#the art dump if anyone wants to see it
spacebar2 · 9 months
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More thinking about the weed dsmp au I am BALLIN RN
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flamemons · 1 year
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theunconcernedembalmer · 11 months
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idk how long my laptop will survive seeing as i hardly use it anymore so anyway here's an abandoned project from a couple of years ago where i ambitiously tried to make an rpg with the yokai outfits. here are some sprites i made
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fidgetspringer · 1 year
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- Marten & Nohren -
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abysswalkersknight · 10 months
I just finished the latest genshin release and I am not ok. First I have to deal with the tragedy of Twsts chapter 7 with Silver and Lilia's backstories and now genshin with Furina and Focalor! And now the two are mixing!
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floralete · 1 year
people who post oc/canon art are so powerful i have so much respect for you 🫡
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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The Mario movie has gotten me obsessed with the Mario Extended Family and general Mario History, to the point that I made myself a Mario Cousin Self Insert
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staledirt87 · 1 year
His name is Kyron, his two moods are tired and angry. I think I got his personality pretty good through his expressions. His pants leg is held up with a paper clip because I said so. He's a soldier for the Phoenix Base, going mostly on solo missions, though he sometimes does group missions if he has time. If he's asked of something he does it, no matter what.
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I don't know how to do body hair or muscles but I wanted him to have both for the realism and I regret it. Also note the fact I gave myself the option to NOT DRAW TWO EYES AND I DID IT ANYWAY.
Next one!
Her name is Rico, she's pretty arrogant and cocky, though she has the skills to back it up. The same wound that gave her the scar on her face also blinded that eye, but a prosthetic was given to her once she arrived at the Phoenix Base. Her main job on the Phoenix Base is to provide information for ongoing missions. She has a high tech laptop and it constantly has thirty tabs open. Most of them are games or forums but the others are classified info and coordinates. She uses notepad+ for shits and giggles. Anytime not helping with a mission is spent playing games. She eats on missions.
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Backstory time!
In this not-very-fleshed-out universe they are the only two humans in the Phoenix Base. It's set in an apocalyptic dystopia and I chose Phoenix because I've never seen one of those set in AZ. I'd say this is set way in the future, as there are other futuristic races coexisting. Humans are seen as very fragile, yet the alien races are constantly surprised how far they can push their limits. Bets are placed on when Kyron will collapse, as anyone can see he hasn't met the necessary daily self care requirements in the two years he's been at the base.
Why do they need missions? Supplies are procured in the Phoenix Base so that's not the reason. It wouldn't be an apocalyptic universe without alien and mutant monsters! They are constant threats to survival and the most common ones enjoy nesting in the ruins. They're not very dangerous but they're tenacious.
When the other races realized Kyron and Rico were the only two humans in the Phoenix Base they decided to do a nice little meet-up to introduce the humans.
Unfortunately, they already knew eachother, and hate each other. They had no clue they were even at the Phoenix Base, and as it turns out, two years before they each seperately joined the Phoenix Base they had a bit of a... Falling out.
Scar explanation time!
Rico was 17 and Kyron was 29, and they were working together. It was a couple of years into their partnership and Rico decided to do a harmless little prank on Kyron. She scouted out an empty ruin using her lifeform detector and directed Kyron to that one instead. Unfortunately for Rico and Kyron both, it wasn't empty. Instead, there was a nest of evolved nesting monsters who had adapted to be invisible to the outdated lifeform analyser Rico had. Kyron, who was not prepared for that enemy (the mission was a low risk supply gathering mission), was caught completely off guard. Fighting desperately, he asked Rico where the fuck she led him, but she was shell shocked and didn't respond. Heavily wounded after the fight, Kyron asked again, but Rico only said to get back immediately.
Kyron listened, and trudged through the desolate landscape with gaping wound across his chest. When he returned, he demanded an explanation from Rico, but she was too ashamed and horrified at Kyron's appearance to answer. Kyron wouldn't let up, though, and pushed for an answer. Rico still refused, trying to redirect the conversation to Kyron's wounds.
As Rico approached to clean the wound, Kyron pushed her away, and in her shocked state she wasn't able to catch herself until it was too late, grabbing onto the corner of the cabinet she fell against. The momentum swung her head directly into the harsh handle of the cabinet drawer. Kyron rushed forward to help after realizing what he'd done, but Rico ran away faster than Kyron's exhausted body could keep up.
Now both alone and heavily wounded, both seemingly betrayed by the other, they went their "seperate" ways, hoping to never see the other again.
0 notes
you had me at 'hello'
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the sequel to daddy all along
pairing: dbf! leon x f! reader
cw: alcoholism, p in v, masturbation, oral sex
word count: 10k
a/n: "when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" <3 (quote from when harry met sally, title from jerry maguire)
thank you to @thevirgincherry for your feedback!
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Leon remembers when you used to call him on the phone as a child. You’d interrupt his work, and Hunnigan would tell him to hang up, but he’d ignore her for a few minutes. You were too important. You’d pace around the living room, telling him about your day at school, what you did at recess with your friends and the art project you’re working on. He loved to hear about it. Most days, it was the only good news he’d get.
It pained him to hang up, but he promised you he’d call to say goodnight, and he did. Even when he drank, he stepped outside the bar and tried his best not to slur his words.
“Do you have a daughter?” A woman he’d go home with would ask.
“No,” he’d say, but it felt like it.
When FaceTime was invented, it became your favorite activity. Leon would pay extra for an international phone plan and for wifi in every hotel room, so he could talk to you. He kicked a woman out of bed once to speak to you. He never saw her again and hasn’t thought of her since.
“It’s an important thing for work,” he told the woman.
She knew he was lying when she heard a little girl’s voice on the other end while she was putting her clothes back on. He didn’t bat an eye at her expression - confusion, distaste, bitterness, who cares? Not Leon.
You’re his favorite girl, the only girl he’s ever cared about.
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The morning after your 21st, Leon gently shrugged you off him. He washed his face in the mirror, hoping to wipe away the previous night’s mistakes, but he was still the same old Leon. A fuck-up, an idiot, a pervert who slept with a girl he’d known since she was a baby.
When you woke up, he was in the shower. You’d go on to ask him if he jerked off, and he’d say no, but he did. It wasn’t lust, it was procrastination - five more minutes before he’d have to face you. He tried to think about Ada with one hand on the wall and the other on his dick. Your name slipped out when he came, and it felt like another violation, in addition to lying and then cumming down the drain with your shampoo bottles - the ones containing the sweet scent of you - scrutinizing him.
A long time ago, Leon promised he’d never lie to you. It was the one promise he’d kept - until that morning when he told you ‘something important came up, and he had to leave ASAP’.
You could see it in his eyes, but you took out your anger on your father, who deserved it more after he came home that afternoon with an obvious hangover. You screamed at him until he told you to go upstairs. You were already on your way.
Leon only knew how to deal with his problems in three ways: call his therapist, drink, or fuck. That day it was either drink or fuck because there was no way he could tell his therapist that his mental crisis was caused by fucking his friend’s daughter, a girl who was decades younger than him. It wasn’t an illegal act, but he still felt like he deserved to have the cops called on him. I should get the death penalty, he thought. Unfortunately, capital punishment was not allowed in D.C., but Leon considered the fact that his actions may have been heinous enough for him to be granted an exception. 
He decided on alcohol. He went to the ABC store, bought a handle of whiskey, got home, and dumped it down the kitchen sink. Nope. He promised everyone he was done with that. His therapist, Hunnigan, Claire, Chris, himself, and most importantly, you. He promised you.
Sex it was, then. He never promised anyone he’d be celibate. Leon was well over 40, so he didn’t use Tinder - though he had heard of it. He looked through his contacts list like a little black book, and his thumb hovered over a few names. He debated and picked Claire. Another idiotic decision.
“Hello?” Her voice already sounded suspicious. He didn’t call Claire on the phone often. They usually stuck to emails and texts.  
“Hey, how are you?”
“I’m okay, Leon. Why are you calling?”
“I just wanted to talk. Do I need another reason?”
“Are you drunk?”
There was a long pause until she said,“If I promise not to bring it up again, will you admit that you’re trying to get me to hook up with you?”
“Is it really that obvious?”
“Goodbye, Leon.” She hung up on him. He should’ve expected it. He texted her an apology later, which she accepted.
Soon after, before he could make another mistake, he received a text from a number he hadn't saved. “Are you in D.C.?” It read.
“Who is this?”
“A.W.” She wouldn’t even sign her full name - didn’t want a paper trail. Classic Ada.
“Yeah, I’m home right now.”
“I’ll be there in an hour or so. I have some things to finish up.”
“K” Leon texted and left the door unlocked.
He knew it was her by the click of her heels.
“In the bedroom,” he called.
“Perfect,” she said when she reached the threshold, “Nice of you to be ready for me.”
He shrugged and smiled because he was tired and had been in that position for hours, but he’d pretend like he’d done her a favor by getting down to a pair of sweatpants before she arrived.
She worked on getting out of her dress. “Not going to help?” she asked, annoyed.
