colorisbyshe · 2 years
kinnporsche spoilers i’m sorry for still going on about this... but like... it is HAUNTING ME
so ALL of the couples are cousins... except for the couple that is the dude and his kidnapping victim?? and the kidnapper ALSO tried to get with one of his cousins... because he had a thing for sleeping with everyone his OTHER cousin always slept with... like his obsession with one upping his cousin involved sleeping with everyone he slept with... which lead to him trying to sleep with his other cousin
and i know they’re not blood cousins but
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
I've said it before but the reason why so many popular blogs turn out to be fucking weirdos is exactly the same reason why they're able to get so popular in the first place. like what do you really expect from someone who is able to amass a large following thanks to the fact that they never condemn any sort of harmful behavior
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bowsersdick · 8 months
ok rewatching spn because im a fucking idiot. i hate this show
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jazzyblusnowflake · 3 months
I wanted to talk about a topic that is interesting to me at the moment-
when me and my partner @/keebokuun bring up the subject about J x Tessa for murder drones- alot of people bring up the dynamics that may need to improve- to which we say yeah- we dont ship them in the context of the show. Tessa is still very much biased and treating drones as her slaves that dont have rights as her since shes a human. whether its cuz of her culture, her trauma or whatever else. but in the context of a human au where they all grew up together- yeah that doesnt exist, or at least we have room to improve. and people have been polite enough about this and sharing their opinions and im greatful of that. yall are really cool and gave me ideas to improve my stories on 👌
but then some OTHER people come and say "but Tessa was a minor in the FLASHBACKS- oh AND- was also their MOM"
to which... i say.... um.... So.... Tessa is a mom? [to a bajillion of those maid and butler drones that were not working at the begining of ep5] AND a minor? AAAND she asked her- CHILD DRONE- to pretend to be a RIPPING ROYAL STUD for her to practice flirting or talking with.... to yknow... HAVE A HUMAN RELATIONSHIP WITH-? [cuz correct me if im wrong- girls dont go looking for "ripping royal studs" just to stare at them autistcally right? they wanna talk and do human communication stuff with them right??] and uh... IM the one whos saying weird stuff here? hELLO???
once again. me and keebo will personally remove ANY INAPPROPRIATE content we have online if the creators come up and say "oh yeah that character is a minor"- i promise you all that. we are not degenerates- but first of all- yeah the thing i just said about Tessa being at least a late teen in the flashbacks for the whole stud thing- and also- she had toys in her room- for CYN! as we saw her playing with them- and she was referred to as a "robo child" ? i mean go back and watch the EP again and really look at Tessa, J and N and SAY they are at an age to play with a rocking horse and barbie/ken dolls [damn cyn was making those two naked ken dolls smooch fr]- look at me in the eyes and say a girl that big is at any age to play with those things. NO?? also- if yall actually LOOK at tessa- she has a very pronounced body/ heigh/ chest size even/ etc in the flashbacks. thats not a design youd give a MINOR. and by that logic then N and V having crushes on eachother should be incest because oh damn Tessa is the minor/teen mom to ALL those erroring drones and N and V are siblings omggg 😱!
if anything by this logic Tessa's first choice of going to J to pretend to be a hot stud for her [which probably works in my favor btw lmao] is def concerning jesus.
companies nowadays make it a point to make all characters above the age of 18 as much as they could to avoid these sorts of issues- lest i remind you all again of the fact that every classmate of Uzi in episode 3 has their age above 18 on their missing posters. companies wouldnt include shots like that unless they WANT people to know they are in the clear.
also.... being in a relationship doesnt always translate to "they are having SEX"????? you can be a kid and still hold hands and have crushes and hug and kiss-
not every couple french kiss or suck eachother off oh my God.
anyway thankyou for coming to my Ted talk- im willing to hear anyones opinions on this below cuz im genuinely curious 🤔
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volcanicflowers · 2 months
live blogging the fallout show under here. episode 1. im a hater by nature btw but its not all negative dw
is this guy like the vault tec ceo or spokesperson or something? NO WAY HE IS NAMED MR HOWARD...... todd howard's self insert the vault tec ceo.
i think todd saw the "did you know vault boy is actually holding up his thumb to check the size of the mushroom cloud" thing on reddit and was like "oh shit... thats a good idea. we should use that"
no way they have time for this conversation AND GETTING ON THE FUCKING HORSE???? GIRL THE HORSE?? NOT THE CAR??? GIRL??????????? RIDING THE HORSE DOWN THE STREET?? HELLO? actually i understand. save the horse. bringing my horse into the vault.
HOORAY no vault incest 🥳🥳🥳
i will say the room in the vault that looks like an outdoor farm goes hard i am a very big fan of that
her dad is either going to super die or be evil
husband guy isnt even going to call her platinum in the sack? or pussy cat? what about her charlies? literally unwatchable.
my husband is taking a very big gulp of water, i think hes a serial killer?
