#thats also written by jeff too
gxlacticlove · 2 years
tbh I think that Made In America probably goes the hardest out of all of Starkid's songs and I don't think it gets enough attention
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Creepypastas comforting the reader
except some of them arent particularly good at it + as per usual jeff ben and toby are written as platonic everyone else can be seen as either or writing a silly little thing before i tackle in on requests, falling into the same vibe as the "hugging/kissing creepypasta characters" post from last week since i do enjoy rating these lads on thing ehehehe obligatory "these style of posts go over my personal character limit but since this is writing for the admin he bends the rules a bit" anyways uhuh totally dont give me ideas for these eheheh winks
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not much of a talker in general, and i think that remains true in scenario where you're upset/crying. but he does make it clear that hes here for you... just... in a general sense. you know? refuses to leave you alone unless you directly ask him that you need space; more so watches out of concern rather than his usual curiosity. i think he would make you a warm drink and let you vent to him. more of a logical approach than an emotional one; better at giving solutions rather than giving comfort.. though i like to think that his tentacles will pull you close if you want to lean into him, will let you cry into his shoulder with no judgement. 6/10 low score simply because sometimes one needs comfort in the moment instead of solutions, you know?
i think hes the opposite of slenderman. hes all emotions first, logic later. if he already knows you comfortable with it, i think he would come in and scoop you up in a hug.. hell he might even cry with you, or do the equivalent of it (admin is still on the fence of whether or not he has eyes or not! torn between them being actual eyes or markings) will make you your favorite snacks and drinks, all the while letting you cry and vent to him. gets mad on your behalf if someone had done you wrong, does not make your feelings feel small or invalidated. if he could he would confront the person who treated you unfairly.... and in fact he might, who would ever believe the person that they came face to face with a ten foot tall monster? though... this can lead to him being a little quick to make choices that might have big impacts... 7/10 love this man need to write more for him and develop my hcs
you know now that i think about it, given how much i write for EJ, i swear ive done a similar prompt at some point. regardless of it i did and if my hcs are the same, im going to go ahead and drop my hcs. i think hes very similar to slenderman in terms that hes more of a solutions > emotion person.. though i do think hes more likely to join you in any shit talking if someone did you dirty... do i think he would target that person next when hes going to go 'hunting'? no... unless the person did something truly awful and unforgivable, then he would definitely consider it.. probably wont go through with a harvest, though.. but thats it whole other thing. more of a talker than slenderman, so at least he has that going for him. lets you sleep in his bed if youre venting to him in his cabin 7/10 one point higher than slenderman simply because he talks more n stuff
im gonna be so real i think he can go either way if hes going to be good at comforting you. on one hand hes too silly and might not take it too seriously; or he might try to make you laugh.. which COULD work but other times makes it look like he doesnt care about your feelings. on the other hand i think he can give some solid adivce, but thats only based on the fact that i love it when unhinged hyper characters suddenly drop the most valuable info. shrugs. i mean if you need a distraction, i think lj is your man to go to ! he was literally made to entertain so i dont think its going to be too hard for him to take your mind elsewhere. i think he would offer to cook you something but i also think hed probably be banned from the kitchen because he cant cook for shit. has probably set water on fire somehow level shit. so instead you guys just sit together talking... mostly its him leading the conversation, though. doesnt leave you be until you at least give him a smile... 6.5/10 only because i dont know how to rate him here
oh not at all emotional. well no thats a lie but hes not very emotive. thats the more correct word. look if we're talking about masky, hes probably going to be really bad at comforting you unless your means to be comforted involves being watched... though i do think he would fall into the act of service hole.. does all the chores and such for you so you dont have to worry yourself about cleaning a pan thats been in the sink for two days now. tries his hand at cooking, but i dont think masky is the best cook.. TIM on the other hand.. but we'll get into that in a minute. probably ends in you guys ordering something but hey its the thought that counts. if someone made you upset you notice over the course of the next few weeks that person starts outright avoiding you and overall seems anxious. weird. probably unrelated! 7/10 only because im badly overworked irl and the idea of someone taking charge sounds like a dream
tim i think would be similar, but hes more expressive for you... will cook for you but if your favorite food happens to be really specific or something else, hes probably going to run out and get it. torn on whether or not he would tell you before he goes, or if he sticks to keeping it a surprise.. i think he would tell you just so it doesnt feel like hes abandoning you when youre down..! not much to be said here other than him being supportive 8/10 i would KILL for some white cheddar popcorn rn
i think he would put you to bed. actually i think both of them would but to keep things clear im still going to divide this like masky/tims. i think hoodie is going to keep you in bed, even if youre not particularly tired. dont bother trying to fight him on it, hes only allowing you to get up for the bathroom. let him take care of things! very similar to masky, picks up on a lot of the chores. i think he can cook, though, definitely better than masky but i dont think hes like. top tier. likes making you little snacks, or food thats generally deemed as comforting (mac and cheese, cornbread, ect). doesnt talk (sign) much but will occasionally sign to you asking how you're feeling 7.5/10 love this man, so mad kid me used to sleep on hoodie
very similar, but an even better cook than hoodie so be prepared to eat good. communicates with you more than hoodie and makes small talk while cooking. i think he would keep the chat lighthearted and on a different topic rather than tackling your feelings, unless you express that you want to vent then hes all ears! not because he doesnt care more so because he doesnt want to seem prying or nosey and wants to give you the choice yourself. sometimes makes jokes about stuff in order to try to get you to smile. feels victorious when he succeeds 8/10 mad i slept on him too
i think he might actually be TOO strong and in your face when asking you what happened. only one who outwardly offers to krill someone if someone were to make you upset. but thats just because i think toby can occasionally get protective of you. i mean youre one of his best friends (only friends) and here you are upset! if you dont want him to do anything hes going to try to contain himself. he strikes me at the type to retreat to the roof and look up at the stars... i think he would offer to do that with you; but if youre too scared to climb then he can lay out a blanket for you so you guys can go sit on the grass! surprisingly a very good listener, though very emotionally driven and reacts a lot when you tell him the details of your day.. but its nice, i think, reassures you that hes is in fact listening.. 7/10 gives off brother vibes
ohhoho so this is an interesting one, because i like the idea of jeff still acting like an older brother every now and then even after everything. but he also has that attitude of "i dont care about anyone around me and im better than everyone".. more of an actions than words guy. he wont really say it.. you know? one of those "if he actually didnt care then he would bother giving you the time of day, much less break into your house at night with his arms full of your favorite snacks and drinks". good luck trying to vent to him though, i think its rare that he lets anyone vent to him since he also holds the "ew yucky feelings" thing ben has.. though once in a blue moon i think he would let you and give some decent advice... though every now and then that advice involves punching someone 6/10 is fair i think...