“Thought you could do it yourself,” he said, teasing her.
“Thought you treated your guests nicely.”
“I’m about to.” And he did. At least, nice enough. They didn’t talk during sex because they never do. They’d worked out the logistics of their arrangement long ago. It was a pretty sweet deal, especially since there were never any condoms involved. Leon didn’t mind paying the 40 or so for Plan B in the morning. He couldn’t give less of a fuck what the cashier at the pharmacy thought of him. 
“Can I talk to you?” he asked after round two. He used to have more stamina. 
“About what?” She was slightly more interested and less suspicious than Claire was when he’d called her earlier that night.
“I need advice.”
“That’s new. I’m flattered.”
“You know that girl, my friend’s daughter?”
“The one you’re always gushing about? She’s practically your daughter.”
Yeah, you really were his little girl, considering even Ada had heard about you from Leon. 
“Don’t say that.” His defensiveness was a confession in and of itself.
“You slept with her,” she said, matter–of-factly.
“How’d you know that?”
“I can see the guilt in your eyes. She’s an adult, right?”
“Yeah, just turned 21.”
“Okay. Nothing illegal, then. Just… an interesting situation.”
“Yeah, I fucked things up pretty bad.”
She hummed in agreement. There was no pity, but no ridicule either. She cared enough not to laugh at his idiocy.
“What do you want me to say?” she asked.
“Whatever you’re thinking.”
“Either be with her or don’t. Don’t string her along.”
“You’re one to talk,” he mumbled. He wanted the remark to pass through the air as a bit of his dry wit and not his eternal bitterness.
“I’m not stringing you along. You know that this is all we’re ever going to be.”
“That’s what I told her.” 
“But she’s 21. You’re much older, and if you can’t wrap your pretty little head around this arrangement yet, then…” 
He was 21 when he met Ada. And she broke his heart without giving him any reason to think whatever they had was more than a kiss. Ironic. He wondered if she knew the way she was playing with his head at the time. He’d always liked to believe she had a good heart, it was just deep, deep, deep down under all the layers of mystique and her cold disposition.
He was supposed to be the good man, the hero, a beacon of morality, of all things just. But he was on Ada’s level now. Ada the heartbreaker.  
“Can you just tell me what to do?” He asked, pissed off at his own indecision. 
“Why? So you can blame me later when you don’t like the choice you make?”
She knew him well. He stayed silent. 
“I’m not going to be your scapegoat,” she said.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but thank you for your honesty.”
She laughed - almost, but it was genuine amusement because, despite it all, she did care. People never really stop caring do they? She left in the morning and didn’t need an excuse, not like Leon did with you.
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You told yourself you wouldn’t call, but weeks went by, and you hadn’t heard anything. You were wondering if was alive at that point. And you missed him. So you called.
His phone vibrated on the bedside table; he picked it up, looked at the caller ID, and saw your name. A part of him still got that same warm, fuzzy feeling that he always felt when you called, and the other part was full of dread and guilt.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hi,” you said.
There was a lull. Dead air, not peaceful silence. 
“How are you?”
“I’m okay. How are you?”
“Doin’ fine.” It was a lie. You missed him too much to be considered “fine.”
Your hands should not have been traveling downward, but they were. They had a mind of their own that lived between your thighs. You couldn’t help the fact that his groggy voice made you ache.
“What are you doing right now?” You suppressed the urge to ask him what he was wearing and where he was. You imagined him sprawled out in bed, naked and ready for you.
“Nothing. I was lying in bed, nodding off when you called.” He wasn’t nodding off, but he was in bed, mind filled with memories and stress per usual.
“Sorry to interrupt your relaxation, then.”
“It’s no big deal.”
He told himself that he’d keep one hand on the phone and the other fidgeting with whatever he could find so as not to reach any lower than his waistline. But there was something about your voice, the way you were talking - it was different than usual. He was probably just imagining things, but it sounded like you were touching yourself.
He was getting hard already, and it was distracting. He had to do something about it. It was either jerk off to the sound of your voice or think about something horrific and grotesque to make his dick go soft. He spent enough time thinking about dead bodies and parasites, so he indulged himself and decided to worry about the consequences later. It’s not like you’d know anyway. Leon could be stealthy.
“What are you up to?” he asked.
“Calling you.” Your little laugh was light and airy, and maybe he wasn’t just imagining things. It was the voice you used when you asked him, so coquettish, to kiss you.
You thought you heard him moving around, and then he dropped the phone. He was trying to hold the phone between his ear and his shoulder while taking his pants off.
“Sorry. Dropped you,” he said when he retrieved the phone.
“How’d you do that? It just slipped out of your hands?”
Fuck. She caught on quick. Too smart for her own good. 
“Guess so.” He didn’t have an excuse. All of the blood that was supposed to be in his brain was in his cock, which was now painfully hard.
“What have you been doing these past weeks?”
“Work mostly.” Thinking about you. I can’t get you off my mind, no matter how many other women I sleep with.
“Anything fun?” your question felt pointed even though it wasn’t.
“A little bit.”
“Like what?”
“Some things should stay a secret. I’ll tell you when you’re older.” He would never tell you about his escapades with Ada.
You thought you knew what he meant. You couldn’t decide whether to be jealous or not. You were too focused on remembering what he looked like during sex, and it was a glorious sight. Someone should paint him, sculpt him, anything to preserve his beauty, you thought. It was worthy of a new renaissance. 
“Have you been up to anything fun?” he asked, not sure whether he wanted to hear about any of your sexual escapades or not.
“No. Just lounging around the house mostly.”
“Hangin’ with your dad?”
“Can we not talk about dad right now?” Your dad really kills the mood.
“Are you guys not in a good place?”
“It’s not that, I just don’t wanna think about him right now. I’d rather think about you.”
The words came out more suggestive than you intended. You could hear his breath hitch, and it might have been arousal, or it might have been surprise, but he knows.
“Oh? You’re thinking about me?”
“What else would I be thinking about?”
“I don’t know.”
He coughed to hide a groan that wanted to leave his mouth while you were biting your lip to hold back any moans.
“Leon…” you said, and it was the same voice you used to call him daddy the night he found out what it felt like to be inside you. 
“How do you feel about me?”
I love you. “You know how I feel about you. I think you’re great. You’re a great girl.”
“A good girl?”
Fuck it. He’ll take the bait. “Yes, you’re a good girl.”
“Even now?” He could hear your pouty lips and dewy eyes. He could see the image of you coming undone beneath him. Angelic, soft, heavenly, ineffably so. 
“Why wouldn’t you be? Are you up to something… naughty?”
“Maybe. It depends. Are you?”
He didn’t answer because you both knew that you were in the same state - naked and needy.
“Where are you?” he asked.
“In bed.”
“What are you wearing?”
“Your shirt.”
The one he left there. It only aroused him more. It was a white t-shirt, and the fabric was thin enough that if Leon were there, he’d get a peek of your nipples hardening through the fabric. He could slip his hands under your shirt and play with your tits. He could, if only things were different.
“What else?”
Nothing. You are naughty.
“Are you wearing clothes?”
“Why did you drop the phone before? Taking your dick out?” You were so flippant and crass that it should’ve sounded ridiculous, but Leon was too hard to care. 
“Might have been.”
“Did I catch you while you were already jerking off or…?” Or was it me?
“No, I wasn’t when I picked up.”
“But you are now.” It was not a question.
He took a deep breath. “I’ll admit it, as long as you admit you’re touching yourself too.”
“I am.”
“Is that why you called?”
“No, I wanted to check on you.” It was true. At least, in your conscious mind, but maybe your subconscious always knew that you wanted to do this.
“And what? You like my voice that much?”
Leon closed his eyes and allowed it to happen, giving himself this one little sin because he’d been good for so long, more than good - heroic.
“What are you thinking about, baby?”
“You, Daddy. I told you.”
Daddy? Jesus Christ. Leon was sure he was pushing his luck with God. He was getting more than he deserved in this bargain. Honestly, he never deserved anything you gave him. You were so perfect and he felt like he was ruining you. 
“Be specific, princess.”
“I wish you were touching me.”
“Yeah? How so?”
“I want your fingers inside me.”
“My fingers, huh?”
“No, more than that. I want your mouth, too. I want all of you.”
Your voice faltered mid-sentence like you were getting closer to your peak, but by the end of your statement, your confidence overrode anything else. You didn’t just want his fingers, his mouth, his dick; you wanted all of him. You wanted his fucking heart and soul.
“You have me.”
“I want you here, inside me.”
He needed to be inside you. Fuck his dignity, fuck his sensibility, fuck his morality. He needed to feel your warmth around him again.
“I want that too.”
“Did it feel good for you? Did you like the way it felt with me?”
You were begging for a yes, and it was easy for him to give it to you. The truth is easy.
“The best. You’re the best I’ve ever had.”
“You’re lying.”
“I wish I was lying, princess.”
“Leon,” you whined, and it didn’t matter that you weren’t physically there; the sound reverberated through his dick, and he was dangerously close.
