#the absolute picture of sanity right here
unar-mage-ddon · 5 months
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maybe i shouldn't be reading into it that hard but remus is just a little weird to me
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justwinginglife · 1 month
Hello!! I absolutely love all your works and always look forward to them! I was wondering if you could write a story where Soshiro is tasked with overseeing y/n, who has been placed under his care as a punishment for reckless behavior in another division.
At first, y/n appears composed and polite when they meet, though sometimes a bit detached. However, on the battlefield, she reveals a completely different side—crazy obsessive over research, (just like Hange from Attack on Titan or Merlin from The Seven Deadly Sins.) She gets excited at any chance to learn something new, eagerly diving into every opportunity.
Y/n also has a sadistic side, often prolonging fights and tormenting her targets to satisfy her curiosity and ambition, showing little empathy towards the Kaiju she encounters. (And maybe kinda found hot out on the battlefield 😗 she can be gun or blade user, either one is fine!)
AHH thank you so much for the support!
Hoshina was shocked that you were here. 
He’d been told that you were reckless, rambunctious, crazy incarnate, a hellspawn, all manner of devious and disastrous. He’d been told he’d have his hands full with you, that any semblance of sanity he had would be ripped to shreds. He’d been told to expect the worst and then double it. 
So imagine his surprise when you showed up at his doorstep, smiling sweetly, so sweet he could almost taste the sugar dripping from your lips, looking prim and proper, salute at the ready, as you patiently awaited his orders. He looked at the transfer orders again, then back at you, then back at the orders. You couldn’t possibly be the devil they were describing. 
“Vice Captain, sir, is everything alright?” You spoke in a mild mannered tone and he could hardly believe his ears. 
He scratched his head. Then he held up the paper in his hands. “This is you, right?”
You nodded. “Yes sir, I’m your new transfer, pleasure to meet you. I look forward to working with you, Vice Captain, sir.” Respect practically oozed from your every word.
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, mumbling to himself, “Is the Second Division seriously just full of liars and gossips or what?” Then he ushered you inside the base and began taking you for a tour. 
He watched you curiously as he walked alongside you, but you never gave any indication that you were as wild as the rumors said. Eventually he began to relax. 
If he was honest with himself, he actually enjoyed your company. You laughed at his jokes, regarded him with high esteem (not everyone did), and seemed like a genuinely good person. You even made a big deal out of requesting a duel with him, stroking his ego by making him think it was a great honor to be trained by him. He was astounded to think anyone disliked you.
He’d been told that your transfer to the Third Division was your punishment for insubordination and disorderly conduct, but he thought that the way you conducted yourself was just fine. Was more than fine. He thought you were the perfect picture of an exemplary soldier and an exemplary person. 
And when he began overseeing your training, he was impressed even further by the grace and the skill you possessed. The ease with which you fought made him eager to stand beside you on the battlefield, so he assigned you to the front lines on your very first mission with the Third Division. His eagerness was his downfall. 
He was sure you’d make quick work of the Yoju before joining his takedown of the Honju, but you toyed with every single one, taking great pleasure in their torment. You were like a kid on Christmas, if that kid was maniacal and clinically insane. He found it impossible to ever erase the image of you smiling sinisterly, your eyes ablaze with a devilish gleam, cackling hysterically, as you slaughtered the Kaiju, and then kept slaughtering them even after they’d gone to their graves. The other soldiers around you shrunk back, wincing, as you massacred the Kaiju corpses, reveling in the desecration of their bloodied remains, even going so far as to giddily collect samples for further research. You found this gory landscape a playground and you were more than happy to play. You took such pleasure from demolishing these demons, from splattering their organs on the pavement, from grinding their matter into grime, that it was almost orgasmic. 
Hoshina was more than embarrassed to realize that the sight of you slaying each monster with such hunger and tenacity, with such joy and thrill, turned him on. He had been instructed to enforce punishment upon you, but he found himself wondering what your punishment on him would feel like. Would he find himself in whatever heaven you were enjoying right now? He shivered at the titillating thoughts that had begun to gnaw at his brain. 
When you finally turned your sights to the Honju and absolutely ravaged it, wreaking nothing less than total havoc and mayhem on its unsuspecting form, Hoshina had to actively stop himself from licking his lips. Was it wrong if he promoted you so soon?
He found you decently pleasant upon first meeting you, but now he was finding you increasingly more enticing with every passing minute. He wondered what it would be like to be ravaged by you and for a moment he envied the Honju. 
Of course, the Vice Captain in him knew that eventually you could grow to become a problem, but right now the Vice Captain was off duty. Right now, he was just Soshiro Hoshina, he was just a simple man. And as a man, he was defenseless against his urges. He was finding himself to be more and more like you, more unabashed and reckless, as he suddenly felt the overwhelming desire to take you right here, among these corpses, amidst the raging battle. Somehow he felt that you wouldn’t care if you were laid bare in the middle of the city, officers and citizens alike gaping, as they watched his lust devour you whole. 
But the obscenities quickly evaporated from his mind the moment he saw you were hurt. It was just a cut on the arm, nothing to be too concerned about; you hadn’t even noticed it yourself, as you were still riding out the high. But Hoshina snapped to attention. He raced to your side with bandages and alcohol to clean the wound. You were honestly shocked when he started attending to an injury you weren’t aware of, but his genuine kindness grounded you, brought you back to the present moment. And presently, you were touched. No one had ever cared about you enough to tend to you like this, no one had ever looked past your derangement long enough to care.
When you’d been reassigned, you’d been prepared to defend yourself, been prepared to go out kicking and screaming, clawing and biting. You were prepared for people to cross to the opposite end of the hallway or even just turn around and go the other way when they saw you coming. You were prepared for whispers and rumors, for malice and misintent. You were resigned to the fact that no one could meet your gaze. 
But Hoshina was looking right at you. He stayed right by your side through your whole frenzy, and he never faltered, and he never fumbled. He kept pace, and even had the audacity to be entertained by your crazy. Was he crazy? 
You wanted to ask him but you didn’t want to ruin the moment. 
He finally broke the silence. “You know, I could always ask the cleanup crew to save some organs for you. For research purposes.”
Your eyes lit up but you were still wary, still unwilling to let yourself dream.
“And I could maybe see about getting you a lab somewhere.” He continued.
The more he talked, the more you wanted to kiss him. 
“I just need you to focus on taking down the Kaiju as quickly as you can so we don’t risk any more lives and then I can get you anything and everything you want afterwards, understood?”
You nodded eagerly. 
He smiled.
Your heart melted.
“You can talk, you know. I won’t hold anything against you.”
You bit your lip. “I know, Vice Captain, sir. Thank you, sir. I appreciate the offer. I’ll… I’ll do my best. For you. Sir.”
He laughed and ran a hand through his hair. “You know you can just call me Hoshina. You don’t have to be so formal all the time.”
“Of course, Vice Captain, sir. I will try my best to not be so formal, sir.”
He laughed again. “Work in progress, huh? I’m okay with that.”
You blushed. You weren’t sure how to process whatever mangled mess of emotions you were feeling right now and you felt pathetic that blushing was what you were resigned to at the present moment. 
Whenever you met with Death, your blades clashing with his scythe, you met him with no fear. You welcomed Death. You fed him souls, sent demons to his door, swords in hand. You weren’t afraid to die on the battlefield, Death was an old friend. But whatever monstrosity you were now feeling, that, you were afraid of. That was a whole different beast. 
As you gazed into Hoshina’s eyes, you felt the red alert go off in your mind. 
Proceed with caution.
But you fell in love with him anyway, the way you did everything else- with reckless abandon. 
