#the 60 primogems are calling for me
Imagine this,
you're with a friend or two(if you don't have any, i can be ur friend :))), maybe talking to eachother, playing genshin together, maybe even cosplaying for a tiktok, right?
when all of the sudden, you're on top of some sort of machine/on-ground type of teleporter - think like the ones at sumeru's desert like those ones where u put an upsidedown triangle in it - , bless your soul/s if you were laying down or sitting cuz that chair/thing u were laying on ain't going with u, but if you weren't, you'd still probably fall down butt first on the platform
Imagine being in the cosplay with said friend and were doing one of those trends involving ships and whatnot (bonus points if what u guys chose were and underrated/underappreciated ship of sorts), and while doing said trend involving dancing or smth, you get teleported to said platform, which in turn making u and ur friend open ur eyes (if they weren't already) and seeing the genshin characters basically surrounding said platform with utter confusion in their eyes
like, first of all, what????? they anticipated their creator(s)/overseer(s) not a copy of the two attendees, with said copies dancing with eachother, second of all, who were these people??? they had some similarities to the copied people, yes, but they didn't feel the same. think about it like a lake having a similar lake somewhere near it, it's the same lake but it doesn't feel/seem the same, why? maybe a change in view, a change in the water temperature, or maybe a change in grass length or even rock placement. now imagine those lakes as people, that's what we've got going on over here
both sides are in confusion, Albedo's just standing there (🧍mf lookin ahh) thinking if this is another whopperflower disguise thingy, but then that wouldn't explain why they were the ones to pop up instead of their creator(s)/overseer(s) on the platform, maybe Dottore is just over at the control panel wondering if he accidentally teleported another universe here instead of where you (and maybe even your friend) resided, maybe a skill machine issue, who knows? (no one does)
all of this is happening and u and ur friend are just standing there like:
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 /🧍🧍
with your cosplays still on
c/n(cake's notes): i nearly fell asleep FOUR TIMES while writing this, and yes, i regret nothing.
tl;dr: u and ur friend are cosplaying for a tiktok when u two are suddenly isekai'd in genshin, with everyone standing/attending there confused; ft. me being bored and not sleeping and making this on a whim cuz my fingers totally and accidentally slipped (whoops sorry about that ehe)
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anyways have these lovely selfies while i speedrun my commissions (totally didn't forget to do them haha)
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gachastranjr · 1 year
To celebrate finally getting AR 60 after 2 or so years, I'm back with pixelated character splash art.
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I miss maining Beidou. I immediately fell in love with her E and when I learned to counterattack I had so much fun. When she was no longer my Main DPS (Ayato replaced her) she was my shield and sub dps but then came Zhongli and his shield ruined my counterattack timing a bit.
I want to see Lyney and Lynette as a one duo in playable. Lowkey want them to be like that just cuz but also less primogem grinding.
Nahida is just not properly built and I'm too lazy to collect materials but she is my Dendro main... sort of.
Anemo supremacy and I have been Kazuha main ever since I understood the idea of building and gacha banners. I use him a lot and for me to not call him my favourite main feels wrong.
Ayato has pretty good artifacts and the one of the two that has a 5 star weapon. Wanderer has the other but he needs better artifacts. (No signature weapons tho.) I also really like his moves anyway and that was why I built him in the first place.
First team that I seriously used just cuz and I'm lowkey feeling nostalgic: Beidou, Amber/Barbara, Xingqiu, Anemo Traveler
I don't own the template. I took it somewhere in HoyoLab.
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sumerun · 2 years
do you have any tips/advice for a newbie in genshin that has no idea what they are doing?
ofc, anon! fair warning that this post is going to be text heavy bc i wanna cover as much as i can. i’m going in with the assumption that you have little exp with gacha games. however feel free to skip whatever u already know
if you have any more questions, send them my way, i’ll be happy to help! :)
- to be honest, the best way to understand what is going on with genshin is just to take your time and play. it’s the best way to get into the game imo! like for me, i didn’t fully understand the game until i was like AR 45+ and i’m still learning to this day! so that’s the #1 tip i will give you haha! nothing better than discovering things on your own and having it ‘click’
- take your time with the story, really. mihoyo (now called hoyoverse) is well-known for their elaborate lore and story so take the time to let that sit
- any character can be DPS so play who interests you the most! no characters are ever weak
- if you plan to be smart on who you want to pull for, i recommend looking at character leaks to help make an informed decision
- you’ll spend a large amount of time farming and improve your characters when you’re AR45+ so don’t worry about making your character strong ASAP. i’ll elaborate on this further
what kind of player will you be? and how will your previous experiences with other games fit into it? it can influence how you enjoy genshin
- meta player: live for unga bunga numbers, always striving to improve their characters or get the highest scores
- collector: collects all waifus/husbando
- free to play: don’t spend a single coin
- spender: spend every now and then
- whale: spoils their character and spends a ton of money
- avg player: a mix of everything
this way you can set goals and expectations for yourself bc this game can be very repetitive and grindy which can speed up burnout
this is a huge part of the game so i will be more detailed here. i will be referencing the banner that is live as of this post, 2.5 or yae miko’s banner
so i just want to preface that genshin is a gacha first and it can be extremely predatory. therefore, always take precautions if you know you have bad impulse control. that being said:
- there are currently 3 types of currency: intertwined fates (pink, used on limited character banner, weapon banner), acquaint fate (blue, used only on standard banner), and primogems (used to buy a plethora of things but in this context, can be exchanged for the fates). 
- there are 3 banner type: limited (characters), weapon, and standard (weapon + characters)
- familiarize yourself with the pity system which is the # of time you need to wish to get a 5* character or weapon. know that you can literally get a 5* in your first pull EVER so know that it’s all RNG. the chance of you getting a 5 star is 0.06%
on character banner, the soft pity is around 76 pulls while hard pity is 90 pull but i have yet to know a single person that actually hit 90 pity. there is something called ‘50/50′, which is when you finally pull a 5* there is a fifty-fifty chance you get the promotional character. losing 50/50 means you got a 5* character from the standard banner pool (diluc, mona, qiqi, jean, keqing) and your next 5* is guaranteed to be yae, the promotional character. winning 50/50 means well... you got yae without having to another 76 pull! and pulling a 5* rests your pity :)
on weapon banner, soft pity is around 50-60 pulls and hard pity is 80 pulls. pulling on this banner is not recommended for f2ps or low spender bc it can take more than 200 pulls to get the weapon you want. pull here at your own risk. the pity system there is called epitomized path. i wish i can explain it simply but i’m not very good at it LMAO the in-game explanation is pretty clear imo
- pull on the beginner's wish banner (it has noelle on it)! that should give you some nice weapons/characters to start with
- never spend your primos on standard banner (the very far right, blue/purple banner). it is almost never worth it, even if you’re close to pity. you’re not guaranteed a weapon or character so it is a huge gamble
- make sure you pulling on the right banner!! i’ve heard so many stories of people converting to the wrong type of fates lMAO
- new 4* character/weapon gets added the following patch. none of the new 5* weapon/character have yet to be added and i don’t think it’ll happen for long awhile.