“I know,” he said, “Me too.”
“Can I? Please?” You didn’t have to ask, but it was hot when you did.
Leon wanted to make you beg, but he needed you to come first, and if he heard you say please again, he’d risk coming before you - no, he would come before you. He was already teetering on the edge.
“Come for me,” he said.
And you did. You were muffling your moans with your hand over your mouth, but you were close enough to the phone that Leon could hear it. He was lucky he was alone because he didn’t hold back when he moaned out your name. He shouldn’t have done that at all, though. Just another tally to add to the endless list of sins.
“Thank you,” you said.
“Don’t mention it,” he said, meaning it two-fold. Please do not mention this.
“Am I going to see you again?”
“Yes, you’ll see me again.”
I’m never going to leave you, and you know it.
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The next time you two saw each other, Leon picked you up from the hospital. You were not the patient, thank God. It was your dad. Drunk driving accident. Leon was more pissed than anything else.
The nurse asked if they should call your mom, and you laughed. Dare you to try, you wanted to say. They understood.
“Is there someone you can call?” They could see the loneliness behind your stoic facade.
“I can try.”
You called Leon.
“Hey,” he answered, not knowing his nonchalance was inappropriate for the circumstances.
You didn’t cry when you drove to the hospital. You’ve been your father’s emergency contact since you turned 18. Your heart was beating out of your chest, but no tears fell. You didn’t break until you heard Leon’s voice.
“I need you,” you cried into the phone.
If it weren’t for your tone, he’d think you meant, “I need you in my bed,” maybe even, “I need you inside me.”
But you were crying. He could hear the tears before they’d fallen.
“Where are you?” He masked his panic with sternness.
“Hospital,” you managed to say through your sniffles.
“Are you okay? What happened?” Leon was already grabbing his keys and jacket, imagining the worst.
“It’s not me, it’s dad.”
Leon was only slightly relieved. He doesn’t want your father dead, but you’re his girl; you can’t die on him.
“I’ll be right there.”
Leon didn’t drive fast, he drove safely. 
“Name?” The woman working at the front desk asked.
“Leon Kennedy.”
“Relationship to the patient.”
“A friend. His daughter called me. I’m here to come get her.” He knew they’d want more of an answer than ‘friend’, and he was more than just a friend. He spoke with such conviction as if it were his right to be there as if they had to let him see you.
You didn’t talk on the way home - not to your house, but to Leon’s apartment. You insisted. You couldn’t be in that house, and Leon knew precisely why. 
It was over a decade ago. You were at least 6 or 7, but no more than 10. It was one of those things that Leon tried to forget.
You called him on the landline and gripped the phone with both hands, slippery with sweat.
“Leon, I need you.” He swore he could hear a whispered ‘help’ at the end of your sentence, or maybe it was just his instinct.
Thank God you called his cell. He talked to you while he drove.
“What’s going on, sweetheart?”
“Dad. I don’t know what happened.”
“Is he okay?”
“No. He’s in the kitchen. On the floor. He’s not moving.”
“Is he breathing?”
“I think so.”
“Did you call 911?”
“No, I called you.”
I can be your father figure, your guardian, or the one who tucks you in at night, but I am not a paramedic.
“You need to call 911. Tell them what you told me.”
And you did. Leon got there after the ambulance arrived.
“Sir,” they stopped him before he could enter the front door, “we’re dealing with an emergency. We need you to wait out here.”
“I can’t.” He brushed them off and called your name. You came flying out the front door.
“Who are you?” One of them asked.
“Leon,” he said because that was the only answer.
He slept on your bedroom floor that night.
No, he didn’t sleep. He watched you sleep, constantly checking to see if you were breathing.
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“I can sleep on the couch,” Leon offered.
“No,” you said.
“No? I don’t have a guest room.”
“I wanna sleep in your bed with you.”
Do you want to sleep with me? Absolutely not.
He raised an eyebrow, not daring to say the words aloud lest he put them into your mind.
They were already there, and you both knew it.
“Not like that. I just don’t wanna be alone. And I don’t think you wanna sleep on the floor.”
“No funny business.” He held out his pinky finger for you to take.
“No funny business. Serious business only.” You took his pinky and cracked a smile that mimicked the one he was holding back. You shouldn’t be laughing at a time like this, but you have to if you want to avoid crying.
Leon let you wear his clothes to sleep because you didn’t bring a change of clothes. You didn’t stop at home. It wasn’t the same as last time.
He was about to turn off the lamp on his bedside table when you said, “Leon?”
He turned to see you lying on your side, facing him.
“One kiss?”
“I thought I said no funny business.”
“I’m not trying to be funny at all.”
“I know,” he breathed the words into your mouth as he accepted his fate.
You gripped his shirt for dear life and wrapped one leg around his hip. He expected your tongue to be in his mouth and your hands in his pants soon. But he was wrong. It didn’t go any further than that. Your lips left his, but you never entirely pulled away. You clung to him.
“I just want to feel loved,” you whispered, answering questions he didn’t have the words to ask.
“You are,” he said confidently.
You fell asleep on his chest. This time, he did sleep because he could feel your steady breathing. 
You found him in the kitchen, making breakfast in the morning.
“I have good news,” he said.
“No. I mean - yes, if you want, but that’s not what I meant. Your dad’s awake.”
“Really. You wanna stop by your house on our way over to the hospital? For a change of clothes.”
“I can’t wear this?”
“I don’t think the hospital staff would appreciate you not wearing pants.”
“Why not? They make everyone wear those little hospital gowns anyway.”
“You’re not the patient. Plus, I think your dad would prefer you in pants, too.”
His expression told more than he was willing to say. He’ll think we had sex. We didn’t. But we did.
“I was kidding.”
“I know you were.”
“I’d like to see you in one of those hospital gowns.”
“I hope you never have to.”
“We could play doctor and patient.”
He turned to face you, mouth agape in surprise but holding back his laughter.
“If we did - which we won’t,” he held out a finger as he spoke, “you would be the patient.” Joking is a slippery slope.
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Your dad went to rehab. Finally, it was a win in everyone’s book. Leon moved into your guest room during the months that your dad was away. It wouldn’t be fair to leave you alone when your life had been shaken up like that. Leon made it clear from the beginning that you would be sleeping in separate beds. He loved you, but not like that.
“You don’t wanna do it again?” You asked one night.
“Do what again?” Leon was tired from work. You were used to seeing the good version of him. He can’t hide behind the facade of the happy-go-lucky, charming guy 24/7.
“Have sex,” you said, making sure to enunciate, “with me.”
“No. We’re not doing it again.”
“Why? You said it was the best ever.”
“Why? Because this,” Leon gestured between the two of you, “cannot get more complicated than it is. I cannot take care of you and fuck you at the same time.”
You’d never seen him get so serious. Even on your 21st, when you were flirting with him, and he tried to brush you off, he was still being playful, still willing to let you try to win him over.
Your lips parted, but no words came out. You stood still until Leon grabbed the remote control and un-paused the TV. Then, you turned on your heels and walked upstairs. You put yourself to bed that night.
You hadn’t realized the possibility that you were anything but an angel in Leon’s eyes. You were a burden to your father, a bigger burden to your mother - enough that she packed her bags and left, but being a burden to Leon - you’d never imagined it. Maybe he was just strong enough to carry the weight of you. Maybe your problems were too heavy for him now.
You didn’t cry. The wells had dried up. You cried them out over your parents. There weren’t any left for Leon. You fell asleep to the sound of the fan overhead.
You and Leon didn’t speak about it. He wanted to say, “I’m sorry for talking to you that way,” but he didn’t want to open the door for you to proposition him again. Maybe you’d just forget, he hoped.
Leon continued to be distant, and you had no one else you could talk to the way you did with him. You had no one but a few friends from high school who were home from college. You loved them, but you couldn’t relate to them a lot of the time. You knew they would accept you if you talked to them about your dad and his situation, but it always felt like there was some sort of wall between you and the rest of the world. One that was never there between you and Leon. Sometimes your dad managed to break through it, too. Sometimes.
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As your father progressed in his recovery, you allowed yourself to let optimism back into your life. You went to visit him one weekend and ate lunch out in the yard.
“How’s Leon?”
“He’s fine, I think.”
Your father could see your attempt to evade further discussion.
“Is that it? You used to talk about Leon all the time when you were a kid,” your dad smiled as he spoke, “I’d come home, and you were always blabbing on about ‘Leon, Leon, Leon’.”
“Not much to blab about. He’s just Leon.”
Your dad accepted whatever you were willing to say and whatever you weren’t. He asked you about your friends, too. You’d spoken to him over the phone, and for the first time in a long time, he’d remembered what you spoke about. You didn’t have to retell the same stories because he was sober now. Your dad was drunk so often you thought you hated him, but sitting next to him on that sunny afternoon, you remembered why you loved your dad. He didn’t mention the tear that slipped down your cheek when he pulled back from his goodbye hug. He just gave you an extra “Love you, Kiddo” with a smile before sending you off.