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anxi-aashi · 7 months
ok i dont have the energy to put this into a fic rn but i CANT stop thinking about college au! childe almost walking in on you while you're getting yourself off.
like he'd still knock of course, but it would scare the absolute shit out of you. instead of hanging out with your roommates that he's friends with (who are most certainly NOT gathered in your room) he'd be all "hey pookie can i come bother you I'm bored," while you're fully sat on a dildo.
and bc you wouldnt want to seem suspicious, you'd say sure, just a sec! and immediately run to throw the sopping wet toy into your bathroom sink before letting him in.
and he's just too observant for his own good. "hey you ok? you seem out of breath" yeah because you were.... working out! "really? you're not sweating though?" CHILDE DROP IT OMFG but he wouldn't. he just asks so many goddamn questions and you honestly can't tell if he's just fuckign with you or if he's just genuinely concerned for you. what were you doing? pilates? so thats why you're walking a bit weird? how tf were you not sweating after pilates? oh you just started? well sorry to interrupt!
yeah.... you're sorry too -_-
but hes here now so you offer to watch a movie and hang out, nevermind the cum threatening to run down your leg. "sure! you pick smth out and ill go to the bathroom real quick!" he says and curse your post-orgasm clouded mind for not being quick enough to warn him bc now he's standing in front of you, dildo in his hand, looking at you knowingly.
youre mortified obviously. the two of you are cordial but not THAT close and god you can almost picture the slick and cum that's smearing all over his hand now. why is he holding it for fucks sake???
childe wouldnt be merciful either -- this is a fucking gold mine for him. "well, i guess this is a workout" and you would like the earth to swallow you up so that you don't have to look at him with that shit-eating grin that's creeping up his face.
hed switch the dildo to his other hand and start opening and closing his fingers together, making webs of cum string in between. "you said you just started?" no, you'd have to refute, that part was a lie.
"and you were getting off with this?" and now WHAT was that supposed to mean bc there was truly nothing wrong with the dildo size!!! it was perfectly fine, it did its job. sure it could be a tad bit longer, but you had bills to pay. he lets it go (with a judgemental eyebrow raise), but when he opens his mouth again to ask "what were you doing?" you almost wish he had kept making fun of your tiny ass toy. "were you using your hands or the suction cup?"
god he'd have a dangerous look on his face by now, lidded eyes looking at you like you were gonna be his next meal; pitching his voice just a tad bit lower just to see you squirm.
"you don't have to answer, but i would really, really like to know." aaaaaand there it goes. there's goes the last bit of your sanity bc huhh?? huuuuhh??? dear lord i would fully melt into a puddle we love a man that can make consent sexy.
fuck it, right? yeah, you were using the suction cup. "yeah? you like riding dick?" SHFBAN;DNSJF;F GODDDD
"you got any other toys?" yes sirrr yes I do, got a vibrator right over there in the nightstand. and duh now he's gotta follow up with "ever use both?"
which you have. who hasn't? but you usually only use it for quickies, you say. don't want it to be over too fast, ya know?
but then. thennnnnn he'd hit you with this: "you still horny?"
lorddddd you have NO idea, but you don't say that lest it get to his head (but lets be honest, he knows what he's doing; he knows how desperate he's making you). so he walks up to you, finally, and hands you your dildo, all sticky and starting to dry by now.
"well don't stop on my account."
and he plops down on your bed, manspreading just the tiiiiiniest bit to where you can see the tent in his pants.
which is how you find yourself back in your desk chair, thighs burning from fucking yourself on a dildo you now know is much smaller than whatever childe is packing while he just watches, palming his cock over his pants.
anyways gonna go work on my wips now lolololololololoolo
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
I've been thinking a lot about medieval longbowman Hob,,, and how a modern alternative might be gymbro Hob,,, the kind of gymbro who bulks and gets really strong and is just an absolute unit,,, and so i dug up this ole gym dreamling encounter from discord, and here we are!! The Hob I'm picturing here is an unholy amalgamation of comics!Hob in 1389, and Ferdie. So make of that what you will!
Fuckin' Resolutions
Dream is not the kind of person who makes New Year's resolutions. He's the kind of person who prefers to repeat his mistakes over and over and then yell at everyone who says “I told you so!” But. Dream is now in possession of a membership to his local gym, courtesy of his least favourite sibling. They obviously thought it would be a funny joke. Dream is out to prove them wrong.
And so, kitted out in a brand new pair of shorts (black) and a tank top (also black), as well as new trainers (you guessed it: black), he enters the gym. It is a new year. He can do new things. Maybe going to the gym will be the solution to the puzzling mess that is his life.
Naturally, Dream chooses the foyer area – what seems to be a writhing mass of people to his anxious eyes – in which to embarrass himself.
Scanning the various arrows pointing off in different directions, hoping that one of them might tell him where to go, he loses concentration. It really is quite overwhelming, with a myriad of classes, workout areas, lockers, and even a small snack bar. Dream looks around, wildly lost. And he walks right into something very warm, and very soft.
"Woah!" The warm and soft something says. "You okay there?"
Dream pulls himself backwards like he's been burned. In front of him stands a broad, smiling man, about the same height as himself. He's rather sweaty, and he smells… good.
Dream mumbles something about a yoga class that sounds nonsensical even to his own ears, but the man nods along seriously. He's entirely focused on Dream’s words, and he seems quite absentminded as he pulls the hem of his t-shirt up and uses it to wipe the sweat from his nose.
Dream’s mumbling trails off to a complete stop and he just gazes straight ahead. Hiding beneath the man's inconspicuous t-shirt was, apparently, the most gorgeous, soft, godly stomach. It bounces slightly once freed from the fabric. The rest of his torso is just as thick, and Dream even catches sight of his pecs peeking out. They're the kind of muscley-soft that should absolutely be illegal, if only for the sake of Dream’s sanity. And hairy, too. From his chest to the waistband of his shorts, thick body hair curls lovingly across his skin. It glistens faintly under the bright lighting, drops of sweat looking more like the golden highlights in a painting
The guy raises an eyebrow as Dream continues to stare. "Whoops! T-shirt kind of hides all that, right? Sometimes it's a surprise for me too!"
And what a wonderful surprise, Dream thinks. The guy is still giving him a free view of his belly, apparently unbothered by Dream’s gawping mouth. He can't stop looking at the little spills lovehandle over the waistband of the man's shorts. The man angles himself one way, then the other, like he's showing himself off. He even flexes his chest.
"I'm sorry." Dream stutters. "I think I may be having some kind of sexual awakening?"
The guy laughs – nearly making Dream faint outright as he watches the gentle shaking of his stomach. "You're very sweet. I really didn't mean to flash you like that." Tragically, he pulls the t-shirt down again. But he does offer Dream his hand in recompense.
"I'm Hob. Would it be okay if I show you the way to the yoga class?"
Dream nods dumbly. He isn't so much shaking Hob’s hand as he is holding it. The t-shirt tents over his belly, but the rest of him is still sturdily visible. Thickly muscular arms and thighs, wide shoulders, a warmly smiling mouth. Dream might as well have met Apollo the sun god himself in the middle of the gym. This man is certainly more magnificent than any classical figure.
"I'm Dream." He says, meekly. Hob has started walking, pulling him along by the hand. Dream takes one devastating glance at his arse (it's right in front of him!) and wonders hysterically whether his face is as bright red as it feels. He's never thought to describe another man's arse as pendulous before, but there's something hypnotic in the swaying motion created by all that soft flesh.
Hob turns and offers him another bright smile. "Yes, you are. Very dreamy." He allows Dream to come up right alongside him, and drops his voice to a theatrical whisper. "You know, cute boys at the gym don't usually look at me like that. Not unless they think I'm not looking, anyway."
Dream makes a disbelieving noise.
"I know! They don't know what they're missing. Once you come over to the dark side, you never go back." Hob continues, with a jaunty wink. And Dream feels the tips of his ears begin to sizzle. He must be bright red from head to toe, surely. He squeezes Hob’s hand (which he still, incomprehensibly, holding) in an attempt to convey his agreement. Hob, for whatever reason, squeezes back.
"Well, here we are. Yoga class is in there." They come to stop somewhere along a corridor. Dream hasn't been paying attention and has no idea how he'll find his way out of the building.
