coffinmotif · 11 months
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So I ask you, 'Demon King of Salvation'.
Who am I?
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doodles-bi-tea · 4 months
freddie stroma as live action laios tōden/touden when??? [look at tags]
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Warning- biggest rant you’ll probably ever see on this page. (Spn related.)
Okay, I’ve slightly rewatched s4 of supernatural, and when I say the parallels are absolutely disgustingly insane, I mean that. CAUSE WHY DID I JUST NOW REALIZE THAT THE FIRST EPISODE S4 EP1 Lazarus Rising IS PARALLELED WITH S4 EP22 Lucifer Rising?!?? LIKE HELLO?? and the fact that Lazarus, biblically, is known as “the savior”?? hello?? that Jesus literally brought him back from the dead?? how is this biblical parallel not talked about more, how Castiel literally gripped him right and raised him from perdition?? And also the fact that Lazarus was a beggar? that he was angry, hungry, and poor? is that not Dean, metaphorically, to a T? I am going absolutely feral over the connections I’m making and I don’t care if they were accidental, I will make those connections.
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babylon-crashing · 5 months
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random-xpressions · 1 year
There's this thing about souls who have loved solitude more than anything in this world - a certain calmness in their aura, a distinct charm in the way they carry themselves. While the world at large is busy chasing something or the other, here are the ones whose only goal is to retire into themselves, to spend more time inside their own heads for they have made the place so judgement free and so cozy & comfortable that these are the ones who are literally in love with themselves. This aspect has been so underrated that barely any is even aware of it. We spend a lifetime seeking our prince charming or our dream girl, all the while forgetting that there's a kind of love that you'll never find anywhere else - the grand romance of falling in love with oneself because it is at this space and this space alone where there is no distinction between the lover and the loved, there's no real count of two here. There isn't even a need of communication, all you've to do is to take that deep plunge into yourself, to see oneself clearly, to know oneself deeply, to look within and find there someone who's the best companion you could ever get. We have so looked into outside us, if for once we turned the direction and looked inward, we would realize what a splendid heaven we have been missing all this time. And now here's the beauty, when two souls who have thoroughly enjoyed their solitude and found perfect peace in it, their coming together will be more like a soulful song that's played in silence. The rapport will be almost instant, the bonding more stronger, because they're not coming to each other out of boredom or of any immense need for companionship. Their meeting is more like sharing their own slice of heavenly solitude with the other, there's no harm at all when they slip into the other, it is like moving from one home to another - the peace, the calm, the quietude, the tranquility, the contentment - its all present, whether you dwell in your own heart or in that of the other. I personally believe that love is only for those who treasure their solitude. One who's not content with himself can never find it in another..
Random Xpressions
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kidpix-album-covers · 4 months
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Papa Roach - The Connection (2012)
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
I know I keep talking about this like it’s a big thing but. why do they just keep looking at each other
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Is it just me? There’s like an emphasis on it
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mameeta · 9 days
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cowchickenbeefpork · 5 months
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now I like two npd having closeted repressed gay men who have done drugs. I’m DOOMED
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snoopyfan123 · 2 years
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Barbie 2023 / only god forgives 2013
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piovascosimo · 1 year
Paul Haslinger | The Connection
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halt-arrtay · 1 year
Chapter 1 Part 1
The iron sizzled and radiated heat as Zach drew the soon to be sword from the forge. Setting the metal on the large anvil, he picked his cross pein hammer up in a strong grip and struck the cooling weapon repeatedly. The sound of ringing metal reverberated up Zach’s arms and through his body, sending chills down his back. With every strike Zach could see in his mind’s eye the metal resonating with energy. He knew that with every strike, that energy would fold and align to make the metal even stronger.
“More heat?” Avery asked.
“Use ten second bursts” Zach said, nodding in assent. The strong wind gusts that Avery poured into the forge caused the flames to surge and change color from the normal red and yellow to a hotter blue and white hew. Zach slid the iron back into the flames and looked at Avery.
Avery’s frail body often left him subject to jokes but his expert control over the winds left most people quite literally eating his dust.
“How did the testing go?” Zach asked.
“It went well, Turned out I’m a second generation spark, Ciroono and Tinrith.” Avery said with pride.
“That’s good to hear. What did the instructor say about your ability?” Zach asked. Following with a strike on the metal.
“He said that my power was well developed considering my age and that I have potential to be a very powerful Caster in the future.” Avery responded.
“When do you leave?” Zach asked Avery.
“A week from tomorrow,” Avery said with a tinge of sadness in his voice. Zach pulled the metal out of the heat and worked on it, folding it and drawing out the metal.
“That’s good, did he say anything about the academy? Where you’ll be staying or what classes you will have?” Zach asked.
“No, not really. He only said that I will need a weapon of choice and a change of clothes,” Avery said.
