, he can’t breathe, he thinks he loves you.
you move back slightly. the moment is gone, he can breathe, but the lines are still blurred and you can’t unblur them. god knows he doesn’t want to redraw them.
your hand slips back into his, and squeezes. his eyes flutter open — yours are shut — your breath catches — minghao realises, then.
“oh,” he whispers softly. and it’s his turn to brush your cheek with slender fingers, but he’s always been the braver of you two — he leans, he brushes his lips against your cheek too.
you might not be able to call it a kiss, but maybe you could call it a confession.
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an / guys i think this might be one of my fav things i’ve ever written which is so annoying because it starts off kind of badly 😭 but also it’s 12:17am and i’ve slept like 4 hours max in the last 24 hours so my judgement may be misguided. idk. possible deletion when i wake up ⁉️
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shinikamo · 1 year
Tenma is my new fave I need him to come home more than I need to breathe
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Went so insane over this card I sat down and spent 10 hours just slamming out this card redraw because I have great priorities, I could have waited until his birthday but no. Gotta go fast.
I'm so sorry Taichi if I could kiss only one of my drawings it'd be this one but I promise I'll draw a banger Taicchan soon ok
Idk what to say about this but its cool as fuck and since I made it I am god now
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Also cause I feel like this drawing really looks like the cover of a webcomic I did this, maybe it's the next drama Tenten is gonna star in
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a-m-pyra · 5 months
First Burn: Ch3 Indian Summer (American McGee's Alice/Lies of P)
Everyone was acting strange, even Gemini. They gave him strange smiles, Otto humming quietly to himself, coming up to him every hour and telling him how many hours remained until the meeting.
P didn't understand what all the fuss was about at all, instead he finished redrawing Alice's portrait onto a sheet of paper so he could give it to her.
“Why is everyone acting so strange? Is it because I invited Alice for a walk? What's so strange about that?”
“You know, pal,” Gemini began, “as a rule, when a young man invites a lady out, it's not for, well, platonic purposes.”
P's eyes widened. If he could, he would definitely blush.
“That's not the point at all!”
“You have nothing to be ashamed of…”
"I am not ashamed!"
He put down his pencil and put his hands on his knees, wondering for a moment what he really wanted to say. He slid further into the chair and tucked his legs under him.
“She's nice to me. Seems interesting; her person and her work. She works in the theater, sews costumes and likes it. Is there anything more interesting than a person who comes true?” He grabbed his pencil again, perfecting the sketch.
He heard the door open. He didn't even have to turn around to know it was Otto; and his suspicions were only confirmed when slender fingers grabbed his arms and a glimpse of red strands of hair appeared in the corner of his eye.
“Thirty minutes, P. I think you should start getting ready.”
He pursed his lips and turned his head to look at Otto.
“Why do you all think I like Alice in that way?”
“Because if it were otherwise, it wouldn't be bothering you so much,” Otto replied in the most assertive tone of voice he had ever heard. “Up to a certain point I thought it was a joke, but now…” He looked at the portrait, “You see.”
P sighed and reached for the frame to frame the drawing — it was one of the ones Mrs. Seymour used to frame her cards, and it was perfect for framing the drawing.
“You won't answer?” Otto asked as P stood up to reach for his bag where he had put his sketchbook, pencils and drawing.
“I will not answer.”
“Are you taking Gemini with you?”
“Of course he's taking me. I have to be a chaperone.”
“Stupid rules,” P muttered under his breath, still hoping that he would be able to spend time alone with Alice. Only then did Gemini make him realize that a single woman and a bachelor walking alone were considered extremely indecent.
“I can go,” Otto suggested, and P rolled his eyes this time.
That sounded like an even worse scenario. Otto listening to their conversations, seeing every uncertainty, with full permission to act like Otto. At least Gemini had promised not to comment on their conversations or actions in any way unless the above were inappropriate — something he couldn't be sure of with Otto.
Gemini chirped.
“I think you would be a bit liberal chaperon.”
Otto laughed.
P slung his coat over his bent arm and his bag over his shoulder. He had Gemini's lamp attached to his belt.
“We'd better go to the ground floor.”
Otto sat at the table with P; and they waited. Alice showed up on time with basket in hand. There was a blanket and small snacks there; nothing that would burden her additionally, but P, ​​following Gemini's advice, decided to take the basket from her.
She smiled at him, and then he helped her get into the cart that would take them to Hyde Park, and once they arrived, they began looking for a good place to set up the picnic blanket; somewhere with a little less people.
“Where did the idea of ​​inviting me come from?” she continued, and P thought for a moment.
“Otto suggested this idea, and I… I thought it would be nice to talk in a place where children wouldn't crowd under our feet.”
She laughed. He managed to make her laugh.
“If Alex gave you her blessing, then it looks like I have nothing to worry about.” She looked at Gemini. “And Gemini is not needed.”
There was a faint chirping sound.
“I'm here for decoration, don't worry about me.”
P looked at Alice, who smiled softly.
Alice looked at him questioningly, then realized he didn't need to know that. Alex didn't tell him, and she didn't have the opportunity to do so either.
“Oh well. It's a bit strange for me to talk about Alex in the context of my mother. Don't get me wrong, I love her like a mother, and she is a mother to me, but addressing her this way is still something for me to process.”
“What do you mean?”
“Alex got married so she could list me as her daughter. We're not related, and neither is Clara.”
“What about your adoptive father?”
“He died a few months ago.”
She said it so lightly, as if his death had no effect on her, not now, not then, not ever.
“Both Alex and I knew he was doing us such a favor, even if he was her friend. I just feel sorry for Clara.”
“Mrs. Seymour does not seem affected by the loss.”
“Because she isn't. It wasn't a good marriage. They reached out as friends, but it eventually had to fall apart. Difference of views and characters. When Alex reopened the orphanage, she actually moved in there immediately, and she found out about Reginald's death from the housekeeper.”
“How did she react?”
Alice was silent for a moment.
“Relief. She was happy. Free.”
“And you?”
She shrugged.
“I didn't care. I cried at the funeral out of courtesy and for Clara. I never built a bond with Reginald; in fact, Alex’s friend is more like a father to me than he was.” She passed him and turned to look at him, walking backwards. “But let's stop talking about me. What brought you to London, puppet hunter?” She smiled at him with a challenge on her face.
“You'll fall over.”
“Not at all. At most, I'll bump into someone.”
He sighed and glanced behind her, just in case she ran into someone innocent as a lamb.
“After all this, Venigni said I looked different. More sick. Then Eugénie told me this, next Sophia. Even Gemini noticed that something was wrong.”
“Explain, please.”
He grabbed her hand, pulling her aside and keeping her from bumping into the older couple.
Her hand was soft and warm. For a moment, he forgot what she had asked him, focusing on the feeling her touch evoked.
“You better grab my arm and let's walk side by side. This will make you less likely to hurt yourself.”
She rolled her eyes in amusement and did as he said.
“And so? Will you explain?”
P tightened the legion arm, then stretched his fingers.
“You don't have to if you don't want to.”
“If you tell me how you and Mrs. Seymour met.”
P told her everything; how Sophia brought him to life; about puppet hunting; about the father, Ergo, Carlo and Romeo; about the death of Lady Antonia, Geppetto's plan and the rescue of Sophia.
He took so long to talk about it that they managed to find a good place to spread a blanket and rest.
Under a tree where practically no one was hanging around.
Alice listened and didn't interrupt him. She was quiet, looking at him as he spoke.
“I think I understand how you feel. I know what it's like... not knowing who you really are.”
“Mrs. Seymour says that even if I have Carlo’s Ergo in me, I don't have to identify with him. That I have reevaluated his ego and values ​​because of me.”
“And? What do you think about it?”
“I think I like this version. I think Carlo would be happy that I am the way I am now and not the way my father wanted me to be.” He looked at her and smiled gently. “Now it's your turn.”
“It’s easy, actually. Alex and I met when I was maybe five years old. She attended lectures and appeared at meetings with students. She befriended my sister and charmed my parents. She, Jacob and Elizabeth were The Incredible Three. My father always got crazy because if something happened, it was always their fault. A big pub dance? The Incredible Three. Kidnapping a bride who was sold to a count? The Incredible Three. Throwing the party of the decade in a room that was maybe seventeen feet by seventeen feet for a boring banquet? Alex, Jacob and Lizzie. Everyone was covering for everyone, including my and Lizzie’s parents, they were covering all three of them.”
He saw the nostalgic smile on her face and he laughed quietly.
“I never thought Mrs. Seymour could be so rebellious… ever.”
“Wait until Jacob comes to the sabbath, then you will see what it means to be rebellious.”
They both laughed.
“Nevertheless, Alex was in my life from an early age. And she was also there at the most important moment, my recovery after the fire in which everyone died. My entire biological family. She didn't leave me even for a moment, she was always there when I needed her. And then... the nurse separated us. I came under the care of Angus Bumby when the orphanage at Houndsditch was still called the Home for Wayward Youth. Alex fought for us to be able to see each other and... we finally succeeded. She married Reginald, adopted me, and here we are. A family of three women.”
