#thats not the best thing they did for tsumugi but it is one of the improvements
always-a-joyful-note · 5 months
You know. Thinking about it, the best thing the anime did for Tsumugi was give her professional attire. Like the clothes she wears on the CGs we see her in are cute, but I really think she looks best in the formal business style
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kiriwiwii · 3 months
i REALLY need to rant about eichi right now.. cuz im soo tired of people not understanding him at all.
i hate how this fandom acts like he is the ONLY bad person in this game. i mean, he is not a "bad" person but he made a lot of mistakes in his school years and his methods were cruel, i know. but,, most of the enstars characters did bad things. it's just how the game goes.
as the story progresses we can clearly see eichi regretting his actions. and even if he did NOT regret it, we can still like his character since it's fictional and i believe it's okay as long as we don't support his actions.
shu and kaoru also had a bad reputation during the ! era, but they both had good character development afterwards. most people do the same thing to them as well. acting like shu never changed etc. or kaoru even mentions this IN THE GAME how he feels upset when people still care about his past actions.
well- the topic was eichi so let's get back at that... in my opinion, he is one of the best-written characters in the game. his inner thoughts and conflicts within himself are reflected very well. almost all of his motives make sense. people literally have no empathy for him which makes me upset. he grew up in a hospital and tried to live with the stress that he could die at any moment. none of his parents cared about him that much and he was so socially awkward that even if he managed to get out of the hospital he had a hard time making friends. him not understanding people and having a hard time feeling empathy comes from this. he grew up all alone, in a literal hospital room😭
and his intentions were always good. i don't recall a moment when eichi hurt someone just because he wanted to. it was always because he had lots of goals in his mind and since he could die at any moment, he wanted to succeed as soon as possible. that's why he tried to destroy everyone who got in his way. and that totally makes sense, adding that he's also not good with social stuff.
I KNOW he hurt a lot of people. i don't support him. i'm just trying to explain why i think he's well-written. actually, while reading the stories there were soooo many times i hated him and his way of doing things but i believe thats what makes his character so "human". he's very flawed and this makes him interesting, i love that.
also, he did get the consequences of his actions. whenever he did something bad he was aware of it and it led him to depression and hating himself. there are so many quotes of him saying he believes he deserves to die etc... and i remember in ! era, he kept having nightmares about the war and the things he did. so, he did suffer just like the people he made suffer.
we don't see this kind of regret in keito and tsumugi. and another thing- people always bash eichi for the whole "capitalism" thing and the stuff i talked about above, but they never do this to ibara?? I LOVE ibara, but i never saw someone blaming him for some of the bad things he did?? and bro is literally capitalism itself but no one even jokes about it that much😭 im sure there are other characters we can add here. some of them get treated like a baby and no one cares about the mistakes they did, but when it comes to eichi (or shu, kaoru, any other character you might wanna add) they despise him.
sure, everything eichi did was more visible, and it's easier to hate on him. but i believe he deserves recognition and love just like the other characters in this game.
this is it. sorry for yapping can't believe i'm defending this guy out here🙏🏻
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mamadarama · 29 days
Omg previous ask back here I am so glad to hear your thoughts and your perspective was really nice!! :D
I do understand that it's meant to be frustrating as part of his character I just didn't know if it was lazy writing or character loyalty HELP cuz I can't tell sometimes
I do also wish his development turns positive because out of everyone in the cast I'd argue he deserves a bad ending the LEAST. Compared to what others have done, Madara is kinda,, tame. Not at all I mean if you compare vigilante justice and resorting to violence to protect your loved ones compared to say,,, martyring 5 students to the point of severe mental damage and indirectly causing mass suicide in your school, Madara's sins (at least, his known ones) are a drop in the bucket even if we estimate indirect casualties.
He's a guy that does bad and damages himself but never once did I at least perceive his actions to be malicious. If anything, I liked him for the fact that he does what he does to be better for others, and that singular thing will always resonate in my heart. I'd pull my hair out and bash my head against the wall if I had to summarize his character because he just ISN'T SIMPLE. I once tried to explain his lore to my sister and I ended up sending her a voice mail that was EIGHT MINUTES LONG and I talk fast.
Ahem anyways yes I do hope they don't bash his character story like whatever the fuck they did with other characters (coughs) (looks at the horror that is matrix) (coughs)
Also I forgot to sign off cuz I was in the middle of my shift but that was me ( @umiedibles ) wow madayumenon talking about Madara fork in the kitchen anyways have a good one I love your whiteboard posts :33 virtual milk and cookie for you 🥛🍪
tbh writing that made me realize id be disappointed if he ends up with anything more than a bittersweet resolution . a true positive everything turns out alright ending wouldnt be as impactful or very "madara". to me at least. after everything hes gone through the best way for his story to end imo would be to have him try and pull off a massive cataclysmic self destructive stunt, have his friends save him from himself (ideally kanata), and after its all over and his armor has been smashed to dust , finally learn to accept that things will never be the same again and thats okay. he still hates himself, he never reconciles with his family , but he stops actively trying to alienate people and starts exercising benefit of the doubt when it comes to other peoples opinions of him ("i dont know what you see in me but thank you regardless" instead of his current "liking me is a mistake on your part and im sorry for you") and that is the biggest piece of character development he could possibly have: accepting life as it is, no matter how unfair it happens to be
as for power scaling the sins of characters..... its unfair to say any of them are worse than any other. ive talked about this before but eichi, although bitter, was well intentioned. it tears him up inside to this day even. tsumugi was naïve. keito got lost in his own fantasies after obtaining a position of power. madara was provoked . and no one in the war got out unscathed. the only real dickbags in enstars are gatekeeper godfather priest etc
also matrix wasnt that bad . rinne is just rinne.
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windypuddle · 1 year
alright. i know you asked me this because im the Enstars Person you know so while i am not the expert on this i will try my best to answer! also drink water bestie
ok so im assuming you are talking about wataei because of the ship wars thing. and theyre the only ones i can think of that ive seen described like that recently.
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alright so theres a common joke that eichi (blond one) started the war (massive social and school politics effort to reform the idol system in yumenosaki academy) because he had a crush on wataru (blue hair one). this is not true eichi started the war because he loves idols and wanted to make a fairer system for them.
this reform effort actually happened in two stages: the war was the first stage, where eichi made the five eccentrics the scapegoats for all the vices of the school, which worked because they were so good at being idols everyone saw them as otherworldly and not one of the rest of the human students. eichi, with his power as both student council president and Local Hella Rich Guy, orchestrated a battle of the bands system where he and his unit, fine (usually in this period referred to by fans as ex-fine) defeated each of the five eccentrics and brought supposedly equal chances for the students at the school. the main part of this rhetoric relied on framing the eccentrics as godlike beings, and fine as just regular humans, to show the student body that with hard work, even regular people can rise to great heights.
part of this whole situation was wataru. Wataru was one of the original members of the five eccentrics, and eichi greatly admired him and his skills. a secondary motivation, for eichi specifically, was to raise himself to the same level as wataru so they could communicate as equals. so like yeah he had a crush on the guy but that wasn't his main motivation.
wataru is a fascinating character. he has layers (like an onion) and he is always acting and rarely shows his "true self" and often talks about narratives and such in a very meta perspective (eichi talks this way a lot too, which is why theres so many monologues in enstars, but eichi views himself as just some guy while wataru views himself as the ultimate actor). wataru was also the last of the eccentrics to be defeated by fine. natsume, the youngest of the eccentrics, caught onto the fact that wataru was acting according to the "script" of the war (because he agreed with eichis ideas of reforming yumenosaki), so natsume wrote his own script where the eccentrics won. unfortunately, wataru discarded the idea, essentially For The Sake Of The Narrative. (natsume ended up burning the script, which is an interesting parallel to tsumugi burning the records of the deeds ex-fine did during the war, but thats another matter.) so wataru lost, as he was Supposed To, and eichi and ex-fine won the war for yumenosaki.
up until now eichi and wataru have been distant, only interacting occasionally (including one conversation where wataru has stuff to say about acting, or whatever. its all very meta of them). but after this, eichi is hospitalized, and rips out his IVs and such and refuses to let any of the nurses treat him. Wataru climbs in through the window of his hospital room to find him like this, and essentially asks him: What Now? they start talking about the results of the war, and the future, and they essentially write a script for how yumenosaki can change further for the better: this is Stage Two, trickstar's revolution. only when they plotted it they didnt know it would be trickstar, or the extent to which they would change things. because eichi, in the war, made himself and ex-fine powerful enough to defeat the eccentrics, which gave the students hope; but he did this through the power of being rich and also student council president, and other things like tsumugi's connections to basically everyone in the school. so he ended up having the school in basically a tyrannical rule, but that still wasn't the best environment to encourage idols to grow. so eichi and wataru wrote out a plan for an idol group to overthrow eichi himself, and bring about full change.
basically wataru and eichi combined have orchestrated the majority of the narrative of both the war era and the ! era stories. also they both know each other so intimately on a psychological level. youve probably heard people talk about wataei proposal and that is referring to the last story of the ! era game, where wataru and eichi met on the roof of yumenosaki one night and had a deep conversation-- i dont know all the details because i havent read it in full, but wataru offers eichi one of his theater masks and eichi recognizes the gesture as wataru offering him all of himself, to be wholly known and understood. eichi accepts the mask and yeah you get the point theyre so in love its ridiculous
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Danganronpa Blackened plans from best to worst:
(disclaimer: I'm including attempted murders on here, and counting certain double murders separately because it makes sense) I'd love to talk about how you would rank these, so please give your thoughts!
