#the art is gorgeous btw :0
poorly-drawn-bsd · 25 days
POORLY DRAW!? Im sorry the crew is adorable and so is ur artstyle (the 'well drawn' art is gorgeous btw) how poorly drawn can u draw then? 0-0
We have a few renditions!
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sweeteaacakes · 5 months
I opened my phone and found a game I pre-registered months ago! It's called "Tokyo Debunker"!
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Have you guys seen those creepy ads of a video game that looked like pkmn rip-offs called "Evertal*le"? This is one of their game and the ad caught me so I went for it. I was expecting a pixel-game but, uh, well, it's not TT-TT)... They tend to make misleading ads but this? I got caught by this...
It's more like a VN... BUUUUT it didn't disappointment me in and it served surprisingly well too!
Supernatural cases in Tokyo alongside devilish ghouls and quirky cats!
At the prestigious Darkwick Academy, your untily classmates have sold their souls to demons in exchange for a wish... and you'll have to find a way to make them work together to solve supernatural cases all over Tokyo. If you get stuck, you can always turn Darkwick's clever cat familiars for their supports!
It's comes with variety of gameplay modes!
Facilities building where your classmates can work and allows you to interact with them or read a conversation of your other classmates;
It have an "investigation" which is an... auto-turn-based battle mode. You just have to brainwork with their skills and equipments;
As bonus, it have a rhythm game! It's pretty easy since it's linear and you have to tap to allow the cat to turn around. You get 3 tries and is available for later!;
It also have co-op kode but I haven't tried yet!
Now let's start with opening!
As you can see on the imagine above, there are seven characters with each different uniform! Each of them are the leader of each "Houses".
Dark Blue: Frostheim || Yellow: Vagastrom
Orange: Jabberwock (and they have an axolotl in their emblem!!! ♡♡♡) || Dark red: Sinostra
Lilac: Hotarubi || Violet: Obscuary || Green: Mortkraken
The game will make you choose "who will you save"? It have a total of 7 houses with minimum 2 to 4 members. With Frostheim the with 4 members and Mortkraken with only 2! Obscuary is a particular one since it only shows one of its member! Once chosen a house, you will choose a character who will appear in the prolouge.
Aaaaand, yeah. The houses will be mentioned few chapters later :3
I won't spoil much but I can say that despite how lighthearted this this game is later... it knows how to jumpscare :)
And we go with Chapter 1
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Aye! The MC here! They're female in illustration but I prefer calling them in GN! term and named them "Lucien"! We are in a train after a music concert. The chatroom with the people we went in left the chat and only us and another person, Mina, remain. Turns out we're both in the same train too so we decide to meet up!
A moment after the train arrived at the stop...but it's not ours...
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Kisaragi Station? The creepypasta °0°)!?! (/j)
So, we're now in another stop... and found ourselves in an eerie place... And an unknown number calls us. Whether we pick it up or hang down, Mina will text us...
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Mina makes her way in our car. We look at the number... 7... the door slides wide open but nothing's there other than darkness. Until someone whispers in our ears.
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Gehehehe. I'm not gonna show you the whole thing in case you want to see it yourself!
I cut the spoiler of this chapter here but I'll give you preview of other shots because they are gorgeous!
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And this few panels! It's not much but I wanted to show how the writing and illustration doesn't shy away from showing blood and swearing! (Note: that guy used those mirror shards as the ammo for his gun btw... pretty rad.) So far, it's fully-voiced too!
Anyways, supernatural, eldritch beings, monsters? Check! They're very creative on it uwu). Good writing? Yaah! The art? Beautiful! Good humor? Nyah! (^=w=^)b
As said before, I'm not far in the story yet. I hope to see more creepy and cool stuffs but the daylight story isn't bad either! The characters have personality. Even MC had a good impression on me. They are down-to-earth and is quick at picking up to things happening around despite the sudden event in their life.
