#i just really like that the anime did clean up pt 1 a little
always-a-joyful-note · 5 months
You know. Thinking about it, the best thing the anime did for Tsumugi was give her professional attire. Like the clothes she wears on the CGs we see her in are cute, but I really think she looks best in the formal business style
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madlad-sadgal · 1 year
Goldenheart AU Pt. 3
If you couldn't tell, I have found my notes about this AU and am finally able to make more parts (I could've just made new notes but for some reason my mind stopped everytime I tried to do that, so yeah). This part is gonna be about the band members' (Bal, Nimona and Meredith) backstories.
I highly suggest you check out these first if you wanna understand this, cuz it might not make sense: [Part 1] [Part 2]
(Edit: I'm an idiot and forgot to put the links when I first posted it)
Part 1 is just the base of the AU, and part 2 explains the Director/Livia's (the name I gave her) reasons to not want Goldenheart to be a thing.
Also, feel free to put any idea you might want to add on in the comments or the tags! I tend to look at them and take them in consideration. I don't tag you (some people don't want to be tagged), but if you want to be credited, just message me and I'll tag you if I use your idea!
Anyways, Enjoy!
Ballister Boldheart
Although he didn't live on the streets, Ballister wasn't part of a very fortunate family when it came to money.
Education was something his family struggled to provide to him, and food was thoroughly enjoyed as one never knew if the next meal would be provided or not
His parents worked in a quite successful company but were paid barely enough to survive despite the amount of work they did
Ballister also worked small jobs, such as helping the park keeper clean up garbage, helping the mailman deliver his letters and packages, and so on
When he properly met Ambrosius was when he was cleaning up the park
I say properly because everyone knows Ambrosius Goldenloin, future heir to the Goldenloin company, so when he walked up to a little boy with long dirty hair and worn down clothes, it was pretty safe to say he was wary of him at first
Slowly but surely, after they met up more and more, Ballister started to warm up to him until they became great friends
Ambrosius had tried many times to give money to his family or to buy him something, but Ballister always refused because 1) He wanted to prove he could help on his own, not thanks to some charity money, and 2) He really didn't need the rest of Ambrosius' friends to start rumors about how he was using him for money (It was pretty clear they didn't like him, mainly Todd Sureblade, the Sureblade's being long friends of the Goldenloins)
At some point in time, when they were about 9-10, Ambrosius had to leave cities because of something and the two boys wouldn't be able to talk anymore, so he left with heart wrenching goodbyes
After that, everything was basically shit
With Ambrosius no longer around, some of his old friends who had stayed behind picked on him (hiding the stuff he needed to work, throwing random objects at him when he was in the park, etc.)
His father succumbed to an illness he had been suffering from for a while which sent his mother spiraling into a depression and turning to drinks. She didn't abuse him, but behind her curtain of sadness, she basically forgot about him and it was up to Ballister to provide food and take care of the both of them
It didn't take long for child protection services to take note of this and, at 16, Ballister was placed in a foster home while his mother went to therapy and rehab
It was in the foster home that Ballister met Nimona (backstory later)
Nimona was younger than him by around ten years, a little six year old kid who looked harmless until you realized just how much chaos she could cause
Still, he enjoyed Nimona's company and his foster parents could tell, so they let the two kids be. It was a struggle to stop Nimona from causing chaos everytime they went to the market, but it was worth it if it meant they'd stay up until late into the night arguing about whether freestyle jazz was good or not, if pineapple belonged on pizza or not and what animals would be the best to have if you were running away from the police
Back to that last point, music (except freestyle jazz) was something that the two enjoyed greatly. Nimona enjoyed the drums, always getting a boost out of watching others go crazy on them. Ballister preferred bass (it may or may not be because he remembered Ambrosius had mentioned it being his favourite instrument once and he was desperately holding on to his old friend)
When Nimona turned 7, their parents' rights were terminated and Vivian and William (their foster parents) adopted them, and he was also adopted not long after because his mother's rights had been terminated as well, so now they were an actual little family
Ballister recieved a bass set on his seventeenth birthday, and Nimona received a drum set about three years later on her tenth birthday. By then, Ballister had gotten a lot better with handling and playing the bass and helped Nimona a little with her drums
When they were respectively 22 and 12, money became thin in their household and, having already been through it, Ballaiter didn't want to go through it again, so he decided he was gonna find a way to help his parents, except this time he knew little jobs at the park or helping the mailman wouldn't cut it
They knew they were talented and they could put their talents to good use, and the idea to create a band was somehow thrown into conversations
Only problem is, Bal is pretty good in technology, but he can't work backstage and on the bass at the same time, they'd need at least a third member
Enter Meredith Blitzmeyer
So I'm gonna stop this here because it's already pretty long, I'm exhausted and I'm pretty sure you can tell I got tired towards the end of this, but oh well.
Nimona's backstory's next.
And again, please add on to this with your ideas if you have any, I like hearing what you guys think.
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kapiandkylo · 2 years
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[TW: Death]
Last week we lost our little floof of feistiness, Kapi (originally known as BunBun before we adopted him, then changed to KapiBun, named after the character Kapibarasan).
It has been a long weekend and the days immediately following his passing were sad, lonely, and exhausting.
I adopted Kapi from the SF Animal Care & Control in January 2013, as I was looking for a new soft friend after my little ball of fury, Pixel the dwarf hamster, died suddenly (likely from a heart attack from running too much). I read up on rabbits and prepared for having one at home. I hadn’t seen Kapi’s photo’s up on the SFACC adoptable friends so I was looking forward to meeting a few other buns in mind. As I passed his cage, he immediately ran to the metal door with his nose out and wanted attention — more than any of the other rabbits. I met with a couple other bunnies first; one was so scared he peed right by my leg then hopped away. Then I decided to meet and greet Kapi.
As soon as they let him out with me, he was curious and super friendly. He binkied around me and wanted so many pets. The staff told me he had been surrendered just a few days after Christmas, but whoever his owner was treated and trained him well and he was really well socialized and was at least 1 year old and no more than 2 years old. I loved him, but I went home to think about it.
I went back the next day to get him because I didn’t want anyone else to have him.
Kapi was such a welcome joy in my life at a time where a lot of things started falling apart. He always zoomed around, hopped up on the couch, and demanded attention from me. The way he got spoiled grew and grew, as the living room was soon taken over by him as he needed a bigger pen, more space, and more toys and more attention. He traveled to work with me the first year I had him and got so much love from many people.
Over the next decade almost, he continued to be a fire in my life; with all the ruined plushes and towels, territorial acts, and even stressful speed dating (not always successful) came a lot of cuddles, laughs, and fun.
Even though he was stressful at times, he never got sick or needed an emergency trip to the vet. And he also eventually learned to welcome another bun into his life, Kylo, in 2018.
In October of this year, his annual checkup showed he had lost about 10% of his body weight and he had muscle atrophy. We noticed he was a little bit more tired looking than usual this year, but he was still feisty in the mornings for his vitamins, always ran out and around, and groomed Kylo. The vet said he was “too young” to have arthritis (which I didn’t believe for a second because he was already at least 11 years old); we ran lab tests and his bloodwork came back fine. We put Kapi back on joint supplements and we switched our water bowls out for a water bottle because Kapi was overdrinking and dunking his head in the bowls and couldn’t seem to control himself. This seemed to help him retain a more food after a while and prevented his chin fur from getting soaked and matted constantly, but he was starting to lose his litterbox habits and we noticed much more pee spots on the playmat even though the litterbox was cleaned two to three times a week. We treated him to pellets to help him gain weight. Some nights we did a little PT on his hind legs.
But suddenly a week ago he started falling over more. While he still came out for vitamins when he heard treat bags and waited at the pen door to get some pellets, he was looking more and more tired as the days went on. We would hear him fall because we would hear struggling a little as he couldn’t get himself back up.
We called the vet and scheduled a checkup for the 20th to get him tested for e. cuniculi, because Kylo had tested positive in April but stopped showing symptoms after being on metacam for a week.
A few days after we scheduled that visit, Kapi was found unable to move in his little castle. He couldn’t run out for morning vitamins. He would drink or eat even though he was drinking from the bottle and eating hay, pellets, and fresh veggies just the night before and running (though tripping and falling) around while we were awake. We couldn’t get an emergency visit with our regular vet so we were referred to a place in Berkeley that was 24 hours, so we drove him there and called them that we were on the way.
In the car, I got him to munch on some parsley. I had to prop him up with his little paws on my hand. He would chew for a little bit and then stop, tired. He was still fighting.
When we got to the emergency room, they took him in and said he was in critical condition. The emergency vet didn’t believe he it was e. cuniculi causing his condition, despite us catching her up on his history from this year, and just noted he was a geriatric rabbit especially at his older age of 11. His heartbeat barely registered and he was extremely cold (around 90 degrees, where he should be closer to 100 to 105). He was struggling.
We spent our final hours with him at the emergency vet and we gave him some pellets and celery, which he still munched on, but his chewing and breathing was so labored and he could barely keep his eyes open. His little nose slowed down until it didn’t wiggle anymore. I know he fought so hard.
It hit very hard going home without him.
He meant so much to this home. We’ll never forget him.
Rest in parsley, little dude. And say hi to Kitfo over the rainbow bridge; we’ll keep an eye on Kylo for you.
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marksarmel · 8 months
What I've been Consuming - 01/31/24
Welcome back to a new year of What I’ve Been Consuming! Now, slide out of those DMs and into your comfiest Snuggie and drown in the soft glow of your picture box.
Rebel Moon Pt.1 - You know when you meet a really attractive person and you get a date with them and then they start talking, like really talking and then you find out they’re completely empty inside. This movie is like that. Zack Snyder can make a beautiful movie, but it just has no heart. There’s some cool stuff here, but it just doesn’t have anything that really makes me feel hopeful for the characters. Snyder needs a writing partner that can flesh out all the parts he just races by. This is a perfect background movie, which is not a good thing.
Godzilla Minus One - Whooo baby is this some fantastic giant kaiju moviemaking. This movie can feel a bit slow, but it all pays off in the end. This movie perfectly mixes modern effects, while still nodding to Godzilla’s original look and feel. Watch how he moves, it’s a bit clunky like the original rubber suit, it’s intentional and it works. The characters all give great performances and the time we spend with them makes their stories all the more compelling. There are some truly beautiful shots of destruction here and when Godzilla shows up he is just awe inspiring. See this however you can, and on the biggest screen you can.
Skinamarink - Super weird and creepy and filled with slow mounting dread. This is no ordinary horror movie or even an ordinary movie. Two children awaken in their home that has no doors or windows and their parents seem to be missing. It’s filmed in a sort of lost footage style with very little dialogue. This feels like an art house film and takes some endurance to get through it. Is it worth it? I’m not sure, but it stuck with me for days after viewing it. As I said earlier, this is no ordinary movie. If you decide to watch it, turn out all the lights and let yourself get lost in this creepy world.
Scavenger’s Reign - Boy oh boy is this fantastic! The planet! The people! The weirdness! I know that’s a lot of exclamation points, but it’s all true. This is just so out there and so full of magical wonder. I feel like a bunch of amazing people got in a room and just said, “what if the planet did this…” over and over again. The planet is the main character here and it is relentlessly surprising. Watch it and then rewatch it again. Available on HBO Max.
Blue Eyed Samurai - All action with a great story and some great voice acting. Oh, and the animation is absolutely top notch. This is so great you might want to binge it, but I implore you to slow down and savor it. It’s worth it. I really can’t say enough good things about this series so I’ll just stop talking. Available on Netflix.
Olivia Rodrigo - Guts - I love this album and I don’t care who knows! It’s full of glorious tunes that bring back all the good high school feels. Even the sad feels are welcome here as sometimes it’s fun to remember all the things that seemed so serious back then, but really weren’t that bad. Just put this album on and enjoy!
Omac - Story and art by John Byrne - I spend a lot of time digging around used bookstores to see what the mom’s of comic collectors have dumped there. I come across a lot of crap, but I also stumble across some hidden gems. I’m not a super big DC fan and Omac is not a character I’m too familiar with, but I love me some John Byrne. When I found all four parts of this 1991 series together I snapped it up right away and I’m happy I did. The art is b+w with a heavy use of halftones throughout. Byrne is as fluid as ever here and the story
Speaking of John Byrne I’m slowly picking up his 28 issue run on Alpha Flight. I’m probably 80 percent there and I’m loving every minute of the digging through crates, searching Ebay and of course the reading. It’s just good clean fun.
Alright that’s all for now. Trying to get into a rhythm with these things so look for one next month.
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Just Kiss pt.1- Destiel
Return to File
Recovery date: November 26th, 2020
Description: Kindergarten teacher Dean is crushing on some of this students' uncle. According to the students, they really just need to kiss.
Notes: You can find the second entry here.
Word count: 858
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If you’d asked a young Dean Winchester what he was going to be when he grew up, he’d answer “A rockstar or a Mechanic”. If you’d asked him back in highschool, he might’ve said a firefighter or something like that. At no point in his life would he say a teacher, much less a kindergarten teacher. In fact, for most of his life, Sammy had been the only kid he could tolerate. 
Sammy, or Sam as he preferred to be called, would say Dean over exaggerated his dislike of children. But he would say Dean’s view of children definitely changed after he met Lisa, who had a son. Dean and Lisa met when her son was three, a few years after he’d graduated highschool. After they broke up, a part of him missed spending time with such a small and innocent being. Not that he’d ever say it out loud again, it sounded a little creepy when he told Sam. 
Now, three years after finally completing the teachers program, he spent his days surrounded by kindergarteners. It was a lovely experience, watching them play and colour together, he loved it… Most of the time.
“Mr. Winchester!” Came a shrill cry from the reading corner. “Bel stole my book.”
He’d taken a senior kindergarten class, hoping that they’d be a bit more mature than his previous junior class. He often asked himself why he thought the children with more self awareness would be easier.
“Belphegor, was Jack reading that book? You know we don’t take other people's things,” Dean sighed, trying to keep his voice even.
“He can’t even read it!”
“That doesn’t answer my question. Was he holding the book?”
Belphegor pouted and hid the book behind his back. 
“Come on,” Dean sighed, kneeling down to the boys level, “Give it back. Maybe this time ask to use it once Jack is done?”
“Fine.” Belphegor held the book, a small collection of fairy tales that Dean recognized from the reading circle collection, out to his brother. “I didn’t want it anyways.”
“Then why did you take it?”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m giving it back.”
Dean opened his mouth to try and coxe an answer from the elder twin, when he was called again from across the room.
“Mr. Winchester! Can we see a picture of a horse?”
“Alright, cubbies look clean, let’s head out!”
Just as Dean began to lead his line of six year olds, the bell rang and the older children rushed out of their class to the doors. Dean pulled his line over, and they stood by the wall waiting for the flood to pass.
“They're like animals,” came a voice of awe from the back of the line.
“Claire! That’s not nice.”
“She’s right,” Krissy said from somewhere closer to Dean.
“Keep this up and I’ll have to talk with your parents, you two,” Dean huffed. “Let’s go, remember to make sure I see your parent before you go.”
“Alright you three, do you see-”
“Hi uncle Cass!” Claire yelled from beside him, and he swore he almost went deaf.
“Claire please don’t yell,” he huffed, as he looked out to find the man.
Sure enough, Castiel Shurley was making his way over from the parking lot. He waved back at Claire and Jack.
Dean had first met Castiel, or Cas as he preferred to be called, when he came to a parents teacher interview for Jack and Belphegor. He was the boys and Claire’s uncle, although he wasn’t entirely sure how he was related to the boys. Cas usually only picked the trio up when they had plans, which wasn’t often. Something to do with his job, which all Dean knew about was he wore a suit.
Speaking of his suit, Dean’s heart nearly stopped when he noticed Cas was missing his usual trench coat.
“Hello Dean,” Cas smiled slightly.
“Uh- Hi… Cas. How are you?”
“I’m doing well.” He looked down just behind Dean, causing the teacher to remember he was holding back the kids. He dropped his hand and coughed awkwardly. Jack ran forward and tackled his uncle. “I hope they haven’t been any trouble lately.”
“Nah, not really. Well… I think Belphegor could work on his sharing, and Claire needs to work on being polite. But other than that, nothing that needs immediate work.”
“I see, I’ll talk with Kelly and Jimmy.”
“Can we go to the playground?” Belphegor interrupted.
“Only for a bit.” The kids ran off, leaving Cas and Dean.
“So, you guys got plans?”
“Yes, we’re having a family dinner. Unfortunately the task of getting everyone dressed and to the restaurant,” Cas sighed.
“Well, I don’t envy you there.”
“Yes.” There was a brief pause before Cas spoke again. “Dean, I was wonde-”
“Can we go yet!” Belphegor called from over by the playground.
Cas sighed, “Coming!” He turned back to Dean. “Well, it was wonderful seeing you again. Goodbye Dean.” He waved as he turned back to his charges.
“Bye Mr. Winchester!” Jack called, and the other two just waved.
“Bye kiddos!” He waved back, watching them head off down the street.
“So that’s Castiel?”
“Shut up Benny!”
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bluesylveon2 · 2 years
Summary: The Kingdom of Marley is now open to everyone and it is Pieck's coronation day. However, tensions rise between her and her sister, Annie. Also, since when did Annie have ice powers?
Disclaimer: Frozen is a computer-animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and Walt Disney Pictures.  Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha. 
A/N: Here is pt 3 of my Happily Ever After series starring Porco x Pieck! I already have half of it written out so it should be updated soon before spring break ends (I will also clean up the masterlist too lol). Enjoy!
Masterlist: Here
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Chapter 1:
Knock knock
"Princess Pieck, it's time to wake up!" 
A jet black-haired princess let out a groan and buried her head under her pillows. She was too tired from yesterday that she could not tell you today’s date.
"Five more minutes." She mumbled, letting sleep come to take her again. She could feel herself going back into dreamland. 
The maid sighed. "Princess Pieck. It's your coronation day."
"My coronation day…." Pieck mumbled to herself. Suddenly, everything hit her like a switch on a lightbulb. "IT'S MY CORONATION DAY!" she exclaimed and rushed out of bed….not before she tripped from her sheets and fell face down on the floor.  
"Princess? Is everything alright?" 
"I’m peachy." She replied as she picked her head up. Pieck immediately got up and slammed the door open, revealing her “I just got out of bed look” to her maid. The maid immediately grabbed Pieck’s hand and brought her back to the room to get ready. 
Meanwhile, another princess was already ready for the coronation in another part of the castle. This princess looked nothing like Pieck. She had blonde hair and icey blue eyes in contrast to Pieck’s black hair (with a few white strands) and grey eyes. She was busy staring at herself in the vanity mirror when a knock interrupted her thoughts.
“Come in.” She called out, and the door opened to reveal the royal advisor, Magath.
“You look nervous.” He said as he took a seat on the foot of the princess’s bed. 
The princess rolled her eyes. “No, I have a big smile on my face.” She replied sarcastically before turning to Magath and letting out a sigh. “I just don't want to ruin Pieck’s day.”
Magath smiled solemnly. “I know but I know that you will not mess it up, Annie.”
“How?” Annie replied. “There are people from all over here to watch my sister become queen, and what if they realize that she has a monster for a sister? No one will want to trade with the country, we will lose money, and it will collapse because of me.” 
“I know, but you remember what your father said to you before.”
“Conceal, don't feel. Don’t let it show.” Annie replied automatically. 
Magath smiled, got up, and ruffled Annie’s hair a bit before the princess swatted his hand away. “Remember to have fun, okay? It may be your sister’s day, but nobody is stopping you from meeting new people and eating lots of sweets.”
Annie chuckled, her mouth moving up into a small smile. “It was only one time. I was a kid, and I didn’t think anyone was awake at that time.”
Magath laughed at the memory. “And you ended up with a stomach ache that night.” He stood up and started heading for the door. “Now I have to get going to check up on your sister.” 
“Is she finally awake?”
“I hope so,” Magath replied and opened the door. “Oh, and Annie.” Annie looked at him with her utmost attention. “Don’t forget to smile.”
It was times like this when Magath questioned if Pieck really was the eldest child. The princess was already dressed in her gown, but now she insisted on meeting the guests. Why couldn’t she be like Annie, who stayed inside until it was time for the coronation?
“Pieck, you need to finish getting ready.”
“But Magath, it's been 15 years since I got to go outside and meet new people who are not here to discuss treaties! I'm not a little girl anymore.” Pieck argued. 
“You're not, but you're about to be queen. You still need to prepare.”
“Magath, I have prepared enough. I know what to do, what to say, and how to react to everything today.” Magath stared at her sternly, not breaking his stance. “Please, Magath. I at least want to get some air.”
His stern look remained, but his facade began to break. 
“Fine.” Magath sighed. “You have thirty minutes and can only go to the garden. There should be some guests in there-oof”
Pieck runs over to him for a hug. “Thank you, thank you!” She cheered and ran off immediately. 
Magath sighed for the hundredth time that day. He glanced over at the wall where the portrait of the late king and queen stood. “Please make sure your daughters do not have any incidents today.” 
Pieck gracefully weaved through the countless servants preparing for her coronation. Pieck looked like a kid who got candy to any outsider, but the servants knew better.
“It seems like Magath let the Princess explore.” A maid wearing glasses chuckled as the Pieck passed by her.
“He always had a soft spot for her.” Another maid, who was holding a stack of salad plates, added. 
Pieck continued running until she reached the garden. The normally quiet place was filled with new faces. They were most likely some foreign guests who came early to get a glimpse at the new queen. 
The princess was unsure about where to begin. Should she start with the old couple near the pond looking at water lilies or the young man in the corner speaking to his retainers? Pieck shook her head. It was best not to waste time pondering over it and just meet somebody. She let her feet guide her through the garden. The garden itself was large and full of different flowers. Her mother, the late queen, would take care of it with her and Annie’s help, but now it was Pieck who did the work. If Annie did help out, then Pieck was unaware of it. She rarely sees her sister nowadays. 
“Oof,” Pieck was lost in thought that she did not notice the newcomer walking up to her. “I am so sorry, sir!” she stepped back and apologized. She looked up at the man she ran into was very handsome and tall, had blonde hair, a beard, and wore glasses.
He chuckled, “No need to apologize, Your Highness. I should have looked at where I was going.”
Pieck gave him a confused look. “You know who I am?”
“You may not have shown your face in years, but figuring out who you are is not difficult. Also, you indirectly confirmed my suspicions just now.”
Pieck lightly blushed. “Okay, you know who I am, but I don’t know who you are.”
“Prince Zeke Yeager. The Crowned Prince of Paradis.” He said while picking up Pieck’s hand to kiss the back of it. “I came here because of my father. He wanted me to expand my horizons, but I know it is his way of telling me to strengthen relationships with other nations.”