"you're from the surface" girl how else do you think he got there from the other vault
i feel like this is a lot of effort for these raiders to go through to take over a vault but i guess they were there for the party
she'll be fine just start spamming stimpaks
okay her dad survived the raider attack which means hes definitely going to turn out to be evil later
i like maximus he seems fun i hope he leaves the brotherhood and i hope hes kinda a loser
oh so new vegas exploded but not the prydwen which i blew up personally?
aw maximus not anger issues cmon
"we've never opened the vault door" how were you getting people from the other vaults for this arranged marriage thing???? if it actually is secret tunnels why werent they just sharing the vaults from the get-go why was the cousin incest necessary
loving lucy's cringefail brother btw i hope he shows up more
NOOO hes staying behind :( why tease me like this
cmon maximus couldve been a fun loser why we doing this. throw him off the prydwen I Guess
ghoul moment. i have to go to bed now
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ceasarslegion · 11 months
When i lived in the MENA region we had pretty heavy censorship on all media regardless of rating. Youd get a lot of stuff randomly cut out of movies and shows and games and stuff. It didnt matter if it was rated R already. To put it into perspective, the wolf of wallstreet was 15 minutes long by the time it got out of the censor board. But regardless of what you think about that, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey has got to be the funniest thing they snipped their little censor scissors away at
My brother in christ, you are cutting the dicks and homosexuality out of ancient greece. Like whats even left at that point? The rape? That part was fine to them btw. Like they kept all the rape and incest present in the mythology but cut out the dicks and the gays. I couldnt romance the hot doctor but i could fight the minotaur, a beast famously conceived through rape. No hyacinths to be found in the overworld because that was apollos gay lover flower and thats too risqué in the context of this game but i could descend into the labyrinth to track and fight the minotaur.
Beyond parody
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cainightfics · 1 year
these anons are so annoying, it also frustrates me because tyrelliot is nowhere near as bad as some ships that came from this show (like people who shipped elliot and mr robot) and yet some self righteous people compare the two like it's even remotely the same thing. sorry to mention that people who shipped elliot and mr robot even existed but god I really don't understand why people conflate it with tyrelliot. mr robot is the alter that elliot developed because of his sexual abuse growing up, and tyrell is an evil guy who was in love with him. I wish people would direct their attention elsewhere when there are much worse things being written in this fandom. feel free to not share this btw, it's reasonable to not want to make any posts where people might start arguing about mr robot x elliot. just wanted to share my thoughts. TLDR, tyrelliot shouldn't be argued about as being problematic when there are much worse popular ships in this fandom, and your fics are really good
adding more to my message from before sorry; also don't think that I mean anybody deserves harassment, I'm just saying that when there are actual upsetting and distasteful fics about elliot being abused, you of all people definitely don't deserve harassment under the guise of being upset that you write fic about "Elliot and his abuser" when those fics absolutely exist and you do not write them. anyway have a good night
thanks for your input. im pretty much a live and let live sort of person with this, since the internet makes it pretty easy to just block out anything you dont want to see, and i wish other people did the same. i honestly dont think tyrelliot is bad like... AT ALL LMFAO. but i guess some people do, which is fine. i just dont see the point in messaging me about it numerous times a week for over a month lol. thats just so weird and corny to me
but yeah like in the end my issue with this whole thing is that separating ships into morally and objectively "good" vs "bad" leads to this atomization of intent and characterization where 1) the definition of what is "bad" becomes a slippery slope where anything can become "problematic" and 2) it promotes and uplifts pairings or situations where everything is perfect and conflict doesnt exist-- the antithesis of good/interesting writing. like i have literally no interest whatsoever in "good representation" or "wholesome ships" because thats frankly not what i watch tv or read books for lol. it will never be my thing. also i am just SO FUCKING BORED of rating art based off of whether it lives up to someones (very subjective!) ideas of morality. like can we PLEASEEEEE talk about something else
also, i know what that person is trying to do when they call me a proshipper. everybody knows that that word is synonymous with being a pedo these days lmfao, given that thats central to the idea of pro vs anti shipping (besides incest). i think its pretty wild to insinuate im like... aligned with pedophiles in any way given that if you read my fics you would know i have a whole chapter dedicated to tyrell and elliot MURDERING A PEDOPHILE lol.