The only sad thing is... they all have body shapes... like... um... twink shaped in their 2-D.... and only one "dark-skinned" character 🥲... usgjqhsqj the Ad*nis Ot*gari of the game 🫠🫠🫠 I think he's cool and adorable tho! He went to the academy to search for his twin brother.
No romance, just classmates being sillies(/affectionate) going around to solve the supernatural in order to mantain the world's order.
The game is rated 16+ so I'm not sure if I'll post much about this here. I just wanted to show in case someone's interested!
The illustrations really do well at gorgeous scenes and at eerie scenes.
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ihopesocomic · 15 days
More of a technical question I guess, but how long does it usually take to draw a page? You don't see many full colored comics like this, especially with the kind of lighting you do! I know these sorts of comics can take very long to make so I'm curious how long on average to draw :0 (absolutely beautiful art btw. The lighting is gorgeous)
I can only guess because we work sporadically. A few hours a page total I'd say? There's an auto shade function in Clip Studio Paint but I'm not a fan of it because we end up having to fix things and that ends up taking longer than just shading it by hand. - Cat
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lieximhuman · 4 months
wait i was just scrolling your blog and i saw that the summer hikaru died got an anime adaption confirmed, i've seen you posting abt it before but i have no idea what it's about could u like give me an overview/tell me abt your favorite characters or smth bc i'm interested in it and i'd rather ask you than google for an exciting synopsis 😭 (don't feel forced to respond to this, this is my weird way of reaching out bc hi we've been mutuals for a while but we never really talk <//3)
Hiiiii <3 yes ofccc (I'll try to do a spoiler-free version wich cuts out some main themes😭) Also additional apologies for my English cuz 💀💀 second language and all, and if I make any mistakes story-wise TwT
Honestly, I recommend reading the first chapter, it's pretty direct in what the themes are and who our main characters are and "represent". It's not like most manga that drags it on for a couple of chapters, I can private chat the link or u can just look it up since it's easy to find (I do NOT recommend starting through the one-shot/ chapter 0 btw!!).
Oh, and the art. God. The art is absolutely stunning so yea, the story works a lot better visually than what I can tell.
So! Those main characters are 'Hikaru' and Yoshiki, mainly Yoshiki. They are childhood friends and in their second year of high school (or third year in the complete four-year American system) living in a small town. In that sense it's a slice of life, going to school with friends and having fun. But!! The town is almost "haunted", it's full of ghosts and some citizens can see/ feel/ hear those, those ghosts aren't exactly evil but they can hurt the living. So it's also a horror with a detective-ish thing going on (with gore aspects too) because of those monsters and what they do and them trying to figure out how everything works because it's being hidden from them by the village elders almost.
It also focuses a lot on the emotional journey of the characters, mainly towards grief (oh the grief! very well represented and relatable :,/) and friendship. It's really striking when you see how the characters move their face and bodies to show those emotions even tho the speech is also incredible. It's as if the characters are actually real, they have their own little quirks with how they talk and move.
Some people also see it as a BL, which yes... it does have some queer aspects to it but I wouldn't consider it an actual possibility of the two main characters having a true romantic development. But I would say Yoshiki is queer. Also, it does have some - although rare - sensual(???) aspects but you get to see more through that later, which is very interesting.
-> SO, YEA. Main points:
astronomically beautiful gorgeous art in every panel
great characterization
interesting cast (both kids and adults)
interesting and deep lore!
death/ grief
moral dilemmas
Good mix of slice-of-life, horror and mystery
the characters are adorable holly hell <3
It's gutwrenching in the way you really feel it in the gut ahahaha
I really hope this was helpful/ entertaining and that if you do end up reading it that we can talk loads abt it <3 !!! Even if this was like... just me rambling and maybe incomprehensible 💀
Also not sure how the anime adaptation is even gonna turn out! Really hoping I somehow get to watch it tho ^u^ Plus, my favorite character... I don't know? I like the MC's but outside of them I like Asako cuz she speaks in emojis lol
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hello storm, i asked this question in another jikook blog but as you are very detailed in your responses i wanted your perspective on it as well. Do you find it a bit strange that from the Taekook perspective Tae seems to only be gay for Jungkook? Let me explain.