“What happened to the previous director?”
He saw Alice's face tense.
“I'll tell you when I'm ready. All right?”
He nodded, he had no intention of forcing her to do anything.
“God, I would forget. I have something for you.”
“For me?”
P reached into his bag and pulled out Alice's portrait. He looked at it for a moment and handed it to her with his heart in his mouth. All the tension in his body disappeared only when she covered her mouth with her hand and her eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and happiness.
“Is that me?”
“I drew it yesterday, after you left for work. I just...couldn't resist, sorry.” He lowered his head.
“No! Don’t apologize. It's beautiful, thank you.”
He saw that she was looking at the drawing.
“It's just that no one has ever drawn me. And definitely… not like that.”
The atmosphere between them thinned. They felt much more at ease. P and Alice lay down on the blanket, looking at the cloudless sky and the leaves above them.
“Did you think what would have happened if it hadn't been for the fire?”
She frowned, thinking for a moment.
“I would definitely still live with my parents in Oxford, Alex and Lizzie would still be together. I certainly wouldn't have to work in the theater. Who knows, maybe it would be the case that I wouldn't be able to fulfill my dream.”
“At first, together?”
“I lied. They weren't friends.”
Alice reached out her hand, catching the gossamer that fluttered between her fingers.
“I don't remember the last time I saw gossamer.”
“I've never seen it.”
“When I was younger and went picking herbs with Alex in the early fall, it was full of it. Alex’s grandma and later Alex even had a superstition about these spider webs.”
“Mhm! If a young, unmarried lady catches a gossamer during a flight, she can expect to find her future husband. Less often, a lover. The gossamer was supposed to symbolize the wedding veil.”
“Do you believe in this superstition?”
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. She was silent, unable to utter a single word.
“I… I take it with a grain of salt. If it weren't for society, I wouldn't mind living without a husband, children and all of that.”
“I see. But I haven't asked about the second thing yet.”
“Ask me, then.”
“What dream?”
Alice sat up, drawing her legs up to her chest.
“I'm planning to make a musical.”
P was listening with incredible interest about the Alice’s musical, first listening to the story she had read, and only then listening to the plan for adaptation.
“I'm planning a show in the style of a 1866 extravaganza. Only… maybe with less dancing, at least that done by the main actors, I can't imagine the actress playing Victoria dancing burlesque… Oh!”
He could see her eyes sparkle with joy, and her whole body was overcome with excitement.
“And with even more music, I wanted it to be almost all sung and only the important parts spoken. Besides, I have some ideas on how to make some of the songs — Élise would, for example, sing throughout the entire show, but Victoria, Victor, Lucien and a few other characters would have lines sung, although not many of them, and rhythmically recited! I imagine that Sir Interdit would be a kind of narrator of the entire play, although, of course, as a member of the Priory of Sion, in which Victoria was a member, he would also be the narrator in the plot. Alex and Jacob are helping me compose the music, and I'm finishing the script and costume concepts. And then I will give it all to the director of the theater with the hope that he will agree.”
“And what will you name it?”
“Cruel. Vicious. Vengeful.”
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colubridc · 8 months
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I've been forgetting to upload any of my recent art to Tumblr, but... Well. Enjoy some Seòras - my Aasimar Cavalier - pics.
The first is his tarot card - and he's not the Chariot just because he's a cavalier, I promise. I swear on my life. He just really matches the card perfectly.
The second is a redraw of a piece from the beginning of 2023. I loved the original at the time, even if it makes me cringe now, haha. I figured I'd honor my improvement over the year with a new version. (Seò's hair is much less intimidating in this one [not that it was a whole lot better before]. Don Bluth's boyfriend lookin' ass...)
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froggie-bolt · 1 year
Froggie's Masterpost
Here is where I'll be linking my posts for different fandoms. Posts will include art, analysis, and other random junk.
Taishiro: ( Our War Game art, Taishiro doodles, Taichi asking koushrio to the school dance- a comic, Taichi is Bisexual CANON??, Taichi's face lighting up when he sees Koushiro - Digimon 2020, Taishiro Roller-skating date, Two guys being dudes, Taishiro fans still winning with the 2020 dub, Taishiro moments in adventure 2020, English dub moment analysis, Kou has Tai on Speed Dial, Taishiro clips from episode 1 Digimon 2020, Izzy how many, Soccer game and other doodles, TaiShiro manga panels, Taishiro being team dads REBLOG ADD ON, Why haven't we been talking?, Footloose, friend said TaiShiro rights, TaiShiro compilation ,Post- Kizuna comic , I'll be with you every step of the way(I promise) - TaiShiro Fic, More doodles of them, Iris- TaiShiro comic TaiKouvember Day 1, TaiKouvember Day 2 , TaiKouvember Day 3, Taikouvember Day 4, TaiKouvember Day 4.5, TaiKouvember Day 6, TaiKouvember Day 7, TaiShiro Christmas post, Got stuck in the digital world once probably, Taichi thinks Koushiro is ignoring him,
TaiTo: (Daisuke doesn't know whats up, alright Taito shippers I understand
DaiKen: (Daiken manga panels, If a double decker bus,)
Other: (Watching kizuna >, Do you have games on your phone, Digimon movie Disc, You can be whatever you want, Kizuna Edit, Does Koushiro Izumi condone pirating poll, why they changed Tai's last name, V-Tamer Manga>, First pack of Digimon cards, Our War Game promo art, What would the chosen children do on Halloween?, Everything that could have gone wrong in Kizuna<to be edited>, Digimon edit, Taichi Yagami needs a break, How the digital world probably works, Discotek Digimon Movies , Odaiba Memorial screencap redraw, Digimon TCG update, Could be a reference, Loss in Digimon, DadShiro,
V-tamer AU: (DAZE animatic, I'll be with you every step of the way(I promise) - TaiShiro Fic, Argument
Comics for AU:
Lucky Star
Other: (Idea, if lucky star took place in todays world,
My Hero Academia
SasuNaru: (Plant Boyfriends, SNStober day 2- soulmates, Food for sns nation, SNS waled so -insert ship- could run, SNS month pieces, snstober Day 9, Don't leave me again, second half of naruto is kishi's sns fic, sns month day 24, sns month day 25, sns motors, sns at local walmart, Naruto and Sasuke are always together, The moon will sing, My bf asked for no pickles, sns fic idea, Naruto be like, Hungover in the city of dust,
Other: (Does Sakura know the truth, friends in the narutoverse, Naruto at MY urban kids??, The dinosaur has a name,
Submas: (y'all ever listened to doughnut hole?, small rant, how long has ingo been in hisui, distortion emmet AU, AU doodles, portal tech AU, Zydrate anatomy, adding Nemona to portal tech AU,
Other: Lets talk about Alder, Rei/lucas doodles, iris is one of the strongest trainers in the world, Paldea's test scores are the best, Pokemon doodles, playing scarlet and violet at release, Arven for a friend, Kieran,
More will be added, and some posts will be edited, But this is my masterpost for now :)
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jelliestar · 4 months
ok so after this feedback I went back, ate some ramen and got to work doing some style, color and composition studies. I.... have awful jjk brainrot rn........ so................... i erm. i just made jjk fanart i fear BUT LIKE IT HELPED I PROMISE OKAY SO YEAH. ANYWAY. can u tell i rly like yuta and choso LMFAO
ok anywayyy heres the choso stuff i did
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initial rough map of guidelines n poseee
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lined over ittt
i did color it but i hateee how it turned out so we will. ignore that.
anyway then i also drew yuta a LOT (He's very easy and fun to draw icl)
so i started w some oil pastel studies, using like, blue n pink so i could play w those colors more. I stuck more to my original style w the sprites for these, since i wanted to see if i could perhaps implement more texture (?) but yeah anyway i took pics of the art but ofc i had to include my insanely deformed yuta plush that I've set fire to twice now (BY ACCIDENT) so yeah!
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these were done using oil pastels on card, i really enjoyed working w this medium i may do more work like this in future.
I also did a digital yuta style study lemme drop that here lol
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block color
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basic shading i guess
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lihgting layer one
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lighting layer two!!!
ok yeah :D also the @ is just my art instagram handle, it is by me dw. in the end the last style study (Yuta) got the most positive response as can be seen erm. here.:
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yeah so ofc I ended up going with a similar style to this, and thats when i started the process of. redrawing like. EVERYTHING.
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
I just saw your reply to my last msg hold on this is my reply to that(AND its ok if u answer late, that's fine💖 i will still love u):
Forgetting to exist just feels like time is passing by and you're more or less out of touch with your body as if it's the realest lucid (dream) reality and your heart keeps getting emptier than ever even if it is empty anymore.. it's like. you are very tired of everything (even what u love. Literally everything), becoming more drained even by doing the bare minimum, and you can't burn yourself to do more (analogy that could help is how a dwarf star burns all its might until it's nothing and gets colder in the end. Then maybeee explode) To Summarize: silly sadness is not silly anymore and emptiness is emptier than ever! 🎉
(very sad. yes. but i am sillier than usual so. Let's focus on the silliness instead while acknowledging this sad thing.)