"Thank you." He manages, and clears his throat. "I am sorry. If my staring was in any way offensive."
Hob’s eyes twinkle and he plucks at the front of his t-shirt idly, pulling it up an inch or two. Dream gets a glimpse of soft lower belly for his troubles. "Not at all. Feel free to objectify me any time." He leans close, and bumps Dream gently with his hip. "In fact. I'll be very disappointed if you don't have at least three more sexual awakenings when you watch me doing downward dog."
And with that, he enters the yoga class, leaving Dream to stumble after him.
The yoga teacher is a very nice woman called Rachel, and there are at least a dozen people in the class. Dream actually feels quite comfortable hiding towards the back of them. Hob is a row in front of him, and he winks over his shoulder. He's absolutely divine to look at from behind – everything is taunt and muscular from his shoulders to his calves. Except for his arse, which carries a healthy load of fat. Dream has spent most of his life looking at men with lustful intent, but never has he seen a man like Hob. This is a man who could draw a longbow, or heft a battleaxe. He could scoop Dream over his shoulder and carry him like a bag of flour, should the need arise.
And, as it turns out, he is devastatingly flexible. It seems almost unfair. Somewhere along the line, Dream just finds himself staring, transfixed, as Hob contorts into pose after pose. His thighs flex, his shoulders remain steady as ever, and Dream gets another lovely little peep of those sweet lovehandles. After the class, Rachel praises Dream for knowing his limits and not pushing himself too hard. He doesn't have the heart to explain to her why he spent most of class standing with his mouth half open.
Hob is waiting by the door when Dream scurries away from the other class attendees, with his yoga mat strategically positioned in front of his crotch. He smirks, and once again pulls his t-shirt up to wipe his face. He's not even sweating, particularly.
Dream is sweating. A lot.
“I don't suppose you'd fancy a little post-workout drink? You can get a decent protein shake around here.” Hob quirks an eyebrow upwards. “Or I could just help you find the showers?”
“Showers.” Dream breathes out, clutching his mat tighter. “Please. I think you need to make up for the absolute mess you've made of me, this afternoon.”
Hob looks very pleased with himself indeed, and he wraps his arm around Dream’s waist. It's an intimate gesture that makes Dream throb from head to toe. “I may make a mess, but I always clean up after myself.” Hob murmurs.
Dream's hand brushes Hob’s arse is passing as they start walking… and he can really only hope that Hob is telling the truth about cleaning up. If only for the sake of his brand new shorts…
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drea-ms · 3 months
BABY IM BORED. casket ; modern baseball
two. barbie dreamhouse tycoon
exes and what not | masterlist | NOT what i was planning
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Yuuta knows that this is a bad idea. Hell, ever since Yamazaki was in the picture he knew. But that didn't stop him from causing the problems that had happened. Is he a good person for it? No. But does it feel so good? Absolutely. And maybe he shouldn't have been influenced by the brunette, Yamazaki was like a mirage, she knew how to get people on her side when she wanted to.
And he had to at least give her credit for that. But right now, the raven haired boy is furious. When the two decided to team up, they made a deal not to interact with each other with the fear of getting found out (mostly by Yuuta.), and it worked perfectly fine! Up until today. He wonders if he's getting caught to soon. He hopes he doesn't.
For now, he'll play the part as a wet blanket for both his friends, you, and sanity.
Or at least until he can.
Who knows?
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#val ; chat....how do i feel about slow burn (i am in a block)? but!!!!!! who would've guessed that yuuta is evil??? 😈 evil yuuta MY GOAT (yandere? yuuta i lob him) i rlly don't know what to type here
taglist (open)
@lysaray @hyenagoated @frumira @mo0nforme @hearts4milan @mixzimi @ashfrommyfire @ichcocat @okkvtsu @stxrgiirl-blog @sad-darksoul @bloombb @jayathelostdragon @riellereads @r0ckst4rjk @nyxlai @casabaswrld @strxkbylightning @dremerys @elite-xypher @soy-garbage @shuuji71 @huhsthccvjh @lemonnotade @sc1twi @ikeoksan
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whumpzone · 1 year
Linden & Colton - 29
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, vague allusions to past noncon, self hatred
Colton woke. His palm was sweaty and hot. A headache was slowly draining from his skull. There was no morning light, and no… bedroom. Instead, there was the dark living room. He felt as if he had slept for years. 
Shifting slightly, he realised two things: he was sweaty all over, his palm particularly so because his Master was holding it loosely. 
Col’s eyes followed Master’s arm up from his hand, and he saw that he was unmoving, breathing evenly with his eyes closed. 
Safe for now, he lay back down. He was absolutely exhausted, although he had no right to be. All he’d done was cry and slept- slept- on the furniture. 
He gasped, then pressed the knuckles of his free hand to his mouth to shut himself up. He felt so dizzy and disoriented. What time was it? Why was it dark? What on earth had he been thinking, getting up on Master’s sofa like some stray?
He suddenly realised he was squeezing Master’s hand, and Master, in his dream-state, was squeezing back. It shouldn’t have, but it made Col calm down. 
He had made an absolute spectacle of himself. Crying, howling, begging Master not to leave him. 
And Master had kept his promise. He was still here. Col felt a surge of gratitude, different to how it usually felt. The familiar gratitude that ran through him when he was allowed food, or sleep, was utterly eclipsed by this. Master had no need to stay. Col knew that his old Master would have kicked him in the stomach until he shut up, or just gagged him and locked the basement door.
Here, Col had been held, comforted, and now Master was still with him, like he was protecting him from something. 
His old Master’s friends. He winced as he remembered exactly what had set him off in the first place. No, no. I don’t want to remember. 
It was just what bad dogs got, but Master had seemed so genuinely disgusted- with Col? Disgusted that his pet was even more used up than he’d thought?
His mind whirred until he felt his brain would overheat. Master was horrified about what happened, part of him said, the part that was softer and further away, that was so naive it made Col cringe. He pictured himself - his most pure, real self, his sanity - curled up in his mind, shielding his face with his arms, his legs pulled up to protect his stomach. Things didn’t hurt as badly as they could when he was like that. If he started to believe all of the kind words that Master said, and the thoughts he sometimes had in his weaker moments, it would be like letting his inner self relax, just a bit. Taking away some of the tension in his legs, maybe even lowering his arms to look out at the world. Once he did that, it would hurt so much more the next time. Col wouldn’t let that happen. 
He frowned deeply and tried to regain some composure. Master had fallen asleep out of tiredness, not because he had granted Col’s plea to not be left. It was Col who had engineered this, who’d taken advantage of his Master’s kindness and spent the entire night curled up beside him, holding his hand like a loved one when he was, in fact, nothing. Master would wake and be so sickened that he would finally kick Col out. 
And Col was weak. He was cowardly and scared. He just couldn’t handle it, not yet. Not yet, he repeated. Soon he’d come up with a plan. He’d figure out what his next steps would be once Master made him leave. 
He once again became aware of the feeling of his hand in his owner’s. Master’s grip was light with sleep, purposeful enough to be holding him, but not pressing into his injuries or pulling or hurting. That could, would, change when Master woke up. How could he ever think he was safe? How deluded and complacent had he become? 
You’re not a lap dog, he reminded himself, although it was his old owner’s voice he heard. You’ll never be one. You’ll never be loved, or treasured. Do you understand that, Pet?
Yes, Master, Col had replied when he was first told this. The words hadn’t stung. It was important that he knew. 
Good boy. You know your place. 
His training was starting to stumble, now that he was in Master’s house. He so wanted to believe all of Master’s kind words, to slip into them like a quilt and bury himself in their warm folds, sinking deeper, deeper, believing that he hadn’t deserved what happened at those parties. 
You hadn’t, the other voice said again, and Col screwed his eyes up, because it hurt to have to fight it off. But what choice did he have? 