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Leon lived in your guest room, but emotionally, he was miles away. He had always been a workaholic, but it felt like he managed to spend even more time at the office than usual. One afternoon, when Leon was at work and you were sulking in your room, you got a call. 
Leon used to schedule his lunch breaks around you. When you were in middle school, struggling to make friends, you sat at a picnic table out in the courtyard on the phone with Leon. You cried on your first day. Your voice shook with every word, “I can’t do this.”
“You can do this.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re you. You’re my girl.”
You told the mean girls who bullied you that you were talking to your boyfriend who went to a different school and they were stupid enough to buy it. Leon made you promise to stop, threatening to spill your little secret. 
One time, you went to the nurse after having a shitty third period, and subsequently getting cornered by the worst of the bully clique. They told you that you had to call your parents if needed to go home or you had to go back to class. You called Leon and lied, saying you felt too sick. He knew you were lying and he didn’t have to call you out on it for you to see that you’d been caught. You climbed into the passenger seat and he flashed you a look.
“So, what’s really going on?”
You dished out the gossip over milkshakes. You sang Sheryl Crow on the drive from the Burger King drive thru to the pond just far enough away from the school.
“This is a one time deal,” he said, “or Hunnigan will take the stick out of her ass and make me into a kebab with it.”
You laughed so hard that vanilla milkshake came out of your nose. At your expense, Leon laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes.
“You better not tell your dad about this either,” he said.
You pinky promised on it.
Middle school was long gone, but the days of you needing him were not. He was the one to break first. He needed you, too, it seemed. 
“Hey, princess. I have an important question for you.”
“There’s a thing I have to go to for work… that I completely forgot about until Hunnigan reminded me… it’s an event with a bunch of diplomats and shit - point is, they’re sending me as the rep for the DSO and I need a date.”
“What’s your question?”
“Will you be my date?”
“When is it?”
“Tomorrow night.”
“Tomorrow? How formal is it?”
“Black tie-ish, maybe, I guess. I don’t know that much about dress codes. Hunnigan usually helps me with this.”
“I don’t have anything that formal.”
“That’s why I’m giving you advanced notice. So you can get something.”
Fuck it. “Okay,” you said. 
“Okay,” he said, “I’ll be home early tonight and we can figure out the plan for tomorrow.”
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You were not Leon’s girlfriend, not his wife, not his daughter, but you were his date for the night. 
This wasn’t the first time you and Leon had danced together. He’d gone to a father-daughter dance with you when you were in kindergarten. Back then, you wore a little pink dress, cheap tulle fabric, and a tiara atop your head. Tonight, your gold dress was form-fitting around the hips with a tailored hem so you could dance without tripping over your feet. It didn’t quite brush the floor, the fabric stayed clean. The slit halfway up your thigh could only be seen when you moved. The classiest tease.
“Dance with me?” you asked with your hand out as an invitation, already inching towards the dance floor.
He thought about it for a good moment, and with an eye roll, he took your hand.
“For you,” he said.
It felt like prom night, in the awkward ‘where are we supposed to put our hands’ way. There was a novelty about it. Your arms around his neck and his carefully placed at your waist, no lower. You swayed back and forth, and Leon felt at peace for the first time in a long time. There was no pressure to be the father you never had and no expectation of the two of you sleeping together. It was just you, beautiful as ever, smiling as you swayed back and forth in time like you’d practiced.
“Did you take dance classes?” you asked him.
“No, why?” he asked.
“You dance effortlessly.”
“It’s not hard. You’re doing it too.”
“But you’re leading.”
“It’s simple,” he says, counting each step 1-2-3-4, slowly leading you through a box step.
Your smile made Leon smile. You made him giddy like no one else.
“Can you twirl me?” you asked because you knew he could unless he’d somehow forgotten how to in the years since he’d done it when you were a little girl.
“Of course,” he said with an unwavering grin as he spun you around, and to your surprise - and delight - he dipped you, too. He even dared to press a kiss to your cheek when he pulled you back up.
I love you. It was on the tip of your tongue, but you kept your mouth closed. Your smile said enough.
You and Leon made the mistake of getting tipsy on champagne, but the open bar was too tempting for either of you to refuse.
“I usually leave these things early,” Leon said to you around midnight. 
“You usually don’t invite me.”
“I should more often because you are a great dance partner.” It became effortless once you got the hang of it, so you both danced until your feet hurt, and then you danced a little more. 
“I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my dancing because I’ll probably never walk again after tonight,” you said, leaning onto him for support, “I need to get these shoes off.”
Wait until we get home, he tried to say, but what came out was, “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”
Leon had complimented you a thousand times. This should not have felt so novel. You were always his pretty princess, right? But his smile was not light and playful like it usually was with you. The look on his face was so sincere. The redness rising in his cheeks was the confession. It was real. 
“Should we go home?” You asked, secretly hoping you could get him to crawl in bed with you when you got there. 
“We have to wait until one of us sobers up enough to drive unless you want to get a cab…” he said, “or, we could get a room.”
Leon’s face lit up, almost like he was proud of himself for coming up with the idea - a little giddy about it, too. 
You had an even better idea to accompany his genius plan. “Can you hold the glasses while I get us a bottle?” You whispered. 
“What?” He whispered back. 
“Here.” You thrust your champagne flute at him after you down what was in it. “I’m going to go grab us something.”
“Wait,” Leon said, stopping you. 
“It’s not like they’re going to miss it.”
“I didn’t say ‘no’, I said, ‘wait’. Let me book us a room first. Then, we'll come back to conduct your little ‘operation’.”
Leon made mistakes, but he wasn’t completely careless. He flashed you two room keys a few moments later. 
“Take this,” he said, handing you one, “and go up to the fourth floor, room 405, take the glasses. I’ll get the bottle.”
You nodded and snuck out. You were lucky that no one was in the elevator to catch you with stolen goods since you didn’t have a jacket or a big enough purse to hide them in. You opened the door to find a lovely room with only one bed for the both of you to share. 
“Perfect,” you said to yourself. You stepped out of your shoes and slipped off your dress. You were down to only a thong, no bra. Seducing Leon was a secondary motive. You really just wanted to get out of your clothes. 
You covered yourself with the sheets before Leon walked in. You wanted it to be a surprise, and you were freezing your ass off. He swallowed hard when he saw your dress pooled on the floor. 
“So?” He asked, holding up the bottle. “Want me to do the honors?”
“Yes, please.”
He poured one glass for each of you and said, “A toast?”
You nodded and held up your glass, giving him the go ahead. 
He hesitated. “A toast to you,” he said, “for being the prettiest girl in every room.”
You clinked glasses with him and tried not to look too emotional. 
“Like Celine and Jesse, right?”
“Stealing the champagne. In Before Sunrise they steal a bottle of wine and wine glasses.”
“Yeah, I forgot about that. I think I’m Celine and you’re Jesse, though.”
“You do? Why?”
“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling I have.”
You put your glass on the bedside table while Leon took off his shoes and his jacket. He left his glass sitting on the dresser next to the TV. Every rational part of his mind would be telling him not to do this, but they had all been lulled to sleep by the alcohol. 
He didn’t climb into bed next to you. He leaned over and kissed you. It was better than you remembered. You reached out and pulled him in again when he pulled away to take a breath. This time he didn’t argue, he leaned into the kiss. It was more passionate than the last time you’d done this. 
Leon murmured something about taking his pants off and you made no effort to stop him. The room was quiet minus the clinking sound of his belt buckle and then the pop of a button and the pulling of a zipper. You’d seen Leon’s dick before. You were eager to see it again, and yet, waited patiently while you watched him undress. His calloused hands ran down his torso, taking his shirt off button by button. He hung up his clothes in the closet, though he’d send them to the dry cleaners regardless. He wasn’t sexy, hot, DILF-ish. He was beautiful. You pretended you were watching your husband take off his suit after a long day at work. A familiar man, one you’d chosen to lie down next to every night. You longed for that choice. 
He returned to you in nothing but his underwear, matching you in his state of undress. 
“Wanna let me in?” He asked. 
You lifted the covers. When he got under the sheets, he lay down on his side facing you. Your bodies drifted closer to each other until your skin was touching his. His lips were on yours again. You weren’t sure whether or not to ask. You didn’t want to shatter the delicate moment. 
His hands roamed your body, ending up on your waist. 
“Can I touch you?” you asked. 
“Mhm,” he said. Not a reluctant yes, but a guilty one. If he didn’t say it, maybe it wasn’t so bad. 
He watched as you palmed him through the fabric of his underwear. His breath hitched, and you asked, “Can I go down on you?”
He didn’t respond at first. “Please?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” he said. His gaze was hazy and warm despite his icy blue eyes. He changed his position so that you could be on top of him. You kissed down his stomach, making your way down to the v-line of his hips. He pulled the covers down before you could dip your head below them. You thought it was a courtesy. So you could breathe. 
He said, “I wanna see you.”
You were slightly nervous for your performance, but he looked pleased with the show by the time you’d gotten his dick out of his pants. You licked a stripe up the side while you looked into his eyes. He rubbed your cheek and smiled. 