Oh no... it is a sad day for the free pulls... But perhaps the luck went to mika... You know.. I BELIEVE IN U (and your dias) LIS!! Yuta mirage you better come home to lis as well or else.
GOODLUCK ON MIKA CARD!! Go get the silly and prettiest idol ever 🧸💚 2day is his bday may he be kind to u <33 ngl his singing voice still stuns me so dang much like WOahh... I must see them personally and would kill (slash j... Ohh are we slashing people?? Why not? Again, this is a joke,, your sunflower is just feelin goofy.. ) to get a ticket if only enstars exists irl... I know u would do the same.
Okie that's all for now!! Keep being the silly cospro producer lis <3 All the love!! 🎀😉💌 I'm happy u chilled for the holidays that's so cool, i hope u enjoyed the stuff u brought for yourself <3
— 🌻.
I promised I'd reply to this soon, I am sorry it was,, sooner than the others at least? but yeah it still took me a couple of days ★
Ohh I get the feeling but ough :(( I'm so sorry you're going over that. Yes I know how depression feels, very much,, I've been severely depressed since I was a child and recently I got diagnosed with a cortisol addiction ! It's all over my blood plaguing it so,, yeah, the feeling won't go away in a whiiiile.
Emptiness is something very hard to overcome I'm, wahhh I want to give you a hug and put you in my pocket. Maybe it's my protective 6th sense idk, I'm not called ate/nee-san by my friends over nothing. If you ever need to talk, my asks and my dms are open ! it'll be a silly secret
I'M VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR WISHES TYSM. I hope that Yuta comes home soon, YESSS THE BIRTHDAY MANIFESTATION WORKED I got my Mika !!!! I will ramble forward in your next ask that I need to reply to too /sweats. Who wouldn't kill slash half jay slash srs to be in a Valkyrie concert, of course I know the feeling. My Mimika was my first favorite character alongside Yuta when I started getting into enstars. I was OBSESSED, to the point I made tons of Mika fanart ! I'm thinking I should redraw some.
YOU KEEP BEING AMAZING TOO !! Hang on there ! I know mental health is always something we struggle with but I don't know what I'd do without your silly messages in my askbox every now and then. I will proceed with your other ask, this time separated (I keep experimenting with the way I reply to you idk)
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 3 years
wip words: funny, everything, different, forget
It’s funny; for such a smart woman, she seems genuinely baffled by this.
He’s out of practice standing, and everything hurts.
If the doc doesn’t like it, he can always blame everything on the four-year-old and call it a day. 
The alternative-that she could be gone, after everything-is unthinkable. 
Now, though, everything is different, and he pushes away any thoughts of consequences.
 No purse, so you keep everything you need on you. So, you pack light. Definitely armed.
She asked me if everything was okay, and I handed back her business card.
The details might be different, but once again, Helen Magnus did what Helen Magnus does: she took someone lost and alone, and gave him a home.
Now, though, everything is different, and he pushes away any thoughts of consequences.
It’s exactly what he needs: solid evidence of the lines they’re redrawing. A promise that this time is going to be different.
 She cradles him in her arms as he sobs, silently vowing to herself that he, at least, will be different.
After all, it’s not like he’s ever going to be able to forget about Abnormals.
Thankfully, he was actually paying attention, and answered almost immediately; sometimes when he got into a Star Wars marathon or a really interesting science project, he’d forget the outside world existed.
He always means to, and always forgets.
“I promised to make you happy,” he says, reminding her. As if she could ever forget. “For all eternity. So tell me…” He finally finds the courage to take her hand, and his own is warm against her skin. “What would make you happy, my love?”
The woman takes off her mask, and Lucy forgets how to breathe altogether. It can’t be-
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siins · 5 years
Hei, I'm sorry to ask, I know it must be a shitty question an all, but maybe, I was wondering if after a while, a year or a few montha maybe.... Will ya be posting the rest of the Milton comic any time here? I really love the story but i have problems with my credit card and can't take part of the partenon, still, even if the answer is no I just wanted to say I really love your art! You are an inspiration❤️❤️
the short answer is: oh yeah for sure! but you know i can’t keep it short, so i’m gonna hijack this post to like. update.
the thing is, right when i thought i’m going to finally finish off pixelwish, i got extremely busy with uni (getting into masters, starting the masters), commissions (my job) and just like life and all the ensuing brain fog really put a stop to any comic-ing. ever since then i don’t think there has been a day where i haven’t thought to myself “oh boy i bet everyone hates me now because im not making new pages!!” and just feeling generally very guilty.
what i currently have on patreon in regards to pixelwish (my patreon is for all of my art, not only pw, wink wink plug) are as follows:
“concept art” of making the comic, organized by chapter (sketches, thumbs, commentary)
chapters 1 to 4 brought up to the current standard of page quality (i’ve made tiny rewrites, super tiny redraws, fixed typos, relettered the pages and bumped up the general contrast)
an update post from a while ago stating that i have a finished script and nearly finished thumbs for the final chapter.
sooo that brings us up to date i suppose! so the long answer is: yes i will post comic pages from chapter 5 online too, not only on my patreon! my patreon is going to get the new pages exactly when i complete them and i will post the pages online when i have a small batch ready and also some amount of time has passed (im thinking a week or two). right now i am really hoping that pixelwish is going to be a 2020 thing! early 2020! but i really can’t make any promises with how up and down my life has been lol.
the comic online right now is still in it’s old form and i will replace the pages with the spruced up reletters once i have at least one page of chapter 5 done.
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Character Introduction
As promised to the lovely @evergreen-dryad​ here is an introduction of the OTHER Stark twin, Brazen Stark! I will admit he came out way hotter than I expected, like damn son you killin it. I just now realized his intials also spell out BS (bull shit) so I had a good laugh about that and will defiently use that while writing. But since I went all out with this Stark I’m gonna have to go back and redraw the other lol. Not to worry I’m almost finished with her and soon will be posting it ;) 
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Name: Brazen Stark 
Wip: Renegade
Title: 10 of hearts - House of Cards Member
Known Alias: God of Death
Ethnicity: Italian 
Personality Traits: Sarcastic, callous, inventive, disciplined, and aggressive. 
Crimes to the Republic: Arson, extortion, multiple degress of murder and manslaughter, theft, grand theft auto, and possession of illegal arms. 
Affiliations: Mafia known as the Stella Society, Eris Stark (twin sister, alias Goddess of Chaos), and the Crimson Ghost. 
Special Skills: Brazen is the other half of the charismatic Eris Stark, nobody hires her or gets close to her without him knowing first. A protective older brother, some call it knowing the right people and having connections, others just know Brazen can make anyone disappear if he wants to and not to fuck with him. Out of the Stark twins he is by far the most dangerous. An expert marksman Brazen doesn’t go anywhere without some kind of weapon strapped to his person and has a catalog of the Republic’s blasters and ranged weapons stashed in his brain. The man is a walking gun arsenal that can disassemble or resemble any gun he gets his hands on. Technically the heir to the well known Stella Society mafia, able to bring the Black Rose to its knees as well as the Republic, Brazen remains loyal to one thing and that thing only. His sister and many have tried to exploit that part of him and the lengths he will go to protect Eris.      
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aqua-harry · 7 years
She’s Just Not That Into You » Part VI (A Harry Styles Miniseries)
Miss the previous parts? Part One » Part Two » Part Three » Part Four » Part Five
Check out the inspiration behind Harry’s home here! The amazing @graceak​ made a phenomenal playlist to go along with Harry’s story, and I could not recommend it more. You can find that here!
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“But it’s like…” Harry stops and starts again. “I met with Carly, her replacement, and she’s nice enough. So nice. Lovely girl, really. But every time I talk with her about the plans, I jus...I can’t smile. I can’t get excited about it. ‘m not supposed t’ be talkin’ with Carly about them. She’s not the one who made ‘em. She’s not the one who...well, y’know.”
“If I’m being honest,” Gemma sighs on the other end of the phone, “I would’ve done the same thing, had I been put in that situation.”
“I know,” he mumbles. “I would’ve, too. And I wouldn’t’ve been as nice.”
Harry didn’t need his sister to tell him he was in the wrong, but he did need her advice. So, he bucked up the strength to call her in his time of need, explaining everything, starting with the night he’d met you at Nick’s house. He spared no detail - it wasn’t worth lying to his sister just to make himself look better, as he knew she would see right through it. She let him tell the entire story, never interrupting, but offering an affirming “mm-hmm” every now and again.
“Well,” she chirps. “What’re you going to do now?”
“Dunno,” he shrugs, picking at the loose string on his t-shirt. “‘s why ‘m calling you.”
“Full disclosure?” Gemma questions.
“When Mum told me you’d be getting your new place designed by her, I did my research,” she chuckles. “Not t’ scope her out as a person, because I wasn’t aware of your infatuation, but just t’ see what her work looked like. She’s really cool, Harry.”
“I know this,” he smiles.
“Like really cool. And gorgeous. Her eyebrows are incredible. I know ‘ve got great brows, but hers are just...phenomenal.”
Harry rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but laugh.