“That does not sound like fun.”
Zeke nodded. “Especially when the diplomats have a stick up their ass.”
Pieck laughed loudly, causing some nearby people to look at her. She cleared her throat and attempted to change the subject. “I don’t think you got to explore much of Marley, have you?” Zeke shook his head. “What about I give you a tour before the coronation? It can be your excuse to ‘expand your horizons,’” She grinned. 
Zeke chuckled and extended an arm out to Pieck. “Lead the way.”
The two talked for what felt like hours. The topics ranged from Marley culture to siblings (Pieck was curious about Zeke’s younger brother, Eren.) and to their favorite foods (Pieck went on a long rant about sandwiches). Pieck was laughing at one of Zeke’s jokes when the church bell rang, signaling that thirty minutes had passed.
“Shit!” Pieck said and stood up. “Magath is going to kill me if I am late!”
Zeke chuckled. “I guess it is time to go?”
“I’m sorry. We can pick up our conversation after the coronation.”
“You might be busy. I think everyone is going to want to get a glimpse of the new queen.”
“Well, the queen will save some time for you.”
“How about a dance?” Zeke asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
Pieck smiled. “I would like that. See you then?”
“See you then,” Zeke confirmed, and Pieck ran off to get ready. His hand automatically dug inside his pocket for the small box, and he genuinely smiled. He could not wait to meet the new Queen tonight.
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish.
A/N: So Annie and Pieck basically switch roles...bear with me yall lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you all at the next one!
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tsum00 · 2 years
tattooartist!geto x bookstoreowner!reader pt.2
a/n: i finally did wrote it lmao. the other day i read part one again and kinda cringed, but alas, we move. hope y'all enjoy!!
warnings: none! just fluffiness(for now... ;) )
wc: 767
pt. 1 here
you were fucking tired. the night before you had barely gotten any sleep thanks to him. that damned tattoo shop owner, geto suguru.
hoping to banish your drowsiness, you tried making a cup of coffee, but realized you were out. amazing, you grimaced. but there was no time to gripe, there was work to be done. you got ready and headed down to your bookstore.
flipping the sign over to "open", you began your duties. dusting the shelves, unpacking new book shipments, and helping the wandering shopper here and there.
but exhaustion caught up and you could barely keep your eyes open. that and you were hungry. glancing at the clock, you decided it was time to take your lunch break. the café down the street would do, the drinks and sandwiches were pretty good.
the interior was filled with green. light green paint on the walls and dozens of plants filled the space, it was nice here. you stood in line, scrolling on your phone until you heard a familiar voice behind you.
"y/n? is that you?" the voice questioned.
you jumped a little and felt your body heat up as you turned around.
he was dressed casually, donning an oversized dark blue t-shirt, black zip up hoodie, and black joggers. his hair was up in a bun. how does he look amazing each time you see him?
"geto? h-hi! what are you doing here?" you managed to force out. god, you were gonna stay up late thinking about that.
"i was just getting coffee for my workers, do you want anything?" he asked, smiling.
"what? no no, it's fine. thank you, though! that's very sweet," you said.
"i insist. what would you like?" he persisted.
ok damn, he's not letting up, you thought. might as well take advantage?
walking up to the cashier, you recognized the pink haired employee.
"hey yuuji," you and geto said. pausing, you looked at each other. you know him?, you expressions seemed to say.
"yuuji and i were classmates in college, he helped me through sports medicine class," you explained.
"he came to my shop to get his first tattoo," geto explained.
"yeah!" yuuji chimed in. rolling up his sleeve, he flashed an impressive tiger tattoo. "i met this guy megumi, he's really good at animal tattoos. i love mine! i'm thinking about getting another," he beamed. "so what would you like?"
you ordered a prosciutto caprese sandwich and an iced matcha latte. geto read a list of drinks off his phone and swiped his card without a care.
waving bye to yuuji, the two of you left the café. happily sipping your drink, you thanked geto profusely.
"next one is on me, promise," you insist, giving him a serious look.
"oh? a next time? didn't know you were planning a next time, y/n," he smirked at you.
"i- yes," you sighed. "i liked spending time with you, is that a crime?" you challenged.
this had taken geto aback, his eyes grew wide and he stopped sipping his drink. a faint blush painted his cheeks.
regaining his composure, he smiled charmingly and said "well i'm happy to hear that, so do i".
with a quickness! you gasped in your head. that wasn't something you expected to come out of either of your mouths.
the two of you kept walking in a bit of awkward silence until geto cleared his throat.
"would you like to meet my coworkers? i'd give you a tour of my place, since i've been in yours already," he suggested.
i wish he was actually at my place, specifically on the bed in my drawers, you thought, shaking the sudden thought away.
"sure! sounds fun," you agreed.
he led you down the block and crossed the street to his shop.
walking in, you took in your surroundings. the interior was clean, white with black accents throughout. on the walls were beautifully taken pictures of freshly done and healed tattoos.
geto walked further into the shop and announced that he brought coffee for everyone. cheers rang out throughout the shop as everyone grabbed their drinks. you hadn't followed him immediately, staying in the lobby to stare at the pictures some more. when you went to the back, everyone stopped talking amongst themselves and kind of stared at you.
a guy with white hair and bright blue eyes slumped over in a tattoo chair perked up.
"yo suguru, who the fuck is she? your girlfriend??" he asked eyes glowing with curiosity and mischief.
a chorus of "ooooh"'s and "aaaah"'s filled the space.
what the fuck had you gotten yourself into?
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
May I request a continuation of the squad dad Levi headcannons? I absolutely adore those posts
YES OF COURSE :) As we all know, this is my favorite series on the planet because SQUAD DAD LEVI <3<3 My true source of therapy
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Squad Dad Levi Headcanons Pt. 5
Armin realizes pretty quickly that in terms of actual combat, he doesn't have the same skills as the rest of his squad. Levi catches him outside training in the middle of the night and getting frustrated, so he offers to help Armin get stronger. They train together every once in a while (at night, so nobody will find out), and it actually makes a pretty significant difference.
Levi made it very clear that there would be no plants or animals allowed in the squad house. One day, though, he finds a single sad looking houseplant in the corner, and after nobody would come clean and admit it was theirs, he just kind of let it stay in the corner. But it became one of those situations like when a dad says his kids can't get a pet, then becomes the most loving pet owner ever? Levi starts to get really invested in the plant, watering it regularly and making sure it gets sunlight, even getting Armin a book on plant maintenance for research. At one point, he even took it with them on a training excursion so that it could get a little extra sunlight, and he carried it around the whole time. The kids wouldn't dare make fun of him to his face, but they did make jokes about it all the time by themselves. It's the only time they really saw him outwardly show fondness for something, and it was genuinely really sweet.
You bet your ass there are period products openly available in the squad house bathroom. Jean, Connie, and Eren are UNCOMFY for a while, but there’s enough girls in that house that Levi is not about to make them hide all of their products in some cabinet. Connie probably made a snarky comment about it once and Levi just smacked him. And honestly in general, whenever cramps or something interfere with the girls’ training, Levi is so understanding?? Respectful king. 
During that scene in season three when Levi was trying to comfort Armin after he killed someone? Levi was at a loss for words. He understood very clearly what it meant to have blood on your hands for the first time, and he didn’t even know how to begin to comfort the kids. Growing up with Kenny, he was taught that killing wasn’t a huge deal, and he became very obviously desensitized at least to an extent, which definitely wasn’t what he wanted for his squad. It still came across a bit harsh, but that was Levi trying to comfort Armin without trying to make light of the experience. (Shushhh yes I know this is barely a headcanon, leave me alone)
One day, Levi was absolutely EXHAUSTED, like he had been training and fighting for days on end, and when he went to get a cup of tea, he accidentally just poured the entire pot of tea on the floor. He didn’t even notice, but Historia was sitting near him and watched it happen. To this day, he does not remember that happening, and Historia would never tell anyone and embarrass him, but it’s one of her few fond memories of that time in her life.
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getbacktoworknovice · 3 years
🐤Little Bird pt. 2 -(Hawks x Reader x Child)
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[drummed up a sequel for "Little Bird" as I got super inspired to do another one~ I hope you guys like, its a bit lengthier than the first so I hope that's ok~]
Read pt. 1 here
Keigo winced a bit as he mended a cut on his abdomen, sighing a bit as he thought back to the fight he’d been in. He had been off his game that night and he had no idea why. Or maybe he did. He wasn't sure. Thinking about his family hadn't really distracted him that much before, so he didn't know why it had today.
It had been two days since he’d bid his family farewell and promised to try and be home that night. It must have been weighing on his mind more than he thought. You really did have the patience of a saint, he told himself every day that he didn't deserve you and he honestly wondered how you were still around.
He loved you and your child, there was no mistaking that, and he really wanted to spend more time together with you but it was hard being the number two hero. Normally he was able to push those thoughts aside and do his work but for some reason, his child was in the forefront of his mind.
After dressing his wound and putting his jacket back on, he left his agency to go on patrol, hoping that things would be calm enough he could sneak home afterward. He waved at a few kids who were playing in a nearby park and flew up, scanning the area for any troubles before heading off. His patrol led him to where he had just been a few hours ago, the street having been cleaned up from the fight he’d had with a villain, the one who had cut him.
The fight hadn't been too bad, only a storefront window had been broken but it wasn't the broken window that caught his attention, or even the people staring at him as he landed. It was the display in the window. Sitting atop a shelf full of stuffed animals there was a single, black and white stuffed panda. He actually laughed out loud to himself.
So that was what had him distracted? He couldn't believe himself, shaking his head as the store owner approached him.
“Hawks, thank you so much for your help earlier!” The man said and his workers behind him nodded in agreement, thanking him as well. Keigo rubbed the back of his head, assuring them it was fine.
“It was no problem, are you all okay?” He asked and they nodded, clearly excited that he was there. He smiled, glad that they were all right, and assured them he was fine as they saw him get attacked. “Oh I’m fine, no worries here,” He insisted. “But I do have a question,” He said, pointing to the stuffed panda. “How much is that?”
You hummed to yourself a bit as you stirred the curry in the pot. It was almost ready and thank god because you were starving. It had been a long day at work but getting to come home with your child made you feel much better. You just wished you could make them feel better.
They had been sitting by the kitchen window since you got home, gazing up at the sky, their little wings folded around them in a little cocoon as they sat there waiting. You knew what they were waiting for but you had no clear answer for when he would be here.
“Sweetheart,” You said, breaking them from their skywatching, looking over at you owlishly.
“Yes, mama?”
“Dinner’s almost ready, would you set the table for me?” You asked and they sighed, hopping down from their chair to go over and do as you asked, mopey in their movements. You felt your heart break a little, seeing them so sad. You hoped you could cheer them up with a good meal. Or maybe a nice bedtime story.
It was sad that you couldn't really plan for Keigo to be there, seeming almost like a single parent at times as you had to plan everything and take care of them on your own most days. You knew it wasn’t Keigo’s fault, you had both known what you were getting into when you got into this relationship. You just hadn't planned for a baby at all.
You weren’t even married.
You had a feeling Keigo had some commitment issues, not that you could blame him, not with his job taking up ninety percent of his time. Not to complain, after all, you loved your little one, it was just hard at times and you knew Keigo knew it. That's why you couldn't stay mad at him. He was out there keeping the city safe, and that included the two of you.
You just wished you could convey all that to your child and get them to understand but they were young and just wanted their dad to be around. You sighed to yourself as you brought dinner to the table, spooning out rice and curry onto the plates your child had set out before returning to their spot by the window.
You let them look for a little bit longer, making them a cup of juice and bringing it over to their spot at the table before going over to gently stroke their hair. “It's time for dinner honey,” You said softly smoothing down their fluffy hair, but it popped right back up. You giggled to yourself at the sight. They were just as floofy as their father.
They looked just a second longer before they relented, coming to the table to eat with you. It was a quiet dinner, you asked about school and they said it was okay, taking peeks behind them out the window just to check but the evening turned tonight and there was still no sign of him. You washed the dishes after you had both eaten, your child returning to the window, head propped in their hand as they watched the moon rise, squinting at it.
“Mama,” They asked making you look over at them. “Is the moon made of cheese?” They asked and you snorted a laugh. You used to believe that yourself when you were little thanks to cartoons always making it seem so, but you had learned as you got older. It was such an out of nowhere question it caught you off guard but it made you laugh.
They puffed out their cheeks at you, blushing at your laughter at their question. “What?” They asked and you composed yourself as they looked annoyed at your laughing at them.
“Actually sweetie, it's not, but you’ll learn in school,” You assured them, and they “ahh’ed” and went back to their sky watching. After a few moments, they sighed deeply and rested their head against the window sill, fogging the window with their breath.
“Have I been bad mama?” They asked and you tilted your head at the question. Honestly, they were a wonderful kid, always kept to themself, liked to read, and were rather quiet on most days. Sure sometimes they were hyper or whiney but they were a child, it was to be expected. You wondered why they would ask such a thing.
“No sweetie, why do you ask?” You wondered and they turned to look at you, tears pricking at the corners of their eyes.
“Maybe that's why dada doesn't come home…” They said and you felt your heart squeeze at their little face in such distress. You put the dishes on hold to go over to console them, kneeling in front of them and taking their face in your hands.
“Baby, your dada loves you,” You reassured them as tears fell down their cheeks. “He’s just busy, he doesn't stay away because he wants to honey, he stays away because he has to. Your dada is a hero, he keeps the city and us safe.” You said and they sniffled.
“So you don't think he’s mad at me?” They said and you shook your head.
“Not at all, in fact, he always asks about you when he texts me, and when he can he calls to check on you like he did last week remember?” You reminded them and they perked a little at that remembering.
“Y-yeah…” They said, wiping their nose on their sleeve. “Your right.” you smiled and kissed their forehead.
“Don't worry, he’ll come right home the second he gets a chance.” You said and they nodded, wiping their eyes a bit. “Now, why don't we go get you ready for bed?” You said, patting them on the back to nudge them towards the bathroom.
“Okay mama,” They said and trotted off, going to brush their teeth and get their pajamas. You leaned back against the counter in your kitchen a bit, your face in one hand, tearing up a bit. You couldn't believe that they would think this was their fault.
Oh Keigo, where are you? You thought to yourself before composing yourself and going to help your child get ready for bed.
“So the moons not made of cheese?” Your child asked and you smiled shaking your head.
“You swear?”
“Of course,” You insisted. You were never dishonest with your child. Ever.
“I’m telling everyone at school.” They said in a huff, crossing their arms and settling back into their pillow. You giggled as you tucked them in, ruffling their hair a bit. “Can't believe it isn’t made of cheese! I’m gonna ask Mr. Hoshiko about it.” He insisted, mentioning the science teacher at the school.
You weren’t sure they would understand the answer, but hopefully, the science teacher could explain it to them. After all your child was only in first grade and the teacher mentioned taught fifth-grade science. You prayed he didn't say it was made of cheese.
“Well, are you all settled?” You asked and they nodded, laying back and you kissed their forehead, about to say goodnight when you both heard a voice from behind you.
“Can I get in on that?”
Your child shot up, almost hitting you in the head as they did so as you looked over your shoulder with a relieved sigh. It was Keigo. And he was holding something behind his back. “Dada!!!” Your child exclaimed excitedly, jumping out of bed to go and hug them as Keigo knelt to meet them. “You’re here!” They said happily, looking up at him with the biggest smile you’d seen in a while.
You were so relieved and glad to see him but you let your child have their moment with him as they had been yearning for it for a long time. Keigo picked them up with one arm, kissing their cheek and blowing a raspberry there making them giggle.
“How’s my little bird?” He asked and they snuggled into his neck.
“Happy~” They said honestly and he smiled, giving you a wink and you shook your head at him but smiled just glad he was there. Keigo snuggled the child a bit before pulling away, looking at them as they looked up to him.
“Hey, can you do me a favor?” Keigo asked and they nodded.
“Sure dada.” They said tilting their head at him curiously. “What is it?” They asked and Keigo pulled out what he was holding behind his back. You smiled warmly when you saw what it was. He remembered.
“Can you take care of this little guy for me?” Keigo asked your child and their eyes got wide and they gasped happily taking the stuffed panda from their dad.
“Yes~!” They insisted, hugging it tightly. “He’s so cute, what’s his name?” They asked and Keigo put his other arm around them to hold them more securely.
“Well, I thought you could name him,” Keigo said. “After all, he’s gonna be your responsibility.” He insisted and your child took the panda up, looking at it with a thoughtful face. They thought for several minutes before settling on one.
“How about Dandy?” He said and Keigo smiled.
“Dandy the Panda? I like it.” He insisted and your child beamed, hugging the panda again.
“I’ll take good care of him,” They promised and Keigo kissed their forehead.
“I know you will little bird.” He insisted, beckoning you over so he could put an arm around you and gave you both a big squeeze. “I missed my family these past few days, sorry I was gone so long.” He apologized and you pat his chest gently.
“It's okay, we understand, don't we honey?” You asked and your child nodded, looking up at him.
“Dada keeps us safe~” They insisted and you nodded.
“Exactly.” You said and they smiled, nuzzling back into Keigo’s neck. It was a sweet sight, especially when Keigo looked down at them with nothing but love in his eyes. You wished you could keep this way forever but after a moment you rubbed Keigo’s back and stood back. “We should get them to bed,” You said and your child pouted, hugging Keigo tight.
“No, I want to stay with dada!” They insisted and Keigo chuckled.
“How about you sleep with us then?” He offered and they nodded, holding him. You smiled and nodded, patting their head gently.
“Fair enough, let’s go get him tucked in,” You said as Kaigo yawned a bit and you chuckled. “And you apparently.” You teased leading them from the bedroom to yours. Keigo face planted gently onto the bed, rolling over to lift them up and down a few times before letting them crawl under the covers.
You went to change into your pajamas in the bathroom, leaving Keigo to tuck them in, tickling them a bit, and getting smacked with the panda bear. Keigo chuckled and went to change after you were done, the three of you settling into bed together once he returned, your child between you, snuggling into Keigo’s chest.
“Dada, I learned something today.” Your child said sleepily, hugging their panda to their chest.
“What’s that?” Keigo asked.
“The moons not made of cheese,” they said and Keigo laughed out loud.
“It's not?” He asked and your child nodded, too sleepy to be mad at his laughing. Keigo smiled and rubbed their cheek gently. “Well now, I guess that means we have no reason to fly up there,” he said and your child nodded, closing their eyes.
“Will you be here in the morning dada?” They asked and you looked at Keigo in an assuring way, as if you already knew the answer would be no but he surprised you.
“Yep, dada’s gonna be here all day tomorrow so we can spend time together, just you and me.” he promised and you looked at him in surprise before smiling softly at him and mouthing “thank you” to which he nodded and settled in, reaching an arm around the back of his child to hold you too kissing your head.
“Goodnight little bird.” He said to your child but they were already fast asleep.
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
it will come back [pt. 1] /// Yandere Shigaraki x f!Reader
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Summary: You have a bad habit of picking up strays, and the half-dead villain you find bleeding out in a dumpster is no exception. [Part 2] [Part 3]
A/N: Low budget yandere for my greasy king. This concept has definitely been done before, but I couldn’t resist. This is my first non-smut on this acct and I’ll be so sad if it bombs 😭
Title from the Hozier song: “don’t let it in with no intention to keep it / jesus christ, don’t be kind to it / oh honey don’t feed it / it will come back.”
Tags/warnings: light yandere, minor injury, angst, Shiggy likes you, reader needs a friend and a good night’s sleep. [In later parts but not in this one: violence, sex, more yandere, 18+]
You’ve always had a soft spot for strays. Maybe that’s why you became an ER nurse—from the first abandoned puppy you brought home as a kid to the patients you refuse to give up on even when it looks hopeless, you’ve never been able to turn a blind eye when something needs your help. Sometimes (times like this) you wish you knew better. It’s hard enough to take care of yourself these days.
Today’s shift was…what, 16 hours? 17? The 20-minute walk from the bus stop to your apartment building feels like it takes twice that long in the rain. God, you need a shower. And a decent night’s sleep, preferably for at least 12 hours. Tomorrow’s your day off, and you’re ready to take advantage of it the best way you know how: Netflix, soju, and your favorite vibrator. But tonight? As soon as you’re clean, you’re going to pig out on leftovers and collapse into the bed that’s the only halfway nice piece of furniture in your shithole apartment. You really do deserve a break; you’ve earned it.
Unfortunately, as usual, the universe has other plans.
You hear him before you see him: wheezing, choked breaths, like someone’s trying to breathe with an anvil on their chest. You’re not quite out of nurse mode so your mind starts trying to diagnose the issue before you even register what you’re hearing. Fluid in the lungs, possibly blood. That hacking isn’t good. Broken ribs? Definitely bruised. But probably not a puncture…
The breathing is coming from down an alley next to your building. It’s dark enough that you can’t see from the street what’s making the noise. And you’re not a fool, you know it’s a bad idea to walk down pitch-black alleys late at night, especially in this area—a neighborhood you’re living in by necessity, because it’s the only place cheap enough for you to get by. But the coughing…it just sounds so awful. It sounds like it hurts.
Your phone’s already in your hand with 119 dialed and ready to call (standard practice when you’re walking home by yourself), but you turn the flashlight on and shine it down the alleyway. “Hello? Anyone there?”
Nothing responds, but you can still hear the breathing. You step in a little deeper, swinging your light from side to side and looking over the heaps of trash bags overflowing from the dumpster. The raindrops make clicking sounds as they hit the plastic, and you can hear gurgling from a rain spout down the side of the building, but the wheezing doesn’t stop.
One more step. And then one more. You wish there was something you could do to make the splash of your rain boots in the puddles a little less loud. Something about this situation—the rain, the dark, the flat grey light from your cellphone, and that horrible hacking breath—it makes you feel like you’re walking into a horror movie. But you don’t stop walking.
The hacking is coming from a man propped up on the wall between a few XL bags of trash. The black outfit he’s wearing almost blends into the bags, but a mop of grey-blue hair gives him away. His head is slumped onto his chest, and if he’s conscious he doesn’t show it. “Hello?” you ask again, even less confident that you’re going to get a response.
No answer.
The smell of garbage is…ugh…hard to ignore, but on top of it is an oppressive stench of copper coming from the man passed out in the trash. You kneel down to get a better look and yep, he’s covered in blood. It’s hard to make out in the low light, but there’s a trio of long gashes in the man’s abdomen, cutting apart the skin and flesh so deep you can see traces of a slim layer of yellow fat between all the inky clotted blood. It looks like he was attacked by an animal. Or someone with an animal quirk. There are a lot of villains in this neighborhood.