Sakura- since this one is a suicide, I'm not sure it counts. But if Monokuma has to actively interfere to get a case to go to trial, then you did a good job. I can't think of a mistake she made at the top of my head. She wanted to make things as easy as possible for everyone, and she succeeded.
Nagito chapter 5- He didn't plan for the traitor to give herself up, which is a reasonable mistake to make considering the only thing he knew about the traitor was that she WASN'T an ult. despair.
Tsumugi- when you have someone actively confessing to a murder that you committed, you are pretty much scot free. That being said, taking Kaede to the location of your secret passage, even if there weren't any consequences, was needlessly risky. I'd say this is one of those cases where it'd be better to have no alibi at all, since Kiibo and Ryoma didn't have one either.
Gundam- when halfway through the trial you still don't know how the victim died, the murderer did a pretty decent job. His main mistake was that he heard the commotion when he shouldn't have, and that was a calculated risk. He could have easily pushed the "Nagito = lying" agenda more then he did to combat that. He totally gave himself up.
Kiyo's murder of Angie: The locked room murder was a good trick that brought suspicion on the student council. I think that if he stopped here, he likely would have gotten away with it. Even with the duct tape, that doesn't bring suspicion on Kiyo specifically. Since it was nighttime, nobody had an alibi. There is no evidence that incriminates him at all.
Kaito and Kokichi- for attempting to create an unsolvable murder, showing that tape of Kaito being crushed sure did create a lot of problems. I don't think Shuichi would have solved it had that evidence not been handed over by the blackened in the beginning of the trial.
Junko- She made no mistakes during her murder itself. If she took herself to trial in chapter one, there's a 0% chance of her getting caught. Having the victim be impersonating herself means everyone would come to the conclusion it's a suicide. She gets points for trying to destroy the body too, thats not a strategy we see killers use often. She makes a few small mistakes in the body disposal, namely not covering her hand when she attacks Makoto and removing Mukuro's fake nails before placing the bomb. However, her biggest glaring mistake was revealing the true number of students in the first place.
Teruteru- For a rushed plan, this was pretty well thought out. His mistake was trying to attack when the rest of the group were together while he could have attacked someone before the party. That being said, attacking from the floorboards during a blackout he knew would happen is a good plan. I also think he should have destroyed or hid the list of kitchen items, so nobody would notice an iron skewer was missing. He could have easily flushed it down the toilet.
Mondo- in terms of plan he had no plan. However, he didn't make any glaring mistakes at the crime scene. There's not much he could have done about the protein coffee stain and the blood spatter. If you add on Togami's interference, there is no way he would have been caught if he had just kept his mouth shut. For the broken monopad, Taka is equally suspicious. Kyoko was the only one that suspected him, and in chapter two she may not have enough influence over the group to single handedly get him eliminated. The fact that a guy who killed in the heat of the moment places decently shows how little brain cells some of them have.
Gonta and Kokichi- this one is very hard to rank because 90% of the reason Gonta was suspected is Kokichi's testimony, and can you really call the memory error a mistake since it was before Gonta was plotting murder? Either way, I'm putting it here. Gonta made a mistake by being seen in the same area as the toilet paper when he could have easily hidden it on him like Miu did with the phone. However, Kokichi made the majority of mistakes in this case by turning on Gonta for denying he even entered the virtual world. (my dude, its Gonta. This is probably the level of lies you would have gotten had there not been a memory error.)
Kirumi- She made one very big mistake: moving the body. If she had just left Ryoma in his lab, this crime would be near impossible to trace back to her. Depending on if she removed the handcuffs and the severity of his head wound, this could be argued to be a suicide. She couldn't have known that Kokichi or Gonta wouldn't have gone into Ryoma's lab looking for him, but even so that could have been traced back to a lot of different people.
Peko- I think her biggest mistake was agreeing to meet up with the rest of the girls if she suspected Fuyuhiko was going to try something. With a cast this large, not having an alibi is more suspicious than something being weird about your alibi. Her mistake with the gummies is understandable, since we don't know how recently she last say Hiyoko eating them. However, why did she get sparkling justice involved? Fuyuhiko was more suspicious than her throughout most of the case, so people would have likely voted for him. If she wanted him to survive the trial, she should have confessed! Her motives in this case confuse me tbh.
Kaede- her murder is overcomplicated, but in a way that makes sense because she didn't know who she was killing. It also would have been quite difficult to test beforehand due to all of the moving parts and the mastermind possibly being in the library at any time. From a tactical level, her mistake was not taking the first blood perk, but thats due to moral reasons. Since this murder failed, I don't think I can rank it any higher.
Mikan- She shouldn't have tried to record that video for Hajime. She also shouldn't have strangled Ibuki when she just could have hanged her. Why obscure the cause of death? That being said, I think killing Hiyoko was the right choice and was done decently. Still the smartest chapter three killer by a longshot.
Chapter 1 Nagito- Bad plan, which makes sense since he was likely trying to get caught. The bad part of causing a blackout is that whoever was closest to the body would be suspected, since it takes the smallest leap in logic for him to be accused. In the trial, he also caved way too quickly.
Sayaka- Makoto would realistically suspect her, but she was counting on being more charismatic than him for it not to matter. That being said, she made quite a lot of mistakes. She took the murder weapon even though she knew Hina and Sakura were watching and it could be traced back to her. In the au where Makoto gets blamed for killing Leon, that would have been incredibly fishy. She also didn't remove potential weapons from the area before attacking Leon, which is a huge oversight considering he's physically stronger than her. The note she sent was also traced back to her. If she actually made it to the class trial, she would have been caught quite easily.
Miu: The moment Shuichi notices the poison doesn't match the symptoms of the death, she's suspect number one. Her strange behavior before that would have definitely been a clue.
Celeste- Where do I even start. Using Hifumi at all made things needlessly complicated, and he made the majority of mistakes in the murder case. If Hifumi can kill Taka and she can kill Hifumi, than she could have killed Taka easily, especially considering his mental state at the time. I'd go farther and saying having Hifumi alive in the class trial would be an asset, since he'd believe everything she says.
Leon- He removed all of the hair from the crime scene, but didn't bother to... I don't know, go back and look at the body once during that? Did he not bother to clean the bathroom. He also took risks with disposing of the evidence when he could have just as easily hidden it in his room, where nobody would think to look for it.
Kiyo's murder of Tenko- Not only did he make a fuckton of mistakes, this murder was completely pointless. The whole murder was a mistake. I understand he wanted to bolster his kill count, but doing nothing was the best option. If he wanted to axe off someone useful to the group, like Shuichi or Kaito, then this murder might make sense from a strategic perspective. He made horrible choices for seance members, arguably choosing the two smartest in the group to help him. I also think he could have likely found his way to the center of the room based off muscle memory, and those lines he added were unnecessary.
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natsmagi · 1 year
tbh maybe this is a hot take but i really dont get why people insist on having one person in natsumugi be this Super Toxic one and the other a victim. the easiest conclusion to draw is natsume being the bad guy and tsumugi the victim due to natsume getting physical and berating him at times but far too commonly do i see people insist that its the other way around and that tsumugi is actually the super toxic one and natsume just lets tsumugi emotionally manipulate him and thats ?? so weird to me ??? both of these are so weird to me ???
i can ofc see where theyre coming from. both natsume and tsumugi have plenty of issues going on in their heads. i feel like natsumes situation is more commonly understood as him simply just being difficult though and not being the best at managing his emotions, and with tsumugi i get it because he doesnt really have much of a moral compass. he doesnt quite understand peoples feelings and it results in him doing pretty fucked up things at times, but to then frame him as someone who would be abusive?? that doesnt sit right with me
tsumugi may not understand peoples emotions and be apathetic to the struggles people are going through, but its clear to anyone that that man has good intentions at the end of the day. at WORST he may get overbearingly controlling, but its never in a "you cant do x y z" way, its in a "i signed us up for this job opportunity because i thought it sounded nice and didnt speak it through with you beforehand and now we have to do it" way. had this been 2nd year tsumugi maybe he wouldve been far more desperate and even manipulative to an extent because he was in such a dark place, but current day tsumugi is actively trying to understand people better. hes trying to learn how to feel. in wonder game he even outright said that natsume taught him pain and everything else. his growth is clear
i cannot see tsumugi taking advantage of natsume in a genuinely destructive way with modern day ntmg. again, maybe during the earlier !-era stuff he could be more destructive, but natsume also does a relatively good job keeping tsumugi in his place during that time too, with him getting physical and all. its only in !!-era where tsumugi doesnt really mind it and can even make playful jokes about it because theyve Had this development in their relationship. theyve moved Past many of their toxic attributes, and theyve finally grown to understand one another. this is also when tsumugi can have a more "dominating" role in their relationship, since natsume has come to trust him to this extent, but tsumugi wouldnt take advantage of that. again; theyve now grown very close and understanding of one another. theyll have banters such as tsumugi wanting natsume to do something like idk. wear a dress. to which natsume will reply with kys but again. in !!-era this is banter and tsumugi wouldnt actually force natsume to do something he doesnt want to. theyre just very comfortable with each other now
i also really hate the position natsume gets put in with all of this. so often he is already hyperfeminized by the fandom for no reason whatsoever (which is especially fucked up considering how much he canonically hates being seen as a girl), and by making tsumugi this manipulative and abusive partner youre stripping natsume of even more autonomy and framing him as powerless. naively in love with a man thats hurting him. and that doesnt sit right with me either!! natsume does have a big heart and he has endured more than he probably should, but to think natsume would just take it ??? natsume has BACKBONE. if tsumugi upsets him he will either 1. get really mad at him or 2. start ignoring tsumugi alltogether. hes not just gonna put up with it. and tsumugi will notice this change in demeanor. ask if hes done something wrong. he may not understand what it was he did but he never intends on hurting natsume and would genuinely want to resolve it. tsumugi isnt stubborn in this regard, if he fucks up he wants to fix it. and natsume isnt a damsel in distress, why do you want him to be a helpless maiden so bad ??