Slowly, hardly daring to breathe, Col slid his hand free of his Master’s. The only sound was his own heart, pounding at the sudden tension. How could he have woken up and ever felt calm about this? Why had he lay there, thinking, deciding what to do next as if he ever had a choice? His own hatred for himself was growing in density. He hated the darkness, and the silence. He had endured enough of both to last him forever. Things were so much more simple when it was daytime, when the sunlight spread over the house like a balm, and his Master was happy and calm and talking to him.
God, but it was night and he was alone in the truest sense of the word, and he just couldn’t stop fucking thinking.
He unfolded his stiff legs (they used to always be stiff, from kneeling or being bound for hours on end, but now Master let him walk and stretch them, and he was taking that for granted too) and carefully lowered his hands and knees to the floor, praying that nothing would creak. Nothing did. He tried to breathe at a normal pace again. 
His eyes had adjusted to the pitch blackness by now. There was a dip in the sofa where Col had been lying, but there was nothing he could do about that. Besides, he wasn’t trying to conceal what he’d done. He was just trying to mitigate it, because he was a good boy. 
A dog, he corrected himself. A slave. God, why did you do that? You know how ugly you are when you cry. You’ve seen yourself in the mirror, it’s horrifying, it’s like a monster. You looked like that for a good half an hour last night, and Master saw, he saw everything and he’ll never forget. 
And your body looks so bad. He’ll have looked away from your face and seen your body instead. Oh my god, why would you put him through that? 
You swore you’d keep it together in this new house, you’d be good and make it work, but you fuck everything up. Everything you touch gets ruined sooner or later. How can you even go upstairs to the room he lets you stay in? 
Col stared at the floor. If Master had a basement, he’d go there. But then again, if Master had a basement he would never have needed to give up his spare room. Col could prove that he shouldn’t have gone to the trouble. 
There was a neat little space in the corner of the living room, between the wooden TV stand and the wall, where Col would fit nicely. He crawled over and nudged himself into place. There he knelt, watching as Master slept. He would probably be angry that he’d spent all night on the sofa, but Col didn’t dare wake him up. 
He hoped he looked like a good slave, on his knees and ready to serve. It must have been the dead of night, because he didn’t make it to morning. He fell into sleep with his head resting against the wall, and although kneeling was second nature, it wasn’t the position he would have chosen if he had let himself have that freedom. He would have chosen to curl up on the floor, with his legs to his chest, and his arms around his face.
taglist part 1:
@newbornwhumperfly @whumpadump1939 @firewheeesky @whump-me-all-night-long @captain-seconds @grizzlie70 @unicornscotty @lave-whump @princessofonwardsworld @cupcakes-and-pain @bumbumbea @whumpfigure @yet-another-heathen @secretwhumplair @whumps-up @as-a-matter-of-whump @getyourwhumphere @itzagoodthing @whumpymirages @soapparentlyilikewhumpnow @the-monarch-whumperfly @penny-for-your-whump @legallylibra @angel-stars @loyds-of-registry @tears-and-lilies @badluck990 @rosesareviolentlyread @vickytokio @neuro-whump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpsy-daisies @control-whump @theydy-cringeworthy @starnight-whump @cursedandtired @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @justabitofwhump @glamrockgregory @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @genesissane @justbreakonme @addyez @httyd-chocolate @littlespacecastle @haro-whumps @extrabitterbrain @neverthelass @downrivergirl914
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inthestarsme · 2 years
Astro Observations pt. 6
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These pictures are not mine! Left: "the massivist", right: "kippery" (both in pinterest).
‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
I very much respect non-binary or trans people. If i'm talking about man or woman, i'm talking about cis-men or woman i know, because often, due to societal coding/standards, there can be differences depending on the gender. But it could very much apply to you if you are non-binary or trans. Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, as spiritual people like to say.🫶🏻
If you don't agree with my observations, please don't send any hate. They're only my personal observations that i'm posting just for fun. Especialy the specific ones can only apply to certain people. So don't take anything you read too seriously. It's not a science, just pop-astrology!😎
Hey, i'm back! I've been struggeling with my mental health lately, which is why i didn't really post much. But i've been seeing all your likes and all these new people following me and it makes me very happy to know that people can resonnate with my observations!
I hope you enjoy this one! Let's go!
Jupiter conjunct MC: This is more of a speculation than an observation, but i feel like jupiter conjunct the mc could mean being known by the public for being a husband or being known for being the husband of someone or being known because of your husband? Or for doing something with your husband? I don't think this is the typical interpretation of this placement, but because of jupiter being the archetype of the husband, i feel like this could fit.
Ruler of your Ascendant conjunct your MC or conjunct planets which are conjuct the MC: I have noticed this kind of placement with celebrities who aren't just known for the work they do, but also their personality and their looks. And not a personality you put on as a show, your real personality. This could be the thing that actualy gets you famous, or what you are just best known for. Or just the thing that really pushes your public image and career.
Saturn 3rd house: Your friends could really bring you some trouble i life. For example, Kylie Jenner has this (no further explenation needed i think) and Billie Eilish who talked about loosing close friends to her because they died in tragic ways. So be careful with the friends you choose and alway tell your good friends to stay safe.
Saturn 11th house: This one can also talk about friends but i feel like this is more about not being able to fit into a bigger group or just group of friends. Bullying and being outcasted is a big thing here, while in the 3rd house it's more a one on one problem with friends.
Lilith in the 11th house: Talking about bullying, this is also an indication for that happening. I have this placement and people in bigger groups always had a problem with me because (so i think) they always saw me as too rebellious or out of the norm. Not because i was too sexually expressive (i'm adding this one because this could also have to do with it), but because i just always did things my way, even though i knew it would get me in trouble, and if someone then bullied me or anything like that, i would just be more rebellious as a form of revenge, which in the end didn't help me. I now learned that sometimes it's just better for my own mental sanity and safety to not fight back, even though fighting back is my natural instinct.
Your Ascendant in your partners 7th house or conjunct their descendant (and vice versa): This one is a big indication for the relationship/ marriage being a long term one, even life long. I don't know if i would say this means this is your absolute soulmate (i think for that you would have to add venus or north node into it), but you two probably share a very strong bond and a lot of love for each other, which keeps you together for a long time.
A lot of planets in your 7th house: I've seen this with relatives who's life kind of revolved around their marriage/ life partner or just put a lot of time, energy and focuse into their marriage.
Mars conjunct venus, especially if in the 7th house: If it's well developed, it can mean a lot of passion in love, especialy in the bedroom. But underdeveloped, it can also mean being very aggressive and prone to fighting when in love and in a relationship. So watch out for this one if you're reading your partners chart.
The house of your sun: I kind of talked about this before, but the house your sun is in can really influence how your sun sign expresses itself. So don't just look at the sign of your sun, also look at the house!
North Node conjunct Ascendant: I think one of the biggest soul lessons in your life is finding love and time for yourself instead of just your partner or other people you love. You come into this life with a big focus on the people you love, but you struggle with focusing on yourself and loving yourself. It's not about not caring about your loved ones, but also putting the same love and attention you give to them also to yourself. The south and north node is about balance, not just moving from the south to the north node.
North node in the 5th house: I feel like we always feel the need to be part of a group, and even if we are rebellious and have problems fitting in (i talked about my lilith in the 11th house), we always search for a group where we can finally have a place in. Wanting to be seen as "cool" and "populare" is a big one here. If you are being bullied, you might even try to still fit in, or if not (because you have a lilith placement like i have lol) you just keep on searching for a group to fit in. But the lesson here is to do things for yourself, to find peace in just being by and for yourself, no matter if you fit into group or not. You need to learn to express yourself creatively and just have fun with your own mind and feelings. You might find a group where you can fit in, but you will never find one that fits into your life and your needs, if you don't care about yourself enough already.