And the coughing...definitely internal injuries. Whoever this guy is, he needs treatment. You hold up your phone to hit the call button on your pre-dialed 119—
“Don’t.” The voice is a growl, low and surprisingly firm despite the scratchiness. You jerk back and clutch your phone to your chest, caught off guard not just by the interruption but by the intensity of the face glaring up at yours.
His eyes are red. “You need an ambulance,” you tell him in your calmest nurse voice.
“If you try to call the police, I’ll—kill you,” the man says, but the threat is a little less threatening when he has to stop in the middle to retch blood onto his own chin.
You glare back at him but don’t call the emergency number. There are a lot of of reasons why he wouldn’t want to go to the hospital, but the most obvious one is probably true. “You’re a criminal. A villain?”
He doesn’t respond, choosing instead to keep glaring at you like you’ve committed some mortal sin against his ancestors by having the nerve to check on him and try to help him. Somehow it pisses you off. When you were getting your ADN, you once took a temp job doing health screenings at a local middle school and you would always get so annoyed at the kids. Didn’t they see you were just doing your job? Why is it so hard to understand that what you’re doing is for their own good?
Stupid kids. Stupid villain. “You’d rather bleed out and die?”
The man bares his teeth at you, and it’s a pretty disturbing scene considering how they’re covered in scarlet. “You think they’re going to save me? Think I’ll go to the hospital and get all my HP restored?”
He’s mocking you now. You only have a second to move out of the way before he spits off to the side. “I mean…that’s how a hospital works.”
“If you think I would—make it out of that ambulance alive, you’re—dumber than you look.” His voice is interspersed with coughs.
“Well, you’re not going to live if I leave you here.” You hold up your phone, ready to call the ambulance, but in a shocking display of agility the man lunges forward and grabs it out of your hand. “Hey, wait! Give that…back…”
Your voice trails off as your phone crumbles—literally crumbles to dust in the man’s fingers. Once he’s satisfied that there’s no way for you to call the cops, he slumps back onto the trash bags and closes his eyes, apparently exhausted from the effort.
Goddamnit…! For a second, you can only stare blankly at the pile of dust that used to be your $300 smartphone. And then you’re seized by something, maybe not hatred but an annoyance so strong you can feel it in your throat, and you decide right then and there that this villain is not going to die. You’re going to save him. Out of spite.
You’re not sure how you manage to half-carry him from the alley to your apartment, but you do. You’re lucky it’s ass-o-clock at night and no one’s in the lobby or the elevator, or you’d definitely be getting some looks trying to lug a maimed body around. What would you say if someone did call the cops? Don’t worry, don’t worry about it officer, it’s just my friend drank a little too much, oh those wounds? We were at a costume party, haha…
But no one sees you, and no one calls the cops. The man is unconscious the whole time you’re carrying him, and by the time you have him laid out on a shower curtain on your living room floor his breathing is a little bit shallower than it was before. You’ve got your tools—nothing fancy, just some gauze and closures and antiseptic from your personal first aid kit. It’s not much, but it’ll have to be enough.
“Let’s get to work, asshole,” you tell the unconscious body in front of you, and you crack your knuckles.
The day after you pick the villain out of the garbage, your body decides that it’s not going to let you sleep in no matter how much you need it. You can tell because the huge windows in your bedroom—the only saving grace of this apartment, honestly—are depositing golden-pink sunrise light over everything you see when you open your eyes, including the villain’s face. Which is about six inches away from yours.
“You smell like death,” you tell him sleepily. He doesn’t move.
He’s…probably in his early twenties, you think, but it’s hard to tell because of all the wrinkles. His hair is on the longer side, and it’s striped with rusty brown smears from his blood. Again, you notice how red his irises are. Have you ever seen someone with eyes that color before? You’re pretty sure you haven’t.
“You slept for a long time,” the villain says, finally moving back so he’s not breathing into your mouth.
“Yeah, I was tired. From saving your life.” You sit up and rub your temples. “I’m thirsty…”
Before you can finish your complaint, the villain is holding a glass of water out to you in an awkward 4-fingered grip.
“Um, thanks, I guess.” You suck down the water and immediately feel better, enough that you realize how wrong it is that he’s up and moving around and probably undoing all your hard work. “You should be lying down.”
“The floor hurt, and I was bored.”
“Lie on the couch then. You can watch TV. But first—“ He’s sitting on the edge of your bed next to you, and you make him lie down flat so you can look at the injuries. They’re not nearly as bad as they looked last night—no walk in the park, but at least you won’t have a corpse in your apartment in a few hours.
When you’re done inspecting him, he sits up and asks you for a shirt. You had to cut his off, not that it was any great loss. The thing was shredded. Him pointing it out is the only thing that makes you really realize he’s shirtless, so you give him an oversized pajama shirt of yours. It has the name and motto of your old high school on it, and the villain reads it out in a half-mocking tone when you hand it to him.
“Beggars shouldn’t be choosers,” you snap. “You should be grateful.”
“I am grateful,” he says, putting the shirt on. “But I don’t understand.”
“I mean, you need a shirt, right? It’s cold—“
“No. Not that.” He’s staring at you again, and you find it difficult to maintain eye contact. “Why you didn’t leave me where you found me last night.”
There’s a lot you could tell him, all of it a little bit true. You were curious. You believed him when he said he wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive. You couldn’t leave him alone the same way you can’t leave abandoned puppies alone. You wanted to prove to him that you were right, and that being stubborn wouldn’t get him what he wanted. But you don’t say that. “You killed my phone, so you owe me a new one. And I can’t get that back if you bleed out.”
He’s looking at you like he doesn’t believe you, and you fidget under his gaze until he sighs and says, “Whatever.”
You have to let him lean on your shoulder when he walks back to the living room to lie down on your couch. How the hell did he even get to your bedroom by himself? You really didn’t think this through—what are you supposed to do with an infirm possible villain who can barely walk unsupported without opening his injuries back up?
But that’s a problem for tomorrow you to deal with. Today, you’re content to set your laptop up on the coffee table so the two of you can watch TV in…oddly companionable (if you’re not imagining it) silence. It’s almost the lazy day off you were daydreaming about before you got yourself into this mess, and the atmosphere is so relaxed that before you can really decide whether to force the man to go to the hospital or turn him out on the street (or…?) you’re dozing off on your couch like there isn’t a potentially dangerous stranger lying beside you with his head just a few inches from your lap.
When you wake up, your problem is solved for you. He’s gone, and it’s like he was never there—except you’re down a cellphone and a pajama shirt, and your shower curtain is drenched with blood. You wrap it up with the rest of the soiled medical supplies and toss all of it in a dumpster a mile away from your building without knowing exactly why.
It’s not the last you see of him, but somehow you had a feeling that was going to be the case.
He scares the shit out of you the first time he visits (over time, that’s how you’ll start to think of his little unannounced drop-ins: visits. Like you’re being visited by a ghost or something). You’re coming back from another grueling shift in the ER, so tired you think you might be sleepwalking, and what do you find when you come in your apartment but a strange white-haired man sitting on your couch eating dry cereal out of the box and flipping through one of your books?
You nearly piss yourself.
He doesn’t seem surprised, which makes sense, considering he’s a villain and he’s probably used to pulling this dramatic entrance thing on people. He certainly doesn’t seem the least bit threatened when you brandish the mini canister of pepper spray on your keychain and demand that he tell you how he got in if he wants to retain the power of eyesight.
“It was unlocked,” he says.
“It was not unlocked,” you reply, rolling your eyes. You may be sleep deprived, but you’re not careless. Never careless.
“Whatever. Calm down. You’re not going to use that on me.”
He’s right, but you don’t want to admit it. If he wanted to do something to hurt you, he could’ve done it that first night. And you’re too tired to really put up a fight, so you just put the cap back on the pepper spray and flop down next to him on the couch. “What the hell are you doing here?”
He looks at you curiously from between his shaggy bangs, like you’re the one intruding in his home and not the other way around, then reaches out to hand something to you. “Here, payback.”
It’s a cell phone—not a smartphone like the one he destroyed, but a flip phone circa the 2000s, the kind that forces you to press “9” four times to get the letter “F”. You stare at it for a second, then look back at the villain. “Are you kidding? Did you get this from a museum?”
“Take it or leave it.” His feet are propped up on your coffee table, but you can’t make yourself care. Actually, it looks nice…him stretched out with an odd look of comfort on his lanky form.
You lean back on the couch and kick up your feet next to his. “Fine. Thanks, I guess.”
He shrugs.
“How are your wounds healing?” Why are you trying to make conversation with this guy? He’s…a villain, right? Not that you’ve ever received affirmative confirmation of that fact, but the hesitance to call the police and the breaking and entering are pretty good tells. But…it might be weird, but since you picked him up that day, you’ve felt a kind of kinship with him.
Alone. Abandoned. No place to go. No one to save him. It’s not a pretty comparison, but you can’t deny it rings true.
Maybe that’s why you pick up strays.
“They’re fine,” he tells you after so long a pause that you’ve almost forgotten your question. “Doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
You take a long look at him, at his posture—he’s relaxed, but his abdomen is crunched a little bit, curled in on himself so subtly that even you wouldn’t have noticed it if you weren’t looking. It’s not your problem. He’s an adult, and you’re sure he could be seeking real medical attention if he really needed it. You’re in no way obligated to perform some kind of checkup on this arrogant dick who literally broke into your apartment to give you a shitty phone and eat your cereal. The sensible thing to do is to tell him to forget that you live here and hopefully never see him again.
His head tips back to rest on the top of the couch, and he holds your book up to read. At this angle his long hair is out of the way of his face, and you notice among the deep-set creases in his skin a pair of wide scars across his right eye and on the corner of his lips. They’re pale and faded—old, then—but they look off to you, and after a while of snatching glances at his face you realize it’s because they’re healed badly, extraordinarily badly, the kind of healing that you don’t see very often because it only occurs when a stubborn patient tries to let a particularly nasty injury heal on its own. The part of you that isn’t sensible wonders how old he was when he got those scars.
Has he learned his lesson?
You doubt it.
“Lie down,” you sigh. “Let me see the cuts.”
Which is how you find yourself examining this annoying villain again, checking on his injuries and giving him recommendations for care like you’re his personal nurse or something. It’s not a role you enjoy playing, but at least he takes it without complaint, and you start to wonder if maybe this is why he broke into your apartment in the first place. If anything, he looks calmer when you’ve flipped up his shirt and prodded at his wounds, his eyes closing slowly and freeing you of that scarlet-red gaze.
He’s like a cat, you think, and then you shake your head and remind yourself that it’s a terrible idea to think of this man—this grown man who is probably a great danger to you and others—as a wild animal you’re trying to domesticate.
When he finally leaves (only after you drop a couple dozen unsubtle hints about how long you’ve been at work and how exhausted you are), you take a moment before you sink into bed to look at the flip phone. It’s no nicer than your original impression, but as you scroll through the screens you notice that it’s factory-new, except for one thing: there’s a contact programmed in, a phone number with an area code you don’t recognize listed under “T”. And you don’t want to be curious…
…but you are. Shocking.
Down the rabbit hole it is, you decide. So you text him.
[You: 12:03 AM] > Hey it’s (Y/N) > (the girl whose apartment you broke into) > What does T stand for? [T: 12:07 AM] > What do u think [You: 12:09 AM] > ?? [T: 12:09 AM] > My name > Dont you know who i am [You: 12:10 AM] > Are you famous? [T: 12:10 AM] > You dont watch the news do u [You: 12:11 AM] > Not really > What’s your name then [T: 12:12 AM] > … > Didnt u say u had to sleep [You: 12:15 AM] > Oh yeah > Whatever I guess > Good night
[T: 2:34 AM] > Its Tomura > Dont look it up
[You: 8:02 AM] > Ok > I won’t > Tomura
➠ [Part 2]
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kpop-zone · 4 years
Change of Mind pt.3 | Mina
CEO!AU | meet messy | “You confuse me.” 
Wordcount: 10,451
Part 1 Part 2
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“I don’t care how busy he is! Get him on the phone and clear things up!”
Mina huffed into the phone before hanging up in annoyance. There was nothing worse than unreliable business partners.
Could this day get any worse?
The answer was yes. Just when Mina was about to take a sip of her steaming hot coffee to calm her nerves, someone ran into her full force, making her spill her beverage all over herself.
“Are you serious??”
She yelled exasperated, looking down on her beautiful blouse that looked like she had crawled through the mud with it now. The person who had run into her mumbled some apologies, but Mina didn’t even listen. She was so done with unreliable people.
“Do you know how expensive this shirt is?! You shouldn’t make other people pay for your obvious incapability to manage life.”
Desperately, Mina tried to clean her shirt with a napkin; she didn’t really have time to get changed, but she could impossibly attend all the meetings today with a stained shirt. It was truly always the same kind of people that made her life harder. Maybe it was unfair to take out all her pinned-up anger on that poor soul in front of her right now, but this incident had made Mina lose all sense of rationality.
“A diligent and decent person wouldn’t have to run anywhere. That’s what differentiates the successful from the scum. I would-“
She was about to give the person another piece of her mind when she finally averted her gaze from her blouse to look at her opponent, causing her to stop abruptly. Not only did that person look like a beaten puppy drowning in guilt, but also turned out to be the most stunning person that Mina had ever seen in her life. In awe, Mina shamelessly scanned your body, knowing that you were too speechless to stop her anyways. Everything about you was simply perfect. Therefore, Mina took her sweet time studying every detail of your body until her eyes met yours again. Your face was suddenly flushed, and it was obvious that her intense gaze was making you nervous. Mina, however, enjoyed seeing you this flustered, wherefore she decided to torture you a bit longer before clearing her throat.
“Aren’t you late to something?”
She asked, remembering that you had been running somewhere before bumping into her and she didn’t want to be the reason for you to be even later. A shocked gasp escaped your throat like you had totally forgotten about your appointment, causing Mina to giggle. You had to be really clumsy, but somehow that made you even more attractive.
“Um...I- yes. I- your shirt.”
You stuttered while rummaging your bag for your purse. Your gesture showed that you had manners and Mina liked that, but she didn’t want to have your money; you looked like you needed it more than she did. Therefore, she rested her hand on top of yours to stop you, causing you to look at her with wide eyes.
Mina ordered with a stern face in order to nib any backtalk in the bud. And her strategy worked. With a slightly bewildered face, you bowed hastily before rushing off.
Curious about where you would go, Mina decided to not go her way yet, but to look after you, realizing to her delight that you were entering her company.
Were you working for her?
Having the urge to know more about you, Mina quickly followed you, but waited a little at the side when she saw that you were talking to the receptionist. As soon as you were picked up by another employee, Mina rushed to the counter.
“Who was the person that you were just talking to and what is their business here?”
She cut straight to the point, much to the confusion of the receptionist.
“What- oh my god, Ms. Myoui!”
When her subordinate realized who was standing in front of her, she leaped to her feet in lightning speed and started searching for the demanded information.
“That was...um...Y/N L/N. One of the applicants for the open position in Mr. Gwan’s team in the sales department.”
When Mina heard this new piece of information, she almost squealed in joy. So you could indeed be working for her soon which meant that she had the chance to see you again.
“Thank you.”
Hastily, Mina thanked the receptionist before rushing to the elevator to pay the sales department a visit. Of course, it was Mr. Gwan’s decision who he wanted to have in his team, but maybe a recommendation of hers would help him to make his decision...
As soon the elevator door opened on the ninth floor, a murmur went through the sales department, causing Mina to smirk in amusement. It was always the same. She was well respected in her company, maybe even feared by some. But she didn’t mind. She enjoyed the nervous glances and the dignified bows of her subordinates. Therefore, she strutted down the hallway with her head held high, knowing fully well that all the team leaders were having a little mental breakdown right now, wondering whether they had messed something up. If they only knew that Mina couldn’t care less about their work right now...
Without any detours, she walked straight to the conference room where your job interview was happening and pressed her ear against the door. She just wanted to know whether you needed her help to get the job or whether you were doing fine by yourself. But instead of hearing a professional conversation, Mina heard something that made her blood boil.
“Who do you think you are? Do you think I’m only waiting for you? And then you appear here looking like that?”
She heard a man, who she assumed to be Mr. Gwan, yelling, causing an inexplicable fire to light inside of her. Mina knew that she shouldn’t be affected by this. You were a complete stranger and she should not get involved in affairs that weren’t in her field of duty. But for some reason the thought of someone yelling at you made her lose her cool. Without knocking, Mina teared open the door to the conference room and stormed inside.
“Is that how you deal with all of our applicants? Do you think that’s good publicity for my company? My god, you must have been raised by animals. Your incompetence is truly astonishing.”
She yelled without a warning, causing Mr. Gwan and you to look at her in shock. Immediately, Mina got lost in your helpless puppy dog eyes again and she completely ignored Mr. Gwan’s useless babbling. Something about you just sparked an incredible urge to protect you inside of her. If you could make everyone feel this way, Mina had no trouble believing that you had the whole world whipped for you.
Mr. Gwan kept going on and on until Mina had enough of his annoying voice and interrupted him rudely.
“Well, I don’t really have time for your irrelevant babbling. For your sake, however, I hope that you will quickly fill this position with the right person. Otherwise...well, I think I will not be having any use for you.”
The dumbfounded expression on Mr. Gwan’s face conjured a smile to Mina’s lips and she had to refrain herself from laughing. She was sure that this poor man had gotten her hint and would make the right decision regarding you. Therefore, she turned around wordlessly and left the room with a victorious smirk on her face. Her job was done here. Instead of instantly making her way to the long-overdue appointment of hers though, Mina decided to wait in front of the room. She assumed that the meeting probably wouldn’t even take fifteen minutes and she wanted to talk with you one last time for today. Gladly, her assumption turned out to be right and the door to the conference room opened ten minutes later.
You stepped out of the room, looking like you had had the worst day of your life and Mina had to hold herself back from pulling you into her arms. Instead, she went for a more professional and appropriate approach.
Mina exclaimed happily, causing you to flinch. Only now you seemed to have realized that you weren’t alone in the hallway and turned around with a confused expression on your face. Once you saw her, you tensed up again and Mina didn’t know whether she found it adorable that you still got so flustered around her or irritating that you seemed to be almost scared of her.
“I- thank you. It’s just-“
You stuttered and Mina looked at you expectantly. This would be the first time that you would communicate a coherent sentence with her. But once again, your courage left you and you stared at her helplessly. Therefore, Mina calmly got closer to you in hopes that she could show you that there wasn’t just this loud, aggressive side to her that she had already demonstrated you twice today.
“It’s just what?”
She chuckled, encouraging you to finish your sentence.
“It’s just...I don’t understand why you’re doing this for me. You confuse me.”
Your sudden confession came unexpected, but Mina liked your straightforwardness. But judging by the expression on your face, you hadn’t planned to be so blunt, causing her to laugh.
“You’ll figure it out soon.”
Mina answered mysteriously, wondering whether you had truly no idea yet why she was being so nice to you. It wasn’t like she made her attraction towards you a secret. But to give you another hint, she stepped closer to you, managing to bring her own heartbeat to an unhealthy frequency. It would be so easy to close the gap now, but Mina wasn’t so sure whether you were ready yet. Therefore, she decided that she had teased you enough for the day.
“Anyways, see you Monday.”
Nonchalantly, Mina stepped away from you again and gave you a cheeky wink before turning around and strutting away while stifling a laugh.
Oh you were so adorable, she couldn’t even wait for your next encounter.
But unfortunately, the day of your next encounter was tainted by an unpleasant incident beforehand. Like any logical human being would have done, Mina had of course arranged your relocation to her floor. Mr. Gwan was clearly a bad team leader and she didn’t like her current assistant anyways. Therefore, it was only plausible to make you her new assistant. Unfortunately, there was an array of people who thought differently about that.
Mina had already noticed the day of the job interview that people were whispering more behind her back than usual but after she had ordered her assistant to move to the sales department, the rumor mill exploded. It needed a while till the rumors ended up on the top floor, but as Mina made her way to her first meeting of the week on Monday, she got a taste of what her employees were saying about her.
“So I’ve heard you hired a new assistant. Rumors have it that they are more than just you’re assistant though. Who are they? A relative? A fling?”
Mr. Jeon, a high-ranking board member, smirked as he sat down next to Mina at the conference table. His question surprised her; she hadn’t thought that the news would carry quite that fast. But Mina didn’t let her surprise show, calmly she faced him and feigned a lack of knowledge.
“You should know by now that most rumors are just the product of too much fantasy. I simply didn’t get along with my assistant and needed a new one.”
Mina lied with a fake smile on her lips, but the arrogant expression on Mr. Jeon’s face told her that he wasn’t done interrogating her yet.
“Sure...Is that why you yelled at a senior employee of ours and -how should I say- stole his new recruit? Come on, you can be honest with me. I won’t judge, I know that assistants can be quite...tempting. It would be totally normal if one of them made you weak.”
Disgusted, Mina’s gaze fell on the wedding ring on his finger and she had to suppress the urge to roll her eyes. She hated that people were associating her with someone like him.
“I yelled at the employee because he was out of line. And I didn’t steal his recruit. This is my company, I can’t steal what’s already mine.”
She said sharply and Mr. Jeon’s grin faltered.
“Yes of course. It was obvious that all those rumors were just made up.”
He quickly uttered and Mina had to distract herself with the documents in front of her, because otherwise she would have to tell him how much his spinelessness disgusted her.
But despite knowing that Mr. Jeon was nothing but a blithering idiot, Mina couldn’t manage to ignore his remarks. They were stuck in her brain and during the whole meeting, his words bothered her. For one, she didn’t want her whole company to talk badly about you. You hadn’t even started working yet, but everyone still knew your name by now. But above all, there was one word that Mina hated more than any other. A word that instantly caused her to fly off the handle if people used it to describe her. Weak. Mina knew that she wouldn’t be so bothered by Mr. Jeon’s words if she didn’t secretly think that there was some truth to them.
Were you making her weak?
Mina couldn’t say in good conscience that all her actions in the past week had been right. She shouldn’t have compromised a good senior employee like Mr. Gwon and she definitely shouldn’t have transferred her assistant to the sales department without a warning. Those decisions weren’t made after thorough consideration and in favor of her company like she usually did; they resulted from a selfish desire. With every minute that Mina sat in that conference room, she got more upset about herself. How could she have acted so recklessly? If she had only been more considerate, the whole company wouldn’t be talking about her love life right now.
Mina was so lost in her thoughts that she only realized that the meeting had ended when she was the last person remaining in the room. Quickly, she packed all her stuff while cursing when she realized that her next meeting would start in less than two minutes. Annoyed, she ran to the next room. You were really bringing her nothing but trouble. She had to focus on her company again. If she could, she would even rewind to the day of the job interview and make everything undone. But that was just wishful thinking now. Nevertheless, there were other measures that she could take: she had to cleanse her mind from you. Therefore, she tried to clear her mind before sitting down at the head of the table at her next meeting, intending to pay better attention this time around. Her good resolution was put to the test, however, when the door to the conference room suddenly flew open to reveal you.