i could go on and on about how this very lazy way of thinking thats currently dominating fanspaces is the result of neoliberal identity politics, or consumption as morals, or the capitalist drive to increase both social division and profit by making people identify with brands, groups, or media properties. i wont be an annoying marxist rn and get into all that, but ill say im pretty much in agreement with john paul brammer here:
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justagrin · 8 months
smth i shoved into a discord group specifically for people to talk about SA (tw for implied csa/rape/incest)
oooof one of my friends disclosed to me that (tw sa & incest) their dad SA'd them (at least once? idk if its a reoccuring thing i didnt ask any questions n they understandably clammed up n changed the subject n i said "hey if you ever need to talk about anything i have similar experiences" but oh boy is it lowkey triggering that stuff for me rn. idefk if my stuff counts as sa tho. like i know my dad sexualised me a lot like verbally as a kid and i remember being disgusted all the time and i remember being fucking terrified of him all the time even when he didn't seem to be doing anything. and i remember him often saying or doing stuff and i'd just think to meself "ok we're repressing that!" (unsurprisingly i don't remember what actually prompted that). i dont have any memories of him touching me but i have some of someone touching me and the way i react to certain sexual situations is sus as fuck, but honestly those could be two entirely different things but idk! idk. i just remember telling my mum that all the stuff he said made me uncomfy and predictably got told i was "overreacting" and that it was "normal" which turned into "he just doesn't know when something's inappropriate" and honestly thats the closest to closure i'm ever gonna get but whatever. anyway the dots aren't connected enough to me to outright say i relate and im sure as fuck not ready to actually talk about it to anyone irl but yeah. idk where i was going with this tbh. i have a notebook of stuff from my childhood related to that^ (from when i've remembered them, but most of the stuff in the book i can't remember unless i read it over again) and my friends who've seen it have reacted with pretty strong disgust but idk. my entire childhood was that & gaslighting myself into thinking i was overreacting (which btw!! lead to me getting SA'd and harassed so many fucking times as an adult!!!) so it was normal to me pfft and counsellors i've shown it to all refuse to give me a solid answer bc they don't wanna "risk giving me false memories") but agghhh. one thing i definitely remember is whenever i had discharge or my period in my teens i'd just. want to cry and shake and curl up and errrrrrrmmmmmmm thats not normal lol. something was definitely wrong there but idk if i'll ever fucking be able to figure out what that is.
ok yeah i dug the notebook out again and (same tw's as above, just kind of graphic and intense) yeah theres a bit in there about him crawling into my bes and i was freaked the fuck out so i just ran out of the room and when i told my mum i was told it was "normal". and theres a bit where i was 14 and drew art based on the song pantsu nugeru mon (lit: i can take off my panties) bc i was 14!! i wasn't THINKING anything secxual!! it was a song about growing up to me! so my dumb ass showed my dad bc i was proud of the art itself and he got really weird and intense and close and was like "what are you going to do when you take off your panties?" which. ew. gross. fuck off. oh and that one time i fell asleep on the sofa and i guess i had a sex dream or smth which i didnt think anything of until my dad randomly got intense and weird again and asked if i "had any interesting dreams" that night (which he never usually does ffs). oh and he fully called ma tease relatively recently actually, and said i should call my (now ex) boyfriend "daddy", has referred to himself as my "daddy" in THAT godawful tone and makes frequent BDSM jokes towards his sister which is just an example of the verbal shit i had to put up with and idk how anyone in the room when it happens can excuse it but to them i guess its one weird thing he said they can brush off bc they don't realise i had to hear it CONSTANTLY and deal with what he DID to and they didn't see the scary moments. i also remember reading a magazine article about incest/csa when i was like 11ish?? and idk WHAT it triggered but my absolute fear of my dad/older men in general kind of started after that and my mum always said it was reading the magazine that did it but bro i dont think one thing like that can elicit a decade or so of consistent fight or flight mode I think my body remembered stuff that I can't.
Jesus fucking christ thats the most concise way i've ever actually described that. idk if anyone can relate or anything. also honestly now that he's been relatively "good" for a few years now in terms of how he speaks to me i don't really get the fear response anymore. and i'm dependent on him for finances and medical stuff so its. whatever. i guess. i'm fucking terrified that if i ever have a daughter he'll pull the same shit (hence basically nuking my body with birth control lmao) and luckily my brother's kids are both boys so i don't believe he's a threat to them if he didnt treat my brothers the same way he did me ygm? but idk what i can actually do about it
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ectonurites · 3 years
Batcest shippers read comics, actually. And they write them, and draw for them. Please continue to make a fool of yourself pretending otherwise.
i got ranty here so the tldr: yeah no shit, you’re taking something i tweeted entirely out of context, i’m well aware of those facts and im not ‘pretending’ anything lmao
onto my full response:
i see you must have come from my twitter! and yeah, i’m unfortunately aware there are people who ship batcest working for dc, its super upsetting! the person who designed the current red hood outfit just posted j*ydick on their twitter today, which is horrifying to see.
like listen im not... im not gonna go out and harass people for shipping batcest. I literally do not have the energy, and I know I’m not gonna be convincing anyone of anything bc the people who chose to ship batcest have made their choice there.
but I’m always gonna advocate for like, those people TAGGING THEIR SHIT so that especially minors but also anyone else who doesn’t want to see fuckin’ incest doesn’t need to. And like, the creation of lists of what creators are making that stuff so people can block and move on? I also think that’s good. Like I don’t think people should go harass anyone over this because its just... theres no point. But letting people who don’t want to see it know who to block so they can move on? that’s a good thing.