theres alot of nuance to all of this and im obviously not gonna tackle every single element of their relationship and this is just an overview but TL;DR ntmg are both awful and have many faults and their relationship has gotten incredibly unhealthy at times but the point is theyre growing PAST that. maybe sometimes these toxic traits of theirs will resurface, but that does not make one the abuser and the other the victim. theyre just two fucked up people in love, standing as equals and learning to understand one another. stop framing one as evil
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
for the ask game, 🏳️‍⚧️ , 🦾, 💔, and 👻 for Tsumugi?
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon:
Tsumugi is probably some flavour of genderqueer or genderfluid. I know the V3 anthologies aren't really canon but I can't stop thinking about one comic where she said she uses the men's bathroom when she's cosplaying male characters. She's clearly very confident in her gender expression and loves presenting as masc and femme so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case!!
🦾 A disability headcanon:
Mugi is almost definitely some flavour of neurodivergent, though I don't have a specific headcanon for that. (To be fair, though, I feel this way about most DR characters. How else are you gonna be an ultimate?)
I don't know if this counts, but one of my favourite Tsumugi headcanons is that "cospox" really isnt a thing, but instead she has a fairly severe allergy to a particular type of fabric. Maybe cotton, maybe polyester, I don't really know for sure. When she was making everyone else's uniforms, she made them out of fabric with a high percentage of the material she's allergic to. That way, she has a very strong alibi against being accused of doing a murder in cosplay.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them:
I had to think about this for a while, but I think Tsumugi is scared of not being in control. She likes to think that there's something she can do in any situation she's put into to make it better, even though thats not really true. Its why Kokichi stumped her so much (He's an unpredictable variable that continually threw a wrench into her carefully planned motives) and why she chose to join DR in the first place rather than protest with Rantaro. If she feels helpless, she'll do anything to regain that feeling of control and power. Anything
💔 An angsty headcanon:
I think Tsumugi and Rantaro were genuinely really close during Danganronpa 52. Not only were they the last survivors together, but I think they were also good friends. She had a lot of conflicting feelings when she put Rantaro in the next game but tried to push them down. It's what he chose, its what the viewers want, its for the best. But when she killed him herself after Kaede's plan failed, she didn't feel the rush of excitement or pride that she thought she should feel. She was doing something horrible to someone who had stood by her for so long. Isn't that despair exactly what Junko would love? Shouldn't she also love it, as the mastermind of this killing game? Then why did it just make her feel empty?
I don't think she would really begin to address these feelings until the end of trial 6, and by that point it was too late
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strawberri-draws · 3 years
Also do you have any recs on post-game drv3 fics? When I finished the game I checked ao3 but only found a couple that considered the game a simulation.
Sure! There aren't really a ton, but here's some with elements of that: (also idk how to put links in these so :,)
- anything by Verl on Ao3, they write a lot of cool Kiibo stuff. My fave postgame one is Texting Traumas though, about the text thread between Kiibo and Kokichi postgame :D Complete with 4 chapters
- what happens in fiction doesn't stay in fiction by You (Rietto) on Ao3 is a kokichi-centric postgame au! Mainly hospital recovery and fighting off Danganronpa (I think, I haven't read it in a while lol), also I think its abandoned with 13 chapters
- 13 Students Remain by whattheskyknows on Ao3 is a really good Time loop AU where the only way to leave the game is to survive and OH BOY its so good, and I'm very excited to see where it goes (it has pretty regular updates, too!)
- Everyone's Killing Reality by khattikeri on Ao3 is again an ingame fic, but its complete with 53 chapters and the explanations and backstory is so intriguing!!! I love how they handle Tsumugi's character (and everyone else's, really) and the way the characters fit into the danganronpa world is really cool
- All My Secrets by Fastern on Ao3 takes place in an AU where the cast of V3 exist in the tragedy, kokichi centric but really cool backstories and roles for everyone else (including the sdr2/dr1 cast!) It is long, but incomplete with 16 chapters and I'm not sure if it will update again :,)
- or did it eat the little girl? by weewooweewoo (WaitWhatDoIPutHere) on Ao3, as well as its post-game sequel, lets go out with a bang! - its a tenko centric fic, where she survives Korekiyo due to outside interference and GOSH ITS SO GOOD, it is complete, and I love it dearly: the outside world is more along the lines of everything-was-fake but its one of the few fics I feel has really done that justice! I love the tenko and himiko characterization, as well as most everyone else, and it really shaped my love and appreciation for those characters tbh, giving them realistic and amazing character arcs :D
- it's alright, it's okay by EmbraceTheEccentric is a complete post drv3 au where they live on jabberwocky island and recover together :,) thats it its just very hurt comfort and good
- It's Not Over. We're Not Done. By katavicbun on Ao3 is a sdr2 centric fic, postgame. But it DOES have one of the best inclusions of the v3 class I've ever read, and the way they work into the story is so so good. 10/10, complete, one of my all time faves
- Ordinary Days by gonta, and starrynova is a really really interesting premise of the (spoilers) drv3 class being in the reserve course!!! so so good, but ends on a probably never continued cliffhanger. I've reread it at least nine times though, the way they wrote the class dynamics and place in the world is so good :D
- eighteen hundred and ninety six pieces of glass by wrenkos on Ao3 is a complete drv2-tsumugi au character study!! Its one of my fave tsumugi fics, and the writing is very good :D
- be the thing that buries me by Mistress East is one of my all time faves- its in game, a virtual reality au. The motive is hanahaki disease, and its kokichi/shuichi, although my favorite part really is the Maki and Kokichi interactions :,)
I have more, but im tired and I feel these are the ones most fitting the game simulation/ postgame v3 fics that I feel are less popular, or that I just really like a lot haha :D I hope one of these fits what you're looking for :D
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V3 girls reacting to their s/o giving them a bouquet of flowers
This is more so a random idea that popped up in my head but it's a cute idea so why not write it out
Might do the other female casts from the other games if this one is well received (if not I'll still probably do it cus mm,, cute girls)
SDR2 version | THH version
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【Kaede Akamatsu】
• Kaede was backstage after finishing up her amazing piano recital
• Since you were obviously her s/o, you were able to go backstage to see her before she went out or when she finished
• So you had the amazing idea to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers once she finished her recital
• And thats just what you did!
• You bought her a bouquet of her favorite flowers with a cute written notecard that said "Another amazing performance by my amazing Ultimate Pianist!"
• She was so happy when you surprised it to her, you have no idea
• She gave you a lot of kisses and when the two of you got home, cuddles!!
• Now the flowers sit beautifully in a colorful vase on top of the dresser in the bedroom, being taken care of everyday
【Kirumi Tojo】
• You decided to surprise her with flowers since Kirumi is always working so hard
• It's pretty easy to tell that being the Ultimate Maid wasn't easy at all
• It was one of those very rare days where Kirumi was able to take a light break and go over everything to see if she just so happened to forget something (she obviously didn't but an excuse is an excuse)
• You saw it as a perfect opportunity to surprise her with the flowers
• When you did show them to her, telling her that she didn't need to work so hard for everyone else and to just take care of herself once in a while, she smiled
• Success!
• She gives you cute peppered kisses as a thank you
• She waters and takes care of them everyday to make sure they never wilt
• Give her more flowers! She loves them a lot and always loves taking care of them
【Himiko Yumeno】
• She needed flowers for one of her magic shows
• So you got her a bouquet of them!
• A very pleased little mage
• She decided to split them up, using the ones needed for her show, and the rest for her hat
• She somehow gets them to stay on her hat without falling so now her mage hat is cutely decorated with the flowers you got her
• In addition, she puts a spell on them so they never ever wilt and stay in perfect condition
• You were glad the flowers weren't real anyways
【Angie Yonaga】
• Ahah! Her s/o strikes again
• You wanted to surprise her with flowers since Angie somehow hit some sort of creator/art block
• She was painting random things on a canvas when you decided to surpise
• She loved the flowers you got her!