The root of all the chaos in her life right now.
Like the first time, her heart immediately started fluttering when your eyes met; especially when you waved at her awkwardly. You were such a dork. Mina could have sat there forever, just looking at you, but when she felt the gazes of the other participants of the meeting on her, she got reminded of the annoying rumors that were circulating in the company and her expression changed quickly. Instead of flashing you a wide gummy smile like she wanted to, Mina rolled her eyes, feigning to be a ruthless boss.
She needed to nib those rumors in the bud.
The look on your face, however, caused Mina to regret her decision in an instant. You looked so confused and she wished to be able to apologize to you. But that wouldn’t be fair. She had to stop with all that hot and cold treatment. Her company came before everything else. Therefore, she needed to focus again and if that was only possible by cutting you off, she needed to show you the cold shoulder for now.
A task that turned out to be harder than she had thought.
Your little insecure glances throughout the whole meeting didn’t go unnoticed by her, even if she forbade herself to stare at you. It was pure torture. Mina would love nothing more than to flash you a smile or to give you an encouraging thumbs up to tell you that you were doing fine for your first day. But the eyes of the others were glued on her today. Even when the meeting was over and the two of you made your way to her office on the top floor. All the assistants whispered behind your back, causing you to insecurely scan your surroundings. You were clearly uncomfortable, and this was all her fault. She needed to make it up to you; even if her good intentions would be absolutely invisible to you.
Throughout the week, Mina could see how your frustration grew with every day. She was punishing you with ignorance and criticism, no matter how accurately you were working. It was cruel and hurting Mina probably exactly as much as it was hurting you, but she told herself that you would thank her in the end. Nevertheless, she had never been looking forward to the end of the week like this week. Only one more meeting and she could send you home and recover from this horrible week. She would be in dire need of a breather after this meeting. Not only because of you, but also because this meeting was essential for the future of this company. If she could close this deal, no recession in this world could bring her down. She would rise above all the competition. Therefore, she was equally looking forward to this meeting as she was also dreading it. Nervously, she had paced about in her office before strutting to the conference room, pretending to be confident.
“Mr. Park, I’m glad that you could make it.”
With a wide smile on her face and an extended hand, Mina approached the older CEO and bowed to him politely while shaking his hand.
“Shall we?”
She pointed towards the conference room where everyone took a seat around the table. It didn’t take long till you entered the room as well and headed straight for the guests.
“Good morning. Is there anything that I can get you?”
You asked politely with a soft smile and Mina felt how a bit of her nervousness disappeared. Maybe you were causing her to make crazy decisions, but she couldn’t deny the calmness that she felt around you either. That was as long as everyone behaved around you, which Mina couldn’t really say right now. The way all those conceited prigs were rudely spitting out their orders without showing any sign of gratitude was causing this certain familiar irritation to crawl out of the dark inside of Mina. But you handled the situation with grace, so she took a deep breath and tried to let it go. This was neither the place nor time to make a scene; this customer was really important. Therefore, she pushed all the thoughts about you to the very back of her head and started the meeting with her eyes on the price: walking out of this room with a closed deal today.
If just everyone had been as focused as her...
Unfortunately, it seemed like the Mr. Park really wanted to test her patience though.
“Why isn’t my coffee iced?”
He snapped at you, when you returned to the conference room and placed his order in front of him. Irritated, Mina looked up from her notes in front of her, feeling like someone had just dropped a matchstick into an oil drum inside of her. Her grasp automatically tightened around the pen that she was holding, and her eyes darkened.
“I-iced? Because you ordered a hot cappuccino…”
You stuttered and Mina could hear how you were struggling to stay polite.
“I did not. Go get me a new one. Iced. I hope you’re able to keep that simple order in mind this time.”
Mr. Park rudely shoved the cup into your hands and Mina needed to physically bite her tongue in order to stop herself from stepping in. She could taste blood in her mouth and she quickly averted her gaze from the scene in front of her. The company comes first, she told herself in her head over and over again in a desperate attempt to bring her heartrate down. Only when she heard the door of the conference room being opened and closed, she dared to look up again, seeing that you had left the room.
“It’s so hard to get competent assistants these days...”
Mr. Park scoffed and the other men at the table agreed with him, but not Mina. He could be glad that she didn’t just rip his head off; she surely wouldn’t suck up to him just to please him. Therefore, she simply cleared her throat to catch the attention of the others and continued with her presentation.
“Where were we? Ah right, the targets of our partnership.”
Mina smiled, ready to focus on the benefits that Mr. Park brought to the table again, although they were harder to see with every minute that passed. There was barely a sentence that she could finish before Mr. Park interrupted her with a stupid comment. Maybe Mina could have endured them better if there wasn’t a flame already flickering inside of her, but it was increasingly hard for her to keep her cool. Your appearance was just the final straw to make her explode.
You walked into the room with a fake smile on your lips and the coffee that Mr. Park definitely didn’t deserve. It was hard for Mina to listen to another one of his dumb remarks while observing you in the corner of her eye, but she tried her best to stay focus. That was until a really unfortunate event caused her breath to catch in her throat.
Mr. Park yelled after you had spilled his coffee all over him. Deserved, Mina thought to herself while feigning to be shocked although she was actually trying her hardest not to laugh. Her amusement, however, disappeared a second later when Mr. Park leaped to his feet in order to yell at you.
“You incompetent idiot! What is wrong with you?! Did you just spill the coffee all over me to get back at me?? Do you know who I am? I’m going to make you pay for this, you ungrateful scumbag!”
The company comes first, the company comes first, the company comes first, the com- how dare this asshole?!
Mina had tried her hardest to keep her cool for the sake of her company, but enough was enough. No one, absolutely no one was allowed to yell at you. Anger replaced every single bit of rationality in her body and she leaped to her feet while slamming her hand on the table.
Was the only word she managed to choke out without absolutely losing her temper. But no one moved and Mr. Park even had the audacity to smirk victoriously. Did he think that she had meant you? In that case, she had to make herself clearer...
“I said out! The deal is off the table. My company doesn’t make deals with petty tyrants like you.”
She yelled now, unable to keep her emotions in check. The jaws of everyone in the room dropped and Mina would have probably laughed if her anger weren’t still consuming her completely.
“Excuse me?”
Mr. Park stuttered and Mina was starting to lose her patience. She couldn’t stand to see this man a second longer.
She growled and this time, Mr. Park seemed to have gotten the hint. In disbelief, he scoffed and looked at his associates before straightening out his stained suit.
“Very well. But don’t think that these ties can ever be mended. I’m going to make sure that you’re going to regret this.”
He stated arrogantly and it took everything from Mina not to jump across the table to grab him by his collar and to throw him out of the building herself. Making her regret this? He didn’t have that kind of power, if any Mina would make him regret ever having lived. Breathlessly, she supported herself on the table after Mr. Park and his associates had left the room as it hit Mina what she had just done. Even if Mr. Park was the biggest asshole on this planet, the deal with his company would have still been huge. But that chance was gone forever now, and Mina couldn’t believe that she had robbed her company of it just because of you.
“This is all your fault.”
She hissed angrily before finally looking at you.
“This was a million-dollar deal. Damn it.”
You flinched in shock when she swept the portfolio off the table, making her regret her action in an instant.
“I-I’m sorry.”
You stuttered and Mina chuckled bitterly.
“Oh thank you, that makes everything better.”
She exclaimed cynically, although she knew that it wasn’t fair to let her anger out on you. None of this was actually your fault.
“Of course not. I’m sorry, I will get my stuff.”
You mumbled in defeat, causing Mina’s heart to break. Get your stuff? Were you still not able to see that she was willing to sacrifice everything in order to have you in her life?
With slouched shoulders, you walked to the door and Mina knew that she should let you go. You were turning everything upside down. But she couldn’t let you slip out of that door and out of her life. Not after everything that she had already given up for you. Therefore, she quickly chased after you and grabbed your arm just as you wanted to press down the door handle. With a strong pull, she managed to spin you around, causing you to helplessly stumble into her arms. Once again, Mina instantly got lost in your eyes and she didn’t waste another second before grabbing your neck and crashing her lips into yours. She had wanted to do this since your first encounter. Starving for your taste, she ran her tongue over your bottom lip and finally you seemed to wake up. Hesitantly, you granted her access and Mina had to suppress the urge to hum into the kiss. She had kissed so many people in her life, but never had she ever felt so high before. Your taste was addicting, and she wished that she could keep standing there with you forever. But this was a highly frequented room; anyone could walk in here any second, so Mina pulled away reluctantly. Despite the risk, however, she couldn’t get herself to step away from you. Her hands kept cupping your face and she gently stroked your cheeks with her thumbs while letting this feeling of comfort wash over her as she got lost in her eyes. How did you manage to make her feel so many things in just a split second? Desperately, Mina sighed before resting her forehead against yours.
“What am I supposed to do with you? You drive me crazy.”
Mina’s words were causing you to chuckle. You were driving her crazy? What were you supposed to say? Gently, you put your finger underneath her chin and pushed it up to make her look at you.
“Well...you could stop pushing me away. Because you are driving me crazy too.”
You replied and Mina sheepishly hid her head in the crook of your neck.
“I’m sorry.”
She mumbled against your skin and you laughed.
“It’s ok, now that I know that you like me too, your behavior is more bearable.”
Your statement caused Mina’s head to shoot up and she looked at you in disbelief.
“You only know now that I like you?? I made it so obvious!”
She gasped and you held up your hands defensively.
“You didn’t talk to me for one whole week and when you did, you yelled at me! How should I have known?”
You argued, remembering how this week would have been the worst of your entire life if Mina hadn’t just made it up to you.
“Ok...if you say it like that, I see where you’re coming from.”
Mina said innocently and you shook your head in amusement. You liked this kind of interactions between the two of you a lot better.
“Yeah you should definitely make it up to me.”
A light smirk tugged on the corner of your lip as you stepped closer again and Mina mirrored your expression in anticipation. Just when you were about to lean in for another kiss though, the door of the conference room suddenly swung open and Mina jumped away from you as if you were toxic. Completely oblivious to what was going on, a man entered, seeming to be fuming in anger.
“Is it true? Is it true that the deal with the Park corporation is off the table?”
The man’s voice cracked, and Mina avoided his gaze before reluctantly walking closer to him.
“Yes, it’s true. Mr. Park was highly uncooperative.”
She answered calmly, but the man looked like she had just said the most ridiculous thing on the planet.
“Uncooperative?? It was your job to make him cooperative! Do you know how much this deal would have meant for this company?”
It was cruel to watch Mina getting scolded for something that you had messed up, but you felt like it wasn’t your place to step in.
“Mr. Jeon, please calm down. Let’s go to my office.”
Mina stayed professional and gestured towards the door whereat Mr. Jeon sighed and left the room. Helplessly, you stood there, looking at Mina who flashed you an apologetic gaze before stepping into the hallway as well, leaving you alone in the conference room. Since meeting Mina, you felt like you were living in an alternate universe; everything seemed to be way too crazy to be real. But today was a step in the right direction. At least you knew now that you weren’t delusional. Mina truly liked you and seemed to be just as helpless as you. It was high time that you sorted things out with each other. Maybe the two of you could use the weekend to meet outside of work and talk about everything. Therefore, you followed the two board members to the top floor and sat down at your desk in front of Mina’s office, waiting for a chance to talk with the CEO. Through the glass walls, you could see that Mr. Jeon and Mina were discussing agitatedly for almost an hour before they eventually seemed to have come to an agreement. While glaring at you angrily, Mr. Jeon left Mina’s office and disappeared in another one further down the hallway. Mina, on the other hand, tiredly sat behind her desk and stared into the void.
Maybe you could cheer her up by asking her out...
Therefore, you took a deep breath and walked over to her office. You knocked shortly before letting yourself in without waiting for an answer.
You greeted Mina shyly, but she only gifted you with a short glance. Instead, she turned her attention to some papers on her desk and started to rustle with them busily.
“Um...I was wondering whether you had some time to talk?”
You piped up while awkwardly shifting your weight from one foot to the other.
Mina simply replied without bothering to look up from her desk. Dumbfounded, you stared at her, not knowing how to react to her sudden coldness.
“Maybe later?”
You tried your luck once more, but you ran against a wall.
“No, I’m busy.”
It seemed like you had accidentally traveled back in time. Instead of talking with the woman that had kissed you senseless in the conference room earlier, you were faced with the old Mina again that punished you with ignorance for one whole week. Your headache instantly returned again, and you stumbled out of the office in pure disbelief. How could one single person have that many mood swings? Exhausted by the events of the day, you plopped down on your chair and pretended to work on some papers that Mina had given you this morning, while replaying the kiss in your head over and over again. All the emotions that Mina had put in it, couldn’t have been fake, right? You martyred your brain for almost an hour until a movement in the corner of your eye ripped you from your line of thought. It was Mina who finally left her office.
“You can leave early today, Y/N. See you on Monday.”
She said emotionlessly while walking by, leaving you even more confused than before. You didn’t even have the chance to talk back before she was already gone. For at least fifteen minutes, you simply stared down the empty hallway while trying to make sense of Mina before packing up your stuff in slow-motion. Usually, you wouldn’t have minded a long weekend, but under these circumstances, you dreaded it. A bad feeling was beginning to spread in your guts.
What if the kiss hadn’t changed anything? What if everything would stay the same?
Mina felt like punching herself as she rushed down the hallway. She was playing a cruel game with you; she was painfully aware of that. But she couldn’t stop. You were somehow messing with the chemicals in her brain and cutting you out of her life wasn’t an option anymore. But at the same time, she had responsibility for her company and Mr. Jeon had just made it clear to her what would happen if she didn’t fulfill her duties. Yes, she was the CEO of this company, but if the shareholders would work together, they could still remove her from her position. It was maddening and she needed time to think. Therefore, she had sent you home early. She couldn’t stand to be around you a second longer and to be reminded of the highly unpleasant talk with Mr. Jeon. You probably already had a whiplash from her mood swings, and she needed to use this weekend to come up with a solution.
But no matter how hard Mina martyred her brain, she couldn’t find one. Before she knew it, the weekend was over, she was sitting in her office again and you were driving her insane, just by looking at some papers. Half of the morning was wasted already because Mina hadn’t been able to concentrate. Instead, she had been staring at you. The way you knitted your brow when you concentrated was extremely adorable and the moment you bit your lip while filling out some form, Mina knew that she had to do something about her desire. Not wasting another second, she leaped to her feet and strutted to your desk.
“I need your help.”
Without waiting for your answer, Mina walked to the copy room, hearing how you followed her hectically. The moment you had entered the room, she slammed the door shut before pressing you against one of the photocopiers to your surprise. Utter confusion was written all over your face, so Mina decided to give short shrift. Just like the first time, she simply pressed her lips on yours, trying to let you know how much she wanted you even if she couldn’t always show it to you. She hadn’t been so sure whether you would forgive her after she had sent you home on Friday, but to her delight, your lips soon started to move in sync with hers causing her to sigh into the kiss. She had missed you tremendously, even if she only hadn’t seen you for two days. But apparently, you were feeling the same. Needily, you were pulling her closer even though there wasn’t even space for a single piece of paper between the two of you. Mina couldn’t help but to smile into the kiss while teasing you by pulling away several times, only to have you leaning forward to capture her lips again. It seemed like you were two magnets that simply belonged together, but unfortunately the knowledge that there was probably already another client of hers waiting in her office was annoyingly pinching her and Mina had to pull away despite the overwhelming attraction.
“I have an appointment.”
She whispered while softly stroking the outlines of your jaw.
“Skip it.”
You grinned, causing her to chuckle. She was very tempted to agree to your offer, but she knew that she couldn’t. The only thing that she could offer you right now were fleeting and secret moments like this. Her duties as CEO still came before you.
“I can’t.”
After pressing another kiss on your lips, she pushed herself off you and fixed her clothes.
“It’s a very important meeting. Oh and I need you to print the documents that I’ve sent you per mail.”
Sheepishly, Mina smiled at you, knowing that her timing was terrible right now, but you didn’t seem to mind.
“Yes, ma’am.”
You saluted dorkily, causing her to laugh before turning around to leave the room.
Maybe it wasn’t much that she could give you, but she would make sure to make those times worthwhile... and plenty. Mina just couldn’t help herself. You simply looked so kissable when you typed away on your computer or prepped her for one of her million meetings. So, in the following weeks it became a habit that Mina abducted you to an empty room whenever no one was around to express her affection even when she had to show you the cold shoulder most of the time. Because as soon as other people were around, Mina pretended to be your ruthless superior who mercilessly bossed you around. It was hard to be mean to you, but it was a necessary evil to prove all the people wrong that had spread rumors about the two of you. And Mina’s plan seemed to work. After a few weeks, no one whispered behind your back anymore and Mr. Jeon stopped eyeing you suspiciously. Mina even had to stop herself from becoming cocky and acting foolish again due to the naivety of everyone else. It had almost been too easy to find a solution to her problems...almost. Because what Mina hadn’t considered in her perfect plan were your feelings. You had played your part in her scheme so perfectly until you suddenly didn’t anymore one day...
People bumped into you left and right, but you didn’t care. Despite being an obstacle in the busy stream of employees that were trying to get to their workplace on time, you didn’t pick up your pace. Your initial euphoria about your new job was long gone and by now you just dreaded to go to work. You were so tired of Mina’s games. Even if her little ambushes had managed to help you get over her otherwise rough behavior, they simply weren’t enough anymore. You wanted to be more than just her little secret during her five-minute breaks between two meetings. Or maybe you would even be able to bear the secrecy if she wouldn’t grumble at you because of every little mistake. But the combination of both was just slowly killing you. Therefore, you took your time every morning to get to work. You knew that Mina would discover your daily tardiness one day, but she yelled at you anyways, so why should you bother?
Like always, you arrived five minutes late and barely managed to plop down on your chair before Mina rushed past your desk.
“Y/N, did you print the documents that I asked you for yesterday? Bring them to my meeting.”
She demanded before disappearing in her office, only to storm out of it again a second later to get to her meeting on time. You, on the other hand, weren’t prepared to go there yet, because horrified, you realized that you hadn’t printed the demanded documents yesterday. You remembered that Mina had asked you for them five minutes before your finishing time and you had simply waved her request off. Little had you known that she needed them so soon. In lightning speed, you opened the attachment of her last mail from the day before and hit the ‘print’ button. To your dismay, however, it seemed like the document was 100 pages long and with every second that passed you knew that your death inched closer. On wobbly legs you eventually ran to the conference room, managing to arrive only a minute after the official start. Relieved, you sighed silently when you entered the room and heard that Mina was still making small talk with the other participants of the meeting. Unfortunately, though, your happiness didn’t last long.
“Are you incapable of telling the time?”
You didn’t need to look at Mina to know that she was staring at you with one of her terrifying gazes that seemed to be able to set you on fire. With your head hanging low, you put down the documents in front of her and lightly bowed to her.
“I’m really sorry. It will never ha-“
Before you were able to finish your apology, Mina cut you short.
“I’m so tired of your sloppy work! Everyone would be grateful to have your job and you allow yourself to play games? I gave you this opportunity and I can take it from you again if I want to. I should have known better. You have been unreliable from the start.”
She scoffed and your head snapped up. Somehow Mina’s comment suddenly caused your blood to seethe. You were unreliable? You had never asked her to get you this job and you had done all your work diligently despite her antics. In order to be close to her, you endured everything silently and were willing to put your own needs below hers. But now you were beginning to ask yourself if it was all worth it. Did she even appreciate you? Because right now it didn’t sound like it. If there were so many people who would be grateful to be in your shoes, you shouldn’t be selfish, right? While tightly clenching your fist to stop yourself from making a scene, you bowed deeply before firmly looking into her eyes.
“I’m sorry. I will not upset you again.”
You stated emotionlessly before turning around and leaving the room. You would indeed never upset her again. But neither would you ever reward her with your presence again.
Furious, you stormed to your desk where you paced up and down the hallway. Could you really quit? You had dreamed about working in this company for ages. Besides, you also depended on the salary and you weren’t so sure whether you would immediately find a new job. Frustrated, you plopped down on your chair and weighted your options. Should you swallow your pride, or should you risk becoming homeless? It was a tough decision but in the end, you knew that only one of those options would come into question. You could no one longer knuckle under to Mina; not if you still wanted to be able to look at yourself in the mirror. Therefore, you quickly packed up all your stuff, hoping that you could disappear before Mina would be back.
Unfortunately, however, you were just halfway down the hallway when the elevator door opened and your soon to be ex-boss stepped out. When she spotted you, she quickly looked around to make sure that no one was around before approaching you with a smirk on her face. As soon as she noticed the box with all your belongings in your hands though, she started frowning.
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
She asked with concern resonating in her voice.
“I’m done.”
You spat out, wanting to simply walk past her, but she grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“What do you mean?”
Genuine confusion reflected in her eyes and you wondered how she could still be so clueless. Did she really not know how wrong her little games were?
“I quit. This job and whatever this is between us. I’m tired of you and your games.”
With a strong arm movement, you ripped yourself free of her grasp and rushed to the elevator that was still on your floor. As the doors slowly closed, you could see that Mina was staring at you with an open mouth in utter disbelief and you almost felt sorry for her. But then you remembered that exactly this weakness for her soft side had gotten you in this trouble in the first place and you quickly pulled away your hand that reflexively wanted to stop the door from closing. Instead, you pressed the button for the ground floor and averted your eyes from Mina before you could change your mind. This rollercoaster ride needed to end now.
Mina felt like she was stuck in a bad dream when she watched you stepping into the elevator. She had truly thought that the two of you were doing fine and those news were hitting her like a truck. The moment your words had left your lips, her heart had stopped beating and her whole body was frozen ever since. Only when the display above the elevator showed a red 1, the stinging pain in Mina’s chest slowly started to spread in her body and managed to rip her out of her trance.
You were gone.
Indecisively, Mina turned in circles while grasping her hair, not knowing whether she should chase after you or act like a CEO. Why did everything always seem to come down to the conflict between her love for you and her responsibility for her company?
“Ah Ms. Myoui, I was just on my way to you. Do you have a minute?”
Mr. Jeon’s voice caused Mina to jump in shock. Dumbfounded, she turned around and saw that he was standing in the door of his office with a smug smile playing on his lips. Her gaze immediately darted back to the elevator where her heart was telling her to go.
“I-I have to...”
She stuttered, pointing to the elevator, but Mr. Jeon cut her short.
“Please, it’s important.”
He countered, causing Mina to sigh in defeat. She had sworn to him that she would never let her feelings interfere with the success of this company again. Therefore, she reluctantly followed him into his office where she listened to his babbling with only half an ear. Your words just played in her head over and over again.