- pull for who you like, like seriously. primogems and fates are hard to get so make sure you love the character you’re getting
- if you’re f2p, you will have to accept the fact that you will skip banners
- new character > getting constellations/best weapon
- when you’re playing in overworld (the open world where ur free to explore), don’t worry about team composition and damage, the game will not punish you for having weak characters or wack team comps. the world is your oyster when you’re in overworld
- abyss is where you can challenge and test the progress of your team. you earn primos here. it can be very stressful and sweaty so i don’t recommend it until you’re fully prepped
- learn about elemental reactions. this is where the majority of your damage will come from. there is a domain in mondstadt that will teach you the basics of it!
- and of course, explore your heart out!
- confused about what to level up first? i recommend: character ascension > weapon ascenscion > talent
as for what type of character to prioritize, i recommend: main DPS > secondary > support/dmg buffer > healer
- level DPS up to level 90, supports/healers can stay at 80 OR ascend them without leveling them up so you can worry about talents. 
- resin is the little crescent moon thing you see on the top of the map. you generate 1 every 8 minutes, up to 160 resin. you will use this to farm materials for your characters (like literally EVERYTHING lmao) 
early game (lower than AR45), i just recommend you use your resin to level and ascend your character, weapons and talents. try not to farm artifacts because you will only get purples pieces when you actually want gold
- artifacts is a huge part of making your character stronger but it can be extremely tedious bc artifacts are also RNG-based and it can take you months to get good pieces
this is why i recommend you don’t focus on farming domains for artifacts until you’re AR45 or higher bc you’re guaranteed a gold artifact piece 
until then, use your resin to farm bosses or talent domains (if ur at the right level) to level up your characters
- if you want guides to help build your character, visit Keqing Mains’s website, their discord, and the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor discord because there are so many helpful guides you can find there.
so as you can see, there’s a LOT to take in. but don’t worry you will come to understand this as you play. once everything ‘click’ and in place, this game will be as easy as pie lmao. so just enjoy yourself. play however you want to plan and have fun!! <3 this is a PvE game so there is no pressure to be the best.
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centuriantalevevo · 2 years
Losing the 50/50
He was right there.
So close yet so far.
And yet Diluc was pushed forward.
He could only sit there in devastation while watching them frantically try to get more primogems to try and get him to come home.
Now they were yelling at Diluc, and blaming him for them losing the 50/50.
They were wrongfully blaming Diluc, they knew that. But they just didn't want to accept that they lost the 50/50, and no less to DILUC. They said if they lost the 50/50, they wanted to lose to Qiqi or Keching.
"You! Why?! What did I ever do to you?! I already have Kaeya! I don't nEED PYRO KAEYA!" "Don't call me a Pyro version of that annoying ass man." The red haired man huffed, "Well that's whatchu are! You're his brother or whatever! Still! I wanted Xiao! I was SUPPOSED to have XIAO! He was supposed to come home! But no! You just HAD to take his place, didn't you?!" They yelled, glaring grabbing their own hair "Halo, calm down.. It's not his fault-" Albedo tried to cut it, "Yes it IS his fault! He could've not come! He could've let Xiao come home! Or at least have Qiqi or Keching go in his place but NOoooooOoo! He wanted to ruin it!" They shook their head "my disappointment is immeasurable and my entire life has been ruined." They growled, "That's an over exaggeration…" The blonde said.
"I want to tHROW YOU! I WANT TO HATE CRIME YOU! I WANT TO CHOKE YOU! WHY CAN'T I TRADE YOU IN FOR MY FUCKING ADEPTUS?!" They screamed, starting to tear up "it's just a game, it's not the end of the world-" Diluc tried to speak but got talked over "Yes! It IS the end of the world! I DON'T HAVE THE MEANS TO BE ABLE TO SPEND THOUSANDS ON THIS! I'M FUCKING BROKE! I'M WORSE THAN POVERTY!" "Why not blame Albedo?!" Diluc asked, "Hey! I didn't do anything." Albedo said in defense, "HE'S the one who made you get his first Constellation. Had you of lost that 50/50, you'd have Xiao by now. But sure, let's keep blaming me. Even when it was Albedo's banner that you won the 50/50 twice on." Diluc crossed him arms.
"I'm still salty about that, because I absolutely know I would've gotten Xiao if I didn't get 'Bedo's Constellation. I'd rather C0 Albedo and Qiqi with a guarantee of Xiao C1 Albedo and no Xiao. But you're STILL the one who showed up when it was time for Xiao to come home!" They said with a huff, tears starting to fall down their face.
"You'll get him, you're good at collecting things when you need to." Albedo said, wrapping his arms around them and holding them close, "I'll waste 100 dollars from Christmas money if I have to.." They said with a small sniffle, "that should give me around 81 more pulls, after throwing in I think… 40 from spending 2 sets of 15 dollars- with discounts- for more primos.." They muttered, leaning into the blonde's touch.
Yun Jin approached them quietly, "you at least have me. You did say you wanted me, so you at least have me even if you don't have that Gorou boy." She said and Halo nodded some "you're Constellation as well…" They said, "But… Xiao.."
That night Halo cried themself to sleep, and that hurt both Xiao and Albedo. The alchemist had seen Halo cry before, but it was in happiness when they had won their first 5 star, him. They cried for an hour and ran around with him just messing around. They worked hard to get him to be their highest level, and they were always proud to say it. Until they had to get others to level 80 to pass the AR Ascension 3. But they worked on getting him artifacts first, along with Xiao's. He figured they had enough materials to get Xiao to level 60-80, but nothing to upgrade Talents yet.
He was determined to get Xiao home, even if that meant breaking the game. He's Teyvat's best alchemist (save for his creator), he can surely do it.
And that he did. He didn't know the Adeptus personally, but Halo talked about him nonstop as well as explaining the reason for fighting the primo geovishap. Albedo questioned it since normally they never went anywhere NEAR that thing. They explained how they needed about 96 Juvenile Jade for Xiao, and 169 or so Qingxin flowers.
Then they went to a few domains to collect artifacts, only ever 4 stars though since they weren't strong enough to get 5 stars- aside from when a friend of theirs joined and helped them.
Once Halo had shut down the game and went to bed, Albedo started searching for a way to break the game. Miraculously, he found a way. He got into the system and hummed to himself "They have around… 18 or so wishes after Diluc? Yes. They planned on getting the one that will give them around… 81 wishes, 6,480 Genesis crystals, you're given an extra of that on first purchase makes 12,960… that gives 12,960 and you need 160 per wish… yes yes 81 wishes. 81 plus 18 is 99… that SHOULD ensure getting Xiao since it's supposed to be guaranteed the promotional character if you look the 50/50.." He muttered to himself.
"Forget paying 100 dollars for primogems, they can use that money on other things that are more important." He said, taking the 6,480 primogem purchase along with the extra 6,480 given and opens the Welkin Moon page. "I'll just break the game and give it to them for free." He said, putting it with the 90 primogems they already get daily, "There. And if this fails… I'll be doing some not so polite things." He closed the page and hummed to himself as he went to bed.