Tae has a whole squad of male friends (handsome males), he hangs out with, seems to be close to Park Bogum and even went to an art exhibit with him and they have their own version of GCF, yet not only have I seen Tkkers shrug them off as friends but have 0 malice for Park (not that i want them to) but seem to loathe Jimin? How come? Doesnt Bogum threaten your ship just as much if not more than Jimin?
So in the Taekook world Tae and Kook are deep in love in a ltr and their only threat is Jimin? How does that work. If Jungkook is Tae's type and vice versa, Jimin doesnt fit that mold so why be threatened by his prescence? Park Bogum is tall, gorgeous, talented, if anything he posses a bigger threat since he fits the mold of guys Tae should be into. So why is he shrugged off but Jimin hated and seen as a p*rv and a threat?
I know i am asking a mouthful but when you spend a few minutes thinking about the mind of a Jimin anti, it really shows how irrational these people are.
The tkkrs who do think Tae is only gay for JK, or vice versa where JK is only gay Tae (this is also about the jkkrs who think JK is only gay for Jimin too btw) aren't doing anything but fetishizing a mlm queer relationship for their own fantasies and gratification for their own abysmal love life and/or their own sexual gratification. Both are a problem. It's not okay. And I absolutely blame the media for the crappy representation and fetishizating stereotypes they give queer characters. Because that's then also how these types of shippers view BTS. As characters for them to play out their fantasies with. It's not okay. These are the same people who will ship the members but then at the same time not actually support queer people or the community. It's the "ew gay people" crowd who also go "lol so who do you think the bottom is??" It's the same people who always view one as "the man" and the other as "the girlfriend." They are cosplaying support for queer people behind a ship that they don't TRULY believe in. Because if Tae or JK ever came out as gay, or confirmed they are boyfriends and are gay. Those same people who gloat about winning but also have a really fucking hard time continuing to support them "in their sins." Either you think they are queer and you support them regardless of if they are in the gay ship you want them in, or you don't. Full stop. There is no "I'm only gay for...." there are LOTS of sexualities out there where you are attracted to a variety of genders or non at all. It's all okay, but people don't get to decide that for you. Because that's a cop out of actually supporting and caring for the person(s) you claim to love and support in their queerness and otherwise.
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As for the irrationality of being a Jimin anti? You absolutely answered that for yourself. Lol they aren't "threatened" by their other male friendships because they don't actually view think they are gay, therefore other men aren't a "threat." Jimin a "threat" simply because he is the most rival ship, they want to win and they throw all their homophobic and misogynistic ideas and tendencies onto him. It's fucked up.
Idk if any this ended up making sense or if my angry rant just ended up wordy and ranty. But oof this is a topic that gets my gears grinding 😅 thanks for the ask
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gretahayes · 5 months
my wk ranking from favorite to worst book alive personally goes;
- white knight presents: red hood (by clay mccormack) — yet to read it because i can’t bring myself to willingly read a jason book, but my girlfriend (wk expert) swears by it and i trust her.
- white knight presents: harley quinn (by katana collins) — gorgeous art, wistful feel, collins' representation of post partum depression was sooo everything, writing i adore; genuinely a ten out of ten book.
- white knight presents: generation joker (by katana collins and clay mccormack) — i would LOVE to rank this higher but it’s just a bit under presents hq. art that shows the twins as young as they are, finally, as murphy's art is good but makes them look fifteen at the youngest as opposed to their actual age of twelve. THEEEE twins book ever. siblingisms are insane. bryce has a personality! dyke subplot that is actually essential to the book. it’s so good because murphy had little influence.
big quality drop.