• In reward, she gives you a playful kiss and also does a painting of the flowers
• She needed the inspiration, so she was extra happy that her s/o is her muse
• Will gift you the painting since you gifted her both the inspiration and flowers
• Now the painting is hanged up in the bedroom and the flowers sit in a handmade clay pot in Angie's art lab
【Miu Iruma】
• Honestly you didn't have much of a reason to gift her flowers
• You just wanted to do a cute romantic gesture
• You left the flowers on her desk in her lab, with an added bonus of a small box of chocolates
• When she found it, she freaked
• And I mean it when she freaked
• Miu basically ran over to you with blush across her face and gave you so so so many kisses
• Heck she'll probably end up making you some sort of invention
• She slightly sees this as a competition now
• Will probably brag about her golden brain and how she can always top your gifts with her inventions
• You don't take it personally and let her have her fun in this now made up competition to see who can give the best gift
【Maki Harukawa】
• You'll be lucky if you really even get a reaction from her
• Or at least get to see it upfront
• You know Maki is not exactly one for receiving gifts, so giving her a bouquet of flowers was definitely a surprise
• Her reaction to receiving the flowers can go one of two ways:
• One way would be is that she doesn't exactly give you a reaction, thanking you in her slightly monotonous tone, and taking the flowers away
• She'll be blushing though once she starts walking away with the flowers
• The other way would be that she'll already be blushing by the sudden gesture
• All you can hear is a soft stuttered "Thank you" while you look at your now blushing girlfriend
• Will probably gift you something in return either way despite which reaction you do get so don't worry too much ^^
【Tenko Chabashira】
• A huge sucker for gifts!
• She's always showering you with some kind of affection, so why not do the same to her in return?
• And gifting her flowers was a great choice!
• She was a blushing mess when you held them out to her, giving her all kinds of compliments along with it
• Tenko was so happy she felt her energized than before!
• She gave you so many kisses, and with her being a huge cuddlebug, expect tons of cuddle after her training sessions
• She even puts some of the flowers in her hair!! It's like you are always with her now and she looks even more fabulous than before
• No one gets to touch them! Touch the flowers and you'll be down on the floor in pain in a second
• They are special flowers to her, so no one but you and her get to touch the flowers
【Tsumugi Shirogane】
• A lot of fake flowers
• You often gift Tsumugi fake flowers because she'll usually need them for her cosplays
• But that doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate the gesture!
• In return you'll usually get kisses and get to try on her finished cosplay outfit with the flowers if you want too
• Sometimes she'll steal a few and wear them! Most likely just in her hair or incorporate it on her regular outfit
• But when you surprise her with a bouquet of real flowers, it takes her a minute to collect herself
• She turns into a slightly blushing mess and would try her best to take care of them
• The flowers sit in her lab so she can look at them whenever she's working on her cosplays
• But you'll probably get a bigger bouquet of flowers in return from her since its only fair
• And that's what people do in the animes right?
Yayay I got something done! I wonder how many people will bother reading this since this post is longgg-
Also we are slowly on our way to 100 followers! I'm so happy people like my blog enough to follow it ^^
Please send in requests if you have any! If you want to message it to me instead than please do that, but let me know if you want to stay anon or not!
also totally unrelated but what does it mean to kin someone cus i wanna do kin list for danganronpa but the whole kinning thing confuses me-
~ Mod Toko 💜
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drsweetzscenarios · 4 years
Kiibo, Ryoma, and Kokichi (Seperately) With a fem! Ultimate Neko.
Wow! My first request! I hope you like this, anon! I had a lot of fun with this request! Anyway happy reading! I couldn’t really think of anything for Ryoma so he just gets a lil extra headcanons. And I may or may not have been a lil sappy for Kokichi’s but I overall enjoyed fulfilling this request!
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Keebo, Ryoma, and Kokichi with a Fem!Ultimate Neko!S/O
This was a “love at first sight” kind of deal
You two were the only non-human people in the class!
I headcanon that whenever Kiibo experiences something new, he watches a bunch of anime or reality tv shows to prepare for the moment itself.
If TV told him anything people like you had to stick together!
On the plus side, you were realllllllllllly pretty so it was only natural he introduced himself to you!
I mean he knows how to play it cool!
“Hello! I am K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot! But please, address me as Kiibo!" He waved to you, all the while his internal fans were cooling himself down.You flinched, ears and tail pricked up before calming down. “Oh! My apologies! Did I startle you?” Did he already screw up??“Oh no, it’s alright! Kiibo-Kun, It happens!” Kiibo sighed internally. THANK GOD HE DIDN’T SCREW UP IN FRONT OF A PRETTY GIRL!
“Oh, where are my manners? I’m (Y/N) (L/N)! The Ultimate Neko! Nice to meetcha!” You smiled cutely, your fangs showing slightly. A Neko? What’s that? And then he looked it up…He then turned red. “O-oh! Tha-That’s cool!” He may or may not have come across a very “informative” source.
Thank you internet!
Now Kiibo doesn’t know how to talk to you!
But after months of encouragement from Kaede, Kaito, Maki, Shuichi, Miu, and Kokichi Kokichi just threatened to prank him for the rest of his days as if he wasn’t going to already
He finally confessed!
And it all went uphill from there.
When people make remarks about you, you can expect a “HEY! THATS NEKOPHOBIC!” from Kiibo almost immediately after they said that.
He started watching a lot of animes with nekos in them recommended by Tsumugi since he was wayyyyyyyyyy too embarrassed to ask you about it.
Cuddle time is the absolute best for you two.
You two were cuddling and thanks to your warmth, you took care of both of your needs for warmth.
“Sweetie...Can I tell you something?” You wrapped your tail around him and your ears were pinned to your head. You were clearly drowsy. “Yes, (Y/N)?” He wasn’t really sure for a nickname and couldn’t think of a good one so he just calls you by your name with no honorifics. ”Just know I love you, alright? No matter what..” and then you were about to fall asleep but then you noticed something.
Kiibo had shut down.
His face was bright red and he shut down.
You killed him.
Thanks a lot (Y/N) >:(
He went to his usual place for cats, that one alleyway he always went when he needed to breathe after a long day.
The first day at Hope’s Peak Academy is nerve-wracking.
Even the calmest person would agree so
Besides, he was a criminal
Everyone would either avoid or question him
As he rounded the corner, he saw someone
He didn’t get a good look but-
He knew they wouldn’t want to get involved with a criminal.
So he left, thinking that they didn’t notice him
Oh how wrong he was.
“Hey! You’re that guy!” Ryoma just looked over to you, internally scanning your appearance. “Yup, but I don’t think you’d like to associate yourself with me so bye” He was about to walk off before you interrupted “Wha?? I have no idea what you’re talking about?” You flicked your tail quizzingly. ”I saw you the other day! Were you going to visit the cats?” Your head tilted slightly.
”Do you like cats? Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I’m the Ultimate Neko, (Y/N) (L/N)!” Too bright, he thought. “And you are?” Your wide eyes blinked. "Ryoma Hoshi, the man called the Ultimate Tennis Pro... no longer exists. I'm nothing more than his empty shell." “Huh? Well maybe if we try hard enough we can make that empty shell not so empty!”
After that you two were attached to the hip
You asked him out since Ryoma being Ryoma didn’t expect you to return his feelings so he kept quiet.
There is already plenty people scared of him so you don’t need to worry about anyone commenting on your appearance.
Daily Cuddles.
This relationship is so wholesome-
I swear-
You both depend on each other so much-
You are each other’s comfort
And finally
Ryoma doesn’t feel like a criminal
One of his D.I.C.E. members was on a call the other day
Kokichi, being curious, may have over heard a conversation about the caller going to Hope’s Peak and being nervous, slightly nervous?
Though the caller’s deadpan tone didn’t really help with conveying that...
So the caller is going to be in his year :o
This will be very interesting!
Also the D.I.C.E. member seems to be calling you ‘kitty-chan’ or ‘neko-san’ or something...
Probably a nickname thing!
"I'm Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" You blinked. Then blinked again. ”I... didn’t ask...” You then looked back to the window. Her voice is … familiar... He thought.
“Well, I'm just the supreme leader of an evil secret organization. That's all. I gotta say, it's pretty impressive. My organization has over 10,000 members! Or not!" You glanced at him as your tail brushed against his shoes. “So I’ve heard...” you patted his head. You knew who he was. Your childhood friend worked for him. Your friend always talked about D.I.C.E. so they of course talked about their leader.
“What about you?” “Oh.. I’m the Ultimate Neko, (Y/N) (L/N). Nothin’ special”
And so began your friendship began
Well not really it was more like Kokichi’s questioning and in turn you sorta followed him around.
Then you became closer and *BOOM* you started dating each other
Your D.I.C.E. member friend gave him the “talk” and he had the ok to continue dating you.
Whenever someone dares to make a negative remark about your appearance, they get the same treatment that Miu does for the rest of their life
He asks you annoying questions sometimes that are meant to tease but you know that it is like I said just teasing so you don’t respond.
You don’t really smile or laugh at all, but Kokichi knows you still feel.
You just don’t express easily.
It was cuddle time after a long day of Kokichi’s pranking and school. Kokichi no matter how tall you are is the big spoon and he’s teasing you.