The comments of mine I think you’re specifically talking about were about a specific but common type of fanon batcest shipper, because like... immabe real! its very clear a lot of the batfam community on here in general don’t read the comics, (like, as in many people will OPENLY ADMIT that they don’t) and thats not even an inherently bad thing, like people are allowed to interact with media how they want to! But when people get so divorced from canon by only reading fanworks or versions of characters that have been altered and their relationships altered, its easy for misconceptions about all of it to spread, and people to be shipping pairings that literally bear no resemblance to the canon versions/relations of the characters. This isn’t even exclusive to the people shipping batcest. However with the people shipping batcest like... its when those relationships in canon get blurred by just a fanon game of telephone that it becomes easier for them to justify shipping it, you know? That was the point I was trying to make on twitter (i think it was last night? this morning? i dont remember. its 1am rn time is fake)
but like, i’m sorry but in current canon Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian all consider each other siblings (and Jason had even made a comment at one point in rhato about having four brothers, meaning he probably includes Duke too!). That is... canon. You can see multiple instances of this if you’re reading current comics. And while they have complicated relationships with Bruce, they do all consider him a father (even when Jason says he doesn’t- he literally flip flops on it depending on how he feels in a given day because of his trauma and stuff, but like there will be times only a few issues apart where he will or won’t admit Bruce is his dad). All of these characters have been adopted (or in Damian’s case obv adoption wasn’t necessary) by Bruce in canon at different times (and Cass also, but that’s only in pre new 52 as of right now)
If you are chosing to ship any of the siblings together (or any of them with bruce) you are chosing to ship incest. That is an active choice you are making, and you have to accept the consequences of that. Any judgement/backlash you face for shipping incest is something you are accepting by chosing to ship it.
And if you go “oh but they’re only adopted siblings not REAL siblings-“ you’re an asshole, because adopted siblings are real siblings. I don’t care if they didn’t grow up together, do you realize how invalidating that is towards like, real life people? The amount of people I’ve seen who are adopted themselves get insanely triggered and upset by that kind of content (not just in this fandom btw!) because it just shows people don’t see those familal bonds as being real? It’s not insignificant.
I know ‘media affects reality’ is a controvercial topic, and like obviously ‘i see this thing in media thus i will do it’ is NOT how it works, but the things you normalize/glorify in media you consume says a lot about your thoughts on the topics. Framing matters. Like obviously ‘haha i watch hannibal, gonna go eat people now-‘ is not the case. especially because that media doesn’t frame it as a good thing. That’s the thing I think people miss in these discussions a lot of the time. If you are like ‘i am going to explore how traumatizing incestual relationships could be through these characters’ with batcest? like go off! that could be interesting honestly, and that’s not glorifying it. But acting like ‘omg i just think its so romantic ❤️’ with stuff between characters who canonically are siblings... again you are accepting the judgement that may come your way by publicly doing that.
anyways, i’m well aware of how prevalent batcest is both in the comics industry and around here, i’m aware plenty of them do read comics, and you definitely missed the context in my tweets of me saying things like “a lot” “it feels like many” etc when saying batcest shippers don’t read comics. Context matters my dude ✌️ (also wanna point out, a lot of really gross people work in comics. Racist people, antisemetic people [even today there was some controversy abt that in some hulk comic i believe?] these people being in those industries is... not a good thing even if its normalized???)
But really I think its kinda funny to uh call me a ‘fool’ for something you think I’m doing because you took my words out of context. And maybe you weren’t trying to come off as smug but you absolutely do here and it just strikes me as very funny that you like... are acting like you’re smarter than me or better than me for being okay with incest being normalized in a fandom for superhero comics, a type of media that MANY KIDS READ AND PARTICIPATE IN DISCUSSION ABOUT, while I’m bothered by it.
I don’t talk about this stuff much on here because again, I don’t want to fight about it, I’m not gonna go out of my way to try to change people’s minds on any of it because I know that won’t accomplish anything, I much prefer to just... ignore the content I don’t want to see, maybe warn other people especially minors who also don’t want to see it, and move on with my life. You really didn’t need to bring this to my inbox here, but like go off I guess 🤷
editing this quick just to add in the tweets i made i think this anon is referencing that i very clearly started with ‘so many of them’, not me saying it applies to all of them
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orionsangel86 · 3 years
Not ppl putting all the blame on Singer when it comes to win*est, when Dabb himself wrote in his scripts: Sam and Dean eyefu*k." Also, while I do think they maybe kept him from letting Cas return, they sure didn't hire a ghostwriter to write the lines "It's only ever been about you and me, Sam" and "I love you so much, my baby brother." Also, Dabb made sure to let Sam bring up Cas with Dean downright brushing him off. BTW, did everyone forget how Dabb and Bobo praised the end of Game of Thrones?
1. How do you know that those points weren’t notes from execs, or lines added by others? When so many people who work in television have now confirmed that scripts go through huge changes after they have left the writers hands.
2. Sam and Dean eyefucking - this is a long known joke among spn writers. They all add it. They add it for Dean and Cas as well. It is just their joking way to confirm that they are staring intently at each other. It’s not an incest thing.
3. “It’s only ever been about you and me” sounds like something that could have been added at any point whilst people were trying to force this brother only narrative that doesn’t align with the story. This is out of character for Dabb if you have EVER watched another episode of his.
4. “I love you so much, my baby brother.” What exactly is wrong with this line? I know that we have all got fucking PTSD from nasty ass wincest shippers dirtying up this show with their disgusting ship, but it really bothers me when otherwise normal moments between siblings are immediately seen as being incestuous. I’ve told my brother I love him before, probably in a very similar way - admittedly it was over the phone and he was threatening to jump off a bridge at the time and it was a very intense situation, but jesus, there is NOTHING incestuous about telling a sibling you love them at a moment of intense emotion and heartbreak. I hate that we do this. I hate that they have MADE us feel this way about these two brothers who clearly love each other very much and that is NOT INCESTUOUS. God.
