#that's our ship name lmao
dancerofhyrule · 2 years
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Here would you guys like my self-ship content? You get self-ship content
And it’s of me and Astorrrrrr. We cuddle uwu
Also you know what?
@astorweek here lmao
I was gonna color this but it’s doubtful that I will anytime soon. Plus I just really wanna submit something. Maybe in the future I’ll color it ^^
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seventh-district · 25 days
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 6
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5]
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haloberry · 4 months
Imagine how beautiful it’ll be when q!Bad gets back and he’s also Different.
That the Tubblings are practically giving the Ghosties a preview on what could happen.
Spouse.. imagine your cubito comes back different different like ours and they become best friends?
That our cubito that has been factory reseted is in kahoots with your cubito that comes back fuck up?
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chalkeater · 2 years
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Kay tagal ko nang nag-iisa And’yan ka lang pala 🌤️
(For @girlnextdeer the love of my life)
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blakbonnet · 2 years
Izzy *gets down on one knee*
Izzy *collapses*
Roach: the poison is working 🙂✌️
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r4c3rr · 8 months
Reid: Fuck I told isobel i'd make us dinner tonight but i dont know how to cook!
Alistair, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Briony: *aims spell at Isobel* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a threat.
Gavin after talking to Diya: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Alistair: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Gavin: I wake up at 4:30 AM
Alistair: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
Briony: You’re probably wondering what we’re doing here tonight
Finley: Not really. We just sort of go with your bullshit now
Reid: A man isn’t defined by his past.
Gavin: What are you talking about? You made my family look like shit! You ruined my magick!
Reid: People make mistakes. 
Elionor: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward.
Carbry: I’m worried about you.
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littlehatmouse · 1 month
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i finished this in the last 20 minutes of lesbian visibility week after not drawing at all LETS GO
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baconcolacan · 3 months
Norska mayyyy be only fairly recent, I saw it being used cause people were discussing why some ew ships had fun names (eg Cola Losers) while some were just names mushed together.
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risetherivermoon · 2 months
work on all of my ao3 wips << start a new oneshot abt terry jr x lark
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posebean · 1 month
rinky adjacent except its shiina kyoudai (hiki) and sakura nee-han (shinju) that me and @nguyenfinity have an au of and are obsessed with have fun reading
um i think its obvious which characters are mentioned and their relations but if you havent seen the main posts for more information:
hiki: https://www.tumblr.com/nguyenfinity/746817271252533248/bean-and-i-have-been-locked-in-the-kitchen-so
shinju: https://www.tumblr.com/nguyenfinity/749132426169729024/so-like-women-oukawa-nee-hans-rehashed-their
also context is theyre at rinky wedding
Hiki loosened his tie, leaning on the balcony rails. He looked up at the stars, watching as they twinkled in the sky.
“What’s a guy like you doin’ out here all alone? Everyone’s inside enjoying the party, I think Kohakun is fighting the groom right now.” He hears an amused chuckle behind him, Shinju sliding up to stand next to him, a champagne glass in her hand.
Hiki gave a lopsided grin. “What’d Amarinrin do this time? That troublemaker really couldn’t go without instigating something, even on this specific day? Pfft, I still wonder what Nikkun sees in him.”
Shinju emptied her glass, setting it down on the railing. “Not sure, probably started it though. Kohakun is definitely making sure he’s getting what he deserves,” she laughed.
“Ha, yeah, definitely if it’s Chiikawa.” Hiki laughed airily, scooting over so Shinju had more room.
“You didn’t answer the question~” Shinju poked him on the cheek, a silly smile.
Hiki scrunched his face, batting her away. “Can’t a guy get some fresh air? All the idols in there are so~ draining. Did you see that one that was climbing the wall? Or the one that was lying on the floor asleep? Crazy bunch, all of them. How does Nikkun stand being surrounded by all of that 24/7~”
Shinju snorted. “Like you’re one to talk? You’re as bad, or even worse than the red one after several drinks.”
“Shi-chan, I do not appreciate this attack on my character~” Hiki whined, resting his hands on the railing.
They stood in silence, looking up at the stars.
“Shi-chan, Nikkun looked so happy.” Hiki mumbled, still looking up.
“Yeah. So did Ama-chan. I guess they’ve both been waiting for this for so long. It’s really sweet.” Shinju smiled, leaning back on the railing.
“He’s an idiot and dumb as fuck, but really the only one that can make Nikkun smile like that. I’m glad that Nikkun found someone that would never let him be alone again.” Hiki sighed, gripping the railing.
Hiki turned slowly, offering a hand to his companion. “Do you think…we could’ve turned out like that?”
Shinju took it, giving a small shake of her head. A sad smile. “It would never work. You know this.”
Hiki laughed, squeezing her hand. “Yeah. You wanted to protect your siblings, I wanted to redeem my family name. Two dreams on separate paths, too far apart.”
Shinju laughed softly, squeezing back. “Yeah. It really wouldn’t have worked, no matter how much your mom tries to use her puppy eyes on me.”
Hiki rolled his eyes. “Pfft. I’ll tell her to stop. Whether we’re together or not, she does see you as family, though. You’re always welcome for dinner.”
“Hehe~ I’m always down for Shiina cuisine. As long as it’s not made by you.” Shinju stuck her tongue out.