The next day, Halo had opened the game when they got home, hitting the X on their controller for the welkon moon until they realized there was a second set of primogems beside the 90 primos they already got. "Huh??" They tilted their head, studying the amount. 12,960.
They gasped and went into the shop, getting 82 intertwined fates "no way… how? There's no way I got that magically! I didn't even buy it yet!" They went through the wishes, gasping when they got Chongyun "Okay! Finally got him! Good I didn't need to pull on Childe's banner." They grinned, going through each 10 wish and holding their breath every time a color showed up. It turned purple but at first they'd mistake it for gold. They typed down on their wish calculator on their phone how many wishes they were in. They had done a few single pulls to get to 20 and went from there "60 pulls… okay almost there.." They nodded. 
Meanwhile, Albedo smiled knowingly, watching as everything went down.
The next 10 pull made 70, and thats when the star became gigantic and golden. They gasped and bounced in their seat "PLEASE! XIAO! PLEASE COME HOME! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE GUARANTEED YOU NOW!" They yelled, clicking through the things they received, recording on their phone all the while. That's when the shadow appeared.
I'll be quick to note that their younger sister was there as well- Aife.
The shadow of Xiao's splash art came and hadn't even lit up when they screamed "XIAO!! HE'S HOME! HE'S HERE! MOM!!" They got uo and raced into their moms room "I GOT HIM! HE'S HOME! I HAVE NO CLUE HOW BUT HE'S HOME!" They said excitedly, crying just like they did when they got Albedo.
They ran as fast as they could back to the couch and took a few pictures. "That's amazing how you knew it was him before even seen him fully- like.. just when his art was blacked out." "Well I've studied his character and everything," They responded, quickly switching out Sucrose and putting Xiao in the party "I'm so sorry Sucrose, I love you." They apologized.
"Finally, it took you long enough. You just took your sweet time, didn't you?" Albedo said as Xiao appeared "Oh hush. It's not like I wanted them to fail the 50/50. The wish thing just didn't let me." Xiao said while crossing his arms. "Well. They have 29 fates left.. are they going to pull again to try and get your constellations?" He hummed, "it only seems fair for both of us to have a constellation." He added, "doubt it. You'd have to be incredibly lucky to get my Constellation with 29 fates." Xiao shook his head.
"True, they don't have enough primogems to get more either. And they can't get more from the…stardust??? Starglitter??? I think it's starglitter… the more common one, the one that doesn't give you characters." Albedo said, that's when the two boys heard them speak.
"What about the rest?" Aife asked, "I'm saving the other 29 pulls. I'm saving for SCARAMOUCHE!" They said proudly, "you don't even know if he's gonna be playable though??" She tilted her head, "I've seen a leak that talked about dataminers seeing some of his data in there. He uses a catalyst, just like I said! He's supposed to come out on version 3.0 so.. I'm saving for him. I have enough time to save since this is version 2.4, but if I tried pulling for.. say.. Shenhe or Zhongli- kinda want Zhongli but the only ones I desperately want are Albedo, Xiao and Scaramouche." They said, "even if I pulled for like Zhongli in the next phase, to be honest I don't think from then to 3.0 would give me enough time to save. Because I need save enough to be able to afford doing 180 pulls in case I lose the 50/50 like with Xiao." They said, "I'm HOPING Scaramouche will be a 4 star for the sole reasoning that it'll be easier to get him that way." They continued and Aife nodded, "Alright then.."
"Welcome home. You have no idea how upset they were," Albedo said and Xiao huffed a bit "I have a small understanding of just how upset they were. Crying, even. But it feels good to finally be here." He said, watching through the screen as Halo got situated. "Unfortunately you won't be up to my level just yet because they don't have EVERYTHING necessary, but we're close. Minus the flowers, we have enough to get you up to 80 like me. And I'm still stuck at Ascension because they aren't AR50 yet," Albedo said, "sucks to suck." "I'm still going to be the highest level though.. They purposely didn't level Xiangling up because wanted me to stay the highest… until they HAD to for AR Ascension. You've got a lot to catch up on." Albedo shrugged and Xiao nodded in agreement, "I can see that."
Halo leveled Xiao all the way to level 64 "level 64 and yet he can kick inazuman enemies asses better than ALBEDO…" They said, "Hey! I'm not MEANT to be a main DPS you idiot!" Albedo huffed, "I try.." "do you always deal with this?" "Kind of… they've complained that razor- at level 60 needing Ascension- does better damage than I do. He's done up to the 800s meanwhile I'm typically stuck at 300s… o think the highest I did was 400??? And once was 1000 or so but solely because of my salad isotoma." Albedo explained, "damn, you're shit at this aren't you?" Xiao asked and Albedo groaned, "I'm supposed to be support.. not DPS… hell, my SWORD gives me higher defense, not attack. I think.my artifacts do the same thing." He said, "they worked hard to get yours sorted out. One of their friends came online who had like… level 90 characters and helped them get some 5 star artifacts and fight Childe… they were able to get my talent from like.. level 6 to 7. They haven't tried fighting him since because the last time they did that before getting help.. I basically died like 5 times in one go… I'm still asking myself how Barbara lasted longer than I did.. and Xiangling.. those two can dodge.." Albedo trailed off, "Well seems I have more 5 stars than you," Xiao said "Oh be quiet.. They have like a whole 5 star set for noblisse Oblige, but if they gave me those, it'd mess up the whole set they have for me because they want to keep the Archaic Petra for the geo damage. They're trying to get some 5 star Archaic Petra artifacts so they can fix everything- they just don't want to remove my Tiara Of frost… which is Clearly the better artifact… over everyone else's." Albedo said with a playful tone, showing the Tiara "don't others have that?" "Yes but mine is better," "pff, imagine having a Tiara as an artifact-" "you have one as well." Albedo interrupted, "damn…" He muttered.
"They make sure everyone has some sort of Tiara. Preferable the Tiara of flame or Tiara Of Frost because those lower the amount of time we are affected by cryo or Pyro. Most of the Pyro characters have the Frost Tiara I think- minus me and I think you." Albedo explained, "just a play style preference I suppose. Because most of the artifacts- minus the tiara- are 4 pieces.. they planned it out as 2 piece set of one artifact, 2 piece set of another artifact and then tiara. Or a 4 piece set and Tiara. They make sure to have artifacts for like Archaic Petra that can go on all other areas so the head piece is open … not sure how to explain it." Albedo hummed, "makes sense since the Tiara is a one piece set though," He added.
 "Oh yeah, that reminds me. Prepare to have all your talents really low for a while. They typically forget the talents exist… it took until I was… around the 70s for them to upgrade my talents." He informed the yaksha and the boy looked st the alchemist in disbelief "That's like… that main way you get damage higher! How can you forget about that?!" He asked and Albedo shrugged, "good question, but that explains why I've done shit damage for so long."