5. Dean brushing Cas off was again, out of character, but given the implications we have of there being MULTIPLE versions of the script due to constant network meddling and BOB FUCKING SINGER directing the episode, I’m gonna give Dabb a minor pass here.
I don’t completely let him off the hook, I have never said that, but I don’t hold him completely responsible for a butchered awful out of character script as I think he was caught between a rock and a hard place and in the end that script was so far removed from his original version the guy probably just gave up.
Look, here is what I think. That butchered fucked up travesty of script was a collaborative disaster. It was the result of Dabb, Singer, and the CW execs all picking at it and pulling at it until they had some frankenstein nightmare that they probably knew wasn’t great even whilst filming it. They are ALL responsible for it. I have always believed Dabb was trying to give us some form of Destiel, even in an abiguous way, and I stand by that. I believe he lost a battle that he was never going to be able to win with both Singer and the execs on the opposite side to him. They wanted the bronly ending. So thats what Dabb had to deliver.
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malevolantshrine · 4 years
callout for @therealjordan23
this callout post is mainly directed at jordan and his sexualization of minors
click read more for context and screenshots
EDIT: soph and i are currently talking through dms, she will make a post regarding this soon. disregard her section
cw: pedophilia and incest mentions
to start off, jordan has written smut for characters that are canonly minors with the excuse that he aged them up
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the left is more explicit than the right, but both contain sexual content of the kids.
aging characters up does not remove the fact that you saw these characters, meant and targeted for kids, and wrote porn for them. no amnt of excuses can change what we see in canon
not to mention, nobody asked you to do this. the anons did not say " hey, i want smut ". you could have had different ways to communicate what you wanted without putting kids in sexual situations
may i also mention: jordan is 21 yrs old, what buisness does he have writting shit like this?
his response to someone bringing this issue up is even more disgusting so
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ive explained the major flaws in the first point, but the rest just make my blood boil
putting warnings does not change the fact that you posted these fics in the main tag, where minors constant at, and didnt even bother to tag w/ a warning nor a read more.
you do not go to a park, start yeling that " kids cant come to this area ", and expect them to abide to your rules. their kids!
its the responsibility of adults to make internet a safe place for kids, because not all kids can rely on an adult to surprivise their internet access, whatever the reason may be
that means, take your stuff off the main tags, and stop making porn of a show thats directed for children!
im not saying you cant consume media directed at them, its encouraged, but when you start making sexual stuff and post them on public, is where the problems begin
in addition, he tells the anon that he " hasnt seen anyone complaining about the smut "
jee, i wonder why? because you refuse to listen when people bring it up? or that many minors are afraid to confront a 21 yr old publicly or privately?
i can count more than 20 people off the bat who disagree on this, and have been outspoken against nsfw against minors
now, onto why i out soph into this
soph is jordans mutual, and are currently collabing in a debbigail fanfiction. soph has a platform, a lot of people look up to her
im not debating on them being hdl x w shippers
which, btw, is weird as webby is explicitly seen as family. frank himself has stated how they consider her the 4th triplet, the comic reference sheet does so as well, the text is there yet they refuse to read it
to countinue where i left off:
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so why the hell has she not called out jordans behaivor? theyve interacted in public in the past before
do you just not care, soph? your 18, you can confront them. you can softblock, hardblock, you got a platform! are you too much of a coward? give me a straight answer.
as always, this is not a call for harassment. block and maybe throw a middle finger at jordan for me
any issues can be brought in dms, and additions are encouraged, anonymously or not
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skully-bones · 4 years
hey i don't want to be annoying, but i just wish someone had warned me that utena gets really disturbing really fast. like, trigger warning for rape, abuse, and incest. also basically no lesbians :/ not to be a bummer but it's really not the show tumblr makes it seem like
thanks for the heads up! i’ll probably still try to finish it, but it gets too weird, i might dip. you totally got me tho, i was hype to see some wlw knights lmao. that begs the question if the majority of the people hyping up the wlw aspects have even seen the show if thats the case. btw, i’ll still “””””live blog””””” about it, but if anyone doesnt wanna see it bc of the triggers, i’ll be tagging them all as “revolutionary girl utena” 
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brinesystem · 3 years
glad were retriggered and retraumatized lets have somef un here i guess
should we talk about kik and the grooming?
or the OTHER time that happend?
how about the OTHER TIME?
oh or daddy dearest destroying our room? that was fun
totally didnt mind at all that he broke one of the only surviving items from our great great grandmother
oh wait he did that wtwice lulz
oh or the time he told us to punch him?
how about sneaking aroundh imo r being yelled at for eating?
or beingt old hed lock the fridge up?
getting threatened that we couldg get kicked out at nany moment?
oh or the time he almost DID doth at and we had to have an emergency plan of “if i dont text you come to this address”
oh or the ffact thath e threw our dogs againts the bricks?
almost drowned us and then we got in trouble for it?