“Hey! My instant food prep skills are amazing, thank you very much.”
“Instant noodles and microwave rice do not count as a good meal, your entire family is saying this and you still don’t believe them?” Shinju huffed.
“They just can’t appreciate taste like how I can.”
They stared at each other before both started to laugh, loud and clear and just them up there on that balcony.
Hiki grabbed her other hand, gently pulling her away from the railing. “But just for tonight, Shi-chan. You’re my plus one~ May I have this dance?” He lifted up one of her hands, kissing the knuckles.
Shinju laughed, eyes glittering. “Only for you, Sweetheart.”
They waltzed around the balcony, dancing slowly to the sound of some song that Hiki pulled up on his phone.
“Maybe in another world it’d be us at that table,” Hiki hummed, stepping one way.
“Yeah, after you try to and fail to fight my father over ten times. No, maybe a hundred times.” Shinju giggled, letting him take the lead.
“Hey! I’m hurt that you have no faith in me~” Hiki whined, spinning them.
“I’m just stating the facts, Hikkun.”
Hiki huffed. “Maybe like twenty. They’ll feel sorry for me and then let me win.” He swayed them, slowly and not even on beat with the music.
“I think Kohakun would rather die than have you as a brother. The other two are okay.” Shinju smirked.
“But he’d be fine with Nikkun?! The betrayal!” Hiki feigned a gasp, swaying them to the other side.
Shinju laughed softly. “Well? Tell me more about this other world.”
“Nikkun would want to be on catering…Maybe Mom and Dad will help. Amarinrin would probably be there too, I can’t imagine a world where he isn’t clinging to Nikkun.” He shifted one of his hands to her waist.
“Probably as annoying as always. The Ama-chan guarantee.”
Hiki smiled. “Yeah. You’d probably look very pretty for the first time ever, ha.”
Shinju pulled her hand free and whacked him gently. “I’d probably be the one in the suit, I think you’d fit the dress better.”
“I’m not Nikkun~ Not every man is willing to be a bride.” Hiki snickered. “No one would ever be able to look as pretty as Nikkun, anyways.”
“Hmm hmm~ I agree.”
Hiki spun them again, stepping lightly. “ We’d go wherever we want to, all over the world. I’d show you all kinds of things, maybe we’d have a bunch of near-death experiences.”
“Which you probably would’ve dragged us into, leaving me to haul your ass to safety.”
Hiki laughed. “My ever-reliable Shi-chan~ What would I do without you.”
“Die a stupid death, I guess~”
Hiki stepped forwards, dipping her. “And…I don’t know. It just feels like it’d be nice, that other world.”
“Yeah. It does.”
Hiki leaned in. “Shi-chan, can I be greedy for a second? Can we live in that world for just this moment?” he whispered.
Shinju smiled sadly. “Yeah.”
Hiki closed the gap, soft and sweet.
He pulled back, helping Shinju back up. “Bleh. B-tier champagne. Didn’t Amarinrin listen to any of my suggestions at all? After I worked so~ hard on that list just for him, and for free, too!”
Shinju laughed, rolling her eyes. “He actually ended up getting way more than what you suggested. ‘For variety’ he said. Come on, it’s cold and I want a refill~” She picked her glass up, pulling on his hand.
“Yeah~ Yeah. Okay, that’s enough fresh air for the night.” Hiki laughed, following her back in and leaving that other world behind.
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dancerofhyrule · 4 months
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I am posting yuri self-ship art on main because I'm very proud of this and also fuck you <3
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threepoint14art · 25 days
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yandereshingeki · 7 months
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Self insert wedding moodboard for me and Eren!!! Might do my other self ships later but for now just me n Eren <33
Wanted to capture the general vibe of it + some little details….. I just think it would be a sweet and intimate event and very emotional
(Art in the middle is a commission from NihaalArts)
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by introducing the dead twin, did they effectively make ciel/lizzie the more problematic ship? like. he’s been lying to her about her dead fiancé for years now
he has been pretending to be her dead fiancé for years
like. sebaciel is only fucked up bc seb is hundreds of years old and is probably grooming ciel who is barely 13. but like. ciel knows he’s doing it and is aware of what’s going on and like KNOWS this is a wholeass demon he’s working with and he actively agreed to it and even arguably made it so he had some-to-most of the power in the relationship. 10 year olds legally can’t sign contracts bc they physically can’t fully understand consequences yet but ciel certainly didn’t take it laying down
also what can seb even do to him that is worse than what was already done to him
and in a philosophical way, does it really matter what seb does to him? he’s living for revenge and then seb is going to eat his soul.
i would argue that in some ways sebaciel is more ethical bc it’s fucked up yes but at least they’re keeping it in their own bubble and not getting anyone else involved
i genuinely can’t get over “ciel has been lying to lizzie for years that he is her dead fiancé” in the sense of people who would argue that it’s the better ship of the two
like actually both ships are problematic and we should appreciate them for what they are
this is not anti ciel/lizzie btw. i have anti ciel/lizzie words with this revelation, but my current argument is not that bc i think problematic ships are good and valid BUT we should NOT be pretending they’re not problematic
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revrads · 1 year
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Sticker WIP of my favourite old priest couple :)
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freddos616 · 1 year
"you wear fine things well." vs "it suits you". the massive smile that appeared across my face in response to both.
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