kind of reminds me of how younger siblings will give their older siblings know they like. kind of like the "my brother saw me crying and asked me what my favorite color is... he gave me things in that color" post/image going around that i cannot for the life of me find but i know it exists because it made me cry. i think its like that. except since hes in your phone he already knows what your interests are.. probably pulls up what your comforts and likes are in an attempt to cheer you up. i dont think he would bluntly speak with you about your feelings, but thats just because he thinks heart to hearts are yucky and cringe/lh. uses videos, art, stuff like that. ehehe silly phone ghost 7/10 because as simple as it is, if someone tossed my cc at me i would feel at least a little better for a moment and its the action itself you know?
i thin hes similar to jeff in regard that he tries to play things off but deep down he does care, and that tends to show more through his actions... though i personally think if you were to actually cry then he might lose it a bit, because who DARE? i gotta admit, im still trying to figure out how i want to write pup and what hcs to give him, but i think.. this is an okay take.. might 'confront' anyone who made you upset, with or without your approval which might make some issues between the two of you.. more ready to let you vent to him though, might slip out some mean insults and words about whatever's got you upset regardless of its a person, chance, or object 7/10
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daeeeeeb · 1 year
the music in rwby
i feel like i could talk about rwby's ost for HOURS. not even like, how the lyrics represent a character and/or their situation (thats a whole other post) but how everyone composing them NEVER MISSES!! every song is just absolute banger after banger ranging from full on songs with vocals by casey lee williams to just scores that are used on the episodes of every volume (that you can just listen to!! and i think that rules.) every song in every volume hits the soft spot in my brain that makes me smile (bmblb from vol4), makes me cry (forever fall from vol6) and gets super fuckin hyped n pumped up (die from vol2, especially the part with casey just full on screaming the lyrics) and to be honest theres a lot of songs in the albums that fit those 3 criterias but those are the ones i could remember as of late i also love how much the casey has evolved as a singer (i've heard that she's been singing for RvB since she was like,6) from vol1 where she was, i think, 12 and her voice was plenty AWESOME to listen to already, then came vol8 and shit went DOWN. the opening kicking off with "we said GOOODBYYEEE" goes so goddamn hard its unreal. every opening in this series goes incredibly CRAZY and its not even funny like every second of the songs in the series are so damn well composed with the catchiest beats and best lyrics ever (specifically lamar hall, he raps so damn fast in big metal shoe, vol6) by the way, jeff HOWLING in some songs he is wonderful, like caffeine (vol2) or the vol3 opening. hell, songs where its just him doing the vocals are incredible too even if there arent that many, like bad luck charm in vol4 orr not fall in love with you in vol3! ill be honest, i dunno who composed what and who did this n that but im ASSUMING most of the guitar parts were just jeff, like the swell and heavy guitar in touch the sky, vol7, that ones gives me summer (not the character) vibes and it slaps. i love the solos sprinkled around the songs as well and im glad to see them still present and incredible as always in the vol9. (RED LIKE ROSES PART 3!! absolute PEAK. i listened to it for like 3 seconds on borrowed earbuds and it felt like heaven on my ears) the whole of volume 9 was incredible too, checkmate is incredible with the flow of the lyrics and the doots and the BASS, oh my god the bass. its really cool knowing martin de lima, from ok goodnight (the band casey sings in!! check them out, i need to listen to more of their songs aswell, awake sounds HEAVY and im all for it) composed some of the scores for vol9 and i hope there'll be more of ok goodnight in future volumes (greenlight vol10) didnt expect to have written so damn much but thats ok. what im saying is : music goes hard, goes cool and makes me happy. hope it makes you happy too :)
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chainkeepustogetherr · 10 months
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random fluffy things i believe he does (fluff)
nicknames he’d use (fluff/all of the above?)
one-shots / imagines,
1:32 (fluff) in which, you share an awfully cliche moment with your (future) lover in the golden hours of the afternoon confessing your feelings towards one another
broken down n’ hungry (angst 2 fluff ending) in which, it simply isn’t too late to pay your ex lover a much needed visit in the break of dawn
blurbs / thoughts,
N/A (yet ;) )
as of right now (also known as the 3rd of December 2023), the only person i’ve written for as of late is Jeff Buckley, but this could definitely change! Ive written some other stuff for other artists over time, so that may eventually end up here as well :,)
with time, the masterlist will grow most definitely ! So keep your eyes peeled n enjoy your stay <3
NOW… onto the “rules” & basic info!
please feel free to request whatever your heart desires! i’m open to writing any genre of any sorts.
though, the only things i draw the line at are themes of SA, DV & incest of any sorts. I’m pretty much open to anything else, as long as its not racist, homophobic or can potentially hurt someone/make them feel upset or triggered in any form.
thats it from me ! once again hope you enjoy <3
- m <3
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negrowhat · 2 years
so i just finished watching between us and kinnporsche, and was kinda corious about news and what the actors are gonna do next. like i was really sad that between us is over, but then i saw some people say, that there is gonna be a special ep in march, about them getting married...do you know if thats true? Also i heard that bounprem is gonna have a new bl together (is there out what its about,and when its going to happen?) and that they are gonna be in different (movies/shows) like prem something thriller like and idk about bouns tho.(do you know?).im really curious about this, and im exited for them!
And i thought for sure that kinnporsche is gonna have a season 2. Like its such a popular show, and the show kinda ended on a cliffhanger, so i thought for sure there is gonna be a annoucent about it. but the show aired 6 months ago, and there are still no news :( i just heard about the actors having new bls together. (Im not totally familar with the names yet) . like the actors from every main couple is gonna have a series together. vegaspete, kinnporsche, and kimchay (where im corious about, how this will look, since im not sure if they are going to have much romantic scenes, like a kiss scene, because of the age, they didnt have on in kinnporsche) like is there out, about what this shows are about? and when they will come out? Im really exited to watch this shows, even thought i would have preffered a season 2 of kinnporsche. Do you think there is still gonna be one in the future? (im sorry for this long ask, but im not really in the fandom, and i think you probably know this things....anyway i love youre blog!)
Hello Anon! Thanks for dropping by! I do have answers for you but it might not be the answers you want. I'll put a "keep reading" because this will be a long post.
As far as the Between Us Special Ep goes, it hasn't been officially announced by Studio Wabi Sabi if there is going to be one or not. The reason everyone is anticipating a special wedding ep is because there is evidence of an upcoming wedding in the final ep and also a few of the actors had posted similar content on their social media. We're assuming March 2nd because that is the date we saw for their actual wedding.
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There hasn't been any announcement for a s2 of Between Us either, though it is totally possible considering the source material is still ongoing and there is already some chapters written about after Win graduates. I'd say keep hope alive but I don't know if that is actually going to happen or not. It took us a very, very long time to get Between Us.
As of right now, there has not been any announcements on any new BounPrem (the actors who play WinTeam) series. Boun (the actor who plays Win) is going to be in a zombie series though. Hopefully Studio Wabi Sabi will post a 2023 project video so we can know what to expect this year. There are some Between Us Special Episodes on YouTube from last summer. There's 6 eps, they're really short but oh so cute and features them as an already established couples.