“And if what you say is true about her, then she seems even cooler. Y’know I’m not one to be jealous because I think it’s a waste of time, but I kinda am,” she says. “More of you, really. Jealous that y’get to spend time with her!”
“But really,” she scoffs. “In all my years of knowin’ you - what is it, almost 23 now? You’ve never been this way over a girl. Over anyone, really.”
“‘cept when I was 15, maybe…”
“No, not even then. At least she was your girlfriend then. This one...this one is different from the others,” she sniffs, her voice contemplative. “All of ‘em.”
“How do you know?” Harry asks. “I ‘aven’t told you about all of ‘em.”
“That’s exactly why she’s different, Harry.”
The siblings are quiet for a moment, the weight of Gemma’s statement settling atop both of them, a wool blanket that was appreciated, yet uncomfortable to the point of removal.
“So what do I do?” Harry bites the skin around his thumb nail. “Did I fuck it up for good?”
“Probably,” Gemma laughs, hoping to lighten the mood.
“Didn’t call y’for a laugh, Gemma,” he groans, resting a hand over his brow. “Coulda called ten other people if I wanted t’ be made fun of for being a fuckin’ idiot.”
“Hey,” her voice is curt. “You’re not an idiot, alright? Not even close.”
“Feel a bit like one.”
“Which you’re allowed,” she goes on. “But just because y’did something stupid doesn’t mean you’re an idiot overall. We’ve all done stuff we regret. Like the time I got a fringe because I thought it’d look good…”
“Wouldja ju-”
“Calm down, yeah?” Gemma laughs, getting back to the point. “What ‘m tryin’ to say is that we all make mistakes. If she’s as good of a person as y’ve made her up to be in your mind, she’ll at least be willing to hear you out.”
“‘ve already apologized excessively. Like to the point of it probably not even meanin’ anythin’...”
“Doesn’t matter,” she clears her throat. “Do it again. Do it with flowers - y’ said you brought her a bouquet of peonies?”
“Send her another. This time with some added shit to make it fancy - make sure it’s got a vase to go along with it. Nothing says “I’m sorry for calling you drunk and making you so uncomfortable that you had to give my account to your employee” like a bouquet of her favorite flowers.”
“Okay but th-”
“Not finished,” Gemma stops her younger brother. “Don’t just order them online. Go to a shop, make sure the arrangement is just as you want it to be, ‘n then hand write a note that goes along with it. Somethin’ that’ll make her smile. One of your stupid jokes or summat.”
“They’re not stu-”
“Still not finished,” she grunts. “She’ll have to call to say thank you. Or at least text.You’ve made her feel awkward, but she’s still professional, otherwise she wouldn’t’ve told you to sod off in the first place.”
“Well I think ‘sod off’ is a bit har-”
“Okay, okay. ‘m sorry. Please continue…”
“Thank you,” she sighs. “When she calls, or texts, or whatever, ask her for dinner. And before you say no,” she quickly says as she hears Harry taking in a breath to interrupt his older sister yet again, “ask her as a friend. Say you know you’ve apologized plenty, but y’ feel really bad for what you’ve done and y’ wanna thank her for being nice and everythin’ she’s done for you. Promise her it won’t be awkward and that if she does feel weird about it, y’ won’t be hurt if she declines.”
“And what if she does decline?”
“She doesn’t hate you, kiddo,” Gemma tuts, her voice soft. “I don’t think she will. I think she was probably plannin’ on being your friend anyway, ‘specially because she’s so close with Nick. You just kinda freaked her out with the call.”
“Rightfully so,” Harry chimes.
“Yes, rightfully so,” she agrees. “If y’ don’t ask her, she can’t say no. But she also can’t say yes…”
“If I ask her to go as a friend, wouldn’t that just be lying?” he questions. “Because I don’t want t’ be her friend. I don’ want to be just her friend.”
“Think that’s all y’ can ask for at the moment. Rather have her as a friend than not in your life at all, right?”
“Guess so.”
“No, you’re right,” he sighs, combing his free hand through his hair.
“Know I am.”
The day after calling Gemma, the flowers Harry ordered are delivered to your shop. Megan receives them, glancing at the card in the holder as she signs her name on the delivery slip. She runs to your office, squealing as quietly as she can in the industrial space.
“Oh my gosh!” she wiggles in your doorway, a wide-eyed toddler with a new toy. “Harry sent you flowers! Please tell me it’s Harry Styles. They’re peonies. They must be from Harry Styles!”
“Can I read the card, Meg?” you laugh, coming around your desk to take the vase from her. You pluck the small note from its holder, your mouth turning upward when you see the handwritten message.
“Yeah,” you nod. “It’s from him, all right.”
“What’s he sorry for?!” Megan can’t help herself - she’s braced against your desk, her face stuck straight into the beautiful pink and white blooms where you’d set them, her eyes wild as she tried to catch her breath.
“Nosy, nosy,” you shake your head, taking a smell of the flowers for yourself. “I gave his account t’ Carly after he called me on my personal number in the middle of the night,” you sit down again. “He was drunk and said he was calling because he wanted to hear my voice.”
“Wait,” Megan scoffs. “You gave Carly Harry Styles’ account because he called you in the middle of the night because he wanted to hear your voice?!”
“I love you, but that is literally insane,” she huffs, plopping down into the chair opposite your desk. “Harry Styles personally delivers a bouquet of your favorite flowers to you, misses your voice and tells you so, then sends you flowers for telling you so, and then you give his account to Carly?! The job was almost done! Two weeks and it’d’ve been finished! And you give it to Carly?!”
“To be fair,” you smirk. “He sent the flowers after I gave the account to Carly.”
Megan looks at you, blinking slowly.
“What?” you laugh.
“Like that matters!” she throws her hands up in the air. “It’s Harry fuckin’ Styles!”
“I know it is,” you shake your head. “But that doesn’t mean he can call me whenever he’s drunk and wants a lay.”
“D’ya really think that’s why he was calling?” Megan asks, grabbing the card from the holder. “He said he wanted to hear your voice, right? Doesn’t sound like he was looking to boink you.”
“I’ve never gotten a drunken call at midnight with innocent intentions behind it,” you raise an eyebrow. “Have you?”
“Okay,” Megan considers your point. “Touche. But maybe he’s different! Everything ‘ve ever read about him points towards him be-”
“We’re not talking about what you’ve read,” you explain, taking the note from her hand and placing it underneath the desk calendar between the two of you. “He’s a good guy. He really is. But when that line is blurred or crossed or whatever, I have to redraw it, and you know that,” you look pointedly at Megan, willing her to understand your position. “So the account went to Carly.”
“Are you at least going to thank him for the flowers?”
“Of course!” you scoff, delicately running your fingertips over the petals. “I did what I had to do, but I’m not that mean.”
After eyeing the flowers for a bit longer, you shoo Megan back to work, reminding her that she still had to price the new pieces that had arrived earlier in the morning. You answer some emails while you decide on how to thank him.
Emailing seemed too professional.
A text seemed cruel - what string of emojis could you put together that conveyed how absolutely beautiful the flowers were, and that yes, you’d certainly forgiven him at this point?
You decide to call him, clearing your throat before clicking on his name.
“Hello?” Harry’s voice on the other line is unsure when he answers.
“Hey,” you chirp, hoping to set a positive tone. “Just calling because I wanted to hear your voice.”
Harry laughs then, a hearty chuckle that causes you to laugh as well.
“Suppose I deserve that one.”
“Maybe a little,” you smile. “I’m looking at a very lovely arrangement of peonies right now,” you glance over at the vase at the corner of your desk, the flowers pluming out of the sides. “Thank you for sending them. You didn’t have to.”
“Know I didn’t,” he shrugs, feeling a bit more confident at your positive tone. “Just wanted to.”
“Well, thank you,” you smile, slipping the note card from underneath the calendar that had just been flipped to February the day before. “Things with Carly are good, then?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he affirms. “She’s great. You’ve taught her well.”
“I hope so. She’s a great part of our team.”
It’s silent for a few moments, but you’re unsure of where to take it from here.
“Listen, I-”
“Would y-”
You both begin speaking at the same time.
“Go ahead,” you say.
“No, it’s alright,” he clears his throat. “You go ahead.”
“I don’t even know what I was going to say,” you admit with a laugh. “So you go.”
“Okay,” he takes a breath. “Can I take you out to dinner?” his voice his nervous. “One last apology. Jus’ so it’s not weird if we ever see each other again. ‘n I promise not to make any advances,” he chuckles. “Jus’ two people goin’ out to dinner. As friends.”
You thumb the corner of the card, running your finger over his handwriting.
“I would really like that, Harry.”
The two of you plan to meet outside of the city in a small, quiet restaurant where you won’t be bothered. He feels wholly at ease when you greet him, your cheek warm against his when you offer it to him. The response was much more settling than the one you’d given him the last time he’d met up with you - this time, at least, you weren’t cowering away from him.
He decides on the same glass of wine you’d ordered - a dry red that warms him from the inside out - and tries not to let his imagination get carried away when you smile at him in the dim candlelight of the bistro.