I quit. This job and whatever this is between us. I’m tired of you and your games.
Only after hearing your words Mina had realized that she had never officially asked you to be hers or taken you out on a real date. In hindsight, she couldn’t believe how selfish she had been. Had she really dared to martyr you every single day without giving you anything in return? Without noticing, Mina huffed loudly, causing Mr. Jeon to stop his monologue and to look at her in confusion.
“I’m sorry, please continue. I was just thinking about...a client.”
Mina lied and Mr. Jeon eyed her suspiciously.
“It’s ok, I don’t want to steal any more of your precious time. And we can continue talking tonight. You’re coming, right?”
He asked and Mina stared at him for several seconds, trying to remember what he was referring to until she remembered the red cross in her calendar that was labeled ‘Annual Business Partner Gala’. This time the loud huff that slipped past her lips was directed at Mr. Jeon who looked at her offended, but Mina didn’t care. She really had better things to do tonight. But of course, she couldn’t just skip the gala. She was the face of the company and her business partners expected her to give a speech that would assure them that Myoui Holdings was still yielding the money that they expected. Therefore, Mina put on a fake smile and looked at Mr. Jeon.
“Of course, I’ll be there.”
She assured him before leaping to her feet and leaving his office, not being in the mood to pretend any longer to be listening to his unimportant babbling.
With her thoughts racing through her brain like on a racetrack, Mina made her way to her own office. As she passed your desk, however, her movements halted, and she looked at your seat with regret tugging at her heartstrings. If she hadn’t been so selfish you would still be sitting there. She just had made it too easy for herself and now karma was making her pay for it. With every second that she was standing there, it became harder for her to breathe, because it cost her every bit of strength in her body to suppress the tears that were threatening to spill. Maybe she had missed her chance to make you know how much you meant to her, but she herself was painfully aware of that fact which made it unbearable to stare at your empty desk. Therefore, Mina did what she had promised Mr. Jeon not to do and let her feelings get the better of her. Although you had left her several sticky notes on her desk that were telling her what she still had to do today, she couldn’t manage to free her thoughts from you. So in order to prevent having a breakdown in front of all the board members of her company, she grabbed her belongings and rushed out of her office.
She needed to put distance between her and this mess.
The car ride to her apartment didn’t take long but it seemed like it lasted hours. Even if her driver was obliged not to spill anything that happened in the car, Mina didn’t want to cry in front of him. It would absolutely ruin her reputation. Therefore, she held back her tears until her key card unlocked her door and she could finally stumble into her safe space. The hours that followed were a blur. Mina knew that she had to be calm and composed again for the gala tonight, so she tried to let out all her bottled-up emotions, resulting in a tearful breakdown.
What was she supposed to do about you? Was it selfish of her again to want you back?
Not only her brain and her heart seemed to disagree on the answer to this question. No, her heart alone seemed to be torn too. On the one hand, it told her to give in to her love for you. She didn’t want to live without you. She wanted to make it up to you and show you that she could do better. But on the other hand, the same love told her to stay away. Didn’t you deserve someone who treated you better? Even if she would stop with the secrecy and the blowups, she still wouldn’t have a lot of time for you. Her company demanded a lot of time from her and she wasn’t sure if you were willing to endure that. The dilemma was killing her, so Mina was almost glad when it was time to get ready for the gala and she could distract herself. Although it was hard to ignore her problems when her puffy face demanded almost twice the amount of makeup that she usually needed and to make things worse, even her dress reminded her of you, because she had chosen it specifically for you to impress you. Tears immediately started to pool in Mina’s eyes when she looked at herself in the mirror and she quickly rushed to her wardrobe to search for another dress. One that wouldn’t remind her of her failure throughout the whole night.
Just as Mina was about to make a terrible mess out of her closet though, the sound of her doorbell caused her to head to snap to the side.
She whispered absentmindedly before stumbling out of her room and to the front door. Maybe you were here to take the decision that was tearing her apart off her plate. Full of hope, Mina swung open the door, only to feel her heart break all over again when she stood face to face with her guest. Another guest than she had expected.
“Are you ready?”
Seongmin asked with a bored expression and Mina huffed in disappointment. She had totally forgotten about him. Business partners liked to see that their partner was doing well- both in business as well as in their private lives. Therefore, Mina had started to take her old school friend Seongmin to official events. For some reason, a single, successful woman apparently didn’t fit into the norm of the world that she was operating in. So she faked to be in a relationship with Seongmin to fulfill their stereotypes. It was degrading and Mina didn’t know why she allowed the board members and business partners to have so much power over her.
“What am I even doing?”
She sighed frustrated, causing Seongmin to look at her in confusion.
Was this really the life that she wanted to live? Did she really want the be the board members’ and business partners’ puppet? Mina’s gaze fell on the dress that she was wearing, and she wondered whether the two of you would still be together if she hadn’t allowed the opinions of others to mess with her head.
“You are getting ready for the gala. Where you are going with me. Your date.”
Seongmin answered hesitantly, still not being able to make sense of Mina’s weird behavior. His words caused her to look at him and she suddenly felt how her annoyance took control over her. Your date. This was just wrong. She shouldn’t have to fake a relationship to please others. And even more so, she shouldn’t have to hide her real one. She could be a good CEO and a good girlfriend. Maybe it had taken her a while, but finally Mina knew what the right thing was to do.
“No, you’re not my date. I already have one.”
She replied before rushing back into her apartment to grab her shoes and her purse. When she came back to the front door, Seongmin was still standing there dumbfounded and she quickly pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you for coming, Seongmin. But I don’t need your services tonight. You can go home.”
Mina smiled before running to the elevator. Her newfound determination suddenly washed away the lethargy from before and a wave of energy was electrifying her whole body. In lightning speed, she made her way to her car while calling the head of HR in hopes that the poor devil was still working.
“Ms. Myoui?”
He picked up the phone with uncertainty resonating in his voice, but Mina cut straight to the point, not having time for any explanations.
“Jinyoung, hi! Listen you have to do me a favor.”
She panted into the phone breathlessly while speeding out of the underground garage.
“You need to get me the address of an employee. The name is Y/N L/N.”
Jinyoung was audibly confused by Mina’s request and voiced concerns about confidentiality. But after repeating her request a second time in the sharp tone that made all her employees bow down to her, Mina could hear how Jinyoung typed something on his computer before sending her the address via text message.
“You are the best! Thank you!”
Without losing any more time, Mina hung up the phone and fed the address to her GPS that spit out the supposed shortest route to your apartment in return. Unfortunately, though, this time of day was not the best to drive from one part of the city to the other and Mina groaned loudly when she saw the time of arrival. Nevertheless, she didn’t let this little setback get her down and used the time that she was stuck in traffic to practice her apology in the rearview mirror instead. As soon as she was standing in front of your door, however, all her practice appeared to be useless. What if you didn’t want her back? She couldn’t resent you for that. The way that she had treated you in the past weeks had been absolutely unacceptable.
“Maybe I should come back another day?”
Mina mumbled to herself, remembering that she had learned in her years as CEO to never enter a negotiation unprepared. What were her arguments to convince you to take her back? What were her counterarguments for your accusations that you surely wouldn’t spare her? Before Mina could come up with a fitting strategy, however, the door to your apartment suddenly swung open and she found herself face-to-face with you. The moment your eyes met hers, your jaw dropped, and you stared at her with wide eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
You gasped, not seeming to have expected her in front of your door. Dumbfounded by your sudden presence, Mina opened and closed her mouth wordlessly in search for the right thing to say. Apologies weren’t her strong suit. Her reputation as ruthless and unapologetic CEO had gotten her where she was now. She wasn’t good at showing her vulnerable side. Therefore, before she knew it, her instincts took over and told her that there was only one applicable strategy right now: Offense is the best defense.
“I’m picking you up. We’re going on a date.”
Mina stated determined with her head held high, causing you to frown in confusion.
“No, we’re not.”
You scoffed, looking slightly offended. But Mina held her course.
“Yes, you are.”
She countered before brushing past you in order to walk into your apartment. For a second, she was disoriented in the unfamiliar surrounding but then she spotted her target and headed straight for your bedroom.
“W-wha... Do I get a say in this?”
You stuttered perplexed while watching how Mina rummaged your closet for something pretty for you to wear tonight.
Mina simply answered as she pulled out a shirt that had looked like a perfect fit at first glance. But now that she was holding it in front of you, she didn’t really think that it highlighted your features that well, so she wanted to put it back into the closet. Before she could turn away from you again though, the utter look of disbelief in your face caused her to halt her movements.  Maybe this wasn’t the right strategy to demonstrate you that she was more than just a cold tyrant... How could she make the same mistakes over and over again? Disappointed in herself, Mina sighed before turning to you in order to switch her strategy.
“Of course, you have a say in this. But...I would appreciate it very much if you’d let me take you out on a date. I know I’ve behaved like the biggest asshole in the past weeks and I’m really, really sorry about that. But I know that I can do better. I think I forgot how to function like a normal human being over the years while making the company my top priority. But I don’t want to live like that anymore. I want to make you my priority too. You have made me so happy in the past weeks and I want to make you happy in return too from now on.”
She explained, trying to take off the cold and unapproachable mask that she had gotten so used to wearing in the past years.
“And how is that supposed to work? I know how much this company means to you...”
You countered, sounding sad and angry at the same time.
“You’re right, it means a lot to me and I will not lie and tell you that I will be a prefect girlfriend. Because I won’t. I will spend a lot of time in the company and I will not give you the attention that you deserve at all time. But I promise that I will never let my work life interfere with my private life again like I did before. I allowed the board members to have way too much power over me. But I don’t care what they are saying. I have a right to be with the person I love and...that’s you.”
Once again, you looked like you had just seen a ghost and Mina sheepishly turned her gaze to the floor because she felt way too vulnerable right now to stand the silence that followed her confession.
“I really can’t believe you. I’ve never met someone who has that many mood swings. You confuse me!”
You huffed frustrated and Mina slouched her shoulders.
“I’ve just decided to wish you to hell and now you come around, being all cute again and making my heart flutter.”
Angrily, you crossed your arms, but your words gave Mina hope and she looked at you expectantly.
“One. I give you one more chance to change my mind.”
You held your pointer finger up in the air and Mina squealed in joy, but you nudged her chest threateningly, causing her to contain herself again.
“I’m serious Mina. If you treat me unfairly one more time or if I feel that you will always choose the company over me, I’ll quit for real.”
Mina instantly nodded in agreement, knowing that she was completely undeserving of this chance.
“I promise, I’ll be better.”
She whispered as tears were choking her up. This relationship was far too precious to her; she would make sure not to mess it up this time. Maybe it would still take her some time to let all her guards down, but she was willing to let you take the lead. Insecurely, she looked at you, waiting for you to make the next call, afraid that she might patronize you again.
“Come here...”
You sighed eventually while opening your arms and Mina didn’t waste a second before crashing her body into yours. A few tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she buried her head in the crook of your neck and savored the feeling of comfort that instantly washed over her again.
She would make sure to repay you forever for your change of mind.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh Season Zero: The Yo-Yo Crimes of Jounouchi Pt 1
It’s been a while since I visited the many times Yugi should have gone to jail, AKA season Zero, and I’m excited to visit it again.
If you just got here, this is Season Zero, which is very different vibe and a different direction plotwise than the other seasons and you can read the season zero recaps from the start in chrono order here: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yuugi%20muto/chrono
So be warned, this is a 90′s anime, and it will do 90′s anime things, and I expect y’all reading this aren’t like 12.
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Like I said in an earlier post, I wrote this out fully when I was going through the symptoms from my second dose--which PS, is worth it--but those symptoms knocked me out for 10 days. I was kind of a space cadet, and yo, I made some mistakes. Including writing this post out in full and then not clicking “save” on this post and then not realizing I had done that until several days later.
So long story short, I don’t remember what I originally wrote here, but lets all assume it was weird, and didn’t make sense and wasn’t funny. We’ll just assume this was for the best that it was deleted forever.
So this episode is about 2 things: Yo-yos and Jounouchi. Both get used as a tool for violence, and both need to get just a little bit cursed by Yugi to scale it the hell back. So, understandably, we start off this episode with Jounouchi, who has eagerly identified with this off brand yo-yo he apparently got out of a dumpster for being just a huge ass defect.
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(more Yo-Yo crimes under the cut)
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I see you dodging copyright infringement, Yugioh. Eireboy.
Also whenever I read “Eireboy” I do it in my mind in the same pacing and vocal tones that Pegasus uses to say “Kaiba boy.” Something about it’s conjunction to Yugioh, I see anything with “boy” at the end of it, and it’s voiced by a weird guy with one eye.
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So I wrote these caps under the influence of my second dose, just assuming y’all understand the life I lived, but I realized writing this episode...traveling bands of yo-yo performers that go to your school and shill yo-yos with yo-yo shows in the hopes that it will get you so obsessed with yo-yos that you will not join a gang and do drugs and have sex may be just an American thing.
So when I saw a yo-yo episode I was like “Tight! Clearly, the yo-yo clowns have come to town!” and I assumed everyone in this class would be draped in yo-yos, because I just assumed that at some point at School you will get MAD OBSESSED with yo-yos for about 2 weeks.
But in this episode, everyone was like “Jounouchi, why are you playing with a random yo-yo?” and it didn’t occur to me until typing this out just now: only Jounouchi is doing this. He did this unprompted, without the encouragement of a bunch of middle aged performers doing tricks to techno music.
So instead, I have to think of Jounouchi as Ralphie in this scenario, and he just got a official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time for Christmas, but he’s gonna shoot his eye out.
Because yo-yos in this episode are basically guns.
...Kind of like a duel deck was also just a gun...
...or the wands in Harry Potter...
...which honestly...I’ve probably said this before but where I’m from, we just use straight up guns in these elaborate analogies because we freakin have to make the point crystal clear. The moment Ralphie finally got his hands on a bb-gun, he very nearly shot his eye out and broke his glasses. And that scene will haunt me until my dying day...
...but fine, we can use yo-yos, I guess it works, although to me, yo-yo’s are just teachers hoping you’ll become such a dork that no gang will accept you (and then in this universe, it does the opposite? So freakin weird).
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The beginning of this episode is Jounouchi trying do his best to impress with his skills, but in actuality, getting very close to clubbing Anzu with a yo-yo. And, while Anzu is the strongest person in Yugioh in the later seasons, I feel like Season Zero Anzu is another level. It’s a serious tempt of fate that Jounouchi is doing, so Honda wisely cuts him off from doing any more of that so she won’t end up strangling yet another person in broad daylight in the middle of school.
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Remember your yo-yo safety, children.
Straight up, Honda’s version of yo-yo safety is to just Never Use a Yo-Yo and that’s the most gun safety thing ever that they’ve slipped into this Yugioh Episode. I almost expected Yuugi to pull a “well, actually, I use a hunting yo-yo to get enough venison to feed my family.” But youknow, he lives in a city, so while Yugioh is pretty weird and Yuugi has to worry about a lot of things--he doesn’t have to worry about that.
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This is actually foreshadowing, which I only realized in hind sight, mostly because I just can’t associate a Yo-yo with crime. Joey knowing how to use a yo-yo was foreshadowing that he was absolutely part of this gang in a past life.
Yeah that one went completely over my head the first time and the second time and it really wasn’t until just now that I finally caught it. Hoo boy, sometimes I wonder why y’all let me analyze this show.
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Jounouchi decides to confront the yo-yo bandits and everyone else is like “Silly Jounouchi, he’s not gonna do that. That would be stupid.” And...in S0, they don’t know him well enough yet to know that he really is that much of a well meaning dumbass.
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I think a S1-5 Yugi would have been sprinting out the door to keep Joey from killing himself (again), but Season Zero Yuugi had hope that Jounouchi would just naturally tucker out and fall asleep or something.
And he was so wrong.
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Anzu’s “New Tricks” line was from the dub itself and man that’s a good line. I love Anzu’s sass in Zero.
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So, Honda decides to help them find Jounouchi so all of them together could give Jounouchi an intervention for skipping school. This is the same Honda that once skipped school to babysit a tomagachi and said it was because of “Maternity leave,” but don’t worry about the hypocrisy, because from this episode we learned that Jounouchi needs a very short leash.
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So this episode is a great Jounouchi episode to explain stuff that still hasn’t been explained in 5 seasons of Yugioh. In S1-5, we don’t get much about his home life other than his Mom left and his Sister lives far away and is like sickly as hell. We know nothing else. But this is the episode where we finally get to find out why Yuugi and his Grandfather decided to basically adopt him from S1 onward.
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Yugioh is tackling some pretty heavy territory, but I respect the show for not trying to magically change Jounouchi’s parents like they did to Dartz. Instead, the crew decide to reach out and try to find their friend who clearly didn’t go home last night (and won’t be going back for a while), by checking every alleyway in Domino.
Fun fact Yuugi drops this episode, Domino is one of the biggest cities on Earth. This makes the Battle City Tournament even more crazy when you realize Kaiba shut down several blocks but, it also makes a tiny bit more sense how we have so many Millennium items in one place. (Yet...it still doesn’t explain Bakura and Joey’s accent.) And, I guess if your city is just extra large, you get an extra large warehouse district, too.
Speaking of, they eventually find Jounouchi at his new (but also old) crime antics mugging some random stranger next to this Game store that I just realized was cropped so it looks like it says “GANG.”
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Say hello to our crime clown. He’s sort of like a discount joker, and that beanie is...man it is green.
I forget this green exists sometimes, but Season Zero has it as one of their prime colors. Good ol’ Retro Kaiba green.
I’m a little tempted to swatch Season Zero a bit and figure out their full color scheme--it’s really saturated, which is interesting when you compare it to the later seasons which are a lot more muted since...the 00′s were like that, they greyed a lot of colors out. But I’ll do it later if I do, maybe another post for another day.
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Jounouchi and Honda, before they moved to the school with Yuugi in it, used to go to the same school and up until now I just assumed they were close friends. But apparently they were a lot more distant than that. I’m sure they met up several times as Jounouchi destroyed stuff and Honda came along in his volunteer janitor outfit to put the stuff the hell back, and maybe that’s how they got to know eachother better?
But basically, Jounouchi was the freakin worst, and Jounouchi’s best friend was Hirotani--this 45 year old 15 year old with the blue pony and turquoise fade--and Honda has SO MUCH hot goss to say about it.
I really get the gist that Honda may not have liked anyone else at his old school, like at all. Like maybe Honda likes cleaning up trash so much because his school was just trash top to bottom.
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As is tradition, Yuugi got his tar beat in by Hirotani. Another concussion to add to his list of issues to tell his future therapist that lives in that puzzle he wears around his neck.
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I still expect him to do a double cross, but it seems they wanted to keep it a relatable and more realistic fall-out, where Jounouchi has just bounced on them without even a goodbye. He and his Dad had a bad fight, and Jounouchi was like “well so long to all of this and everyone that has anything to do with it.”
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In later seasons, Joey is the one trying to save other people. He’s saving his Sister, he’s saving Mai, he’s saving Yugi, but in this season Jounouchi’s friends had to save Jounouchi from himself a few times now.
I like this depth to his character, I’ll be honest. I can understand why S1-5 don’t touch on it, and I don’t think it’s because they didn’t want to have an abusive Dad storyline, because they did that several times over with Seto Kaiba (man the Dad situation in Yugioh is DIRE.) Instead they probably just felt like Season Zero already did it, so why do it again?
It’s just a shame that it wasn’t talked about in the other seasons. Joey makes a lot more sense to me now because we get to see why Jounouchi is so hard set on saving people. S4 Mai Valentine, who ditched everyone and joined a gang? That’s basically a Joey move, and that was why Joey Wheeler was all over that.
Really would have added a lot to that particular arc if the show...actually talked about Joey’s history at all rather than assume I would have watched something that was never released in the States. Instead...it just looked a lot like he had only romantic motivations, which may not have been what they were going for.
Speaking of romantic, check out this sunset. Like the sun is exploding for some reason--just a wild sunset you only see for a still frame before a commercial break.
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As Joey, youknow, takes on an entire rival gang single-handedly.
Hey guys, I lived near a pretty big city most of my life and I have been on a roof...once. Just the one time when I was doing an internship in SF with a painter and we needed to take a reference photo of his painting for a gallery (and it was hella sketch, and we weren’t exactly allowed up there). Who are all these people giving teens Roof Access? It’s so hard to get! Even if you live in an apartment of a tall building, I can count on zero of my fingers the amount of times I was allowed on that roof. But TV shows and movies--they freakin love roof gardens and roof hangouts and roof fights.
Am I missing out?? How did y’all get on the ROOF? I know I’m on S5 of Yugioh now and I have seen a lot of roof stuff, but like...is this normal for everyone else? I know there’s schools that have roof sport--that’s common in the city everywhere--but that’s like...specialized roofs with 30 ft chainlink fencing and really good supports to your body doesn’t fall straight through it when you jump too much. The hell is using their normal ass roof?
This gang should have their legs swinging halfway into the floor below them, is all I’m saying, if my roof couldn’t handle our solar heating, then a normal ass roof cannot support a gang fight.
But it does look really, really cool.
Anyway, Anzu does some offscreen snooping and finds out where the crime hangs out, and suggests that we step right into crime zone and just yank Jounouchi out of there. Which is something you would only do and say if you were Anzu and cannot fear death.
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If it were Jay’s it would be with an ‘s. That’s how you do a plural Jay. But it’s the 90′s, so we put a “z” on the end of everything that should have been an “s” and that’s how you get the...
I mean, thank you, dubbers, for not saying “Jizz” but for reals...that be Jizz.
Please don’t flag me, Tumblr. (which, PS, I think they turned off the flagbot, Tumblr hasn’t flagged me in forever and I’m so thankful. Mods are asleep, we can talk about anime again)
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So even though Honda decided that he was fed up with Jounouchi and didn’t want to save his ass, he decided to give it another go but complete with some new sash. He also did this without telling any of the others, who just kinda spectated him for a little while.
Honestly, if they weren’t laughing at him, I wouldn’t have known that this sash was any weirder than any of his other sashes. I don’t know really know what a school uniform should look like. It’s a shame, I feel like this series has a lot of jokes and puns probably soaring right over my head.
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A little bit embarrased he was caught being vulnerable, Honda decides to give us a little more context to why he ever decided to give Jounouchi the time of day in the first place.
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They had PE class once, and Honda apparently loves the hell out of PE. Jounouchi ran really fast in a straight line that one time, and that is why he’s trustworthy friend material. He just needs to stop joining gangs, and he’ll be solid.
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I have no idea if the fandub put that in there or if that was native to the show, but Miho legit stans Honda/Jounouchi and acts as if she’s off to write some fanfiction about it. Honestly if she did, it would make her so much more interesting of a character.