You took him into your mouth, slowly easing yourself down so as not to gag. You couldn’t go all the way down, but he didn’t mind at all. He was focused on trying to keep his eyes from closing and his head from lolling back. 
His breath was ragged and his hands ran through your hair. He didn’t dare move his hips. 
“Fuck,” he said, “C’mere.”
It was clear he was getting close. He pulled you up so that you were on top of him, your noses touching. He asked in a whisper, “Do you wanna do this?”
He was nervous. You could hear it in his voice. You’d had sex before. It wasn’t your first time doing this with each other. But, it was your first time making love. Something Leon hadn’t done in so many years it felt brand new to him, too. 
You nodded and he swiftly flipped you over, so he was on top. He was going to take care of you. He always took care of you. That was the one thing that never changed between the two of you.
He kissed you with such a passion that every other kiss you’d shared before that was put to shame. Every time he touched you, he did so with reverence. The last time you were naked and entangled, it was morally dubious at best, a cardinal sin at worst. This was something holy.
He slipped your thong down your thighs and you kicked it off, letting it disappear somewhere in the sheets. He’d peeled back the final layer that stood between your skin and his. Leon paused. Everything paused. All that was left was your heavy breathing, matching his, and the thrum of your heartbeat, hard, but steady in your chest. Sure of its own existence more than ever at that moment. Leon ran his hands over your entire body, making sure to learn the way every atom made up your physical form. He understood you more than ever when his hands grazed your inner thighs. Your breath hitched when he brushed his fingertips over your clit. 
Then, he began to finger you, getting you ready for him - which didn’t take very long. 
You felt the head of his cock prodding at your entrance, and he asked, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
It took you a moment, but you realized what he meant: I don’t have a condom. 
“Yeah,” you said, confidently as the thought of feeling him inside you without any barrier made you more aroused. 
He began with slow thrusts. He kept his body close to yours. He didn’t increase his speed, but you could feel him deeper inside you. When he was finally fully encased by your warmth, he groaned. You could feel his cock pulsate and it made you moan. He never pulled all the way out, he stayed deep inside you for as long as he could, rocking his hips slowly. You wished for your bodies to melt into one. This was the closest you’d ever get. 
It didn’t make you scream or cry or swear, but your breath quickened and your legs trembled. You got close to the edge faster than the last time. It took all of Leon’s willpower not to come when you did. You didn’t warn him, though he saw it coming. You arched your back and dragged your nails down his back. You could apologize later if you even remembered. He pulled out just in time to paint your thighs with thick white ropes.
There was the briefest moment of clarity. The duality of ‘this was a mistake’ and ‘I love you’ was at the forefront of both your minds. 
“Don’t think about it,” your eyes said when he returned with a wet washcloth to wipe you down. 
He got into bed beside you and pulled you close. 
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You didn’t talk about that night, but things got marginally better. In some ways, it was like the sex had smoothed things over. You noticed the creases forming next to Leon’s eyes when he smiled at you - it wasn’t forced anymore. But that was all it was. When you brushed up against him in the kitchen, he walked past you, not thinking anything about it. You wanted his arms encircling your waist, his face in your neck, pressing kisses to your skin. Since that night, your thoughts were filled with wedding bands, baby clothes, watching Leon get dressed every morning from your shared bed. You wondered sometimes how well he remembered that night in the hotel. His credit card sure did. 
You started spending time with friends. You needed to get out of the house before you made yourself crazy. When you did go out, you stayed out late, and Leon gave you the typical “if you’re going to drink, don’t drive,” which was all too pertinent given your dad’s situation.
You didn’t drink that night, so you did drive home. Your friend had a family obligation the next day - oh, what it would be like to have one of those, you thought. 
You got home around midnight after having been out since the afternoon. You walked inside, took off your shoes, and planned to go to your room until you heard rustling coming from the living room. You walked into the living room, your living room, your father’s living room, to see Leon balls-deep in some woman you’d never seen before.
With messy hair falling upon his forehead and sweat beading on his brow, Leon locked eyes with you. The mystery woman was facing away. You could only see her brown hair on the throw pillow and her legs wrapped around Leon’s hips. You bolted upstairs, worried you’d be physically ill if you stayed in that room for one second longer.
This time, you did cry - after screaming into your pillow. This was worse than leaving you. There was no contract between the two of you about being with other people; rather, he’d specifically told you to find someone else the first time you’d had sex. It was a one time thing. But it was a one time thing that happened twice, more than twice if you count the time over the phone. Every act of love you shared, no matter how right it felt, was still a broken promise, still a foolish decision, just kicking more dents into your fragile relationship.
This was the greatest violation in all of human history. You wanted to tattle to your father, but what would that do? Yeah, fucking on his couch would get Leon a read of the riot act, but to truly explain the severity, the double backstabbing that he’d done, you’d have to tell your father that you’d slept with Leon. And you sure as hell weren’t going to tell him about that.
There was a knock at your bedroom door.
“Go away,” you yelled.
“Open up,” Leon called back.
“Go tell that to the stupid whore downstairs! I don’t want you anymore!”
She can have my sloppy seconds, you thought. But, in reality, weren’t you having someone’s sloppy seconds the whole time? Leon was your first, your only, but you were a notch in his bedpost.
Leon could scold you about calling the woman a whore, but he didn’t. “She’s gone. I kicked her out.”
“Pumped and dumped her, too?” Just like you did with me, Leon. Only you can’t leave physically.
“Excuse me?”
“Come and go, blow your load, and hit the road; how else would you like me to say it?”
“Open the door,” he said again, but you could hear the smile forming on his face. At least you were funny, even if you couldn’t be good enough for the true once-in-a-lifetime love you wanted from him. 
You opened the door, dressed in your PJs, which consisted of a tank top and a pair of panties. He didn’t deserve to look at you like that. You covered yourself with the door.
“What do you want, Leon?”
“To apologize.”
“For what?”
“For having sex in the living room.”
“You know why. All of the reasons why.”
He knew you about as well as you knew yourself. He knew all the ‘whys’ even if he couldn’t verbalize them.
You remember when you were little and got in trouble for a stupid thing you did as a child. You disobeyed Leon in some way - secretly ate a cookie while he wasn’t looking, snuck out of your room to watch TV, messed with his paperwork, etc. You drew him an ‘I’m sorry’ card in crayon.
He wasn’t going to pull out the crayons.
“What can I do to apologize to you?”
“Nothing. There’s nothing. It’s all wrong. It’s all gone. Everything.” Everything we were, everything we could’ve been.
When you were a little girl, you thought you were going to marry Leon. He and your dad both thought it was funny, so you had a fake wedding ceremony. It was innocent at the time. You had ring pops instead of wedding bands, and he kissed you on the cheek, not the lips.
You were going to be ‘Mrs. Kennedy’. Your brain persisted, and Leon only solidified the idea in your mind when he took your virginity. It was the last piece of you that you held from him. He had your soul but never your body. Now, he had that, too. You had an old t-shirt of his and tainted memories. Nothing more.
“What do you mean?” He asked. There was a partial understanding. Everything between the two of you was always going to be different. He’d warned you before you had sex with him. But there was more to it than that.
“I just saw you with that woman. I can never unsee that.”
“You’ve seen me naked before, and you know I’ve had sex with other women.”
And I promised you nothing.
“But, it’s like, you’re totally different now.” You gestured vaguely at his body, something that now held more meaning, a complex layer of disgust covering him.
“How?” I’m the same man I’ve always been.
“Not to me.”
He sighed and held the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.
“I think you see me as someone I’m not, someone I’ve never been.”
“That’s not true. You’ve always been good to me.”
“But you only know what I show you.”
“So you’re a dick to everyone else? You’re a fucking asshole every moment I’m not in the room with you?”
“I don’t think I’m that bad, but I’m not anyone’s knight in shining armor.”
“You were mine.”
“No, I wasn’t. You thought I was. I didn’t want you to see the bad parts of me. I still don’t. I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“Goodnight,” you said and closed the door in his face.
There was nothing you could do to forget. You felt something you’d never felt before. You wanted your mom - a woman you had no memory of, someone you’d never known. She left when you were a baby, but your dad never talked badly about her. His words were rare but had a nostalgic sweetness. You’d heard Leon say a few nice things about her over the years, too. You had a picture of her in a drawer in your bedroom. You pulled it out and looked at a face almost identical to yours. You wished, in some way, that both your father and Leon had left with her. Surely she wasn’t perfect - in fact, you should resent her for leaving, but you’d never heard anything to taint your image of her. She was just a woman who made a bad choice once, but you weren’t attached enough to be angry, and no one had cracked the facade you put up around her image. If you had her phone number, you’d call.
Leon was in the next room over, and somehow, he was further away than her and more absorbed in mystery. 
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Your dad came home. He came home sober with suitcases in hand, holding his arms out for you. You ran into them. You sobbed harder than you ever had. Happy tears flowed easier than sad tears. There wasn’t anything holding you back from crying.