oh what about him not ‘remembering’ any of it
oh and of COURSE we forgive him mom thanks for asking :) :) :)
glad its a question and not just you know, a nicely worded command
cause youk now
not a dog
might as well be right :)
oh or the time we had to save our sister from drowning
thats fun right
not trauma ata ll?
oh and shcool thats fun
gun fight? first day? SURE WHY NOT
threatened and fearing our life? obviously its cause youre acting weird stop doing that and they wont lulzzzzzzzz
thanks teach for being a racist piece of shit
also nice used condom on your deskr eally classy
oh lets also just stea  my shit thanks teacher AND SCHOOL COUNSELLOR FRIENS
thanks for warning and helping us withou r classes by the way real glad we got tahtiwarning in time oh wait
oh thanksmomsure dont have trauma responses thatd be dumblolz
youre totally fine too dont worry TOTALLY doing great and absolutely true that all therapists thik youre doing perfect and dont need help
totally tre and we’re the proof huh??? :) :) :)
thanks for sayingi  dont even look human btw real nice when im saying i dont look white
v classy love that totally dealing good with your own trauma though thnx
OH or how about running a suicide prevention blog at 13, 14,15, 16, 17 because we were too afraid to stop doing it :)
that was fun right
totally fun to think your friend died
thanks teach btw for yelling at us about our phone while trying to watch for a suicidal friend
really made me care about you
alsothe  time i lost part of the bone in my leg andy ou yelled at me in front of thec lass
loved that
lvoe  the grooming gone past just grooming but cant be csa event hough they were 30+ at the time because itw as online
supes fun there too thankzzzzzz
OH can we talk about being suspended forr.r.....
stopping someone from stealing!
not allowing myself to egt beat up!
not sitting down and taking someone hitting me with a book
real funzies
ALSO THNZ MOM glad you helped out sister out but notme  over the same shit
super glad bout that thnx
not like i had visual self harm for years 
but oh she said she cuts one time and gets help and a therapist and love and ishit
when shesb een beating me up and ive been getting in trouble for that for years because you dont doa nything
real funsies thanks love 10/10
oh 9/11 is fun too right gladi  was there for that
lvoe how it felt like an earthquake
and great grreat grandma dying glad you brought me along but its blocked out loooooool
oh andl ets not forget the SEVERAL DIFFERNT ASSAULTS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL glad you put me back in school after those instead of homeschooling me where i was learning faster and less stressed!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!!
love the holiday trauma too
oH or the time you called us a liar after we complained about beingin  pain and it wtrned out our foot was swelling to twice its normal size due to a psider bite
that was fun too thankssssssss
oh orthe time we got relentlessly bullied by several kids and nobody did anything
that wasf un too
also what happened before we were 7 that made us think all adults were pedophiles?
would LOVE to know what that was about
or why someone tried to get us kidnapped by flashing drivers around that time to see if any would pull over and take us with them
thatw asf un too right
or the sex dreams
i was seven lolz glad i had tose definitely normal
oh or should we talk about marissa and her beating us up? glad you let us play with her all thetim e too!!!! real funsies glad it happened
or our friend leaving us because who fucking knows lolz glad you just stopped talking to us cold turkey
oh or our friend dying thatw as fun too what a fucking GREAT year :)
or our other friend being adopted and leaving us permanently because her parents didnt allow her to contact use ver :) :) :)
HI that wasf unr ight
having a kidney infectiontha t young? super funsies lol
glad i knew whatw as happening and wasnt just put under there and unable to move
totally not traumatizing thanks
totally not at all
OH OR THE FUN TIMES WITH BEING TOLD WE’RE ‘naturally different’ or ‘deal with thingsbetter than whoever’ 
thanks lbuddy glad you think that we have trauma andw orked our wholes lives to deal with itan d then got fucked over AGAIN but whatever its totally natural thanks for acknowledging all our hard work and also totally not absolving yourselfo f any effort you might have to put in at the same timeeeeee
orfindingo ut our bio grandfather is an abusive stalker and OH HE SHOWED UP AT OURH OUSE TO DROP SHIT OFF EVEN THOUGH HEL IVES IN TEXAS AND WE DONT
or our super abusive famly on te stepdads side glad we met thEM
loved being suicidal too that was fun glad everyone we knew helped us out and didnt just shut us outo r call us attention seeking that was coolioz
good luck whoever has our old house dont mind the suicide notes we hid under the carpet or in the vents lolz theyre totally fine
oh should we talka bout how daddy dearest stillpr efers a dog to us?
glad bout that too thanks
but yeah youre totally perfectan d fine its fine cause you neverh urt us directly you just didnt do anything atal l in fact!
thanks for that!!! love the inaction!!
ohor t hat fun thing which is apparently aform  ofe motional incest THANKS FOR THAT DADDIO
im not eveng oingto  TOUCH on geneartional traumathat sawho  le other thing
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theinfiniterick · 5 years
Yea no. Fuck off.
There has been a LOT of justification posts for pedo/incest shipping in my feed lately and I finally have to say something. Please read to the end.