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And so, until next time, we shall have to wait and see exactly what Yami Yuugi is going to do with a freakin Yo-yo and I’m sure it’s all sorts of real effed up. Excited to get there, honestly. A shame it had to happen on the part that isn’t dubbed yet, but I’ve done these subbed before, it’ll be fine!
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Allies, Pt. 1
A New Companion 
Pairing: Sokka x F Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 3,102 Summary: You meet Team Avatar in the forest on a rainy night, and offer a helping hand. 
Note: So, while I’m unable to write new pieces, I’ve decided to start posting this fic that I’ve been working on for a while- since a good part of it is already written. This is the first of many parts, it’s a pretty long slow burn.  I’m also posting this on my Ao3, but figured I might as well bring it over here as well!  Also apologies if my characterization is a bit off here, this was the first ATLA piece I wrote. 
-Navigation- | -Allies Masterlist- | -Atla Masterlist- 
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Raindrops gently hit the leaves of the trees, slowly rolling off the foliage and hitting against the ground. Despite the fact it had been raining, Y/n found herself walking about the familiar forest, pausing her steps to crouch in front of a berry bush. She untied a small pouch from the piece of rope around her waist, and started to fill it with berries.  Hearing voices in the distance, her movements ceased, and her head snapped in the direction they come from. Not only was it raining, but it was getting pretty late, yet it appeared others were in the forest as well. Strange. She tied the pouch back in place, and was quick to climb up the nearest tree. She perched herself on a sturdy branch, and grabbed onto her bow which rested over her shoulder.  “-ot for your stupid water magic we wouldn’t have to be stuck in the rain right now, so yes, this is your fault!”  “Even if we had our supplies, we would still be in the rain Sokka, we don’t have anywhere to set up camp!” She drew an arrow from her quiver as the voices got closer.  “Guys! Can you please stop arguing? I’m sure there’s another way we can solve this.”  Aligning the arrow with the bow, she pulled it back and aimed at the ground in front of the group of three.  The arrow zipped through the air, lodging itself in the ground in front of the taller boy of the group. The sudden appearance caused him to jump back with a yelp, before he frantically looked around.  “Where did THAT come from!?” The other two members of the group took on a fighting stance, looking around the area in front of them for the source of the arrow. Y/n settled her bow back over her shoulder, and jumped off the branch, to one that was a bit closer to the group. The rustling of the leaves caught the group's attention, and they looked up to the trees. They couldn’t see her seeing as she was shielded by the leaves, but they at least had an idea.  Readying her bow again, she aimed another arrow at the group. This time, she waited to shoot it.  “Who are you.”  Her tone was harsh, threatening.  The taller of the two boys looked around the trees, reaching for a boomerang. “Why should we tell you that?!”  Eyes squinted, the aim of her arrow moved to him. Still she didn’t shoot it. “I’ll shoot again.”  The shorter boy didn’t drop his guard, but took a step closer to where he guessed this mystery person was at. It quickly made her aim change to him.  “Let’s not do that please. I’m Aang. This is Katara and Sokka, then these guys are Appa and Momo. We aren’t looking for any trouble, just a place to camp for the night.”  Silence fell among them for a few moments, as the group waited to see what she would do. Dropping down from the tree branch, she rested her bow over her shoulder again, and slid the arrow back into it’s quiver. All three of them looked ready to attack when she revealed herself.  “I see, sorry about that then. You can never be too careful.” The two boys seemed to relax, but didn’t lower their weapons. “I’ll just take my arrow and be on my way.”  She took a step closer to them, but stopped when Katara held up a hand. The girl reached down and pulled the arrow from the dirt, and tossed it in her direction. Y/n caught it, wiped it clean on her shorts, then tucked it away in the quiver with the rest of her arrows. Turning on her heel, she started to walk away.  “Hey, wait!”  Turning her head to look back at the group, she raised an eyebrow at Aang who had asked her to wait. The others didn’t look very pleased by his actions.  “Would you happen to know anywhere we could set up camp for the night?”  “There’s a clearing nearby, I could show you the way.” She paused for a short moment, debating her words. “Though, if you’d like to get out of the rain you could stay at my base.”  Y/n never trusted people easily, especially strangers. A lot of dangerous people came through this forest. But they didn’t seem like a bad group of kids, and she was ninety percent sure that Aang kid was the Avatar. Her knowledge of the Air Nomads was limited, but she knew enough to recognize the blue arrows tattooed on him were a thing only they did- and it was pretty common knowledge at this point that the Avatar was an Air Nomad.  His expression brightened at her offer. “Really? That would be great!”  Sokka glared at his friend, and leaned closer to him, whispering something she wasn’t able to catch. The two had a quick back and forth, before getting Katara’s opinion on the matter. The three paused, and looked at her, before all standing up straight. Aang offered her a bright smile, while Sokka looked mildly upset, and Katara looked like she had mixed feelings.  “We would really appreciate that! Thank you.”  “Sure thing.” She started walking, motioning for them to follow her. They did so, albeit a little hesitantly. “I even have room for your… For Appa to get out of the rain.” She wasn’t too sure what the large animal was if she was being honest. 
The group arrived to a clearing after not too long. Several tarps had been strung together and tied around the trees a good ways off the ground, keeping the area dry. In the center of the tarped off clearing was an unlit campfire, next to it sat a long log. A few feet away from the campfire a tarp way laid on the ground, several rocks sitting at the corners to hold it down. A sleeping bag was on top of the tarp, as well as a crate. Y/n walked into the tarped off area, immediately going to light the campfire. The rest entered the area as well. Appa found a place to lay down, Momo sat atop his head. Katara and Sokka moved to sit by the campfire once it was lit to warm up, while Aang approached Y/n. He offered her a small bow.  “Thank you again for allowing us to stay here for the night. Sokka might be… a little sour about it but he’s just being cautious. I know he appreciates it as well.”  She let out a nervous laugh, and rubbed at the back of her neck.  “It’s no problem.” The siblings were having a quiet conversion that died off when Aang and Y/n joined them by the fire. They all sat in an awkward silence, before Sokka cleared his throat.  “So, do you just attack anyone who walks around this place?”  Katara gave her brother a glare, elbowing him in the side.  “It was a warning, not an attack.”  He mumbled under his breath. “A warning that almost stabbed my foot…”  “Sokka…” There was warning in his sister's tone, he didn’t seem to pay mind to it.  Y/n glanced off to the side. “If it was an attack I would have done worse than stab your foot.”  Aang and Katara glanced at each other, as Sokka’s expression twisted to anger. “Wow, what a great way of greeting people.” His voice dripped with sarcasm. “Actually, when most of the people you come into contact with are willing to kill you to get what they want, it is a great way of greeting people.”  Before the conversation could escalate any further, Aang inserted himself in the conversation. “You know what, I just realized we never got your name!”  She took in a deep breath to compose herself. “Y/n.”  Standing up from his spot nervously, he grabbed into Sokka’s arm to pull him up. “It’s great to formally meet you Y/n. Hey Sokka, can I talk to you for a second?”  Before Sokka could give an answer, he was dragged off by his friend. Far enough that they shouldn’t be heard, but to where they were still underneath the tarps that shielded them from the rain. The two girls sat in silence for a moment, until Katara spoke up.  “I’m sorry about my brother, he’s an idiot sometimes.”  “Being idiots is what brothers do best..” She trailed off with a tense laugh. The other offered her own quiet laugh, rubbing her hands together before placing them closer to the fire.  “Do you have a brother too?”  Offering a small nod to the question, she pulled a knee up to her chest. Katara took a quick glance around the camp Y/n had set up, raising an eyebrow when she noticed it was only set up for one person.  “Is he not with you?”  “Oh, um no. He’s fighting in the war, so I haven’t seen him for a while.”  “Must be nice.” They both laughed. “I understand what it’s like though, our father is fighting in the war too.”  Katara had mixed feelings on the matter, when Aang suggested that they accept the offer for a dry place to stay. On one hand, she didn’t want to sleep in the rain, but on the other this girl had shot an arrow at them. Seeing and hearing a bit about the conditions Y/n had seemed to be living in though, made her agree more with Aang than her brother on the passed manner. This girl had just been acting in a way of self defense, making it known she wasn’t afraid to attack if they tried anything. Now hearing about her brother, she could feel herself sympathizing for the girl.  “Sorry to hear about your dad.” Katara offered her a small smile. “And I’m sorry to hear about your brother.” Don’t be. When the boys returned to the campfire, Sokka took a seat next to his sister again, arms crossed over his chest, as Aang returned to his spot next to Y/n. Aang looked between the two girls.  “What are you guys talking about?” Katara offered him a small shrug. “Not much.”  Silence made its way into the group again, the four of them looking about awkwardly. Y/n found her gaze landing on Appa, the large animal who laid himself in the grass. She observed him and Momo- a small lemur who sat on his head -for a few moments before turning to look at Aang.  “So um, what exactly is Appa?”  “He’s a flying bison!”  Sokka watched the two carefully as they conversed.  Her eyes widened slightly. “Flying?” Aang offered her a nod. “Yeah! He’s been our ride for our adventure.”  “What is your guys’ adventure?”  Sokka cut into the conversation. “It’s none of your business.” He spoke harshly, earning a glare from Y/n.  “Interesting. I don’t recall asking you, boomerang boy.”  “Why you-”  Katara intervened this time, clapping a hand over her brother's mouth to silence him. “We’re heading to the North Pole.”  Y/n held back a laugh at Sokka being silenced. “The North Pole? You guys have some ambition, that’s on the other side of the world.”  Aang laughed nervously rubbing at the back of his neck. “Yeah.”  When silence fell over them for the third time, Y/n stood up from her seat. “Are you guys hungry?” When Katara and Aang answered that yes they were, she grabbed her bow and pulled a small basket out of the crate she had.  Sokka clasped his hands behind his neck. “I mean, I could eat.” She shot him a glare. “I wasn’t asking you.”  “What- Are you just going to give food to Aang and Katara?” “Yup.”  His expression twisted into one of offense. She snickered.  “You’re free to come with and get your own food, boomerang boy.”  “Would you stop- you know what, whatever.” Sokka stood up, and hooked his machete onto his belt. “I could probably catch better food than you anyways.”  Y/n turned on her heel, and headed to the forest. “Hope you don’t mind the rain.”  Slumping forward, his expression fell flat. Right, it was raining still. Great. Still, he followed after her.  Katara watched with worry as the pair walked off. “Aang, do you think we should go with them?”  He raised an eyebrow at her. “Huh, why?”  “They might kill each other.”  Aang looked at the direction they went off to, before looking back at Katara. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.” 
Sokka followed closely behind Y/n as she led him through the forest. He had no idea where she was going, and he really didn’t like that. At the very least, she seemed to know where she was going, so they shouldn’t get lost. But that didn’t make him like the situation any more.  After a while of walking through the increasingly growing rain, they ended up at a river. It was wide, and pretty deep as well. The tide rolled through it at a slow pace. It looked like a good place to fish. He assumed that’s what they were there for.  Unhooking his machete from his belt, Sokka pushed past Y/n and approached the river. “I’m sure you’ll need a demonstration on how to fish properly, so let me show you how it’s done.”  She raised her eyebrows in amusement, and took a step back. “Oh yeah, totally. Why don’t you show me how it’s done.” Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she spoke with heavy sarcasm.  He ignored her sarcasm, and used his machete to stab into the water in an attempt to catch a fish. When he pulled the blade from the water, there was nothing on the other end.  “Wow! An invisible fish, that’s really impressive, those are so hard to catch!”  He shot her a glare. “I’m just warming up.”  “Mhhm.” She crossed her arms over her chest, watching as he stood still, doing nothing. “That’s a whole lot of nothing you're doing over there.”  “Fishing is a waiting game, it’s all about being-” Pausing, he stabbed the machete into the river again. “Patient!”  When he failed to catch a fish for the second time, Sokka let out a groan, and started rapidly stabbing his machete into the river.  “Oh, yes, because you’re being very patient.”  He paused mid stab, and took in a deep breath. “Rapid fire fishing is a Southern Water Tribe specific tactic, you wouldn’t understand.”  Y/n raised an eyebrow at him. “My grandma is from the Southern Water Tribe actually, and she taught me how to fish.” She brought up a hand to her chin. “I don’t remember her ever bringing that up.”  He turned his head to look at her with wide eyes. “Wait- You’re from the tribe? Why are you out her-” “Maybe I should show you how it’s done.”  Cutting him off, Y/n readied her bow and pulled an arrow from her quiver. Aiming the arrow at the water, she waited for a few moments, before releasing it. The arrow zipped through the air, and lodged into the river bed.  Sokka watched as she went to retrieve the arrow from the water. “Psh, I bet you didn’t even catch anything.”  He quickly ate those words, seeing as there was a fish impaled on the arrow when she pulled it out. She gave him a look, as she threw the fish into the small woven basket she brought.  “Oh. Well-” He just decided to shut his mouth, and turned back to the river to continue his fishing venture. 
Once they’d both caught a handful of fish, they started to head back in the direction of the camp. Sokka carried the basket that was brought with them, agreeing to do so in exchange of him putting the fish he caught in it as well.  He cleared his throat. “Um, Y/n?” Glancing over at him, Y/n raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”  “Well uh, I wanted to apologize for earlier- It was unnecessarily harsh of me to attack you like that. It’s just not the most pleasant thing to get an arrow shot at you out of nowhere, y’know?”  “Yeah, that’s kind of the point, it’s supposed to be threatening.”  “It definitely is.”  Silence fell over the two, as they continued walking back. Once the camp was in their view, however, Y/n spoke up.  “Your apology is accepted, by the way.”  Sokka smiled softly, as they rushed to get back under the tarps and out of the rain.  Katara’s head perked up when she saw the two. “You guys are back.” She was honestly a little surprised they both came back in one piece. “Yup, and we brought dinner.” Sokka sat the basket down, before quickly going back to his spot by the fire to warm up.  Y/n was also quick to get by the fire to warm up, not bothering to put her bow down until she was near it.  Katara looked between the two, before getting up from her spot. “I can cook, since you two went through the effort of getting this in the rain.”  Y/n offered the girl a smile. “Thank you, Katara.” 
By the next morning, the rain had cleared up. Y/n had helped the group pack up the few things they had up onto Appa. Getting her attention, Aang bowed to her much like the night before.  “I wanted to say thank you again. We really appreciated your help last night.”  She offered him a smile, giving a small bow in return. “It was no problem. I wish you all luck with your travels.”  “Actually,” He rubbed at the back of his neck, glancing to the side for a moment. “Katara, Sokka and I we’re talking earlier and we were wondering if you’d maybe like to come with us? We could use your help on the team, and I honestly feel kind of bad leaving you out here alone.”  “Well, I sort of live out here, alone, so.” She laughed quietly. “I mean, I guess I don’t really have a reason not to join you guys.”  Sokka poked into the conversation. “So, is that a yes?”  “I guess so.”  Deciding to join them on their journey, Y/n got to packing up her own things. It would probably be best for her to get out of this forest anyways, the Fire Nation came through it a little too often for her liking. Once all her stuff was packed up, Katara and Sokka helped her get up onto Appa, and they took off.  Joining the Avatar on his adventure wasn’t what Y/n expected to get out of this encounter, but, she wasn’t mad at the outcome.
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lixis-sin-cauldron · 4 years
The Princess and The Hawk [Hawks | Keigo Takami] Pt. 1
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Part Two: Available Here Rating: Explicit  18+ content MINORS DNI. Pairing:  Keigo Takami (Hawks) X fem!reader Word Count: 6.9k Kinks and Warnings: Animal Violence, Blood
Summary: A dull routine, every day like the last. You're comfortable, if a little lonely. Who knew a simple walk home could change so much? Can also be read on Ao3 here: The Princess and The Hawk Big thank you to my lovely beta reader @lilleeboi 
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Passing through the park to get home after work was your main way to de-stress after dealing with customers all day, the time of day left the area fairly empty and the fall air carried the wonderful scents of the season that wafted through the trees and flowers. Normally, it was the most calming part of your day. Normally.
Today, you were startled out of your calm daze by the screeching and hissing of two animals going at each other. Your eyes snapped toward the source of the noise, a twisting ball of fur a few meters ahead, beside the park walkway. Correction: a twisting ball of fur and feathers.
A large grey tabby had somehow been able to snag a very large brown bird that was currently doing its best to fend the feline off as it tried going for the bird’s throat, its talons pushing against the cat’s stomach, a smear of red in the fur where it pressed.
Nature is intense, you thought.
You knew better than to interrupt, they were both wild animals, predators that killed to feed and survive, you had no right to push your human views onto the fight. Wanting to return to your calm mindset, you hurried by the unsettling sight, willing your shaky legs forward. You didn't want to think of the fate that awaited the loser.
As the scuffle disappeared out of sight behind you, you heard a hoarse squawk that felt as if it was directed at you. Involuntarily, you turned to see the cat had gained the upper hand. It had pinned the bird on its stomach and was about to clamp down its jaw on the nape of its neck in a killing blow.
Your eyes met the bird’s, a striking golden-brown, and it seemed to be crying for help with its stare.
Forgoing your previous judgment – unable to ignore the desperate plea – you rushed towards the pair, slipped your purse off, and swung it with full force. It connected cleanly against the tabby just before it was able to land its killing blow. It tumbled backward, and after rolling for a moment, righted itself and turned towards you and its stolen prey. It stared you down, hissing deeply, then wincing. It let loose another deep hiss before retreating.
Heart pounding, you took a deep breath and looked at the bird that you had saved, almost positive it wouldn’t be there – having flown off when it was freed. However, there it remained, resting in the grass, its chest heaving just like yours.
“Oh geez,” Taking to your knees you hovered hands over the wounded avian, unsure of what to do. “Please don’t die.”
The bird shifted, trying to stand and move its wings, as if in response to your plea to prove it was fine. However, as it stretched its left-wing it flinched, wobbled for a moment, and collapsed back to the dirt.
You whimpered, unsure of what to do. It was clearly hurt, if you left it alone there was a good chance it would be attacked again or just die of its wounds anyway.
Ugh, why did I do that? There was no point in intervening, it’s going to die either way.
The bird still heaved, giving you a sideways stare. It seemed to study you with its gaze and tried moving again, letting out a cry as it did. Your heart gave a pang at the sight; it clearly wanted to live. How could you just leave it after stepping in?
“Do-don’t move,” you stuttered, reaching forward, “I’ll bring you to a vet, they’ll help you.”
Surprisingly, the bird gave no resistance to your touch. When you found trouble grasping it, especially while trying not to hurt it in the process, you peeled off your light jacket and gently wrapped the fowl in that. Once sure you had a hold that didn’t cause further damage, you raced off in the direction of the nearest animal clinic you could find.
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“He’s pretty beat up, but nothing life-threatening,” The Veterinary nurse explained, softly running a thumb over the bird’s crown, its plumage fluttering at the touch. “We cleaned the cuts and the left-wing has a small hairline fracture. It’s been properly set but will need at least 2 to 3 weeks to fully heal, so we wrapped the wing so it can’t move. You’ll need to-”
“Wait, me? Why do I have to?” you were glad to hear the animal would be okay, but you were alarmed to hear they expect you to take care of it.
They looked at you in surprise, “Isn’t he yours?”
“No!” You waved your hands frantically, “I found it being attacked and just… stepped in. I don’t even know what breed it- err, he is. Let alone how to care for him.”
“That’s surprising, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an exotic bird just randomly being found like that.”
“Yes, this handsome man is a Red-Tailed Hawk. They’re a North American bird. For it to be in Japan that means it was brought here and must have an owner, so I just assumed that was you.”
“O-oh.” You can’t say you were that surprised at the revelation, you had never seen a bird that looked like the hawk. A closer examination showed that it wasn’t just brown, but a beautiful mix of dark brown, white, and tan. Along with strikingly red tail feathers that you had been sure at the time was blood.
“This one seems very special too, normally the tail feathers are more of a cinnamon-red.” The nurse provided, seeming to have followed your thought process, “He’s very well cared for and in amazing shape, aside from the scuffle. If he hadn’t been grounded due to the wing, I doubt that cat would have ever touched him or stood a chance if it had been able to.”
“The cat didn’t do that?”
“The fracture is very clean; an animal’s bite would have crushed the bone.”
“Oh, that’s good… I guess?” you studied the hawk, resting in a box filled with a plush towel that the clinic had provided, he was perfectly calm under the expert’s touch. You were sure the calm state was in part of the fact he was full of painkillers at the moment, but you had an urge to follow the example and pet the resting creature yourself. You held back though, instead returning to your original topic, “Uh, as I said, he’s not mine so are… you guys able to take him since he’s a lost pet?”
Their strokes of the feather head ceased, instead rising up to scratch their forehead, “Sometimes we do that, sure, but right now we’re a little full plus it normally best for a bird sanctuary to take them but in this case….”
 “In this case…?”
“They’re trained and equipped to handle local wildlife and such. With this being an exotic breed, they wouldn’t take it in due to the trouble it could cause.”
“So… what does that mean for him? You said it would take a few weeks for the wing to heal, so he can’t fly and as a pet, he may not survive even if he could fly.” You had an idea of where the conversation was heading but you really hoped you were wrong.
“There are a few places I could check to see if they could take him in while they searched for the owner, but with how late it is I’d have to wait until tomorrow to contact them and they may not be able to take him right away even if they could…”
You sighed, “Would it be… hard to take care of him for a few days?”
The nurse beamed, happy to hear you volunteering, “Given his condition, no, not really,” They picked up a bag that had been sitting on the table beside the bird’s box and pulled out the contents. “The pain medication would keep him mellow for the most part, so even if he wasn’t such a gentleman,” They preened at the bird, commenting on how composed he had been during the whole ordeal. “You wouldn’t have much trouble handling him. You just need to apply this one orally every twice a day and this one on the cuts—”
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You struggled into your apartment, the box in your arms, and your keys fighting for dominance as you unlocked the door. The keys lost and fumbled to the ground as the door teetered open.
“Fuckbucket," you cursed.
Leaving them on the ground, you carried the precious cargo past your couch and to the dining room table at the far edge of the small apartment and set it down as carefully as possible. The hawk had fallen asleep during your travel home and you were very keen to keep it that way.
After ensuring he wasn’t going to wake, you returned to the entrance and retrieved your keys as well as the shopping bag that rested next to the doorway.
While the clinic had been happy to give advice on how to care for the bird, and even charging just the cost of the visit and nothing else – you’d still had to call a ride-share to take the bird home and even stop at a pet store to purchase things to help care for him. Since it wasn’t like you actually owned anything to use while he lived with you.