BounPrem do have a few other series they've been in together and if you'd like I can make a list or give you some recs! Just let me know. The actors the played DeanPharm (OhmFluke) also have a few series out together as well. The actor that plays Manaow (Sammy Coates) has an extensive credit list too.
As far as the KinnPorsche cast, a lot of things have happened since the main couples' new projects were announced. I'm not going to get too heavy into it but I will give you a short update.
First the KP cast is still doing their KinnPorsche World Tour and I don't know how long that will go on for, I think their next stop is Hong Kong.
JeffBarcode, the actors that played KimChay will be getting a Korean based series called WuJu Bakery. Jeff's character will be some sort of alien and Barcode will be a bakery owner but that's really all the information that was given though there is a very tiny trailer.
MileApo, the actors that played KinnPorsche, are going to be in a movie together and it will be call Man Suang. We did get a trailer for that a few months back. It's gonna be a period piece so expect lots of pretty costumes. Tong who played Tankhun and Bas who played Arm will be in it too.
BibleBuild (VegasPete) WERE supposed to be in a series together called 4 Minutes. Idk what the actual plot of the series was supposed to be but I know it's supposed to be written by a famous writer. I don't know if the series will still be happening because Build is no longer working for Be On Cloud because he was accused of some really messed up stuff by one of the KP writers. (I won't get into this one because I am NOT part of the majority that believes Build is innocent)
If it is still going to be happening then they will either recast Build or wait for the verdict on his pending case. Idk how long BOC willing to wait because Build no longer works for them and I hope they don't make Bible wait for this mess to end because it's not his fault.
As far as a s2 for KinnPorsche....I doubt we're getting one. The writers for the novel were really disgusting to actors....like really, really disgusting to the actors...so they have been fired from Be On Cloud. Also they were going to ruin everyone's characters in their new novel anyway. It was just awful and I'm glad they got booted because the just did some horrendous stuff to the actors.
And now that one of them has accused Build, they will both be going to court. I think at this point, if we would be expecting a KinnPorsche s2 it would be written by all new writers and would either not feature Pete OR they would recast him. I personally think with all this mess that we don't need a s2 and to just let it be. Things have been ruined Behind the Scenes.
I'd be happy to suggest a few other series that have been circulating or if there is a certain type of plot you're looking for in a series or character dynamics. It really just depends on how interested you are in the world of BLs or if you're just interested in the casts for Between Us and KinnPorsche. LET ME KNOW! AND I HOPE THIS HELPS!
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davestriderascend · 9 months
the mspa reread, pt 7
after finishing homestuck, ive been working my way progressively through the other content available on the unofficial collection. at this point, all thats left to reconsume is problem sleuth, so ill just recap my feelings about everything else in one singular post here to keep the flow going.
if youre new here, dont even worry about it. the previous parts dont matter, unless you want to read my homestuck recaps.
so heres the recap of the unofficial collection bonus material, ig
i was one of the few people who was there when this came out and managed to read the whole thing before it was shut down. i reread it. no further comments.
Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff, + Team Special Olympics
i am not reading either of these. ive glimpsed more than enough in passing.
The Vigil Prince
i read this but i genuinely have no idea what the fuck its supposed to be???
probably the shortest thing on the site outside of the vigil prince. its pretty funny ig
Namco High
ive played a decent number of dating sims in my life, and this is my least favorite. i played through davesprites route and then resolutely decided i wouldnt bother playing any more. there are too many fucking characters, there arent really any choices, and the whole thing is just a drag. i tried looking up walkthroughs or playthroughs for the purpose of this recap, but i found nothing bc of how unpopular/how little time this game was available for. i was unfamiliar with all characters except the cousin, teh ship thing i GUESS? nad obviously the hs characters. this did not help anything. i think davesprites route was probably the most interesting one anyway.
Paradox Space
i owned this book, i think. i know when i first read the comic i read the physical version. its in storage now, so i just reread it thru the collection. its still really good. i didnt realize hussie had actually written some of the comics. its funny, and parts of it are really great bonus material or commentary on hs.
summerteen romance surprisingly enough holds up for me as both comedic genius and a surprisingly sincere commentary on hivebent and karkats feelings about it on the meteor trip. mister seven remains my favorite comic, but the last one with vriska and equius was particularly powerful, leaning into a chaotic art style that really emphasized vriskas desperation and incoherence as she lost more and more blood. it made me think of what arkham asylum by grant morrison wanted to be. in general though, there are a lot of genuinely really sweet and funny moments in the comic as a whole. i think i loved it more on my reread than i did on my first read.
jailbreak is a short comic with one splitting track (with no real consequence) wherein a guy tries to escape from jail with some other guys. if i recall, this one is entirely based off of reader suggestions, so its really random and all over the place. its also very characteristic of hussies earlier era humor.
i remember loving it the first time i read it, but honestly? a lot of the jokes were just kind of distressing on my reread. the dark humor just really isnt my thing anymore i guess. its just kind of... gross now.
still, it has a lot of influence on jokes in homestuck. lord jack's entire jail sequence is like, a direct riff off of this comic. this is also where the what pumpkin joke comes from, and the porno sword. the elf saw a penis and began to cry meme is from this comic.
Bard Quest
hussies incomplete short comic. this is where she really experimented with splitting tracks. however, unlike in homestuck and jailbreak, none of them are resolved, which can result in a clunky narrative where you just have too many damn tabs open.
this is very obviously where the codpiece thing started.
once youve finished homestuck, hiveswap acts 1 and 2 ost unlock, as well as the friendsim ost, a "grubbles" album based off of the fictional hiveswap band, and the final "beyond canon" album.
Hiveswap OST
im a sucker for the hiveswap soundtrack, absolutely. act one especially is fantastic. but the real highlight of this album is toby and james's track commentary. they bicker back and forth and joke around in the notes, and honestly, its fucking hysterical. act 2 is also good, but it doesnt have any of the commentary.
The Grubbles
its good! it has a nice, consistent sound, and the tracks are pretty solid. its very short, though, and i dont have a ton to say about it.
Friendsim OST
the reality is that everything james roach makes is pretty fire. some of the commentary on this albums really interesting, also. i really like M O I S T and >tfw another james roach song, i think theyre some of the most powerful tracks in terms of atmosphere. however, service car is definitely my favorite. its just so funky.