Barbara skipped over "I have!... um.. I think my 3rd Constellation!" She said excitedly, "great now if we can get your 6th one…" Albedo said and Barbara rested her hands on her hips "as long as the rest if you are able to keep me alive that's the only way the 6th Constellation will work," she said and Albedo chuckled, "is she always on the team?" Xiao asked and Albedo nodded "she's the designated healer. Well… the ONLY healer we have. Sucrose can self heal I think… only because of the catalyst she uses, same thing with Barbara." Albedo said, "Halo wanted Qiqi if they were going to lose the 50/50. Qiqi is also a healer I believe." He hummed, "why not Jean though? Jean also heals!" Barbara pointed out and Albedo nodded in agreement.
"I wonder that too, but Halo said it was because they just didn't want her. They had you and in their opinion you're the better option. You don't need to have an ultimate to heal, your skill does the healing. Your ultimate just heals more and faster." He responded and Barbara thought for a minute, "I suppose that makes sense. But they also only have 3 anemo users now. Xiao, Sucrose and the traveler- Lumine." She said.
"Either way, we have Xiao here now. And that's what matters… Now all we have to do is wait for that harbinger- not the ginger one.. I always forget his name. But the puppet one, Scaramouche." Albedk sighed softly, "oh, Childe. He gets on my nerves, I understand why Halo hates him." Xiao said, "They said they had NIGHTMARES about getting Childe 3 times in one 10 wish." "That's horrifying." Xiao shivered some, "that's enough to make me run away." "It sucks because Chongyun was there during Childe's THIRD RERUN. Luckily they got him now, but they never pulled on Childe or Hu Tao once out if fear." Albedo said with a small smirk, "thats dedication though. They're the only person I've seen that skips banners with ease. Everyone else says it's going to be difficult to skip… say… Hu Tao's banner so they can wait for someone else… meanwhile ours is over here acing the banner skips. The only thing that's hard for them to hold back with is wasting primogems on the standard banner." Xiao chuckled a bit.
"Why worry about skipping a 5 star banner when you should be worrying about wasting your primogems on the standard banner whole waiting for the character you want." Albedo joked, "Hey! What weapon is Xiao using?" Xiangling hopper up and asked "Um… Deathmatch." He said, "wait they got the polearm from the battlepass?!" She asked and Albedo nodded, "yes, they bought the gnostic chorus pass, so they also skipped ahead 10 levels. They said they needed the.. 680 primogems." He said, "they leveled it up to 50 like.. 8 days before the battlepass ended." He added, "They wanted to get the Jade winged spear but they only have 29 intertwined fates and they want to save those. Sucks, I won't get my normal spear. But this one seems to do well. I like the perks of using it." Xiao hummed, inspecting the red and white spear.
"They aren't too worried about that though," Albedo said, "why?" Barbara, Xiangling, and Xiao asked in unison, "Because the Jade winged spear is also on the standard banner but with a normal drop rate. The drop rate is just raised on the weapon banner for it right now." He explained, "oh, I never knew that!" Xiangling gasped, "that means I might get to have the Deathmatch spear! Might not be soon but.. one day!" She giggled and hopped up and down a few times. "You have.. that one polearm with the axe thing at the end, back off." The yaksha put his spear behind his back protectively, "oh, still! It looks so cool!" She said with a small huff.
Albedo looked towards the screen, "what do we do now, love?"
"Simple. Grind for more primogems, and race to get more stuff to get Xiao to your level. And also collect Acquaint Fates from the leveling up… also grind to AR50 so I can get you 2 to 90. First we need to get more Hero's Wit." Halo responded, "Blossom of Revelation?" The Alchemist and the Yaksha asked together. 
"Blossom of Revelation." They nodded.
I got Xiao- as my title of my page says- I said I'd write a fic on losing the 50/50 to diluc, but Xiao was TRYING to come home. So I did. I may make a version with reader instead, but this fanfic was a self projection and personal experience. A bit of a coping mechanism, I started this BEFORE I got Xiao.
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Genshin 1.3 Live Stream Patch Notes
My friend sent me the “TLDR” list for the livestream that I thought would be nice to share to all of you lads^^ 
Patch 1.3 Live Stream Patch Notes - FEB 3 
Version 1.3 "All That Glitters" Trailer | Genshin Impact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TRFPx09j_8&ab_channel=GenshinImpact
    3 intertwined Fates and 2 Fragile Resins (As thanks to Sea Lantern Festival, might be login rewards)     Sea Lantern Festival Event requires you to complete different NPC quests to heat up the Festival
[Not sure on this information] 
Two New Weapons 
Primordial Jade Sword
Leaked Hu Tao Spear [May not be accurate] 
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Major Events
May Fortune Find you - [2/11] - [2/26]
Night Sky's Grace - Collect Lantern Rite Gifts
Lantern Rite - Xiao Market [exchange for name cards, crown of insight, and Dust of Azoth]
Stand by Me - [2/18] - [3/7] 
Five Flushes of Fortune 
Vishaps and Where to find them 
Xiao Story Quest 
AR 23 requirement for Character Quest, no key required (during event)
AR 32 requirement for Character Quest, key required (after event)
Before entering liyue to start the Lantern Rite event, you need to help xiao and do his story quest first. 
Feb 3
Normal attack: 6 auto attacks
Charged attack: Similar to Jean’s charged attack, it can lift enemies up into the air. 
Plunge Attack: Different heights affect the amount of damage you do. Regardless of height, he takes no fall damage (?)
Elemental Skill: Allows him to dash forward using anemo up to two times. Can dash in midair
Elemental Burst: Attacks are converted into anemo damage, bigger attack aoe, bigger jump height. Drains his health during the burst. Every 3 seconds his atk (?) increases by 5% up to 25%
Most likely going to have Ninnguang, Beidou, and Xingqui on his banner.
Feb 17 - Keqing banner
Hutao was not mentioned at all
May Fortune Find You - log in for 10 intertwined fates
Take commissions from npcs to increase the “Festive Fever Meter”. When you reach a certain cap, claim rewards and move onto the next phase.
Lantern Rite Story -> Lantern Rite Tales -> Theater Mechanicus -> Xiao Market
There are 3 currencies: (Lantern Tokens is not the official name)
Peace Talismans [Used in the Xiao Market]
Lantern Tokens [Used to play Theater Mechanicus]
Veneficus Sigil [Used to upgrade Mechani in Theater Mechanicus]
Theater Mechanicus - Tower Defense
Up to two players can enter but materials/structures are shared. It costs 1 “lantern” currency to play per attempt. Each player still accrues veneficus points individually. 
Main objective is to protect the monument leyline or to stop monsters from escaping.
There are a possible 4 waves and they let you know how many monsters are coming.
Veneficus Sigils are used to purchase mechanici (tower). They can also  increase your mechanici power but not without negative side effects.
Killing monsters or removing existing mechanici gives sigils.
After killing a certain amount of enemies you unlock mystic arts
If you win, you get Peace Talismans
It is similar to the Hypostasis event and you can manually set your difficulty. 
Five Flushes of Fortune
Speak to Jitong to obtain the Kurious Kamera.
Each day he will give you a different subject that you need to take a picture of. 
You’ll receive a random tinted photo up to 5 colours. You can take up to 10 pictures a day.