Firstly none of these elaborate posts that go to incredible lengths to justify pedophilic relationships in “shipping” form or story form or art form EVER seem to mention the damn law. It IS against the law in the United States to depict such relationships whether photographed OR drawn OR digitally manipulated.
Federal law defines child pornography as “any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer-generated image or picture … of sexually explicit conduct, where the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.”  
And yes, you CAN also be charged for WRITING fictional stories involving children in an explicit matter just as Frank Russel McCoy was charged in 2015 with Transportation of Obscene Matters in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1462. He ran a website dedicated to fictional child sex stories that he himself apparently published.
Secondly, no one is talking about how downright selfish it is to post this kind of content on Tumblr and in public spaces.
All of these pro-shipping posts try to take a righteous stand by explaining how fiction is separate from reality and how it doesn’t hurt anyone. NEWS FLASH: YOU’RE POSTING IT ON A PUBLIC SITE WHERE PEOPLE *VERY* OFTEN SCROLL UPON IT BECAUSE TUMBLR’S ALGORITHMS PLACE IT IN OUR FEED THANKS TO THE FANDOM ASSOCIATIONS.
And look. When I was 13, best bet I had my own fantasies about older men. There were fictional movie characters I lusted over. There were fictional cartoon characters I lusted over. And I had written my first fanfic at the age of 13 within an anime universe where I made up a fictional pupil that fell in love with her alien martial arts teacher (a full grown man).
But I wrote it for -myself-. On pieces of folder paper. And I had never posted it online. And today I still wouldn’t publish it online in any fandom community I’m in because I understand how it hurts and triggers people and I have enough of a sense of personal responsibility that I’m not going to post it anywhere where someone could come across it and be triggered because I fucking CARE. (–Aside from the fact that now that I’ve far surpassed that age, I now think my own fanfic from back then is gross).
But -thats- the bottom line most of these posts seem to ignore: caring enough about the fucking rest of the world to keep that shit to yourself.
I’m not even going to argue the whole fiction versus reality standpoint. Go ahead and have at that one. Go ahead and keep ranting about how much a fictional ship isn’t real life pedophilia and it doesn’t make these authors bad people because they would never partake in real life.
What you’re NOT gonna do is try to argue how other people SHOULDN’T be hurt or offended by something that’s fictional. You don’t get to fucking determine what triggers someone, asshole. If it triggers them, it triggers them. And all these posts going around about “how not to be triggered by fiction” is honestly fucking sickening and shows a SELFISH disregard for anyone but yourself.
Wow. What a stand up fucking person you are.
Ship it in your own head. Ship it in your private groups. Go make your Discords to share your content with each other. But don’t pretend for a fucking second that posting these contents on Tumblr (which is actually against their rules btw) isn’t hurting anyone. It DOES come up in feeds of anyone who follows the fandom. It DOES come up in reblogs of people that we chose to follow not knowing that person took part in that ship.
And since you have to write such elaborate posts defending your ship, that tells all of us that these ships DO get massive amounts of hate and triggers because they DO get massive exposure on this site, and you DO know about that. So there’s no damn two ways about it. You know good and well how many people it offends and triggers and yet you do it anyway. Because your right to post that fantasy is more important than anyone else’s feelings.
And here you are trying to argue that these ships don’t make you bad people... ^
No one can make you change that ship in your mind. No one can stop you from wanting to create arts and fictions of it. I’m not gonna argue with you about the separation of reality from fiction, but I will say that before you defend yourself for not being a bad person, take a good hard look:
You act as if you’re above the law.
You disregard tumblr’s own guidelines.
You don’t give a shit for how your content triggers others on a PUBLIC website and place your right to ship above everyone else’s mental well-being.
And by transitive morality, you’re actually *willingly* choosing to hurt others because you know it will and yet you do it anyway.
Transitive morality is a greater sense of good that the most selfless of people understand. An example you might be familiar with is when MCU Spider-Man tells Tony: “When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” Peter understands that when he can do something to prevent harm and he doesn’t, it’s pretty much like he caused the harm himself.
And yea, not everyone operates by such morality. A lot of people take disgustingly very little personal responsibility in the prevention of harm to others. But that’s why I’m pointing this out to you. So you can learn to be better than that.
You can continue on being selfish because your ship is more important than anyone’s triggers and keep justifying ways it doesn’t make you a bad person.
Or you can look at that list and realize: you know what… that is pretty shitty of me. Be a better fucking person and learn that while it might be harmless to have certain desires in your own head, while you might not be an actual pedophile, while you might not condone real rape and incest, placing your fantasies where you *know* people will be triggered still makes you a pretty damn shitty person.
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wonderifumissmetoo · 7 years
GoT rant
Bear with me guys, but to all my non Game of Thrones followers, there are a few things I would like to get off my chest regarding 7x06.