Beyond Canon
something i think is interesting about beyond canon is that its largely new artists. in all of the previous hs albums, you got the sense that a lot of the musicians knew each other and worked together or listened to each others work, and as a result, you really see them build off of each other. there are so many repeating sounds and motifs, with people constantly remixing each others works, or sticking to similar themes in instruments or sounds- ie; favoring piano in songs about john, whatever. theres a distinct sound to those early albums where you listen and youre like, oh yeah, this is a homestuck album.
i dont get that with beyond canon. it doesnt reference any older stuff. these arent recognizable artists whove influenced homestuck for ages. its all new.
robert j, one of like four returning artists, says this in the track commentary:
about five months ago i was contacted to be a part of the homestuck 2 music team and was told the lowdown: it was a clean slate, and a chance to establish the musical rockbed for homestuck 2 going forward. no quotes of hs1 songs whatsoever, but we'd be making new songs TO quote
which pretty much backs up everything i said. and i get the purpose of something like this, but it does present a challenge for new musicians because theyre working without the same base for nostalgia. the fact that there isnt a ton of really distinct musical diversity in this album, with a lot of it relying on a very electronic sound to the point where i originally thought the album was themed, rather than a supposed new start for this new era of homestuck, also may be challenging when moving forward with new albums.
idk. its a fine album, the songs are fine, but nothing about it really sticks out to me.
Final Thoughts
anyway, all thats left now is to reread problem sleuth, and then i can uninstall this massive fucking thing. i might replay the games, or reread the post canon stuff eventually, but the light is shining at the end of the tunnel at last
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ess-presso · 2 years
actually fuck tumblr fr cant believe they deleted my ask smh.
fear not im back :)
fic rec for u! it was only a kiss! by remuslives23 (wolfstar, they drink some firewhiskey and accidentally kiss. v cute)
miss taylor: the last great american dynasty, state of grace, & wonderland <3
i'll reanswer ur qs from last time:
ive got no allergies! that i know of at least. im safe for now. i truly fear the day i find out im suddenly allergic to a food i love (can that even happen?? i hope not)
i totally believe in fate, i think everything kinda happens for a reason and everyone meets people for a reason. if its meant to be itll be, and if its not meant to be then its just not meant to be. some things (most things) are out of our control so whats the point in trying to control what happens to us and who we meet. i say we go with the flow (i say this as the most anxious person on the planet who cant handle change or unfamiliarity)
i accidentally messed up a good friendship a few years ago, basically i wasnt there for someone when they needed me (to be fair we were both going thru it so i didnt even realize) but theyre happier now and so am i so all is well.
i wake up bright and early (its almost noon) i gracefully get out of bed (i drag myself out of bed) i make myself a hearty nutritious meal (i make coffee and some toast if its a good day) i get ready for class (i change into sweatpants and brush my teeth) i head to campus (my class is online. i stay in bed for the rest of the day)
fav superhero forever spiderman & daredevil. and thor cause hes a dumbass and funny but PETER PARKER & MATT MURDOCK MY LOVES!!!
id switch lives with someone crazy wealthy like elon musk or jeff bezos so i can drain their bank accounts and donate to people in need and solve world hunger <3 or maybe timothee chalamet cause id love to know what goes on in his mind hes so funny sometimes.
i wish i had written just lovers by zar bc that fic will forever be my favourite thing ever. its just so damn good and to be the author of it would be truly an honour.
i wish i had written maybe the iliad & odyssey cause 1. theyre freaking epic & 2. homer mightve not been a real person so if i was homer i would be an mysterious enigma.
ive never been in love actually, despite being a hopeless romantic. ive liked people but it never got further than that so ig im just waiting for the right person to come along !
im so loud as a drunk. i WILL sing along to anything playing and i WILL dance horribly. im also giggly cause everything becomes hilarious to me. i do sometimes get confrontational too but thats only if i drink white rum, for some reason.
our worst fight can hardly be considered a fight cause its so dumb but she had called me to ask if id be there for her bday party, i said i might not be able to cause i had 4 papers due the weekend of her party and then she got really upset cause she wanted me there and then i got upset cause i wanted to be there really bad but i was overwhelmed with school and exams and we kinda just sobbed at each other for like 10 mins before we hung up. she called me back a few mins later and we both apologized for being stupid and then i told her id get my papers done so i could go which solved our problem. luckily i did get my papers done in time and i made it🎉 i think i wrote almost 10,000 words in the span of 2 days it was torture truly.
prob last time i saw liv which was in january :( damn her for going to a diff city for uni fr. but we walked in circles around this lake for a few hours and chatted shit about the bitchy people we went to high school with & it was lovely.
jegulily i think yes! james has two hands. i havent read any of them yet but if i find a good fic i plan on it. plus i think their dynamic has good potential & i love each of the individual characters so very much so.
10 things i hate about you!!!!!! other favs include: mamma mia, enchanted, 13 going on 30, and princess diaries. tbh i dont watch a lot of romcoms so idek if these technically count as romcoms but whatever i love them so.
IT!!!!!!!!!!!! i was fucking obsessed with that movie in 2017 i made it my entire personality.
qs for u!
piercings vs tattoos?
fav superhero?
fav fic of all time?
what would your animagus form be?
what's your literary archetype? (fun lil quiz, i got ruler )
what are you like while drunk?
is it better to speak or to die?
preferred method of annotating books? (ie. do u add random commentary or do u add insightful analysis)
when listening to music, are u more of a lyrics person or a sound person?
thats all for now! praying tumblr doesnt fuck this one up too🙏
-bee :)
beeeeeeee :))))))
girl u gonna have to forgive me for this but I woke up and Tumblr was like 'u didn't save this draft would u like to restore it' and I was like 'YES MOTHERFUCKER' and it was ur other ask but I will answer these Taylor songs here !!!! and I got a free extra fic rec , so I'll give u 2 in the other ask .
(feeling sorry for ur poor old fingers u soldier)
tay tay -
the last great American dynasty - MARY MACDONALD - that song speaks of love and loss to me and damn it if it isn't Mary macdonald at the end of her life all alone and everything. I mean can u not just see her 'pacing the rocks staring out at the midnight sea'?
state of grace - JEGULUS - that entire song is basically regulus thinking about their love and how it was so unexpected 'I never saw you coming and I'll never be the same' (also James tearing reg's armour down ????)
wonderland - JILY / DRARRY - now hear me out , I think that the chorus bit where it's all 'didn't they tell us' and everything is a split convo between lily and James where she's all sad and depressed and mad and James is just there for her trying to convince her that it'll all be okay and they're fine. now , dreary , because I think 'didn't you flash your green eyes at me / didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire Cat smile' is such a Draco thing to say about harry. like he would be so so worried and harry would just have this complete confidence that everything would be a-ok.
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amoveablejake · 2 years
Album Of The Week: ‘Impossible Germany’ by Wilco
Stand out song: ‘Impossible Germany’. 
I have lost count of how many times that I have written on the blog that I’m not too sure how I feel about Wilco. The funny thing about this is that I fall for artists quite quickly. I can listen to one song or parts of an album then the whole thing and be greatly involved with them at least for a time. Often with those sudden love affairs that I have with certain artists and albums, they don’t last. They are very intense for that time and its always meaningful when I do return to the work but it never quite captures that same feeling of wonder that I had. Then ofcourse, there are those artists that I adore immediately and that go on to become part of my key roster and my favourite artists. It is then a little funny, at least to me, that I can’t quite decide where I stand with Wilco. I have been listening to the band’s music on and off for about six years now and throughout that time they have brought me to near tears and have made my heart swell with emotion. They have made me smile a great deal and made me sit back in my chair to be lost in their music. But there is still a level of uncertainty with them which I think I’m going to have to continue to explore. 