“Remember that magazine I was doing a shoot with?” you inquire, your hands clasped neatly in front of you after you’d both ordered your meals.
“Course,” he nods, placing his wine glass down on the table. “HGTV, was it?”
“That’s the one,” you smile. “Well - and you’re the first person I’m tellin’ this to, so don’t get any wild ideas about spreading this information to anyone else,” you point at him with an exaggerated eyebrow raise like you’d done after telling him about the initial photoshoot. “They’ve asked me to fly out to LA in early March. Preliminary meetings, I think, but they wanna talk about a collaboration of some sort.”
“That’s amazin’,” Harry grins, his smile genuine. “That’s...wow. Congratulations!”
“Thanks,” you sigh. “Not gonna get my hopes up or anythin’, but I’m pretty excited about it.”
“As you should be!” his eyebrows raise with the corners of his mouth as he grabs onto the stem of his wine glass. “Cheers to you, yeah? What a massive bit of good news!”
“Thank you, Harry,” you laugh, shaking your head as you lift your glass to his, clinking the rim of it to his. “Thought ‘d tell you the news, ‘cause you’re still the only one who knows about the magazine.”
His heart leaps in his chest at your confession, but he remains collected on the outside, changing the subject to something he’s more comfortable with.
“Have you ever been to LA?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you nod, nibbling at the complimentary bread. “Flight’s a killer, but ‘m more than happy to make it.”
“Especially at this time of year. Early March in Los Angeles is a lot different than early March in London.”
“That’s very true,” you dip the crusty piece of bread into olive oil. “However, I will say I tend to miss dreary ol’ London if ‘m away for too long. LA is such a different world. Everyone is so nice - it boggles the mind, if I’m honest,” you smile when Harry lets out a laugh that could be qualified as a giggle. “What! It’s true! Always sayin’ thank you for this or that. I held the door open for y’ because it’s the proper thing t’ do, not because I wanted uncomfortable eye contact and a shoulder squeeze in return. A nod of the head’ll do, as far as that goes…”
The two of you keep easy conversation throughout your meal, speaking about your favorite places to travel to. Harry’s pulse skyrockets when you frown in response to him saying he’d been to so many cities, yet never had the time to really explore them all. He wishes - with more willpower than he’d ever mustered for anything else, he’s sure of it - that one day, he’d get to visit those places again. The next time, with more places to explore. The next time, with you.
You exchange stories about Nick and Harry makes you laugh so hard, you shed a tear or two at his anecdotes. He’s got an eerily accurate impression of his best friend, and he’s glad he got to use it on you. With the pressure of not reading into everything you say or do, Harry finds it effortless to be himself.
And, if he’s reading you correctly, you seem to enjoy this version of Harry.
A version he hadn’t allowed himself to show, up until now.
“Any travel plans for you, then?” you ask, steering the conversation away from your shared contact in Nick.
“Actually,” he moves his plate away from him. “‘m goin’ to Jamaica next week.”
“Are you really?” you sip on your water, tucking the straw between your teeth. “You lucky bastard.”
“Well,” he rubs his nose with a smile. “It’s for work, but it probably won’t feel like it.”
“What work, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Recording. Gonna do this whole solo thing, I guess.”
“Recording your album? The first one?”
“The first one,” he nods, tapping his knuckles against the table. “Got everythin’ in place, so now’s all I have to do is record.”
“Well that’s not nearly as big of a deal as me going to LA for a meeting, but I’m sure you’ll get to that level someday,” you jeer, winking at him. When he scoffs, you laugh, shaking your head. “Really, Harry, that’s incredible. Y’must be so ready to get started. Must’ve been waiting for years to do this, yeah?”
“Guess so,” he rubs his palms on his thighs. “Bit scared, if ‘m tellin’ the truth.”
“You’d be mad not to be scared, I think.”
“Yeah,” you agree, setting your glass of water down. “You’re scared because it means something. If you weren’t, that’d be more telling than anything, I think. It’s good of you to be nervous. Means you’re doin’ it right.”
He smiles at you in response, a closed-mouth symbol of gratitude. Everyone had told him not to be nervous - not to be scared. You’d been the first to make him feel like it was okay to fret over it. Relief floods over him and it’s the calmest he’s felt in months, all because you’d reassured him with a simple shrug and a flit of your hand.
“Excuse me,” the hostess who’d sat you approaches the table.  The two of you look up, and she takes a step back, obviously intruding on a moment that was only meant for two. “I really hate to bother you but...if you are who I think you are…” she trails off, her voice shaking.
“Think I probably am,” Harry chuckles, running a finger down his chin. “‘m Harry,” he sticks out his hand, standing up as he does so. “What’s your name again?”
“Vanessa,” she nearly whispers, her fingers unable to quit fumbling at her sides.
“Vanessa,” Harry nods, as if he’d known it all along. “Nice to meet you, Vanessa.”
He glances at you in apology, but you shake your head and encourage him to continue. You must’ve figured that this was a part of being around Harry - how could you not have known that this was bound to happen at some point? You let him chat with the trembling girl who was nearly ready to combust, smiling at how gentle Harry was being with her. He’d likely comforted his fair share of girls just like Vanessa, you were willing to bet.
“Would you like me to take a picture?” you chime in.
“Oh, God!” the hostess laughs, grabbing onto your bicep when you stand up. “Yes, please. If that’s okay with…” she looks at Harry, who is intently focused on you.
“Of course,” he glances back at his fan, tucking his arm around her while you stand in front of them, taking a couple of snapshots before handing Vanessa’s phone back to her.
“Thank you so much,” she says to the both of you before tucking her phone in her pocket. “Enjoy the rest of your date.”
Harry thanks her, wishing her a good evening, before glancing back at you.
“A date,” you run your fingertip underneath your bottom lip. “She must’ve not heard about our agreement…”
“Must not’ve,” he clears his throat, sliding his finger down the condensation of his water glass. “Didn’t have to do that, y’know. Take that picture…”
“Know I didn’t,” you shrug, mimicking his words from your earlier phone conversation. “Just wanted to.”
Harry keeps good on his promise, and when he walks you to your car, he gives you a hug. You kiss him on the cheek, thanking him for the meal and conversation.
“I had a great time,” you admit.
“I did, too.”
You grip the handle to your driver’s side door, turning back to him before opening it.
“Thanks again, Har-”
“My birthday was yesterday,” he blurts out.
“What?” you release the handle, facing him fully. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“t’s not a big deal,” he shakes his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “But the new house is almost done, and it was m’birthday, and ‘m leavin’ for Jamaica for a whole month, so ‘m havin’ a party.”
“At the new place?”
“Yeah,” he bites his lower lip. “Kind of a housewarming slash birthday slash see-you-in-a-month kind of deal.”
“Quite a few slashes,” you note.
“I want you t’ come.”
“Okay,” you nod, sniffling due to the cold winter’s air.
“Carly said she’d come when I asked ‘er today, ‘cause she’s put together everything so nicely, but you’re the one who designed it all. Nick’s comin’, so’s basically my whole family. Y’don’t have t’ come if y’ don’t want to, but it’s your party too because you had such a big part in everythin’. But don’t feel pressured into it, because I don’t want y’ to feel like it’s something you have to do,” he bounces on his heels, looking up at the dark February sky.
“Harry,” you place a gloved hand onto his forearm. “I said I’d come.”
“Oh,” he stops bouncing, looking at you. “Oh. Okay. Great. Good!”
“I’d love to,” you smile. “Thank you for thinking of me.”
He resists rolling his eyes.
As if he’d spent any moment - waking or otherwise - in the past two months not thinking of you.
“Course,” he leans in for another hug, pleased when you accept it, your nose cold against the exposed skin on his neck. “Tomorrow at seven. You know the address,” he smirks at his own joke as he pulls away.
“I’ll be there,” you squeeze his arm before stepping to your car again.
“Text me when you get home?” Harry questions. “Just so I know you’re safe?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “See you tomorrow, Harry. Thank you for dinner.”
He tips his head to you, waving your car off as you drive away. On his walk back to his own car, he pulls out his phone, clicking on his sister’s name in the recent messages.
You know how much I hate saying this, he types. But I’ll always give credit where credit is due. You were right. About everything. xx
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hidewari · 7 years
Hide’s Role as the 2nd OEK
Finally finished writing this meta with @glittery-meme-rabbit (’’: She put the idea forward and I mostly expanded on it more than anything else. All calendar images are from @tgcalendar2016.
There has been a lot of speculation concerning Hide’s whereabouts as well has the potential motives behind his apparent involvement in the ghoul world. It’s safe to assume that he may possibly have interests outside of Kaneki, or at least developed some as a result of following Kaneki into the ghoul world. Many have speculated that he may have ties to the Washuu, particularly because of the “yoshi” in his name following the Washuu’s naming patterns (and Yoshitoki being called “Chika” at one point), and after further investigation, there seems to be a lot of solid evidence to back up this claim. However, in this post, we’ll be discussing how Hide’s potential Washuu roots may give him direct ties to the original One Eyed King and what that may mean for his current role in the story and Kaneki’s current aims for revolution.
