#and obviously this is an exaggeration
always-a-joyful-note · 5 months
You know. Thinking about it, the best thing the anime did for Tsumugi was give her professional attire. Like the clothes she wears on the CGs we see her in are cute, but I really think she looks best in the formal business style
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
Do you think in the N2 Squad, Jamil will just randomly get a burst of confidence and flirt with Leona and Vil, just for them to turn it around on him and he then gets so flustered he enters Caterpillar Mode™️ (pulls his hood over his face) for a solid hour?
I kept this one in my asks for a long time coz, while I thought it was a good ask and wanted to draw something for it, I am also plagued with the terrible curse of being both aromantic and autistic and struggling a lot with the very concept of ~*flirting*~
So first, gonna thank @aria-faye and @the-fab-fox for their insights and having the patience to explain to me the big strokes of flirting.
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And now, I'm gonna quote aria-faye word for word cause he explained Jamil's flirting perfectly well in my opinion :
"I feel like Jamil is just... bad at flirting. He can tease and joke and all that, but when he's doing it with the intention of flirtation, i feel like he stumbles. His version of intentional flirting would probably be just... being overly straightforward. Saying what he's thinking for once."
"I feel like Jamil isn't very charismatic when it comes to flirting, so he isn't saying it [compliments] in any sort of way. Just pointing out a fact, which, to him, is flirting. Because it's not something he'd normally say aloud."
"Here's the thing: I think if they played the flirting game, and if Jamil said something intentionally over-the-top, teasing flirtatious, they [Leona and Vil] would match his energy and do it right back. BUT Jamil would be equipped to volley that back over and over. It's not flirtation that gets him. There's an element of disingenuous in flirting. It's all exaggerated, a bit untrue. It's an act - a mutually agreed-upon act that everyone in the group enjoys, but an act nonetheless. And Jamil is EXCELLENT at acts. He's no blushing flower when it comes to flirting. He would take that stuff all the way to bed if that's where it led him. But compliments? He has no idea how to take compliments. He has such a low opinion of himself for so long that he never learned. Compliments are what make him blush. Not flirting."
"Like, Leona could be like 'Damn Baby, what does that tongue do?' And Jamil would immediately respond by purring 'Come here and find out.' But Leona being like 'You look beautiful today' would have Jamil like "Oh, um. *blushes, pulls hood over his head* Thanks, I guess.'"
"I think something else that would get him flustered is physical affection. Like he gets all hyped up to shakily hold their hands, and they immediately respond by kissing his cheeks and being sweet to him. That would make him blushy too."
"Flirting is basically just manipulation. Jamil knows how to do that. He's really good at that. It might surprise him at first, but if he's the one initiating, he wouldn't do it unless he knew exactly what he was doing. Flirting for real is kind of fake. A teasing dance you do to get to a more intimate set of behaviors. And Jamil is great at this kind of thing. There are a thousand ways to make him blushy if he's not initiating. But if he's initiating, that implies a level of confidence, so the options for making him blushy circles right back around to honesty."
"Leona and Vil flirt by antagonising each other, so it might take them a second to realize that whenever Jamil drops an Honesty Bomb on them like this and speaks plainly, he's flirting. But once they know, Jamil will never know peace again, because they turn it right back on him and compliment him honestly until he's curled up and hiding in his hood and begging them to stop."
(Yes we had a very long discussion about it x))
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bixels · 1 month
The Ryoko Kui interview's reception is such a disaster over a pretty normal (yet still flawed) interview between a non-Japanese fan and Japanese artistic. This is discourse for discourse's sake, and it's no surprise that almost every Twitter user I've looked at who's using this interview to parade Kui around as a goated mangaka standing strong against Western ideology is anti-trans.
Like, I do think the interview was kinda wonky with its focus on fandom culture, which Kui clearly didn't have much interest in. But sometimes that happens. Sometimes interactions between two people, especially a fan and a creator, two people who view and interact with a piece of media in completely opposite perspectives, don't click. Does this really need to get blown up into a "West vs. East culture war" issue.
Anyways, Kui saying "I don't consider my audience's interpretations when writing. I leave it to their imaginations, but I have my own read on things too" is the healthiest, most normal thing an artist/writer who wants a non-parasocial audience could say. Artists and writers use this line all the time. If Kui didn't enjoy autistic Laius or Farcille headcanons, she would have probably voiced/signalled her discomfort, like she did on the topic of Senshi fanservice. Overall, Kui handled the interview really well. Props to her to sticking to her guns and keeping a healthy disconnect from the fandom. While I think the interviewer could've/should've been more tactful and restrained, the flaws in their questions is not a symptom of the woke mind virus trying to wriggle its way into the pure Japanese psyche. It's the sign of an over-eager fan who sees a piece of fiction differently than its creator.