When you complete a set of 5 different colours you can exchange for a fortune trove (up to 8) where you can receive 60 primogems and either 12 Hero’s Wit, 24 mystic enhancement ore, or 120000 mora.
You can trade with friends for certain tinted photos if you’re missing one.
Stand By Me
Complete the event and pick any 4 star Liyue Character
Ningguang, Beidou, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Chongyun, or Xinyan
PRIMO GEOVISHAP - New World Boss (Pyro, Cryo, Hydro, and Electro)
In Liyue, speak to Katherine and you will have an extra page in the expeditions book. 
Everday there will be 8 new locations but you can only explore 4. 
Each expedition gives you 20 primogems but some expeditions will have a requirement. If you fulfill those requirements you get more rewards. 
You can use friend’s characters as a support and as a 5th character. 
Each expedition you do you will get an “On The Hunt” challenge and fight the geovishap. There are up to 4 “On The Hunt” challenges. 
Leyline Overload
Up to three times a day you can double your leyline rewards. Do not use condensed resin because it won’t work (might be changed). 
Tianqui Trasure Trail
Ar 31 required
Talk to Lan and complete the quest to get the Parametric Transformer. You can offer certain materials that it will convert into different rewards such as exp and talent books, weapon ores, and etc. 
Added Features
New Living Beings and Wild Life archive added. You can display models of creatures, see how man you’ve defeated, and past tutorials. 
Elemental gem conversation added. You need to use a special material called [Dust of Azoth] to convert. For example, 2 pyro gems + dust of azoth = geo gem.
Profile Edits: Shows your abyss progress and current achievements. Place up to 8 characters that will show your artifacts, stat details, and weapon to other players. 
More ost coming out. 
Please let me know if any of this is incorrect and can’t wait for 1.3  🎉
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lumin3xe · 3 years
Hq Characters and how they play Genshin Impact!
Love letter 💌: omg hey! So I’ve been obsessed with genshin impact and aswell haikyu so my sexy small brain though ‘what if the hq character played genshin impact?’ And here we are!
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Characters: Dachi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Chickara Ennoshita, Yu Nishinnoya and Ryūnosuke Tanaka
(Will this become a series? Maybe 👀)
slighty edited and fluff!
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˚ ↠ Dachi Sawamura ↞ ˚
˚ He plays sometimes, mostly with the other third years, he does play with the team tho!
˚ He probably plays it in his free time and if he feels like it
˚ Does he have a strategy? He kinda just plays it, really good on maining on a certain character 🥴🥴 (dw I’ll share it later HAHHSH—)
˚ Is he good? Yeah I like to think so! since he doesn’t play often he doesn’t really practice or grind but If he tried he could be a really powerful player.
˚ He does try to do his daily commissions but he mostly forgets it 🧍(someone has to remind him hehe, he’ll be like “oh shoot yeah— give me a minute” but he won’t play it when he’s practicing volleyball or doing hw or smt)
˚ A lot of Mora and Primogems— he knows how to wish but he just doesn’t do it often LMAO—
˚ One time he got a five star character on his first wish and asked ‘are they good?’
˚ Never has spent money on the game no, he was tempted but he’s like nah.
˚ I feel like he would have Jean and main her well.
˚ his team would be, Jean, Kaeya, Xiangling, and probably Aether (male traveler)
˚ ↠ Koshi Sugawara ↞ ˚
˚ He plays in his free time and sometimes during volleyball practice, plays mostly with the other third years and ofc plays with the rest of the team 😌😌
˚ Hmm I feel like he would try to have a strategy? Maybe when against a boss battle or smt, he looks up how to play certain characters and where to get a certain items, y’know just regular player tbh
˚ He’s an average player—nothing much. sometimes screams when one of his characters dies HSHSHD
˚ Does his daily commissions if he has time too, doesn’t mind if he misses or forgets them (but will be like “oh whoops, I’ll do them later haha” or something of the lines of that lol)
˚ Has more mora than primogems, he knows how to wishes and does it once or twice but sometimes when he‘s bored he kinda wishes alot and wastes his primogems LMAO-
˚ Same as Dachi, never spent money on the game...is what he says HAHSGH
˚ Funny thing is that he got pity once and got Ganyu IAJHAJAJW
˚ Hmm I could see him main Sucrose! tbh he really wants Albedo omg HAHA-
˚ His team is Sucrose, Ganyu, Yanfi, and Xingqiu
˚ ↠Asahi Azumane ↞ ˚
˚ To me Asahi would really like the game and try’s to play as much as he can but he feels like he would get made fun of poor asahi omg🥺Again he mostly plays with the third years and with the team 🥰🥰
˚ Yeah he would have a strategy, and he would be a good player! ( he would have a good strategy too omg)
˚ He would probably be the most best player besides someone else 👀
˚ You guessed it- he actually does his daily commissions! He either does it when he wakes up for school or when classes are done hehe ☺️☺️
˚ Decent amount of Mora and Primogems! He saves them up for new characters but he’s really tempted to just use them in a day LMAO-
˚ I don’t think he would no🧍
˚ Since he’s such a sweetheart, I feel like he would main Noelle! Her background almost made him cry but SHHHH
˚ His team would be Noelle, Barbara, Diluc and Keqing
˚ Wtf he has so many characters??? Like huh?? And he knows how to use them?? Wtf 😭😭
˚ ↠Chikara Ennoshita ↞ ˚
˚Since I don’t know much about his character—I might be OOC so pls bear with me YVGFGDRD—
˚ He plays when he’s bored, maybe when he’s walking in the halls or during volleyball practice breaks. He mostly plays with the second years and aswell the whole team!
˚ No he doesn’t 🧍HAHAHSHS— hmm he looks up strategy’s, play certain characters and etc etc but he doesn’t really do anything
˚ For some reason yeah he actually does his commissions but like,, its creepy weird LMAO?? IDK HAHSH—
˚Same as Asahi, decent amount of mora and primogems lmao, doesn’t use it often tbh, wishes once or twice, somehow gets five stars often???
˚ Nah he probably wouldn’t, if he really wanted a character tho? Yeah he would.
˚ Hmm he probably mains Aether (male traveler) or a five star character rlly good, like maybe even insanely good?
˚ His team would be Aether, Chongyun, Tartaglia, and Diona
˚ Yes he got Tartaglia HAHSHHS—
˚ ↠ Yu Nishinoya ↞ ˚
˚ This dude plays all the time I BET AGAHAHA (Passing time during class, volleyball practice breaks, during the halls etc etc!! Like I swear HAHA—)
˚ He plays a lot with Tanaka! And like try’s to play with everyone else on a regular, he wants to get better at the game and likes to grind/practice a lot on the game!
˚ Is he good tho? Hmm that’s up to you really!
˚tbh his strategy is too smash the buttons— IM KIDDING IM KIDDING HAHHS— I feel like he knows what he’s doing? But like not really 🧍but he’s trying!!