- beyond the white knight — nothing to write home about. pacing issues. little focus on jackie & more on terry & the adults, which is fine ig. jack's insistence on trying to homosexualize bruce made me laugh. decent book but i wouldn’t rec it to anyone. jackie :]
HUGEEEEE quality drop.
- white knight — i really genuinely hate this book. it’s shitty. it may have been less shitty if murphy didn’t add the pointless racist politics & blatant copaganda (copaganda that just grows stronger throughout all his books btw) but he did so. it’s just...bad. it sets up the world & gives a background for everything but idk. it's bad.
- curse of the white knight — worst wk book that i’ve read. nonsensical, largely pointless, horrible jpv takes. also just like hard to get through and not that good writing wise. uncomfortable. 0/10. the nazis were weird.
- WHITE KNIGHT PRESENTS: VON FREEZE — WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. haven’t read it but i can and WILL still be a hater. it’s not the fact that there’s nazis in this book that i hate, it’s how unnecessary all this is. they shouldn’t be there. they could be a generic secret evil organization and it would make literally no difference. murphy mayyy have been trying to make a “i’m not like other batman writers, i think nazis are bad!!!” point but he could have just. not put them there at all. also he’s a white man and weird about it.
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wrathevil · 1 year
HI YOU MIGHT'VE BEEN ASKED THIS BEFORE BUT,, what brushes do you use? Saw your art with SRS and I'm in LOVE and wanna do a style study + whatever brushes you use look really satisfying to use!! :0
Your art is!!! gorgeous!!!! I love!!!!!
first off ty... i honestly wasn't expecting that drawing to pop off like that HA as for the brushes!! these are all clip studio btw.
for the base colors i used the hard charcoal brush from this set
for clean up i use the first hee brush from here
most of the brushes i used are from this one! used the speckle brush to lay down colors and then blended it out and then just went ham with different layer types. and when in doubt use color jitter, its my best friend
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stealyourblorbos · 2 years
i had to ask, how do achieve texture in ur art? I assume it’s digital and it’s absolutely gorgeous
Thank you very much nonnie! I do both trad and digital, some watercolors have granulation effect that create natural texture as well as some types of paper.
Now, when it comes to digital, there are many fun ways to add texture depending on the objects. Let's start with 
brief skin texture tutorial
What I like about skin render the most is that it's not obligatory to apply textured brushes at the 100% of surface to give it visible volume. I'll use the same naughty example our art teacher gave us because it worked just perfectly:
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i.e. you can add texture only in the areas where light transfers into shadow (as you can notice here on the pic it's middle values) and it'll look organic because your brain will recreate the rest.
brushes I often use for skin texture ( you can download them all here btw):
soft skin main brush
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thick skin\leathery surfaces (like bat wings)
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I use soft round brush with 50% opacity for blending colors and alternating soft vs hard edges to accentuate muscle and bone structure. I never change flow option, since it ruins the soft gradient effect.
When I need to add scars or some skin details with deep hard edges I draw them on separate layer, then set it to 0% fill and enable “bevel & emboss” in layer effects, then set the menu specs manually depending on the picture and my current taste, using that black square on top right for the reference:
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If I’m drawing semi-realism (which rarely happens now) I don’t use textured brushes and just create 50% grey layer, set filter to noise, then mask it over skin layer with Overlay mode and change the opacity to the amount I see fit.
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It probably worths the mention that I add textures at the very last stage, when I made sure I got values and accents right (there are ways to check those automatically in couple of simple steps. lmk if you want to know how, it’ll be my pleasure to help). 
Those are probably the main things on skin texture, there are some other fun ones for materials, clothing\textile and backgrounds, feel free to ask anytime and I’ll post them separately ♡
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rorystr · 1 year
not a rq btw !!!! just wanted to say that your art is absolutely gorgeous :0
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
Mod u ever played any other cool awesome games:0?