“Who knew your ears were so fluffy, cutie cat-chan?” He continued to pet your ears softly and gently. He snickered, his eyes closed but once he opened them... He saw something he always dreamed of seeing.
Your smile... It was happy, cheerful yet it was soft. He always wanted to see it but. He never thought it would look this...perfect and so you. One of the softest people he knew.
“So pretty...”
“What was that?” “N-nothing!” You had heard Kokichi loud and clear. Plus he was really flustered. First time you ever saw him like that. So today was a great day for the both of you.
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astro-break · 3 years
Did I spend 3 hours cataloging the new MV outfits instead of studying? Yes. Please don’t question it. Everything is under the cut because its long, there’s really bad quality screenshots, and i went ham on the data analysis :)
General points: - There are three types of outfits in the set. Tucked, Untucked, and Half tucked shirts. Pants are the same as far as I can tell
- All of this is speculative and is in no way fact. Please take the data with a grain of salt, I am horrendous at math and can’t count for shit
- Belts and shoes are reflective and go Kira Kira during lives. Subaru goes crazy over them and has probably already stolen them all
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Trickstar - Orange Shoes
Hokuto - Tucked Shirt | Subaru - Untucked Shirt | Mao - Half Tucked Shirt | Makoto - Untucked Shirt
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Fine - Peach Shoes
Eichi - Tucked Shirt | Wataru - Untucked Shirt | Yuzuru - Tucked Shirt | Tori - Half Tucked Shirt
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Ryuseitai - Red Shoes
Chiaki - Untucked Shirt | Kanata - Tucked Shirt | Tetora - Half Tucked Shirt | Shinobu - Untucked Shirt | Midori - Tucked Shirt
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Alkaloid - Teal Shoes
Hiiro - Untucked Shirt | Aira - Untucked Shirt | Tatsumi - Tucked Shirt | Mayoi - Tucked Shirt
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Eden - Grey Shoes
Nagisa - Untucked Shirt | Hiyori - Untucked Shirt | Ibara - Untucked Shirt | Jun - Untucked Shirt
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2wink - Pink Shoes
Hinata - Half Tucked Shirt | Yuuta - Half Tucked Shirt
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Valkyrie - Burgundy Shoes
Shu - Tucked Shirt | Mika - Half Tucked Shirt
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Crazy:B - Yellow Shoes
Rinne - Half Tucked Shirt | HiMERU - Tucked Shirt | Kohaku - Tucked Shirt | Niki - Half Tucked Shirt
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Undead - Purple Shoes
Rei - Tucked Shirt | Kaoru - Tucked Shirt | Koga - Half Tucked Shirt | Adonis - Half Tucked Shirt
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Akatsuki - Burgundy Shoes
Keito - Tucked Shirt | Kuro - Untucked Shirt | Souma - Untucked Shirt
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Ra*bits - Teal Shoes
Nazuna - Untucked Shirt | Tomoya - Untucked Shirt | Hajime - Untucked Shirt | Tenma - Untucked Shirt
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Knights - Dark Blue Shoes
Leo - Tucked Shirt | Sena - Tucked Shirt | Ritsu - Tucked Shirt | Arashi - Tucked Shirt | Tsukasa - Tucked Shirt
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Switch - Green Shoes
Natsume - Tucked Shirt | Tsumugi - Tucked Shirt | Sora - Half Tucked Shirt
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MaM - Grey Shoes
Madara - Untucked Shirt
(Do you really need a screenshot? Hes been in like. 90% of the other ones :p)
Jin & Akiomi
Jin - Burgundy Shoes, Untucked Shirt | Akiomi - Dark Blue Shoes, Tucked Shirt
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In General  - 51 Idols
Tucked Shirts (41%) - 21 Idols | Untucked Shirts (37%) - 19 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (22%) - 11 Idols
StarPro - 17 Idols
Tucked Shirts (41%) - 7 Idols | Untucked Shirts (41%) - 7 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (18%) - 3 Idols
CosPro - 12 Idols
Tucked Shirts (25%) - 3 Idols | Untucked Shirts (33%) - 4 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (42%) - 5 Idols
RyLin - 11 Idols
Tucked Shirts (27%) -  3 Idols | Untucked Shirts (54%) - 6 Idols | Half Tucked Shirts (19%) - 2 Idols
NewDi - 9 Idols
Tucked Shirts (77%) - 7 Idols | Untucked Shirts (11%) - 1 Idol | Half Tucked Shirts (12%) - 1 Idol
(26%) 4/15 Units ([25%] 4/16 if you count Double Face) have members wearing the same shirt. These units are:
Eden (Untucked), 2wink (Half Tucked), Ra*bits (Untucked), and Knights (Tucked)
(53%) 8/15 Units had the same colored shoes. These units are:
Alkaloid & Ra*bits: Teal Shoes
Valkyrie & Akatsuki & Jin: Burgundy Shoes
Eden & MaM: Grey Shoes
Knights & Akiomi: Dark Blue Shoes
Mini Analysis (that eventually turned into a not so mini analysis)
I think that each character wearing their shirts slightly differently is actually super interesting and shows a little bit of personality for them. Loose shirts are more boyish and athletic, youthful and fun while tucked in shirts give off a more refined and put together appearance. Half tucked just looks lazy in my opinion but also has the best of both worlds, a casual kind of formality.
StarPro having a more or less equal amount of Idols wearing their shirts in all three ways is pretty interesting and really emphasizes the amount of freedom these idols are given based on their agency. It also speaks to how free StarPro units are in relation to other agencies since they are the sole agency without any units who match each other’s shirt wearing tendencies. Everyone’s just kind of everywhere with each unit doing their own thing. Its interesting to note that the only unit in StarPro that doesn’t have all three styles of shirt wearing is Alkaloid. In Mayoi’s own words, Alkaloid is “a newbie who has just made his debut”. Because of they’re new I suspect that they haven’t branched out very much, sticking to the tried and true traditions of idol work that dictates that uniformity with minor deviations is the best for unit outfits. You can totally see it in how they’ve separated themselves into two neat groups: Hiiro with Aira and Tatsumi with Mayoi (yes shippers you can go feral over this fact).
Contrasting StarPro, CosPro has the highest amount of units with matching shirt styles. Eden makes sense since Ibara probably wants the face of the company to look uniform so he made them all wear their shirts the same. Though the decision to leave them untucked leaves me questioning a few things. Do they want to seem more approachable? I guessed before actually seeing the outfits that Eden would either have half tucked or fully tucked shirts mostly because they’re a unit who prioritizes appearances. Having that put together air definitely fits Eden (or at least Adam). 2wink wasn’t a surprise tho. They’re generally a more uniform unit being twins and all. Though again, a bit miffed about the choice for half tucked shirts. While I will freely admit that I don’t read very many Eden or 2wink stories nor have I interacted with them very much, I do think there is merit in being able to understand design choices at a glance. If a 2winkP or an EdenP would like to hazard a guess as to why these two units have shirt wearing styles that doesn’t really fit with my preconceived notions of them please do tell me. But other than that, CosPro is generally really uniform with each unit being more or less balanced. Valkyrie as always has a really strong sense of aesthetics and pairing the half tucked shirt with the tucked shirt was a very good call. Crazy:B, like Alkaloid, is neatly separated into two groups: Rinne with Niki and Kohaku with HiMERU (more shipping fodder for you shippers :p). But contrary to Alkaloid who’s following more conventional idol ideas, i feel like Crazy:B was instructed by Ibara to dress like that. Both to promote the image of unity within CosPro but also to piss Rinne off ww.
I really don’t have much to say on RyLin since I generally don’t like any of the units affiliated with it. I really sorry but I’m pretty indifferent about Ra*bits and Akatsuki. I do have Opinions TM about Undead but that’s for another day. But for now, I will say that Ra*bits all having untucked shirts is very cute and very Ra*bits. The picture perfect image of youth and energy!
Thanks to Knights basically dominating the board with their five person unit all with tucked in pants, the data was skewed way to much into the tucked shirts area wwww. Even if Natsume and Tsumugi didn’t have tucked shirts it would still be the majority wwwww. In all seriousness, tucked in pants is 100% a Knights look and i am living for it. They look so noble even in converse and casual wear. I think Mama having an untucked shirt is also super cute and makes him a lot more huggable. (please refer to the Ra*bits screenshot, its very cute the height difference) Even Sora’s half tucked look is very boyish a cute, very Sora. Honestly each of the agencies’ personalities shone through even through these simple clothes and honestly did a better job of giving me each unit’s personalities at a glance than those 5th Ani outfits did.
Also I have no idea why some units share shoe colors its just a fun thing to point out. Yes I’m pretentious and say burgundy instead of dark red. Shut up. I like burgundy :p
Extra Notes
- None of these bitches are straight, they’re wearing Converse with cuffed pants! Look me in the face and tell me that wearing converse with cuffed pants is a straight thing. Thats right, you can’t.
- The stage was Knights’ Silent Oath bc it’s a stage with 5 people, has nice lighting, and has multiple parts where I can get all 5 people with a large window of time. Also I can stand listening to Silent Oath 12 times while taking screenshots. The other option was Suisei Halation but I found Silent Oath first :p
- This came from me noticing that Rei had purple converse shoes and laughing my ass off about it before going to check out the other units and spiraling from there
- As I was cataloguing this, I made a mental list of who in Enstars deserves to have fangs on their model and who actually does. I’m not posting that today but if you’re interested....