The Washuu clan are pretty sketchy overall and their goals are questionable, to say the least. Since they’re ghouls, it’s possible that the original One-Eyed King was a Washuu himself and split off from the clan when they rose to power as a result of disagreement about their aims and the methods they used. It’s possible that the original OEK rebelled against the will of the clan and left them to pursue his own goals, which most likely would have been creating coexistence through the eradication of V and the Washuu. However, the Washuu would have prevented his plan from succeeding, landing him where he is now.
If we make the assumption that Hide is a Washuu, then it wouldn't be surprising if it turns out that his goal is similar to the original OEK's, especially if he escaped from the sunlit garden.
Firstly, he appears to have developed a distrust of adults from an early age. We can see evidence of this in the 2016 calendar page for the nineteenth of June which gives us some insight into Hide's perspective on things and shows us that he doesn't seem to have a very positive attitude towards adults as a child.
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“It’s times like these when adults needlessly toy with us.”
He sees them as people who toy with children in a similar way that the Washuu toy with the weak, which would explain how he developed this outlook. The Washuu created the CCG to combat ghouls but also created V to shield the eyes of the public from the truth, like how an adult would talk down to a child or make them ignorant of the world around them. Since Hide developed this mindset at a young age, it's safe to assume his relationship with the Washuu and desire to rebel against them originated from this.
Exposing their secret to Marude was one way of doing this, and even living a normal life and aiding Kaneki when he knew he was a ghoul were ways of rebelling against the Washuu's will. Even if Hide doesn't seem to care about ghouls being on the same plane as humans, he's been shown to treat them as equals (e.g. staying friends with Kaneki despite his ghoulification, befriending Ikuma, and holding no malice towards Nishiki.) Even his “sacrifice” for Kaneki could be an example of him being blind to species since he was willing to sacrifice himself regardless.
As Haise, Kaneki earned himself the nickname "King of Fakes", but I think this still applies now. Kaneki has stepped in and assumed the role of King when that role does not rightfully belong to him as a result of his lack of ties to the original OEK. In other words, Kaneki isn't the true heir to the metaphorical throne of the One-Eyed King.
However, if Hide really is a descendant of the original OEK through his ties to the Washuu, and shares the same goals as him, then this would make Hide the true heir.
We've been shown in the past through Arima and Eto how the role of OEK can be shared. As the OEK, Kaneki is still viewing the world through only one eye, which creates a bias (in Kaneki's case, his bias is in favour of ghouls) which means he won't be able to achieve his goal alone. He is only one half of the solution, and until his other half joins him in the role of King (two One Eyed Kings together makes two eyes to view the world through and therefore help them to see the true nature of reality rather than through the lenses of their own biases), he won't be able to achieve his goal of unity between the species.
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Also, just as a side thought, considering the fact that Hide was most likely severely injured by Kaneki down in the sewers, it would certainly be interesting if he returned with severe damage to one of his eyes or without it entirely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That would make for some meaningful symbolism.
There are multiple pieces of evidence which hint at Hide being Kaneki's other half, and therefore the person who should join him as King. Firstly, Kaneki's birthday being on the 20th day of the 12th month, and Hide's being on the 10th day of the 6th month, therefore making his birthday half of Kaneki's. Secondly, the battery day calendar page which marks Kaneki with the number two, and Hide with one (half of two) as well as the fact that this places Hide in the pitcher's position, being the one who plans and strategizes, and the receiver (Kaneki) being the one to actively put those ideas to work.
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Hide's role as the witch's servant in their school play also heavily foreshadows this. Eto is the only character who has shown to have been associated with a witch, so we can assume that the witch parallels Eto. Eto was working with Arima as part of the One-Eyed King gig, and Arima was the one who most closely prepared Kaneki for this role. As the witch's servant, Hide would have close ties to the witch, presumably Eto, which may mean that she too is preparing him to take up the role of OEK alongside Kaneki. In fact, the ending of the play has the witch's servant leaving the witch to join his childhood friend, the Prince (Kaneki) and promising to work alongside him. This could possibly be foreshadowing of Hide leaving Eto's side to join Kaneki as the joint OEK.
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There's also been a lot of speculation as to whether or not Hide is a half-human, and there appears to be some evidence to support this theory. Without going into too much detail, this line from  the redraw of chapter one of Tokyo Ghoul seems to be the most compelling piece of evidence, and the fact that "ghoul" is in quotation marks implies that Hide is talking about something which is not exactly a ghoul but similar to one (half-human would make sense in this case since they are equal parts ghoul and human aside from the fact that they display mostly human characteristics).
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There are a bunch of other metas discussing this subject floating around tumblr so I’m sure they’re not difficult to find but this one by @deimos-the-otaku I think in particular addresses something which other theories haven’t so I’ll throw this one in particular in.
If this theory is true and Hide does turn out to be a half human, then this just strengthens the possibility of him being the second OEK, or perhaps more appropriately, the second half of the OEK. If Hide is a half-human and Kaneki a half-ghoul, this would parallel the previous OEK duo since Arima was a half-human and Eto a half-ghoul. Not to mention, it would be interesting to have the current half-ghoul OEK (Kaneki) trained by the previous half-human OEK (Arima) and the current half-human OEK (Hide) being trained by the previous half-ghoul OEK (Eto). It would also make far more sense for a half-ghoul to lead the unity of the two species with a half-human since they are both equal parts human and ghoul yet display characteristics of one species each. This would make more sense symbolically than Touka, for example, being Kaneki's partner in revolution (since she's a full ghoul) or Hide being his partner if he was human (since he would be a full human) so there would be an imbalance.
Not to mention, Hide’s tarot card (the Magician) is supposed to represent the bridge between the world of humans and the world of spirits (in this case, we can assume that the world of spirits represents the world of ghouls).
This theory by @echo-from-the-void also talks about how meeting with Hide, what Kaneki considers his human side, could aid him in reconnecting with humanity and therefore aiding him in the success of the revolution he’s planning, and what better way to adapt his tactics to suit both sides than to have a second king (the other eye of the One-Eyed King) come from the opposite perspective, that of humans? This would bring Kaneki’s ‘ghoul eye’ and Hide’s ‘human eye’ together, and subsequently, their two perspectives together to see things from both the side of ghouls and humans equally.
Another minor detail I noticed but am not really sure of whether it’s relevant or not is that every time Hide, Kaneki and Touka are drawn together in Ishida’s art, Hide and Kaneki are drawn beside each other while Touka is off to the side. If this does have any relevance, it could point to Touka’s companionship to the One-Eyed King being a red herring. We’re made to think that she’s Kaneki’s Queen, but that’s not what this cause needs; it needs another OEK. I wouldn’t say this is too farfetched since it’s quite similar to what happened with root A; we were given a number of hints which misled us into thinking that Touka was the one Kaneki was holding under the cloth in the promotional art and that the hands in the opening belonged to her, when really, those were all red herrings and it was Hide all along.
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(Also note how in the above image, Kaneki seems to be being crowned King with Hide by his side ?)
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Also, if the child of Kaneki and Touka dies, which seems extremely likely (check out this theory for evidence/foreshadowing of the child’s death in Ishida’s art and poems), it could be symbolic of their union being incapable of uniting humans and ghouls (since it failed to make a human/ghoul hybrid), further implying that it’s a red herring (chucking @fakeking here since he copyrighted this idea apparently). Then Hide would have to step in as the second OEK to aid the revolution.
It would be even more significant, symbolically, if Touka was never pregnant in the first place, as some have started to speculate (partly because of the little “probably” in her speech bubble when she was giving Kaneki the news), because this would symbolise the fact that their union was a falsehood all along.
All this would also fit nicely on the timeline since the previously mentioned theory would place the child’s death sometime soon, especially now that the Oggai have made it underground, and if we assume that Hide returns in chapter 136 to parallel the original series (and also would mean that the chapter would be released around the time of August 11th, Hide’s cliffhanger page from the TG calendar), it would fit quite well with these events for this to be the time that he breaks off from Eto to take up his spot beside Kaneki.
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However this goes, I’m almost 100% certain that Hide’s role in the story has run far deeper than we’ve been shown, and even if he appears as an antagonist, I believe his destiny was always to end up by Kaneki’s side. Everything in the series so far has pointed to that conclusion; all their symbolism together, the fact that Hide’s entire character revolves around Kaneki, the immense sacrifices that Hide has shown to make for his best friend, the way in which Hide has been portrayed as Kaneki’s link to the human world many times before, and last but certainly not least, the conclusion of their school play practically spells it out for us.
Whether the position he takes up is as significant as the joint One Eyed King is still debatable, but it’s definitely one of many possibilities, and I believe he’s definitely needed to play a significant role in the unity of ghouls and humans.
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floatingpetals · 7 years
Lavender Blue
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: Angst, nightmares, mentions of abandonment, but then fluffiness
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Bucky still suffers from his nightmares, and tonight it was the worst yet.
A/N: I’m gonna go ahead and start out that I’m not the greatest at angst, so I hope I did okay with this one. I love the lullaby and wanted to write something with it.  I hope you guys like this one! Let me know what you guys think.  ❤️
The gif is not mine, credit to the owner.
