#the aesthetic is 100/10
metukika · 6 months
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me and my best friends
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studentbyday · 11 months
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day 61 // 100dop
finished notes on factors affecting reactivity
did a few practice questions in the book and online
finished those god-awful practice assignments that covered things we didn't cover in the book
a single question takes so long to figure out and i can't believe i already forgot how to name organic molecules (covered just last semester! 😭). in total i studied for 5 hours. i cannot wait to finish this organic chemistry module. 5 hours doesn't sound like much to me, but i feel so drained and not in a satisfying way.
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od-i · 9 months
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            we hit 100 !!
BAII , we actually hit 100 ?!?!??SWLAKLEKADIKAL@LQ>>>!L< what the eff!! ily guys but i cant host a giveaway cause im poor unfortunately... dont blame me i got hacked ok... but soon ill come back to yall and make more moodboards.. if i get the motivation to post ill actually post.. ill just be semi ia and ive already accepted the fact that ill never get a chance w my crush, so i guess ill try to like one of his friends.. his friends are way >>>>>> BYE LMFAOO, but btw im really doing good w/o him. im also focusing on my studies more so thats really good since im tryna be with honors yaaaa 💪💪😘😘, wish me luck, AND TYSM FOR 100, this is a very VERY veryyyyyyyyytyyyyy big ass milestone to me, im so grateful for all of you guys ☹️☹️💓💓
   im still looking forward for more moots..tysm again omg ily guys sm
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that-gay-jedi · 7 months
Me, listening to cringey music without a private session: haha I don't care
Me when my Spotify wrapped is cringey: oh no the quencies
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okmcintyre · 1 year
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Bellamy + Clarke reunited in Nevermore
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welcometoteyvat · 6 months
fighting for my life trying to get a shimenawa atk% crit rate crit damage sands
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mochademic · 10 months
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 10]
the evenings are starting to make me excited for fall. working in front of the fireplace with a nice spiced drink — I really need that in my life again. sans the following winter though; I struggle with the snow. I have an oral French exam to test my fluency coming up, & if all goes well I’ll be able to start putting French as a proficient language on my resumes/applications. wild how a few years of work can make so much of a difference.
currently listening // Crush by Ethel Cain
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alphafightmusic · 7 months
The production, the visuals, the EVERYTHING! COBRAH really knows how to make you get up and dance!
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cambellekirby · 8 months
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2014 aesthetic 🎀🌷💄
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realnielsbohr · 5 months
im so pissed off at this assignment for my photoshop certification class. why do i have to take pictures. this is not photography! 😔
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pebblezone · 1 year
Weird Al beach boys song best ever shitting My pants and decomposing
#talkingcore#I hit weird Al in my album adventure and this song is slaughtering me I am so happy#like it’s not just a beach boys parody that milks off of the surfer aesthetic no!!!!#it’s like Everything Pet sounds + smile era and like AHHHHHH there’s a part which is like wind chimes and not the smiley smile wind chimes#since that one is kinda Mwamp:/ no!! the smile version!!! and it sounds especially similar to the Brian Wilson version released in 2004#which like given this came out in 2006 100% influenced it to some capacity like it’s not just the melody but the layering of the vocals#it’s the instruments the mixing UGH it’s faithful in the most majestic way possible#idk the fact you can stick a harpsichord in there and immediately the little monkey in my brain is like 🤨 Brian Wilson? ACKCJCHH#time for my bi-annual rewatch of Brian Wilson’s SMiLE in concert#which like I think is hands down one of the best live performances like smile is fucking complex the variety of instruments is bonkers#like the whole workshop bit has them just turning on drills and shit! not even addressing the orchestration!!#so being able to recreate that at a near perfect level LIVE? like No Cuts???? absolutely wild it’s life changing#fun fact! it was watching that concert on youtube (it’s on youtube!) that made my beach boys brain spiral#like before august of 2021? normal. consumed music rather averagely. post august 2021? insane like the fact that in less than 4 months#I managed to skew my stats so much like at least 60% of 2021 became The Beach Boys#that’s not even addressing 2022 which got the most hit cause that’s 12 months! I think there’s maybe >10 songs out of the 100 that aren’t#the beach boys or okay at least beach boys related like I’m gonna count brian And Carl and dennis’ solo material in there too#especially given their overlap in production like Hell! how many songs were meant for Brian solo projects and were given to The Beach Boys?#Caroline no is credited just with Brian when it was released as a single even though she’s on pet sounds!!! AHGGGHH need to calm down
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carciinogen · 2 years
🐠✩Some saltwater feesh I saw at the doctor's offish✩🐠
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myriadsystem · 1 year
Fuck it on the odd occasion someone votes ima start using polls for personal decision making reasons
The first three i have not read (i attempted to read one of the Lovecrafts and it was. So hard to get through.)