- None of this was edited. None of it.
- I really should have been studying ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯  time well wasted
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silversprit · 4 years
me reacting to danganronpa shit with no context
includes all 3 main games! ask for context if u want heeheh
FUCK YALL ITS CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRO ITS LITERALLY THERE ITS ALL THERE (referring to leosaya of course)
i also love how everyone else hates him, though him and mukuro junko coudlve been really intriguing
kyoko doesnt even waste time speaking
CELESGAMI CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW IT WO- maybe not maybe im reading too deep “he and i are of a kind” WINK WONK
toko pleeeease stop obsessing ove rhim hes so bad
ishimondo canon i think that ones actually canon someone on the dr crew said it i think
fuck you byakuya “don’t breathe until i tell you to” shut the fuck up
i would say band-aid confirmed but honestly? it already was MONOKUMA HUH WHAT
hm comparing gundam to komaeda… is that a good comparison? idk much about sdr2 i cant say for sure SONDAM CONFIRMED again it probably already was
sodddaaaa dont beat him up
i love you twogami you are so good HAJIME NOT KNOWING WHAT YAOI IS JUST… MMM FEELS RIGHT
TERUTERU GAY FOR HAJIME CONFIRMED also kazuichi/hajime but thats more believable… wait “come and be my worthy partner” TWOGAMI/HAJIME EVERYONE IS SO HORNY FOR THE PROTAGS
“she’s in the wild ‘n wet world of yuri now!” IBUKI WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ARE YOU DATING HER WAHAT i mean i do think it could be cute also hajime’s was surprisingly calmer than i thought it would be
WOAH HIYOKO WHAT THE SHIT DID YOU JUST SAY KOMAEDA WAS INTO LOLICON WHAT honestly im glad no one trusts komaeda (this will get me murdered)
SONIA KNOWS KUZUPEKO CANON EHLL YEAH ibuki was friends with him? i dont remember that
everyone is being angry at ibuki gonna kms /j /j /j shes just playin her death metal HIYOKO NOOO WHY ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES IT
F-FUYUHIKO BLUSHING AT CHIAKI??? NO. I CANNOT ACDEPT THIS ibuki is so gay i love her she is best girl for a reason
i dont trust most of the people’s reactions to her thats weird
akane just confess to nekomaru already damn you dont gotta keep innuendoing ooookay is teruteru bi cause hoyl shit these reactions make me think so thats actually p cool
ibuki keeps referencing that one scene in chapter 2 and i love that
hajime says “stop talking about your panties”…. bro shes- you know what nvm he can figure it out on his own
ibuki being gay for peko feeds me i love them together but like kuzupeko but like peko has two hands! gundam just laughing.. imposter sus
glad none of the dudes (except for teruteru rolling eyes emoji) is being horny for hiyoko and monokuma calling her a loli is. technically correct? shes an adult if the dr timeline is right
love that ibuki still goin on about that scene girl… same also love that kazuichi and gundam bonding over loving sonia
ibuki rejecting soda like that… good for her. hajime yes you’re soul friends geeez it snot that hard to understand
havent played v3 so my opinions might be stupid (you have been warned)
wow these are surprisingly boring also whats with the talk of ghosts thats weird
miu dont diss tsumugi like that i thought she was cute also yeah okay maki you dont need to be like “im not interested” okay we know u straight baby its ok /hj kaito wanna see her cosplay (lenny face)
angie finds keebo attractive you say? and tsumugi asks if he knows romance? and shuichi calling him a dryer? fascinating
angie calling gonta a grandma is both cute and kinda odd. why is kirumi calling him mother? my god miu can you not be horny for 5 minutes
ohhh i get it now nvm gonta asked if she was the mom of the group AND KOKICHI ASKING HER TO BE HIS MOM HAHA KOKICHI MOMMY KINK LOLOLOL tsumugi drooling ooh
OHH GONTA CALLED ANGIE THE GRANDMA OF THE GROUP WHILE BLUSHING WHAT angie is honestly so cute shes obsessed with atua and sacrifices but shes cute
kaede asking why korekiyo wears a mask… sadge if only she knew what awaited her in 2020 also maki asking who his sister is is
aw kaede called tenko cute. also kiyo just straight up being like “yeah imma kill her” is so brave
shuichis is so boringgigig
im crying i cant find the ultra despair girls one
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ixcaliber · 5 years
i finally got my hands on dangan ronpa 3 and it’d feel wrong to play it and not liveblog it at least a little
finished the prologue here’s my opinions of/predictions for the characters
kaede akamatsu - shsl pianist & protagonist? i’m not going to pretend i didn’t scroll past some kind of vague hint that the first character you control is a decoy protagonist back when the game first came out so she’s probably doomed or she’s junko or both
it’s been a long time since i played the first two dangan ronpas, i feel like kaede seems to have more of a personality than ummmm makoto? and um nagisa? nope um i forgot their names but the first two dr protagonists. and her shsl talent is a specific talent unlike theirs which brings me to
rantaro amami - shsl amnesiac and my best guess as to who will be the actual protagonist after kaede. for the sole reason of the unknown (or hidden) talent. i have nothing else to base this on. seemed to have heard of the killing games before they had their memories altered and for that reason he’ll probably be around for a good while
shuichi saihara - shsl detective and hat wearer. what’s under that hat? also didn’t we already have a shsl detective? wasn’t that kyoko’s whole thing? would be my second guess for protagonist if it turns out rantaro isn’t it, and if not maybe the murderboy who kills kaede.
so much of my initial impressions are being coloured by this half-read spoiler that it’s going to turn out that like the protagonist switch was something that happened in like... the demo or something. i mean i did think that if they were doing this that they would have done it by the end of the prologue. ???
this is going to end up just like that one time i saw an au image of hall monitor kid as the mastermind and convinced myself that it was a real spoiler for almost the entire way through dr1.
tsumugi shirogane - shsl cosplayer and almost certainly the new genocide jack. maybe this time the serial killer student will do one of the murders
k1-b0 - shsl robot. looks vaguely familiar. you know now that i think about it dr2 really relied on you remembering the events of dr1 to draw parallels and subvert expectations, so actually retaining some memories of the first two would help me in my guesses/predictions. as far as i remember there was a robot in the second game, which i think was like a parallel to chihiro having a computer version of herself in dr1. probably this guy is just a person in a robot suit?
kokichi oma - shsl supreme leader. the new ummmm what was the mafia kid called again? i think it was something like kiriyo, but anyway this guy isn’t as good as the mafia kid whose name i can’t remember. i got halfway through predicting that his status as a supreme leader of an evil organization meant he’d probably die early and uneventfully before i realized that he might be lying. i’d say maybe his talent was being a liar but we kind of already got that with twogami, but dr does like parallels so maybe? solid pick to last till midgame at least
miu iruma - shsl inventor. cool inventor lady. has cool goggles. definitely going to die because i like her and that’s how dangan ronpa works unfortunately. might be a murderer because they could have an execution with like cool robots or something
himiko yumeno - shsl mage. powerful witch girl. love her she probably dies in the same case as miu. probably dies in ‘a magic trick gone wrong’. i don’t know where you’d go with it from a storytelling perspective but i do hope she has actual real magic.
tenko chabashiru - shsl aikido master. i appreciate dangan ronpa’s dedication to having cool sports girls in its games. this sports girl probably gets murdered early. the only real logic i have for this is that aoi survived to the end, akane as far i remember survived to the end. they’re gonna buck the trend, send us the message that nobody is safe not even the cool sports girl.
maki harukawa - shsl child caregiver. i’m clearly supposed to be suspicious of her. she was acting suspicious. she was the only one to walk away after talking to her in the prologue. she’s a child caregiver and all the monokumas are kids this time. she’ll probably be an important confidante of the main character, entirely blameless and survive the entire game.
unless thats what they want me to think...
ryoma hoshi - shsl tennis bastard. hate him. hope he copies teruteru and does the first murder so i can be done with him asap
korekiyo shinguji - shsl anthropologist and mask wearer. all my instincts say komaeda 2 the sequel to komaeda. he’ll likely be entirely benign and make it to the end like mafia kid in 2 and togami in 1. 
kaito momota - shsl astronaut. will definitely murder someone so they can have an astronaut themed execution. though my memory is telling me they kind of already did an astronaut themed execution? astronaut is such an out there talent for a high schooler to have, we can’t have already had an astronaut right???
kirumi tojo - shsl maid assassin. god i wish i could remember mafia kid’s name and its too late in this post to go looking things up at this point. anyway kirumi has a very clear parallel to mafia kid’s assistant, who oh yeah thats right she prevented his execution and got herself killed doing so... god dangan ronpa 2 was fucking wild. kirumi is so dangerous that she’ll likely be a surprising midgame murder victim. 
gonta gokuhara - shsl entomologist (the bug one not the word one) and raised by wolves. my instinct tells me he’ll do a murder by accident (of mice and men style) or be tricked into doing one by... lets say korekiyo. 
angie yonaga - shsl artist and conduit for atua. hey i love her and hope she survives to the end as like the one quirky character allowed to actually survive the game (psychic boy from dr1 and ummmmm i don’t remember if dr2 has a good parallel). 
also of note the monokubs kind of put me in mind of the kids from ultra despair girls and i am Concerned.