This one was a little harder for me, because i was lacking charts of people i know. But i hope you could still resonate with it. I wish you the best and see you next time! Bye! 🫶🏻
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luxury-nightmare · 2 months
mom says it’s my turn on the writing
tw for mentions of abuse. Nothing to graphic because I cannot write well enough to write something like that with the tact required but it’s there. I would’ve removed it but the video where I get most of my info from described Jack Walker as an “abused toy store owner” and this is what I picture
I do not condone any of the of the actions mentioned in the section and I will take this fic down if it triggers anybody. Jack is an unreliable narrator in this section and I do not believe his thought process
Section starts at “Away from her” and ends at “He moved into the office down the hall.”
Hiding a velidgun from the asylum was way easier than it should have been.
He had been sneaking Klaus into the asylum to keep an eye on him. The velidgun was young, in both lives he had lived, and believe it or not, it’s kinda hard to hire a babysitter for a pink mouse demon that feeds on your sanity.
He knew this was a stupid idea, but the asylum would get suspicious if he took too many days off, and telling Klaus to use his illusions to hide himself whenever anyone walked in was surprisingly effective. He had been trying to keep himself busy as he worked, but Klaus asked a lot of questions.
“Hey Mort?” He asked. Mortimer looked up from his desk and at the young velidgun “yes Klaus?” He said. Klaus leaned against Mortimer’s chair “why do you work here?”
Mortimer put his pencil down. “It pays well, why?” Klaus fidgeted with the pen he was holding “do you, want to work here?” He asked, disgust in his voice. Mortimer rolled his eyes “Absolutely not” he snarled.
“Then why are you here?” Klaus replied bluntly. Mortimer paused, stewing over his thoughts. “I have to, who else would hire, y’know” he gestured to his body. It had been a particularly bad day for his symptoms. The stripes were fully defined now, and his face was completely obscured by inky shadows, two yellow eyes peaking out of the blackness.
“So?” Klaus shrugged, standing up and looking at Mortimer with confusion “can’t you just use your illusions to look human like Auncle Alex does?”
“They haven’t kicked in yet.” Mortimer said.
He still didn’t know why Alex was still making themself look human. They knew what they were, what they were becoming, and they all accepted it. Why would they need to deny it?
Maybe they still hadn’t accepted it themself.
Klaus’s crestfallen face struck at something in Mortimer’s heart. “I never wanted to be here,” he started before he could stop himself “I had a show I wanted to make, got the degrees and learned how to animate. Drew for it a lot too. But it takes a lot of money to start up a show that maybe won’t make it back. I needed a steady job so I could start it up eventually, but now I’m stuck here,”
A hit of malice snuck out of his voice as he spoke those last few words. He shook himself out of it, “it’s not all bad though, I guess.” He finished, then turned to look at Klaus, who looked almost lost in thought.
“Alex said something about a ‘candy mouse’ when I was first created, that was your show wasn’t it” Mortimer blinked a couple times. He had hit the nail right on the head. “Yeah” he said, putting his hand on Klaus’s head
“You look just like him”
Needless to say Klaus was bored.
Mortimer said that he needed quiet to work, and Klaus could understand. He didn’t like loud noises very much either.
But what Mortimer didn’t tell him was that his work hours were so long.
The hunger was back
He had been looking through some of the older papers in the back of the office, some older concept art for Candy Mouse that Mort was to sentimental to throw away. Klaus was drawn to them as well. These are technically where he was created, he shared a face with Mort’s favorite character after all.
Some drafts of older character were stored back here, and Klaus got a good look at them. An odd fusion of a snake and a bat dressed as a news reporter, a demon-like character with twisted horns, and in the very back, a green rabbit character.
Klaus quickly became fascinated with this particular draft, digging through the papers and cardboard boxes to find more drawings. He bumped into a particular box with a bit to much force, leaving a dark stain on the cardboard.
“Klaus?” He heard Mortimer’s voice from the desk. He barely noticed until the animator was right behind him. Mortimer had a pension for appearing unnoticed. Klaus jumped and knocked the box with the stain over, spilling drawings all over the floor. “Oh, careful there” Mortimer turned to clean up the mess “I was just coming over to tell you it’s time to go.” He moved the drawings into a pile, then turned to put them back in the box.
He paused, looking at the box, then back at Klaus. “Did it look, like that when you saw it?” Klaus turned back to the box.
A box now completely covered in deep, black ink.
The two watched in confusion as the ink dripped off the cardboard , revealing green patterns that resembled a Jack-in-the box.
“Honestly, I’m too tired to be worried about that right now” Mortimer sighed. Klaus was still confused, but moved closer to Mortimer “come on, let’s go home”
Jack had been here since the Halloween incident. He had been offered a janitorial position in the asylum, and with Grimso’s not doing so well after the break-in, he had taken it. The shifts were long, but any excuse he had not to be at home, he would take.
Away from her.
He shudders. Dear lord he needed to man up. A couple mean words wouldn’t kill him.
His check still burned from the times she had slapped him
He moved into the office down the hall. This one belonged that animator guys he believed, Mortimer Gray. He was not looking forward to this.
He opened the door and sure enough, the place looked like a tornado had run through it. Papers and pencils were strewn across every surface. He sighed, and grabbed his broom. This was going to be a long night.
As he turned the corner though, something caught his eye. A box. He turned to get a better look at the thing, accidentally dropping his broom as if in a trace. The thing remained him of an old school Jack-in-the-box, with elaborate designs and twisting green patterns covering every surface. It almost gave him a headache to look at.
Why would an animator need this? Better yet, why would the asylum even give it to him? Was it a personal belonging? He had found weirder stuff in here before.
He couldn’t help himself, he opened the lid and looked inside.
He was greeted with a darkness so intense he swore the world look brighter when he finally managed to tear his eyes off the thing. He stepped back. Something was wrong about this thing, and he wasn’t about to find out what. He grabbed his broom and moved out of the office, planning to just come back later.
Then something grabbed his ankle.
He looked back in horror to see a goopy black tendril emerging from the box. He tried to run, but the thing dragged him towards the box’s open maw no matter how hard he squirmed. He tried to bat it off with his broom the no avail.
The box’s open lid looked more and more like a predators jaws as he was dragged closer to it. He watched in horror as his foot was dragged into the darkness.
And suddenly, the darkness was looking back with yellow eyes.
His screams blended in with the patients.
Mortimer walked into his office, tired from the night before. Alex had volunteered to look after Klaus, and he just needed to work.
So when he found a new velidgun lounging on his desk, emerging from the box from last night like a Jack-in-the-box from hell, he was both shocked, confused, and incredibly frustrated.
Dear Six Lord he had made another one.
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sonofatoasterwaffle · 5 months
Port in a Storm
“Hey, Buck, could you-“ Hen's hitting the top step when he hisses back “Shh!” 
She glances at Chimney for a sanity check, considering cuffing the back of Buck’s head for that, but he’s sitting on the couch, stock still, Eddie snoring gently against Buck’s shoulder. “Can’t move.” He explains.
Hen has to chuckle. “He’s not a cat, buck” 
She drops into the armchair closest to him, and he stops scrolling his phone with his free hand to look at her. “If I’m a golden retriever, Eddie is most definitely a cat.”
Chim nods like he can’t argue as he takes the seat across from them. “Hates attention except when he doesn’t, very protective over his young, great hair.” He counts off each thing as he says it. 
Hen supposes she doesn’t disagree. “He’s not sleeping at home right now, is he?” 
Buck sighs. “Based on the twitter links he’s been sending in the middle of the night, it seems like no.” 
Eddie, for his part, seems well and truly out. He’s sprawled low on the couch, boots bumping up against the coffee table, head lolled to the right against Buck and his arm slung over Buck’s leg, fingers curled under Buck’s knee like he’s afraid his human pillow might abandon him. “Has he been like this since I went to run flashcards?” 
“I literally can’t feel my arm.” Buck admits, but it doesn’t sound like he has any intention of moving. 
“You gotta feel for the guy.” Chim says, biting into a muffin from a batch someone left earlier this week. “Kid at home, dealing with grief, dealing with us.” 