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kimtaegis · 1 year
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"There are no other idol groups that are as terrible at sports as we are." – namjoon
cr. namuspromised, jung-koook, dwellingsouls
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evelynpr · 1 month
The day Izuku calls him "Katsuki" instead of Kacchan while arguing is the day Bakugo's heart explodes and dies for real
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chepib3 · 2 months
i love how dick is like holding together every single group he belongs to and also always 3 seconds away from killing himself. how does he do that
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antennatoheaven · 22 days
i don't care that there's a murderbot tv show in the works. it should have been animated instead
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transmascutena · 4 months
i feel like there are so many people who correctly identify what rgu is saying about the role of the prince being harmful, and how utena could never really help anthy through it because of how dehumanizing it is to view someone as a thing to be saved etc etc. but then immediately jump to the opposite extreme of "utena only views anthy as an object and not a human being and her desire to help people was always inherently selfish and bad" and it's just . you have to realize it's more complicated than that. surely.
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tudirkulosis · 9 months
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it is 2024 can we PLEASE stop w these kind of videos now. thanks
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fist-of-vengeance · 4 months
john locke is such an absolute nutjob and im obsessed with him. imagine having the world's most horrendous daddy issues and chosing to cope with this by forcibly adopting everyone you meet. even if they already have a father. john saw micheal's dysfunctional relationship with walt and went "okay, my son now." charlie's struggling with addiction? adoption time. oh claire's mad at him? i am her dad now and also im raising aaron. boone? my son. this random hitchhiker? my son. dude is collecting surrogate children like pokemon, and he's not even a good father figure. he frequently causes problems for the people in question. BUT BY GOD HE DOES NOT LET THAT STOP HIM
that cop eddie knew all he needed to do was get in john's car and trauma dump about his shitty father and john would immediately go "okay yeah you're my son now."
ben probably could've manipulated him twice as effectively if he used this strategy, but instead he was too busy projecting his own daddy issues by trying to make john kill his abusive dad like he did. meanwhile john is reliving the cycle getting conned by ben over and over again just like he trusted his father. they're competing in the daddy issues olympics and no one is winning
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Mina: I found Jonathan a shell of his former self, thoroughly broken in mind and body and spirit, thin and weak and pale and penniless. All he can give me as gift is a battered journal.
Mina: I urged the Superior to marry us right now this minute.
kljfdlsadflka yeah. Imagine the nuns watching this happening.
Nun 1: I do hope she isn't frightened off by his condition, poor man. He is such a kind soul.
Sister Agatha: I saw how worried she was, and tried to console her that there was no other woman. I do think she loves him as deeply as he does her...
Nun 2: But it will be a difficult journey ahead, and even with love, hesitation would be unde-
Mina: Excuse me? Hello? Sorry to bother you but do you have anyone here who can marry us? Now? We want to do it right now, this second please.
Sister Agatha: Oh. Oh... of course! It... might take a few hours to get permission and send for the chaplain.
Mina: I guess that's fine.
[five minutes later]
Nun 1: What a relief.
Nun 2: I'm so happy for them.
Sister Agatha: Yes, it will be such a pleasure to witness their wedding-
Mina: Hello, sorry to bother you again. I've changed my mind about the wedding.
Nun 1: Oh no-
Mina: It really cannot wait even one hour longer. Now. Now, please, I have to make him my husband right this exact second, it is of the utmost urgency. Are you sure you don't have a chaplain already here somewhere? Have you checked everywhere?
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dr2-hell · 1 year
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tormented @karugoround into collabing w me <3
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Bart, Kon, and Cassie upon meeting Robin for the first time: Robin is so hyper competent, i don’t think a newbie like me could keep up
Bart, Kon, and Cassie now: I have an album in my camera roll dedicated to various videos and photos of Tim walking into things, and another just for him walking into trees because his reactions to those are the funniest
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therealkaidertrash21 · 9 months
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Kai when Cinder didn't laugh at his joke:
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themetalvirus · 2 years
the real torture is just trying to find slice of life fanfics and everything is like KING SONIC HAS TO FIGHT OFF THE DEATHWARRIOR ZOMBIES 100,000 WORDS
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I feel like my main sticking point with a lot of Post-CH2-12 Hu!Culprit theories / Hu lied about her alibi theories is that in all honesty, I simply cannot imagine Nico just... letting that slide. Especially if everyone's lives were on the line. If any Hu!Culprit people can sorta explain that thought process to me I'd appreciate it a lot
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