Your dad’s hand held the back of your head while you buried your head in his chest. You ate dinner at the kitchen table together. You felt lost without Leon. He left your house, you stayed, and yet it felt like you’d woken up in a completely different place than the one you’d fallen asleep in. It wasn’t bad, just different. You wished there was a way to put all of the parts of your life together. You’d have to put super glue on mismatched puzzle pieces. It would always be a futile effort. You had Leon, you have dad, you’ll probably never have mom. 
“What are you thinking about?” Your dad’s voice called you back to the present. 
“Nothing,” you said, faking a smile. 
“What are you really thinking about?”
“Mom,” you said. You were, you always got stuck when you thought about her because you were trying to imagine a woman who was a stranger to you. 
“Mom? Why?” You expected him to be somber, maybe bitter even, but he was intrigued, it seemed. 
“She’s been on my mind recently. I’ve been thinking about you, my dad, my parent, and- and I don’t want to sound greedy because I’m lucky to have you here, but I wish there was more than just us.”
“You’ve got Leon,” he offered. 
You scoffed, waving it away with your hand. “Don’t bring up Leon right now.”
“Is there drama between the two of you?”
“No, I wouldn’t call it ‘drama’.” 
It’s way, way worse than that, you thought.
“You’ll get over it, he’ll get over it. It always works itself out.”
“Who are you and what did you do with my dad? What’s with all this optimism?” You playfully nudged his shoulder. 
“What can I say? This whole therapy thing has given me a new outlook on life.”
He paused before taking on a more serious tone. “And, a near-death experience gave me a new appreciation for life. I didn’t care much about my own life. I could take it or leave it.”
“Dad…” You couldn’t find the right words. 
“No, no, let me finish: you are important to me.” He put his hand on your shoulder and locked eyes with you. “I remember going in and out of consciousness the day of the accident, and seeing your face. I hate to see you cry like that. I didn’t realize how much the things I do affect you.”
You raised an eyebrow. I’m your child, you thought, how would it not affect me?
“I’m serious. It sounds stupid. I was being selfish, and I always knew that, but I didn’t realize how much you needed me. You had Leon, and you always liked him better anyway. I figured you didn’t mind being left alone with him sometimes.”
“I don’t mind seeing Leon, but I still need my dad.”
“I know. I was making excuses for my own behavior. I know it’s a little late to say it, but I want to be a good father.”
“Better late than never. Better than mom…”
“No,” he said, “you don’t know your mother’s reasons for leaving. It wasn’t you. She loved you.”
“She left because of you.” You were blunt with him. You usually were. 
“She couldn’t take the drinking problem, my constant working. If she could’ve taken you with her, I think she would have.”
“If she wanted to, she would have.”
“No, babies are expensive, and I was always the breadwinner. I think she hoped it would be a wake-up call and I would get better. She thought it was the right choice for you.”
You sighed and tried not to roll your eyes. You wished he’d get angry at her for leaving. Shouldn’t that be easy? Shouldn’t that be right? Whatever, you thought, maybe he’s like you - good at making peace with people leaving. 
“I know it wasn’t due to my parenting, but you turned out pretty darn great.”
“I’m kind of a disaster, actually.”
“Blame the ‘disaster’ parts of yourself on me. You’re kind, you’re funny, you’re smart-”
“I’m not that smart, trust me.”
I’m such an idiot. You have no idea. 
“I’m not going to ask because somehow I feel like whatever you’re up to, it’s something I don’t want to hear about. Just promise me you’ll be safe, okay?”
“I promise. As long as you promise, too.” You held out your pinky. 
“Promise,” he said, interlocking his pinky finger with yours. 
You let yourself believe him. You decided to take a dose of his optimism, irrational as it seemed. At least let yourself fantasize, right? You’ve got something. Maybe not everything, but something. Maybe not Leon, but you’ve got dad, and isn’t that what you wanted the whole time? 
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That same night, Leon went out with a woman he’d been casually talking to - it was time to move on from you, at least in the romantic way. 
You’d always have some sort of bond.
Leon sat through dinner, dissecting his steak out of boredom. It wasn’t worth the price. He could cook a better one himself. The woman sitting across from him was talking about something, but he wasn’t quite sure what due to the fact that he wasn’t listening. 
“Leon?” She said, irritated. 
“Yeah?” He said with the least fake-looking smile he could muster. 
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Yeah, why? What did I miss?”
“I asked you-”
“-have you seen the movie ‘Before Sunrise’?”
“Yeah? I never really understood the hype.”
“What? It’s a great movie. The sequel is great, too.”
“I didn’t see it.”
“You should. Maybe it’s unrealistic to think about that once in a lifetime love, but don’t you think we should try to find that? No matter how irrational it seems?”
“You do realize you’re on a date right now, and you’re talking about love and romance like it’s this lofty, unattainable concept.”
“I see your point.”
The waiter comes by with the check and Leon thanks him, and thanks God silently, too. 
“I don’t think you’re ever going to find it if you can’t even pay attention to a woman. I like you, Leon, and I’d ask you to come home with me, but-”
Leon knew he shouldn’t see you again, but when he got his credit card out of his wallet to pay for dinner, he saw your picture. He’d always kept it there. He’d change the photo about once a year and keep the others in his bedside drawer. It’s a picture of you in your cap and gown. He was so proud of you; he is so proud of you. He loved you then; he loves you now. The problem is that he’s falling in love with you now. It’s not just familial; it’s not lust, either.
He thought about When Harry Met Sally, which is your third favorite movie after Jerry Maguire and Before Sunrise. The woman asked him if he wanted to take this back to her place, and he was barely paying attention when he said ‘no.’ He gave her a half-assed excuse and dumped tic-tacs in his mouth so he didn’t have wine on his breath because he knew you hate the taste of red wine. He wasn’t drunk, though. If he were, he wouldn’t drive. Leon’s an idiot, Leon’s a fuck-up, but Leon knows he’s a shitty driver. He won’t risk his life on his way to you. This isn’t a tragedy, he hoped.
He forgot your dad was probably home, but fuck it. If he’s really in love, he’ll confess it in public.
“I’m in love with you,” he said when you opened the door. It wasn’t ‘Hello’. You couldn’t say, ‘You had me at hello’ because he began with, ‘I’m in love with you.’
You stared at him long enough that he started fumbling through apologies and excuses. You didn’t say anything. You pulled him into a kiss, which was to say what he should’ve known all along.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
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641 notes · View notes
saguette · 7 months
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have to stick this at the bottom but i made a twitter account to get comfortable posting more original art + fandom stuff just mentioning it incase anyone wants to see my posts more frequently since i usually use tumblr for just doodle dump posts
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canisalbus · 1 month
would you ever post sketch dumps again like back in the deviantart days? I always loved seeing your sketches they’re just as beautiful as the final pieces. I hope you share more in the future but I look forward to any art you post ~ <3 also hope this doesn’t come off as pushy you take all the time you need and post art when YOU want to of course.
Thank you!
Hmm, I think there's a couple of reasons.
They're pretty time consuming to put together. I draw all my sketches on paper, so before I even get to compiling them I have to scan them. And unfortunately my time tends to be pretty limited these days.
Unlike back in prime deviantart era, most people now use their phones to browse tumblr (+other social media), and large images with tons of tiny doodles don't come across that well on small mobile screens. You can always zoom in to get a better look, but since the full piece won't be as eye catching, a lot of people will end up scrolling past it.
I don't know if the situation has changed, but in more than one occasion, when I posted sketch dumps, a few people always seemed to see the unfinished sketches as free real estate and traced over them, essentially treating them as bases for their own work (which was really discouraging, they were my sketches, often depicting my own characters, I was going to use them myself :< )
I'm sort of self-conscious. If the sketch isn't that great I don't want anyone to see it, and if it looks nice I'd rather show you the finished piece instead, you know?
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
Why do you hate me?
Pairing: class president! kai x stoner! reader
genre: smut, crack
warning: sub! kai x dom! reader, use of drugs, sex whilst high, riding, humping, semi public, nipple play, corruption kink (?)
word count: 1.5k
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“As you all know there was a big fight that went viral and was shared across numerous platforms between two students last week.”
Everyone excitedly burst into chatter and giggles, talking about the fight between choi beomgyu and choi soobin when they had—more of a hair pulling fight—over beomgyu stealing soobin’s last strawberry drink and throwing it over the fence.
“Please don’t film these kinds of situations or spread them. We’ll be looking out for the main perpetrators who filmed and spread this. It’d be helpful if anyone had any information. We should all be upstanders not bystanders!”
The whole class not so subtly, stares at Kang Taehyun, the said culprit and who filmed the entire fight, dealing out the whole, ‘exclusive’ recording to see who actually won for $20. He appears nonchalant though, sitting in his seat upright and also looking around the classroom in shock, feigning innocence.
“The two students have been dealt with accordingly and will both be in seclusion until further notice. Oh! Also the last concern raised with the committee was the littering issue going round. Please make sure to not leave your food or litter around and clean up after yourselves!” Huening Kai stood at the front of the class, enthusiastically and confidently delivering his speech as class president.