A big piece of advice to make a safe space for the hawk to rest since you wouldn’t have a cage to place it in, free-roaming was the preferred option if it felt well enough to move around. They also provided a contact line to call if he suddenly became violent. While the wounded wing was wrapped, he couldn’t fly but the talons and beak could still cause damage if you weren’t careful. They would contact you as well once they had a place for him to go while the owner was being looked for.
Stretching with an exhausted sigh, your gaze returned to the box and found the hawk now awake and his head now resting on the edge watching you with glazed eyes.
“Uh, hi,” You blinked, wondering why you had just greeted an animal. Though he definitely didn’t feel like an animal when you locked eyes with him. You had a disconcerting feeling when he looked at you like he was analyzing you.
He let out a weak squawk in reply to the greeting.
“Right…” you decided to just go with it, picking up the purchased items you approached the table cautiously and started setting up an area next to the box with feed and water, “So, you’ll be staying with me for a bit, just while you heal and we find your home.”
He ruffled his feathers as the word ‘home’. You weren’t sure how to take that if it even meant anything to start with.
“So, if you can… I don’t know, not cause too much trouble, that would be great. Think you can do that for me, buddy?” You asked, holding out a hesitant hand to him, curled so the back of your fingers were present.
He stared at the extended appendage and you were sure he was going to bite you, but he leaned forward and rubbed his cheek against your knuckles.
Your heart fluttered, a smile blossoming across your face at the sight. He suddenly seemed a lot less frightening to you; realizing that he was tired and sore, and maybe even thankful to have a safe place after what he had experienced.
He withdrew his touch and curled in the box, head under his free wing and only a moment later, gentle snoring could be heard."
Wish I could fall asleep that fast. You snorted, laughing at the idea of envying a drugged-up fowl.
The concept of sleep did appeal very strongly after the evening you’d had; so, you ate a quick dinner, showered, and slipped into your bed, leaving the door ajar in case you needed to access the living/dining space quickly.
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Your oversized t-shirt hung off your shoulder loosely, your underwear peeking out from underneath as your arms stretched above your head while walking into your tiny kitchen. After withdrawing a bottle of water from the fridge, you lazily looked around your home as you sipped it. You sputtered as your eyes fell upon the box resting on the table, coughing harshly as you forced the water from your lungs, having forgotten the previous day’s events in your sleepy state.
The box was tipped over sideways, the towel in a bundle on the table.
“No, no, no,” you chanted, rushing over and looking around for the wounded animal, “Where-” the words caught as the towel squirmed, the dark brown hawk head popping out from beneath it. “Oh, thank god.”
You were wide awake now.
“You scared the living hell out of me, buddy,” you reached forward and ran a knuckle across his crown, enjoying the softness. You leaned over, reaching eye level with him, “You have a nightmare or something?” You cooed.
You noticed his eyes drift, losing connection with yours, and move downwards, his head giving a tilt as they settled. You followed his gaze and realized you were giving the bird a clear view right down your shirt, where you were currently braless. You reacted instantly, straightening yourself and holding the shirt close to your bosom with a flushed face.
It’s a bird! you reminded yourself, He was probably just reacting to the fabric moving. He’s probably hungry. I need to give him his medicine, too.
Calming your nerves, you retrieved the small bag with medication. “Hey, buddy, you probably don’t feel great right? This will help numb that pain. You mind letting me put this in your mouth?” You held a syringe up, filled with a paste, and capped with a rubber tip that you could slide into his beak.
He seemed to glower at the suggestion, and you were starting to dread having to force his beak open when he shoved the towel off his back and stood up wobbling.
“Wow, you’re very clever, aren’t you? ” you exclaimed.
He huffed at the praise, parting his beak marginally to allow the tip to slide in. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, you carefully slid the syringe tip into his mouth and pushed the plunger just enough to provide the proper dose as you had been instructed.
The hawk reacted negatively, chomping his beak and twisting his head, evidently not enjoying the taste of the medicine. He strode over the water bowl resting on the tabletop and dunked his beak into the water, small bubbles rolling the surface as he guzzled down the liquid.
The sight was so shocking, you couldn’t help but start laughing, your chest heaved as you gasped for air between your cackles.
The hawk, having finished his drink, seemed unimpressed with your reaction.
“Oh, come on,” you chided after regaining your composure. “That was hilarious. Geez, I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard. Thanks for that, buddy.”
He shook, his feathers fluffing, then turned and pushed himself back under the towel, clearly unamused.
“Aw, baby’s embarrassed.” You cooed with another chuckle before returning to the kitchen and fixing yourself some breakfast. Once you’d eaten you returned to him to refill the water bowl he had downed and finally noticed that the bowl with the bird feed had been overturned at some point, most likely when he had flipped the box during the night.
“Can you not make a mess of the apartment?” You nagged, cleaning the mess, and refilling the bowl. He gave no reaction, his bright red tail the only visible part sticking out from under the towel. You gently poked the protruding feathers, feeling him lurch in surprise at the touch, “Hey, make sure you eat, you’ll feel horrible with no food in your stomach.”
The hawk rolled under the towel, sticking his head out to glower at the bowl and then you.
“Someone’s in a foul mood,” You blinked, then grinned. “Pun not intended.”
You could swear he rolled his eyes.
Just as you were about to comment on the action, your phone alarm went off. You groaned, “Time for work,” You studied the bird and the sideways box. “They said free roaming would be best since I don’t have a pen or cage big enough for you…” You shifted a dining room chair so it was angled against the table. “If, uh, you want to get down just use this instead of trying to fly… okay?”
His reply was crawling back under the towel, making sure to be completely hidden this time.
Still talking to a bird.
You grumbled something nonsensical, then returned to your room to change your clothes. Once ready to go, you padded towards your door, pulling your hair into a ponytail and glanced at the lump under the towel, and wondered if you should try and call off instead. You decided against it, knowing there was little you could change by staying home.
“I’ll… be back before you need more meds,” you called out. No reaction. You sighed, wondering why you felt like there would be, and exited your home.
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You were more than relieved when you returned home and found it in the same condition you had left it that morning. In fact, you realized as you checked for damages, it seemed as if the bird hadn’t moved the entire time you’d been at work. You trailed over to the table and saw that he was where you had left him, snoozing away under the towel, his beak barely protruding.
“I’m home,” you said softly, running a fingertip over the exposed beak.
He let out a soft cooing sound at the touch, wiggling enough to expose his head and look at you with his intense golden eyes.
“Hey, buddy.”
Another coo with a head tilt so he rested on his cheek as he stared, seeming somewhat dazed.
“You okay?” you asked worriedly, he had been more responsive until now. You were about to call the clinic when you saw that the feed bowl had not been touched at all, no dip in the seed to indicate that he had moved anything within. “You haven’t eaten at all?” you declared, picking up the bowl. “I told you-” you paused and sighed, wondering once again why you spoke to an animal like he understood you.
“Do you not like this brand or blend or something?” you muttered. You pulled out your phone to see what type of bird feed was best for him. You realized something unfortunate. Voles, rats, rabbits… “I bought the wrong type of food.” You groaned. You had been in such a rush to get back to the rideshare you had just grabbed the recommended bag of bird feed, not even thinking to make sure that your new roommate could actually eat it.
You didn’t really have any prey type meat just lying around your kitchen. He needed to eat something.
 “Ugh, maybe I can mix some… gravy or something into the seed. Maybe that will work for him until I can get something better.” You left the avian to stride over to the kitchen, opening the fridge in search of an additive to spur the bird’s appetite since, according to Google, he could eat the seed if he had to, but was just choosing not to.
Before you had really started your search the hawk let out a low screech, pulling your attention back to him. Your head snapped over in reaction, surprised to see him standing on the table and eyeballing you, giving a strong feeling of a hunter studying its prey.
“Uh, what’s up, buddy?” you asked nervously.
He shifted his weight between his feet for a few moments before dipping his head down and hooking his beak around the brim of the metal feed bowl. Once gripped, he raised his head, bringing the bowl with and held it in the air for a second while he fought to keep balance at the sudden weight. You were about to call out for him to stop, in case he got hurt, when he thrust his head downwards and released the bowl.
The bowl bounced off the tabletop and tumbled to the floor, spinning. Feed flew all around him, covering the table and floor.
Stunned, you didn’t move, the apartment filled with the sounds of the bowl spinning in place before settling with a dull clunk. The hawk arched his back and let out a defiant squawk at you, finalizing the production you’d just witnessed.
You blinked, processing what had just occurred before standing up, furious, “Are you serious?” you snapped at the proud bird. “You – that – I said don’t make – I don’t even- Okay!” You shouted, unable to process your thoughts, “I get it, you don’t want the damn seed but what the fuck. I have to clean all this up! That- you-”
I’m shouting a bird.
You sighed, cupping your face in your hands and letting out a long groan. What the hell was wrong with this bird, you had never met an animal that was so damn- you didn’t even know how to describe it.
“Let me see what I have,” you hissed at the fowl, wondering if hawk tasted like chicken.
Hm, chicken...
You returned to your excavation of the fridge and found the pack of chicken breasts you had intended to cook the night before when you had been planning to be home earlier and not as tired as you ended up being.
Guess I can make this tonight and share some with him. Not that you found him worthy of this type of treat at the moment.
“Wait… Can hawks eat chicken? Isn’t that like-” your sentence was interrupted by the bird giving a squawk, he was shifting his weight between his feet again but more in an excited dance than a show as before. “What? You like chicken?”
Another squawk.
“Fine.” Ripping the package open, pulling one breast out, and to your cutting board. A few minutes later you set down a bowl of the raw meat in front of him, cut into bite-sized cubes for easier consumption.
He stared at the bowl, suddenly seeming reluctant.
“Oh, what now?” You groaned, pitching your brow.
Fluffing his feathers and looking at you, his gaze shifted to behind you back towards the kitchen.
“What, you want more?”
He huffed and bowed his head, though that lasted only a moment before he held it high again and had a confident look as if having set his mind to something. Wobbling, he padded to the edge of the table and hooked his beak into the dining chair you had set up that morning for him and started climbing down it.
You found the process fascinating, surprised by his sudden burst of energy. Stepping out of the way, you watched as he landed on the tiled floor, starting his way to the kitchen by hopping and tapping along while doing his best to keep balance. He reached the middle of the area and stood in front of the oven. He was panting, having worn himself out with the exercise. However, he wasn’t done, clearly wanting to strike home just what he was thinking, as he bent his head forward and tapped his forehead against the metal appliance, repeating the gesture softly a few times before stopping and resting it there, turning to look at you to ensure you were watching and understood.
“I’m guessing that means you want it cooked.”
The confirmation seemed to be correct, as he gave a weak note in reply and slid to the floor, exhausted by his show; he landed softly on his back, feet in air.
You stepped up to him and bent down, gently brushing the plumage of his stomach, “You are the most spoiled pet I have ever seen. Fine, I’ll cook the damn chicken. Don’t expect anything fancy, though.”
He only let out a long exhale in reply.
You returned the tired bird to the table, grabbed the bowl of chicken cubes, and began once again to prepare the request. A quick check on the phone and you decided to just boil the meat, not adding any spices or extras since that could hurt his stomach. You also did a double-check and removed any excess fat, noting that also wasn’t great for him
While the cubes boiled, you made yourself your own meal, a mouthwatering bowl of katsu over rice.
You set the boiled meat down in front of the starving avian. “Happy?” You sighed, hoping he would finally eat something.
He huffed at the bowl, as if contemplating how to also toss it in a showy fashion, then bent his head and took a cube. He chomped down on it and shivered. Pausing for a moment, he tilted his head in contemplation then bent again to grab another.
“Glad to see it’s good enough for your refined palate.”
Grabbing your own meal, you plopped down at the table opposite the bird and started eating while browsing your phone. You were only a few bites in when you noticed the hawk leaning over you, staring at the bowl.
“Noooo. No!” you pulled the bowl close to your chest, “You have your chicken, this is mine! And fried foods are bad for birds.”
He fluffed, giving you what you could only describe as puppy dog eyes.
You grumbled, “One bite, one!”  You pinched a piece of katsu with your chopsticks, making a small bird-sized piece, and lifted the morsel for the bird to take. He did so eagerly, snatching the piece and sliding it down his throat.
He let out a contented coo.
“Glad you like it- No,” you snapped as he started giving the same look once again. “I said one, and I meant it! I’m in charge here, mister!”
He seemed to relent, his shoulders slumping then he tilted his head again, a contemplative look in his eyes.
“Wha- Uh.” Your voice caught as he slipped off the table into your lap and pressed himself into your chest, nuzzling you. You held back a squeal of delight at the surprising cuteness of the hawk while holding your food in the air with one hand. “That’s a dirty move and I refuse-”
He cooed, looking up at you with big eyes.
“One more.”
He gave a rumbling sound of happiness as he downed the next piece, continuing to snuggle you.
You set the bowl down and gave your full attention to the large bird, amazed at how affectionate he was. You ran your fingers through his feathers, finding soft down. You lost yourself to the petting; he seemingly enjoyed the pampering. You were unsure how, but you were now at the injured fowl’s mercy.
Both of you jumped as your phone went off in your pocket, interrupting the cuddle session. Holding him still, you retrieved it and answered quickly.
“Hi, there! This is y/n?”
“Uh, yeah… this is?”
“I’m calling from the animal clinic! You brought the lovely red-tail hawk in yesterday?”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry I didn’t expect you to call so soon!”
“No worries! Hope I’m not bothering. Are you okay to talk?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
“Great! I wanted to let you know that one of the rescue centers we work with is able to take the darling in. They can have someone swing by ASAP if you like.”
“Oh, already?” you eyed the animal resting in your arm.
“Is that a problem?”
“No, I just- I thought it would take a few days.”
“…would you prefer to have their number? That way when you’re… ready, you can call them, and they can come by?”
You pursed your lips, suddenly unsure of yourself. You were in no position to have a pet, especially a predator… yet you found yourself reluctant to let him go. In the short time he had been there, you had laughed and smiled more than you had for a while. It was a welcome disruption to your dull life.
“Yeah… I’d like that.”
They let out a small chuckle, “Sure thing. I’ll let them know. They’ve also posted a bulletin about him, to help track down the owner.”
“Oh, that’s great. I hope they get found, he’s very… special. I’m sure he’s missed.”
“I’m glad to hear he’s doing well! Please feel free to reach out to us or the center if you have any questions or trouble.”
“Will do… thanks.”
Great. Just great. You sighed as you hung up and studied the bird nestled against your breast.
“Welp, I’m crazy. You’re stuck with me for a bit longer, hope you’re okay with that, buddy.”
He nuzzled further into you as if saying thanks for letting him stay.
“Guess if… you’re staying I should give you a name?”
He straightened at that and locked eyes, staring you down fiercely. Clearly, he found the matter very important.
You gave a nervous chuckle, “Don’t have high hopes there, I’m far from great at naming things, bud.” you paused, considering your statement. “Actually, I think I’ve already named you. How does ‘Buddy’ sound?”
He made a disgruntled noise but proceeded to bury himself back into your chest, nuzzling the fabric of your shirt, springing faintly against the fat of your breasts.
“Welp, best you get… Speaking of you getting things, you’re due for your next batch of meds.”
He was less than pleased with the reminder of the foul-tasting substance.
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The following morning you woke not to your alarm, but with a start to the sound of someone talking in your living room, the sound seeping in through the ajar door. Your heart raced with panic as you attempted to make sense of the sound. Slipping from the bed and grabbing the wooden bat you kept at your bedside for such events, you approached the door, glancing around the frame to see who dared to enter your abode. Mind whirling, you expected to see masked figures looting your home or-
Buddy! The bird had been asleep on the table when you had gone to bed. What if they hurt him during their looting!
Forgoing your own safety, you rushed out into the open area, only lit by the dim morning sun through the shaded balcony glass door. You reached the couch, brandishing the bat, ready to swing in a moment’s notice. Surveying the room, you found the source of the talking – the television.
Buddy was perched on the couch, the remote next to him, staring at the television. It was on a news channel, going over the latest hero and villain activities.
“What the hell!” you screeched, lowering the bat.
The bird’s head snapped towards you, having not heard your approach. He reacted at your appearance, flapping his free wing and giving a surprised cry.
“You scared the living hell out of me - again! Stop doing that, my heart can only take so much!” You reached for the remote. “How the hell did you even turn that on? I was sure I left it on the ta-” you cut off, reeling your hand back as Buddy jumped atop the device, blocking you from it.
You blinked, confused, “Are… you watching that?”
He squawked in confirmation.
“You are not a normal bird.”
He seemed happy at your realization, fluffing his feathers and stepping off the remote, laying down next to it, and returning his gaze to the screen.
“Whatever, I’m up now. Guess I’ll make breakfast.”
He gave an excited chirp at the suggestion.
“Yeah, yeah. Yours too.”
You joined the fowl on the couch while you ate, giving him another bowl of boiled meat – which he ate disgruntledly.
“I’ll have to swing by the store after work, see how much discount meat I can get you… wonder if the pet store will take back a barely used bag of feed…”
You were already getting used to speaking to the bird, speaking aloud your random thoughts as you went about your morning routine. Cleaning up, giving him his meds, prepping his food and water for while you were gone. You were enjoying the addition he was adding to your day and being able to talk to someone as well – especially since he did provide a type of reply. You enjoyed it so much so that you were reluctant when your alarm for work went off.
“Back to the grind,” you sighed, trudging to your bedroom closet to change out of your nightshirt. “ Was a bit chilly yesterday, should get my spare jacket.” You hadn’t gotten a chance to wash the one from the night you saved Buddy, and you weren’t eager to use a bloody jacket. You spotted the spare folded on the closet shelf, resting under a box.
You pulled the clothing free while doing your best to keep the box in place – your best wasn’t good enough, since just as you were sure it was free, it snagged, and the box joined in the escapade. You tumbled to the ground as the object hit you, its contents partially falling out onto you and the floor.
“Owww,” you whined, rubbing your butt. After regaining yourself, you examined the mess you had created and instantly regretted trying to retrieve the spare jacket, your eyes tearing up at the box’s contents.
It was just a random assortment of objects, all-male ordinated – a razor, a pair of jeans and two t-shirts, a hairbrush, some socks, and other miscellaneous items.
“Dammit…” you mumbled, trying to hold back sobs. With everything that had happened the past two days you had actually forgotten the damn thing was in your closet for the first time in months.
Your self-pity was interrupted as you felt something soft press against your arm. You looked over and saw Buddy standing beside you looking concerned, the sound from the tumble must have drawn him into your room to check on you.
“I’m okay… I’m not crying ‘cause I’m hurt. Promise,” you inhaled deeply, trying to steady your nerves, and started collecting the fallen items back into the box. “It’s a bit silly to cry over.”
He tilted his head in question.
“It’s just some stuff my ex left behind. I should just burn it…” Maybe because you were so used to just saying whatever you wanted to the hawk, you kept following the train wreck of your thoughts, “He cheated on me but somehow worked it to him being the one to break up when I confronted him. I should be glad he’s gone but… here I am, pining over some asshole and his discarded laundry.” Despite your best effort, you started sobbing, “How pathetic am I-”
Buddy pressed into your arm once again, cutting the tirade, and gave a small coo.
You pulled the bird into your arms, holding him close and pressing your face into him, your tears rolling over the water-proof feathers. You stayed like that for a time, buddy not even trying to pull from your embrace. You let him slip from you, your sobs dying away. You felt tired and wanted to crawl back in bed, but work was waiting.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, rubbing Buddy’s cheek. You finished gathering the items, stood, and stared at the box.
Just throw it away.
Your grip trembled as you held it.
Get rid of it.
You slid the box back onto the shelf.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you murmured, glancing away from the concerned hawk.
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Time slipped by after that, a new routine being built around your new roommate. You had moments of conflict due to his strange personality, but overall, you enjoyed having him in your home. Even with the dip into your finances that he caused, between meat and clinic visits. Another interesting addition to your day was how your mornings always had a little surprise from him. Mainly him doing something to jolt you awake since he seemed to be a very early riser.
This morning, however, had one of your preferred surprises, your eyelids felt heavy as your brain booted up and registered the light snoring that was taking place next to you. You blinked, looking around for the source, and found the fowl resting next to you, on his back feet in the air and head lolling, on an open pillow.
Giving a sheepish grin, you watched him for a bit, seeing him twitch in his sleep. You had come to terms with his abnormal behavior, your research into the breed showing he did not act like other red-tails or even just other birds in general.
“Buddy,” you purred, reaching over and shaking a talon lightly.
His eyes popped open and then blinked slowly, fighting away his own sleepiness. He turned over and quivered, his feathers fluffing and head jerking.
“Morning.” You giggled, enjoying the show, before turning in the bed and burying your face into the pillow, reluctant to get up. Looking back at him, you saw him observing you intently. Just another thing you’d gotten used to, the way he seemed to examine you up and down with a focused gaze randomly.
You gave a smirk, peering back through your messy hair before pushing yourself up to sit on your knees and stretching your arms up above your head, your joints popping satisfactorily. As always with your nightshirt, it raised with the motion, exposing your thighs to view.
Buddy rolled as you stretched, your movement causing him to be displaced from his resting place, his head landing softly against those thighs as they cushioned the tumble.
“That wasn’t convincing at all,” you laughed, tugging the shirt to the side to lock eyes with the endearing avian. He was very affectionate, finding any way he found to cuddle with you when possible. With a yawn, you checked your phone for the time and saw a reminder on the lock screen. “Oh right! We better get ready; we have the vet appointment today. Your wing should be all healed up!”
As always, the hawk gave a human-like reaction, quickly straightening himself and giving an excited shriek at the announcement.
Buddy wouldn’t stop extending his freed wing as he rested on the perch at the front desk while you signed the paperwork for the visit.
“Calm down, you,” you laughed, glad to see him so happy.
“So, you really plan to keep him?” The nurse asked, grinning at the sight of the overjoyed bird as well.
“I mean… his owner hasn’t been found and he’s not a wild bird. I’ve gotten used to him, so it just seemed best?”
“I think it’s great. He’s lucky you found him. Uh, do you have a leash?”
Buddy flapped and shrieked in disapproval at the remark.
“I saw bird leashes were a thing, but he’s so well behaved I wasn’t sure I should get one?”
“I get your reasoning, but he could fly off, he’s already gotten lost and in trouble once.”
“That’s true…” you looked Buddy over, seeing his hunched shoulders, “Do I need to leash you, bud?”
With a quick flap, he glided off the perch and onto your shoulder, being careful not to cut you with his talons as he steadied himself.
“Wow, you have him wrapped around your finger.”
“I think we’ll be okay.” You decided, scratching Buddy’s chin.
Finishing off the paperwork you exited the clinic, the hawk still perched on your shoulder, sure you were an interesting sight for those you passed. You walked with an eye on your phone, swiping through various avian products.