A brief disclaimer. Wilco recently released a new album and it was my vague intention to have that feature as the album of the week this week however, I have’t given it enough time as of yet to feel that I can write about it the way that it deserves. But, after thinking about Wilco a great deal I decided that I did have to write about Wilco this week which leads me to another disclaimer. ‘Impossible Germany’ is not actually an album but rather a track lifted from the ‘Sky Blue Sky’ album which again, I have not listened to to the extent that it deserves and so I didn’t feel I could write about the album has a whole hence the dissection. That however, is going to change. I have decided, literally as I have been writing this that I am going to listen to the entire Wilco discography to try and come up with an answer to how I truly feel about the band. Am I excited to embark on this journey, I really am but also, I actually feel a bit nervous. I have felt nervous in the past when I have been about to listen to an album from one of my favourite artists but this, why am I nervous now. I think, I may have an idea why but I’m going to keep that to myself until the right time because as I say I think this is going to be an interesting exploration. At least for me and the band members of Wilco who I am sure read this. Jeff Tweedy, this is for you. 
So, why ‘Impossible Germany’ and not a full fat Wilco album. Well, ‘Impossible Germany’ is one of those songs that makes me feel unsure about how I feel about Wilco. I first heard ‘Impossible Germany’ the day after I got back from my first trip to Berlin in 2018. I was tired after a busy trip and I was missing a city that will always have a special place in my heart. ‘Impossible Germany’, when it came through my headphones, felt like a breath of fresh air. Now at this point I had been listening to Wilco for a couple of years and I had had experiences with their music like that but there was something about ‘Impossible Germany’ that felt different. In the Disney Pixar film ‘Inside Out’ you see memories be created and archived and alongside that there are core memories that go on to shape that person. When I first heard ‘Impossible Germany’ after that trip it felt like a core memory being formed. The song felt like it was the accompaniment for my memories of the trip and it worked perfectly. But more than that, the song has evolved to become one of my key song, or a core one if you will. It is a song that whilst this may sound strange, feels almost like a reflection, it feels very me. And I think thats where the whole Wilco uncertainty arises from. I think I’m on the precipice of them becoming my favourite band and that I’m trying not to give into that for whatever reason that might be. As I say, this is probably only a journey that is going to be interesting to me but I am going to now listen to all of their albums and try and work through these feelings. You could perhaps say its an impossible listening experience. I’m sorry. I’ll do better. 
-Jake, a man left speechless by how good ‘Tales of The Jedi’ is, 31/10/2022
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One More Thing Also I dont want to constantly compare the Charlton guys to Watchmen but it is kind of inevitable considering Everything, and I think the main difference between Rorschach and Question and the reason 80s Question is Gritty But Good is that Vic is curious and Walter is paranoid. Vic genuinely wants to know things and this is also a huge flaw of his but it makes him intrinsically different from Rorschach, who doesnt ACTUALLY want to learn anything. He just wants what he already believes to be confirmed. Thats why hes a conspiracy theorist and a right-wing bigot but Vic’s a news reporter and explicitly left leaning and anti-bigotry. Vic wants the truth, Walter wants to be right
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13tinysocks · 4 years
To answer your question, Im p sure that Brian was just straight up murdered by Slender. Don't quite remember. Just remember that Toby was a dick about it cuz he was jealous or some shit. I also just remembered that Toby actually kills Jeff??? I honestly do not know how I got through this fic or why I even read it in the first place, though I remember hating it and being like 'wow this is shit'. Also in the fic slender's weakness is electricity so BEN just electrocutes him and he just fukin dies
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Dramatic reenactment
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gxlacticlove · 2 years
tbh I think that Made In America probably goes the hardest out of all of Starkid's songs and I don't think it gets enough attention
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Creepypastas you choose withhh a readerrr who always smiles(I’m half-asleep requesting this)
Jeff, Laughing Jack, and Ben w/ a reader who has a perma smile!
"imma get back on that grind " but this is the only request i have left in the inbox currently there is no grind to get on TToTT written as strictly platonic, didnt see much point in just having LJ be the only one romantic here shrugs
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genuinely the only reason i chose jeff was of course, thanks to his carved smile. that said, for someone so keen on giving others the same smile, hes a little put off by your smile. theres a difference between an injury and something naturally uncanny, assuming you physically cannot stop smiling... though i could be grossly misinterpreting the ask, im taking this as spooky ooo permasmile against the readers will (shrugs)... not much thought here other than it vaguely unnerving the man and he perhaps makes some comments about it and you being creepy... but hey, considering hes an icon it might just be a compliment/hj
similar to jeff i think he would tease you about it, more likely sending you dumbass images that remind him of you; bonus since i like to think ben is confined to electronics most of the time so hes literally. in your phone and spamming you with random images and saying its you. unlike jeff there isnt really any malice or meanness behind it, ben is just poking light fun at you... though the persistence might get annoying; but thats just ben being ben... hmmm... definitely tries to pretend that youre smiling because he said something really cool and funny and charming and- little arrogant bastard, you know?
probably also pretends that youre smiling because he said something funny but thats less of him having an ego and jack actually thinking hes genuinely funny and youre happy to see him... which... actually ouch, dude with abandonment issues thinks youre happy to see him, so much so that youre always smiling around him... collapses and sobs.. probably tried to tug the corners of your mouth down to make a frown, or at least a straight face, but with no luck.. probably ends in him squishing your cheeks and generally messing with your face. not at all put off by your smile, though, since he smiles most of the time too albeit he doesnt have a permasmile... shrugs
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inahallucination · 3 years
anderperry soulmate au where the first opinion that your soulmate thinks about you is written on your wrist
because there are so many possibilities, so put up with me for a sec,,
id imagine this moment would be a big deal so like the family gathers around when it’s time
todd being anxious but expecting something like “quiet” or “never fucking talks” or “weird” to appear 
and like thats also what jeff and the andersons are expecting
but then the time comes and everyone looks down at todd’s wrist and it has something dumb like “cute butt”
and todd’s like red faced but also ?????????????