Hen hums. At least he’s not alone, she thinks, catching the soft look in Buck’s eyes as he glances down at Eddie. She’s not sure if those two will ever realize what they have, but she supposes it doesn’t really matter as long as they don’t give it up. “So, you can’t help me move the medical supplies shipment.” 
“Performing a public service, here, Hen.” 
Chim snickers something about exactly what kind of servicing Buck would like to do for Eddie, but he’s resolutely ignored. Hen supposes Buck’s right. High-strung Eddie is annoying and sleep-deprived Eddie is pathetic and both at once makes her parenting instincts flare up like crazy, so it’s better for all of them if he gets a little rest. Even at the expense of Buck’s circulation. 
Eddie murmurs something in Spanish, nuzzles his nose into Buck’s neck and breathes deep. Buck’s as red as the ladder truck but he still doesn’t move, except to flip Chim off. “Leave him alone.” 
Chim throws up his hands, still grinning. “Easy, loverboy, I’m not coming for your man.” 
And Buck looks absolutely murderous but he’s powerless to stop Chimney from snapping a picture. He does leave the finger up for it. “I could easily throw you.” He threatens when his phone chimes with the inevitable group chat notification. 
“But Maddie would be so sad if you murdered me.” 
“Yeah, maybe you should think about that before doing murder-worthy shit.” 
Eddie stirs a little, and Buck relaxes back into the couch, free hand reaching over to thumb over Eddie's arm, and he immediately settles. “You guys are so gross I love it.” Chim crows, snapping another photo. 
“At some point, he’s gonna wake up, and then you’re gonna have to start running.” 
Hen goes back to her flashcards. Chim’s on his own with that one, she’s not taking the bullet for teasing she didn’t get to do. She gives Buck a sympathetic smile when he grouses “I’m never gonna hear the end of this, am I?” 
“Price you pay for being such a good best friend.” 
Buck rolls his eyes at her intoned best friend. “You’re on my list, too.” 
“Finally.” Bobby says in relief when he sweeps into the kitchen to start prep. "I was about to cut him loose if he didn't chill out." He points at Buck. “Don’t move.” 
“That’s what I said!” 
Also on ao3
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phxntomhives · 3 months
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I'm resurrecting from the dead
Did you get the joke? No? Ok
Small analysis of this pic
But I'd like to remind you I am no expert on the topic, it's just my 2 cent lol
End of S4 spoilers + manga spoilers under the cut
I am quite confident this is dedicated to the midnight tea party of the anime right now. His identity has been revealed so what better way to celebrate than such a wonderful art?
The first thing I personally noted is the pose. Our dear yandere pose (I got Yuno war fleshbacks ngl) The smile, the hands, that eye. He has the full pack. We can all agree he goes a little insane when we talk about the Phantomhive... but yandere? I wouldn't say so (at least not yet, tho he may be on the correct road to become it). I guess he is dancing on the line between sanity and insanity and this is just the result of it.
Someone already said the liquid that is falling is tea. But I am also very much reminded of blood when looking at that color (and knowing his story, it also fits). Thought it may be just me. I would also like to point out how the tea is not just spilling over from the teapots, they are breaking. And Undertaker is just staring at the scene with insanity.
I am also going insane about all the hands: there is a right hand holding the sugar bowl. Then there is another right hand, holding a teacup which is also crumbling down. But that teacup is being "filled" of tea, that is dropping from above. Then there is also a left hand on the top, holding the teapot's handle (that is now detached from the main body). And there is a fourth hand, holding the dessert. So, here is my idea: the three hands that are holding the tea set represent 3 of the prefects: if I were to take a guess from here I would say that the broken teapot could be Herman Greenhill (the most broken one since he likely feels worst about the situation since he technically started everything). Then the sugar bowl could be Lawrence Bluewer: it is just being destroyed and has no power in the situation. The broken teacup is Edgar Redmond: he tried to hold it together but in the end he still lost control over the situation. Let me first go to the dessert now, I'll go to the other hand in a second.
The dessert. Listen, I am no expert in those but I know a strawberry when I see one. And I believe that is very much R!Ciel's favourite snack a strawberry cake. So listen, if we can discuss that the hand holding the teacup could be X or Y, here I am quite confident it is just R!Ciel. Not to mention that Undertaker is technically staring at him with the yandere look so it would make sense: he would be staring a Phantomhive AND an almost perfect Bizzare Doll he has created. I would go yandere too ngl. The dessert is being "watered" by the tea, which if I am correct and it does also symbolize blood, it could represent the idea/the begin of the blood transfution to keep R!Ciel alive. AND the dessert is being held by the last hand. Who were we missing of the P4 again? Violet. And who has casually the same blood type of R!Ciel? Violet. So I think this is him.
One last thing I noticed of the hands is that three of them are "in the dark" (both at the top and left one at the bottom: Lawrence, Greenhill and Redmond), while the one in the bottom right (Violet) is a little more illuminated than the others. Does this confirm/imply that Violet does already know a little more than the others? I'll let you make a decision I feel it may be just the light and I am becoming paranoid.
I absolutely LOVE how the background is the midnight flower glowing. It gives such a nice contrast in the picture. It also helps in making undertaker look even more ominous lolol. It's so bright and maybe it stands for everything pure you can think of. But Undertaker has turned his back to that light and is just enjoying the chaos. I am trying to find more stuff about the flower and its meaning let's see if I find something eheh
That is all thanks for bearing with me lol.
On a side note: did he always had that ring "tattoo" on his pinky? I am blind ✨✨
(I may check later for grammar mistaker I am tired now)
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jaidens · 1 year
Can you do an fic where maverick mitchell comforts the reader after something really bad happens and she struggles to take care of her mental health at that time
evermore (ft. bon iver) — taylor swift.
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pairing [s] : pete ‘maverick’ mitchell x reader
warning [s] : mentions of : mental health
a/n [s] : ty for the request!
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“Lieutenant L/N, you're grounded from today until the assigned therapist alerts that it's okay.”
Where you're sitting on the leather chair, staring at your higher-up as he tells you the news that will kill you. You always reach for the skies, and your fighter jet takes you there. Your sanity was based on how high up you could fly before the pressure began to hurt.
“I understand this news isn't what you wanted to hear today.”
Of course it wasn't. You were expecting another admiral to yell at you for your tricky behavior in the skies. How it was a million dollar project by the government and it doesn't give you the right to fly it childishly.
“Thank you. You're excused now.”
You stand up and it feels like the room is closing in and out on itself. You push the door open and walk outside. Goose and Maverick are standing against the wall, noses high in the air. Maverick was your (what you had believed) boyfriend. He had courted you a few times on base, somehow grasping you on the first day of the academy.
“Y/N, hey, what's happening? What did he tell you?”
Maverick falters from his position, and runs up next to where you're walking. You look over at him, and you can feel how your lip quivers. You could be yelled at a million times, you could take anything. But, when it came to your jet and the skies, it absolutely killed you.
“They grounded me.”
Maverick puts his hand on your arm, and bites his bottom lip and shakes his head. The tears blur your vision and you attempt to cover your face and wipe away the tears that gather.
“Here, come over to my place tonight. I have a surprise that'll make you feel better.”
Maverick tells you, kissing your cheek and he gives you a second-long hug before running back to where Goose is whispering across the hallway at him. You go to the locker room and pack up your things into your backpack. The flight suit that's in your locker makes you waver and you slam the door closed.
You drive home to your house, and fall to the couch. The picture of your jet and you makes you sick to see, you slam the picture down face down. You pull the blanket over you and curl up into yourself. All of your feelings start to pour out of you into the couch below you. Tears, anger, and sadness that was crushed up inside of you.
You stayed there. The television played some random TV show and all you did was stay there. You didn't get you for, had you guessed, three hours until you heard the knocks on the door. The sound of grocery bags and humming enters your house.
“Hey, I went to the store and got us a new tape, some greasy drive thru dinner, and a dessert.”