˚ Tho it’s really cute when he wins a battle with a huge boss 🥺🥺(Tanaka hypes him UPP—)
˚ He does like two of his daily commissions and forgets about it— he thinks he’s done them but no LMAO—
˚ A lot of Mora but literally no Primogems— he has like 40 or 60 but his boy Tanaka helps him save them up!!
˚ As much as he wants to spend money on the game, he doesn’t, he wants to get his Primogems fair and square.
˚ He mains Lisa. HSHSHSH— tho in all seriousness he’s really good at maining electro characters!! Like for example he really likes Fichel! He thinks she’s cool 😎😎
˚ Part of him actually believes her story’s HAHA
˚ His team is Lisa, Razor, Fischl and Keqing
˚ Tanaka was nice enough to gift Keqing to noya 🥺🥺
˚ ↠ Ryūnosuke Tanaka ↞ ˚
˚ Like Noya he plays alot! But little less more than him lmao
˚ Knows a little bit of what he’s doing, but just the same with noya but with a little knowledge :)) he’s not bad tho
˚ Yo ngl when noya and Tanaka co-op, there kinda insanely good 😳😳
˚ Talking about co-op they like to call eachother and do boss battles together and it’s like so wholesome?? (Ignore the screaming tho HAHA-)
˚ Surprisingly he does his daily commissions! He try’s to remind noya while he’s at it but kinda forgets lmao
˚ Nah he probably wouldn’t due to noya (fair and square my dude)
˚ Hmm decent amount but not a lot of Mora and Primogems, but he gets characters!! He gets a lot of four stars but somehow he’s good at maining them!
˚ My guess he mains Rosiaro! He thinks she’s pretty— pretty cool! (Shhhh, you didn’t see that)
˚ He also thinks Fichel is cool too, and yes, he believes the story’s she tells.
˚His team would be Rosiaro, Lisa, female traveler (Lumie) and Beidou
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Also if you wanna play with me in genshin impact send me a dm or ask 🥴🥴 Btw if your wondering my team is, Lumie, Xingqiu, qiqi, and Yanfi!! I mostly main Lumie and Xingqiu hehe
Also my next part will include the rest of the Karasuno team so keep an eye out hehe! Also remember to take care of yourself ilysm!! 💖💖💖💖
reblogs are appreciated :))
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kaydeedc · 3 years
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These kinds of challenges are just extra frustrating for me. I'm so bad at timed challenges plus I have a terrible sense of direction.
I want to give up, but that 60-primogem reward is calling me. I'm sure I'll finally get it right after the twentieth try... yeah right
Also, Paimon really needs to get her priorities sorted...
• Traveler: *falls to their death*
• Paimon: Uh-oh, this food doesn't look edible anymore
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hqxreader · 3 years
Oh my god allow me to genshin ramble too
Ok so when Childe's banner came out I was like omg I want him, so I pulled 20? I think? And only got Barbara and Fischl. No offense to Fischl though shes amazing its just... Barbruh 💀 I dont even use her...
Then I learned Zhongli and Eula were next up and I was SCREW CHILDE I WANT GEO GRANDPA AND GRACEFUL CRYO CLAYMORE WAHMEN
Thus in saving for them instead, pls you have no clue how much I've been grinding for primogems lately since I'm f2p(although hopefully I'll get primogems for Eid. Hopefully...)
Oh yeah speaking of which, Ramadan has started which had been going smoothly so far. School makes it easy to distract myself from hunger lol
Whew this ask is getting long so I'll stop for now but yeah! Lifes been aight, just going thru the motions yk 💜
I was so excited to see Barbara and Fischl on that banner cause I use them 😂 even though i have two other supports that are better than her, i’ve gotten so used to her so i kept rolling with it if i could just get jean on america id be happy and id switch i swear but she probably would work too well IDK 😭so Barbara is now a c5 and im so temped to pull again to see if i can get a c6 cause then she revives and Fischl’s a c2! I love the Barbruh omg 😂
YES ZHONGLI!!! I cannot wait for his banner! I might skip Eula though? I wish she was first so i could save up more wishes and prepare more- but no thats not how Mihoyo works, they want more freaking money- heheh so yeah im not too big of a Cyro nor claymore user, so i may skip? Idk! We’ll see! 
I’m also curious who’s gonna be introduced in 1.6, I’ve heard Klee rerun?? which i’m super excited about and also Scaramoche i think?? riz is my source blame her if im way off. But we haven’t even downloaded 1.5 yet so we’ve got a long way to go for leaks and actual definitive info 😂
I need to start grinding for primos more too, i’ve lately just been doing commissions and well.. that won’t cut it 😂I do pay what me and riz like to call ‘a $5 subscription fee’ for the 90 free primos a day why they can’t bump it up to 100 idk cause then you’d get at least one wish a day if you did your coms cause you get 60 primos from completing them thats how fucking cheap mihoyo is my gosh can i email them and suggest/complain bout this
AHEM ANYWAY 🥰I'm glad Ramadan is going well!! School is either a good distraction from the world or you'll distract yourself from doing anything school related i've learned 😂
Sorry i rambled on so much! We've learned i tend to do that.. 😅I hope you're day is going well and you have a great weekend! 🥰💕
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sugasugawarau · 3 years
The fact that you’re right💔 both of yall always bonk me💔yk ive noticed that the same way Monique reached out for me, I did that with Sergio. I’m always going after him whenever I need help👩‍🦲idk if that’s good or bad? But srsly if she feels happier without me, I’m alr with that. I used to coachsurf @ my cousins or Sergio place when I was younger🗿I’m alr just confused🙂 MADAM🧎‍♀️plz🧎‍♀️show🧎‍♀️me🧎‍♀️your🧎‍♀️ways🧎‍♀️on🧎‍♀️getting🧎‍♀️so🧎‍♀️many🧎‍♀️primogems🧎‍♀️-💠
Hehehe and we’d do it again (but lovingly bc this is out of care for u and ur wellbeing)
And it’s not a bad thing!! Ik it can feel like you’re being selfish or ig needy/annoying to rely on others (from personal experience) but that’s far from the truth :’) if they are there for u and are willing to help u it’s bc they want to!! And i’m sure you’d do the same for him and are doing your best to be there for him currently when he needs someone to vent to or smth
As for the whole mom thing mann idk :// I’m glad you’re alright but I hope you know that if she treats you like that she doesn’t deserve u. Also ily and I hope I can remind u of how wonderful u are :((
And HSHFHDHA okay okay wait this will be under the cut cause it might get long !!
Oki so idk if you read my reply to Arell’s ask and the tags on it but basically I am technically not a f2p and did spend abt $20ish to buy a Battle Pass (I think it gives total 680 primos but I cld be wrong) and one Welkin (gives you 90 primos for 30 days = 2.7k primos)
That being said though majority of the primos I got are free! I’ve been playing since I think October or November so I’ve had more time to build up my primos compared to others + I have not spent a single primo since I used up the free ones Mihoyo gave when I started out
The most important thing to do to get primos is to do your daily comms and get the extra 20 primos from Katherine which gives u 60/day. I think comms are AR locked and can’t remember when they unlock but if you have them unlocked do them all the time!! It’s a quick, easy and guaranteed way to save.