The students erupted into cheers and claps and whistles for their adored class president. Everyone loved huening Kai. It was hard not to when he was so friendly and good looking, greeting everyone with a wide smile as he passed the corridors, most squealing over his charisma.
However, you were one not so fond of his sunny disposition. You didn’t like how he adhered and maintained the rules whilst you actively tried to break them. You found his cheeriness and enthusiasm and the way people fawned over him quite irritating in actuality.
You rolled your eyes, turning to talk to your other stoner friend Taeyong about how annoying the class president was.
“With how much you talk about huening Kai, I’d think you actually have a crush on him or something.” Taeyong raises one of his pierced brows.
“What? As if!” You let out an incredulous scoff.
“I’m just saying you talk way too much about how you dislike him, never for a plausible reason. It feels like you’re actually obsessed with him. Your enemies to lovers arc?” Taeyong snickers.
“That literally doesn’t make any sense.” You elbow him in disgust and go on to chatting and complaining about something else.
Huening kai had caught your eye roll after his speech as he sat back in his seat, frowning and becoming overridden with confusion and sadness. He knew you had never liked him and he just couldn’t wrap his head around why, wanting to fix things with you so badly if he could.
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“Oh! Kai!” The teacher stops him in the middle of the hallway, exhaling a breath of relief after finally catching up. “I’m really busy now so as class president could you go and look into some of the students hiding and smoking behind the art block all the time? We need to actually deal with this problem of drugs in our school. Inspectors are coming in soon we need to look good and not have them walking in seeing students smoking.”
“Sure thing, miss!”
“And make sure you report back to me the names of students there. Thank you, Kai.”
Huening Kai sighs, teachers always loved to dump their issues and own work on himself using it as an excuse that he was the class president and giving him way too much responsibility than he should have. He practically did everything around here and it could get quite stressful being so relied on at times.
Kai follows the trail of smoke he can see to the hidden part behind the art block. Everyone should be in class right now so he wonders who it is that is smoking.
When he makes it there his eyes catch yours, the only person here and he must say, he’s not that surprised.
“You should be in class right now with everyone else, y/n.”
You roll your eyes and stare at him with disgust, “Wow it’s the class president ready to ruin the mood again.”
Kai frowns, face resembling that of a kicked puppy and looking back at you with a pout, “Why do you hate me so much, y/n? Did I do something? Is there any way I can fix it?”
Your mouth parts in surprise, taken a back by how genuinely upset he seems about it. You can feel a little pang in your heart seeing him this way, feeling like you have to immediately change it and you don’t know why.
“Uhh…I don’t-I don’t hate you, Kai. I just-you’re not my favourite person in the world.”
He seems more upset by that, bottom lip jutting out.
“Um! I mean…I don’t know…We’re just very different people”
“I don’t mean to make you feel so unequal. As class president-“
You groan, “Do you ever give that a rest? Don’t you ever get bored of that?”
“Actually, it does get quite tiring and stressful sometimes being so depended and admired on by everyone, thinking that I can do everything. I guess you never really have though.” Huening kai comes to sit on the bench with you.
You pause in thought, placing the joint to your lips again, “You know what would make you feel better?”
“This.” You wavered the joint.
“I-I shouldn’t.”
“Why not? It’ll make you feel good, no one’s around.”
Huening Kai contemplates it with a worried glance, eventually giving into the temptation of it. “O-okay…just to try though.”
Kai accepts the joint with trembling fingers, looking at you to see if he's doing it right and taking a puff before spluttering and coughing and you laugh a little.
It's not a long before the weed starts to kick in as you both take turns passing the joint and taking drags, laughter and giggles mingling with the smoke that curled and enveloped you both.
Caught up in the hazy euphoria, both your eyes meet, locking in a trance-like gaze and your eyes flicker down to his pretty lips for a second and he does the same until something comes over you and you can’t resist, quickly leaning in and cupping his cheek, smashing your lips with his.
Yeah, It’s the drugs. You’ve definitely never thought about this moment before.
You make out with kai in a frenzy that matches both your heightened state, soft lips moving against each other and you move to straddle his lap instead, causing him to look up at you in surprise. You grin before trailing the rough kisses on his neck instead and he can’t contain his embarrassed whimpers anymore, cheeks so hot and flushed as you caressed one of them.
You can feel him growing harder underneath you and you pull him closer, grinding against him.
“Y-y/n!” Kai yelps and gasps, scrunching his eyes shut at the feeling and contact of his dick.
You do it again, his reactions so amusing. With a particular rough roll of your hips, kai’s eyes roll deeply back, gripping onto your hips until he starts to chase it as well, hips moving of their own accord and rutting against you with his mouth agape.
Huening kai’s usual well articulated, spoken and composed self long gone, easily replaced with flushed cheeks and a mixture of stammering breaths and whimpers and moans as you both continuously grind and hump against each other.
In a rush you undo his pants, his flushed and thick cock springing out and kai shyly hides in the crook of your neck. You take his dick, pushing your panties aside and slowly sink down on him, kai biting at your neck and moaning out loud.
Slowly you ride him, having to cover his mouth with your hand from how obvious he was being as tears welled up in his eyes.
You lean to whisper against his ear, nibbling at it and thumbing over his impossibly red cheeks, “You’re such a good boy.” Which only spurs him more on and his muffled whines.
You deliriously bounce on his cock, sounds so sticky and obscene, removing your hand and attaching your lips with his again and drinking up all his noises, quickening your movements to get him to the edge, hands going up his buttoned shirt to roll your fingers over his pretty tits.
“t-think m’close…”
“Cum for me.”
And he moans even louder than he has, hands gripping on your shirt for dear life and head lolling back, body trembling as his cum spills in your pussy and you moan as well, both your eyes filled with a dazed satisfaction.
He rests his forehead with yours and pants heavily, you ruffling his hair as his eyes still flutter open and shut, suddenly taking in the weight of what just happened.
“I-I know shouldn’t have…b-but I liked it.” Huening kai sheepishly stutters, still breathing heavily.
You smile, sheen of sweat on your forehead and kiss him one more time, “Same.”
Huening kai decides not to report the person smoking behind the art block, instead finding himself frequenting there just to see you and smoke and make out, a secret new found place where he can relieve tension and stress.
Please actually reblog !!!!!! and leave comments !!!! guys 😭 if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated and so nice tysm !<3🙏💕🌷🌷! It’s discouraging and sad when fics have such little reblogs ☹️👎🤨 Feedback is always appreciated it makes writers want to actually write :) !
Taglist: @jayoonology @banggyu0308 @idontwantoeatspicy @lovelyhyuka14
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pricesfav · 1 month
Girl dad Price who holds his daughter for the first time bawling his eyes out
Girl dad Price who puts little pricette in bunches of little costumes and takes many many pictures
Girl dad Price who gets his nails painted by his little sunshine whatever colour she wants and will never take it off
Girl dad Price who will have endless tea parties, fashion shows, and beauty salons with his sunshine if it makes her happy
Girl dad Price who will put any art work up on the fridge (even if it’s not the best, it is in his eyes)
Girl dad Price who cries the first time little pricette brings him a daddy daughter dance invitation and will not miss it for the world
Girl dad Price who makes his daughter step on his back when it hurts (always)
Girl dad Price who will question any boy she brings up even if she says ‘It’s just a friend’ he’s skeptical.
Girl dad Price who ‘doesn’t mind’ when he finds his precious truck with a nice big scratch down the side after his daughter had it last. When he confronts her she immediately comes clean with tears only to get back a ‘don’t sweat it 😁’ knowing full well if it was anyone else they’d have gotten an earful and a hefty bill
Girl dad Price who cannot bear to see his sunshine crying and will go through great lengths to make her happy. Even if that’s taking her to the mall and spending hundreds of dollars when she’s happy he’s happy
Girl dad Price who is shocked to see his daughter coming home from school slamming doors crying and storming up to her room just to find that his precious angel was just DUMPED?!
Oh he’s fuming that some no good punk made his heart cry like that he wants to storm over to his house and teach that boy a well deserved lesson. Of course he was talked down and went to console his daughter with gifts and affection
Girl dad Price would do anything for his little sunshine. ☀️💗
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itsillchangethislater · 2 months
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Unless the perfectionist demons win…these are the last FULL illustrations! Ideally, I had wanted to a shot of possessed Vanessa and also one of y/n and she in her hospital room, but my dudes. I am tired 🤣. The Vanessa one might still get done…it taunts me….
The one with Eclipse gave me the most trouble out of any picture I think…the emotions in that moment, when they can both FINALLY. REST. Glitchtrap defeated, secrets laid bare, both tired and worn and bleeding but finally able to see each other truly as they are with nothing more between them…Well I might’ve teared up at this scene. Trying to capture those feelings was HARD! It’s one of my favorite moments in the whole story(I think I say that a lot) but I REALLY mean it this time! It’s the moment that comes to my head the most when I think of the fic! It means a lot to me and makes me so very happy. This one went through several different drafts but I think I finally managed to get it the way I’d envisioned.
the last shot is soft and small! The boys and y/n, walking off into another adventure, wherever their cryptid sightings shall take them!