Like uh... Omori(psychological horror warning but it's a very good game) or Inscryption (another very cool horor-esk(never was for me) card game) or any cool story game:0?
No pressure btw! Just wanna share my interests with people<3
(Here's a cookie 🍪 for your troubles because ure awesome)
looove inscryption, took me by storm the few days i took to blow through it. i know omori but i haven't played it cuz horror games aren't always my scene. the art direction rules tho, know that much
uhhh i dunno i'm a kind of vanilla gamer lol i love me a tripleA open world XD that's what i always tend to play the shit out of! red dead 1 & 2, horizon 1 & 2, just finished gow ragnarok and loved it, botw obvs.
hmm cool story games that come to mind....to the moon, very special game for me & jose, spiritfarer for sure came at a pivotal time in my life and wrecked me. ummm what remains of edith finch? the fish part changed my brain. if you know you know. OH oh my god before your eyes oh my goddd if you want a game that will have you bawling in one sitting....especially for me. i don't wanna spoil but the "conflict" of the main character is something particularly hard for me to grapple with, so yeah it took me tf out. and, because i'll take any opportunity to bring it up, if you want a gorgeous traditional fairy tale play odin sphere leifthrasir, one of my oldest favorites.
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saewokhrisz · 2 years
Just wanted to stop by and say all your art is so amazing, I’m a big moicy and hzd/hfw fan so your blog is like a 5 course meal for me! Oh and I saw the Trinity art you posted a few months ago (so pretty btw totally agree with your tags) I loved her in the first three matrix movies, but her in the fourth movie is a whole new experience. the second she showed up on the screen I was dying in my seat. Anyway what I’m Trying to say is I love all your art and I highly recommend watching Matrix 4 as a fellow trinity enjoyer😭 have a great day/night!
anon plzzzzz YOURE SO SWEET !!!! im glad youre enjoying all the art i made even from diff fandoms TT !!!
and yess ive been planning to watch the 4th matrix movie for a while now but somehow never got around to do it tbh?? me and my friend watched the trilogy together but thats it, tho even if the 4th movie would not be to my taste id watch for carrie anne moss cuz that woman is so gorgeous )--)0
thank u for the lovely long message it made my morning when i checked my notifs, hope u have a great day/night as well !
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bunabi · 2 years
Thank you for all the brushes! I look forward to playing around with them. Your art is gorgeous btw
I'm glad they're useful! And thank you! :0)
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aurovear · 3 years
愛爾蘭聯盟 🍺💚🌈🍀🍊
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I did another "draw this in your style", yes, I do not know what happens to me lately with the dtiys, but I have found several with amazing ideas that really encourage me to draw them.
I personally liked this one because it has the three best blueycapsules characters: Gabrielle boseman, Cassidy boseman N Jerry boseman :'0💖
My little bbys;;;; If they existed I'd steal them from Bosley, hah, they're perfection in person. Not many really know the blueycapsules comic, n those who know it don't usually draw a lot of Boseman bbys, so I was excited to find a beautiful drawing of them together, n I was even more excited that this is a dtiys.
The idea is basic, the little ones on stage representing their respective animatronics, however, I am not good at drawing animatronics or animals, so I skipped that part, in fact I planned to make only the masks, however, it didn't come out either :')💔
Anyway, but the rest I respect, I tried not to take so many liberties n be as faithful to the original idea as possible.
I imagined this scene where they sing an intense song for William for having killed them, n although I did not choose the most edgy of songs I feel that Gabe would have chosen that song ewe🐻🎤🎶
Btw, @lung-s0up congratulations for the 500 followers! I'm very happy for u, seeing your art and all the effort you put into each drawing, you really deserve to continue growing as an artist. Not to mention that you are a wonderful person who treats everyone very well.