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The screams are what woke Y/N first. She bolted up in her bed, all fogginess from her slumber erased at the agony in the shouts. Typically, they would stop after the first few seconds, but her concern grew when they continued. Throwing the comforter off herself, she grabbed a shirt and shorts, throwing them on before bolting out the room. The screams still echoed through the halls as she ran from one end of the flat to the other. It wasn���t till she got closer that she could hear the pleads for him to wake.
Y/N stumbled into the room, her breath ragged as she took in the room. Steve kneeled on the side of Bucky’s bed, shaking the man who was still kicking and screaming in his sleep. Steve begged for him to waken, his voice cracking as he struggled to be heard over his friends tormented cries.
“Please, Buck! Wake up!” He cupped Bucky’s face, who only flinched away from the touch. “Bucky, it’s okay! You’re safe!”
Y/N moved to the opposite end of the bed, gnawing on her lip as she settled beside the thrashing soldier. She joined in the pleas, running a hand through Bucky’s hair, while the other grabbed his flesh hand. Bucky’s hand gripped hers tightly, grabbing hold to something solid as if to keep him grounded. Gently, Y/N smooth her hand against his face.
“James.” She spoke softly, “James, it’s me, Y/N. It’s just a dream. I need you to come back to me, to Steve.” Her voice was sweet, tender, and familiar to Bucky. The screams stopped, his breath still ragged as he began to wake. His eyes flew open, and he moved to bolt upright, but Y/N placed a hand on his left shoulder, keeping him in place. Bucky’s eyes were blown wide as they flickered from Steve to Y/N’s face. Chest heaving, heart pounding, he struggled to take everything in. His world was still unfocused, hard to grasp at reality. Seeing Y/N so close helped bring him back. She always did. Y/N returned to stroking his face, whispering soft words of reassurance to the man. It wasn’t until he began to relax, until his breathing stopped sounding like he ran a marathon did she turn to Steve.
Steve had sat back, watching the two quietly. He cared so much for his friend, his brother. He never thought it would get to the point where he could no longer wake him from his nightmares, to calm him from his demons. But tonight, it happened. It hurt knowing that not even he was able to help anymore.
Y/N watched the emotions flicker across Steve’s face, reaching out to brush her hand against his cheek. Steve jumped, turning his tired gaze to hers. Y/N had noticed the red beginning to take over the whites of his eyes, she saw the dark circles form under his eyes. Steve was tired, but ever loyal. He was willing to give up his well being for his friend. Y/N chest tightened at the thought. Every night since she moved to their floor, she left it to Steve to sooth Bucky’s night terrors. She wasn’t trying to be selfish, she just didn’t want to interject in something that she was not a part of. Now though, seeing both tired and broken, she wasn’t going to sit aside anymore.
“You should get some sleep.” Steve shook his head. “Steve, it’s okay.”
“No, I’m not leaving him.” His tone was firm, and even though he was exhausted, he was still going to remain. Y/N sighed, knowing there was no way she’d persuade him to go to sleep anytime soon. She’d deal with him later. Turning her attention back to Bucky, she brushed his sweaty hair from his face. His eyes had slipped closed as he tried to calm himself, and the touch startled him.
“Sorry.” Y/N apologized, redrawing her hand. Bucky turned his face into her palm, nuzzling into her touch.
“It’s’kay.” He mumbled, breathing in her smell. He opened his eyes, the blue looking over Y/N before flickering over to Steve. “It was bad this time, wasn’t it?”
Both Y/N and Steve sucked in air, their chest’s tightening at Bucky’s voice. They wished there was more they could do to help, to ease his pain. The therapy was going well, at least they though it was. His day to day seemed better, he seemed more relaxed than he had when he came back to New York. Clearly the nights were harder for him than they all thought.
“You wouldn’t come back to us.” Y/N said softly. Bucky clenched his eyes shut, his jaw tightening. He always feared it would come to this, that he would someday be unable to hear them through the memories. Y/N whipped a tear from his cheek, pulling him back to the room. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Bucky began to shake his head, but stopped. He thought back to his therapy sessions, how he was told that keeping things bottled up would only cause it manifest to what it was now. He never spoke of his nightmares before. They were always memories of his past, the pain he inflicted on others, and the torture he went through. Tonight, it was different though. He dreamt of them; Steve and Y/N. He watched them leave him, toss him aside, and move on. He had become too much for the both to handle and they decided enough was enough. It had felt so real to him. It was a nightmare that had become reality. It was a nightmare he needed to tell them about.
Bucky nodded slowly, and Y/N could tell they were going to be in for a long night. Knowing they’d need to get comfortable, Y/N motioned for Bucky to wait a moment. Y/N tugged him closer to her side, pulling Bucky to the side of the bed creating space between him and Steve. The two watched, confused as she climbed to the center of the bed, pilling the pillows against the headboard to lean against. Steve caught on first, settling to her left side, while Bucky quickly followed to curl up on her right. Y/N wrapped her arms around both soldiers, Bucky resting his head on her chest, while Steve buried his face into her hair. Steve blindly reached down to grab a blanket and threw it over the three of them, cocooning them in warmth.
“Alright Buck.” Y/N spoke, carding her hands through their hair. Both hummed, cherishing the comfort she brought. Bucky sucked in air, finding his courage before he began speaking. He told them about his dream, how he was scared they’d leave him behind. Once he began, he found it hard to stop, telling them all his fears, his worries. Both Steve and Y/N dragged him closer with each sentence, Y/N not caring that she was being crushed by Bucky. Bucky had curled himself practically in her lap by the time he let out everything. He told them things he never told anyone else, not even his therapist. His deepest secrets were laid out for them to know. All because he was afraid they’d leave him behind.
Steve and Y/N listened intently, their hearts breaking at each word he spoke They never knew he had these thoughts before, he never expressed his feelings to this extent. For him to think the two of them would give up on him so easily, it was incredibly upsetting. Correction, it was heartbreaking. Both reached out, Y/N running a hand through Bucky’s hair while Steve rubbed circles on his back. Bucky finished, his chest lighter now that everything was out in the open. He didn’t expect them to say anything, knowing it was a lot to process. He wasn’t expecting the gentle kiss Y/N pressed against his forehead though.
Looking up at the two, he froze at the intensity of their stares. Both had unshed tears threatening to spill, and it was all because of him. Y/N saw him began to retreat. She saw the way he moved to pull away from their cuddle. Digging into his arm, she kept him in place.
“Don’t. Don’t pull away.” Steve said, reaching up to help pull Bucky back. Bucky struggled for a moment, his mouth opening in closing as he tried to find the words. “Stop.”
“James. I don’t know where it came from or why you’d think we’d ever leave you.” Bucky snapped his head back to Y/N, ready to argue. “Let me finish. I don’t know where you go that idea. James, you mean so much to me, you mean even more to Steve. We would never, ever leave you. Steve didn’t leave you when you needed him before, and I promise you, he wouldn’t leave you now. I wouldn’t leave you either. I might not have been there from the beginning, but I know you. You’re a kind, gentle, caring man who just has a painful past. You’re trying to move on, to live your life. I know it’s hard, but you aren’t going to do this alone. I’m sorry if we led you to believe that we were getting tired of you. But know that we’re not, we never will. You mean so much to us both. Please don’t ever doubt that.”
Bucky leaned against her hand as she pulled out the knots from his hair, humming when she scratched his scalp. He mulled over her words, glancing at Steve. Steve nodded at his questioning look, smiling as he nuzzled in further into Y/N. Bucky still had his doubts, but when the two tightened their grips on him, he knew it was pointless to argue. He buried his head into her neck, breathing in deeply. He knew this wasn’t going to go away in one night, all three of them knew that, but if this could help him find peace, they would be there with him every step of the way.
They curled up at the center of the bed, Bucky having moved off Y/N just enough to alleviate the pressure on her legs. Y/N wanted to move him to the middle, but Bucky wanted her there at the middle, both holding on to her tightly. He wasn’t going to let either of them go, needing them there to support him. And they weren’t going to leave him alone.
Y/N watched the two of them fight off sleep, both for separate reasons. Bucky didn’t want to slip back into a nightmare, and Steve wanted to be stay awake until he was sure Bucky fell asleep. Neither would give in, and she was honestly too exhausted to talk them down from their stubbornness. A thought came to her mind, a memory of her younger years that always seemed to calm her before.
“My mother used to sing me a lullaby when I was younger and had nightmares.” Y/N said breaking the silence. Bucky and Steve blinked sleepily at her, tilting their heads for her to finish. Y/N giggled at their dazed expressions and continued. “I know you’re both tired, it might help. It always did for me.”
Both nodded, nestling further into her side. Y/N giggled again, missing the two smiles at the sound. She waited until they settled before singing the song from her childhood.
Lavender’s blue, dilly, dilly, Lavender’s green,
When I am king, dilly, dilly, You shall be queen.
Who told you so, dilly, dilly, who told you so?
‘Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly, that told me so.
Both men tilted their heads towards Y/N, stunned at the soft melodic voice that came from her mouth. Neither of them knew she could sing, especially so well. Clearly she had been holding back important information. Y/N ignored their slacked jaws and continued with the words she knew by heart.