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valkyurie · 5 years
Mr Emil! Thoughts oooooon anyone from the oddballs! Or all of them if you feel like it!
ill talk about all of them! since more people asked for my thoughts on themrei is.... rei. i stanned him at first nawt gonna lie but he isnt actually my type of character..? hes a vampire and he acts like an old man and he calls koga poochy and doggy which is like. Funny it really is and he does a lot to help his underclassmen, like trickstar, but he kind of bothers me too? i cant really say why.... i really dont like that he left for a whole year without telling ritsu about it and when he came back he acted like nothing even happened and i guess thats why i kind of am like (squints eyes) when i see him. and when ritsu is being mean to him i cant help but go Woo yeah hell yeah! i have younger sibling syndromewataru!!!!! is a character im very very fond of. i like theatre kids, i like dramatic guys, i like clowns whose goal is to make people smile and laugh and be happy. and as much as i love the theatre club he needs to leave tomoya alone. hate to be finephobic but he should be in another unit like.... they dont deserve him. they really dontyou all know what i think of kanata :-) hes boyfriend shaped and i care about him a lot but i havent really read stories with him..? just the ones where its the two of us talking because um (clears throat) anyway. im really happy that hes one of the best idols in the academy and iirc hes actually considered more talented than wataru...? and he has so many friends and so many people that look up to him and love him and it gives me hope for myself fhgdbfhgdjghdg. i love it when i read a fic about him and i can TELL it was written by an nt like .. the flavor... no he really acts like this thats who he Is its not just a weird act he puts up to fuck with people. hes very special to me and im super super super attached to him :'-) hes weird and i love that for him!oshisan makes me feel... a lot of things. i love him lots but that doesnt mean i excuse all he did to nazuna. but hes like.. hes learning to be better. hes really careful with me and he doesnt want to end up fucking me up like he did with nazuna and i :-( wow he loves me so much? a lot of people think hes being too mean and too harsh to me for no reason but he Knows that i know that hes not doing it out of malice but rather out of worry... just like ezra said its his unconventional way of showing his love 😌 and like.. i think a lot about our interactions and its ? its so clear that were in love? were in love. and not to be a loser but i get so Gfjhdgfjggfjhsgdjfhdkfhs over him like. hes handsome. hes hot. im in love with himand natsume! goth tsundere ICON. i guess hes like ... my least favorite oddball? not that i dont like him! i do like him a lot.. i used to kin him big time after all. but i just dont think about him as much as the others? hes great but he should really stop being so mean to tsumugi.. he has legitimate reasons to but im worried tsumugi will end up taking it the wrong way. i like subanatsu also
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synthetic-sonata · 6 years
🔥 (paswg and danganronpa)
AAAAAAA!!! Anon bless your goddamn heart
Ok this might get rambly or turn into headcanons bc I love both of these
Also they may not be that unpopular I just like to ramble sometimes but Im gunna try to make it at least slightly unpopular
Also spoilers prob inbound so im just gunna
🔥🔥 Danganronpa 🔥🔥
- V3 is the only Danganronpa where I like every character. Tsumugis a bit bland but that’s how she’s supposed to be, and she isn’t necessarily a horrible character and her free time are kinda cool. Yes, I also like Miu, Gonta, Korey, Angie, and Ouma. (the characters people are generally iffy on although I know a lot of people are also iffy on tsumugi, tenko, himiko, kaede / shuichi, maki, kaito,…. basically everyone)
- The one hundred thousand debates between Kokichi don’t bother me that much (Like the mistranslation and misdrawing of the fifth trial)
- Ok do not slap me before you read all of this but Gontouma is good;; when it’s platonic.
- I don’t actually like Saiouma or Oumami. Saiouma just feels wrong somehow, and Oumami feels like its incest bc of the brother relationship HC / thing people have adopted into canon. I don’t have anything against ppl who ship them though.
- This isn’t an opinion but for some reason SDR2 just kinda skipped my watch list. I got into DR by V3, and watched THH and V3, and I’ve began to watch a series for SDR2 but dropped it. Although I’ve spoiled all of them ahead of time and know their personalities so I still know what happens.
- There isn’t a murder I neccessarily dislike
- Literally nobody calls Korekiyo Korey despite him saying it was also a good nickname but call him Kiyo instead LIKE I AT LEAST EXPECTED OUMA OR GONTA TO ONCE
🔥🔥 PaSWG 🔥🔥
( this is more rambly ig )
- This isn’t neccessarily unpopular but uhh Japanese was the inferior version and I also dislike Briefs voice in japanese
- I like the sisters equally, it’s like a dan and arin thing if you remove one of them they don’t work that well. I mean, yeah Panty can also work well with Briefs cautious and anxious nature, but Panty is mainly Stockings opposite so them constantly clashing with eachother physically and with their personalities works better imo. I relate to stocking more bc uhh I love sugar and I dislike spicy shit but I still like them equally.
- adding onto that, I like Stockings design more a bit because if Pantys hair always looked how it did in Panty + Brief it’d be the same for both,, idk i dont like how her hair looks defaultly with the fringe thing
- No matter what Brief wears or if he shows his eyes or not he’s absolutely perfect and I don’t have a preference for snazz or geek (well thats a lie i like both equally but like how weirdly exposed briefs forehead is when he uncovers his eyes sets me off a lil but i still generally like them equally)
- get ready for me to talk about brief a lot but I think he was stupidly ooc in episode 10, like god i don’t think he’d act like that at all it feels like he’d be more protective of them in a more fragile state,, i wish he was just being stupidly sarcastic but it lasts throughout the entire episode generally
- Episode 10 was kinda a bad episode in general because the art and animations were so weird lIKE DO U SEE HOW WEIRD PANTY AND STOCKING LOOK WHEN THEY TINY IM
oh yeah we also got to see briefs dick for like 3 frames in that episode so thts a thing
oh yeah this is a common comment on it but like vore. its just VORE. BRIEF CANONICALLY VORED PANTY AND STOCKING
OK LAST THING FOR E10, but uh i feel like tht episode was made because they went like “we need to foreshadow that briefs dick is a key / that hes hellsmonkey” “hmm,,,, what situation would we have to get brief into where chad penis would show,,,” “i know make him have to shit badly and throw off all of his clothes and make garter stare uncomfortably close at his peen!!” “PERFECT” I’m???#E?W!?!Q?Q?!
- brief has some of the best lines when you rewatch the show likE??? “while garter was bitching about you” “WHERE’S PANTY AND WHATEVER THE HELL HER SISTERS NAME IS” the entirety of his pep talk during the transformers episode or just him in that episode in general is golden “yes, yes it does” in response to panty asking if his acne gets set off from the sun or smth (fun fact gingers sunburn easily so panty was kinda close) and also from the same episode “that’s not helping” when panty just does the assdance i’m
OH YEAH!! Don’t forget the PaSWG extra episodes his quotes in that are also amazing like “i love her but she needs some serious therapy” “hello nurse” “are you crying tears of joy?” as zombie pantys eye bleeds mkfmvfk “THAT ISN’T THE PITCH THATS YOUR VAGINA” (thats not what he said i forgot but it was smth like tht) im cdnmc,,,
Give us more assertive / helpful / sassy / sarcastic brief I swear to god i live off of that
- brief should’ve been in more episodes or have had longer scenes in the episodes where he was just there at the start and didn’t have many lines or got kicked out in the middle and just gets shown at the end to remind you he exists
oh yeah last thing abt brief in the episode the daemons were introduced his dick got violently murdered
he got a sword stabbed in his dick (,,,or ass?), a gun pointed at his dick, and scantys sharp looking shoes basically crushing his ba ll S while he’s just whimpering in pain please help this child im
I feel like the only reason he lives through all this pain bc of his bloodmonkey stuff gives him like more resistance to pain i’d assume
- i wish we saw corset at least a bit more or got insight into him and garters relationship
- stockings whole thing at the end doesn’t bother me much bc i think they could do a lot with it, and it was originally said that they had enough material for like 6+ seasons or smth so i wonder if stocking would just die at the end of s2??? was she possesed? what happened gainax,,… i feel like if stocking didn’t come back then idk what they’d do
i also feel like panty being a demon would’ve made more sense. or a secret succubus spy or smth idk… also since stocking and panty are related does that mean they’re like half demon?? did stocking just turn too far into a fallen angel tht she got turned into a demon?? WHAT HAPPENED?
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NDRV3 Girls’ reactions to their S/O getting drunk at a party
Anonymous asked: The girls reactions to their S/O getting drunk at a party
Welp, I need to post these since I was on holiday for a while so here they are!