jeff thinks its funny
the andersons are like uhhh anyway 
on the other hand
neil doesn’t really know what to expect but he’s excited as fuck
and the mr. perry already has a mental list of “acceptable” phrases that he expects
only for something like “pretty cheekbones”
but neil stares at himself in the mirror for like an hour becuz of it
or it could be something sweet
like imagine the andersons and jeff who have no good opinion of todd, or don’t know him that well waiting for it to appear
and something like “ethereal appears” or maybe “sweet” or “pretty voice” or-
or imagine the same for neil
who might be expecting something more so about the façade he puts up but gets “pretty smile” or “beautiful” or “lovely” or idk im not an idea person
anyway theres a lot but i don’t wanna get too repetitive
so lemme run through any ship i can think of quickly
i’d imagine something like “short” from cameron about charlie and when they find out theyre soulmates charlie gets pissed off because cameron is like not even a full inch taller than him 
but it’s better than charlie’s “red” about him; cameron yells at him that thats not even an opinion what the fuck
meeks in his barely 5′7 glory sees pitts standing tall at 6′4 and thinks “fucking tall” but pitts sees little meeks and thinks “super cute”
i know they probably met before they reached these heights but i thought it was cuter this way
charlie looks at knox and thinks “looks like an idiot”
and knox looks at charlie and thinks “looks like an idiot”
cheeks/deeks whatever these two are called
charlie, following his trend of dumb opinions thinks: woah glasses
and meeks is like wtf thats not an opinion but he probably thinks “funny” or something sweet because this is the first opinion and meeks probably only saw him for his smart comments back then
charlie definitely thinks something inappropriate (see: smirk) 
and todd thinks “that kid sure smirks a lot”
charlie x neil
charlie thinks something like “teacher’s pet”
and neil thinks “so cool”
why are all these ships just charlie
back to anderperry
imagine if neil didn't like jeff and met todd and thought “way better than jeffrey”
or imagine if todd’s first opinion formed after meeting mr. perry so he looked at neil and thought “sad”
or or or or
back to cute
neil’s first opinion being that todd looks and acts like an angel (pov ur whipped for a guy you dont know)
todd’s first opinion is that neil’s pretty and nice ???? (with the question marks ofc) 
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m4rgera · 2 years
dave england ★ lonely girl part one
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authors note : sorry for the length! i would rather have it be really long and impactful then short and boring. last few paragraphs are not proof read since i wrote them slightly in a rush. they will be fixed and edited tomorrow.
warning : this story will contain sexual subjects, drug use, drinking and topics of severe stress and anxiety. the character is written as female, although she / they pronouns are used. if you are sensitive to any of those please refrain from reading this. also lowercase is intended, requests are open for one shots and headcannons.
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“hello?” monotone rang throughout the phone. the line was blank until jeffs voice was finally heard from the other end, “hey y/n, quick update on the show. its premiering tomorrow night and mtv rented out a spot in a bar for the whole crew tonight, to get an early viewing. im just calling everyone to let them know. hopefully see you there.” the line went blank. it took you a few seconds to process what jeff had said with how quickly he spewed it out.
you slammed the notebook shut that you had been scribbling some ideas for stunts down in. being a screenwriter for jackass was, well, tricky to say the least. it’s difficult to write a script for a show where all thats going on is injuries, injuries, and more injuries. you got stressed and frustrated easily with it yet couldn’t afford to lose your job.
your plans for staring through the notebook for the entire night and not getting any ideas out, were ruined. you let out a huff, not quite yet having the motivation to at least change your clothes and brush your teeth.
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the bar wasn’t exactly packed. besides the whole crew, there wasn’t too many people in here. some of the guys had brought some of there buddies along and there were a handful of girls from set as well. you weaved your way through until you were will the few people you felt comfortable with being around — stephen and chris.
stephen had been supplying you with xanax for the past month after your doctor cut your prescription on it. it surprised you since he never really complained when coming to him for it, and never made you pay. yeah he was your plug but he was also a genuinely great guy. and chris just radiated happiness. when filming sometimes he would just sit by you and smile, he was a sweet guy.
“dude! you just missed steve-o licking ricks hairy ass nipple!” chris yelled while walking over to the wall you were slightly leaning against.
“wow, i really wish i didn’t miss that!” you said with a sarcastic tone. “don’t worry it’s all on video.” chris giggled while holding the camcorder up for you to see, you gave him a smile back. stephen came shuffling over to you two, stumbling slightly on his own feet. he had a drink in his hands that was nearly empty, “bro this is sick. we’re like famous or some shit.” stephen chuckled while nudging chris.
you tried your best to make small talk with the two of them, but most of your time was spent with trying to convince stephen not to lick everyone in sight. it was almost like watching a toddler, except the toddler is 26 and on ecstasy. “you haven’t really talked with the other guys have you?” a voice was heard right behind your shoulder, knoxville.
you were acquainted with johnny but never got to much talking. in a way he almost intimidated you, he came up with stunts and ideas so easily and it wasn’t even his job to, it was yours. “um, yea not really. i didn’t wanna come here. i got a ton of work to catch up on.” your voice was just loud enough for him to hear. everyone was having such a great time and you didn’t wanna bring down anyone’s mood just because you were so worried about work.
“ahh, well thats never a good excuse to not have a good time!” he gave you a slap on the back, and shook your shoulder slightly. “they already know everyone on set. just go chit-chat, you’ll be fine.” you pursed your lips and nodded slightly. you could visibly see him sigh before walking over to a group of some other guys, you deciding to follow along.
“you just can’t get enough of me can you.” johnny implied ending his sentence with a small chuckle. “yea right, you told me to talk so im here to talk.” he gave you a small shrug of defeat before pointing at a boy with blonde hair, and what looked to be blue eyes. yet it was hard to see anything under the horrid lighting of the bar. “see, him over there. that’s dave, go talk to him. you two will get along.” he shoved you slightly away, sighing you decided to go talk. it would be better then just sitting here in boredom swallowed by the thought of jeff scolding you next week for lack of script.
you made your way over, it looked like he was talking with chris, this calmed your nervousness a bit. you were familiar with chris and comfortable enough to go talk. turning around you could see johnny giving you a thumbs up and smile, you gave a small laugh before flipping him off and walking over to chris.
“yay, y/n’s back!” chris’ words were starting to melt together due to the alcohol, earning a laugh out of you. “y/n this is dave, but you already know him im assuming.” chris drunkenly waved his hand in the air while speaking. you looked at dave, who didn’t look quite as intoxicated as chris but had a drink in hand.
“your lucky your not meeting darf right now.” chris continued on with his awkward little giggle, “darf?” you questioned chris, looking over at dave who looked just as confused as you did. “darf is dave when drunk. and darf is not a fun guy, trust me.” chris was describing all his words with hand motions, it had both you and dave laughing. “hey did someone roofie chris?” dave yelled out jokingly.
“you caught me, i roofied chris.” you held your hands up in defeat. “yea right, it was probaly fucking steve-o or someone, but im not roofied. this was all caused by that tap over there.” chris waved his hand over to the bar, where the tapped beer was.
“are you implying i can’t roofie someone?” you turned your head towards chris pretending to be mad at him, but he just kept laughing. “no y/n im sure you’ve roofied tons of people before!” dave said imitating chris’ dramatic hand motions.
“you know that’s not funny dave. y/n would never roofie anyone, and if they did, it’s would be themselves… or themselves.” chris tried to laugh at his own joke, it was until he noticed neither dave or me were really laughing until he stopped.