Pete walks in to the living carrying take out bags and CVS ones. You give him a small smile and sit up on the couch. He always made you feel a little better; how seeing his face made you smile. He walks over and sets the bags down on the coffee table. Pete sits and gives your temple a small kiss before pulling out the food.
“How are you feeling? I’ve been grounded before, it feels horrible.”
You frown and lay against Pete. He wraps his arms around you and you push into his chest. If you had to be honest, he smells like jet fuel and his rosemary-mint shampoo and conditioner. For some reason it was your favorite smell of yours, how it stayed on your bedsheets in the morning.
“It won't feel like this forever. Soon, you'll be back in the sky, somehow beating me in every damn race.”
Your lips tug into a smile and you laugh a bit. Pete gives you a smile, and rubs your back gently. The food is left forgotten as you lay against Pete.
“I’m thankful you're here. I probably would've just laid here, sad and lonely.”
Pete smiles at your confession.
“Don’t thank me. I’m here because I love you. I’ll take care of you until we're both old and wrinkly., still flying our jets high.”
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ven0moir · 9 months
S5 Byler prediction
i am going to put this out there:
my byler prediction is that mike's confession to Will will come out of ABSOLUTE NOWHERE to will, will-bylers, and the GA (following the laurie/amy parallels). neither will nor the audience will believe it's real? like i picture the writers giving us very little context as to where this came from, and to mike-bylers/henry stans it will 100% make sense but the rest? at a complete loss. we're all going to be there like 'oh my god is it VECNA fooling him??' and will is going to be like 'omg its VECNA fooling me' (talking about a full on meta moment)
and somehow, will believing mike's feelings are genuine is going to be Very Important to the supernatural plot. *joyce voice* i just know it in my heart. like maybe vecna/mf makes will question his own sanity/perception of reality to some nefarious end like taking over him completely this time.
so mike himself is going to figure out what he needs to do. he will have to re-contextualize his scenes with will as romantic. they weren't romantic then, but they are now. and prove that he's loved will this entire time. and hell, it might even be a thing where he himself is realizing the depths of his feelings as he says them out loud.
so will saves the world by saving himself (and unlocking powers, etc what have you), and mike saves the world by proving to will (and the audience) that will is the one he truly loves.
mike and will both get their superhero arcs in a way that feels REAL. and weren't we promised by david that the ending will feel REAL?
i've been cooking this idea for a while but i haven't gathered enough evidence yet for a full on analysis (i'm still on it and i keep changing my mind in parts here and there)
but i'm putting this out there in case i turn out to be right (though if i am completely wrong this could be adapted into a fanfic)
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harapeveco · 6 months
Rei's house
I’m insane and I know a lot about interior design against my will so I used it to make a rough floor plan of Rei’s house
This wasn’t an easy thing to do for two reasons: 1) the only rooms shown so far are the living room and the hallway and 2) Newo doesn’t know how to draw a house apparently LMAO. It’s something I noticed while skimming through the manga to get references but yeh Newo doesn’t put too much effort in backgrounds unless it’s absolutely necessary, what they do is draw the basics to give the reader an idea of where the characters are. I went through their other art and it’s also that way, tho in their pokemon art it has more detail than in knk but I would argue that since knk has to be ready within a month while their other art doesn’t it shouldn’t be surprising it’s drawn that way
Anyway here’s what I could make out so far
Rei’s house seems to be the kind that’s square rather than rectangular so let’s work keeping that in mind
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The first room would be the living room which as you can see it’s pretty clear how it’s supposed to look however there are a few weird things going on with it, the first one is the couch on the left that has a ? next to it. I put it there bc there’s two panels where it doesn’t appear at all…those panels being these two
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But for the sake of my sanity let’s say it’s there. Then there’s the dinning table and you can tell it’s in the same room since in the front you have the left couch that sometimes disappear. Another thing to take into consideration is the door in the far end, I put it there bc when it opens Rei looks to his right and seeing the direction Tobi is opening it it seemingly opens that way which is weird bc doors usually are supposed to open right next to walls but whatever
Next thing I want to point out is the hallway
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This one is interesting bc it shows what seems to be a door close to Rei on the left side and another door in the back to his left. There isn’t another visible door which makes sense he’s probably covering with his big head but yeh I wanted to point this out bc that either means that door goes to the dinning room which wouldn’t make sense when supposedly theres already a door at the back that takes you to the living room OR Newo accidentally put the living room door in the wrong place, which could be, I don’t think they really are thinking about making it consisten which makes sense, you don’t read manga to see rooms you pay attention to the dialogue and characters
The rest of the first floor (kitchen, bathroom, laundry room) are just guesses on my part. Going on a tangent here for a moment but the reason why I made the kitchen like that has a reason you see, kitchens follow this “triangle rule” where the three most important elements of a kitchen (these being the fridge, the sink and the stove) need to be put in a triangle formation so there can be better mobility. Also important to keep in mind fridges need to be far away from stoves. If you look closely to the first picture you’ll also notice the window to the right has also a curtain. Curtains aren’t meant to be near stoves for the obvious reason that they can catch on fire so I put the sink there and the stove the other way. I’m assuming there’s a window there behind the stove too bc something something air circulation there’s a lot of science behind this stuff
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Also idk if this is relevant but the entrance is also kinda easy to make out for some reason
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Another thing I noticed that made me want to kill myslef is there’s this part where reinochi sits together in what seems to be the couch form the right bc in the front there’s the window HOWEVER in the very next panel you see a window behind them as if they are sitting on the left couch what they fuck 😭😭😭 bitches be rotating….like I know it’s not supposed to be like that and was a mistake Newo overlooked (the same way they’ve overlooked the fact Tobi has a turtleneck in recent chapters but I digress) but after you notice it you can’t just unsee it 😭😭😭
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Anyway this house is a mess that’s why I decided to make my own floor plan that makes sense to me
The living room, dinning room and kitchen I kept them all the same as well as the bathroom and laundry room tho the change I made was the mystery door. Instead of it being in the far back I put it in the same place as the door we saw in the hallway and by the end I put the stairs that lead to the second floor and next to it a closet but now that I look at it maybe the stairs themselves can be the closet 🤔🤔🤔 you know how some stairs have like a door and space inside you know what I mean
The second floor is a bit more simple with Rei’s room right next to the stairs. The bathroom is in exactly the same place as the first floor bathroom bc plumbing is all supposed to be in the same place and next to it the master bedroom bc it’s the biggest room. There’s an extra room that leads to hell idk I haven’t thought that far
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Anyway it’s almost 3 am idk why I did all this but I hope you get to enjoy my insane ramblings uwu
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makostarz · 11 months
pikmin 4 incorrect quotes ^-^
Dingo: If I say I love you, will you say it back? 
Shepard: Yes. 
Dingo: I love you. 
Shepard: It back. 
Bernard: Why is Dingo crying face-down on the floor?
Pom: What’s it like being tall? 
Pom: Is it nice? 
Pom: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? 
Yonny: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. 
Bernard: It was one time!
Dingo: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Yonny periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ 
Dingo: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Shepard: *trying to get five seconds of sleep* 
Bernard, poking Shepard’s arm: Shepard Shepard. Shepard. Shepard. 
Shepard: WHAT? 
Bernard: …We’re out of Capri Suns—
Shepard: Hey, Yonny, where are you going? 
Yonny: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell. 
Yonny: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s.
Dingo: Let’s write Bernard a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass…
Shepard: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan. 
Dingo: We could attack them with hummus. 
Shepard: I stand corrected. 
Dingo: Just keeping things in perspective.
Shepard: Alright, listen up you little shits. 
Shepard: Not you Pom. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Yonny: *eating a cinnamon roll* 
Dingo: Cannibalism. 
Yonny: *confused chewing noises*
Collin: A person can really hear themselves think out here. 
Collin’s mind: Did you leave the stove on? The front door unlocked!? WILL YOU DIE ALONE!? 