Another thing is to try and unlock all of the achievements you can, opening any chests you see and just playing through the story bc you can get lots of primos from completing story acts/they sometimes give rlly rare chests which means more primos >:) and speaking of achievements, there are a few « secret » ones that you can find youtube vids abt that can guide you through them!
Ooh and while sheer cold is kind of a pain, Dragonspine has SO many chests so it’s worth going there to get primos from chests too if you haven’t alr.
I think the hardest part for most ppl is to actually SAVE bc there are always new and cool charas coming out to tempt us ajdjfkkaf so if you want, try finding leaks about upcoming banners (there shld be some yt vids or reddit threads covering those, tho none of it is confirmed besides xiao and hu tao atm) and see which character interests you the most so you find saving worthwhile!
Also this isn’t to do with saving/getting primogems but if you rlly like a character and want to guarantee getting them, Mihoyo has this thing called pity rates. There are def sources that explain it better but the general gist is that soft pity occurs from around your 75th pull (i forgot the exact percentage rate but ur chances of getting a 5 star increases so around your 7th 10 pull you might want to switch over to single pulls) and full pity ig happens at the 90th pull (meaning ur guaranteed a 5 star)
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
Heyy Fa! I feel like we're friends too, just didn't know if you would consider it that way. Okay, I'll talk you whenever then :D it's really nice chatting with you btw! I always learn a new thing with every ask, and I don't know much about the game yet, so we can't really discuss things deeply, but I thought it'd be nice to just talk and share our thoughts!
Yeah the big majority of us has no luck whatsoever, sure I don't know for sure what's my case, since I have done about 1 pulls overall, 'cause it's better if I grind primogems first, but it probably will be the case too lol
Your sister has such good ones tho! I didn't realize it had been this long; it was released on September 28th, so it's been 2 months. Thinking about it, it is a lot of time to grind primos, but haven't you been playing just as long as her?
I got here late so I didn't know that! Good thing they had a bit of compassion. Can you imagine if Beemoov was a gambling company? The hell we would go through...
It's good that we can keep the four-stars, but it's better to get them now when their rates (is this how it's called?) are up; Zhongli, as always, is a disappointment. It's too bad Fischl is not so good and you didn't get a better dps, sadly, the bigger the range of characters, the smaller our chance of getting the character we want... That is, if they don't separate them in different banners in the future since there will be so many... It is unlikely, but a girl can dream.
I will go do my reading then, so I can fully understand the aspects of the banners... I never learned probability properly in school, but I guess they were training me for this day.
What event are you talking about? I only have Zhongli's story quest, the daily prizes, the permanent ones, the test runs and the Lisa and Kaeya note... Anyway I guess I can't play it yet. I have seen some strange spark that started a course, but I thought that was permanent random thing lol
I'm trying to be slow and enjoy the story, or else I would already be in Liyue I guess! I leaned that playing Horizon: Zero Down; the console was a friend's so I had to speed up and finish fast. What happened? I had to play a chapter meant to be played in level 34 while I was in level 24... Ha I got really mad at my devastating defeat, but I managed, not without dying dozens of times of couse.
That way of thinking about spears is so smart, it is kinda like that, I played Xiangling's side quest yesterday and I can see your point, it was so cool, they are something else indeed.
Mihoyo seems to be a nice company, and i think they are going to make good decisions in the future too!
I can see this exchange as some sort of friendship because I do like talking with you as well!! I’m glad that you’re learning something, you have been putting me to thinking about things a lot too. 
Ah, you will get there to do your pulls, you’re so right in saving them. I did paid for the boost of daily primal gems, so I’m not so free to play as I claim to be, I paid like... 2 months. My sister too. 
I and she agreed that it worthed (at the time we brought the first one, it was hella less expensive, now it’s almost the double of the price, but well, I needed it for Zhongli, it was better than spend crazy amounts). I don’t regret it, it’s less expensive than actually buying at once the amount for 10 pulls. So yeah, it’s better for you to save up your primals!! 
Unless you get to see a 4 star that you really like, then you should try go for it a little, I tried getting Diona from the last banner, that’s why I also didn’t have enough to try 2 times for Zhongli. Which is a downside, xD then maybe you should really just save it all you can. 
In a sense I was so lucky in getting Fischl, she was my first 4 star pulled from a special banner and since then she never left my party (I don’t regret having her as dps, even if she don’t cause a crazy amount of damage like Childe do per example). 
We haven’t been playing since the first day actually, I think went to play weeks after the launch... she got luck for sure. Besides that thing I told you in the last ask, there’s a super rare rate between 47-50 pulls that you can get a 5 star and she got Keqin in the normal banner like this too. So she has Keqin, Qiqi and Childe as 5 stars, because she hit that rate. 
While the 90 pulls guarantee a 5 star, the 47-50 is for when you do single pulls and pure luck. She hit it without even counting. 
But yeah, she got Razor at the same time I got my Fischl actually, but she got him from the standard banner, meanwhile I got Fischl from Venti’s banner (actually, I think she has a Fischl too), but the fact is that she does have more characters than me cuz she don’t hold her pulls, she is always using them as soon she get the primals. 
Besides, my sister is the type of player that got all the chests of the game, that finished all the quests early on, never lost any event and grind super hard, I slacked a little bit when we started playing, some days I didn’t even logged in. I started playing seriously after 1 week I guess, and even so she is hardcore in getting things in the game that I normally don’t even bother :’) 
It is better to pull on the special banners, but kkkkk well, it’s a matter of luck, because while I was doing single pulls on the normal banner, I got a Razor from there too lately instead of getting him in the special banner kkkkkkk you get what I mean? You just can get luck and, in a sense, yes, they will keep adding characters and make it harder on us to get constellations, but this is how the game is supposed to be. There’s nothing we can do about it. 
4 stars are more reliable than the limited time 5 stars in the special banner, meanwhile, the 5 stars in the normal banner are, indeed, in long term, equally more reliable and a better investment. Because in theory, you have the chance of keeping pulling them until the end of the game. The bad thing is that their abilities are outdated compared with characters like Childe and Zhongli =/ 
I think the flying event is only for players over level 20... I think you kinda should hurry up for it a little bit kkkkkk they’re giving us 60 primal gems in every course when we finish the little mini-game. And of course, you will have to unlock Liyue’s map =/ so the event will only show up to you after you do all of that. When you get in Liyue you can slow everything down tho, the story at least. 
Ah!! I brought Horizon Dawn those days!! I’m searching for better ways to play it properly because I found it very complicated to understand, so I’m playing The Last Guardian before going to HD. If you have tips, please feel free to tell me!!
Did you enjoy playing with Zhongli? Like his physical sequence of hits? I found him so fun to play with!! He’s so fast. He’s faster than Xiangling for sure!!
I was testing Keqin today too and she’s super fast for a single hand sword user, she’s faster than the Traveler for sure too. Or at least, that was the feeling I had. 
I think Mihojo is... well, not exactly bad but not the nicer, they’re lacking in many things about the game. The issue with bugs, the lack of security in accounts, the system of resin and such, but compared to EA, Beemoov or Nintendo, Mihojo surely isn’t the worst. 