Okay so I’ve been seeing a LOT of hate for the last episode and I’m just not really here for it. In terms of the writing, which seems to be getting the most hate, maybe it’s just me but it honestly wasn’t THAT BAD????? Like maybe the writing wasn’t as strong as some other episodes before but c’mon guys it’s not like it was a complete shit storm. We still got a lot of nice moments. We’ve all been waiting years to see these characters come together/interacting with one another - and having the dragons fight beyond the wall was EPIC. We have to understand that it’s extremely hard for D&D since there are no longer books to go off of so they have to wrap up everyone’s storyline themselves with occasional help and tips from GRRM. Even GRRM said himself that it’s taking him so long to release the new book because he has to start wrapping everything up which is extremely hard since he created so many different storylines and plots. So let’s cut D&D some slack guys cause GoT is still one of the best TV shows out there, and a “bad episode” of GoT is still an AMAZING one. Not to mention the effects and shots were still 👌👌👌
Second thing I wanna touch on is everyone complaining about no major deaths this season and the show is becoming fan service because of this. Um well yeah. We don’t have many big characters left and we don’t have time to introduce any more big characters because we’re edging on the end of the series. It would make no sense whatsoever to kill any of the major players right now because we have to see them to the end. We have to finish their character arcs. I very much believe the this season is honestly setting up for the final season and although none of the big characters were harmed yet, Thoros, Benjen and Viserion were HUGE losses for said big characters and so these secondary deaths will effect the grand plot of things in the future. Lets not forget that everyone who went beyond the wall were BADASS FIGHTERS so seeing most of them survive is not that big of a shock tbh. And HELLO we lost the ENTIRE HOUSE OF TYRELL and BASICALLY the Martells too so ??? These Big families who have been pretty damn relevant ARE GONE!!! THATS HUGE!
LAST THING. I might get a lot of hate and I hope not but this regards Jon and Dany’s growing relationship. It really doesn’t surprise me that there is something going on btw. them. GRRM said a while back that they are the two main characters of A Song of Ice and Fire so like for them to hook up has been sort of foreshadowed for a while now through a lot of symbolism and parallels. ALSO THEY ARE TWO ATTRACTIVE, STUBBORN AND STRONG CHARACTERS LIKE ??? ITS NOT HARD TO FALL FOR ONE ANOTHER. Why is this such a big deal anyway? Is it the incest? b/c thats not a very strong argument considering this is the fictional world of Westeros.
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kittensjonsa · 7 years
I dont want jon and dany together, and btw I am not a Jonsa fan. I just want the starks to be happy, thats the most important thing. And I really want Jon to achieve something or get something in the end. Him dieing again would be so lame, he freaking died already. I rather want Dany to die then if I have to chose. I have got the impression that lots of Jonerys fans are basically Dany fans who just want her to get everything, the throne, the power and the main guy; I just hate Danys arrogance.
Well Anon, then I don’t know why you’re messaging me, jonsaforlife, then. 
Obviously, I ship Jonsa for a multitude of reasons but I shall not burden you with it since you won’t be interested but I can agree with you that I do want the Starks to be happy. After all the shit they have been through, especially the Stark kids, good God, grant them all the desires of their hearts, please! 
And regarding Jon dying again, well it would not make any sense because he’s the obvious protagonist and hero in ASOIAF so his resurrection means something quite grand. Hell, it made Melisandre a believer and boosted her self- esteem didn’t it? So no, Jon would not die, not in this season perhaps not in the final season but then again who the fuck knows - it’s Game of Thrones ffs. Any shit can happen and shit happens a fuck lot on this show. So we really shouldn’t be take too much into it.
Re Danita, I don’t hate her neither am I a fan because I’m more of a Sansa stans myself, only because I can relate so much to Sansa than with Danita. I can’t relate to Danita on any level whatsoever because her vision is so narrow in terms of “GET THE MOTHERFUCKIN THRONE! IT’S MINE! I WAS BORN TO RULE THE SEVEN KINGDOMS! LOOK AT THESE DRAGONS! MINE! MINE!” 
It gets kind of boring and honestly I kind of lost interest in her arc since season 3 I guess. The writers dragged her storyline so far up to god knows where that I don’t even care if she lives or die - which brings to one thing, that I believe in the upcoming episodes maybe this season or the next, that she probably won’t survive. Cersei and her. Very worrying prophecies that have their heads marked already so don’t expect Danita to sit on the IT. So far, that’s as much as my tinfoil goes, no hate here- it’s just based on what I read and what I saw on the show. 
And omfg, DO NOT get me started on J0n’ry$ fans - I’ve only met so far only perhaps one who was cool and didn’t antagonize the Jonsa shippers. She was like ‘hey cool man, ship and let ship.’ But the rest, OMG - goblins and trolls i tell you. If you hate D@ny then and from your tone, it seems that you’ve had your fair share of experience in dealing with these monsters. They literally stalk the Jonsa tags on tumblr and shame/call names on Jonsa shippers, who some of them just happen to be friends of mine. And NOOO I am extremely ANTI J0N’RY$ because their characters could not be any more different. Jon does not need another struggle, he has had enough, LET HIM LIVE IN PEACE DAMMIT!
And plus now we know they’re related.So very much related since the T@rgs are related in so many ways with all that inbreeding and incest. So I am kind of glad that our Jon has a lot of Stark in him and since he is probably The Prince That Was Promised, he’s here to stay.
And to quote Highlander:
“There can be only one.”
So yeah, sorry D@ny girl, you gotta go. Time’s up honey.
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