“Oh, well I'm sure they will provide the rest of the necessary materials you will need for your education.” Zach said.
“I’m hoping so, I don’t want to dip into any of my savings for books,” Avery said.
“You know I'm going to miss you being my apprentice, right?” Zach said. He slid the metal back in the flames and he gave a pat on Avery’s shoulder.
“I know, but my ability could be used more effectively in Guard than in a blacksmith.”Avery said, he increased the pressure behind his wind and looked at Zach, “what you have taught me here, i will never forget. I am glad, thank you Zach.”
Before Zach could respond there was a tap at the front table. Both of them looked to the front table and saw Lieutenant Avner Seax standing there. His Graying hair was cut short and he had on his Guard’s man uniform on.
“Zach, I have a request for you.” Avner said.
“What kind of request?” Zach asked.
“A classified one,” Avern said.
“Avery, why don’t you go to the market and buy some ingredients for supper?” Zach prompted.
Once Avery had left the shop, Zach motioned Avner to enter.
”This envelope should have all the information you would need to complete my request.” Avner said, handing him a slip of paper.
Zach looked at the envelope and started in surprise. It had the seal of the royal family on it. Zach broke the seal and opened the envelope, he read it aloud.
Zach Carter-
I sir Halvin, have a request that I wish you to fulfill. I require a short sword for a young knight. I believe people call it a special project. I will provide all the materials you require and a large payment in return. I trust you to complete this request with as much speed you can muster.
-Robert Halvin
“So? Will you accept the request?” Avner said.
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Claim: London Calling might be used in s5
Evidence: First and foremost, this is a The Clash song. Anyone remember Should I Stay or Should I Go? And well, the duffers have repeatedly said they want to go back to the stuff they had been doing in Season 1. Also, let's have a look at the lyrics.
Now, literally it is supposed to refer to how the rock scene was about to come to an end in 1977. But with regards to the show? It could likely refer to how the first three seasons ended with a ray of hope (although that doesn't mean it didn't foreshadow darkness as well). But at the end of season 4, this has ceased. The town has been torn into four parts and everyone is leaving. The only positives that come from it are the reunions. Besides that, Hawkins has completely plunged into darkness. So "Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust" could refer to the illusion that the worst is behind them. It's yet to come.
Looking at you, Mike Wheeler. Since this lyric is in the first part of the song, it could mean they might address Mike's sexuality in the early episodes. Byler Endgame? Byler Endgame! It could also refer to the budding relationship between Robin and Vickie. I think Vickie is going to appear more frequently than she did in s4 and that she and Robin would have a heart to heart, again in one of the early episodes.
Well, it's an apocalypse. This lyric could refer to all their dwindling resources and how they have no time to lose (although we know there's gonna be a time jump). I think the Upside Down particles' entrance into the earth's atmosphere could have detrimental effects on human health. They certainly are going to address this, if it's true, since Stranger Things first and foremost is a sci-fi.
Definitely related to Jonathan's character arc. Argyle may have to go back to California since well, he has a family, doesn't he? Idk fr. Anyway, it could refer to Jonathan and Will being #siblinggoals again. Or it could refer to... Jonathan being Vecna'ed? I mean, it's possible. He'd survive it though, Will definitely knows his favourite song.
Zombie Boy? Yeah, it likely refers to the more central role Will (and as a consequence, Mike) is going to have. I don't exactly think Will would die since it has been said that he'll get a satisfying ending. But he could come close to death.
A reference to someone being Vecna'ed. Or probably a flashback to Max being Vecna'ed from Lucas's perspective? To show us something we may have missed? (Although y'all are eagle-eyed, I must say.)
Let's face it, a major character is going to die. And I'm of the opinion that the major character might be someone who just entered a relationship in s5. (Hopefully, they won't pull that stunt with byler those two are precious!) Because well, at the end of s3, Jopper planned a date but we know how that went... and at the end of s4, Lumax planned a date which didn't happen either but atleast it means Max isn't dead. In the same way, this is probably gonna happen in s5 too. And this time, someone might actually die.
El and One. Or in a more twisted way, Will and One. That connection is definitely gonna be explored.
Also, in the end of the song there's a Morse code message that says S-O-S. Could we expect a parallel to s2?
In conclusion, they're probably gonna use London Calling in s5.
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askteamsunshine · 1 year
Actually, related to the Manaphy stuff I was talking about the other night, I think Cas imprinted on them even before hatching. Their heart bonded with Angel and Kenina's after they were rescued as an Egg from the dungeon, and when they actually did hatch, latched onto them immediately and refused to be separated at the beginning.
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xlucidosomnium · 2 years
"You say that you need closure
Are you just giving up on us?"
Papa Roach - "Wish You Never Met Me"
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maudiemoods · 2 months
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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