The Goosebumps i have read but found my collection when unpacking in my new house and have not read for since i was like 11, (books #8-#61 with a couple odd missing and a few newer series ones and choose your owns)
Unfortunate Events i have also read but my partner has never so I plan to watch the show with them soon
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itsjustanne · 2 years
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10/100 Days of Productivity
Did an hour of Duolingo and read some about the French pronoun "iel".
Had a meeting with my advisor about my seminar paper, got some reassurance that I'm on the right track. He also gave me some mini cheesecakes which made my day. Did my volunteer hours up at the museum.
Not much will get done this weekend, a friend who transferred sophomore year is coming to visit so I'll be very distracted from studying!
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rollingpenguin · 2 years
This is the usual post for my followers and mutuals to apologize for all the Yamato content they didn't ask for.
I asked for it. You were just there for the delivery.
This also won't stop, I just love the guy too much.
So again, as usual, this is the post to remind you that I'm a threat to your dashboard and if you don't want to see Yamato I'm a problem.
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toastsnaffler · 1 day
okaaaayyy finally watched I saw the tv glow :^)
#liked it a lot on a lot of levels. visuals n soundtrack n acting was great. rly subtle n cohesive n effective#i wanna sit with it a little to digest it and maybe rewatch#but unfortunately i didnt get the same emotional resonance a lot of ppl did from it.. possibly bc i was watching w other ppl#but i dont think its that i think i just struggle to connect meaningfully w things that are like. what if the choices u didnt make#alienated u from the world and ur sense of self n what if the life u were living was a hollow bubble separate from the real world etcetc#bc like yeah man im very aware of how unreal my life n the world around me feels at times. and it isnt bc im holding myself within#tight limitations/constraints in order to hide parts of me from myself or forcing myself to be smth im not in order to engage w society#like im just mentally ill n the dissociation n derealisation are symptoms of that..#i can 100% understand why so many queer ppl feel so strongly abt it n the gender stuff implied in it#but thats just not my experience of queerness personally. its never been smth ive had to grapple with much#like yeah i havent fully figured out my gender shit. but im ok w that its not holding me back from living the life i want to be living#my sense of self is just so far divorced from my physical body and the physical world around me..... idk im too tired to articulate this#but that aside i did rly like it as a movie! and it was very heartbreaking.. just not in a way that struck me super personally#which i was rly hoping it would ahh sorry everyone 😔 but hey maybe thatll come after i think abt it some more#lots of cool effects too i liked the different ways they did the moon face thing. i liked how effective the whole distortion of memory#and nostalgia etc was done visually.. aesthetically very yummy. aw man..#i didnt even cry i was rly hoping it would make me cry...... :-(#makes me feel like im missing out on smth cuz everyone else ive seen talk abt it got hit so hard by it#just made my peace w being on the outside looking in i guess.. i shook out all my regrets and what-couldve-beens as a depressed teen#n now im just here to vibe forever..... 😌 i am toooooo tired to be typing i just keep saying the same thing over an dover probably#maybe a 7 or 8 out of 10 movie for me i think which is still pretty damn worth it#okayyy brushing my teeth and going to bed cuz i wanna go climbing tomorrow so need to rest up ‼️#sorry i dont want to rain on anyones parade genuinely did think it was a great movie im glad others are feeling it so intensely#ahhhh!!!!#.diaries
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