Call up your men, dilly, dilly, set them to work
Some to the plough, dilly, dilly, some to the fork,
Some to make hay, dilly, dilly, some to cut corn,
While you and I, dilly, dilly, keep ourselves warm.
Y/N glanced down at the two, who had settled back to their places against her. She smiled, noticing the way they both had melted to her side, their breathing slowing with each verse.  
Lavender’s green, dilly, dilly, lavender’s blue,
If you love me, dilly, dilly, I will love you.
Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly, And the lambs play,
We shall be safe, dilly, dilly, out of harm’s way.
She sang through the words, missing the sleepy exchange of looks when she sang of love. Neither spoke of it between each other, but tonight something sparked. Tomorrow, the agreed. They’d talk more about this tomorrow. Both gave into their exhaustion, for the first time in a long time finding comfort in the thought of sleep.
I love to dance, dilly, dilly, I love to sing;
When I am queen, dilly, dilly, You’ll be my king.
Who told me so, dilly, dilly, Who told me so?
I told myself, dilly, dilly, I told me so.
Y/N voice trailed off, smiling at the set of snores that came from both men. She continued massaging their heads, humming quietly to herself as she lulled herself to sleep. Before she could slip into a slumber, she leaned over to press a kiss against each of their heads. They unconsciously nuzzled further into her, sighing softly at the touch. Y/N settled back into the pillows, closing her eyes as she thought about what happened this past hour. They would have time to talk about everything in the morning.  
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jessdoyletattoo · 7 years
Here’s a list of my frequently asked questions! I’ll be updating it when necessary :)
If you are looking to join the mailing list to be notified when my books are open, please go to:
*Please be aware this is not a wait list.
What does “books closed” mean?
It means I am unable to take on new tattoo projects or consultations! My schedule books out in three month increments and is currently full, but keep an eye out for posts about when they will open, or sign up for my mailing list to be notified when they do!
When will your books be open?
Sometime in October! I am booking in three month increments and do the bookings the month prior. I will be posting on Instagram and the Ambassador Website as soon as I have an exact date, so please keep an eye out! You can also subscribe to my mailing list.
***Please do not email me asking when my books are open. As soon as I know when they are open, I will post it
When your books open, how do I book in?
I’ll be posting all of the details of what to do as soon as I have an exact date in mind. I’m always trying to streamline the process to make it easier for you!
I only book 3 months at a time, and book those three months within the month before. ( Oct will be booking Nov-Jan. and then Jan will be booking Feb-Apr etc)
I emailed you a week ago, why haven’t I heard back from you?
I promise I’m not ignoring you! I receive a lot of emails everyday, and because I answer all of you personally, it may take some time for a response. Please be patient. I tattoo five days a week, draw for those five days in the mornings and evenings before work, and also need some hours in the day where I’m not working! If it’s something that needs more urgent attention, please call the shop and leave a message after you’ve emailed!
Can I book in with you?
At this time I’m not taking new projects on! I am now trying to only book in three month increments. My next bookings will be for Nov-Jan. Submissions will be taken sometime in October, so please keep an eye out on Instagram or sign up for my mailing list below
The only exception to this is small tattoos (think a word or two of script, a small symbol etc) which I can sometimes accommodate at the beginning or end of a day. This does not include anything that requires a consultation. It never hurts to ask so feel free to shoot me an email! Please make sure you include every detail!
If you’re not sure if your idea is something I would take on, or you have a question that isn’t answered here, feel free to shoot me an email to ask**! Just keep in mind that it will likely be a bit before I can get back to you! Please include all the information below of what you want, it saves me a few emails asking you questions and I really appreciate it!
**If you're asking if I will take on a floral piece, the answer is 99.9% of the time yes. This is more so for if you're not sure if I can do your coverup, or fill in a gap, or you have a different idea that you aren't sure will work as a tattoo!
Where (bonus points if you include a photo of the area):
What size:
Blackwork or colour:
Do you have a waitlist?
Due to how many people I deal with on a regular basis, it’s just impossible for me to keep up with a waitlist. Any openings or cancellations will be posted to Instagram!
What’s your hourly rate? How much will my tattoo cost?
Unless your tattoo is very small, its difficult to provide an estimate without a consultation. I cannot do this over email! The minimum charge is one hour, which is $180/hr at Ambassador Tattoo. If its a one shot piece I will likely quote you a flat rate. When travelling, I flat rate price my pieces for the most part.
I am all cash only! If you are coming in for your consultation and are looking to book, please be prepared to leave a min $100 deposit to secure your appointment. Anything over 2 hours requires a larger deposit of $200 or more!
Can I see my drawing before my appointment?
Although I wish I had enough time to prepare all drawings well in advance, the truth is that I just don’t! Drawings are ready for the time of your appointment. I often start one to two new drawings per day, so getting ahead of myself would just be impossible! I do not email out drawings. Small changes can be made day of, but please be aware any large redraws may result in rescheduling your appointment and require a new deposit.
Methods of payment
I am cash only for everything. The only exception being out of town clients, who may email money transfer or PayPal me a deposit.
I’m under 18, can you tattoo me with parental consent?
Sorry, but no, not even with your parents consent. We tattoo only 18+ at Ambassador. Same rules apply to me when I am travelling anywhere!
I need a touchup on my tattoo! How do I book this?
Please contact me within 6-12 weeks after your tattoo appointment if you need a touchup. It doesn’t matter if my books are closed, we will arrange a time that is suitable to you!
Free touchups apply to anything that didn’t heal properly (or healed a bit light) during the healing process and will be honoured up to six months.
If you do not follow aftercare, fade your tattoo by not wearing sunscreen, or it is simply just aging from natural processes, there will be a charge for your touchup.
Do you do coverups?
Sometimes, on a case by case basis when possible. Please keep in mind that coverups usually need to be darker, larger, and have lots of texture and detail to distract the eye from what is underneath. My dot work style shading almost never works for coverups unless its quite small. Feel free to email me a photo of your existing tattoo with a brief description of what you’d like to cover it with. From there I can let you know if its even possible, or if I would recommend a session or two of laser removal to lighten it. I’ve got referral cards at the shop that will give you a discount on laser removal at SkinPossible here in Calgary, and would be happy to set one aside for you! Remember to include the below:
Where (recent photos are necessary):
What size:
Blackwork or colour:
Deposit Policy
Please ensure that you have read and understood the following Terms and Conditions before booking a tattoo appointment.
Deposit terms and conditions
A non-refundable deposit is required to secure your tattoo appointment. Appointments are scheduled upon receipt by Jessica Doyle of the deposit. Payment of the deposit is confirmation that the client understands, accepts, and agrees to these terms and conditions.
The remaining balance of the cost of tattoo (minus deposit) is required in cashimmediately following the tattoo appointment.  
In the case that multiple appointments are made, the the balance per appointment is required immediately following each tattoo session. The initial deposit is required to be carried forward throughout all the booked tattoo appointments and applied to the final session of the project.
Deposits and payments are accepted in cash only. The only exception being out of town clients, who may leave their deposit by e-mail money transfer. Confirmation of appointment is made when the deposit has been received.
Cancellations and rescheduling
All deposit are NON-REFUNDABLE. With a minimum of one weeks notice, initial design concepts may be altered, and appointments may be rescheduled to a different day or time. Appointments may be rescheduled a maximum of 2 times with notice. A third rescheduling may be subject to loss of deposit.
*Neglecting to give one week notice for rescheduling or design change will result in full loss of deposit
Drawings will be ready for the day of your appointment.
Please do not book a tattoo appointment if you do not fully understand and agree to these terms and conditions.
Before your appointment
Please ensure you’ve sent any reference photos if necessary to me at least a week prior to your appointment. [email protected]
If there is anything you want to change/add to your idea other than what we discussed at your consultation, you must notify me via email a minimum of one week prior to your appointment.
Make sure you eat a big meal within the hour before you come! And bring some sugary snacks. It’s important to keep your blood sugars up and make sure your body feels good!
Don’t drink the night before your appointment! I always encourage you drink extra water in the week prior to hydrate your skin!
Make sure you wear something dark and comfortable, that allows easy access to the area we are tattooing. Ink usually finds its way onto your clothes, so don’t wear your favourite white silk top/bra/pants.
Bring extra things to make you comfy: a sweater in case you get cold, headphones if you want to zone out and relax etc.
I am cash only, but there are ATMs located nearby! Feel free to stop by your bank prior to your appointment
Drawings are ready for the time of your appointment. I often start one to two new drawings per day, so getting ahead of myself would just be impossible! I do not email out drawings. Small changes can be made day of, but please be aware any large redraws may result in rescheduling your appointment and require a new deposit.
If you need to reschedule, one weeks notice is required. Anything less will result in loss of deposit. (Appointments may be rescheduled a maximum of two times, the third may result in loss of deposit)
Please do not bring anyone with you to your appointment! We have a smaller studio and there’s not a lot of extra space at the station. We have music or movies going all the time, and I promise I’m good company if you get bored :)
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