“that was a joke, y/n hates drugs.” he winked very obnoxiously, which was followed by a giggle again. “you know i’m hoping that was a joke but i have a feeling it isn’t.” dave said, the laughter continuing on.
“it isn’t.” chris was in a unstoppable fit of laughter. you shot him a small look of disappointment, you couldn’t quite bring yourself to hit him. “maybe he’s so drunk he’s confusing you for steve-o.” dave nudged you with his elbow slightly and you forced yourself to a laugh.
it wasn’t until now you had really looked at what dave looked like. and it sounds odd but his smile was very odd looking, almost like it would cause a domino effect of smiles. and that’s exactly what it did, you found yourself smiling just as big and chris and dave, yet you weren’t quite sure what you were smiling for.
“hey i heard that and it wasn’t funny. y/n is nothing like steve-o!”
“yea im definitely driving him home tonight.” you sighed in defeat as chris wobbled away towards ehren and preston. “someone definitely is.” dave blurted out before downing the rest of his drink.
the night was passing by pretty quickly. you weren’t fleeing to chris and stephen when left alone, because for the remainder of the night you have been with dave. you went on explaining to him how much work had been getting to you lately. you wouldn’t normally share that with someone you met a few hours ago, but he was going on about how some of the stunts were more interesting in the past few weeks and the conversation just bloomed naturally.
“if i were you i wouldn’t stress too much about the stunts. if jeff doesn’t like them he’ll just modify them. plus you can always just call me and i could give you some idea starters.” you hummed at his words, only really picking up parts of the conversation, only really picking up parts of the conversation. “yeah, i guess so, but i mean if jeff ever found out i feel like i can get in trouble for it.” your starting to feel there was no way of getting around this obstacle they called the writer's block. in a couple weeks you probably get another phone call from jeff warning you that if you didn't get any work in soon you're going to lose your job. you didn't want to have to put the burden on dave - someone you just met an hour ago - of helping you write things for your job, not his.
“who said jeff had to find out?”
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a few weeks have passed by and nothing interesting really happened at the bar, except for you and dave exchanging numbers strictly for work purposes. although you do find yourself thinking sometimes you wish it wasn't for work purposes. whenever that happens you have to block out the thought, jeff was already getting mad at you enough for getting you're working late. you can't quite imagine what he would do if he found out you had been sleeping with one of the actors. you two have never shown even a sliver of interest in each other, except for the thoughts in your head, everything was strictly for work. it was a never-ending loop; exchanging ideas for stunts, sending them into jeff, filming them, and repeat.
although you weren't commonly on set, today you happened to be there since you wanted to see how a stunt had turned out although you did not come up with this one. dave had yet to be credited with it since there was nothing to turn in for that week, and dave did what he normally did, faxing you over a few ideas for you to use. you felt horribly guilty doing it however dave promised you he didn't mind at all, and you can't really afford to lose your job quite yet.
the set was fairly empty besides the film crew, ehren, preston, stephen and dave. the air was sticky and hot, summer was at its peak. the guys were doing some stunts involving water so a lot of them were shirtless, as you would expect. it didn’t bother you, however your eyes kept getting drawn to dave. you hated it. you weren’t a creep, you never were a pervert and you weren’t gonna start living a pervert lifestyle today by wooing over dave, even worst, while at work.
deciding to end your staring session, you walked over to dave to break the awkwardness that was only in your head. “hey dave, is it going as planned?” you motioned over to ehren who was being wheeled down a ramp into a length. “not sure, i think there trying to find the best chair to push him down on.” he looked up from the lawn chair he was sitting in, squinting at the sunlight.
you felt your heart flutter, his eyes were such a piercing shade of blue the only way to describe them was alluring. “are you ok y/n? you’ve seemed kinda off ever since yesterday on the phone.” all the air you were holding in was released in one big quiet breath. you tried to block out the phone call. dave called, like the usual, to discuss a stunt he had in mind. the whole call your mind was in other places, something that you tried to forget due to embarrassment. you ended up missing everything he said, after twenty-minutes of him describing this extravagant stunt all you could say was ‘uhm’ before hanging up.
“yea no im fine, somebody else was just calling me. it was an emergency so…” you sucked at lying. dave saw right through it laughing, “alright, cool.”
this is horrible your whole demeanor was probably making him extremely uncomfortable but you couldn’t help it. attraction is a infection and you couldn’t get rid of it for the life of you.
“not sure if your interested but i have a break in ten minutes, wanna go brainstorm ideas for stunts.” you forced your gaze down towards him, giving a small nod, “sounds good.”
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your not sure what the fuck just happened. anyone would’ve seen that as a normal conversation, but with the pairing of dave being shirtless and soaked from the lake, your pretty sure everything was obvious. like everyone had a red alert going off that you wanted to fuck dave england, bad.
you got to your truck for some fresh air, fresh air as in an edible. seated in your car, you scurried through the center console digging out a baggie filled with pills. not edibles but it will do. it was either xanax or something stephen left, you took a lucky guess that it was xanax due to the shape and took a bar.
you dry swallowed it, trying your best to catch your breath yet there was nothing to lose it over. you found yourself still being hot and bothered over nothing, well, of course it was something but you couldn’t bring yourself to accept it.
leaning your head back and closing your eyes you tried your best to collect your thoughts. it was going well, that was until there was a knock on the drivers side window. you huffed while tilting your head to see who could possibly be bothering you. it was dave, peeking through the window and waving at you. you weren’t quite sure what he was trying to do, so you just smiled.
he ran around to the passenger side door, opening it and hopping in closing it behind him. “i left a little early for the break so i figured i should go looking for you.” he flashed his cheesy smile at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back. “i didn’t know you wanted to talk somewhere else, let alone in my car.”
“actually it’s not about stunts. somethings bugging you, does jeff know i’m helping you with stunts or some shit?” he kept eye contact with you, you could tell he was genuinely concerned and it was making you even more nervous. how the hell can you lie your way out of this?
“just stressed out with work.” you tried to look away, instead you tried to scan the dash for anything that could distract you from doing something you could regret later.
“y/n you are a horrible fucking liar.” he let out loud laugh, if your face wasn’t heating up with embarrassment you probably would have laughed along. despite the embarrassment you took your eyes off the dash for a bit to glance over at him, a beaming smile still lit on his face.
“well it’s not like i could’ve made a move at the bar and it’s too late now.” it all came up at once, you couldn’t even look at the dash, so you just looked out your window. maybe if you stared away long enough he would leave.
“of course you could of! you think i wasn’t wanting too the whole time? you really really suck at lying.” a wave of shock hit you, dubbed with confidence as well. your not sure where it all from but you looked at dave who had a small smile rested on his face. you took time to build up your vocabulary again as it feels as if your brain is mush, completely wiped with no thoughts or words. “you know, i get really bad at lying when i wanna kiss someone really bad.” you laughed at the end of your sentence, letting the silence ring out.