“We should get you proper stuff, perches, and such, for the apartment. We’ve been making do with the makeshift setup, but now that you’re staying we should-”
He shifted harshly, drawing your attention to him. He was staring intensely down the street, where a store had various televisions on display in a window, an assortment of shows airing with captions turning on. You sighed and approached the display, knowing the bird’s inclination for news. Sure enough, his preferred channel was airing on one of the displays.
“Just for a minute, okay?” you stated, returning to your shopping as he stared at the moving pictures. You kept your word and started to move shortly after, but Buddy gave a loud shriek in protest when you did so, his eyes still focused on the display. “Hey, what’s gotten into you?” You looked at the screen, finally paying attention to the content.
“-the villain has been in a coma since the intense battle with Hawks, so he has yet to be able to answer any questioning as to the whereabouts of the missing number two hero and the other heroes that disappeared-”
You let out a surprised hiss as you felt Buddy’s talons dig into your shoulder, it didn’t hurt thanks to the padding of your coat, but it caught you off guard after how careful he always was. However, before you could reprimand the action, he launched himself and flapped his wings quickly, taking off into the air.
You stared at the hawk as he soared, at first impressed by the way he moved so easily after just getting the wrapping removed, then distraught as you saw him continue to fly away.
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hurricanery · 4 years
If the Sun Comes Up - pt. 1
Apologies for the long A/N: This is the start of an AU fic inspired by this prompt & this prompt. It follows Amelia & Link, along with many others, in their first year as interns at seattle grace hospital. Thank you for sending character requests about this one! I settled on a few, but other characters are likely to show up later on as residents/attendings. Also, sidenote: this is completely an AU, meaning I just kind of grouped people together based on my interpretation of age (not that age really makes sense in the greys world anyways). This chapter is somewhat boring, basically just a set up for the characters and dynamic of the story. Thank you as always for feedback and prompts <3
In summary, the main interns in focus are: Amelia Shepherd, Atticus Lincoln, Maggie Pierce, Winston Ndugu, Jo Wilson, & Lexie Grey. The ship this focuses on is Amelink <3
That's how it starts
We go back to your house
We check the charts
And start to figure it out
(Hour 1)
“No, no, no,” she mutters impatiently, hastily climbing out of her car, her jacket catching in the door as she slams it shut. “God dammit, son of a-”
She tugs her jacket free and sighs in exasperation as she begins walking at a pace that could quite possibly challenge olympic level speed-walkers.
Amelia Shepherd was a lot of things.
Sharp. Cunning. Confident. Prepared. Most of the time.
But, throughout her lifetime, she’d also been described in less elevating ways. Unpredictable. Impulsive. Irresponsible. She laughs bitterly when her mind settles on the last adjective, as she scurries through the doors of Seattle Grace Hospital.
Because she was a lot of things. And late for the first day of her surgical internship was now getting added to the list.
“Pierce, Lincoln, Wilson, Ndugu, Grey, Shepherd!” Chief Webber’s voice booms through the chaos of the crowded locker room. Interns begin stepping forward as their names are called. “Pierce, Lincoln, Wilson, Ndugu, Grey, and Shepherd,” he beckons again, “Your assigned resident is Dr. Karev.”
Alex scowls intimidatingly as five out of his six interns approach him by the door.
“Let’s move,” he mutters, starting to walk swiftly through the corridor of the hospital while the interns trail behind him.
“I have five rules,” he stops walking suddenly, and the sound of halting sneakers squeaks behind him. “First rule…” He trails off, turning around to look pointedly at each of their faces. “There are five of you here, who’s missing?”
The group looks between each other in confusion, shrugging amongst themselves. Alex peers down at each of their ID badges.
“Where’s Shepherd?”
More shrugs.
“Where’s Shepherd?” He repeats, louder this time.
“I’m here, I’m here!” Amelia’s breathless voice chimes distantly behind the group as she jogs to meet them. She comes to a stop, huffing out a breath as she pushes strands of her long, dark hair out of her face.
Alex glares at her, arms folding across his chest.
“Okay forget the rules, we’re out of time,” He growls. “You five,” He looks between those of his interns that were on time today. “You’ll be joining me in the gallery for a groundbreaking surgery.”
There’s excited murmurs throughout the group.
“I’m serious. The surgery you’re about to witness….you will likely never see anything like it again. You will be silent. You will take notes. And you will not embarrass me.”
The excited murmurs turn to anxious nods.
“Shepherd,” Alex continues, an evil smirk taking over his expression. Amelia gulps. “Your last name is not going to save your ass right now.” He laughs. “I have this dude who’s taking up a bed down in the pit. He won’t stop throwing up. He’s a junkie. You’re gonna go clean him up, give him an IV, and send him home. And then maybe you can come find us.”
Amelia sighs, stepping forward slightly to defend herself. “Are you sure? Don’t you think I should see-”
“I didn’t ask for a response,” he interrupts her. “I asked you to head to the pit.”
Amelia blinks, her hands dropping to her sides in defeat. She watches as the rest of her intern class hurries off to witness a groundbreaking surgery without her.
(Hour 8)
Amelia slowly shuffles through the dimly lit basement of Seattle Grace, following the sounds of her fellow interns’ voices.
“Ugh, Atticus,” Jo laughs loudly. “Call him Link. I have never heard anyone call him Atticus.”
Jo’s laugh echoes through the hallway and Amelia uses it to guide her.
“Sorry,” Lexie giggles in defense. “It’s not like I knew that. Not my fault you all know each other already.”
Amelia finally approaches. And sees everyone sprawled out across the abandoned hospital bed in the hallway. The bed rests against a large window by the vending machines.
“Who all knows each other already?” Amelia huffs as she slides down against the opposite wall, settling herself on the floor and leaning her head back in exhaustion.
“Everyone, apparently,” Lexie responds as she takes a bite of a granola bar. “Maggie and Winston went to Tufts together. Jo and Link did the same undergrad program, and even worked at the same restaurant. I’m the loner here.”
“Well,” Amelia mumbles, eyes closing as her head rests against the wall. “I’m a loner with you, then.”
“Yeah, except for the fact that you’re a Shepherd,” Lexie laughs.
“And you’re a Grey!” Amelia bites back playfully. “We’re in the same boat here.”
“Wait, you’re a Grey?” Maggie gasps, practically choking on the handful of chips she’d just consumed. Winston leans forward, concern crossing his features as he rubs Maggie’s back. She slowly gets a grasp over her coughs. “You’re a Grey, too? Like….Meredith Grey?”
“Yeah….I’m her sister….” Lexie frowns. And Maggie’s eyes go wide. “What’s wrong with being a Grey-”
“Is everyone here somehow related to an attending or resident?” Jo interrupts, rolling her eyes in disbelief. “What in the nepotism….”
Maggie settles back in her seat, her eyes still wide as Winston watches her. Quiet falls between them all and Amelia resumes her previous position, eyes coming to rest as she leans back against the wall. She listens to the voices among the group as the conversation picks back up.
“I heard that every year, they pick the most promising intern on the first day to scrub in on something.” Jo announces. Amelia’s adrenaline kicks in a little bit at this information, but she keeps her eyes shut.
“During our first shift?” Lexie gasps.
“No thanks,” Lexie mutters. “I’d definitely screw something up.”
“I might ask Karev about it,” Amelia can hear the smirk in Jo’s voice. “Try and get a leg up on it.”
“Nah,” Link cuts in. “Don’t do that. Whatever happens, happens. You wanna be a shark about it?”
“Okay, Mr. ‘go with the flow.’” Jo laughs. “That kind of attitude is not going to get you anywhere.”
The comfortable silence that fills the hallway again makes sense. It reflects everyone’s current exhaustion.
But then a question gets voiced, and it takes Amelia a moment to realize that the question is directed toward her.
“How’d your patient in the pit go?”
Amelia’s eyes snap open as she searches for the face that voiced the question. Her eyes land on Link’s bright-eyed and sympathetic gaze.
“I….didn’t end up discharging him.” Amelia mutters. And she watches as Link raises his eyebrows at this information.
“Karev is not going to be happy about that.”
“He….uh,” Amelia sits up, bringing her knees to her chest as she explains. “The patient….he’s not a junkie.” She outwardly cringes at the word. “It’s not withdrawal. It’s something else.”
“What makes you think that?” Jo inquires doubtfully.
“His symptoms,” Amelia mumbles, somewhat self-consciously. “They’re not withdrawal symptoms.”
“Maybe Shepherd’s right,” Link offers, a kindness to his voice that surprises Amelia. She expects him to be more arrogant. Or maybe a little full of himself. Just based on his looks. But, everything she’s heard from him so far, has been nothing but positive.
“You going to tell Karev you didn’t discharge the guy?” Jo questions.
“I am,” Amelia responds matter-of-factly. And the hallway grows silent again.
“I could just take a nap right here, right now….” Winston eventually mumbles out.
And there’s a general hum of agreement. Before the quiet moment is interrupted by a chorus of pagers going off.
(Hour 12)
They finally get a lunch break. And by the time it comes around, Amelia isn’t even hungry. After being vomited on in the pit all morning, her appetite is completely diminished.
She walks through the hallway towards the cafeteria and sees Maggie walking a few feet ahead of her.
“Hey!” She catches up to her.
“Hey,” Maggie smiles. “You grabbing lunch?”
Amelia just groans, shaking her head. “Not after the morning I’ve had, no.”
Maggie gives her a sympathetic look before she stops in front of the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. Amelia watches curiously as Maggie pins a flyer to the board, then she reads the posting.
“You’re looking for roommates?” Amelia inquires, slowly becoming more animated as the idea settles in.
“Yeah, I have three rooms to fill in my apartment. My other roommates moved out but I want to re-sign the lease.”
“Um, wow,” Amelia is stunned by the obviousness of it. “Okay, me? I will be a roommate.”
They continue walking towards the cafeteria and Maggie turns to her, giving her an incredulous stare.
“We’re in the same intern class….” Maggie frowns. “We’re going to be around each other literally 24/7….you wouldn’t actually want to….live together, too?”
“I would,” Amelia persists. “I’m….crashing on my brother’s couch right now,” she mutters, embarrassed by the confession. “I would quite honestly rather live anywhere else.”
“I barely know you.” Maggie exclaims in disbelief.
“So! I’m great. I’m...I’m the best. Best roommate ever. I promise you won’t regret it.” Amelia grins hugely, wiggling her brows, trying to sell herself. And Maggie laughs, shaking her head.
They sit at a table, and Maggie unpacks the lunch she’s brought with her.
“Really,” Amelia tries again. “I’m a clean person. I do the dishes...most of the time. I pay rent on time. Always. And I’m fun, and-”
“Okay!” Maggie laughs. “Okay. You….you’re overselling it now. You can have one of the rooms.”
“Yes!” Amelia loudly squeals, and the outburst makes heads turn throughout the cafeteria. She quickly pipes down. “Sorry….you won’t regret it.”
Maggie just shakes her head, taking a bite of salad.
“So….” Amelia speaks up again after letting Maggie get a few bites in. “What do you have against Meredith Grey?”
And similar to earlier, Maggie almost chokes on her food again. She slowly works on swallowing her bite of salad before she speaks.
“I don’t have anything against Meredith Grey,” she mutters.
“Ha,” Amelia laughs sarcastically. “Your eyes just about burst through your head earlier when you found out Lexie was related to her. What’s up?”
“It’s a long story.”
“Hey, we’re roommates now. Spill.” Amelia folds her arms across her chest, leaning back in her seat.
Maggie glances around the room before she leans in, beginning to speak softly. So softly Amelia almost doesn’t hear her. “I came here….to Seattle Grace….I applied for this internship because my birth mother worked here. She was kind of….like a legend here.”
“And I didn’t think I’d actually land the internship….”
“And then I got the internship and….and I didn’t think I’d actually see her, or be working with her-”
“Who? Your mom?” Amelia interrupts.
“No,” Maggie breathes. “No….Meredith.”
Amelia just frowns, still not understanding how this ties together.
“Ellis Grey is my birth mother.”
And now it’s Amelia’s turn to choke on her food. Except she’s not currently eating anything. So, it’s more like she’s choking on air as she grips the edges of the table in shock.
But before she can voice her surprise, Winston approaches the table, sitting down to join them. And Amelia breathes out a huge breath. Glancing at Maggie and miming the motions as if she’s zipping her mouth shut.
Winston definitely notices the strange energy, and he looks between the two in confusion.
“I’m….” Amelia pipes up. “I’m going to go check on my patient in the pit. You two enjoy lunch.”
Amelia stands up, winking at Maggie mischievously, before heading for the door.
(Hour 16)
16 Hours in and Amelia finally decides it’s time to eat something. She’s been on her feet all day, running labs and doing scut work for Karev. The patient she was supposed to have discharged earlier, is currently waiting on the neuro consult she’d ordered. So it feels like the perfect time to take a small break.
She’s been so busy, she’s barely even thought about food. Her stomach rumbles loudly as she makes her way back through the dimly lit basement, seeking out the vending machines she knows are down here. She could have picked any of the vending machines in the hospital, honestly, but she’s chosen this route because she likes the quiet, and hopes to have a moment to herself to unwind.
She rounds the corner, letting the subtle hum of the vending machines bring her comfort. But the moment doesn’t last.
“Hey, Shepherd!”
Amelia jumps, clutching a hand to her chest as her eyes settle on Link, where he’s once again sitting on the abandoned bed in the hallway.
“Shit, you scared me.” She exhales shakily.
“Sorry,” he smiles, then turns back to the textbook in his lap.
Amelia walks past him, continuing towards the vending machines. She considers the options in front of her, before deciding on a granola bar and an energy drink.
“You kind of stole my idea,” she mumbles as she turns around to face him.
“Hm?” he looks up from his book.
“I was going to come down here, and be all quiet and alone for a minute,” she smirks.
“Well, great minds think alike, I guess?” He laughs. “You can sit.”
Amelia gazes up at him through a pointed stare, biting the inside of her cheek as she weighs her options. She truly had been seeking a peaceful moment to herself before she realized Link was down here.
“And I can be quiet,” he adds, watching her think it through.
But she decides. She gives in and climbs onto the mattress, resting her back against the wall. She yawns hugely as she settles in a comfortable seated position, legs outstretched in front of her, mirroring Link’s current position.
“Those aren’t very good for you, you know,” he smirks, nodding towards the energy drink in her lap.
“What are you, a doctor or something?” she bites back sarcastically.
“Trying to be.”
Amelia smiles, popping open the drink and taking an exaggerated first sip. Link just shakes his head at her, turning back to his book.
Amelia sighs a few seconds later. “Is it just me....or do you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing?”
Link turns his head to the side, lifting his eyes from his book to her tired expression.
“I get that.”
“I mean,” Amelia lets her head roll to the side too, in his direction. “I was top of my class at Harvard. I really thought I’d have an impressive first day.”
“You….were late this morning….” Link stifles a laugh, squinting at her.
Amelia rolls her eyes. “Yeah….not off to a great start. You’re right.”
A moment later Link slams his textbook closed, muttering something about trying to squeeze in a nap while he can. He leans his head back against the wall, letting his eyes shut.
“Oh, come on,” Amelia mutters playfully. “Sleep is for the weak.”
“Sleep is extremely important,” Link responds, eyes still closed. “And I’m not sleeping, I’m just resting my eyes.”
Amelia laughs under her breath. “Sure.”
“Really,” he continues. “Resting your eyes? Feels fantastic. You should give it a try.”
Amelia doesn’t respond to this, instead taking another sip of her drink.
“Afraid you’ll fall asleep?” Link inquires a moment later, opening his eyes to glance sideways at her.
“No. I can rest my eyes without falling asleep.”
Amelia watches as he resumes his previous position, his eyes slipping closed as he rests against the wall.
“Is this some sort of competition?” She mutters.
“I’m not competitive.”
He’s smug, Amelia thinks, as she stares at his restful expression. She sets her drink on the windowsill behind her, and lets her own eyes come to rest. It feels good to close her eyes. Way too good.
A moment later she hears Link whisper “I told you.” At least she thinks that’s what she hears. Her consciousness is beginning to slip away from her. And it’s hard to pull herself out of it, or to even think about separating exhausted imagination from reality.
When Link’s pager goes off several minutes later, his eyes shoot open. The sound of it doesn’t even cause Amelia to stir. He turns to look at her. Her long hair covers half of her face, but he can tell by the pattern of her breathing that she’s fallen asleep. Link smiles to himself, deciding not to wake her. She had initially come down here seeking a moment to herself, and Link was going to let her have it. His pager beeps again and he stands up, quickly on his feet and moving through the hallway.
When Amelia eventually wakes up, she has no idea how much time has passed. The first thing she notices is that she’s alone now. Link’s abandoned textbook sits open next to her. It’s much darker in the basement now, with less light coming in through the window. She frowns, checking her pager.
And that’s when she notices the red blinking light.
Signifying her pager is dying. Or needs new batteries. Or something. She doesn’t know. It’s her goddamn first day and she has no idea how this works.
She curses to herself, springing up from her seat and practically running towards the stairwell.
By the time she reaches the pit, she’s completely out of breath. Her eyes scan the ER, trying to locate her patient from earlier. The patient she was supposed to have discharged. But instead of following Karev’s orders, she had called a neuro consult, because she knew that the case was something more. And now, as she stands in the ER, she completely regrets her decision to venture off to the basement and wait for a confirmation page from neuro. That decision was currently biting her in the ass.
Because now her eyes settle on the current situation.
She watches as Karev begins transport of her patient. Her mouth drops open, stunned as Karev kicks the hospital bed into movement, beginning to transport her patient to the OR. She grows even more stunned as she watches Link grab the rails on the other side of the bed, moving with Karev towards the elevator.
“Wait,” she steps forward. “Wait! That’s my patient, what-”
“Not anymore,” Alex growls. “It’s a tumor, Shepherd. No longer your case.”
“Right,” Amelia keeps pace with them. “I’m the one that called the neuro consult. I knew it! I knew that-”
“That’s my patient!”
She stumbles backwards a bit as they navigate the bed to enter the elevator. She makes eye contact with Link as she watches them step into the elevator.
“Like I said,” Alex mutters, pressing the elevator button to the OR floor once they’re settled inside. “Not anymore. Maybe answer your page, next time.”
Her shock turns to anger as she holds eye contact with Link, and Karev’s words settle in.
“Beds 1-4 need stitches, can you manage that?”
The elevator doors come to a close and irritation flashes through her hot and fast. Because Atticus Lincoln, mr. ‘I'm not competitive,’ had just stolen her patient. Tricked her into falling asleep and then stolen her surgery.
She tries to suppress her anger as she does scut work for the next few hours. As the time passes, she focuses on her bedside manner, and tries to improve her suture technique. Her anger subsides, and it gets replaced with disappointment. Mostly disappointment in herself. Because this was nobody’s fault but her own.
This was a surgical internship at one of the top hospitals in the country. It was allowed to be competitive. They were allowed to be sharks.
By the time she discharges her last patient in the pit, she’s feeling a lot of things. The feeling that stands out the most though, is the exhaustion.
(Hour 24)
Amelia basically moves on autopilot as she exits the locker room, shrugging her jacket on and moving through the hospital’s corridor.
Her eyes feel heavy and all she can think about is going home and immediately going to sleep.
Her anticipation is interrupted, though, when she sees Link walking a few feet ahead of her. She stares at the back of his head, trying to remember any of the angry words she’d had for him earlier. But she’s just so tired, and she’s drawing a blank.
He comes to a stop in front of her, pausing in front of the bulletin board just outside of the cafeteria. Amelia slows her pace as she watches him read something on the board, and then he’s ripping off part of a flyer.
She catches up with him, not managing to walk slowly enough to avoid him completely. He notices her approach and almost instantly, a remorseful expression takes over his face.
They fall into step with each other. And Amelia clears her throat.
“Will you at least tell me how it went? With the tumor?”
Link nods sheepishly. “He’s in recovery now. The other Dr. Shepherd, who I’m guessing is your brother?” Amelia nods. “He removed it all, no problems.”
“That’s good,” Amelia mutters.
They approach the exit, and Link holds the door open as they make their way into the parking lot.
“I didn’t mean to steal your surgery, you know,” Link speaks up again, his tone apologetic. “I just….answered the page.”
Amelia smirks.
“Don’t feel bad. If you want to be a shark, be a shark.”
Link genuinely looks conscious-stricken at her words.
“I’m kidding,” Amelia adds. “It was pretty much my fault.”
Link looks down, crumpling the paper he’d taken from the bulletin board, and twisting it in his palm.
“What’s that?” Amelia inquires.
“Roommates wanted,” Link exclaims, smoothing out the paper and reading the brief description.
Amelia’s face falls.
“No,” she’s laughing now. “No way.”
“You can’t be one of our roommates.”
“Who is ‘our’?” Link frowns.
“That’s Maggie’s ad,” she laughs. “And I already claimed a room, so I get a say here.”
“Well I think I’m going to inquire with Maggie,” Link smirks. “I just so happen to be looking for a new place right now. So, I kind of feel like I was meant to see this,” he holds up the paper.
Amelia sighs.
“I’ll get to her first,” she mumbles, beginning to turn towards her parked car. “And give her my input.”
The sun is starting to come up. 24 hours since the last sunrise. 24 hours since the start of their first shift. Amelia gazes up at the sky, grateful that it’s over. But grateful that it happened. Grateful to have the first day under her belt.
“Shepherd,” Link interrupts her thoughts. “I think I’ll be getting to Maggie first.”
“Huh?” She turns to him, and notices how he’s started walking in the opposite direction.
She catches up to him.
“We’re going to Joe’s,” he states, as Amelia steps into pace with him. “The bar across the street. Apparently it’s open 24 hours….but that’s on the down-low.”
Amelia halts, coming to a standstill.
And Link frowns, slowing to a stop when he notices her hesitation. “Jo, Maggie, Winston, Lexie….everyone, I mean. To celebrate a successful first shift?”
Amelia’s heart sinks. She hates this part. Hates having this conversation with anyone her age.
“I don’t drink,” she admits, clawing her palms with her fingernails as her arms drop to her sides.
“Okay,” Link says simply. “They have food there, right?”
She has to question whether she’s heard him right. Because she was waiting for the ‘why not?’ For the confused stare. Or for the uncomfortable chuckle. Which he offers none of. She was so prepared for the interrogation, that his reaction actually stuns her a little.
“Or music?” Link adds, when he realizes that Amelia is stuck inside her head a little. “Food. Or music. Or games? Shepherd, I know I said I’m not competitive, but that’s a whole different story when it comes to darts-”
“Okay,” she finally breathes, trying to hide her smile.
“Okay, you’ll come?”
Amelia nods, starting to walk again. Link catches up with her and she guides them towards Joe’s. They cross the street just as the sun comes up.
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