~Mod Kiibo
Kaede Akamatsu
~ When you both decided to go to this party, she thought it was a great idea! Because parties with her S/O are always a great time
~ Fast forward to right at this moment where you are pretty much drunk and chaos has struck
~ At first she thought it was kinda funny that you was drunk because you kept saying weird things that caught her off guard sometimes
~ Then sometimes you'll do strange things like pretend you are different animals and singing on tables or even under them
~ Sooner or later after you run out of energy you'll just suddenly collapse on the ground
~ It's now her job to bring you home safely! Since your condition is not suitable to walk back
~ Kaede tried her best to carry you back home without dropping you and not getting lost even though it's both of your guys house but it's dark okay?
~ At last you two return back to your house! And still in one piece as well and none of you guys are missing too if that was able to happen…?
~ Now she has to bring you to bed which is the hardest part because of the old enemy
~ S t a i r s
~ Luckily she managed to get you to your own comfortable bed without any harm by stair related accidents
~ She decides to stay and snuggle next to you just because you looked so cute when you was asleep
~ She falls asleep after a while after a tiring night of trying to carry you home with many obstacles in the way and trying not to harm you as well
~ Yup it is a job well done, all for her drunk S/O
Miu Iruma
~ You two went to a party with absolute excitement, with you just wanting to enjoy yourself and Miu hoping that she will have a chance to see you drunk and just the crazy shenanigans that you both can get into
~ She always had that thought for a while to be honest because she loves to have fun with her S/O
~ Surprise surprise you got drunk with her help and some of your friends as well and you were an absolute mess
~ Just rethinking life and just wobbling everywhere as you talk to random strangers about weird topics and then making it depressing in the matter of seconds
~ At one point of the party she lost you in the crowd and queue the overwhelming panic!
~ She looks all around for you saying that if you come to her she'll let you do whatever you want just pLeASE SHOW uP
~ She found you in the bathroom right next to the corner talking to a soap dispenser
~ After many attempts of trying to drag you away from the bathroom with your pleads since you didn't want to leave your new friend she managed to get you out of there without too much tears on her clothes
~ Welp time to go home before you make friends with another household appliance and get emotionally attached to them in seconds
~ She keeps close to you while you both are walking home so you don't just randomly wander off and also to help you stop crying oVer A GodDAMN SOaP dispENseR
~ You stay quiet mostly from the walk back home so that makes her feel like you are starting to calm down a bit
~ Once you two get inside it is straight to bed no buts, we are going straight to bed because you need rest before you cry again and end up staying awake all night
~ Luckily all the crying you've been doing tired you out so Iruma didn't have to do much since when she came in to your room you was already asleep
~ Note to self when S/O gets drunk, keep them away from soap dispensers
Tsumugi Shirogane
~ She agrees to go with you to this party even though she was a little hesitant first, she comes along for the ride
~ Everything was fine at first, yes there were some people who were pretty out there and all and some creating scenes but overall it was fun
~ That is until Tsumugi tried to see where you were but when she did find you, you were drunk
~ You were quite tired honestly and kept on dozing off as well but then shooting back up in seconds, this pattern kept on going throughout the night
~ She follows you everywhere you went too which was kind of hard with a heck of a lot of people in the way but she kept on finding you which is good and you weren't collapsed on the floor as well so that's a bonus
~ When she did lose you, she would always find you in weird places asleep: first she found you in one of the rooms shower, next she found you in a wardrobe and then she found you was underneath a mattress
~ Honestly she was so confused about some of the places you slept in but you was okay so all she had to do was wake you up
~ Once she decided it was late enough to go back home, she carried you bridal style home without much effort
~ When she arrived home, you woke up at that moment so you both decided to watch some anime while you were both awake
~ Well you was struggling to keep your eyes open so you kinda just rested your head on Tsumugi’s shoulder and nodded off
~ She didn't mind of course but you had some trouble when you woke up the next morning as you ached from the weird positions you slept in the random places at the party
Tenko Chabashira
~ When she heard that you was going to a party she asked that if she could come, just to make sure you was safe of course
~ You agreed that she could come since you thought it would be nice for the both of you
~ She was so excited that she was going to spend some time with her S/O!
~ After a hour in she realised that you wasn't around her anymore so hence her little search party for her S/O has begun!
~ It didn't take long because of your loud shouts stood out more than the more casual chats going on around her
~ Turns out you were drunk and you get more cranky while you are drunk as well, she found it quite concerning that you was drunk but she was keeping her eye on you now or you'll just spar with someone because of your crankiness
~ She will pull you away if you started to have a fight with someone or she would try to keep you in a corner so you can cross your arms and rant about everything as she listens
~ After a couple of hours you start to tire yourself out by shouting a lot and also that your voice has worn out as well
~ That is enough alcohol for one night S/O
~ Tenko carried you home after you start to feel awkward about the mess you made but you still grumble all the way home
~ She finds your grumbles about random stuff cute though and keeps it in mind that not to let you near alcohol without especially when she's not around
~ Who knows what might happen
Kirumi Tojo
~ When you ask if both of you can go to this party she hesitates for a bit since she doesn't really go to parties and she doesn't know what might happen
~ But alas she agrees finally and both of you are surrounded by different types of people
~ She just sits quietly to herself for a while on the other hand you do other things which is out of hear sight
~ After a while she comes to find you and without it's no surprise you're drunk since she knows it's bound to happen nonetheless
~ She finds you crying your eyes out and saying random stuff which she thinks is upsetting you
~ Like some memories of apparently tragic stuff and such which Kirumi had no clue what it was about
~ She comforted you in hopes that it would help you stop crying but that didn't work so she tried giving you some tissues and saying things that would make you happy but yet nothing
~ She decides to bring you home early since that you be a huge help for the both of you
~ Once she gets in, you are immediately in your bedroom under the covers and she is doing everything she can
~ After you finally fall asleep she is getting anything she needs if you actually do get a hangover in the morning
~ She's always there for you whenever you get drunk no matter the situation
Maki Harukawa
~ Yeah parties aren't really her thing really well at all but you get the point
~ But if her S/O insists that they want her to go then fine, she'll go for their sake
~ When you two arrive it's just havoc there, she tries to stay with you but the huge amount of people split you up somehow and that's a big problem
~ It takes her a while to find you and after asking people where you was in kind of a blunt way, she has no clue where you were
~ So yeah this party was a horrible idea
~ She finally hears a familiar voice in the crowd of people and heads straight towards it
~ Turns out you were quite flirtatious while drunk so
~ ohh god
~ Her S/O while drunk is quite a handful to be honest with you, she tries giving her S/O a glass of water to help but they just went off and started to freaking talk to a stranger
~ Yeah, Maki is taking them home right now thank you very much
~ She listens to them babble while walking home and at home because they refused to sleep when she asked them to
~ She acts annoyed with them but then again she can't leave them alone like they could get up to whatever stuff like this which is concerning
~ After trying to soothe them down, it actually works for a change and they start to fall asleep
~ Maki is relieved that her S/O is finally asleep and prepares some things for their hangover in the morning
~ Next time she won't let S/O next to any alcohol again
Himiko Yumeno
~ Oh a party? Sure let's go…
~ She’ll doze off at the start of it to be honest since you wanted to spend some time together and all
~ She was dozing in the corner of one of the rooms and then she suddenly woke up and started to slowly realise what was going on around her
~ Huh…? Where's S/O?
~ She steadies her way up and tries to find them with the problem of a huge wave of people towering her
~ When she finds you, you are clinging right onto her for some odd reason
~ She doesn't understand why you aren't this clingy and you don't say random silly things like that at all, what could this mean?-
~ Ohhhhh, now she gets it
~ You're drunk in fact scratch that you're very drunk, seems like she has been asleep for too long to notice that you was going to drink a lot at this party
~ She didn't know that you was the person to drink so she was a little surprised but nonetheless calm about it because it wasn't anything urgent
~ She tries getting you out of the party which was much easier than she thought it would be since you was so close to her in the first place
~ Had a hard time getting you back home though since you kept swaying around while in close contact with her making you two walk all around the place
~ Finally we have arrived home!
~ And Himiko instantly goes to the couch to nap again with you along side her due to you still being clingy as hell
~ When you do wake up, you have a huge hangover and Himiko tries her best to help by using her magic to make the pain go away
~ You insist that you just need some painkillers and water rather than magic in this situation 
Angie Yonaga
~ You two are immediately heading towards this party you've been invited too and you brought along Angie as well
~ You two split your ways after being torn apart by the crowd of random strangers and some familiar faces
~ At first Angie didn't notice that you wasn't by her side then it dawned on her that you wasn't beside her like usual so she was on a search for you
~ She finally sees you in the crowd and goes in running to you
~ When she reaches you she realises one thing, that S/O was drunk as heck
~ It kinda concerns her that you are drunk and you are falling all over the place because it seems like you are very tired
~ She doesn't really know what to do in this situation so she tries to pull you out of the party without you fainting on top of her
~ You do wobble a bit but she manages to at least make it to the entrance which is good
~ Now then to make it all the way back home, this is going to be challenging
~ But she does it! And when she gets home she brings you to bed so you can finally drift off without hurting yourself by falling onto the floor
~ She asks God for advice on what to do and to make sure the pain wouldn't be as strong when her S/O wakes up
~ After she receives an answer on what to do next, she is off preparing things for the hangover
~ When you do wake up surprisingly there wasn't much pain as you thought it would be and Angie is there to give you what you need to help it completely
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