Collin: Well, that was a mistake.
Bernard: No problemo! 
Bernard, internally: But it was all problemo.
Bernard: Yonny and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. 
Collin: What did you do? 
Bernard: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- 
Yonny: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Dingo: I hate you. 
Yonny: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Yonny, texting: Answer your phone 
Dingo, texting back: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone 
Yonny: Understood 
Yonny, 5 minutes later: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Dingo.
Dingo: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this! 
Shepard: Apparently, we're not.
Dingo: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt? 
Yonny: Why are you eating dirt? 
Dingo: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Yonny: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. 
Yonny: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Collin: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Yonny: I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship. 
Dingo: These are handcuffs. 
Yonny: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
Dingo: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness— 
Yonny: Hi. 
Dingo: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. 
Pom: Which one? I have seven. 
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. 
Pom: Which one? I have seven. 
Bernard, distantly: HEY!!!
Pom: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. 
Dingo: And you came to me?
Dingo: I don't dab. I stab.
Shepard: You really believe in Dingo? 
Bernard: Luckily, they believe in themself enough for the both of us.
Dingo: Sweet dog you got there. 
Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog. 
Dingo: Still training huh? 
Police: What do you mean? 
Dingo: Never mind.
Shepard: Alright, what pizza toppings should we order? 
Dingo: Anchovies and pineapple. 
Pom: I like beets! 
Yonny: Have you guys ever had a cheese-less pizza? 
Shepard: I’m disowning all of you.
Dingo: You use emojis like a straight person. 
Yonny: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Dingo: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Bernard, talking to Dingo: Well Dingo, whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘would Yonny do that?’ and if they would, I do not do that thing. 
Dingo: … 
Yonny, from the distance: They’re not wrong though!
Dingo: Is stabbing someone immoral? 
Yonny: Not if they consent to it. 
Bernard: Depends on who you're stabbing. 
Collin: YES??!!?
Bernard: I’m so happy two of my favorite people are getting along now. 
Shepard: Uh, Dingo and Pom are not getting along. 
Bernard: They’re not trying to kill each other. 
Shepard: You may have a point.
Shepard: Yesterday, I overheard Bernard saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Yonny replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Collin: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?? 
Dingo: Y- you were putting it in cold water?? 
Shepard: Collin. Answer the question, Collin. 
Collin: Yeah??? I thought people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. didn't realize there was an actual reason. 
Collin: Plus you think I have the patience to boil water? 
Dingo: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes?? 
Shepard: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it? 
Dingo: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove? 
Shepard: It takes less than a minute. 
Dingo: Is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun??? 
Shepard: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? 
Dingo: Like seven minutes?? 
Bernard: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan! 
Shepard: Why are you putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? Bernard? Your stove is enchanted! 
Collin: Every single person here is a fucking lunatic. 
Pom: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?!
Bernard: I'm having problems with a guy... 
Yonny: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
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lichen-punk · 13 days
1, 3, 9, 20, 25, 27, 28, 39, 45, 47 SORRY THIS IS SO MANY LOLL
o my goodness ok im putting a cut here for everyone's sanity cause all these questions got me excited
Do you have a favorite place near you to “touch grass”?
theres a little woodsy park near my house just within easy walking distance which is easy to get into regardless of time of day or night and has an incredible hill where you can sit under an oak tree in the tall grass and watch the sun or the moon come up or set depending on time of day and year and i love love love it one of the only good things about my town i go up there for my Rituals And Things gkjhsf
3. If you could see any extinct species in the wild, what would it be?
im a sucker for megafauna id love to see an irish elk or an aurochs or a woolly mammoth that would be so so cool
9. Do you have a favorite nature photo you’ve ever taken?
here's some of the best photos ive ever taken in my life, and then some pictures from the hike back to the cabin when we realized the sun was setting sooner than we thought it would and it was about to get WAY too cold for how we were dressed
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20. What’s your favorite poem or song lyric about nature?
definitely a gerard manley hopkins!!! he's my fave poet ever and half his work is about nature. i'm torn between two, tho: i think my favorite of all time, really my favorite poem entirely, is the windhover (ive been trying to copy and paste it here without ruining the formatting but it is not working alas so you must google it sorry), but the last stanza of another of my favorites of his poems, inversnaid, is also just. fucking killer
What would the world be, once bereft Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left, O let them be left, wildness and wet; Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.
25. What’s your favorite plant to grow yourself?
i unfortunately live in a terrible spot to grow stuff, the yard of my family's little house is like. straight dry clay and entirely shady, so my thumb has never gotten even the barest hint of green to it. one day id like to grow wheat or corn or some such tho
27. What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
honestly????? i love to just Sit And Observe. i used to love love love swimming in creeks and lakes and things, but obv i havent swum in anything for a very long time. hopefully i will again one dayy im also a big big fan of a fire for singing around. and to be honest shakespeare doesnt feel right unless its performed somewhere outdoors and beautiful now
28. What’s your favorite local animal you see all the time but still love?
ALL OF THEMMMMMM we get raccoons and possums and squirrels and mule deer and black tailed deer and crows and ravens and pigeons and rats and mice and apparently frogs i learned recently and newts and theyre all my best friends and i get so excited when i see them
39. What ecosystem do you consider your “home” ecosystem?
absolutely all american pacific northwest shit i love a temperate rainforest with redwoods and doug firs and such and then the deciduous layer underneath all ferns and moss and little creeks and then the harsh cliffs down to the beach all cold and foggy and windy. that's where i Belong easy peasy. i do also associate the more aggressively californian Beige Grassy Hills With Lonely Scrappy Little Coast Live Oaks or Valley Oaks On Top type biome with home and growing up, but its always been a little too harsh and dry and sunny for me here.
45. What is your favorite wildflower?
o god thats hard i love wildflowers. im a sucker for daisies, obv, and i love forget-me-nots and california poppies and indian paintbrush and columbine and and and
47. What is your favorite species of tree?
o no thats hard too!!!!! ummm probably oak trees, especially white oaks like the valley oak or the oregon white oak, especially the really big old wise looking ones, but i also adore sequoioideae and other conifers, unsurprisingly, and rowans and apple trees among others hold personal spiritual significance, and theres this specific kind of maple or sweetgum idk what it is but they grew outside the theatre i grew up in so they always make me nostalgic. OH and i LOVE the smell of california bay laurel thats the Good Summertime Smell for me
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lines-on-ice · 5 months
On the tracks of Yuri On Ice in Barcelona - Day 4 Part 2
Yes, I've been procrastinating. I didn't want to post the end. Make it official and stuff. But the time has come, and I know some of you have been waiting for the Park Güell bit with Yurio and Otabek becoming friends so let's go for the friendliest park of Barcelona!
It was so big, we walked quite a lot, I understand how people can spend a full day here! But we managed to find our way back to The Spot™️ :
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It was packed! We thought we would never be able to find the right place, let alone take decent pictures...
But once again, the Spirit of Yuri On Ice came through!
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We tried this one but it wasn't it. It was the wrong way around! We started questioning our sanity and even wondering if YOI had just reversed the pictures?! (we shouldn't have. Obviously.) We thought we were in the right spot! We had the tower, the building...
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Our faith was restored quite quickly though...
@tony-dreams had an epiphany and ended up finding the exact spot!!
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Along with those 2 (yes we went crazy with the number of Screenshots....)
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Coming down immediately were The Stairs™️ with The Lizard™️
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We had to wait ages for a shot without people in it and actually we were causing a bit of a traffic jam upstairs while people were trying to avoid getting in the shot - impressed by our dedication, surely.
Finally, the full view of the Stairs that was sadly impossible to align completely but we did our best! (Also, you can see all the people, it really was crazy) :
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And this, finally, was the end of our chase all around Barcelona.
I never had so much fun touring a city, and I absolutely want to go there again!
I hope you'll enjoy our little report it's been really good to share it with you, it enhanced our experience so much!!
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