“really?” you gave him a small nodd, your heart beating so fast you swear you could hear it in your ears. you rested your elbow on the center console leaning forward slightly, you were trying to tell if he was feeling the same as you, or if he was ready to jump out of the car and run very far away from you.
“y/n, if you joking this would be a great time to let me know.” his words were breathy and spaced out, “dave, im not joking.” it felt like and entirety before you finally responded.
the events to follow were only to be described like a whirlwind. your lips met together, leaning between the two seats to do so. moving in a steady rhythm pulling apart for breath, you made eye contact once again, him being the once yo shoot yiu a shy smile this time.
you awakwadly hopped over the console to the passenger side were dave sat, yiu looked at him giving a slight nod to make sure that this all wasn’t too much. that none of it was a mistake or something yiu would regret for the rest of your life. he didn’t even have to respond, the smile and small mld he gave you was all you needed for the go.
he pulled you into his lap, it wasn’t the most comfortable due to the confined space of your car but at the moment all you cared about was dave. your lips continued to mold into eachother, hands slowly roaming as you both still warmed up to the feeling.
with what fell like seconds you both pulled back to gasp for short breaths of air. he kissed you once more before making his way down to your neck and shoulders nipping and sucking ever so slightly. almost too embarrassed to moan you let out small breathy sighs. the overwhelming feeling of relief yet tension building. he broke away for a few seconds just to move the strap of your tank top and bra to the side.
as dave was pulling your top down, a knock was heard from the window and panic settled in quickly. your heart was beating faster for a bad reason now, too afraid to look you rushed over the console hitting your head in the process, returning to your seat. looking over you could see it was only chris, who was waving with a smile on his face.
“what the fuck…” you let out a mixture between a sigh and a laugh while rolling down the window closest to dave.
“as bunny the lifeguard would say, wrap before you tap my friend.” chris reached his hand through the window to give dave a high five before giggling and walking away. you both laughed, although daves was more of a sigh.
“maybe my next break we could resume what we started.” before leaving he reached over pulling your bra strap back up before exiting the car.
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micer2012 · 2 years
are there any particular skizz videos you would recommend to watch?
Solo Skizz is the highlight of my entire week EVERY time one comes out. Skizz just goofing off and building his giant circles and glass cases and rupe goldberg machines, absolutely not going for 1. beauty 2. efficiency 3. any desirable things anyone would want. hes SOLELY going for SILLINESS and FUN and i am having SO much fun. in the newest one he adopts a bunch of vex and calls them his lil kids. ill Cry
IMP N SKIZZ SHORTS. IMP N SKIZZ SHORTS!!!!!! . these are scripted animated shorts (animated by Pooka, who also edits for the Imp n Skizz channel, and also is well known for cursing Me Personally with the jeff the minion loreBJHVCFG. pooka my beloved) written by imp n skizz, and they're very much playin characters here like it was a real animated series.. its so comfy and hilarious n great to rewatch. THEY ARE BROTHERS UR HONOR. a little angst implications as a treat
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(pooka made this gif. i sent him an identical one i made earlier and he just went ?!?!? HEY SAME :D great minds think alike lol !!. look at it)
The Imp n Skizz channel I absolutely can reccomend too, especially if youre coming from hermitcraft. it feels Redundant to say theyve got "great chemistry" theyve been basically brothers for 25 years. they are two halves of a wholeBHJVG. n&s and their skyblock are GREAT
Skizz's 3L and LL. dear GOD SKIZZ'S 3L N LL. his third life is Great, though he starts pretty lonely it has one of the most tragic storylines in 3l, and a lotta interaction not in other povs. it makes me so sad
and his Last Life. legitimately, i think skizz has the best LL pov by FAR JBHVCFHVJB. BEST IN GENERAL, i would recommend watching skizz and Supplementing with bdubs episodes to get the full insanity of best. but skizz is the best LL pov. change my mind
AND HIS LEGACY !!! though short lived, ABSOLUTELY another favorite and one i rewatch often. skizz has a bit of a rough time on his first SMP (and honestly. at the beggining i was going OH.. Oh. this is why hes not in hermitcraft. Oh. I understand nowBHJV /LH) BUT. his interactions with the legates, especially LogicalGeekBoy and Pearl (yes. hc pearl. they are SIBLINGS) is so amazing. and the episodes, with the interactions and achievements and weekly challenges are such great fun and comfort. his confidence on smps has gotten a bit better since this with 3l n LL i think, but this is a Much Watch 4 me
he also streams alot, and has a second channel w stream archives !! a lot with tango n impulse, and the friday night among us streams are a GEM. one time him n etho as imposters, gaslit (IN GRIAN'S WORDS. thats the words Grian used) grian so hard at 3am (For him) (I THINK ALSO. THE NIGHT BEFORE MCC??COULD BE WRONG) he logged off and went to sleep. n skizz felt SO bad. there are edited among us videos with a bunch of the other hermits on his channel too. Its Great
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imaginarylifeform · 3 years
[this was a twitter thread on annihilation by jeff vandermeer but it got too long so posting here] also can i just say the imagrey of the tower in that book was soooo good. tbhit kinda reminded me of the neurotower from baroque.= [was nothing like that[ but the same vibe i got while playing baroque was there and itwas like haunting .... 
imagrey of buildings as alive or organisms or sentinet in some way are always so.. damn and also i love motifs of ascension / descent and what theyre parallels to  in a story its so different every time. 
the way the lighthouse was above ground and high up ... a building that literally emits light to guide... and it was full of journals upon journals of information gathered over the years by doomed explorers ... and yet everything in it was just useless in terms of actually gathering information due to the rot, the difference in perception, the paranoia, that one journal that fixated on a flower because the writer could not STAND to be made aware of anything other than it in his terror.. ultimately just being blind and its position on the map an overemphaized way to be made to feel knowledgable by the southern reach to expiditioners
meanwhile the tower was like inscuratbale and couldnt even be seen clearly until it let you.. inhaling the spores meant being able to shed your preconceptions .. it was so controlled and the only place where actual knowledge was found and being written .. going down it and underground being the whole point of the mission of area x but acbsolutely no details abt it...... i cant even write that much on it bc it was just inscurtbale hte part where the biologist encounters the slug i was having so much toruble even trying to imagine it but thats the point i guess
also the way the lighthouse = death coming from life [the war, suicide, ppl taking each others lives, rot ] , tower  = life coming from death [fungi overtaking bodies, the power it gave to the biologist, it controlling all of zone x, the fact that it literally has a beating heart and is alive ]. 
also also lighthouse = lies  => death of the psychologist = display of hubris , tower = truth => humbleness before nature/ our place indeath and yet depsite that one part where she realizes the futuility of being a biologist.. its still so much more hopeful to me. i dont know the towers meant to be evil but its so hopeful
idk where this all leads though heheh
in summation :
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