I DID want to do some more dramatic scenes, like the hotel room and the Big Fight! But alas my good people….i am a weenie and intimidated myself out of it lol, but honestly? I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got!
Now I’ve got a few more spot drawings to upload, my inside cover art(which needs to get finished still….)and then I thought maybe I’d post all my rejected drafts into a big doodle dump if anyone wants to see a bunch of half finished Suns and wonky anatomy?
cryptid sightings by @naffeclipse
Eclipse design by @themeeplord
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genericpuff · 2 months
no stop this article is too funny
this is from 2020 and while it talks about webtoons in general as a platform and medium, there's an excerpt from Rachel that's ironically and hilariously telling on herself when it comes to her priorities as a creator and how her work has aged incredibly poorly in the past 4 years:
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She may as well just be saying, "I like Webtoon because they don't have any quality control" and "the trad publishing market had standards that I couldn't live up to, so instead of actually trying to live up to them, I went with a platform that has zero standards and was willing to make me into the standard regardless of my own qualifications and lack thereof."
Like y'all, take this as advice from someone who's had their fair share of rejection letters... the print industry dumping your unsolicited portfolio in the bin isn't gatekeeping, it's the nature of the business. The way Rachel describes it here - albeit I'm sure it's simplified for the sake of being an interview answer, but still - makes it sound like she was just expecting to walk right into the trad publishing market without an agent, without a completed manuscript or pitch, without any professional representation, and just slam her portfolio of mid-2000's art on the desk expecting them to hire her on the spot.
Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of barriers that prevent people from getting into the trad market, hurdles that can often be outright unfair (lacking the funds, lacking the connections, etc.) but... there's also a reason many of those barriers are there in practice.
First of all, fun fact: the reason why many publishers don't take unsolicited manuscripts isn't just to help them filter out the spam and low-effort submissions and prevent an overload of submissions (because if they took submissions from anyone and everyone, the overviewing system would break entirely), but it's also for legal purposes so that they don't get sued. Because if Joe Chucklefuck sends in an unsolicited manuscript that just so happens to include a plot point about the multiverse, and then a new book series or movie comes out that is about the multiverse, Joe Chucklefuck might get the sense they're being stolen from and attempt to sue them for plagiarism. This is why it's stressed so much by publishers that any unsolicited manuscripts will not just go unread, but will be thrown straight into the bin.
But second, many publishers simply don't want to take the financial risks on random start-up creators whose only experience is running their own personal projects on Tumblr, much less personal projects like Rachel's, half of which are fetish-content and all of which are unfinished. Of course they weren't gonna take Rachel seriously back then, she hadn't done anything to build up her presence in the industry.
In that sense, yes, self-publishing or pursuing a platform gig like Webtoons probably was Rachel's next best option which would be perfectly acceptable on its own, but it's just so, so telling that she thinks it's a "perk" for Webtoons to lack so much in the way of quality control, and we would ironically see the glaring evidence of that "perk" 3-4 years later in LO's final season when every single element of it as a "professional" piece of work turned to shit. It's no wonder she liked Webtoons in 2020 for letting her do anything she wanted, because what she wanted absolutely would not fly with an actual editor and publishing agency that cared about putting out a polished piece of work. The only way she was able to get "in" with a professional publisher was through Del Rey after Webtoons brokered a deal for her to have LO put into print, and even that level of prestige can't hide the fact that LO sucks ass in print. It's almost like under normal circumstances and without Webtoons carrying her on their shoulders above every other creator on the platform - many of whom actually do have experience in both tradpub and self-publishing - Del Rey wouldn't have paid her any attention. Without Webtoons, no one would take her seriously because she doesn't take what she does seriously, and it shows in her priorities as a creator who simply wants to just do whatever she wants without any sort of reasonable oversight like research or editing which are, again, necessary expectations within the tradpub industry, because it's not just about being a free-thinking self-expressive artist anymore in that industry - it's a business.
Of course, Rachel is probably now laughing from her soapbox over the fact that she now technically helps run an imprint, so haha "poo on the meanie trad market", but considering that imprint has still not launched and has been put on the same "coming soon" track that the LO television show has been on for the past 4+ years on a loop, I'm not holding my breath that it's actually going to amount to anything substantial.
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(gotta love how they asked if Rachel was gonna create any more stories and her answer was RSP, which will help other creators bring their stories to life. so at best she didn't answer the question which is nothing new for her, at worst she gave away the fact that she's gonna be acting as some kind of producer who will be given all the credit and praise for other creator's works and efforts lmao no thankssss)
And god knows what the quality control of this imprint is gonna be like if Rachel's attitude toward the trad market overall is, "Nooo they won't let me do what I wantttt :((((" when she admittedly never even broke into the trad market to begin with and had zero experience working within that industry prior to LO.
And even then, Webtoons still doesn't give her as much freedom of choice as she claims to have. I mean ffs, this is the same person whose moderators stated that the Swarovski crystal dress from the finale was done as a "fuck you" to Webtoons for not letting her draw Persephone nude all the time.
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She's obviously still being prevented from doing what she wants to do, when a lot of what she wants to do is better off not passing the vibe check and making it into the comic.
Quality control exists for a reason, Rachel. And "letting you do what you want" isn't necessarily a "flex" that Webtoons can claim over trad publishing when that "flex" is forgoing the traditional barriers that would usually prevent someone like you from failing upwards into manufactured fame the way that you have.
And that's my big bag of cents on that.
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ozzgin · 9 months
Hello again, are requests still open? If they are, can I request headcanons for Izuku, Shoto, and Tamaki with an artist reader? They stumble upon the reader's book full of art. The book also has drawings of them and the reader together.
Yes! I even have your previous ask halfway written in my drafts, which I might just conveniently incorporate it here haha. I'm just very slow to write everything. I do mark the request section as closed when it's the case., so no worries.
BNHA Characters x Artist! Reader Headcanons
Featuring Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto, Amajiki Tamaki and a reader whose doodles are rather obvious in meaning. More fluff!
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Midoriya Izuku
Deku is not really one to pry. So it was absolutely not his intention to snoop. He'd just assumed that your notebook has generic scribbles made of class notes, facts and observations, similar to his. He didn't expect to find intricate sketches, and of such quality too!
Really, he's mesmerized. He has an eye for detail and will carefully scan every line and every brush stroke. Is this a portrait of your teacher? Fantastic angle you've chosen! The crosshatching adds a lot of depth. He slowly flips through the pages, wondering why you've never mentioned your hobby. He's even a little dejected, fearing you might not consider him as close a friend.
Then he reaches the doodles of him and you together. Oh. Ooooh. He has to look away for a moment, trying to contain his blush. Well, it certainly makes sense you'd keep it from him. He'd like to return the sketchbook and pretend he never saw anything, but...As much as he doesn't want to embarrass you, he can't get the idea out of his mind. To think you like him, too...Can he really hide how happy that makes him?
Todoroki Shoto
Opening your personal belongings was completely unintentional. Todoroki had accidentally included one of your notebooks among his own and swiftly left for his dorm room. As he clumsily dumped out the contents of his bag, he finally spotted the foreign item sprawled out on his desk.
Drawings? He can't think of anyone in class to ever mention such interest. Then he remembers he sat next to you, so it must be yours. He blushes slightly at the idea. It would be most terrible of him to snoop further, but he can't help his curiosity. He'd love to know more about you and a perfect opportunity is shining brightly before him. Just a quick peek...nothing more.
To think you were this skilled and he never noticed. He stumbles upon a portrait of himself. Unexpected. When did you even have the time to observe him so carefully? His lips purse in embarrassment. By the time he reaches the lovely couple doodles, his ears are bright red. Was his crush that obvious? He can hardly believe the coincidence of you liking him back and expressing it so clearly. Returning the sketchbook will certainly be interesting. It is the duty of a Prince, after all (If he is to refer to your little sketches).
Amajiki Tamaki
Tamaki has noticed how you often sneak away from the crowds and assumed you, too, are struggling with anxiety and awkwardness. Upon further inspection, however, it seems you just enjoy sketching by yourself. He feels a little ridiculous, hiding behind the wall and spying on an innocent hobby like this.
Then again, why the secrecy? He always thought you're good friends, yet you never mentioned anything about it. Combined with the fact you frequently praise him or gaze at him uncomfortably long...Are you planning on pranking him or something? No, no, that's just his paranoia talking. He reassures himself as he holds the little book you conveniently forgot behind. This is the perfect opportunity to prove to himself he's overthinking as usual.
Seeing the doodles of you and him together turns him into a fumbling, red-faced mess. His hands are trembling. The polite thing to do right now would be to close the notebook and promptly return it. Still, he's stuck in place, staring at the pages. Is this a joke? You can't possibly like him back. Someone like him. As much as he denies it, the longing won't leave his flustered heart. A man can dream...
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