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
halow izzy, how've u been? :3
exam week just recently finished and we're finally having our christmas break ! today was the last day for the allotment of the christmas socials and ngl, it was kinda boring LOL didn't really expected much since in our country, face-to-face classes hasn't been opened to all schools. yeah, it sucks so much HSHJAJSJHDSAF our country is late to the trends 😩 but fortunately, we did hear rumours of going back in january. i hope it's true xd
btw, i'm glad that your birthday celebration went well ! regarding the birthday ask you posted (question 14: a fic you didn't expect to write), i remember reading #5308A8 and was absolutely shocked by the ending. kinda my fault too LOL that time, i was binge-reading your works so it went out my mind to go through the warnings. i thought that it was all fluffy by how concerned reader was with chan's well-being then i saw the words "bleeding" :"> i think you'd be great at writing angst, honestly 🤩
so i got albedo for some reason :"> HSFHDFASJHFDHFHFDA i did one last 10 pull (it was a yolo moment because i had exactly 1600 primogems left) an hour before the banner's time ran out and got him unexpectedly at pity 40. wuuuut ?? dude, i was so shocked and immediately built him. also, congrats for getting albedo, gorou, eula and itto ! probably would skip itto and just save up primos because i'm betting my life for xiao's rerun. aaaa but itto's playstyle is so cool, i want him. beggars can't be choosers 😭 also had fun testing out my new gorou even if he's only at level 1. stil haven't have the materials needed because i still haven't ventured out in inazuma that much :"> i'll be spending my majority of my break playing though. are your new characters already maxed? 👀 and omg, i haven't read g&s but saw it being part 1 ?? and it's 17k ?? ily.
lastly, have you watched mama? i watched the whole show LMAO really enjoyed it especially stray kids' performance like omg have you seen it ?? theirs were probably the most extravagant, no cap. me and my friends were screaming in chat the whole time SJDFJFDKJ disappointed by the supposed "collab" of the 4th gens since it seemed like it was done with social distancing 😭 i expected them to be in one stage, not solo you know :"> loved the performance of the other groups too. the only reason why i stayed is because nct's performance was on the ending side ~.~ i waited until i got to watch all my stans <33
hope you have a great christmas !! will definitely send an ask once i find the time to read g&s. stay safe and happy !
- 🤡
hi there! I’m fine just finishing up my final project today. and oooh yeah make sure to stay safe >.< honestly I’m glad classes are online. I don’t wanna go out rn hakshsksjsj with many people not really trying to stay safe or be considerate of others I try to not go out much personally.
ah thanks I’m honestly just too soft to write angst and if I do I wanna make a happy ending sequel or smth if possible. I really don’t like tragic ends they hurt too bad 😂💦
Oooh congrats on getting bedo he’s so great! also yeah itto is already maxed out 😂😂 gorou is currently at level 70 and albedo is maxed and eula is at level 50/60 rn just on the quest now to get itto’s weapon. I got a skyward harp tho which is good for me bc I wanna use it on childe later on
I hope you enjoy g&s and yeah I didn’t watch the entirety of mama but I watched skz and ateez and ugh they were so good. oh I did watch the bloom of music stages (if that’s what they’re called hhhh) and honestly I actually liked the way it was done. the individual styles and themes for each really showed well and honesty being a design student really makes me appreciate composition and organizing a lot more so it really made me appreciate how they decided to organize the whole thing eheh. honestly I’m glad they’re still social distancing I was honestly a nervous wreck when I saw ppl at the award show what with rising cases in korea I hope every stayed safe >.<
I’ll look forward to your next ask and have good holidays yourself bub!!! always nice to hear from ya ^^
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friday12econlive · 3 years
Sean Huynh
ID 93941824
Managing Resources in Genshin Impact
Since the pandemic started, I’ve taken on new ventures. With quarantining and zoom university, there has been more time for me to partake in activities that I don’t think I would have done if school was still in-person: from eating out every week to only home-cooked meals, from never having the motivation to workout to doing yoga every other day, and from never having a PC to building my own. With a new computer, I was able to not only tackle all of my virtual assignments but was able to spend an unhealthy amount of time playing video games as well. One of these games is called Genshin Impact, an action role-playing game where players collect characters and build them up to their liking. 
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Trade-Offs and Opportunity Costs 
There are many instances in the game where the player (me) has to decide between choices that affect my gameplay. 
Summoning for Characters
The character summoning system in Genshin Impact runs as a gacha, where the player   spends fates (currency for rolling) or primogems (a premium currency to buy fates or other in-game resources, 1 fate = 160 primogems) into a character banner for a CHANCE to get the character(s) he/she wants. Whenever I summon a character, I have to think about whether I want to save for a future character’s release and how much I am willing to spend. For example, the character shown below took me 73 fates and 4800 primogems, which took me roughly 3 months to grind for. Had I not spent those fates, I would have been able to save them for a future character and thus my opportunity cost for summoning this character is the character I could’ve had later on as well as the other resources to level up characters I could have bought with my primogems. 
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Building Characters
Leveling up characters, their weapons, and their talents cost a ton of materials that can take months to farm. The opportunity cost of spending materials into one character are the other characters I could have leveled up (including future ones), as well as the time I could have saved from collecting materials had I not spent them. 
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Thinking at the Margin 
Every character in the game can be raised to a max of level 90, with an ascension stage at level 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80. For each of those stages, materials are required to unlock the ascension and allow me to level up my character to the next ascension stage. For me, I have found that the stat increase from level 80 to 90 is not significant enough for me to spend my resources to level them up to max. There are only significant boosts in stats whenever I ascend a character, and so I would just fully ascend my characters, but never level them up to all the way to 90. This is my way of thinking at the margin, as I deem the result from the final ten levels not worth the materials needed. 
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Demand and Supply 
Resin = Price
Resources = Quantity  
Although some resources can just be collected by killing in-game mobs and creatures, there are a handful of important resources (such as certain ascension and level up materials) that require resin. Resin is basically the “energy” needed to collect the resources from domains, places where the materials are obtained. At the game’s current state, the resin is capped at a max of 160, with a refresh rate of 1 every 8 minutes or roughly 21 hours for a full 160. Because the game’s content relies heavily on obtaining these materials, I find myself lacking the resin when I still need so many resources to level up my other characters. This is also why I only have about 5 characters built, while there are more than 10 in my entire roster of characters. Let’s say that the supply of resources is finite. At the moment, the game’s supply of resources is more than the equilibrium quantity, meaning that there is an excess in supply and that the quantity and resin cost (price) needs to be lowered in order to reach equilibrium OR the amount of resin provided to players needs to be increased. There is no shift/movement in the curves, just movement up and down the price. 
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Now let’s say that the demand and supply were at equilibrium. If  there were to be new events added to the game that required more resources to level up characters to participate. This would cause the demand curve to shift to the right, increasing the quantity demanded at each given price. Conversely, if there were more events implemented that rewarded more resources to players instead, then the supply curve would shift to the right which would increase the quantity supplied for each given price. 
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