I am glad to have met u thanks to blueycapsules and thanks to this dtiys, it is beautiful to be part of ur followers. Hopefully u keep creating more content, it's really gorgeous💞💌💙☁
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bloodpenned · 3 years
i forgot about salazzle help.. i always used primarina and salazzle every time in sun and moon even against types they were weak against LMAO theyre so pretty. honestly your taste is the same as mine asjfk i didn't want to spam u with too many pokemon + i guessed you liked gardevoir since you've mentioned them before
PRIMARINA IS ALSO SO GORGEOUS!!! their cry is so nice to listen to as well <333!!! totally understandable using them a lot btw LMAO and it's fiiine to spam me with pokemon i really don't mind talking about this kinda stuff :0!! ive thought a bit about making a seperate blog for this kinda stuff,, there's not rlly anyone on tumblr talking abt this now that pokemonxhumanheadcanonx stopped posting.
and YEAH i've been pretty obvious about gardevoir i guess LAKJSKLFDJ i dunno if that's weird but i don't really like how some art gives gardevoir like... actual boobs?? n curves n shit?? like ALSKJFSDF im here for the monster i guess. in those cases it just feels like dudes wanna humanize her to make her appealing. cowards smh.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Hello! I just wanted to say that I really love Auri. She's gorgeous! Here's a small drawing for the lady. (Ignore me struggling to find the ask button on my laptop//smacked)
This is shrimpy anon btw! I can't send images on anonymous, so I took off my anon glasses gfdshsgd
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*g a s p s*
Man, your art style made her look so much better than mine :')))))
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dottiechan · 4 years
Can you tell us about your Ava-mancing detective? And btw your art is gorgeous!!
Thank you so much for the ask and your kind words, Nonny! This is the first time I’m ever talking about a detective OC, yay!
Persephone Schulz
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Nickname: Posy, Percy (yes, Farah came up with the 2nd, and yes, Posy hates it)
Gender: female (she/her)
Sexual orientation: lesbian
Age: late 20s
Physical description: brown hair, light grey eyes, 6′2″, soothing deep voice, average/lean build
Face claim: Ragga Ragnars
Additional information (personality, relationships):
Mainly psychology and knowledge focused 
Self-aware, calm, collected, quietly confident, believes humour to be the most mature manifestation of all coping mechanisms
Ambivert (she is probably more on the introvert side though)
Equal parts logical and emotional: a great critical thinker, but she has lots of pent-up emotions she keeps inside lest they bleed into her work and affect her performance
Major flaws: sometimes those aforementioned emotions stay bottled up for too long; she is also prone to be a bit stubborn; she tries to solve everything all by herself first before asking for help (especially before UB crashes her first investigation)
Unit Bisexual Bravo consists of Ava (who’s 6′0″ btw), Nate, Farah and Mason (What is canon)
She falls for Ava pretty quickly and she is painfully honest about it which makes it all the more difficult for the agent
Posy isn’t relentless, she respects Ava’s personal boundaries, but she is definitely interested in more than just Ava’s very, very impressive physique
So basically there’s lots of gay pining here and Posy often believes her affection to be unrequited because of how cold Ava can be sometimes (and then she hits her with that “Tu omnia” shit and her world is turned upside down again)
Whenever Ava mentions a book she hasn’t read, she pretends not to care, and then buys it and reads it at home thinking about Ava like a loser
And on the few occasions she borrows the book from the Warehouse library, Ava notices, of course she does, and it does things to her
Posy can be a bit of a mom friend, always making sure that everyone is okay
Posy and Nate exchange knitting patterns on a regular basis (Farah definitely asks her to make her hats and scarves)
Nate also takes her out for a coffee when she needs to vent about Ava (which she needs to do quite a lot, to be fair, especially the further into the story we get)
Mason and Posy have a well-established mutual respect for one another, but they’re not particularly close
Farah is glued to her on the other hand because Posy encourages her every effort to express herself (including but not limited to teaching her how to make paper planes)
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